THEY’RE GOING FAST: “The guilt of answering letters, conscience Weighs down on my at GET YOUR TICKETS TO HEAR night I suffer and groan in the silence ART KASSEL NOW Rocky But nothing can force me to write.” Mountain Collegian —Rebecca McCann.



Androcles foresters To (???) And The New Class Heads Greeks Take Three Lion” Hitler Knows Being Designed By M. Hull Classes; Barbs Win Here Gather Lion’s Head Constructed By Bill Madsen Will Play Part Senior Positions How Handle Of Lion Who Eats Christians On Jones, Staley, Kreutzer, And Saturday Many weeks of research were i by Bill j Madsen, who will play the Johnson Successful German Youth necessary before a beginning could I part of the lion who supposedly *>*• ’ made on the And Of costumes Tor eats the Christians. Bill is mak- Three ~-estrv Club Society sets of class offices were Dr. Landeen “Androcles and the Lion Mar- the Outlines German American Foresters To Con- ing lion's head by covering captured by the Greeks in campus tha who Of Hull, is In charge of cos- chicken Control Youth Before As- wire with several layers elections last week in the vene Only tumes, and her crew have of cut si senior lass sembly spent paper Into rips one foot were the Independents Monday hours in the library finding histor long und two inches wide. In Program Outlined one successful. fteally correct designs and colors Von scene, in which the lion cries, Bill Shira Is Head Herbert Jones was elected presi- for costumes. will be equipped with a tube and To For dent of the senior class In the en Robertson Play Cotton and wools were the only a bull* by means of which German Youth Loves To Lead Northern gycer- election Thursday. Luther Curs Dance; Banquet At materials known to the Romans. ine tears will be made to flow And Led was elected vice-president; Har- Be Hotel Cotton will be used extensively for from the lion’s eyes. riett DeGeer, secretary; and Ruth costumes In the Colorado That Germany today has eight State Perrin, tiir.eenth annual 'orester’a treasurer. The of production of “Androcles and the million her twelve million observed the In the junior class v which will be on Alan Staley Lion." Some of the costumes will youth welded together in the Feb. will be Collegian Staff Meeting piled up the lead for npu" Saturday, 20, president; ' be made from burlap, which, with strongest youth movement in the occasion for a joint meeting Joe Springston for vice-president; , world stage lights on it, will give the ap- today because Hitler is a Art* on the Collegian Josephine Huge for tl,, Forestry club and the Cen- you secretary; master in the pearance of wool psychology of or- Mountain section of the stuff? If so, your presence Mid Don Ramsay for treasurer. -1 h«. k> and ganizing handling young Komar* Won* Color* the peo- <»t American Foresters. is urgently requested at T!i«**<* will guide the activities of the four classes this semester. Hack left Friday the elected .* e t> |m«o|»I«* row, to right : sophomores ple was pointed out by Dr. Wil- of high rank the People among required meeting of the Col- •lim Coffin, Meredith Ruth Perrin, Dick for the day fol- Mhichell, Harriet DeGeer, Hetty llrauclit, .Anne Tobiska, Walt Ham- Kreutzer, president; Betty The program liam M. Landeen. an authority on Romans wore multi-colored cos- legian stuff, this Thursday ilton, ,lere Johnson. Braucht, vice-president; Anne To- -1 German conditions, in his address. tumes. Caesar, who 18 at 7 incidentally night, Feb. o'clock iu Front row: Don Rjiiii. Allen Luther biska. say, Staley, Ralph Westfall, Herb Jones, and t’urs. .losephiin- secretary; Ralph Westfall, ’’ IMcture of the Forest!y “Youth in Nazi Germany. |:5» had given very had taste, will be dressed the Collegian office. and lloge Joe Hpringston, also newly elected officers, were not present for the picture. treasurer; and Walter Hamilton, ami the of American Monday in the men’s gym. b Society in various shades red. of People Severul new rhungee and student councilman. in Ammons. •ester s front of Hitler first organized German of the lowest rank were allowed policies will be discussed Freshmen selected Jerry John- Scientific papers to be youth in 1924, starting with 50 1:00 only one color In their costumes. and plans will be made for Lakin Discusses State To Speakers son for president; Jim Coffin for experiment station Dramatic Club young men. From that time seated by noblemen men o? an Get on, In this wuy, and All-Newspaper - - To- vice-president; Meredith Winchell Cuts according to Dr. Landeen, the If. high rank could easily be distin- gether. Everyone must be Assembly Have Debate Series 1 for secretary; Paul Glra for treas- lower movement increased, establishing 5:3" Banquet at Northern ho- guished from those of the present, unless the editor is urer; and A1 Hayden for council Goes its own they To Denver newspapers For the lead- witli singing by college quar- rank by the number of colors notified in advance of inabil- Plan Allows Two Yankte Proposed College Representatives 1 representative. er of this organization. Hitler piuno and accordion solos by wore. ity to appear. Cuts; Board To Excuse Here 17 February hose ( Von Shira, a natural leader mklyu Longwell and Ralph The lion's head is being made There are several optn For Conference and gifted and the Jim Lakin. president of the State a poet author. For d. and a comedy act by L>aie ings on news and busi- Colorado debaters will Council Sponsors first time student made the In history, the youth ness body, the following start u scries of debates 1* I staffs of the Collegian. I with Kan- of the country were fused with the i." hall All those statement to the Dance at Ammons to Heads interested are to Collegian yes- sas State college on Monday, Feb- Dance Kitchings Bell And Wattles To Give Dem- Pre-Spring terday in government. music of Glen Robertson and report at this meeting also. regard to compulsory ruary 22. They will debate at Sa- onstrations At Annual Speech Literature Club assemblies. lina. Lurned. Scheduled For March Illtler Knows Two Secret* hestra of Denver. Miss Imo- (A girl is badly needed on Conference; Costumes Exhib- Holsington, und Dance 6; State of will Regulations Kansus Theme Will “Hitler discovered the two se- e Baird Fort Collins the business staff.) ited ( Kinsley, Be Spanish be crets of the Heimer 1. There vill only two as- February handling youth," Dr. ea tap dance. Eva Chosen Secretary; On 17, students from “Night In Valencia” Landeen Ger- Club To Culture semblies a month, making a total Yankte college. South ' continued. "Every olin Bradshaw. president of Encourage The annual Speech Conference I Dakota, de- of 17 just a year. There will prob- haled with students A pre-spring dance, sponsored man youth loves to be led, and Forestry club and Mr. Lynn will be held in Denver Thursday, I j of Colorado in every loves to The ‘lie A new club oiganized for the ably be only one September. ! State. Those who by the Associated Women Stu- youth lead. iglus. president of Society Viets Succeeds Friday, and Saturday of this week, j represented 2. All students only Instead of purpose of encouraging culture on are allowed 2 Yankte were dents council, is scheduled for Sat- reason why eight American Foresters will pre- The conference includes all phases 1 | college Douglass twelve million enrolled the campus, the Modern Litera- Max Mills As cuts a semester, making a total of of Ray Clark, Frank urday, March after the Draina- youth are jointly at the afternoon meet- speech especially debating and Herman, Tur-j j 6, is that leaders ture club, held its first meeting 1 cuts a year or 24 percent of all Allan Sutera, tic club play, in the men’s cannot be devel p- in Ammons. This meeting iH dramatics. High schools and col- ner, and Ivan An- • gym- Associate Editor the assemblies ed fast take care Tuesday evening in Ammons hall. required. from derson. nasium. This information was re- enough to of rgular meeting of the Society leges all over the west and 3. them.” Officers elected serve Excuses for legitimate All of these leased by Lillian Foresters. Bradshaw to for the any southwest will be represented. are former students Longstrom. A. whatever will be W. The outdoor activities of the or- ensuing semester are Aro Gail .Other Appointments Made reason accepted !of Herbert Curry, now’ of Aggies S. president. \ that attending tiiis meeting Colorado State Dramatic club Kitchings, president, and Eva Hei- by the Student Assembly Board, English department. Yankte col- The Coed Prom and the Coed ganization consist for the most good for student foresters will way take an active