Quiz #6: Chapter 6 Name Informal of Insufficient Evidence T/F (1 point each) T F 1. According to the text, there are some issues that are so inherently controversial that no appeal to expert opinion could adequately settle them. T F 2. If we have reason to believe the authority cited in an is biased or holds a vested interest, this gives us sufficient reason to reject the conclusion of that argument. T F 3. An is weak when the two cases being compared are different in any way whatsoever. T F 4. In the appeal to ignorance , the arguer falsely accuses another arguer of being ignorant. T F 5. Not all are fallacious. Multiple Choice + Explanation (2 points each) 6. Note found in a Forest Service suggestion box: Park visitors need to know how important it is to keep this wilderness area completely pristine and undisturbed. So why not put up a few signs to remind people of this fact. a. appeal to ignorance Explanation: b. scare tactics c. inconsistency d. questionable cause 7. Guns are like hammers—they're both tools with metal parts that could be used to kill someone. And yet it would be ridiculous to restrict the purchase of hammers—so restrictions on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous." a. appeal to ignorance Explanation: b. inappropriate appeal to authority c. false alternatives d. weak analogy 8. Physics Instructor to Student: “I noticed your grade on the recent test was far superior to previous ones. So tell me, why did you feel compelled to cheat on this exam?” a. slippery slope Explanation: b. inappropriate appeal to authority c. d. appeal to ignorance 9. Pornography is more than dirty pictures. It has been shown that nearly 94 percent of rapists are regular users of pornography. Coincidence? I think not. It is clear that pornography compels men to commit hateful acts of violence against women. We must rid our community of this filth once and for all. a. questionable cause Explanation: b. inappropriate appeal to authority c. loaded question d. appeal to ignorance 10. Well the files on the new transfer student are virtually empty. Still, I think that we can conclude that she must be a fine student since there’s nothing in the records to say that she’s not. a. inappropriate appeal to authority Explanation: b. weak analogy c. appeal to ignorance d. questionable cause