
"3 THE SATURDAY PRESS. GERMAN LLOYD ANBwsrArKii rini.isiii.il vki,klv Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. mill) F O T U N A VT. DdLr.ARS year, It n A in advance General lnsuranceCompany of efliw. FoMsn Snb'Crlplljnii from $ mj'i &,krl i fiiiiu .tnoiK tKrWKAsrr. crAiiiBH rorrllne l' il'tln.iliin X liTe ealabllahed a lleneral Aseney her, si 1st undersigned, (leneral AEfnl,aroanthotled to tslf wilt siMlii Hltks nnnlnsi thrOnns;ersorsi as tk Suhierllrers ami .iiWcrllser TllOJ. 0 unit aw (ft ay f ." Mil Itrnsonnble Rate, . . . , 1imUM,Mner. y Tfrras. The Nstnrilsj 1'f "Hi .i..v wM iiiffMMfttiift - .nt rorabl Sa Press. Ml ly V. A SC IIAKKKH A CO., tlcntfal Agent. for lli nilrrnfi of IT,"PI!. . Ml nuilrr f'ir Hi itrrlsy lWH. In.iM hi niM-- f i (1 WLlhMti II., NO. HONOLULU, U. I., SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1882. wiAWHt)LE NUMBER 89, TnAJIS-ATi,AlTI- C i'i lh iTI llllA lriBw FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, turd itAMBcrta. mentation Docnv ! ituMiiiL'l What in I If. W. SEVERANCE, F. T. LENEHAN CO., C. or ' ED. ROWE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY Capital of the Company A lleTTe..Itlclnmark 8.000,0m MGD.KKAT.XQN, the object of Nubjoclillg good barley ill I Hnwnlliiu Consul Si Commission Merchant Imjiorlors nud Commission Merchants, llotiso nml SIrii Pnintnr, Pnjier Honi-cr- , &o " their Companies " 101,650,000 T boor-makin- g i iiorttifornbM ci. luwmNnj ir 87 NliiUnn Hlteiti'llonolulii, la N11 107 OT SA. Kit A I.N CO. to this process of rotting? " 8J5Jy KlnicSlrcel Honolulu S .( Total Itelclumark iw,f..'A),fiO SHALLWnORI.fKVil GEiR? Wliy (o Drotluco alcohol I J jiving, sound EDWARD PRESTON. HOJbIiISTER(A; CO., r I HONOT'ULV IRON WORKS CO. lvrvlaxo. grain novor produces alcohol Dissolv Attorney nml Canunollor nt Lnir, Druggists Sc Tobacconists, NORTH GERMAN ing, decaying, rotting grain alone, pro- i.'j 1'ott Strcf t. Honclalii. I INOOlll'OllATBl), 1800 - 'r tprT "jtija.ii i:m)i.m:, mumaii mills FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, A Srrmoii liy J. A. Ortmiii, Dolivcioilnt Hin duce it. Every limo yon drink any WIIOLIISALI. AND UF.TAIL, iMCi&Z. Hfllri , Coolers, Iron, Dranand Lead Caillngi 50 Niiiinnn fitrcel lloiiotulii 80S & Of IIAMRtUtO. m Fort Cliuruli, Suiiclny Kvoii- - lit nor, which contains Mnohlnory of Evory Dcncrlptlon CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS Slroot alcohol, no l I 1 Capital of llic Company .tIle.erre..rtelchmarkrl,ftM,oi CHAMPAONE CIDER MANUFACTORY Made S lie llmvnllnll Islnnila. lnK, Mny Ttli. 1882 matter now small tho amount, you drink i. ,n. Miiirrsiiv. .11. i,, , u. , iTB' In Order " their lte.Insuti,nceCompanleii " 'B,oOO,nnO 1 AND GROCERY. on Particular nttontion paid to Ship's Btackimlthlng tho oxtrucl of docaying grains It difl'ors Dental Rooms Fott Street, Total .UelcharalrVtl.lKO.orO ! 1.1 CoS"aiy & 1 An. MlllinWtrrrl. y OHIcoln Ilrener'SflllorU, cornet Hotel nml Fori WILDER CO., Komanh ilrhli, nur from carrion only m tho absence of odor slrcrls Honolulu, Orn-rrn- t llrl'l. It IikixhI utitliurluunt W2!2f Knltancf.IlottlBtrcil llnunllnil Islnnila, MIIWKI7.tJtl.Mltr. M.OTIS to drink , nur nujtliliiK whereby tliy brotlur Add nitrogen to your formonting moss, JNO. H. BROWN. MRS. THOMAS or llir rilnmblolli, or Irt ollcmlcJ, or Ii inailo Vonk. and you havo all tho horrible prosenco of Inspocttit' of Wcightii and Mvitnureit, IJ O. Il.ll.l. A NOn, LACK, AkiIs RUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT 18:7. iilciIh bo Hint 103 IMPORTERS AND DEALEB8 MArnir.w It iiiuhI oltoia'ca carrion 1 You donbt this ? tletctsnla SlrcOt. IN HARDWARE No. 10 Tori St., Honolulu. Mutual Lifo Insurance Oomp'y OF WINTERTHUK. come! bnl woo lu thnt nmii by whom tlio olTciico Listen to Baron von Liobfg, ouo of tho fi Otilrr tan bo left at rollce Hlntlon. inn Dry Goods, I'alnls, Oils and Qcneral Slcrchandlsr, Capital of tho Company franc 5,000,004 comctlt. Ml ly Coiner Fort and King Slf. IMPORTER and or sri:w Yoitii, ablest chomists tho world produced. A. W. RICHARDSON CO., DEALER : regard (o this quoHliou of Trmjier-nnc- o oor riiiti-- tiNnr.RMKixr.n. (ir.Nr.it At. AMKitTri Ill o is olso iMromciu aud iiiaLI!im im MRS. A. M. MELLIS, -- IN Largest, Snfoot nnd MoBt of companle. for the thoro nro hoiiio tilings in which wo If says: "Fermentation nothing tho above three rtawalila than tile putrtfatlion a tubstance containing lloot. HIi(iCK,l'iitnlshlnc Ooodii, HU. Caps, Trunin, Fnshiotinhlo Dross nnd Cloak Maker, laland., arc prepared to Insure llulldlnjc, rnrnltnre. aroiill Agreed, and 0110 is this: drunken-nos- n of iniinrp, I'cnnmcry nnu ."onns, tvniiiinm wntcurj, 101 Sowing Machinos, and