part in the con- for or German Frank Viets aas appointed as- all ovcrcuts. lege Is a member of Pi Kappa Del- Carnival, which the part marching Even iie* school, and get them to the as- will fifty cents, them from teaching In sec- and to the banquet at the of Paintings thor the book, “Poems for faculty supervision, and are re- ! iting ills parents farm near Long- semblies where their interest and and the date that they will go on ondary schools. At present, the them hotel 65c. Choral Reading," gave an account -1 modeled from year to year. last York On Exhibit mont, Saturday afternoon. He German 1 knowledge can be ‘ sale will be anounced later, government is giving a <>int meetings of the Forestry aroused and ex- of several light fiction and non- iI | was walking through a corral j panded, making of them intelli- bonus of 1000 marks to the wom- b and the society have forestry fiction books by contemporary au- when the animal uhurged him. Water Color Exhibit- gent Colorado State and | en who quit their Jobs to be mar- nheld February since Paintings men Friendly Fourteen Tobiska Talks To every thors. She reviewed Christopher knocked him down, and wounded ed In I ried. 4 Library women. To Morley's, “Cathleen," and gave ex- Visit Local Bank him in the left thigh. Biologic Fraternity All youth who higher loiiMiiittees The required of expect which have charge from the ‘'Confessions feature the as- cerpts book. Jim returned to the Sigma Nu New York, as it is seen by the education are expected to work Bi" Forester's semblies 1h greatly softened when a arrangements for of Ghost Hunter," written by C. 0. Presented With a resident, is depicted In of Simonds l house Monday and was reported Of Colorado’s a group i Quality Drinking period of 52 weeks for boys and yan banquet Jess pul on this basis and dissolves in committee. the world's best authority on Of be water color Picture Group Tuesday to making satisfactory Water Discussed paintings now on ex- 2 1> weeks for girls in labor camps. ikiikm and Bert Sandell; dance to an agreement among ourselves ghosts. hibit in the recovery from his Injuries. He These college library. The camps are at work reclaim- uni! to get together 100 to run A t *■*■. Orman Tucker, Walt direct leisure time percent trip to on*1 of Fort Collins’ W “To your show Is works of expected to return to his classes i Professor J Tobiska, head German of the James J. ing waste lands. The pur- pkins. Lee Sumpter; our own business, und make Colo bunks Is planned program profitably is the problem facing us a- u special pro- of the chemical research depart- Penney, a young Kuiihuh artist I Wednesday. pose of these camps Is old: it f two-1 ini id,, Wilson Henry Miss rado State a school o which to be gram Henlze, in this machine age," staled for Friendly Fourteen mem- ment of the experiment station now doing mural decorations in to acquaint every German with "inn., rlie; afternoon proud. bers program, Thurston. ut their next meeting to be spoke to members of Beta Beta Brooklyn It wus brought to Fort YWCA Sponsors Sing physical labor, and to eliminate ink Dakan and Dick Kreutzer. We have been pulling held March Anyone interested in directing apart 2. according to Kormlt Beta, national honorary biology Collins by Miss Clara Hatton of class consciousness. long enough—now let's try Karst, president. W. A. his reading, especially In the mod- pull- Y. C. u flre- fraternity, on “Colorado’s Drink- the college faculty, who wus Mr. sponsored ing together well urn field. Is welcome at the next as a unified and At the 1 tS . side which was held at Water.’ at a meeting of the ; Denney’s instructor at the Univer- February meeting. sing Ant ing March organized group for a while—lt Karst ! meeting which will b • held presented a group picture * icons hall Sunday evening at s 45. club on Tuesday evening. Feb- Robson Stars sity of Kansus before lie graduat- May t possibly the little theatre in «an hurt us to give it of the club C. "Siiny” Barbara ? 14. j y at 7:30 in ed in 1933. to O. Sim Burnett was in charge ruary a test.” In his Mr. In ;| Ammons hall. onds, sponsor. It was decided to •j of the sing. liaxelbelb* Brooks i talk Tobisku explain- Lyceum Comedy Collegiana The pictures are mainly those hold only two meetings a month i 1 was the leader, while Mary • <*d the differences and character- Mr. after song BY DORIS CHRISTENSEN which Penney painted “Three Kids the because of Insufficient business i Louise Toliver acted as an ompun istics of the waters In different and a Queen." Dr. Talks JIBs arrival In New York, and show i Queen Tio Holds that comes the Second and scheduled u< livitics 1 Ist. localities. comedy-drama to On Trichinosis 1 1 he result of his experimenting Ini Of Vocational Teas lyceum this weekend shows May more vigorous lines. One picture, at ion: Robson at her best. Acclaimed the of Miss Hatton, was! j Music Widely property As lfb*l with low and sensible > Dr. Frank Queen, pathologist the wealthy old maid, ec- p Lewis Leads I painted while he was still a stu- Mary Discussion heel* for Denver and Colorado unlver- j centric, crabbed, and yet filled At 5 O’clock This Afternoon dent at the University of Kansas. | Art Kassel Artists talk before the mem- Brings Outstanding with an add humor, to |mi> for her own Imhl I sltieu, guve a 1 this bright shows, according to Miss "Trlch- .md and iiiculn. hers of the A. V. M. A. on star registers u subtle transltiou j The setoiul of a series of infor- With Orchestra Here For Winter even Carnival Hatton, a pleasanter phase, at meeting in the veter- from lonely defiance to —.Montana Kx|H»iirnt. inosls" a mal teas a blustery , j later and discussions on "Vo- if not as strong a one, as his Inary hospital Monday night. He sort of contentment, only to have | cational Fields for Women" which Elaborate Are Be- of to hliowl’ Ski Is Ar plct urea.” Decorations hilt tint'* k patriotism Complete Program this V%li«*n one eats with one’s also presented a set of slides show- happiest period of her life In- I are being sponsored by Tlo, sen- Event bf posi- For Art Ist I* Inipn'MNlcmlst ing Planned For Gala to • country, by his com ranged Sporting Events ItnllV, tj* hoeau*© fork ing the trichina In the human In- terrupted when she is kidnapped ■ on©’* ior women’s honorary society, will “Mr. Penney," said Miss Hat- tion*. testine and muscles. by gangsters. be held this afternoon at 5 o’clock Art Kassel, who brings his tractive and petite Is some- t V»Hl|N*»t»r of Swing Time* young song- Dr. stationed at the ton,” typically modern, The large supporting cast la Queen Is in Dean Thi.« Parmelee’s office. “Kassels In the Air” orchestra to Htiesß. Jack Gerard, one of the but one He it* the composer of “Chica- 4’ o*'* like thing of an Impressionist, headed by Henry Armetta. Her- Utah university had I Denver General hospital. discussion is Bj being led by Mury Colorado State college for the most promising organists in to be ( go," which became popular a num- young that makes a great effort man Bing, Laurence Grant, John editor cluuige too. of Is to Kell-1 Lewis, president Tlo, and first Winter Carnival dance spon- the and Billy Lee, tal- ber of and was adopted country; realistic. His work often shows years uk<> and four Hie tim*© n*l<*nt Condition MHJan. juvenile players. st publi- Scriven’s be entitled “Home Demonstration Independ- ented vocalist. the sored by the Associated by natives of the Windy City as young Ills youthful impatience to get Hie the Shows Club ■ newspaper, year- Improvement and 4-H Work.” ent students Saturday. Febru- has on expressive of their senti- Orchestra Is Focal Point mood of the picture, but he [truly Hwe and the humor msguine, All who in- 27. is considered by music which campus women are ary ments in regard to the city. Elaborate decorations being this excellent draftsmanship re- ure tlieniselvea on the out*i all-inclusive air cruises to South over both CBS and NBC and in In his twelve-piece musical ag- three-tier sections. 11 ) llut unforseen complica- souri. It will at nesday morning, February Uw Van Win- and unless j If Rip has Balloting during the month of Feb- • America is now being offered by personal appearances throughout gregation, Kassel such per- days for the election <»f the Is felt that he is library 24. class kept right on tions set in, lt one line. the country, he has devoted much formers as Marion Holmes, at-j (Continued on page six) < road to recovery. ruary. ■ Continued on page two) definitely on the THURSDAY, io COLLEGIAN FEBRUARY . TWO THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN -: -T. ■ .1 1, i ig?

