U. S. Crime Empire Is Growing Stronger, , O'dwyer Tells Probe

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U. S. Crime Empire Is Growing Stronger, , O'dwyer Tells Probe MONDAY, MARCH » , W81 iKonrlrratrr Stt»ntti$ l|»rato Average Dally Nat Praia Run ............T h e W w ^ e y For tha Waek Bndlng gtfts uaflsr m bsauttfuUy flsoorai- Maivh 17. IflSl Today t H a a t f to partly daodyt S u rpr^ Shower ed green snd Whits umbrella ar­ Ur*^ laabet Qulaby o f M Thaner ranged in the living room. The 1 0 ,1 4 5 tonight partly clonfly, eaMwi street «hd Mrs. Katherine Holm- F or B ride-Elect hostaaa carrlad out theso odlors Waflasaiay partly dandy, ta fldrt A bou t Tbw n Strom o f 18 Alpine street spent a W e d d in g s on the buffet table, which was cen­ eabar of tha AiWIt few days last week la Boston and tered with esmsUona. snap­ nan at OtaaalatlaaB M aneheeter^A City of ViUaife Charm attended the flower show. SCra. Jolm E. Johnson. « f 48 dragons and lighted candlea. Mrs. ummmd tb» WglOMl H iWwg toi* Clinton street, entertslnsd with a Johnson served a delicious lunch­ A public setback pa^V, '** eon of fnflt salad, party sand­ fiii^ln^ir at tba NldMWMig IBB. Bumham-HewUt surprise miscellaneous shower F ri­ (daaolBed Adverttolag oa Paga 1 8 ) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TUESD AY, MARCH 20,1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) held »><i» evening at 8:30 at Tln^**' wiches and other dainties, to up­ VOL. LXX, NO. 148 PRICE FIVE CENTS t SS!m M m >.. » d U t«r Miss Eleanor Jean Hewitt, iXSSilmemtX tlM Inn, win IM Inter- hill, immediately followtog the day evening for Miss Colette OU- wards of 38 guests who attended resular bi-monthly meeting of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John lan o f Hartford, whosa marriage to from Slartford, Sprlngfleld, Mart- M t«i to IMT tbot Vf* Mro< Siuiset Council No. 48, I^ l^ ee d r n a k HodfW M, who recenUy Hewitt o f 98 Lyness street, became borough and thla town. Pocahontas. Prises will ^ Thomas Johnson, son of Mr. and RFC Secretary •ntod It, wilto that It la to be the bride of Robert CUnton Bum- Oeorga B. Johnson o f 208 Miss GlUan la toe daughter o f awarded and refreshments s e r v ^ Captain Itooert M. Gillan who la MBtertod aa a The meeUng will be called at 7:80 ham. son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Center street, will take place on Tehran Martial Law now with the Merchant Marines. U. S. Crime Empire tbo Blatara oi tba Onlw <rf and all members are urged to be April 7 In Center CongrcgaUonal WHAT IS YOUR *MQ- aiimpUon d the Bleaaed V i r ^ E. Bumhsm of 1893 Main street. The bridegroom-elect la a grand­ Tells Probe of the Chrlatlaa on time. East Hartford. Saturday, March church. The honor guest opened her son of John E. Johnson. at joaom women. Mr, and M t* *MANCHISnR QUOTIINT Pfc Bdward John Bujauclus, son 17, at 3 p. m. at the South Metho­ dist chdreh. Rev. Fred R. Edgar, Proclaimed by Shah Dunham Letter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bujauclus of This is see ad • projected aeries of Infomial h K f boon dliponoinf bocpitmllty ot psstor, performed the double-ring, 3J Union street, gradukte^ last Quizzes deatgaed to give you more than a nod­ Is Growing Stronger, a^dlellght ceremony. The bride’s ding acQuaintance with your town. Its character. yaan. ____ week from tbr A ir N rce^ Com- Say« Rowe Proponed Re- municaUons school at Scott Air father gave her in marriage. Curfew Gamped on By ^ Its hlstoiy and Ita problem. Knowing Manchester Mias Barbara Hewitt, sister of Force Base, IlllnoU. A graduate of New A-Blasts better win gl'^e yen a better onderstandlng of Its vinion of Renignation AU Salnta Mothers Orcle New Military Governor meet tomorrow evening at elpit Manchester High school, Pfc Bu- the bride, was maid of honor. MIsa . problems and perhaps point tba way tor molding Gladys Hewitt and Mrs. Margaret It 's Here! Your Us ffuture. To Truman, Reports o'cloclLSt. the jaudus has been in the Air Force To Prevent Spark in | , O’Dwyer Tells Probe Tiemann. both sisters of toe bride thoay Cambrl* d Ttromom alnce June, 1080. Prior to entering On Eniwetok, Manehsetor Development Csmmlssiow were bridesmaids. Arthur Strick­ On Phone Talks Road. the Scott comraunlcatlone echool East-West Powderkeg he completed basic training *t land of Norwalk waa best man. Barbizon-Exclusive Slip A rehearsal for the minstrel s h w Ushers were Henry Sheridan of AEG Reveals Washington, March 20- <>»>)— A Leckland Air Force Base, Texas. Tehran, Iran, March ’20.