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CLASSIFICATION OF THE ORTHEZIIDAE I SUI}plement to Classification of Scale of the Subfamily Ortheziillae

By Harold Morrison 3

Entolllologist, Division of Itlentifioation, lJul"enn of Eniolllolofl!J (1.1111 Plant, QltaJ'a'lltine, AgriClIltllTlLl RC3earch Atlminis/.raDon CONTENTS Poge Pnge rnj~odllctioll ______" _____ ,,_ ] G('IlU!; Ncwsleodin Gr('C'JI __ 57 Kcy to gencra of Orjh('~iiclac ___ ._ 2 Kc),- to species of NelL',~te(Ulia ____ . 5i Genlls Orthe,do Bose el' Antic___ _ 3 Genus Mixorlilczin ~rorriSOIl. _ _ G5 Key to speck-s grollps. ____ .. _ 3Kl'Y to species of Mixol'lileziCl. G5 Keys to species of Orlhezia ______.J Gellus Nipponorlhe;:ia KlIl\'aIllt__ __ i2 I nsignis grollp __ __ _ .J Kpy to gpceil's of iYipponortlu:zio _ i2 Praelonga group_____ ._ _ _ __ D GC'J\us OrtheZ'io/(/, !:-illk ______i D Graminis group______8 enc\etC'rlllilll'd spN'iNL ______75 UrLicae group______U LiteratllrC' cil('cL in Genus A.1'ct?rthczin CockerelL__ "_ 53 Indcx to sp('ci('s_. _ "._. __ . iU Key to specics of Arclorlhczia. D·l • INTRODUCTION

N THE 25 ,years sinc~ th~ appeal'lUl~~ of.the "Cla?sificntlon of S~aJe I Insects of the SubfanllIy Orthezllnae" (MorrIson 30),4 va,rlOllfl lots of additional study material have accumulated, including severnl new species. In ac]dition, flllther evidence bearing on the elassificatioll presented in that p!Lper, a few changes ill tIle status of certain of the specimens discussed there, and a number of species described by other workers have become known during this period. Since these additions more than double thenumber of known species.in this group, the. added information is presented in this snpplement. An effort has been mad!3

t Submittecl for publication Septcmber 13, 1051. , , Coc'coldea. 'G. F. Fcnis made much matC'rial ayailnble fOI' study, .T. Ghesquiere supplied information on the current status of some nllmes that he has proposed, J. GOlllCZ­ Menor loaned for study thc type exam111es of a lIew species that he lIad described, W.•T. Hall compared specimens with types in th& British i'liuseum, A. H. Stricklandma{le aYailable cxallll1les of a new species c1escribed byllim, and Elwood Zimmerman made available undescribed material from thc Pacific islancls. Edson J. Hml'bleton contribu1:('d the largC'st singlc g'roul1 of. lIew specics. The types of the new specics arc for the 1IIost part included in the U. S. National C'Ollection • of Coccic1ae; any other di>;posal is indicated in the text. More than hal! of the drnwingB accompanying the descriptions were prcpared by the late Mrs. Sara Hoke Debord; the remainder arc by MisS Addie l\L Egbert. < Itulic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Oited, p. 76. 1 2 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1052) U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE to include some mention of aU the published species or names that have been assigned to this group since the earlier review, and, wher­ ever possible, critical disposal of them has been attempted. The limitations on illustrations for this group of coccic1s were dis­ • cussed in the nrst paper (35, p. 97). Since these comments apply equally well to this paper, they should be reviewed before any attempt is made to utilize the lllustrations here presented. The discovery of obyiously indigenous ortheziine coccids in New Zealand, as reported by Green in 1929 (B:8, p. 37:8) l ill Mauritius an the authority of Mamet (3:3, p. 11'7), in mid-Afl'ica according to StrickJand (43, p. 518), anel in Fiji and Samoa as discusSed in this paper, has considerubly weakene