is do support those who lend their financial aid 1 Associated Students Funds to the Collegian. Collegiana Assemblies STUDENT 30, 1037 Max Mills Read your Collegian ads more carefully and ! | January Il 1 General Mt. Sts. T. & T. Co. ' see who is a booster df Colorado State; check the Discussed Men's during the school FORUM Jim T. Lakin $178.20 Published t-vi-tv Thursday college year Athletic,'*' business firms which you then ask the Associated Students of Colorado State College patronize, (Continued from one) by page A. G. Spalding & of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at the Student Union Bros. yourself the question, “Does this merchant ad- sleeping! Friend* dashed Hl Robinson Printing Company. Globe Ticket Co ' S. U. Cash Fund $1,113.66 in M buck and uroused him, I,J vertise our piper f If the is but by Seniors Hall Motor Kntered second class matter at the at office. Fort college answer Co os p< It’s a well known fact that no | Salaries " Ci du.* o mall that the By ' I < •r * I*• S'udent subscription paid by fee, time fire was out! Farm '■* it is as to trade with someone Section ' No,” just easy can without subscription II '-Ti per year. I college paper endure Hughes, H. W. $ 43.76 Ft. Collins who does. .. business Laundry Intercollegiate Press As I sufficient support from J. F. 66.66 Member of ltorky Mountain Tbe writer's attention lias been Wagner, j , Of Two College socialion Penalty Quality Points advertising. Cleanera Our Collegian advertisers must be firms In the form of Sam C 60.00 ■».?• d • r by National Ad support- called to an article of call- Campbell. R. pr- national advertising botany Per Cut Is Issue Of I Express-Courier Sit'ice. Inc College Publlsh.-rs Representative. Major thut busi- 41.66 verttamg 'd if we The only weapon the \\ mi L. are to go forward. ed the Dodder plant. Pooh! l'ooh! | t.*i» Madison Avenue New York. N. Y. Bullock Bros. Ath. Controversy 3.33 | Sup. J ness staff can use, to procure this McDonald, Lera 8 The parasitic y Office: Room 311. Johnaof Mall, Phone «37. Kistler Stationery Co. the fact that col- 11.00 f.-, Dodder plant advertising, is tut, .1 w - "If the R. J. Gilmore, Boe. . •Editor MARGARET PUCKETT herding student body the leave* lege students bring business to White, L. R. 33.33 Phone H20 Ha* neither nor roots—- together like bunch of can Continental Oil Co. Business Manager CLINTON BOURNE a sheep 60.00 j likewise, that poor old town. Thimmig, John J Phone 901 Remington Rand improve school spirit, I would like Harold 26.00 Barbwire Bits Dodder plant Recently, a faithful Collegian Farrens, Editorial *taff to know the reasons why,” was a Murphy-Heady Clo. Co. Ha* Margaret 60.00 jij Ed Frank Viets neither hands nor foots! advertiser told me that he had I'uckett, Associate tor Holding Supt. -Y1 Bier‘ statement made by James Cazer, Service A>si*!nnt ivliu.r LAWRENCE RUEBEL small and 10.00 jlj By (Excuse me while I made a experiment the Hebert, Bud J New* Editor ' Helen Toblska senior civil engineering student Campus Shop 30.00 Society Editor .Josephine Huge Ask my aunt: results had made him feel very Mills, Max j Westfall started Ft. Collins Elec Shorts Editor Ralph which a vigorous dlscus- his ad. Frances 30.00 j ’ An Gai! Kitchlngs Wlmt in H i* a Dodder much like withdrawing It Lacey, j K.ator Editor i Ft. Collins : sion on the present assembly set- Sign Co J seems it a point Macdonald, S. L. 26.00 VI Modem Version plant?) that he has made Assistants 1! ■ ■. VIa •• *d' > .Ini' •> < d1« 1y . Ruth VS a1 Denver \i>hii iup in the senior class meeting j Golf & Tennis Co. lace, a d Klon-ix Rogers to usk all of ills college customers j. . _ , Collegian Little Miss Muffet i ! Monday afternoon. i Peter I). Cowan . if had his ad in their $ 16.00 Christensen. I. iwi. n It’- Slartha Hull, Ralph In reference to they seen Express-Courier Sat on a tuffet snap Otis-Schureman Hdw VS'estf 11. Following the nominations of I J] paper. The answer In every case Win. 2.26 the only one I McCracken, Art Editor B1U Madsen Drinking a pouftfie cafe course*, can E. U. Steele Lbr. ! officers. President Ray Rosno Co jjj think of i* the was no. These same customers Co. .95 Along came a spider one the 811- E. E. Polley Business Staff threw the meeting open to discus- ver and (.old would have patronized him Just Printing Co. 377.75 Assistant Business Manager Frank Parker And sat down beside her mentioned—- Robinson £ sion Lowe Campbell Salesmen—Dick kruotser, Anne Toblsks, Curtis Smith. of assemblies. Luther Curs, jjj as freely if he had never adver- Book 1.80 And drank with Miss j photography. Bowen's Store - Cast Muffet all day. Bd. Ath. Stewart {senior electrical engineer, explain- Control, Greeley., n tised. t'ireulation Manager John Nelson , Walla* Rath 8.00 x-x-x ed Robinson Printing Co the advantages of the compul- jj, I full read 3.60 Men students at the Students entirely to Starkey. Janies \\ hen fellow University Poudie Chev. Co Reporters a his car Is out of he's sory assemblies und stated, "In j. says gas, | 6.00 NEWS—Eaton Draper, Thelma McILne, Adele Malcour of Idaho, Southern Brunch, the advertising section of the Col- Woolley, Jane may to Multigraph Service Helen Loomis Fruio-es Royer. Ted Vldeeti. usually lull of oil. order have compulsory j ji mine j assem-! not Wilma Hays, Hannah now take a s|M*cial home econom- ! legian. They do patronize Col- Rieri, Alfred 7.00 Jeanette Mary there Johnston. Auld biles, must be away of en- u. KlsHock jji Rose Brewer. Jim t Julia shells tutrger, Esther x-x-x "ruing. ic* course. student legian advertisers nor even know .Multigraph Service 2.87 One remarked Lowell-Moore Hdw. Lee Bminell Mary lit own. II, .1 phine Lamb*-, Kloino forcing them in such a manner jjjj McWllllttDi:. Floreiee Rogers. Helen Morrow Laura “Morning Herald?" that lie V> who are in cases. Mt. & T. Co 7.15 was king “home ec” so they many Sts. T. that the laws will have "teeth.’ Cash Account Speer. Lyndon Brown Josephine Pidhatuus. Josephine "Mornin’ bud." he could Wouldn’t it be easy to at W. S. and Robertson. get married. Wow! Won- glance A. Westertbdl. June Wright, Helen Reimbursement 1.516 J FEAT! RES Irene Scott Discussed I*ro and Con when x-x-x der if that's the objective of your Collegian you need a Paul Wood $ 7.65 SPORTS—John Yu Nate Turner, Al Hayden, Steve the Drs. Hartshorn ugh n. The jji main objection as expressed of Johnson. Don McCormick, Jack Ritter, and Lucille kiss male “home-ec’rs” haircut, a suit, or a pair shoes, Wolfer-Cahill 6.73 “A speaks volumes they say." on our campus. A. Wells Oakes, in ot the discussion Dr. G. jjj the first part and make it 1‘eteraeti Elisabeth (Speaking of the cooking a point to patronize Be: Tice .81 StH‘IET V —-Lueiile t'arlsoti .In’os Mary In that rase, let's start a library." class.) Multigrcph was the two I. Ethel Gamble Mary point penalty Wloi.lo iis< Gladys « ark- quality one of our own advertisers. Mrs. J M. Lancaster 1.25 Ksitenberger kreiitsrr. and llsrr>*tt* x-x-x for overcuts which the student Moretti w 2.00 Retires; And so she dropped French It's your paper, students. You M afford L You students will have to excuse the poor council recently passed. However, and speaks it brokenly now. enjoy it. You want It to exist. L) renin Becomes humor the Minister TO THE SENIORS in this column this week, because I’ve just as meeting piogressed many Will you do nothing to help it C. R. Jones $ 7.00 about come to the end of my rope as far as good expressed sentiment against com- Sergeant Onorio Moretti, fad With only three and a halt' more months of If ignorance is bliss— hold it; only means of support? Good-All Elec. Mfg. Co. . 