Series· II



~()8I1A NAl\I81SAN ()kedor ofCensult OIJerutions, KarlUdaka







A. Di~tricl Primary Cen~u~ Ah!o.tl ad

(i) Villagcffown Primary (.'Ul~lI~ Ah~II.IL"l

Alplwhcti{"al Li ... 1 or Village., - Bal1!\:r1 C.D.Blod. .H-35

Primary Ccn~u~ Ah~tract l1:tnlval CD.muck .~(J--17

Alphahctil'al Li!-'l of Villagc!-' o Ikll'lIlgadi C.D.B1ock 51-53

Primary (\;n~u~ Ah,tract - Bdlang;tdi l'.D.Bhlck ::; ... -(,5

Alphahctical Li!-'I of \'ill:tgc!-' - KlIkal C.IJ.Bllld, (,1)-71

Prim."ry Cell~u~ Ah~lracl Karkal C!D.Blod.

Alphahetintl Li,,( of Village" - Kundapllra CD. Block

Primary Cen,u" Ah~lracl - Kundapllra CD. Block l){l-IO I

Alphabetical Li!-" of Village" - l\langalore CD.Bluck 105- lOt,

Primary Cen,us Ah!-'lrael - l\'1angalme CD.Blllck lOS-III)

Alph~ihetical Li"l of Village" o !'Ullur CD.l3lnck 123-12-1

Primary Cen,u., Ah~(racl - Pullur CO.BilH:k 12(,- 1.17

A\phabetica\ Li~\ of Village" - Sui);! CD.Bh)('~ ,l"'l-l-C

Primary (\:n,lIs Ah!-'lrad - Sllh'a CO.Blod; 1... -1-151

Alphabetical Li,,( of Villages 0 lIdllpi ( '.D.Block 155-157

Primary (\:n!-'u" Ah~,(rad - lJdupi C.D.B1ock 15;-:-17~

(iii) Alph

B,llndur (TM( ) 17:-'-I~ I

B.ml\,tI (Tl\Il) 17:-'-1:-'1

(j,mgoh (NMCT) 17:-. I~I

Hll".tng.1llt (olollv (Nl\I(_ TI 17~-ISI


KL:mmlllj.J (NJ'vJC f) 178 1:-'1

KUlld,lpur.t (TI\I( I 17\-ISI

M ... II.tr (NMCT)

Mlldhldn (1 MC)

Mlllkl (TM()

PUdll (NMCT) 1~2-1~"

Pullur (TMC)

~'hlhgr,tm (fM( )

Ton .. e Wl"t (NI\I( n

M,mg.1lorL UA 1\{,-1 117

Udupl L'A 11)4-201

B DI ... lnll Pnm.ln CLn"lh Ah ... tl.tll lor ... t!h.:dukd (.I"k" 20.+ 227

( Dhlntl PrIm.tfV (\:n"l'" Ah.,lf.ltI '(lr \dh:dukd TnhL'"

ApPLnlhx-1 - DI ... tnll PrnnM\ ( ~n"lh Ah"lrdll - T"luf..\\-l"'L

Appendix-II - LI"t (II ~lh~dllkd (,I"IL., ,tntl ~(.hLdllkd Tnhl

Appcmhx-III - Pllhlll.. ,llllln PI,tIl


1\1"p III K,lrn,ll,lk,I ,hlm'"g Ihe Admllll ... lr,lll\c DI\I ... um" (1\ }

M.1p llt D,lf.."hlll ... K"nn"d.l DI.,1 m.l ( \.) FORE'VOI~D

Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHl.) wa" initiated aftl:r the 1'.)51 Census and is continuing since then with some innovations/ modificalions after each decennial Ccn~us. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on bdl.llf of cadl State Govl./Union Territory administration. It ill/er-aliu provides data/information on some of the ha~ic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availahility of cerlain important civic '1Illcnilic:-./fal'ililic:-. in cach village and town of the respective db.tricts. This publicati~)fl has tl1U~ proved to hc of II1lI11CIl!>.e utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and rel.Cardl<.:rs.

The scope of the DCH was initially conlined to c<.:rtain import.lI1t cell:-'lI~ tablel. Oil popUlation, economic and socio-cultural al.pccts a~ abo the Primary Cen:,u:, Ah:,\r;KI (peA) of each villagc and town (ward-wise) of thc district. The DCH~ Jluhli:,hed after the 1%1 ('en:,u:, col1taincd a de~cripli\'l: account of the district, administrative statistics. ccnl.U~ tahles and Village and Ttl" n DirectOi i~~ including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the Di~trict Cen"u:, Ilandbooks (Part-A compri:-.ing Villagc and Town Directories and Parl-B comprising Village and Town PCA) wcre rcka:-.ed in all thc Stalt:~ and Union Territories. The third part, Part C llf the Di:-.tricl Ccn:,u:" f landhooJ,.." com(>1 i:-.ing .. dll1ini~lra.i\'e :'lati~lics and district census tables, which wa~ '1lso 10 bc brought out. could nul be puhli:-.hcJ in man) '\Iatcs/UT~ due to considerable delay in compilation of rdevant material. In II)Xl, ~onH,' IH':W rl.:ature~.! ~with the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Direclory wcre inlrmluced in the DClls. Tht::,e were published in two parls for each di~trict after tlu.: IlJl'{l Cen:,us. While Part-A "col1lpri~etl Village anJ Town Directories, the peA of villages ~nd town~ (ward-wi~e) including Schedulcd Ca~te and Schnlukd Tribe PCA upto lc~~il!town level were providcd in P"rt-B. To illustratc, all thc al11enitic~ CXt'cpt c!Cl'tridty, were hrought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity wa~ not a\'.lilahlc in 11lL: rcferellt vill,lge, the distance in hroad ranges from the nearc:,t placc having ~ueh amenity wa:, gi\~n. Information till :,ome new items such as adult litcracy centn:s, primary hcalth ~lIh-eentIT" and cOl1lmunit~ health \\01 ker:, in Lhe village were provided so as h' meet ~tll1le of the requtn:ment:, of Ih<.: Rc\'i~cd 1\1inimum Nnd .. Prograll1l1ll.:. Si,";ilarly, information Oil approach to the villagc wa" al~o pw\'idl.:d for t hI.: lil"t time in thl: Village Directory so as to give an ide'l about the nUl11bt:r of iJl,lccc~~ible villagl:;, ill e,lch di:-.lrkt. In I.:a:-.L' of Town Directories also. keeping in view II;~ reqllirelllenb of the !\linil1llllll Need~ I'rogl a Jl11111:. a St,lIcJl1ent IV-A on slums was provided so as to en~lhlc thc planner:, to chalk oul the pwgral1ll11l.:~ for providing better civic' and other amenities in the slums. hl this Statelllcnt dclaii_" on civic and llther al1lenitie~ were reported for the slums of Class I and Class II ',towns. Apart from thi:" one (:olul1lll 011 the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihe!>. population and a'hothcr on ;Idult litcracy da:'''l'~/(:elltrc~ werc .. dtled in Statements IV and V respectively.

The manner of pr~senlati()n of the Dells f~)r thc 199) CeINI!>. i:, by anti iar!!e the ~al11e a:-. followed 10 1981. However, the format of peA ~a~ been rc!>.lrllclureu ~Iightly in'the 1')1)1 t'CIl:-'U:' for the benclit of data users. Nine-filld industrial dassilicalion of main wl)rJ..er~ ha" been giwlI a~ again:,t four-fold industrial c1assilicatio~ presented in the 19XI CCl1!>.u!>., In adJitiol1 to this, tIll: M:x-\vi!>e population in the 0-6 age-group has also bccn indulkd in PC~ for the lir:-.t ti'me with a view til enabling data u:,ers to compute more realistic literacy ratC::s as all ~:hildrcn hdow 7 ycars of age ha\c heen Irealcd a~ illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. fl is expected that the above Illcntioned Jl1lldilicalioll~ will help the planners in chalking out more effective developmental pn>gral11l11c~.

(v) One of thc mmt important inllm.ttion ... in the ll)(JI·Ccll"u'> i... the Community DCH:lnpmcllt B1od,-lncl prce;cntation 01 J,lt,1 in tht.: VJIl,I~t.: Dirt.:ctory .lIld PCA in<.,te,ld 01 the Ir,ldillon.11 T,dNlrr.II11"/P~ k\cl prc1-ocntation. It is o.pedeJ Ih.lt t he pi t.:"cnl,lllon of Vllidge DlreUof)' ,lIld P( A d,II,1 ,It (' D.l3lolk kH:1 will help the pl.mncr ... in fOrll111I.ltion 01 l11ilfo-k\l:1 Jt.:\ dO[lmt.:nt .. 1 pl .. n .... ,I'" the C D 111m I.. I... the 10\\ e,>1 admini1-otrdtivc unit for Jevdopl11t.:nt.ll pl.lI1lling.

In ordn to f.lcilit.lte the ta ... k of admini..,tr.llor." pl.1I111I:r'> ,lIld re'>l:.Irlhcr.., intcndlllg to u"e Vill.lgl.: Directory/f CA data, either from the n1.lgnelic t.IPc.,,'I1oppie.., or fHlm the publi'>heu record." hoth Ihe computer and manual code .. for ea<"h \ill.lge l1.1n: been pn)\iued 1m the }IN! Ccn'>u ... along \~ilh the corrc!>ponding codee; of 19}! 1

This publication ie; a JOint vcnt ure of the Sidte GO\ t JUT .ldmini"II.l1 ion ,lIld the CI.:Il'>U'" OJ g,lI1i"',ltlol1 Thc data havc been collected and compiled ulllJcr the dirnlillll 01 1\1.... ~llhh.l N,lIllhi.."II1, DIn:clor 01 Ccne;us Opcrations, K.lrnat.1J... .. on hehalf 01 Ihe ~t,lle Gmt. admini.,tr.ltiol1 \\ hllh h,I'" bOllle the CO'-ot 01 printing. Thc t~l ... k of pl,lnning, de'-oigning and coordin,llilln 01 Ihe pllhlk.ltillll \\,1'-0 lI1ili,llt.:d hy Dr K P.ltt.lm,lI1, former Deputy Rl.:gi<;trar Gem:r,ll (Soel,11 ~tlll\le ... ) .1I1U ~hrt l\\ M Dll,l, joint D·lreclllr. For the '-o,I\"e 01 uniformity in prc'-ol.:ntation of inform,lliol1/ddtd .1I1d lor Plcp,Il.tlion of ,1Il.t1)lll.t1 lillIe dcpilling the "',IIIent fcatures cmerging frol11 a miuo-kvcl nll.tly..,i<; 01 ('cn..,u,,/nllll-Cen ... u ... ddl,l, ,I mudd Di'-olrlll ('en<.,u'-o H,llldhook from each Statc LInd Union Terrilory ~ .. " thoroughly "crutini<.,ed in the ~oei,11 \Iutlie., Di\i"ion under the guiu,mec of Shri M KJ.tin, the pn.'''ent Depuly Regi"lr,lr Geller,11 (I.) ~) Thi., 1,1"'1. w ..... C.III ied out by Shri A.K.Singh, Depuly Dlleclor ~hl) W.l" ,1 ...... i..,led by ~/~llIi V.K.I.lin ,1IlU 1I,lril,lI11, Ime,>ligdlllf'" ,lIld ... 1,111. Tcchnical guill,lI1ee in the prep,lr,ltion of the I1ldp" \\ ,I.., illlti,tlly IJrm Ided by Dr.B K. Ro), 101l11er DepulY Registrar Gener,11 (M.lp) ,II1U 1.lter by I\lr .... MII1,ltl (;ho"h, Ihe pre"Llll DC[llll) Regi..,lr,lr Gellcr,1I (1\1.lp)

I am Ih,mUlil to .111 Ihl)"c who h.lvc conlrtbuled 10 11m pllljell

New Deihl A.R.Nanda June 11. 1992. Regbtl"al' Gcllt'I'al. Illdia PI~EFACE

In the foreword to the 191)1 !-.eru:, of the Di!-.tricl Ccn!-.lI~ Handbooko.., Sri A.R.Nand~l, I.A.S, the Registrar General and Cen~us Comll1i~~il)ncr, India, has traced the hi~tOly of the Di~rict Cen~us Handhl)ok~. He has also succinctly explained the SCI)I)l~ and ('mcrage of the Di~trict ('elbus lIandllJooks. These volumes contain the salient data on the population for every village <111(.1 town a~ revealed by the 1991 Cen~u~. They also contain a wealth of information regarding these villages amI town ... \\hich, although not part of the population cenl>US, thmw ~ol11e light on the (;ircull1,tance~ in which pellpk liw and is tllL:rdore relevant to the ,uata on the population. Thi., information ha., al ... o con ... iJerabk importance in the context of planned development.

The Dil>trict Census Handhook i~ therefore di\ilkd into two pall.,: Part A containing inlonn,dion regarding each village ano town (Vill,lge Oil ectOl y and To\\n Dill:ctOl y) \\hkh i, 11\lt cenl>ll~ daLa and pari B which eontain~ the data on the popul,llinn colkctl'U during the 11)91 l\'n'>u., - the Primary Cen~t1~ Ab!-.tracl. The dat .. publj~hed in Part B \>Ya., collected in February II·Nl at the timi.: of the populalion census. This data wa~ then manu,llly tabul.ll\:u in the Regional T .. bul .. tion Orticc... ~et up for the purpo~e. Subsequently, as a part of the countrywide projt.:ct taken up in ,":oll,lhoration with the National Informatics Centre, the Primary Cen~u~ Ab~tract data wa... cnmpulcri:-.cl.l. The data' fllr Part B of the Di~trict Ccn~u~ Handbook was therefore availahle on tape for the entire country by NO\emher 11)92. Since thc Primary Census Ab~lracl d,lta was avail.thlc lin... t 011 the Compllli.:r, it wa ... lkcided 10 plIhli:-.h the Di .... tl iet Cen~u~ Handbook!> in two ~cparatc volul11i.:"', \\ ilh Part B appc;t1 ing in print lin,1.

The prbee~s of data collection for tht.: Village Dirccl\)ry and the TO\\:n Dirt.:ctory (Part A) commenced in early 1990 and continued till rhe middk of 11)1)2. For oper,ltional comeni(;nce, the Village Directory format was. divided into two portions, one I elating to the area and I.Uld u~c particulars and the other relaling to the amenilie~ available in each village. Tht: relevant forn1.lts were mailed to tht: Deputy Commissioners of Districts and Chief Si.:cretaril'~ of Zilla Pari"had~ for obtaining the \iIIagewi~1.! parliclllar~. Similarly lhe Town Directory formats wen.: mailed to the Deputy Commi~ .... ioner~ and COl1lmi:-.~il)ner!-. of Corporations. The village wise and lpwn wi~e data furni~heJ by the~e oflici.:r ... were thcn examined exhaustively for consi~tcncy in repoftirig and comparability with the information published in the l')Hl District Cen!>us Handbooks. The villagewi~c inl{)fmation, IllU~ linali~eJ was ,,1..,0 cnlllpuleri.,ed during 1992-1>:) a1 the N~tional Informatics Cc..:nJre, Bangator"O. ", in the ca~e of P;-i~lary Cenl>ll~ Ah:-.tr"ct.

The National Infmmatics \ Centre, Bangalulf I"ls undertaken to ~upply the camera ready copie!-.. for the Di!.trict Census Handbook!. and this may erktble u~ to bring out the Dil>lrict (\;n"u" Handhook~ fairly early.

In the prcparalipn of the District Censlis Handhook~ the mle of the Censlis Directorate i~ lhat of data collector. For accomplishing this ta~k WI.! have had the ready co-operation of the Maff of JilTcrenl departments of the ,'State (JovernmenL The co:-.t of printing of the Districi ('en~us Handhook~ i.... horne by the Governmen~ of Karnataka.

(vii) I take thi ... opportunity to olkr my gr.ltdul th.II1" ... 10 ,Ill Ihe olnt.:r... ,lI1d ollicial ... \\ho h.I\\! Ix!cn actively involv..:d 111 thl! Lomrd,llHIIl 01 1111 ... \olulllc

I am thalll-'ul 10 ~III i A.Vcnk,lto.: ... h,lIl, tho.: ",1,11e Illhlllll"tl~'" (Jllj('CI, N.I(ional Inlollllali<:" ('clIlrc, Bangalorc for all thc a"..,i ... t,lOce he and hi ... !>I.ill I1lcl11bcr~ h,IH! rl!ndCfl!U 101 tompu(cn ... .llion {)I thc d,lt.l and for pn:p.Jralion of Ihe ' .. II11(:r.1 rc,ldy copy of Ihe m.lnu~aipb of ,til thc Di<,lricls.

I am deeply grateful to Shr; A R.N,lIld.l, LA.S, Ihe Rcg;'lf.lf Gener.. l, Intli.1 for the benefit I have derived hy W.ly of guid,IIICC and aJ\icc. I c"

Lastly. I am Ihank' ul to Ihe (JmcfIlmcnt III K,II 11.11.11,.1 101 h.l\ il1g n;,lddy .agl cl:d to hear thc cml oj prinling the<;c Di ... lrici Cen ... u ... H.lI1dbllO" \lllul1H: .... ll1d 10 the DIIClllll 01 Printing, ~I.ltillncry ,lIld Puhlic,lllon ... for the keen intcre ... l he h.t ... evlllceu III hllnging out lhc ... c JluhliL.lllOn.,

Uangalore, SolJha NamlJi!>an Date: 16·11·1992 Dil'cdur of Cl'II"U!> OIJcrntioll!>, K:u·natuka.




i Oiotrict ~ .,. .100 tol •• \ ...... \ , _ ... ,;;,_ \.r tho diotrict '.oluk dtf1'en ..... tho. eI iIo ....dq1I.rten _n ...... he ,._ ._n within bro ...... \ ...... io tIor ...... rton ro, B.... lon- IS· Ifwt. ."" .....,_ _ to'ub and .100 ...... late ...... Ion R.,.I 0,11";"1.



Ia· I;

BOUNDAaIES ;- STATe •• ., ___ DlSTRlcr. •• __ ._._._ TALUJt •• • • _ ...... __ ._ ..... _ I H£ADQUAltTEU ,.. • ~. ~, STATE ••• , DISB19'" • TALUIt •• •• Q '" ICILIJNITIlES, , , "., --*._ .,...... ,., ., ...... __' ...... _...... ,_.,_ ..,..,. &.wII.f ...... ~--...... -- ·" " D I KARNATAKA DISTRICT DAKSHIN KANNAD KIllS a 10 15"", / ...., . . .

1IlIIIDMV, STAlE. ••. ~ .. -...... - .. ~ ...... __ ._ ...... _. " T-' ... .,. IIE/IOIIUMIIIIS IIISTIIICT; TAI.UI .... IlAflD!IAL _AY... '" ...

STATE ...... , ...... '" '" ... ~ .. _,mAN! ~ 1IDUl ...... RAIlWAY IJIIE """ ST.tnJN. 1IlIOIO -.. IIAIlWAY LINE """ 5TAlIIIN, IIElRE -.. ",_, "o _ (TIDoU) """ ~ '" ...... '" ~ TAIIK ...... ,...... ~ ¥1t.I.ACi£ IIAWIG 1000 AICJ AlOft 1'OI'ULA11DII WITH _... -,.-.

IIItIIoH AREf. """ POI'ULA11OH SIlE-a.us l,m,IY,Y&Y! ...... • POS?' AICJ T£uGRN'H OI'FJC£...... ,. DEIIIE£ COLl£IiE AMl TECN«AL 1IS1IMOI. • •. () IIISKCTIIIII ~, "'-L~_, i _CIiOIfI HOUSE ...... • -18,T8,CH

~ ell ""

C. D Block bOundary of Dalcshm ""Meld is (O-tcr_ toil" ...... boundary• .... ,.,.0


@ .... ~tlt1 eo.. d _ s..-..y of Indl. mop ",III lho """".1On of I'" $II...,.,. _ '" ..... _ot_ TfW tcfTlt"I'I,,1 of """" col,""" In\O 1M ...... " tI•• of _ ... __I ""I•• __011 _to" !tom the _"'tc "'.. I... ".ne. IMPORTANT STATISTICS

KARNATAKA DAKSfIINA I\ANNADA STATE DlSTIUCT 1. POPULATION TOTAL PERSONS 44,977,201 2,694,uH MALES 22,951,917 1;306,256 FEMALES 22,025,284 1,388,00.8 RURAL PERSONS 31,069,413 1,931,670 MALES 15,744,942 925,369 FEMALES 15,324,471 1,l106,30 1 URBAN PERSONS 13,907,788 762,594 MALES 7,206,975 380,887 FEMALES 6,700,g13 381,707 2. DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH 21.12 13.36 RATE 1981 - 91 3. AREA (Sq. Kms) 191,791.0 8.... 1.00 4. DENSITY OF POPULATION (per Sq.Km) 235 319 5. SEX RATIO (Number of females per 1000 males) %0 1063 6. LITERACY RATE (excluding children in PERSONS 56.0.1- 75.86 the age group of 0 - 6) MALES 67.26 ~ ... O FEMALES 44.3.t 67.96 7. PERCENTAGE OF URBAN 30.92 2H_'O POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION 8. PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION I. MAIN WORKERS PERSONS 3K45 41.29 MALES 53.53 50.96

F~MALES 21..73 32.19

II. MARGINAL WORKERS .. P~SONS 3\4 I.X7 Mp\LES 0.56 0.74 I FE~ALES 6.66 2.94 III. NON-WORKERS PERISONS 58.01 56.84 MALES 45.91 48.30 FEMALES 70.61.' 6-.t.87 9. BREAK-UP OF MAIN WORKERS , Percentage Among Main Wor~crs

I. CULTIVATORS .PERSONS 34.21 19.72 MALES 37.67 20.8" fEMALES 25.72 IH.O"




SI. Slal.:/ DiMrict Tolall Area in TOlal Total Lileral..:. Sch..:uul..:u S,h..:uul..:u Tolal Marginal Nlm­

No. Rurall S'l.Km~. P"pl.la- Pllpulalion (Exduding Ca.I.:. Trill..:. Main Work.:r~ Workers Urban lion ag.: group age group Work.:rs 0-6 0106)

2 3 5 6 7 9 10 II 12

T 191791.00 44977201 7477611 21013193 7369279 1915691 17292117 1594681 26090403 KARNATAKA R 187520.80 31069413 5378741 12250620 5645186,1629496 12919726 1511858 16637829 U 4270_20 139077Ba 2098870 8762573 1724093 286195 4372391 82823 9452574

T 2190.00 4839162 693623 3161701 711775 53631 1635987 22311 3180864 01 R 1732.90 669909 109203 317831 178494 14569 261186 12860 395863 U 457.10 4169253 584420 2843870 533281 39062 1374801 9451 2785001

T 5815.00 1673194 260977 708577 326599 49305 623043 9Q513 953638 02 BAN GALORE RURAL R 5758.90 1369908 213142 536439 286780 44594 523233 93755 752920 U 56.10 303286 47835 172138 39819 4711 99810- 2758 200718

T 13415.00 3583606 619475 1571044 406955 83076 1340802 176924 2065880 03 BELGAUM R. 13118.00 2741820 491892 1045451 325338 65247 1083491 169081 1489248 u 297.00 841786 127583 525593 81617 17829 257311 7843 576632

T 9885'.00 1890092 367604 693790 365154 166693 809989 43044 1037059 04 BELLARY R 9479.30 1325692 273150 407453 281525 129460 621800 40668 663224 U 405.70 564400 94454 286337 83629 37233 188189 2376 373835

T 5448.00 1255799 255989 451061 260033 104215 466611 34033 755155 05 BIDAR R 5370.70 1010096 209042 315874 228197 98442 40t.246 33150 572700 U 77.30 245703 46947 135187 31836 5773 62365 883 182455

T 17069.00 2927990 556196 1307674 509862 39535 1110288 108867 1708835 06 BIJAPUR R 16759.10 2239244 439383 916365 421185 34068 9i8462 102131 1218651 U 309.90 688746 116813 j91309 88677 51,67 191826 6736 490184

\ T 7201.00 1017283 147192 53i,164 195852 26534 41,2276 45182 559825 07 CHIKMAGALUR R 7125.60 845422 122'866 415210 "175176, 24553 35~76 43768 444578 IJ 75.40 171861 24326 115954 '- 20676 1981 55200 1414 115247

T 10852.00 2180443 362537 1008542 '~32668 318381 843861 94617 1241965 08 CHITRADURGA R 10754.20 159-1765 270697 643282 358069 275326 668696 90919 832150 U 97.80 588678 91840 365260 74599 43055 175165 3698 409815

T 8441.00 2'694264 379453 1756119 175548 106159 1112449 50465 1531350 09 OAKSHIN KANNAD R 7967.60 1931670 233299 1192888 140296 94285 81661(> 43924 1071130 U 473.40 " 762594 96154 563231 35252 11874 295833 6541 460220

T 13738.00 '3503150 607530 16990>l 410499 105099 1349942 126121 2027087 10 DHAR\JAD R 12999.50 2279259 410750 978002 290616 84138 975260 113982 1190017 U 738.50 1223891 196780 721029 119883 20961 374682 12139 837070


Sl. Slal.:1 Distrkl Tolall Ar..:a in Total Total Lit.:rat.:s S.:h.:duJ.:d s. h..:dui.:d Total I\lal"Jinal NOII­ No. Rural! Sq.Kmb. Popula­ Population (Exduding Cabt':b Tnb.:!> Maill WorL..:rb Work.:rb Urhan tion ago: group ag.: group Wurk.:rs 0-6 0 to 6)

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

T 16224.00 2582169 528348 791628 610641 106935 1039922 72269 1469978 11 GUlBARGA R 16035.20 1972366 413154 473306 502448 94924 876032 69510 1026824 U 188.80 609803 115194 318322 108193 12011 163890 2759 443154

T 6814.00 1569684 238297 756948 273379 16581 589529 105108., 875047 12 HASSAN R 6735.30 1296962 199263 575243 241053 14868 508173 102671 686118 U 78.70 272722 39034 181705 32326 1713 81356 2437 188929

T 4102.00 488455 71073 285280 59009 40312 220248 9888 258319 13 KOOAGU R 4073.20 410514 60019 229585 51477 38899 192275 9560 208679 U 28.80 77941 11054 55695 7532 1413 27973 328 49640

T 8223.00 2216889 356091 938777 570400 153019 881514 81070 1254305 14 KOLAR R 8109.80 1699906 277846 613731 455560 142496 736073 78410 885423 U 113.20 516983 78245 325046 114840 10523 145441 2660 368882

T 4961.00 1644374 241356 675502 226626 11936 635593 96170 912611 15 MANOYA R 4901.80 1377570 203408 518823 190551 9485 549610 94181 733779 U 59.20 266804 37948 156679 36075 2451 85983 1989 1788~_'

T 119~.00 3165018 487196 1267148 597921 102102 1183225 89054 1892739 16 R 11739.90 2224724 355125 673123 480387 77696 894812 83998 1245914 U 214.10 940294 132071 594025 117534 24406 288413 5056 646825

T 14017.00 2309887 473009 660453 397923 180272 970995 55289 1283603 17 RAICHUR R t3816.30 1829765 384426 439686 326337 163352 823416 53173 953176 U 200.70 480122 88583 220767 71586 16920 147579 2116 330427

T 10553.00 1909663 295043 993542 337921 74106 720984 59868 1128811 18 SHIMOGA R 10395.30 1403421 222752 655002 279830 64379 569006 57161 777254 U 157.70 506242 72291 338540 58091 9727 151978 2707 351557

T 10598.00 2305819 349229 1065934 408524 167632 916196 183394 1206229 - 19 TUMKUR R 10523.50 1923656 294404 818448 364376 149641 794734 176777 952145 U 74.50 382163 54825 247486 44148 17991 121462 6617 254084

I T 10291.00 1220260 187393 689278 919iY0 10168 428663 44494 747103 20 UTTAR KANNAO R 10124.70 925744 144920 484878 67491 9074 345529 42179 538036 U 166.30 294516 42473 204400 24499 1094 83134 2315 209067

Note: Please read the spellings of two districts Vil., "Dakshin Kannad" and ''Uttar "annad" 8S "" and "Uttars Kannada" respectively, wherever they appear (both in the texts and maps).


Brief History or the Dbtrict Cell!>u!> liandbool.. :- and extent of amenitic~ and ~ervicel:> available in the villages and towns of the district - preM!ntcd in The District Census Handbook series was, for lhe form of Village Dire,-1ory and Town Directory the first lime, included in the census publication re!.pc(.1ivcly, (ii) Part B - consisting of the Primary programme at the 1951 census in ordcr to satisfy Census Abstract (including the nme~fold indul>trial the growing demand for micro-level data by the clal>.<;ification of w()rker~) for the district, tl:Jc laluks, administrators, the planners and the olhcr ccnsus the towns, the viUotges and the census enumeration data users. The District Census Handbooks sought blocks i-n case of lowns; and (iii) Part C ~ -consisting to replace 'Part IV ~ Taluk Tables' and 'Part V ~ of an analytical note b'lsed on 'an analysis of the Village Tables' of the earlier censuses and to present census data as well as the non-census data included l~e basic demographic and 'economic data in lhe in the volume, a :.et of tables depicting the form of 'Primary Census Abstract' in respect of administrative statistics in minute detail, a set of each and every village and town within the jurisdiction statistical tables based on the census data in respect of the district concerned. In addition, these volumes of the district and the constilllcnt taluks and lowns were to contain a set of statistical tables based on thcreof besides a sct of tables generated on the the census data in respect of the district and its basis of the villll!:,'t.'Wise ccnsu." data in association constituent taluks and towns. with the villagewise data on the avaibbililY of amenities. The main objective' WdS to present a At the 1961 census, the scope of the District Census Handbook was gr(l!atly enlarged by compr.chcnsivc and intelligiblc portrait of the distrk1 and an overview (If the dcvdol)nlenlal programmes incorporating in it ~ (i) a descriptive account of the implemented in the dil>tricl during lhe preceding district, (ii) a set of non-census tables dealing with decade. Publication of the District Census the administrative statistits of the district for a Handbooks was planned in such a way as to minimise decade, (iii) taluk and t-own level census nlbIes on economic and socio~cullural aspccts and (iv) the the delay inherent in the compil'ltion of a voluminous village and urban (census enumeration block level) mass of data gathered from diJlcrent l>()urces. Accordingly, 'Part A', comprising the Village Primary Census AbMract containing the ninefold Directory and the Town Direclory for the fimllisalion industrial classification of workers. In la somewhat of which there was apparcnt need to wait till general way, information on the availability of certain no basic amenities in villages and towns, such as lhe the completion of the tabulali4ln of the data gathered , at the census, was to be published first and 'Part sources of drinking water and educational institutions, B', consisting of the Village/Urban Primary Census was also presented in these volumes. These general \ b" guidelines were, by and large, followed in Karnalaka . A slrat.1 was to be rcleaStO.~ next. A lower priority too. However, the scope of the District Census W'.ts ~Ssigncd to 'Part C' for\he obvious reason that bcsid~s administrative statistics it was to include a Handbooks of 3 out of the then existing 19 districts, o~ socio ~ d~mographic and economic tables namely Bangaiore" Dharwar and Mysore, was set gene'ra\cd on the of the data gathered at the confined to the publication of the village-wise and ba.~s urban (census enumeration block wise) Primary census and an analytical note prepared thereof. In Karnataka, however, 'Part A' and 'Part B' portions Census Abstract only. of the District Cen$Us Handbooks were combined The 1971 census witnes~ an overall together and published in a single volume for each improvement in the maUer of cQmpilation as well district except Bangulore. In tbe case of Bangalote as presentation of the data. , A country-wide Di~triCl, since it was felt thal (he !>i7.c of such a uniformity in approach and a comprehensive coverage combined volume would be unwcildy, Part A and are the hall marks of thi~ series of publications. In Part B were published separately. As reiprds 1971, the District Census Handbook was split up 'Part C, compilation of data took more time than into three portions - (i) Part A ~ consisting of land anticipated and, in addition, there was an inordinate use data on villages and also the data on the nature delay in exccuting the printing '-j()[)- at the State

(xv) t>irectorate of Printing. As a n.:sull, only a portion' number of hou~eh()lds. .The contents of Part A of Part C (depicting I)ome of the census labl(;s) were further cnlarged by including two appelldicc~, relating to Bang(tlore District wa<; published namely, a li~t of village'i not having any amenities somewhat belatedly and the pr()pO~al to puhltsh the and a distribution of vill~lgl!~ according to the remaining portion of Part C for Bangalore Di~trict proportions of S~hedukd Caste~ and Scheduled as well as the entire portion of Part C for the other Tribes in the total population (}f the village. The districts was finally abandoned. Town Directory formats were also modified by the addition of a few items such as class of town, Instead of witnessing an expansion as III the population. Schedukd Ca~tcs and Scheduled Tribes past two censuses the scope of the 1981 series of popUlation, decadal growth wte of popUlation, the District Census Handbooks Was curtailed to a \vorking women's hostel, adult literacy cla~ses/centn;s, considerable extent in that it was confined to the storage system regarding drinking water supply etc., publication of Village Directory, Town Directory ami abo by providing for n:cording the information and the Village/Urban Primary Census Abstracl. about the nearest place (and distance) having Thus, at the initial stage itself there was no proposal educational, medical and lin.!-lighting facilities in to compile and publish the administrative stali.'.tics case ~uch a facililY is not available in the referent and the various socio-demographic and economic town. As compared to 1971, while one statement tables based on the census data, that is, the portion indicating rcligi(ln-wi~c popUlation of'the town was which constituted 'Part C' of the 1971 series. But dropped, another statement to provide information for this change, the approach in 19~1 regarding about the amenilies availabh.: in notified slums in uniformity and comprehensiveness were very much Class i and Class II towns wa_s added. As regards the same as in 1971. In order to avoid dday in the Prim.lry Cen!.u!> Abstract of towns, the urban publication, as in the past, the District Census block-wise presentation of data was given up and Handbook was proposed to be published in two details were presented only upto the level of parts, namely, 'Part A' consisting of the Village Wards/Divisions. However, informalion on the DireclOry and Tbwn Directory and 'Part B' consisting number of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes of the Village/Urban Primary Census Abstract and Scheduled Tribes was furnished for each census besides the Special Primary Census Abstracts at enumuration block within the town in the rorm of taluk/town level in respect of the Scheduled Castes an appendix and an annexure thereio provided the and Scheduled Tribes population of the districl. description of the boundaries of each census enumeration block. Further, inslead of the nine-fold At the 1981 census, the contents of the Village c1as~ilication of workers adopted at the 1971 censu~, Directory and the Town Directory were slightly on this occasion the c1a'il>ificalion was restricted to enlarged and the formats were restructured. In the 4 categories. In Karnataka, in 1981 also, both Part Village Directory aU the amenities except power A and Parl B pOrlions of the District Census supply were brought together under a broad heading Handbooks were publi.'.hed togttthcr in a single with the provision that 'in case an amcnity is not volume for each district. However,' because of certain available in the referent village, the distance to the tcchnical compUlsions, all the information relating nearest place where that parlicular.• , amenity IS to Schedul~d Castes and Scheduled Tribes was available may be indicated in broad ranges'. A excluded from the main formats and was presented new item 'approach to the village' was included. In separa¢ly at thc end in the form of a Supplement the remarks column, a provision was made to report (separate booklets were brought out in the case of the number of cop,ies of newspapers in circ~lation Bidar and Mandya Districts), in the village as also the number of motor cars, the number of motor cycles and the number of 2. Scope of' the 1991 Distri

(xvi) consisting of the Village/Urban ward-wise Primary (i) Village Directory : Census Abstract in addition to the District Primary The Village Directory format adopted for the Census Abstract and the Special Primary Censu~ 1991 series has 18 columns. When examined with Abstract in respect of the Scheduled Castes anc.1 reference to th~ 1981 format it will be noticed that Scheduled Tribes. Though, the scope of the 1C)<)j two columns have now been left out - while one series of the District Census Handbooks has, by of these columns refers to the 'staple food' the and large, remained the same as In 1981, it other refers to the 'remarks' under which, information few significant changes have been made irl about the places of religious, historical or the Village Directory format as well as th~ archaeological interest in the village as also Primary Census Abstract format. In Karnataka, information about the number of copies of unlike at the previous censuses, on thi~ newspapers in circulation, the number of motor cars, occasion, the 'Part A' and 'Part B' portion~ motor-bic.ycles and lractl)r~ avail.lblc in villages was of the District Census Handbooks of cadi published in 1981. As compared to 1981, there is district are being brought out in separate volumes. no change in the sc_ope and coverage of the The manner of presentation of data has als() information presented in the 18 columns of which undergone a significant change in that the Village % arc oevoleo ~or amenh·.es ana {> are meant tor Directory and the Primary Census Abstract daUl indicating the area of the village and the land use are presented according to the location of villageS pattern. The remaining four columns are meant and towns within the jurisdiction of a Community for indicating the location code and name of the Development Block rather than their location withiJ1 village, total population and the number of a taluk*. In other words, the traditional practice households enumerated in the village and the name of taluk-Ievel presentation of data has now bectl of the nearest town as also the distance to that givenup 10 preference to the Community town. The aspects covered under the amenitiel. arc: educational, medical, sources of drinking water Development Block level presentation of data whicll ...... is considered as more meaningful in the present supply, postal and telegraph, weekly market, commu- day context. Since, C.D.Biock is the lowest nication, nature of approach road and power supply. administrative unit filr developmental planning, t~e Further, if a village did not have any educalional choice of the C.D. Block as the unit for datl! facility at all, instead of merely reporting the fact presentation is expected to help the planners itl and stopping at that, an indication of the distance formulating micro-level developmental plans. (in ranges) that the villagers have to· traverse to Another innovation at the 1991 census is the reach a place with educational facilities (at the basic arrangements made for the d!ssemination of the level) is reported. The same procedure of reporting data in collaboration with the National InformaticS is adopted regarding medical facilities, drinking water Centre through its country-wide computer networ~. supply, postal and communication as well as weekly In the published volumes of the District CensuS. market facilities. The. distance ranges adopted for Handbooks, therefore, the computer codes assigne" reporting are the samC\ as in 1981, namely -5 km, to the villages in the 1991 cens~s and the S - 10 km and 10+ km. In an explanatory note, corresponding codes in 1981 are presented so as which precedes. the pre$c;_ntation of the Village to facilitate the data users who may prefer to usC Directory Statem~nts, details about the abbreviations the data either from magneticr tapes or floppies. used under various columns are furnished.

• III Komo(tlko, tire "Toluk, POllclroyo( SOl7liti" corresponds to tile Community De~'elopment Block, alld for tile sake of maintainillg ullifomlity with the aI/-lIUJin poltem, the ten" CD. Block hos been ltsed tlJrouglWlIt in tile District Cellsus Halldbooks. 17,e jurisdiction of a To/uk Pallchayat Samili is cotenuillus witll ihat of the correspolJding Ta/uk but excludes the statutory tOWIIS.. .

(xvii) The main agency which has furni ... hcd the not having any amcmtlcs except Drinking Water, villagewise information on amenities is the Zilla land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal Parishad which in turn has collccted the relevant towns and distribution of villages according to the particulars through its field formations, namely the proportion of Scheduled Castes population and Chief Executive Officcrs (i.e., the Block Development Scheduled Tribes populati()r:. Officers) of the various To/uk POIlC}z0YO! Samitis. These details were examined for consistency as well Oi) Town Directory : as with reference to the particulars reported in 1981 As in 1981, in 1991 too, there arc sevcn and cases of deterioration or of abnormal statements which furnish information on the following developments were referred back for rcvcrificatio n aspects - growth history; physical aspccts and and rectification. For instance, as compared to 1981, locational particular::.; municipal finance; civic and for several villages, Wells and Tanks did not find other amenities; civic amenities available in the a mention as a source of drinking water supply. notified slums of Class I and Class II towns; medical, When referred back, the concerned Chief Executive educational, recrealional and cultural facilities; and Officers clarified thal in most of thesc cases, the trade, commerce, industry and IXlOking. The scope drinking watcr wclls of yester years have either of lIlc various column Irciidingf> iidoplCd ia 11)81 Iras dried up or fallen into disuse on account of the remained unchanged' in 1991. However, in increasing number of borewclls drilled in such villages Stah.:ment-I, slight lllodilicalions have been made 10 and also becausc of thc implementation of the accolllodate the 1991 c~nsus data - an additional National Rural Watcr Supply Scheme, the column is provided for indicating the 1991 popUlation Mini-Water Supply Scheme and Accelerated Watcr and the growth rate rcgi.'llered by the town during Supply Scheme etc. So also regarding the availability the decade 1981-91. In Statemenl-I an additional of pucca approach road facility several instances of column has been provided for indicating the name deterioration were noticed. Such cases too were of the C.D.B1ock within the juri... diction of which referred back so that the factual data may be verified the referent (own is located. It may be incidenlaJIy again and reported for publication. Information mcnti()~ed that, in K

(xviii) serial number. Against this name lhe cumulative apsccts had to be gathered by thc civic authorities totals for the urban agglomeration as a statistical from ~everal offices and institutions loc<.ltcd in the unit are presented wherever such a procedure is town through correspondence and or by deputing relevant. and meaningful. This line is then followed oflieials for the purpose. The particulars so by those relating to the constituent towns of thc furnished were scrutinised in the first stage and urban agglomeration starting with the name of the cases of abnormal variations as compared ~o the core town and followed by the others arranged in situation in 1980 and also inconsistencies were an alphabetical order of their names. This referred back to the reporting agency for procedure, it may be recalled, is the same as that revetilication and rectification so as to ensure that adopted in 1971 as well as in 1981 and this enables the details now given in the Town Directory represent one to have a fairly good assessment of the data the factual position. relating to the smaller civic administrative units that form part of the larger unit :)'nd also of the aggregate The scope of the information presented under data relating to the larger unit itself. In case there various columns and the abbreviations used are arc 'outgrowths' which arc not 'urban areas' in their explained in a note which precedes the presentation own right, the particulars relating to such arc as arc of the Town Directory statements. merged with the data relating to the concerned core (iii) Primary Census Abstract : town. Such towns which have 'uutgrowths' arc marked out by an aste~isk mark and for all purposes, The Primary Census Abstract IS presenll.:u the term 'town' would coycr the core town as well village-wise in the case or 'rural' areas,and town-wise as its outgrowths. In an appendix the names of (upto ward· or division level) in the case of urban the revenue villages or areas which have been areas. The outgrowths of a town are treated at identified as outgrowths and the population thereof par with a ward or division of the core town arc indicated separately. In the case of villages irrespective of the number of census enumeration certain parts of which arc regarded as outgrowths blocks into. which it is constituted. Within the while the other parts arc considered as 'rural', the district, the Community Development Blocks tire data relating to the I outgrowths (i.e., the urban arranged in the alphabetical order of their namcs component) is included in the town Directory in English and covered one after the other in that statements and the data pertaining to the rest of order. For each CD.Block, the total figures with the portion retained in the rural frame appears in the rural-urban break-up is given first and this is the Village Directory. In Statements II, III and VI followed by the village-wise data and then by the where it is not relevant to combine the data for ward-wise data for the towns if any, within the the urban agglomeration as a whole, the legend 'sc,e jurisdiction of the CD.Block. In the case of a village tbe constituent towns' is printed agaimst the name, of which only a portion has been incorporated in of the urban agglomeration instcad of allowing the a town or has bccn rCfogniscJ as an outgrowth uf entire line to remain blank. a ','town, the details rei'ating to only that portion w~ich is not ~o incorporated or so recognised but The particulars furnished in Statement I which ha~ been retained in the tural frame is presented deals with the growth history are entirely based on under various columns. The names of villages (and the current as well as the previous censuses. As their respective ateas) which arc fully includcd in such, this has been compilQd in the Census urban areas or have been ,recognised as outgrowths Directorate without seeking ioformation from the of towns for purposes of the 1991 Census (but arc concerned civic bodies. The' details presented in I retained in the jurisdictional lists of the Survey and the remaining statements have:been furnished mainly Settlement authorities) if any within the boundaries by the concerned civic authorities such -as the__ of the C.D.Block arc indicated in the flyleaf which Municipal Commissioners, Chief Officers of towns, precedes the PCA statement fur the C.D.Block Secretaries of MandaI Panchayats, Administrative Officers Clc. Except for the information regarding After presenting 1he PCA data for all1hc villages municipal finance, most oCthe information on other and towns covered by the CD. Blocks in the district,

(xix) the PCA data relating to all the urban areas of the count with rderence to the !'unrise on March 1, district (Le., statutory as well as non-statutory towns) 1991. The questionnaires canvassed by the are furnished. For this purpose, the towns/urban enumerators, namely the Household Schedule and agglomerations are arranged in an ascending order the Individual Slip arc brief in thdr wordings and of their location code numbers. And, for each town the concepts used for purposes of the 1991 Census the ward or division-wise details are presented her(!. Operations and the manner in which the schedules arc to be filled in have been explained in a bookkt In Karnataka, as already mentioned, the 'entitled Instructions to Enumerators for filling up jurisdiction of a CO.Block is cotcrminus with th.u the Household Schedule and the Individual Slip. of the Taluk of the same name, but excludes the Some' of the important concepts and the relevant areas incorporated in statutory towns and cities. By explanations arc indicated 10 the following and large, a C.D.Block corresponds to the rural paragraphs. areas of the taluk. However, if there arc any non-municipal census towns and areas which have (i) Urban areas :- The definition adopted in 1961 been identified as outgrowths of statutory towns and adhered to in 1971 as well as in 1981 (though within the jurisdiction of the tal uk, then such towns with a slight modification regarding the classification and outgrowths are arso regarded as fying within of fishing ano f(m,;!stry) has been retaineo for the the jurisdiction of the concerned CO.Block. The 1991 census also. According to this definition the PCA particulars relating to such units arc presente~ urban areas include : under the concerned C.D.Bloeks against the urban category and are repeated again at the end under i) all places with a Municipality, Corporation, the caption 'District Urban'. Cantonment Board or Notified Town Area Committees, etc. In the case of an urban agglomeration, the ii) all other places which satisfy the following aggregate figures obtained by the addition of the criteria: data relating to the constituent towns and outgrowths thereof if any arc presented against its namc. a) a minimum popUlation of 5,000 Thereafter, the data for the constituent towns starting b) at least 75 per cent of the male working from the core town including the location code, arc popUlation engaged 111 non-agricultural presented in a continuous sequence. I n case a 10Wl1 pursuits and has outgrowths (which arc not towns in their owt) c) a den~ity of popul

(xx) agglomeration". An urban agglomeration' may consist the truncated portion itself is considered as an of : independent revenue village., 2) When outlying portion!> of certain revenue village!> a) A city with continuous outgrowth (the part arc incorporated into the limits of urban areas of outgrowth being oUbide the statutory by a Government Notification such areas, limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages); whether populated or not, arc excluded from the rcvenue village concerned and the village b) One town with similar outgrowths or two or boundaries arc redefined for census purposes. more adjoining towns with their outgrowths 3) Revenue villages which are completely as in (a) ; or incorporated in the ·Iimits of urban arcas or c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with else, arc submerged .completely under reservoir their outgrowths all of which form a projects but arc still retained in the jurisdictional continuous spread. lists of the Survey and Settlement authorities J?cnding a resurvey and such other procedures, Geographical contiguity with the statutory limits arc taken nole of as .revenue villages but arc of the core town is the main factor in determining omitted for census purposes i.e., these are not whether or not a nearby satellite town or an treated as census villages. Similarly, entire outgrowth is to be included JO the urban revenue villages, which have been identified as agglomeration. This is purely a statistical concept outgrowths of urban areas for purposes of 1991 and for carrying out the actual census, the census arc treated not as census villages but us administrative jurisdictions of the city or the towns urban areas. The name~ of such villages, if "tillY, concerned as well as of the outgrowths have been in a Taluk/C.O.Block arc indicated in a lly leaf. kept quite intact. The data arc presented for the urban agglomeration as a whole and also severally 4) If there arc forest areas that do not form part for each of the constituent units. of any of the revenue villages then such areas ! arc identified clearly and the smallest (iii) Rural areas - i.e., villages: Areas whieh are administrative unit into which such forest areas not classified as 'urban' according to the definition" arc divided (eg.Forest Beat) is reckoned as the given above constitute the rural areas, The ba!>ie census Village. A Forest Range may consist of unit for rural areas is the revenue villa&IC which has several such census villages. (In Karnataka this definite surveyed boundaries. In the case.: of phenomenon is noticeable only in Kollegal Taluk unsurveyed villages, the boundaries as determined of Mysore District). by the local usage have been adopted. The revenue village may consist of a single nucleated seUlement I (iv) Census Enume ..... tiOIl Riock : The smallest unit or comprise of several settlements or clusters of 'adopted for census taking is the Census Enumeration houses located at several places within the territorial Bloc'~. Gcnerally, the tow~ and cities arc divided limits of the village or the village may not be having into wards or divisions and, wherever such units any human settlements at all (i.e., it may be totally exist, ~heir distincrive identities have been maintained. uninhabited). The census village and lhe revenue The geographical area comprised in each such ward village arc identical in the maU9r of jurisdiction. or division or, the town in its entirety, is constituted However, there arc a few excepti?ns to this general into several blocks in !>uch a' way that every bit of rule: ' land specifically stands included in one or the other enunieration bloek and also that there is no 1) When the main settlement ~f the village with over-lapping of arcas. In the urban areas, the or without the surroundihg opcn lands is C~nsus Enumeration Blocks are constituted in !>uch constituted into an urban area, the remaining a way that each such Block contains about 120 tracts of the revenue village are together treated households covering a population of about 600 as a sep:uate unit for purposes of census i.e.,. persons. However, in view of the condition that

(xxi) each block should have clear-cut boundaril.!s I.!a~ily the identity of any particular census enumer:..tion recognisable on the field, blocks which arc cither block can be known quitc ea~ily. The numbers larger or s!llaller than the norm have all>o bl.!cn a ...... igncd arc "n Arabic numerals, except in the caH~ constituted. In the case of non-municipal towns, of towns in which case Roman numaals have becn if the town boulldaril.!s arc not specifically notiiied, adopted. For al>~igning the location code numbers the jurisdiction of the entire revenue village the Slales in the Country, the Di~lricts in the Slate, concerned is regarded as the jurisdiction of the the Towns in the District and the Taluks/C.D.Blocks town as well. In the case of towns which arc under in the District arc arranged in the alphabetical order the administration of Mandai Panchayats, the of their names. The villages in a taluk are organised Panchayat jurisdiction need not necessarily be into revenue circles or hohlis for administrative identiccH with the jurisdiction of the non-municipal purpose!> and each such unit will have a headqua.. ter census town. town or village. The identity of such units is maintained while a~~ignrllg the location code In the case of villages, depending upon the numbcrs. Starting from the circle of which the population data based on the Houselisting Operations Taluk HeadqlJarter~ happens to bl.! the Circle carried out during 1990, each village has been he.ldquarll.!r~ a:-. well, the villagel> in itl> juri~diclion constituted into one or more numbcr of Cen~us arc l>erially numbered by proceeding in a clockwise Enumeration Blocks. The work-load norm for the direction or in a !>erpentine manner l>tarting from rural areas is 150 households covering an approximate the norLh-wel>L corner. After exhau!>ting all the population of 750 persons. However, numerous village!> in that circle, the villages of the adjacent Census Enumeration Blocks with below-norm circle are a,)l>igned numbers in the same manncr. population have been constituted and a l>ingle The numbering of villages run continuously for the enumerator has quite often been entrusted with the Taluk through the different Circles or Hoblil>. enumeration work in 2 or more contiguous blocks so as to ensure that the aggregate population b The entire ~et of th..: 1991 cc.n~us data relating quite close to the norm. Further, in each village to the village directory and the village/urban care has been taken to ensure that no bit of land ward-wbe PCA has been computerised. For this belonging to that village is left out of con~ideration purpose a l>eparate code ~rueture has been while constituting the Blocks. Each hamlet or island, developed. The computer codes assigned to the if any, found within the jurisdiction of the ~illage - villages in each Taluk or C.D.B1ock arc indicated irrespective of its population si/e - has been in the alphabetical li~t of villages along with the constituted into a separate Block in order to maintain corresponding location code number!. assign'(d for its geographical identity. Further, even the villages enumeration purpo!.es. So a)c.,o particu);lrl> about known to be uninhabited at the time of houselisting the code!. al>~igned to to\\n!. arc indicated in the operations have been constituted into separate blocks. alphabetical li ... t of towns which precede') the In other words, a complete coverage of the territorial presL:ntation of the PCA !.tatement~ in respect of jurisdiction of each and every village has been the urban areas of the dil>triet. ensured. (vi) Building : A building is generally a single (v) Location Code Number : Every State in the structurc on the ground. Sometimes it is made up Country, every District in the State, every Taluk or of morc tllan one component unit which are used Town in the District, every C.D. Block (or its or likely (0 be used as dwellings (residences) or equivalent) in the District, every village in the taluk e~tablil>hments l>uch al> shops, businel>s houses, offices, and every ward or division in the city or town and factories, worhheds, schools, places of entertainment, every enumeration block in the village or town is places of wor~hip, godowns, stotes, ctc. It is also assigned a number in a particular. oWer for carrying possible that buildings which have component units out the census enumeration. When these numbers may be used for a combination of purposes such are written side by side in the same order, startin~ as shop-culll-residence, workl>hop-cul1l-residencc, from the State and separated by an oblique mark, office-cum-residence, etc.

(xxii) (vii) Census House : A 'census house' is a building; 3) Also those who are known to be normally or part of a building having a separate main entrance residing and· are not present at the time of the from the road or common courtyard or staircase; enumerator's visit but are expected to return etc., used or recognised as a separate unit. It may before February 28, 1991 and be oceupied or vacant. It may be used for a 4) Visitor~ who are present in the household residential or non-residential purpose or both. censused and arc away from the place(s) of their usual residence during lhe entire (viii) Household : A 'household' is a group of enumeration period. For the purpo!>e of persons who commonly live together and take their enumeration such visitors will be treated as meals from a eommon kitchen unless the exigencies normal residents of the household in wh.ich they of work prevented any of them from doing so, are actually found during the enumeration period There may be a household of persons related by provided they have not been enumerated blood or a household of unrelated persons or having; elsewhere. a mix of both. Examples of households having; unrelated members are boarding houses, messes; (x) Ute rate ~ A person who can both read. and hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, write with understanding in any language is 'literate'. aslJramas etc. These are called 'Institutional A person who can merely read but cannot write, Households'. There may be one member households, is not 'literate'. It is not· necessary that a per!>on member households or multi-member househo'lds, 2 who is literate sh,)uld have received any formal For census purposes, each one of these types is education or should have passed any minimum regarded as a 'household'. If a group of persons educational standard. All children of the age of 6 who are unrelated to each other live in a censuS years or less are treated as illiterate. house but do not have their meals from the common kitchen, they would not constitute an institutional (xi) Workers and' NOll-workers : For census purposes household. Each such person would be treated as 'work' is defined as 'participation in any economically a separate household. Thf important Ii,nk in -finding; productive activity'. Such participation may be out whether there is a household or not is a common physical or mental in nature and would involve not kitchen. There may be a household which docs not only actual work but also effective supervision and have a house to live in and may temporarily dwell direction of work. lL abo includes unpaid work on on the roadside pavement, in hume pipes, temples, farm or in family enterprise. The reference period manlaps, platforms etc., or move about from place for determining whether a person is a worker or a to place resting underneath shade-bearing trees, nOI,1-worker is the year i.e., the 365 days, preceding " pavements and verandahs of public or private ,the date of enumeration. The criterion is libcral buildings. Such households, referred to as 'Houseless \ and.. even a person who has- participated in the Households' for eensus purposes, were enum

(XlCiii) Marginal Workers : Those who have nt)t worked 1. Cereal and Millet crops : Puddy, wheat, for a major part of the year under referencc i.e., jowar, bajra, mai:lC, ragi, barley, etc, those who have worked for less than six months 2. Pulses: Arhar, gram, kcsari, moong, niasur, (i.e., for less than 183 days) during the entire urd, ctc. reference period. 3. Fibre crops : R;lW cotton, jute, mesta, In view of the past experience that women arc sunhemp and kindred crops. often classified as non-workers because of 4. Oil Seeds : Sesamum, ground-nut, rape non-reporting of their work or as those who have sCGd, mustard, linseed, sunflower, castor, not worked for a major part of the year, special etc. efforts have been made at the 1991 census for eliciting accurate information by asking probing 5. Cash crop : Sugarcane questions. The' growing of the following crops is 1I0t In respect of main workers as also marginal cOllsidered as cultivation : workers, further details on the sector of cconomy 1. Plantation crops : Tea, coffee, rubber, in which they worked, the actual nature of work tobacco, pepper, canhlmom, etc. done by them, their employment status (i.e., empl~yer, employee, unpaid family worker or own 2. Edible mils (other than groundnut) : Walnut, account single worker) have been gathered at the almond, cashcwnut, etc. census. 3. Fruits: Bananas, apples, grapes, mangoes, oranges elc. • Important terms such as cultivators, agricultural labourers and household industry are explained 4. below. 5. Ganja, cinchona, opium and medicinal plants. a) Cultivators: For purposes of census, a person is 6. Betel nuts (areca) working as a cultivator if he or she is engaged 7. Flowers either as employer, single worker or famUy 'Worker 8. Roots and tubers, chillies and spices in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from private persons or institutions for 9. Vegetables payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes 10. Other crops not specifically induded under supervision or direction of cultivation as well. A cultivation. person who has given out his or her land to another person or persons for cultivation for money, kind b) Agricultural Labourer : A person who ,works in or share of crop and who does not even supervise another person's land for wages in money, kind or or direct the cultivation of land, will not be treated share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. He as 'cultivator'. Similarly, a person working in another or she has no risk in the cultivation. The agricultural person's land for wages in cash or kind or a labourer has no right of lease or contract on the combination of both will not be treated as' cultivator'. land on which lie or she works.

Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and c) Household Industry : Household Industry is harvesting. For certain reasons, the growing of defined as an industry conducted by the head of certain crops is nol considered as cultivation and the household himself or herself and or by the a person engaged in growing of such crops is not members of the household at home' or within the regarded as a cultivator. A person can oe classified village in rural areas and only within the precincts as cultivator or not, only 011 tile basis of tile of the house where the household lives in the case crops grow". Tbe growing of the following crops of urban areas. The larger proportion of workers is considered as cultivation. in a household industry would consist of members of the household including the h~ad. The industry

(xxiv) should not be run on the scale of a registered according to the categories of non-workerl> 1mt factory which would qualify to be registered under indicatel> the total number of non-workers by sex. the Indian Factories Act. Household Industry should relate to production, processing, servicing, repairing a) 'Household duties : This covers all persons who or making and selling (but not merely selling) of arc engaged in unpaid home duties and who do no goods. The goods produced should not be other work or have not done any work at all during exclusively for consumption by the household itself the last one year. but should be wholly or partly for sale. b) Students: This will cover all full-time students including childre!1 attending school. d) Other Workers : All workers, ),e., those wh() have been engaged in some economic activity during c) Del>endenlll : This catcgory includes all depcmlentl> the reference period of last one year, who are not such as infants, children not allending school and Cultivators or Agricultural Laboure,s or workers in permanently disablcd from work because of illness Household Industry were categorised as 'Other or old age. Dependents will include even able Workers' (OW) at the time of census enumeration bodied persons who cannot be categorised in any iImJ {crrtmx d.,"'tJils iImmt (ITe IT.ltorr (i{ imio'S(ry; oJhu CnJcgDry Df J)on-worker.s bJJr nrc dcpemJcnJ trade or service in which they were engaged were on others. gathered by the enumerators. On the basis of lhi~ d) Retired Persons or Rentiers : A person who descriptive information, at the tabulation stage, eaeQ has retired from service and is doing no other work such worker has been further categorised a~ i.c., not employed again in Some full time work or belonging to one or the other of the following not engaged in some other work such as cultivation, Industrial Categoties based on Revised Nationa\ business, trade, etc., or a person who is a renlier Industrial Classification - 1987. or living on agricultural or non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other person of independent III Workers in livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting, means for securing which he or she does not have plantations, orchards and aliied activities; to work, will come under this category. IV Workers in mining and! quarrying activities; e) Beggars : This will cover beggars, vagrants or V(b) Workers in manufacturing, processing, servicing cases such as persons without indication or source and repairs which are carried on as other of income and those with unspecified sources of than household industry; l>ubsislence who are n<)t engaged in any economically VI Workers in construction; productive work. VII Workers in trade and commerce; I),. Inmates of hllltitutions : This will cover convicts in jails or inmates of a penal, mental or charitable VIII Workers in transport, storage and commu­ inst,tutiQn even if such persons are compelled to nications, and do sOmQ .. work such as carpe'~ry, carpet weaving, IX Workers in other services. vegetable growing, etc., in such institutions. But an \ undertrial, prisoner enumerated in a jail would be (xii) Non-workers : All those who have not at aU recorded for the work he or she wa'i doing before participated in any economic activity during the he or she ',vas apprehended. Similarly, a person refe.ren.ce period of one year precediIJ8 the date of temporarily in a hospital or similar institutions would enumeration are classified as non-workers. be recorded for the kind of work he or she was doing before he or she was admitted into the hospital Depending upon the manner In which such or institution. -But, for a long-term undertrial non-workers engaged themselves f(}r most of the prisoner or convict in a prison or for long-term time during the reference period of one year the}' inmates of penal or charitable or mental institutions, are cI~ified into one or the other of the (ollowing the person's previous work would not be taken into six categories at the time of census cnumeratioQ consideration. A person will be considered as itself. Howev~r, the Primary Census Abstract 'LDng-Jcrm' jnm»Je jf be or she js jn .sJJch an ptesented in this volume does hot furnish detail~ institution for 6 months or more.

(xxv) 4. Brief History of the District' with this area, known as TlIllInadu, which lind~ a mention' in a ~()ng eomp()~cd' by Mamulnar. The For more than a century and a quarter, 111 all earliest (;reek reference" dale h;ICk frnm the IlIne~ the official records, the di~trict wa~ kno\\n as South of Pliny (AD.21). The coa"t:tl strip wa" wry much Kanara (also spell as South Canard) a" di"tinguished involved in tran~-()eeanic tr;lding activilie~ 01 those: from its northern counterpart \\ hich was called Nun h early day~. Kanara. Both the Kanara distrieb at one time formed a composite district and belonged to the Madras From ahout the early cenillrie~ of the Chri"tian Presidency. The bifurcation took place in IR(J() and era upto ahout 14(iO A.D. thi~ district \\';I~ under in 1862 while South Kanara was retained in the thl: administnttive conlrnl \)1' the Alupa" and bore , North Kananl was transfqred the nallle Alvakheta ()r AIa\'akhed in hi~tnri<:;t1 tu the Bombay Presidency. This name remained record~. The famoll~ Halmidi inscripJinn dated unaltered till 1977 even though the country and the -till A. D. ree()rd~ a grant and among other thing~ States therein witnessed tremendous changes in the slate!'l that the grant wa~ rcc()mmended by Pa~hup;lli, politico-administrative sphere. I n January ]1)77, the the Alupa king \\hl) wa~ the chief commander of name of the district \Va~ changed as Dakshina the Kadamha f()rce~. In another in~cription Kannada (vide, GllVefl1ment of Karnataka belonging to the reit'-n or K;adamha Ravivdrm:t Notification No.RDF (j TNV dated 31.1.1977). Thi~ (4~.'i-5I') A.D.), that the Alupas tried to di~own change doe~ not however imply any material the Chalukyan supremacy and were again .~uhdued alteration, for the term Dab,hina Kannada is nothing hy Pulikeshi-Il ((l()9--l.()2 A.D.) heeol11e~ clear frnm but a simple tran~lation of the words S,)uth Kanara the AihoIc inscription. Later, Aluvadlsa i~ ~tated into Kannada, the language of the State. In fact, to have helped Vikramaditya-I in re-e~tabli~hing. the the change represents a case of revcrsal of the Challikyan empire after the tli~a~tcr it had met wilh policy of anglicisation of the British period. In the at the: hands or the Pallav;ls. In reeognitilln uJ his 1()81 census puhlications, however, the name of this services to the empire. AllI\'ara~a. \\ho had hi~ district ha~ been spelt as Dakshin Kannad in order capital at Mangalapura. wa~ hl'~towed with the to adherl' to the spellings finalised and adopted I'm oVl:rlordship or Kadamha-mandaIa and Pomhllrch;l. usc on the maps. by the Surveyor General, India. He: was sllcceeded hy C'hilravahana-I who had been Incidentally it may be noticed that thi~ is one among hailed as a great patron of learning. He enjoyed the t hi ee di~tl iets \\ hich arc not naniled after their t hl: g~;()d grade or h i~ ~ll/erain and his queen \\'a~ respectivc headquartcr-towl1~ and also that the~e a Challikyan prinee~s. In cour~e of timc the Alupa" three di~triets arc contiguous. be~ame fcaudall)fic~ of the Rashtrakutas also. The Chola~ too made in-roads into Alilpa territory and Tradition has it that thl: West Coa~t, including established them~c1\'Co. ;It for a short period . the area clll1lprised in this di~trict, was created (that • Bankideva Alupendr:i-I (llCO-1050 AD.) rec(J\en.:d is, retrieved fwm the Sea) by the ~ixth the lost territorie~ with the support HI' Santara~ and incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The temple of Renuka other local chieftains. A- little later, when Pandya on the Kunjaragiri hill ncar is believed to Pottiyodeya (1OS0-11 IO A.D.) refllo.cd to accept the have been built in honour of his mot her hy Chalukyan supremacy, Sctty-(iavuntIa, a gcneral of Parashurama himself. Traditionally large tracts Hoysala king Vislmuvardhana led an invading army, belonging to this district arc known as Tuluva and on, behalf of the Chalukyan empem'r, into the Aillpa Haiga. Pla~es such as and Pu~hpagi,.i country. Th0ncdorth the Alupa ruler~ accqHed • I and ! ih'r~ such as Netravati, KUl11aradhara etc., lind the suzerainty: of the Ho)sala~ and continued to ;1 In,:nlinll 111 the Markandeya, Vayu and administer these territ()rie~ a~ fclldatorie~ with a Bha\!-Jll'llara Puranas. The district has a hoary past ~llC(:e~Slon of rlller:-. including KliIashckhara from the point of view of recorded hi!'ltory al!'lll. Alupe:ndra (ll(J()-1220 A.D.) who held the reign~ in The Tamil, "I' the Sangam period were quite familiar an able manner for a very long rlerind. During

'SOUl' '. CellSllS of Illdia, 1981, District CCIlSllS Handbook, Daks/lill KallllllLi Districi. Ballga/orc,

(xx'Vi) thi" period both Bdrkur ,lt1d M,lIlgdlor L llllull"hed 01 IHel I ,\lto 1,lIer Oil (,.lIle to hl: kno\\I1 ..... Kd.ttIJ ,l" '>eolt" of oldmini,trdtion Dunng the feign 01 N.ly,lk, .... ,lIld I3ldnol e N,I) ,lk,I'" a ... \\ cll, cmerged .t ... B,III,I-Mdh,ldevi the kll1gdom W,I" lorm,t1ly "pht lip 01 into two pdrt" n,lI11c1y B.lrkur ,lIld M ,mg,t1nre But thi.., dl..,tl iLl Umkr Ihe p,.!IOIl.tge 01 Ihe her "on and "uece<,<,Of N,lg.ldc\.tr.t',1 \\d<' l.tter ... et Vijay.lIl.lgdfd mOIl.1I (.h.., they C\.tenued thell inlluel1(.e a"lde by her nephew B,lI1kH.lchl-ll \\ho hec,lmc the in the Tutuv,1 loUn!IY ,11"'0 Vl:nLII,lpP,1 N,ly"k,I-1 s.ol'c Alupa ruler ,md \)\:g.ll1 t .... ll1g roY,11 lit Ie". bUill ">e\\:r,11 lorh III ,lIld ,Iround B,lrkur ,lIld ,11...0 B.llI.lI.l-IlI, subdued ~oyidev .. Alupendr.t (n I "'i-I )'\) e ... t"hh..,hl:d Vcer,l,>h,IIVd llldth ... .II "'l:ver .. 1 pl.l(.e ... A.D.) and once ag,lIn brought the Alup.t., under ShiY,IPP,1 N.ly.tk" (J()4'i- 1()(l() AD) 'Y"'WI1l"tK.tlly the complete control of the HOY",II,I P(l\\Cf In ,I jOJllI IUIe 01 10...1 their ,>tronghokh .1Ild ~llI\.tpp" NdYdk.1 bee,lI11e the Hoy<"tl,I" and Alup,I'" III tim regl()J1, ,lilt! thl: ullth"'p~Jtld m"..,tcr 01 Ihe cO,I,,>1 Durll1g thc B.lll.lI,I-III n1.lintained ,I milit'lfY t:\t,lbll ... lullenl ,II peflod 01 ~01ll.t..,11dh,lr,1 N,I\,ILI-I (1(1(11-1(,71 AD) B.trkur. The S,lI1tdr,." 100 g,tined d loothold lJl Ihe the Porlllgue..,e \\el C dllllwed 10 build 1,l(.tlH Ie... .it

Alup.l territory a" !cud.llmy (.hld... VLcr,lp,lI1dy .. -ll M,lI1g,dore ,lilt! I3,lfldorl ,lIld Ihclf bo,ll.., \\1:[(; given (1390-1400 AD) h,lppen ... to be the 1,1 ... 1 lukr 01 hCl ,1(:lL">'" to the porI<., 01 Ihl: kmg.dom Thl..,

Ihe Alup,l dyn.t ... ty c( II dldl rcl.lilon ... lll p ..,olJft:d ,lg,lIn .Inti III 17 I 1-14 A 0 ,11.1 rqwl.lI h.llllL Ihe POilugIlC<,": (".Ipttllld After the decline of Ihe Hoy ..... I•• " the Alup,''> ~" ... rul ,lIld K,dlJ,IIlPUI .lIld de ... tfll\l:d "'l:\ef,d "hip", and Ihe Satll,lr,l" accepted the ,u/er,lInly 01 Ihe ,JIld " gllOtf tiL ,II 01 l11eldl.lndl"L rhL lOll'> .It emergent VijdY,Ill,lg.trd emplfe. The edlltc ... t D,IIIY.lb.ld· IILdf 1\1,t1IK, l\1,tllllh,IIg.,ld .II K,l)HI. inl>cription of the ViJ,IYdll,lg,lr,1 period found III thl' l\1,dl,IIU. Ton ... e ,1Ild ('oond,lpllof .. ., ,tI ... o Ihe p,tI,lLl dbtrict il> dated in 1145 AD B.trkuf "\"PP,I which were .llready .,edt" of ,IJlllll1i"tldtlon lonllllued N,IY,ILI-II (ITW-17"'i4 r\ D) 01 Iht.: Kd.ILll Llmllv 10 rCldtn their import.tIlt "tdtU' dllllllg the When hi ... \UllL"'\ll' qlJLCn Veu ,unm,ljl (17'i7-17h)

Vij,ly,magard period dl,o I In order to e,UU"L AD) "".., Illoklllg ,tllu thL ddmllll..,lr,lllllll. III 17(,1 cl)mplctc control mcr the 'pm!'>, tht.: Vlj,ly,tn.lg,lI ,I AD. 11,lId,lr All ot I\1Y"ole dnne\cd 111L k'll!!dolll rulers stationed one 01 their neet" 111 Ihl.., dl..,tl itt H,lId,1I All .I11"lllLd gl L,lt IInpOJ t.tlllC III 1\I,lIlg,tlorL. under an admir,ll de'ilgndted d'i N"Vlg,ld,1 Pf,lbhu ... llengthLllcd 1[.., Il1Itdildllon ... ,JIld L\t,lhlJ ... hul " Dunng the reign of S,lluvd N,lfd'iimh,,-1I (J .. NI-I 'i()') do(kY,lId ,lIld .tn ,1I..,en.t1 .I.., \\dl 1 hI.., n,,,,,1 h""llon A.D.) the POftugue'ie drnveu on the Wt: ... t co".,1 "'" ... howl:\..:r ("[Htllcd 11\ the Engh ... h III 17(IK dnd ,md within a l>hort penod e.,t.tbh.,hed Ihclmd\c., \\,• .., d"II11,ltll,t1ly leUl\CICd \\Jlhlll .1 \\eLk by llPll They OeCdJ11e the 111 ..... ter.., 01 the \\h(llc Ir,lde of th~ \\ll! ,Ill \\ ho m.lde ,\ hg,hknlllg. .I11,1tJ.. Ag.,lin. durlllg COd!>l dlld heg,lI1 to levy ,I (..lI1d 01 Illbutc 01 gl,lIn, thl1 Sccllnd l\1y ... nrL Wdr ,,1"'0, M,lIlg,llorL beldmc d .11 all the ,,>e.l port'> In ... plle 01 their (.0[<.11,11 m,ljnl b~lltlc ground ,lilt! IhL II~I'II ... lIl(.":.., ... "lhll.'\cd rd,ltionship wit h the V Ij,l) ,\l1,lg.II.1 mOI1,ITl 11... I he by Ihe ~nglJ ... h \\" ... nulIJI'Ld hv Ilpu '-)ull,lIl Altu Porluguc~e l>tonned M.lI1g"lorc In 1'i2() ,lilt! "g,lIn th..: l,tll of ~hlll dng,lpaILIII,1 dnd TlPll \lIlt,lIl. polJlll.tI 111 1 ')10 A D. \Vhen Ahy.. R.lIn,1 R"y,1 entcred wtn ,>UP'Clll.llV mll thL \\1- ... 1 lU,I..,1 p,I" ... ed Inlo the h,lIId.., a tre.lly With them in l'i·-l7 AD Ihe enlile 01 Ihe Engll..,h ,\I1d '-)11 Tholll"'" Munro \\" ... dppllIJltcd 1 import-export trade on Ihe eo,I"'1 p,I ... ..,~U into Ihe ,I'> Colkltor 01 K"n.lfd m JUlle 17 )') Thl: p" ... ..,I\l: han<.)l> of the Portugue,>e Tim impcll,11 ,II r,lIlgelllelll f~..,I..,t,lI1ce 01101 cd Iw I h..: pllllle 01 KUlllh,d,1 ,Ind was resented by the 10c,1I lhlef.., who relll ... ed to P,IY the R,lj,1 01 Nlk ... h\,It.1 m tht.: ,,>oulhell1 hnrdcr.., 01 tributes and thus in\llcd lrcquellt p~nitl\c .lll,lI.:k.., Ihe dl ... tntl ,1<; well " ... the ,>uh ... equent upn ... ing ... kd by the Portugue!>e. With tl,,: death hi AllY,1 R,II1l., by the Hegg,llie 01 VIII,tl" ,lIld K,JI.,.dn,lw/,lIll1 \\ l:re Rdya in 1565 AD. the growing, unre ... t took ,~ pUI ~tlwn ,Illd ped(cllIl condJl Ion... prl:\

(>..\Vii) Vamsha hailed from H umcha in Shimoga di"lt iet now inclmkd in Kel aid State forl11l:d a ~ingle di~trict and had their capital at Kala!>a in Chikmagalur in the Madra~ Pre"idency. Thi ... area wa!> bifurcated district before establishing lhem~clvcs at Keravase in 1RW and, in lX(12, North Kanara excludilll', ncar Karkal in the early part of the 14th century. Coonliapoor laluk, wa" Iran"rcrreJ to Bomhay It was in 1432 A.D. during the reign of Prc~ideney. Since then all the arca.., cOl1lpri"ed in Veerapandyadcva of this dynasty that the famous thi... di~lrict, at pre!o.ent formed part of Madra.., monolithic statue of Gommateshvara at Kurkal wa~ Pre~idency of tIle Brili"h period and of M'l(..ira.., consecrated. In 1586, Bhairava constructed the State 01 the po~t -indepel1lknce er.l. In pur"uance famous Chaturmukha basadi at Karka!. SlIbsquently 'of the rec\)lI1111enJatil)n~ of Ihe Stale:,,' Reorgani"atiun he was vanquished by Kcladi Venkatappa Nayaka. COJ11i~~ion, on bt Novcmbcr )lJ:'\(I, tlli~ di~trict The Bangas scll led down at Bangadi in Beltangadi became a part of the New My~ore Slate which ha~ taluk during early 13th century and retained power since heen renanlcd as Karnataka. At the ~ame till the advent of the Briti~h. The la~t Banga Ara~u timc, Kasargod tuluk which till then formed part of who had taken part in the Coorg in~urrection wa~ South Kanara stood tran~ferred to the ncwly in fact hanged by the Britbh. The ('hauta" of PUltigc con~lituted Slate. Thu'> at the time of ih also rose to power during the 14th century and one ml:rger \\ it h Ihi" Stall: the di"tl ict ~tood di\ ided of the Chaula rulcr!o. i... mcntioned ill J.QI) A.D .. in into "ix l,tllIl-." name!) ('oondaplll)f, Udupi, K;lrl-.,t1. conneclion with the con~truction of the ramou" Mangainrl:, Bdth.lIlg.ldi and Puttur. The i III j"dictilln Tribhuvana Chudamani hasadi at Mudbidri. ()ueen of the rl:vcnlle di\i..,il)Jl\ \\'1" le\j..,ed in 19)1) ()clOhel Abbakka of Ullala hailed from lhi~ family. During when Bantval laluk wa" carved out 01 Ihe cr"twhilc the reign of Bhojaraya the Ullala arca was annexed taluk and l\1ang.llore Suh-divi ... ion w .. " to the Keladi Kingdom. Savant,~s had their capital revived. In April 19M, another new wink, namely first at Simantur and later at Mulki and Valalanke. Sulya, wa ... carved out llf the er"twhile Pullur talul-.

Dugganna, hailed ,IS d('('//(/j(ll/(i c/lifl/({IIl(llli and for adl11il1i~trati\'e (.·(ll1\cniencc. The di ... tl iet Ihu" blwvya s/tiromolli, i~ mentioned in 1542 A.D. and compri"e" 8 taluk" which are grouped int\) three a few other Savanta chid~ arc al~o found mentioned revenuc ~ub-di\i"i(ln" with hcadqudrtcl... .It in the record!> of the 17th century. The Aiila~ of Coondapoor, MangalOlc and PUl\llI Ic"pccti\.:iy. Venuru claimed to be a branch of the Saluva". The monolithic Gommatc~hwara ~tatue at Vcnuru, erected in 1604 A.D., is attributed to Til11l1lanna Dahhina Kannada i~ one 01 the two eoa..,t.t1 Ajila. The chiefs of thi" line retained power till district" of the State alld i" located in the we"tern the advent of Haidar Ali. The Moola!> had their hell. Thi" area i" ~eparated from _the re~t of the capital at Bailangadi and the Tolahara!> had their South Indian pcnill\ula by the we~tern ghab which capital at Suralu. The Honnakambali chiefs ruled form the nat ural IWUll{l;u y of thc di~lrjet on L!le from Hosangadi and held ~way OVl:r the Kollur area ca~1. On thc wc~t the Arabian ~ea lonm. the and also certain area" above the ghab. Ballala!'> and natural boundary. The di"lrict covcring. a Heggadcs were lhe chief" of a k~"er order who gcographical arc.t of ~~ ..H ~q.kl1l. lic~ bct\~ccn thc flourished at sevcral important cenlre~ ~uch a" Chillupadi, Nidamburu, Kattapadi, Vitiala, KlIl11hala latitudinal p:1falkl" of 12 dcgree 27 minute" North

*Sollrce CenSllS of Illdia, 1981, Districl CCIISIH HUlldIN)ok, Daksllin KCIIlllad D'l"llicl, 8cl1I~ClI()re.

(xxviii) by the Arabian Sea. The district c()l11pri~c~ a long strip .of territory- running ~ou(h by ~outh-ca"t and is broader in the south, where it~ wc~tel n border Netravali, Gurpur, (,anglllli, Sitanadi and Ihe docs not touch thL: coa~t. The talliks namely Sulya, SW~lrna arc Ihe principal river~ of the di~ll iet. PuHur and Banlval an: in fact hounded on the wc~l Netravati ri"e~ in the ghal~ to Ihc ca~1 of Kudrclllukh by the lands belonging to the Kerala Siale. The district which is about 177 k III in Icngt h ha~ a Cl)a~t and 110w ... down the Bal.1g.adi valley pa~t Bdtangadi. line of 140 km. The breadth varies betwL:en III kill after which il i" joined hy Ihe Kumaradhara river at the narrowest northern most tip and ahout XO ncar . From Balllyal, the river I~ km at the broadest portion. navigahle. A~ it approache!'> Mangalore it ha!'> a

Geographically, thi~ ~l11all di~trict i~ ~el:lI to wider, channel and the river i~ ~llId(.lcd with ~evcral consist of six natural di\'i~ions. The cO

The landscape forms a broken low plateau ~I)feadillg northward" to join Ihc (iurpul river and fO~'m a out from the foot of the we~tern ghab toward~ the large c~luary through \\hidl hOlh di~charge their

Arabian sea and is eharacteri~ed by ~e\'eral waler combined watcr~ tuthe "ca. (,angulli 1iV<:1 i... formed courses and nllmerou~ valley!> containing rich alluvial hy the union of ."I.'\eral "In;am... ~uch a I .: Kllllur, soils. Either the waten,hed or the ~carp-cdge .(')1' the Haladi, Ihl.: Chakra 1.:1(."., \\hieh arl.: rathl.:r "mall the , the peah of which vary i~ alt"ul~ from the poinl of \ iew 01 di"lance covcrl.:d hut carr) from 910 metres to 1830 metres MSL, rorl1l~ the large quantilie" of water drained from the mountain eastern boundary of -the di~trjct. J.n the nort hern range". Thi~ riwr i" joined hy other "mallcr "trcam" ) portion of the mountain()u~ range tl1l.;re arc ~tecp I.:nroule and linally form" a hroad e"tuary to thl.: cliffs where as in the ~outhern portilln therL: arc north of lown. ~ilanadi and Swarnanadi parallel ridges inter~ected hy deep vallcy~. Spur'> originate in the hill" "ituawd re-'pl'ctivdy in Ihe spread out from the western ghat!'> in all direction., nOlth-ca~tern and the ~nut h_'ca!.tern corner~ 01 Udupi and the longest in the district is the Chihhidri ~pur t~lluk. The~e two ri\'(:r~ join ncar Barkllr to form spreading from Ballalarayana-durga to Dharll1;l~thala. a large .,heet of hadwa(er~. BOlh the f1\er~ arc

The most interesting of the Ill0untain~ here i'f> the navigable for a di"tance 01 abolll IX km. from the Kudremllkh group which consi~ts of ' three peaks :~ coa,,1. 1\1o~t 01 ll~ minor ri\er ... and "tream" .lfl.:

Mukha Head (1881 melres) wit~ a magnilicent known after ~Ollle important villa!!e or town which precipice of over JOO mctrc~; Mid;ge Point (1&~3 they loudl in their I11cantkring cour... c. SOllle 01 metres) and the Funk Hill (1892 melre~). The these rivulcb or ~trl.:am" arc Shirur~holc, other important peah arc : Kodachadri (13-l1 Uppullda-holc, Kallianpur-hole, Udayavara-holc. metres), Ballalarayana~durga (1504 metrc~), Mu1ki-holc, Pav,lIlje-hoic,

Kattegudda (1382 me~re~), Suhrahmanya (1727 Ncriya-holc, Shi~hila-hok .1Ild (,owri-holc hc.,ide~ metres) and Sisalkal 0195 metres). Thc~e apart the . All thc~c 'Ircam~ and ri\'Cr~ now there are numerous detached hilb all over the from I.:a"t to we"t and arc elllnparativciy ~l1lall in district and among!'>t the~e Ammedikal in Pullur length. During the 1110n~O()n~, because of the heavy taluk which rises to a height of 1293 mclre~ is Ihe r;lin~ and the rugged nature of Ihe terrain, the"e most prominent. The coastal strip i!'> rdativdy free river!'> and ~trealll~ ova-flow their hanks and carry

(xxix) great volumc ... of wdter 111 r dilld l urn:nh In the h.tlHkd gl ,lillie. ,o,lp~tolle. lorundul11. g,1I net. 11011 dry \\c,lther, the rocky ch,lI.tuer of thL II\Lf bed ... \lie, ,lIll.t 'dlld. ,t1I111dllIIL, hl11e- ... hLII ,1l1d d,IY "llltdhk He,lvy r,lIn... ,ll1d the re'lllt,lllt lor thc 111.111uLIllule oltlk, III L()l1'lliLrdhlL qll.tntlllc' flooded stre,lm<; ,ll1d fiver, ,omellme ... Cdll ... C d'llll,l~e Thc ,oil .111 the dl ... tllLl I... pi .1 IILLIIIIL t\pe to life and property including the ,t.l11ding crop, But !>uch flood ... of ... ilL tl1.lt kltIli'e ... the ,oil But 1m ,II e("lI111t, 'l.lrd.llllom .1IId pl.lI1t.lIll'>. 1 he nUI11L IOU ...

