Urban Street Gang Enforcement
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T O EN F J U.S. Department of Justice TM U R ST A I P C E E D B O J Office of Justice Programs C S F A V M F O I N A C I J S R E BJ G O OJJ DP O F PR Bureau of Justice Assistance JUSTICE Bureau of Justice Assistance Urban Street Gang Enforcement Monograph U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street NW. Washington, DC 20531 Janet Reno Attorney General Raymond C. Fisher Associate Attorney General Laurie Robinson Assistant Attorney General Noël Brennan Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nancy E. Gist Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance Office of Justice Programs World Wide Web Home Page http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov Bureau of Justice Assistance World Wide Web Home Page http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA For grant and funding information contact U.S. Department of Justice Response Center 1–800–421–6770 This document was prepared by the Institute for Law and Justice, Inc., supported by grant number 92–DD–CX–0014, awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recom- mendations expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S.Depar tment of Justice. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Urban Street Gang Enforcement Bureau of Justice Assistance Urban Street Gang Enforcement January 1997 Reprinted August 1999 NCJ 161845 Monograph i Urban Street Gang Enforcement Foreword Gangs have been a major contributor to the growth of violent crime in the past decade. Heavily armed with sophisticated weapons, gangs are in- volved in drug trafficking, murder, witness intimidation, robbery, extor- tion, and turf battles. Gangs now operate in cities of all sizes, as well as suburban communities throughout the United States; gang violence no longer is limited to major cities. What is being done to stop gang activity? Federal, State, and local law en- forcement agencies across the country have implemented innovative and resourceful initiatives to stop gangs from terrorizing our communities. Interagency and multijurisdictional efforts range from special units dedicated to investigating and prosecuting gang-related crimes to state-of- the-art surveillance equipment and sophisticated data collection and analysis technologies. Our purpose in developing Model Strategies for Urban Street Gang En- forcement was to create processes and strategies that would be useful in many jurisdictions. No one method will solve the gang problem; however, some methods are more effective and better suited to certain situations. This monograph presents strategies to enhance prosecution of gang- related crimes. It focuses exclusively on enforcement and prosecution strategies against urban street gangs. The model programs introduced here offer strategies largely based on the practical experiences of agencies that participated in a demonstration program funded by the Bureau of Jus- tice Assistance (BJA) and designed to establish model approaches to pre- vent and suppress gang violence. This monograph offers a step-by-step guide for designing and implement- ing a program based on Model Strategies for Urban Street Gang Enforce- ment. It identifies and explores innovative methods of prosecuting gang members involved in criminal activities. Program examples and case stud- ies from the seven demonstration sites illustrate how local objectives were met. By documenting and disseminating effective strategies to combat gang violence, BJA hopes to assist law enforcement agencies. Nancy E. Gist Director iii Urban Street Gang Enforcement Acknowledgments The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) wishes to thank the Institute for Law and Justice (ILJ) staff for their efforts in writing this monograph. Spe- cifically, Edward Connors, Barbara Webster, Neal Miller, Claire Johnson, and Elizabeth Fraser were responsible for the project research and docu- ment preparation. Bill Falcon conducted research and drafted several sec- tions, and Diana Saenz and Peter Ohlhausen performed research and provided editorial support in preparing the draft. Luke Galant was the BJA Program Manager responsible for oversight of this document. v Urban Street Gang Enforcement Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................xiii Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................... 1 Focus on Law Enforcement ...................................................... 1 Urban Street Gang Program..................................................... 2 Gang Problems Addressed by This Prototype ...................... 3 Varying Levels of Law Enforcement Resources ................... 4 Chapter 2 Key Elements of the Gang Suppression Prototype .......... 7 Planning and Analysis .............................................................. 7 Gang Information and Intelligence Systems ......................... 8 Gang Suppression Strategies and Tactics .............................. 8 Interagency Cooperation and Collaboration ......................... 9 Legal Issues ............................................................................... 10 Evaluation ................................................................................. 10 Chapter 3 Planning and Analysis .......................................................... 13 The Need for Common Definitions ...................................... 13 Analysis ..................................................................................... 14 Types of Analysis .............................................................. 14 Levels of Analysis .............................................................. 15 Assessment of Criminal Gang Activity ................................ 16 The Nature and Extent of the Gang Problem ................ 16 Gang Patterns and Trends................................................ 17 The Environment ............................................................... 18 The Jurisdiction as a Whole ...................................... 18 Targeted Neighborhoods .......................................... 19 Information Sources .......................................................... 20 Inventory of Resources ..................................................... 21 Implementation and Management Plan .............................. 23 Department Organizational Issues ................................. 23 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies .................................... 24 Communication and Publicity......................................... 24 Training ............................................................................... 25 Evaluation ........................................................................... 25 Chapter 4 Gang Information and Intelligence Systems ................... 27 Importance of the Gang Database ......................................... 27 Overcoming Denial ........................................................... 27 Targeting Gangs................................................................. 27 Selecting Suppression Strategies and Tactics ................ 28 Increasing Officer Safety................................................... 28 vii Bureau of Justice Assistance Contents (continued) Tracking Gang Mobility ................................................... 28 Determining Content of the Gang Database ....................... 29 How Gang-Related Definitions Affect Database Content............................................................... 30 Gang-Related Crime Versus Gang-Motivated Crime .............................................. 30 Gang Members Versus Gang “Wannabes” ............ 31 Data Elements for Intelligence and Management .............. 34 Strategic, Tactical, and Managerial Information Needs ............................................................ 35 Legal Requirements........................................................... 35 Manual Versus Automated Systems .............................. 37 Database Information Sources ............................................... 37 Patrol Officers..................................................................... 37 Gang Specialists ................................................................. 38 Confidential Informants ................................................... 39 Other Criminal Justice Agencies ..................................... 41 Community Organizations and Agencies ..................... 42 Outside Databases ............................................................. 43 Regional Information Sharing Systems ................... 43 The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ...... 44 Gang Reporting, Evaluation, and Tracking............ 44 Regional Databases .................................................... 44 Disseminating Gang Information ......................................... 46 Within the Agency............................................................. 46 To Other Criminal Justice Agencies ............................... 47 Chapter 5 Gang Suppression Operations and Tactics ...................... 49 Developing Strategies Based on Gang Intelligence ............ 49 Street Gang Classifications and Characteristics............ 50 Asian Street Gangs ....................................................