5.00 jokes are concerned Maybe, by next week there pulsory assemblies. instructor in the Colorado W. 8| He who seeketh knowledge is Other schools go so far us to even Tobiaka. J. 22.62 school left, seniors’ minds are to turning will be some new Joke magazines out for me to John Redlingshafer. senior for- Del military department an dlr*i a fool. boycot those businesses thut re- Exhibitors Film 7.18 l Life of ami how to them. at ropy from. Here's hopin'! of the Sunrise thoughts jobs get estry student, and ore of the lead- Battalion, has What a happy thought! Or are fuse to advertise in their paper. Dramalic Club this evolves a scheme to one’s ers working retired from the United point into place x-x-x all students against compulsory Wattles $ 7.32 Stg we seekers of I do not suggest any such extreme Ruth J. assemblies stated, army after 29 years of self before who wants the services a col A girl can sing, "The faculty 32.12 active* someone knowledge? as that, but I do suggest that we Graham Bros. Theatre Co. council is the governing body of vice here and abroad. lege graduate can give. A girl can dance, do our best to give our business State Dry Goods 4.01 the A the school, and they have not Moretti spent first girl can play croquet; A University of Wisconsin (?) to our own advertisers. Wolfer-Cahill Food 4.04 The institution does not provide for any of his Hut passed on the validity of the rul- years military career she can't strike a match prankster took it himself to Otis-Schureman Hdw 17.18 upon Let’s show some honest-to-God training in business, public relation;* or in the ing." Cuba during the Spanish An On the seat of her pants, remedy the situation after L. A. Maxwell, Agt. 3.00 ex- cooperation iow«rd keeping a stu- In answer to this statement, Jim can war. His length of Mrf art of commanding one’s qualities to impress 'Cause she just ain’t built that way. president Glenn Frank I Lad been dent Robinson Printing Co. 14.00 paper, that we all enjoy, in Lakin that the with nis institution bus short time it takes for office stated Faculty Auld Al l>pen $ an employer during the x-x-x removed from by a:i eight- circulation. Johnston, Kissock 24.00 Council would puss on the two years. He is widely known fori made to-seven vote* of flu* regents. Me Ft. Collins Leader 2.50 an interview. There are complaints an- Famous Invention*! C. S. quality point penalty the last efficient supervision of the $ thuinli-tnckesl a“.Man Wanted" Multigruph Service 6.41 that of the Colorado State gradu- Especially large ink bottles exclusively for nually many Thursday of this month. rise Battalion which he lias •dun on the* ex-president's office Lowell-Moore Hdw. 3.53 a mukiug capital letters. that on but Others who ates have records look good paper, spoke against com- aged practically unaided fori door. Ft. Collins Elec. 2.40 Ink with spaces already in it so you don't have Is fail to show of able to pulsory assemblies were Orman Litzenberger eight years. they qualities being get DeLuxe Cleaners 2.50 , j to raise your from the pen paper. senior with flu* Tucker, forester, Randolph Moretti, his family, I with the Consider case of Samuel i*itt Chosen Head Of Ideal Furniture Co 11.50 along public. An alarm clock with half a bell so when two Sauer, senior forester, and Robert Thursday for W ho purchased suit tiiat 10.25 Norwood. Colon of a didn't Samuel French, Inc. If an employer hires an untrained graduate, people are rooming together it just wakes one Orr, senior electrical engineer. ; to take his duties as mink I fit, Alpha Tau Alpha E. G. Steele Lbr. Co. 19.41 up them. ... the remains a to Orr motion graduate generally liability entertained a to take of the Community Meth* V hand-me-down from the cloth- Carl Trostel 15.88 x-x-x the firm until he be trained. While it is a straw vote of the senior class I church. Ralph Cushman. Md can ing store Women’s Athletics What would you do if 1 kissed you on the Sam to at Litzenberger was chosen train That the meeting, but the motion dist bishop of Denver, appolj impossible to in college for a specific job cost him twenty-five bucks Clayton F. Suinmy Co $ 2.39 j forehead?” be president of Alpha Tau Alpha, was thrown by President Ros- out 1 Moretti to the post last week. nevertheless there are certain fundamentals of call or more. j Nat. Recreation Assn 4.07 "I’d you down!” honorary , educational fraternity, no. \o wonder his brow is wrinkled Multigraph Service 16.81 business which should x-x-x for the coming semester. Other every college graduate Liveliest with Meeting care- Lowe & Campbell 19.77 A hick town is one where there is no place to officers elected at the meeting possess. Herbert Jones, drum and possessed suit that he never* I major Co that of a Kspelln Floral 1.63 go one shouldn't. Tuesday night. February 2. were; In order to aid as much as the Col- senior botany student, in uphold- L. Good possible, can wear, Elizabeth C. Forbes 9.60 Roy x-x-x Clarence Munday, vice-president. ing compulsory assemblies stated has been fortunate in James No Samuel raves and Ft. Collins OPTOMETRIST legian securing Laundry ... 8.90 Floyd C. Hale, secretary; Twinkle, Twinkle, Utile Star that the meeting the liveliest George rants— was McCain, director of the placement bureau, to Linablad, Silver Spruce Coruscate, coruscate, diminutive stellar treasurer; and Fred ilfl W. Mm. Ph. orb. that had been held in all the four Who wants to be seen wearing articles Lechner, Multigraph Service . .