~hort distance~ ncar the e'>tuMie' thc ri\cr ... 01 the \,dlc) ... ,tnd r.t\ll1C, ho\\c\cr lont.1I1l (ertile .tllll\'l,d dis(ric:( occasionally pldy h,IVOC. "oil

Geologically, with the c'{ception 01 thc l'lhl ... t,tI The LiIl11,ltic .1IId "'011 ulllditlllll ... hd\c ,dl ,I1011~ strip, the di<;trict contain ... rock formatioll hclonging plollloted thc 'pont,lllClllh gll)\\th 01 ,I \dnet\ o( to the earlie!>l perind of the c,lllh\ 11l',tory, n,lnH:h pl.llIh ,till! tl LL'" 111 ,.l1l1O.,t ,til P,II h III thL dl ... [IILl lhc Archaean epoch. Thc uhl<,[,11 region UlIlt.lln ... Thc ... Iope ... 01 thL \Ve"tLfIl (; h.tt '> .11 L. III P,II11lUi.II. recent and !>uh-recent dCpll ... ih ,tnd the I.lteritll dothcd \\lIh dClhC \cgLt.ltlon In thc Co.l,t.d bdt formations. The older met,llllnrphic md, 'V (on,tlt ut L hm\c\el the tlcL-gll)wth I... .,OI11e\\h.tt "r).ll,e 1 hL mainly the Dharwdr.., ,llld the'>c ,Ire repn:'>enled b\ Lim: I tlmher tleC' .trc the te,lI... lo ... e\\ood. hCllte.t(.., the b'lllded ferruginou ... qU,ll t/ite'> ,ll1d by thc I.tlc kll ,tihllO~l, 1ll.IIlI, m,II.t\ u .1Ild l...ld,l-h.tI.t-.u The 11m.t

,md hornblende "chi!>h. Outcrop,> of I~lllhkllde I' IU\UII.mt ,I' \\cll ,I'" lomple\ ,lIld llldude ... "'lwcle,> schi!:.ts Me few and lar bclwccn The 1ll0"t e\telhl\C like l,IU<.,UIIIl.I, ld-.hL\~ LtL. Whllh .tIe not IlllhgLlllHI<" rok formation in the drC,1 I... the biotite gncI ...... to the ,lle.t Thc .lhund,lIlt trLe gflmth prmlLk, Granites occur a" minOi intlu'>l\e., The IOd. lOlhl ... h ... heltcl to .t \.lfiLlY 01 \\lld .tnim.tI, .I'" \\e11 BI ... lln. of vitreou!> qu,lrt/, icltl"'p,lr ... ,lOd hiotlte. Al:tc'>,ol y "',Imhdr, .,pollcd deu. \~I1d bOM'>, Illonkey ... , r.lhblh. minerals include ,lp,ltitc, ... pirc1, diop'>ide .1l1d pink lo\en Pllllupllle, mon~o\)'>I.:, "'ql1illel,> etc, .IIC garnet. These gneis<;e ... and gr,mite., belong to the ,I 111 OI1\.!:,L ... t the impoft,il1t type ... 01 "111111.11 ... IlHllld III penin!:.ul..lr gnei<;!:. <;erie.,. There ,Ire expo,>urc., 01 thc d,.,11 iet. Amollg,t tllc reptile,> (ohfd .llld thL harnblcnde and biot ite be,lrning gr,lllulite'> do'e 10 h.lrmle., ... green \\lllP "n.tkc .Ife to bc (ound In .tli the mas<;ifs of the we!>tern ~hah in ~hll ,Illi Gh,lt. 1'.111'> 01 the dl'tllLl Thc fl\LI ...... tIL.IIIl ... and the on the road to Subr,lhm,ll1y.1 .lIld "I.,n on the ro.lll ... e.l "houlld III .t \.Illety 01 li~hL'''' from Mdngalore to M.l<.lIkefi. ~ollle 01 the ... c he,ll close re!>embl,ll1cc to Ch,lflHKkite rock... The bmllle rhe L111ll.tte lit D,lk ... llll1.l K.tllll,ld.1 I... mdl ked bv high hunllllillc, dlld ,1Il 0PI)I C.,'I\ e \\ e.tt hc I III gnci<;ses arc intruded by h,l"ic ,md lIlt'.l-h" ... ic ,>!lI.. thc hoI -'l',I'>llll The period hOIll M,lIdl tll I\I.I~ and dyke~ giving ri<;e to n.trrow ridge,> A lew rUIl' l'llll,tltute ... the ... ummer .llld (hi ... 1<., lollowed by thL of dolerite" .Ire found ,I'" illtru ... ive ... illto thc older rdiny ... c,l ... on th,lt I'. thc ... outh-\\c"t nllll1.,llon .,c .. -.~lI1 formations. Laterite-like form.((ion ... cO\n ,I Idilly Id,llllg "om .Julle to ~LptelllhL'1 rile 11llll1tlh 01 (klobcl ,llId Nmemhel lllll ... tltute the Plht-J1I01l'OOIl large area along the coa"t ,llld ,I lillie 10 the llltCIIOr. '1:.t ... 011 ,llld till'" I'> tolhmed hy \\h.ll I' gene),Illv The clays and shcll-lime.,tolll.: depo ... ih ,Ire 01 rell,:nt I cg.lrded ,I'" the \\ IIIlel ,e .. ,UIl ThLlC .tIL origin. Though not rich in llllller,ll we,llth, the LOJ1"idcr.thlc dlllJdtlC \.11 I.ltlOIl'" bl..·I\\el..'lI the dIL.I'> IlC.ll ef to the wc-.tel II gh.11'> ,Illd tho'>e th.!t .Ife district contain~ SOlllC u ... cful miner,ll, ",u<"h ,I" b.IU\itc,

(xxx) ncarer to the Ar.tiJi,1ll .. c.t .tntl ,II e .tllu,tllv \)11 the ,lIld tolcl.thle dUllIlg the I e .. t 01 the ye.tl Though

CO,I"t. By ,InU I.lrge the dlln,ltc l~1I1 he llln-..ILlel Ld the dl ... trllt I... geller.llly hCdllhy it h" ... 10 he nh:nll(}ll~d ..I" he,lIthy ,lilt! it can ,11 ... 0 be LltegOlI ... ed .I ... qUlle Il1.It thele ,Ire U:lt,lln pod.ch \\llIlh .. re fil,lIla pleJ<;.ll1t during the penod IIOIll Nmcmbel to pi one The inudenle 01 thl., dK:.-,llh:d dl,ca"'': h,I" FebruJry been brought dO\\ n lon ... ldLI.tbly .t.., .t I e ... ult 01 the

The a\cr.tge ,wnu.tl r,lInl,1I1 i ... 'W1l) 111m ,lIld thc l11e,I\UI e ... undcl t.tJ..cn by the N.tIlOlMI Fil.tfl.t COlltrol qu,lnlum 01 r,lInl:11I in(.'fe,l ... e'" .t ... OIlC 11100C'" 110111 PI Og_1 ,Ullmc l\1,d,III,1 \\ hll h W,l\ r,unp,lIl 111 the gh,ll the coast tow,If(.I<; the We ... tern Gh,lh On the fLglOll-.. 01 thL d"lll(.\ III the p ..... t h,,, ,d..,o beell blought undel ulllll 01 coa<;t," strip, p,lrticul,lrly in thc Ilorthcrn-lllo ... t p,lrt, , . thdt is. in the B.linduru region, thc r21 Dunn!_.'. I.l ... ,1I ... 11 During thc month of M.ty there would he ,ot1ll: thc t deldtk flood ... h,lve c.lu'oed d,UIl.tgL'" Il1 the ,11\.;,1", 111 the llelghhourhoml ot B,lI1t \ ,II. pr-c-mon .. oon showCf<; ,Ic("omp,wied by thunder (Jurpur, (j,lllgoh etc. But the C'\lcnt oj ,ulh storms which arc ulrectly d'N)l'i,lted ",ith the ,torll1 .... d,IIll.lge., 011 edl h ... ueh oeC,I\lon h,f<, heen arising in the Ardbi,1I1 Se,L The dlqrict relei\~' l0I11P,1 r "I ivcly .... m,11I ~ome amount of rainf,"1 during north-e,I't mon<;oon . ~ period al,o, th,lt i .. during October ,lIld November. 6. Adlllini.,tnitive Hi, hioll., and Jurhdidional Changt·., The month... which ,Ire free lrom r,lin!.11I ,Ire Deccmber• .January,l Febru.try and 1\1,lrlh The extent of variation in the ,1J11Ount 01 annu,t1 (,lInr,11I is very lillie in this co.t ... t,t1 di,trict. The .Ive(,lgl: The ... e .t(e n,ll1led ,tltef B,lI1g,llo(e, Rclg,IlI111, (iulh.lrl!,,1 number of rdiny days in .t yl:.tr i ... '121 ,lIld '" 111 ,lIld M\'~OI e D,IJ....,hlll! and al .. o ea.. tw,lfll~ tow.trd, thc gll.l\'" rc\enue ,uh-dIVi ... ioll' in the di .. tllCl 1\1,lIlg,llorc ,1Ild The district ha' ,I meteorological oh ... erv,ltofY ,it B,IIll\,d t,lIu"'" arc Included In 1\1,lllg,dore Mangalorc since a long time. Being

(xx\.i) Statement .,Iu,,\-ing the lHlmbel' ot \ illage.,/tonll., ill e,l(:h t.llut.. 01 the ()1.,IJ"ict. dec,ul.'" v.ll'iatillll., il an.) and l'e:I'>OIl" thel'elll

~ll\o Idlu" 101,11 '0 of \,1I1~tgL'" '0 01 RLd"'I1' 101 "till Ilion 111 IhL '0 01 \ IIllgL' hI. 1\\ 1.1. 11 u(.conhng 10 Ihl. 1"1 10\\n, ,,\ Il)~1 ,tI1U 1')1) I ll.l1'"' Ii I1dlt'I.d lor pI. I I')'} ( lUl\lI' 11\1 (I)lJI ( l-11"1' (%( ( 1.11'11'

( :2 1 -t ~ (, 1 Banlv.tl RO hi 2 ('lIUlI .Ill 1.1',1\\ 1111<.. "111,lg<- 01 I 'J1> I ll.l1'"' h", 11<>\\ IlLl.l1 d,I'"lll.d ,1\ 11011 IllIlI1IlIp,,1 lLIl,U\ 1()\\11 101 lc..n .... U\ P"I(X"I.' ( kI1lL OI1l1I1LU I Il>tn 111<- 1"1 of \ IlIlge..., 11)1 l'N I :2 Iklt.tngJdl 1>1 '>0 - Ikh,lIlg.tlh ,111 <-I\I\\hll<.. 111lll1ll1P,IIII\ 01 I')~I lLIl'U' \\Imh hdU II, JlIllA,dllllOn (lVI.I IlK UlIlIl. IlI.lt,lllg,ldl vIII,lgl. h,I' no\\ IKI.Il ,kd.t"IItl-d I kIlll. B<..II,ll1g,l\h h,,, no" hL1.11 "duu! 10 IhL II)') I lLn'II' It'l 01 VIII 1"1.' 3 K.lrk,,( 7(, 76 2 4 KlInddPlir <)'5 'J;; -I - 5 M,lI1gdlorl- 77 1>'> 10 I hI. M'lIlI\\lng 11\'- LI,I\\llIk \l1I",!;L' 01 1')'>1 'LI1,U' h 1\1. no\\ hLLIl Iulh Inull P\)ldh.. U II1 Ihl. I.\tLI1ULU mUl1ll1p II Itmlh 01 \1 tng 11011. ( 11\ ,II1d hI. III I. llll1l1ll.U II

I'J'H (.Ln .... u .... 11,1 01 \ "11~t..\ I Pdlhh Ind(.1\ 2' Pddll"-odl 1 P~lnJlmogdlli -I hlll1,1 I httl> II III ;; \1,tI,II..,IU.t B''1,11 ,tI1U Kdnnur IL\l..IlUL \llIlgl.' 01 I')XI ll.l)\U, I"'''L now hlt..11 d,,,,,ltuJ ,I' tI1t!q>Ll1l1'-tlI lLI1'U,," 101\11' ,lilt! I Ill" Il.l VI. hl.1.11 ol1l1llLd IllIm Ihl. It'l 01 \III'lgl.' Illllhl.l h"llp,lIl.t hlll,1I "I1U 110',ll>l.lIu 11.\f".11111. \ III ,lgc... , h,1\1. Ill)\' I>l.l.n 1I1."ILd ,I" lIth,lft hLlng 1111. olllgIO\\lh' 01 '>lIl.III..,11 lo\\n ,tIld IlK 1'0111011' 01 Bill.. tlnp,llh \ 11I'lgr.. hlllg Olll"Ul. Ihl. , 11111nlllp,II itnltl' or '1.\\ \ll1ngdln".. l"lJ I (' \1(',) h,,, no\\ 11<..l.n 1I1.,III.d d" 1Ilh.tn hl.ll1g IhL olllgl()\\Ih 01 '1.\\ \I,lllg.tloIL 1',)11 ll)\\ Il Ikl1lL th~"'L \,11I .. lgt.\ hd\ L hL'l.11 Ol11ll1l.d Illlm lh~ I 'N I l L n"" I "I 01 \1I1,p'l.\ - (, Putlllr (,C, (,7 2 KLtnI1lIl1Il. 'll) I. ,,11\ hlk 1t..\l.IlUL \lIllgL III 1%1 lLIl'lI\ h,I\ no\\ hun d ,,"II~J , ... non 111111llUp,tI 10\\11 101 l~ll\lI' PUIP"'I.' Ilulll. 01111111.d Illlm I It I. I')'} I lLn,", 1,,1 1,1 \III'''L' 7 ~ulyd -II -Ill '>\tl)d I.I'-I\\hll<.. munlup,lltl} 01 I 'J1> I lLIl'U' h,,, 110\\ hl.l.n dl.d,I'"lll.d Iknll. ,Idd<-d 10 Ih<- 1')')1 (l-n'lI' 1... 1 01 qll,pJL' 8 Udupl <)<) 108 7 1 hI. tlll.ll\ I\lng Oltl"UL Ihl. I1lUIllllP,l1 Itmll\ <)1 1111.

lollo\\ lng 'l.VLI1 1.1't\\t-hlk \ ItI&lgl."" 01 I'Jhl U .. I1\U'" .. 11(. no\\

Ill-dtl.d ,t<, ulh.1ll hl.lllg Ihl. nulgIO\\lh .. 01 Ldllpl 1<)\\11 IILlllL OI11I1Il-J 110111 IlK 1')')1 tLll\U\ It'l 01 "II,lgl.' I '>111\,1111 .2 lIl.lgd , hUlhp.tll\ -th"ud,1t ') hlllt\ 1I1

(, ,\mh,llp,ld} 7 \loou,1ll111,tlnhur \1,111,11 ,I 11.\l.nul. \l1l'lgL III 11)81 l<-n,u, h, ... no\\ hl.1.1l d,,,,, I 11.,1 ,I' ,I IHlIJ-IlWnlllp,tI Ill\\ n \\ hu Ld, l'lIllltr 101 \\ 11ll h ollil ,I "n,11I 1">111"11 II1dudl.d In Ldupl lown) 101111' lin IIlJI.p<..nUl.nl" non-mulllCIp,11 10\\11 lUI (.l.i1\1I' PUI P'''I.' Ikllll. 1[\1.'<- .... hH) ",II,lg(..\ .til: OIJ1II11..1.} Irom I hI.. /W/ (c../hU" It" 0/ \11I'lg<.'

(xxxii) Particulars tlhout village:.. which arc fully town, 01 the di .... tri<.·t arc givt.:n III the loll\l\\lllg p,utly included in the urb.," arca, I.C., .... Ialclnelli. P"rticul;,rs of \'ilh,ge~ "hielt ;,re fully or IJ;lrtly included in the lld)an A,oea!> of the Ui!>h'id (Area ill IIccturclo (I.UO,

SI.No. Name of "(",tlul '\mne of 'Iown '\.lIne of \'llIol:;e 101.1' Ruml 0 Lrh.tn \\ nh I ('. '\0 ( .co:;r.lplllloll ( Ol11ronCnl COl1lpOnLll1 .\Ic.lol IlK VI1l,lg(" '(l' P("'I RL\ClllII': n.ch ~ I .. \farp.ldl I I,)-l ,)X 11')1 ')'> - - 3. Kundilpur n.llnuurll fI \1(') - Il.lInulIru -11-1772 -11-1/'2 - Y cd.11 horc 35011'; - ,~m ,,,> - I C:,:g.I"C 1&-I7SS .. 1h-17 -.;" (iangoh (~\1C1) - Gdngoh -I07W - -I(J7().t - I I o"lIlg.ld I Colony M Ilo.\.lIlgaul '3.'i-lJ 0') 151 7 r.o :n-l') (!"\1C1 ) Kundapur (I \1e) - KunJ.I(llIr H7!o:51 .. H7S'i1 , I .. " odcr:lh.llly 5222S - )2221> 4. Mang".Ilorc \faltg.llore (\1C) - ".m .... lI1ady If) 70 .. 1070 ~ ( ., .... h,1 H.I/.lr II)) 12 - I')~ 12 I I ! Kodmlh.1I1 ,\ 414(,') - 41-1(,1) .. "o<.iI.tlh.1I1 n: I 11(1 (lI; j - Boloor ..\" n(d'i'> . - Bolo<)r . B 12'J 1)2 I 12') 1)2 - K.u.ln 'f\' IJI) 11 - ')I) 11 .. K.uJn 'Il' J!o:7-1':; - 1M7 -I~ - \1,lngAorc lnol.1 IH50 - I·H'iO .. AU.lhlr -I2R ~H - -I2H'i1! -'Cpplll.. nto~.lru ',1\ 5-1 Of) - '\-100 \ - .ICPPII1 .. l1l1lg.lru lr 71') 7n \ - 71') 70 - K.II1.ll.m1.ld} 'H' 2<)(} 12 21)1) 12 - Dareh,ul -IS'} 1(, 4S') 1(, - \i.lnlh IS2-t2 - - IK!-I2 - /\I.lpc 4("" 85 - .1(,..,1->'\ I - "aeh.m.1 dj -ll)') 07 - I -10'} 07 - K.I\llllr -1-11 Hl-; · .j.j ''''\ - 1'.mJlmol!.lru 180':;7 - I ISH':;7 .. "1.1 rn".Id.1 17)';57 - 1711 ')7 - B,lRgmlulur 227 'JI 227')1 I - KunJolI hh:1I 1 1M12H - "lSI 21-\ 1 - ".Iuu"odl 211 1() · 15(, H~ I - I'.:lt.l:.vu Hl-;245 - XS2 -I~ J

(xx-xiii) I ~I '\0 '\,ll11e ul I ,t1u~ '\,1111 ... 01 Ilmn '\,1111'" 01 Vllldg... I lul,11 RlII,1I Lrh,ln \\llh I ( '\1I ( IClIgl.tpllll.t1 ( OIl1Ilf.1I1UlI ( UII1PUI1<1I1 .\re,1 01 Ih ...

\'IU~lgc.. ,,1" PCI R ... \ ... It.llHd, nlle -- I 2 "l -t ~ (, 7

4 I\1,JIlg,1 10 rc ( condu ) OUlglllwlh, 01 \1.lI1g"lorl. ( 11\ I Bl..l1glc I~I) 27 - I~') 27 UII,II ('\ \WI) - LII.tI 771)~1) - 77

~oll1e,hw.trd ('\ \1el) - '>

l'el,II11UI111lllll (,\\1el) 1't..l~lllllllllluru 111 1.'> 111~ Knl\:k,lr.1 ('\ \1el) KOlel-,lr,1 101 ~ 27 - IOJ~ 17 B,IJ,II ('\ \WI) B.1(,t1 -t(,S 1(, -tt,S 1(, - -1I K,lIll1l1rll (' \lei) h,llIlIuru 12'i 1>(1 - l?' ~(I I '\c\\ \1"lngdll)rC 1'011 - I ,1Il1l1l1lh,l\ I 102 II> .\. 112 )1 . ('\ \tel) I ~-t 1',lIl.1l11hllIU t."" -11) .\. -to'iIlI, I '\ '\ 11,111-,1111 P,1l1\ ')77 II. .\. 1)1 1U I - 1',llIuI..UUI 211 1(, I . '\-t-11'> ... \\ ()ulg_nl\\lh\ ,,)1 , \1.ln~:llllu.. POll "l\\11 ~, - I ,Ill 111 ruh,l\I I 102 II> I - I~') 11'\ I , ,\-1 1'.1Il,II11hllru I.",,, I 2~1-t1 I '\'i B.1I1...II11p.llh I "077 II, I - -tH'iSI, ~1I1.1I(...11 (I \I( ) - "'1I1.1I~.t1 116721 I - I 1l1'i7~ - IUl".1 -t(." -12 _L j__~~- OUlgll>\\lh' 01 '>ur:tI~,t1 11I\\ 11 -t'i ~"llp.III" -t'i1l2'i I -t'>1I2"o '57 Kul.llt -t1)0 7'J -too 71) "oS 11",.,I><:lIu 217 'ill - 217 'i') \fulkl (I \le) Bopp,ln,llIu 1(,(,17 - 1101,17 1 ~,IIIl.lllI I ~I)X 2:! I - 2 .JX 22 ( hlll.lpU I 2,') -1-t 2W-t-t \I.II1.II11p.llI\ 10'> s1 • III'> In ------1 5 l'lIllur KClI1ll1l1lJd ('\ \Iel) ~I..II1IllIllJ" 72S 111 - 72S 71 , I'ullur (I \1( ) I'lIHlIl • 11711,2 l)nl,2

(, Udupl \1:tIlM ('\ \tn ) \1.tll.1I -t~"I 0(. -1IHIIl. ~.lhgl.11ll (I ),1(,) l'.tr.ll11p.tlh 1117 It. - 1'17 H. (,lIIHJl1l1 11)-1 II, I W-t III (1111 r.lp.tu\ 2M') 'ill - ~I),\O K.III...IU.I "l~SII2 - "IS.'! 1J2 101l.,e We.,1 ('\\1el) IUII.,e \\' I.. 'I (,~2 07 - 1,,\2117 LUlIpl (I \Ie) I '>h" .1111 2221) 7(, # 2H2 (oi, II, K,lf.)e(...tr 121) lll) # 21, 'i7 17 Klul\ur 2H1. ~" # I 2:-; " IX ,\l11h.tIp.IU) 17-1 'ih II 1221) I I I II) \luU.llml.lIl1IHII 1.'>1. ~, I # 170 III. f I I - B.l

(xx'tiv) ~, No 1,)\\ 11 '.lIne 0' 1.I'ul.. '.II1ll. 0' '.11111. 01 \11I.lgL '01.1' Rut." LI1).111 \\1111 ( ( '0 ( ILngl.lphIL.I' ( 1I11lp011Lni ( nmpllllLIlI . \rL.1 01 I Ill. \ ill.lgL .i' p<- r RL'LnuL fLlllrd... I 2 1 ..j 'i l> 7

6 Udupl (Concld ) OUlgn)\\lh, of L'd 1I pi , 0\\ n 222'176 ")..j7 IU I' .,'11\.1'" 'Ilkrg.l '26' (,I 12(,1 (,1 I I I I~ J..lIlhp.'Ll) 22.J 1«', 22.J hi, 1(, Kodd.. lr 12') 0") - '102 '52 17 J..,JI\ur 2Sf,2S - 25795 I IX r\mh.llpoIU) 17.J% - 112 (,7 I") \tonJ.lIlId.lI11hur w.n - 16 .. 7 B.ld.Ig.lhcIlU-7(. (' \Iel ) B.IJ.Ig.I',,-lIu-7(, 7.J(,2') S 52(,% ,{.tlpc (' \lel) J...,d.l\our 1)21")..j - 1)21").J I'ull ur (' \1el ) "u!llIr 7'111 , :I 717.Jl


* The porlion 01 1111', \ill;tgc i... indulkd III I\.I.mg.t101L' (I\.IC) .1Ilt! Nl\\ 1\.1.lI1g,llorL' PorI 1 own No rur.11 compom:nl , ... rem:lilll.:d.

&.. The rcm"ining pm tlun 01 the ... e \ III.I):!C'" .11 C II c.tlul .1'" III h.1Il hl.lIl):! Ihl. oll'gw\\th ... nl Nl:\'v M.mg.llorc Port lown.

# The rem.lining porllOn 01 llt!.; ... c ullage ....11 c Irc.tled .1'" lIrh.1Il hemg Ihe llulgrowlh .. of Udupi lown : $ The remaining portion i... ml'ludcd in LJdupi 10\\ n

(\\\.v) 7. Bdel' Analysis 01' Data p~'r l'ent and 30.1)2 per cent pl.:oplc live in tal uk ... and t()wn~ re~pe(·li\"(:ly. Comp~lfI.:d 10 Ihi~ Ihe ljgurc~ I i) A.·ea and P()pulatiull for Dak~hina Kannalia, i.e. 71.7() pa cenl ,Ind

The tota) area of the district is :-{-l ..lj !'.q.km. 2K3() per cenl indil·ate ~omewhat poor impact Ilf The rural area!'. make up for 7%7.(,2 sq.km, the urbanisation in the distril't relatively. rest of 473.38 sq.km area is llccounted for by urb.an The Tahle-1 giVl's 1.111Ikwio.;c (C.D.BI()(."kwj~c) units of the distriet. Kundapur and Bdtangadi arc popul.. tion and numher of villages in 1')1)1 cen~u~. the largest taluks areawise, while in this respect It is to Ill' reiterated th .. t population distrihution i~ I\fangalorc is the smallest taluk. Mangalorc, unl:~en :I{llong the eight taluh in the district. Some Kundapur and Udupi taluks in that , 1991 27 lakhs people (2,694,264 persons) in the district as per 199 I census. Out of them ahove 11) 1:lkhs SI. ~al1lc of "opulallun of \,illagc~ , :Xll.,)f arc living in rural area (1,931,670) and remaining :Xu. CD.B1,x·J..1 Villagc~ ncarly 8 lakhs in urban arcas (762,59-1- pe1·slln!'.). Tilluk Ruml t·crl>un:. :\lalc~ Fcmalcs (""wi 1111101" Udupi and Kund"pur one after another possess hllcJ highl!st number of rural inhabit'lIlts. The~e two I 2 3 -I :'\ (. 7_ taluks form northern extremes of the district along 1. Banl,"ill 27X-1:'\1 137723 l-Itl72!! HII HI. the Arabian se:l, forming part of the Konkan bell.. ~ 1!clwlIl(ali. :!IIJ'J..I 11)·1307 IIOIIH7 HI HI DI)O.:!') 7(. 7(, ()n the other hand, Sulya and PUllllf taluks ",hidl 3. KarJ..al IIIMI3l. 1~')')3 -I. KunJilpur 2')22:')1) 13-1$03 157751. ')5 1)5 jointly f(lrm border with the Kerala SI:lte .ml! an: 5. :\i;lI1"al,wc 2:l1~)(') (111M) 11'.lH2') 77 77 non-coaMal taluks arc in turn successively the Ic:l~t (,. I'ullur 2(I-j(L'i!! lU2-1(.:'J to2t'J3 U. (,I. populated. This variution come~ into more cuntrast 7. Sul"iI 12-1"2-1 lIJ.127 (.13')7 -II -II if une takes into account the numher of inhahited !I. L"dupi 350131". IldXIX I !!!-I 3 1M ')I) ')I) D,slril-I Ruml ('):\1(.70 ')2531">') 11"1(.301 (d5 1.15 vill:lges as cont .. ined in these (.·o:lstal v~. non"(.·I)a~lal set of taluks. The two ahuve meniiolll'd (.·(l:r~lal In the Dabhina Kanllada district, there is no taluh have 19-1- inhahited villages a~ compared to uninlwhited villa~..:. In Sulya 1:~luk there .. r..: Il.:a~1 107 villages in non-co<:lslal t .. llIks. III (.·aM: of thl.: number of villa~e~ whidl i~ -ll, while Ihe hi~he~1 i~ t\\'o coastal taluks lotal population is ncarly ~ix ami tn he ~een in l·..... e of , when: ahn"e a half lakh vis-a-vis over three a (.Iuartcr lakh 'lIu.I twiee a~ much villages arc to he found. There arc pupulation of two non-coastal laluks. In n:~p(.'ct of in all {,I:' village~ in thi~ distri(.·l. At the 11)X1 cenMI~ population dislribution in the district it is one the number was 635. The dilkren(·e ~omes hcc;tusl: signilicanl fact. In the remaining taluks also thi~ of merger of villa~es in lown Jillliis. At Ihc It)XI factor (of relationship between nearness of l"lmM (.·enMI~ also Udupi was thl.: largest t;.h,k by the way and extent of populousness) can be seen at work. of numher of viUage~. The a,·erag..: lIumher of ,·illag..: ... Actually lhe cU

OUI of a total of 2,6')-1-,264 persons in the di~trict; larger population per village than the interior hilly 1.931,670 persons live in rural a~as and 762,51)4 and 1ll01l1llailltlUS taluks, with Ihe (.'x(."cpliull of Kafkal persons in urban areas.. In other words, over 70 taluk. where ~ellkment is hri~k Oil aCl"tlllnl of Ihe per cent of total popUlation arc rural dweller~, ongoing Kudn:lllukh I fOil Ore Projel·1. leaving only below 30 per cent pers\lIl~ who an; Townwi~e ddaib arl.: providl!d in Tahk .. 2. inhabiting towns. In the State of Karnataka ()9.()X

(x.'{xvi) (iii) Classification or nt'W phlcl's :IS tnwm•• dl'cias!.iI1c:ttiuu :llld/IlI' llll'q~el' of tOWlt!. (hll'ill~ SI. Name and Civil' I'llpulallon t ht' dl'l'adl' 19M 1-91 :"0. Admilllstmtion Sl:ltu~ of Town~ There ha ... heen a Irend of increa~c in re~llIXI I' ~I'!.on~ \hlc~ F,m'llc~ I 2 3 -4 S of nllmher of towns in thl' dislril.'l ~inl.·e indcpl'ndl'lke. I. Badag:lIlcllu.76 1(1+16 511') 53:!7 I There wcre in all 7 tnwns III )1)51, whil'h ruM! to I(NMC'II 13 in 11)(ll anll slill mun: 10 )~ in 11)71. Al the 1-" Inainduru (T:\1D ](,.JSM 77(," S7'(, 3. lla'nl-! (!':MCn 11145 4077 40(oS 19X1 CCIl!>lIS thc Ilumher of town!. was the sam..: a!. 4. lilantval trMC) 3-1313 1(01)74 J7:l'W it. is in 199), thai is 27. But the f:tte of individual 5. Gan .. oli (~\1Cn 12332 (o{lJ!; (,2')-4 6. Ilosanglidi Colony 2117 I(l').t 1023 town during the dl.~ade ha~ nol hee.n the same in ICNMCn ca~e~. Alpe, Derl'hail, , Kavuru and 7. IKannur (:,\\1CII (l'nO 11.1-1 31m, 8. IKarkal (TMC) "-1108 12251 IIS57 Padllvu sincc heen Illerged with Ihe Mangalore lown. 9, LKcRlOlinili (!'::\1Cn (,1'1') 35.1'J 31311 Thi~ l'al'l <,'an he ~el.'n 1ll0rl' dearly by Tahle·3. _lO. Illn.",t·.,,,,, (:'\\lC'n ')_l1I) 4~1) -1')111 It Kundaou_r (T\1C) 2!H77 !:l'nl 1·15-41 _l' Mallar (N\1Cn '>77(, '7(1(, 11170 Tuhl.· .1: ~"\\ '1'"" n..rr.. " .. , n.·\'I", .. iIi.·d, :\h'r~.·d ill _L1 lM.'1Jnc L"L\'Wll 1')(1(.3 ')322 'n41 I ')')1 (''''''ll'' 14. Man"alorc I \1e)' 2l>11r.1 1:\')7K'i 1.\1:\71> 15. IMlldhidri (T\1Cl 15&oS 78:'S tII_lH r-l'arIIL'ul:lI-.. ':II11C "f 'I'll" n 1'llpul:1II1l11 Hi. Mulld ("'\tC) I-IWO (,7"-5 73--15 I 2 :\ 17. !':cw M;lOgalorc I'llrt 1;')-4-1 -1717 ,[!27 (a) ,\ddcd i) I'u.uu IO,~·.IJ (II)')I l'cnMI~) ICNMCT) .lit I~>n"'nn'lru L'\"Cn lfl·l_.1 -183' -1')1" ii, Ilnl> (1'.1')1 ,'cn"'I") '25. Tonsc Wcst f:'\:\tCn SIW 381Ml -I1W (h) I )cl'la"'lflcd i) Bcllan"adl S.M,I-; (I')S I L'Cn"lI~_ 16, IUduni (r:\tC) -n«~)4 -40(,,'1-1 37·UO il) SU"':I 10.")4 I I '»II l·cn"u!'.) '7. UI!;,I (~~Cn JI181 15~! 15X2

iii) Ka 11 ,",,, na&.ll * 11520 (1')1l1 l'CI1~U~' It reveals that the ~mallc~t towo is Hn~angadj 1\) K;l\urli' (•. 7·H _(I'J81 L'cn"",,)

Colony with a pupulation of 2,117, wherea~ brge~t \,) PaU;I\'u* IK(d8 I I')!! I l'CI1~U") is the Mangalorc, which Iws a population of 2S I, III 1 tThe~c IOWIl!-o haw lo..,t their independent idenlit~ including the population of ih uutgrowths, In'. the a~ Ihc~e arc whully mer~ed wilh Mangalorc l'il:'-. district there are 27 towns. Apart frum l\1angal~\rc, other big towns having a population of plOre than On the olher h!l\d. fullowing 1l)\Vn~ arc added 20,000 inhahitants arc Uuupi (7X,OI)"'), Suratbl 'In )1)1)) (.'ensll~ .. Bajal, H()~:lIlgadi Colony, ,

(55,925), Bantval (34,313), (31,1~1), Kundapur 'Kl'lllminja, Mallar, Pliliu and PUIIUr. Some of thl' (28,.... 77), PUllur (25,800) and Kurkal (2"', lOX). The towns of )IJX I l'enMI~ ~il1(.'e have heen dcda~~ilied average p<>pulation of a town in the (.Ii~tri<:l wa~ hy 11)l) I cen~u~. Tlll:~e include Beltangadi ami Sulya.

21,5 .... 1 at the 19S1 census. hi 11)')1 census, it i~ now (iv) I>ecud ..l nu"i:ation in Impulation 28,244. At the 19S1 census also Mangalon: .lI1d

Udupi were the two most ;pupulah:d towns in the The district population whi<:h wa~ ahoul 2-l lakh , district The coastaltuwn in'thc district is Mangalore (2.376,72 .... ) incrca~ed 10 nearly 27 lakh (2,(IIJ-l,2CH). Urban Agglomeration, as h has n:maincll ~o from' thu ... registering an ,Ih~olute grllwth or .. hout Ihn:e centuries, although the Ilame of the district is nut lakh (3 I 7,5-tIJ). Thi ... growth III percent

(xxxvii) 1.lhl... ~. 1),·•• ld •• 1 d •. III::,· in di.. lnhlltilln "I I·"pul.lli"" • 1.lluk I'llpul,.I.llll PC:lu... nl'I~\' lh... l"UJdl I Pt..ru.. nl.lg\. ul \,111,11'011 (11)hl·')I) Iurh,11l l'opul,lliOI1 (')I)j . I')XI . 11)1)1 .. 101,11 Rur.11 LllloIl1 101,11 Rural Lrh,1Il 1,,1.11 RUI,II Lrh,1Il 1%1 I 2 1 4 'i (, 7 S I) 10 II 12 I (lanN·,,1 1X-!-IIJl 251115 ,117X 12l()U5 17X-i'i I -I1'i'i-l 11 'i1 1111111 -III)<) 1101 117<) _ _ 2. Bcll"ngJdl 175-1-10 1(,1)772 ;;Uk\{ 211)')-1 21119-1 20-11) 2-152 123 . " KarkJI ?55771 221-1X'i 142SX 27'X)()'i 2W1I2') 1

5. Mang.llorc Sb(.:-I-I') 2·12(.7) 1.1-1174 6713(,(1 110')1') -1-1(1411 1-1-111 -IX-! 27 In SX(.. s (,S Idl

(, I'ullur 1%203 17(,IU) .:?olln 217217 2()'1(,0;8 12"'i71) 2(11)1 11112 ('2 (1(, 1025 117-1 _ _ 7 Sul}a lO'ilK'i 1)-I1)t) I 1011)-1 12-182-1 12-1S2-1 Ih-l5 11-11 I) Xl.

K UdUPJ -Ion')') 171) 11.1 x12(,0; -I1)S7('(, 1'illl1I, 1-1':;(,,11 7l~ 7 It:; 7') 2(, 17 (.. "'i 11) ';7 --- ~. ----- 1;)I"tm.-t Rur.t. 217(,72~ I7C);; III ;;h 1(>1 1 2(.'>12(>-1 l'nl(,711 7(,2;;1)-1 111(, 7(>1 11 17 2-1-17 2X"lo I =

In a !.imilar manner Ihere h.l., hcen dcc.td.tI 01 .lhOlll -l per l"elll rht.: PlllpOlIHlll 01 1Il h.ln growth in re!.pecl of rur.11 and urhan .,L'gmcnl. BUI popul.IIIUll wludl w.I'> 2.. t-l7 pCI cenl .11 Ihc iI)S I the urban growlh during the dc(:adc 111 the dil>lrill cel1'>u" inert.:.I,",ed III 2K1() per ('cnl in Ihe 19\)1. hm, been four timc!. higher Ih.1Il Iht.: rur.1i \ari.llllln. Alllong (.llut..., Ihe UI h.lni.,.lllon Ircnd (t.:.I'>ed III c\i.,1 The percenlage of urh.lIl popUI.tlioll III Ihe 101,11 in Bdl.1I1g.tdi .tIld "'lIl~.t hCC.llhC 01 dLd,I.,!.ilic.tlion populalion abo ran an in(Tea.,c 1111111 2-l,47 10 2K30 ,)1 .,ule Ill\\n (Lnlle., In c.ldl 01 1111: I\\u I,lllll.., 1n per cenl &l!. a corollary 10 1.I'>ler Ul b.1I1 gum'th r.llt.:. Klindaplil 1.llul. Ihe II end i., nol up\\.lfd .1., .lg.1I1l I But il may be noted here th.lt the grO\\th r.llt.: in 17 ... ) pel ('enl 01 1I1h.1I1 poplIl.IIHHl .11 L')XI. II lOll1C., di!.tricl population during Ihe de(-.u..k h .... Icnl.lined III onl) 1(1 ~N pel ('LIlI III 1')')1 III IhL Ic.,1 III 1.llul.., lesl>er Ihan the Slate a\crage, Ihe 1.lllef being 21.12 rhcfe ha., hcen .,eell .111 ul'w.t1 d 11 end ill I c.,peU 01 per eenl. There are .,ome 1.,11I"., in di"l1 iel \\ Im:h UI h.llli.,.tIIUll. ThL' mo.,1 hig.hly urh.mi"t.:d 1,llul. in show a decadal varialion bdnw Ihe di.,IIIL·1.. .lh.I.Ig_C thc di~lriel I., 1\ 1.1I1g..,10I C_ \\ hel c Ihe .,h.1I e 01 urh.tI1 These are Udupi, Kar".11 .llld Kund.lpur. A., .lg.uIN popul.llioll i., nl.'.11 ing (1(. pel l"t.:nl. The nnt p0.,llhlll Ihe!.e Putlur .llld Behang.ldi lalu"., h.l\e highcr I., held by Udupi, hut Ihl' .,h .. re (2').17 PCI lenl) varialion as well Mlme olher 'llch .1., ~ulv.1 .Ind III Ie"pe('1 01 proponiull 01 urh.llllle., i., w.ly hehind Mangalore. The range of v.lri.llion .llllong.,1 1.a1ul..., to Ih.11 01 lVI.mg..tlulc I.tlul. A., 01 11)')1 Iht.: dl.,lfIl·l i!. from 7_G...Q, per cenl in (-.",e 01 L1dllPI III 20.IJ 1 I., h.1\ ing 27 hlWn., in ,.11. The Udupi 1•• lul. h,t., per 'cent in e;.l..,c of Putlur. Excepl in Ihe (.· .. ,e of B.ld.Ig..I(lellu, I\talpe. ~'llig.1 <1111, TmN,) Wc.,1 .lI1d Kundapur taluk, urhan \.lri.llion i., genel.llly quile L1du pi .1'> 10wn (.·enll c., B.unullrll. (j .lI1gull .lI1d higher in compari!.oll lo rur.11 v,tri.llion In I c.,1 01 Kund,t[lur .11 c chid 1\)\\ 11" in Kundapur l.tlu!.. taluks_ Incidenlally, th\! two talul., .. n.lI11dy Kutt.:I. .. r.t. M ulk,. Per.lIllunnuru. ~(lnH:.,lm .11.1. Behangadi and Sulya do nol h.l\c .IIIY urh.1Il ct.:nlre. ~ur.llt...11 ,IIlU Ullal .Ire .,OI11C 01 Ihe town., 01 Ihe Udupi and PUllur among all I.llu"., ha\e regl.,It.:lcd I\l.lIlg.IIOI e I:\'ul-. whidl i., okour.,c ha\ ing. al.,o Ihe greate!.l dccadal v;'lrialion in rt.:"pect of urh.lI1 gnm I h ramuu., 1\1,lIlg.llore cily The Nt.:w M.II1~.llnre Port during 19X1-91. Excepl in Kund.lpur 1.llu", in Ihc lown i., ye( ,mol her lown ('enll e in Ihi., 1.111II.. Wilh rcsl of lalukl> the percenlage ol urhan pOpUI.llion lhe opcning 01 Ihe propllo,cd KlInt...lI1 R.lilw.IY" whidl is more or less hight.:r in 19lJ I (.·en.,lI., Ih:1I1 al Ihe \\ill go 110111 M.IIH.!..tlore 10 BOl1lh.l~ \1,1 (jO.I, tllL·ra.: 1981 census. Al> noled t.:arlicr, thi!. i., ,,1.,0 Iruc 01 may ,lIi.,c 111.'\\ \i.,I.1 ul urh.m gHl\\lh in Ih ... d •.,lllll lhe dislricl as a whole. In Ihc K.Ilt..,11 I.tlub.. \\hich I., h.l\lng thc l.tlllOU., Klldlclllllt..h lroll OIC Plojeci. Ihe princip.tI town (v) Trend~ or Urbaniltulioll ullil., .11 e K.lrk.11 ihell .lIld M udbidri. Olher nol.lhle town, in Ihe di.,lril·t .Ire PUllur in Putlur 1"lut.. .and During the decade 11)81-'11, therc h.I'> hecn ,til increase in !>ha-rc of urban populalion 10 thc exlenl B.lIlt v.11 ill B.tIll".tI 1.llul. (vi) Popul~'tion size of villag4's 10 ahoUI IX pcr cenl in Banlva!. Mega-si:te villag!.:!'. eon!'.i!'.ling of a populatilln of 10,000 and aho\'c an: There are 615 inlwhited \·illages in the distritl. Ihere in Hanlval, Kundapur. Sulya and Udupi taluk!'. The average population of a village i~ 31 ..H in fiN I which form from 2 10 3 pcr cent in Inial census. It was 2S27 at the IWH cen\lI~. Thus village-Mn:ngth of thc!'.c fuur taluk~. Thu!'. in Ihe there has been an im:rea~e of 314 person~ per village • di!'.tril-I it!'. a whole Ihere i!'. no !'.Iltall \·illagc (helm\ during the decade 19X1 .. 91. Amung t:tluk~ th~ average 51M) populatiun) while 27AX pcr Cl!nt village!'. arc in population of a village is below the distri<:t average si:te-da!-.!-. 500-II)lJlJ, 5').(J,'{ per cent in, 20tKI-4l)l)l) of 3141 in Beltangadi (2610), Kundapur (JIm,), rangc, 11.54 per eenl in 5()IMI-I)9l)l) range and the Mangalore (29'-)9), Puttur PHH) and SU1Y:1 (3t).4). re!'.t uf 1.3() per ccnl in IIl,O!)!) and ahovc· population Only three taluh namely Bantval (J·lXI), Karkal rang!.:. (3145) and Udupi (3537) ,arc having an awrage population per village ahove the di~trict a\'erage. ("ii) i)ensity ut' llupuluti(lll The percentage distrihution of villages by populalion 1 ranges in J1)91 is given in Tahle .. 5. Den~ily of populalion in Ihe di!'.lri<:1 in 1 )')1 i!'.

31 1) per»UI1S per !'.q.km. II i~ 2-12 for ,rural ,Irc:!!' It is obvious from the tahle that there i~ IlO and I,hll for urhan 'lrca!'.. The average dcn~ity uf small village/population helow SeM)/in any taluk of ·populalion ·for Ihl.: State of Karnalaka in 11)1)) i~ the district. Around' one .. fourth or more of \'illage~ 235, which is lowcr Ihan the diMrkt 'lVl!rage. Slate in each taluk arc of medium si:te (population hetween 500 and 19(9). More than half or \'illag.e~ in cadl Icvel density a\'crag.e for rural area!'. i!'. also lowcr taluk arc of size .. class 20()() .... l')91J. Thesl.: arc no douhl ( 1(.(,) 10 the rc!'.pel:li\\.: di!'.tricl average, \Vhcrca~ thc large vilbgcs. Still larger villages in si/e.. clas~ of Karnataka urban dell!'.ily lig.ure of ~257 i~ considerahly 5(X)(P)999 arc found in each (alllk ranging from hi~her Ihan I he corr.:!'.pllnding di!'.1 riel figurc llf U>I I. ahout ~ per cent of sulch villages in Bcltangadi taluk

Taluk/C.I).Block ~. .mll :"\0 and" pcrccnwge of \ Illage~ in cadl range lIigure~ 111 1J;lr.lI1lhe~l~ 1I1

\·llIagc~ '.

I.c~~ lil •• n 2(11) 21M) . -I')') 5lKl ·1')')') 21l1M1 . -I')')')! 5{MIIl - ')<)1)') 1O.I~"i <'\: , l ilht.)\c__

...~ ---.- I 2 3 5 'f" 7 Ii I. Banlval SO · _I 2U -1-1 1-1 2 ( IOO.()(J) .. .. \ (15.11(1) (55.1KI) ( (7511) (151lJ. , 2. Ikllangadi SI .. .. :\1 -1(, .j .. \ ( J{)O.(J(J) .. .. (3S.21) (5(•. 7'» (-1.9-1) , - - 3. Karkal 76 .. .. II) . -17 to .. (too.IX)) .. .. (25.IHII {(,,]-II tl3.U.) .. 4. Kundapur ')5 .. .. 25 (,I 7 :! ( 100.(0) : - - (2f>.:m ((,.L:!I, (7.371 (l.II!! 5. Mangalon:: 77 · .. 22 42 13 .. . (HXI.()O) - - (:!X57) 15-t55 I ( I(>.!IXI - (,. I'uuur (i. .. · 1(. .j.j f, - ((N,.(,7) ( 11X1.(K» • · · (24.2-1) 1').11'» -- '1. Sulya 4\ .. .. 15 :!I I r J()O.lK)l .. - (](,..)x) (51.22) ('J." 7(.) (1"'-1) 8. Udupi w - - 21 (,2 13 ") ( lOO.(I()} .. .. 121.21 ) «(.2.63) (13.13) (3.(13) f 615 .. 1(,1) ](.7 71 X ["'" .... :... Rural · -- .1 (100.00) .. .. ~27.-IX) (5f).(,x) (H~~ ( I JlI)

(xx-,:ix) Being a coastal di!>trit't it!> rural ar~..... al c much 1"hi., 7 .....·x K"li" lur KUfal 1'''plIl"liu" ur (',1),111",''''''. ,'),)1 more den!'.ely inhahited Ihan many p,lrl ... 01 the St~lle, The distrihulion of villagc ... bv dcn ... ily ...... l·1 ap.trl 'I ,,, ',lInc 01 ( I) BIIl,I.,fI.llut.. '., ul ICl11.1 lc, pcr 10lMI 1ll,llc' in Table-6 -- - I 2 1 I B.II1l\.11 1022 2 Bcllill1l:\.I,h 1017 1 K.lrl...11 1172 R.tngc of Den~lIy '101.11110, of I'CR'Cot.lgC 01 4 KUl1d.lpur 1173 (populallon per .. IU:tgc, 111 c.,,:h \llI.lgc, 111 c.ld1 \1.lOg,lklrc 1Il7') sql..m) r,lngc ranuc S I 2 J (, I'ultur 'J'J7 0-10 - - 7 'U".I %1; 11-20 2 I) 1, I; Ldu(ll 1Il..J 21-50 1(, 2W l)"lrtlt Rural IIlS7 51-HlO ,(, ') 1;') 101-200 114 IXS4 Exn:pt lor the two lalllk,' 01 Suly.1 and Pullur 201-300 15<) 2"S5 111 all Ihe 1'1.:,1 01 taJlIJ.., thl' ,1'X 1,1110 i, l,t\lHlrahk 301-500 148 2407 501 & ahovc 1411 227(, to WO III I.: 11. 111 thrl.:e taluk, 01 Kark:rl. KlInd~lpllr All Ranges (dS 1l~)O(J ,lIld Udupi Ihl.: ... C\ ralio, all' wdl 0\'1.:1 thl' di'lriCI IUI,II ligurc 01 IOX7, "In (,...... e 01 remaining Ihree Maximum numher of \'ill~lge ... in Ihc di ... 1rici .Ire laluJ.. ... 1l,lIlldy Mang~tlole, 13.mtval and Bdl,mgadi III 201-300 range, Over 70 pcr cenl of'\illagl.: ... ale Ihe 'l'\. ratio!> .Ire well helnw IOX7. The 'I.:X mtio!> lor lown!> 01 the di!>tl i(.'( in 1')t)f i!> prc,cnled in III the range of den!>ily 01 201 or more pl.:rMlIl ... l)l'r Tahk-x' sq_km, R~l>t of the vill,lge ... lall in the range!> ,hill I of 200 or still le!> ... er,

"I '.lIlIC .lIld (1\ I, ,,, "I Ic 1ll,llc, (viii) Sex Ratio '".lmllll'l r,lIlnll "1,1111' pcr ")(~J \1,1"_' ""I B.ld.I"Jhcltu-7t, (" \H 'I) (1).11 Out of the lotal population of 2,61J-t,2(1..J in If1": 2 B,lIl1durli (I \1(,) 1124 1 B.II,II.I ('\1CI) '),)1> district in 1991, male!> arc 1306,256 and II.:l11ale' 4 !l.lnl"ll (I \1(') 11122 1,388,008 giving out a !>ex ratio of 1,()(i3, AI Ihe S (i.mXllh 1" \1Cll (1).12 (, II ,".I11 .... d I ('01"11\ (' \1(,1 ) 91'> 1981 censll!> Ihe !>ex ratio wa ... 1059, The !>urplu, 01 7 K.lI1l1l1r ('\1("1) ')71> females is con!>idered 10 be therl.: beeatl,e of h K.lrl...11 ('J \1n %X .) Kemmll1l.1 (' \1( 'II IJIll migration of male working memha, The average 10 KOId..tr.1 ("\ICI) 102') (1).14 sex ratio for the Karnalaka State i... 9()O, which I' II Kund'.lflJlr rt \1('1 12 \t.III,1I ("I \tell 111'> - considerably lower thm1 Ihe !>I.:X .{.o!~io oblaining 111 11 \l.llnc I' \I( -I I II»" .- thc district. It is worthy of note Ih.lt while at the J4 \l,II1",llnrc (\H j' 1011 IS \1udhldn (I \In 1Il2N Statc and at thc All India level the !>ex ratio ha' H, \lul"l 11 \10 IOX7 declincd during thc decade 1981-91, in thi, di!>trict 17 'e\\ \1,1I1"a1,"C I'on (,,\1Cn NIH, IX. l'cr.ullUl1nUrU (':\1('1) 1017 it has improvcd from lOS9 at 1981 to 1I'l6::\ in 11)91. II) I'udu t, \1el) 'J7'J In the district, the sex ratio i!> cOlllp:lf with the awrage oJ 1002, The n 2-1 l-iur.l''',11 11\1("1 'H~I corresponding figures for the State of Karnalaka 2; llln~ Wc,t 1'\ICII 1147 211 Ldulll II \1( ) ')21) are 973 for the rural poplIlatilm and 930 Illr th~ 17 L 11,,1 (' \WI ) Ilnl urhan population. The taJukwise (.li,[J'ihulion 01 ,ex DI'lnl't L 11>.111 IIMI2 ; ratios is placed in Tahle-? ClndUlk, the populalion or Outgrowth!>,

(xl) Among 27 town~ in the districts, the sex ratios per cent of Scheduled Castes popUlation in their are unfavourable to women in Bajal, Hosangadi total population. But one noticeable point is that Colony, Kannur, Karkal, Kemminja, New Mangalore in 615 total villages of the district in 610 villages there is some proportion of Scheduled Castes Port, Pudu, Puttur (TMC), Suratkal and Udupi. In population as hinted above. It means that in rest of towns the sex ratios are well above !he comparison to State average though the proportion district urban ratio of 1002, and being highest in of Scheduled Castes population in district is case of Saligram town. remarkably low but the Scheduled Castes population

15 almost found everywhere. In respect of towns the (ix) Scheduled Caste~ details are set in the Table-10. There are 175,548 persons belonging to Table 10: Percentage or Scheduled Castes Population in Scheduled Castes community in the district. Among towru., 1991 them 14D,296 live in rural places or villages and 35,252 in urban centres. The ratio of Scheduled SI ;\;aml! of Town Total Total Percentage :\0 Popu- Sche- of Caste!> in total popUlation of the district is 6.52 per lahon duled Scheduled cent. This proportion is 7.26 per cent in the rural Castes Castes Popu- Populatton and 4.62 per cent in urban areas. Against the latlOn to Total average of 16.38 per cent of Scheduled Castes Population 1 3 5 population in the total population of the State of 2 4 1 -76 10446 493 472 Karnataka, the proportion of Scheduled Castes in (NMCf) this district is particularly low for the 1991 census 2 Bamduru (fMC) 16488 631 383 3 Balala (NMCf) 8145 15 018 the proportion of Scheduled Castes popUlation out 4 Bantval (fMC) 34313 923 269 of the total village popUlation is summarised in the 5 Gangoh (NMCf) 12332 1080 876 Table-9. 6 Hosangadl Colony 2117 263 1242 C'IMCf) , 7 Kannur (NMCf) 6220 171 275 Table 9: Proportion' of Scheduled Castes Population to 8 Karkal ("D1C) 24108 1432 594 Total Population in villages, 1991 9 Kemmm)a (NMCf) 6779 449 6.62 10 Kotekara (NMCf) 9719 290 298 Percentage range No of Villages m Percentage of 11 Kundapur (TMC) 28477 1251 439 of Scheduled each range Villages In each 12 Mallar (NMCr) 5776 634 1098 Castes population range 13 (NMCf) 19063 1605 842 to total 14 Mangalore (MC)* 281161 11922 424 populatton 15 Mudbldn (TMC) 15868 1895 1194 1 2 3 16 Mulkl (TIIlC) 14100 1045 741 0-5 256 4197 17 l"ew I\1angalore Port 8944 662 740 6-10 198 32.46 1(l'~"MCf) 11-1S lWl 17.38 18 Peramunnuru 9744 117 120 16-20 38 623 I(NMCf) 21-30 11 1.80 19 Ifudu (NMCf) 10241 241 235 31 & above 1 016 io Puttur (ulC) 25800 1939 752 All Ran~es 610 100.00 -21 Puttur (NMCf) 10071" 1057 1050 22 Sahgram (TMC) 14020 870 6.21 As the Scheduled Caste$ popUlation in the 23 Someshwara (NMCI) 15302 99 0.65 district is few and far between more and more , 24 Suratkal [fMC) 55925 1m 3.54 25 West (NMCI) 8160 652 799 number and proportion of vil!ages ar~ having fewer 26 Udupi (fMC) 78094 2896 371 and lesser percentage range of Scheduled Castes 27 DUal (NMCf) 31181 641 206 popUlation but none the less, in almost all the Dlstnct Urban 762594 35252 462 villages are there some Scheduled Castes population. *Includes the population of Outgrowths. As much as 256 villages which accounts for about 42 per cent of all villages are having less than 5 It is already mentioned that in towns the

(xli) proportion of Sehcdukd Ca ... te., POPUI,llioll 1\ -l ()2 per ccnt. There arc ~ol11e to\\ 11\ lil-.e B.tindlllll. B.I"tI,

Bantv.,I, Kannur, Kotd"lr

Pcramunnuru, PUdll, Somc ... lm.lf, ~lll.lt"'ll. Uuupi Il.I\I.' lInl) hchl\\ 'i pCI lcnl 01 It-. [lliflUldlll'll ,1\ and Unal where the proportion i ... cwn k ...... cl lll,1Il ~chedulcd Tllh\:.., The di\ll ibuli~)I1 ot pHlplUllon the total urban avcr.tgc. The highe ... t conl'l:nll .Ilion 01 ~chcdlllcd Tllhc ... in lm\n ... in 1')')1 ccn ... lI ... i... g.i\cn or Schcduled C.l ... tC~ poplIl,ltion in !llwn ... i ... IOllnd III T ,Ihle-I:.!. in Hosangadi Colony (12A2 PCf ccnl) lollnwcd by 1,1111" I!: '"<'(<<'111.1:':"", '" h,·dukd I rih," ""1'"1.1111111 in Mudbidri (11.94 pcr ccnt), Mall in the di!>lricl livc in \ illage ... ,Uld rc ... t in ih 1 B.II.II.1 ('\WI) h14') l' II ,1 town ccntres. The corre ... ponding proportion 1~1I (he -l n.lllI\ .,1 (I \Ie ) ,-l1n 114 I) ')2 ') ( •• m~,'h ('\ \Iel ) 12112 ')<;7 -1 '),2 Scheduled Ca... t<.:.... population ill rllral .IIC,I'" i\ XI) (, II,,'-Ing.lul ( 0101\\ 2117 117 ')')\ per cenl for the di~tri<.-1. SdlL'dulcd Trihl· ... ,II c -lXo..; (\\WI> o (d per cenl of thl: 101,,1 rural popul.llioJ1 in the dl ... ll i\:l. 7 K.ml1ul ('\ \1("fJ_ c---- (,220 'lh -_ h ..... 111.. .. 1 ( I \IC ) 2-1l0h '\()(I I(,~_- Scheduled Tribes living ill town\ con ... litlile 1 :"i(1 pel ') he nllljII!.E..J. \ \IC'I } (,77') -----22') nl> -- cent of total urhan popul,ltinn 01 lh\: di ... ll i<.l. Th~ to Knld•• I1.1 ('\ \tCll '171'J 71 (IT) -- 2')h corrc!.ponLiing SHIle figure ... arc 5.2-4 ,Illd 2.(J(, pel II "llllll.Wll~l( ) 21\.177 O'JI 12 \1.111.11 (\\WI) 5771. l'.J 11(,.... _ cent respeclively. In thl: Tahle-I I i" given lhe n \I.lIre (\. \1Cl, 1')(i(,1 1'i'l (J !\, distribution of villages of the di"tr;ct d,I ... ,ilied hy 1-1 \I.II'~"I"r, (\1{)' 2X 1 1(,1 Ih'J7 0(,7 I' \lutlh"JIJ (.. \1( ) I')'-,(h'l 2(>'} 170 ranges according 10 the proporlion nl ~dlCdlllcd 1(. \llIll..l (1 \1( ) I-1IIM) 'i') 1I.J2

Tribe!> to the lotal poplll.llioll 01 the CllllCClllCd 17 '\\.\\ \l .. lng.. I)t)n.. 1'011 X')II 1!-Ill .2 til (\\1("1 ) villages. '}7.j-l 1(, 1<; l',f.IIIlLll1nUIU " 111 (\. \WI) Tllble II: l"rol)(lrlion of Sd,,·dul.. d '1 rilk'" 1'''PIII.1I,"n I" 1\1 I'II(.lu (\. \Iel / 1l!2.j1 1') f)~ Tubal J>OPUI.,lioll in VlIl,IX"'" 1')')1 20 I'Llllu, (J \1( ) 2')1->(1(1 77(, • ,(11_ 21 l'lIllLIr ('\\1('1) IIMI71 ')(1') ')(11 l'crccnlage runge i'o. 01 \11I.lgC\ III I)crccn"'gc 01 22 .... 'h"f,lI11 (I \1( I I.jU20 Ill) I) 71> of Schedulcd c,u:h I':lngc \.U,'gc, III \.,1<. It 21 "'lllle~~\\-"t.1 IHUl 7(. I)~I I'nhc'i Popul,ltlon r,t 11 gC' (\. \1('il ) 10 lotal l'opul;llIon 2-1 -""r.III.,,1 (1 \1C ) ),)1)2) .J(,(> IIx1 I 2 1 2'5 lun.... W'-~l (\.\Iel) hl(~1 :U, u l! (,(,11 O.S 17c. 2h LJujll (I \Ie ) 7l-\O'}l -lUKU ;S 22 6·15 l-t-t ~-tU 27 LIl,I! j_\\1("11 111X! '5') I) 1:-' -- 16·25 3(. (, 3.~ DL'lnll L ,h.m 7(,2'i').j J 111>7-1 1 "c. 26·35 II I 'J-I 36·50 . . Indllde ... the P\)pul.llmll \)J OUI!!I \I\\'Ih .... 51 & ahovc . - All Rangc, :;(.7 10000 Ag,lin"'l I.:'iC) 1)\.'1 l'1.·1l1 01 ~('hcdllkd '1'1 ihl.·' III

Scheduled Trihc~ exceeding 2(, per cenl 1111...' ((I(.d (t(/I,HI (lo(lul.,cion. (It.: ':\(Cf1( (II IItl\

(xlii) communlly i... below Ihl ... Iud 111 100\n" n'lJ,ll, B.II1I\,tI. .tI ... o It h,l'" Ihl n.g_IOIl,11 lown l'cntn: The (tler,ICV

K.mnur, KOld.lr,l, KUl1d,lpur, I\I,tll,lr. I\I,alpl. r.tte"l lor 100\lh III 11)')( (..en"lu", 1\ pre ... Ll1led 111

M,mg,a1ore, Mull-I, Per,lI11unnuru, PlItllI, ').lh~I"IIl. T,lhlc-l-l Someo;hw.lr, Sur,ill-,lI, Ton .... L We ... 1 ,Ind UII,II It I.... I.lt-r.l() It...... ror I,,"n.. , I'J'JI higheo;t III B.linduru (709 per cent) loll(l\\ed hv

Hoo;,mg,ldi (5.51 per cenl), B,lll.lg,lbdl u-7() ('i -t I per '>1 '\0 \'.11111.. .1110 (1\ II cent) and Udupi (5.22 per cenl) It I ... 10 be nOled \JI11I11"II.IIIOI1 '1.lllI" th.ll cdch and evcry lown h,I'" ..,ol11e ~lhedukd rnbc.., o( 10\\11 I'~NlI1" \1,.11o' I l.111 •• Il., populdtion. 2 1 4 ') BolO tg.lhUI lI·7(, ')01') 1)4 III M,:..7 ('\\WI) (,\i) Literm:y 1 B.1I110UIU (I \1< ) (,7&\ Th :..7 'i:" ,'i B.II.II.I ('\1< 'I ) 7:..1)(, 1>74-1 71l(,,, In the 1(1)1 ccn ... u... ,III the l htldl en 111 thc -I 111111\ II (I \H ) _ !~'_' _ ..,c._~~(~.., 'i'i ,I!:,oc·group 0-6 YC,lr" .. rc pcr ... e Ir"',lled ,I'" IlIlIel,lle ~. (,.111"011 (' \I~I_J _-f.--2:!.1(, __ f-..,1 'n 1-('" 'J'~ (, II", IIl~ "II ( "t. 111\ I "7 ')1 'n'i\ 7h " The literacy r,lte fur the d .... tlilt \\orl-" oul 10 ()'i IX ('\\1('1, -- "dnnuf ('\ \1('1 ) :..(, (I'; (..I 111 per cent. It .... ,lbmc Ihc lorrl''''poIHhng ')1,tlL' ligure ~ _~'ill , ".111.11 (1\1<) :-'7114 IJ2 47 1>1-1, of 56.~. In Ihe di..,tri<.1 Iiler,ltc" ,Ire 1.7'i(I,IJI) The ') "l.I11111Inh. (\,\1( 'I J h"l21 ')116") 7" 07 10 "oll-k If.1 ('\1('1) ,1 (k' ')I) I'i 7'i S" htcrdcy rat co; for rur,,1 POPUI,ltlOll hv ... e\ I ... pr{l\ Ided II "Ulld.lflur ( I \H J s2 ')'i 1-07 II 7247 in T,lhle-l1 11 \1111.11 ('\\1<'1 )___ f-_M 11 'X) 'i7 7')01 • n \1.111 .... ('\\1('1) :.., n 1-.') 'i, 7110~ • 1-1 \1.IIH!.lh)llo (\1( ). 1-.711, ')1 'il 1-.1,1 1.lhll' 1.1: I.Ilt-rIIlY 1(,lh'" rur 1{lIr.11 1'''p .. I.llwlI ..f 1.11 ...... l'i \lulIhldll (I \I(~, __ ~l_ -')~- 0" .....!_ « n 111 ....,.,) 11\ "'..... I 'I'll II> \ll1lkl (I \1( J _I :"2~ ~_y) 17._ I- 7(.-11 (l· ... dlldill~ dllldrl'lI! in Ih,' .1j:'··j:rulIl' 11-6, 17 '\L\\ \tlllg ilOIL 1'11I11 ..,'i ')1 I ')1 ,,, 7')7-1 ('\tel) -- - ... 1 '\0 '\,lItlc 01 l'~runl.lg~ 01 I Ilu.lt~, 1\ 1'1.. r.1I11111111 III u (\\1(,1 ) 7'J \(, I dlu"'/( () Blot I. I') Puo" (' \I( -I ) 71l (,", ('lor-Oil' \1.lk .. I ~Ilhll<..' 1() 'l'UIIlII (I \1() 1.(,01, 'XI 12 hi .?!!..._ I 2 1 4 21 !'ullm ('\ \1 (' I ) :-,11(, hi) Ih 77(,7 I B.Ill1\ ,II 704" hOW W(,I" 21 .., •• 1'''11111 (I \1< ) 7.:!M 2 1k.11.111~.,01 (,,) 7(, 7'l711 1,1 l'i 21 '>"nllo,llI\.II~1 ('\\1('1) M (0(, IJ2 II 77_~ 1 K.lrl. ... 742S \174 (,h L! 11 'ur.llk •• 1 (I \1( ) M,'):" '!-t (14 7') (~_ 4 Kuno.lpur (,'; I') 77')() 'i474 2'i j,)lh<.. \\1o,1 ('\\1('1) 1-7S'i'i MM 7>22 5 \i.llllr.llorc 7H1 M,J,I (,f) 11 _1!!_ !:~I~I _( I \1( L _ _ _~1-._i.? _ ~)s h' ,I _ l. I'ullur 711 77 71) I.... (, I (J'i c-~!J!..!I (' \1('!l ___ ~hl 11,__ h') ,2 _ 71 ~I_ 7 ~Uh,l 7(,40 h1% (k'" (>(1 . ()J:!!!~ Llh.1Il = .... 1 'il ~ ')l1\7,! ~~I_ 8 UOIIJlI 7(, 11 i M·I(, (,I) 17 DI ..lfICI Rur.11 T!. 17 hi (~'i (..I (HI

In rur.t1 .trI.:a.., of the dl"tri<:1 ~.., .1 rule n1\.'11 ,II l' In Ihl: town"l th\. litClal V r.lt~ lor IK'r"'lln"l, m.tle.., more literate Ih,tIl wom.lIl. The pl:rt."Cnt,lge 01 ht\!f,III: .... ,tIld JcIll,IIc" .Ire lug,hel th,1Il thl.! cnrre .... ponuing 1,llul­ in lotal rural pOpU),llioll i... 72.17. On Ihe ,Ihme ... idl· r.tle" Pll1gre ..... "c hJ\\n ... lih.'r'lly\\i"l~ ,In: B,I(.I,lg.thl'llll of lhio; i.., the 1ll,11c Ialcr,llY I ,Ill': 01 Hl (,S p~1 (.\.l1l HIl"l,II1~.ldl Colonv, K.tI 1..11, M.lng,llllrc. M udhldn. (H The fem,lle r.lte i.., Oil per. cenl ,Ind hllo\\ II NL\\ l\l.mg_alole PorI. PUllur (TMC), ~ur.II".11.

Mangaiorc t.tlul- I, the lUll... t Liler.llc onc, \\ IHIe ,II '-,utl1L"Il\\.If ,md L1dupl Mllfl': mcn .lfe lilcr,ll\. Ih.1Il the bottom lie ... the Kund,l[lUf wlIh (,", 19 pcr l\.nl \\01111':11 .1"1 ,I luk 111 c.llh .tlll! c\crv 10\\11 IIlL' of literatc .... M,mg,llore 1,llul. OCCUpIC'" Ihe IllP "Illt hlghe .... 1 1Il,11c Iltel .Il V i... lound 10 B,ld.lg,lhl:lIl1 I he

In respect (If male ,1I1U ICI11,I)e hter,ll'Y I,ll\,...... lIld ",II11e hold"l ,11 ... 0 I rue lor lem,In..... {}I Ihe to\\ n (xii) Main Wo.-!\t"·'" l\1;u'gillill \\'ol"l,l"'" and NOll­ 11lll1lh.:r 01 \VOIklll!!- popllidiioll ,lilt! k III ,lie" ill \\()rker~ nllll-\\lllklllg PllpllldlllHl d\ d Iuk fhelL' I" dl"tIlHll\C

There .Ire 1, 112,-l--N tllt,t1 n1.l1l1 \\ (11 kef" 'i(),-U,'i P,IIICI n ohldllllllg_ III ~,I(.h I,dllk re~,lIdlllg Inc murginal worker" ,1Ild 1,5~1,~'i() IHll1-\\OIkl.:l" In lhl.: pillpollilln III m,lIll. 1ll,1I glll.d ,lIld Ilon-workl..r" 111

Dakshina Kannada district. Their propOillon in lol,t1 dboul ,t1mmt "lnlll.l1 Illdnnel, Thl.: PCllCnt.lgC 01 population of the district i" 41 29, I S7 .Inti S(I S-l 1ll,lin workel", m.lIgil1,tI \'(llkel" ,lIld nOI1-Woll..\..'l<., per cenl. The corrc'>ponding slalc au'rage i" 1X-l'5, lor ulh.1I1 population in 19()l i" "ho\\n in T"hk-I(I.

3.54 and 58.01 per cent. Work p,lrlicip,lllllll lale in

!\lore ()f tc ... " thc ",I 111 e p"llern 01 Wllll.. rural area" i<; 44.55 pcr celll, while it '" only )<) (1) P,II11lip.llilln Idlc<., i" lunning 111 the lown" ,11"0 Thc per cent in urban are"", The WOI k P,lIliclp,illllll I.lll.: 1.lle\ here ,II c, ,1\ lllenlionqJ \omcwh,,1 10wcI Ih,1I1 by t"lub i~ given in T,lble-lS, wh,11 J" Illund in t,dul..\ The lL)Wnwj'{e \,lri,ltllln in

Thc highest work p.lfticipdtion r.lte I" "een 111 Ihe 101.11 \\ l1l k p,lIli(lp.11 ion r.lle i\ IILlI P'OlloUJl(·cd.

Beltangadi taluk and lowe"t in Kund,lpul l.11 oj .,iJ111I,lI tldJ.1

IdHer. Male" conlribute mu(.h mOle In Ih..: lol,t1 01 other di\lri<:[\.

!'Ihle 15: P,·rlN1I.llll' ul '1.lin \\url-.'· ..... \I.ullin." "url-.'·..... 111 "\ull.\\url-.'· .... lur l{ur.11 l'ulllIl.lliuli ul 1.1111"-, ( I) IIIl1d,,), 1')<)1

SI 1"\0 !'\"I1lC of Ihc 1\.. lu,.nldg_l. oj 1.11111-./('1) Blo,'I-. ----,--- - \II ,lin WolI,l..l.... III Illl.11 '1,lIgllllll \\011,"1' III Illl .• 1 \\ III 1-...... III Illl.11 \.nll·\\IolI,...... In lul,,1 l'opul.lIlon 101.11 P"p,lI,llIoll POPUI,lllull PoplIl,lilon - p \1 I I' \1 I I' \1 I I' \1 I 1 2 1 -I 'i (, 7 X I) IU II 12 11 1-1

I 13alli~.J1 ol652 527, olIJ-I-I 17r, Il r.s 2l-.,I, -lX 21> 'i11X -I111J ':;) 72 -1(,1,2 S(,70

2 Bclldng

3 Kdrl..,,1 4171 -1979 18 S2 2 S(, o XI) 11)1) 4(,27 ~IJM; -I1'i1 )171 -II) 12 <;7 -II) - 4 Kundapur 1721 -17 ')1 2X(lI) 118 O'ih 1 'i'i 11) 11) Ih-ll) ,I (,.J (,() (, I 'il "I (,:-, 1(, 5 M-1 4'i hI) (,1-111 7 Sulyd 1')45 ')122 2<; 21 1 'iX 1-12 ') hi -I, ()1 'i-l ("J 11 02 'il, ; 1):-'

8 UdllPI 1811 -tl) 24 2892 1-1-1 ()'i'i 220 11) 7':; -II) 79 11 12 (,() 2'i 'if) 21 (,x hX

l)I\lrlct Ruml 4228 50')-1 1-t10 .2 27 (IX':; 1 'il) 41 'i'i .:; 171) 17 hI) 'i).j"i -1821 (,2 II

(xliv) Tahl,' 1(, IJ"n"'III;I~'" ur :\Iain \\·url"a.... \Iar;.:imll·\\'urk,·"", a 1111 :'\",I.\\'url".· •.,., ill Tu\ln .... 1')0,11

. - -= SJ.;'\o. ;\ame al1<1 CiVIl' Pcrn:ntagc nf t\

1 2 7 'J III II 12 IJ 1_1

1. Badagabcttu-7(, J.'L? I 51.71 25,2) 0..15 O')() JX,!,') 52.1(, 2(,,11 (,1.11 -I7.X-I 7),1;7 (l"MC!,)

2. Bainduru (TMe) )(,.1 I _1(,') I 27 OJ 5.-11 I.X') KS-I -I 1.S2 -IS.20 )557 5X.-IS 51.XO (>-I,·D

3. Bajalu (;\,\1C1') -IS-(,ll 53.13 _1·-1..22 0.77 0.·1') 1.11(, -I') -IS 53.(,2 _15.21; 5055 ·i(,.3X :;-1.72

4. Bantval (TMC) -11.91 51.07 32.')5 tl,-II (LXX -12.5(, 51.-IX 3)'0 57..1·1 -IS52 (,(1.( 7

5. Gal1goli (:\\ICI') IJ.:H (l,:U, lUll (L2-1 I Lcd ss.") lIosangadi Colony 2(,.(>-1 n. I') O.J 7 -(,-.x-,)-+--I-S-' ,-7 2-11--)-..l-2---l-7-3-.1-7-+1-5--1.-2X-' "11--')-(l.-5-X'" 6. -IH.)5 --li--·+-2 (i'\\1CI') , f---_+------'------+----+-----t-----.+-.-f------t~-_t-----_j---,!---- f------t---· -- 7. KltIlIlur (:\\ICI') )S-HX -17.0-1 3(15) 2.71> 2 ~') :L?X -II (,(, -I'nJ :nxI 5s.'-l 'i1l.(,7 1 (,C.. I') f----4------~----~----_j_----+_----1_----~----_+-----~-----r----_t~----·b_---·+_------__i-·--- 8. Karklll (T\le) J.J.I>') -I').X2 1').-1(, Il.:n 11,22 IL-I·1 .15.22 51UQ 1').')11 (>-I7S -1').% SII.'JlI t---+---'---'---::-.---j-----_f_---+----t-----f---t---+---t-----f-----+-----l---+-.... --- 9. KCnlminja (:-\:".1CI') (1-10

10. Kotekara (!\'\1CT) -12.(1-1 -IS.3H J5.SX (UI O.U (I.·t·) -12.)5 -IS51 )(,.37 57.1,5 ~ 1.-1') I (,3.(,)

11. KUl1dapur ('1'\1<:) )1.'») -IS.5-1 1(,.112 OAH 0.3) 01,2 )2.·" -ISX7 1(,1>-1 (,75') 5Ll3 Sl3(, 12. M,llIar(l'\;\1CI') )1.62 -II.S7 225X I.:?l 1.11 1.10 )2.fG -I2")~_'2.,SX (,7.17 57.112 .7(1.(2

13. Malpe (:-\\1<:1') )(,.2X -I'n:'> 2).-1') 0.1,) 0.1') WI, )I).IJI -I'~~~J 2-155 (,30') 50.11, 75.-1~_

1-1. !\1angalol'c (\1(:)' -10.)0 53.')7 2(,.'H t ~2.__~H~ _! _"'.~ ~(~'~~.. l ~.I.,!_ ! .?~x_~_2'J~~.l-l:;·(') 172_12._ 15. ;\111dhldn (T\I~') -,J_~~~'~;~~~?~'-I.:!.~~II(~<;-j .1.lIi_II_'_,IIS I ",I.,: 1.3I1.1."'i_1 :"'')ljl·I').~>-I~'')'~:j :\1111ki ('1'\1(') I ).'\.12 -Is.'12 2X 37 ~~ ___I (~I-l.L'I~ r ,'I '11) L~~~~ I '\021) (,i), 10 -I').r..~ 1_ ~~~71 __ 17. l'\cw Mangalorc Port -11.7) 57,30 2-1.3.1 (1.1-1 (UI') I, 11.22 1-II.X7 I 57.)1) 12.15(, 5S.1) -12.1>11, 75·1·1 (N:\1CI') ~---+~--~------~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~-----~------. __ 18. I'crall1unnuru (:-\\1(T) -lId') 520') -10.3') 0.3] 1l.2') 0.37 .J(J 52 52 ..1,,'; _1117(, 5) ·IX -17.(,2 ':;') 2-1

11). I'udu (;\,MCI') -I).XX 5n.w 37.(12 2. .17 (l.-IX ·1.2X -1(,25 51.0:-; -lUll 5).75 -IS.')2 5;.; 711 ~--_r--~----~----_r~--+_--~r_--_+----_r----.r-----r_--_+----~----_f_----~--.-+------20. I'ullur (T\1C) -10.% 55.I,S 2).72 0,(,') 0.-1) on -IUd 51d I 2.J.(~1 5X.)') -IJ,S') I 75..11> 21. I'ullur (i'\MCI') Jr,.(d 51.05 2).2-1 \1.25 O.I) O.J(, J(,.S(, 5J.1X (J).I-I

22. Saligralll (T\le) 37.5_1 -IK)l 2X.(,5 0\52 0 ..12 ON)

23. Some:.hwara (i'\\HT) -II.M _1<).52 :n.'H 1.1-1 ,0,)') 2.0g

24. Sur.ltkal (TMC) :W.2:\ -17.71 . 30.:\'\ LUI n.D

25. Tonse West (N\1CI) 32.53 -I-t.-l!) 22.IS I).X) n.)') 1.21 ).1 Jr' -1-1.7') 2) ..1') (,().(>-I 5:;,21 7(,.c, 1

~-2(-,.~-U-d-u~p-i-(~'I-·\-1-C~·)------~-J(-,-.1-7_+-~~H-'.)_--I~--1-2.-7_2~-(-).--I-3_+ __()-3-S~--(-).5-2--~)-(,-(-,II-+--I_X_'S_".)_ t_-_')__ '-_'-I __ l __('_)._-I_0_~-5-1-.I-I_+-7 __,(-,-.7-(--, 27. UII .. I (N\ICJ') )7.W H.55 27.95 2.In (J..J(, :;.13 -10.-13 -IKIII j :n.()X 5')52 51.')1) (.,')2 -----1------!------+-----~ Dist ril·t U rhan .IM.71) 5 1.011 2(,.1> I (l.-IS )')(,$ 5J..JS 17:>5 htUS _IS52 72.15

* Incluues Ihe populatiun of Outgrowlhs.





The Primary Census Abstract furnishes, in a 1991 a~ welt as the corresponding code number!> nutshell as it were, vital information on the basic assigned in 1(81) precedes the presentation of lhe demographic and economic composition of the village-wise PCA followed by the ward-wise PCA population. This statement, referred to as PCA, in respect of towns and outgrowths if any within summarises the whole mass of data gathered at the the jurisdiction of the concerned C.D.Block. After Census. The smallest geographical unit with a thus exhausting all the C.D.Blocks in the district, dearly defined boundary identifiable on the field the town/urban agglomerations are cover«d one by that has been delineated for ensuring cent per cent one in the ascending order of thei~ location code cov~rage of the area under the jurisdiction of various numbers without regard to the fact whether any of administrative units is the Census Enumeration Block. these towns or portions thereof (eg. outgrowths) The details gathered in the household schedules in have already been covered under one or the other respect of each and every person enumerated in of the Community Development Blocks. As in 1981, each such block have been meticulously tabulatcQ on this occasion too, the PCA has been compiled to prepare this Primary Census Abstract. The !>cparatcly in respect of the Scheduled Castes and tabulation has been done entirely by manual Scheduled Tribes Population of the District. The processing of the data at the Regional Tabulation District PCA for Scheduled Castes and for Schedulcd Offices. The village PCA is derived from the Block Tribes arc presented after the PCA for the urban PCA and in case of urban areas, the Block PCA area!>. The pattern of presentation of data in these has yielded the ward and Town PCA. In turn, the two statements is the same as that adopted lor Taluk (Rural) and Taluk (Urban) as well a~ Taluk presentation of data in the District PCA. (Total) PCA statements as well as the C.D.Bloek-wi!>c PCA Statements are built up on the basis of It may be recalled that in Kamataka the term Village-wise and Town-wise data. This proccs'> gocs Community Development Block is not in vogue and on until it yields the data for higher and higher that it!> equivalent is the Taluk Panchayat Samiti. administrative divi~ions, such as the District and the The jurisdiction of each Taluk Panchayat Samiti is State, culminating at the apex in the form of a cotcrminus with that of the corresponding Taluk single line statement for the country. The entire but exclude!> the statutory town~. In other words, edifice thus rests on the information contained in the administrative jurisdiction of a Taluk Panchayat the household schedules lilled up by the enumerator. Samiti covers all the village!> of the Taluk (a!> listed out for the 1991 census) as also the villages or The District Primary Census Abstra(;,t is parts thereof which have been c1as!>ilied as presented immediately after this Explanatory Npte. non-municipal towns for purpo!>es of the 1991 census This statement gives the aggregate ligures for the and the revenue villages or portions thereof which district with the rural-urban break up, the aggregate have b,een identified ~ outgrowths of statutory towns figures for each C.D.Block (with the rural-urban and have therefore been excluded from the purview \ break up) and the aggregate ligures for each ,of Rural PCA. It is important to remember that tOWn/urban agglomeration within .the district. It is in this statement, the particulars relating to the important to note that the lowest unit for which non-municipal towns (such as those administered by the data are presented her~ is the C.D.Block and MandaI Panchayats) and those relating to the not the traditional taluk ~. Thereafter the out1:,'Towths. (placc& which arc not towns in their C.D.Blocks within the dist,ict are taken up one by own right) are rcpeated - for' these appear once one in the alphabetical otder of their names. for below the concerned CD.Block and agam under each C.D.Block, an alphabetical list of villages (which th~ 'urban arcas' of the distric(. indicates the code numbers assigned to villages in

• For pllrposes of comparison with 1981 data 'he TO/Ilk wise District peA with Rural - Urban brea/q,lp is given ill Appendt I.

