Usage and adoption insights

Analyze usage patterns to help take you from data and insights to actions that make the most of your investment in Office 365. We’ve built several reports into this content pack to help give you a clear picture of Office 365 adoption in your organization. You can also customize and create your own reports and dashboards. Here’s what’s inside:

Microsoft FastTrack Adoption Review the number of licenses assigned and how many are in use to help give you a picture of Office 365 Explore FastTrack guidance on adoption in your organization. At a glance, you’ll see how many product licenses are assigned, and the number how to increase adoption of Office 365 in of users that are actively using the product, returning month over month, using the product for the first-time, your organization. and who have used their license at least once.

Find ideas and free downloadable resources Communication to drive more value for your Office 365 Look at Exchange, Yammer, and for Business data to see how users are communicating. You can easily investments. see whether your organization prefers email, Yammer posts, or Skype calls to stay in the loop and get work done.

Inspire your users by sharing relevant use cases with training links through the Fast Collaboration Track Productivity Library. Great teams work together, and by analyzing OneDrive and SharePoint site usage patterns, you’ll see how users in your organization collaborate.

Access from anywhere No more wondering which clients and devices are used to connect to email, , or Yammer when users are on the go – you can see that information right here.

Storage use Track cloud storage consumption for mailboxes, OneDrive, and SharePoint sites to help users stay under limits and to help quantify how much data your organization is storing.

Office activation When you assign a license for Office, users can install the apps on up to five devices. In this report, you can now easily see the device types on which users have installed Office apps. Help resources

Help resources usage analytics is designed to help you gain insight to how people in your organization are using Microsoft services. You can use built in slicers in the reports for dimensions like product, product activity, site type, department, company, region etc to focus on the trends you want to analyze. For more information about the data in these reports and how to use them, please see these topics:

·Microsoft 365 usage analytics ·Power BI concepts ·Get started with Power BI ·Power BI Documentation ·Connect to services with content packs for Power BI ·Share a dashboard and reports

Note: Data for the reports in this content pack is generated when you opt-in to Power BI analysis from the Office 365 admin center. You will see up to 12 months of historical data, through the current month. Reports that indicate latest activity - show data as of the date in the current month upto which data processing is complete (indicated by content date). Reports that indicate last month show data for the last completed month, since the current partial month would reflect an incomplete view. Activity reports that reference enabled users are counting those users who have been assigned a license to use a product.

Adoption overview: Teams 1/24/2020 Latest ContentDate

Understanding adoption Select a product to see overview Adoption overview

Exchange EnabledUsers ActiveUsers MoMReturningUsers FirstTimeUsers CumulativeActiveUsers After you assign a license to a user, 0.3K Office365 0.3K 0.3K they’re enabled to access the Office 0.3K 0.3K 0.3K 300 0.3K 365 products. This report lets you see OneDrive 0.3K month over month, how many users SharePoint 0.2K actively use the products you've Skype 200 assigned them and how many return 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K the next month to use the products . Teams 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K 0.1K 100 0.1K Reviewing adoption trends can help 0.1K 0.1K Yammer 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K you identify where users need help 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K getting started. 0 0.0K 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2020 January

Adoption overview Metrics valid for Product  Year MonthName EnabledUsers ActiveUsers MoMReturningUsers FirstTimeUsers CumulativeActiveUsers ActiveUsers(%) MoMReturningUsers(%) December 2019 Teams 2019 February 43 11 9 1 15 25.6% 0.00% Teams 2019 March 90 40 10 29 44 44.4% 90.91% Microsoft FastTrack Teams 2019 April 124 38 26 12 56 30.6% 65.00% Explore Microsoft FastTrack guidance % of active users Teams 2019 May 210 55 30 22 78 26.2% 78.95% on how to increase adoption of Teams 2019 June 254 45 32 13 91 17.7% 58.18% Teams 2019 July 280 49 33 12 103 17.5% 73.33% Office 365 in your organization. Teams 2019 August 298 47 36 5 108 15.8% 73.47% Teams 2019 September 313 48 39 7 115 15.3% 82.98% Find ideas and free downloadable 9.42% Teams 2019 October 297 43 36 7 121 14.5% 75.00% resources to drive more value for Teams 2019 November 307 37 31 3 124 12.1% 72.09% your Office 365 investments. Teams 2019 December 308 29 26 2 126 9.4% 70.27% Teams 2020 January 321 32 22 7 133 10.0% 75.86% % of returning users Total 2,845 474 330 120 1114 16.7% 0.00% Inspire your users by sharing relevant use cases with training links through the Fast Track Productivity Library. 70.27% Product usage overview 1/24/2020 Latest ContentDate

About this report % of users active in a product Active user count by product

In this report, you can see which December 2019 Exchange Office365 OneDrive SharePoint Skype Teams Yammer products are being used in your Office365 14.56% 200 organization and how they’re being used. For activity reports, select a Teams 9.42% 152 product to analyze, or click to 150 expand the product name and select Exchange 7.79% 127 a specific action. Looking at activity SharePoint 7.47% trends can show which Office 365 100 78 82 products people prefer for 4.22% OneDrive 64 61 60 60 55 59 communication and collaboration. 48 49 48 49 48 47 43 45 50 37 41 37 Yammer 2.67% 36 45 32 32 38 31 52 27 29 37 22 24 22 22 24 44 17 20 29 19 12 12 13 11 23 13 29 27 27 Skype 0.00% 4 4 0 24 23 0 0 23 17 21 19 0 0 4 1 3 1

2019 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 2019 October 2019 2019 2020 January 0% 10% February September November December

Microsoft FastTrack Amount of activity within a product Number of users performing the activity within a product Explore use cases for each product YAM - Message Liked YAM - Message Posted YAM - Message Read YAM - Message Liked YAM - Message Posted YAM - Message Read in the FastTrack Productivity 400 13 Library 11

300 Select a product or activity 10 Product Exchange 7 200 OneDrive 307 6 SharePoint 5 4 4 Skype 144 3 3 3 Teams 100 2 2 Yammer 3 97 109 1 1 29 22 27 30 0 0 1 1 1 1 February March May June July August September October November December February March May June July August September October November December Communication 12/31/2019 Latest ContentDate

About this report Latest month: Active user count by product and a… Active user count by product and activity

The reports on this page show you YAM - Message Lik… 13 YAM - Message Liked 1 how your organization is using Office 11 YAM - Message Posted 365 to communicate. For activity 10 YAM - Message Read reports, select a product to analyze 7 6 or click to expand the product name 4 4 and select a specific action. You can 3 3 3 3 2 2 track the adoption of specific 1 1 1 1 1 1 YAM - Messa… communication products in your 2 0 YAM - Message Po… organization and analyze the impact 1 2019 February 2019 March 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 Augus