$ 15.32 write a series of on the situations which How inexplicable reporter. to me, years that the seniors had been baggy pants? in Seems the stupendous probleuuof thy existence. Dr. G. A. Schmidt gave confront college graduates securing jobs. in school together, the reason be- a re- Oli, an ill-fitting boot is a com- Elevated to such immeasurable height. port on his trip to San an ing that they were all together Antonio. fortless hoot In the illimitable depths Texas, where he of spa e. again. attended the an- “WE CANNOT TELL THE STUDENT COUNCIL Hut «s)uaily so is an ill-fitting A LIE” nual Apparently in a perpendicular direction, from the conclave of the national fra- The student council has let their suit, spoken: turquoise planet vve occupy, ternity of Alpha Tau Alpha us the And host wheth- whether you’re or Johnston’s Ice Cream Is Better decision stand Resembling dazzling impenetrable efful- derson, Kermit Karst, representative of the until we can give our new system in thy and sheep; Zeta chap- er you’re guest and ter There hu» gence. a crystalline carbon of unsurpassed dairy cattle; John Darby, at Colorado Slate. For of compulsory assemblies a chance. gem Your Dance, Let Us Furnish Your Doesn't count when your coat fits ’ brilliancy and impenetrability. swine. Ralph Allen and George loot It was decided at the meeting been a movement on to o»vst the assemblies you like a vest; Linblad will be assistants in ICE CREAM SHERBET PUNCH to initiate the custom of ; I would we could live like Adam present- before they are given a fair tr. *l. charge of the contest, which is ing an award the high-ranking and Eve—- to While the Collegian has taken the stand open to all college men in the di- suit man of the yearly high school ; And get a new by picking a vision of who have that is beside the agriculture not The Johnston against compulsory assemblies, stock Judging is Co. leaf! contest, which Creamery competed on the Junior or senior on the issue. The students who Cartwheels held on Colorado point present j Campus State campus PHONE 252 stock judging teams. each spring. were sufficiently interested in their own busi- Bourne Discusses Conl

assemblies came have stated Listen my friends and shall share the blind compulsory up b> you Stock Parasites have charge of the Little Interna- VEP - LIKE I Y TWEV'PE MIGMTy SWELL, I'LL RISK Ui IF you date their talc concerning a maiden not bo fair. There tional livestock con- vote that they want compulsory assemblies. showmanship COPkiCOBS ; SWEET SMOKING that inconvenience with *■*! was an At Club Aggie lad who wah fooled into taking a test which will be by JUDGE TMEY all Pi gmt. but TO -BITE| Those who either were too lazy or were not suf- Meeting sponsored SAVE MYSELF ‘NO blind date with State break 50 CORNCOBS a Greeley maid. Hut, sorry the club or. March 22: Robert DON'T THE TONGUE-SITIHG TOBACG will have ficiently interested to vote to abide by EASILY LAST LONG Ito romance • r> WORK OF SPEAKING PWNCE say, was nut the outcome. Instead a Committees Chosen For Annual Englund, chairman; Karl Parker, the decision voice their in T—THE 3C_- or opinions the pro- tired, and IN A TOUGHER | droopy boy stumbled home to bed thor- Judging Contest And Little horses; Wendell Phillips, sheep; KINO OF PIPE per place. I oughly exhausted with attempting to dance with International Show Willurd Howl, beef cattle; Ted r*3JP«ggf"-

tbe a t» feet 4 mere Before first compulsory assembly was gal im-hett who weighed a 20U Vldeen. swine, and Carl Swanson, V \ E I bn. You me, he whs Just a lad of 6 feet 1 inch Discussing parasites of live- dairy cattle. called the student council was presented with a .n stock, Dr. ’’ height, weight unknown. The little Greeley R. F. Bourne spoke to Willard Howl presented Larry petition to abolish the "compulsory part of as h the Livestock girl pi in t ull) kicked the farmer boy from one end club at the first Mfiler with a gift of appreciation seinblies. In the middle of com December the of the and the dunce hall to other, then wore him meeting of the new semester in from the members of the Junior

pulsory assemblies were voted in by a when the TALKING two to-one to a skeleton crowded conditions of the cur physics building Monday eve- | stock Judging team. bad ning. ABOUT CORNCOBS majority of the students. Although only six to her residing on his wobbly knees. The moral. Hurley, is dou < trust blind President William Burkltt hundred students voted, showing that only one- friends who push ap- •hat) being dates ho willingly into their friends arms. pointed the following men to help crimp cut'pa packs T third of the student was in- -SO WITH PA YOU GET OFF) GUESS body sufficiently - Borns him conduct the annual spring 1 ■ J] slowly and TO A The Jeweler HEAD-START and WH- PRINQJ nevertheless the decision made and Petty evenly- and terested, was judging contest which soon builds up f Aggies certainly made history on their own will be held ' you'll find your pipe ALBERTS A NICE SWEET cake should be allowed to stand, at least ' rch t» David Always Your Worth GETS MELLOWER j-ARC temporarily. Hiamping ground. Heating Moulder was a real ac- Greenwald, In Money's ANO POP Now for of MELLOWER AS time goes THE CAMP-. ihat the Mine calling the assemblies complishment to be proud of. At any rale, this »rge horses; Orville Olde- lIN North ■ On. you'll. —TJL'Jfiij *htory wan probably thr cause of our downful' eyer. beef cattle; Leonard Hen- ! is at hand, some of the twelve hundred stu PEALLY Alo n playing dear old l). t’, Hut why should wt KNOW i-'Ot-* who laded to vote are registering com THE worry about the defeat from the latter wlit-n we I FULL TOY ami that the student council plain's demanding OF Smok- **«v« such a stupendous blow to those cocksure ing ; Boiildcrttott H»jUbier-Aggie game was drsam-

Im* 'Oiiir Inconsistency ma\ a common eluMTtetcris true The basketball season may be consid- ered In of fact that tie of college 'tOdets, but the last student re a success spite the we did not Ain (lie conference victory. quest of the student council seeius to be the EDMONDS characteristic exaggerated. But 0-0-0-c* you graudstutul booers! Why don't ' 1 voit try controlling those demon vocal cords. After < °F FACT MEN —TRINCE ALBERT IS \ f ' all ure WHY PATRONIZE COLLEGIAN you looking for baskets and not at the ! S K&^ST ' "W* I > J SELUN& SMOKING- TOBACCO. IHOICE J~A minute, and concealed movements of the pluyera. FA. ADVERTISERS? \ TOBACCOS HAVE THE 'BITE' KEMOVEP II pip*' down at tin you’d right moments those blf ( PROCESS. IN The Fort Collin* merchant who refuses to 1 FRINGE ALBERT IS RICH TA5^ h< men D t’.ltes might not have run such a AHV up « FLAVOR, 'CRIMP CUT' TOR COOL SMOKING take the advertising in Collegian uses this argu- ment: “Why should 1 patronize the Collegian ] ! 'ii'n The college students won’t buy lroin me even if Are You Sewine? I do adv ” Is this true? & PRINCE ALBERT MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE After so long a time the Greeks have awakened | To some extent, it is but there are LOVELY NEW n p f,*'» Prlnc* true; yes, SILK PRINTS—- p “I Albert. If don't find lh« mHI"w- 10 ..I n-t- lt" ', ‘ ' you It tin* fact that the Hurt) faction is really out for ' b *““ V “U "" —-fc-a. tk. many more eases which out this argil iTtb. ? ..turn thr fork,, tin .Ilk weight business Ir both sldos continue their clean-spirit- • SPACED DESIGNS AND CLUSTER " ““ ** *"y ~m# w,lh,n month this data and PATTERNS Wf’ w ratu-dV.'n • from 4|| r It WHI *'Und ,ull *««»»••• ment. is up to Colorado State college stu- *d politics. Aggie . IMS. B. Ta 4 Cm pilea, campus may become a place of- J »U»»ol4* , p|„. po.t„.. (Signed) R. J. to - organized and efficient LIGHT OR DARK BACKGROUNDS REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY dents spend their money with Collegian ad student body. This is ! No-th Carolina 'to aim •Salam, greatest to be d-sired, for with compul- ' pi paf u I vertisers. The Collegian is dependent upon ad • of fra- ■rani tobacco in -Guy HKSctnbllcH .uid clean politic - the students I< • THE NAIIONAI vertising for its maintenance; and since the Col 50 **rjr 2-ounra tin •I Print* Alba may brie seme $1.25 rt Into /-.illty of the driving needs | ■ per yard BERT JOV FMOKE is a student run the ]egmn strictly activity, by "f the So campus. bi s toast to our school, a fu- I\ students themselves, the least that sudents can '