1 The Primary .. Census Ab~traet ha~ 21 main So, in ~ome ca..,e.., the H.lme or Ilumber rcported in colum'ns to furmsh inrotmation ab~ut the name of' Ihis. column rder~ III ~lIch, tel rjtmj;,1 divi!'ljllm and the unit, area, number of occupied re~idl'ntial hou"es, not to admini...tratin.: di\,i..,illll.., number of households, ~J1DI :- For the of literates, n~ .o( flRain workers and their villages, the area is reported here in hectares uptn distribution amot\f(Ai"; industrial categories, number two places of decimal and for the lown~, as al~o of marginal workers af!KI the number of non-workers. the wards or di\i),iol1~ thereof, the arca ligure~ an: In the District PC"~ each column indicating the furnished in square kilollletl'C!> upto two plaCl:s ~lf data on population .maractcristics is suh-divide<.l into decimal. II may b~ incidentally mentioned here 3 columns in ord,",":to ~ndic .. te the total as well ilS t hat for nOlle of the 10wn, 111 the State, the sex-wise break-l![' Wlb-Cl1S in thc village/town Ward/Di\'isiol1-wi~e area (jgure~ an: available. If the PCA, each such eo~ll". (with the eXl-cptioll of Total area ligures arc nol available for any n:a~on, a da~h Population and p.... 1n lhc f)-(, age group) is (-) is entered in thi" column. sub-divided into two columns to indicate the ~ex-\Vise break-up only. COLUMN ~ : Number oj' Occupied Re!>idelltial Houses :- A 'Censu~ Hous~' could be wholly It may be D1c~ioned at this junctute that for residential or partly re!>idential or else completely each town/urban "adlometation in tlle di~trict, non-residential according to the u~e to which it i!. information rega(d\.ns ...... f6tal population, Scheduled put. All ('Tn~u" hou~e,., enumerated a, either wholly Castes Population a~ Scbcduled Tribe" Population or partly re!>idential at the time of the eensu~ count of each census ~nVthcration bl(lck as also the are added together to get the data for the bInd. , ,~ particul

COLUMN 1 : Locution Code Numht'r :- The COLUI\JN 5 : Number of lIoust'iwlds :- Thi~ location code num6ct assigned to the \illage or the information ton is compikd from the Abridged town as the case May be i~ entered in thi~ l·olumll. HousclisLs. The actual total number of hou~ehokb including the 'normal', 'in!->titutional' and the COLUMN f,. NlttUe vI' Vill .. ~errown/Wal'll :­ 'hou!->des~' that were enumerated at the cen~us count The name of t": i4J1age' or the lown as linally is mentioned in thi., COIUlllll. Ciellerally, the number adopted for tflC "'I s--eQ~S purpo)'e!> is entercd in of household), ill any unit would be equal to 01: this cotumn.~' The .,~ '~,od cities arc often divided more than lhe occupied le~idel1liaJ hOll~es in that into smaller "gtl-ew~' segmC'nts called wanl", unit heeau~c of the hnu~ele~~ household, that nne mohall,ls or di\'if~~~ tH)lrposes of administration. may come aCfl)~" in that unit and abn becau~e of Sucb units bea,.. ~.)O(:ality n:UllCS or spL'Cilic till' pCCehold~ numbers. It is.'l..;'''. -.e or the number of Ihe "h,1I ill!,!: a cummon een,.,u.., h()us~. ward or its equwaicm' Urftl that is mcntiol1l.:d here , I . COLUMNS 6, 7 AND M: Totul Population -" (inl'illding In!>titlltional and lIollsele!>s I'oplllation):­ in low,; is dhided inlo The tot:ll popUlation as on the reference Jarc i)' '::,::IP~"... . administrative Vf ~, e\er)' town is inyar;;thly furnished in column G \\hile in the next two column!> constiluted into t rn,,~ I.tivisions f,)r the I."lllltluct the sex-\\ise break-up is giv~n. The in~titlltional of civic eleclions. This tlcl\milalioll Ill' (\m.,litucndl.:<; population refer!. to sll(,'h of Iho<.;e who wen: is done a<; an ~ntial and preliminary prnn:ss of l'llumerated in in~til utiolls likc hll!.lels, chummerie" civic elections schcdu"kd to be held pcriodk:~lIy. ho~pitals, pri~ons clc. The houseks~ persolls represent those who were enum~rated on the night productive work. The rcfC-!'ence' _pcriQU f()r judging of 28th February 1991 a[ the places where they whether a pen,on is a work-t.,,,,. or> riO{ in the year were found a[ that time. provided [hey had not preceding the day of enquh·y. ~ a person had already been cnumcrated cbcwhcrc. worked even for one day du,q,~ (his entire period he or ~he is I:l1titlcd to be classified as a worker. COLUMNS 9, I() and 11 : Population in the If for any such worker tbe period of wor'k is 183 age group (0 • 6) :- The total number or" children days or more then (hat pcrSOll is a main worker. belonging to the age-group of 0-6 in the total On the other hand, if such period is less than 183 population as also the number of males and females days then that worker is ... marttinaj worker. In among them arc reported under these [hree columns. columns 18 and 19 the to~t 1W.Imbef 8f main workers This information is of considerable significance since is furnished sex-wise and it ~~cx:~ break up of all such children arc regarded as illiterate at the these main workcr~ according to "'e nille-fold 'indus­ 1991 Census. trial c1as~ilication of workert;' ts :presented in the next 20 column~ i.e., from column 20 to column 39. COLUMNS 12 AND 13 : Scheduled Castes :­ Number of males and females belonging to Scheduled COLUMNS 2~ A~~ "1' .: Cultivators Castes is indicated in these two eolumn~. Whether (Category-I) :- The~e 1..56 a*lmJ1s give out the a person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or not has numher , r~w a person belongs to a Scheduled Trihe or not has jute and kindred fibres, ~~anc, tapioca and oil been determined with reference to the 'Lis[ of Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka' according to the Scheduled Ca~tes and Scheduled Trihes COLUMNS 22 ANI> 2J : At.'ficuh.ral Labourer (Amendment) Order 197() (Act No.lOS of 1(76) (Category -It) :- A per~on who work:- in another (Sec Appendix for the list). Scheduled Trihe~ "nay rer~on'~ land I'm wages in money or kind or share belong to any religion. and doe~ not have any Ica!>e or contract on the' ,land on which he ()\~he works if; an agricultural COLUMNS 16 AND 17 : Literates :- Sex-wise labourer. In this ca~e lo~ the crops grown on' the !ands arc qllite pertinent '.and diffcJcn<."C between break up of the total number of person~ who arc t~e, literate, irrespective of their levels of educational a cultivator ;:lIld an agricultural labouJ'Ol' lies in the altainments is given in these two columns. By (act that the former works Oft hfs 'o'_';< or Ica~ed in definition a literate is a person who can both read lands as an independent w, banking and financial workers mainly engaged in activities connected with institutions etc., either as proprietors or in any other mining and quarrying is given under these columns. capacity are indicated.

COLUMNS 28 AND 29 : Manufacturing, COLUMNS 36 AND 37 : Transport, Storage Processing, Servicing and Repairs - Household and Communications (Category - VIII) :- A sex-wise Industry (Category - V[a)) :- Household industry breakup of the workers in establishment...... uch as belongs to the broad category of 'manufacturing, railways, road transport, transportation by water-ways processing, servicing and repairs' and represents a or by air, postal and telegraphs, telecommuni­ particular sector therein. Household industry is cations etc., which are engaged in transport, storage generally conducted by the head of household himself and communication activities is given in these or herself and or mainly by the members of the columns. household, at home or within the village in the case of those dwelling in rural areas and only within the COLUMNS 38 AND 39 : Otlter Service!> residential premises occupied by the household in (Category - IX) :- This I'tsiduary category includes the case of those living in urban areas. A person employees of the Central and State Government~. may be a labourer or a petty employee in the local bodies and other organisation~ and institution~ household industry run by some other household. engaged in educational, scientific, medical and health By and large the household industry is carried on services, religious and welfare services, commuOity by individuals on a small scale with or without the services, recreational services, personal services and assistance of family members all of whom work as other miscellaneous activities noL covered in the 8 unpaid family workers and the entire earnings are categories specified above. treated as family income. COLUMNS 40 AND 41 : Marginal Worker!> :­ COLUMNS 30 AND 31 : Manufacturing, Males and females who are workers but have worked Processing, Servicing and Repairs - Non-hou!>ehold for lc~ .... th,1D 183 day~ during the reference year Industry (Category - V[b]) :- A sex-wise break up arc reported under the~e two column.... Such of the workers who were engaged in manufacturing, workers, irre .... pective of the economic !>cctor in which protessing, servlcmg and repair actlVlttes m they work, arc con~idcrcd together and reported establishments which do not qualify to be classified here. as household industry as defined above {category Y(a)} is given here. COLUMN 42 AND 43 Non-wOI'kers Irrespective of age and !>ex, all those who are COLUMNS 32 AND 33 Construction not economically active are non-workers and (Category-VI) :- Workers engaged in construction, a sex-wise break-up of such persons is given maintenance, upkeep, repair and similar activities in these two columns. The aggregate of the

of buildings, roads, railways, bridges, dams, canals, main worker~, I marginal worker~ and non­ electrical and water supply installations, communi­ workers wouldl be equal lO the total popUlation cation systems etc., are shown under this category. of that unit.


l.o~3tlon Name of Total/ Area No of No of Total PopulatIon Tot~l Popul,tl~n

Code District/ Rural/ l.n ::lc(:upIPd Bouse (IncludIng InStltutlonal ~n th~ 3qe ~r~up Number C D Block/UA/ Urban Sq R€'siden- holds and Houseless populatlon CIty/Town Kms tlouses

p M F P M F

(1 ) (2 \ (3) (4) (7 ) ( 8) (9) 110) , 11 \ (12 1

DAKSHINA KANNADA DIstrIct T 8441 00 457631 463861 2694264 13062S6 1388008 37945, 193036 186417

R 7967 60 327025 330537 1931670. 9253~9 1006301 283239 143946 1393':;3 U 473 40 130606 13,324 762594 381707 96154 49090 47064

A C D BLOCK'S TOTAL T 8143 15 369601 313883 2191238 1055366 1135872 319513 162555 156958 R 7967 60 327025 330537 1931570 925369 1005301 2832 Q 9 143 Q 46 13 9353 U 175 55 42576 43346 259568 129997 129571 36214 19609 17605

1 BANTVAL C D Block T 707 28 46666 46764 288692 142899 145793 43416 22061 21355 R 700 44 45144 45240 278451 137723 140728 41552 21115 20437 U 6 84 1522 1524 10241 5176 5065 1864 946 918

110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 6 84 1522 1524 10241 5065 1864 :146 918

2 BELTANGADI C D Block T 1375 59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16"83 15913 R 1375 59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 ,1591.; U

3 KARKAL C D Block T 1325 27 41417 41741 239029 110036 128993 34894 17702 17192 R 1325 27 414.17 41741 239029 110036 123993 34894 17702 17192 U

4 KUNDAPURA C D Block T 1448 74 46968 47958 306708 141635 165073 50235 25419 24816 R 1444 44 44679 45561 292259 134503 157756 47961 24277 23684 U 4 30 2289 2397 14449 7132 7317 2274 1142 1132

102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) u 4 07 1779 1881 12332 6038 6294 1885 936 949 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U o 23 510 516 2117 1094 1023 389 206 183 COLONY (NMCT)

5 MANGALORE C D Block T 444 82 5070,4 61615 361321 176102 185219 53839 27570 26263 R 378 57 39530 39977 230919 111090 119829 33722 17193 1b529 U 66 25 21224 21638 130402 65012 65398 20117 10177 9740

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban Agglomeratlon

300102 BENGARE AREA lOG) U 1 59 1084 1085 7857 3923 13~5 70') 665

300200 ULLAL (NMCT) U 7 80 4479 4502 31181 15352 15829 5220 2544 300300 SOMESHWARA INMCT) U 8 35 251, 2700 15302 7561 7735 2124 1J35 CENSUS ABSTRACT

~~heduled C3stes Scheduled Tnbes LlteratPs NamE" ot D1str1ct/ C D Block/UA/ C1ty/T:)Wn


1131 (14) (151 116) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (211 (2) (1 )

1 7 ,545 88292 37256 I 106159 53174 52985 1756119 939525 816594 DAKSHINA KANNADA Dlstr1ct H0296 70564 69732 94235 47170 47115 1192888 638034 554854 35252 17728 17524 11874 6004 5870 563231 301491 261740

151736 76279 75457 100009 50047 49962 1376897 738029 538858 C D BLOCK'S TOTAL H0296 70564 69732 94235 47170 47115 1192888 638034 554854 11440 571') 5725 5724 2877 2847 184009 99995 84014

14892 7583 7309 17543 8814 8729 172813 97487 75326 BANTVAL C D Blo~k 14651 7455 7196 17508 8798 8710 166895 93987 72908 241 128 113 35 16 19 5918 3500 2418

241 128 113 35 16 19 5918 3500 2418 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

18'H7 9450 9467 12480 6287 6193 124795 69043 55752 BELTANGADI C D Block le917 9450 9467 1248C' 6287 6193 124795 69043 55752

20077 10044 10033 11930 5778 6152 151634 75471 76163 KARKAL C D Block 20077 10044 10033 11930 5778 6152 151634 75471 76163

17090 8311 8779 10194 5126 5068 168531 90924 77607 KUNDAPURA C D Block 15747 7642 8105 10127 5088 5039 159254 85862 73392 1343 669 674 67 38 29 9277 5062 4215

1080 523 557 29 15 ~4 7758 4231 3527 GANGOLI (NMCT) .. 102000 263 146 117 38 23 15 1519 831 6S\ HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT COLONY 103000 ~NMCT) •

lJR44 6938 6906 3698 1861 1837 243252 1302!l9 113~43 MANGALORE C D Block

lJ,)51 5307 5244 3068 ~25 1543 15!2497 80882 71615 3;!93 1631 1662 630 336 294 90755 49327 41428

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban Agglomerat1on

315 147 168 4721 2642 2079 BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

641 321 320 55 32 23 20955 11322 9633 ULLAL (NMCT) 300200

99 46 53 76 42 34 1115~ 5967 5189 SOMESHWARA \NMCTl 300300


Location Name of Totall Total Main [ N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District! Rural! Workers Number C.D.8lock/UAI Urbani Cul t !Va tors AgrIcultural City/Town Labourers

(I-IX) (I) (II)

p M F p M F p ·M

(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) DAKSHINA KANNADA DistrIct T 1112449 665109 446740 219324 138741 80583 178879. 99380 79499 R 816616 471452 345164 204528 129265 75263 165697 93055 72642 u 295833 194257 101576 14796 9476 "5320 13182 6325 6857

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL r 916170 534562 381608 210015 132732 77283 170479 95509 74970 R 816616 471452 345164 204528 129265 75263 165697 93055 72642 U 99554 63110 36444 5487 3467 2020 4782 2454 2328

1 BANTVAL C.D.Block T 134016 75236 58780 22174 15980 6194 20189 14293 5896 R 129522 72617 56905 21840 15726 6114 19907 14116 5791 U 4494 2619 1875 334 254 80 282 177 105

110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 4494 2619 1875 334 254 80 282 177 105

2 BELTANGADI C.D.Block T 99589 56100 43489 28392 19257 9135 23867 15549 8318 R 99589 56100 43489 28392 19257 9135 23867 15549 8318 U

3 KARKAL C.D.Block T 104477 54188 49689 35763 20606 15157 24514 13223 11291 R 104477 54188 49689 35763 20606 15157 24514 13223 11291 U

4 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block T 112616 6~53 45063 43211 24764 18447 32382 14064 18318 R 108750 64438 44312 43018 24621 18397 32232 13977 18255 U 3866 3115 751 193 143 50 150 87 63

102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 3302 2586 716 193 143 50 150 87 63 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 564 529 35 COLONY (NMeT)

5 MANGALORE C.D.Block T 157682 88389 69293 17452 11404 6048 18801 11433 7368 R 104665 56069 48596 15756 10287 5469 17447 10703 6744 U 53017 32320 20697 1696 1117 579 1354 730 624

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban Agglomeration

300102 BENGARE AREA (OG) U 2687 1838 849

300200 ULlAL (NMCT) U 11723 7299' 4424 189 122 67 80 52 28 300300 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 6371 3147 2624 209 141 68 262 138 124


o F M A I N W 0 R K E R S

Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, , Manufactur;ng, N'arne of Location Fishing,Hooth19 and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other C.D.Block/UAI Nunber & Allied Activities Household IndUstry than Housebold City/Town Industry

(III) (IV) [(VaW [(Vb)]

p M F p M P M F P M F

(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) ,1(37) (38) (39) (40') (41) (42) (2) (1) ,74916 62568 12348 4628 3975 653 12152 8216 3936 312979 92947220'032 OAKSHINA KANNAOA Olistrict 63283 52530' 10'753 3663 3124 539 ~010D 6867 3233 212625 51429 161196 11633 10'0'38 1595 965 851 114 12052 1349 70'3 100354 41518 58836

70626 58938 11688 3862 3290' 572 ~1041 7421 3620 249334 64573 184761 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 63283 52530' 10'753 3663 3124 539 ,~010D 6867 3233 212625 51429 161196 7343 6408 935 199 166 33 941 554 387 3670'9 13144 23565

8364 7575 789 418 374 44 702 527 175 ~n43 13340' 43903 BANTVAL C.O.Block 8340' 7551 789 413 370' 43 ' 687 522 165 54860 12596 42264 24 24 5 4 1 15 5 10 2383 744 1639

24 24 5 4 15 5 10' 2383 744 1639 PUOU (NMCT) 110000

4158 3397 761 285 245 40' 102b 810' 216' 27535 4266 23269 BELTANGADI C.D.Block 2 4158 3397 761 285: 245 40 1026 810' 216 27535 '4266 23269

1677 1378 299 446 366 80 170'1 1291 410' 25165 4920' 20'245 KARKAL C.D.Block 3 1677 1378 299 446 366 80' 1701 . 1291 410' 25165 4920 20245 ...

6573 5756 817 416 364 52 1865 1147 718 8933' 5390 3543 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block 4 5596 500'2 594 412 360 52 1843 1t26 , 717 8468 50'92 3376 977 754 .223 4 4 22 21 465 298 167

977 754 223 4 4 22 21 458 291 167 CA~OLI (NMeT) 10'20'0'0 7 7 .. HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 1030'00 COLONY (NMCT)

4866 4323 543 656 568 88 '- 1795 1187 608 65505 16816 48689 MANGAlORE C.D.Block 5 1702 1522 180 .536 463 73 1483 969 514 41915 9191 32124 3164 2801 363 120' 105 15 312 218 94 23590 7625 15965

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban ~gglomeration

933 860 73. 497 10'2 395 BENGARE AREA (OG) 300'102 , 10'34 852 182 4 4 46 35 11 5210' 1751 3459 ULLAL (NMCT) 300200' 147 137 10 9 9 8 8 3210' ~129 2081 SOMESHUARA eNMeT) 300'300'


Location Name of Total/ INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES OF Code District! lural/ Number C.D.Block!UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City/Town Comnel'ce Storage & COIII1U'l i cat i on

(VI) (VI' I) (VIII)

P M F P ,,, F P M F

(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) «(\7) (48) (49) (50) (51)

DAKSHll4 KANNADA District T 34990 ' 32982 2008 116089 102~ 19 13670 43232 41846 1386 R 17557 16595 962 59029 53 2 5687 20904 20532 372 U 17433 \6387 1046 57060 49<177 7983 22328 21314 1014

A. c.D.Bl~" TOTAL T 22654 21491 1163 75267 66~131 8336 27416 26840 576 R 17557 16595 962 59029 53~2 5687 20904 20532 372 U 5097 4896 201 16238 13s189. 2649 6512 6308 204

1 BANTVAL C.O.BlocK T 2598 2489 109 8933 8~1 202 4101 4041 60 R 2490 2381 I 109 8360 816\5 195 3830 3m 59 ' U 108 108 573 S~ 7 271 270 1

110000 PUDU (MMCT) U 108 108 573 566 7 271 270

2 BELTANGADI C.O.Block T 1081 1028 \ 53 5256 S05S 201 2228 2209 19 I~ 1081 1028 53 5256 5Q55 201 2228 2209 19 1I

3 KARKAL C.D.Block 2050 1850 200 5608 5247 361 1824 1784 40 2050 1850 200 5608 5247 361" 1824 1784 40 1I

4 KUNOAPURA C.D.Btock 1r 1707 1641 66 9165 1716 1449 1804 1763 41 IR 1600 1539 61 8310 6939 1371 1670 1634 36 U 107 102 5 855 777 78 134 129 5

102000 GANGOLI eMMeT) u 87 83 4 846 768 78 129 124 5 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT u 20 19 9 9 5 5 COLONY (NMCT)

5 MANGALORE C.O.Block T 6548 6282 266 18019 16134 1885 8325 8106 219 R 3919 3711 208 9641 19042 5~ 4025 3953 72 U 2629 2571 58 8378 7092 1286 4300 4153 147

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban Agglomeration

300102 BENGARE AREA COG) u 20 688 359 329 257 252 5

300200 ULlAL (MMeT) u 484 481 3 2371 2116 255 777 753, 24 300300 SOfESHWARA (NMCT) u 413 399 14 854 764 90 535 511 24


M A I N W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Location Workers Districtl Cede Other C.D. Bloc:k/UAI Nl.IIIber Services CityITown



(52) (53) (54) (~) (56) (57) (58) (59) (6D,) (2) (1)

115260 82635 32625 50465 9643 40822 1531350 6301,'04 900446 DAKSHINA KANNADA D,strict 59230 44713 14517 43924 7838 '36086 1071130 44601'9 625051 56030 37922 18108 6541 1805 4736 460220 184825 275395

75476 56837 18639 46596 8442 38154 1228472 512362 716110 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 59230 44713 14517 43924 7838 36086 1071130 446079 b25051 16246 12124 4122 2672 604 2068 157342 66283 1j'1059

9294 7886 1408 5167 922 4245 149509 66741 82'68 BANTVAL C.D.Block \-, 8795 7419 1376 4925 897 4028 144004 64209 79795 \ 499 467 32 242 25 I 217 • 5505 2532 2973 • 499 467 32 242 25 217 5505 2532 2973 PUOU eNMeT) 110000 _-- 5761 4284 1477 6627 1051 1 5576 ~ 105178 47156 58022 BELTANGADI C.D.Block 2 5761 4284 1417' 6627 1051 5576 105178 47156 58022

5729 4123 1606 6121 980 5141 128431 54268 74163 KARKAL C.D.Block 3 5729 4123 1606 6121 980 5141 128431 54268 74163

6560 4948 1612 6422 8O~ 5620 187670 73280 114390 KUNOAPURA C.O.Block 4 5601 4148 1453 6385 780 5605 \177124 69285 107839 959 800 159 37 22 15 l10546 3995 6551

436 311 125 33 18 15 8997' 3434 5563 GANcO\l eNMeT) • 102& 00 523 489 34 4 4 1549 561 988 HOSANGAOI KPC PROJECT 10300 f) COLONY (NMCT)

15715 12136 3579 5572 1284 4288 198067 86429 111638 MANGALORE C.D.Block ~ 8241 6228 2013 3m 908 2865 1224a1 54113 68368 7474 5908 1566 1799 376 1423 75586 32316 4327d

Outgrowths of Mangalore Urban Agglomeration

291 244 47 75 27 48 S095 2063 3032 BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

1528 1133 395 884 71 813 18574 7982 10592 ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 724 511 213 191 30 161 8740 3790 4950 SCMESHWARA (NMC1) 30$300

11 DISTRICTI PRIMARY location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total population Code Oistrictl Rural! in Occupi ed House· (Including Institutional in the age Group Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 . 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

300400 PERAMU~URU (NMeT) U 3.31 1567 1604 9744 4832 4912 1616 812 804 300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 10.15 1630 1637 9719 4789 4930 1407 730 6n 300600 BAJALA (NMCT) U 4.68 1406 1415 8145 40n 4068 1263 670 593 300700 KAWNUR (NMCT) U 3.26 904 957 6220 3144 3076 1165 620 545

300800 NEW ~NGALORE PORT U 1790 1842 8944 4717 4227 1153 568 585 NH~T & OG / 300801 ~W HANGALORE PORTCNHCT) U 6.63 n8 824 3501 1935 1566 41$ 206 207 300802 tANNIRABAVI (OG) U 1.90 189 190 909 463 446 14,4 55 89 300803 PAIAMBUR (OG) U 2.83 20 20 93 43 50 9 2 7 3008QN BAt~MPAOY COG) U 4.86 803 808 4441 2276 2165 587 305 282

300902 KUL,I (OG) U 4.01 1890 1896 9604 4848 4756 1~67 684 583 300903 HOSA8ETTU (OG) U 2.38 996 996 5203 2566 2637 ~1 317 284 300904 K/ITJPALLA (OG) U 4.50 2965 3004 18483 9192 9291 2936 1511 '1425

6 FUTfUR C.D.Block T 990.28 36762 37032 211437 106014 105423 31570 15925 15645 R 982.99 35531 35n6 204658 10?465 102193 30599 15412 15187 U 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3549 3230 971 513 458

105000 KEMMtNJA (MMeT) U 7.29 1231 1256 6n9 3549 3230 971 513 458

7 SULYA le.D.Block T 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 R 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 U

8 UDUPI C.D.Block T 900.89 76781 n958 447833 210946 236887 55105 28071 27034 R 826.24 60471 61427 350136 161818 188318 44117 22440 21677 U 74.65 16310 16531 97697 49128 48569 10988 5631 5357

107000 HALLAR (NMCT) U 4.83 969 970 51,76 2706 3070 899 459 440 113000 TONSE v.eS1 (NMCT) U 6.52 1360 1366 8160 3800 4360 991 515 476 ~

Outgrowths of Udupi Urban Agglomeration

~10102 SHIVALll (OG) U 19.47 3408 3446 18291 9362 8929 1898 977 921 310103 HERGA (OG) U 12.62 1838 1858 12311 7409 4902 1188 601 587


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code C.D.Block/UA/ NuD:»er City/Town


1'3) (4) (5) -(16) (17) (8) (19) (20) (2n (2) 0>

117 63 54 16 11 5 6491 3545 2946 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400 290 144 146 71 35 36 6872 3659 3213 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 15 8 7 25 14 11 5434 2979 2455 BAJA LA (MMeT) 300600 171 94 77 38 18 20 3797 2172 1625 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

10 662 322 340 180 100 80 6694 3790 2904 NEW HANGALORE PORT 300800 NMCT &00

406 199 207 173 94 79 2890 1655 1235 NEW MAN GALORE PORT (M~CT) 300801 195 97 98 595 333 262 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 56 28 28 (00) 300803 61 26 35 7 . . 6 3153 1774 1379 (OG) 300804

137 73 64 38 19 19 1348 3955 3393 (OG) 300902 216 98 118 32 tJ 19 4130 2163 1967 (OG) 300903 630 315 J15 99 52 47 13157 7133 6024 (00) 300904

25860 13408 12452 13968 7085 6883 128013 72294 55719 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 25411 13163 12248 13739 6971 6768 123180 69542 53638 449 245 201. 229 114 115 4833 2752 2081

449 245 204 229 114 115 4833 2752 2081 KEMMINJA (NNCT) 105000

17594 8915 8679 10536 5329 520'( 81646 45521 36125 SULYA C.D.Block 7 17594 8915 8679 10536 5329 5207 81646 45521 36125

U462 11630 11832 19660 9767 9893 301413 157080 149133 UDUPI C.D.Block 8 17348 8588 8760 14897 7394 7503 2~7 117726 115261 6114 3042 3072 4763 2313 2390 732~6 39354 33872

634 322 312 39 23 16 4113 2035 2078 HALLAR (NMFT) 107000 652 315 337 '26 13 13 5631 2787 2844 TON~E WEST (NMCT) 113000

Outgrowths of Udupi Urban Agglomeration

300 155 145 !2018 992 1026 _14274 m4 6540 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 206 99 107 1407 708 699 9650 6345 3305 HERGA (OG) 310103


Location Name of Total! Total Main I N D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural! Workers Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban! Cui t i va tors Agricultural City/Town labourers

(I-IX) (I) (II)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

300400 PERAMUNNURU (MMeT) U 4501 2517 1984 154 94 60 46 28 18 300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 4086 2317 1769 381 262 119 260 183 n 300600 BAJAlA (NMCT) U 3965 2166 1799 182 108 74 65 33 32 300700 KANNUR (MMCT) U 2418 1479 939 142 100 42 139 98 41

300800 NEW MANGAlORE PORT U 3732 2703 1029 110 84 26 75 47 28 NMCT & OG

300801 NEW MAN GALORE PORT(NMCT) U 1455 1187 268 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 495 276 219 71 52 19 35 21 14 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 60 28 32 6 4 2 7 4 3 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 1722 1212 510 32 27 5 32 21 11

300902 KUlAI (OG) 4t01 2606 1495 160 89 71 137 39 98 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) . ~ 2105 1330 • 775 76 44 32 101 30 71 300904 KATIPAllA (OG) U 7328. 4318 3010 93 73 20 188 81 107

. 6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 88896 55792 33104 15439 11624 3815 11577 7867 3710 R 86246 54002 32244 15317 11527 3790 11519 7841 3678 U 2650 1790 860 122 97 25 58 26 32

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 2650 1790 860 122 97 25 58 26 32

7 SUlYA C.O.Block T 49234 33756 15478 5138 3804 1334 5313 3219 2094 R 49234 33756 15478 5138 3804 1334 5313 3219 2094 u

8 UDUPI C.D.Block T 169660 102948 66712 42446 25293 17153 33836 15861 17975 R 134133 79682 54451 39304 23437 15867 30898 14427 16471 U 35527 23266 12261 3142 1856 1286 2938 1434 1504

'07000 MAlLAR (NMCT) U 1826 1133 693 174 '113 61 162 64 98 113000 TONSE WEST (NMeT) U 2654 1687 967 117 87 30 241 133 108

OUtgrowths of Udupi Urban Agglomeration

310102 SHIVAlLI (OG) U n76 4593 2583 662 422 240 892 516 376 310103 HERGA (OG) U 3955 2657 1298 671 404 267 310 194 116


o F M A I N W 0 R K E R S

Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, N8IIIe of Location Fishing,Hl.l'lting and Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servicing Districtl Code Plantation,Orchards and Repai rs in and Repairs in other C.D.8IockIUAI NuZer & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household City/Town Industry

(III) (IV) [(Va)) [(Vb)]

p M F P M F P M F P M F

(SI) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

71 67 4 76 59 17 2526 796 1730 PERAMUNNIJRU (NMeT) 300400 70 67 3 55 46 9 11 7 4 1912 482 1430 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 26 25 3 6 6 8 8 2140 595 1545 BAJALA (MMCT) 300600 15 12 3 68 23 45 1088 341 747 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

349 322 27' 15 11 4 926 363 563 NEW MANGALORE PORT 300800 NMCT & OG

6 5 184- 101 83 NEW MANGALORE. PORT (ilMCT) 300801 62 60 2 177 28 149 TANNIRA8AVI (OG) 300802 8 4 4 26 6 20 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 281 261 20 7 7 539 228 311 BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

262 215 47 10 9 16 12 4 1602 651 951 KULA I (OG) 300902 207 202 5 14 12 2 759 342 417 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 50 44 6 21 20 64 53 11 3720 1073 2647 KATIPALLA' (OG) 300904

'6220 13844 2376 476 465 11 940 644 294 26089 5257 20832 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 16081 13729 2552 470 459 11 930 ) 639 291 25030 4822 20208 139 115 24 6 6. 10 7 3 1059 435 624

139 115 24 6 6 10 7 \ 3 1059 435 624 KEMMINJA (MMCT) 105000

'",,2 14997 4595 113 102 11 327 233 ~ 7350 1859 5491 SUlYA C.D.Btock 7 19592 14997 4595 113 102 11 327 233 94 7350 1859 5491 \

9176 7668 1508 1052 806 246 2685 1580 1105 3151~ 12725 18789 UDUPI C.D.Block 8 6137 4954 1183 988 759 229 2103 1277 826 223P2 8683 13619 J039 2714 325 64 47 17 582 303 279 92'2 4042 S170

21 15 6 3 3 43 27 16 622 190 432 HALLAR (NNCT) 107000 562 529 33 10 10 164 43 121 576 169 407 TONSE WEST (MMCT) 113000 • OUtgrowths of Udupi Urban Agglomeration

88 67 21 13 13 76 52 24 1637 770 867 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 43 36 7 33 18 15 737 339 398 HERGA (OG) 310103


Location Name of Total/ I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S 0 F Code District/ Rural/ Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport; City/Town Commerce Storage & COII11U'Ii cat i on

(VI) (VII) (VIII )

P M F P M F P M f

(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 217 216 1 657 614 43 281 278 3 300500 KOTEKARA eMMCT) U 188 186 2 450 424 26 260 255 5 300600 BAJALA (NMCT) U 278 277 437 405 32 2n 274 3 300700 KANNUR eNMCT) U 147 147 370 354 16 178 177

300800 NEW MANGALORE PORT u 168 147 21 375 215 160 766 722 44 NNCT & OG

300801 NEW MANGALORE PORT(NMCT) U 64 45 19 61 37 24 631 593 38 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 36 35 1 59 34 25. 21 18 :3 .300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 6 6 300804 BAIKAMPAOY (OG) U 62 1)1 255 144 111 114 111 3

300902 KULA I (OG) • U 135 t33 2 631 472 159 263 241 22 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 96 88 8 408 270 138 128 116 12 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 483 477 6 1137 1099 38 578 574 4

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 1735 1692 43 5310 5146 164 3093 3074 19 R 1594 1564 30 4901 4749 152 2873 2854 19 U 141 128 13 409 397 12 220' _220

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) u 141 128 13 409 397 12 220 220

7'SULYA C.D.Block T 918 883 35 3510 3273 237 1140 '1121 19 R 918 883 35 3510 3273 237 1140 1121 19 U

8 UOUPI C.D.Block T 6017 5626 391 19466 15629 3837 4961 4742 159 R 3905 3639 266 13443 loan 2571 3314 3206 108 U 21'l. 1987 125 6023 I 4757 1266 1587 1536 51 ~ , I

107000 MAlLAR (NMCT) u 126 120 6' 230 224 6 84 82 2 113000 TONSE WEST (NMeT) u 67 67 529 377 152 86 83 3

OUtgrowths of Udupi urban Agglomeration

3'0102 SHIVAlll (OG) u 435- 413 22 1049 863 186 232 221 11 310103 HERGA (OG) u 409 364 45 643 563 80 121 112 9


MA I N W0 R K E R S MargInal Noo-Workers Name of LQcatlon Workers District/ Code Other C.D.Block/UA/ Ni..J11ber Services City/Town


p M F P M F P M F

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

473 365 108 32 14 18 5;!11 2301 2910 PERAMUNNURU (NHCT) 300400 499 40S 94 30 6 24 5603 2466 3137 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 546 437 109 63 20 43 4117 1891 2226 BAJAlA (NMeT) 300600 271 227 44 173 n 101 3629 1593 2036 KANNUR (NNeT) 300700

947 791 156 13 4 9 5199 2010 3189 NEW HANGAlORE PORT 300800 NMCT & OG

506 407 99 2046 748 1298 NEW MANGALORE PORT (NHCT) 300801 34 28 6 414 187 227 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 1 4 3 6 4 2 27 11 16 PAHAMBUR (OG) 300803 400 352 48 7 7 2712 1064 1648 BAIKAMPAOY COG) 300804

885 745 140 10 5 5 5493 2231 3256 KULAl (OG) 300902 316 226 90 5 4 3093 1232 1861 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 994 824 170 323 123 200 10832 4751 6081 KAT1PALLA COG) 300904

8017 6177 1840 6618 1451) 5168 ~'5923 48m 61151 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 7531 5818 1713 6592 1437 5155 111820 47026 64794 486 359 127 26 13 13 4103 1746 2357

486 359 127 26 13 13 4103 1746 2357 KEMMINJA (NMeT) 105000

5833 4265 1568 4472 903 3569 71118 , 28768 42350 SULYA ~D.Block 1 5833 4265 1568 4472 903 3569 71118 \ 28768 42350

18567 13018 5549 5597 1050_ -4547 272576 11)6948 165628 UOUPI C.D.Block 8 11739 8428 3311 5029 882 4147 210974 81254 129720 6828 4590 2238 568 168 400 61602 25694 35908

361 295 66 70 30 40 3880 1543 2337 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 302 189 113 68 , 15 53 5438 2098 3340 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

OUtgrowths of Udupi Urban Agglomeration

2092 1256 836 64 39 25 11051 4730 6321 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 988 627 361 9 2 7 8347 4750 3591 HERGA (OG) 310103


Locatlon Name of Total/"Area No of No of Total Populatlon Total Popul~tlon Code Dlstrlct/ Rural/ In Occupled House- (Includlng Instltutlonal In the 3ge 3roup Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Reslden- holds and Houseless Populatlon) (0 - 6) C1ty/Town ""ms. oal Houses


(1 ) (2) (3 ) (4 ) (5) (6) (7 ! (8 ) (9) (10) \ 11) fl2)

310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 2 25 457 458 3054 1451 1603 402 205 197 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 3 03 595 604 4195 2041 2154 423 234 189 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 2 58 691 694 4328 2103 2225 425 218 207 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 1 33 232 232 1430 706 774 177 87 90 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U o 16 81 81 522 267 255 51 32 19

310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 5 27 1774 1901 10446 5119 5327 1196 613 583 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 22 3046 3053 19063 9322 9741 2072 1044 1028 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 7 37 1859 1868 10071 4842 5229 1266 646 620

B DISTRICT URBAN U 473.40 130606 133324 762594 380887 381707 96154 49090 47064

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) u 96 99 2538 2615 16488 7762 8726 2720 1367 1353 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 28 14 5552 5647 34313 16974 17339 5079 2510 2569 102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 4 07 1779 1881 12332 6038 6294 1885 936 949 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U o 23 510 516 2117 1094 1023 389 206 183 COLONY (NMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TMC) U 23.06 3911 3976 24108 12251 11857 2841 1489 1352 105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 7 29 1231 1256 6779 3549 3230 971 513 458 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 14 01 4375 4459 28477 13934 14543 3664 1837 1827 107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 4 83 969 970 5776 2706 3070 899 459 440 108000 MUDBIDRI (TMC) U 18 64 2767 2807 15868 7825 8043 2093 1054 1039 109000 MULKI (TMC) U 10.10 2102 27'11 14100 6755 7345 1871 956 915 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 6 84 1522 1524 10241 5176. 5065 1864 946 918 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 9.74 3993 4257 25800 13913 11887 3132 1552 1580 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) U 14 69 2313 2356 14020 6337 7683 1853 913 940 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 6 52 1360 1366 8160 3800 4360 991 515 476

300000 MANGALORE UA U 155.22 74740 76254 426341 212806 213535 53366 27485 25881

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG U 75 30 51130 52156 281161 139785 141376 31919 16394 15525

300101 (l)MANGALORE (MC) U 73.71 50046 51071 273304 135857 137447 30554 15694 14860 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U 1 59 1084 1085 7857 3928 3929 1365 700 665

300200 (B}ULLAL (NMCT) U 7.80 4479 4502 31181 15352 15829 5220 2676 2544 300300 (C)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 8.35 2513 2700 15302 7567 7735 2124 1089 1035


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code C.D.Block/UA! Number City/Town

M F p M F p M -----~_,,~, (13 ) (14) (15 ) (17) \ 18) (20) (21) (2) (1 )

'124 71 53 3 1 2 2109 1085 1024 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 562 273 289 40 21 19 3011 1548 1463 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 206 101 105 311S 1644 1474 K!DIYUR lOG) 310106 268 137 131 1 1091 558 533 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107

7 ~ 422 . 225 197 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

493 249 244 565 283 282 8361 4240 4121 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 1605 BH 789 159 84 75 14124 7411 6713 MALPE (NMCT) 310300 1057 501 556 505 247 258 7322 3742 3580 PUTTUR (NMCT) • 310400

35252 17728 17524 11874 6004 5870 563231 301491 261740 DISTRICT URBAN B.

631 306 325 1169 570 599 9346 5044 4302 BAINDUR (TMC) 100000 923 46'8 455 314 166 148 22630 12505 10125 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 1080 523 557 i1 9 15 14 7758 4231 3527 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000 263 146 117 38 23 15 1519 831 688 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) 1432 728 704 390 180 210 18511 9952 8559 KARKAL (TMC) 104000 449 245 204 229 114 115 4833 2752 2081 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 1251 642 509 258 139 119 19753 10538 9215 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 106000 634 322 312 39 23 16 4113 2035 2078 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 1895 964 331 269 130 139 11727 6205 5522 MUDBIDRI (TMC) 108000 1045 540 505 59 34 25 10084 5],71 4913 MULKI (TMC) 109000 241 128 113 35 16 19 5918 3500 2418 PUDU (NMCT) 110000 1939 990 949 776 365 411 19509 I1HO 8369 PUTTUR (!MC) 111000 870 404 465 110 50 60 8862 4577 4285 SALIGRAM (iMC) 112000 652 315 337 26 13 13 5631 27817 2844 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

15896 7972 7924 2824 1524 1300 321256 170729 150527 MANGALORE UA 300000

11922 5952 5970 1897 1034 863 217734 114145 103589 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 30010

11507 5805 5802 1897 103~ 863 213013 111503 101510 11)MANGALORE (MC) 300101 315 147 168 4721 2642 2079 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

641 321 320 55 32 23 20955 11322 9633 (BIULLAL (NMCT) 300200 99 46 53 76 42 34 11156 5967 5189 tC)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300


Location Name of Totall Total Main I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ loIorkers Number C.D.Block/UAI UrbanI Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

(I·IX) (I) (II)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24~ (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 1239 142 497 154 70 84 160 52 108 3'~'~~ ~~~~~~~ \~G) OJ %U '\~n ~4~ 1'>1 Uf, 'If, ~, ,'> t,t, 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 1798 1170 628 185 70 115 120 41 79 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 512 337 175 55 29 26 47 18 29 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OC) U 161 128 33 15 12 3 2 1 1

310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) u 3991 2647 1344 316 164 152 220 94 126 310300 MALPE (NMCT) u 6916 4628 2288 314 204 110 470 208 262 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 3687 2472 1215 227 155 72 233 98 135

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 295833 194257 101576 14796 9476 5320 13182 6325 6857

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) U 5953 3594 2359 2514 1392 1122 1433 607 826 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 14382 8668 5714 950 724 226 723 460 263 102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 3302 2586 716 193 143 50 150 87 63 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 564 529 35 COLONY (NMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TMC) U 8411 6104 2307 489 365 124 537 315 222 105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 2650 1790 860 122 97 25 58 26 32 106000 KUNOAPURA (TMC) U 9094 6764 2330 430 292 138 898 403 495 107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 1826 1133 693 174 113 61 162 64 98 108000 MUDBIORI (TMC) U 6202 3890 23\2 480 290 190 604 29\ 313 109000 HULKI (TMC) U 5375 3291 2084 558 324 234 304 122 182 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 4494 2619 1875 334 254 80 282 177 105 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 10567 7748 2819 395 237 158 153 81 72 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) U 5263 3062 2201 1083 772 311 2268 828 1440 113000 TONSE IoIEST (NMCT) U 2654 1687 967 117 87 30 241 133 108

300000 MANGALORE UA U 172257 111298 60959 3860 2553 1307 2741 1453 1288

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG U 113525 75453 38072 1680 1088 592 803 424 379

300101 (l)MANGALORE (MC) U 110838 73615 37223 1680 1088 592 802 423 379 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U 2687 1838 849 1 1

300200 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) U 11723 7299 4424 189 122 67 52 28 300300 (C)SOMESHIoIARA (NMCT) U 6371 3747 2624 209 141 68 138 124


o F M A I N ~ 0 R K E R S

Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of Location Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Proces~ing,Servicin9 Processing, Servicing District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and flepairs in and Repairs in other C.D.Block/UA/ Number & Allied Activities HousehOld Industry than Household Ci ty/Town Industry

(III) (IV) [(Va)] [(Vb)]

p M F p M F p M F p M F

(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (1)

161 160 1 2 283 109 174 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 274 253 21 9 5 4 318 159 159 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 354 350 4 19 3 16 4 2 2 424 196 228 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 10 9 2 2 142 49 93 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 1 54 30 24 MUDANIO~MBUR (OG) 310108

26 16 10 22 10 12 1332 690 642 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 1419 1213 206 8 8 119 78 41 1926 809 1i17 MAl?£ (NMC1) 310300 80 65 15 9 9 110 66 44 1161 532 629 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400

11633 10038 1595 965 851 114 2052 1349 703 100354 41518 58836 DISTRICT URBAN B.

106 61 45 37 33 25 8 335 232 103 BAINDUR (TMC) 100000 142 135 7 12 24 17 7 7180 2439 4741 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 977 754 223 4 22 21 458 291 167 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000 7 7 -- HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) 78 70 8 18 17 100 59 41 2298 1059 1239 KARKAL (TMC) 104000 139 115 24 6 6 10 7 3 1059 435 624 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

977 898 79 . 2 2 103 49 54 1964 1250 714 KUNDA PUR A (TMC) 106000 21 15 6 3 3 43 27 16 622 .190 432 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 88 61 27 40 30 10 72 59 13 2131 785 1346 MUDBIDRI (TMC) 108000 103 97 6 1 20 13 7 1743 582 1161 MULKI (TMC) 109000 24 24 5 4 15 5 10 2383 744 1639 PUDU (NMCT) 110000 293 214 79 91 64 27 83 65 18 2388 1213 1175 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 110 105 5 4 4 102 65 37 657 362 295 SALIGRAM (TMC) 112000 562 529 33 10 10 164 43 121 576 169 407 TONSE WEST (NMeT) , 13000

5451 4699 752 664 617 47 697 507 190 66515 26719 39796 MANGALORE UA 300000

2941 2487 454 528 496 32 312 245 67 40488 18196 22292 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

2008 1627 381 528 496 32 312 245 67 39991 18094 21897 (1)MANGALORE (MC) 300101 933 860 73 497 102 395 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

1034 852 182 4, 4 46 35 11 5210 1751 3459 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 147 137 10 9 9 8 8 3210 1129 2081 (C)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300


Location Name of Total/ I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rural/ Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban ConstructIon Trade and Transport, City/Town COI1l1le rc e Storage & COl1l11Unl cat I on



(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 109 107 2 223 124 99 44 41 3 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 119 106 13 276 183 93 48 46 2 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 94 92 2 374 233 141 57 56 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 30 30 94 88 6 29 29 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 6 6 31 31 20 19

310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 225 215 10 701 613 88 289 280 9 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 208 203 5 1273 941 332 332 327 5 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 284 264 20 600 517 83 245 240 5

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 17433 16387 1046 57060 49077 7983 22328 21314 1014

100000 BAINOUR (TMC) U 141 138 3 569 507 62 156 151 5 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 511 503 8 2135 2037 98 1034 1014 20 102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) ~ U 87 83· 4 846 768 78 129 124 5 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 20 19 1 9 9 5 5 COLONY (NMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TMC) u 370 321 49 2046 1884 162 638 625 13 105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 141 128 13 409 397 12 220 220 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 371 360 11 2188 1886 302 556 536 20 107000 HALLAR (NMCT) U 126 120 6 230 224 6 84 82 2 108000 HUOBIDRI (TMC) U 207 201 6 914 843 71 458 448 10 109000 HULKI (TMC) U 182 165 17 977 837 140 403 384 19 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 108 108 573 566 7 271 270 1 111000 PUTTUR (THC) U 1034 888 146 2515 2322 193 815 786 29 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) .u 212 212 450 403 47 72 69 3 113000 TONSE YEST (NMCT) U 67 67 529 377 152 86 83 3

300000 HAN GALORE UA U 11322 10736 586 33119 28187 4932 15166 14389 777

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG U 8241 7737 504 23960 20219 3741 10594 9991 603

300101 (l)HANGALORE (Me) U 8221 7717 504 23272 19860 3412 10337 9739 598 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U 20 20 688 359 329 257 252 5

300200 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) U 484 481 3 2371 2116 255 777 753 24 300300 (C)SOMESHYARA (NMCT) U 413 399 14 854 764 90 535 511 24


MA I N Y 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Location lJorkers DIstrict/ Code Other C.D.Block/UAI Number Services City/Town


P H F P H p M

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (I)

103 78 25 73 II 62 1742 698 1044 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 235 179 56 3 I 2 2580 968 1612 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 167 127 40 39 II 28 2491 922 1569 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 103 83 20 6 2 4 962 367 595 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 32 28 4 19 10 9 342 129 213 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

860 565 295 71 23 48 6384 2449 3935 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 847 637 210 121 18 103 12026 4676 7350 MALPE (NMCT) 310300 738 526 212 25 6 19 6359 2364 • 3995 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400

56030 37922 18108 6541 1805 4736 460220 184825 275395 DISTRICT URBAN B.

620 444 176 892 147 745 9643 4021 5622 BAINDUR (TMC) 100000 1670 1327 343 222 70 152 19709 8236 11473 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 436 311 125 33 18 15 8997 3434 5563 GANGOLI (NHCT) 102000 523 489 34 4 4 1549 561 988 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NHCT) 1837 1389 448 79 27 52 15618 6120 9498 KARKAL (TMC) 104000 486 359 127 26 13 13 4103 1746 2357 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 1605 1088 517 135 45 90 19248 7125 12123 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 106000 361 295 66 70 30 40 3880 1543 2337 MAlLAR (NHCT) 107000 1208 882 326 158 51 107 9508 3884 5624 MUDBIDRI (THC) 108000 1084 766 318 251 110 141 8474 3354 5120 MULKI (TMC) 109000 499 467 32 242 25 217 5505 2532 2973 PUDU (NMCT) 110000 2800 1878 922 169 59 110 15064 6106 8958 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 305 242 63 73 20 53 8684 3255 5429 SALIGRAM (THC) 112000 302 189 113 68 15 53 5438 2098 3340 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

';oj 32722 21438 11284 3564 981 2583 250520 100527 149993 HANGALORE UA 300000

23978 14570 9408 1611 554 1057 166025 63778 102247 (A)MANGAlORE HC&OG 300100

23687 14326 9361 1536 527 1009 160930 61715 99215 (l)MANGALORE (MC) 300101 291 244 47 75 27 48 5095 2063 3032 (2)BENGARE AREA (~) 300102

1528 1133 395 884 71 813 18574 7982 10592 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 724 511 213 191 30 161 8740 3790 4950. (C)SOMESHYARA (NMCT) 300300


Locat100 Name of Total! Area No ot No of Iotal Populat10n Total Populat1on

Code Dlstrlct! Rural! 10 Occup~ed House- (lnclud10g Inst1tutlonal 10 the age Group Number C D Block!UA! Urban Sq Res1den- holds and Houseless Populat1on) (0 - 6) Clty/Town Kms t1al Houses


(1) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8 ) (9) (10) (11) (12)

300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 31 1567 1604 9744 4832 4912 1616 812 B04

lQa~OQ (t\KOTEK~R~ (N~CT\ U 10 1~ 1630 1637 9719 4789 4930 1407 "730 (;77 300600 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) U 4 68 1406 1415 8145 4077 4068 1263 670 593 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) U 26 904 957 6220 3144 3076 1165 620 545

300800 (H) NEW MANGAIORE PORT U 16 22 1790 1842 8944 4717 4227 1153 568 5B5


300801 (1) NEW MANGALORE PORT U 6 63 778 824 3501 1935 1566 4J.3 206 207 (NMCT) 300802 (2)TANNlRABAVI (OG) U 1 90 189 190 909 463 446 144 55 89

~00803 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) U 2 83 :;20 20 93 43 50 7 300804 (4)BAlKAMPADY (OG) U 4 86 803 808 4441 2276 2165 587 305 282

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG U 26 15 9321 9441 55925 28543 27382 7499 3926 3573

300901 (1) SURATAKAL (TMC) U 15 26 3470 3545 22635 11937 10698 2695 1414 1281

300902 (2)KULAI (OG) U 4 01 ~890 1896 9604 4848 4756 1267 684 583 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 38 996 996 5203 2566 2637 601 317 284 300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) U 4 50 2965 3004 18483 9192 9291 2936 1511 1425

310000 UDUPI UA U 73 01 20344 20699 117674 59967 57707 12536 6352 6184

310100 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG U 51 15 13665 13877 78094 40684 37410 8002, 4049 3953

310101 (l)UDUPI (TMC) U 71 6363 6504 33913 17345 16568 3438 1695 1743 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 19 47 3408 3446 18291 9362 8929 1898 917 921 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 12 62 1838 1858 12311 7409 4902 1188 601 587 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U 2 25 457 458 3054 1451 1603 402 2d5 197 310105 (5)KADEKAR (OG) U 03 .~9~ 604 4195 2041 2154 423 234 189 310106 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) U 2 58 691 694 4328 2103 2225 425 218 207 310107 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) U 1 33 232 232 1480 706 774 177 87 90 310108 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U o 16 81 81 522 267 255 51, 32 19

310200 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 5 27 1774 1901 10446 5119 5327 1196 613 583 310300 (C)MALPE (NMCT) U 9 22 3046 3053 19063 9322 9741 2072 1044 1028 I 310400 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) U 7 37 1859 1868 10071 4842 5229 1266 646 520


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Trlbes Llterates Name of Locatl.on Dlse.rlct! Code C D Block!UA! Number Clty!Town


(13) (14) (15) ( 16) (17) (18 ) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

117 63 54 16 11 5 6491 3545 2946 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400 290 144 . 146 71 35 36 6872 3659 3213 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 15 8 7 25 14 11 5434 2979 2455 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 171 94 77 38 18 20 3797 2172 1625 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

662 322 340 180 100 80 6694 3790 2904 (H) NEW MANGALORE PORT 300800 NMCT & OG

406 199 207 173 94 79 2890 1655 1235 (l)NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) 300801

195 97 98 595 333 262 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 56 28 28 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 61 26 35 6 1 3153 1774 1379 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

1979 1022 957 466 238 228 42123 23150 18973 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900

996 536 460 297 154 143 17488 9899 7589 (l)SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901 137 73 64 38 19 19 7348 3955 3393 (2)KULAI (OG) 300902 216 98 118 32 13 19 4130 2163 1967 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 630 315 315 99 52 47 13157 7133 6024 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

6051 3035 3016 5309 2642 2667 91781 49494 42287 UDUPI UA 310000

2896 1469 1427 4080 2028 2052 61974 34101 27873 {A)UDUPI ~~C&OG 310100

1223 630 593 611 305 306 28299 14962 13337 (l)UDUPI (TMC) 310101 300 155 1.45 2018 992 1026 14274 7734 6540 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 206 99 107 1407 708 699 9650 6345 3305 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 124 71 53 1 2 2109 1085 1024 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 562 273 289 40 21 19 3011 1548 1463 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 206 101 105 3118 1644 1474 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 268 137 131 1 1 1091 558 533 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 7 4 422 225 19? (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

493 249 244 565 283 282 8361 4240 4121 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 1605 816 789 159 84 75 14124 7411 6713 (C)MALPE INMCT) 310300 1057 501 556 505 247 258 7322 3742 ' 3580 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400 DISTRICT PRIMARY locC' 1{ 'I" e of Totall Total Main N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Cc • ict/ Rurall Workers Nu UrbanI Cultivators Agricultural ,." y/Towl') Labourers

(I - I X) (I) (I I )

p M F p M p H F

(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

3004, '~)rERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 4501 2517 1984 154 94 60 46 28 18 30u) _" \ ':) KDTEKARA (NMCi) U 4086 2317 1769 381 262 119 260 183 77 30061G If)BAJALA (NMCT) U 3965 2166 1799 182 108 74 65 33 32 3007 . (G)~ANNUR (N~CT) U 2418 1479 939 142 100 42 139 98 41

3008ro (;)\~~ MANGALORE PORT U 3732 2703 1029 110 84 26 75 47 28 '."1CT & DG

300l':'" " • 'IEIJ MANGAlORE PORT u 1455 1187 268 .1 (NMCT) 300ar2 :2'-AN~IRABAVI (OG) U 495 276 219 71 52 19 35 21 14 3008J7 "-ANAMBUR (OG) U 60 28 32 -Q 4 2 7 4 3 3008(, ... 1AIKAMP~CY (OG) U 1722 1212 510 32 27 5 32 21 11

3G09:~ "- JRATAKAL TMC&OG u 21936 13617 8319 813 554 259 lOll 450 561

300001 (j)SUqATAKA~ (TMC) U 8402 5363 3039 484 348 136 585 300 285 300902 ?)KULAI (OG) U 4101 2606 1495 160 89 71 137 39 98 3~090) ,7)HOSABETTU (OG) U 2105 1330 775 76 44 32 101 30 71 ., (_> '"I'j\T!PI\LLA (OG) U 7328 4318 3010 • 93 73 20 188 81 107

U 42839 29494 13345 3097 1833 1264 2628 1278 1350

U 28245 19747 8498 2240 1310 930 1705 878 827

IV;" (""Me) U 11792 9048 2744 246 177 69 93 41 52 U 7176 4593 2583 662 422 240 892 516 376 U 3955 2657 1298 671 404 267 310 194 . 116

I CCG) U 1239 742 497 154 70 84 160 52 108 3 . p • ~G) U 1612 1072 540 252 126 126 81 15 66 '" , " U 1798 1170 628 185 70 115 120 41 79 U 512 337 175 55 29 26 47 18 29 U 161 128 33 15 12 3 2

3' 'U-;"6 l~Ilr;' U 3991 2647 1344 316 164 152 220 94 126 ',:1' U 6916 4628 2288 314 204 110 470 208 262 310'1 3687 2472 1215 227 155 72 233 98 135 CENSUS ABSTRACT

o F M A I N Y 0 R K E R S

Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of I· Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processin~,Servicing Processing, Servicing Dlstril.t Plantation,Orchards and Repllirs in and Repairs in other C.D.BloCK,.:t, &Allied Activities Wousehold Industry than Household City/1Ol.n Industry

(I II) ( IV) [(Va») [(Vb)]


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (,8) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

71 67 4 76 59 17 2526 796 1730 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400 70 67 3 55 46 9 11 7 4 1912 482 1430 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 26 23 3 6 6 8 8 2140 595 1545 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 15 12 3 68 23 45 1088 341 747 (G)KANNUR (NNCT) 300700

349 322 27 15 11 4 926 363 563 (H)NE~ MANGALORE PORT 300800 NMCT &OG

6 5 184 101 83 (I)NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT)300801 62 60 2 177 28 149 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 500802 8 4 4 26 6 20 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 281 261 20 7 7 539 228 311 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

798 732 66 47 45 2 167 121 46 9015 3066 5949 (I )SURATAKAL Tt~C&OCl 300900

279 271 16 16 73 44 29 2934 1000 1934 (I)SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901 262 215 47 10 9 16 12 4 1602 651 951 (2)KUlAI (OG) 300902 207 202 5 14 12 2 759 342 417 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 50 44 6 21 20 64 53 11 3720 1073 2647 (4)KATIPAlLA COG) 300904

2562 2261 301 58 40 18 564 387 177 10038 5041 4997 UDUPI UA 310000

41 23 18 313 ~33 80 5619 3010 2609 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100 1037 967 70 \

106 91 15 7 6 189 15.4 35 2024 1358 666 (1)UDUPI (TMC) 310101 88 67 21 13 13 76 52 24 1637 770 867 (2)SHIVALLI COG) 310102 43 36 7 33 18 15 737 339 \ 398 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 161 160 I 2 283 109 174 (4)KUTHPADY COG) 310104 274 253 21 9 5 4 318 159 159 (5)KADEKAk (OG) 310105 354 350 4 19 3 16 4 2 2 424 196 228 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 10 9 2 2 142 49 93 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 54 30 24 (8)MUDA~!DAMBUR (OG) 310108

26 16 10 .. , 22 10 12 1332 690 642 (B )BAD(\CA~ ETTU-7o . ", 1419 1213 206 8 , 8 119 78 41 1926 809 1117 (C)MALFt ,NHCT) 80 65 15 9 9 110 66 44 1161 532 629 (D)PUTTUR \'IHCT)


Location Name of Totall I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rurall . N\ll'ber. C.D.Block/UAI urban Construction Trade and Transport, City/Town Conrnerce Storage & COlTlllUnicatlon



(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 217 216 1 657 614 43 281 278 3 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (NMeT) U 188 186 2 450 424 26 260.. 255 5 300600 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) U 278 277 437 405 32 277 274 3 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) U 147 147 370 ·354 16 178 177

300800 (H)NEW MANGALORE PORT U 168 147 21 375 215 160 766 722 44 NMCT & OG

300801 (l)NEW MANGALORE PORT U 64 45 19 61 37 24 631 593 38 (NMCT) 300802 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 36 35 59 34 25 21 18 3 300803 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) U 6 6 300804 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 62 61 255 144 111 114 111 3

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG U 1186 1146 40 3645 3076 569 1498 1428 70

300901 (I)SURATAKAl (THC) U 472 448 24 1469 1235 234 529 497 32 300902 (2)KULAI (OG) U 135 133 2 631 472 159 263 241 22 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 96 88 8 408 276 138 128 116 12 300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) U 483 477 6 1137 1099 38 578 574 4

310000 UDUPI UA U 2534 2338 196 9551 7830 1721 2235 2128 107

310100 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG U 1817 1656 161 6977 5759 1218 1369 1281 88

310101 (l)UDUPI (TMC) U 615 538 77 4287 3674 613 818 757 61 310102 ~2)SHIVALll (OG) U 435 413 22 1049 863 186 232 221 11 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 409 364 45 643 563 80 121 112 9 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U 109 107 2 223 124 99 44 41 3 310105 (5)KADEKAR (OG) U 119 106 13 276 183 93 48 46 2 310106 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) U 94 92 2 374 233 141 57 56 310107 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) U 30 30 94 88 6 29 29 310108 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 6 6 31 31 20 19

310200 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 225 215 10 701 613 88 289 280 9 310300 (C)MALPE (NMeT) U 208 203 5 1273 941 ,332 332 327 5 310400 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) U 284 264 20 600 517 83 245 240 5


H A [ N WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Location Workers District/ Code Other C.D.Block/UA/ Number Services City/Town


p M F p M F p . H F

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1 )

473 365 108 32 14 18 5211 2301 2910 CD )PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400 499 405 94 30 6 24 5603 2466 3137 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 546 437 109 63 20 43 4117 1891 2226 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 271 227 44 173 72 101 3629 1593 2036 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

947 791 156 13 4 9 5199 2010 3189 (H)NEW MANGALORE PORT 300800 NMCT &, OG

506 407 99 20~6 748 1298 (I}NEW MANGALORE PORT 300801 34 28 6 414 187 227 (2)TANNIRABAV[ (OG) 300802 7 4 3 6 4 2 27 11 16 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 400 352 48 7 7 2712 1064 1648 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

3756 2999 757 567 210 357 33422 14716 18706 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900 .

1561 1204 357 229 78 151 14004 6496 7508 (I)SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901 885 745 140 10 5 5 5493 2237 3256 (2)KULAI (OG) 300902 316 226 90 5 4 1" 3093 1232 1861 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 994 824 170 323 123 200 10832 4751 6081 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

9572 6358 3214 190 365 74280 30283 43997 UDUP I UA 310000

7127 4630 2497 338 143 195 49511 20794 28717 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

3407 2252 1155 125 67 58 21996 8230 '1~766 (1 )UDUPI (TMC) 310101 2092 1256 836· 64 39 25 11051 4730 6'321 (2)SH IVAL.LI (OG) 310102 988 627 361 9 2 7 8347 4750 3597 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 103 78 25 73 11 62' 1742 698 1044 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 235 179 56 3 1 2 2580 968 1612 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 167 127 40 39 11 28 2491 922 1569 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 103 83 20 6 2 4 962 367 595 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 32 28 4 19 10 9 ·342 129 213 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

860 565 295, 71 23 48 6384 2449 3935 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 847 637 210 121 18 103 12026 4676 7350 (C)MALPE (NMCT) 310300 738 526 21? 25 6 19 6359 2364 3995 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400

29 NOTE:

1. The area fi9ure for the district given under column No.4 against "Total" represents "Geographical Area"' and has been furnished by the Sur~eyor General India. The figures for the urban areas. are either those supplied, by civic administration authorities of the towns or compiled and supplied by the Director. of surve'y, Settlement and Land Records or comp·iled in this Direc­ torate on the basis of the available records pertaining to the delimitation of urban units. Area figures for Rural Areas are d~rived by subtracting the Total Urban Area from the Total Area of the District.

The total of the are. figures of all the C.D.Blocks/Taluks in the district will not tally with the district figures (except urban), because ~he area figures for C.D.Blocks/Taluks represent the land-use area based on vil­ lagewise area figures as reported by the Local Officers. The total area of the taluk may not tally with the Aggregate of the areas of the villages listed for census purposes for it includ~s the area of the statutory as well as non­ statut~ry towns, villages w~1ch ~ay be fully submerged and reserve forests which may not form part of any revenue village, if any, within the jurisdic­ tion of the concerned taluk. The total area of the C.D.Block is derived by subtracting the area of the statutory town or towns (within the jurisdiction of the concerned ~aluks) from th~ total area of the taluk.

2. Outgrowths of towns in urban a9glomerations are denoted by letter "OG".

3. The following abbr~Yiations.. have been used to indicate the Civic Administration Status of town I .

MC Municipal Corporation CMC City Municipal Council TMC Town Municipal Council NAC Notified Area Committee CB Cantolll"ent Board SB Sanitary Board MP Mandal Panchayat NMCT Non-Municipal Census Town





(Manual) (C~ter) (Manual) (C~ter)

2 3 4 5 6

Ajjibettu 11/9/1/12 llf09/0010/0012 9/8/1/14 09/08/0010/0014 2 11/9/1/35 11/09}'0010/0035 9/8/1/60 09/08/0010/0060 3 AlTIlUnje 11/9/1(70 11/09/0010/0070 9/8/1/48 09/08/0010/0048 4 11/9/1/1 11/09/0010/0001 9/8/1/1 09/08/0010/0001 5 Amtoor 11/9/1/55 11/09/0010/0055 9/8/1/32 09/08/0010/0032 6 Ana'nthadi 11/9/l/45 11/09/0010/004S 9/8/1/70 09/08/0010/0070 7 ArIa 11/9/1/4 11/09/0010/0004 9/8/1/4 09/08/0010/0004

8 Badag8 BeLtur 11/911/72 11/09/0010/0072 918/1/50 09108/0010/0050 9 BadagaK.ajek.ar ',/9/1/23 1,,09/0010/0023 9/8/1/21 09/08/0010/0021 10 Balepu~i 11/9/1/59 11/09/0010/0059 9/S/1/36 09/08/0010/0036 11 BaUnila 11/9(1178 11/09/0010(0078 9(8/1/56 09/08(0010/0056 12 Barimar 11/9/1/79 11(09/0010/0079 9/8/1/57 09/08(0010/0057 13 Bil iyur 11/9/1/51 11/09(0010/00S1 9/8;1 176 09/0S/0010/0076 14 Bolanthur 11/9/1 /43 11/09/0010/0043 91811/68 09/08/0010/0068 15 Budol·i 11/9/1/14 11/09/0010/0014 9/8/1/12 09/08/0010/0012

16 Chelur 11/911/64 11/09/0010/0064 , I 9(811/41 09/08/0010/0041 17 Che!'lnai thody 11/9(1/11 11/09/0010/0011 9/8/1/11 09/08/0010/0011

18 Dev8shyarnudur 11/9/1/27 11/09/0010/0027 9/811/25 09/08/0010/0025 19 Devashyapadur 11/9/1/29 11/09/0010/0029 9/8/1/27 09/08/0010/0027

20 Eliyanadugodu 11/9/1/10 11/09/001010010 ,9/8/1/10 09/08/0010/0010

21 Golthamajal 11~9/1/54 11/09/0010/0054 9/8/1/31 09/08/0010/0031

22 Idkidu 11 /9'.(1/5~ 11/09/0010/0052 9/811/77 09/08/0010/0077 '. 23 ',-a 11(9/1158, , 11/09/0010/0058 \ 9(811135 09/08(0010/0035 24 Irvathur 11/9/1/18 11/09/0010/0016 9/8/1/16 09;08/001010018

25 lCadabettu 11/9/1/16 11/09/0010/0016 9/8/1/16 09/08/0010/0016 26 Kadeshwa II ya 11/9/1/SO 11/09/0010/0060 9/8/11S8 09/08/0010/0058 27 lCairangala 11/9/1/60 11/09/0010/0060 9/8/1/37 09/08/0010/0037 28 Kallige 11/9/1/74 11/09/0010/00?4 9/8/1/52 09/08/0010/0052 29 '\19/1138 1'\IQ9/00.\0/0018 9/8/1/63 09/0B/00\O/0()63, 30 Kariangala 11/9/1/71 11/09/0010/00?1 9/8/1/49 09/08/00'10/0049 31 11/9/1/39 .11/09/0010/0039 9/8/1164 09/08/0010/0064 32 Karpe 11/9/1/7 11109/0010/0007 9/8/1/7 09/08/0010/0007 33 Kavalnudur 11/9/1/22 11/09/0010/0022 9/8/1120 09/08/0010/0020 34 Kavalpadur 11/9102'1 11/09/0010/0021 9/8/1/28 09/08/0010/0028 35 Kedi:la 11/9/1/49 11/09/0010/0049 9/&/1/74 09/08/0010/0074 36 11/9/1/34 11/09/0010/0034 9/8/1/81 09/08/0010/0081 37 ICodDannu 11/9/1/68 11/09/0010/0068 9/8/1/46 09/08/0010/0046




lOCP.1\(}~ 'COOE lOC"1\(}~ 'COOE lOC"HCl~ COO\:. toc,,"! \~ COO\:. (Manual) (COIlllUter) (Manual) (Computer)

2 3 4 5 6

38 1C0i la 11/9/1/5 11/09/0010/0005 9/8/1/5 09/08/0010/0005 39 Kolnad 11/9/1/41 11/09/0010/0041 9/8/1/66 09/08/0010/0066 40 Kudambettu 11/9/1/17 11/09/0010/0017 9/8/1/15 09/08/0010/0015 41 Kukldpady 11/9/1/9 11/09/0010/0009 9/8/1/9 09108/0010/0009 42 Kula 1119/1/53 11/09/0010/0053 9/8/1178 09/08/0010/0078 43 Kuriyala 11/9/1/3 11/09/0010/0003 9/8/1/3 09/08/0010/0003 44 Kurnad 11/9/1/63 11/09/0010/0063 9/8/1/40 09/08/0010/0040

45 11/9/1/56 11/09/0010/0056 9/8/1/33 09/08/0010/0033 46 Man; 11/9/1/46 11/09/0010/0046 9/8/1/71 09/08/0010/0071 47 Mani La 11/9/1/37 11/09/0010/0037 9/8/1/62 09/08/0010/0062 4~ Maninalkur 11/9/1/26 11/09/0010/0026 9/8/1/24 09/08/0010/0024 ~9 Mermajal 11/9/1/69 11/09/0010/0069 9/8/1141 09/08/0010/0047 50 Mudanadugodu 11/9/1/20 11/09/0010/0020 9/8/1/30 09/08/0010/0030 51 Mudapadukodi ',/9/,/,5 11/09/0010/0015 9/8/1/11 09/08/0010/0017 ':.2 l>'Iunnur "\'\)911/7'; 11}09JOO10JtlO7'j 9JaJ1/'j'l ~/OaJOO'OJOO')3

<;") Narikombu 11/9/1/76 11/09/0010/0076 918/1154 09/08/0010/0054 <;4 Naringana 11/9/1/61 11109/0010/0061 9/8/1138 09/08/0010/0038 55 ~avur 11/9/1/30 11/09/0010/0030 9/8/1!!9 09/08/0010/0029 56 NetlarTW.Jdnur 11/9/1/47 11/09/0010/0047 9/8/1/73 09/08/0010/0073

57 Panjilcal 11/9/1/2 11/09/0010/0002 9/8/1/2 09/08/0010/0002 58 Peraje 11/9/1/48 11/09/0010/0048 9/8/1172 09108/0010/0072 59 Perne 11/9/1/50 11/09/0010/0050 9/8/1175 09/08/0010/0075 60 Peruvai 11/9/1/36 11/09/0010/0036 9/8/1/61 09/08/0010/0061• 61 Phajeer 11/9/1/62 11/09/0010/0062 918/1/39 09/08/001010039 62 Pi lathabettu 11/9/1/19 11/09/0010/0019 9/8/)/19 09/08/0010/0019 63 Pit imogru 11/9/1/13 11/09/0010/0013 9/8/1/13 09108/0010/0013 ' 64 11/9/1/33 11/09/0010/0033 9/811180 09/08/0010/0080

65 Rayee 11/9/1/6 11/09/0010/0006 9/811/6 09/08/0010/0006

6':> Sajipamuda 11/9/1/57 11/09/0010/0057 9/8/1/34 09/08/0010/0034 57 ::ajipanadu 11/9/1/66 11/0910010/0066 9/8/1/43 09/08/0010/0043 ~e Sajipapadu 11/9/1/65 11109JP010/0065 9/8/1/42 09/08/00'0/0042 (-.9 Satethur 11/911/40 11/09/0010/0040 9/8/1/65 09/08/0010/0065 70 Sangabettu 11/911/8 11/0910010/0008 9/8/1/8 09/0810010/0008 11 11/9/1/28 11/09/0010/0028 9/8/1/26 09/08/0010/0026 72 Shantlur 11/911/77 11/09/0010/00n 9/8/1/55 09/08/0010/0055

73 Tenkabellur 11/9/1/73 11/09/0010/0073 9/8/1/51 09/08/0010/0051 74 Tenlcakliljekar 11/9/1/24 11/09/0010/0024 9/8/1/22 09/08/0010/0022 75 Thl.ll1be 11/9/1/67 11/09/0010/0067 9/8/1/44 09/08/0010/0044




2 3 4 5 6

76 uti 11/9{1{25 11/09{0010{0025 9{8{1{23 09{08{0010{0023

77 11/911{44 11{09{0010/0044 9{8{1/69 09{08{0010{OQ69 . 78 Vittat 11/9{1I31 11{09/0010/0031 9{8{1I59 09{08{0010{0059 79 Vittalrudnur 11/911/32 11/09/0010/0032 9/8/1179 09/08/0010/0079 80 Vittalpadnur 11/9/1/42 11/09/0010/0042 918/1/67 09/08/0010/0067


NameofC.O. Block: BANTVAL; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of VIllage I Totall Area In No.of No.of Total population Total PopulatIon Scheduled Cod~ Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including In the age group Castes NlJIlbcr Urban for vil- pied Holdq Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Res id­ Houseless in <;q.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 707.28 46666 46764 268692 142899 145793 43416 22061 21355 7583 7309 BANTVAl C.D.Block R 700.44 45144 45240 278451 137723 140728 41552 21115 20437 7455 7196 U 6.84 1522 1524 10241 5176 5065 1864 946 918 128 113

1 Amtady 1149.42 967 975 5324 2528 2796 610 302 308 103 110 2 Panjikal 753.20 494 495 2828 1287 1541 366 172 194 37 51 3 Kuriyala 849.64 407 407 2271 1077 1194 279 146 133 5 11 4 Arla 718.67 511 511 3249 1562 1687 474 232 242 62 51 5 "oila 565.77 313 313 1734 845 889 199 96 103 38 32 6 Rayee 683.26 294 294 1724 823 901 242 121 121 32 30 7 Karpe 602.73 240 240 1495 703 792 244 121 123 5 8 8 Sangabettu 1072.80 657 665 3860 1887 1973 659 303 356 153 148 9 Kukkipady 871.72 484 487 2730 1326 1404 422 224 198 42 42 10 Eliyanadugodu 509.95 221 221 1270 576 694 172 95 77 19 16 11 Chennaithody 856.01 265 266 1581 748 833 227 118 109 31 28 12 1101. 54 352 353 2075 930 1145 337 156 181 104 118 13 Pi l imogru 500.33 280 280 1570 753 817 235 126 109 124 112 14 Budoli 309.40 108 108 682 331 351 84 40 44 19 20 15 Mudapadulc.odi 592.06 309 309 1976 950 1026 328 160 168 63 58 16 Kadabettu 548.10 327 327 1994 971 1023 311 140 171 38 42 17 Kudal!bettu 48L35 224 224 1371 670 701 210 107 103 10 68 18 Irvathur 464.03 247 247 1620 761 859 267 127 140 144 135 19 Pilathabettu 1021.15 483 486 2681 1275 1406 403 177 226 107 114 20 Mudanadugodu 1247.81 350 350 2044 974 1070 292 145 147 17 20 21 Kavalpadur 1024.98 495 499 3129 1530 1599 454 247 207 146 141 22 Kavalmudur 1563.25 617 621 3745 1875 1870' 626 332 294 160 142 23 Badagakajekar 749.74 357 357 2075 982 1093 297 149 148 98 102

24 Tenkakajekar 616.43 244 244 I 1436 680 756 243 111 132 41 41 25 Ul i 1262.94 518 518 3162 1524 1638 565 282 283 100 92 26 Maninalkur 1365.46 665 665 4274 2043 2231 613 297 316 181 168 27 Devashyanudur 242.14 103 103 603 309 294 68 41 27 49 42 28 Sarapacly 1048.64 557 557 3289 1612 1677 504 254 250 84 103 29 Devashyapadur 427.35 170 170. 1058 508 550 ,137 80 57 68 64 '!on Kavuf 957.Q6 762 762 445' 2'85 2266 635 330 305 140 157


Name or (',0, Blo'..:k: BANTVAL: emIt: No, :'0010

scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators AgrIcultural MU11ber Labourers

(I . IX) (I) (I I)

eM) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

8814 8729 97487 75326 75236 58780 15980 6194 14293 5896 8798 8710 93987 72908 72617 56905 15726 6114 14116 5791 BANTVAl C,O.B~oC'~ 16 19 3500 2418 2619 1875 254 80 177 105

50 56 1708 1554 1403 1272 321 130 307 149 A!l1tady 1 59 69 774 743 739 821 209 103 269 192 PanJikal 2 1 655 638 626 687 249 175 186 101 Kunyala 3 59 66 1037 719 834 800 152 95 311 129 Arla 4 8 12 '558 436 456 451 126 20 153 72 KOlla 5 20 29 499 446 479 365 184 36 175 57 Rayee 6 78 72 421 374 353 437 107 72 135 82 Karpe 7 30 33 1171 911 991 910 229 141 353 158 Sangabettu 8 33 21 845 658 650 689 177 106 202 123 Kukkipady 9 5 5 437 452 316 374 153 91 80 46 Eli yanadugodu 10 31 37 513 439 367 423 122 100 80 46 (henna I thody 11 22 35 587 561 488 603 196 142 148 96 AJJibettLl 12 20 20 494 .416 356 451 145 108 84 40 Plllmogru 13 17 17 203 166 192 162 91 26 85 26 Sudol! 14 37 46 603 512 477 480. 136 93 77 39 Mudapadukodl 15 29 27 653 465 524 498 115 93 95 57 KJdabettu 16 4 5 431 364 335 316 159 29 93 33 Kudambcttu 17 11 10 495 397 397 378 138, 95 83 35 \ Irvathur 18 41 53 865 734 687 691 172 116 205 107 Pllathabettu 19 112 143 638 555 519 483 92 50 111 49 Mudanadugodu 20 50 65 1039 936 829 737 247 129 149 67 Kava I 21 193 185 1135 884 _ 1027 873 338 175 172 84 Kavalmudur 22 32 40 611 501 532 621 168 126 126 49 BadagakaJekar 23 27 35 321 245 368 463 196 167 77 50 Tenkakajekar . 24 72 79 944 710 847 85& 319 169 171 61 UII 25 302 289 1292 989 1135 1100 436 168 172 116 Haninalkur 26 57 60 221 , 160 175 132 54 3 78 33 Devashyamudur 27 81 92 1069 844 879 839 364 210 113 46 Sarapady 28 6 8 329 , 310 286 301 9.8 55 81 51 Devashyapadur 29 50 39 1485 1174 1209 1093 279 174 165 107 Navur 30


Nam~ ofC.D. Block: BANTVAL; Codt: No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing. ConstructIon Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repa'i rs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & kldustry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 7575 789 374 44 527 175 13340 43903 2489 109 BANTVAL C.O.Block R 7551 789 370 43 522 165 12596 42264 2381 109 U 24 4 5 10 744 1639 108

1 Amtady 29 10 19 3 343 915 44 2 Panjikal 10 4 4 138 508 23 3 Kuriyala 17 2 118 401 8 4 Arla 9 131 553 27 5 4 67 349 17 6 Rayee 4 39 268 4 7 Karpe 8 3 3 41 277 8 Sangabettu 7 3 3 168 592 25 9 Kukkipady 13 2 5 4 81 429 14 10 Eliyanadugodu 3 1 13 28 234 3 11 Chennaithody 6 2 5 44 270 8 2 12 Ajjibettu 16 5 6 4 49 348 5 13 PH imogru 3 3 7 31 298 14 Budol i . 7 107 15 Mudapadukodi 34 6 79 337 16 16 K;adabettu 25 7 111 334 14 17 Kudambettu 53 251 2 18 Irvathur 9 2 1 1 63 244 14 19 Pilathabettu 21 2 7 3 109 451 28 20 Mudanadugodu 55 16 8 4 4 100 356 43 21 Kavalpadur 36 7 5 4 7 128 503 29 22 KavalhJClur 40 11 6 18 2 175 587 18 23 Badagakajekar 8 3 2 72 439 13 24 Tenkakajekar 13 1 - -I 3 41 242 5 25 Ul i 45 5 4 6 2 130 605 27 26 Maninalkur 54 10 2 9 207 769 9 27 Oevashyamudur 18 96 28 Sarapady 4 2 7 170 545 17 29 Oevashyapadur 6 1 5 4 '1 46 185 2 30 Navur 35 6 7 2 310 762 42


Name ofe.b. Block: BANTVAL: Code No. : 0010

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I locatIon Workers Town I Ward Code 1"racle and Transport, Other Nunber Cornnerce Storage and Services Conrrunication


(14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

8731 202 4041 60 7886 1408 922 4245 66741 82768 8165 195 3771 59 7419 1376 897 4028 64209 79795 BANTVAl C.D.Block 566 7 270 1 467 32 25 217 2532 29?3

