...,,.,-0"''' -t,::H C' c.'"' lnrl t..l :0: <- M 0 .. :t' PRAffiIE REGIe l'r "'U>..... SCHEDULE Aug. 31·Sept. 6, 1

Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


This Week: Winnipeg Concert (Page 2) • Commonwealth School Broadcasts (Page 3) • Josh White and Wilfred Pickles (Page 5) * C.W.N.A. Convention (Page 8) *

.IN the back-la-school rush. pre-school youngsters nre getting a head start on their older brothers amI sisters this year. September 2 marks the fe-opening of Kindergarten of the Air (CBW 9: 15 a.m., CBK 12:00 noon. CBK 11:00 a.m.). One of the most widely-heard programs of the CBC. it is now in its fifth year of broadcasting, Educational authorities have been high in their praise of the show, \Ising it exten<;ivcly in organized kindergarten groups and junior-school grades. The program aims to give children who ore too young to attend school or kindergarten some incentive to play con· structively, using their own initiative. It also SeTVf'S as a guide to mothers in teaching and playing with their children. As in other years, "teachers" Dorothy Jane Goulding and Ruth Johnson will take turns conducting the broadcasts. * * * Barry Morse Killdergarten Teachers: Goulding an.d John.son Successful 1mmigraul it now, 1 marvel at my audacity." However, he won sented before King George VI and Queen Eliza­ ow a llttle over a year out from England, the scholarship-Sybil Thorndike was one of the heth in honour of their Coronation Year. and won N Barry Morse was born in 's East End judges-and became the youngest student ever to a BBC award for his radio acting. and relates how as an office boy of 15 he read in enter the Royal Academy. "I spent the next two Barry Morse was one of England's most suc­ the newspapers that Lord Leverhulme on his death years open·mouthed," he recalls. "I found myself cessful younger .actors when he came to Canada bed endowed an annual scholarship at the Roya! in a complete)y new world, with the sort of people on a visit in May, 1951. His name had topped the Academy of Dramatic Art. "I figured out that the I had never known before. And of course, I had to stars on the marquees of London theatres; his scholarship was worth four times as much as I relearn the English language and get rid of an associates for a good number of years had been was then earning and I couldn't lose a thing by atrocious Cockney accent." At the end of the two many of England's stage, film, radio and television making a stab at it," he says. "As I Jook back on years he played the title role in Henry V, pre- greats. He bad also (Please rum to fJ'lge 4) CDC TIMES Page Two Crowdf'd Ways or urI:'; 1I0w Lovely 'Veekend Review. An analysis of the « « HOTES » » Are Thy nwelllng-s (Smart); Watch­ Thou Dear Lor d (Whllebead); week's news by Stuart Jamieson. The Prairie Gardener Religious Period. Rev. John Frank, Through the Day Thy Love lIath From Vancouver. Spared Us (GounOd): Prayer or W-9:10 p.m. K·B:IO p.m. X·7:10 p.m. Ilaly Trinity Anglican C h u r c h, Thal1k~KivillK' (Old Dtltl'h); Lorll's Summary of Broadcast of August . f'rayf'r (LallJ(rloll). 24, 1952. W-6:00 p.m. K-5:00 p.m. X-4:00 p.m. W.I :30 p.m. K-12:30 p.m. X·l1 :30 a.m. Our Special Speakcr. Herbert Stein­ house will be heard tonight in the Planting Bulbs Indoors (third and last second of series of four talks. Invitation to Music. The third act of Winnipeg Con­ a in a series on hulbs) W·9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X-7:20 p.m. Rkhard Wagner's eomic opera, Die ccrl. CBC \Vin­ 1. 'Vlwt to plant: tulips, daffodils, Meistersinger von Nurnberg, recorded nip e g COIH.:ert Little Symphonies. Orchestra con­ hyacinths and crocuses. at the Bayreuth Festival Theatre in Orchestra con­ ducted hy Roland Leduc. From 2. \Vhen to plant: as soon as bulbs August, 1951. Elisabeth Schwarz­ ducted by Victor . are available. Bulbs deteriorate quick