— Alrgefl Big-Scale Fund which the young people of S t Manchester, Charles Keen. A l^ r t secretary to RFC Director Walter (/P)— The Shah proclaimed The Heat I« On John’s church will present Friday The Executive Board of toe W- SeUky and Bernard Kehoe. all of L. Dunham has testified another To Curb Lawlessnetfly •nd Saturday evenings, April • East Hartford. in All-Nylon Crepe martial law in Tehran today Super Secret Tests Be­ S C. 8. of toe South MeUu^lst Ifn . BohsH a director urged her on Feb. 20 to Says He Was Worried and 7, at the Hollister school, will church win have a short meeting Everatt MacCIuggage m g to guard against any uprising I be held this evening at 7:80 at the ing Conducted on Vari­ ru.‘»h over to the While Huuec and tonight at 8:48, cause ” and "The Lord’s Prayer . in this strategic Middle East-1 II .Over Corruption in N. church. The bride wore a gown of give Preeidertlal Aaelstanl Don­ "Meal in the Upper Boom, which The bridegroom’s mothsr wore n em country, an unwilling ous Types of Materials; '-'‘yittV ’ is at six o'clock. All reserva renaissance lace and tulle over dusty rose dinner length dress with ald Dawson a letter of reeignation Y. Force, Admits Book-^ The Uons Club will meet to­ arena in the East-West politi­ tlons have been fllled for to'" •']* satin. The basQue bodice was de­ navy blue accessories and a coraage Other Details Withheld p i : for her Ime*. Dunham wae out of night at 6:30 at Murphy’s. The nual event at the South Methodist signed with a sheer yoke of nylon cal battle of giants. A new town. ies Could Not Do Busi­ guest speaker will be Judge Wes­ of garnet roeettea. military governor-g e n e r a 1 Mr.t Florence M .SnUHil. the sec­ ley C. Oryk. whose topic will be church. tuUe and long sleeves which A recepUon for 100 guests tei- Washington, March 20 — (/P)— ness Without Polit;e clamped on a curfew, banning the retary. aaid Director C. F.<lwar(l •*h>e SmslI CTalms Court.” ed to a point at the wrisU. The lowed the ceremony at the Sunset The Atomic Energy commission in­ Burnet Rebekah Lodge will meet Shop Hale’s For public from the streeta from mid­ Protertiou, Politicians skirt terminated in a long ' Ridge Memorlel in Baet Hartford. Rowe ul.so proposed revleing the thla evening In Odd P*"® ?* Her flnger-ttp veil of hand-rolled night to 6 a. m. Rumors flew dicated today it ia now conducting ciiBtoniary re.algni.tloa letter Dun­ Two local men, Neil M. Danahy, For a wedding trip to Florida, The officers will meet at 7:30 for silk lUuslon was caught ‘ throughout the city of new assos- nrn. atomic blasts at Eniwetok. ham had left with her for delivery 18, aon of Mrt. Elisabeth M. Dan­ rehearsal. A social time will fol­ the bride le wearing a grty-wla- Bulletin! ahy of 19 Gorman place, and Mil- lace cloche. She carried a white alnatlons. A string o f army tanks The commission said in a state­ to President Tnitr.an if the Presi­ low the business session, with teria suit with matching hat, red New York, March 29h-^;P) ton U Stavnltsky, 19, eon of Mra. prayer book with white orchid Easter Hosiery clattered Into the streets. ment that a major project "is be­ dent asked for 11. rsfreshments by Mrs. Ruth Hutch­ Anna Stavnltsky of 88 Garden marker and streamers of stephano- aeceasoriee end en orchid coraage. The only exception from the ing carried out" at the super-secret mmim She gave hei te.etimony behind — Racketeer Frank CosteHo ins and her committee. Mrs. Emma After April 7, the couple wUI make curfew will be tomorrow night— Pacific island teat grounds. clo.sed doors ye.sterday to a Sen­ street, enUsted In the Marines on tis. M l i i i i i i was only “one of the sinister Dowd will see to the' entertain­ their home at 296 King street. New Spring shades in Sheer and Semi Sheer First "In order to assure the safety of S t Patrick’s Day. The Leather­ The maid of honor wore a pea­ tha Persian New Year—when ate Banking aubcommlMoc wlioae influences’’ on Tammany Hail, ment. East Hartford. traffic will be permitted until 2 a. vessels and aircraft operating in necks went all out for S t Pat­ cock blue net. ballerina length members have complained they rick’s Day by enlisting 68 recruits Quality Nylons. m. the central pacific, only, units of former Mayor William Group B of center church wom­ gown, with matching headpiece Mre. Burnham graduated from "can't find the truth’ in conflicting fbr the "Shamrock Platoon.” Both The martial law, limited to the (testing) task force are per­ What tree used to O’Dwyer told Senate crime en, Mrs.
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