159 12 80 3 98 53 34 1124 1490 Amtady 1 56 2 10 20 11 4 548 716 Panjikal 2 31 2 8 8 5 451 507 Kurivala 3 94 20 89 23 6 15 722 872 Arla 4 44 3 29 -18 7 1 386 438 Koila 5 39 17 17 4 8 7 336 529 Rayee 6 38 2 7 14 1 1 11 349 344 Karpe 7 126 5 23 56 11 3 17 893 1046 Sangabettu 8 104 5 23 30 19 2 64 674 651 Kukkipady 9 23 5 8 14 5 246 315 El iyanadugodu 10 61 9 32 3 2 22 379 388 Chenna i thody 11 35 9 24 8 3 25 439 517 Ajjibettu 12 40 12 31 5 21 51 376 315 Pit imogru 13 4 3 2 '~ 3 139 186 Budol i 14 79 37 18 4\ 20,., 53 453 493 Mudapadukodi 15 81 21 62 6 20 440 505 Kadabettu 16 11 4 11 2 335 385 Kudambettu 17 38 26 24 2 35 357 446 Irvathur 18 62 2 35 \ 46 10 1 \ 17 587 698 Pi lathabettu 19 53 2 29 24 6 -. \ 49 45$ 538 Mudanadugodu 20 116 4 n 38 19 t 2 700 860 Kavalpadur 21 103 73 84 13 10 84 838 913 KavallllJdur 22 70 17 54 5 13 32 437 440 Badagakajekar 23 14 6 13 '3 7 10 305 283 Tenkakajekar 24 82 5 21 42 10 3 50 674 730 Uli 25 94 3 34 118 33 9 24 899 1107 Maninalkur 26 12 6 7 4 37 130' 125 DevashylW.ldur 27 72 26 104 35 - 4- 8 727 830 Sarapadv 28 25 4 11 8 4 3 222 246 Devasnyapadur 29 '32 3 117 3 121 35 11 21 965 1152 Navur 30


Name of C.D. Bloc" : BANTV AL ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in ~o.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including In the age group Castes NlIli:>er Urban for vil- pled Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resld­ Kouseless In sq.kRl entlal popuLation) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Vi ttal 2037.42 2363 2363 14196 7227 6969 1999 1051 948 374 355 32 Vi ttalnu:lnui 1327.27 597 597 3998 1997 2001 578 314 264 68 54 33 Punacha 2785.38 1222 1222 7489 3690 3799 1054 526 526 249 228 34 lCepu 1585.41 810 813 4873 2462 2411 677 360 317 83 75 35 Al ike 1414.12 735 748 5211 2944 2267 611 284 327 64 59 36 Peruvai 976.<;1 492 492 2848 1419 1429 427 205 222 46 48 37 Mani la 1121.45 507 508 3230 1609 1621 473 247, 226 56 54 38 Kanyana 1537.23 1041 1048 6601 3292 3309 1038 540 498 223 219 39 Karopady 1477.06 945 945 5675 2836 2839 894 450 444 177 156 40 Salethur 530.18 321 321 1919 962 957 236 103 133 74 73 41 Kolnad 2351.95 1618 1618 10303 5171 5132 1710 848 862 383 397 42 Vittalpadnur 1481.77 854 854 5324 2663 2661 729 353 376 151 163 43 Bolanthur 704.09 601 601 3773 1862 1911 612 300 312 139 137 44 Veerakaatla 940.53 527 527 3309 1625 1684 483 247 236 72 68 45 Ananthadi 536.07 328 328 2206 1077 1129 337 186 151 163 169 46 Mani 524.26 480 481 2997 1504 1493 472 252 220 93 77 47 Netllllrudnur 550.47 394 402 2411 1184 1227 355 172 183 160 140 48 Peraje 517.72 308 309 2015 1022 993 275 136 139 45 58 49 "edita 929.32 631 632 3969 2045 1924 665 359 306 95 87 50 Perne 566.96 307 307 1990 982 1008 282 145 137 120 118 51 Biliyur 748.33 470 470 3082 1533 1549 430 206 224 131 123 52 Idlddu 843.95 569 569 3664 1838 1826 513 258 255 79 72 53 Kula 556.82 400 400 2558 1275 1283 376 183 193 40 34 54 Golthamajal 595.39_.' 791 792 5376 2753 2623 875 471 404 68 73 55 Amtoor 517.68 434 435 2553 1231 1322 435 234 201 151 167 56 Manehi 1212.71 940 940 5802 2883 2919 916 464 452 94 99 57 Sajipamuda 888.60 893 893 5543 2735 2808 813 427 386 55 45 58 Ira 1319.80 888 889 5413 2672 2741 916 467 449 127 111 59 Balep6\i 741.58 476- 476 2907 1479 1428 415 18& 227 120 119 60 lCai rangala 692.63 536 536 3480 1791 1689 597 323 274 52 47 61 Narfngana 811.50 695 695 4426 2199 2227 751 386 365 27 31 62 Phajeer 1285.17 865 865 5130 2546 2584 n2 377 345 87 76 63 lCurnad 635.09 411 411 2331 1163 1168 285 160 125 66 54 64 Chelur 344.65 186 186 1039 515 524 119 55 64 32 33 65 Saj ipapadu 309.86 308 308 1828 914 914 294 151 143 88 77


Nameot C.D. Block: BANTVAL; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled Literates Total .Ma i-n 1 M ~ ~ S T R I A L Name of 'Ii llage I Location Trfbes Workers Town I Ward Code CuUi'4atGrs. Agricultural N~r- Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M): - (F)- (M) (f). (M) (F) (M) (n (M} (F)

(191' (2()) (21)' (22)' (23) (24) (2) (1)

59l - 5n (' 5391-'"" 426&-"A 365'0 1939" - 569' 93 374 ' 81 VluaL 31 270 268: 1456, 1195 1112 68D; 295 31 412 74 VittaLmudnur 32 1041".. 1034. ~ 2580 2100. 1897 - 861fc. 257 54 124 18 Punacha 33 653 . 619 - 1799 1437 1247 50~ 182 6 221. 34 Kepu 34 442.. • 391" 2343;...~ 13ZD. __ 1266 642.>- 117 20· 152 33 AL rke 35 266 _ 231. 1040 852 755 346 83 23 137 28 PeruvaJ 36 23a 24Z 1125 975 83~ 358u 4Z-. 10 7 4 MaAl ta 37 312 322 2311 197t 1669 914 196 18 103 23 Kanyana 38 331 33~ 201'8 1622 1494 596 250 19 340 47 Karapady 39 86 81 661 491) 528 308 127 9 135 - 33 Salethw 40 296- • 258·c 3514- 256~ 2644 1935 484 62 361. 92 Kolnad _ 41 198 174 1986 1435 1484 105t 199 39 158 31 VI ttal-padnur 42 143 145- lZ08 862 1031 737 157 30 116 31 Bolanthur 43 114 129 1142 90a 856 529 10S 15 169 73 Veerakamba 44 40 47 682 537 560 49t 183 82 171 115 Anant-nach 45 76 76 1034 793 789 56Z 155 30 99 . 29 MaO! 46 59 61 888 752 651. 489 ,21 10 70 23 Net laoudnur 47 152 _ 146 7011 456. 489 357 106 18 70 14 PeraJe 48 96 82 1350 879 1105 73& 101 15 249 76 Keel! La 49 \ lOT 96' 634 > 495 55e 4og\ 164 49 120 52 Perne 50 151 124 1044 761 790 588 314, 85 206 117 BILlyur 51 107 11l 1264 928 976 594 163', 34 1~ 53 Idkidu 52 18 14 967 635 649 564 187, 123 97 52 Kula 53 117 96 - 1915-' 13910 1414 1083t 199 \ 66 157 53 GoLthamaJal 54 33 24 80S 701,-. 627 629. 174, 78 186 80 Amtoor 55 233 - 242 _ 2005 '1429- 159G 116~· 283 102 541 110' Manctri 56 88 89 1787 11389 1414 1248 297 76 305 134 SaJtpanuda 57 39 40 1830"_ , 1383 1314 lOla, 289 78 340 IT Ira 58 21 17 10lB ,689 759 450 227 45 92 20 BaLepuni 59 36 36 '1251 766 915 563 48 5 78 12 Kai-rangala­ 60 20 12 1533 1076 _ lHO 820 143 14 "20 32 Narlngana­ 61

26 20 d 1715 1313- 1365' '1170 ~2()_ 153 315 70 Phajeer 62 9 8 836 655 624 448 169 63 131 38 Kurnad 63 386 289' 278 - 228 106 46 72 44 Chelur 64 580 405 486 427 103 46 163 82 Sajipapadu 65


Name of C.D. Block: BANTVAL ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R ~ E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlIllber Urban Livestock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Construction Forestry,. Quarrying Processing. Processing. Fishing. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Househola Allied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [V(a )] [V( b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 382 72 69 33 34 20 577 1474 131 5 32 Vittalmudnur 84 12 1 147 551 9 33 Punacha 889 89 11 1 19 4 102 652 64 34 Kepu 331 30 16 2 12 15 117 390 27 35 Al ike 405 31 2 5 2 81 511 33 36 Peruvai 245 8 3 3 43 265 17 37 Mani la 549 50 13 2 33 270 18 38 Kanyana 624 45 10 28 12 179 768 14 39 Karopady 390 6 8 10 8 111 479 36 40 Salethur 72 2 113 263 4 41 Kolnad 519 49 4 15 5 450 1695 114 1 42 Vittalpadnur 456 41 10 6 2 164 902 101 2 .43 Bolanthur 193 22 5 4 249 621 43 44 Veerakamba 148 11 5 110 406 21 45 Ananthadi 4 5 2 88 286 3 46 Mani 41 5 10 3 !O3 469 17 47 Netlamudnur 27 3 2 3 3 147 422 52 8 48 Pf!r~je 43 9 3 • 86 305 8 49 Kedila 222 32 8 11 174 , 590 8 50 Perne 44 3 2 79 299 10 51 Bil iyur 21 103 376 2 52 Idkidu 189 17 4 144 470 7 53 Kula 36 5 1 85 371 26 S4 Golthamajal 34 3 19 7 376 918 49 55 Amtoor 4 3 1 1 118 447 11 I 5-6 Manchi 96 4 35 -.I 33 3 266 915 35 57 Sajipamuda 9 1 2 13 1 423 1015 45 4 58 Ira 69 11 16 8 2 239 820 81 27 59 8alepuni 80 6 32 2 7 1 90 362 47 210 4 22 7 134 500 68 60 Ka;rangala 16 I 61 138 8 5 3 3 131 721 87 62 Phajeer 35 5 15 10 2 192 908 81 63 Kurnad 14 6 96 314 43 64 Chelur 8 31 132 65 Saj ipapadu 5 6 2 117 292 8


Nam~ of C.D. Block: BANTVAL ; Cod~ No. : 0010

IJORKERS Marginal Non-lJorkers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIl1ber Conmerce Storage and Services COIlIIl.Inication

(VII) , (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

563 22 290 661 137 21 63 3556 4967 Vittal 31 60 44 59 10 1 5 884 1316 Vittalmudnur 32 151 7 64 216 38 96 278 1697 2657 Punacha 33 109 3 53 3 179 20 11 69 1204 1839 Kepu 34 103 35 2 333 43 _. 1678 1625 Al ike !5 61 18 147 18 4 73 660 1010 Peruvai 36 49 14 108 20 28 139 748 1124 Manila 37 163 4, 50 2 302 42 8 62 1615 2333 Kanyana 38 115 3 38 196 33 10 188 1332 2055 Karopady 39 38 13 26 3 4 431 645 Salethur 40 I 276 : 2 124 297 28 36 71 2491 3126 Kolnad 41 104 52 234 32 5 3 1174 1607 Vittalpadnur 42 82 46 136 30 10 132 821 1042 Bolanthur 43 102 75 121 24 15 83 754 1072 Veerakamba 44 45 2 25 36 4 35 517 603 Ananthadi 45 115 3 91 58 23 1 32 714 899 Mani 46 78 2 60 3 91 15 2 28 531 710 Net I amudnur 47 38 2 55 80 9 9 17 524 619 Peraje 48 78 94 160 24 4 39 936 1147 Kedi la 49 59 27 46 \ 6 430 599 Perne 50

42 26 76 9- -j 3 57 740 "9~4 Bit iyur 51 106 6 65 98 13 9 20 853 1212 Idkidu 52 72 3 72 2 74 7 \_- 6 626 713 Kula 53 317 8 125 137 27 ',30 74 1309 1466 Golthamajal 54 48 1 50 35 18 \ 9 9 595 684 Amtoor 5S 123 1 16 102 27 15 1293 1741 Manchi 56 174 3 56 110 14 28 81 127$ 1479 Sajipamuda 57 150 32 90 16 34 169 1324 1540 Ira 58 83 3 34 67 10 23 301 697 677 Balepuni 59 175 1 59 117 21 21 152 855 974 Kairangala 60 245 3 46 192 24 9 125 1080 1282 Naringana 61 167 3 ~8 92 28 39 46 1142 1368 Phajeer 62 71 3 33 61 -1~ 22 65 517 655 Kurnad 63 31 15 tit 6 2 13 235 283 Chelur 64 48 16 20 3 8 18 420 469 Sajipapadu 6S


Name of C.D. Block: BANTVAL; Code No. : 0010 location Hallie' of VB'lage ! Total! Ares' in - No.of No.of lata! popu!at; on , Totat 'Poput atvi on ~led Code Town ! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu~ Nouse­ (Including in the age group Castes Numer Urban for vil- pied Hotds 1mt ftuti-ona4 & (0 ~ 6) lages & Resid­ House-less in sq •• ential flOPUlation) for Houses - towns and C.D.Blocks

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13); (14)

66 Saj i panadu 379.03 581 581 .188 2076 - ?'I 12 ' 768 "'383 - -385 "\ 34 :: 24 67 Thume 533.76 ' 767 768 4917 ~14 2403 757 lt09 348 :43 47 68 Kodnannu 34'f.60 - 261 262 "l557 --739 Co 818 • '>"80 ""89 ('. 91 -~ 55 ~"" 35 69 Mermajal 54-5.57 472 472 2824 1374 1450 437 '222, 215 .93 85 70 AtQJnje 627.67 670 670 4071 2D69 2002 616 337 279 35 36 71 lCariangala 655-.24 658 658 lt125 2005 2120 618 114 304 73 73 72 Badaga Bellur 864.64 632 641 3727 1758 1969 543 . 280 263 - 76 84 73 Tenkabellur 290.76 236 236 - 1244 599 645 177 • 90 87 1 74 Kall ige 620.64 573 575 3450 1667 1783 437 220 217 - 55 43 75 Mumur 705.41 968 972 6690 3327 3363 1161 "607 554 ' 47 53 76 1071.88 t021 102,2 6327 3139 3188 872 445 427 104 92 77 Shambur 656.18 326 326 2208 1058 1150 308 169 139 17 16 78 1218.07 840 841 - 5178 2541 - 2637 784 '389 395 214 198 79 BOf'"fmar 771-.36 .445 451 2744 1377 1367 410''''99- 211 _- 70 - 58 80 Kadeshwall ya 1'205.90 730 730 4431 . 2155 2276 617 301 -316 - .:206 190

C.O. Block Total Rural 700.44 - 45144 .45240"'278451 137723 140128 .4 t552 2111'5 20437· 7455 '7196


1 Pudu (MMCT) 6.64 1522 1524 10241 5176 5065 1U4 946 918 128 113

C.O. Block Total Urban 6.84 1522 _1524 .10241 5176 5065 1864 946 918 128 113


C Narnd"C)t C.D. Brock: B'ANlVAL ; Code No. : 0010

"Sdleduted U:ter.ates 1:)1 D'lJ"Si R 1 A L t-ocation lr:i.bes eode 'a.t~r'r

(-} - .IX) '(0 (J I)

(M) (F) " .(M) ~ :(F) '.(M) H) .(N) (F) (M) (F)

.(15) •..(16) (,.17) ~ ~J8) , .(::19) , • (20). '(21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1) .. - 7 11 ;::1f299 -759 , -,:070 --- 865 116 - 34 183 52 .saJ lp8Rt1du . 66 , 10 - 15 lf89 • ,·605 067 .tOO2 -,90 32 109 80 Tft\lllbe 67 ., 12 - 9 rr 551 ~. 543 ~ 1t18 3.08 ~ 76 -47 -57 44 J(~u 68 :"-991 '"3859 763 '596 167 64 U8 88 MermaJal 69 .:696 P'fl)35 ~8 1022 '139 59 -298 -~134 .Alm¥JnJe 70 19 22 ;'-846 ~®96 - 'ro18 ,.009 -n3 .114 120 143 , Ka"tangala 71 212 --'7 '''--038 ,990 _981 ~982 --227 ~67 .:.~'Z62 167 .8adaga Sallur 72 7;_ 26 ~ 2 ~'434 -;-193 ,!3~ ' .. 340 49 ~ 14 50 T"abe.tlur 73 ~ 4 - 2 ~~~99 ~1197 ~'965 "~39 ,"l42 -jn ''378 ~13 lCaU\ge 74 - r - 54 59 .1224 -"'20 ~'l673 152~ 231 -~ 55 -:i18 78 'Mtn"lur 75 .. '""46 -.. 54 -.:zD93 '1>51 'f685 -1451 <<332 -.:223 ;::;285 146 :Nar lltOllbu 76 ~ 19 ~34 _,,686 " 628 ' .sn /638 "213 118 ~ 82 44 ~r 77 278:;'..,290 0>1606 '1259 1337 -"'1"151 333 'B4 :....303 -,]63 BalthHa 78 J32· :153 ~ 66Q. - 755 574 , '229 ":-80 ,~79 141 B:arunar 79 ..!62 242 "l\27 1-"109 "1-'59 __ 637 -"322 :- 57 1.12 162 lad6&hwaU. ya 80

8791f 8710 _~87 72908 ~ 7261 i" _cWJQ5 "l5726 --6114 ~116 5791 • C.D. at~ck Jota~ Rural

UR8AN \ 16 -19 -~'1500 2ft 18 ~ U19 'rUTS -r-254> 80 177 105 l'lJdu (WHCT)

__ !l500 16 ~19 _'·2418 - ?619 't875 :.; 254 80 177 105 C.IA Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block; BANTVAL ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlJIt)er Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Hoqsehold Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activitIes

(I I I) ( IV) (V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) .( F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Sajipanadu 5 4 8 408 761 40 fl7 ThllOOe 22 4 4 3 531 855 57 68 Kodnannu 18 3 8 4 2 91 307 38 69 Mermajal 34 7 2 3 160 416 72 70 Anmunje 33 10 15 221 773 29 71 Kariangala 15 2 3 3 2 196 717 51 72 Badaga Bellur 10 4 2 163 722 29 73 Tenkabellur 68 45 1 65 217 31 74 Kall ige 5 4 2 213 624 21 75 Munnur 19 13 1 541 1176 107 2 76 Narikombu 18 5 3 459 1024 80 16 77 Shambur 25 2 3 157 458 4 78 Balthila 88 4 7 5 15 230 836 18 79 Barimar 26 2 5 95 344 18 80 Kadeshwa II ya 34 7 11 171 600 8

C.D. Block Total Rural 7551 789 370 43 522 165 12596 42264 2381 109


Pudu (NMCT) 24 4 5 10 744 1639 108

C.D. Block Total Urbar. 24 4 5 10 744 1639 108


Nam~ of C. D. Block: BANTY AL ; Code No. : 00 10

W 0 R K E R S MargInal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nt.I11be'r Conmerce Storage and ServIces Conm.mication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

188 1 64 54 17 12 34 994 1213 Sajipanadu 66 225 9 190 6 136 16 23 53 1124 1348 Thumbe 67 67 23 36 4 7 20 314 390" Kodmannu 68 62 4 35 50 17 23 129 588 • 725 Mermajal 69 216 8 48 98 38 4 967 980 Almunje 70 168 5 61 2 228 23 76 106 911 1005 Karlangala 71 162 2 33 9 91 13 2 2 775 985 Badaga Bellur 72 46 16 33 12 264 305 Tenkabellur 73 102 5 79 121 22 9 4 693 840 Kall ige 74 282 2 ! 121 141 14 21 177 1633 1858 Mumur 75 161 2 133 212 35 10 1454 1727 Narikombu 76 43 2 14 32 12 7 52 479 468 Shambur 77 157 63 123 7 21 98 1183 1388 Bal thila 78 52 2 35 16 5 9 76 613 717 Barimar 79 95 2 50 56 8 21 92 975 1347 Kadeshwa II ya 80

8165 195 3771 59 7419 1376 897 4028 64209 79795 C.D. Block Total Rural


566 7 270 467 32 25 217 2532 2973 \ Pudu (NMCT)

S66 7 270 467 32 25 217 2532 2973 C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

n Thotathady 11/9/2122 11/09/0020/0022 9/8/2/?'0 09/08/0020/0020

78 Ujre 11/9/2/24 11/09/0020/0024 9/8/2/23 09/08/0020/0023 79 Uruval 11/9/2130 11/09/0020/0030 9/8/2/58 09/08/0020/0058

80 Venoor 11/9/2153 11/09/0020/0053 9/8/2/25 09/08/0020/0025 81 Vodi lnala 11/91212 11/09/0020/0002 9/8/2/1 09/08/0020/0001


Name of C.D. Block: BELTANGADI ; Code No. : OQ20

Location Name of Vi llage I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Yard Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ ( IncludIng in the age group Castes N!.fIber Urban for vil- Pled Holds InstitutIOnal & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ HouseLess in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 1375.59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 15913 9450 9467 BELTANGADI C.D.Block R 1375.59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 15913 9450 9467 U

1 Bel thangadi 887.39 1257 1303 6447 3247 3200 881 460 421 298 262 2 Vodi lnata 1056.23 420 420 2447 1172 1275 387 180 207 108 121 3 Sonandur 558.13 327 344 2132 1053 t079 352 198 154 99 110 4 Malady 964.52 559 572 3316 1661 1655 508 230 278 181 154 5 Gardady 1140.36 412 412 2216 1054 1162 266 111 155 101 107 6 Padangady 1127.15 488 492 2770 1286 1484 391 184 207 107 116 7 869.36 790 803 4822 2388 2434 845 428 417 123 116 8 Melanthabettu 513,52 249 250 1420 .677 743 204 96 108 136 155 9 Munclur 457.02 152 152 898 456 442 138 74 64 19 16 10 Savana! 2234.51 .258 264 1491 714 777 216 111 105 72 90 11 Laila 1859.38 1094 1108 6198 3077 3121 992 515 477 364 379 12 Nanda 1886.92 450 453 2719 1355 1364 414 216 198 58 71 13 lIavoor 6077.53 386 388 2355 1193 1162 365 208 157 48 34 14 Kanyady 923.23 269 270 1563 739 824 230 113 117 27 29 15 Indabettu 1309.28 557 559 3130 1580 1550 507 255 252 151 135 16 Malavanthige 6593.75 422 423 2598 1323 1275 402 199 203 11 12 17 lIIithabagi lu 939.94 518 519 3094 1527 1567 457 223 234 50 53 18 Kadiruc!yavara 1639.82 473 473 2715 1316 1399 379 189 190 84 90 19 1460.82 611 613 3228 1644 1584 394 221 173 84 110 20 Charmady 5539.19 625 633 362~ 1825 1803 693 342 351 49 56 21 10852.69 977 980 4968 2539 2429 699 373 326 122 137 22 Ihotathady 1088.66 499 501 2803 1372 1431 453 229 224 94 88 23 Kalmanja 1224.63 466 469 12709 1397 1312 408 217 191 74 87 24 Ujre 2657.35 1658 1706 9954 4965 4989 1'521 774 747 440 433 25 Koyyur 2366.68 670 672 3861 1901 1960 612 311 301 250 234 26 IColckada 2308.15 7T2 712 4001 1956 2045 626 313 313 300 305 27 Bandar 2044.65 573 574 3476 1731 1745 585 309 276 198 189 28 Mogru 1030.58 322 332 1987 988 999 344 186 158 92 94 29 1476.82 713 735 4455 2201 2254 720 352 368 84 101 30 UruvaL 1222.12 466 466 2725 1334 1391 470 228 242 53 49


Nam~ of C. D. Block: BELT ANGADI ; Coot: No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of voi llage / location Tribes lJorkers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

6287 6193 69043 55752 56100 43489 19257 9135 15549 8318 6287 6193 69043 55752 56100 43489 19257 9135 15549 8318 BELTANGADI C.D.Block

108 108 2510 2189 1668 858 147 78 250 133 Bel thangadi 1 97 109 B05 716 617 556 257 180 127 64 Vodi lnala 2 22 16 686 528 531 538 136 50 170 103 Sonandur 3 7 6 1185 944 818 701 205 105 148 80 Malady 4 688 590 593 596 239 149 209 97 Gardady 5 13 10 924 900 700 788 273 162 210 104 Padangady 6 56 sis 1608 1225 1233 977 211 165 208 98 lCuvettu 7 27 34 452 367 397 368 129 88 150 65 Mel anthabettu 8 26 15 317 223 255 237 122 79 26 26 Mundur 9 115 123 472 426 377 270 151 21 119 69 Savanal 10 119 109 2142 17115 1607 976 257 112 259 136 laila 11 107 102 926 702 759 644 370 152 208 194 t.larda 12 94 85 769 643 641 570 305 185 181 90 Navoor 13 53 50 511 517, 416 388 261 194 87 33 Kanyady 14 53 40 1084 858 879 \na 396 255 307 180 Indabettu 15 190 189 782 520 815 67-4 519 404 210 154 Malavanthige 16 31 28 949 643 864 117 522 165 243 ~23 Mi thabag il u 17 189 184 812 701 n6 473 "'i79 213 358 21~ Kadirudyavara 18 348 325 1217 972 898 523 108 27 260 88 Mundaje 19 69 64 1091 780 931 716 ~2 151 275 137 Charmady 20 341 315 1783 1386 14n 808 4~3 170 567 289 Neriya 21 41 33 823 W. 714 217 345 27 187 61 Thotathady 22 125 112 966 723 786 588 280 192 199 113 Kalmanja 23 568 580 3451 2n8 '2517 1129 573 255 448 283 Ujre 24 88 95 1242' 943 1088 998 494 260 298 141 Koyyur 25 33 31 133~ 1083 1061 801 345 170 301 165 Kokkada 26 20 19 1125 931 951 833 415 228 249 116 Bandar 27 47 36 634, 542 486 383 162 104 135 58 Magru 28 163 158 1564 1232 1133 1'8t- 172 37 428 158 It ..... hila 29 101 95 904 720 742 635 187 71 279 129 Uruv!" 30


Name of C. D. Block: BELTANGADI ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village / Total/ C A T EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Yard Rural/ NlIJlber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunt i ng ,and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than 1:>rchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

( III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 3397 761 245 40 810 216 4266 23269 1028 53 BELTANGADI C.D.Block R 3397 761 245 40 810 216 4266 23269 1028 53 U

1 Belthangadi 49 5 13 42 20 224 472 50 3 2 Vodilnala 40 1 5 9 4 53 294 19 3 Sonandur 6 2 3 105 372 13 4 Malady 27 2 2 10 118 488 64 5 Gardady 18 1 5 2 40 340 9 6 Padangady 5 4 60 494 14 7 Kuvettu 22 2 5 55 160 663 53 5 8 Melanthabettu 5 1 55 204 6 9 Mundur 38 6 27 23 120 10 Savanal 41 2 23 170 4 11 Laila 79 28 6 148 57 199 571 79 12 Nanda 24 6 57 287 13 Navoor 10 12 4 51 277 1 14 Kanyady 9 14 151 2 15 Indabettu 9 36 314 10 16 Malavanthige 19 2 14 112 17 Mi thabagilu 3 14 10 317 .. ' 18 Kadirudyavara 41 ., 1 6 20 224 7 19 Mundaje 215 52 2 8 5 43 316 27 20 Charmady 67 4 8 51 402 16 3 21 Neriya 236 121 4 4 40 184 12 22 Thotathady 20 8 1 33 25 105 9

23 Kalmanja 73 18 1 I 1 14 15 60 232 10 24 Ujre 124 18 27 r-I 58 14 206 1011 li; 25 Koyyur 44 6 17 69 573 9 26 Kokkada 116 5 5 4 53 426 12 27 Bandar 92 25 1 20 11 76 441 2 28 Mogru 102 26 3 1 27 186 4 29 llanthila 102 4 1 38 9 101 552 13 30 Uruval 45 2 2 5 2 81 420 5


Name of C. D. Block: BELT ANGADI ; C()d~ No. : 0020

W 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Yarc$ Code Trade and Transport, Other Nu1ber COIIIIIIerce Storage and Services COIIIIU1ication

(VII) (VI'II ) (IX)

eM) (F) (M) (F) (10 (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

5.055 20f 2209 19 4284 1477 1051 5576 47156 58022 5055 201 2209 19 4284 1477 1051 5576 47156 58022 BElTANGADl C.D.Block

383 31 115 395 115 20 147 1559 2195 Belthangadi 41 2 33 33. 10 5 TO 550 649 Vodi lnala 2 4] 1 36 18 10 19 35 503 506 Sonandur 3 1117 5 \n 65 20 49 128 794 826 Malady 4 39 11 ,2 7 4 42 457 524 Gardady 5 65 4 : 19 50 24 9 24 577 672 Padangady 6 264 9 151 104 34 19 93 1136 1364 Kuvettu 7 23 11 18 8 26 280 349 Me l antbabettu 8 10 6 J 6 201 204 Hundur 9 1.6 9 14 7 4 94 333 413 Savanal 10 221 8 203 156 63 83 430 1387 1715 lai la 11 4Z 17 34 9 19 100 577 620 Nanda 12 30 21 3D 13 18 26 534 566 Navoor 13 16 1 11 16 8\, 2 84 321 352 Kanyady 14 43 4 22 55 24 8 58 693 714 I ndabet tu 15 30 19 4 4 508 597 Malavanthige 16 27 6 15 29- 5 " 663 850 Mithabagilu 17 23 2 19 22 13 8 32 532 694 Kadi rudyaval'a 18 122 6 39 74 28 34 51 712 1010 Mundaje 19 93 2 45 48 16 7' 35 887 1052 Channacty 20 56 .6 38 57 37 12 1062 1609 Neriya 21 J6 , 17 34 21 4 52 654 1162 Thotathady 22 58 2 17 74 15 88 611 636 Ka(manja 23 433 12 190 339 134 38 136 2410 3124 • Ujre 24 n 17 69 18 28 54 785 908 Koyyur 25 ., 4 42 , -- 83 30 13 52 882 1192 Kokkada 26 a . 1 23 30 11 , 29 118 751 , 794 BandaI' 27 a 10 1 22- 7 14 114 488 502 . Mogru 28 66 82 19 53 181 1015 1292 I (anthila 29 ..• 25 48 10 28 592 728 Uruval 30


Name of C.D. Block: BELT ANGADI ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total PopuLation Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu· House- (Including in the age group Castes NLIllber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutiona! & (0 . 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Karaya 954.41 472 475 2659 1317 1342 436 216 220 126 115 32 Barya 952.39 397 397 2475 1232 1243 390 200 190 69 57 33 Thekkar 656.68 304 311 2001 980 1021 415 213 202 16 21 34 Puthi la 779.83 359 361 2312 1104 1208 427 214 213 43 59 35 Thannirpantha 1269.64 547 548 3338 1634 1704 623 315 308 39 50 36 Kukkala 620.12 418 418 2453 1201 1252 359 172 187 118 119 37 Parenky 841.46 522 522 2844 1386 1458 398 187 211 79 66 38 Machina 2177.98 692 693 4082 1976 2106 550 294 256 129 131 39 Kal iva 1044.56 461 461 2586 1237 1349 389 182 207 89 91 40 Nyayatarf 513.57 221 221 1381 685 696 228 117 111 26 23 41 Kaniyoor 1726.70 500 501 2994 1491 1503 411 208 203 180 161 42 Belal 2792.42 616 618 3727 1843 1884 552 290 262 102 111 43 1817.34 325 325 1954 976 978 343 181 162 131 125 44 2973.24 1507 1632 8556 4532 4024 1253 653 600 451 448 45 Chibidre 2602.63 300 300 1807 92~ 879 306 171 135 21 19 46 Puduvettu 3467.03 458 458 2624 1301 1323 370 206 164 147 126 47 Kalanja 4910.08 735 748 .,,3821 1887 1934 583 304 279 163 169 48 Shishlla 4942.19 362 362 1774 864 910 242 120 122 124 130 49 Shibaje 3392.21 427 427 2062 1015 1047 304 165 'lJ9 146 159 50 Rekhya 2365.80 354 354 1789 920 869 251 126 125 88 79 51 Hathyadka 1202.39 530 530 2644 1282 1362 337 168 169 203 223 52 Nidle 2366.08 477 479 2549 1254 1295 339 151 188 194 190 53 Venoor 713.73 413 418 2177 1072 1105 325 154 171 233 231 54 Bajre 946.99 295 295 1598 765 833 234 120 114 77 84 55 Gunduri 565.43 157 157 922 405 517 129 65 64 43 42 56 Arambody 1379.99 441 443 2800 1306 1494 489 240 249 153 141 57 Hosangady 1063.96 453 453 2699 r279 1420 476 241 235 196 174 58 Badekody 583.04 185 185 1168 550 618 208 103 105 100 101 59 Karimanel 929.13 396 398 2305 1120 1185 340 191 149 60 84 60 Kashipatna 1012.71 400 400 2417 1202 1215 381 210 171 169 150 61 Marody 389 2374 1136 1238 359 171 188 1264.36 388 f 103 90 62 Perady 614.28 223 223 1413 653 760 242 110 t32 102 108 63 Hudukody 889.51 372 372 2313 1137 1176 372 190 182 97 118 64 Andinje 994.48 346 346 1898 914 984 278 134 144 107 100 65 Savya 794.71 180 180 1085 534 551 188 102 86 69 53


Naml! ot C. D. BIm.k : BELTANGADI ; Codl! No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village, Location Tribes Workers Town I liard Code Cultivators Agricultural NlJIIber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

73 64 881 642 698 588 164 77 259 93 Karaya 31 14 19 805 593 654 524 190 36 218 103 Barya 32 19 12 606 470 456 424 133 48 170 46 Thekkar 33 13 19 678 494 545 568 236 117 171 55 Puthlla 34 173 186 991 645 827 786 351 207 196 63 Thannlrpantha 35 16 13 817 635 581 460 120 22 159 • 52 Kukkala 36 52 45 955 842 679 426 120 44 189 73 Parenky 37 177 171 1344 1145 1107 1022 559 410 210 133 Hachina 38 51 57 850 643 636 504 200 44 211 105 Kaliya 39 13 14 483 361 333 293 141 76 72 37 Nyayatarf 40 185 173 985 685 854 683 330 93 266 168 Kanlyoor 41 153 176 1130 813 1039 956 475 281 322 186 Belal 42 62 69 541 420 521 412 201 125 147 79 Patrame 43 429 406 3324 2441 2486 1152 399 140 423 280 Dharmasthala 44 27 29 606 453 489 193 172 66 144 56 Chlbldre 45 51 49 788 664 717 294 285 24 338 128 Puduvettu 46 79 70 1069 839 1080 578 529 93 385 191 KalanJa 47 169 180 503 436 492 Zff) 150 9 172 61 Shlshlla 48 17 19 685 615 528 380 141 101 66 46 Shlbaje 49 4 682 514 519 192 \ 243 32 84 31 Rekhya 50 73 70 895 737 785 432 1S2', 40 195 79 \ Hathyadka 51 144 122 846 728 716 419 218 92 198 89 Nldle 52 1 598 535 557 473 162 119 198 116 Venoor 53 10 14 453 386 398 445 190 70 145 85 Bajre 54 240 254 243 321 109 112 79 80 Gundurl 55 18 16 767 668 662 732 257 93 174 72 Arambody 56 13 13 758 662 665 599 255 121 180 73 Hosangady 57 122 141 308 260 31Z 342 122 95 111 73 Badekody 58 111 113 767 679 607 492 199 lOS 159 91 Karimane! 59 44 43 710 569 648 549 258 118 190 61 Kashlpatna 60 2 719 638 602 601 302 206 155 82 Harocly 61 402 350 351 443 152 114 147 189 Perady 62 60 60 775 643 591 581 168 92 226 111 Mudukody 63 39 34 587 522 508 385 208 41 182 103 AndlnJe 64 14 8 308 263 276 270 137 75 70 33 Savya 65


Na~ ofC.D. Block: BELTANGADI ; Codt: No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NUltler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction forestry, Quarrying Processing, Process i n9, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities . (Ill) (IV) [V(a» [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Karaya 22 4 10 4 98 4.04 7 32 Barya 26 4 2 2 B8 371 19 33 Thekkar 10 4 66 321 3 34 Puthila 21 1 62 389 2 35 Thannirpantha 13 122 506 14 36 Kukkala 14 36" 19 2 1 63 356 7 37 Parenky 3 2 9 4 2 69 260 37 38 Machina 15 7 10 8 3 82 445 33 39 Kal iya 22 6 2 70 328 6 40 Nyayatarf 14 8 35 168 41 Kaniyoor 66 9 8 5 3 71 388 10 42 Belal 39 7 2 13 62 470 3 43 Patrame 77 9 6 2 10 190 44 Oharmasthala 69 20 7 41 8 158 444 104 2S 45 Chibidre 9 1 18 56 46 Puduvettu 27 3 1 131 47 KaLanja 43 7 36 2 10 27() 48 Shishi La 108 36 10 159 49 Shibaje 242 82 1 8 22 132 1"2 50 Rekhya 71 21 3 22 80 7 51 Hathyadka 166 49 6 4 5 S9 247 9 52 Nidle 182 74 1 2 4 17 138 8 1 53 Venoor 13 3 31 211 14 5 54 Bajre 24 282 4 55 Gunduri 9 3 18 128 2 56 Arambody 21 4 17 4 78 5S1J 5 57 Hosangady 10 9 S9 390 7 58 Badekody 3 2 32 172 7 59 Karimanel 14 1 62 270 22 60 Kashipatna 33 5 14 6 2 63 346 7 61 Mal"ody 5 3 2 50 306 3 62 Perady 4 , 17 130 63 Mudukody 6 4 9 74 368 2 64 Andinje 21 5 9 32 227 4 65 Savya 2 23 9 155


Nam~ of C. D. Block : BELT ANGADI ; Cod~ No. : 0020

"wORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport. Other NUlt>er Conwnerce Storage and Services COIlII1UI1i cat i on

(VI I) (VI II) (IX)

(f4) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (4) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

66 4 28 40 6 24 53 595 7111 Karaya 31 47 26 38 8 2 578 717 Bary. 32 45 11 14 9 4 20 520 577 Thekkar 33 25 8 18 7 559 639 Puthi la 34 58 3 23 38 7 11 27 796 891 Thamirpantha 35 92 38 50 10 35 28 585 764 Kulc.kala 36 84 6 40 124 39 26 56 681 976 Parenky 37 63 3 30 97 20 4 33 865 1051 Machina 38 58 27 - 40 19 3· 62 598 783 Kaliya 39 33 13 1 24 3 2 24 350 379 Nyayatarf 40 59 11 3 30 15 96 637 724 Kaniyoor 41 47 22 54 10 26 92 778 836 Belal 42 39 19 21 7 5 23 450 543 Patrame 43 372 30 265 648 204 40 61 2006 2811 Dharmasthala 44 81 1 19 44 14 4 92 435 594 Chibidre 45 28 2 12 23 8 2 21 582 1008 Puduvettu 46 31 3 12 34 ,12 19 163 788 1193 Kalanja 47 34 6 10 15 7 232 365 397 Sh i shl.ta 48 15 1 8 20 1~ 45 73 442 594 Shibaje 49 33 2 30 24 2S 30 67 371 610- Rekhya 50 148 8 38 11 3' 88 494 842 \ Hathyadka 51 44 3 11 35 18 28' 74 510 802 Nidle 52 40 1 20 \75 19 515 632 Venoor 53 11 3 21 8 1 \ 34 366 354 Bajre 54 10 Z 11 1 31 161 165 Gunduri 55 61 '1 38 7 35 150 609 612 Arambody 56 37 9 99 15 4 152 610 669 Hosangady 57 15 4 16 2 236 276 Badelc.ody 58 100 2 tit 37 23 7 85 506 608 Karimanel 59 47 14 20 13 7 79 547 587 Kashipatna 60 46 1 8 31 3 34 71 500 566 Marody 61 rs 20- 10 .20- 40 276 277 Perady 62 57 17 32 6 2 29 544 566 Muclukody 63 22 12 18 8 1 21 405 578 Andinje 64 16 5 13 6 3 32 255 249 Savya 65


NameofC.D. Block: BELTANGADI; Codl! No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including in the age group Castes Nl.II1ber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.O.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13) ( 14)

66 2740.46 612 613 3522 1700 1822 445 231 214 202 231 67 Kokrady 620.08 182 182 1067 512 555 152 69 83 84 80 68 Kudyady 367.60 113 113 634 328 306 115 78 37 23 25 69 Sulkeri 512.84 127 127 704 339 365 87 54 33 31 29 70 Kuthlur 2656.34 258 258 1571 743 828 227 115 112 45 37 71 Navara 553.15 136 136 744 359 385 118 58 60 57 49 72 Pillya 367.60 201 207 1128 569 559 203 112 91 89 89 73 Badagakarandur 476.20 361 365 1843 920 923 279 140 139 136 133 74 Sulkerimogru 1717.94 207 207 1218 589 629 1.63 88 75 53 42 75 Shirlal 2414.48 338 338 1953 915 1038 300 144 156 100 109 76 Karambar 6"".70 256 256 1384 707 677 216 118 98 153 146 77 Thenkakarandur 719.01 290 290 1583 757 826 248 139 109 63 59 78 Balanja 595.40 225 225 1160 556 604 128 71 57 38 34 79 Nalkur 915.55 229 229 1326 640 686 198 103 95 68 70 80 Nittade 978.64 329 329 1949 971 978 332 177 155 168 175 81 Kukkedi 824.89 304 304 1881 913 968 299 157 142 70 78

C.D. Block Total Rural 1375.59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 15913 9450 9467

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: BEL TANGADI ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes 'Workers Town I 'Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

57 51 1217 1098 894 816 323 229 231 196 Naravi 66 15 26 353 298 305 282 131 53 92 50 Kokrady 67 201 149 165 134 106 d8 35 28 Kudyady 6B 19 29 191 188 204 193 105 42 27 10 Sulkeri 69 143 177 490 463 383 335 170 97 89 84 Kuthlur 70 42 65 206 178 208 128 132 33 58 23 Navara 71 369 282 279 194 83 25 S9 43 Pi t l ya 72 5 5 620 517 524 439 104 40 149 79 Badagakarandur .73 58 57 368 345 357 301 160 112 83 54 Sulkerimogru 74 132 123 534 432 497 461 256 92 165 98 Shirlal 75 33 ,29 452 320 420 397 173 106 162 118 Karambar 76 51 48 488 424 389 397 88 29 171 93 Thenkakarandur 77 2 1 395 334 320 271 196 74 79 55 Balanja 78 5 5 401 364 321 318 177 93 93 83 Nalkur 79 28 27 574 446 490 365 186 64 226 148 Nittade 80 18 17 567 459 446 337 194 21 123 33 Kukkedi 81

6287 6193 69043 55752 56100 43489 19257 9135 15549 8318 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name ofC.D. Block: BELTANGADI ; C()oe No. : 0020 location Name of Village I Totall CATEGOR I E S a F M A I N Code Town I \.lard Rurall N'-"lber Urban livestock, Mining and Manuf ac tur i ng, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) ( F) (4) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Narayi 37 6 17 2 26 14 39 303 23 3 67 Koltrady 5 20 173 3 68 lCuclyady 2 11 65 2 69 Sulkeri 30 7 2 3 12 126 4 70 Kuthlur 45 9 26 137 8 n bvara 1 10 68 2 n Pillya 32 3 28 116 6 73 lNdagakarandur 50 16 1 '3 63 277 4 74 SUlkerimogru 49 8 3 15 117 3 75 Shirlal 3 3 24 264 6 3 76 ICarambar 14 4 30 170 3 77 Thenltakarandur 9 2 42 264 8 78 Balanja 15 138 3 79 Malkor 12 5 130 10 80 Mittade 20 23 141 2 81 Kukkedi 5 10 2 39 274 8

C.D. alock Total Rural 3397 761 245 40 810 216 4266 23269 1028 53

C.O. Klock Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: BELTANGADI ; Code No. : 0020

WaR ~ E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / LocatIon Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IIt>er COIIII1erce Storage and Services COIIIlU'Iicat ion

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) ( 1 )

103 11 28 67 52 5 156 801 850 Naravi 66 23 8 23 5 35 206 238 Kokrady 67 4 2 3 3 3 62 160 110 Kudyady 68 6 4 12 6 3 11 132 161 Sulked 69 15 7 22 6 22 128 338 365 Kuthlur 70 3 2 3 105 151 152 Navara 71 45 1 6 20 6 4 90 286 275 Pillya 72 66 4 21 2 66 18" 15 76 381 408 Badagakarandur 73 15 5 24 10 1 79 231 249 Sulkerimogru 74 22 7 11 4 3 137 415 440 Shirlal 75 22 ..... t 1 11 1 287 280 Karant>ar 76 39 10 21 8 11 59 357 370 Thenkakarandur 77 12 3 11 3 5 42 231 291 Balanja 78 13 5 6 11 9 57 310 311 Nalkur 79 11 2 7 14 fo 25 64 456 549 Ni ttade 80 27 7 33 7 24 48 443 583 Kukkedi 81

5055 201 2209 19 4284 1~77 1051 5576 47156 58022 C.D. Block Total Rural

, C.D. Block Total Urban





2 3 4 5 6

1 Andar 11/9/3/76 11/091003010076 918/3/43 091081003010043

2 Badagami jar 11/9/3/47 11109/0030/0047 9/8/3/70 '09/08/0030/0070 3 Bailur 11/9/3/26 11/09/0030/0026 918/3/26 09/08/003010026 4 Belanje 11/9/3/72 11/09/0030/0072 9/8/3/37 09/08/0030/0037 5 Belman 11/913/16 11/09/0030/0016 9/8/3/16 09/08/0030/0016 6 Belva; 11/9/3/53 11/09/0030/0053 9/8/3/76 09/08/0030/0076 7 Bola 11/913/12 11/09/0030/0012 9/8/3/12 09/08/0030/0012

8 Chars 11/9/3/70 11/09/0030/0070 918/3/36 09/08/00'50/0036

9 Daregudde 11/9/3/31 11/09/0030/0031 9/8/3/54 09/08/0030/0054 10 Durg8 11/9/3/1 11/09/0030/0001 9/8/3/1 09/08/0('30/0001

11 Hebrl 11/9/3/71 11/09/0030/0071 9/8/3/39 09/08/('{noJ/0039 12 HerllUlCle 11/9/3/55 11/09/0030/0055 9/8/3/48 09/08/0030/0048 13 Hirgana 11/~/3/60 11/09/0030/0060 9/813/49 09/08/0030/0049 14 Hosabettu 11/9/3/44 11/09/0030/0044 9/8/3/67 09/08/0030/0067

15 too 11/9/3/6 11/09/0030/0006 918/3/6 09108/0030/0006 16 Inna 11/9/3/15 11109/0030/0015 9/8/3/14 09/08/0030/0014 17 IrJvail 11/9/3/43 11/09/0030/0043 9/8/3/66 09/08/0030/0066 18 Irvathur 11/9/3/8 11/09/0030/0008 9/8/3/8 09/08/0030/0008

19 Jarkltla 11/9/3/59 11/09/0030/0059 9/8/3/47 09/08/0030/0047

20 lCabbinale 11/9/3/75 11/09/0030/0075 9/8/3/41 09/08/0030/0041 21 11/9/3/50 11/09/0030/0050 9/8/3/73 09/08/0030/0073 22 lCadthala lV9/3/63 11/09/0030/0063 9/8/3/29 09/08/0030/0029 23 ICallabettu 1119/3/39 11/09/0030/0039 9/8/3/62 09/0810030/0062 24 Kallanundkur 11/9/3/49 11/09/0030/0049 9/813/72 09/08/0030/0072 ~5 Kaliya 11!9/31'~ 11/09/0030/0019 \ 918/3/19 09108/0030/0019 26 Kanajar 11/9/3/24 11/09/0030/0024 9/8/3/2'!J 09/08/0030/0023 27 Kanthavara 11/9/3/10 11/09/0030/0010 9/8/3/10 09/08/0030/0010 28 Karanje 11/9/3/40 11/09/003(U0040 9/8/3/63 09108/0030/0063 29 Kedirlje 11/9/3/18 11/09/0030/0018 9/8/3/18 09/0a/00~0/0018 30 Keltaputhige 11/9/3/30 11/09/0030/0030 9/8/3/53 09/08/0030/0053 II Kerebettu 11/9/3/69 11/09/0030/P069 9/8/3/35 09/08/0030/0035 32 Kervashe 11/9/3/57 11/09/0030/0057 9/8/3/45 09/08/0030/0045 33 Kowdoor 11/913/23 11/09/0030/0023 918/3/25 09108/0030/0025 34 lCuchur 11/9/3/73 11/09/0030/0073 9/8/3/38 09108/0030/0038 35 ICUltkuje 11/9/3/62 11109/003010062 918/3/30 09/0810030/0030 36 KUltklnlur 11/9/3/27 11/09/0030/0027 9/8/3/27 09108/0030/0027




2 3 4 5 6

37 Mala 11/9/3/58 11/09/0030/0058 91813/46 09108/0030/0046 38 Mantrady 11/9/3/34 11/09/0030/0034 918/3/57 09/08/0030/0057 39 Marne 11/913/54 11/09/0030/0054 9/8/3/28 09/08/0030/0028 40 Maroor 11/913/41 11/09/0030/0041 918/3/64 09/08/0030/0064 41 11/9/3/2 11/09/0030/0002 918/3/2 09108/003010002 42 Mudar 11/9/3/3 11/09/0030/0003 9/8/3/3 09/08/0030/0003 43 Mudrady 11/913/67 11/09/0030/0067 9/8/3/40 09/08/0030/0040 44 Mudukonaje 11/9/3/37 11/09/0030/0037 9/8/3/60 09/08/0030/0060 45 Mudunarnad 11/9/3/29 11/091003010029 9/8/3/52 09/08/0030/0052 46 Mulladka 11/9/3/14 11/09/0030/0014 9/8/3/15 09/08/0030/0015 47 Mundkur 11/9/3/13 11/09/0030/0013 9/8/3/13 09/08/0030/0013

48 Nadpal 11/9/3/74 11109/0030/0074 9/8/3/42 09/08/0030/0042 49 Nallur 11/9/3/4 11/09/0030/0004 9/8/3/,. 09/08/0030/0004 50 Nanda like 11/9/3/17 11109/0030/0017 9/8/3/17 09/08/0030/0017 51 Nellikar 11/9/3/33 11/09/0030/0033 9/8/3/56 09/08/0030/0056 52 Niddodi 11/9/3/48 11/09/0030/0048 9/8/3/71 09/08/0030/0071 53 Minjur 11/9/3/22 11/09/0030/0022 9/8/3/22 09/08/0030/0022 54 Mire 11/9/3/25 11/0~"0030/0025 9/8/3124 09/08/0030/0024 55 Witte 11/9/3111 11/09/0030/0011 9/8/3/11 09/08/0030/001' 56 Mooralvettu 11/9/3/5 11/09/0030/0005 9/8/3/5 09/08/0030/0005

57 Pactwkonaje 11/9/3/38 11/09/0030/0038 918/3/61 09/08/0030/0061 58 PadukudlJr 11/9/3/65 11/09/0030/0065 9/8/3/33 09/08/0030/0033 59 Padunarnad 11/9/3/28 11/09/0030/0028 9/8/3/51 09/08/0030/0051 60 Paladka 11/9/3/51 11/09/0030/0051 9/8/3/74 09/08/0030/0074 61 Pall i 11/9/3121 11/09/0030/0021 9/8/3/21 09108/0030/0021 62 Panapila 11;9/3/32 11/09/0030/0032 9/8/3/55 09/08/003010055 63 Puchamogru 11/9/3/42 11/09/0030/0042 9/8/3/65 09/08/0030/0065 64 Puthige .11/9/3/52 11/09/0030/0052 9/8/3/75 09/08/0030/0075

65 Renjal 11/9/3/7 11/09/0030/0007 9/8/3/7 09/08/0030/0007

66 11/9/3/9 11/09/0030/0009 9/8/3/9 09/08/0030/0009 67 Shi rlal 11/9/3/56 11/09/0030/0056 9/8/3/44 09/08/0030/0044 68 Shlrthady 11/9/3/36 U/09/0030/0036 9/8/3/59 09/08/0030/0059 69 Shivapura 11/9/3/68 11/09/0030/0068 9/8/3/34 09/08/0030/0034 70 Sooda 11/9/3/20 11/09/0030/0020 9/8/3/20 09/08/0030/0020




2 3 4 "5 6

71 Tenkamijar 11/9/3/46 11/09/0030/0046 9/8/3/69 09/08/0030/0069 72 Thodar 11/9/3/45 11/09/0030/0045 9/8/3/68 09/08/0030/0068

73 Valpady 11/9/3/35 11/09/0030/0035 9/8/3/58 09/08/0030/0058 74 11/9/3/66 11/09/0030/0066 9/8/3/32 09/08/0030/0032

75 Yellare 11/9/3/64 11/09/0030/0064 9/8/3/31 09/08/0030/0031 76 Yerlapady 11/9/3/61 11/09/0030/0061 9/8/3/50 09/08/0030/0050


Name of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; C()d~ No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total populat ion Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (J nc hid i 09 in the age group Castes Wl.IIIber urban for viI- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential populat ion) for Hooses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (to) (11) (12, (13) (f4)

T 1325.27 41417 41741 239029 110036 128993 34894 \7702 17192 10044 10033 KARKAl C.O.Block R 1325.27 41417 41741 239029 110036 128993 34894 17102 17192 10044 10033 U

1 Ourga 1912.16 537 540 3216 1572 1644 476 242 234 155 170 2 Kivar 2163.27 997 1003 6049 2814 3115· 913 462 451 333 324 3 Mudar 2003.88 803 809 4153 2233 2520 764 395 369 272 293 4 Msllur 2478.33 812 821 5120 2334 2786 888 454 434 288 317 5 Mooralvettu 2120.85 351 353 2101 986 1115 379 198 181 35 28 6 ldu 2952.90 681 684 4012 1882 2130 674 359 315 206 210 7 Renjal 1850.32 471 472 1913 1361 1612 515 270 245 236 225 8 Irvathur 1137.51 526 526 3316 1471 1&45 513 258 255 171 177 9 Sanoor 1474.19 864 864 5062 2322 2740 692 352 340 190 194 10 Kanthavara 1988.76 684 685 3918 1751 2167 583 304 219 169 164 11 Nitte 3932.26 1660 1671 9559 4369 5190 1273 635 638 427 427 12 tola 1814.45 614 680 3822 1648 2174 411 246 231 134 121 13 lU1dkur 1405.68 1060 1067 5139 2512 3167 680 349 331 184 193 14 Nul Ida 530.27 279 283 1453 615 m 168 87 8t 43 45 15 (me 1022.13 123 726 3610 1571 2099 415 222 193 36 33 16 Bellll8ll 1446.91 817 831 4245 1940 2105 542 252 290 130 133 17 MandaI ike 1193.42 603 603 3110 1368 1742 410 215 195 126 125 18 Kedinje 284.36 .82 184 1017 526 491 144 79 65 69 55 19 KalIya 1892.71 582 581 3333 1446 1887 465 218 247 122 106 20 Sooda 991.71 468 474 2374 990 1384 269 124 145 34 29 21 Pal If 1522.05 546 549 3298 1470 1828 454 236 218 130 111 22 Ninjur 923.53 386 396 2204 918 1226 297 148 149 102 71 23 lCowdoor 1601.15 738 746 4115 1718 2337 517 263 254 231 276 24 Kenajar 1422.80 455 459 2649 1168 1481 339 165 174 62 53 25 Mire 1227.99 499 503 2723 1244 1479 311 178 133 98 112 26 •• Hur 421.97 183 183 1252 562 690 164 13 91 25 23 21 KukkW1dur 2~3.S8 1782 1791 9838 4615 5223 1366 651 715 405 453 28 Pac:Ularnad 1198.94 639 641 3784 1771 2007 538 270 268 279 282 29 Mudularnad 964.44 396 400 2296 1053 1243 417 215 202 37 34 30 lCellaputl'lige 454.60 181 181 1151 542 609 188 110 18 59 48


Name of C. D. Block: KARKAL ; Code No. : 0030

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I WCird Code Cultivators ~grirultural NlIllber labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

5778 6152 75471 76163 54788 49689 20606 15157 13223 11291 5778 6152 75471 76163 54788 49689 20606 15157 13223 11291 KARKAl ~.D.Block

214 229 1056 977 835 627 241 14'3 178 94 Durga 1 69 62 1936 1862 1473 1087 401 290 337 230 Miyar 2 62 62 1471 1473 1125 1054 375 282 277 207 Mudar 3 18 32 1459 1486 1131 1207 496 379 308 256 Nallur 4 36 38 605 572 534 444 244 60 188 lS7 Nooralvettu 5 53 64 ~ 1168 1240 969 1037 373 206 332 228 Idu 6 57 46 877 952 675 663 313 123 214 204 Renjal 7 10 8 970 1122 782 796 294 191 294 209 Irvathur 8 42 57 1693 1750 1228 1099 347 248 174 192 Sanoor 9 65 57 1176 1325 855 994 357 276 257 278 Kanthavara 10 57 75 3179 3406 1994 1497 578 342 438 368 Nitte 11 16 12 1162 1375 805 979 369 415 207 204 Bola 12 45 46 1961 2084 1309 1332 321 274 306 358 Mundkur 13 59 41 491 488 342 2~9 85 30 43 60 Mulladka 14 49 55 1141 1389 706 87~ 297 328 113 178 Inna 15 27 27 1429 1490 908 561 311 155 130 154. Selman 16 9 6 941 1076 621 532 17~ 151 172 202 \ 17 3 2 397 324 231 160 5' 28 42 74 Kedinje 18 124 173 1004 1218 692 658 309 204 171 100 Kallya 19 41 72 771 944 . 479 332 232 146 111 111 Sooda 20 150 161 997 1111' - 718 676 395- 380 141 124 Pall i 21 27 20 688 78.7 429 306 176 64 132 128 Ninjur 22 54 58 1305 1579 833 734 301 285 1~8 191 Kowdoor 23 35 41 824 901 544 562 260 235 148 216 Kanajar 24 2 959 999 611 446 264 242 123 76 Nire 2S 3 4 435 420 255 180 133 105 36 . 46 Bailur 26 125 123 3459 3303 2290 1668 489 427 338 306 Kukkundur 27 11 12 1291 1229 863 831 -176 96 290 185 Padullarnad 28 4 4 647 630 524 669 23S 172 158 97 MudLmarnad 29 25 26 313 325 245 204 120 44 46 25 Kellaputhige 30


Name of C.D. Block; KARKAL ; Code No. ; 0030

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Nl.I1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Process i "9-, Processing, Fishing, ~rvicing and ServicIng and Hunting and Repairs in Repai rs In Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(I II \ (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 1378 299 366 80 1291 410 4920 20245 1850 200 KARKAL C.O.Block R 1378 299 366 80 1291 410 4920 20245 1850 200 U

1 Durga 152 37 1 9 68 291 8 2 Miyar 16 12 28 6 37 19 246 477 67 9 3 Mudar 36 3 2 38 27 96 496 20 2 4 Nallur 20 3 17 11 97 523 18 5 Nooralvettu 39 27 189 2 6 Idu 52 14 15 4 53 559 7 7 Renjal 2 8 2 29 321 8 8 Irvathur 16 3 68 377 4 9 Sanoor 18 9 3 27 6 226 566 60 6 10 Kanthavara 6 3 2 30 6 67 • 411 7 11 Nitte 22 2 6 84 14 302 625 81 11 12 Bola 8 53 6 51 335 12 13 Mundkur 13 5 83 29. 107 606 56 2 14 Mulladka 19 6 24 22 37 126 44 4 15 Inna 5 11 6 81 32 31 314 23 16 Belman 29 24 13 5 26 3 100 152 16 4 17 Nandalike 9 4 7 1 7 58' 129 54 15 18 Kedinje 2 39 S. 7 6 32 10 19 Kall ya 2 27 3 56 321 34 14 20 Sooda 8 17 15 40 5 21 Palli 3 4 1 - 20 6 63 128 16 13 22 Ninjur 9 36 97 9 23 Kowdoor 7 33 9 66 177 24 24 Kanajar 10 2 26 84 12 25 Nire 9 2 4 70 95 5 26 Bai lur 5 2 1 18 2S 3 27 Kulc.kundur 21 6 2(} 51 17 329 741 327 31 28 Padunarnad 6 2 11 1 97 517 50 29 Mudunarnad 2 2 2 70 386 15 30 Kellaputhige 18 6 14 120 8


Name of C. D. Block: KARKAL ; Code No. : 0030

\I 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Neme of Village / Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.II1ber Conmer1:e Storage and Services COII1I1Unication

(VII ) (VII I) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

5247 361 1784 40 4123 1606 980 5141 54268 74163 5247 361 1784 - 40 4123 1606 980 514T 54268 74163 KARKAl C.D.Block

42 21 115 60 9 60 728 957 DUl'ga 1 143 12 75 2 123 30 29. 130 1372 1958 Miyar 2 147 11 60 74 26 46 194 1062 1272 Mudar 3 106 8 25 43 25 16 65 1187 1514 Nallur 4 22 3 9 7 9 166 443 505 Nooralvettu 5 81 24 31 19 19 115 894 978 Idu 6 61 12 28 10 1 215 685 734 Renjal 7 51 25 ' 29 164" 2 7 687 '042 lrvathur 8 154 15 100 119 56 7 26 1087 1615 Sanoor 9 61 10 57 19 18 24 878 1149 Kanthavara 10 210 14 67 206 120 38 212 2337 3481 Nitte 11 36 4 10 59 15 18 40 825 1155 Bola 12 225 21 51 142 40 25 64 1238 1771 Mundkur 13 32 7 21 37 " 14 7 333 502 Mulladka 14 76 3 26 43 13 7 49 858 1174 Inna 15 104 6 55 124 '57' 41 472 991 1272 8elman 16 62 7 25 51 23 "" 29 736 '''~ Nandallke 17 31 4 10 33 14', 2 40 293 291 Kedinje 18 46 3 11 36 13 ,to 36 744 1193 Kal (ya 19 38 10 19 34 23 '14 160· 497 892 Soada 20 I 39 6 10 27 18 14 104 738 1048 Pall i 21 37 8 22 14 549 920 Niniur 22 96 12 32 1 116 59 3 942 1603 Kowdoor 23 47 3 11 1 29 21 4 45 '620 874 Kaoajar 24 67 6' 2 62 29 2 1 631 1032 Nire 25 38 1 7 13 2 10 62 297 448 8ai ll1r 26 320 25 112 2 283 98 45 113 2280 3442 I{ukkundur 27 109 9 5'3 _ 69 22 3 3 911 1173 Pad\.Jnaroad 28 19 1 10 12 11 2 8 527 566 -"IuduMrnad 29 16 2 7 14 6 130 296 275 Kellaputhige 30


Name of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; Code No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I \,lard Rural! Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Daregudde 727.70 284 284 1545 713 832 235 123 112 94 101 32 Panapila 681.60 216 216 1298 616 682 226 118 108 100 101 33 Nell ikar 1084.04 417 418 2333 1149 1184 365 .207 158 160 136 34 Mantrady 866.80 263 263 1426 706 720 215 120 95 80 70 35 Valpady 1228.15 521 521 2925 1368 1557 422 193 229 199 170 36 868.14 406 406 2092 968 1124 287 151 136 128 156 37 Mudukonaje 719.00 294 302 1691 783 908 255 130 125 152 163 38 Padukonaje 616.88 212 212 1203 539 664 187 90 97 71 94 39 Kallabettu 545.21 366 366 2084 964 1120 397 209 188 66 64 40 Karanje 913.27 448 457 2476 1142 1334 357 161 196 175 199 41 Maroor 728.92 417 417 2345 1096 1249 333 170 163 144 149 42 Puchamogru 890.91 375 376 1957 913 1044 311 150 161 67 74 43 Iruvail 850.08 448 458 2677 1220 1457 411 197 214 64 61 44 Hosabettu 1006.63 419 439 2281 1096 1185 317 162 155 87 64 45 Thodar 770.58 388 390 2338 1109 1229 384 208 176 181 152 46 Tenkamijar 1249.75 670 684 4202 2000 2202 624 299 325 59 59 47 Badagamijar 1134.29 496 498 2968 1385 1583 412 222 190 47 58 48 Niddodi 912.02 403 411 2072 959 1113 259 125 134 100 89 49 Kallarundkur 1519.60 766 767 4031 1902 2129 445 237 208 ~01 186 50 Kadandale 1466.01 683 694 3666 1618 2048 548 269 279 130 148 51 Paladka 1452.11 512 513, 2808 1256 1552 398 202 196 180 176 52 Puthige 2168.81 1183 1183 6736 3207 3529 933 478 455 331 292 53 Belvai 2554.21 1360 1365 8092 3756 4336 1311 675 636 548 587 54 Marne 3164.79 1129 1132 6038 2832 3206 866 444 422 184 157 55 Herl1J..lnde 1177.45 224 229 1385 587 798 214 98 116 36 36 56 Shirlal 3672.98 350 355 2201 941 1260 348 167 181 53 53 57 Kervashe 4210.24 405 407: 2411 1126 1285 366 189 177 104 103 58 Mala 4700.44 880 891 4937 2311 2626 837 417 420 283 290 59 Jarkala 589.66 106 106 709 337 372 95 52 43 21 14 60 Hirgana 2353.15 761 765 4395 1986 2409 614 314 300 112 98 61 Yerlapady 2036.19 684 691 4240 1926 2314 603 303 300 146 155 62 Kukkuje 844.92 225 230 1466 647 819 204 107 97 86 80 63 Kadthala 1472.72 344 346 2135 964 1171 337 160 177 149 153 64 Yellare 1040.47 238 246 1545 714 831 279 145 134 42 41 65 Padukudur 479.50 114 114 782 333 449 107 48 59 49 57


Name of C. D. Block: KARKAL : Code No. : 0030

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name ~f Village / location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) • (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

7 12 449 431 331 401 142 92 104 76 Daregudde 31 4 7 353 318 339 237 183 55 108 36 Panapi la 32 7 5 703 618 597 574 213 125 139 95 Nellikar· 33 8 9 443 347 388 380 231 171 86 46 Mantrady 34 20 16 813 746 697 737 244 130 208 162 Valpady 35 13 13 675 664 466 430 106 46 82 77 Shirthady 36 27 25 527 505 401 434 134 73 82 65 Mudukonaje 37 30 32 374 427 306 355 138 116 53 48 Padukonaje 38 11 6 626 642 454 435 82 48 99 99 Kallabettu 39 10 16 821 804 ~25 494 177 104 116 82 Karanje 40 752 722 532 480 163 68 146 84 Maroor 41 2 3 623 588 446 360 102 36 104 48 Puchamogru 42 117 137 854 869 647 655 211 88 164 111 Iruvai I 43 44 44 807 749 560 471 189 108 112 69 Hosabettu 44 2 1 733 659 470 496 158 93 75 31 Thodar 45 49 50 1342 1053 1018 1055 285 153 199 151 Tenkami jar 46 11 15 897 863 642 590 149 76 187 153 Badagamijar 47 5 5 698' 659 460 414 126 62 179 105 Niddodi 48 132 161 1404 1345 890 55$ 322 197 178 107 Kallamundkur 49 103 130 1108 1242 776 895 285 204 234 352 Kadandale 50 97 101 836 903 626 630 291 134 213 190 \ Paladka 51 319 362 2355 2212 1545 1204 41& 166 463 323 Puthige 52 342 376 2569 2691 ,1715 1584 395 234 389 376 Belvai 53 294 298 1985 1917 1474 975 684 393 296 222 Marne 54 49 57 399 470 307 384 159 160 66 64 Hermunde 55 94 114 543 676 499 621 295 317 133 103 Shirlal 56 79 89 714 667 604 617 298 229 159 163 Kervashe 57 166 180 1455 1387 1246 1212 416 340 336 324 Mala 58 229 227 163 181 98 70 21 25· Jarkala 59 143 122 1438 1478 1052 1234 493 612 180 279 Hirgana 60 38 55 1232 1190 978 1188 459 636 199 222 Yerlapady 61 48 73 444 512 316 321 152 174 70 87 Kukkuje 62 128 138 545 569 527 718 370 512 56 88 Kadthala 63 110 113 468 442 356 391 152 191 135 122 Yellare 64 225 255 183 252 134 200 42 41 Padukudur 65


Name of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; Code No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F .M A I N Code Town I Ward Rural! NlJIber Urban Livestock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing. Fishing. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in RepaIrs in Plantation. , Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

( Ill) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Daregudcle 2 2 13 203 5 32 Panapila 10 2 12 140 33 Nelli kar 31 12 2 10 6 65 311 26 34 Mantrady 14 2 21 159 4 35 Valpady 14 3 29 10 70 417 20 36 Shirthady 20 2 51 289 54 2 37 Mudukonaje 5 17 6 45 272 20 38 Padukonaje 11 5 12 166 2{. 3 39 Kallabettu 6 8 17 6 9 2 56 252 22 40 Karanje 17 . 5 44 271 14 41 Maroor 21 7 12 61 307 5 42 Puchamogru 122 19- 33 238 15 43Iruvail 18 1 2 19 89 436 22 44 Hosabettu 2 3 36 9 46 230 38 13 4S Thodar 21 :3 15 52 359 19 46 Tenkamijar 25 10 13 35 47 111 658 17 47 Badagamijar 3 8 59 326 14 48 Niddodi 14 6 12 5 19 214 24 49 Kallamundkur 55 4 2 11 69 207 " 40 5 50 Kadandale 46 4 8 3 25 14 , 52 290 46 8 51 Paladka 5 17 24 286 13 52 Puthige 5 12 24 158 666 29 53 Belvai 26 5 20 17 4 236 894 135 54 Marne 9 2 39 7 93 313 30 55 Hermunde 9 25 7 151 2 56 Shirlal 4 3 30 198 57 Kervashe 22 1 10 1 38 216 5 58 HaLa 249 54 9 2 53 458 17 59 Jarkala 5 4 21 77 3 60 Hirgana 13 13 1 8 134 288 14 3 61 Yerlapady 4 4 11 6 12 95 255 60 44 62 Kukkuje 2 3 16 50 63 Kadthala 7 2 2 2 31 34 13 67 8 4 64 Yellare 4 20 2 13 67 65 Padukudur 11


Name ot C.D. Block: KARKAL : Cod!! No. : 0030

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Yorkers Town / Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COIIIIIerce Storage and Serv1ces Coomunication

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (lot) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

23 2 5 37 24 382 430 Daregudde 31 11 3 11 4 2 93 275 352 Panapi la ~2 58 9 15 38 16 3 549 609 Nellikar 53 12 6 13 2 318. 340 Mantrady 34 62 6 14 36 9 8 49 663 771 Valpady 35 81 2 26 45 12 17 25 485 669 Shirthady 36 35 3 19 44 14 7 15 375 459 Mudukonaje 37 29 3 14 25 14 1 232 309 PadukonaJe 38 70 5 40 53 14 33 7 477 678 Kallabettu 39 70 7 22 -65 25 37 53 580 787 J(aranje 40 53 30 41 13 2 564 767 Maroor 41 35 5 10 25 14 3 29 464 655 Puchamogru 42 64 3 18 40 16 7 19 566 783 Iruvai I 43 59 6 37 38 35 6 536 708 Hosabettu 44 79 2 25 26 7 62 53 577 680 Thodar 45 149 3 31 153 32 4 47 978 1100 Tenkami jar 46 84 2 22 115 32 30 167 713 826 Badagami jar 47 43 5 17 2 26 15 1 52 498 647 Niddodi 48 81 6 30 2 102 30 14 113 998 1458 Kallamundkur 49 35 1 9 36 19 8 125 834 1028 Kadandale 50 28 5 9 2 26 11 5 35 625 887 Paladka 51 192 4 66 178 44 89 0 126 1573 2199 Puthige 52 205 14 125 2 167 54 19 139 2022 2613 Belvai 53 154 8 55 1 112- 31 10 , 109 1348 2122 Marne 54 17 9 13 5 13 62 267 352 Hermuncle 55 21 3 10 7 2 5 440 628 Shirlal 56 46 10 16 6 4 39 518 629 Kervashe 57 102 13 14 49 21 22 127 1043 1287 Mala 58 7 4 9 25 30 149 161 Jarkala 59 97 11 29 71 35 2 934 1173 Hirgana 60 85 10 43 19 9 42 939 1084 Yerlapady 61 38 6 29 9 14 88 317 410 Kukkuje 62 20 4 5 15 5 23 33 409 420 Kadtl- ,,~a 63 12 2 4 15 7 3 5 355 435 Yellare 64 5 2 6 150 191 PadukUOt 65


Name of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; Cod~ No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NU1Iber Urban for vil- pied Holds InstitutIonal & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for . Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Varanga 1955.72 578 579 3725 1740 1985 651 333 318 109 110 67 Mudrady 2351.17 611 611 3825 1767 2058 568 288 280 74 77 • 68 Shivapura 1978.01 543 562 3465 1593 1872 559 299 260 104 113 69 Kerebettu 445.12 123 126 733 343 390 88 47 41 14 12 70 tllara 1869.26 600 604 3384 1584 1800 538 278 260 58 62 71 2877.51 854 854 5141 2524 2617 766 382 384 137 106 72 Belanje 994.49 237 244 1582 753 829 288 150 . 138 22 24 73 Kuchur 1731.12 261 261 1668 777 891 256 140 116 74 Nadpal 13791.66 441 444 2594 '194 1400 379 178 201 37 40 75 2592.93 221 221 1247 597 650 176 93 83 13 13 76 Andar 4158.42 362 363 2023 917 1106 298 150 148 59 52

C.D. Block Total Rural 1325.27 41417 41741 239029 110036 128993 34894 17702 17192 10044 10033

C.D. Block Total Urban



Namt! of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; Codt! No. : 0030

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code CultIvators Agricultural Nl.mber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) ( 16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

138 161 1161 1112 912 567 406 246 128 64 Varanga 66 122 127 1194 1118 969 832 560 427 236 189 Mudrady 67 177 195 1090 1066 784 706 378 326 177 174 Shlvapura 68 25 21 228 197 174 132 97 "53 45 43 Kerebettu 69 226 238 1014 978 878 595 354 205 371 307 Chara 70 383 339 1835 1539 1307 723 352 261 386 195 Hebri 71 114 110 414 321 367 385 217 273 92 68 Belanje 72 117 118 477 423 403 261 235 139 130 91 Kuchur 73 183 1¥ 802 748 648 41T 367 213 177 125 Nadpal 74 133 134 380 359 338 157 200 46 102 26 Kabblnale 75 159 168 632 618 466 471 267 234 104 95 Andar 76

5778 6152 75471 76163 54788 49689 20606 15157 13223 11291 c.o. Block Total Rural

c.o. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: KARKAL ; Cooe No. : 0030 location Name of V1llage I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F 1'1 A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock., M1n1ng and Manufactur1ng, ManufactUrlng, ConStruct10n Forestry, QuarrYing Process1ng, Process1ng, F1sh1ng, Serv1c1ng and Serv1c1ng and Hunt1ng and Repa1rs 1n Repa1rs In PlantatIon, Household Other than Orchards 8, Industry Hou&ehold All1ed Industry act 1 Vlt 1 es

(III) (IV) [V(a» [V( b)J (VI)

(1'1) (f) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Varanga 11 29 13 148 220 14 67 Mudrady 8 16 8 35 194 20 68 Sh 1vapura 3 10 4 97 186 14 69 Kerebettu 1 11 30 , 70 Chara 7 18 2 2 32 72 2 71 Hebri 25 4 15 1 111 223 32 72 Belanje 3 5 5 4 34 4 73 Kuchur 6 3 4 19 3 74 Nadpal 10 4 14 64 4 75 Kabbinale 12 7 1 73 3 76 Andar 8 3 10 5 23 122 2

C.O. Block Total Rural 1378 299 366 80 1291 410 4920 20245 1850 200 • C.O. Block Total Urban


N,UllC ot C.D Block. KARKAL , Code No. 0030

101 aRK E R S MargInal Non-Workers Name of VIllage I LocatIon Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlI1lber Conmerce Storage and ServIces Conm.JOl cat I on

(VI I) (VI I I) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

115 6 19 2 42 16 15 214 813 1204 Varanga 66 45 3 12 37 10 9 78 789 1148 Mudrady 67 45 12 47 15 36 212 773 954 ShlVapura 68 9 10 6 169 258 Kerebettu 69 51 3 16 25 6 4 5 702 1200 Chara 70 201 9 56 3 125 30 10 48 1207 1846 Hebrl 71 17 6 18 4 2 8 384 436 BelanJe 72 11 1 2 9 10 5 52 369 578 Kuchur 73 38 2 14 20 7 10 149 536 840 Nadpal 74 6 2 12 4 259 493 Kabblnale 75 31 4 19 8 3 93 448 542 Andar 76

5247 361 1784 40 4123 1606 980 5141 54268 74163 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban






(Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (C~ter)

2 3 4 5 6 .

Ajri 11/9/4/72 11/09/004.Qf0072 9/8/4/42 09/08/0040/0042 2 Albadi 11/9/4/20 11/.09/0040/0020 9/8/4/15 09/08/0040/0015 3 Aloor 11/9/4/95 11/09/0040/0095 9/8/4/36 09/08/0040/0036 4 Amaseba i l u 11/9/4/18 11/09/0040/0018 9/8/4/12 09/08/0040/0012 5~r 11/9/4/74 11/09/0040/0074 9/8/4/51 09/08/0040/0051 6 Anagall i 11/9/4/1 11/09/0040/0001 9/8/4/1 09/08/0040/0001 7 Asodu 11/9/4/6 11/09/0040/0006 9/8/4/23 09/08/0040/0023

8 Badakere 11/9/4/46 11/09/0040/0046 9/8/4/84 09/08/0040/0084 9 Ballcur 11/9/4/3 11/09/0040/0003 9/8/4/3 09/08/0040/0003 10 11/9/4/2 11/09/0040/0002 9/8/4/2 09/08/0040/0002 11 11/9/4/31 11/09/0040/0031 • 9/8/4/31 09/08/0040/0031 12 Bellal 11/9/4/62 11/09/0040/0062 9/8/4/41 09/08/0040/0041 13 Beloor 11/9/4/24 11/09/0040/0024 9/8/4/25 09/08/0040/0025 14 Belve 11/9/4/21 11/09/0040/0021 9/8/4/16 09/08/0040/0016 15 11/9/4/53 11/09/0040/0053 9/8/4/92 09/08/0040/0092

16 Chittoor 11/9/4/59 11/09/0040/0059 9/8/4/37 09/08/0Q40/0037

17 Oev~ !I(uncia 11/9/4/80 11/09/0040/0080 9/8/4/58 09/08/0040/0058

18 Eanoge 11/9/4/65 11/09/0040/0065 9/8/4/44 09/08/0040/0044

19 Golihole 11/9/4/40 11/09/0040/0040 9/8/4/78 09/08/0040/0078 20 Gopadi 11/9/4/30 11/09/0040/0030 9/8/4/30 09/08/0040/0030 21 11/9/4/87 11/09/0040/0087 9/8/4/65 09/08/0040/0065 22 Gulvadi 11/9/4/77 11/09/0040/0077 9/8/4/55 09/08/0040/0055

23 Hadavu 11/9,/4/44 11/09/0040/0044 9/8/4/82 09/08/0040/0082 24 Haladi (76) 11/9/4/14, 11/09/0040/0014 9/8/4/9 09/08/0040/0009 25 (28) 11/9/4/13 11/09/0040/0013 \ 9/8/4/8 09/08/0040/0008 26 Hallady-Harkadi 11/9/4/22 11/09/0040/0022 9/8/4/17 09/08/0040/0017 27 Hall ihole 11/914/38 11/09/0Q40/0038 9/8/4/76 09/08/0040/0076 28 Halnad 11/9/4/75 \ 11/09/0040/0075 9/8/4/52 09/08/0040/0052 29 Hangloor 11/914/33 11/09/0040/0033 9/8/4/34 09/08/0040/0034 30 HardaLly-Mancialli 11/9/4/12 11/09/0040/0012 9/8/4/7 09/08/0040/0007 31 Harkoor 11/9/4/92 11/09/0040/0092 9t8/4/71 09/08/0040/0071 32 11/9/4/82 11/09/0Q40/0082 9/8/4/60 09/08/0040/0060 33 Hekladi 11/9/4/91 11/09/0040/0091 9/8/4/69 09/08/0040/0069 34 Henmadi 11/9/4/85 11/09/0049/0085 9/8/4/63 09/08/0040/0063 35 HengavaLLi 11/9/4/16 11/09/0040/0016 9/8/4/10 09/08/0040/0010 36 Heranjal 11/9/4151 11/09/0040/0051 9/8/4/89 09/08/0040/0089 37 11/9/4/42 11/09/0040/0042 9/8/4/80 09/08/0040/0080 38 Heskathoor 11/9/4/23 11/09/0040/0023 9/8/4/19 09/08/0040/0019




2 3 4 5 6

39 Hombady-Mar~adi 11/9/4/9 11/09/0040/0009 9/8/4/21 09/08/0040/0021 40 Hosadu 11/9/4/88 11/09/0040/0088 9/8/4/66 09/08/0040/0066 41 Hosangadi 11/9/4/66 11/09/0040/0066 9/8/4/45 09/0B/0040/0045 42 Hosoor 11/9/4/61 11/09/0040/0061 9/8/4/39 09/08/0040/0039

43 Idurkunhadi 11/9/4/60 11/09/0040/0060 9/8/4/38 09/08/0040/0038

44 Jadkal 11/9/4/39 11/09/0040/0039 9/8/4/77 09/08/0040/0077 45 Japthi 11/9/4/8 11/09/0040/0008 9/8/4/5 09/08/0040/0005

46 Kalavara 11/9/4/5 11/09/0040/0005 9/8/4/22 09/08/0040/0022 47 Kalthodu 11/9/4/41 11/09/0040/0041 9/B/4/79 09/0B/TJ040/()079 48 11/9/4/64 11/09/0040/0064 9/8/4/43 09/08/0040/0043 49 Kambadakone 11/9/4/50 . 11/09/0040/0050 9/8/4/88 09/08/0040/0088 50 Kaooavara 11/9/4/4 11/09/0040/0004 9/8/4/4 09/08/0040/0004 51 Kanyana 11/9/4/81 11/09/0040/0081 9/8/4/59 09/08/0Q40/0059 52 Karkunje 11/9/4/78 11/09/0040/0078 9/8/4/56 09/08/0040/0056 53 Kattabelthoor 11/9/4/84 11/09/0040/0084 9/8/4/62 09/08/0040/0062 54 Kavrady 11/9/4/76 11/09/0040/0076 9/8/4/53 09/08/004()/0053 55 Kedoor 11/9/4/25 11/09/0040/0025 9/8/4/24 09/08/0040/0024 56 Kenchanoor 11/9/4/79 11/09/0040/0079 9/8/4/57 09/08/0040/0057 57 Keradi 11/9/4/63 11/09/0040/0063 9/8/4/40 09/08/0040/0040 58 Kergal 11/9/4/52 11/09/0040/0052 9/8/4/90 09/08/0040/0090 59 11/9/4/49 11/09/0040/0049 9/8/4/87 Q9/0B/0040/0087 60 Kodladi 11/9/4/73 11/09/0040/0073 9/8/4/54 09/08/0040/0054 61 Kollur 11/9/4/36 11/09/0040/0036 9/8/4/74 09/08/0040/0074 62 Koni 11/9/4/34 11/09/0040/0034 9/8/4/33 09/08/0040/0033 63 Korgi 11/9/4/7 11/09/0040/0007 9/8/4/20 09/08/004P/0020 64 Koteshwar 11/9/4/32 11/09/0040/0032 9/8/4/32 09/08/0040/0032 65 Kulanje 11/9/4/69 11/09/0040/0069 9/8/4/49 09/08/0040/0049 66 Kumbashi 11/9/4/29 11/09/0040/0029 9/8/4/29 09/08/0040/0029 67 Kundabaraooadi 11/9/4/93 11/09/0040/0093 9/8/4/70 09/08/0040/0070 .. ' 68 Machattu 11/9/4/67 11/09/0040/0067 9/8/4/46 09/08/0040/0046

69 Madammakki 11/9/4/19 I 11/09/0040/0019 9/8/4/13 09/08/0040/0013 70 11/9/4/45 ! 11/09/0040/0045 9/8/4/83 09/08/0040/0083 71 Molahall i 11/9/4/11 11/09/0040/0011 918/4/6 09/08/0040/0006 72 Mudoor 11/9/4/37 11/09/0040/0037 9/8/4/75 09/08/0040/0075

11/9/4/43 11/09/0040/0043 9/8/4/81 09/08/0040/0081 73 Nada I 74 Naooanavana 11/9/4/54 11/09/0040/0054 9/8/4/91 09/08/0040/0091 75 Navuooe 11/9/4/47 11/09/0040/0047 9/8/4/85 09/08/0040/0085 76 Noojadi 11/9/4/94 11/09/0040/0094 9/8/4172 09/08/0040{0072

77 11/9/4/56 11 /09/0040/0056 9/8/4/94 09/08/0040/0094




l~\) lt~ter) (1\anua\) lt~er)

1 2 3 4 5 6 .