ECONOMICAL Merchandise and Produce. Machlnrrr. Ac. also Snasr '" vine J'ott street, Honolulu, II. I, Conuino LIFE INS. COS .Mills, In against ia no nitrogen Thoro i no dispute on this JcclrV, itc, fomcr of i on ana .Mcrcn.iiu i,, WS 3J ly and Itice and ves'tls the hirbor, loss it ovorywhero and it nhvuyH n cinw. 11 I or ilamacc by (ire, on most favorable terms. point among those who know anything imnojuui, i. Ijr Parts, Attachmonts, Oil IN THE WORLD ! the Thcro is hardly u community or n family 11. A. f. cAnTr.n. r. cioKts oo'iiy II HACKl'KI.n A CO. about it. merely mention it you S. MAQNIN, in and frco from Hh rnvngci. Moio than any I that C. Aocossorlos. Cash Assots, ovor I may whnt you aro Importer nml Dealer In Dry unit I'nncy BREWER & CO.. 'X'XXJH $00,000,000 THE LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOIE vico understand dnnk A&ZlM'l' or I cither it impedes the nrogreHH of pioty. J"On en-f- nig when you pour downciwoifwi, that Good. Boots, Shoos, Sec, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Information concernlnc the Companr, and opens tho way to ovory species of crime, is CT White, New Homo, for llatci of Ininrancc, apply lo WlLDEIt A Co., INSURANCE COMPANY. It I AlthuUrcnt Enttcru Store, No. Tort St., Honolulu .3 rotted, liquor You would bo angry it your Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly . Ocii'l Atcnn, or niid loads down to infamy and death. Hly Davis, Crown, Howe, anil r.stabllshrd 1W0, butcher sold you putrid moat, or your gio-co- r E.WIHEMAN, And wo all agree, too, that drunkenness .IOII. II, 1'A'l'V, . w "'" rjollcltlng Agent you decay- Ii. W. HOPP, NOTARY PUBLIC Florence Machines, should ho suppressed. brought rancid butter, or Maker, Upholsterer, and COMMISSIONER of DEEDB Unlimited Liability to StockkoMew. ing potatoes. But why? i'ou might as .Crtbiunt Denier lu For the Stales of California nnd New York. Office at NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE But wo differ, honestlyl tn regard to Iho Furniture, llic Hank of Bishop A Co,, Honolulu, oXSa ly Howard's Machine Needles, Xxiai-ii.xixi.3- Assets 31,S3,10a host means of suppressing it. rationally cat decaying food im drink do- Xn.&SKIiiK Street, between Ts'nuanil and Tort blrrcte. Oompftuy Itcsene B.TMI.OM Mattrcf ica conitantly on linuil or mnilc to order. A, CO., all kinds & sizes; Of London nnd Eiliuonrg. . Income for ISTSi Thcro aro those, am caying fluids. miililiVUIIA.lf Prcmlnms rccelrd deduction rc'ln- - and I ouo of them, PJy IMPORTERS AND DEALERS trier of who think that, if you wish to suppress Well, after all'thcso four processes havo " IN HARDWARE Corticalli Silk, 3P XX1.3BI. sarnncc... , 5,SJ,Ki,', been gone and THOSO. THRUM, Cutlery, Dry Goods. Faints and Olte, and Ucnnral drunkenness, tlio only olTectnnl way is for through with, you hold Merchandise, in all colors; Losses promptly adjusted and paid here. !17 Estnbllshod 1800. you to your glass ot beer up to tho light, what Importing nml MnnnfnctnrlnR Stntloner. 'JM No. Fort Street, Honolulu. ly "in slop drinking yourself, do all you .1111,1: IIIHHOP 4t Co.. AttmU. 1 can to induco others to do and uso dd you see? In a pint of puro boor you News A(;ont, Book Binder, &c, A. fc CO,, ciiAhks' i:m, jiaciiim: COTTO.V. lU'siiiuins of llio Company ai at 3lat December, ISid! ho, W. FEIRCE SCDteniDco CArirtiy havo a little than 11 ounces of water, Merchant Street, and Dealer In AGENT FOH I'mi! 1'tfNli i! ovory legitimate means to obtain and on moio SHIP CHANDLERS ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS up COO.ijijo ii 1'liiti stationery, llonkn, .Mnlc, Toys and Taney lloodi, Paid He5crrc....JL,8ll.r,T0 1'J 11 a very littlo extract of barloy, and nearly ron Madamu Dcmorcet's Uncalled I,yx),0ti0 He- - forco a law prohibiting tho sale of liquors. I l'ort Street, near Hotel, Honolulu, ly acients Itcllablo Cnt Paper l'allcrns, Premium Pioneer"Xine one ounce of alcohol! is ounco of Brand's (.luuD aud Uomli Loners, tc 117,037 16 10 I: Wo may bo mistakon, (nil wo aro honest. It that nnd Publications. Dealer In JW,'M),tXH) gh-e- s l'orry Davis' l'nlu Killer, Ilalance of "Wo alcohol which that pint of beer its FRANK OERTZ, FROM LIVERPOOL. in our belief. claim the light to hold I I') Hides, Profit and fascination -- it is for that and that alono BOOT AND eta No. O.UCCI1 HI., Honolulu. ly Pistols, Onus, and Sporting Ooods, Loss Acc..3'J,Cl s it and advocate it, without being siteorcd SHOEMAKER Shot, Ponder, Cam, & Jtctallc Cartridges. that you drink itl Extract and I 11. at as "Pharisees" or "funatics." that, No. II l'ott St., oppoiitc I'antlieon Stable, tiii:o. oavicn. JU1J901.SI3 R 11 Others differ with us radically, and. you would novor tasto tlio insipid, nasty Imila nml Miovi Jliulc ( Oriler, ofBrst .tin-- LAru JamuN, tlnEC.v X Co. IlbVENUK rimTME tAii I8S0-l'- lre Premiums nnd In. I stuff! IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT KEROSENE STOVES! tercat. 