National Assessment of Shoreline Changes Along Indian Coast
National Assessment of Shoreline changes along Indian Coast R. S. Kankara, M. V. Ramana Murthy & M. Rajeevan Status report for years 1990-2016 Ministry of Earth Sciences National Centre for Coastal Research Chennai-600100 July- 2018 National Assessment of Shoreline changes along Indian Coast: Status report for 26 years (1990 - 2016) NCCR PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS 1 Dr. M. V Ramana Murthy, Director & Scientist-G, NCCR 2 Dr. R. S Kankara, Group Head & Scientist F, CP & SM Group, NCCR 3 Mr. S Chenthamil Selvan, Project Scientist-I 4 Mr. K Prabhu, Project Scientist-I 5 Mr. Rajan B, Senior Research Fellow 6 Mr. Arockiraj, Senior Research Fellow 7 Mrs. S. Dhanalakshmi, Senior Research Fellow 8 Miss. Padmini, Senior Research Fellow 9 Dr. V. Noujas, Project Scientist-I 10 Miss. M Uma Maheswari, Senior Research Fellow 11 Mr. Sathish Sathasivam, Project Scientist-I EXPERT COMMITTEE 1 Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary, MoES New Delhi Chairman 2 Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena, Project Director, ICZMP, Gujarat Member 3 Dr. Ajit Pattnaik, Project Director (Retd), ICZMP, Odisha Member 4 Sh. Arvind Kumar Nautiyal, Director, MoEF & CC, New Delhi Member 5 Sh. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director, CWC, MoWR, RD&GR, New Delhi Member DISCLAIMER This report is part of series of reports that includes text summarizing methods, results, in addition to maps illustrating zones of shoreline change. Zones of shoreline change are being published for the purpose of coastline characterization. The report / maps are not intended to be equated to either as revenue maps of the respective State/ UT/ Government agencies or as the topographic maps of the Survey of India.
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