18 Rattadi 11/9(4/15 11/09/0040/0015 9/814/11 0910810040/0011

19 Sanapur 11/9/4/90 11/09/0040/0090 918/4/68 09/08/OO4tll0068 80 Sbankaranarayans 1119/4110 11/1)910040/0010 9/8/4/SO 09/08/0040/0050· 81 Shed i III&f'Ie 11/914/11 11/0910040/0017 9/8/4/14 09/08/0040/0014 82 11/9/4/57 11/09/0040/0057 918/4/95 09108/0040/0095 83 Siddapur 1119/4/11 11/091tr040/0071 918/4/48 09108!0040/0048

84 't1/9/4/83 11/09/0040/0083 ttt8/4/61 091081004910861 85 Thetckatte 11(9/4/27 11/09/0040/0027 9t1J14/2..fJ 89/08/004010028 86 Trashi· 11/914189 11/09/0940/0089 9/8/4/61 09108/004018067

87 Ulloor [11] "/tt/4/48 11/09!OO40/0048 918/4/8iJ 09/0810040/0086 88 Ulloor [74] 11/9/4/68 11/09/004010068 9/8/4/47 09/08/0040/0047 89 Ulthoor 11/9/4126 f 1109/0040/0026 9f8/4/26 O9f08/0040/0026 90 "19/4/86 11/09/0040fOO86 9/8/4/64 09/08/0040/0064 91 Uppurida 11/9/4155 " /09/0040/0055 f:J/8/4/93 09/08/0040/0093

92 vak~i 11/9/4/28 11/09/0040/0028 918/4/27 09/0810040/0027

93 Wandse 1119/4/58 11/09/0040/0058 9/8/4/35 09/08/0040/0035

94 Yadyadi-Mathyadi 111914/10 11/09/0040/0010 9/8/4/18 09/08/0040/0018 95 Yelj it" 11/914/35 1110910040/0035 9/814/73 09/0810040/0073


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Cod~ No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.O.Block.s

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 1448.74 46968 47958 306708 141635 165073 50235 25419 24816 8311 8779 KUNOAPURA C.O.Block R 1444.44 44679 45561 292259 134503 157756 47961 24277 23684 7642 8105 U 4.30 2289 2397 14449 7132 7317 2274 1142 1132 669 674

1 Anagall i 660.31 537 538 2995 1397 1598 400 199 201 99 133 2 Basrur 576.44 969 974 6356 3017 3339 800 412 388 109 91 3 Balk.ur 470.71 393 393 2552 1194 1358 336 153 183 88 107 4 761.48 421 421 2721 1324 1397 429 237 192 149 159 5 Kalavara 756.81 374 379 2167 952 1215 328 166 162 146 148 6 Asodu 441.39 124 124 711 329 382 61 30 31 5 7 7 Korgi 997.65 314 321 2072 908 1164 292 142 150 91 91 8 Japthi 902.61 308 308 2004 855 1149 362 183 179 12 22 9 Hombady-Mandadi 402.80 221 221 1233 551 682 222 89 133 68 75 10 Yadyadi-Mathyadi 1088.44 392 396 2741 1218 1523 433 217 216 53 60 11 Molahall i 2044.34 643 644 3896 1718 2~78 623 328 295 141 165 12 Hardally-Mandalli 1251.58 458 462 2917 1360 1557 444 231 213 84 82 13 Halady (28) 459.50 191 191 1207 585 622 184 105 79 8 11 14 Haladi (76) 1503.63 412 412 2723· 1299 1424 436 217 2,19 15 9 15 Rattadi 1284 .95 294 294 1890 871 1019 297 148 149 44 53 16 Hengavall i 2603.58 492 492 3450 1586 1864 582 259 323 69 84 17 Shedimane 2200.20 350 364 2067 949 1118 301 144 157 20 16 18 Amasebai lu 5929.60 392 398 2332 1147 1185 349 189 16() 9 10 19 Madatllllakki 4178.92 256 262 1728 805 923 274 134 140 20 19 20 Albadi 1640.00 528 542 3154 1~90 1664 496 243 253 72 56 21 Belve 2260.78 489 489 2908 1392 1516 407 214 193 66 63 22 Hallady-Harkadi 423.43 220 227 1397 657 740 238 110 128 31 27 23 Heskathoor 288.42 112 118 776 363 413 150 88 62 24 Beloor 883.25 510 510 3123 1387 1736 460 232 228 83 93 25 Kedoor 636.88 272 272 1790 859 931 260 1~2 128 107 92 26 Ulthoor 481.89 261 275 1819 821 998 295 150 145 30 36 27 Thekkatte 543.73 658 659 4081 1821 2260 608 294 314 85 89 28 Vakwadi 533.19 338 338 2233 1036 1197 374 191 183 ,.59 59 29 Kunbashi 451.13 615 615 3955 1779 2176 601 312 289 155 161 30 Gopadi 236.49 428 428 2630 1191 1439 347 167 180 114 103 31 Beejadi 434.55 742 746 4878 2159 2719 665 348 317 51 64 32 Koteshwar 732.80 1226 1261 7960 3719 4241 1040 548 492 51 51


Name ot C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Total Main 1 N 0 U S T RIA L Name of Village I Location , Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NLBber Labourers

(1 - IX) (1) (11 )

(M) (F~ (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

5126 5068 90924 77607 67553 45063 24764 18447 14064 18318 5088 5039 85862 73392 64438 44312 24621 18397 13977 18255 KUNOAPURA C.O.Block 38 29 5062 4215 3115 751 143 50 87 63

1082 1008 689 581 102 99 130 274 Anagall i 1 5 7 2311 2077 1339 556 311 67 1~0 266 Basrur 2 2 836 696 629 420 224 154 171 194 Balkur 3 7 9 885 668 662 295 169 73 205 147 Kandavara 4 4 6 620 593 517 465 155 145 133 218 Kalavara 5 3 7 224 175 143 6 121 5 16 1 Asodu 6 563 493 493 540 223 278 105 217 Korgl 7 527 528 406 462 228 245 66 145 Japthi 8 24 21 335 321 301 260 84 47 67 121 Hombady-Mandadi 9 10 7 738 647 644 738 339 383 108 258 Yadyadl-Mathyadi 10 4 5 996 893 873 692 416 ~72 232 357 Molahalll 11 37 29 863 746 735 553 256 151 205 327 Hardally-Mandalli 12 11 7 391 301 307 156 110 34 85 102 Halady (28) 13 78 75 822 674 697 538 404 271 150 224 Haladl (76) 14 71 64 470 364 467 288 209 \ 103 138 143 Rattadi 15 73 76 952 742 880 920 479 540 309 348 Heng~valll 16 26 23 569 543 529 525 253 299 130 148 Shedimane 17 308 268 601 459 609 312 323 167 142 100 Amasebai lu 18 65 71 494 396 444 435 257 302 \ 99 106 Madanmakki 19 24 22 873 704 747 496 292 165 324 285 Albadi 20 35 40 868 714 694 401 208 100 285 247 Belve 21 26 23 386 264 361 259 128 119 46 68 Hallady-Harkadi 22 4 3 190 151 188 116 112 57 48 56 Heskathoor 23 3 3 860 792 678 426 362 103 161 274 Beloor 24 14 11 571 425 416 348 181 184 82 129 Kedoor 25 10 10 495 430 424 391164 154 117 217 Ulthoor 26 1251 1149 880 798 219 155 206 530 Thekkatte 27 21 24 646 519 507 309 165 110 88 113 Vakwadi 28 17 18 1166 1148 829 584 160 144 142 287 KlJ11bash i 29 16 25 845 802 555 308 78 47 162 152 Gopadi 30 1496 1424 1028 818 229 182 201 487 Beejadi 31 23 32 2718 2458 1869 1045 202 63 551 701 Koteshwar 32


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / liard Rural/ Nuliber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & • Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill ) ( IV) [Veal) [V(b)l (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 5756 817 364 52 1147 718 5390 3543 1641 66 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block R 5002 594 360 52 1126 717 5092 3376 1539 61 U 754 223 4 21 298 167 102 5

1 Anagall i 17 12 5 3 18 182 132 28 2 Basrur 45 5 10 12 274 116 32 3 Balkur 4 4 108 66 7 4 Kandavara 4 3 14 5 118 53 29 5 Kalavara 37 37 2 7 7 46 44 16 6 Asodu 1 7 Korgi 11 5 8 33 16 51 15 3 8 Japthi 11 9 12 20 35 33 9 9 Hombady-Mandadi 4 29 19 26 51 4 10 Yadyedi -Mathyadi 21 3 2 20 10 39 67 14 11 Molahalli 21 2 4 6 4 52 25 32 t2 Mardally-Mandalli 17 , 17 8 15 8 51 39 9 13 Malady (28) 3 12 4 17 6 4 14 Haladi (76) 4 16 11 34 21 12 2 15 Rattedi 14 12 2 3 6 41 16 3 16 Hengavall i 6 4 13 22 6 17 Shedimane 80 55 2 7 6 2 18 Amasebai lu 7 11 3 26 27 13 19 Macfannakki 12 6 3 18 5 7 6 5 20 Albadi 5 3 19. 30 3 21 Belve 13 3 16 3 2 54 24 9 22 Nallady-Harkadi 3 17 5 30 16 40 35 18 23 Neskathoor 7 14 1 I 24 Beloor 7 10 .. I 5 30 17 22 25 Kedoor 3 7 15 62 16 7 26 Ulthoor 3 23 6 22 7 3 27 Thekkatte 89 7 33 4 48 60 32 7 28 Vakwadi 1 87 54 23 2~ 25 291C~i 130 5 7 4 99 67 61 15 30 Gopadi 39 13 4 62 64 26 9 31 Beejadi '67 7 9 9 79 92 58 3 32 lCoteshwar 82 9 14 288 163 59


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; COue No. :' 0040

II 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber CCllllllerce Storage and Services COIIIIUlication

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

7716 1449 1763 41 4948 1612 802 5620 73280 114390 6939 1371 1634 36 4148 1453 780 5605 69285 107839 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block m 78 129 5 800 159 22 15 3995 6551

84 18 43 3 95 25 2 6 706 1011 Anagalli 234 29 45 2 198 59 18 226 1660 2557 Basrur 2 41 32 38 5 48 565 890 Balkur 3 53 26 41 17 3 103 659 999 Kandavara 4 81 2 15 25 II 10 44 425 706 Kalavara 5 4 186 376 Asodu 6 23 2 3 33 7 9 . 61 406 563 Korgi 7 26 3 4 15 7 8 24 441 663 Japthi 8 58 8 10 19 12 3 28 247 394 HOIltlady-Mandadi 9 5' 2 15 35 13 6 54 568 731 Yadyadi-Mathyadi 10 53 6 10 47 26 27 92 818 1394 Molahalli 11 96 4 13 56 14 35 215 590 789 Hardally-Mandalli 12 43 13 20 10 278 466 Halady (28) 13 48 8 21 8 2 3D 600 856 Ha'ladi (76) 14 28 1 4 25 7 404 731 Rattadi 15 25 2 9 29 8 \ 706 943 Hengavalli 16 36 4 4 16 11 11 54 409 539 Shedimane, 17 49 3 9 28 12 31 94 507 779 Amasebal'1 U \ 18 19 2 4 20 7 18 33 343 455 loIad8lll1l8kki 19 55 6 16 30 10 743 '1168 Albadl 20 46 1 20 43 21 698 1115 Belve 21 49 10 7 23 5 3 55 293 426 Hallady-Harkadi 22 2 5 2 150 174 147 Heskethoor 23 31 2 9 45 24 227 709 1083 Beloor 24 37 1 9 28' 3 4 443 579 Kedoor 25 48 1 10 1 34 5 397 607 Ulthoor 26 144 19 33 2 69' 20 19 21 922 1441 Thekkatte 27 58 2 22 38 7 15 528 873 Vakwadi 28 122 31 21 1 8Z 35 1 11 91;9 1581 KlJIbashi 29 87 7 16 2 71 23 5 33 631 1098 Gopadi 30 174 24 37 74 14 33 258 1098 1643 Beejadi 31 374 29 108 2 195 73 25 1849 3171 Koteshwar 32


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes HUlber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ H,ouseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

33 Hangloor 342.74 583 586 3356 1620 1736 394 201 193 57 48 34 Koni 472.41 471 478 3264 1505 1759 501 253 248 37 43 35 Yeljith 3408.72 308 315 2093 946 1147 446 221 225 11 22 36 Kollur 9800.58 431 493 2396 1283 1113 376 201 175 70 80 37 Mudoor 6001.92 518 522 2557 1341 1216 418 209 209 147 149 38 Hallihole 2930.23 340 342 2175 1059 1116 418 213 205 231 228 39 Jadkal 4944.01 589 601 3349 1666 1683 659 328 331 74 76 40 tiol ihole 4584.40 508 511 3365 1596 1769 641 326 315 25 31 41 Kalthodu 4212.71 674 688 4516 1972 2544· 830 407 423 72 107 42 Heroor 1755.66 374 374 2399 1023 1376 416 212 204 10 12 43 Nada 1134.60 727 751 • 4787 2061 2726 712 365 347 170 178 44 Hadavu 225.29 230 239 1513 630 883 214 111 103 4 45 Maravanthe 451.36 683 698 4861 2325 2536 833 422 411 59 61 46 Badakere 370.96 246 251 1802 766 1036 341 166 175 47 Navunde 622.92 659 659 4791 2123 2668 892 404 488 15 13 48 Ulloor [11] 764.21 311 332 2324 1010 1314 436 214 222 53 50 49 Kirimanjeshwar 772.62 911 921 6600 2932 3668 1285 641 644 151 135 SO KariJadakone 478.14 416 427 3066 1316 1750 543 270 273 98 117 51 Heranjal 574.56 207 221 1453 656 797 209 102 107 36 31 52 Kergsl 432.55 366 427 3081 1310 1771 545 286 259 47 61 53 Bijoor 1037.17 701 709 5239 2288 2951 934 476 458 53 59 54 Nandanavana 96.83 114 117 760 354 406 115 49 66 49 42 55 530.62 1539 1573 10058 4707 5351 1844 937 907 76 69 56 Paclivari 1577.27 918 961 6098 2816 3282 997 509 488 652 719 57 Shiroor 1466.07 1916 2015 13254 6210 7044 2384 1259 1125 117 142 58 Wsndse 988.12 394 404 2479 1129 1350 371 209 162 25 35 59 Chittoor 1847.69 409 412 ,2532 1155 1377 403 211 192 38 39 60 ldurkunhadi 1719.97 297 307 2160 999 1161 402 203 199 38 38 61 Hosoor 2297.63 344 352 2141 950 1191 401 198 203 43 55 62 Belial 2581.22 401 410 2575 1122 1453 436 211 2Z5 33 43 63 Keradi 2669.58 334 337 2341 1086 1255 441 213 228 131 123

64 "amalas"i Ie 1847.70 199 199 1325 636 689 f 196 109 87 22 19 65 Ednoge 2705.84 281 281 1602 779 823 256 121 135 51 51 66 Hosangadi 3517.60 454 455 2901 1366 1535 511 262 249 45 46 67 Machattu 5314.74 353 355 2466 1146 1320 417 217 200 20 28


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code:! No. : 0040

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators AgrIcultural NlJl1ber labourers

(I - IX) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1216 1047 822 405 117 80 235 220 Hangloor 33 2 4 1089 959 735 476 149 81 119 297 Koni 34 320 346 469 365 435 388 256 280 104 96 Yeljith 35 284 268 801 554 691 191 164 27 166 106 Kollur 36 132 139 893 663 807 293 159 12 124 106 Mudoor 37 211 221 559 409 614 309 162 37 281 191 Hall ihole 38 420 396 1121 847 852 354 352 139 158 110 Jadkal 39 372 370 885 582 777 683 602 605 68 67 Gol ihole 40 161 178 1052 m 904 731 716 575 73 70 Kalthodu 41 94 89 636 640 447 503 347 416 40 75 Heroot 42 46 49 1364 1362 888 742 377 224 224 471 Nada 43 434 478 260 274 138 89 56 162 Hadavu 44 12 14 1510 1198 1036 347 153 104 102 160 Maravanthe 45 480 460 308 1''to 146 66 58 43 Badakere 46 9 20 1420 1284 907 604 280 297 110 218 Navunde 47 9 12 607 492 437 593 249 399 80 157 Ulloor [11] 48 1776 1518 1186 871 398 362 119 309 Kirimanjeshwar 49 7 10 859 849 554 468 298 259 84 135 Kambadakone 50 434 339 307 339 264 296 22 35 Heranjal 51 763 749 491+ 673 325 513 61 135 Kei\Jal 52 11 11 1449 1200 979 966 547 677 203 271 Bi joor 53 243 171 175 119 94 98 38 17 Nandanavana 54 15 9 2991 2228 2066 942 425 361 179 331 Uppunda 55 6 3 1836 1527 1200- 659 270 139 153 130 Paduvari 56 5 4260 3583 2376 958 456 382 133 103 Shiroor 57 13 7 743 664 529 SOl 146 151 219 291 Wandse 58 81 104 634 491 526 404 256 224 126 160 Chittoor 59 5 628 516 514 260 374 187 57 58 ldurkunhadi 60 91 84 577 636 425 279 279 175 91 87 Hosoor 61 51 45 652 589 601 686 319 332 223 316 Bellal 62 134 129 577 375 566 603 295 406 235 191 Keradi 63 177 169 408 343 325 145 137 22 111 84 Kamalash i le 64 ~26 229 460 272 430 217 208 69 142 122 Edmoge 65 71 62 m 615 730 303 379 94 185 164 Hosangadi 66 70 73 653 543 601 463 359 296 104 131 Machartu 67


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village! Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town! Ward Rural! NLllber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(" I) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

33 Hangloor 3 8 2 121 57 29 34 Koni 20 8 31 4 162 73 56 35 Yeljith 6 1 20 1 8 36 Kollur 43 10 2 • 21 5 15 37 Mudoor 435 157 12 5 2 38 Hall ihole 7S 12 2 12 47 7 39 Jadkal 161 54 1 15 9 76 13 10 40 Gol ihole 9 3 18 2 41 Kalthodu 22 73 38 1 2 42 Heroor 9 4 5 3 9 43 Nada 9 7 10 12 76 9 38 44 Hadavu 9 16 13 1 45 Haravanthe 398 12 8 12 63 12 13 46 Badakere 19 23 17 2 47 Navunde 204 31 1 6 49 9 40 48 Ulloor [11] 4 6 3 30 17 12 8 49 Kirimanjeshwar 341 5 4 44 12 7 50 Kambadakone 4 3 44 49 6 51 Heranjal 1 1 2 52 Kergal 2 5 19 8 4 53 Bijoor 5 5 7 4 44 4 54 Nandanavana 3 55 UpplI'lda 583 4 4 4.0 17 92 17 36 56 Paduvari 257 3 32 24 6 7 27 26 93 57 Shiroor 611 34 3 25 39 290 215 83 4 58 Wandse 9 2 3 24 36 8 59 Chittoor 6 3 42 12 14 13 60 Jdurkunhadi 7 2 21 2 61 Hosoor 10 3 8 13 16 62 Bellal '3 3 11 9 27 2

63 Keradi 2 4 1 I 2 64 K8J!IiIl ash i l e 22 7 7 27 65 Eanoge 10 3 25 5 6 2 4 7 66 Hosangadi 4 3 5 5 31 20 6 67 Machattu 3 20 27 65 4


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location .Workers . Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIlt>er COIIIllerce Storage and Services COII1IlUI'lication

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ..(F)_ .. (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) '(44),. (2) (1)

146 8 81 90 29 11 9 787 1-322" Hangloor 33 92 4 38 60 15 1 10 769 12~ Koni 34 25 2 5 10 7 32 184 479 575 Yeljith 35 98 4 26 155 38 7 16 585 906 Kollur 36 47 7 10 13 11 23 534 900 Mudoor 37 35 3 16 23 19 1 444 806 Hall ihole 38 51 11 6 22 18 6 106 808 1223 Jadkal 39 54 1 4 19 8 25 95 794 991 Golihole 40 33 2 17 11 6 20 1062 1793 Kal thodu 41 20 5 8 8 575 872 Heroor 42 71 6 10 66 20 4 107 1169 18n Nada 43 26 3 13 7 4 40 366 569 Hadavu 44 178 14 13 107 33 10 42 f279 2147 Maravanthe 45 28 2 13 4 ... 458 922 Badakere 46 133 31 22 62 17 13 118 1203 1946 Navunde 47 15 ' 9 30 9 5 , 22 568 699 Ulloor [11] 48 180 157 24 2 68 24 8 102 1738 2695 Kirimanjeshwar 49 71 9 13 31 16 9 68 753 1214 Kanbadakone 50 6 3 10 6 349 458 Heranjal 51 46 1 6 26 15 816 1097 Kergal 52 91 3 17 56 10 13 56, 1296 1929 Bi]~or 53 23 4 3 14 179 281 Nandanavana 54 539 165 29 7 139 40 45 197 2596 4212 Uppunda 55 206 293 53 103 36 86 376 1530 2247 Paduvari 56 479 103 83 213 78 52 343 3782 5743 Shiroor 57 51 5 27 42 15 600 849 Wandse 58 40 6 22 5 39 165 590 808 Chittoor 59 32 3 16 14 8 '18 4n 883 Idurkunhadi 60 5 5 8 3 525 912 Hosoor 61 15 4 12 10 76 521 691 Bellal 62 9 6 11 5 3 520 649 Keradi 63 9 16 23 5 311 543 Kamalashi le 64 14 7 5 9 8 349 606 Ecinoge 65 64 4 15 36 17 17 635 1215 Hosangadi 66 26 1 9 11 8 545 857 Machattu 67


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No . 0040 locatIon Name of VIllage I Totall Area In No.of No.of Total populatIon Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (IncludIng I n tire age group castes Nunber Urban for vll- ~let Holds InstitutIonal & (0 - 6) lages & Resld­ Housetess In sq.km entlal populatIon) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (~) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (f'i.).,. 68 Ulloor [74] 2266 so 460 2841 1326 1515 415 193 222 an a8 69 Kulanje 1440 !o 260 1821 843 984 296 135 161 11 12 70 2312 ~, 811 4876 2327 2549 683 335 348 107 123 71 Sf dclapur ;;3009 56 98-6 5611 2771 2840 880 453 427 228 220 72 AJri 3033 27 534 3480 1589 1891 615 30T 30a 65 69 73 Kodladi 1~377 80 280 1803 866 937 270 142 128 22 22 74 Aq:)ar 2168.40 696 713 4517 2\60 2357 654 323 331 229 211 75 Hatnad 401.92- 185 185 1102 480 622 166 87 79 71 58 76 Kavrady 1228.86 703 704 4770. 2236 2534 784 382 402 86 101 77 Gulvadi 1 1~3.24 544 552 3549 1640 1909 662 340 322 135 156 7ft Karkunje 1843.14 540 569 3873 1795 2078 734 371 363 109 117 79 Kenehanoor 496.38- 179 184 1146 515 631 211 119 92 18 15 • 80 DeWtlkunda ~42.35 220 22a 1410 604 806 216 112 104 39 50 81 K~ana 540.51 224 249 1525 682 843 226 108 118 58 75 82 Hatti angach 431.39 227 232 18-61. 878 983 336 176 160 110 115 81 TaHw- 488.53 518- 5ZO 3249 1489 1760 531 260 271 122 130 84 K-attabel thoor 519.22 378 383 2517 1131 1386 460 229 231 95 79 as ltenlnlldi 623.13 524 557 3548 1583 1965 640 321 319 64 62 86 Upplnakudru 455.69 417 417 2605 1166 1439 404 205 199 158 177 &7 Gujjadi 705.39 806 833 5407 253.2 2875 957 490 467 281 293 88 Itosadu 539.40 443 449 2960 1347 1613 496 268 228 111 121 89 Trashl 536.67 50.t 508 3188 1488 1700 463 229 234 155 191 ge Sanapur 668.34 359 360 2398 1118 1280 343 198 145 100 93 91 Hekladi 613.61 465 469 3197 1377 1820 580 310 210 116 116 9i llarkoor 1354.68 290 2.90 1967 896 1071 348 182 166 81 94 91 K\I'IdIIbaraAdact1 486.70 239 239 1702 714 988 289 133 156 44 62 9l. IbJjadi 68l.55 280 280 /,884 838 1046 356 170 186 10 10 95 Aloor 1984-.47 511 512 3.301 1490 1811 635 351 284 46. 55

C.D. Btadt Total Rural 1444.44 44679 45761 292259 134503.- 15775-6 47961 24277 23684 7542 8105

'" 1 G'engol i (.ta4CT) 4.(17 1m 188.1 12332 6038 6294 1885 936 949 523 557 l Kosangadt K P C Project Colony 11.Z3 StU 516 4117 1094 1023 389 206 183 146 117

c.n. Block Total Urban 4.30 2289 2397 14449 7132 7317 2274 1142 1132 669 614 CENSUS ABSTRACT

NaJllt: of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

'Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town I Wartd Code Cultivators Agricultural N.LII1ber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( I I )

~----- (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (1'1) (F)

(is) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1) ~

.,.80 73 831 652 709 516 316 168 275 245 Ulloor (74] 68 196 199 533 411 467 367 190 53 200 285 Kulanje 69 l06 lB2 1573 1344 1236 731 520 315 3B6 346 Shankaranarayana 70 129 126 1740 T32() 1578 579 618 160 419 210 Slddapur 71 44 41 906 759 842 674 462 321 268 286 Ajri 72 189 181 479 384 489 224 262 89 178 126 Kodladi 73 91 73 1418 1177 1115 837 505 440 199 218 Ampar 74 3 4 323 297 246 242 124 134 72 91 Halnad 75 20 30 1609 1352 1009 634 290 194 194. 197 Kavrady 76 2 3 1053 936 764 766 188 241 138 273 Gulvadi n 1 1098 977 819 438 335 103 180 240 Karkunje 78 12 15 280 264 238 136 105 49 55 54 Kenchanoor 79 3 3 436 500 294 330 163 155 60 153 Devalkunda 80 6 8 447 373 331 401 152 197 69 165 Kanyana 81 555 516 404 352 132 181 92 128 Hattiangadi 82 29 27 1003 917 1t4 424 157 98 162 241 Tallur 83 13 13 694 628 508 421 204 160 101 164 Kattabel thoor 84 14 13 1003 903 696 614 288 345 135 168 Hemmadl 85 799 808 596 490 248 198 98 257 Uppinakudru 86 3 6 1596 1384 1107 5817 2,18 114 265 294 Gujjadi 87 828 750 597 160 194 35 76 4S.. Hosadu 88 9 9 1027 912 63h 191 203 53 97 89 \ Trashi 89 9 10 712 589 488 251 214 99 134 114 Sanapur 90 20 18 794 791 588 667 179 en 136 308 Hekladi 91 15 12 490 373 430 296 229 126 111 160 Harkoor 92 4 6 433 410 336 430 11"9 66 117 339 Kundabarandad i 93 30 39 497 400 406 361 181 197 126 157 Noojadi 94 10 13 809 634 751 2B9 470 201 57 41 Aloor 95

5088 5039 85862, 73392 64436 44312 24621 18397 13977 18255 C.D. Block Total Rural


15 14 4231 3527 2586 716 143 50 87 63 Gangol i (NMCT) 23 15 831 688 529 35 Hosangadi K P C Projec~ Colony 2

38 29 5062 4215 3115 751 143 50 87 63 C.D. Block Totlll ttrban


Name of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village! Total! CAT EGO R I E S O'F M A I N Code Town ! Ward Rural! .... -~ NlIIIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Serviclng and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities (III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)1.. (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) .(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

68 ULLoo,. {74] 6 17 13 28 80 2 69 Kulanje 4 9 17 8 70 Shankaranarayana 19 4 2 13 5 51 22 20 71 Siddapur 80 10 22 5 102 161 37 9 n Ajri 9 5 7 3 15 52 13 73 Kodladi 2 11 5 7 7 74~r 20 2 10 44 12 126 137 28 75 Halnad 8 1 9 5 76 Kavrady 23 3 56 30 145 161 12 n Gulvadi 8 2 12 2 196 234 24 78 Karkunje 19 12 2 4 78 67 30 79 Kenchanoor 2 7 18 17 19 2 80 Deva l klllda 1 3 2 22 12 8 81 Kanyana 5 2 58 32 11 82 Hattiangadi 13 --'_ 3 74 28 7 83 Tallur 18 1 4 112 40 27 84 Kattabelthoor 25 3 9 28 63 46 17 85 lIenmadi 14 11 3 64 63 32 86 Uppi nakudru 93 47 22 12 87 Gujjadi 176 40 23 6 181 68 36 88 Hosadu 145 12 3 4 37 47 18 89 Trashi 95 2 5 11 8 36 3 33 90 Sanapur 5 22 2 11 7 9 91 Hekladi 56 2 7 10 6 43 21 24 92 Harkoor 5 1 37 4 93 Kundabarandadi 3 5 2 1 34 6 8 4 94 Noojadi 3 4 6 34 2 3 95 Aloor 5 51 50 36 27 6 8

C.D. Block Total Rural 5002 594 360 52 1126 717 5092 3376 1539 61


1 Gangol i (NMCT) 754 223 4 21 291 167 83 4 2 H08engadi K P C Project Colony 7 19 1

C.D. Block Total Urban 754 223 4 21 298 167 102 5


Namt! of C.D. Block: KUNDAPURA ; Cout! No. : 0040

W 0 RICE R S MarginaL Non·Workers Name of ViLlage ,. location Workers Town, Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other H&.nJber • Comnerce Storage and Services COIIIIIJnication

(VII) (VII I) (1)0

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) un (f) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

29 5 31 9 2 615 999 Ulloor [74] 68 26 2 8 22 10 376 617 lCulanje 69 91 9 30 104 30 6 7 tOtlS 1811 Shankaranarayana 70 151 3 36 113 21 3 6 1190 2255 Siddapur 71 31 3 11 21 9 10 111 737 ',06 Ajri 72 10 2 12 2 2 377 711 lCodLadi 73 91 11 28 64 17 17 42 1028 1478 A~r 74 16 2 4 11 9 6 82 228 298 Halnad 75 161 31 4S 83 17 1227 1900 Kavrady 76 53 10 10 6 866 1137 Gulvadi 77 107 6 136 96 10 28 37 1S. 37 976 1603 Karkunje 78 12 5 15 14 4 18 273 477 Kenchanoor 79 11 5 7 17 4 106 310 370 Devalkunda 80 10 8 16 7 4 4' 347 401 Kanyana 81 61 5 11 14 6 23 123 451 508 Hattiangadi 82 141 7 35 58 36 2 773 1336 Tallur 83 41 13 15 :53 7 13 154 6'0 811 Kattabelthoor 84 94 3 10 48 31 4 51 883 1300 Henmadi 85 51 2 16 30 10 4 186 566 763 Uppinakudru 86 85 30 58 64 35 4 1425 2284 ~jjadi 87 60 12 17 4 33 14 4 69 746 1384 \ Hosadu 88 79 5 22 55 30 7 70 845 1439 Trashi 89 59 21 9 25 8 3 69 627 960 Sanapur 90 89 112 7 41 5 7 37 782 1116 HekLadi 91 22 6 18 6 5 93 461 682 Harkoor 92 20 Z 9 20 10 10 34 368 524 Kunclabarandadi 93 11 7 31 5 5 432 680 Noojadi 94 51 13 19 5 2 123 737 1399 Aloor 95

6939 1371 1634 4'48 1453 780 5605 69285 107839 C.D. BLock Total Rural


768 78 124 5 311 125 18 15 3434 5563 Gangol i (NMCT) 9 5 , 489 34 4 561 988 Hosangadi K P C Project Colony 5 800 159 22 15 3995 6551 C.D. Block Total Urban




\ The following r~~enue villages of Ma~lorc Taluk which had been assigned locatidn code numbers have since been classified as 9utgrowths of Ma~galore U rhan Agglomeration. \ L.e.No. Namf.'i of the village

1. Bengare Area 45. Katipalla 53. Tannirabavi 54. Panambur 55. Baikampady 57. -1(ul:ii 58. Hosabellu

Hence these villages do not find a mention in the Alphabetical List of Villages as well as in the PCA Stalcme~. This explains the gap in location code numbe"; noticed in the liSt af villages and the peA Statement of Mangalore C.D.Block. However these units appear in the urban category as part of MangaJore Urba~ Agglomeration. .




2 3 4 5 6

1 11/9/5/28 11/09/0050/0028 9/8/5/37 09/08/0050/0037· 2 11/9/5/14 11/09/0050/0014 9/8/5/23 09/08/0050/0023 3 Adyar 11/9/5/31 11/09/0050/0031 9/8/5/40 09/08/0050/0040 4 11/9/5/67 11/09/0050/0067 9/8/5/80 09/08/0050/0080 5 Amblamogru 11/9/5/6 11/09/0050/0006 9/8/5/15 09/08/0050/0015 6 Arkula 11/9/5/30 11/09/0050/0030 9/8/5/39 09/08/0050/0039 7 Athikari Bettu 11/9/5/59 11/09/0050/0059 9/8/5/72 09/08/0050/0072 8 11/9/5/73 11/09/0050/0073 9/8/5/86 09/08/0050/0086

9 Badagaulipady 11/9/5/26 11/09/0050/0026 9/8/5/35 09/08/0050/0035 10 Badagayedapadavu 11/9/5/20 11/09/0050/0020 9/8/5/29 09/08/0050/0029 11 Badagayekkar 11/9/5/41 11/09/0050/0041 9/8.15/51 09/08/0050/0051 12 11!9{5/48 11/09/0050/0048 '9/8/5/58 09/08/0050/0058 13 Bala 11/9/5/46 11/09/0050/0046 9/8/5/56 09/08/0050/0056 14 Balkunje 11/9/5/61 11/09/0050/0061 9/8/5/74 09/08/0050/0074 15 Beltairu 11/9/5/81 11/09/0050/0081 9/8/5/94 09/08/0050/0094 16 Belma 11/9/5/8 11/09/0050/0008 9/8/5/17 09/08/0050/0017 17 Soliyar 11/9/5/3 11/09/0050/0003 9/8/5/10 09/08/0050/0010 18 Bondanthi la 11/9/5/33 11/09/0050/0033 9/8/5/42 09/08/0050/0042

19 Chellai ru 11/9/5/37 11/09/0050/0037 9/8/5/47 09/08/0050/0047

20 Delanthabettu 11/9/5/40 11/09/0050/0040 9/8/5/50 09/08/0050/0050

21 Elathur 111'9/5/84 11/09/0050/0084 9/8/5/97 09/08/0050/0097 22 'El inje 11/9/5/65 11/09/0050/0065 9/8/5/78 09/08/0050/0078 , 23 Hallangady 11/9/5/77 11)09/0050/0077 9/8/5/90 09/08/0050/0090 24 11/9/5/4 11/09/0050/0004 9/8/5/11 09/08/0050/0011

25 Kalavar 11/9/5/47 11/09/0050/0047 9/8/5/57 \09/08/0050/0057 26 Kandavara 11/9/5/13 11/09/005dio013 9/8/5/22 09/08/0050/0022 \ 27 Karnire 11/9/5/60 11/09/0050(0060 9/8/5/73 09/08/0050/0073 28 Kavathar 11/~/5/62 11/09/0050)0062 9/8/5/75 09/08/0050/0075 29 Kemral 11/9/5/72 11/09/0050/0072 9/8/5/85 09/08/0050/0085 30 Kenjar 11/9/5/49 11/09/0050/0049 9/815/59 09/08/0050/0059 31 Kilenjar 11/9/5/22 1 V09/0050/0022 9/8/5/31 09/08/0050/0031 32 Kilenjur: 1 11/9/5/71 ,11/09/0050/0071 9/8/5/84 09/08/0050/0084 33 Ki lpady 11/9/5/82 111/09/0050/0082 918/5/95 09/08/0050/0095 34 Kimya 11/9/5/10 11/09/0050/0010 9/8/5/19 09/08/0050/0019 35 Koikude 11/9/5/75 11/09/0050/0075 9/8/5/88 09/08/0050/0088 36 1(0lllll'be ',/9/5/15 "/09/()050/0015 9/8/5/24 09108/0050/0024 37 Kolavoor, 11/9/5/23 11/09/0050/0023 9/8/5/32 09/08/0050/0032 38 Kollur 11/9/5/63 11/0910050/0063 9/8/5/76 09108/0050/0076


Name of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050

Locatlon Name of Vlllage / Totall Area in No of No of Total populat10n Total Populatlon Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ (Includlng 1n the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pled Holds Instltutlonal & (0 - 6) lages & Resld­ Houseless in $q.km entlal populatlon) for Houses towns and C.D Blocks

(P) • (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8 ) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14).

T 444.82 60754 61615 361321 176102 185219 53839 27570 26269 6938 6906 MANGALORE C.D.Block R 378.57 39530 39977 230919 111090 119829 33722 17193 16529 5307 5244 U 66.25 21224 21638 130402 65012 65390 20117 10377 9740 1631 1662

2 Pavoor 992.32 801 801 5105 2558 2547 826 446 380 108 106 Bollyar 617.09 649 649 4133 2053 2080 746 386 360 70 72 4 Harekala 616.88 794 811 5214 2587 2627 904 470 434 42 4'\ 5 Munnur 436.86 1066 1070 6343 3165 3158 1033 529 504 77 69

I) Amblarnogru 537.00 586 614 3S13 1920 1893 634 336 298 46 41 7 1039.40 972 1019 5645 2931 2714 913 478 435 102 83 8 Belma 363.41 579 596 4130 2085 2045 729 364 365 77 75 9 Man)anady 561 82 898 898 6116 3050 3066 1181 590 591 52 49 10 Klnnya 436.26 469 469 3298 1613 1685 626 300 326 50 55 11 Talapady 613.94 929 965 5972 2932 3040 995 506 489 184 176 12 Mulur 516.41 723 729 4490 2036 2454 584 276 308 77 75 13 Kandavara 537.32 539 539 3180 1541 1639 456 232 224 92 93 14 Adyapady 466.06 346 346 2131 1003 1128 297 154 143 155 168 15 Kolambe 915.03 721 722 3930 1966 1964 411 228 183 70 60 16 Paduperar 822.97 574 579 3145 HB5 1660 392 205 187 42 33 17 Muduperar 896.06 806 807 4623 2181 2442 696 365 331 37 28 18 Kompadavu 842.41 379 379 2216 1052 1164 331 167 164 1 19 Muchur 677 32 360 363 2082 987 1095 274 136 138 78 84 20 Badagayedapadavu 1052.39 663 670 3820 1837 1983 540 256 284 87 115 21 Tenkayedapadavu 1195.41 893 915 5158 -i2525 2633 762 385 377 48 54 22 KllenJar 525.29 436 438 2607 1239 1368 384 189 195 68 89 23 Kolavoor 432.80 398 398 2455 1185 1270 342 173 169 95 89 24 Muthur 307.75 247 250 1487 725 762 260 142 118 61 74 25 Mogaru 458.02 404 408 2380 1091 1289 359 161 195 26 31 26 Badagaullpady 801. 90 858 860 5191 2423 2768 724 352 372 44 33 27 Tankaullpady 403.01 309 312 1877 914 963 286 151 135 58 49 28 Addur 449.54 597 601 4240 2106 2134 869 394 475 36 38 29 Mallur 270.19 395 406 2664 1307 1357 563 280 283 1 2 30 Arkula 401.46 610 611 3812 1883 1929 695 358 337 27 33 31 Adyar 489.49 763 767 5048 2495 2553 914 437 477 93 108


Name of C.D. Block MANGALORE: Code No : 0050

Scheduled Llterates Total Maln I N D U 5 T R I A L Nu~~ )f Vl11age / Lo~atlon Tnbes Workers Tow·: I Ward Code Cultlvators Agrlcultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (MI (FI (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16 ) (17) (18 ) (19) (20) (21) (22 ) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1861 1837 130209 113043 88389 69293 11404 6048 11433 7368 1525 1543 80882 71615 56069 48596 10287 5469 10703 6744 MANGALORE C.P BLock

336 294 49327 41428 32320 20698 1117 579 730 ~24

1698 1246 1311 1094 249 108 287 97 Pavoor 2 7 4 1249 896 1049 1021 256 ll9 371 108 Bollyar 3 6 5 1658 1056 1299 1017 172 81 315 113 Harekala 4 2 5 2346 1855 1709 1405 236 157 135 28 Munnur 5 5 5 1291 891 989 S8l 213 ll8 255 94 Amblamogru 6 67 65 2051 11491 1545 1156 233 77 287 193 KonaJe 7 11 8 1590 1.210 1084 843 113 36 181 69 Belma 8 28 32 2076 1380 1440 1196 120 22 95 40 Man]anady 9 8 5 1068 766 750 595 120 35 112 35 Klnnya 10 2087 1711 1359 1206 214 152 118 81 Talapady 11 12 14 1514 1595 1015 820 117 42 121 157 Mulur 12 10 12 1110 972 797 712 102 47 144 100 Kandavara 13 7 7 748 666 498 574 149 104 66 88 Adyapady 14 7 1563 1331 952 768 216 60 244 98 Kolambe 15 18 18 1076 996 764 692 217 95 182 119 Paduperar 16 1619 1620 943 838 234 87 133 129 Mp.?uperar 17 " 40 24 736 636 460 404 150 62 " 58 41 Kom~davu 18 63 68 713 644 529 494 157 46 137 125 Muchur 19

37 48 1338 1093 999 9~8 186 60 231 137 Badagayedapadavu 20 213 219 1726 1431 1374 1358 291 167 448 236 Tenkayedapadavu 21 36 27 933 841 676 _ 591 155 122 III 83 Kllenjar 22 21 27 772 636 673 654 Hi8 83 263 128 Kolavoor 23 20 19 499 434 355 391 93 36 137 57 Muthur 24 26 39 755 663 562 633 123 32 157 119 Mogaru 25 35 43 1818 1665 1157 918 184 76 155 47 Badagaullpady 26 661 507· , 455 409 116 39 162 56 Tankaullpady 27 19 15 1374 1048 888 777 139 36 138 101 Addur 28 10 5 802 548 652 561 _ 65 40 124 60 Mallur 29 11 7 1328 1051 980 855 128 89 188 61 Arkula 30 5 1693 1298 1288 1070 123 55 138 93 Adyar 31


Name Of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No .. 0050

Locatlor. NaITl

F~sh~ng, Serviclng and Servicing and

Hunt~ng and Repairs ln Repcnrs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allled Industry

(IIII (IV [Via) 1 [Vlb) 1 IVI \

(M) (F) (M' 'F (M) (F) (M) 'F) (FI

(1) (2) (3) (25) 126) 1271 (28 ) (29) (30 1 (31 ) 132' (33 V (34)

T 4323 543 568 88 1187 608 16816 48689 6282 ~66 MANGALORE C D Block R 1522 180 46j 73 969 514 9191 32724 3711 208 U 2801 363 105 15 218 94 7625 15965 2571 58

2 Pavoor 64 4 1 4 4 376 860 27 2 Bollyar 5 1 199 782 13 4 Harekala 19 3 7 341 800 26 5 Munnur 35 1 5 1 511 1123 130 6 Amblamogru 8 12 1 188 654 61 7 Kona]e 65 3 14 28 74 127 731 201 8 Belma 29 7 1 224 706 45 9 Man]anady 290 13 4 10 1 147 1084 128 10 Klnnya 65 20 6 85 496 65 11 Talapady 44 6 13 9 237 899 93 1 12 Mulur 12 1 4 6 180 536 29 13 Kandavara 9 7 8 202 510 36 14 Adyapady 1 5 3 40 368 68 15 Kolambe 37 7 3 94 548 70 16 Paduperar 21 2 • 1 17 9 93 431 27 17 Muduperar 68 12 12 5 1 151 575 80 18 Kompadavu 4 12 43 244 55 4 19 Muchur 2 10 27 18 52 294 7 20 Badagayedapadavu 3 1 89 59 124 590 23 1 21 Tenkayedapadavu l3 39 15 4 1 238 896 27 1 22 Kilen]ar 32 4 13 3 136 368 17 23 Kolavoor 7 3 3 121 435 11 24 Muthur 4 1 65 282 7 25 Mogaru 8 2 17 4 97 461 26 Badagaullpady 22 1 19 51 20 254 719 60 27 Tankaullpady 6 73 311 11 28 Addur 11 1 2 7 2 141 622 53 29 Mallur 13 7 5 107 435 43 8 30 Arkula 15 6 5 15 5 195 647 47 31 Adyar 15 2 25 6 6 304 850 105


Name of CD. Block; MANGALORE ; Code No. ; 0050

W 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location

Workers Town / Ward ~ode Trade and Transport. Other Number Commerce Storage and SerVices Communioatlon

(VII) (VIII ) , IX)

(M) (F) (M,I IFI (M) iF) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36 ) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) 1431 (44 ) (2) (1)

16134 1885 8106 219 12136 3579 1284 4288 ~429 111638 9042 599 3953 72 6228 2013 908 2865 54113 68368 MANGALORE C.D.Block 7092 1286 4153 147 5908 1566 376 1423 32316 432VO

143 5 68 89 16 22 102 1225 1351 Pavoor 2 101 1 35 1 61 9 2 52 1002 1007 Bollyar 3 200 2 62 154 15 18 170 1270 1440 Harekala 4 318 15 170 168 68 28 41 1448 1712 Munnur 5 131 50 1 71 12 j 34 928 976 Amblamog:r:u 6 189 6 76 2 319 70 57 39 1329 1519 Kona]e 7 239 6 102 151 18 1 2 1000 1200 Belma 8 430 5 69 147 31 14 73 1596 1797 Man)anady 9 174 2 41 82 7 31 28 832 1062 Kinnya 10 259 17 153 228 40 2 1573 1832 Talapady 11 250 15 152 149 60 37 59 984 1575 Mulur 12 145 4 51 1 93 36 13 23 731 904 Kandavara 13 70 2 57 41 7 35 32 470 522 Adyapady 14 134 14 57 2 85 33 116 ,219 898 977 Kolambe 15 101 11 43 2 62 23 28 ilO l 693 867 Paduperar 16 95 7 80 85 27 2 ~2 1236 1572 Muq}lperar 17 34 14 85 51 59 125 "533 635 Komp~davu 18 80 2 19 3:2 7 5 113 \ 453 488 Muchur 19 120 4 44 178 6'6 7 69 831 996 Badagayedapadavu 20 160 11 60 94 3! 28 1151 1247 Tenkayedapadavu 21 123 34 51 11 22 97 541 680 Kilenjar 22 49 1 21 27 4 _l 30 511 586 Kolavoor 23 16 6 27 14 \ 3 27 367 344 Muthur 24 84 31 34 9 11 110 518 546 Mogaru 25 169 7 125 118 48 6 100 1260 1150 Badagaullpady 26 40 15 32 2 1 1 458 553 Tankaulipady 27 205 78 2 114 13 125 181 1093 1176 Addur 28 191 2 24 1 78 10 4 _ -l'<> 651 698 Mallur 29 158 124 104 38 6 24 897 1050 30 217 118 46 22 40 1185 1443 Adyar 31


Name of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050

Location Name of VIllage I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total populatIon Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NU1t>er Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ House less in sq.km enti!,l population) for Houses towns and C.O.Blocks

(P) (M) (f) (P) '(M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

32 Neermarga 814.42 723 729 4092 2018 2074 508 267 241 67 78 33 Bondanthi La 806.55 114 715 3991 1911 2080 492 258 234 86 81 34 Kudupu 437.45 371 371 ~052 1013 1039 225 108 117 12 9 35 Th i ruva it 516.66 831 854 4420 2107 2313 629 323 306 82 76 36 Ulaibettu 567.17 516 557 3527 1704 1823 556 268 288 47 45 37 Cheltairu 317.01 316 316 1788 845 943 '235 124 11 1 n 95 38 Madya 199.79 212 212 1092 482 610 146 79 67 86 87 39 Surinje 344.00 334 334 2010 934 1076 285 159 126 2 40 Delanthabettu 320.43 219 226 1333 625 708 193 102 91 39 46 41 Badagayekkar 1011.26 446 451 2322 1095 1227 265 153 112 50 53 42 Tenkayeltkar 640.64 518 520 2938 1357 1581 419 213 206 62 69 43 Pernude 742.43 552 552 3009 1437 1572 416 216 200 13 12 44 Kuthethur 695.82 408 408 2211 1028 1183 254 130 124 43 36 46 Bala 567.21 475 481 2511 1263 1248 310 176 134 41 35 47 Xslavsr 330.35 349 353 1939 925 1014 274 142 132 77 BD ,48 Bajpe 722.70 1182 1189 6659 3250 3409 931 475 456 124 102 49 Kenjar 667.56 120 729 4312 2067 2245 603 295 308 214 221 50 Malavoor 607.42 545 545 2905 1500 1405 431 234 197 243 213 51 Mudushedde 594.06 1060 1060 5269 2561 2708 824 417 407 113 128 52 Padushedde 145.58 126 129 674 341 333 108 57 51 10 8 56 Thokur-(62) 531. 70 767 768 5089 2586 2503 874 483 391 29 33 59 Athikari Bettu 523.20 471 471 2532 1095 1437 288 139 149 79 66 60 Karnire '190.60 210 210 1063 444 619 138 72 66 6 7 61 Balkunje 384.56 321 330 1668 732 936 220 99 121 36 37 62 Kavathar 493.33 290' 290 1526 673 855 190 101 89 106 100 316.73 145 147 775 356 419 108 56 52 22 23 63 Kollur I 64 Ulepady 465:58 231 232 1301 554 747 131 63 68 33 31 65 El inje 629.34 433 435 2232 1014 1218 254 128 126 ,;; 23 66 Tal ipady 1193.73 1192 1214 6358 2929 3429 728 398 330 238 226 67 Aikala 696.48 437 438 2033 902 1131 239 115 124 90 95 68 Menna Bettu 551.90 697 706 3422 1604 1818 382 197 185 179 177 69 KondenwJla 244.14 353 366 1812 836 976 205 96 109 126 117 70 NadJgodu 288.84 255 256 1319 568 751 173 86 87 23 18 71 Kilenjur-1 136.59 112 112 658 294 364 83 43 40 3 5 72 Kemral 374.74 474 479 2530 1202 1328 294 165 129 47 46

112 Nal* of C.D. Block ~ MANCiALOR'E ; C(lCie No. : OOSO

Liter.t.. I • D U S T R I A L .... of Villqe I locat.fon TOWI , ward Codt CUltivators Agricuttural ~r LlIbout'ers

(l - ,.) (II)

tJt) (f) (lit) ef) (lit) ef) (lit). (f) (JII, (f)

,'S) (16) (17) US) (19) (20) (21) (22) 423) (24) (1)

, T01 283 , ,_1SOT 1370 T150 903 182 tloG veer.rga 32 s ,. 1044- 1015 225 153 223 156 IGndanttlila 31 n t.6" IItT ,__m 561 358 80 26 36 11 IC~ 34 ,.. ,- 11e- 969 9a 53 2'16 91 Thirwai l 35 • 1095- 175 9!6 T043- 1i6 96 205 146 Ulaibettu 36 6 657 619 ~ 464 \16 96 25 60 Chllairu 37 4'- 345- l64 Z46 256 52 41 B 31 Madp 38 12 6IS 687 39f 394 19 Tn 49 76 Surinje 39 6 425 199 zai 332 at 4a 33 56 Dehmthabettu 40 4& 7att 178 55S 521 137 95 141 104 lJadagayetckar 41 921- 95It 639 543" " 41 288 178 Tenkayekbr 42 fa 23 1013 9n 7~ 566 153 59 193 113 Pernu:te 43 25 23 77S 755 534 515 192 131 71 94 Kuthethur 44 1026 166 651 412 125 ·31 91. 51 Bala 46 6106 591 4&3 443 62 60 124 6S Kalavar 47 46 250T 2315 15&1 1022 163 116 146 125 Bajpe 48 152T 1345 tOS2 954 22f., T16 164 130 lCenjar 49 28 1061 904 78P 481 115' 48 203 69 Mala'lOCr 50 W 1755 150S 1369- 1m 11)0 '29- la1 131 Mudushedde 51 239 ,. 204 110 7Q n t2 6 52 14- 11 1920 1565 ,. 844 167 47 -, 90 39 56 7 4 1ta ".,. 627 164- 101 109 180 ~ittari lettu 59 I .. lami,.. 11 6 3,55 457 221 .. 96 1\3 ' 46 7J. 60 f9. 2D 516. 616 • JU 130 114 \ 40 ~ BaUwnje 61 16- 51)4. 57a 31.09- 3W 144 124 105 91 lavettlar 62 a 26" 27T 28-1 T4a 100 60- 13" 4T 11 Ieot lUI' 63 9 tl' 444 496 267 32! 111 93 sa 110 UleplMly 64 7 ,. .,0 864 461 506 204 132 89' 114 Elinj. 65 84- ,. 2298' 2436 1429 1166 2n 164 232 182 Tal ipac:ty 66 21 !1 654 718 ' 47! 448 tGS 11 102 90 Aikal. 67 ]0 1255 ,aT m sa. f)4 7a 2S5 ~ Menna Bettu 68 n : ZO 25 614 626 442 3lt9 41 21 10J 56 lOflClelall. 69 2 4 423. 479 m 256 93 30 69 6' ~ 70 22a 268 148 155 7l 34 13 29 Kilenjur-1 71 fS 7 952 909 596 5&1 67 . 73 148 55 It..... l n".


Name of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050 location Name of ViLLage I TotaLI CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town; Ward RuraL; Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processi"9, ProcessIng, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs In Repairs in PlantatIon, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(" I) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (Vi)

(M) tf) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F}

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28), (29) (30) (51 ) (32) (33) (34)

32 Neermarga 78 24 28 9 194 544 67 33 Bondanthi La 30 2 17 2 1 211 681 Sit 34 Kudupu 32 2 5 3 124 237 ~2 35 Thiruvai L 4 3 22 1 ' 3 237 714 96 3 36 Ulaibettu 23 6 187 777 76 37 Chellairu 5 4 4. 25 292 54 38 Madya 2 5 14 19 156 45 39 Surinje 4 " 58 234 73 40 Oelanthabettu 6 7 9 3 42 . 215 16 41 Badagayekkar 20 3 4 56 10 22 291 25 2 42 Tenkayekkar 2 15 8 27 5 n 288 5 43 Permucle 10 57 16 28 9 57 339 39 44 Kuthethur 4 11 1 19 24 79 245 f8 46 Bala 3 6 4 2 124 292 49 47 Kalavar 12 2 14 5 114 290. 14 48 8ajpe 24 5 8 30 12 238 564 74 4 49 Kenjar 7 2 1 185 669 115 3 50 MaLavoor 11 3 2 • 5 88 322 93 '9 51 Mudushedde 10 2 259 996, 361 23 52 Padusltedde 2 2 • 22 73 43 13 56 Thokur-(62) 16 4 6 11 2 299 732 110 59 Atltikari Bettu 8 26 4 52 323 32 60 Karnire 12 91 6 61 Balkunje 1 6 11 27 102 t6 62 JCavathar 5 2 4 3, 17 174 12 63 Koltur 1 6 76 1 64 Ulepady 3 2 13 122 5 65 1:l inje 21 2 36 203 ,2 66 Tal ipady 14 7 59 43 167 578 145 t9 67 Aikala 10 13 14 42 163 94 71 68 Menna Bettu 3 9 3 107 323 12 69 Kondeftula 9 4 16 4 51 231 28 70 Nadugodu 2 34- 155 12 71 Kilenjur-l 4 28 87 1 72 Kemral 15 40 26 99 410 26


Name of C.D. Bltx.:k : MANGALORE ; Codc No. : 0050

WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of VIllage I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IIber COI1IIIerce Storage and Services Cormunication

(VI l) (VI rr ) (lX)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

115 19 94 2 100 72 3 5 865 1166 Neermarga 32 133 16 57 1 92 65 4 10 863 995 Bondanthlla 33 69 10 71 5 99 64 24 26 421 655. Kudupu 34 186 21 138 167 64 28 94 914 1259 Thlruvall 35 175 8 49 56 9 " 24 757 756 Ulalbettu 36 113 5 27 102 9 370 479 Chellalru 37 30 1 12 46 12 2 237 352 Madya 38 67 2 21 33 12 2 539 680 Surinje 39 39 1 8 42 8 5 9 338 367 Delanthabettu 40 56 21 73 16 10 37 530 669 Badagayekkar 41 90 3 33 3 55 17 2 19 716 1019 Tenkayekkar 42 94 10 41 30 19 7 14 728 992 43 71 6 21 2 48 11 5 3 489 665 Kuthethur 44 134 13 43 2 72 19 5 13 607 823 Bala 46 55 4 41 42 19 21 31 421 540 Kalavar 47 379 30 188 9 331 157 4 1¥9 2383 Bajpe 48 160 5 81 2 108 28 49 35 966 1256 Kenjar 49 \ 124 3 57 93 25 711 924 Malavoor 50 204 35 111 2 135 61 2 1190 1429 Mudushedde 51 17 18 2 18 4 6 136 2,17 Padushedde 52 301 4 114 88 15 918 1375 16$1 Thokur-(62) 56 90 6 17 47 10 550 810 Athikarl Bettu 59 26 1 8 29 6 221 335 KarrJi re 60 40 2 12 29 27 6 49 425 565 BalkunJe 61 29 4 27 2 3 10 321 448 Kavathar 62 22 10 7 208 319 Kollur 63 8 7 14 3 2 287 417 Ulepady 64 55 3 9 45 : 32 553 712 EI inJe 65 242 30 103 3 188 147 1500 2262 Tal ipady 66 54 7 16 39 23 18 429 665 Alkala 67 180 23 53 99 60 752 1234 Menna Bettu 68 79 6 25 2 89 23 3 16 391 611 Kondemula 69 23 3 11 28 5 9 104 287 391 Nadugodu 70 1~ 1 4 12 3 146 209 Ki lenjur-l 71 89 8 48 64 10 606 745 Kemral 72

115 Name of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050

Locatlon Name of Vlliage / Total/ Area In No.of No.of Total populatlon Total populatlon Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Htctares Occu- House­ (Includlng In the age group Castes Number Urban for vll- pled Holds Instltutional &. (0 - 6) lages &. Resid­ Houseless in sq.km entlal population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (121 (13) (141

73 Attur 106.70 H5 179 873 415 458 122 61 61 40 32 74 Pan]a 152.84 105 105 514 222 292 53 28 25 24 23 75 KOlkude 278.82 365 367 2084 983 llOl 263 138 125 56 57 76 Thokur-(10) 327.41 378 380 .2315 1143 1172 309 156 153 217 209 77 Hallangady 198.65 604 617 3499 1666 1833 475 239 236 83 75 78 207.23 273 276 1695 775 920 212 97 115 11 6 79 Sasihithlu 174.11 377 377 2192 999 1193 224 114 110 5 6 80 Padupanamboor 133.33 235 236 1316 614 702 130 60 70 36 35 81 Bellairu 293.65 292 297 1603 762 841 204 113 91 48 44 82 Kilpady 312.09 558 567 3015 1409 1606 372 180 192 158 188 83 Shimanthur 396.38 215 215 1223 543 680 119 73 46 46 41 84 Elathur 340.67 184 184 911 412 499 105 51 54 27 20

C.D. Block Total Rural 378.57 39530 39977 230919 111090 119829 33722 17193 16529 5307 5244


1 Bengare Area (OG) 1.59 1084 1085 7857 3928 3929 1365 700 665 147 168 2 Ullal (NMCT) 7.80 4479 4502 31181 15352 15829 5220 2676 2544 321 320 3 Someshwara (NMCT) 8.35 2513 2700 15302 7567 7735 2124 1089 1035 46 53 4 Peramunnuru (NMCT) 3.31 1567 1604 9744 4832 4912 1616 812 804 63 54 5 Kotekara (NMCT) 10.15 1630 1637 9719 4789 4930 1407 730 677 144 146 6 Bajala (NMCT) 4.68 1406 1415 8145 4077 4068 1263 670 593 8 7 7 Kannur (NMCT) 3.26 904 957 6220 3144 3076 1165 620 545 94 77 8 New Mangalore NMCT&.OG 16.22 1790 1842 8944 4n7 -4227 1153 568 585 322 340 9 New Mangalore Port (NMCT) 6.63 778 824 3501 1935 1566 413 206 207 199 207 10 Tannlrabavi (OG) 1.90 189 190 909 463 446 144 55 89 97 98 ! 11 Panambur (OG) 2.83 20 20 93 4~ 50 927 12 Baikampady (OG) 4.86 803 808 4441 2276 2165 587 305 282 26 35 13 Kulai (OG) 4 01 1890 1896 9604 4848 4756 1267 684 583 73 64 14 Hosabettu (OG) 2.38 996 996 5203 2566 2637 4;01 317 284 98 118 15 Katipalla (OG) 4.50 2965 3004 18483 9192 9291 2936 1511 1425 315 315

C.D. Block Total Urban 66.25 21224 21638 130402 65012 65390 20117 10377 9740 1631 1662

116 Name of C.D. Block: MANGALQRE ; Code No. : 0050

Scheduled I Llterates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name ot Vlliage I Location Trlbes' Workers Town / Ward Code Cultlvators Agrlcultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) .. (M) (F) (M) (F) (MI (F) (H) IF)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

2 1 315 299 221 272 30 42 103 39 Attur 73 5 4 169 209 131 120 54 23 22 21 Panja 74 8 6 755 70S 477 461 128 84 76 eo Koikude 75 941 785 525 308 67 10 139 30 l'hol

1525 1543 80882 71615 56069 48596 10287 5469 10703 6744 C.D. Block Total Rural


2642 2079 1838 849 1 Bengare Ar~a (OG) 1 32 23 11322 9633 7299 4424 122" 67 52 28 Ullal (NMCT) 2 42 34 5967 5189 3747 2624 141 68 138 124 Sorneshwara (NMCT) 3 11 5 3545 2946 2517 1984 94 60" 28 18 Perarnunnuru (NMCT) 4 35 36 3659 3213 2317 1769 262 119. 183 77 Ko\ekara (NMCT) 5 14 11 2979 2455 2166 1799 108 74 33 32 Bajala (NMCT) 6 18 20 2172 1625 1479 11 39 100 42 98 41 Kannur (NMCT) 7 100 80 l'l90 2904 2703 1029 84 26 47 28 New Mangalore NMCT&OG 8 94 79 1655 1235 1187 268 1 1 New MangaLore Port INMCT) 9 333 262 276 2B 52 19 21 H l'annirabavi (OG) 10 28 28 28 32 4 2 4 3 Panambur (OG) 11 6 1 1774 1379 1212 510 27 5 21 11 Baikalllpady (OG) 12 19 19 3955 3393 2606 1495 89 71 39 98 Kulai (OG) 13 13 19 2163 1967 1330 775 44 32 )0 71 }fosabettu (OG) 14 52 47 7133 6024 4318 3010 73 20 8] 107 Katipalla (OG) 15

336 294 49327 41428 32320 20697 1117 579 730 624 C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block. MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050

Locdtlon Name of Vlllage Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Number Urban Llvestock, Mlnlng and Manufacturlng, Manufacturlng, Constructlon Forestry, QuarrYlng Processlng, Processlng, F1shlng, Servlc1ng and Serv1clng and Hunong and Repalrs In Repalrs In Plantatlon, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Ailled Industry actlvltles

(III) (IV) (V(a) J (V(b) J (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33 ) (34)

73 Attur 2 1 21 189 12 74 PanJa 10 10 1 15 65 6 75 KOlkude 4 19 5 24 1 50 254 66 22 76 Thokur- (10) 1 24 5 70 241 46 3 77 Hallangady 21 3 25 25 149 516 42 78 PavanJe 9 1 8 56 167 12 79 Saslhlthlu 112 28 7 3 45 192 9 80 Padupanamboor 4 64 146 19 81 Bellalru 2 2 32 21 86 179 14 82 Kllpady ~- 1 31 9 147 328 16 2 83 Shlmanthur 1 15 1 12 20 99 15 84 Elathur 6 15 102

C.D. Block Total Rural 1522 180 463 73 969 514 9191 32724 3711 208


1 Bengare Area (OG) 860 73 102 395 20 2 Ullal eNMCT) 852 182 4 35 11 1751 3459 481 :3 3 Someshwara (NMCTJ 137 10 9 1129 2081 399 14 4 Peramunnuru (NMCT) 67 4 59 17 796 1730 216 5 Kotekara (NMCT) 67 3 46 9 7 4 482 1430 186 2 6 Ba)ala (NMCT) 23 3 6 8 595 1545 277 1 7 Kannur (NMCT) 12 3 23 45 341 747 147 8 New Mangalore Nmct&Og 322 27 11 4 363 563 147 21 9 New Mangalore Port (NMCT) 1 5 101 83 45 19 10 Tannlrabavl (OG) 60 2 28 149 35 11 Panambur (OG) 4 4 6 20 6 12 Balkampady (OG) 261 20 7 228 311 61 13 Kulu (OG) 215 47 9 1 12 4 651 951 133 2 14 Hosabettu (OG) 202 5 12 2 342 417 88 8

15 Katlpalla (OG) 44 6 20 1 53 11 107~ 2647 477 6

C D Block Total Urban l!801 363 105 15 218 94 7625 15965 2571 58


Name of C.D. Block: MANGALORE ; Code No. : 0050

W 0 R r: ;;. R S lI'arglnal Non-Workers Name of VIllage / LocatIon Workers Town / Ward Code Trade ,md Transport, Other Number Commerce Storage and SerVIces Communlcatlon


(M) (F) (MI (FI (M) IF) (M) (F)

(35 ) (36) (37) (38 ) (39) (40) (41) (42) (44) (2) (1)

17 18 17 2 194 186 Attur 73 15 4 4 1 91 172 Panja 74 39 4 31 40 11 5 42 501 598 Koikude 75 81 4 40 1 57 14 9 58 609 806 Thokur-(10f 76 226 9 74 155 35 8 793 1104 Hallangady 77 72 8 11 86 13 3 6 350 581 Pavan)e 78 118 96 24 37 9 1 490 763 Saslhlthlu 79 57 4 22 43 9 319 445 Padupanamboor 80 47 2 19 2 30 1 1 8 406 536 BellaiI:u 81 112 S 48 95 28 14 668 1047 Kllpady 82 30 2 4 25 3 3 134 261 347 Slnmanthur 83 21 3 7 15 8 249 278 Elathur 84

9042 599 3953 6228 2013 908 2865 54113 68368 C.D. Black Total Rural


359 329 252 5 244 47 27 48 2063 3032 Bengare Area (OG) 2116 255 753 24 1133 395 71 813 7982 10592 U11al (NMCT) 2 764 90 511 24 511 213 30 161 3790 4950 SOmeshwara (NMCT) 3 614 43 278 3 365 10e 14 18 2301 2910 Pe~ (NMCT) 4 424 26 25'5 '5 405 94 6 24 2466 3137 Kotekara (NMCT) 5 405 32 274 3 437 109 20 43 1891 2226 Bajala (NMCT) 6 354 16 177 1 227 44 72 leI 1593 2036 Kannur (NMCT) 7 215 160 722 44 791- 156 4 9 2010 3189 New Mangalore NMCT&OG 8 37 24 593 38 407 99 748 1298 New Mangalore Port (NMCT) 9 34 25 18 28 6 187 227 TannU'abavl (OG) 10 4 3 4 2 11 16 Panambur (OG) 11 144 111 111 3 352 48 7 1064 1648 Bal.kampady (OG) 12 472 159 241 22 745 140 5 5 2237 3256 Kula! (OG) 13 270 138 116 12 226 90 4 1 1232 1861 Hosabettu (OG) 14 1099 38 574 4 824 170 123 200 4751 6081 Katlpalla (OG) 15

7092 1286 4153 147 5908 1566 376 1423 32316 43270 C.D Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

38 Kudipadi 11/9/6/37 11/09/0060/0037 9/8/6/37 09/08/0060/0037 39 Kudllar 11/9/6/55 11/09/0060/0055 9/8/6/56 09/08/0060/0056 40 Kunthur 11/9/6/65 11/09/0060/0065 9/8/6/66 09/08/0060/0066 41 Kuriya 11/9/6/5 11/09/0060/0005 9/8/6/6 09/08/0060/0006 42 Kutr~i 11/9/6/42 11/09/0060/0042 9/8/6/43 09/08/0060/0043

43 Maci1ur 11/9/6/9 11/09/0060/0009 9/8/6/10 09/08/0060/0010 44 Mundur 11/9/6/4 ',/09/0060/0004 9/8/6/5 09/08/0060/0005

45 Harimogru 11/~/6/1 11/09/0060/0001 9/8/6/2 09/08/0060/0002 46 Nekkiladi(34) 11/9/6/40 ',/09/0060/0040 9/8/6/41 09/08/0060/0041 47 Hekkilady(102) 11/9/6/49 11/09/0060/0049 9/8/6/50 09/08/0060/0050 48 Hell ylldi 11/9/6/26 11/09/0060/0026 9/8/6/27 09/08/0060/0027 49 Nettanigeaudnur 11/9/6/11 11/09/0060/0011 9/8/6/12 09/08/0060/0012 50 Hidpalli 11/9/6/14 11/09/0060/0014 9/8/6/15 09/08/0060/0015 51 Noojibalthila 11/9/6/43 11/09/0060/0043 9/8/6/44 09/08/0060/0044

52 Padnur 11/9/6/38 11/09/0060/0038 9/8/6/39 09/08/0060/0039 53 Padvennur 11/9/6/12 11/09/0060/0012 9/8/6/13 09/08/0060/0013 54 PaltlwldY 11/9/6/57 11/09/0060/0057 9/8/6/58 09/08/0060/0058 55 Panaje 11/9/6/16 11/09/0060/0016 9/8/6/16 09/08/0060/0016 56 Perabe 11/9/6/64 11/09/0060/0064 9/8/6/65 09/08/0060/0065 57 Punehappady 11/9/6/58 11/09/0060/0058 9/8/6/59 09/08/0060/0059

58 Ralll8kunja 11/9/6/61 11/09/0060/0061 9/8/6/62 09/08/0060/0062 59 Renj it ady 11/9/6/44 11/09/0060/0044 9/8/6/45 09/08/0060/0045

60 Serve 11/9/6/3 11/09/0060/0003 9/8/6/4 09/08/0060/0004 61 Savanur 11/9/6/59 11/09/0060/0059 9/8/6/60 09/08/0060/0060 62 Shanthigodu 11/9/6/2 11/09/0060/0002 9/8/6/3 09/08/0060/0003 63 Shirady 11/9/6/29 11/09/0060/0029 9/8/6/31 09/08/0060/0031 64 Sh;rivagilu 11/9/6/30 11/09/0060/0030 9/8/6/32 09/08/0060/0032

65 Uppinangady 11/9/6/21 11/09/0060/0021 9/8/6/22 09/08/0060/0022

66 Volamogru 11/9/6/18 11/09/0060/0018 9/8/6/19 09/08/0060/0019 I


Name of C.D. Block: PUTTUR ; Code No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIlber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 '- 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses . towns and C.O.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 990.28 36762 37032 211437 106014 105423 31570 15925 15645 13408 12452 PUTTUR C.O.Block R 982.99 35531 35776 204658 102465 102193 30599 15412 15187 13163 12248 U 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3549 3230 971 513 458 245 204

1 1271.92 781 782 4976 2481 2495 747 365 382 267 231 2 Shanthigodu 1699.01 529 535 3274 1695 1579 502 266 236 321 296 3 Sarve 954.31 453 453 2610 1297 1313 439 237 202 346 316 4 Mundur 858.37 396 396 2408 1196 1212 347 179 168 148 135 5 Kuriya 801.55 460 461 2719 1354 1365 412 209 203 247 217 6 Kedanbady 891.54 450 452 2657 1330 1327 428 202 226 188 169 7 1937.90 780 790 4440 2208 2232 656 326 330 378 350 8 Ariadka 1351. 59 593 604 3346 1663 1683 464 226 238 351 298 9 Madnur 1079.84 719 722 4040 2018 2022 569 276 293 396 371 10 Kol thige .. 3138.19 1014 1018 5708 2823 2885 796 390 406 557 518 11 Nettanigemudnur 2343.23 1154 1164 7026 3548 3478 1188 613 575 420 360 12 Padvannur 1216.18 604 619 3243 1604 1639 462 248 214 188 198 13 Badagannur 1137.56 486 497 2736 1394 1342 348 189 159 104 93 14 Nidpalli 1129.45 513 521 2906 1446 1460 438 205 233 260 255 15 Bett~adi 1312.28 632 635 3756 1903 1853 559 282 277 200 201 ' 16 Panaje 1226.74 601 603 3634 1853 1781 489 257 232 173 146 17 lrde 854.66 347 348 1974 1000 974 210 102 .108 73 52 18 Volamogru 1549.58 811 814 4583 2299 2284 683 351 332 334 317 19 Balnad 1890.49 802 802 4796 2410 2386 647 334 313 220 166 20 Aryappu 1976.98 1114 1114 6860 3478 3382 1015 532 483 401 367 21 Uppinangady 976.91 1033 1042 6151 3032 3119 901 439 462 209 207 22 Bajathur 2028.15 805 808 4862 ~404 2458 778 412 366 181 172 23 Gal i thattu 1681. 91 337 339 1848 884 964 275 135 140 60 57 24 Konalu 806.00 392 394 2126 1042 1084 397 192 205 38 29 25 Alanthaya 598.31 156 156 879 407 472 116 55 61 66 59 26 Nellyadi 1767.58 752 755 4132 2045 2087 632 311 321 194 207 27 Kowkaradi 2524.47 638 644 3412 1685 1727 512 264 248 157 170 28 Ichala~dy 868.50 295 295 1604 800 804 193 104 89 72 61 29 Shirady 6985.00 564 568 2690 1387 1303 368 183 185 172 146 30 Shirivagilu 3060.22 110 110 585 303 282 75 43 32


Name of C.D. Block: PUTTUR ; Code No. : 0060

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of VIllage I Location Tribes 'Workers Town I 'Ward cd\:ie CultIvators Agricultural NlMllber Labourers

(I - IX) (l) (II)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

7085 6883 72294 55719 55792 33104 11624 3815 7867 3710 6971 6768 69542 53638 54002 32244 11527 3790 7841 3678 PUTTUR C.D.Block 114 115 2752 2081 1790 860 97 25 26 32

143 140 1728 1336 1252 679 280 42 159 44 Narimogru 1 114 81 1152 864 879 565 221 105 178 88 Shanthigodu 2 128 122 883 791 684 587 139 78 133 110 Sarve 3 185 192 821 667 675 443 275 71 110 41 Mundur 4 84 87 937 758 746 516 182 58 185 75 Kuriya 5 92 83 895 (>59 678 491 127 ~ 137 43 I(edambady 6 89 99 1550 1'140 1094 621 146 33 188 72 Keyyur 7 280 275 1117 874 866 566 140 33 218 45 Ariadka 8 183 187 1359 1011 1010 490 96 19 71 39 Madnur 9 320 330 1952 1633 1619 780 251 73 269 178 Kol thige 10 340 274 2222 1667 1786 891 224 24 94 61 Nettanigemudnur 11 236 220 1080 921 832 501 42 14 3 13 Padvannur 12 253 239 965 737 747 404 74 20 5 Badagannur 13 252 269 890 696 816 482 93 . 8 17 28 Nidpall i 14 280 241 1257 948 1014 436 119 27 42 4 Bettampadi 15 441 399 1275 944 936 479 58 \2 62 20 Panaje 16 291 290 720 570 550 296 18 -23 10 Irde \ 17 334 328 1574 1248 1196 645 145 27 176 42 Volamogru 18 416 414 1586 1216 1294 717 292 110 227 102 Balnad 19 386 359 2563 2071 1816 1149 146 39 1~0 56 Aryappu 20 55 49 2201 1757 1506 999 214 103 45 27 Uppinangady 21 69 62 1568 1206 1198 808 307 106 116 66 Bajathur 22 34 52 590 451 507 372 137 28 28 13 Gol ithattu 23 30 32 742 635 522 416 148 97 69 37 Konalu 24 125 144 262 228 i40 200 69 13 10 Alanthaya 25 67 65 1456 1205 1~09 648 330 121 190 87 Nellyadi 26 53 57 1181 1075 '835 461 214 29 168 48 Kowkaradi 27 1 569 502 .460 350 166 143 106 53 Ichalampady 28 1056 694 812 377 127 90 177 125 Shira :,. 29 28 19 191 119 160 51 32 5 9 Shi rivagi lu 30


Name of C.D. Block: PUITUR ; Code No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F ." I II Code Town / lJard Rural/ Number Urban Li vestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufactut'il'fg, ~truction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processi"" Fishing, Servicing and ServicinO and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F) (14) (n (til) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 13844 2376 465 11 646 294 5257 20832 1192 43 PUTTUR C.D.Block R 13729 2352 459 11 639 291 4822 20208 ,'" 30 U 115 24 6 7 3 435 624 12'1 13

1 Narimogru 118 15 29 12 4 143 541 2 Shanthigodu 175 22 29 1 98 3Jf "21 3 Sarve 132 23 36 2 2 46 ~, 12 4 Mundur 98 13 5 5 3 59 11 5 Kuriya 109 19 21 3 6 84 343'" 23 6 Kedambady 199 41 5 3 2 30 378 10 1 7 Keyyur 342 37 14 32 15' 87 440 25 8 Ariadka 252 79 13 16 5 53 375 '6 9 Madnur 515 93 9 25 15 53 215 20 10 742 200 16 18 4 64 2" 14 11 Nettanigemudnur 1010 149 35 5 2 96 62' 26 12 Padvannur 490 lOS 15 2 5 42 321 19 13 Badagannur 380 51 22 4 1 38 lfIt - .. 2 14 Hidpalli 477 71 23 6 10 65 ]JJ 10 15 Bet tampad i 500 46 9 10 6 61 3" 1) 16 Panaje 441 55 12 17 7 62 3. 11 17 Irde 310 34 4 --... ~ 3 6 32 8. 41 2 18 Volamogru 408 35 9 26 9 125 ,0It U 19 Balnad 334 43 14 3 6 120 4" 50 20 Aryappu 459 81 9 33 11 300 871 15 21 Uppi nangady 142 14 9 5 2 241 781 J6 22 Qaiatl\ur 283 45 5 1'5 7 105 550t ,. 23 Golithattu 89 11 36 ~ 5 24 Konalu 131 14 2 30 252 L! 2 2S "Ianthaya 2S 11 1JQ 1 26 Nellyadi 155 24 4 19 8 68 Jet 27 Kowkaradi 130 9 10 4 67 m 2fI" 28 Ichalampady 88 17 3 13 11~ a 29 Shirady 299 57 38 56 12 30 Shirivagilu 73 32 2 2 4 7


Namt! ot C.D. Block: PUTTUR ; Couc No. : 0060

WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of VIllage I Location Workers Town I liard Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services COOIIkJnication

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

5146 164 3074 19 6177 1840 1450 5168 48772 67151 4749 152 2854 19 5818 1713 1437 5155 47026 64794 PUTTUR C.O.Block 397 12 220 159 127 13 13 1746 2357

161 3 113 181 30 29 154 1200 1662 Narlmogru 1 53 38 63 11 29 '82 787 832 Shanthlgodu 2 51 z 25 108 21 1 613 725 Sarve 3 48 24 40 17 1 521 768 Mundur 4 59 35 45 14 4 608 845 Kuriya 5 91 3 40 36 16 " 24 641 812 Kedambady 6 90 1 79 91 23 59 163 1055 1448 Keyyur 7 76 3 30 52 26 23 115 774 1002 Ariadka 8 96 2 53 72 36 71 117 937 1415 Madnur 9 85 31 129 46 9 83 1195 2022 Kolthlge 10 123 42 131 • 26 84 134 1678 2453 Nettanigemudnur 11 63 17 136 38 18 44 754 1094 Padvannur 12 62 16 122 30 7 26 640 912 Badagannur 13 53 13 59 32 13 '85 617 893 Nldpalll 14 66 2 27 167 28 6 84 883 1333 Bettampadi 15 92 6 31 150 51 10 4~ 907 1262 Pana)e 16 51 Z 11 57 11 7 16 443 662 Irde \ 17 \ 135 2 63 76 20 8 80 1a95 1559 Volamogru 18 90 38 126 29 \ 28 98 10~ 1571 Salnad 19 238 2 157 249 87 45 147 16~7 2086 Aryappu 20 317 7 166 3 331 - 61 30 113 149~ a007 Upplnangady 21 73 4 89 115 21 62 249 1144 1401 Sajathur 22 34 2 33 1~5 24 16 53 361 539 ~ol ~hattu 23 42 3 30 ,27 11 47 107 473 561 Konalu 24 12 13 102 47 3 36 164 236 Alanthaya 25 107 5 54 ,'171 60 86 373 850 1066 Nell yadi 26 81 6 50 95 31 65 179 785 1087 Kowkaradl 27 19 3 31 26 15 -74 93 266 361' Ichala~y 28 59 8 47 52 41 11 55 564 871 Shirady 29 18 5 13 4 5 6 87 137 144 Shlrivagilu 30


Name of C.D. Block : PUTfUR ; Code No. : 0060

Location tiame of ViUage I Total! Area in No.of ~.of Tota! population Total ~pu{ation s.c~led C~ Town I \.lard Rurail l4eetaT't!S OCcu- -House­ (lnch.ding in the age ~roup .castes Nurber Urban f~ vit- p;ed flo1ds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Res i1:1- Housetess in sq.bn ent iat ,popu{atioo) for Houses towns and C.O.BloCKS

(P) (fill {f) (P) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (l1> (12) {13) (14)