1,013,900 !. beliovo honestly. Thoy boliovo that the lrriiil,uiiil nt Rcmuulile I'rlcrs. i.. nui i i;iii,ai;ui;h t o'O,, iSrkJfe But let's bo a littlo more explicit about Boots and Shoon made for Cash only ami ahext ron In all yict, an Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands modorato uso of wines and boor is favorablo y ud "i tho amount of alcohol in boerl I.lovd's the Liverpool Underwriters, .My or (Jlirar W.'MsssssssBssssssssJssss.''' to both health and tcniporanco. I think Puro Ilrltlsli nnd Foreign Marine Insurance Company, Ctr Mock l'lpis. Holders, Tobacco, ,Sc whiskey contains (50 per cont M. S. GRINBACM & CO., uill lie fold at C.Nr I'lllCI... '(jr,i) ''SkrTssssssRPsxsTlKA.' thoy aro wrong. But I havo no quarrol of alcohol. And Northern Assurance Ccmpany. owl ly New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Beer varies greatly from four to ton por Importers nud Wholesale Dealers in Gene- ii VLssssssssssssssaJ1ssssssssssssssssssW with thorn. Nay, I defend tho liberty and .1. W. ClIKTIf, OK BOSTON, MASS cont. AVhen you drink a largo "schooner" ral Merchandise, right of thoso men to form their own 'J Commission Merchant and General Dealer Sc of Jlnkec'n Mock, Queen Slrrcl. ly WEST PAGE, livco it r t:n, iN.tn. judgments and to act conscientiously in of boor, and a small glass whiskey, you lu Dry Hoods, Groceries, llnnhvnic, .Stationery, 1'oiia this matter, us in all others. grant thorn got almost as much alcohol in tho schooner M. S. ORINBAUM Sc CO., l'alcntMidlclnes, Perfumery, and Iho Oldest I'ureli Mutual Life Insurance Co. in I OlassHarr, 1 tho samo right which claim for myself. as you do in tho small glass! Forwarding nnd Commission Merchants, i'il the United States. sslMiUHsHS' I San bW W Allit'lill, MAUI. ly Tho temperance cause is ofton injured But is that all, alcohol and tho juico SI! California St., Francisco. of rotten barley, is contained in Special faclllltcK foi and pirtleslar attention paid to JNO. A. HASSINOER, Folicica Issued on tho most favorablo Terms. ot tho bitter, uncharitable'' that consignments of 111 ind product. ly spirit Bretc-trt- i Agont Acknowledgments Con- manifested by its advocates toward tnoso that glass? By no moans. Tho 1 to tnko to r.xniiiilc ol Xon.I'orlclliiro I'lnii Uuidc gives over 70 different arti- tracts for Labor. IDSUItUU AOE,.ir, YKAII8-OHUINA-IIY l,in: who moderate Aro not VOLOAKTO IXOTTSXl :i favor drinking. OK AIT. It til' or HII.AVEA. sru Interior OfTlcc, Hon Inln. ly PLAN i ii . 1 cles used in "doctoring" beer. Lol mo Annual premium continues Policy 2 years .1 no, jaIuco. thoso men just as honest, just as sincere, days namo only a fow: Cocoulus indicus, W. II. LICNTZ, MANAGER. j7w. ROBERTSON & CO.. 3 Annual premiums continue Policy 4 years 18 days just as conscientious as you aro? " AVho .1 l'lciityto cat, a ronslnz rlre, clean beds, and t It c best Importing Manufacturing JaTnTHBI Annual premiums contlnnc Policy 6 years 37 days tho rankest poison known, oil of vitrol, and Stationers I Annual premiums 8 M OFFER FOR SALE thou judgest another man's ser- attendance on the Hawaiian Inlands. Book-Bind- continue Policy years days art that Publishers, News Dealers, er D vant? To his own master ho standeth poppor, aquafortis, poppy seeds, logwood, Visitors requiring nny unusual display of rolcanlc Annual premiums continue Policy It) ycara M daj s action will Ulndly five Manager at least ten d nolli! and Paper Rnlori. wormwood,tobacco, copperas, sugar of lead, 111 or falloth." But all tho illiborality is not In tine weather, and from eleven to thirteen In foul Al Merchant Street, Ilonoliiln.ll. I. 869 SO A.SMot, : 1 Hiilphurio acid, prussiu acid and black 5ly 13,000,000 From the Cargoes with Prohibitionists. Thoro is scarcely 110BT. I.KWEIIS. C. M. COOKE. mi"i I'niU tlironsli Iloiinlnln Airciiry, --or an advocate of modorato drinking guiltless ants! Do you call such a compound of T. MOSSMAN, .v tub-- iufaocts dyestuffs J. i. i:m'i:dcn ceoiii:, $49,000 of will not bogin or end his poisons, drugs, doad and Iniportor nnd Doalor in Crockery, Successors to I.lwu'.s a Dickbox, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, itwho " !" DUKE OF ABERCORN, tomporauco talk with a sneer at tho wholesome Such compounds of poison I'lnhi and Oecorated I'orcclaln, Cnt and rrebscd (liars, IMPORTERS &DEALEIIS IN LTJMBER CASTLE & COOKE, AJENTS Sliver l'lated Warr, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, At