Extensions of Remarks E934 HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK HON. E
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E934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2006 The United States is better and stronger as AC TRANSIT VOTED THE ‘‘BEST OF classroom. Health Occupations instructors are a result of Jewish people from around the THE BEST’’ committed to the development of the total per- world choosing to become American citizens. son. Those who join the Health Science- Jewish Americans made invaluable contribu- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK HOSA Partnership recognize the importance tions to our Nation’s labor movement in the OF CALIFORNIA of providing students with training far beyond late 19th and early 20th centuries. Thousands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the basic technical skills needed for entry into of Jewish immigrants and their children who the health care field. The rapidly changing Tuesday, May 23, 2006 arrived in the United States during this time health care system needs dedicated workers period earned their livings in sweatshops and Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to who, in addition to their technical skills, are factories in New York City, often working recognize the Alameda County Transit Agen- people-oriented and capable of playing a lead- under horrific conditions. Many Jewish Ameri- cy, AC Transit, headquartered in Oakland, ership role as a member of a health care cans played a key role in improving the work- California. For the sixth time in 9 years, AC team. ing conditions for laborers, which led to collec- Transit has been recognized as the Nation’s Nationally, HOSA has grown to over 78,000 tive bargaining and other advancements in the most outstanding public bus agency at the members in almost every state, and soon, labor movement. Samuel Gompers, one of the American Public Transportation Association, over 5,000 HOSA members will gather in Ana- founders and first president of the American APTA, meeting in Anaheim, California. At its heim, California, for their annual leadership Federation of Labor, earned his living in the annual ‘‘Bus Roadeo’’ in which bus operators conference. This opportunity provides tours of crowded slums of New York as a cigar maker and maintenance teams demonstrate their health care facilities, exhibits presented by upon his arrival in the United States in 1863. driving skills and knowledge, APTA has professional health care associates, as well as Becoming highly skilled at his trade and earn- crowned AC Transit’s drivers and mechanics an Educational Symposium—workshops pre- ing the respect of his peers, he eventually as the ‘‘Best of the Best.’’ sented by professional partners that provide information about current health care issues. moved up the ranks of the existing labor orga- In addition AC Transit also won first place The members of HOSA, through a student- nization, transforming the structurally weak for its Customer Service in a special competi- tion to evaluate bus operators’ courtesy, pa- led pipeline, are making a significant contribu- and ineffective Federation of Organized tience and know-how. tion to overcoming the shortage of health care Trades and Labor Councils to the American The ‘‘Best of the Best’’ award came after workers in our country, guiding more than 1 Federation of Labor in 1886, which grew to grueling tests of competition involving more million students into health professions. I am represent over one million workers 6 years than 40 transit agencies with teams of drivers proud to say that the Florida HOSA has the later. and mechanics from virtually every State in fourth largest membership at more than 6,700 Many individuals within the American Jewish the country. Drivers were tested on their abili- members. community also made important contributions ties to smoothly stop and maneuver their Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the to the Civil Rights movement. Jewish philan- coaches in and out of tightly constricted Health Occupations Students of America on thropist Julius Rosenwald, who funded dozens spaces, avoiding mishaps and pedestrians. celebrating their 30th anniversary, and I wish of primary schools, secondary schools, and Mechanics were tested on their ability to them luck on their continued success. colleges for black youth, led the Jewish com- quickly troubleshoot vehicle malfunctions by f munity in contributing to some 2,000 schools quickly diagnosing problems and instituting im- for black Americans, including Howard, Dillard mediate repairs. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE and Fisk universities. At one time, 40 percent The competition is the ‘‘Super Bowl’’ for PLUMBERS LOCAL UNION 210 of southern blacks were attending these transit agencies, offering some of the world’s GRADUATING CLASS OF 2006 schools. In addition, Jewish Americans like top professionals an opportunity to display Abraham Joshua Heschel, a writer, rabbi and their driving skills, reflexes, judgment and su- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY professor of theology at the Jewish Theo- perior workshop intelligence. OF INDIANA logical Seminary of America was outspoken The ‘‘Best of the Best’’ designation rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the subject of civil rights and marched arm- resents the highest combined scores of the Tuesday, May 23, 2006 in-arm with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in operator and maintenance team. AC Transit’s Selma. Professor Ernst Borinski, a refugee team—operator Jesse DelaCruz and mechan- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with from the Holocaust who came to America to ics, Carlos Leyva, Grant Pinkston and Donald great sincerity and respect that I offer con- teach at Taugaloo University, organized din- Righter—was deemed number one in the Na- gratulations of several of Northwest Indiana’s ners at which blacks and whites sat next to tion. AC Transit operator Patricia Lock won most talented, dedicated, and hardworking in- each other, a simple act challenging segrega- first place for Customer Service. dividuals. On Friday, June 9, 2006, the Plumb- tion. Joel Elias Spingarn, a Jewish-American Congratulations to AC Transit on winning ers Local Union 210 will honor the graduating educator and literary critic, was a founder and this prestigious ‘‘Best of the Best’’ award. class of 2006 at the Annual Apprentice Grad- uation Banquet, which will be held at the Patio one of the first Jewish leaders of the National f Association for the Advancement of Colored Banquet Hall in Merrillville, Indiana. RECOGNIZING THE HEALTH OCCU- At this year’s banquet, the Plumbers Local People (NAACP). In 1913, as the organiza- PATIONS STUDENTS OF AMERICA Union 210 will recognize and honor the 2006 tion’s chairman of the board, he established Apprentice Graduates. The individuals who the Spingarn medal, awarded annually for out- have completed the apprentice training in standing achievement by an African American. HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. 2006 are: Nino Arredondo, Joseph Butcher, In addition, organizations such as the Amer- OF FLORIDA Robert DePyssler, Lloyd James, Jr., Michael ican Jewish Committee, American Jewish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Klaich, Todd Knight, Paul Lacy, William Law- Congress, and Anti-Defamation League have Tuesday, May 23, 2006 rence, Eric Longoria, Milutin Miljus, Greg actively promoted civil rights over the years. Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Monnier, Eugene Pazdur, Derrick Poper, Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that all Ameri- ognize the 30th anniversary of the Health Oc- Jason Powers, Luis Quintana, Sean Severson, cans observe Jewish-American Heritage cupations Students of America (HOSA). Daniel Smith, Bertram Wagner, Adam Month by initiating programs and activities that HOSA is a national career and technical Westlund, Robert White, and Raymond Zack. commemorate these and the many other sig- student organization endorsed by the U.S. De- Northwest Indiana has a rich history of ex- nificant contributions Jewish Americans have partment of Education and the Health Occupa- cellence in its craftsmanship and loyalty by its made throughout our Nation’s history. Over tions Education Division of the Association for tradesmen. These graduates are all out- the centuries, Jewish Americans have Career and Technical Education. HOSA pro- standing examples of each. They have mas- achieved great success in business, medicine, vides a unique program of leadership develop- tered their trade and have demonstrated their the arts, science and technology, and many ment, motivation, and recognition exclusively loyalty to both the union and the community other professions. These achievements have for middle school, secondary, postsecondary, through their hard work and selfless dedica- strengthened our country and helped shape adult and collegiate students. tion. our way of life. In their commitment to family, HOSA is not a club to which a few students Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other faith, and community, the Jewish people have in school join. Rather, HOSA is a powerful in- distinguished colleagues join me in congratu- made America a stronger and more demo- structional tool that works best when it is inte- lating these dedicated and hardworking indi- cratic society. grated into the health science curriculum and viduals. Along with the other men and women VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:29 May 24, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23MY8.034 E23MYPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS May 23, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E935 of Northwest Indiana’s unions, these individ- will turn around and seek the support from The internationally backed Roadmap for uals have committed themselves to making a wealthy Arab and Muslim states, as well as Peace requires that the Palestinian Authority significant contribution to the growth and de- extremist governments, like Iran and Syria. launch ‘‘sustained, targeted, and effective op- velopment of the economy of the First Con- The message that this bill sends will push the erations aimed at confronting all those en- gressional District, and I am very proud to rep- Palestinian people away from us and quite gaged in terror.’’ The Palestinian Authority resent them in Washington, DC.