31 Kenaje 1815.69 26J 263 1492 754 718 179 92 87 "51 47 32 Hi MIbandady 16D1.27 718 718 4504 2265 2239 748 363 385 287 249 333elHpadi 6.n.20 lOt 3133 1817 897 920 246 125 121 US 142 34 Ctlic~ 831.16 962 966 5481 .2719 2742 867 445 422 474 485 35 Sanr'Iltr 576.70 639 639 3724 1915 1809 557 183 274 213 174 36 hbaka 844.4Q 1108 1124 6521 3180 3141 69a 430 466 334 315 37 ~'.padi 661.90 190 392 2613 1337 127-6 448 236 212 124 115 18 f»adnlAr 748.23 473 486 3053 lSl{l 1543 422 223 199 65 54 39 ~'ifIbradV 61)5.6<9 343 348 lOS3 969 1064 298 14{) 158 130 149 40 tf,etkitacH (34) 731.80 576 579 3287 1682 160S 543 285 258 U5 us' 41 hCfaba 733.28 S1I 512 2703 13TD 1393 399 407 192 243 225 42 ~utrt,jp8di 1375.83 713 713 :J6GS 1777 1"82! 496 244 252 261 2b9 4l hodt_tthHa 1581.47 55; 555 2972 1488 1414 412 213 199 197 162 44 ~jUady 856.12 m m 1S22 761. 7~ 236 123 IH UH 77 4S~r 3867.51 420 420 2222 1080 1142 296 142 154 220 23.6 46 tHineit! 6fS6'S.26 6th fR9 3089 1534 150S 444 204 Uta 1.28 117 47 A itflioor 3136.11 677 677 3523 1167 1TS6 S65 286 279 113 83 48 aaMra 4-96.93 ZS5 255 1394 6W 6'9S 199 99 100 50 52 49 wetkllady(102) 578.83 261 261 13h5 h67 698 221 104 117 110 ,,9' 60 tcocHilbltli ~S44.90 853 854 4653 2353 2300 692 336 ',356 343 310 51 Ootpedi 1194.68 212 2~ 1226 614 614 166 82 84 125 126 52~. llil4.99 415 420 2580 1325 1255 378 189 189 270 259 53 Kaniyur 375 383 21332 10111 1013 342 167 175 110 168 54 lCaitllana "517.82 234 235 1141 116 631 1a7 '107 60 100 81 55 lCudII&r 585.41 JD7 301 1746 , 668 878 286 137 149 111 113 56 8elandur 512.61 299 304 17!5 ; 872 913 300 149 151 ez 16 57 Patthady 1079.78 J88 392 2283 ~'52 1131 332 173 159 314 291 58 Punchappady 801.53 226 226 1372 674 698 1'97 91 106 219 216 59Sa¥41'\Ur 1091.82 423 423 Z7t.3 1368 1395 46Z 221 239 144 122 60 ':011a 1899.21 112 724 4i49 2265 2264 757 365 392 208 183


Nam~(}fC.O. Bkd: PUTTUR; C~ N

Scheduled literates Total Main r N 0 U S T R I A L Tribes IJorkers. Cui tl vat Or'$. A.gr icut tural La&x!urers

(l - tIC) (l} (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F} (M) (f) (M) tn (M} (f)

(15) (16) (t7) (1)

3 6 ~ 332 36a 1:1-& 209 15 108 41! I(emtje 31 1Z 9: 1429 857 1232 1079 446 238 2~ 123 "i rebarvi.tady 32 n 23 572 435 527 440 1214 88 32 29 hUipadi 33 90 97 1775 1364 1490 10ro 114 58 20 45 OI;k~r 34 3D 2t. 1418 1051 1062 &6a 131 65 46 28 8amur 35 199 191 2510 1854 1735 9Q8 85 t9 2T 30 Kaba:lca 36 55 52 .814 584 702 426 167 18 148 54 Kudipadi 37 64 51 1077 931 804 485 130 35 44 53 Padnur 38 '2~ 127 675 568 610 523 129 64 131 66 todlmbaci.,. 39 276 282 1185 845 858 5~1 87 • 35 124 4tl ttelc In l ach (34) 40 40 42 901 663 716 368 227 55 224 60 Kadaba 41 9 4 1202 989 968 531 314 HI 235 148 KUtf'uparli 42 :2 2 1008 819 768 327 237 41 215. 68 Noaj ibal thiL a 43 477 365 390 84 134 4 123 33 R:eFrj Had.,. 44 10 12 7n 579 602 435 25-7 163. 143 107 KQI1bar 45 29 27 11'59 85S 899 217 247 206 53 Bil inele 46 29 28 1197 957 894 S22 220 64 161 88 Aithgor 47 27 27 477 358 369 187 199 101- 105 35- &antra 48 1& 22 425 322 345 192 H2 '. 11 95- 42 N:ekk iI advOEl2) 49 93. 96 1543 1129 1230 615 364 \ 76 3.90 177 Ifadimbata 50 6 10 3.92 289 355 171 128 26 60 3'B Dl>lpadt 51 '­ 3 4 832- sn 687 494 160 1l)5c· 103 31- Ch~lIaka 52 16 13" 687 523 5:$.1: 360 132 6Q. 44 41 KOII'Ii'jAU" 53 4 2 507 333 193: it'3l} 120 21 17 10 KailllOHlO 54 16 18 615 5~ 47Z 41S 142 85 3a 24 ~ 55 13 t3 574 4U ,462,- 154 141 52 505 26 Bet anc:1t,Ir 56 87 90 312 618 ~2 407 84 19 11o!j 5a Pal t:I!Iad>t 51 68 69 416 351 ~74 239 :w- 8 1'65- 230 ~ 58 10 32 936 655 689 52& 1'63 65 136- 5-1' SawvnJr 59 138 122 lSC2 961 1124 593 376 100 2tJJ 67 !GolLa ro


Name of C.D. Block: PUTTUR ; Codt! No. : OO6D

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o f M A I N Code Town / loIard Rural/ NlIIi>er Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construct10n Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servi c1 ng and SerV1cing and Hunting and Repairs in Repa1rs 1n plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Iklusehold All ied Industry activities

(l II) ( IV) [V(a)J [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) <31 ) (32) (33) (34)

31 Kenaje 32 41 2 13 32 Hi rebandady 68 10 6 11 5 143 671 28 33 Bell ipadi 117 29 3 63 278 2S 34 Chickamudnur 259 73 15 5 5 326 801 183 3 35 Bannur 149 35 3 6 4 224 487 57 36 Kabaka 189 32 38 7 15 13 389 707 124 3 37 Kudipadi 114 22 4 3 56 306 19 38 Padnur 220 45 3 4 105 320 48 39 Kodimbady 125 35 10 75 339 10 40 Nekkiladi(34) 99 14 2 3 3 128 382 28 41 ICadaba 62 7 2 40 217 8 42 Kutrupadi 240 20 8 42 169 16 2 43 Noojibalthila 89 7 2 13 4 26 157 12 44 RenjHady 45 1 14 11 36 45 Korrbar 91 75 5 9 15 70 46 Bi l inele 128 27 8 88 85 14 47 Aithoor 227 89 4 94 23.4 5 48 6 7 44 3 49 Nekkilady(102) 64 26 15 99 , 50 103 6 40 9 68 306 33 51 Dolpadi 115 6 19 97 , 52 Charwaka 227 33 43 7 24 248 23 5 53 Kaniyur 145 25 12 5 25 199 37 S4 Kaimana 124 13 38 172 21 S5 ICudmar 112 12 4 4S 273 II 56 Belandur 146 18 14 10 39 244 14 57 Palthady 247 35 5 11 30 276 23 58 Punchappady 124 9 17 2 57 187 6 59 Savanur 151 15 8 10 42 370 15 1 60 Koila 256 17 12 2 94 393 9 2


Name of C. D. Block: PUITUR ; Code No. : 0060

W0 R K E R S MargInal Non-Worker~ NaIDP of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NU1ber Coomerce Storage and Services ConmJnication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

9 2 6 386 619 Kenaje 31 82 52 127 32 20 38 1013 1122 Hlrcbandady 32 36 42 25 15 6 51 364 429 Bell ipadl 33 195 15 108 265 69 66 143 1183 15~9 Chickamudnur 34 170 3 95 3 181 43 18 96 835 1045 Bannur 35 271 13 241 356 63 65 144 1560 2089 Kabaka 36 53 35 106 22 9 635 841 Kudipadi 37 90 67 93 26 9 33 697 1025 Padnur 38 58 2 35 37 17 26 13 353 528 KodllIDady 39 147 10 94 2 146 35- 41 85 783 999 Nekkiladi (34) 40 62 1 23 68 28 9 26 645 999 Kadaba 41 41 2 20 52 18 19 78 790 1219 Kutrupadl 42 52 2 30 92 48 30 70 690 1087 Nooj lbal thi la 43 20 7 35 10 33 149 341 525 Renjilady 44 17 49 19 11 478 707 Kombar 45 59 6 65 2 84 43 1 3 684 1285 Bi l inele 46 41 31 114 42 12 59 861 1175 Ai thoor 47 12 15 22 6 7 24 323 484 Bantra 48 6 8 24 8 4 110 318 396 Hekk ilady( 102) 49 86 50 96 40 10 ,26 1113 1659 KodllIDala 50 11 12 9 3 8 259 435 Dolpadi 51 42 26 39 15 5 18 ',633 743 Charwl!lka 52 49 4 43 44 19 15 65 \473 588 Kaniyur 53 l 23 16 34 8 4 31 1319 370 Kaimana 54 44 20 39 14 3 ~93 465 Kudmar 55 23 12 18 4 15 68 395 491 Belandur 56 54 18 45 19 4 47 516 677 Pal thady 57 16 2 5 14 6 16 39 284 420 Punchappady 58 75 3 34 65 11 50 679 817 Savanur 59 68 44 62 12 4 81 1157 1590 Koila 60


Name of C.D. BlocK: PUTTUR ~ Code No. : 0060 location ~~ of Village I Totatl Area in N.<>.of 'No.of Total populatIon Total Population Scheduled Town I IoIard Rural} ~ectares Occu- Kouse- (Including in the age group Castes Urban for vil- pied ~O'lds lnstitutional & (0 - 6) Lag.es & Res fd­ Housetess in sq.km entiat population) fo-r 1tot.Is~ towns and C.[)..B-tocli;s

(P) (M) eF} (P) (M) (F) (K) (F)

(1) (2) (3.) (4 } (5") (6) (7) (8} C~} (lrn ( 11) (12) (13) (14)

6f llaIIIalunj a 1'156.28 5-57 562 3362 l611 1751 5S-1 287 294 Tn 175 6Z I+alt!f'fe'f'anld 764.fll 274 27a 16~3. 798 835 246 127 119" 153 131 63 "lriM" 143{l.50 552 565 3379 1688 1691 526 257 269 298 284 64 Perabe 1195.49 452 454 2623 1297 1326- 1,.29 2t.4 185 141 136 65 I(untt'lur t160.40 382 382 2~26 1069 1057 318 158 160 105 96 6e Ballya 2731.38 405 414 2216 1103 lIB 280 149 131 148 142

C.D. alock Total Rural 982.99 35531 35776 204658 102465 102193 30599 15412 15187 13163 12248


1 Kemminja (MMeT) 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3549 3230 971 513 458 245 204

C.D. BLOCK Total Urban 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3$49 3230 971 513 458 245 204


N21~ of C. O. BIoclc : PUn-Ull ; Ct* No. : 0060

Scheduled lIterates Total MaIn INOUSTRIAl ~ 4f Vittage I Tribes iWnre"5 Town I Wat-d Cultivators A9r;cutturat iabour~

H - no .(I) uo

eM) (f) (M) (f) (M) (f) tM) (f) (M) (f)

(1';) <16) (17) (1B) ['1"9) flO) (21) '(22) (23) a4~' 1(2) <'>

14 25 Hl2-4 8H! m 572 227 102 .236 121 R8IIIaktJrI Jill 61 9 9 4~ m :t.27 24f) 122 34 '95 46 -ftet «.IeI'.enk: I 62 1-9 12 UJ38 745 902 .68D 265 1-57 11 O. A1anka~ 63 27 36 832 646 65'5 2t!R 21' 37 ~ 40 p-~ 64 46 37 736 495 537 213 220 24 1M 44 lWAtbur {/j 35 36 T4{} bOB 562 325 ~78 44 1.3.2 64 Bali-ya 66 69n 6768 69542 5J6l8 54002 3224411m 3190 1641 3678 C.D. stock Total aural


114 115 21'52 20a1 1190 860 97 Z5 2-6 32 lCeIIIIlIlnja (tIMeT)

114 115 27'52 2981 H'90 160 97 Z5 26 32 c.o. (Hod: Total Urban


Name of C.O. Block: PUTTUR : Code No. : 0060 location Name of Village / Total! CAT EGO R I E S a F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Nunber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and ServIcing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantat ion, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(II I ) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

61 Ramakunja 97 16 12 18 58 293 11 62 Haleneranki 62 6 1 20 27. 144 20 63 Alankar 229 60 33 31 26 50 353 36 64 Perabe 138 21 3 11 4 41 173 15 65 Kunthur 115 7 19 122 3 66 Ballya 108 30 7 4 30 163 12

C.D. Block Total Rural 13729 2352 459 11 639 291 4822 20208 1564 30


KetTI1Iinja (NMCT) 115 24 6 7 3 435 624 128 13

C.D. Block Total Urban 115 24 6 7 3 435 624 128 13


Nam~ of C.D. Block: PUTTUR ; Cout: No. : 0060

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non'Workers Name of Viltag~ / location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, otner NlMRber COIlIllIIrce Storage and Services COIIIIIUnication


(N)" (F) (M) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39). (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

65 4 34 52" 18 42 180 777 999- Ramakunja 61 29· 15 36 7 8 57 363 538 Hal enerank i 62 84 33 70 23 27 77 759 934 Alankar 63 53 34 51 14 14 152 628 88S Per abe 64 32 2 10 28 13 18 116 514 728 Kunthur 65 29 20 46 20 9 65 532 723 Ballya 66 4749 152 2854 19 5818 1713 1437 5155 470?6 64794 C.D. Block Total Rural


397 12 220 359 127 13 13 1746 2357 KellJllinja (NMCT)

397 12 220 359 127 13 13 1746 2357 C.D. Block Total Urban




T ALUK: SUL Y A-0070 c. D. BLOCK: SULYA-0070


2 3 4 5 6

34 11/9/7/20 11/09/0070/0020 9/817/5 09/08/0070/0005 35 Subramanya 11/9/7/36 11/09/0070/0036 9/8/7/26 09/08/0070/0026 36 Sulya 11/9/7/1 11/09/0070/0001 9/817/0 09/08/0070/0000

37 11/917/21 11/09/0070/0021 9/817/6 09/08/0070/0006

38 Ubaradkamithur 11/9/7/2 11/09/0070/0002 9/8/7/8 09/08/0070/0008

39 Yedamanga La 11/9/7/28 11/09/0070/0028 9/817/39 09/08/0070/0039 40 Yenekal 11/9/7/33 11/09/0070/0033 9/817/25 09/08/0070/0025 41 Yenmur 1119/7/26 11/09/0070/0026 9/8/7/40 09/08/0070/0040


Name of C.D. Block: SULYA ; Code No. : 0070

LocatIon Name of VIllage I Totall Area In No.of No.of Total populatIon _ Total populatIon Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ ( InchJding In the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vIl- pled Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resld­ Houseless- in sq.km: entlal populat Ion) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 826.56 23479 23636 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 8734 8915 8679 SULYA C.D.Block R 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 1795~ 92~4 8734 89t5 8679 U

1 sutya 1713.24 2742 2769 14261 7716 6545 2036 1045 991 898 869 2 Ubaradkaml thur 2431.31 625 625 3288 1625 1663 394 196 198 294 305 3 6648.35 1300 1300 7164 3644 3520 1158 601 557 316 294 4 24S1.Bl 1060 1062 5964 3016 294B 964 482 482 730 779 5 4045.83 892 892 5082 2490 2592 812 396 416 359 402 6 Kanak8lftltjalu 720.22 408 408 2334 1193 1141 318 170 148 214 197 7 Jal5l.ur 1451.52 1008 10" 5625 2790 2835 839 404 435 455 427 8 Alvarnad 2782.28 898 898 4521 2269 2252 641 320 321 429 404 9 Amrapsdnur 1237.88 399 399 2244 1133 1111 274 139 135 72 78 10 Kaianja 656.86 39b 396 2132 1066 1066 284 152 132 121 123 11 BeHare 1071.38 814 815 4456 2228 2228 734 368 366 445 444 12 Peruvaie 1134~58 44{) 442 2456 1215 1241 370 196 180 273 256 13 Kodiyala 1101. 67 3317 343 1985 985- 1000 254 12& 126 200 198 14 Ba! i La 619.35 315 317 1868 9S6 912 242 130 112 157 162 15 Muppi rya- 512.6& 293 293 1657 808 81;9 273 131 142 116 105 16 AIIIIlf" amudnur 2147.h4 767 772 3914 2Ql1 19~3 540 3t6 224 421 388 17 Neilur~eIIII"8je 1400.]6- 493" 49~ 2547 1363 1244 374 206 168 145 tZ9 18 Mat'kanja 1974.69 631 637 3266 164U 1626 516 253 263 24& 218 19-"~ 55S7.1~ 285 290- 1480' 76'2: 716 200 100 100' 62 43 20 S~e- 1756~57 953 966 4746 2428 23t8 767 395 372 433 424 21T~ 2140,..8 t 4 V. 4t6 1979 961 1012 260 1~ 114 14a 151 22: . 3951.54 5-76 577 3318 166'9 1649 489 249 240 97 102 23: Atvath*W 1049-35 553 553 2999 151.:1 14M. 439 239 ZOO 122 122 24 PanDelhadv 656.20 217 217 1104 I 5Slt 548 lD 71 ~ ~ ~ 25 KtHllladka 1 t83.• 18 316 316- 1885 I 937 948 286 146 140 103 109 26 Yemur 1081.00 253 253 1262 641 621 175 85 90 104 92 zr .f4urut.ya 1028.62 393 399 2215 1114 1101 297 144 153 194 194 28Yed~ 1622.73 590 602 3433 1750 1683 480 259 221 267 238 291C~it' 842,..14 219 220 lQ84- 561 523 155 83 72 79 92 30 I'utttkun j.& 1697.34 338 338 1742 891 851 243 119 124 51 53


Name ot C.D. Block: SUL Y A ; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled Literates lotat Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of VIllage, LocatIon Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cuttlvators AgrIcuLtural Nl.II1ber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

eM) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

5329 5207 45521 36325 33756 15478 3804 1334 3219 2094 5329 5207 45521 36125 33756 15478 3804 1334 3219 2094 SUL YA C.D .Block

393 385 6197 4496 3636 1275 83 6 17 9 Sulya 137 133 1210 1042 921 563 36 34 1 3 Ubaradkamlthur 2 709 699 2543 2033 1991 708 220 36 83 33 Aletty 3 323 272 Z002 1486 1552 795 121 6() 27 n Aj lavara 4 260 234 1691 1353 1127 540 119 79 71 56 Mandekolu 5 47 40 894 730 552 238 20 20 61 46 Kanakamajalu 6 250 299 2~ 1667. 1390 615 67 14 91 33 Jalsur 7 91 85 1661 1371 1267 735 13 6 45 36 Alvarnad 8 247 233 815 652 657 334 72 78 63 57 Amrapadnur 9 1W 124 725 561 549 304 57 23 21 28 Kalanja 10 49 40 1587 1238 1138 544 95 11 179 43 BeUare 11 95 115 886 730 653 397 118 38 68 42 PeruvaJe 12 34 33 673 530 576 383 116 67 61 49 Kodlyala 13 105 79 665 482 509 31-8 54 19 106 79 Ballla 14 no 123 548 472 380 214 25 4 14 9 Mupplrya 15 192 190 1505 ·1269 1085 508 6 2 Amararrudnur 16 227 200 '942 783 1{l8 2-23 14 3 Net lurketQraje 17 1S0 173 1105 885 873 386 173 n 79 81 MarkaAja \ 18 48 55 53Q 414 484 124 42 33 46 19 Mada~dy 19 31 30 1709 1321 1295 597 131 40 107 114 SaRpaje 20 69 73 711 665 537 326 71 45 8 27 Thodlkana 21 98 86 1252 1113 892 40ft 179 138 26 54 Aranthodu 22 63 69 991 733 781 378 170 38 121 62 Alvathoklu 23 102 98 399 314 257 80 34 4 Pambethady 24 238 252 602 480 490 311 58 1 60 18 Kalmadka 25 16 19 358 256 381 190 129 23 165 85 Yenwr 26 740 574 651' 391 165 56 217 Murutya 27 18 20 I 136 146 145 1225 950 943 481 297 61 258 140 Yedamanga l a 28 31 25 32Q 244 302 148 75 6. 143 61 29 125 113 639 455 469 181 41 11 133 59 Kuthkunja 30



Name of C.D. Block: SUL YA ; Code No. : 0070 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I loIard Rurall Number Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, ConStruction Forestry, Ouarrying Processing, 'Process 1 n9, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repai rs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(I" ) ( IV) [V(a)] [V( b)J (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 14997 4595 102 11 233 94 1859 5491 883 35 SUlYA C.D.Block R 14997 4595 102 11 233 94 1859 5491 883 35 U

1 Sulya 1009 350 25 6 22 1 355 504 228 15 2 Ubaradkamithur 694 327 2 2 36 152 18 3 3 Aletty 1038 332 3 2 189 218 59 3 4 Ajjavara 715 301 5 4 4 129 215 90 5 5 Mandekolu 513 126 79 182 19 6 Kanakamajalu 323 64 3 16 96 1S 7 Jalsur 562 190 16 15 4 115 299 41 8 Aivarnad 843 382 8 I> 2 120 252 40 9 Amrapadnur 385 79 7 5 25 94 11 10 Kalanja 303 97 3 9 2 25 143 24 11 Sellare 383 123 2 • 8 3 52 318 3S 12 Peruvaje 199 52 11 6 45 229 6 13 Kodiyala 240 52 10 8 6 32 177 5 14 Balila 203 34 3 3 4 10 161 10 15 Muppirya 187 38 2 2 2 28 207 17 16 Amararrudnur 794 280 2 6 38 158 20 3 17 Nellurkemraje 552 132 2 13 16 52 7 18 Markanja 475 143 2 2 28 69 6 19 Madapady 332 57 8 4 10 4 1 20 Sampaje 487 194 11 2 3 75 169 67 4 21 Thodikana 372 205 2 12 36 1 22 Aranthodu 389 74 9 4 19 86 15 23 Aivathoklu 151 24 13 10 41 175 12 I 24 pambethady 171 14 9 44 11 25 Kalmadka 222 87 5, 12 169 8 26 Yenmur 49 12 4 57 5 27 Murulya 79 13 2 4 22 162 1 28 Yedamangala 221 21 14 4 11 2~2 7 29 Kenya 32 2 9 72 6 30 Kuthkunja ~95 26 2 19 65 4


Name of C.D. Block: SUL Y A ; Code No. : 0070

·WORKERS Marginal Non-liorkers Name of Village I Location lIorkers Town I liard Code Trade and Transport, Other NlI!lber Coomerce Storage and Services COIIIT1Un;cat;on


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

3273 237 1121 19 4265 1568 903 3569 28768 42350 3273 237 11al 19 4265 1568 903 3569 28768 42350 SULYA CO.Block

818 105 260 13 819 266 11 49 4069 5221 Sulya 1 35 3 27 72 39 5 27 699 1073 Ubaradkami thur 2 155 18 60 184 66 35 188 1618 2624 Aletty 3 142 6 42 277 127 37 247 1427 1906 Ajjavara 4 80 2 36 209 93 165 280 1198· 1772 Mandekolu 5 50 2 22 42 1f} - 29 65 612 838 Kanakamajalu 6 218 11 109 156 64 61 158 1339 2062 Jalsur 7 54 2 28 116 55 22 113 980 1404 Aivarnad 8 38 19 37 20 1 47 475 730 Amrapadnur 9 51 17 39 10 11 39 506 723 Kalanja 10 117 6 39 2 228 38 29 119 1061 1565 11 47 17 142 30 25 63 537 781 PeruvaJe 12 17 7 80 32 19 115 390 502 Kodiyala 13 42 1 24 57 17 10 .52 437 542 Bal i la 14 24 3 12 69 11 68 1'00 360 475 Muppirya 15 53 3 17 149 62 40 156 886 1237 Amaramudnur 16 42 3 59 34 41 175 554 846 Nellul'.kemraje 17 48 16 46 13 23 160 144 1080 Markan/a 18 25 6 14 6 52 217 542 Madapady 19 204 6 61 150 67' 70 223 1063 1498 Sampaje 20 28 10 33 13 9 16 421 670 Thodikana 21

102 26 127 c-47 10 51 767 1194 Aranthodu 22 140 19 18 115 50 5 14 727 1094 Aivathoklu 23 6 4 18 21 9 24 290 444 Pambethady 24 55 9 7 63 26 6 41 441 596 Kalmadka 25 7 3 19 13 2 260 429 Yervnur 26 86 5 20 . S9 15 7 46 456 664 Murulya 27 35 3 52 48 10 53 121 754 1081 Yedamangala 28 14 7 16 6 1 258 374 Kenya 29 35 2 4 36 18 6 422 664 Kuthkunja 30


Name of C.D. Block: SUL YA ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village! Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town ! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nl.Ilber urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ HQUseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.stocks

(P) Cf4) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ( 13) (14)

31 Guthigar 2662.42 722 736 3629 '846 1783 454 219 235 285 280 32 Balpa 1552.22 491 499 2641 1327 1314 362 19D 172 147 116 33 Yenekal 2762.81 462 462 2435 1225 1210 330 171 159 80 59 34 Devachalla 3468.61 678 678 3392 1690 1702 463 236 227 212 199 35 Nalkur 2427.83 467 468 2311 1181 1130 288 149 139 127 119 36 Subramanya 3473.25 584 620 2826 1428 1398 388 214 174 167 177 37 Alnakidu 1559.71 141 141 772 378 394 98 49 49 57 64 38 Balgodu 3645.72 248 250 1117 588 529 126 71 55 86 78 39 Hariharapallathadka 1215.42 190 190 824 442 382 101 54 47 18 16 40 Kollamogru 1327.41 353 356 1154 866 888 223 119 104 79 69 41 Kalmakar 1890.61 216 216 1112 579 533 178 89 89 73 64

C.D. Block Total Rural 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 8734 8915 13679

C.D. Block Total Urban


Scheduled literates Total fltain I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village I locatj.on Tribes Workers Town I liard Code CultIvators Agricultural NulIber labourers

(1 - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (f) (t4) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (t7) (18) (19) (20) (21) «(2) (23) (l4) (2) (1)

156 155 1332 f038 1083 446 47 23 214 t51 Guthigar 31 21 14 921 743 717 363 211 85 101 77 &alpa 32 46 41 907 780 690 217 200 4.2 70 30 Yenekal 33 90 94 1147 1011 957 323 128 9 155 52 Devachalla 34 104 8B 8B6 713 656 238 39 8 144 66 Nalkur 35 226 225 1011 829 792 331 96 36 46 19 Subramanya 36 16 16 299 256 259 184 46 1 67 152 Alnakidu 37 42 40 446 337 379 171 110 57 71 56 8algodu 38 55 48 334 2.46 304 120 21 12 43 23 Hariharapallathadka 39. 26 29 623 537 521 1~ 101 26 27 8 KollamogJ:'u 40 24 15 415 ! 336 352 161 4 5 6 4 Kalmakar 41

5329 5207 45521 36125 33756 15478 3804- 1334 3219 2094 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.O. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: SULYA ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Vlllage I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall MUlDer Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal) [V(b») (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Guthigar 517 129 10 5 32 78 13 32 Balpa 192 17 3 3 1 52 165 7 33 Yenelcal 279 63 3 1 21 58 6 34 Devacha II a 424 110 1 7 2 71 113 9 35 Nallcur 342 90 2 9 5 25 49 13 36 Subramanya 128 36 11 4 40 116 16 37 Alnalcidu 105 26 12 4 38 Balgodu 162 51 4 3 1 39 Hariharapallathadlca 185 62 5 17 2 40 Kollamogru 273 58 4 3 17 67 11 41 Kalmakar 272 122 8 19 15 . C.D. Block Total Rural 14997 4595 102 11 233 94 1859 5491 883 35

C.D. Bloclc Total Urban •


Namt! ot C.D. Block: SUL Y A ; Coot! No. : 0070

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IIlber Comnerce Storage and Serllices COIlIIUnicatl0n

(VII) (VIII ) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

97 5 27 126 55 40 162 723 1175 Guthlgar 31 47 34 67 18 27 96 583 855 Balpa 32 59 5 8 44 17 49 534 944 Yeneka! 33 41 2 16 105 34 9 20 724 1359 Devachalla 34 40 11 31 19 7 175 518 717 Nalkur 35 106 9 26 323 110 2 82 634 985 Subramanya 36 6 3 15 3 119 209 Alnakidu 37 13 3 11 4 209 358 Balgodu 38 27 2 3 18 4 1 9 137 253 Hariharapallathadka 39 41 10 34 14 6 156 339 559 Kottarnogru 40 28 7 12 11 7 67 220 305 Kalmakar 41

3273 237 1121 19 4265 1568 903 3569 28768 42350 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban




The following revenue villages of Udupi Taluk which had been assigned localionl code numbers have since been classified as outgrowths of MangalQre Urban Agglomerat~n.

L.C.No. Name of the village

1. ShivaUi 2. Herga 15. Kuthpady 16. Kadckar 17. Kidiyur 18. AmbaJpady 19. Mudanidambur

Hence these villages do not lind a mention in the Alphabetical List of Villages as wet! as in the peA Statement. This explains the gap in location code numbers noticed in the list of villages and the PCA Statement of Udupi C.O.Block. How.c_ver these units appear in the urban category as part of Udupi Urban Agglomeration.




(Manual) (C~ter) (Manual) (Computer)

2 3 4 5 6

Achalady 11/9/8/57 11/09/0080/0057 9/8/8/58 09/08/0080/0058 2 Atevoor 11/9/8/12 11/09/0080/0012' 9/8/8/11 09/08/0080/0011 3 Al tody 11/9/8/75 11/09/0080/0075 9/8/8/76 09/08/0080/0076 4 Anjar 11/9/8/6 11/09/0080/0006 9/8/8/4 09/08/0080/0004 5 11/9/8/81 11/09/0080/0081 9/8/8/43 09/08/0080/0043 6 Athrady 11/9/8/5 11/09/0080/0005 9/8/8/3 09/08/0080/0003 7 Avarse 11/9/8/64 11/09/0080/0064 9/8/8/64 09/08/0080/0064

8 Bada 11/9/8/50 11/09/0080/0050 9/8/8/106 09/08/0080/0106 9 Badagabettu (No.80) 11/9/8/2 11/09/0080/0002 9/8/8/10 09/08/0080/0010 10 Badanidyoor 11/9/8/21 11/09/0080/0021 9/8/8/21 09/08/0080/0021 11 8aikady 11/9/8/101 11/09/0080/0101 9/8/8/47 09/08/0080/0047 12 Bairampally 11/9/8/93 11/09/0080/0093 9/8/8/37 09/08/0080/0037 13 Balakudru 11/9/8/76 11/09/0080/0076 9/8/8/77 09/08/0080/0077 14 Bannady 11/9/8/54 11/09/0080/0054 9/8/8/55 09/08/0080/0055 15 Bellaq:>all i 11/9/8/97 11/09/0080/0097 9/8/8/41 09/08/0080/0041 16 Bellarpady 11/9/8/95 11/09/0080/0095 9/8/8/39 09/08/0080/0039 11 Belle 11/9/8/39 11/09/0080/0039 9/8/8/90 09/08/0080/0090 18 Belpu 11/9/8/32 11/09/0·080/0032 9/8/81107 09/08/0080/0107 19 Bi llady 11/9/8/61 11/09/0080/0061 9/8/8/60 09/08/0080/0060 20 Bonmarabettu 11/9/8/7 11/09/0080/0007 9/8/8/5 09/08/0080/0005

21 Chanthar 11/9/8/79 11/09/0080/0079 9/8/8/24 09/08/0080/0024 22 11/9/8/83 11/09/0080/0083 9/8/8/27 09/08/0080/0027

23 Gll iyar 11/9/8/53 11/09/0080/0053 9/8/8/54 09/08/0080/0054

24 Haluvall i 11/9/8/85 11/09/0080/0085 9/8/8/35 09/08/0080/0035 25 Handady 11/9/8/105 1V09/0080/0105 9/8/8/51 09/08/0080/0051 26 Hanehall i 11/9/8/70 1 f/09/~080/0070 9/8/8/71 09/08/0080/0071 \ 27 Harady 11/9/8/102 11/09/0080/0102 9/8/8/48 09/08/0080/0048 28 Havanje 11/9/8/98 11/09/01)80/0098 9/8/8/42 09/08/0080/0042 \ 29 Heggunje 11/9/8/60 1t/09/0~0/0060 9/8/8/66 09/08/0080/0066 30 Hejamady 11/9/8/46 11/09/0080/0046 9/8/8/101 09/08/0080/0101 '- 31 Herady 11/9/8/69 11/09/0080/0069 9/8/8/70 09/08/0080/0070 32 Heroor (52) 11/9/8/80 11/09/0080/0080 9/8/8/44 09/08/0080/0044 33 Heroor (92) 11/9/8/37 11/09/0080/0037 9/8/8/93 09/08/0080/0093 34 Hit iyana 11/9/8/65 11/09/0080/0065 918/8/64 09/08/008010064 35 Hirebettu 11/918/4 11/09/0080/0004 9/8/8/9 09/08/0080/0009 36 Hosala 11/9/8/71 11/09/0080/0071 9/8/8/73 09/08/0080/0073 37 Hosoor 11/9/8/86 11/09/0080/0086 9/8/8/34 09/08/0080/0034

38 11/9/8/30 11/09/0080/0030 9/8/8/82 09/08/0080/0082



SL NAME OF THE VILLAGE 1991 CENSUS 1981 CENSUS NO LOCA TI ON CDDE LOCA TI 011 CODE LOCA TI ON Coof loeA TI ON CODE (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer)

2 3 4 5 6

39 Kachur 11/9/8/72 11/09/0080/0072 9/8/8/72 09/08/1)080/0072 40 KaOOr 11/9/8/67 11/09/0080/0067 9/8/8/67 09108/0080/0067 41 Kakkunje 11/9/8/62 11/09/0080/0062 9/8/8/61 09/08/0080/0061 42 Kalthoor (108) 11/9/8/35 11/09/0080/0035 9/8/8/95 09/08/0080/0095 43 Kal thoor (38) 11/9/8/91 11/09/0080/0091 9/8/8/33 09/08/0080/0033 44 Kattingere 11/9/8/4Q 11/09/0080/0040 9/8/8/91 09/08/0080/0091 45 Kavac!y 11/9/8156 11,09/00s0/005b 9181'6/S7 09 JOOJ'Ocao/OOS 7 46 Kelarkalabettu 11/9/8/22 11/09/0080/0022 9/8/8/22 09708/0080/0022 47 Kenjoor 11/9/8/87 11/09/0080/0Q87 9/8/8/32 09/0810080/0032 48 Kocli 11/9r81n 11/09/0080/0071 9/8/8/78 09/08/0080/0078 49 Korangrapady 11/9/8/13 11/09/0080/0013 9/8/8/13 09/08/0080/0013 50 I(otathattu 11/9/8/52 11/09/0080/0052 9/818152 09/08/0080/0052 51 Kote 11/9/8/26 11/09/0080/0026 9/8/8/86 09/0810000/0086 52 Kudi 11/9/8/8 11/09/0080/0008 9/8/8/6 09/08/0080/0006 53 Kudi (34) 11/9/8/88 11/09/0080/0088 9/8/8/29 09/08/0080/0029 54 Kukkehalll 11/9/8/96 11/09/0080/0096 9/8/8/40 09/08/0080/0040 55 KlIIIragod 11/9/8/104 11/09/0080/0104 9/8/8/50 09{08/0080/0OS0 56 Kurkal 11/9/8/38 11/09/0080/0038 9/8/8/89 09/08/0080/0089 57 Kuthyar 11/9{8{34 11/09/0080/0034 9/8/8/96 09/08/0080/0096

58 Majaor 11/9/8/31 11/09/0080/0031 9/8/8/81 09/08/0080/0081 59 Manipura 11{9/8/11 11/09/0080/0011 9/8/8/12 09/08/0080/0012 60 Manaor 11/9/8/78 11/09/0080/0078 9/8/8/53 09/08/0080/0053 61 Marne 11/9/8/10 11/09/0080/0010 9/8/8/8 09/08/0OS0/0008 62 Matpady 11/9/8/106 11/09/0060/0106 9/8/8/25 09/08/0080/0025 63 Mattu 11/9{8125 11/09/00a0/0025 9/8/8/85 09/08/0080/0085 64 Moodabettu 11/9/8/28 11/09/0080/0028 9/8/8/88 09108/0080/0088 65 MoodahaOO 11/9!1V73 11/09/0080/0073 918/8/74 09108/0060/0074 66 Huloor 11/9/8/51 11/09/0080/0051 9/8/8/108 09!08/0080/0'OS

67 11/9/8/47 11/09/0080/004 7 9/8/8/102 09/08/0050/0102 68 Nadur 11/9/8/68 11/09/0080/0068 9/818/68 09/08/008010068 69 Nalkur 11/9/8/90 11/09/0080/0090 9/8/8/31 09/tl6/0080/0031 70 Nanchar 11/9/8/89 11/09/0080l0OS9 9/8/8/30 09{08/0080/0030 71 Nandicoor (104) 11/9/8/44 11/09/008{}f0044 :918/8/99 09/08/0080/0099 72 Neelavar 11{9/8/82 11/09/0080/0082 9/8/8/26 09/08/0f$0/OO26

73 Padebet tu 11/9/8/48 11/09/0080/0048 9/8/8/103 0910810080/0103 74 Padoor 12/9/8/36 11/09/0080/0036 9/8/8/94 09/OS/0080/0094 75 Padu 11/9/8/23 11/09/00s0/0023 9/8/8/79 09/08/0680/0079 76 Pal imar 11/9{8/45 11/09/0080/0045 918/8/100 09/08/0080/0100 n Pandeswar 11/9/8174 11/09/00801t)074 9/8/8/75 09/0810080/0075 78 11/9/8/29 11/09/0081l/0029 9/8/8/83 09/08/0080/0083 79 Pejamangoor 11/9/8/84 11/09/0080/0084 9{8/8/28 09/08/0080/0028 80 11/9/8/92 11/09/0080/0092 9/8/8/36 09/08/0080/0036




(Manual) (CoqJUter) (Manual) (C~ter)

1 2 3 4 5 6

81 Pernanld l a 11/9/8/9 11/09/0080/0009 . 9/8/8/7 09/08/0oaO/0007 82 Pilar 11/9/8/42 11/09/0080/0042 9/8/8/97 09/08/0080/0097

83 11/9/8/43 11/09/0080/0043 9/8/8/98 09/08/0080/0098 84 Shiriyara 11/9/8/59 11 t09/00BDIOOS9 9/8/8159 09/08/0080/0059 85 Shiroor (33) 11/9/8/66 11/09/0080/0066 9/8/8/65 09/08/0080/0065 86 Shiroer (41) 11/9(8194 11/09/0080{0094 9/R/8(58 09108/0080/0038 87 Shirva 11/918/41 11/09/0080/0041 9/8/8/92 09/08/0080/0092

88 Tenka 11/918149 11/09/008Q/OO49 9/8/8/104 09/08/0080/0104 89 Tenkanidiyoor 11/9/8120 11/09/0080/0020 9/8/B/20 09/08/0080/0020 90 Tonse East 11/9/8/100 11 109! 0080/0 100 9/8/8/46 09/08/0080/0046

91 11/9/8/14 11/09/0080/0014 9/8/8/14 09/08/0080/0014 92 Ul i argol i 11/9/8/24 11/09/0000/0024 9/8/8/84 09/08/008(lf0084 93 11/9/8/99 11/09/0080/0099 9/8/8/45 09/08/0080/0045

94 Vaddarse 11/9/8/55 11/09/0080/0055 9/8/8/56 09108/0080/0056 95 Vandar 11/9/8/63 11/09/0080/0063 9/8/8/62 09;08/0080/0062 96 VaraobaLl i 11/9/8/103 11/09/0080/0103 9/8/8/49 09/08/0080/0049

97 Yedthadi It/9/8/58 11/09/0080/0058 9/8/S/69 09/08/0080/0069 98 Yetlur 11/9/8/33 11/09/0080/0033 9/8/81105 09/08/0080/0105 99 Yenagudde 11/9/8/27 11/09/0080/0027 9/8/8/87 09/08/0080/0087


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080

Location Name of Village I Total/.Area 1n No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl.Il1ber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) eM) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10? (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 900.89 76781 77958 447833 210946 236887 55105 28071 27034 11630 11832 UDUPI C.D.Block R 826.24 60471 61427 350136 161818 188318 44117 22440 21677 8588 8760 U 74.65 16310 16531 97697 49128 48569 10988 5631 ~357 3042 3072

2 Badagabettu (No.80) 949.30 712 712 4051 1976 2075 505 261 244 10 12 4 Hirebettu 881.83 396 396 2316 1089 1227 296 139 157 36 39 5 Athrady 471.73 353 356 2059 996 1063 268 139 129 33 31 6 Anjar 1284.86 595 609 3528 1695 1833 445 255 190 98 109 7 Bonmarabettu 2561.42 1249 1251 6966 3345 3621 801 440 361 131 107 8 Kudi 656.57 254 254 1492 657 835 205 102 103 14 12 9 Pernankila 1071.48 352 352 1914 881 1033 198 117 81 38 40 10 Marne 396.26 201 . 201 1094 525 569 136 68 68 43 32 11 Manipura 921.29 752 752 4345 2010 2335 562 294 268 62 59 12 Alevoor 736.27 649 660 3849 1860 1989 332 170 162 79 91 13 Korangrapady 524.99 627 633 3744 1759 1985 442 218 224 272 282 14 Udyavara 963.38 1938 1971 11669 5517 6152 1303 674 629 231 213 20 Tenkanidiyoor 335.69 796 807 4332 2030 2302 549 298 251 78 61 21 Badanidyoor 294.80 600 600 3522 1621 1901 443 202 241 145 158 22 Kelarkalabettu 291.08 474 477 2584 1249 1335 361 173 188 186 226 23 Padu 348.08 858 931 5178 2375 2803 615 304 311 145 182 24 Ul iargoli 496.00 870 883 5124 2319 2805 550 252 298 229 242 25 Mattu 243.62 436 436 2539 1176 1363 243 131 112 92 81 26 Kote 187.20 526 531 2824 1306 1518 294 144 150 51 60 27 Yenagudde 403.13 733 782 4164 1975 2189 458 241 217 75 75 28 Moodabettu 416.65 794 796 4425 2110 2315 545 273 272 226 223 29 Pangala 366.88 410 435 2169 we 1177 236 132 104 128 133 I 30 Imanje 626.06 543 619 3223 1412 1811 354 176 178 138 140 31 Majoor 242.25 291 292 1716 802 914 257 144 113 27 19 32 8elpu 570.00 589 609 3479 1572 1907 505 238 267 149 135 33 Yellur 1757.80 1121 1131 6056 2717 3339 675 361 314 161 177 34 Kuthyar 758.89 500 500 2489 1093 1396 307 157 150 24 17 35 Kalthoor (108) 693.47 527 527 2816 1223 1593 411 207 204 27 24 36 Padoor 552.24 322 330 1817 782 1035 244 132 112 31 34 37 Heroor (92) 227.07 275 275 1328 568 760 144 75 69 12 5


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; C

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L ·Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nuni:>er Labourers

(l - IX) ( I ) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

9767 9893 157080 149133 102948 66712 25293 17153 15861 17975 7394 7503 117726 115261 79682 54451 23437 15867 14427 16471 UDUPI C.D.Block 2373 2390 39354 33872 23266 12261 1856 1286 1434 1504

393 348 1504 1444 1064 491 260 139 284 117 Badagabettu (No.SO) 2 202 208 763 745 579 376 215 163 90 100 Hirebettw 4 188 170 732 669 535 367 135 88 118 97 Athrac!y 5 255 267 1167 1107 866 752 370 333 125 160 Anjar 6 410 397 2466 2344 1701 1106 611 446 338 249 Bomnarabettu 7 93 110 441 495 327 217 146 66 78 76 Kudl 8 72 75 618 666 418 294 221 145 112 97 Pernankila 9 64 62 380 343 ! 255 212 113 96 50 54 Marne 10 147 167 1458 1446 1000 625 301 158 182 228 Manipura 11 238 271 1347 1216 1007 ,585 144 24 206 217 Alevoor 12 5>4 57 1364 1372 951 559 175 111 151 168 Korangrapady 13 27 23 4181 4099 2804 1542 228 108 193 232 Udyavara 14 1 1 1549 1626 912 530 115 42 85 88 Tenkanidiyoor 20 2 3 1255 1232 791 440 67 40 72 74 Badanl dyoor 21 48 41 939 839 585 285 S9 17, 76 59 Kelarkalabettu 22 40 30 1842 1907 1158 848 121 127 76 129 Padu 23 3 9 1842 1954 1114 758 188 123 \ 102 179 Ul iargol i 24 926 929 576 345 134 45 167 157 Mattu 25 647 12 6 1041 1026 449 41• 35 192' 147 Kote 26 8 8 1596 1607 976 419 113 44 88 105 Yenagudde 27 12 8 1707 1632 1019 444 175 41 124 72 Moodabettu 28 13 13 772 819 470 313 105 57 98 127 Pangala 29 28 22 1071 1226 667 637 178 185 56 110 Imanje 30 19 15 594 573 398 304 98 75 36 51 Majoor 31 7 5 1188 1271 677 653 157 198 35 78 Belpu 32 64 62 2051 2247 1267 1170 344 244 202 278 Yellur 33 19 12 840 930 462 . 430 224 182 38 72 Kuthyar 34 21 21 878 1029 557, 521 225 192 78 78 Kalthoor (108) 35 34 26 539 642 332 381 131 145 37 87 Padoor 36 10 9 453 530 266 225 58 67 2-8 47 Herc._. (92) 37


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080 loc&tion Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F fit A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.IIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, P'rocesstng, Fishing, Servicing and Servi c i ng and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied fndustry acthllties

(Ill) ( IV) (V(a» (V(bJ] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F) (14) (F)

(1) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) ~31) (32) (33) (34)

T 7668 1508 806 246 1580 1105 12725 18789 5626 391 UDUPI C.D.Block R 4954 1183 759 229 1277 826 8683 13619 3639 266 lJ 2714 325 47 11 303 279 4042 5170 1987 125

2 Badagabettu (No.80) 7 17 101 149 33 4 Hirebettu 1 1 100 79 38 5 Ath-rady 2 7 11 88 144 8 2 6 Anjar 16 1 29 6 75 197 43 7 80R111arabettu 32 7 40 7 125 319 60 8 lCud; 5 1 2 7 7 18 57 to 9 Pernriila 2 'to 4 4 35 2 10 Marne 4 6 12 39. 38 4 11 Manipura 20 3 22 4 81 179 154 12 Alevoor 11 8 153 246 129 26 13 Korangrapady 9 2 12 1 149 168 137 4 14 lJdyavara 492 37 32 2 24 32 457 632 298 70 20 Temanidiyoor 51 1 10 2 Z 192 332 97 21 Badanidyoor 248 34 13 102 165 42 22 Kelarkalabettu 10 10 3 10 123 160 63 3 23 PadU 295 16 7 12 118 219 33 3 ' ." 24 Ul iargol i 165 22 6 2 163 zn 66 2 25 Mattu 105 19 32 80 3 26 !Cote 72 12 2 8 7C 19' 17 27 Yenagudde 43 3 6 21 117 \80 t13 2t 28~tu 25 51 21 19 16 128 191 flO 2 29 Plmgala 25 22 1 7 5 78 71 8 30 Jnnanje 64 167 9 6 Ui 11 7Q 124 95 3' Majoor 3 1 'lj 11 51 147 6& 32 &elpI 5 3 3 25 6 tll 335 t11 33 Yell..". 43 52 8 58 27 \49 494 65 2 34 ICu.ttvfer 7 15 8 2 77 139 9 35 Kat tttoar (lOB) 4 18 23 26 sa 178 27 36 Padcaor 6 8 2 3 7 51 11S 14 37 IferQI)r (92) 32 63 2 5 66 36 32


Nam~ of C.D. Block: UDUPI : C()d~ No. : 0080

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Yillage I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IlIber Corrmerce Storage and Services COIIIlUlication

(VII ) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

15629 3837 4742 159 13018 5549 1050 4547 106948 165628 10872 2571 3206 108 8428 3311 882 4147 81254 129720 UDUPI C.D.Block 4757 1266 1536 51 4590 2238 168 400 25694 35908

138 28 25 3 197 55 912 1584 Badagabettu (No.80) 2 51 2 10 74 30 2 31 508 820 Hirebettu 4 81 1 27 69 23 461 696 Athrady 5 96 8 30 6 81 41 31 128 798 953 Anjar 6 226 19 55 1 214 57 10 44 1634 2471 BOIlIIlarabettu 7 24 2 6 -~ 31 8 74 330 544 Kudi 8 35 2 5 29 9 15 110 448 629 Pernankila 9 14 8 2 17 9 4 109 266 248 Marne 10 103 23 32 1 104 28 2 47 1008 1663 Manipura 11 156 14 43 3 157 $3 853 1404 Alevoor 12 117 55 70 2 129 50 3 6 805 1420 Korangrapady 13 513 231 184 9 383 189 27 108 2686 4502 Udyavara 14 188 18 65 3 107 43 64 ~ 1054 1722 Tenkanidiyoor 20 120 90 55 2 72 35 1 --\ 829 1461 8adanidyoor 21 107 7 48 1 79 35 1 \ ~4 1049 Kelarkalabettu 22 229 251 53 3 226 88 5 9 \ 1?1? 1946 Padu , 23 --; 203· 99 61 3 160 51 f7 28 1188.. 2019 Ul iargol i\ 24 n 32 12 1 46 11 10 38 590\ 980 Mattu 25 113 31 40 3 98 21 659 \ 1069 Kote 26 195 23 74 146 42 18 276 981 \ 1494 Yenagudde 27 210 19 78 2 132 56 1 1090 1870 Moodabettu 28 68 6 21 59 25 4 83 518 781 Pangala 29 70 5 26 85 1 28 16 43 729 1131 Innanje 30 51 4 35 511 13 3 32 401 578 Majoor 31 94 9 60 74, 24 2 19 893 1235 Belpu 32 189 11 43 166 60 28 72 1422 2097 Yellur 33 42 4 10 47 16 5 631 961 Kuthyar 34 51 3 28 63 26 4 10 66~ 1062 Kat thoor (108) 35 47 5 9 31 13 ~7 102 403 552 Padoor 36 28 5 15 5 302 535 Heroor (92) 37


Name of C.D. Block; VDUPI ; Codt: No. ; 0080

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No~of Tata l ,pfJpUl at i on Total Population Scheduled Code Town / ~ard Rurall Hectares Occu' Howse­ (l ncL ucti ng in thl!' age group Castes NUliber Urban for vi l- pi ed HGlds Institutiona{ & • (0 - 6) la~ & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ~Atial populat ion) for Hous.es towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M} (F) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) <11> (12) (13) (14)

38 lCurkal 973.17 922 9~2 4882 2171 2711 517 245 272 51 59 39 Belle 136'\.64 971 914 4933 2250 2683 596 305 291 202 223 40 Kattingere 834.57 441 447 2312 1036 1276 255. 131 12"4 57 50 41 Shirva 3216.13 241-4 2446 12805 5852 6953 1494 774 720 338 325 42 Pi lar 1019.67 592 593 2985 1306 1679 326 156 170 24 16 43 Santhoor 1028.06 736 736 3312 1426 1886 368 187 181 102 95 44 Nandi coor (104) 715.36 564 565 2892 1215 1677 327 154 173 70 80 45 P_l illl&r 639.40 6&1 ~ 3800 1m 2078 457 223 234 104 90 46 HejlUllaCiy 727.64 1369 1387 7925 36S6 40!69 892 443 449 192 194 47 N~al 823.88 1838 1854 10527 4985 5542 1266 646 620 281 255 48 Padebettu 360.25 376 41-8 2119. 952 1167 195 111 84 1109 90 49 Tenka 595.07 134 735 4a98 \940 2.158 449 229 220 . 161 132 50 Bads B!H.74 11&5 1187 6817 3096 3721 859 444 415 84 78 51 HuLoor 3OS.tl2 475 411t 2661 1205 1456 283 118 165 79 79 52 iClItat-hat tu 455.15 717 732 5061 2332 2729 673 342 331 90 105 53 G~Uyar 522.02 625 645 3882 1761 2121 447 241 206 100 104 ••....w 196-.93 196 214 1329' 609 no 171 89 82 35 54 f6 Vaddane 338.40 277 290 1653 736 917 244 H3 131 33 45 56 K4Vadv 571. 75 346 3~7 2139 910 1229 291 148 143 11 15 57 AoMledy 300.40 178 "'178 1062 493 569 145 77 68 15 20 58 yedthadi 1206.66 515 529 3391 1611 1780 517 261 256 137 130 59 Shiriyara 1378.95 632 675 4104 1933 2171 587 302 285 92 81 6P ~gunje 130-1.21 547 568 3236 1469 1767 476 242 234 65 72 '1 811lady 113.9.05 4311 430 2490 1125 1365 397 201 196 SO 79 62 '.kkunje 726.33 213 245 1531 723 808 237 12.1} 108 11 9 oclar 722.24 239 246 1348 617 731 202 10i! 100 13 19 631\ Yfil 64,jv.rse 749.96 244 273 1539 717 822 217 119 98 38 36 45 Hil iyana 1403.79 436 438 2822 1348 1474 498 234 264 70 ,79 IJf> Shfroor (33) 1051.94 33& 339 1875 81.8 997 295 166 129 49 43 67 Kadur 1066.37 405 41~ 250Z 1132 137() 361 176 185 30: 24 68 Nadur 675.02 \ 281 281 1651 753 898 215 115 lOa 69 Herady 549.60 275 275 1629 764 865 235 Wi! 133 26 I 18 698 1873 2199 517 252 265 75 , 87 70 Hanehall i 723.06 701 4072 I 71 Hosala 473.77 574 581 3175 1423 1752 385 211 174 63 65 72 Kachur 195.23 374 376 2116 942 1174 240 111 129 16 15


Name ofC.D. Block: UDUPI: COOe No. : 0080

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of VIllage I Location Tribes Workers Town I liard Code Cultivators A~ricultural NlARber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (n (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

19 19 1702 1847 1128 866 325 283 124 204 Kurkal 38 51 56 1587 1676 1022 608 357 155 199 208 Belle 39 16 15 805 863 450 452 205 217 107 117 Kattingere 40 168 188 4415 4685 2651 1884 752 723 274 412 Shirva 41 10 13 989 1071 674 497 252 130 99 149 PHar 42 29 28 1038 1274 640 478 230 206 64 98 Santhoor 43 35 42 908 1088 573 652 199 133 142 186 Hanch coor (104) 44 6 3 1356 1392 892 828 273 198 92 114 Pal imar 45 2924 2907 1766 1269 207 129 179 173 Hejamady 46 50 40 4007 3873 2316 1270 237 140 195 180 NOOsal 47 26 23 720 819 516 472 114 108 24 99 Padebettu 48 2 4 1562 1627 859 695 173 t 103 136 153 Tenka 49 18 17 2447 2608 1306 1018 128 139 96 156 Bada 50 956 980 536 371 89 96 81 62 Muloor 51 17 20 1673 1433 1270 1052 301 163 337 762 52 15 23 1229 1188 916 533 252 68 271 378 Gil iyar 53 4 1 431 388 306 249 116 63 94 182 Bannady 54 8 11 484 373 380 358 144 '-05 126 213 V-ac!darse 55 17 21 642 697 424 483 240 286 84 148 Kavady 56 11 6 321 294 270 154 137 84 57 67 "ActlalOOy 57 28 30 918 745 817 507 319 135 154 195 Yedttradi 58 1258 1040 1033 775 368 315 243 328 Shitiyara "'~9 57 65 951 897 782 510 268 63 290 349 Heggunje 60 7 9 574 464 589 449 230 188 231 237 Bi ll-ady 61 9 5 395 322 427 511 341 443 61 57 Kakl«Jnje 62 6 8 323 264 341 218 162 51 138 147 vandar 63 , 1 399 327 384 236 209 92 111 120 Avarse 64 25 19 727 519 676 527 276 244 '86 152 Hit iyana 65 50 54 454 397 461 347 209 176 173 1St Sh4 I"oor (33) 66' 45 49 733 611 605 469 289 202 '147 200 Kadur • 67 10 8 406 331 413 433 232 211 , 89 167 Nlidur 68 240 244 471 417 380 229 108 109 J 98 76 HeFady 69 103 91 1371 1273 915 772 322 295 256 312 Henehalli 70 19 18 1079 1130 730 538 195 136 162 230 Hosata - 71 7 7 756 851 410 199 86 10 127 78 Kachur 72


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080 ~

Location Name of Village / Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ . N\.Ilt)er Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction

Fores~ry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(I II) (IV) [V(a») [V(b») (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

38 Kurka I 56 101 97 33 19 13 116 90 22 39 Belle 17 34 6 11 14 170 140 18 40 Kattil"lgere 10 17 4 15 14 20 56 13 41 Shirva 93 92 89 9 40 26 349 325 132 14 42 Pi lar 13 12 6 36 7 112 166 3 43 Santhoor 57 50 15 6 7 6 84 63 11 44 Nandicoor (104) 6 1 9 1 12 11 64 296 24 45 Pal imar 14 2 5 2 16 1 136 426 40 46 Hejamady 464 46 4 2 5 149 544 SO 47 Nadsal 173 10 10 4 21 18 328 674 110 11 48 Padebettu 7 1 4 1 6 5 83 180 98 39 49 Tenka 104 4 1 28 98 337 11 50 Bada 261 4 3 14 9 188 523 41 51 Huloor 92 1 56 172 21 52 Kotathattu 216 2 5 10 103 79 53 53 Glliyar 6 6 14 100 35 17 54 Bannady 1 15 32 2 12 55 Vaddarse 1 2 4 6 22 27 "t2 56 Kavady 4 2 7 3 11 35 15 2 57 Achalacly 17 2 58 Yedthadi 5 113 3 2 34 2] 25 59 Shiriyara 11 98 31 15 70 33 24 60 Heg9unje 4 7 19 31 73 29 61 Bi llady 29 7 6 33 5 6 62 Kakkunje 2 2 8 6 63 Vander 2 10 13 1 64 Avarse 1 7 5 3 17 5 65 Hi I iyana 5 28 6 10 50 109 6 66 Shiroor (33) 12 6 5 7 67 Kadur 4 5 1 56 50 16 68 Nadur 3 4 3 42 31 5 14 1 69 Heracly 6 3 42 27 13 70 Haneha II i 14 10 18 20 82 97 32 71 Hosala 38 3 4 13 76 84 42 72 Kachur 16 43 37 6


Nal11~ of C.D. Block: UQUPI ; Cod!:: No. : 0080

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJIber Conmerce Storage and Services , COIJIlU'li cat i on

(V11 ) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)' (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

180 94 65 124 48 5 14 1038 1831 Kurkal 38 131 14 24 2 89 40 3 78 1225 1997 Belle 39 43 18 12 21 13 586 824 Kattingere 40 389 78 162 5 371 200 45 94 3156 4975 Shirva 41 71 15 15 67 17 632 1182 Pi lar {,2 51 10 43 78 39 17 88 769 1320 Santhoor 43 5.1 5 18 2 48 17 1 8 641 1017 Nandicoor (104) 44 133 7 25 3 - 158 75 35 89 795 1161 Pal imar 45 327 297- 117 5 207 69 16 77 1934 2923 Hejamady 46 690 127 152 5 400 101 43 140 2626 4132 Nadsal -47 82 4 27 71 35 436 695 Padebettu 48 118 50 60 130 45 9 16 1072 1647 Tenka 49 274 121 101 200 64 1790 2703 Bada 50 103 10 38 56 30 3 38 666 1047 Muloor 51 136 13 24 1 95 22 8 12 1054 1665 Kotathattu 52 166 25 22 3 75 10 5 840 1588 Gll iyar 53 14 7 14 '- - 3 5 300 466 Bannady 54 24 1 20 25 6 2 356 557 Vaddarse 55 30 2 9 22 6 42 486 70'\ Kavady 56 33 8 18 1 _. 223 415 Achalady 57 51 7 8 105 84' 22 71 772 1202 Yedthadi 58 100 13 18 70 9 ~ 47 896 1349 Shi·riyara 59 54 5 12 68 l7 it 4 685 1253 Heggunje 60 30 4 3 r 19 7 7 38 529 878 Bi llady 61 7 3 5 79 90 217 207 Kakkunje 62 12 , 3 12 6 6 l76 507 Vandar 63 15 4 5 23 Z 25 125 308 461 Avarse 64 86 4 12 . 21 7 2 178 670 769 Hi l iyana 65 32 4 5 , 25 3 9 32 4011 618 Shiroor (33) 66 38 4 11 39 11 12 39 515 862 Kadur 67 17 2 6 15 4 -6 83 334 382 Nadur 68 57 7 18 38 7 2 384 634 Herady 69 8Z 7 30 1 78 30 5 70 953 1357 Hanehalli 70 96 23 28 3 89 46 693 1213 Hosala 71 107 16 16 69 56 2 470 974 Kachur 72


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080 • Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- ~ouse­ (InclUding in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resjd­ KOU!Ieless in $q.icm ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (~) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

73 Moodahadu 300.01 309 311 1842 816 1026 275 144 131 28 31 74 Pande$war 326.90 475 482 2704 1203 1501 376 183 193 65 60 75 At tOE!y 365.,19 615 618 3351 1530 1821 420 231 189 58 52 76 8alakudru 359.31 525 525 2898 1367 1531 392 189 203 135 147 77 kocH 442.07 641 645 4303 2035 2268 675 349 326 12 19 78 "anoor 546.96 748 758 5481 2548 2933 803 402 401 173 181 79 Cftantnar 564.18 685 704 4333 2144 2189 500 257 243 83 89 80 tteroor (52) 682.31 588 591 3042 1411 1631 349 193 156 59 67 81 Aroor 1007.67 581 587 3285 1522 1763 418 213 205 58 62 8i Neelavar 1248.62 634 639 3726 1727 1999 427 224 203 11 5 83 Cherkady 2107.51 977 984 5888 2816 3072 769 406 363 46 57 84 Pejamangoor 825.42 622 625 3740 1737 2003 594 295 299 84 105 85 Haluvell i 880.43 300 301 1845 849 996 258 128 130 10 15 86 Hosoor 1571.51 397 411 2266 1055 1211 349 168 181 63 69 87 Kenjoor 1093.79 .. 436 438 2742 12'49 1493 420 206 214 24 24 88 Kudi (34) 1432.43 502 536 3362 1603 1759 565 -286 279 30 23 89 Manchar 1127.88 324 350 2160 1011 1149 337 171 166 23 17 90 NaU('Ur 1996.05 544 588 3779 1826 1953 587 291 296 77 67 91 Katthoor (38) 1077.98 270 270 1627 721 906 227 115 112 2l 27 92 Perdoor 4514.38 1551 1560 9471 4390 5081 1324 663 661 166 165 93 Bair~lly 1347.84 413 416 3092 1471 1621 448 228 220 59 50 94 Shiroor (41) 1427.17 294 194 .....2016 921 1095 283 147 136 76 90 95 BeUarpady 445.62 120 120 681 330 351 81 49 32 25 15 96 K\Jkkehat 1 i 1405.56 431 433 2751 1272 1479 336 165 171 58 68 97 8eUJIIIIp8ll i 708./0 321 321 2006 907 1099 266 133 133 13 12 98 ltavanje 1038.62 57f 577 ,3435 1592 1843 489 253 236 135 119 99 tJppoor 1217.59 1223 1231 6761 3215 3546 778 401 377 194 200 100 T_e East 762.66 1497 1498 7487 3350 4137 767 374 393 292 281 101 88ttady 358.37 413 423 2166 1033 1133 267 129 138 54 57 102 ller-ady 593.11 664 664 3806 1696 2110 525 251 274 194 199 103 Varalliba II i 508.15 1067 1069 5785 2806 2979 ,658 342 316 203 243 104 Klftragod 227.89 293 293 1604 7Z7 en 204 103 101 10 12 105 lIandady 325.55 559 562 3203 1479 1724 384 186 198 166 211 106 Matpady 326.84 282 283 1811 S66 945 248 149 99 39 16

C.D. Block Total Rural 826.24 60471 61427350136 161818 188318 44117 22440 21677 8588 8760


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ~ Code No. : 0080

Scheduled Literates Total f4ain I N 0 U S T ~ I A L N~ of Vill.age I Location Tribes workers Town I .Yard COde Cultivators Agricultural NlJIIber Labourers

(I - I)() (I )- (II )

(N) (F) (M) (F) (N) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21? (22) (24) (2) (1 )

595 617 392 231 125 37 75 132 Moodahadu 73 8 14 951 10'12 606 372 154 61 108 2\2 Pandeswar 74 6 2 1184 1159 713 462 213 76 159 294 Al"t'ody 75 1061 '994 m 503 lt5 tt7 108 21,() B8'ktIeudru 76 1327 H39 1041 65-3 82 16 62 214 Kocli 77 12 14 1747 1472 1249 967 37'6 234 246 544 MlIAOQr 78- 194 191 17'40 1549 942 412 208 96 109 95 Chanthar 79 12 12 1078 1042 ~B 198 2J"l 53 148 60 Heroor (52) 80 381 l~ 1065 996 790 553 344 250 187 152 Aroor 81 150 152 1269 1176 758 5'81 34:6 231 192 179 1It_l-avar 82 847 847 1971 ln4 1445 840 609 404 375 288 Chel'kady 83 75 84 10H ~ 89tt 60-3 43.9 332 204 196 Pe~ 84 200 196 548 4~ 420 525 247 372 84 108 Ha{wa.ll i 85 342 361 637 Si7 565 46S 282 217 165 204 Hosoor 86 119 121 791 705 700 521 325 200 156 221 Kenjoor 87 71 62 859· 625 873 633 481 333 177 232 Kudi (34) 88 85 77 576 459 555 \378 405 266 114 105 Manchar 89 23 30 lt51 904, 99.0 \436 648 230 213 176 Nal1cur 90 139 160 457 461 467 4~3 . "5-4 172 113 15,. ~ttftoor (38) 91 332 351 3032 287'0 .2286 192T ~ 910 531 s~ Per.ctoor 92 41 48 10Zl 888 801 501 ~ 292 155 97 Bail'..,ally 93

85 8' 610 624 1 48Z 23-2- 2~ 90 138 74 Shlf'oor (41) 94 10 1t 224 205 184 214 1~ 124 41 47 Bfl!\larpady 95 21' 222 844 711 673 303 3~2 85 221 155 KtalGeha lli 96 149 160 638 64'6 438 247 188 89 79. 66 Beltampall i 97 120. 136 1159 I 1112 82f 370 305 90 202. 143 Havanje 98 1 40 48 .2466. 2325 ",56 677 344 82 240 191 Uppoor 99 23 30 2716 2951 1'543 801 153 40 288 180 Tonie fast 100 10 9 74~ 684 468 183 77 50 65 51 Bait*" 101 13 13 1200 1280 m 657 162 140 1iZ6 176 ilaNidy 102 30 21 2262 2066 1.332 586 2Z7 52 251 110 Var~lli 103 1 3 515 536 337 iZ7 86 63 22 58 ICI.DI'egOd 104 7 5 ,,84- "65 72' 488 146 105 182 170 H~....,., 105 64 n 565 556 402 171 117 18 127 85 ...... 106

7394 751)3 1 f1'T26 ' 115261 7'9662 544~" 23437 15867 14427 16471 C.D. cllock Tot~~ ...cur.... -


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing. Fish ing. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting, and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry act i vi ties

( III ) (IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (n (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29). (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

73 Moodahadu 9 12 5 57 32 29 74 Pandeswar 33 12 6 17 80 22 39 2 75 Al tody 27 7 10 11.0 36 17 76 Ba l akudru 27 3 254 123 40 12 77 Kodi 611 122 5 27 23 63 10 . 78 Manoor 170 4 14 40 70 41 52 79 Chanthar 22 3 10 16 92 80 32 80 Heroor (52) 45 3 77 48 6 81 Aroor 7 3 18 13 39 117 28 82 Neelavar 4 3 3 1 61 151 14 83 Cherkady 6 2 21 11 144 90 20 84 Pejamangoor 7 1 6 6 3 69 30 10 4 85 46 22 2 11 18 3 86 Hosoor 9 3 2 16 28 14 87 Kenjoor 4 9 17 12 56 75 21 88 Kudi (34) 1 11 2 44 46 17 89 Nanchar 2 8 4 6 4 1 1 90 Nalkur 3 7 21 14 18 18 91 Kal thoor (38) 5 5 1 6 1 30 66 14 92 Perdoor ,.' 22 2 3 37 7 164 430 61 93 Bai rilll1'8ll y 6 5 52 19 17 72 11 94 Shiroor (41) 2 26 2 12 60 3 95 Bellarpady 7 5 8 35 3 96 Kukkeha II i 1 14 12 55 5 97 Bellap.,all i 2 14 4 35 81 25 98 Havanje 5 34 8 15 3 63 102 18 99 Uppoor 75 9 4 2 11 9 199 225 142 28 100 Tonse East 119 6 4 8 236 287 2 101 Baikady 57 16 1 120 33 16 102 Harady 57 10 33 55 97 193 24 5 103 Varamball i 38 7 26 16 237 286 38 104 Kt.tnragod 28 4 4 4 89 63 12 105 Handady 18 13 26 113 130 17 '06 Matpady 3 12 14 34 40 29

C.D. Block Total Rural 4954 1183 759 229 1277 826 8683 13619 3639


Name: of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Cude: No. : 0080

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber COIIIIIerce Storage and Services COIIIIlJn i ca t i on

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (foI) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

48 8 10 27 15 424 795 foIoodahadu 73 103 6 18 65 39 597 1129 Pandeswar 74 94 4 16 69 41 12 816 1347 Al tody 75 96 14 29 49 26 2 1 644 1027 Balakudru 76 177 183 15 56 28 21 80 973 1535 Kodi 77 211 16 28 1 80 27 4 18 1295 2008 Manoor 78 231 21 43 2 195 98 25' 66 1177 1711 Chanthar 79 51 13 22 77 . 16 1 752 1433 Heroor (52) 80 77 3 19 71 15 20 103 712 1107 Aroor 81 74 7 16 45 11 38 a 931 1410 Neelavar 82 110 6 36 122 40 2 11 1369 2221 Cherkady 83 59 16 34 60 21 2 842 1398 Pejamangoor 84 19 4 4 4 17 429 454 Hatuvall i 85 46 4 6 27 7 490 746 Hosoor 86 78 2 7 27 10 4 48 545 924 lCenjoor 87 83 10 11 44 10 3 24 727 1102 Kudi (34) 88 10 1 5 43 456 728 Hanchar 89 30 2 13 23 10 836 1516 Hal"'ur 90 49 6 7 28 12 2 314 491 Kal thoor (38) 91 308 26· 53 2 146 41 18 172 2086 2988 Perdoor 92 lOS 11 46 15 505 670 615 8air~lly 93 46 5 18 5 11 437 852 Shi roor (41) 94 13 1 8 2 146 137 Bellarpady 95 40 2 5 23 5 599 1176 Kulckehall i 96 42 1 10 43 6 3 469 849 Bell~lli 97 91 4 30 58 20 771 1473 Havanje 98 201 44 76 164 86 2 10 1757 2859 Uppoor 99 268 50 132 4 284 224 20 29 1787 3307 Tonse East 100 70 9 19 43 22 28 51 537 899 BaiUdy 101 153 38 42 79 40 923 1452 Haracly 102 251 46 77 5 .a7 63 4 11 1470 2382 Varari)all i 103 33 7 17 2 46 26 390 650 Kl.IIlragod 104 tt19 11 39 2 91- 44 4 2 747 1234 Handady 105 30 t9 31 11 464 774 Matpady 106

10872 2571 3206 108 8428 3311 882 4147 81254 129720 C.D_ Block Total Rural


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080 locatIon Name of VIllage! Total! Area In No.of No.of Total populatIon Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code Town ! ~ard Rural! Hectares occu' House­ (IncludIng .In the age group Castes Nl.II1ber Urban for VIl- pled Holds InstitutIonal & (0 - 6) lages & ReSld­ Houseless in sq.km entlal populatIon) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13) (14)


1 Maltar (NMCT) 4.83 969 970 5776 2706 3070 899 459 440 322 312 2 Tonse West (NMCT) 6.52 1360 1366 8160 3800 4360 991 515 476 315 337 3Shlvalll (OG) 19.47 3408 3446 18291 9362 8929 1898 977 921 155 145 4 Herga (OG) 12.62 1838 1858 12311 7409 4902 1188 601 587 99 107 . 5 Kuthpady (OG) 2.25 457 458 3054 1451 1603 402 205 197 71 53 6 Kadekar (OG) 3.03 595 604 4195 2041 2154 423 234 189 273 289 7 Kldiyur (OG) 2.58 691 694 4328 2103 2225 425 218 207 101 105 8 Anbalpady (OG) 1.33 232 232 1480 706 • 774 177 87 90 137 131 9 Mudanldambur (OG) 0.16 81 81 522 267 255 51 32 19 3 4 10 Badagabettu-76 (NMCT) 5.27 1774 1901 10446 5119 5327 1196 613 583 249 244 11 Malpe (NMCT) 9.22 3046 3053 '''063 9322 9741 2072 1044 1028 816 789 12 Puttur (NMCT) 7.37 1859 1868 10071 4842 5229 1266 646 620 501 556

C.O. Slock Total urban 74.65 16310 16531 97697 49128 48569 10988 5631 5357 3042 3072


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.IOOer Labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) ( II)

(M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(15) (16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)


23 16 2035 2078 1133 693 113 61 64 98 Mallar (NMCT) 1 13 13 2787 2844 1687 967 87 30 133 108 Tonse West (NMCT) 2 992 1026 7734 6540 4593 2583 422 240 516 376 Shival I i (OG) 3 708 699 6345 3305 2657 1298 404 267 194 116 Herga (OG) 4 2 1085 1024 ]42 497 70 84 52 108 Kuthpady (OG) 5 21 19 1548 1463 1072 540 126 126 15 66 Kadekar (OG) 6 1644 1474 1170 628 70 115 41 79 Kldlyur (OG) 7 558 533 337 175 29 26 18 .29 Ambalpady (OG) 8 225 197 128 33 12 3 1 Mudanidambur (OG) 9 283 282 4240 4121 2647 1344 164 152 94 126 Badagabettu-76 (NMCT) 10 84 75 7411 6713 4628 2288 204 110 208 262 Malpe (NMCT) 11 247 258 3742 3580 2472 1215 155 72 98 135 Puttur (NMCT) 12

2373 2390 39354 33872 23266 12261 1856 1286 1434 1504 C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI ; Code No. : 0080

Location Narne of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N- Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Fore,stry, Quarrying Processing. Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

eM) (F) (M1 (f) eM) en (M) (F1 (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) <27> (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)


Mallar (NMCT) 15 6 3 27 16 190 432 120 6 2 Tonse West (NMCT) 529 33 10 43 121 169 407 67 3 Shivall i (OG) 67 21 13 52 24 no 867 413 22 4 Herga (OG) 36 7 18 15 339 398 364 45 5 Kuthpacly (OG) 160 1 109 174 107 2 6 Kadekar (OG) 253 21 5 4 159 159 106 13 7 Kidiyur (OG) 350 4 3 16 2 2 196 228 92 2 8 Amba l pacIy (OG) 9 2 49 93 30 9 MudanidanbJr (OG) 30 24 6 10 Badagabettu-76 (NMCT) 16 10 10 12 690 642 215 10 11 Malpe (NMCT) 1213 206 8 78 41 809 1117 203 5 12 Puttur (NMCT) 65 15 9 66 44 532 629 264 20

C.D. Block Total Urban 2714 325 47 17 303 279 4042 5170 1987 125 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Name of C.D. Block: UDUPI : Code No. : 0080

WORKERS Harginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Work~rs Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.Il1ber COI11IIerce Storage and Services COIIIIIJI'Iication

(VII) (VIII ) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (H) (F) (H) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)


224 6 82 2 295 66 30 40 1543 2337 HallaI' (NMCT) 1 3n 152 83 3 189 113 15 53 2098 3340 Tonse West (NHCT) 2 863 186 221 11 1256 836 39 25 4730 6321 Shivalli (OG) 3 563 80 112 9 627 361 2 7 4750 3597 Herga (OG) 4 124 99 41 3 78 25 11 62 698 1044 Kuthpady (OG) 5 183 93 46 2 179 56 2 968 1612 Kadekar (OG) 6 233 141 : 56 127 40 11 28 922 1569 Kldiyur (OG) 7 88 6 29 83 20 2 4 367 595 Anbalpady (OG) 8 31 19 28 4 10 9 129 213 Hudanldambur (OG) 9 613 88 280 9 565 295 23 48 2449 3935 Badagabettu-76 (NHCT) 10 941 332 327 5 637 210 18 103 4676 7350 Malpe (NMCT) 11 517 83 240 5 526 212 6 19 2364 3995 Puttur (NHCT) 12

4757 1266 1536 51 4590 2238 168 400 25694 35908 CoD. Block Total Urban




SI.No. Name of Ihe Town IIJ<) I Cen\u... I ()~ I (_ \:n~u"

Localillll Cl)lle Local ion Code Lllcalilln Colic Localion Culie (Manual) (COIll PUI c r) (Manual) (Computct)

1 2 :; -1- :'i ()

1. Bauagabetlu-7() II NIl 1 I /OW31 020l) 9!X.'11 ()l)/()~/ I()()II

2. Baindur liN/II 1 I/OW 100000 l)fX,'V Ol)jO~/ 111311

3. Bajal 11/')/111 11/1)l)f300()OO

4. B,llllv

5. Gangoli IIfl)fV 11(OW 102000 l)/X/Vltl OWO~/ 1O:'iO 6. Hosangadi Colony IINIYI I IlOW Imooo 7. Kannur IIN/VII I (,'O9,':-\()07()()

8. Karkal 11f')/V11I I I /()W IO-lOOO l)fX, IX Ill) /OX/l O(J()

9. Kcmminji liN/IX I IlOW IO:'iOOO

10. Kotekara 11/9/X I I/IIl)f3I10500 I):X:XII IIl)fOXnOO')

11. Kund;lpura I IIl),IX I I IlOW IOWOO l)j~:VI ()l)/O~/ w-w 12. Mallur 11N/XII I IlOW I070()O

13. Malpe IIJlJ/XIII I I(1)I)!3 (( noo 1)!X,'XIV ()l) IOX/ 1071)

I 14. M;tngalorc (CMe) liN/XIV I 1(0\)/300 100 ')iX/XIII OI),'OX,'300()

15. Mudbidri II/WXV I 1(01)( IOXOOO l)/WXV ( 1) /O~!l OX!)

16. Mulki liN/XVI I I/OW Il)l)O()() !)fX/XVI lIl)jO~ 1(1)1)

17. New Mangalon: Port liN/XVII I 1(()I)/300XOO 1),'';:1,/>'' VII OWO~/3() I()

18. Pcramunl1uru Il/l)fXVIII I I!()l)/300-l0" IJ/X/XIX l)t),'!)X/300(.

19. Pudu 1 I fl)/X I X I IlOW I I00"0

20. PUllur. (TMC) liN/XX I I/!)l) /1 I IO()O , IJI';:I,,'XX m/ox,' I 100 \ 21. Pullur (NMCT) liN/XXI I I/OlJ/31O-WII

22. Saligram liN/XXII' I 1/(1) Jl120011 tJ,'X/XXI I)

23. Someshwar I 1/I)fXX II I I I jlllJ!30031l0 ')/X,'XXII OIJ,'OX/30()K

24. Suralkal Il/9/XX1V I I(OI)f3()!l(J()O lJ,'X;XXIV O')/OX,' I UII

25. TOl1sc Wcst liN/XXV I JlIN /l nODO IJ/X/XXV I)l)/l)X/ I 140

26. Udupi (TMC) IIIlJ/XXVI 11/()l)/~Il11\)O lJ/X/XXVI 1I1J/OX/1 150

27. Ullal l1f'J/XXVII t IJOlJf300200 IJfX/XXVIl Ol)jOX/3007


Location Name of Town/ Area in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s OCC~' House' ( Including in the age group Castes Number ied Holds Institutional (0 . 6) Reside· and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) 96.99 2538 2615 16488 7762 8726 2720 1367 1353 306 325

Division 1 741 750 4637 2280 2357 796 399 397 133 114 Division 2 256 268 1738 760 978 281 144 137 28 42 Division 3 371 392 2400 1134 1266 345 180 165 7 6 Division 4 462 471 2709 1272 1437 351 174 177 64 73 Division 5 708 734 5004 2316 2688 947 470 477 74 90

101000 BANTVAL (TMC) 28.14 5552 5647 34313 16974 17339 5079 2510 2569 468 455

Division 1 1189 1214 6974 3319 3655 939 440 499 157 160 Division 2 737 758 4559 2260 2299• 529 254 275 11 11 Division 3 1269 1297 7497 l~O 3737 988 496 492 62 70 Division 4 1357 1365 8567. 4249 4318 1577 787 790 141 112 Division 5 1000 1013 6716 3386 3330 1046 533 513 97 102

102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) 4.07 1779 1881 12332 6038 6294 1885 936 949 523 557

103000 HOSANGADI KPC P~OJECT 0.23 510 516 2117 1094 1023 389 206 183 146 117 COLONY (NMCT)

104000 KARKAL (TMC) 23.06 3911 3976 24108 122S1 11857 2841 1489 1352 728 704

Division 1 908 914 5546. 2763 2783 726 360 366 233 190 Division 2 881 898 5363 2653 2710 623 317 306 234 245 Division 3 701 709 4379 2315 2064 504 264 240 110 109 Division 4 531 537 3180 16,." 1546 282 153 129 Division 5 a90 91a 5040 2~ 2754 706 395 31' ,,, 160

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3549 1230 971 513 458 245 204

106000 KUNDAPURA (THe) 14.0t 4375 4459 2S4n 1~ '4543 3664 1837 1827 642 609

Division 1 814 841 5140 2555 2585 564 276 288 23 17 Division 2 900 918 5626 2760 286IJ 722 363 359 105 86 Division 3 731 740 4093 1981 2105 467 241 226 30 33 Division 4 1422 1452 9264 456' 4695 1213 598 61S 484 473 Division 5 508 501 4)54 JM2 229Z 698 359 339


Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Town I Locat IOn Tribes workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F)

(14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2)

570 599 5044 4302 3594 2359 1392 1122 607 826 BAINDUR (THe) 100000

238 239 1453 1166 1066 623 367 319 196 197 Division 1 500 513 309 179 68 48 23 57 Division 2 846 766 483 153 63 49 66 23 Division 3 2 946 764 567 406 137 126 139 231 Division 4 330 360 1299 1093 1169 998 757 580 183 318 Division 5

166 148 12505 10125 8668 5714 721, 226 460 263 BANTVAL (THC) 101000

37 46 2351 1995 1783 1722 259 116 142 97 Division 1 4 4 1912 1718 1189 508 23 16 13 10 Division 2 17 15 2916 2411 1976 1106 112 31 66 37 Division 3 33 22 2899 2154 2098 1413 121 25 124 58 Division 4 75 61 2427 1847 1622 865 209 38 115 61 Division 5

15 14 4231 3527 2586 716 143 50 87 63 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000

23 15 831 688 529 35 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NHCT)'-, \ 180 210 9952 8559 6104 2307 365 124 315 222 KARKAL (TMC) 104000

57 71 2203 1881 1415 509 62 23 91 \25 Division 1 71 98 2117 1920 1391 628 -116 58 118 86 Division 2 4 2 1925 1477 1062 414 83 23 58 41 Division 3 30 27 1411 1234 878 '286 30 9 20 48 Division 4 18 12 2296 2047 1358 470 74 11 28 22 Division 5

114 115 2752 2081 1790 : 860 97 25 26 32 I(EMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

139 119 10538 9215 6764 . 2330 292 138 401- 495 I(UNDAPURA (TMC) 106000

6 4 2010 1743 1285 362 7 6 12 6 Division 1 1 2186 1935 1350 389 44 30 53 44 DiviSIon 2 3 9 1613 1518 1002 319 34 15 27 27 Division 3 '30 105 3436 2889 2202 888 129 75 216 282 Division 4 1293 1130 925 172 78 12 9S 136 Division 5


location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Ward Number livestock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing. Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry Activities

(I I I) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) r (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) {F} (M) {F}