their place of business on btrcct, acjoluliiK U71 " and " fanaticism "' of and tilth might well havo como from tho Aud all of Untitling Materltls iuecn FPU THK HAWAIIAN IHI.A.NHS phnrisaism" Pro Chimneys, Klc. kinds II. Hackfcld & Co.. ccry facility for epecdlly J hibitionists. caldron of Macboth's witches. Tire Troof Store, cor. King and Nmtunu bis., Honolulu. Fort Street 853 lv Honolulu. hac LIZZIE BELL, Does any his know turning out all kinds of work In their line. Non-forfeiti- ng I boliovo tho advocatob of moderuto not man in sciibos JOS. E. WISEMAN, AND - drinking to bo terribly mistaken, and so I that when ho talks about substituting MAX ECKART, Real Estate Broker & Employment Bureau BuggicB, claim tho right to oxnmino their views, to "puro wines and beer" for strong liquors, Wntohmnlcor, Jeweller, Engraver and Rents Rooms, Cottages, Houses, and sells and leases OTHER RECENT 1 aud thus do away with drunkenness, that Heal llstatc In all parts of the Kingdom. Employ- VESSELS sift thorn, and to marshal facts, Btatcmonts Dinmond Setter. ment found for those secMiis ork In all the various Carriages, THK 1'Oi.t.OWINU : and arguments, so as to induco thoin if ho is advocating an impossibility? It is No. fi Knahuiu.nnu Street, Honolulu, All orders faith-full- y branches of liuslncss connected Willi Ikcso Islands. Endowment impossible to gel "puro wines and boor." executed. 33 ly CrT" N. II. Legal Documents drawn, Hills Collected, Wagons, to chougo their viowB: or, if this Hooks and Accounts Kept, nndconcrnlonicc trans- Express Cossiblo 10 WM. McCANDJLESS, work DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING and no man is quito so It was said in England years ago that acted. FntronaRo solicited. Commiesloiu moderate, Anil vq;y lilllil lit Volilcl,", .1li,iiiiliicillr'il, "tho only way to got puro Port wino was . 0, tticou Mrcct, Fish Market, Honolulu, 11,1. si soi Policy blind to tho truth as tho man who holds leilir In Choicest llccf. Veal, Mutton, Fish, etc. Prints of latest styles, fust colore; wine-glas- to go to Oporto yourself, rai&o tho grapes, a s boforo his oyos at least to l'mnlly and Shipping Ordeia carefully attended to. McCHESNEY & OITHENS, Uluo Denims, Whito Grodon Sheeting, I.lvo notice, press tho wino, put it into tho cask your- Stock furnished to cecl at short and DEALERS IX lloic-Slioein- n ! Long prevent othors who havo not yot accepted Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. H lyr Hliicksiiiitliiiii,', anil AT LIFE RATES Ilorrock's Clotlis,Ilro n Linen Drills self, and rido on it all tho way homo!" Puro Linens, Moleskins, such views from boiuginllucnccd by them. Leather, & sill So, in no spirit of bitterncs, or conten- Of courso I do not say that thoro aro no A. Ii. SMITH. Hides, Tallow kinds of roimirhi dono. Bluo nucl 'Wliito Chock Listado, tion, I ask you to consider withnio tliis puro wines; I do say that tho wino of II l'oiiTSTr.cr.T, iMrortTCR ANiiDEAi.rn in Fancy Dress Goods, Fancy Plaids, is not is not grapo-juic- (luadriiple l'lated Ware, Glassware, King's Russia question: ' Shall wo drink wino and commorco wino; that it Kye Cllasaes, MlilS.oAITa Crash, Scarfs, Tios, Cravats, Combination Spectacles and lirackcts, AGENTS ron PLAN OF ENDOWMENT I a vilo compound of-- poisonous NEWPOLICIES Croohots and Fancy Work, boor?" but Vaecs, I.nstral Wire Ware, lanoy Soaps, 1'lclnre T7 1U-tol- Gr. pro-pos- Tockit Scissors,' drugs alcohol. And so whon you Tramcs, Wostcnholiu's Knives, Royal61 Soap Oomp'y. S Towolincs and Towels, Lot our first query bo: What Aim and Ammunition, 63 Ko. U (jnucii St.. lluuoliilii, H. I. ly Kr.r.fWECoiiitamly I. Ponder. Shot and Clark's Spool snbsti-tul- o Tills rolicy L'roviilesfor Men's Whito and Brown Cotton llalf-lios- e, WINE AND BEEIt? as a temperance measure, to Cotton, Machine Oil, all kinds of Machine Needles, loursoir "Domestic" Taper Fashions, Solo for lh V. ,11 A; Ladiea Hoso, Men's Heady Wo to know what a propose to "puro wino" for whiskry you propose Acnt ii. ACIMKI.ANi: CO.. Made Olotliing, ought ncknoulcdgcd IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION On India Ilubber Coats, Canes and Leggings, wo it. an absurd impossibility. MERCHANTS, Hand and For Sale drink boforo drink Itight RunniuB Domestic Sewinc'Maohinc f And now havo a proposition to make ltolilnson's Hnlldlni;, At reasonable terms .1 coinpli to stock of LARGE SUM OF MONET ltogatta and Woolen Shirts, AViuo is tho oxpressed juico of tho grnpo I (Juecn Street, Honolulu, II. I. Uluo to any advocate of drinking 1IU1IS, SPIIKLS, and Oioy Horse Blankets, perhaps! it bo that, and bo pnro Port ",puro C. E. WILLIAMS, aiienth run IN ADVANCED