Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 BCN 2
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Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 BCN 2 Quality of Life, Equality and Sport Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 Publication copyright: Barcelona City Council The 2012-2015 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan is the result of the joint work of Barcelona City Council and the organizations of Barcelona civil society, coming together in the framework of the Citizens’ Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona (ACBI), together with the Municipal Social Welfare Council and its working groups. The plan was drawn up with the participation of citizens, organi- zations, municipal technical staff and representatives of all the political groups of Barcelona City Council, under the leadership of the office of the Deputy Mayor and the Department of Quality of Life, Equality and Sport of Barcelona City Council. Area of Quality of Life, Equality and Sport Maite Fandos, Deputy Mayor. Councillors: Irma Rognoni (Childhood, Family, Use of Time, Disability), Raimond Blasi (Ado- lescents and Young People), Francina Vila (Women and Civil Rights). Health Delegate: Cristina Iniesta. Commissioner for Immigration and Community Action: Miquel Esteve. Commissioner for the Elderly: Assumpció Roset. Commissioner for Religious Affairs: Ignasi Garcia Clavel. Technical office: Jordi Arcarons, Iolanda Latorre, Eulàlia Cardeña, Susana Abril, Borja Aitor Arriaga. Board of Directors: M. Glòria Figuerola, Àngels Canals, Josep Villarreal, Ramon Lamiel, Teresa Batet, Josep M Miró, Jordi Tolrà, Àlex Masllorens, Xavier Amador, Jordi Arcarons. Àngel Miret, manager. 2012-2015 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan Director: Jordi Tolrà. Work team: Àlex Masllorens, Xavier Sisternas, Alena Collado and Carla Pascual. Publication coordination: Department of Communication. March 2013 Xavier Trias Alcalde de Barcelona My main priority as mayor is to continue to make Barcelona a city of people and for people. A city that leaves no one behind, especially in these difficult times. A city that takes care of its most vulnerable groups and that fights to prevent social fracture. This is my firm commitment and this is the will of the current team of the municipal government. The impact of the economic crisis on the quality of life of Barcelona's residents de- mands rapid, efficient and united responses from us, via the authorities and civil so- ciety, under the leadership of the City Council. Above all, the crisis demands prevention and anticipation. Because many people and families are living in situations of poverty that are not structural. Not only are we see- ing an increase in the vulnerability of population sectors that were already below the 3 poverty threshold, but these are now joined by families and individuals not previously at risk of exclusion, because some or all the members are unemployed. Quality of Life, Equality and Sport As a result of our commitment, we present the 2012-2015 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for Social Plan. A plan that was the result of a wide-ranging process of participation, in the fra- Inclusion of Barcelona 2012-2015 mework of the Citizens’ Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona, with the involvement of organizations from the tertiary sector, with the Social Welfare Council and the pro- fessionals of the different departments of Barcelona City Council. I am fully convinced that Barcelona has the strength and the potential to overcome these difficult moments. We have active and supportive citizens, with a rich fabric of associations, who want to take part in the daily life of the city, and a capable, profes- sional and committed city council. I have no doubt that this plan, which will be carried out with the involvement of civil society and the organizations of the tertiary sector, will be a highly valuable tool for improving the quality of life of the people of Barcelona, by reducing social inequality and achieving equal opportunities. It is an authentic city plan to make Barcelona a more inclusive and cohesive city. 4 Quality of Life, Equality and Sport Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 Maite Fandos i Payà Tinenta d’alcalde de Qualitat de Vida, Igualtat i Esports Barcelona is and has been a reference in inclusion policies. Nevertheless, the econo- mic situation of Europe today is having a considerable effect on the different social groups of the city, particularly among the most vulnerable. In this context, Barcelona needs to address the important challenges it faces by leveraging its assets, streng- ths and potential. The 2012-2015 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan has thus been designed to be the main instrument for formulating a comprehensive, unified and effective response from the whole city – as opposed to solely from the City Council. Its aim is to set new goals and innovative strategic lines for the future, in addition to specific actions to meet short-term needs effectively. It is also the basic municipal instrument for buil- ding an inclusive and cohesive city. 5 It was drawn up in a broad framework and a rich participative process that has cul- minated in a document that sets out 88 objectives and 183 actions. Quality of Life, Equality and Sport The resulting document has two parts: the first develops the conceptual framework Plan for Social and makes a diagnosis of the city's current situation, while the second sets out the Inclusion of Barcelona 2012-2015 guiding principles of the inclusion policy, defines its strategic lines and details the necessary actions to be carried out. The document also specifies the tools and ins- truments that will be used to build this cohesive city and details the procedure for implementing the Plan's actions across the city. Lastly, it describes the strategy that will be adopted for roll-out and monitoring. The almost 90 objectives of the Plan are grouped into four strategic lines, which co- ver the actions to be carried out by the Council overall (lines I and II), the actions relating to Quality of Life, Equality and Sport (line III). The plan contains a fourth strategic line (line IV) proposed by the Citizens’ Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona, with objectives and actions that will be carried out by civil society, particularly by the tertiary sector of social action. Thus, the plan becomes fully part of the city, as it brings together municipal actions and actions of the tertiary sector, and is an exercise of joint responsibility and mutual commitment between the city council and civil society, rolling out a shared strategy that will make it possible to successfully take on the challenges of inclusion. The Citizen Agreement for an Inclu- sive Barcelona is particularly relevant as a point of reference and constitutes a key partner in the shared definition of the strategy to implement the Plan. The proposals contained in this document aim to consolidate Barcelona as a city committed to the defence of the rights of its citizens, to the fight against social in- equality and in favour of effective equal opportunities. Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 2012-2015 Contents Part I Introduction .................................................................................................... 9 1. Social inclusion in context ........................................................................... 11 1.1. Conceptual framework .............................................................................. 11 1.2. Current crisis ............................................................................................ 12 1.3. Social inclusion as a key part of European Union social policy .................. 13 1.3.1. The open method of coordination for achieving social inclusion together ............................................................................................ 13 1.3.2. The European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (2010) and the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (2012) ............................................................................ 13 1.3.3. Tackling the crisis with the Europe 2020 strategy .................... 13 1.3.4. Other EU instruments and policies ........................................... 14 6 1.4. Regulatory framework and existing plans ................................................. 15 1.4.1. The framework of powers in Spain ........................................... 15 Quality of Life, Equality and Sport 1.4.2. The framework of powers in Catalonia ..................................... 15 1.5. The regulatory and institutional framework of the city of Barcelona ......... 19 Barcelona Social Inclusion Plan for 1.5.1. The regulatory framework ........................................................ 19 2012-2015 1.5.2. The institutional framework ..................................................... 19 2. Diagnosis: Issues and Trends ....................................................................... 20 2.1. Demographic indicators ............................................................................ 20 2.2. Economic and labour indicators ................................................................ 27 2.3. Residential and relational indicators ........................................................ 35 2.4. Educational indicators .............................................................................. 38 2.5. Health and welfare indicators ................................................................... 43 2.6. Cultural indicators .................................................................................... 48 2.7. Indicators