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28l (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) 61 45 37 9 25 8 232 103 138 3

Division 1 25 6 7 15 80 29 51 2 Division 2 3 4 3 3 13 6 12 Division 3 14 35 4 2 57 4 39 Division 4 10 41 20 13 Division 5 9 24 9 5 4 41 44 23

101000 BANTVAl (TMC) 135 7 12 17 7 2439 4741 503 8

Division 1 44 3 479 1422 172 2 Division 2 6 276 400 30 Division 3 28 2 6 7 3 564 970 125 5 Division 4 30 2 2 7 1 619 1231 146 Division 5 27 3 2 2 501 718 30

102000 GANGOlI (NMCT) 7S4 223 4 21 291 167 83 4


104000 KARKAl (TMC) 70 8 17 S9 41 1059 1239 321 49

Division 1 17 4 30 11 271 350 41 Division 2 17 2 6 24 196 262 81 30 Division 3 14 4 4 176 198 61 7 Division 4 6 8 188 137 34 Division 5 16 12 11 5 228 292 104 11

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 115 24 6 7 3 435 624 128 13

106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 898 79 2 49 54 1250 714 360 11

Division 1 471 7 16 179 136 6 Division 2 57 3 2 8 266 128 93 3 Division 3 68 14 217 71 27 1 Division 4 30 33 16 6 472 264 216 7 Division 5 272 22 9 47 116 115 18


II 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town / Location Workers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other N~r Conrnerce Storage and Services COIIIrunication

(VII ) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) ('of) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

507 62 151 5 444 176 147 745 4021 5622 SA I NDUR (THC> 100000

162 24 39 124 45 6 46 1208 1688 Division 1 84 10 18 84 50 4 6 447 793 Division 2 114 6 35 89 35 13 81 638 1032 Division 3 85 5 43 2 98 21 38 185 667 846 Division 4 62 17 16 49 25 86 427 1061 1263 Division 5

2037 98 1014 20 1327 343 70 152 8236 11473 SANTVAL (THC) 101000

287 12 214 184 68 23 31 1513 1902 DivisIOn 1 533 21 111 5 197 56 8 13 1063 1778 Division 2 426 35 276 10 366 113 24 60 1760 2471 Division 3 433 23 275 2 341 70 15 30 2136 2875 Division 4 358 7 138 2 239 36 18 1764 2447 Division 5

768 78 124 5 311 125 18 15 3434 5563 GANGOL I (NHCT) 102000

9 5 489 34 4 561 988 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NHCT)

1884 162 625 13 1389 448 27 52 6120 9498 KARKAL "THC) 104000

451 31 169 4 279 64 13 20 1335 2254 Division 1 453 6B 93 3 311 95 2 10 1260 2072 Division 2

290 21 128 3 247 c_ lf7 2 10 11251 1640 Division 3 333 26 82 1 177 63 4 6 752 1254 Oivision 4 357 16 153 2 375 109 6 6 1522 2278 Division 5

397 12 220 359 127 13 13 1746 2357 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

1886 302 536 20 1088 517 45 90 7125 12123 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 106000

333 129 71 5 190 73 5 6 1265 2217 Division 1 450 45 145 6 232 129 23 16 1387 2461 Division 2 361 59 75 3 193 129 5 9 981 1777 Division 3 504 45 211 6 408 170 4 40 2363 3767 Division 4 238 24 34 65 16 8 19 1129 1901 Division 5


Location Name of Townl Area in No. of No.of Total.population Total Population Scheduled Code 'Ward Sq. Km.s Occup- House- ( Including in the age group Castes Nl..I1Der ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

107000 MALLAR (NHCT) 4.83 969 970 5776 2706 3070 899 459 440 322 312

108000 MUDBIDRI (THC) 18.64 2767 2807 15868 7825 8043 2093 1054 1039 964 931

Division 1 658 666 3897 1953 1944 506 278 228 341 323 Division 2 538 547 3106 1428 1678 447 213 234 135 139 Division 3 686 700 3811 1851 1960 463 209 254 255 282 Division 4 223 229 1163 591 572 124 59 65 35 41 Division 5 662 665 3891 2002 1889 553 295 258 198 146

109000 HULKI (TMC) 10.10 2702 2741 14100 6755 7345 1871 956 915 540 505

Division 1 431 442 2291 1066 1225 217 105 112 14 17 Division 2 428 450 2314 1068 1246 27p 135 141 67 50 Division 3 380 380 1974 936 1038 226 106 120 79 73 Division 4 .. - 380 386 213Q 1032 1098 193 102 91 48 15 Division 5 1083 1083 5391 2653 2738 959 508 451 332 350

110000 PUDU (NMCT) 6.84 1522 1524 10241 5176 5065 1864 946 918 128 113

111000 PUTTUR (TMC) 9.74 3993 4257 25800 13913 11887 3132 1552 1580 990 949

Division 1 801 886 5528 2955 2573 699 346 353 183 172 Division 2 798 849 5041 2694 2347 644 298 346 164 155 Division 3 906 983 5830 3133 2697 641 324 317 213 218 Division 4 524 537 3014 1745 1269 271 145 126 8 4 Division 5 964 1002 6387 3386 3001 877 439 438 422 400

112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) 14.69 2313 2356 14020 6337 7683 1853 913 940 404 466

Chitrapadi 393 418 2322 1059 1263 270 126 144 13 13 Parampall i 670 681 3975 1762 2213 ~34 263 271 156 169 Karkada 543 547 3458 1582 1876 480 238 242 149 In Gundni 707 710 4265 1934 2331 569 286 283 86 107


Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Town I Location Tribes Workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NUllber labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)


(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1)

23 16 2035 2078 1133 693 113 61 64 98 MAllAR eNMCT) 107000

130 139 6205 5522 3890 2312 290 190 291 313 MUOBIDRI (TMC) 108000

19 26 1527 1336 1014 713 113 115 96 113 Division 1 1107 1111 644 459 56 17 91 109 Division 2 53 45 1489 1332 986 534 73 28 100 79 Division 3 32 38 502 414 329 141 25 16 1 Division 4 26 30 1580 1329 917 465 23 14 4 11 Division 5

34 25 4913 3291 2084 324 2.34 12.2 182 HULK! (TMC) 109000

3 914 9J4 554 338 62 58 11 16 Division 1 842 923 484 294 10 10 6 6 Division 2 4 7 785 767 427 288 63 34 11 23 Division 3 5 2 859 808 525 285 92 50 36 29 Division 4 22 16 1771 14S1 1301 879 97 82 58 108 Division 5

16 19 3500 2418 2619 1S75 254 80 177 105 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

365 411 11149 8369 7748 2819 237 158 81 72 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 \ 57 66 2220 1712 1535 569 35 10 28 7 Division 1 79 99 2206 1632 1548 584 36 37 6 9 Division 2 83 96 2544 1992 1872 726 45 30 6 10 Division 3 29 34 . 1544 993 949 247 29 17 6 1 Division 4 111 122 2626 2Q40 1844 693 92 64 35 45 Division 5

so 60 3062 2201 772 311 828 1440 SAl I GRAM (TMC) 112000

8lB '769 546 296 150 53 111 192 Chitrapadi 7 14 1211 1119 853 703 177 104 239 474 Par~lli 23 25 1144 1098 768 597 241+ 70 255 430 Karkada ZO 21 1395 1299 895 605 201 84 223 344 Gurdni


*Location Name of Town / CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Ward Nunber Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry Activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

107000 MALLAR (NMCT) 15 6 3 27 "6 190 432 120 6

108000 MUDBIDRI (TMC) 61 27 30 10 59 13 785 1346 201 6

Division 1 22 5 12 10 48 6. 221 379 47 2 Division 2 7 10 1 1 118 261 40 Division 3 12 7 5 5 220 340 28 Division 4 3 3 3 4 77 71 • 4 Division 5 17 5 9 2 149 295 82 3

109000 MULKI (TMC) 97 6 13 7 582 1161 165 17

Division 1 27 3 79 170 18 Division 2 9 1 93 173 24 Division 3 9 3 74 170 30 Division 4 2 88 140 12 Division 5 50 9 6 248 508 81 16

110000 PUDU (NMCT) 24 4 5 10 744 1639 108

111000 PUTTUR (TMC) 214 79 64 27 65 18 1213 1175 888 146

Division 1 35 10 3 1 16 11 257 312 148 49 Division 2 53 32 60 26 l 208 259 170 24 Div4sion 3 64 23 342 250 242 28 Division 4 14 3 24 152 79 109 9 Division 5 48 11 22 7 254 275 219 36

112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) 105 5 4 65 37 362 295 21~

Chitrapadi 11 3 1 58 21 42 Par8q)all i 84 3 2 6 ~4 90 75 Karkada 2 3 27 15 100 61 17 Gundni 8 2 33 15 150 123 78


WORKERS liarginal Non-Workers Name of Town / Location Workers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIlber Conmerce Storage and Services COIII1Ul i ca t i on


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (4Z) (43) (2) (1)

224 6 82 2 295 66 30 40 1543 2337 HALlAR (NMCT) 107000

843 71 448 10 882 326· 51 107 3884 5624 MUOSIDRI (TMC) 108000

223 21 112 1 120 61 8 25 931 1206 Division 1 121 7 96 2 113 52 23 32 761 1187 Division 2 238 14 92 2 213 62 10 11 855 1415 Division 3 '\07 10 'Z3 t 84 38 , 262 430 Division 4 154 19 125 4 352 113 10 38 1075 1386 Division 5

837 140 384 19 766 318 110 141 3354 5120 MULKI (TMC) 109000

211 46 31 2 112 44 512 887 Division 1 172 22 51 7 119 74 48 34 536 918 Division 2 98 11 40 2 100 45 29 26 480 724 Division 3 147 9 53 8 95 49 17 32 490 781 Division 4 209 52 209 340 106 16 49 1336 1810 Division 5

566 7 270 467 32 25 217 2532 2973 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

2322 193 786 29 1878 922 59 110 6106 8958 ~UTTUR (TMC) 111000

418 32 179 6 4,6 131 16 14 1404 1990 Division 1 475 56 191 3 347 138 11 37 1135 1726 Division 2 51a 49 145 8 509 328 14 37 1247 1934 Division ·3 370 23 85 4 160 111 4 9 792 1013 Division 4 541 33 186 8 446 214 14 13 1528 2295 Division 5

403 47 69 3 242 20 53 3255 5429 SAlIGRAM (TMC) 112000

102 8 17 52 21 5 11 508 956 Chitrapadi 127 14 15 80 11 9 17 900 1493 Parampall i 56 9 13 51 11 1 3 813 1276 Karkada 118 16 24 59 20 5 22 1034 1704 Gundmi


Scheduled Location Name of To~/ Area in No. of No.of Total popolation Total p~lation Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup· House­ ( Including in the ave group Castes Nl.Ilber ied Holds Institutional (0. • 6) Reside- and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

fM) (f) (P) (10 (F) (M)' (F)

, (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

113000 T<>NSE WEST (NMCT) 6.52 1360 1366 8160 3800 4360 991 515 476 315 337

300000 MANGAlORE UA 155.22 74740 76254 426341 212&06 213535 53366 27485 25881 7972 1924

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 75.30 51130 52156 281161 139785 141376 31919 16394 15525 5952 5970

300101 (1)MANGALORE (Me) 73.71 50046 S10n 273304 135857 137447 30554 15694 14860 5805, 5802

Ward 1 3111 3119 15857 7816 8041 1845 934 911 611 602 Ward 2 2067 2099 10406 4999 5407 1045 561 484 ~ 354 Ward 3 2561 2615 13612 6843 6769 1255 657 598 276 183 Ward 4 810 827 4392 2317 2075- 403 203 200 111 313 Ward 5 1335 1376 7304 3637 3667 6n 351 326 21 28 Ward 6 940 942 4687 2347 2340 445 243 202 I) 8 Ward 7 1138 1139 6628 !333 3295 685 339 346 98 97 Ward 8 1434 1475 9319 4682 4637 1176 615 561 4 3 Ward 9 36l 36S 2546 1298 1248 294 154 140 35 33 Ward 10 278 219 2301 1213 1088 351 181 170 5 3 Ward 11 743 79$ 4565 2381 2184 483 251 232 22 16 Ward 12 397 397 2046 1080 966 140 71 63 Ward 13 507 615 2842 1"580 1262 217 115 102 7 11 Ward 14 484 509 2920 1515 1405 191 78 113 18 112 Ward 15 1253 1269 6348 2871 34n 462 250 212 31 27 Ward 16 S72 618 3131 1531 1600 247 123 124 1 Ward 17 1498 1559 9784 4755 5029 718 355 363 86 73 Ward 18 832 935 I 3952 2188 1764 461 239 222 200 181 Ward 19 803" 825 ) 4385 2193 2192 424 236 188 193 166 Ward 20 432 560 3810 1885 1925 467 253 214 Ward 21 856 871 4978 2465 2513 5f5 268 247 68 61 Ward 22 1522 1534 8626 4260 4366 876 449 427 58 67 Ward 23 1120 1121 6222 3067 3155 648 346 302 138 147 Ward 24 1451 1480 8050 41n 3878 776 404 372 248 219 Ward 25 2164 2179 12822 6081 6741 1400 731 669 605 643 Ward 26 1275 1275 7004 3554 3450 850 431 419 13- 8


Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Town / location Tribes Workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlIJt)er labourers

(1- IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (2) (1 )

13 13 2787 2844 1687 967 87 30 133 108 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

1524 1300 170729 150527 111298 60959 2553 1307 1453 1288 MANGAlORE UA 300000

1034 863 114145 103589 75453 38072 1088 592 424 379 (A)MAHGAlORE MC&OG 300100

1034 863 111503 101510 73615 37223 1088 592 423 379 (l)HANGALORE (He) 300101

70 58 6469 6053 4290 2389 22 9 7 6 \,lard 1 37 43 4244 4316 2610 1307 4 7 4 liard 2 120 48 5165 5477 3474 1545 16 8 • 12 \,lard 3 18 9 1975 1616 1238 507 30 10 2 Ward 4 22 20 3130 2973 2078 781 3 \,lard 5 2051 1938 1334 435 Ward 6 43 42 2753 2348 1903 899 Ward 7 3763 3301 2378 826 32 11 'Ward 8 1090 922 700 85 \,lard 9 940 757 fl12 85 Ward 10 2002 1688 1359 271 \,lard 11 4 6 971 835 655 137 \,lard 12 1356 1050 1006 274 Ward 13 7 36 1404 1206 606 238 13 5 ~ard 14 2 2551 3011 1477 716 9 w~rd 15 1342 1363 7ZY 433 2 Ward 16 11 14 4177 4065 2326 1034 6 1 Ward 17 52 21 1771 1329 1311 286 6 2 Ward 18 :14 8 1886 1774 1171 363 2 Ward 19 1474 13!S5 1030 345 8 3 'Ward 20 4 3 2057 1881 1382 682 Ward 21 21 11 3674 3426 2358 994 6 Ward 22 "- 13 2641 2514 1590 716 1 \,lard 23 18 13 3641 i970 2248 973 2 \,lard 24 100 92 4916 5031 3190 1809 17 10 4 9 Ward 25 '2817 2285 1843 1335 175 122 35 42 \,lard 26


LocatIon Name of Town I CAT EGO R 1 E S o F M A I N Code Ward Number livestock, Mining and ManufacturIng, ManufacturIng, ConstructIon Forestry, Quarrying ProcessIng, ProcessIng, Fishing, Servicing and ServI c 109 and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs In Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry Activities

(i 11) (IV) (V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (32) (33)

113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 529 33 10 43 121 169 407 67

300000 MAN GALORE UA 4699 752 617 47 507 190 26719 39796 10736 586

300100 (A)MANGAlORE MC&OG 2487 454 496 32 245 67 18196 22292 7737 504

300101 (1)MANGAlORE (MC) 1627 381 496 32 245 67 18094 21897' 7717 504

Ward 1 55 13 9 30 3 1224 1494 443 21 Ward 2 53 10 1 7 3 525 536 244 33 Ward 3 63 11 3 7 1 683 579 275 17 Ward 4 19 6 10 5 183 128 117 27 Ward 5 17 3 13 5 424 312 183 45 Ward 6 9 1 2 331 177 63 ~ard 7 262 30 4 6 2 535 479 115 2 Ward 8 40 8 1 5 537 460 61 3 Ward 9 4 17 137 31 18 2 Ward 10 3 61 38 21 3 Ward 11 3 3 9 3 223 105 32 Ward 12 130 48 28 2 Ward 13 4 1 161 117 31 9 Ward 14 7 3 3 70 13 32 9 Ward 15 35 5 3 313 105 91 3 Ward 16 39 7 1 98 11 60 14 Ward 17 33 7 23 3 540 255 228 23 Ward 18 8 1 1 69 101 46 7 Ward 19 10 8 2 2 192 101 37 2 Ward 20 30 6 119 101 33 8 Yard 21 188 72 2 310 339 74 13 Ward 22 56 8 3 708 652 121 3 Ward 23 19 10 406 294 119 4 Ward 24 18 3 2 2 654 595 155 15 Ward 25 66 19 3 2 6 1 904 896 399 16 Yard 26 65 2 4 2 622 989 201 3


101 0 R K E R S Maqpnal Non lIorkers Nallle of Town I Locat 1on lIorkers liard Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber Conmerce Storage and ServIces COI1Il¥..JI'l1catl0n

(VII) (VII I) ( IX)

(101) (f) (101) (f) (101) (F) (101) (f) (101) (f)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1 )

317 152 83 3 189 113 15 53 2098 3340 TONSE IoIEST (NMCT) 113000

28187 4932 14389 177 21438 11284 981 2583 100527 149993 MAN GALORE UA 300000

20219 3741 9991 603 14570 9408 554 1057 63778 102247 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

19860 3412 9739 598 14326 9361 527 1009 61715 99215 (l)MANGALORE (MC) 300101

1119 203 548 57 833 583 27 21 3499 5631 liard 1 834 157 404 51 5.11 512 12 8 2377 4092 \,lard 2 1202 214 ! 482 44 735 666 63 146 3306 5078 \,lard 3 421 85 131 14 317 240 2 1077 1568 Ward 4 912 164 198 11 327 240 7 1559 2879 liard 5 608 92 124 7 198 156 1 3 1012 1902 liard 6 522 222 222 16 236 148 7 6 1423 2390 lIj'lrd 7 1085 176 289 12 328 155 7 28 2297 3783 liard 8 359 22 78 1 86 28 2 597 1161 \,lard 9 374 27 87 66 16 4 597 1003 Ward 10 812 67 122 14 154 81 2 " 1020 1902 Ward 11 373 33 49 3 75 50 1 424 829 Ward 12 478 60 87 9 244 78 2 5 572 983 Ward 13 221 30 76 6 236 176 7 7 842 1160 thrd 14 436 101 172 13 417 488 13 22 1381 2739 Ward 15 270 51 68 9 235 346 3 751 1164 liard 16 708 110 256 17 530 617 25 31 2404 3964 Ward 17 171 27 316 10 691 139 1 4 876 1474 Ward '8 430 67 169 14 329 169' 14 15 1008 1814 Ward 19 457 40 145 7 238 179 16 51 839 1529 liard 20 398 89 174 10 235 159 3 2 1080 ~829 \,lard 21 596 82 466 43 401 225 8 85 1894 3287 liard 22 5 1463 2434 ilard 23 479 110 235 ,'32 330 265 14 613 95 315 21 487 244 11 5 1913 2900 ward 24 707 164 453 26 631 666 5 27 2886 4905 Ward 25 271 32 219 3 251 140 40 146 1671 1969 Ward 26


Location iItaIIIe 01 Townl ~rea in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code . liard Sq. Km.~ Occup' House' ( In~luding in the age group Castes MUlllber ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Mouseless ntial Population) Mouses

(P) eM) eF) ep) eM) eF) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (4) CS) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

UenI 17' t989 1992 11175 5265 5910 1290 626 664 151 160 Yard 28 1082 1082 5868 2882 2986 602 314 288 37 31 ward 29 1799 1821 9751 4893 4858 1198 606 592 88 ~4 Ward 30 4363 4392 22573 11038 11535 2815 1376 1439 522 600 Jlard 3:1 1955 1982 10752 5234 5518 1306 697 609 313 322 Ward 32 870 886 4263 2136 2127 610 322 288 84 85 Ward 33 1432 1449 6677 3357 3320 950 411 479 266 249 War.d 34 1522 1536 7511 3843 3668 1413 754 659 394 344 ward 35 50h 510 2633 1339 1294 422 211 211 7 5 ward 36 769 781 3762 2046 17'16 570 302 268 95 70 4IIwd 37 239 242' 1308 652 656 178 84 94 23 23 Ward 38 780 783 3960 1969 1991 408 202 206 5 tIard J9 ao.n 2101 11001 5432 5569 1377 703 674 431 449 :Ward 48 --. ~ 7.28. 3533 1708 1825 ~ 182 182 10 9

·1459 101S4 1085 185? 3928 3929 1365 700 665 147 168

1.:..80. 4419 4502 31181 15352 15829 5220 2676 2544 321 320

8.35 2513 2700 15302 7567 7735 2124 1089 1035 46 53

300400 (D~URtI UIMCT ~ 3.'31 1567 1604 9744 4832 4912 .1616 812 804 63 54

300500 (£)ICO'IEC~ C*CT) 10.15 1630 1637 9719 4789 4930 14{)7 730 677 144 146

4.68 1406 1415 8145 4077 4068 1263 670 593 8 7

.300700 (G)OtMJR C1IMI:1) 3.26 904 957 6220 3144 3076 1165 620 545 94 77

JOO8OO (1I)N£W ~LORE PORT MMCT&lC; 16.22 1790 1842 8944 4717 4227 1153 568 585 322 340 '.

5008lM (1)tIE1l MMtCiAUIR£ PORT (-NMCT) .6..63 m 824 3501 1935 1566 413 206 207 199 207

5008QZ (?)TAtitUltABAVI (OG) 1.99 1-89 190 909 463 446 144 55 89 97 98

300803 (l)JWIM8UR (OG) 2.83 20 20 93 43 50 9 2 7

300804 (4)BAlICAMPADY (OG) 4:86 803 808 4441 2276 2165 587 305 282 26 35


Scheduled literates Total Main r N 0 U S T R r A l Mame of Town I Location Tribes Workers Ward Code" Cultivators Agricultural NUIlber labourers

(l - IX) (I) (11)

(M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F) eM) (f)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (t)

6 3 4309 4247 2877 1928 27 20 17 32 Ward 27 14 14 2444 2284 1631 928 27 14 6 4 Ward 28 32 32 3840 3287 2649 1764 70 60 29 25 Ward 29 141 125 8696 79-;7 6028 3838 95 35 31 19 Ward JO 31 32 3983 3667 2944 2196 64 54 37 52 Ward 3-1 25 24 1545 1342 1156 764 45 16 13 6 Ward 32 62 47 2639 2294 1789 835 51 23 22 30 Ward 33 44 40 2458 1927 2053 1176 110 58 32 41 Ward 34 1012 798 742 397 61 63 10 8 Ward 35 2 1548 1047 1234 547 51 13 70 24 Ward 36 527 465 382 257 113 59 18 13 ward 37 8 9 1641 1434 1143 m 14 16 9 10 liard 38 106 91 4363 3895 3027 1803 41 9 9 19 Ward :w 4 6 1438 1372 952 548 16 3 4 7 ward 40

2642 2079 1838 849 (2)8ENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

32 23 11322 9633 7299 4424 122 67 52 28 (B)UlLAl (MMeT) 300200

42 34 5967 5189 3747 2624 141 68 138 124 (C)SOMES~ARA (NNCT) 300300

11 5 3545 2946 2517 1-984 94 60 28 18 e~)PERAMUNNURU (MMCT) 300400

35 36 3659 3213 2317 1769 262 119 183 77 (E)KOTEKARA eMMeT) 300500

14 11 2979 2455 2166 1799 108 74 32 ( F)8AJAlA (NMCT} 300600

18 20 2172 1625 1479 939 100 42 98 41 {G)KANMUR (NfIICT) 300100

100 80 3790 2904 2703 1029 84 26 47 28 (H)~E~ ~NGAlORE PORT NMCTIOG

94 79 1655 1235 1187 268 (1 )'NEW MAItGAl9R£ PORT (NMCT) 300801

333 262 276 219 52 19 21 14 (2)TANNIRA8AVI (OG) 300802

28 28 28 32 4 2 4 3 (3)PA~BUR COG) 300803

6 1379 1212 510 27 5 21 11 (4)8AIKAMPAOY (OG) ]00804


Location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S a F M A I N Code Ward NUli>er lIvestock, MIning and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry Act IVi tIes

( III) (IV) (V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (24) (ZS) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

Ward 27 37 12 13 3 887 1365 336 9 Ward 28 21 2 7 437 643 193 7 Ward 29 61 20 765 1344 423 24 Ward 30 88 14 6 21 7 1821 296.5 1217 35 Warfjl 31 51 26 6 16 7 769 1690 576 15 Ward 32 111 40 2 6 5 232 486 236 22 Ward 33 34 11 400 25 4 219 461 127 5 Ward 34 7 l 9 2 520 832 491 56 Ward 35 5 4 3 195 275 61 2 ward 36 19 14 2 237 408 188 6 Ward 37 8 8 96 147 21 Ward 38 10 4 9 1 486 623 90 Ward 39 48 lS 6 8 3 983 1337 392 38 Ward 40 21 4 288 365 139

300102 (Z)8ENGARE AREA (OG) 860 7l 102 395 20

300200 (B)UllAL eMMCT) 852 182 4 35 11 1751 3459 481 3

300300 (C)SQIIfSHWARA {NHeT) 137 10 9 8 1129 2081 399 14 300400 (O)PERAMUNNURU (MMeT) 67 " 59 17 796 1730 216 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (MMCT) 67 l 46 9 7 4 482 1430 186 2

300600 (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) . 23 3 6 8 595 1545 2n

300700 (G)KANNUR (NMeT) 12 3 23 : 45 341 747 147

300800 (H}NEW MANGALORE NMCT&OG 322 21' 11 4 363 563 147 21

300801 (1 )NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMeT) 5 1 101 83 45 19

300802 (2)TANNIRABAVI COG) 60 2 28 149 35

300803 (3)PANAM6UR (OG)' 4 4 6 20 6

300804 (4)BAI1(AMPADY (OG) 261 2Q 7 228 III 61 1


W 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town / Location Workers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number COIIIIIerce Storage and Services COIIIIIUnication

(VII) (VIII) (lX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

652 110 -406 13 501 364 19 21 2369 3961 Ward 27 2l!6 48 255 9 398 200 2 2 1249 2056 Ward 28 429 51 397 17 475 223 3 8 2241 3086 Ward 29 948 183 808 40 993 540 110 154 4900 7543 Ward 30 569 138 332 7 524 206 21 49 2269 3273 Ward 31 177 48 120 4 214 137 32 28 948 1335 Ward 32 237 53 175 23 520 203 10 26 1558 2459 Ward 33 306 37 248 3 328 ,145 11 1789 2481 Ward 34 124 5 116 2 163 42 4 2 593 895 Ward 35 224 25 295 8 135 61 812 1169 Ward 36 51 8 46 3 41 27 270 398 Ward 37 213 50 150 3 162 70 4 822 1213 Ward 38 604 95 380 23 556 263 34 66 2371 3700 Ward 39 184 41 126 12 173 114 756 1277 Ward 40

'359 329 252 5 244 47 27 48 2063 3032 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

2116 255 753 24 1133 395 71 813 '7982 10592 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) 300200

764 90 511 24 511 213 30 161 3790 4950 (C)S~ESHWARA (MMeT) 300300

614 43 278 3 365 108 14 18 2301 2910 (D)PERAMUNNURU \NMCT) 300400

424 26 255 5 405 (E)KOTEKARA (MMCT) 30OS00

405 32 274. 3 437 109 - 20 43 1891 2226 (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) 300600

354 16 177 227 44 101 1593 2036 (G)KAtlNUR (NMCT) 300700

215 160 722 44 791 156 4 9 2010 3189 (H)NEW MANGALORE NMCT&OG 30OS00

37 24 593 38 407 99 748 1298 (l)NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) 300801

- 34 2S 18 3 28 6 187 227 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802

4 3 4 2 11 16 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803

144 111 111 3 352 48 7 1064 1648 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

193 TOWN PRIl\IARY location Name oi Town/ Area in No. of No.of Totat poputation Totat Poputat,on Scneauted Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl.Illber ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

300900 (I)SURATAKAl TMC&OG 26.15 9321 9441 55925 28543 27382 7499 3926 3573 1022 957

300901 (1)SURATAKAL (TMC) 15.26 3470 3545 22635 11937 10698 2695 1414 1281 536 460

Division 1 766 769 6026 3654 2372 531 273 258 161 87 DiviSIOn 2 1024 1061 6698 3326 3372 839 464 375 183 204 Division 3 1680 1715 9911 4957 4954 1325 677 648 192 169

300902 (2)KULAI (OG) 4.01 1890 1896 9604 4848 4756 1267 684 583 73 64

300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 2.38 996 996 5203 2566 2637 601 317 284 98 118

300904 (4)KATIPALLA COG) 4.50 2965 3004 18483 9192 9291 2936 1511 1425 315 315

310000 UDUPI UA 73.01 20344 20699 117674 59967 57I07 12536 6352 6184 3035 3016

310100 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 51.15 13665 13877 78094 40684 37410 8002 4049 3953 1469 1427 • 310101 (l)UDUPI (TMC) 9.71 6363 6504 33913 17345 16568 3438 1695 1743 630 593

Division 1 1534 1536 8126 4071 4055 869 438 431 119 126 Division 2 1015 1035 5662 3037 2625 516 265 251 28 24 Division 3 1283 1321 6650 3359 3291 781 345 436 75 72 Division 4 1140 1163 5508 2778 2730 498 265 233 148 140 Division 5 1391 1449 7967 4100 3867 774 382 392 260 231

310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) 19.47 3408 3446 18291 9362 8929 1898 977 921 155 145

310103 (3)HERGA COG) 12.62 1838 1858 12311 7409 4902 1188 601 587 99 107

310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 2.25 457 458 3054 1451 1603 402 205 197 71 53

I 310105 (5)KAOEKAR (OG) 3.03 595 604 4195 2041 2154 423 234 189 273 289


Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Town / Location Tribes Workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlIlIber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (" )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1 )

238 228 23150 18973 13617 8319 554 259 450 561 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900

154 143 9899 7589 5363 3039 348 136 300 285 (1 )SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901

50 49 3241 1715 1149 640 117 62 52 54 Divlsion 1 77 65 2673 2414 1732 1081 129 44 52 102 Division 2 27 29 3985 3460 2482 1318 102 30 196 129 Divislon 3

19 19 3955 3393 2406 1495 89 71 39 98 (2)KUlAl (OG) 300902

13 19 2163 1967 1330 775 44 32 30 71 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903

52 47 7133 6024 4318 3010 73 20 81 107 (4)KATIPALlA (OG) 300904

2642 2667 49494 42287 29494 13345 1833 1264 1278 1350 UDUPI UA 310000

2028 2052 34101 27873 19747 8498 1310 930 878 827 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

305 306 14962 13337 9048 2744 177 69 41 52 (1)UDUPI (THC) 310101

112 92 3526 3231 1997 664 52 28 26 42 Division 1 85 75 2671 2168 1684 476 37 11 3 4, Division 2 25 39 2865 2589 1705 542 13 10 Divlsion 3 63 66 2442 2284 1391 478 12 4 4 Divisl0n 4 20 34 3458 3065 2271 584 63 16 8 5 Dlvisl0n 5

992 1026 7734 6540 4593 2583 422 240 516 376 (2)SH1VAlLl (OG) 310102

708 699 6345 3305 2657 129~ 404 267 194 116 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103

2 1085 1024 742 497 70 84 - 52 108 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104

21 19 1548 1463 1072 540 126 126 15 66 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 TOWN PRIMARY

Location Name of Town I CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Ward Ntm:ler Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Process ing, Processing, Fishing,. Servicing and Servicing and ~un't'tng & Repairs 'tn Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry Activities

(III ) (IV) [\I(a») [V(b)] (VI)

(H) (f) (M) (F) (14) (f) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(1 ) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)- (33)

300900 (J)SURATAKAl TMC&oG 732 66 45 2 121 46 3066 5949 1146 40

300901 (l)SURATAKAl (TMC) 271 8 16 44 29 1000 1934 448 24

Division 1 94 2 2 11 10 198 350 42 2 Division 2 70 3 10 15 15 360 769 197 17 Division 3 107 3 4 18 4 442 815 209 5

300902 (2)KULAI (OG) 215 47 9 12 4 b51 951 133 2

300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 202 5 12 2 342 417 88 8

300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 44 6 20 53 11 1073 2647 4n 6

310000 UDUP I UA 2261 301 40 18 387 177 5041 4997 2338 196

310100 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 967 70 23 18 233 80 3010 2609 1656 161

310101 (1)UDUPI (THC) 91 15 6 154 35 1358 6b6 538 77

Division 1 18 3 34 7 326 269 106 3 Division 2 10 7 56 6 261 145 65 6 Division 3 17 2 5 17 8 258 50 151 46 Division 4 16 1 24 12 175 54 102 14 Division 5 30 2 23 2 338 148 114 8

310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) 67 21 13 52 24 770 867 413 22

310103 (3)HERGA COG) 36 7 18 15 339 398 364 45

310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 160 109 174 107 2

310105 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 253 21 5 4 159 159 106 13


WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town I location Workers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IJi:)er COIIIIIerce Storage and Services COIlIIIUI'li cat ion

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

3076 569 1428 70 2999 757 210 357 147t6 18706 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&oG 300900

1235 234 497 32 1204 357 78 151 6496 7508 (1)SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901

181 90 60 392 70 2 3 2503 1729 Division 1 377 43 166 4 356 84 17 31 1577 2260 Division 2 ~77 101 271 28 456 203 59 117 2416 3519 Division 3

472 159 241 ! 22 745 1.40 5 5 2237 3256 (2)KULAI (OG) 300902

270 138 116 12 226 90 4 1232 1861 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903

1099 38 574 4 824 170 123 200 4751 6081 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

7830 172t 2128 107 6358 3214 190 365 30283 43997 UDUPI UA 310001

5759 1218 1281 88 4630 2497 14j 195 20794 28717 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310101

3674 613 61 2252 1155 67 58 8230 13766 (1)Wl1P1 (TMC) 31010 \ 712 116 233 t9 490 177 28 41 2046 3350 DiviSIon 1 744 114 114 10 394 173 21 13, 1332 2136 Division 2 694 115 110 7 440 302 12 2' 1642 2747 Division 3 553 112 114 11} 390 271 2 1387 2250 Division 4 971 156 186 15 538 232 6 1823 3283 Division 5

863 186 221 11 1256 836 39 25 4730 6321 (2)SHIVALll (OG) 31010;

563 80 112 9, 627 361 2 7 4750 3597 (3)HERGA (OG) 31010:

124 99 41 78 25 11 - 62 698 1044 (4)KUTHPAOY (OG) 31010,

183 93 46 2 179 56 2 968 1612 (5 )KAOEKAR (OG) 31010~


location Name of To~n/ Area In No. of No.of Total populatIon Total PopulatIon Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup· House- ( Including In the age group Castes NU1tler led Holds InstitutIonal (0 - 6) Reside- and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

310106 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 2.58 691 694 4328 2103 2225 425 218 207 101 lOS

310107 (7)AMBAlPADY (OG) 1.33 232 232 1480 706 774 177 87 90 137 131

310108 (8)MUOANIDAMBUR (OG) 0.16 81 81 522 267 255 51 32 19 3 4

310200 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 5.27 1774 1901 10446 5119 5327 1196 613 583 249 244

310300 (C)MAlPE (NMCT) 9.22 3046 3053 19063 9322 9741 2072 1044 1028 816 789

310400 (O)PUTTUR (MMtT) 7_37 1859 1868 10071 4842 5229 12M 646 620 501 556 CENSUS ABSTRACT

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L tlame of Town / Location Tribes Workers liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

( I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

( 14) (15) ( 16) ( 17) ( 18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1)

1644 1474 1170 628 70 115 41 79 (6)KIOIYUR (OG) 310106

558 533 337 175 29 26 18 29 (7)AMBALPAOY (OG) 310107

225 197 128 33 12 3 (8)MUOANIOAMBUR (OG) 310108

283 282 4240 4121 2647 1344 164 152 94 126 (B)BAOAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200

84 75 7411 6713 4628 2288 204 110 208 262 (C)MALPE (NMCT) 310300

247 258 3742 35~0 2472 1215 155 72 98 135 (0 )PUHUR (NMCT) 310400


Location Name of Town / CATEGOR I E S o F rot A I N Code ~rd Nunber Li vestocl::, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Process i n9, Fishing, Servi ci n9 and servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household AU ied Industry Activities

(III) ( IV) {V(a)] [V(b)l (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2S) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

3301"06 (6)lCIDl'fUR (OG) 350 4 3 16 2 2 ~6 226 92 2

310107 (1).AM8ALPADY (OG) 9 2 49 93 30

310108 (8)MUG"NIl)AMBUR (OG) . 30 24 6

330200 (S)AADAGASETTU-76 (MMCT) 16 10 10 12 690 642 215 10

310300 (C)MAlPE (MMCT) 1213 206 8 78 41 809 1.117 203 5

310400 (D)PUTTUR (MMeT) 65 15 9 66 44 532 629 264 20


IJ 0 R K E R S Marg1nal Non-Workers Name of Town / Locntl on lJorkers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage and Services Coornunicat ion


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

233 141 56 127 40 11 28 922 1569 (6)KIOlYUR (OG) 310106

8B 6 29 83 20 2 4 367 595 (7)AMBALPAOY (OG) 310107

31 19 28 4 10 9 129 213 (8)MUOANIOAMBUR (OG) 310108

613 88 280 9 565 295 23 48 2449 3935 (B)BAOAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200

941 332 327 5 637 210 18 103 4676 7350 (C)MAlPE (NMCT) 310300

I 517 83 240 S 526 212 6 19 2364 3995 (0 )PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400



------Totcll No ':)! Total SC Populatlcl

III the age group Nun.ber Urban h')lds (0 - 6'

If,'lth 3C


(]O) IF' '[»

III (4 ) ( 51 (61 I~ I ( 9) (1') J

------T 32256 1~55-H 8B292 R 26169 140296 7056 .. III il

U 60B~ 35252 2-179 2399

- L Block's Tur~l r 28121 151736 751S7 2-1121 12190 11911 P 140296 7056-1 :::;;S65 1139-< 11171

U 1952 11-<-10 5715 1556 796 76 1)

T 2772 1-1892 7583 7309 :271 11-17 112 .. R U651 7-155 7196 1128 IllS U -t P 2-11 128 113 19

1100ea PUDU INNCT, U -18 128 113 28 19 9

2 BELTANQ~I C D BlocY T 3701 18917 9-150 9-167 3097 15-19 lS-B p 3701 18917 9-150 9-16"1 309'" 1549 15-18

U ------_--- KKRVAL C D BlocY T 36 .. S 2007"1 1004-1 10033 356"1 1822 17-15 l' 3645 20077 1004-1 10033 3557 1822 1745 U

r:UND;;_P'JPA C _D E! I, )ck T 2866 17090 8311 8779 3120 1579 15·H

R 26 .. S 113'7-17 7642 8105 2892 I-1SS I-B~ 221 1343 669 228 12-1 10-1

u 167 10eo 523 557 182 9 .. 88 U 5 .. 263 1 .. 6 11'" 46 30 16


t·1ANGALORE C' D Bloc}: T 13BH 6938 6906 1903 954 9-19

R 1~91 10S51 530~ 52H 1460 738 7;!2 I U 60S 3293 1631 1'562 -1 .. 3 ;)16

100102 BENGARE AREA 10GI u 50 315 14~ 16B 21 20 ! 10200 ULLAL (NNCT) U 10 .. 641 321 320 75 36 39 30[300 SCHESH:1ARA (NMCT) U 1B 99 -16 53 21 B 13

1f )-100 PEPAMr.:NNURU ,Nt'lCT) U 25 117 '53 5 .. 15 9 6


-- -~------~ ------::' .... t 1.1 tl"lll1 ,~OlyerS I tJ D TJ -: 'T' r! I ..... L LOC'"lt- .. 0'1

(' D Block I tJ ~ ~ , I'

Clt'. I Town

(P) ttl) (F) ( FI In (FI

(12\ (13 I \ 1~ I (15 ) (16) 11£ ) (21 (1)

-aJOl3 ~823~ 3~~~" 84405 -I68-~ 375:8 18 j 3 US33 31il' 6 25~2- 6):01 389J- 3119-1 ! \.,) !

c 21480 12131 93~9 15c -l 88-0 "33-1 15 ) 1 1 SI

\ ;

68500 3999~ :as' ~-IU9° -10925 3316- ~ D Block's Total ;;

61533 361J6 25~2- ~9201 38007 3119-1 ?967 Ja91 30-6

6249 -99-1 -1229 BANT"vAL C D Block 61-10 3"1C 2.J:IC 4153 3688 132 62 109 153 76

109 -I ' lS3 3 2 PUDU (NMCT) 11 (J 0 00

------~~ 7281 2957 Ions 536-1 ~861 587 -101 186 BELTANGADI C D Block 7281 4324 1J225 536-.1 -1861 587 401 186

8323 4756 3567 1 1 l-l 5332 4842 396 257 139 KARYJiL C D Block 8323 4756 3567 1017-1 5132 4842 396 257 139

7462 4329 31ll .. 0 1-1 2779 620 197 PTNDAPUI1A C D Block

6621 3862 6-iQ 1 37~5 2676 580 IS7 841 392 229 103 40

69~ 376 328 231 97 .. 0 40 G.:JIGOLI iNMCT) \ 102)1j~ lr 91 154 58 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT COLON I (NMCT)

1885 3515 3841 H07 93 66 27 NAl'IGALORl> C D Block 5

5789 3220 2569 2971 ~757 72 50 22 2097 1151 9H 1520 870 650 21 16 5

194 99 95 114 61 BEllGARE ".lIE" (OG)

45~ 20-1 ULLriL , Nr~CT \ 30020~ 52 30 22 ,15 2 2 ,"lESH,I;"P" 'NMCT) 300300

69 43 26 69 PERAlIUllNURU (Nr~CT) 30Q,IOO


location Name of District I Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural! Number City I Town Urban Agncul tural Llvestock,Forestry, Mining and QuarrYing labourers Flshlng,Huntrng and Plantation,Orchards & Allied actIvities (II) ( I I I) ( IV)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (foI) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

DAKSHINA KANNAOA District T 34131 20015 14116 9539 6815 2724 921 797 124 R 32083 ').9057 13026 8807 6307 2500 759 662 97 U 2048 958 1090 732 508 224 162 135 27

A. C.D.Block's TotQl T 328Jl 19407 13424 9306 6665 2641 827 716 111 R 32083 19057 13026 8807 i>307 2500 759 662 97 U 748 350 398 499 358 141 68 54 14

BANTVAl C.D.Block 3053 2047 1006 627 537 90 51 51 i. 3027 2032 995 626 536 90 48 48 u 26 15 11 3 3

110000 PtJOU ( Nt4CT) U 26 15 11 3 3

2 IlElTANGADI C.D.Slod T ~72 3733 2239 522 372 150 44 43 R 5972 3733 2239 522 372 150 44 43 U

3 XARKAl C..D.BlocJ( T -6162 37!0 2432 245 184 61 96 80 16 R :6162 3730 2432 245 184 61 96 80 16 U

4 KUNDAPUfM C.D.Bleck T 4247 2192 2055 311 190 121 73 64 9 R 4219 2172 2047 233 160 73 71 62 9 U 28 20 8 78 30 48 2 2

102000 lOANGaLl (NMCT) U 28 20 8 78 30 48 2 2 103000 IIOSANGAD I !(PC f1fWJECT U COLONY (MMCT)

5 MAN GALORE C.D.Blocle T 2429 1532 897 153 144 9 128 124 4 R 2297 1465 832 77, 71 6 92 89 3 U 132 67 65 76' 73 3 36 35

300102 BENGARE AREA (DG) U 28 27 3902'00 UlLAl (MMCT) U 5 5 300300 SOMESHWARA (MMCT) U 6 2 4 300400 PfRAMUNMURU (MMCT) U


I N 0 U S T R I A L CATEGORI E S Name of DistrIct / LocatIon C.D.BLock / U.A. / Code fanutacturlng, Process lng, ManufacturIng, ProceS&lng, Cons t ruet Ions CIty I Town Number 'ervlclng and Repairs In servICIng- and RepairS In louse-hold Industry ather than House-hold Industry [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(~) (M) (f) (P) (tt) (f) (P) (M) (n

(29) (30) (31) (32) f33) (34) (35) ('3!>.) (-37) (2) (1 )

1129 521 60a 18573" 2957 ts616 4568 4201 367 D~H~A K~ADA DIstrIct 1098- 506 592 14515 2U'82 12433 2427 2213 214 31 15 16 4aS8 875 3183 2141 1988- 153

1108 50& 600 15774 23{'6 13428 :mI.! 2792 251 C.D.Btocle's tota~ A. 10'98 50(1 592 14515 Z08'2 12433 2427 221i 2tt., 10' 2 8 1259 264 995 616 579 37

125 56 69 2960 522 24Ja 22(1 213 7 BANTVAl C.D.BLocK 125 56 69 2881 506 2375 2Q5 198 7 79 16 63 15 15

79 16 63 IS- IS PUDU (NfoICT) 110000

161 80 81 2f94 20S 2089 126 lOb 20 BHTAN!lAOI C.D.Sloclc 2 161 80 81 2294 20S 2089 12& ·lIT6 20

134 79 55 2167 188 1979 294 258 36 KARKAL C.D.Block, 3 134 79 55 2167 188 1919 294 258 36

78 32 46 475 280 195. 157~ 14Q 8 KUNIlAPURA' C.D.Block 4 78 32 46 441 253 188 139 13:2. 7 34 27 7 Iff I 17,

33 26 7 10 10 GMlGOLI (NMCt) 102000 8 7\ Hf'lSANGAO I KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMGT)

55 17 38 2494 ~ 219·1 679 672 7 MA'NGAt..owE C.O.Block 5 54 16 38 1959 2140- 1745 475 470 5 t 5~ 89 446 204 202 Z

I 3'2 t- 12 7 7 Bl!NGARE MiA- (Of» 300102 641 '18 5D 32 ~ tlId.M. (;NMCT) 3UOZOO 23 10 13 4 4 ~~ (lIMCT) 31)0300 42 12 30 2 2: PERAMYVNURU eMMeT) 3Q0400


Location Name of District / Total / 0 F MAIN IJORKERS Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural / Number City / Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

(VII) (VIII) ( [X)

(P) (M) (F)' (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (33) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 2221 1695 526 1660 1548 112 8998 6525 2473 R 1260 1015 245 837 814 23 4903 3667 1236 U 961 680 281 823 734 89 4095 2858 1237

A. C.D.Block's Total T 1576 1219 357 1064 1014 50 5964 4501 1463 R 1260 1015 245 837 814 23 4903 3667 1236 U 316 204 '12 227 200 27 1061 834 227

BANTVAL C.D.Block T 116 lOS 11 83 81 2 562 483 79 R 114 103 11 79 78 542 464 78 U 2 2 4 3 20 19

110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 2 2 4 3 20 19

2 BELTANGADI C.D.Block T 82 77 5 62 62 375 285 90 R 82 77 5 62 62 375 285 90, U

3 KARKAL C.D.Block T 123 108 15 76 75 481 373 108 R 123 108 15 76 75 481 373 108 U

4 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block T 265 232 33 1M 157 3 407 ' 295 112 R 224 196 28 137 136 1 279 199 80 U 41 36 5 23 21 2 128 96 32

102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 40 35 5 23 21 2 74 47 27 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 54 49 5 COLONY (NMCT)

5 MANGALORE C.D.Block T 245 169 76 241 218 23 731 596 135 R 138 114 24 131 128 3 433 354 79 U 107 55 52 110 90 20 298 242 56

300102 BENGARE AREA COG) U 38 15 23 9 9 19 14 5 300200 ULLAL (NMCT) U 37 20 17 24 15 9 70 58 12 300300 SOMESHWARA CNMCT) " U 2 1 2 1 5 5 300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 3 2 5 5 15 14


Marginal Yorkers Non-Workers Name of DIstrict / LocatIon C.D.Block / U_A. / Code CIty / Town Nl.Illbei

(P) (M) (F) CP) (M) (F)

(41) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

3759 849 2910 87384 40566 46818 DAKSHINA KANNADA DistrIct 3445 761 2684 67650 31796 35854 314 88 226 19734 8770 10964

3596 803 2793 74048 34551 39497 C.D.Block's Total A. 3445 761 2684 67650 31796 35854 151 42 109 6398 2755 3643

345 68 277 6553 3286 3267 BANTVAL C.D.Block 343 68 275 6467 3234 3233 2 2 86 52 34

2 2 86 52 34 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

496 93 403 8196 3993 4203 BELTANGADI c.D.lllock 2 496 93 403 8196 3993 4203

409 95 314 9494 4617 4877 KARKAL C.D.Bl~ck 3 409 95 314 9494 4617 4877

445 62 383 9852 4235 S{>17 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block 4 441 60 381 8905 3857 5048 4 2 2 947 378 569

2 2 750 292 458 GANGOLI (NMC~) 102000 2 2 l'il7 86 111 H~ANGADI KPC PROJECT l03000 COLONY (NMCT)

25T 79 178 6339- 3018 3321 MANGAlORE C.D.Block 5 178 52 126" {t645 2284 2361 79 27 52 1694 731. 960

lal 74 107 BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102 30 5 25 , 374 167 207 ULLA~ (NMCT) 300200 54 20 34 SOMESHIJARA (NMCT) 300300 48 26 2c - PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400


Location Name of Oistrict/ Total/ No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block ! U.A.! Rural! Kouse­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) with SC IIleI1bers

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (-4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 47 290 144 146 46 25 21 300600 8AJAlA (HMCT) U 2 lS 8 7 2 2 300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 34 171 94 77 20 7 13 300801 MEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) U 104 406 199 207 51 22 29 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 39 195 97 98 29 10 19 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 BAIKAMPAOY (OG) U 13 61 26 35 5 5 300902 KULAI (OG) U 29 137 73 64 15 10 5 300903 J«)SABETTU (OG) U 37 216 98 118 33 19 14 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 103 630 315 315 90 47 43

6 PtJTTUR C.D.Block. T 4892 25860 13408 12452 4107 2112 1995 R 4816 25411 13163 12248 4035 2067 1968 U 76 449 245 204 72 45 27

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 76 449 245 204 72 45 27

7 SULYA C.O.Block T 3616 17'594 8915 8679 2810 1412 1398 R 3616 17594 8915 8679 2810 1412 1398 U

8 UOUPI C.O.Block T 4033 23462 11630 11832 3246 1615 1631 R 3031 17348 8588 8760 2461 1223 1238 U 1002 6114 3042 30t'2 785 392 393

107000 HALlAR (MMCT) U 113 634 322 312 84 46 38 113000 TONS£ WEST (NMCT) U 107 652 315 337 89 40 49 310102 SKIVALLI (OG) U 54 300 155 145 39 25 14 310103 HERGA (OG) U 35 206 ~99 107 29 12 17 310104 KUTHPAOY (OG) U 18 124 71 53 22 15 7 310105 KAOEKAR (OG) U 92 56~ 273 289 59 27 32 310106 KIDIYUR COG} U 34 204 101 105 27 10 17 310107 AMSALPADY (OG) U 44 268 137 131 32 20 12 310108 MOOANIDAMBUR (OG) U 1 7 3 4 2 2 310200 BAOAGABETTU-76 (MMCT) U n 493 249 244 84 38 46 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 241 1605 816 789 181 94 87 310400 PUTTUR (MMeT) U 191 1057 501 556 137 63 74


Literates Total Main ~orkers N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District I LocatIon C.D.Block I U.A. I Code CultIvators City I Town Number

to IX (I)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

172 89 83 165 90 75 15 11 4 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 8 6 2 9 4 5 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 C)5 63 32 90 57 33 2 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700 327 168 159 154 110 44 NE~ MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 106 . 61 45 114 57 57 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 40 21 19 27 17 10 BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804 93 51 42 73 45 28 KULAI (OG) 300902 136 69 67 105 49 56 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 351 201 150 298 156 142 KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

9998 6219 3779 12889 7285 5604 30~ 224 81 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 9782 6077 3705 12659 7159 5500 304 224 80 216 142 74 230 126 104

216 142 74 230 126 104 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

8059 4779 3280 8516 4952 3564 110 67 43 SULYA C.D.Block 7 8059 4779 3280 8516 4952 3564 110 67 43

13242 7427 5815 10253 5908 4345 291 185 106 UDUPI C.D.Block 8 9538 5358 4180 7657 4351 3306 269 170 99 3704 2069 1635 2596 1557 lq39 22 15 7

378 211 167 272 159 11'3 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 312 170 142 294 176 118 \ TONSE ~EST (NMCT) 113000 202 109 93 126 73 53 SH I VALLI (OG) 310102 116 63 53 84 52 32 10 7 3 HERGA (OG) 310103 76 49 27 55 28 27 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 316 179 137 255 152 103 4 3 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 103 64 39 108 56 52 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 181 96 85 109 75 34 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 3 3 2 2 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108 295 163 132 212 122 90 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 1032 599 433, 684 413 271 3 3 MALPE (NMCT) 310300 690 366 324 395 251 144 4 2 2 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400


Location Name of District / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F H A I N IoJORKERS Code C.D.Block I U.A. / Rurall Nl.IIber City I Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activitIes (II) (III) (I J)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) -(25) (26) (27) (28)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMeT) U 16 12 4 10 10 30 30 300600 BAJALA (NMCT) U , 1 300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 27 16 11 2 300801 NEW MANGALORE PORT (WMCT) U 1 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 21 14 7 15 15 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 2 2 4 4 3009{)2 KULA I (OG) U 7 1 6 5 5 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 23 5 18 Z 2 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 27 15 12 3 3 4 3

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 4517 2832 1685 2984 2279 705 112 112 R 4486 2817 1669 2969 2268 701 111 111 U 31 15 16 15 11 4 1 1

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 31 15 16 15 11 4

7 SULYA C.D.Block T 2064 1073 991 4000 2607 1393 26 25 R 2064 1073 991 4000 2607 1393 26 25 U

8 UDUPI C.D.Block T 4387 2268 2119 464 352 112 297 217 80 R 3856 2035 1821 135 109 26 271 204 67 U 531 233 298 329 243 86 26 13 13

107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 49 17 32 6 5 3 3 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 113 54 59 52 48 4 2 2 310102 SHIVALLI (OG) U 22 13 9 3 2 1 310103 KERGA (OG) U 11 7 4 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 13 3 10 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 32 31 14 13 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 15 9 6 1 14 13 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 21 6 15 2 310108 MUDAN IOAMBUR (OG) U 310200 BADAGABETTU·76 (NMCT) u 86 48 38 2 2 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 128 68 60 239 167 72 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 41 7 34 10 8 2 7 7


I II 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of Dist~ict I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Manufactur ing, Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town MlJIIber Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [Veal) N(b») (VI)

(P) (M) (F) CP) eM) (f) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

71 6 65 9 9 KOTEKARA (MMCT) 300500 4 4 2 2 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 23 5 18 24 24 KANNUR (IIMCT) 300700 30 15 15 7 6 NEW ~ANGALORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 47 2 45 19 18 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 PAHAMBUR (OG) 300803 7 1 6 BAIKAMPAOY (OG) • 300804 21 2 19 7 7 KULAI (OG) 300902 37 2 35 35 35 HOSABETTU (OC) 300903 130 16 114 56 56 KATIPALLA (OC) 300904

294 153 141 2995 323 2672 280 266 14 PUTTUR C.O.Block 6 294 153 141 2923 315 2608 255 244 11 72 8 64 25 22 3

n 8 64 25 22 3 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

106 61 45 860 196 664 183 165 18 SULYA C.D.Block 7 106 61 45 860 196 664 183 165 18

155 30 125 1529 329 1200 .. 1104 963 141 UDUPI C.D.Block 8 \46 29 117 "990 205 785 750 640 110 9 8 539 124 415 354 323 31 \ 60 2 58 28 28 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 3 3 37 ,37 28 28 TONSE ~Esr (MMCT) 113000 5 5 37 13 24 32 , 29 3 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 21 4 17 18 17 HERGA (OG) 310103 20 5 15 20 19 1 KUHIPAOY (OG) 310104 47 15 32 65 52 13 KAOEKAR GOG) 310105 36 10 26 14 12 2 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 23 11 12 11 11 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 ~ 2 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108 39 4 35 26 24 2 BAOAGABETTU-76 eMMeT) 310200 li!6 32 94- 47. 45 2 ~ALPE (NMCT) 310300 91 28 63 65 58 7 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400


location Name of District I Total I o F M A I N \oj 0 R K E R S. Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I NOO1ber City / Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications


(P) (M) (F) '(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 3 .3 11 9 2 300600 BAJAlA (NMCT) U 1 300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 5 5 6 4 2 30OS01 NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) U 6 4 2 41 33 8 67 50 17 300802 TANNIRABAVI COG) U 5 2 3 5 4 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 1 1 12 11 1 3P0902 KULA I (OG) U 2 2 5 4 26 24 2 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 2 2 5 3 2 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 10 6 4 12 12 56 45 11

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 116 107 9 103 99 4 1183 890 293 R 111 104 7 98 94 4 1108 829 279 U 5 3 2 5 5 75 61 14 10S80G rslUIJA (1IMel) • u 5 2 5 5 75 61 14 1 _VA C.D.Blode T 204 102 102 45 44 918 612 306 R 204 102 102 45 44 918 612 306 U

UDUPI C.D.Block T 425 319 106 294 278 16 1307 967 340 R 264 211 53 209 197 12 767 551 216 U 161 108 53 85 81 4 540 416 124

107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 9 9 5 5 112 94 18 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 10 7 3 7 7 42 30 12 310102 SHIVALLI (OG) U 3 2 4 4 20 10 10 310103 HERGA (OG) U 3 3 1 20 13 7 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 2 1 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 18 11 7 6 6 69 51 18 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 10 6 4 . 6 6 12 11 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 6 6 2 2 44 38 6 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 11 8 3 3 3 44 33 11 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 57 28 29 19 18 65 52 13 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 34 28 6 32 29 3 110 83 27


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District / Location C_D_B~ock I U.A. I Code City I Town Number

(P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1 )

125 54 71 KOTEI(ARA (NHCT) 300500 6 4 2 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 22 9 13 59 28 31 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700 252 89 163 NEW HANGALORE PORT (NHCT) 300801 81 40 41 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 33 9 24 BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804 64 28 36 KULAI COG) 300902 111 49 62 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 26 13 13 306 146 160 KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

738 188 550 12233 5935 6298 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 737 188 549 12015 5816 6199 218 119 99

218 119 99 KEMMINJA (NHCT) 105000

675 160 515 8403 3803 4600 SULYA C.O.Btock 7 675 160 515 8403 3803 4600

231 58 173 12978 5664 7314 UDUPI C.O.Block 8 166 45 121 9525 4192 5333 65 13 52 3453 1472 1981 \ 15 5 10 347 158 189 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 19 5 14 339 134 205 TONSE VEST (NMeT) 113000 174 82 92 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 122 47 75 HERGA (OG) 310103 69 43 26 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 307 121 186 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 4 4 94 45 49 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 158 61 97 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 5 3 2 MUDANIDAHBUR (OG) 310108 1 280 127 153 BADAGABETTU-76 (NHCT) 310200 23 2 21 898 4Ql 497 MALPE (NHCT) 310300 2 2 660 250 410 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400


Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total SC Population Total SC population Code C.O.Block / U.A.I Rural/ House­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) wi th SC members

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (S> (6) (7) (8) (9) (111)

B. District Urban U 6087 35252 17728 17524 4878 2479 2399

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) U 99 631 306 325 103 49 54 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 153 923 468 455 124 51 73 102000 GANGOLI (NMeT) U 167 1080 SZ3 557 182 94 88 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 54 263 146 117 46 lo 16 COLONY (NMCl) 104000 KARKAl (TMC) U 233 1432 728 704 225 115 110 105000 KEMMINJA (WMCT) U 76 449 245 204 72 45 27 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 173 1251 642 609 19i 111 82 107000 MALlAR (NMCT) U 113 634 322 312 84 46 38 108000 MUDBIDR) (TMC) U 3~9 1895 964 931 294 142 152 109000 HULK) (TMC) U 209 1045 540 505 155 7S 80 110000 PUDU (NMeT) u 48 241 128 113 28 19 ·9 111000 PUTTUR (fMC) U 304 1939 990 949 301 153 148 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) U 145 870 404 466 150 70 80 113000 TONSE ~EST (NMeT) U 107 652 315 337 89 40 49

300000 MAN GALORE UA U 2869 151196 7972 7924 2074 1063 1011

300100 (A)MANGALORE Me&aG U 2149 11922 5952 5970 1562 813 149

300101 (l)MANGAlORE (Me) U 2099 11607 5805 5802 1521 792 129 300102 (Z)BENGARE ARE~ (OG) U 50 315 147 168 41 21 20

300200 (B)UlLAl' (NMCT) U 104 641 321 320 75 36 39 300300 (C)SOMESKIJARA (NMCT) U 18 99 46 53 21 8 13. 300400 (D)PERAMUIlNURU (NMCT) U 25 117 63 54 15 9 6 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 47 290 144 146 46 25 21 300600 (F)BAJAlA (NHCT) U 2 15 B 7 2 2 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) 1:1". 34 171 94 77 . 20 7 13

300800 CH )IIE'" MANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG U 156 662 322 341} 85 32 53

300801 (1 )NElJ MANGALORE PORT eNMeT) u 104 406 199 207 51 22 29 300802 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) U '39 195 97 98 ' 29 10 19 300803 (3)PANAMBUR COG) U 300804 (4)BAIKAHPADY COG) U 13 61 26 35 5 5


Literates Total Main ~orkers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District I Location C.O.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town NUltler

I to IX ) ( I )

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

21480 12131 9349 15204 8870 6334 153 119 34 District Urban 8.

301 178 123 246 142 104 14 10 4 BA I NOUR (TMe) 100000 546 318 228 404 220 184 4 4 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 694 376 318 328 231 97 40 40 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000 147 91 56 64 58 6 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLCHY (NMCT) 791 457 334 578 367 211 4 3 KARKAL (TMC) 10400f.) 216 142 74 230 126 104 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 683 393 290 446 273 173 KUNOAPURA (TMC) 106000 378 211 167 272 159 113 MALLAR (NMCT) 11117000 1032 624 408 886 485 401 11 6 5 MUDS lOR I (TMC) 10BOOO 646 392 254 411 245 166 .":. HULKI (TMC) 109000 109 62 47 153 76 77 3 2 PUOU (NMeT) 110000 1029 609 420 849 505 344 3 2 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 397 2~5 172 412 191 221 12 8 4 SAlI GRAM (TMC) 112000 312 170 142 294 176 118 TONSE ~EST (NMCT) 113000

10312 5708 4604 7160 4086 3074 38 28 10 MANGALORE UA 300000

7725 4248 3477 5360 3051 2309 16 11 5 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

7531 4149 3382 5226 2978 2248 16 11 5 (l)MAHGAlORE (MC) 300101 194 99 95 134 73 61 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

454 250 204 237 149 88 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 52 30 22 45 26 19 2 2 (C}SOMESHYARA (NMCT) 301)300 69 43 26 69 37 32 (O)PERAMUNMVRU (NMCT) 300400 172 89 83 165 90 75 15 11 ' 4 (E)KOTEKARA ~MCT) 300500 8 6 2 9 4 5 (F)8AJALA (MMCT) 300600 95 63 32 90 57 33 2 1 , (G)KANNUR (NMCT~ 300700

473 250 223 295 184 ,.,., 2 2 (H)NEW MANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG 300800

327 168 159 154 110 44 (l)NEW MANGALO~ PORT (NMCT) 3OOBOl 106 61 45 114 57 57 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 40 21 19 27 10 (4)BAIKAMPAOY (OG) 300804


Location Name of District I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F H A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rurall ______Number City I Town Urban AgrIcultural LlvestocK,Forestry, Hining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (I I) (Ill) ( IV)

(P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

B. District Urban U 2048 958 1090 732 508 224 162 135 27

100000 BAINDUR (THC) U 99 34 65 11 11 9 6 3 101000 BANTVAL (THC) U 82 51 31 12 12 1 1 102000 GANGOLI (NHCT) U 28 20 8 78 30 48 2 2 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U COLONY (NHCT) 104000 KARKAL (THC) U 62 44 18 8 7 3 3 105000 KEMMlNJA (NHCT) U 31 15 16 15 11 4 106000 KUNDAPURA (THC) U 166 88 78 43 9 34 1 1 107000 MALLAR (NHCT) U 49 17 32 6 1 5 3 3 108000 MUDBlDRl (THC) U 275 130 145 10 5 S 27 17 10 109000 MULKl (TMC) U 30 10 20 6 6 1 1 110000 PUDU (NHCT) U 26 15 11 1 1 3 3 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U S1 16 35 21 13 8 112000 SALIGRAM (THC) U 330 141 189 2 1 1 113000 TONSE WEST (NHCT) U 113 54 59 52 48 4 2 2

300000 MAN GALORE UA U 333 160 173 192 155 37 B6 85 • 300100 (A)HANGALORE MC&OG U 148 71 77 138 103 35 45 45

300101 (1)HANGALORE (MC) U 147 70 77 76 34 45 45 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U 27

300200 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) U 5 5 300300 (C)SOMESHIIARA (NMCT) U 6 2 4 300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NHCT) U 1 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 16 12 4 10 10 3D 30 300600 (F)BAJALA (NHCT) U 1 300700 (G)KANNUR (NHCT) U 27 16 11 2

3008f)() (H)NEII MANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG U 24 15 9 20 19

3008G' (l)NEII MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) U 30081.' (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 21 14 7 15 15 3008 > (3)PANAHBUR (OG) U 300804 'liAIKAMPADY (OG) U 2 2 4 4


I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of D1str1ct I Locat10n C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Manufacturlng,Processlng, ManufacturIng, ProcessIng, ConstructIons CIty I Town Number ~ ServIcing and Repa1rs In ServIcIng and Repa1rs 1n Mouse-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) ( 1 )

31 15 16 4058 875 3183 2141 1988 153 D1strlct Urban B.

23 13 10 13 13 BAINDUR (THC) 100000 3 2 165 38 127 22 20 2 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 33 26 7 10 10 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000 -- 8 7 HOSANGAOI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) 129 26 103 94 71 23 KARKAL (THC) 104000 72 8 64 25 22 3 KEHMINJA (NMCT) 105000 2 43 29 14 28 24 4 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 106000 60 2 58 28 28 MALLAR (NHCT) 107000 260 74 186 37 37 MUDBIDRI (TMC) 108000 115 22 93 42. 38 4 MULKI (TMC) 1OiOOO 79 16 63 15 15 PUOU (NHCT) 110000 14 8 6 liB7 30 157 91 85 6 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 31 7 24 23 23 SALl GRAH (THC) 112000 3 3 37 37 28 28 TONSE WEST (NHCT) 113000

2 2 2318 432 1886 1312 1243 69 MANGALORE UA 300000

1676 309 1367 1025 961 64 (A)MANGALORE HC&OG 300100

1644 309 1335 1018 954 64 (l)MANGALORE (HC) 300101 32 32 7 7 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

68 18 50 32 32 (B)ULLAL (NMCf) 300200 23 10 13 4 4 (C)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300 42 12 30 2 2 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NHCT) 300400 71 6 65 9 9 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 4 4 2 2 (F)8AJALA (NHCT) 300600 23 5 18 24 24 (G)KANNUR (NHCT) 300700

84 la 66 26 24 2 (H)NEW MANGALORE PORTNMCT&OG 300800

30 1~ 15 7 6 (l)NEW MANGALORE PORT (MMCT) 300801 47 2 45 19 18 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 ~- (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 7 6 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804


Location Name of District I Total I o f M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications


(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) ( 1'-) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

B. District Urban U 961 680 281 823 734 89 4095 2858 1237

100000 BAINDUR (THe) U 6 5 13 13 58 37 21 101000 BANTVAL (THC) U 22 16 6 12 12 81 64 17 102000 GANGOLI (MMeT) U 40 35 5 23 21 2 74 47 27 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 1 54 49 5 COLONY (NMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TNC) U 89 67 22 16 15 173 131 42 105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 5 3 2 5 5 , 75 61 14 106000 KUNDAPURA (TNC) U 28 25 3 24 19 5 110 76 34 107000 HALLAR (NMeT) U 9 9 5 5 112 94 18 108000 MUDBIDRI (TMC) U 52 47 5 28 27 186 142 44 109000 MULKI (THe) U 24 20 4 39 39 154 109 45 "0000 PUDU (NMCT) U 2 2 4 3 1 20 19 1 ",000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 43 33 10 42 39 3 397 279 118 112000 SALIGRAM (THC) U 2 1 3 3 8 6 2 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 10 7 3 7 7 42 30 12

300000 MANGALORE UA U 431 273 158 494 425 69 1954 1283 671

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG U 346 224 122 374 325 49 1591 1001 590

300101 (l)MANGALORE (He) U 308 209 99 365 316 49 1572 987 585 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U 38 15 23 9 9 19 14 5

300200 (B)ULLAl (MMeT) U 37 20 17 24 15 9 70 58 12 300300 (e)SOMESHIJARA (NMCT) U 2 1 2 1 5 5 300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (MMCT) U 3 2 5 -5 15 14 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 3 3 11 9 2 300600 (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) U 1 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMeT) U 5 5 6 4 2

300800 (H)NEW MANGAlORE PORT NMeT&OG U 12 7 5 43 34 9 84 65 19

300801 (1 )NEW MANGALORE PORT (NMCT) U 6 4 2 41 33 8 67 50 17 300802 (2)TANN I RABAVI (OG) U 5 2 3 5 4 300803 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) U­ 300804 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 12 11


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town N\m)er

(P) (M) (f) i(P) (H) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) 0)

314 88 226 19734 8770 10964 District urban B.

17 2 15 368 162 206 BAINDUR (TMC) 100000 519 248 271 BANTVAL (THC) 101000 2 2 750 292 458 GANGOLI (MMCT) 102000 2 2 197 86 111 HOSANGADI KPC PRV4fCT 103000 COlONY eMMeT} 13 2 11 841 359 482 KARKAL (TMC) 104000 218 119 99 KEMI NJA (Nf'lCT) 105000 2 2 803 367 436 KUNOAPURA (TMC) 106000 15 5 10 347 158 189 HALLAR (MMCT) 107000 10 4 6 999 475 524 MtJDSIDRI (THe) 108000 10 2 8 624 293 331 HULK 1 (TMC) 109000 2 2 86 52 34 PUDU (tlMCT) 110000 5 4 1085 481 604 PUTTUR (TMC) " 1000 1 457 212 245 SALIGRAM (THC) 112000 19 5 14 339 134 205 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

180 54 126 8556 3832 4724 MANGALORE UA 300000

75 21 54 6487 2asO 3607', (A )MANGAlORE MC&OG 300100

75 21 54 63{)6 2806 3500 (l)MANGAlORE (Me) 3.00101 181 74 107 (2 )BEN-GARE AREA '(pG) 300102

30 5 25 374 167 207 (B)ULLAL (MMCT) 300200 54 20 34 (C)SOMESHWARA eMMCT) 300300 48 26 ' 22 (D)PERAMlMIURU (lCMCT) 300400 125 54 71 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) 30OS00 6 4 2 (f)8AJAlA (tlMCT) 300600 22 9 13 59 28 31 (G)"ANNUR (MMCT) 300700

3~ 138 228 (H)NEW MANGAlORE PORT NMCT&oG 100800

2~2 89 163 (1)*EU MANGALORE PORT (~T) 300801 81 40 41 (2) TANN I RABAV I (OG) 308802 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 33 9 24 (4)BAIKAMPAOY (OG) 300804


Location Name of District/ Total/ No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block / U.A./ Rural/ House­ in the age group. Nt.mber City / Town Urban holds (0 - 6) wi th SC members

(P) (M) • (F) (P) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

300900 (I)SURATAKAl TMC&OG U 334 1979 1022 957 248 131 117

300901 (l)SURATAKAl (THC) U 165 996 536 460 110 55 55 300902 (2)KUlAI (OG) U 29 137 73 64 15 10 5 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 37 216 98 118 33 19 14 300904 (4)KATIPAllA (OG) U 103 630 315 315 90 47 43

310000 UDUPI UA U 1008 6051 3035 3016 758 376 382

310100 (A)UDUPI THC&OG U 504 2898 1469 1427 356 181 175

310101 (l)UDUPI (TMC) U 226 1223 630 593 146 70 76 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 54 300 155 145 39 25 14 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 35 206 99 107 29 12 17 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U 18 124 71 53 22 15 7 310105 (5)KADEKAR (OG) U 92 562 273 289 59 27 32 310106 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) • U 34 . 206 101 105 27 10 17 310107 (7)AMBAlPADY (OG) U 44 268 137 131 32 20 12 310108 (8)MUDANIOAMBUR (OG) U 7 3 4 2 2

310200 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 72 493 249 244 84 38 46 310300 (C)MAlPE (NMCT) U 241 1605 816 789 181 fl4 87 310400 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) U 191 1057 501 556 137 63 74


Literates Total MaIn Workers I ~ 0 U S T R I A L ~ame of District I location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivators CIty I Town NUI1ber

I to IX (I)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (101) (F) (P) (101) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) ( 16) (17) (18) ( 19) (2) (1 )

1264 729 535 890 488 402 (I)SURATAKAl TMC&OG 300900

684 408 276 414 238 176 (l)SURATAKAl (THC) 300901 93 51 42 73 45 28 (2)KULAI (OG) 300902 136 69 67 105 49 56 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 351 201 150 298 156 142 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

3887 2175 1712 2471 1530 941 22 1S 7 UDUPI UA 310000

1880 1047 833 1180 744 436 14 10 4 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

873 487 386 441 308 133 ( 1) UDUP I (TMC) 310101 202 109 93 126 73 53 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 116 63 53 84 52 32 10 7 3 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 16 49 27 55 28 27 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 316 179 137 l55 152 103 4 3 (5}KADEKAR (OG) 310105 103 64 39 108 56 52 (6)KI0IYUR (OG) 310106 181 96 85 109 75 34 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 3 3 2 2 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

295 163 132 212 122 90 1 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (MMeT) 310200 1032 599 433 684 413 271 3 3 (C)MAlPE (NMCT) 310300 690 366 324 395 251 144 4 2 2 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400


Location Mame of District! Total! CAT EGO R 1 E S a F MAl N WORKERS Code C.D.Block ! U.A. ! Rural! Nunber City! Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities II III IV

(P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&oG U 111 44 67 16 16 9 8

.300901 (1)SURATAKAL (TI4C) U 54 23 31 6 6 5 5 300902 (2)1M.A1 (OG) U 7 1 6 5 5 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 23 5 18 2 2 300904 (4}KATIPAllA (OC) U 27 lS 12 :5 3 4 3

310000 UDUPI UA U 373 163 210 275 198 77 22 9 13

310100 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG U 118 40 78 24 21 3 15 2 13

310101 (1)UDUPI (TMt) U 4 1 :5 4 4 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 22 13 9 3 2 310103 (3)KERCA (OG) U 11 7 4 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U 13 3 10 310105 (S)KADEnR (OG) U 32 31 14 13 ,. 310106 (6)ICIDIYUR (OG) U 15 9 6 1 14 13 310107 (7)AHBALPAOY (OG) U 21 6 15 2 310108 (8)MUDAlfI1>AM8UR (OG) U

310200 (B)9AG~TTU-76 (MMeT) U 86 48 38 2 2 310300 (C)t4AlPE (MMeT> U 128 68 60 239 167 72 310400 (D-)flUmJR (MMeT) U 41 7 ·34 10 8 2 7 7


I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Qlde c" ...... facturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions Ci ty I lown Jlullber l:>'Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in • ;;- .Mouse-hold Industry Other than Mouse-hold Industry [VCa» [V.(b)] (VI)

CP) (It) {f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

, t29) (30) ..(31 ) (.32) (.33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

327 54 273 ,188 185 3 (I)SUAATAlCAl lNC&OG 3OOQOO

139 34 105 90 87 3 (1)SURATAKAL (tMC) 300901 21 2 19 7 7 (2)XUlAI (OG) JOCKI02 37 2 35 35 35 ~3}HOSABETTU..(OG) ..300903 130 16 114 ·56 56 {4)KAlIPALlA (OG) -.~

7 2 5 505 151 354 -365 324 . 41 .UDUPJ. UA 3tOOOO

6 5 249 87 162 227 197 30 (A)UDUPI 'fMC&OG 310100

1 63 29 34 67 57 10 (1 )UOUPI (TMC) J..1D1D1 5 5 37 13 24 32 29 3 (2-)SIlIVALLI (OG) 310102 21 4 17 18 17 (3)HERGA (OG) 31Ql03 ! 20 5 15 20 19 (4)KUTIfPADY (OG) 314W4 47 15 32 65 52 n (5 )lCADEICAR (00) 3.1Q105 36 10 26 14 12 2 (6)JCUllYUR COG) 3l01fl6 23 11 12 11 11 (7)AMUlPADY (.oG) 310107 2 2 (8)JM)ANIOAMBUR (OG) 310108

39 4 35 26 24 2 (B)8ADAGASETTU-76 (NMeT) 310200 126 32 94 47 45 2 (C)MAlPE (MMeT) 310300 91 28 63 65 58 7 (D}PUTTUR (NMeT) 310400


Location Name of District I Total I o F M A I N U 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I NlJI1ber City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

(VII) (VI II ) (IX) - (P) (14) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG U 29 17 12 38 37 171 126 45

300901 (1)SURATAKAL (TMC) U 16 9 7 19 19 84 54 30 300902 (2)KULAI (OG) U 2 2 5 4 26 24 2 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 2 2 5 3 2 300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) U 10 6 4 12 12 56 45 11

310000 IJ)UPI UA U 197 136 61 108 101 7 597 431 166

310100 (A)IJ)UPI TMC&oG U 95 72 23 24 21 3 378 263 115

310Hn (1 )UOUPI (TMC) U 55 44 11 35 32 3 211 139 72 3t0102 (2)SHIVAlLi COG) u- 3 2 1 4 4 20 10 10 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 3 3 20 13 7 310'184 (4)«UTltPADY (OG) U 2 1 111l105 (5)KAD£KAR (OG) U 18 11 7 6 6 69 51 18 '10186- (6)KIDIYUR (OG) U 10 6 4 6 6 12 11 3m," (7)~'ADY (OG) U 6 6 2 2 44 18 6 "'08 (8)JUlANfOAMBUI (OG) U • 3,t02OO CI)8ADAGABETTU-16 (NMCT) U 11 8 3 3 3 44 33 11 )tOS9O (C)MALPE (NMCT) U 57 28 29 1~ 18 1 65 52 13 310400 (D)PUTTUR (MMCT) U 34 28 6 .32 29 3 110 83 27


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District I location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town Nunber

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

'I , (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1) ">. 52 19 33 1037 515 522 (I)SURATAKAl TMC&OG 300900

26 6 20 556 292 264 (1)SURATAKAl (TMC) 300901 64 28 36 (2)KUlAI (OG) 300902 -- : 111 49 62 (J)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 26 13 13 306 146 160 (4)KATIPAlLA (OG) 300904

35 5 30 3545 1500 2045 UDUPI UA 310000

9 3 6 1707 722 985 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100 4 2 2 n8 320 458 (1)UDUPI (TMC) 310101 174 82 92 (2~SHIVAlll (OG) 310102 122 47 75 (3)HERGA (OG) 3101~3 69 43 .26 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 307 121 186 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 4 4 94 45 49 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 1 158 61 97 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 5 3 2 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

1 280 127 153 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 23 2 21 898 401 497 (C)MAlPE (NMCT) 310300 2 2 660 250 410 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400



location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total ST Population Total ST Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rurall House­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) wi th ST members

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) • (7) (8) (9) (10)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 19082 106159 53174 52985 16140 8108 8032 R 16825 94285 47170 47115 14380 7246 7134 U 2257 11874 6004 5870 1760 862 898

A. C.D.Block's Total T 17923 100009 50047 49962 15164 7627 7537 R 16825 94285 47170 47115 14380 7246 7134 U 1098 5724 2877 2847 784 381 403

BANTVAL C.D.Block T 2993 17543 8814 8729 2547 1240 1307 R 2987 17508 8798 8710 2544 1238 1306 U 6 35 16 19 3 2

110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 6 35 16 19 3 2

2 BELTANGADI C.D.Block T 2212 12480 6287 6193 1762 908 854 R 2212 12480 6287 6193 1762 908 854 U

3 KARKAL C.O.llock T 2084 11930 5778 6152 1965 972 993 R 2084 11930 5778 6152 1965 972 993 U

4 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block T 1747 10194 5126 5068 1916 973 943 R 1729 10127 5088 5039 1898 964 934 U 18 67 38 29 18 9 9

102000 GANGOlI (NMCT) U 6 29 15 14 7 2 5 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 12 38 23 15 11 7 4 COLONY (NMCT)

5 MAN GALORE C.D.Block T 743 3698 1861 1837 622 317 305 R 588 3068 1525 1543 510 261 249 U 155 630 336 294 112 56 56

300102 BENGARE AREA (OG) U 300200 ULlAL (MMCT) U 13 55 32 23 11 6 5 300300 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 17 76 42 34 13 6 7 300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 3 16 11 5 8 7


Literates Total Hain Workers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town NlIIlber

I to IX ) (I)

(P) (H) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (H) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

54177 31071 23106 48171 28424 19747 9253 6198 3055 DAKSHINA KANNADA District 47343 27186 20157 43060 25270 17790 8711 5878 2833 6834 3885 2949 5111 3154 1957 542 320 222

50796 29141 21655 45576 26832 18744 8893 597b 2917 C.D.Block's Total A. 47343 27186 20157 43060 25270 17790 8711 5878 2833 3453 1955 1498 2516 1562 954 182 98 84

9409 5437 3972 8175 4758 3417 919 694 225 BANTVAL C.D.Block 9395 5429 3966 8156 4750 3406 919 694 225 14 8 6 19 8 11

14 8 6 19 8 11 PUOU (NMCT) 110000

6215 3592 2623 6203 3436 2767 1846 1215 631 SELTANGADI C.I)-.Block 2 6215 3592 2623 6203 3436 2767 1846 1215 631

.6235 3377 2858 5571 2994 2577 1448 919 529 KARKAL C.D.Block 3 6235 3377 2858 5571 2994 2577 1448 919 529

3474 2180 1294 4326 2728 1598 1~1 1153 528 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block 4 3438 2156 1282 4303 2708 1595 1681 1153 528 36 24 12 23 20 3 -. , \ 15 10 5 9 8 1 GANGOLI (NMeT) 102000 21 14 7 14 12 2 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NHeT)

1983 1118 865 1844 1008 836 92 61 31 HANGALORE C.D.Block 5 1588 882 706 1543 $16 727 91 60 31 395 236 159 301 192 109

BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102 39 24 15 24 ' 18 6 UL'LAL (NHCT) 300200 54 33 21 42 28 14 SOMESHWARA (NHCT) 300300 2 6 4 2 PERAMUNNURU (NHCT) 300400


location Name of District! Total! CATEGOR E S o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block ! U.A. ! Rural! Nunber City! Town Urban Agricul tural livestock, Forestry, Mining and Quarrying labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards &Allied activities (II) (III) (IV)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 13417 8If63 4954 5437 4414 ·1023 185 178 7 R 12492 7967 4525 5367 4354 1013 174 168 6 U 925 496 - 429 70 60 10 11 10 1