YEARS, and Whito Cotton If AVo Ho- 'I ho Glasgow Blankets, AViuo wines:" want facts just now in aud Honolulu Lino of I'.ickctb. KIMS, AAI.1-- S, a very popular tablo wino then it Importer, Manufacturer, Upholsterer, John Hay Co' I.Uerpool and London rackets. Also Your Family, in Woolen Blankets, all colors sizes and 2-- to Case contains nlmost per conl. of alcohol. nolulu, and I am willing boar tho inc waucapn riniuaiion. C'AKItlAtli; 'I'UISIMI.NUS, weights; oxpeuse, if need bo, to got them. will and Dealer in rurnlturo of Eery Dcscrlnl Furnl. Thu Spencer l'lnnlatlnn, Hllo. Brandy contains only 18 per conl. of al- I tnrc Ware Rooms, No. f.l Fort Street. Work Shop at nud of Your Woolen and Canton Flannels, go with tho advocate of puro wines to tho the Old Stand on Hotel Street. iinKiuau j'laniaiion, lino. Oak, Auh HiuUoiy Plank, Decease, cohol. If it bo Sherry wino thou it con- Eey All Ordcrn I'rumptly Attended to. 41 ly Mlrrlccs.Talt & Watson, linear Machinery. Velvet and Tapestry Carpctings, tains a littlo moro than 18 por cent, of wholesale storo that keeps tho "best" Tho l'nuloa Sheep Ranch Company. 857 Whilo Wood, Cumberland Conl, At the Cost of a Plain Life Velvet and Tapestry Itugs, Carpets and winos, wo will a bottlo of tho purest . CASTLE. alcohol, or more than one-thir- d as much buy CHAS. BREWER & CO., U. J. D. ATItEnTON Mats, to I'aiuls, Varm'shos, Horao-Shoo- s, ns tho samo amount of Brandy. If it bo old Port, and submit it a chomical U7 Ullny HI., notion. CANT 1. 1; x. Policy ! analysis. If it is found to contain live por SHIPPINO AND COMMISSIONcooki:.MERCHANTS Sugar Bags Goal Bags Champagno then it contains 12 per cont. Agents of Hawaiian FacKcts, ltoiincd Bur Iron, etc., etc. bo as to provide 20x36, cont. of puro grapo juico then will fMrOHTERS AND It limy ueccsstuy xjAxs-ta-a- alcohol ono-fourt- h as much as tho I pay a of (foes General Commission Agents. - money ad- .A.rrx nmajci,, samo amount of Brandy. tho oxponsos of tho analysis: if it Dealers in General Merchandise, itocVAII orders promptly filled.- lor yoursolf and family in not contain fivo per cent, then tho advo-cat- o .Special attention chcii to the purchasing of Goods No. 80 King Strctt, Honolulu, II. I. 830 vanced years, as for your family in case Rice Bags, For what do you driuk that glass of for thu Hawaiian trade. Freights at the lowest rats. Prime Quality pure wino ? Fon Alcohol! Tako that of "puro" wines must pay tho M ly AOESTS FOR of your death. the expenses. Heavy and Light Burlaps nnd Twine, out, and you would not tasto tho insipid WILLIAMS & CO. The Union Insurance Company ot San Frauclscu. stun". tho samo amount of Alcohol ARE WINE AND DEEll N'ECESSAllY TO A J. The New KuKlaud Life Insurance Company, llo.tou. ASTOR HOUSE BY THIS And II The Oicgon Packet Line, INVESTMENT, MAN? YOU 1110 Photographta Artists, Thu Kohala riautation, lokou in wino will mako you drunk just as HEALTUY toll thllt I OUght Dr. Jayne & Son's Cclcbrat- - Tho Haiku Plantation, 101 and 101 Fort Street, DINING AND SADDLERY! quick as though you drank it in Brandy. to drink wino. Why? Is there any neces- cd Medicines, Walluku Plantation, DELoallSBo A full assortment not l'icturcs of all sizes and kinds Wide to order, aud Whvclcr&WIUoii'sMevtlng Hatnakua Plaulatlou. You of But is it pure wino? I boldly nsfeert that sity for it? I am in tho habit of i rnmes oi cu iiencripuons cousianuy ou uanu. Aim, Machines. oSoCly Shells, Corals, and curiosities or tns I'acmc. ly JIOTH Jk. thcro is not a singlo bottle of puro wino, doing oxponsive things without reason. - LUNCH PARLORS, BENEFITS, of any name, on salo in any liquor storo AVhat uecossity is thoro for a healthy SXSXXOZ CO.. AT OENTS' SADDLES "WltAY TAYIiOB Xns, 7 ami 78 a. or saloon in Honolulu. go InrthoiY mau to drink wines? This is u question BANKERS, Hold Street, Also a fow very nice I In HONOLULU, t t : HAWAIIAN ISLAM) ORDINARY LIFE RATES nil on salo in tliiB city thoro for doctors and not for ministers. PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN TUNER tho wino is DRAW EXCHANGE ON HART BROTHERS, gallons of juico Dn, Benjamin AVabd Kichaudson, ono of Proprietors. not ten pure grapo I 1HEBANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SAN FRANCISCO THE POLICY BEING w is one gallon, jleu tho most noted physicians of England to- JjOiclcra can be left at T. Thrum's Fort Street doubt if there talk and Merchant Street Storek. 