Ireland, Gladys Webb. Olive Mc- club the Sponsor will be guests of na McCollum, Wilma Eby, Pauline Sigma Phi Epsilon were Mr. and in: the flowers or what-h«ave-you Cuin, Irene Cannon, Jeannette military men at the Northern ho- Annabelle Hermitage, Perricone, Mrs. Lloyd Hodges, of Julesburg, design should have the lioHße, Mr. and appearance Mrs. Lloyd tel. Hodges, John Anderson, Howard Kinche- >B< of being melted into the material; Sam Campbell, Ralph Schults, >«< Fashions low’, Irene Stewart. Roberta Rob- and it not llarlan Stewart Burkhart was a guest may or may (depend- Mltton, Stewart Case, and inette, Junior Spur Dines James, Harry Ely, the AGR house ing whether take them Uou Crenshaw. at Sunday, upon you The party was MARTHA A delightful Tom Vernon Mann, By HULL very dinner was Ely, Roy May- and Barbara Stone and Norma off after you have bought the SOCIETY chaperoned by Mrs. Eva Mr. Fox, given by the Spur’s eda, Sam at the North- Valleeillo, Rudolph Sa- Jane Ogle of Pueblo. Coach Sam dress) have artificial flowers at and Mrs. G. w. Tompkin, and Mr. ern hotel Friday evening. Those jonas, Duane Hougham. Margaret the neck or shoulder or By JOSHPHINE HOGE and Mrs. Campbell was a dinner guest Sun- waist.. Ralph Although we have seen only a Weihing. who Janet attended were all of the ac- Curtis, Beatrice Burciaga, day noon. Necklines are much lower this >B< vague forerunner of Spring, all of tive Spurs and two Josephine Eugene Ber- guests, Miss Polhamus, >»< year to V In the are filled with coming a front or Kappa Theta’s shops spring Alplia Margaret Parks and Miss Kather- tone, Sam Hertha, and John Red- forming Above Harriet DeGeer was a guest at tempters. Last couldn't a square. all (or Sweetheart Dance year com-,I ine Voung. The Ungshafer. j arrangements dinner I should at the Sigma Chi house pare to the suit year predicted perhaps, say, over all) Dinner and for dancing the dinner were >■< to the mu- made by it have Jacket Sunday. for this Every coed must a of some type Hie of Joe one. must Cook and his Jeanette Robinson. orchestra Phrateree even if It's only whisper. Fame ip a food that dead men eat >B< ; have a suit aud Heaven knows a at the Northern hotel Saturday >B< Phrateres actives and But friendship a is nobler thing guests Visitors at the Phi Tau house there are enough kinks for night proved every to be great fun for Theta were entertained Of friendship it is Pun : at a radio dance good to sing, this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. type—from the strictly tailored to The Ivory from hippopotamus guests and members of Kappa A*- With the living at Ammons hall, For when a man room of the Saturday, Febru- Nelson Mrs the truly, shall end, John and Mr. and much be-frllled ones. tusk is more valuable than that pha Iheta, who were hostesses at Theta house ary 13. Decorations He lives in transformed into a carried out memory of his friend. Dewey Nelson of 'Lander, Wyom- To be smiled by obtained from elephant tu^ks. their annual Sweetheart on Fashion dance. modern night club, the heart and Valentine >»< and with Billie motif. 1 he -1 ing. your choice of suit would be that guests were Messrs. Martin Mansell's Those orchestra mu- present were: Lew- Initiates Alplut furnishing Mary >»< Cioinma Rho of a cape-like Ja?ket accompanied i Schloo, Charles Terrell, Elden sic, is. Alice Sav- pledges or Kappa Alpha Theta Baer, Alice , Delta Delta Italta Rho of Burlingame, Weekend guests at the Sigma by Alpha Gamma Rho Ini- Lee I a plain side-pleated skirt. l age. Bruner, Don Lola Houser, entertained active members of Tarr, Lois Tarr, Marie Greg- Lambda of Delta Delta tiated Eugeue Nu house were John Sandstead Theta Peterson, Fort Col- Sam These jackets come to about three STEAMSHIP Campbell, Frank Ruth Smith, "Katsup" late night. ory, Roberts, Hazelbelle held formal initiation Sun- lins, Lorln Saturday and Kermlt Messerschmltt. Delta Sherman, Sam Rowe, Clark J inches below the waistline and j Thaler, Vincent Brooks, Phyllis I Martin, Other guests were Mrs. Mona Lace Putnam, Ruth Ol- Genevieve Birch, Grlggs- Sanon >B< flare softly day for City; and Claude Robin-! b tank to approximately nine TICKETS Coons, Willis i Cornelius, Rice, Mrs. Wilson Longmore, and son, Marjory Kennedy, Laura Lucille Boston, Mt. Mor- Del Day, inches below vjiie, 111.; non. Norte, Sunday. Robert Members of Kappa Alpha Theta the hips In back. In- Johnson, Ewing McClain, Mrs. M. Burgess Wilson. Ruth Dobson, Alary Hoffmau. O And Tours to Any Part of Esther Lee Donnell, Love- cidentally, rison; >H< Furl | were guests of the Sigma Nu chap- most of the newer Hurt. Orman Faye Nichols, | Tucker, Jack >H< Jeannette Albert, the World. Make Your Dorothy O land; Daggett, Fort Col- Valentine Egun, ter Friday night ut a radio dance. spring coats follow this trc»nd. so Dance or Larry Kelly, Gordon Ruth J. Doug Davis, Sally Vance, Veda .Jeanne Davies, Signin Phi Epsilon the girl o Summer Plans lins; Elsie Love- Bela Phi lus, Harlan >B< economy can have a cout Early. Alpha John Weimer, Barbara Mltton, Thiin- Colorado Burnett. Fields, Gamma of Sigma Phi and suit the land; Dorothy Denver; Members Sigma Nil’s Sunday dinner at same time. The of Beta Phi Alpha inig, Jack Roby, John Bob -1' Sackmau, Epsilon Portner, Fred Gould. Al- announce the pledging of shoulders still being Phyllis Jones, Coallnga, Calif.; were entertained Robert guests included Mr .and Mrs. Lu- are played up ut the home of Ralston, Paul bert Real Estate Gira, Frank Harvey Congdon, Harold Askeland, Morlen of Gunnison, Colo., either by padding, Rachel 1“ Slmonds, Fort Collins; Maxine Bales ther Soil, Joe Dale, and William or emphasized with a buffet Freyer, Ralph Donald Wire, supper, Shultz, Russell and Jesse Honnold, John Oscar White of Raton. New by and Meredith Winchell, Denver. Gale. stripes of fur, or by stitching. v anti Insurance Saturday night, February 6. Fol- Sparks, Glenn Miles Bolton, Bob Doo- Mexico. Hitter, Kana, Donald Barr, >B< lowing the little, Dave >R< Nearly every college* gal has a supper, was a radio Hartman, and Dave Bob Kittel, Ed Vance, >H< Harold £ FOTHERGILL AGENCY Gumma l*hi Beta dance at the Northern Rice. Weekend print date dress in mind that she hotel. Val- j Newton, Larry Solin, Alan Albert, guests at the Trl Delta Sigma Nu wishes to T few Northern Formal initiation services were entines were the of The chaperons house were Olive McCain