55 Cm AMI TllUn AUL.NTS lb- - Bonn! hy tho Day, Week or Tiansioiit Saddle cloths, bridles &c. about substituting "puro wino" forstrouger day, spent threo years in careful rosoarch r Vork, -- liquor. is tho wildest absurdity, au and oxperimout upon tlio offocts of liquor J. M. DAVIDSON. llnilmi, Non forfeiting- It Attorney at Law, No. 21 Merchant Street, CALVANIZED drinking, and as tlio result ho says: I'l.rU, in actual. impossibility. . The AMOUNT to bo returned not . t " HONOLULU. Aiicklanil, "When you amuck your lips over tout That alcohol has no claim in a scien THEORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION, : : : LONDON CORRUGATED W-- R. CASTLE, : Oigars,JCigarettes" and Tobacco, problematical, but is fixed in u POSI- ROOFIKG, icine, uuvoyou ueou tific bonso to bo "a sustninor of either T, D 9 glass oi jwrc ion wiiai VT AKIJ T1IHII nnAM-UK- w TIVE CONTRACT. This has great In 0, nml ft lnir;llis (SI ssiis?), Serena drinking? Let Dr. Cox, tlio celebrated bodily or mental lifo or work. That tho Aa'TOIlNBY LAW llonir KoiiK, Soda Water and other Iced Drinks and Washers to instch. chemist and inspector of liquorri for Ohio hardest work, mental and bodily is boat and Notary Public. Attends all tuc Courts of (he rtyilnuy, uuil ADVANTAGE OVER THE TON- b7 Kingboiu ly is tell you: " As a basis, either water, cider, carried on without it. That in alcohol .lll'I'MIHIIIt, Meals Served First-Clas- s Style TINE PLANS. It no SPECULA- Anil n nil lt.inl.iiigllutiiicsb. 8:) in vinegar, or a mixture ot water and o thoro is nothing that can build up any i'. a. kciiai:i'i:k a jo.. triiumcl Gem ly TION in tho misfortiiuo of neighbors Fcuco Wire, Nos. S, (!, 7, and Staples, elder-berrie- AT ALL IIOIIHN. acid, with the juico of s, tisbuo or supply any force." Importers & Commission Merchants HV.lIArV 873 HICON.. NO LOSS TO THE POLICY boot-roo- 1880, loading physicians Honolulu. Hawaiian Ulands. l) privot-borrie- t juico, aud log- In two hundred HKNUYJ.UAltT, PUUll ULiMKA.UAHT HOLDER. ho fails to pay a PAID na runs Bomotiinos and of Grout Britinn assomblod if. Importers of General Merchandise If uiuu. iui nn wood, potassa, sugar, aud I burgeons ii. .uvii'i'viii: t uiioTiii:it, UP POLICY issued to him losses and found ono or two por cont. of Jamaica in association, adopted a declaration, from nROCERY. FEES STORE and BAKERY FROM Halls aud Hplkcs complett. Hpirits Not ouo which quoto only a sonlonco or two, Comer liluc nud Furt Streets, Honolulu. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, endowmeut claims PAID AT ONCE rum or neutral added." I BW FliANOK, ENGLAND, GEliMANy, AND Fire Bricks, l'ortUnd Cewcat, drop of grapo Uiico, plenty of huI Thoy say: ly without litigation. but I'lrc-CU- log-woo- ) , Whiting, Chalk, 'J J aud "Alcohol cannot in any sonso bo con- co.. UNITED STATES, ?&&& phurio acid &&V3J-. - . THE MANHATTAN POLICY wiiiii:it -t- I ( nud Cuciii Steels, Honolulu, i3G! ' si.n'cKsi AVoll necessity for tho maintonauco Comer l'ort No-'."- LaaataV. Or is it Sherry that you prefer? sidered as a J Merchant Htrcct. Honolulu, II, I, INCONTESTABLE by its terms. Yrllew Uchrr. Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nalli, Salt and Building MitrSli Dr. Cox nnalyzed n samplo of Sherry d of healthy lifo. It is not food in any PWly Materials of every rrLgjgm Thoro is nothiug left for .FUTURE direct from tho Custom Houbo of true aud practical sonso of that torni. kind. iiV.haw TlltON., .1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVflSM ENGLISH. HAWAIIAN & AlOBICAIf of tlio uovorcst kind, mental aud . N. ;ij.llITlinM, .11. .. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHH.ppV MISUNDERSTANDING. Now York by tho gentlemen who brought Labor W LI 0 L 15 S A I i Vt O R O 0 B 1. 5t ENSIGNS, it to him. It contained, among othor in- bodily, cau bo curried on without.it, unci SUROEON AND HOMEOPATHIC IBYSIOIAK. 20 YEAR ENDOWMENT, NEW sul-phuri- -- ','16 U18 rum, o that tho steadiest lind best work is done Odlco Conn r Furt aud llrretauU Sit., Honolulu. and California Strict, 3, & ami 7 yard lengths. gredients, "Alcohol, Jamaica bbO BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP PLAN. acid aud bitter almonds, but not one without it." NAN 1' II A N tl I H V O , could, ou poiut multiply testi- I!. . AltA.llN. EXAMPLE : Ago tit timo of Insur- Liverpool if drop of xeint." I this Particular, llleutlon paid and nlilppll Salt A Rock Salt, . " Guide" a btandard authority mony, but I havo timo for but ono moro Auctioneer and Commiislon Merchant. MT" lo tilling ance, 40 years tho Anuual Premium on Tho ll'i'i , S.V. ly Dcmijons I, 2, 3, I aud 3 gallons ouch. s Newark-- Hueeii blriel, Honolulu. ly Island orders. among wino growci-- and doidcrs, gives medical expert Dr. Clark, of N. $10,000, NEW PLAN is 3341.G0. Ualvnnizcd Buckets, Tabs, Basins sVc, nirOcllOllS iurilio imuui nii(jiuui iuhu, diu- - J, In his lecture on "Scioutitio Certuin-tio- s iioi.i.kn Si. ;o., PIONEER STEAK JNO, U. LAWLOH & CO., FroprUton, This will give to tlio family, or to Orockory, Iron Bedsteads, ho Manufaofory Bakery phurio acid, prussio acit and tobacco (all about Alcohol" bays: "To sum up: Shin Chandlers nnd Commission Xercbanti. Candy and, IIOTKL STltUKT, IIONOLUI.U. tho estate, Alcohol helps digobt linpottera and Dealern lu General XXORK3-- ZINCS, AND OILS, deadly poisous), among othor vilo drugs, nover digests food nor oj . - 3P. PAINT! BOIUU cni r1,., .nuiwutM,1,..,..,,. ..II 1. Iv Practical Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Baker, Kulrancta uu Hotel, Jtlclard., aud IltrctauU htretls kinds of it j novor assists tho body to pormanontly for tlio doctoring of different BTO 71 HuteUtreet.lietween Nuiianuaiid Furt. 3 ly Worcestershire Sauces, (irocericn, wino. It also says, " that a quart of warm resist cold; brings no incroaso of btrongth ; FIRST-CLAS- S lit EVERY RESPECT. $10,000 in Cae of vitiates tho emusculates tho mus- iMt'ouTLns neiLciu is M. OAT Si CO., SA1XMAKXR8, Klrat-Clai- Knglish Bolting, from 3 to iOin, sh(tp'$ it lamb's Mood put into (i but if ihcrru bloods im J. Prices Hit samo ai a Hotel. In hau r'taiiclfco, Death Leather take off tU AVhen you drink cles ; indurates tho brain; harms tho Loft In A, V, Cooke's New FlrcProof Hulldlng, foot superior, uill color!" Couoral IVftox'olx.cliot of Nuuanu Hlrcct, dining 20 yearn, or to tho insurer who Shorry, shore ia n strong probnuility thnt nerves; novor acts as food; but is ulwuya UUU Corner (iiccu and Kaalimnann Strecls. ly Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Te'st," II. 1. Rustuii Board of Underwriters! lives to tho end of that period, 3-- 8, you drink moro sheep's blood than grapo and ovcrywhoro a poison in sickness nud iioi'i,hc,ni.Ai:ui:K a. co., lloiiolnlu, HlzciUI, 'T:i. U Flag, of all deceptions made and repaired.. 89 A UKNTM for tlio ltnwllM IkUikU, mice. in health, and tho vital powors try their IMPOHTERB AND COMMISSION UEBCHANTS K.1 ly C. HHKWKIt A. CO. " But I drink Chinuimgno." Do you ? utmobt to throw it off. Now, thobo aro oll Honolulu. Oahii. II. 1 ly C. C. COIiK.llA.X. M.1SO IN GASH! FLOOR OILCLOTHS, chani-pagn- de- PhiUdelphia Board of Underwriter!;. Thoro are only 800,000 baskets of o facts, not opinions: certainties, not co., BLACKSMITH AND MAO MINI ST 15 YEAR ENDOWMENT, ductions. No mau cau gainsay them. ii. n.vcuri:i.o llnrse Nuoeiu;, C'arrlntre H'orlt, fur tlm lUtmllmi Islands, NEW grown yearly, and yot the United GENERAL COMMISSION AOENTS, AUUNTH C IIUKWUKAiCU PLAN. alouo drinks ono million baskets Neither aro there any countor facts." isi Quci.ii wired, lloiiululii. II. 1 jy I'lunUlion r. States 861 hhop nu King nest Caillo A Cooke's, ly 1 filreet. V. A. iIIAKrKM, yoar--2001- 000 moro Ib grown these doctors know what thoy aro l Aire 30 Years. Annual nreuiiuiu on ovory than If A . "W . M M II , Bonn! of Curler xrilr m, WINES AND LIQUORS, Why, wo havo Champagne factories in talking nbout, you aro uudor no bodily or GROCER AND PROVISION DIALER. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Ai;ent of Drctden Hoard ol L'nderwrltiri, 10,000 is $371 .SO. This will give 10-0- 00 abroad ovory montul necessity to uso liquor moderately. and Feed Stoic. Aiteni of Vlenua Iluard of UndirnrlUri, viz New Jersey that bend your Family Grocery I.SU AUAIN KCMTTIIB THK in caso of death, or if livino at tho do is not from any necenUy, BJK tt) Furt Street. Honolulu no.o of attending to Photoirianhv.1KI am now Claims asalmt Insurance Couipanlra within the Jurlf thousands of baskets marked with tho If you to, it ly dlctlou alwyo havo " Pig Brand" Stout, in pint aud quarts; butbeeauteyou like, it, repared lu go to part ot the Group, to make Views, of the lloardt ol Undc'rrltvrlll end ol lilteen years, $5,511 in cash. QuImicm' French mark, and there isn't a drop of ixAWKM'uicKsTs. wx.u.inttiy. Portrait,, or any 2"Llud of work beloULdni to Photo- - to be certified to by Hie above Auent to waVr. them Stout? s valid. BIO ly wino in it. And thoy do bay that a man IU. Not only is thoro no necessity for lUtVIA CO., irrspuy, Only nnt-clai- tiroaucuous win uuinadr. 10 YEAR ENDOWMENT, NEW Blood Si Wolfo's Ale, pints quarts j but (hrir WH. U. II. I,. CIIAHK. ad tho of ono tho uso of wino and beer, uh it HAMBURC-MACDEIUR- C Bass' Alo iu quarts ami crossing an alloy at rear of Su(jnr Factors and Coaminion ngeutt Honolulu. March ath.lbtU. bUS3m PLAN. pint. into tho slush harnifid. 