and possess. found a $ Hotel oooooooooo_ooooooc*oooooooooooo§ motif the dec- were Mrs. M. B. Lyndon Brown, Frank Kana, Hol- Bldg. Sigma Nu announces pledg- the pointers might be interested held Sunday morning at the Gam- orations; the girls being Miss Wilson, Captain and Mrs. lis Norine, Lois Staver of Ault. you Park B. John Kramer, and Jack oocooooooooooooooooooo ing of Forbes Penncook of Long Phi Deta chapter house True Love, Herrick, Dr. ma for and the boys, Dan Cu- und Mrs. Duane Hart- Kraning. >B< mont. Braucht pid. Betty and Donna Hahn shorn and Mr. aud Mrs. Chaperones Eddie Bo- included Dean Amy Mrs. Hodges of Julesburg >K< Lloyd of Denver; Frances Boyer of Tim- Mr. and dine. Mrs. Maurice James Parmelee, Mrs. Mona Lace Rice, was a weekend McPlior run-Pussier guest at the Gam- and nath; Betty Jean Hughes and aud Mr. and J. >K< Mr. und and Mrs. H. O’Brien Airs. Fred Persons, ma Phi Beta house. Mrs. News of interest to Colorado I Hodges Josephine McPheeters of Fort Col- Mrs. Randall Yates. Chaperoned the party. The guest Inßiation Dinners attended Colorado State college State students wuh the marriage of New lins. list Dinners was formed by Ruth Dobson, honoring initiates >!S< last j new Ernest McPherron, graduate of year. >■< Faye Nichols, Marguerite Einslie, <»f various Greek organizations Misses Lucille Scott, '3 6, to Miss Kathleen Fassler of Helen >K< Thu Omega Dorothy Lucille were the weekend Loomis, Alpha Greiner, Amen, attraction of Akron. Evelyn Eberle, Olive Colorado, on Friday, Feb- Dinner guests at the Phi Delt Formats Colorado Delta Eta of Jeannette Bosse, Alpha Withrow Wood, ; ! many campusites. The chapter 12. is ! Hoffman, Lucille Carlson, Harri- ruary McPherron working house Saturday were Jack Bower, Tau Tom bouse Omega announces the initia- Sun, Max C. U. I i was the for ett* Savage, and Mrs. Mona Rice Fackler, barquet hall on his masters degree in agron- Robert Bower. Clarence Fuller, ESPECIALLY SUITED tion of John Edwards Ward, George members of dinner of Denver, Booth, Bob Kerlee, I j Alpha Tau Omega as at were guests at the Sig Alph omy Michigan State college, and Harold Jacobson. Voorhees Vance of Trinidad, Hoy Rubin Fillmore, and John Sol-| | they dined Sunday night. where house Sunday. Eor he has a fellowship schol the >®< Voorhees of Trinidad, Steve John- ewski. Delta Delta Delta held >K< their ini- arship. The couple will make their (ilen Smith of Cheyenne, Wyo., SNOW CARNIVAL DANCE loti of Montrose, Calvin Conrey of itiatlon banquet at the James’ >B< Tea home in East Lansing until the Mr. and Airs. M. L. Click spent Fort Collins, Koom and Charles Klmsey, of Buckeye, Kalph Giddings of ! Sunday evening. Guests Saturday Kuppa Delta completion of the school year. evening in Fort Collins kx i’ort Collins, Foster who enjoyed were weekend guests at the A. C. Arthur of 1 the dinner, amidst at the Sig Alph At a radio dance at the chapter house as guests Wayne of u St. V alentiue's (’. house. tenver, Argabrlght Den- day atmosphere, < of their son. house Saturday night, actives, ostno|H»lllnii (Tub $4.98 to Fred «»f Don were the $lO.BB rer. Luthe Moines, initiates, Marie Moses, Members >B< pledges, and guests of Kuppa i of the Cosmopolitan owa. Norman Borthwick of l>eu- Sully Alatchett, Alice Meal tickets $4. HO College i Pennock. (Tub entertained ut a box social Deltu celebrated Valentine’s day. , Wednesday night. Sigma Alpha aud Lois Clainmer. Adv. er, Leonard Beach of Den- Lois Staver. Jeanne in i afctcriu Red and white decorations car-) Friday night the basement of Epsilon had as dinner guesta. Mr. r •r. Thomson. Olive McCain, led seasonal Roberta Old Main. and John i out the motif, und Mrs. Harrison. raisras■ r jjs Mawson, Ona >B< Martin, Ruth Rum- Those refreshments were present were: Lestei >B< JO-ANN serve** after BETTER ble. Gretchen FOR 01/KlriEH Oaeth, Alma Scott. William Phi Delta Tlieta dancing. Stinimell, Bjornstad, Mo Saturday night dinner of guests at LOWER ram MM Helen and Lucille Formal initiation was held Sun- Reimer, Tref- Margaret Whitiner Mr. and fieson. lay by Colorado Gamma of Phi t For good food reasonable Style Shoppe and Mrs. William J. Colson chap- at Suits cleaned and pressed, cash Shields The Tailor At the Northern )elta Theta for John Salewskl, notel, members t prices, eat at the College Cafe- and 65c, eroned the hostesses and their carry DeLuxe Cleaners. I»I WEST MOUNTAIN 126 of Gamma Phi Beta South en Hagueur, Eaton Draper, Ger- held their College teria. — Adv t guests who were Louise Mcßride, —Adv. annual formal banquet Id Price, and Frank Gassner. A Sunday Charles< McAuelly, Robert Eng- < evening. Pink carnations, the reakfast was served after inltia- j sor- laud, Lee Sneddon, Maroff Ber- ority flower, provided ion honoring those initiated. Dr. an attrac- } ger, Chester l*aird, Dallas Kuaus, tive center-piece. t. G. Draper and Mr. Paul D. Miss Miriam Lamar Henry. Don McCormick, Johnson was toastmistress; ook were guests. Olive Robert Riddell, Robert Hawkins, Hoffman spoke on behalf >B< of the Howard Olsen. Harold Store, Dav- active chapter, and Donna Hahn Sigma Xu I id Sudduth. Ralph Lusse., Tom for the new initiates. in- of Guests Newest wearers the Star of | Kidd. Norman Cable, Walt Ham- cluded Mrs. Wendall K. Beard. iignia Nu are Jack Pitcher of ( ilton. Ralph March, Glen Bean. Mrs. Ralph Giddings, Mrs. R. E. Tmnath; Ralph Roberts of dem- Robert Ruthbuu. James Holder. Klely, Mrs. William McCreary, on, South Carolina; Harold < George Reed, Hugh Irwin, James Mrs. Carl Herzman, Miss Miriam Jrown ( of Johnstown; Robert Ir- Caaer. and Robert Langridge. Johnson, Miss Georgia Fleming. rin of Fort Collins; Paul Gira of >■< 44 Miss Doris Burnett. Miss Eleanor A BREATHLESS DASH" said Miss luster. South Dakota; Henry Hal- 1 T WAS Dorothy Sigma Phi Epsilon Lacey, Miss Elaine Somerville, famous back work aday of Denver; and Kliess Kilgallen, girl reporter, at (left) after The chapter house of Sigma Phi Doggy Cooper, Maxine Mayhew, to circle world Brown of Philadelphia. Pennsyl- finishing her assignment the by air in rec- { Epsilon was cluttered with an Helen Morrasy, Lois Nixon, Adele rania. Initiation was conducted time. Her arrival Newark adornment of valentines ord-breaking (Right) exciting at for the Mulcouronne, Jean Barkiey, Helen »' Delta Rho chapter Sunday "1 snatched meals kid party," Airport. anywhere,” she says, "ate which was the theme Loomis, Mary Kreutzer, Jeanette >B< for the pledge all kinds of food. But Camels return dance cele- Robinson, Margaret Jean Stone, helped me keep my diges- Sigma Phi Epsilon brated Saturday night. tion tuned The "kids" Ruth Shaw, Kathryn Brown, Betty up. 'For digestion’s sake smoke Camels’ The gold heart and crest of Sig- , danced to the music of "Karlee" Predovltch, Mary Louise Peasley, a world of comfort I’ll bet time meant to me. on them any ma Phi Epsilon Is now being worn ( Curtis and his orchestra. Beth Brill, Mary Ault, Olive Hoff- —for mildness and for their ’lift.’ Camels set me right!” iy Delmar JenkinH, Bayfield; Dick Dancers included Ruth Day. man, Frances Lacey and Mrs. Jones. Loveland; David Strauss. Anne Tobiska. Lois Staver, Mary Lloyd Hodges. Rocky Ford; Howard Mitchell, j Lou Vanderbilt. La Bonna Winn, >H< Port /Hodges, Lupton; Kcitneth Ruth Shaw. Maxine Mayhew, Bet- Advanced Course Dinner Norman Larkins, Den- fulesburg; , Braucht. Jeannette Robinson. ty At the monthly Advanced *er; and New Glenn Mathews, Predovlch, Brown, Betty Kathryn ’ourse dinner tonight Dean Amy Mexico Sun- Initiation was held Meredith Winchell, Elsie Jean Da- O. Parmelee, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. lay morning. vies. Kleanora Johnson. Marjorie Slmonds. Dean and Mrs. Floyd Clippinger, Jeannette Crissman. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Tuxedos for rent at DeLuxe Bobble Carlson. Lois Landblom, Craig. Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Cleaners. -Adv. Margaret Stone, Lillian Knifton, 'nin, Colonel and Mrs. Norman P. ; Lillian Norma Jane Ogle, Baird, Morrow, Major and Mrs. Charles Darbura Storer. Dorothy Griffith. R. Lehner, Captain and Mrs. Park <>fll>Eß OORSAGI2B T helma McHone, Maxine Hesse, B. Herrick. Captain and Mrs. Jos- Front Roberta Mawion, Caroline Winter, eph P. Donnovin, and members of Espeiin Floral Co. Margaret Prendergast, Bernice Maxine Herron, Frances Dexter, the For a good meal go to Col *7 W. Oak Phone 445-W Boyer, Frances Woodstde, June lege Cafeteria. —Adv. ■sras srr?Lssra-i& Thornton, Eleanor Richardson, Margaret Puckett, sro-s Marian Leedy. |&■ Marjorie Dickens, Betty Willard. Eberle L. Ramola Clark, Beth Beauty Shop j J. Ritter Ruth Collins. Only expert operators em- OPTOMETRIST ployed. “Not How Cheap, If tire easily. see Fred your eyes Bnt How Good.** I Wllnon llufhlinK Evans, Optometrist. Upstairs over 110 W. Oak Phone SOI Over Wool worths Edmonds Btore.—Adv. "3* t IRkRISIS »*.

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TNT. My business make- me Arriving daily, a most mighty carelul about nerves and “JACK OAKIE'S COLLEGE” digestion," i says /I. . S/m/uoh. "I GET MORE ENJOYMENT from Camels,” Arthur // It'.//«/«, smart Pull*houritala ihow with Jack Oakic in person' says Jr., "Camels have what 1 like I hey collection of College Class of ’3H. ''l’ve found that Camels offset the brilliant BennyGo<>drnanV'Swina Band! Hollywood help strain of don't And get on my serves. they com~diant and tiniini l Special college hours of mn long study. Working out a tough assignment often can make put a heap more joy into eating." talent week! Tuerdaya-9:30 amateur every pm me feel inside. So at and suits tense mealtime, you’ll see me enjoying my Camels.” coats E.5/1 . *i3o C.S 1.. 7:'OpmM.S,T. 6:30 spring pm Yes, Camels the flow speed up of digestive flnid- increase pm F S.T.,over W ABC-Columbia Network. alkalinity. priced from $10.95. FOR DIGESTION'S SAKE SMOKE tWnwMa Tatoaaaa Wi.uM.aalMß. CAMELS Uvmala. I«l. R J ( N. O. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY THE FOUR ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN Wrestlers Will Meet Wrestlers To For Championship Coed Meet Here For State Sports Here In Aggie Gym Eastern Division Championship Sports Scheduled Here Friday And Division Title By Saturday With Buffaloes Lucille Oakes Favored Spring Football Unbeaten Tumblers Track Team Six Teams To Compete Friday Flash Aggie Colorado State DIVING And Eastern Starts For Crown Wrestlers from six schools will HEI.MENTS Saturday For Monday Compete Defeats Miners have be,, By in the Aggie Friday Bout each W. A. A. Division Title i.onvine gym ‘ member ~ the special Eleven and Saturday to settle the Eastern 1 guests In Lettermen Will Form Eastern Division Championship 78 To 25 Score order th Loses 2 Game be able Nucleus For 1937 Team division championship. ! they may to Give C. U. Favored Will Be Held In Greeley u n j the sea and take Colorado State, Colorado uni- 1 part in the r* Mc- Walt Hamilton And Vernie tlvltles under water About forty men are expected to An undefeated Aggie tumblir.g varsity, Denver university, Gree- at the Round Matches At 4:30 ' sT First Series To D.U. Hone Are Point Men Of ' High etith Annual W. report to Coach Harry Hughes in tea rawill attempt to keep its rec- ley State, Mines, and Wyoming A. A. - Finals At ' Friday; Saturday First Meet Thursday, the field house Monday afternoon ord clean at Greeley Saturday aft- university February 25. 2/ 3 O’Clock will all send representa- Margaret for spring football practice. when Greeley State, Colo- S. Poley of In Denver ernoon tives to the meet. Colorado uni- the Drop Opener 52-34 Colorado State’s track and field ment of rado university, and Colorado physical Bgain broke into the win And Lose 56-40 On Home Eleven lettermen from last 1 2 5 vic- versity's Buffaloes are the only education at Aggies team took an easy 78 to of meet in the Eastern division University Colorado column in conference basketball Court year, Beck, Cable. Deines. Engle- State ones who haven’t been defeated will be Saturday Night tory from the Colorado School of m championship guest speaker. She by defeating Colorado Mines 4 3 to berk. Frank, Halverson. James, meet. in dual meet competition while the will talk Mines team Saturday in the first ■ Those who will for "Sports Across the 33, in a hard fought game Tues- Lapp. McCracken, McEuen. and compete Aggies have lost only one meet. Sea," Pioneers Were Hot track meet of the season in Colo- ! l;**iu be ! Colorado State are High bar— she Is day night at Golden. MacDonald rtson will on hand to form particularly i,i r »ed rado State's field house. \\ uglier Shifts Lineup since — her while • nucleus around which build Field, Wolf, and Allen. Horse ■ recent summer of Mines was high scorer, to Coach Wagner planning vacatw Babcock Scored 22 Point* In The Aggie which is is to team, com- enjoyed i 1937 team let- Parker Mullen, and Welton. Par- was abroad. N Peters, Aggie forward was high Sprlngston, a shift his s» Game While posed largely of sophomores, was lineup around consider- Saturday’s Wag all* bars- Field. and Par- hers will be taken scorer for the winners. Peters letimiti three year* will also 1 Allen, Into w. ago, ably before Friday if of the a l ner Tallies 11 Points superior in every event of the some the Kings Parker, and and awards will he made a total of 1 4 points, and was be on -quad and nearly twen- k' —Wolf, heavier men take off enough presented meet with the exception of the can H freshmen are to K* d I Mutr—Rice, Redd, and this banquet In the abode closely followed by Jasper French, ty expected check to wrestle in of a, Colorado State s in-and-out bas- mile and the two mile run. The weight a class lower fishes. ho made 13. out suits. \\ ■ Iton. w ketball saw they than usual. The Aggies will for- quintet hopes Aggies had a well balanced team Practice sessions The Aggies are especially strong After fighting on an even basis might have had for which will be feit all matches an easte