9 India 1'ale Ales in quarts and piuti, thoso factories, stepped that Honolulu. II. I. N.r.aiTRQESS, FIKS INSURANCE COMPANY, Ago 25 years. Annual premium ou was running out of it, nud when ho got Nothing is moro surely established, if Belfast (linger Alo, most eminent physi- 1.AI.1I! v CO., OAnPHMTSXl UVIIiSKXl, oViiAjiuujta $10,000 is $544.40, This will givo $10-00- 0 Kino French Brandies in bulk and Uome fouml his boots were burned. wo con beliovo tho bliop pn Kins Street, oppoillo lloio'a, cum, Timothy of I'DMNI. Hcniicssy's Braady in caa Ii thit tht kind of wtnt uhieh teat cians, than that oven the modorato use COMMISSION MERCHANTS KalluiaUi iriten on all kind, of bulldinsa. When MtllLBIMUM, MKaWHANIIINi:. hi case of death, or uvinu at tho And Importers ot aud lHaleurs in llay, Oraln, ud lilted up tbe if Inurcd;aln.t l'lre on the ir Old Tom, Cheap Brandy is to take hit weak ttomaeht Think alcohol saps vitality. bW Honolulu, 1. ly nuirid, OlUcea anil Hturet In lalcit Eatt ruot favorabla lerma. end of ten in cash. caas, ordtrtd for General Product. II. em KepalrluK of every dcicrlptlnn done In years, $5,240 Cases Scotch aud WblskUa, and tompor-anc- ot Dr. AVillard Purker, of Now York, ono .tjli. A. JAMiKM, Agent for the Haurallau lilauda. Irish you it would promoto health tlio bet iKXilble uianucr, and at rcatonablo rates. wo ly t3E" All Olabsea of Policies issued by of tho ablest nud most noted physicans JOII. 'I WATKHNOlifit:. b&t ly ' Duplesala "Uod Bar" asd eilisr Gut IMPORTER AMD DKALXB IN GENERAL i t HHtMaV: JliTMANHATTAN LIFE INSUR- clarota iu casta, T.aI'u nt asido thu wino irlusu. and take in America, says: "IthaB been demonstrat- IQHX SlIlltLVTU, U. KhUUKO. MA.MHIIMUII. ed tho uso of alcohol, whon employed MKRCHAVBMX. ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Beat Sherry in balk and casta, up the foaming tchoouer ot Boor what is that hTT Qcicn Htrcsl. Honolulu, II. 1. ly O. KMOUMO CO., FIRE IMBURAWCE COMPANY. Champagne in quarts and pioU. Encyclopedia. inecffraifry.na many young mou ofton uso it, No, uuauu Btrctt, itt I opeu my Amorican S. i HAVING UKKM Co., vege- as they think, with iuipuuity, makes tho U. OAKTKK. Tiauujuttka sm4 VlMtWn. BmIms Stavas, rSIHK VNHKMalUXEH As. lliHOP k It tells mo that beer is composed ot to tako Actos 1 tjm s t t Co la a. polutcd AKnla of tb abovu Cubiiisbv, are prr Mttm'gJrt, UokoIuIh. uverago of lito !35 yours, whilo ot non-user- s Atst Rauirct, Tlu, Bluet Irou tod Copper Ware keep con parrdlo lo.aro risks agtlnat Dr ou tUnum and sMrlak Powtll Duftja sHaM Ctsl barley or malt, hops and water, This that 0l)n-lie- d tated tract fcr TiiWr. UnTlr on hand s fall uiortrocul of Tlnwur, laajsaai. ana on ssdc fcsMtUM storc4tarrin.oa c uudargooa (our proeosses: Malting, mush reaches an ayorago of 01 years." Oftlce at I1. M. , Dock. Kiplanade, Honolulu, It. I. Iron and Lead I'lpf. India Hablur c. tht moal fivoraolo term.. For ptrticulara apply at tht J. W. TKVslNt Hof,c, 75 iug, twoMutiug aud lining I AVhat is fer-- ContlHiltJ onJGHrlh off. M IS ly (.act o wiy r.A.bCHAKrsbttco. V4 ssrVV$Vt VKVssVVt) SI TMK0. N. DAV1M C.

ii' --V ;$?

' . ,. , i - - a lm .jjuam- - lnm a&,. &i,wiJ- &.. ,..cii.Wu.;5jjtfii mi iuVttiii.si.-i-- ,au. J vMikiJiski.SmLim. J ,

COMMERCIAL. PAS8EWQE1U., LOCAL GOVERNMENT. with tho movement, and a commissioner will Session Laws of 1882a 7 bo sent to Hawaii to investigate tho mailer. Hasoi.Vhr ay nth. Prom Windward Torts, per Llkellke. May Major tlio petitions it im Wodehonse, A H Oleghorn Mrs (! I, Kitlldte, K J To tend oTtr numerous thai AN There Is Hill to chronicle in clicks Tho Hawaiian and Norwegian Consuls at San ACT tirn rnmmcrclal Uwrl". A Young, II A Drldges, W II Olsen, W II HoL liave been presented tutlie Legislature for im- Trade contlnnm brisk, tin) show n.i Importsnl chance mis, A M Hpronit, C I. Tlsdale, Mrs J Itsnton. Visa J Francisco, and tho Hawaiian Legation at Wash- Wlrjht.J Miss V M TO AUTHORIZC TIIK IIOIiUINU OF from lot Wf fk. Lewis, Wight, Miss Wight. J Ward, provements in various parts of tlio Kingdom, ll.f Joyre. K I' llasllnirs. Mrs Metlrath, II Cornwell, M ington no information from tho HIjECTION RKPIIKSBNTA-TIV- E C Ix--i luvo received AN KOIl The dfpsrtnrcs tor Hi ! lm- n the Ida Sch Taylor, E Winston. It II Darning, Capt u Taylor, N Kel-se- y should couvinco otio that somo form of local PUNQ Oo regarding this matter, FOIl TUB DISTRICT OF KA osuer with TH.KWIIm sojfir awl HPI glls wola.ees Tl, and wife, Miss Aholo. government should lo inaugurated In Honolulu eminent of Norway aril at Y,,m I J, ami llir u. trails with 073,10) II" Prom Hydney, per , May A P White, upon which tho paper" seems to bo so LI, MAUI. 7 IS3 61 leading on the Islands. Tlio "llvo Fill and steerage, and cabin and steerage In transit and other towns ft tut i 'JS.),TI) lbs rlrr ami other prodiid1 rained at WltCREAs, tho district coinposod ror nan rrancisco. ! 1 nrtttttrt i