A. C.D.Block's Total T 13032 BZ95 4737 5401 4383 1018 176 170 6 R 12492 1967 4525 5367 4354 1013 174 t68 6 U 540 328 212 34 29 5 2 2 • BANTVAl C.D.Block T 2001 1500 501 1030 941 89 25 24 R 1998 1498 500 1030 941 89 25 24 U 3 2

110000 PUDU (NMC.T) U 3 2

2 BElTANGADI C.D.Block T 2016 1298 718 386 280 106 13 13 R 2016 1298 718 386 280 106 13 13 U

3 KARKAl C.D.Block T 2111 1285 826 100 72 28 11 11 R 2111 1285 826 100 72 28 11 11 U

4 lUIIJAPURA C.D.Block T ta28 1071 757 131 91 - 40 21 17 4 R 1828 1071 757 131 91 40 21 17 4 U


5 MANGAlORE C.D.Block T 391 251 140 27 24 3 - 8 8 R 3n 243 134 23 20 3 6 6 U 14 8 6 I 4 4 2 2

300102 BENGARE AREA (OG) U 300200 ULLAl (MMCT) U 300300 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 11 6 5 1 1 1 300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 2 2


I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of DIstrict I Location C.D.BloCK / U.A. / Code Manufacturing.Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town Nunber Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry ather than House-hold Industry [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33.) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2r (1)

2191 1035 11$6 9621 142.0 8207 1218 1156 62 DAKSHINA KANNADA District 1913. 925 988 8n9 1153 7566 830 794 36 278 110 168 908 26.7 641 388 362 26

2002 958 1044 9211 1279 7932 1081 1037 44 C.O.Block's Total A. 1913 925 988 8719 1153 7566 . 830 794 36 89 33 56 492 126 366 251 243 8

132 74 58 2797 387 2410 142 135 7 BANTVAL C.D.BloCK 125 73 5,2 2790 384 2406 141 134 7 7 6 7 3 4

7 6 7 3 4 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

104 63 41 1:329 125 1204 55 55' BELTANGADI C.D.Block 2 104 63 41 1329 125 1204 55 55 ! --

303 133 170 1057 102 955 102 97 5 KARKAL C.O.Block 3 303 133 170 1057 102 955 102 97 5

370 203 167 69 16 53 19 18 KUNDAPURA C.D.BtoCK 4 370 203 167 68 16 52 16 15 ~ 3


313 142 17t 513 98 415 87' 72 15 HANGALORE C.D.Block 5 289 131 158 411 69 -342 72 59 13 24 11 13 102 ?9 73 15 13 2

BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102 11 6 5 3 3 ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 10 • 2 8 4 4 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300 2. 2 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400


location Name of District / Total / o F M A I N IJ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural / NLIl1ber City / Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Communications

(VII) (VI II) ( IX)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

DAICSHINA KANNADA District T 1683 1534 149 837 789 48 4323 3237 1086 R 1239 1166 73 564 540 24 3051 2325 726 U 444 368 76 273 249 24 1272 912 360

A. C.D.Block's Total T 1438 1336 102 665 634 31 3677 2764 913 R 1239 1166 73 564 540 24 3051 2325 726 U 199 170 29 101 94 7 626 439 187

BANTVAl C.D.Block T 240 231 9 150 145 5 739 627 112 R 240 231 9 150 145 5 738 626 112 U

110000 PUDU (NMCT) U

2 BELTANGADI C.D.Block T 141 136 5 57 53 4 256 198 58 R 141 136 5 57 53 4 256 198 58 U •

3 KARKAL C.D.Block T 148 145 3 • 63 62 228 168 60 R 148 145 3 63 62 228 168 60 U

4 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block T 59 54 5 21 21 127 84 43 R 59 54 5 19 19 116 69 41 U 2 2 17 15 2

102000 GANGOll (NMCT) U 2 2 6 6 103000 HOSANGADI !CPC PROJECT U 11 9 2 COLONY (NMCT)

5 MAN GALORE C.D.Block T 104 87 17 67 58 9 242 207 35 R 85 72 13 30 26 4 159 130 29 U 19 15 4 37 32 5 83 77 6

300102 BENGARE AREA (OG) U 300200 ULlAL (NMCT) U 5 4 5 5 300300 SOMESHYARA (NMCT) U 5 5 6 5 4 4 300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U


Marginal 'Workers Non-Workers Name of DistrIct I Location C.D.BloCK I U.A. I Code City I Town Number

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

2239 383 1856 55749 24367 31382 DAKSHINA KANNADA District 2153 362 1791 49072 21538 27534 86 21 65 6677 2829 3848

2171 367 1804 52262 22848 29414 C.D.Block's Total A. 2153 362 1791 49072 21538 27534 18 5 13 3190 1310 1880

307 47 260 9061 4009 5052 BANTVAL C.D.Block 307 47 260 9045 4001 5044 16 8 8

16 8 8 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

358 49 309 5919 2802 3117 BELTANGADI C.D.Block 2 358 49 309 5919 2802 3117 •

302 49 253 6057 2735 3322 KARKAL C.D.Block 3 302 49 253 6057 2735 3322

278 37 241 5590 2361 ~229 KUNDAPURA C.D.Block 4 278 37 241 5546 2343 3?03 44 18 f6

20 7 13 GANGOLI (NMC'f) 102000 24 11 13 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT)

36 10 26 1818 - 843 975 MANGAlORE C.D.Block 5 36 10 26 1489 699 790 329 144 185

BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102 31 14 17 UllAl (NMCT) 300200 34 14 20 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300 10 7 3 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400


Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total ST Population Total ST Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rurall House· in the age group Nunber City I Town Urban holds (0 . 6) with ST members

(P) (M) (F) (P) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 18 71 35 36 9 3 6 300600 BAJALA (NMeT) U 6 25 14 11 2 2 300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 8 38 18 20 8 4 4 300801 HEY MAHGALORE PORT (NMCT) U 49 173 94 79 25 13 12 300802 TAHNIRABAVI (OG) U 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 3 7 .6 300902 KULAI (OG) U 9 38 19 19 7 3 4 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 10 32 13 19 8 2 6 300904 KATIPALLA COG) U 19 99 52 47 21 10 11

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 2629 13968 7085 6883 2004 995 1009 R 2578 13739 6971 6768 1971 982 989 U 51 229 114 115 33 13 20

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 51 229 114 115 33 13 20

7 SUlYA C.D.Block T 2056 10536 5329 5207 1533 770 763 R 2056 10536 5329 5207 1533 770 763 U

8 UDUPI C.D.Block T 3459 19660 9767 9893 2.815 1452 1363 R 2591 14897 73"94 7503· 2197 1151 1046 U 868 4763 2373 2390 618 301 317

107000 HALLAR (NMCT) U 6 39 23 16 7 4 3 113000 TONSE WEST (NHeT) U 3 26 13 13 4 1 3 310102 SHIVALLI (OG) U 373 lOTS 992 1026 247 116 131 310103 HERGA (OG) U 253 1407 708 699 229 115 114 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 2 3 2 310105 KADEKAR COG) U 4 40 21 19 7 4 3 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 310107 AHBALPADY (OG) U 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OC) U 310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 93 565 283 282 46 22 24 310300 HALPE (NHCT) U 32 159 84 75 28 12 16 310400 PUTTUR eMMCT) U 101 505 247 258 5"0 27 23


literates Total Main Workers I N ~ U S T R I A l Name of District I location C.D.Btock I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town N\.II1ber

I to IX ) (I)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (N) (F)

(11) (12) (11) (14) (15) (16) (T7) (1a) (19) (2) (1)

42 24 t8 38 21 17 KOlEKAR'A (NMCT) 300500 17 to 7 16 8 8 aAJALA (NMCT) 300600 ,~ 12 7 19 10 9 KANNUR (MMCT) 300700 132 16 56 68 51 17 NE~ MANCAlORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 TANNIRABAVI (OC) 300802 PANAMBUR (OC) 300803 7 6 2 2 BAIKAIWADY (OG) 300804 28 16 12 13 12 1 KULAI (OG) 300902 19 9 10 17 9 8 IlOSABETTU (OG) 300903 36 25 11 56 29 27 KAT] PALLA (OG) 300904

7545 4419 3126 6233 3870 2363 606 502 104 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 7411 4338 3073 6129 3802 2327 61)3 499 104 134 81 53 104 68 36 3 3

I 134 81 53 104 68 36 3 3 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

5691 3263 2428 4437 2840 1597 352 232 120 SULYA C.o.Block 7 5691 3263 2428 4437 2840 1597 352 232 120

10244 5755 4489 8787 5198 3589 1949 l;;?'OO 749 UOUPI C.D.Block 8 7310 4149 3221 67t8 3924 2794 .1771 ' 1H'6 665 2874 1606 1268 206~ 1274 7Q5 178 94 -84

1-4 13 1 22 12 10 MALlAR (NMCT) \ 107000 13 '8 5 11 7 4 TONSE WEST {NMCT) 113000 1211 m 538 9'13 555 3';8 81 46 35 SHI\lALLI (OG) 310102 m -440 333 606 380 22-6 78 38 40 tlERQA (OG) 310103 3 1 2 2 1 1 -KUTIIPl(DY (OG) 310104 17 11 6 1'9 "8 11 KADElCAR (OG) 310105 KtDIYUR {OG) 310106 '~M.PADV (OG) 310107 l4UDAwtOAMiruR (OG) 310108 406 220 186 D6 144, 92 10 5 5 ~A8AGA8fTfU~76 eMMCT) 310200 85 51 34 ,8'1 55' 2-6 liIAlPE (.NMCT) 310300 3SZ ,.89 163 118 11" 67 f} 5 4 PUTroR (IINCT) 310400


location Name of District! Total! CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N IJ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block ! U.A. ! Rural! Nl.I1lber City! Town Urban Agricul tural livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II ) (Ill) ( IV)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 300600 BAJALA (NMCT) U 300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 300801 NEIJ MANGAlORE PORT (NMCT) U 300802 TANNlRABAVI (OG) U 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 300902 KUlAl (OG) U 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 300904 KATIPAllA (OG) U

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 869 625 244 1658 1438 220 B1 81 R B66 623 243 1648 1429 219 B1 81 U 3 2 1 10 9

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 3 2 10 9

7 SUlYA C.D.Block T 527 332 195 196B 1469 499 10 10 R 527 332 195 1968 1469 499 10 )0 U .. 8 UDUPI C.D.Block .. 3289 1933 1356- 101 6B 33 7 6 R 2769 1617 1152 81 52 29 7 6 U 520 316 204 20 16 4

107000 MAllAR (NMCT) U 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 2 1 310102 SHIVAlLi (OG) U 324 208 116 6 5 1 310193 HERGA (OG) U lOB 70 38 9 7 2 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 310107 AMBAlPADY (OG) U 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 4B 21 27 2 2 310300 MAlPE (NMCT) U 11 6 5 3 2 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 27 10 17


I N 0 U S T R I A L CATEGORI E S Name of DIstrict / Location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Manufacturing.Processing. Manufacturing. ProcessIng. Constructions City / .Town Number Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [yea)] [V(b)] (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33~ (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

7 3 4 12 12 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500 9 3 6 2 2 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 3 2 9 2 7 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700 12 4 8 4 2 2 NEW MAN GALORE PORT (NHCT) 300801 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 BAIKAMPAOY (OG) 300804 KULAI (OG) 300902 4 2 2 6 1 5 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 9 4 5 30 11 19 KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

114 69 45 1782 214 1568 181 176 5 PUTTUR C.O.Block 6 107 65 42 1750 207 1543 170 167 3 7 4 3 32 7 25 11 9 2

7 4 3 32: 7 25 11 9 2 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000

27 18 9 699 106 593 113 110 3 SULYA C.D.Block 7 27 18 9 699 106 593 113 110 3

639 256 383 965 231 734 382 374 8 UOUPI ~.D.Block 8 588 239 349 615 144 471 161 157 4 51 17 34 350 87 263 221 2,17 4

17 8 9 MALLAR (NMCT) .. 107000 1 ' ,- - TONSE WEST (NMC~ l13000 5 4 163 37 126 86 85 I 1 StUVALLl (OG) 310102 , 4 3 98 30 68 100 97 ,3 HERGA (OG) 310103 1 KUTHPAOY (OG) 310104 2 3 3 c_ KADEKAR (OG) 310105 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 AMBALPAOY (00) 310107 MUOANIOAHBUR (OC) 310108 7 1 6 39 5 34 25 25 BADAGABETTU-76 (NHCT) 310200 10 3 7 16 6 10 5 5 MALPE (NHCT) 310300 6 2 4 29 9 20 5 5 PUTTUR (NHCT) 310400


Location Name of District I Total I o F MAl N II 0 R K EllS Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I Nl.I1i)er City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other ServIces & Commun~cations


(P) (M,) (F) (P) (M·) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (4DJ (41) (42') (43) (44) (4S) (46)

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 3 2 3 3 10 10 300600 BAJALA (N~T> U 2 1 300700 KANNUR (NHCT) U 5 5 300001 NEW MANGAlORi PORT eNMeT) U 2 16 14 . 2 33 29 4 300602 TA~NIRABAVI (OG) U 300803 PANAMBUR C()G.) U 300804 BAI~MPAQY (OG) U 2 2 300902 KULAl (OG) U 1 1 2 2 9- 9 300903 HOSABiTTU (OG) U 3 2 1 1 3 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 4 3 3 2 ff 8

6 PUTTUR C.D.Block T 1119 179 10 126 123 1 627 463" 164 R 172 163 9 119 116 3 613 452 161 U 17 16 7 7 14 11 3

105000 KEMMIMJA (MMeT) u 17 16· 7 7 t4 11 3

7 SUlYA C.O.Block T 125 117 8 55 53 2 561 393 168 R 125 117 8 55 53 2 561 393 168 U

8 UDUPl C.D.Block T 432 38]' 45 126 119 7 8c}1 6Z4 273 R 269- 248 21 11 ~ 5 386 289 97 u '63 139 24 55 5~ 2 51' 335 176

10],000- MALLAR (NHCf) U 1 1 4 3 1 113000 TONSE weST (NMeT) U 2 2 1 5 3 2 310"~ S"IV~I.Ll (00) u 44 31 13 12 12 192 130 62 310·1Q5 HIi"RGA (OG) U 68 6t 7 17 16 12f. 60 64 310104. KlHHPAflV (00) U 310105 KAOfKAA. (OGJ U 14 7 7 3101Q6. KIDIYUR (00) U 31&1-01" AMBALPAttV (00) U 3101-08 MUDAHl'~. (OG) U 310~, 8A9AGA8(TTV-76 (MMer, u 19 17 2 14 14 72 54 18 31:0_ MI.PE (_0 U 4 3 7 6 25 24 1 3't64oo' PU'fTI:Ilt. <_" u 23 22 4 4 75 54 21


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District I Location CoD_Block I U.A. I Code City I Town Nlaber

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

33 14 19 KOTEICARA eNMCT) 300500 9 6 3 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 19 8 11 KANNUR eNMCT) 300700 105 43 62 NEW MANGALORE PORT eNMCT) 300801 TANNIRABAVI COG) 300802 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 5 4 BAIKAMPADY COG) 300804 25 7 18 KULAl (OG) 300902 15 4 11 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 43 23 20 KATIPALLA COG) 300904

325 73 252 7410 3142 4268 PUTTUR C.D.Block 6 325 73 252 n85 3096 4189 125 46 79

125 46 79 KEMMINJA eNMCT) 105000

370 68 302 5n9 2421 3308 SULYA C.D.Block 7 370 68 302 5729 2421 3308

195 34 161 10678 4535 6143 UDUPI C.D.Block 8 177 29 148 8002 3441 4561 18 5 13 2676 1094 15'62

17 11 6 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 15 6 9 TONSE WEST (~CT) 113000 3 2 1102 436 666 SHIVALLl (OG) 310102 3 2 798 327 471 HERGA (OG) 310103 1 1 KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 '21 ~ 13 8 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 . KIDlYUR (OG) 310106 ~ AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108 12 3 9 317 136 181 BADAGABEHU-76 (MMCT) 310200 I 78 29 49 MALPE (NMCT) 310300 327 136 191 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400 DISTRICT PRIl\1ARY CENSUS

Location Name of District! Total! No.of Total 5T Population Total 5T Population Code C.D.Block / U.A.! Rural! House­ in the age group NUlber City / Town Urban holds (0 - 6) wi th 51 members

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (n

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

B. District Urban U 2257 11874 6004 5870 1760 862 898

100000 BAINOOR (TMC) U 170 1169 570 599 267 133 134 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 61 314 166 148 53 21 32 102000 GANGQtI (MMCT) U 6 29 15 14 7 2 5 103000 HOSAUGADl KPC PROJECT U 12 38 23 15 11 7 4 COLONY (MMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TMC) U 69 390 180 210 48 17 31 105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 51 229 114 115 33 13 20 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 36 258 139 119 18 6 12 107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 6 39 23 16 7 4 3 1OS000 MUOBIDRI (TMC) U 48 269 130 139 37 15 22 109000 MULK) (TMC) U 16 59 34 25 13 8 5 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 6 35 16 19 3 2 1 11toOO PUTTUR (TMC) U 146 776 365 411 87 39 48 112000 5ALIGRAM (TMC) U 19 110 50 60 21 13 8 113000 TOYSE WEST (NMCT) U 3 26 • 13 13 4 3

440 300000 MAMGAlORE UA U 633 • 2824 1524 1300 238 202 300100 (A)MAMGAlORE MC&oG U 411 1897 1034 863 279 162 117

300101 (l)MAKGAlORE (Me) U 411 1897 1034 863 279 162 117 300102 (2)8EMGARE AREA (OG) U

300200 (B)ULLAl (NMCT) U 13 55 32 23 11 6 5 300300 (C)SCJMESHWARA (MMCT) U 17 76 42 34 13 6 7 300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 3 16 11 5 8 7 1 300500 (E)KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 18 71 35 36 9 3 6 100600 (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) U 6 25 14 11 2 2 300700 (G)KANNUR (NHCT) U 8 38 18 20 8 4 4

I 300800 (H)t,EW MANGAlOR£ PORT NMCT&OG U 52 lS0 100' 80 25 13 12

300801 (1)NaI MAllGAlORE PORT (NMCT) U 49 173 94 79 25 13 12 300B02 (2)TAlttUlAilAVI (OG) U 300803 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 (4)8AIKAMPADY (OG) U 3 7 6


literates Total Main Workers N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District I Lacat i on C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivators City I Town Nl.Il1ber

( I to IX ) (I)

(P) (M) ef) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

6&34 3885 2949 5111 3154 1957 542 320 222 District Urban B.

249 158 91 606 315 291 324 197 127 BAINDUR (THC) 100000 179 114 65 US 86 49 11 7 4 BANTVAL (THe) 101000 15 10 5 9 8 1 GANGOlI (NMCT) 102000 21 14 7 14 12 2 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COlOHY (NMeT) 2'08 119 89 182 113 69 KARICAl (THe) 104000 134 81 53 104 68 36 3 3 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 201 "9 B2 48 32 16 KUNOAP\lR" ('TMC) 106000 14 13 22 12 10 HALLAR (NMCT) 107000 169 98 71 110 62 48 10 7 3 HOOBIORl (THC) 108000 27 18 9 30 20 10 HULKI (THC) 109000 14 8 6 19 8 11 PUDU (NHCT) 110000 598 302 296 305 195 110 3 3 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 28 11 17 64 28 36 SAlIGRAJII (TMC) 112000 13 8 5 11 7 4 TONSE WEST (NMrl) 113000

1713 1003 710 1189 7'69 420 7 4 3 MANG"LORE U" 300000

1176 681 495 766 501 265 6 3 3 (A)MANGALORE HC&OG 30(1100

1176 681 495 766 501 265 6 3 3 (l)HANGALORE (MC) 300101 , ,.. (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

39 24 15 24 18 6 -~ (B)UlLAl. (NMCT) 300200 54 33 21 42 28 14 .... (C)SOMES~RA (NMCT) 300300 2 1 6 4 2 .., (D)P£RAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400 42 24 1-8 38 21 17 (E)ICOTEICARA (NMeT)· 300500

17 10 7 16 8 8 -~ (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) 300600 19 12 7 19 10 9 (G)KANNUR eMMCT) 300700

139 82 57 70 :53 17 (It)Nflol MANGA~ORE -PORT NMCT&OG 30080C)

132 76 56 68 51 17 (1)NEIoI MANGAlORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 7 6 2 2 (4)8AIIC~MPADY (OG) 300804


Location Name of District / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N W0 R K E R S Code ,,. C.D.Block I U.A. / Rural/ Nl.I'ItIer City / Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) (I I I) ( IV)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

B. District Urban U 925 496 429 70 60 10 11 10

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) U 264 103 161 101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 25 17 8 6 6 102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U COLONY (NMCT) 104000 KARKAL (TMC) U 26 15 11 105000 KEMMINJA (MMCT) U 3 2 1 10 9 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 2 107000 MALLAR (NMCT) U 108000 MUDBIDRI (TMC) U 12 6 6 3 2 109000 HULK I (TMC) U 2 2 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 3 2 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 8 4 4 12 9 3 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) U 11 7 4 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 2

300000 MANGAlORE UA U 32 16 16 16 15 11 10

300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&oG U 7 3 4 12 11 9 8

300101 (1)MANGALORE (MC) U 7 3 4 12 11 9 8 300102 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) U

300200 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) U 300300 (C)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 11 6 5 1 300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 2 2 300500 (E)KOTEKARA 'NMCT) U 300600 (F)BAJALA (NMCT) U 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) U




1 N D U $ T RIA L CAT EGO R 1 E S Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. /' Code Manufacturing,Process;ng, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City I Town Numer Servicing and Repairs in servicing and Repairs in . House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry (V(a» [V(b)] (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

278 110 168 908 267 641 388 362 26 District Urban B.

6 5 1 1 2 2 SA I NOUR (THC) 100000 46 12 34 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 GANGOLl (NMCT) 102000 3 3 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) 50 17 33 24 7 17 2 2 KARKAL (TIIIC) 104000 7 4 3 32 7 25 11 9 2 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 KLmDAPURA (TMC) 106000 17 8 9 MAllAR (NMCT) 107000 2 2 36 13 23 6 6 MUOBlDRI (THe) 108000 5 3 2 8 4 4 3 3 MUlKI (TMC) 109000 7 6 7 3 4 PUDU (NMCT) 110000 99 34 65 15 14 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 50 19 31 SALIGRAM (TMC) 112000 : 1 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

93 42 51 279 88 191 112 93 19 MANGALORE UA 300000

30 15 15 154 49 105 97 80- 17 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

30 15 15 154 49 105 97 80 17. (1)MANGALORE (MC) 300101 (2)BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

11 6 5 3 3 (B)ULLAL (NMCT) 300200 10 2 8 4 4 (C)SOMESHWA~~ (NMCT) 300300 2 2 (O)PERAMUNNU*v (NMCl) 300400 7 3 4 12 12 (E)KOTEKARA (NMeT) 300500 9 3 6 2 2 (F)BAJAlA (NMCT) 300600 3 2 9 2 7 CG)KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

12 4 8 4 2 2 (H)NEW MANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG 300800

12 4 8 4 2 2 (l)NEW MANGALORE PORT (NHeT) 300801 (2}TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 _L (3)PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804


Location ~ame of District / Total / o F M A J N WORKERS Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural I Nunber City I Town· Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & COIIIlUrlicatlons


(P) (H) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

B. District Urban U 444 368 76 273 249 24 1272 912 360

100000 BAINDUR (THC) U 7 5 2 101000 BANTVA~ (TMC) U 18 16 2 11 11 17 16 102000 GANGOlI (NMCT) U 2 2 6 6 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 11 9 2 COLONY (MMCT) t04000 KARlCAl (THC) U 32 27 5 10 10 38 35 3 105000 ICE""'I NJA (MMeT) U 17 16 1 7 7 14 11 3 106000 KUNDAPURA (THC) U 7 4 3 36 25 11 107000 HALlAR (NMeT) U 1 1 4 3 1 108000 MUDBIDRI (TMe) U 8 8 2 2 31 18 13 169000 MULKI (THe) U 2 2 3 3 7 5 2 11.0000 PUDU (MMeT) U 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 47 37 10 37 34 3 84 60 24 1'2000 SALIGRAH (THe) U "3 2 , 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 2 2 5 3 2

300000 HAN GALORE UA U 101 72 29 128 112 16 410 317 93 300100 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG U 78 53.. 25 90 79 11 283 200 83 300101 (l)MAMGALORE (HC) U 78 53 25 90 79 11 283 200 83 300102 (2)BE~GARE AREA (OG) U

300200 (B)lJllAl (MMeT) U 5 4 5 5 300300 tC)SQMESHWARA (NMCT) U 5 5 6 5 4 4 300400 (D)PERAMUNNURU (MMeT) U 1 , 300500 (£)KOTEKARA (MMCT) U 3 2 3 3 10 10 300600 (F)BAJAlA eNHcT) U 1 - 2 1 300700 (G)KANNUR (NMCT) U 5 5

I 300800 (tOtlEW MANGAlORE PORT IIMCT&OCi U 2 "6 14 2 35 31 4

300801 (1)NEW MANGALORE PORT (MMCT) U 2 16 14 2 33 29 4 300802 (2)TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 300803 (3)PANAMBUR (OG) U 300804 (4)BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 2 2


Marginal Workers Non·Workers Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town NutCer

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1 )

86 21 65 66n 2829 3848 District Urban B.

36 3 33 527 252 275 BAINDUR (TMe) 100000 1 178 80 98 BAtHVAL (TMC) 101000 20 7 13 GANGOLI (MMCT) 102000 24 11 13 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLON!!' (NtoICT) 208 67 141 KAR«:AL (TMC) 104000 125 46 79 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 210 107 ~03 KUNOAPURA (TMC) 106000 17 11 6 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 4 3 155 67 88 MUDBJD1U (TMC) 108000 29 14. 15 MULiCl (THC) 109000 16 8 8 PUDU (MMeT) 110000 471 170 301 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000 46 22 24 SAlIGRAM (THe) 112000 15 6 9 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

27 12 15 1608 743 86S MAN GALORE UA 300000

26 11 15 1105 522 583 (A)MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

26 11 15 1105 522 ... 583 (1)MANGAlOR£ (Me) 300101 (Z)BfNGARE AREA (OG) 300102

31 14 17 (Il)ULLAl (~CT) 300200 34 14 20 (C)SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300 10 7 3 a.) )PE:RAMUIftIURU (NNeT) 300400 33 14- 19 (~)K(rrEKARA (NMCT) 300500 9 6 3 (f)BAJALA (NMCT) 300600 19 8 11 (G)K~R (MHeT) 300700

~- 110 47 63 (H)HEW MANGAlORE PORT NMCT&OG 300800

105 43 62 (1)NEW HANGALORE PORT (NMeT) 300801 (21TA¥N I RABAVI (OG) 300802 (3)f»MAM8UR (OG) 300803 5 4 (4).BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804


Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total ST Population Total ST Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rurall House­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) with ST members

(P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) . (7) (8) (9) (10)

300900 (I)SURATAKAL THC&oG U 105 4~ 238 228 85 35 50

300901 (l)SURATAKAL (THC) U 67 297 154 143 49 20 29 300902 CZ)KULAI COG) U 9 38 19 19 7 3 4 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 10 32 13 19 8 2 6 300904 (4)KATIPALLA COG) U 19 99 52 47 21 10 11

310000 UOUP I UA U 975 5309 2642 2667 711 343 368

310100 (A)UDUPI THC&DG U 749 4080 2028 2052 587 282 305

310101 (l)UDUPI (THC) U 116 611 30S 306 104 47 57' 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 373 2018 992 1026 247 116 131 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 253 1407 708 699 229 115 114 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U 2 3 2 310105 (5)KADEKAR COG) U 4 40 21 19 7 4 3 310106 (6)KIDIYUR COG) U 310107 (7)AHBALPADY COG) U 310108 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 310200 (B)SADAGASETTU-76 CNMCT) u 93 565 2B3 282 46 22 24 310300 (C)MAlPE (MMCT) U 32 159 84 75 28 12 16 310400 (D)POTTUR (NMCT) U 101 505 247 258 50 27 23


literates Total Main Workers N D U S T R I A L Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Cultivat()rs City I Town Nl.II1ber

to IX (I)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

225 136 89 208 126 82 (I)SURATAKAL THC&OG 300900

142 86 56 122 76 46 (1)SURATAKAL (THC) 300901 28 16 12 13 12 1 (2)KULAI (OG) 300902 19 9 10 17 9 8 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 36 25 11 56 29 27 (4)K~TIPALLA (OG) 300904

3251 1'e09 1442 2263 1419 844 184 99 85 UOUPI UA 310000

~ t349 1059 1768 1109 659 165 89 76 {A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

404 ,224 180 227 164 63 6 5 1 (1)UOUPI (TMe) 310101 1211 673 538 913 555 3S8 81 46 35 ~Z)SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 m 440 333 606 380 226 78 38 40 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 3 1 2 2 1 (4}lCUTHPAOY (OG) 310104 17 11 6 19 8 11 (5)ICADEKAR (OG) 310105 (6)lCIDITUR (OG) 310106 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 (8)MUOANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

4-06 220 186 236 144 92 10 5 5 (B)8ADAGASETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 85 51 34 81 5~ 26 (C)MALPE (NMCT) 310300 352 189 163 178. 111 67 9 5 4 (D)PUTTUR OIMCT) 310400


Location Name of District I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F 14 A I N WORKERS Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rurall NlIIIber City I Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Lab()urers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards &Allied activities (1 I) (1 I I) ( IV)

(P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (F) (P) • (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG U 11 5 6 ,

300901 (l)SURATAKAL (TMC) U 11 5 6 300902 (2)KULAI (OG) U 300903 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) U 300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) U

310000 UOUPI UA U 535 322 213 21 17 4

310100 (A)UOUPI TMC&OG U 449 285 164 16 13 3

310101 Cl)UDUPI (TMC) U 17 7 10 1 1 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 324 208 116 6 5 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 108 70 38 9 7 2 310104 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) U • 310105 (5)KAOEKAR (OG) U 310106 (6)KIOIYUR (OG) U 310107 (7)AMBALPAOY COG) U • 310108 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U

310200 (B)BAOAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) u 48 21 27 2 2 310300 (C)MALPE (NMCT) U 11 6 5 3 2 310400 CD)PUTTUR (NMCn U 27 10 17


I N 0 U S T R I A L CATEGORI E S Name of District / location C.D.Block I U.A. / Code ~anufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town Number Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

52 22 30 60 22 38 2 2 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900

39 16 23 23 10 13 (1)SURATAKAL (THe) 300901 1 1 (2)KULAJ COG) 300902 4 2 2 6 1 5 (3)HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 9 4 5 30 11 19 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) 300904

41 11 30 374 98 276 231 227 4 UDUPI UA 310000

18 5 13 290 78 212 196 192 4 (A)UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

7 2 5 25 11 14 10 10 ( 1 )UDUP I (TMC) 310101 5 1 4 163 37 126 86 85 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 4 3 98 30 68 100 97 3 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 1 1 (4)KUTHPADY (OG) 310104 2 3 3 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 • (7)AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

7 1 6 39 5 34 25 25 (B)BADAGABETTU·76 (NMCT) 310200 10 3 7 16 6 10 5 5 (C)MALPE (NMCT) 310300 6 2 4 29 9 20 5 5 (D)PUTTUR (NMeT) 310400


Location Name of District I Total I o F M A I N WORKERS Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I Nunber City I Town urban Trade and Conmerce Transport, Storage Other Ser-vices & C~ications

(VII ) (Vll I) (IX)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

300900 (I)SURATAKAL TMc&OG U 12 10 2 6 5 65 60 5

300901 (l)SURATAKAL (THC) U 4 4 1 44 4() 4 300902 (2)KULAI (OG) U 1 1 2 2 9 9 300903 (3)HOSAB~11U (OG) U 3 2 3 3 300904 (4)KATIPALLA (OG) .u 4 3 3 2 9 8

310000 UDUPI UA U 209 183 26 70 d 4 598 396 202

310100 (A)lJI)IJPI THC&OG U 163 141 22 45 42 3 426 264 162

310101 (1 )UDUPI (HIC) U 49 47 2 16 14 2 96 67 29 310102 (2)SHIVALLI (OG) U 44 31 13 12 12 192 130 62 310103 (3)HERGA (OG) U 68 61 7 17 16 124 60 64 310104 (4)KUIHPADY (OG) U 310105 (5)KADEKAR (OG) U 14 7 7 310106 (6)KIDIYUR (OG) U 310107 (7)AMBALPADY (OG) U 310108 (8)MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U

310200 (B)BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 19 17 2 14 14 72 54 18- 310300 (C)MALPE (NMCT) U 4 3 7 6 25 24 310400 (D)PUTTUR (NMCT) U 23 22 4 4 75 54 21


Marginal ~orkers Non-Workers Name of District / Location C_D.Block / U.A. / Code City / TOWA N~r

(P) (M). (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (4a) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

257 111 146 (I)SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900

174 77 97 (l)SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901 25 7 18 (2)1(OlAI (OG) 300902 15 4 11 (3)HOSABETTU COG) 300903 43 23 20 (4)KATIPAlLA (OG) 300904

18 5 13 3028 1218 1810 UDUPI UA 310000

6 2 4 2306 917 1389 (A)lJOUPl TMC&OG 310100

384 141 243 (l)UDUPI (THC) 310101 3 2 1102 436 666 (2)SHIVALll (OG) 310102 3 2 798 327 471 (3)HERGA (OG) 310103 1 1 (4 )I(UT HPADY ('DO) 310104 21 13 8 (5)KADEKAR (OG) 310105 (6)I(IOlYUR (OC) 310106 (7)AH8ALPADY (OG) 310107 (8)MUOANIDAHBUR (OG) 3 ta1 08

12 3 9 317 136 181 (B)BAOAGABETTU-76 eNMCT) 310200 78 29 49 (C)MALPE (NMCT) 310300 . 327 136 191 (O)PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400


APPENDICES: I - DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT - TALUKWJSE II - LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES III - PUBLICATION PLAN APPENDIX-I DISTRICT -PRIMARY CENSUS location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in Occupied House- (Including Institutional in the age Group Number Taluk/UA/ Urban Sq. Res.iden- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) CitylTown Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 8441.00 457631 4"63861 2694264 1306256 1388008 379453 • 193036 186417 R 7967.60 327025 330537 1931670 925369 1006301 283299 143946 139353 U 473.40 130606 133324. 762594 380887 381707 961'54 49090 47064

1 1JArHVAl Taluk T 735.42 52218 52411 323005 T59873 163132 48495 24571 23924 R 700.44 45144 45240 278451 137723 140728 41552 21115 ~0437 U 34.98 7{J74 7171 44554 22150 224{J4 ·~43 3456 3487

101'000 BAllTVAL (THC) U 28.14 5552 5647 34313 16974 17339 5079 2,10 2569 110000 PUOU (MMCT) U 6.84 1522 1524 10241 5176 5065 1864 946 918

2 BELTANGADI Taluk T 1375.59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 15913 R 1375.59 36774 37177 211394 104307 107087 32496 16583 15913 U

3 nRKAl Taluk T 1366.97 48095 48524 279005 130112 148893 39828 20245 19583 R 1325.27 41417 41741 239029 110036 128993 34894 17702 17192 U 41.70 6678 6783 39976 20076 19900 4934 2543 ~391

1~ KARKAl (TMC) U 23.06 3911 3976 241'08 12251 11857 2841 1489 1352 108000 MUD61DRI (TMC) U 18.64 2767 2807 15868 7825 8043 2093 1054 1039

4 KUNDAPURA Taluk T 1559.74 53881 55032 351673 163331 188342 56619 28623 27996 R 1444.44 44679 45561 292259 'J34503, 157756 47961 24277 "23684 U 115.30 9202 9471 >9414 28828 30586 8658 4346 4312 l0Q00O •••tNDtlR (TMC) U 96.99 2538 2615 16488 7762 8726 2720 1367 1353 10lOOO GMftiOlI tlMtT> U 4.07 1779 1881 12332 -6038 6294 '1885 936 949 103000 lIOSMGAO I KPC PROJECT U 0.23 510 516 2117 1094 1023 389 206 183 COletfY "fNMCT) lG6000 lUIDoVURA (TMC) U 14.01 4375 4459 28417, 13934 14543 36lI4 1837 1827


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes,. Literates Name of Location Districtl Code Taluk/UAI NUli>er City/Town

'P M F P M F P M F

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

175548 88292 . 87256 106159 53174 52985 1756119 939525 816594 OAKSHINA KANNAOA District 140296 70564 69732 94285 47170 47115 1192888 638034 554854 35252 17728 17524 11874 6004 5870 563231 301491 261740

15815 8051 7764 17857 8980 8877 195443 109992 85451 SANTVAL Taluk • 14651 7455 7196 17508 8798 . 8710 166895 93987 72908 1164 596 568 349 182 167 .28548 16005 12543

923 468 455 314 166 148 22630 12505 10125 SANTVAL (TMC) 101000 241 128 113 35 16 19 5918 3500 2418 PUOU (NMCT) 110000

18917 9450 9467 12480 6287 6193 124795 69043 55752 SELTANGAOI Taluk 2 18917 9450 9467 12480 6281 6193 124795 69043 55752

23404 11736 116611 12589 6088 6501 181872 91628 90244 KARKAL Taluk 3 20077 10044 10033 11930 5778 6152 151634 75471 76163 3327 1692 1635 659 310 349 30238 16157 14081

1432 728 704 390 180 210 18511 9952 8559 KARKAl (TMC) 104000 1895 964 931 269 130 139 11727 6205 5522 MUDSIORI (THC) 108000

18972 9259 9713 11621 5835 5786 " 197630 106506 91124 KUNOAPURA Taluk 4 15747 7642 810~ 10127 , 5088 5039 159254 85862 73392 3225 1617 • 1608 1494 747 747 1383~ 20644 17732 \ 631 306 325 1169 570 599 9346 5044 4302 SAINDUR (THC) 100000 1080 523 557 29 '15 14 7758 4231 3527 GANGOlf (NHCT) 102000 263 146 117 38 23 15. 1519 831 688 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) - 1251 642 609 258 139 119 ' 19753 10538 9215 KUNOAPURA (TMC) 106000


Location Name of Total/ Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ lJorkers Number Taiuk/UA/ Urban Cultivators Agricultural City/Tollln labourers

(I-IX) (I) (I I)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 1112449 665709 446740 219324 138741 80583 178879 99380' 79499 R 816616 471452 345164 204528 129265 75263 165697 93055 72642 U 295833 194257 101576 14796 9476 5320 13182 6325 6857

1 BANTVAl Taluk T 148398 83904 64494 23124 16704 6420 20912 14753 6159 R 129522 72617 56905 21840 15726 6114 19907 14116 5791 U 18876 11287 7589 1284 978 306 1005 637 36B

101000 BANTVAl (TMC) U 14382 8668 5714 950 724 226 723 460 263 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 4494 2619 1875 334 254 80 282 177 105

2 BElTANGADI Taluk T 99589 56100 43489 28392 19257 9135 23867 15549 8318 R 99589 56100 43489 28392 19257 9135 23867 15549 8318 U

3 KARKAL Taluk T 119090 64782 54308 36732 21261 15471 25655 13829 11826 R 104477 54788 49689 35763 20606 • 15157 24514 13223 11291 U 14613 9994 4619 969 655 314 1141 606 535

104000 KARKAl (TMC) U 8411 6104 2307 489· 365 124 537 315 222 108000 MUD!IORI (TMC) U 6202 3890 2312 480 290 190 604 29~ 313

4 KUNOAPURA Taluk T 127663 77911 49752 46155 26448 19707 34713 15074 19639 R 108750 64438 443t2 43018 24621 18397 32232 13977 18255 U 18913 13473 5440 3137 1827 1310 2481 1Q97 1384

100000 BAINOUR (TMC) U 5953 3594 2359 2514 .1392 1122 1433 607 826 102000 GANGOLI (NHCJ) U 3302 2586 716 193 143 50 150 87 63 103000 KOSANGADI (PC PROJECT U 564 529 35 COLONY (NMCT) 106000 KUNOAPURA (TMC) U 9094 6764 2310 430 ~92 138 898 403 495


o F f4 A I H Y 0 R K E R S Name at Location Districtl Code Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Taluk/UAI NUib!r Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing CitylTown Plantetion,OTchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other &Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Industry

(I I() (IV) [(Va)] [(Vb)]

p F P M F P M F P M F

(3f) (32) (33) (34) (35-) (36) (37) (38) (39) (41) (41) (42) (2) (1)

74916 62568 12348 4628 3975 653 12152 8216 3936312979 92947 220032 OAKSHINA "ANNADA District 63283 52530 10753 3663 3124 539 10100 6867 3233 212625 51429 161196 1\633 10038 1595 9.65 851 114 2052 1349 703 100354 41518 58836

85.D6 nl0 796 431 386 45 726 544 '82 64423 15779 48644 BAMTVAL Taluk 8340 7551 789 413 370 43 687 522 165 54860 12596 42264 166 159 7. 18 16 2 39 22 17 9563 3163 63S0

142 135 7 13 12 Z4 17 7 7180 ~39 4741 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 24 24 5 4 15 5 10 2383 744 1639 PUDU (NMCT) 110000

4158 3391 761 285 245 40 1026 810 216 27535 4266 23269 BELTANGAOI Taluk 2 4158 3397 761 285 245 40 1026 810 216 27535 4266 23269 ! - _ ._

1843 1509 334 504 413 91 1873 1409 464 29594 6764 22630 KARKAl Taluk 3 16n 1378 299 446 366 80 1701 1291 411) 25165 4920 21)245 166 131 35 58 47 11 172 118 54 4429 1844 2585

78 70 8 18 17 100 59 41 2298 1059 1239 KARreAl (TMC) 104000 88 61 27 40 30 10 72 59 \13 2131 785 1346 MUD810RI (TMC) 108000

7656 6715 941 464 403 61 2001 1221 7~ 1J232 6872 4360 KUNDAPURA Taluk 4 5596 5002 594 412 360 52 1843 1126 717 ~68 5092 3376 2060 1713 341 52 43 9 158 95 63 2~ 1780 984

106 61 45 46 37 9 33 \ 25 8 3~5 232 103 BAINDUR (THC) 100000 9n 754 223 4 4 22 21 4$8 Z91 167 GANGOll (NMCT) 102000 ~- ..... '7 7 _~ HOSANGADI KP~ PROJECT 103000 COlOHY (NMCT) 9n 898 79 2 2 -'- 103 49 54 1964 1250 106000


Location Name of Total! I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District! Rural/ Number Taluk/UA! Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City/Town Conmerce Storage & COI1I1J.Jnication



(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

DAKSHINA KANNADA District T 34990 32982 2008 116089 102419 13670 43232 41846 1386 R 17557 16595 962 59029 53342 5687 20904 20532 372 U 17433 16387 1046 57060 49077 7983 22328.. 2131.1, 1014 BANTVAL Taluk T 3109 2992 117 11068 .10768 300 5135 5055 80 R 2490 2381 109 8360 8165 195 3830 3771 59 U 619 611 8 2708 2603 105 1305 1284 21

101000 BANTVAL (TMC) U 511 503 8 2135 2037 98 1034 1014 20 110000 PUDU (NMCT) U 108 108 573 566 7 271 270

2 BELTANGADI Taluk T 1081 1028 53 5256 5055 201 2228 2209 19 R 1081 1028 53 5256 5055 201 2228 2209 19 U

3 KARKAL Taluk T 2627 2372 255 8568 7974 594 2920 2857 63 R 2050 1850 200 5608 5247 361 1824 1784 40 U 577 522 55 2960 2727 233 1096 1073 23

104000 KARKAL (TMC) U 370 321 49 2046 1884 162 638 625 13 108000 MUDBIDRI (TMC) U 207 201 6 914 843 71 458 448 10

4 KUNDAPURA Taluk T 2219 2139 80 11922 10109 1813 2516 2450 66 R 1600 1539 61 8310 6939 1371 1670 1634 36' U 619 600 19 3612 3170 442 846 816 30

100000 BAINDUR (TMC) U 141 138 3 569 507 62 156 151 5 102000 GANGOLI (NMCT) U 87 83 4 846 168 78 129 124 5 103000 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT U 20 19 9 9 5 5 COLONY (NMCT) 106000 KUNDAPURA (TMC) U 371 360 11 2188 1886 302 556 536 20


MAI"N WORKERS Name of Location '0 Di stri ctl Code' Other Marginal Non-Workers Ta~uk/UA/ NlITIber Services Workers City/Town


P M F P M P M . F

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

115260 82635 32625 50465 9643 40822 1531350 630904 900446 DAKSHINA KANNADA District 59230 44713 14517 43924 7838 36086 1071130 446079 625051 56030 37922 18108 6~41 1805 4736 460220 184825 275395

10964 9213 1751 5389 992 4397 169218 74977 94241 BANTVAL Taluk 8795 7419 1376 4925 897 4028 144004 64209 79795 2169 1794 375 464 95 369 25214 10768 14446

1670 1327 343 222 70 152 19709 8236 11473 BANTVAL (TMC) 101000 499 467 32 242 25 217 5505 2532 2973 PUDU (NMCT) .. 110000 5761 4284 1477 6627 1051 5576 105178 47156 58022 BELTANGADI Taluk 2 5761 4284 1477 6627 1051 5576 105178 47156 58022

8774 6394 2380 6358 1058 5300 153557 64272 89285 KARKAL Taluk 3 5729 4123 1606 6121 980 5141 128431 54268 74163 3045 2271 774 237 78 159 25126 10004 15122

~ . 1837 1389 448 79 27 52 15618 6120 9498 KARKAl (TMC) 104000 1208 882 326 158 51 107 . 9508 3884 5624 MUDBIDRI (TMC) 108000

8785 6480 2305 7449 994 6455 ,216561 84426 132135 KUNDAPURA Taluk 4 5601 4148 1453 6385 780 5605 177124 69285 107839 3184 2332 852 1064 214 850 39437 15141 24296

620 444 176 892 147 745 9643 4021 5622 BAINOUR (TMC) 100000 0 436 311 125 33 18 15 8997 3434 5563 GANGOLI (NMCT) 102000 523 489 34 4 4 1549 561 988 HOSANGADI KPC PROJECT 103000 COLONY (NMCT) 1605 1088 517 135 45 90 19248 7125 12123 KUNDAPURA (TMC) 106000

261 APPENDIX-I DISTRICT PRIl\fARY CENSUS location Name of Totall Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District! Rural! in Occupied House- (Ineluding Institutional in the age Group NLlMJer • Taluk/UAI Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless ~opulation) (0 - 6) City/Town KIllS. tial Houses

P M F P f

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) ( 11) (12)

5 MAMGALORE Taluk T 543.89 116972 118972 h71360 330651 340709 88959 ~5634 43325 R 378.57 39530 39977 230919 111090 119829 33722 17193 16529 U 165.32 77442 78995 44"0441 "219561 220880 '55237 2M41 26796

109000 HULKI (TMC) U 10.10 2102 2741 14100 6755 7345 1871 956 915

300000 MANGALORE UA U 155.22 74740 76254 426341 212806 213535 53366 27485 25881

300100 MANGALORE Mc&OG U 75.30 51130 52156 281161 139785 141376 31919 16394 15525

300101 MAoNGALORE (Me) U 73.71 50046 51071 273304 135857 137447 30554 15694 14860 300102 BENOAR£ ARE'A (OG) U 1.59 1084 1085 7857 3928 3929 1365 700 665

300200 ULLAL (NMCT) U 7.80 4479 4502 31181 15352 15829 5220 2676 2544

300300 SOMESHWARA (MMeT) U 8.35 2513 2700 15302 7567 7735 2124 1089 1035

300400 PERAMUNNURU (MMCT) U 3.31 1567 1604 9744' 4832 49'2 1616 812 804

300500 KOTEKARA (MMeT) u 10.1' 1630 1637 9719 4789 4930 1407 730 677

300600 RAJALA (NMCT) u 4.68 1406 1415 8145 4077 4068 1263 670 593

300700 KANNUR (NNeT) u 3.26 904 957 6220 3144 3076 1165 620 545

300800 NEW MANGALORE PORT u 16.22 1790 1842 8944 4717 4227 1153 568 585 IMCT&OG

300801 MEW MA.. GAlORE PORT (MMCT) U 6.63 778 824 3501 1935 1566 413 206 207 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 1.90 189 190 909 463 446 144 S5 89

300803 PAMAMBUR (OG) u 2.83 20 20 93 I 43 50 9 2 7 300804 BAIICAMPAOY (OG) U 4.86 803 808 4441 iz276 2165 587 305 282

300900 SURATAKAL TMe&oG u 26.15 9321 9441 55925 28543 27382 7499 3926 3573

300901 SURATAKAL (TMC) u 15.26 3470 3545 22635 11937 10698 2695 1414 1281 500902 lULAI (OG) u 4.01 1890 1896 9604 4848 4756 1267 684 583 300903 KOSABETTU (OG) u 2.36 "996 996 5203 2566 2637 601 317 284 300904 XATIPALLA (OG) u 4.50 2965 3004 18483 9192 9291 2936 1511 1425


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Li terates It_ o_f Location DistMctl Code tatut/UAI Murber City/Town

P M F P It F P M F

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

274W. 13819 13673 5951 3081 2868 483837 25'6782 227U55 MAWGAlORE Taluk 5 10551 5307 5244 3068 1525 1543 152497 80882 71615 16941 8512 8429 Z8S3 1558 f325 33134U 17590(1 155440

1045 540 505 59 34 2!1 10084 5171 49\3 MUl~1 (TMC) 109000

t5896 7972 7924 2a24- 1524 1300 321256 170729 15US27 MANGAUliE-UA 300000

1192Z 5952 597~ 1897 1034 86l 21'l734- 114145 103589 MANGAUlRE Me&o~ 300100

11607 SBOS SBD2 1897 103.4 863 2.13013' 111503 10t510 MANGAtORf (Me) 300101 315 t47 168 4721 2642 2079 BERGARE AREA (OG) 300102

641 321 320 55 32 Z3 20955 11322 9633 ULlAl (NMCT) 300200

99 46 53 76 42 34 11156 5967 5189 SOMESNYARA (NMCT) 300300

117 63 54 16 11 5 6491 3545 2946 PERAMtlNNURU (NHCT) 3'00400

290 144 146 71 35 36 6872 3659 3213 KOTEKARA (MMeT) 300500

15 8 7 25 14 11 5434 2979 2455 BAJAlA (MMeT) 300600 ,

171 94 7T 38 18 20 3797 2172 1625 KANHUR (MMeT) 300700

662 322 3.40 180 100 &l 6694 3796 2904 NEU ~LORE PORT NMCT&oG 300800

406 199 207 173 94 79 2890 \ 165S 12~ NEU MA"NGAlORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 195 97 98' 59S 333 262 T~WI'RADVI (OG) 300802 56 28 28 PANAMIUR (OG) 300803 61 26 35 7 & 3153 ln4 1379 N18MPAD't' (OG) 300804

1979- 1022 957 466 238 2J&- ~'23 2315:1l lB9i"3 SURATAKAl TMC&oG 300900

996 536 460 ?!R 154 flti, 17488 9899 75a9: SUIA1'AUl. (TMt) 300901 137 73 64 38 19· 19· 7348 39SS 3193' MAl (.00) 300902 216 9If 1ra 32 ". 19 4131J- 2163 N!7' 1tCSA£:!'Ttt (OG) 300903 630 315" 115. 99 52. 47 13157 713l. 6024 gTlPAlU. (Of'" lU0904


Location Name of Total! Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District! Rural! Workers Number Taluk!UAI Urban Cultivators AgriculturaL City!Town Labourers

(I-IX) (I) (II )


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

5 MAN GALORE TaLuk T 282297 170658 111639 20174 13164 7010 20492 12278 8214 R 104665 56069 48596 15756 10287 5469 17447 10703 6744 U 177632 114589 63043 4418 2877 1541 3045 1575 1470

109000 MULKI (TMC) U 5375 3291 2084 558 324 234 304 122 182

300000 MAN GALORE UA U 172257 111298 60959 3860 2553 1307 2741 1453 1288

300100 MANGALORE. MC&OG U 113525 75453' 38072 1680 1088 592 803 424 379 300101 MANGALORE (MC) U 110838 73615 37223 1680 1088 592 802 423 379 300102 BENGARE AREA (OG) U 2687 1838 849 1

300200 ULLAL (NMCT) U 11723 7299 4424 189 122 67 80 52 28

300300 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) U 6371 3747 2624 209 141 68 262 138 124

300400 PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) U 4501 2517 1984 154 94 60 46 28 18

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) U 4086 2317 1769 381 262 119 260 183 77

300600 BAJALA (NMeT) U 3<165 2166 1799 182 108 74 65 33 32

300700 KANNUR (NMCT) U 2418 1479 939 142 100 42 139 98 41

1" 300800 NEW MAN GALORE PORT U 3732 2703 1029 110 84 26 75 47 28 NMCT&oG

300801 NEW MANGALORE PORT (NNCT) U 1455 1187 268 1 1 1 300802 TANNIRABAVI (OG) U 495 . 276 219 71 52 19 35 21 14 300803 PANAMBUR (OG) U 60 28 32 6 4 2 7 4 3 300804 BAIKAMPADY (OG) U 1722 1212 510 32 27 5 32 21 II

300900 SURATAKAL TMC&OG U 21936 13617 8319 813 554 259 101 I 450 561

300901 SURATAKAL (TMC) U 8402 5363 3039 484 348 136 585 300 285 300902 KULAI (OG) U 4101 2606 1495 160 89 71 137 39 98 300903 HOSABETTU (OG) U 2105 1330 775 76 44 32 101 30 71 300904 KATIPALLA (OG) U 7'3-28 4318 3010 93 73 20 188 81 107


o F M A I N ~ 0 R K E R S Name of locatIon DIstrict/ Code Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, ManufacturIng, Taluk/UA/ Number Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servlcing ~Processlng,Servlclng City/Town" Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and RepaIrs In other & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Industry

(111 ) (IV) [(Va)] [(Vb)]


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35), (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

7256 6318 938 1201 1081 120 2200 1489 711 110173 36492 73681 MAN GALORE Taluk 5 1702 1522 180 536 463 73 1483 969 514 41915 9191 32724 5554 4796 758 665 618 47 717 520 197 68258 27301 40957

103 97 6 20 13 7 1743 582 1161 MULKI (TMC) 109000

5451 4699 752 664 617 47 697 507 190 66515 26719 39796 MANGALORE UA 300000

2941 2487 454 528 496 32 312 245 67" 40488 18196 22292 MANGALORE MC&OG 300100

2008 1627 381 528 496 32 312 245 67 39991 18094 21897 MANGALORE (MC) 300101 933 860 73 497 102 395 BENGARE AREA (OG) 300102

1034 852 182 4 4 46 35 11 5210 1751 3459 ULLAL (NMCT) 300200

I 147 137 10 9" 9 8 8 -- 3210 1129 2081 SOMESH~ARA (NMCT) 300300

71 67 4 76 59 17 2526 796 113D PERAMUNNURU (NMCT) 300400

70 67 3 55 46 9 11 7 4 1912 482 1430 KOTEKARA (NMCT) 300500

26 23 3 6 6 8 8 2140 595 1545 BAJALA (NMCT) 300600

15 12 3 68 23 45 1088 341 747 KANNUR (NMCT) 300700

349 322 27 15 11 4 926 363 563 N~MANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG 300800

6 5 \ 184 101 83 NE~ MAWGALORE PORT (NMCT) 300801 \ 62 60 2 '177 28 149 TANNIRABAVI (OG) 300802 8 4 4 26 6 20 PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 281 261 20 7 7 539 228 311 BAIKAMPADY (OG) 300804

798 732 66 47 45 2 167 121 46 9015 3~66 5949 SURATAKAL TMC&OG 300900

279 271 8 16 16 .' 73 44 29 2934 1000 1934 SURATAKAL (TMC) 300901 262 215 47 10 9 16 12 4 1602 651 951 KULAI (OG) 300902 207 202 5 14 12 ~ 759 342 417 HOSABETTU (OG) 300903 50 44 6 21 20 64 53 11 3720 1073 2647 KATIPALLA (OG) 300904


Location Name of Totat/ I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S a F Code Dfstrict/ Rura{/ Number Taluk/UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport, Ci ty/Tow':! Cornnerce Storage & COIII1Un i cat i on

(VI) (VII ) (VIII)

p M F p M F p M F

(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (5t)

5 MAMGALORE Taluk T 15423 14612 811 43737 38066 5671 19594 18726 868 R 3919 3711 208 9~1 9042 599 4025 3953 12 U 1t5Q4 11)901 603 34096 29024 son 15569 14773 796

109000 MULKI (TJtC) u l82 16~ 17 977 837 140 403 384 19

300000 MAlfGAtORE UA U 11322 Hl736 586 33119 28187 4932 15166 14189 m

300100 MANGAtORE MC&aG U 8241 m7 504 23960 20219 3741 10594 9W1 603

300101 MA~ORE (MC) U 8221 mT 504 23272 1986U 3H2 10n7 9739 59!r 300102 BEtfGARE AREA (OG.) U 21) 20 359 329 257 252 5

300200 ULLAl (NMCT) u 464 481 3 2371 2116 255 777 753 24

300300 St:MEStlWARA (NMCT) U 413 399 14 854 764 90 535 511 24

300400 PEAAMUNNURU eMMeT) U 217 216 657 614 43 281 • 278 3

300500 KOTEKARA (NMCT) u 188 lB6 2 450 424 26 260 255 5 • 300600 BAJALA (NMCT) U 278 Z77 437 405 32 m -274 3

300700 KANNUR (NMCT) u 147 147 370 354 16 178 177

300800 NEil tlANGA1.ORE PORT u 168 147 21 375 215 160 766 44 NMCT&oG

3008G1 NEW MMtGAlORE PORT (NMCT) U 64 45 19 61 37- 24 631 593 38 300802 TANNliABAVI (OG) U 36 35 59 34 25 21 18 3 300803 PANAMBUR (00) U 6 6 300804 BAIICAMPADY (OG) u 62 61 144 111 114 111 3

300900 SURATAKAl TMC'&OG U tr86 41) 3645 3'076 569 141J8 1428 70

300901 SURATAiCAl (TMC) u 472 4t8' 21. 1469 1235 234 529 497 32 300902 KULAI (OG) U 135 131 2 S1 472 159 263 241 22 300903 HOSABETIU (OG) U 96 88 8 408 Z70 138 128 t16 12 - 300904 KATIPAllA (OG) U 483 477 6 1137 11)99 38 578 574 4


M A I N W0 R I( £ R S "'&IRe Df location District/ Code ather Marginal Mon-Workers Tal uk/UAI Nunber Services Workers ei ty/Town


P M f 12 M f P M 'F

(52) (53) (54) ~5) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

42047 28432 136f5 7588 1999 5589 381475 1-57994 223481 5 8241 6228 2013 3-773 908 2865 122481 54113 68368 338Il6 Z2Z04 11602 3815 1091 2724 258994 101881 155113

1084 '166 3f8 251 110 141 8474 3354 5120 MUlKI (TMC) 109000

32nZ 21438 11284 3564 981 2583 250520 100527 149993 MAXGAlORE UA 300000

23978 14570 9408 1611 554 1057" 166025 63778 ' t02247 MA*GALORf MC&OG 300100

23687 14326 9361 1536 527 1009 160930 61715 99215 MltHGAlORE (Me) 300101 21f1 244 47 75 27 48 5095 2063 3032 BEMGAR£ AREA (OG) 300102

1528 1133 395 884 71 813 18574 7ge2 10592 UlLAL (NMCT) 300200 , 724 511 213' 191 30 161 8740 3790 4950 SOMESHWARA (NMCT) 300300

473 365 108 32 14 18 5211 2301 2910 PERAMUHNURU (NMCT) 300400

499 405 94 30 6 24 560'3 2466 3137 KOtEKARA (*MCT) 300500

546 437 109 63 20 43 4117 18.91 2226 IAJALA (NMeT) 300600 ,

271 227 44 173 n- tOl 36Z9 T~3 2036 KANNUR (WMCT) 300700

947 791 156 13 4 9 5t99 2010 3189 NEIt'~ANGALORE PORT NMCT&OG 300800 ,, \ 506 407 99 Z046 ', 748 1298 HEW MAW~LORE PORT (WMeT) 300801 34 28 6 414 187 227 TAHNlRABAVI COG) 300802 7 4 3 6 4 2 27 11 1tJ PANAMBUR (OG) 300803 400 352 48 7, 7 2712 1064 t~ BA.rnMPADT (00) 300804 I

3756 2999 757 5671 210 357 33422 .. 471:6 t87Ol. SURATAnl. TMc&oG 300900 , 1561 1204 357 221 78 151 14004 "6496 7'508 SURATAlCAl ("fMC) 300901 885 745 140 ~ll 5 5 5493 2237 32'56 1COlAf fOG) 300902 316 226 90 5 4 1 3(193 t231 1861 IIO'SMETlU COG) 3U0903 994 824 170 323 123 200 ro832 475l 6011 QTiPAlLA (OG) 300904


location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total PopulatIon Total PopulatIon Code District/ Rural/ In Occupied House- (Including InstItutional In the a9~ Group Nl.IIIber Talulc/UA/ Urban Sq. Reslden- holds and Houseless PopulatIon) (0 - 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3)' (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

6 PUTTUR Talulc T 1000.02 40755 41289 237237 119927 117310 34702 17477 17225 R 982.99 35531. 35776 204658 102465 102193 30599 15412 15187 U 17.03 5224 5513 32579 17462 15117 4103 2065 2038

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 7.29 1231 1256 6779 3549 3230 971 513 458 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 9.74 3993 4257 25800 13913 11887 3132 1552 1580

7 SUlYA Talulc T 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 8734 R 826.56 23479 23638 124824 63427 61397 17958 9224 8734 U

8 UDUPI Talulc T 92509 85-457 86818 495766 234628 261138 60396 30679 29717 R 82624 60471 61427 350136 161818 188318 44117 22440 21677

U 9905 I 24986 25391 145630 72810 72820 16279 8239 8040

107000 MAllAR (NMCT) U 4.83 969 970 5776 2706 3070 899 459 440 112000 SAliGRAM (TMC) U 14.69 2313 2356 14020 6337 7683 1853 913 940 113000 TONSE WEST (NMCT) U 6.52 1360 1366 8160 3800 4360 991 515 476

310000 UDUPI UA U 73.01 20344 20699 117674 59967 57707 12536 6352 6184

310100 UDUPI TMC&OG u 51.15 13665 13877 78094 40684 37410 8002 4049 3953

310101 UDUPI (TMC) U 9.71 6363 6504 33913 17345 16568 3438 1695 1743 310102 SHIVAllI (OG) U 19.47 3408 3446 18291 9362 8929 1898 977 921 310103 HERGA (OG) U 12.62 1838 1858 12311 7409 4902 1188 601 587 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) U 2.25 457 458 3054 1451 1603 402 205 197 310105 KADEKAR (OG) U 3.03 595 604 4195 2041 2154 423 234 189 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 2.58 691 694 4328 2103 2225 425 218 207 310107 AMBAlPADr (OG) U 1.33 232 232 1480 706 774 177 87 90 310108 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) U 0.16 81 81 522 267 255 51 32 19

310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) u 5.27 1774 1901 10446 5119 5327 1196 613 583 310300 MAlPE (NMCT) U 9.22 3046 3053 19063 9322 9741 2072 1044 1028 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) U 7.37 1859 1868 10071 4842 5229 1266 646 620


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Name ot Location District/ Code Taluk/UA/ Nunber City/Town


(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

27799 14398 13401 14744 7450 7294 147522 83434 64088 PUTTUR Tatuk 6 25411 13163 12248 13739 6971 6768 123180 69542 53638 2388 1235 1153 1005 479 526 24342 13892 10450

449 245 204 229 114 115 4833 2752 2081 KEMMINJA eNMCT) 105000 1939 990 949 n6 365 411 19509 11140 8369 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000

17594 8915 8679 10536 5329 5207 81646 45521 36125 SULYA Taluk 7 17594 8915 8679 10536 5329 5207 81646 45521 36125

25555 12664 12891 20381 10122 10259 343374 176619 166755 UDUPI Taluk 8 17348 8588 8760 ,14897 7394 7503 232987 117726 115261 8207 4076 4131 5484 2728 2756 110387 58893 51494

634 322 312 39 23 16 4113 2035 2078 MALLAR (NMCT) 107000 870 404 466 110 50 60 8862 4577 4285 SALIGRAM (TMC) 112000 652 315 337 26 13 13 5631 2787 2844 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

6051 3035 3016 5309 2642 2667 91781 49494 42287 UDUPI UA 310000

2896 1469 1427 4080 2028 2052 61974 34101 27873 UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

1223 630' 593 611 305 306 128299 14962 13337 UDUPI (TMC) 310101 300 155 145 2018 992 1026 14274 m4 6540 SHIVAlLI (OG) 310102 206 99 107 1407 708 699 9650 6345 3305 HER~ (OG) 310103 124 71 53 3 1 2 2109 "\ 1085 1024 KUTHPAoY (OG) 310104 562 273 289 40 21 19 3011 1548 1463 KADEKAR (OG) 310105 206 101 105 3118 , 1644 1474 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 268 137 131 1091 558 533 AMBALPADY (OG) 310107 7 3 4 422 225 197 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

493 249 244 565 283 282 8361 4240 4121 ' BADAGABETTU-76 eNMCT) 310200 1605 816 789 159 I 84 75 14124 7411 6713 MALPE (NMCT) 310300 1057 501 556 505, 247 258 7322 3742 3580 PUTTUR eNMCT) 310400


Location Name of Totall Total-Main I N 0 U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Code Districtl Rurall Workers NUllber Taluk/UAI Urban Cultivators Agricul tural City/Town labourers

(i-IX) (I) (II)

P M F p F P M F

(1) (Z) (l) (2Z) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

6 PtlTlUR Taluk T 9946"3 63540 35923- 1say. 1 '1-86-4 39-73 11730 7941 3-1~2 R 86246 54002 32244 15317 1'[527 3790 11519 7841 3678 u 13Z17 9538 3679 517. 334 183 211 1-07 \04

105000 KEMMINJA (NMtT) u 2650 1790 860 122 97 25 58 26 32 111000 PUTIUR (TMC) U 10567 7748 2819 395 237 158 153 81 72

7 SUL YA Talul( T 49234 33756 15478 5138 3804 1334 5313 3219 2094 R 49234 33756 15478 5138 3804 1334 5313 3219 2094 U

8 UDUPI TaLuk T 186715 115058 71657 43775 26242 17533 36197 16730 19467 R 134133 796132. 54451 39304 23437 15867 30898 14427 16471 U 52SB2 35376 17206 4471 2805 1666 5299 2303 2996

107000 MALLAR CNMCT) U 1.826 1133 693 174 113 61 162 64 98 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) U 5263 3062 2201 1083 772 311 2268 828 1440 113000 TONSE WEST (NMQ) U 2654 1687 967 117 87 30 241 133 108

310000 OOUPI UA U 42839 29494 13345 3097 1833 1264 2628 1278 1350

310100 UDUPI TMC&OG U 28245 19747 8498 2240 1310 930 1705 878 827

310101 UDUPI (TMC) U 11792 9048 2744 246 ln 69 93 41 ~2 310102 SHIVAlll COG) U 7176 4593 2583 662 422 240 892 516 376' 310103 "ERG"- (OG) U 3955 2657 1298 671 404 267 310 194 116 310104 KU1HPAOY (OG) U 1239 742 497 154 70 84 160 52 108 310105 KAOEKAR COG) U 1612 1012 540 252 126 126 81 15 66 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) U 1798 1170 628 185 -70 115 120 41 79 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) U 512 337 175 55 29 26 47 18 29 310108 MOOAIUDAMBUR (OG) U 161 128 33 15 12 3 2

310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) U 3991 2647 1344 316 164 152 220 94 126 310300 MALPE (NMCT) U 6916 4628 2288 314 204 110 470 208 262 310400 PUTTUR (MMCT) U 3687 2472 1215 227 155 72 233 98 135


o F It A I N W 0 R K E R S Marne of Location District/ Code Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, lalult,UA/ NuIber Fishing,ftunting and Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing,Serviciftg City/fawn Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and llepai rs in other • & MIi-ed Activiti~ Mouseho.ld Industry than Household Industry

(III ) (IV) [(Va») [(Vb»)


(If) (32) (33) (34) (35} (36) (37) (38) (39) (401 (41) (42) (2) (1)

165-13 14058 24S5 567 529 31$ 11123 711 312 28477 6470 22007 6 16081 13129 2352 470 459 11 930 639 291 25(J3t} 4822 20208 432 329 103 97 70 27 93 72 21 3447 1648 1799

139 115 24 6 6 to 7 3 ro59 435 62' CEMNr~JA eXNeT) 11J5OOO 293 214 79 411 64 27 83 65 18 2388 1213 .1175 PUTTUR (lMC) 111000

19592 14997 4595 113 t82 11 327 233 94 7350 1859 5491 SULYA Taluk 7 1959Z 14997 4595 ,a 1-&2 11 127 233 94 7350 1859 5491

9392 7864 1528 1663 816 247 2976 1199 1177 341115 14445 19750 UOUPI Taluk 8 6t'37 4~4 1183 9l!IS 759 Z29 21m 1277 826 223'O'l 6663 136T~ 3255 ~10 345 75 57 18 873 522 351 11893 5762 6131

21 15 6 3 3 43 27 16 622 190 432 ~tLAR (MMCT) 107000 1tO 105 5 4 4 1Q2 65 37 657 362 295 SAUGRAM (TMC) 112000 562 529 33 10 10 164 43 1Z1 5706 169 407 TONSE WEST (lIMeT) 113000

2562 2261 301 58 4Q t8' S64 387 177 10038 5041 4997 UDUPI UA 310000

1037 967 70 41 23 18 313 233 80 5619 3010 2609 UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

106 91 15 7 6 , t89 ~4 3S 2024 1358 666 UOUPI (lMC) 310101 88 67 21 13 13 76 52 \ 24 1637 770 867 SHIVALLI (OG) 310102 43 36 7 n 18 t5 737 339 398 ·'4tE'RtiA (OG) 310103 161 160 1 2 1 283 109 174 xfsT'HPAOY (OG) 310104 274 253 21 9 5 ,. 318 159 159 J(ADElCAR (OG) 31.0105 354 350 4 19 3 16 4 2 2 424 196 228 Xli) I YtlR (00 ) 3-10'1'06 11) 9 1 2 2 14Z 49 93 AMBALPAO'f (00) 310107 1 54 30 24 IllUDANIOAMBUR (OG) 310108

26 16 10 22 10 12 1332 690 642 BAOAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) 310200 141. 1213 206 8 8 ltv 18 41 1926 809 1 117 JIIAlI'E (JllllCT) 3re300 80 65 15 9 9 110 66 44 1161 532 629 PUTTUR (NMeT) 310400


Location Name of Total/ I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rural/ Number Taluk/UA/ Urban ConstructIon Trade and Transport, City/Town Coomerce Storage & Conmunication

(VI) (VI I) (VI I I)

p M F p M F p M

(1) (2) , (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51 )

6 PUTTUR Taluk T 2769 2580 189 7825 7468 357 3908 3860 48 R 1594 1564 30 4901 4749 152 2873 2854 19 U 1175 1016 159 2924 2719 205 1035 1006 29

105000 KEMMINJA (NMCT) U 141 128 13 409 397 12 220 220 111000 PUTTUR (TMC) U 1034 888 146 2515 2322 193 815 786 29

7 SULYA Taluk T 918 883 35 3510 3273 237 1140 1121 19 R 918 883 35' 3510 3273 237 1140 1121 19 U

8 UDUPI Taluk T 6844 6376 468 24203 19706 4497 5791 5568 223 R 3905 3639 266 13443 10872 2571 3314 3206 108 /' U 2939 2737 202 10760 8834 1926 2477 2362 115

107000 MALLAR (NMCT) u 126 120 6 230 224 6 84 82 2 112000 SALIGRAM (TMC) u 212 212 450 403 47 72 69 3 113000 TONSE WEST (NNCT) u 67 67 529 377 152 86 83 3

310000 UDUPI UA u 2534 2338 196 9551 7830 1721 2235 2128 107

310100 UDUPI TMC&OG u 1817 1656 161 6977 5759 1218 1369 1281 88

310101 UDUPI (TMC) u 615 538 77 4287 3674 613 818 757 61 310102 SHIVALll (OG) u 435 413 22 1049 863 186 232 221 11 310103 HERGA (OG) u 409 364 45 643 563 80 121 112 9 310104 KUTHPADY (OG) u 109 107 ," 2 223 124 99 44 41 3 310105 KADEKAR (OG) u 119 106 13 276 183 93 48 46 2 310106 KIDIYUR (OG) u 94 92 2 374 233 141 57 56 310107 AMBALPADY (OG) u 30 30 94 88 6 29 29 310108 MUDANIOAMBUR (OG) u 6 6 31 31 20 19

I 310200 BADAGABETTU-76 (NMCT) u 225 215 10 701 6h 88 289 28C 9 310300 MALPE (NMCT) u 208 203 5 1273 941 332 332 327 5 310400 PUTTUR (NMCT) u 284 264 20 600 517 83 245 240 5


MA I N W 0 R K E R S Name of location D1StrlCt/ Code Other Marginal Non-l.Iorkers Taluk/UA/ NlRber Services l.Iorkers City/Town



(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (51) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

10817 8055 2762 6787 1509 5278 130987 54878 76109 PUTTUR Taluk 6 7531 5818 1713 6592 1437 51S5 111820 47026 64794 3186 lB7 1Q49 \95 72. tal 19t67 7852 tt315

486 359 127 26 13 13 4103 1746 2357 KEMMINJA (NMCT) 105000 2800 1878 922 169 59 110 15064 6106 8958 PUTTUR (TMC) 111000

5833 4265 1568 4472 903 3569 71118 28768 42350 SULYA Taluk 7 5833 4265 1568 4472 903 3569 71118 28768 42350

22279 15512 6767 5795 1137 4658 303256 l1ilt33 184823 UDUP I Taluk 8 11739 8428 3311 5029 882 4147 210974 81254 129720 10540 7084 3456 766 255 511 92282 37179 55103

361 295 66 70 30 40 3880 1543 2337 MAlLAR (MMCT) 107000 305 242 63 ! 73 20 53 8684 3255 5429 SALIGRAM (TMC) 112000 302 189 113 68 15 53 5438 2098 3340 TONSE WEST (NMCT) 113000

9572 6358 3214 555 190 365 74280 30283 43997 UDUPI UA 310000

7127 4630 2497 3)8 143 195 49511 20794 28717 UDUPI TMC&OG 310100

3407 2252 1155 125 67 58 21996 8230 13766 UDUPI (TMC) 310101 2092 1256 836 64 39 25 11051 4730 6321 SHIVAlll (OG) 310102 988 627 361 9 2 7 \ 8347 4750 3597 HERGA (OG) 310103 103 78 25 73 11 62 1742 698 1044 KUTtiPADY (OG) 310104 235 179 56 3 2 2580' 968 1612 KADE~R (OG) 310105 167 127 40 39 11 28 2491 922 1569 KIDIYUR (OG) 310106 103 83 20 6 2· 4 962 367 595 AMBAlPAOY (OG) 310107 32 28 4" 19 10 9 342 129 213 MUDANIDAMBUR (OG) 310108

860 565 295 71 23 48 6384 2449 3935 BADAGABETTU-76 (MMCT) 310200 847 637 210 121 18 103 12026 4676 7350 MAlPE (MMCT) 310300 738 526 212 25 6 19 6359 2364 3995 PUTTUR (NMCT) 310400



List of. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as per the Scheduled Castell and Scheduled Trihes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976, (No. lOS of 11)76 dated ~he 18th September, 1976) adopted for the 1991 Cenllus.

SCHEDULED CASTES 36. Garoda, Garo 1. Adi Andhra 37. Godda 2. Adi Dravida 38. Gosangi 3. Adi Karnataka 39. Hallec.r 4. Adiya (in Coorg District) 40. Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 5. Ager 41. Handi Jogis 6. Ajila 42. Hasla 7. Anamuk 43. Holar, Valhar 8. Aray Mala 44. Holaya, Holcr, Hokya 9. Arunlhathiyar 45. Holeya Dasari 10. Arwa Mala 4(1 . .Iaggali 11. Baira 47. Jamhuvulu

12. Ba~ad 4H. Kadaiyan 13. Bant (in Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwar and North 49. Kalladi Kanara districts) 50. Kepmaris 14. Bakuda 51. Kolupulvandlu 15. Balagai 52. Koosa 16. Bandi 53. Koracha. 17. Banjara, Lambani 54. i

275 76. Mavilan 13. Irular 77. Meghval, Menghvar 14. Iruliga 78. Moger 15. Jenu Kuruba 79. Mukri 16. Kadu Kuruba SO. Mundala 17. Kammara (in South Kanara District and Kollegal 81. Nadia, Hadi Taluk of Mysore District) 82. Nalkadaya 18. Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollcgal Taluk of Mysore District) 83. Nalakeyava 19. Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Katkari, 84. Nayadi Son Kathodi, Son Katkari 85. Pale 20. Kallunayakan 86. Pallan 21. Kokna, Kokni, Kukna 87. Pambada 22. Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Koigha 88. Panchama 23. Konda Kapu!. 89. Panniandi 24. Koraga 90. Paraiyan, Paraya 25. Kota 91. Paravan 26. Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya. 92. Rancyar 27. Kudiya, Melakudi 93. Samagara 2K Kuru')a (in Coorg District) 94. Samban 29. Kurumam. 95. Sapari 30. Maha Mala!.ar 96. SilJekyathas 31. Malaikudi 97. Sindhollu, Chindoll 32. Malasar 98. Sudugadu Siddha 33. Malayckandi 99. Thoti 34. Maleru 100. Tirgar, Tirbanda 35. Maratha (in Coorg District) 101. Valluvan 36. Marati (in South Kanara District) SCHEDULED TRIBES 37. Meda 1. Adiyan 38. Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, 2. Barda Kapadia Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka 3. Bavacha, Bamcha 39. Palliyan 4. Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, Dungri Garasia, Mewasi Bhil, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi 40. Paniyan Bhil, Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave 41. Pardhi, Advichinchcr, Phansc Pardhi 5. Chenchu, Chenchwar 42. Patclia 6. Chodhara 43. Rathawa 7. Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 44. Sholaga 8. Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi, Valvi 45. Soligaru 9. Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 46. Tuda 10. Gowdalu 47. Varli 11. Hakkipikki 48. Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia 12. Hasalaru 49. Yerava


The 1991 Census tables will be published in 33 separate ~eries of volumc!> for All - India and for each State and Union Territory. The publication series is as follows:

Series No. 10. Jammu & Kashmir 23. Tamil Nadu 11. Karnataka 24. Tripura £ 1. INDIA 12. Kerala 25. Uttar Pradesh 13. Madhya Pradesh 26. West Bengal States 14. Maharashtra Union Territories 2. Andhra Pradesh 15. Manipur 3. Arunachal Pradesh 16. Meghalaya 27. Andaman & Njcobar JsJands 17. Mizoram 4. Assam 28. Chandigarh 5. Bihar 18. Nagaland 29. Dadra & Nagar Haven 19. Orissa 6. Goa 30. Daman & Diu 20. Punjab 7. Gujarat 31. 8. Haryana 21 Rajasthan 32. Lakshadweep 9. Himachal Pradesh 22. Sikkim 33. Pondicherry

In each of these series (for all - India and each State/Union Territory) the different S( -i,:s of table!> (A Series - General Population Tables, B - Series - General Economic Tahles, etc.,) will be orought out as different Parts. Apart from these, District Census Handbooks will he published for each district in the country. These will contain the PCA data for the district. the village and town primary cen~us abstract and the village and town directories. The laller compri<;e compilations of statistics, external to census relating to the villages and towns, which in conjunction with cen!>u!> data will be very u!>cful to d.lla uscrs.

For all - India and for each State and Union Tcrritory, the census tahulation!> and report!> will be publisbed according to the following phm:

Part No. and subject covered Sub-part No. if any, and the topic!> covered . 1 2

Part I - Administration Report Part I-A - Atiminic.,lrution RC(l

Part I-B - Adminbtrution Report Tahulation

Part II - General Population Tables Part II-A - GClleral PopuJalit>n Tablc1> - A-Seric!> . Part II-B - Primary Cen!>u!> Abstract Part III - General Economic Tables Part III-A - B-Scrics tablcs of first stagc whieh will be brought out on 10% sample in resJ?C(..1 of major States and on full count in respect of smaller States and Union Territories.

Part 111-8 - B-Scric... tablcs of seeond lotagc which will bc brought oul on full count. The data relating HHI, OW, Marginal Workers and Non-worken. sec king/available fM work ,,,,II he cntcred on full count hal>i1\. 277 Part IV - Social and Cultural Table!. Part IV -A - C-Serie\ tahlc<.. 01 lir"t \tage covenng "ge, !.ex and marit,11 !.tat u!., compo~ition oj popul,ltion, !.ingle year age n:turn!.. cducation,tI Ie, cis, ,chool attend,lIlce and bilingu,tli\lll.. . Part IV-B - C-Serie!. tables coveritlg mothcr tongue, religion of population and household composition.

Part V - Migration Tables Pari V-A - D-Series tablc~ of Iirst !.tage covering tables based on 10% :.ample in respect of major State~ and on fu11 count in respect of ~maller Slate!. and Union Territorie!..

Part V -B - D-Scries table!> of second stage covering occupational classification of migrant workers. These tables arc ba!.l:d on full count. . Part VI - Fertility Tables F-Scries tables of Iirst stage which will be brought out on l()1J{ l>amplc in respect of major Statcs and on full count in rCl>pect of smallcr Statc!> and Union Territories.

·Part VII - Tables on House!. and H - Serie!. tablc!. covering ccn~u" house!. and the u!.es to Household Amenities which the ... e arc put, con~truction material of wall, rool and floor of the cen!.u~ houl>e" occupied by hou!.choldl>, tenure !.tatUl> of the Illlu!.e occupied and number of living rooms, hou~ehold !.i/e, hou~ing facilities like drinking water, electricity and toilet available to houl>ehold!> and the fuel u~ed by the hou~ehokl for cooking. The~e tables will also cover tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This volume will contain analytical notes abo.

Part VIII - Special n Scheduled This part will contain SC and ST !.erie~ of table!. for Castes and Schedu Scheduled Ca~te ... amI Schcduled Tribe!. rc!.pcctively. Thc data relating to Scheduled Cal>tc~ and Scheduled Tribc!. will hc entered on full count ba ... i!. in the third !>tage and SC/ST tabh:s will be proces~ed on the computcr on full count. The)'c will coycr popUlation of each Scheduled Ca!.te/Tribe, industrial categories of main and marginal workers, non-workers seeking/available for work and those who never workcd before, educational level, ~chool attendance, age, sex and marital statu~, composition of Scheduled CI!.tcs and Scheduled Tribe~. In addition to these, the fertility tables relating to SC/ST arc abo eovcred. The!.e tables abo cover for Scheduled Tribc!., their cOmp()l>ilion by religion. mol her longue and bilinguali~m.

Part IX - Town Directory, Survey Report Part IX - A - Town Directory on Towns and Villages

Part IX - B - Survey Report on selected Towns

Part IX - C - Survey Repor\ on selected Villages

278 Part X :::thnographic notc!> and !>pecial !.tudie!. un Sche

Part XI - Census Atlas Union and State/Union Territory Cen,u, Atla~e!>

Part XII - District Census Handbook Part Xli - A - Village and Town ~jrectory

Part XII - B - Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract

The following special papers arc al'>o pl.lOned and will be publi,>hcd a!> and when they arc ready as 1991 Census papers :

(a) Special studies taken up by the Directors of Censu!> Operations

(b) Special Areas Surveys (c) Special Tables for Standard Urban Areas

(d) Language Survey Reports

(e) Post Enumeration Check Report

(f) Age Tables (g) Life Tables

(h) Reports on estimates of inter-censal birth and death rate!> using 1981-1991 life tables and age data

(i) Development of Vital Statistics in India

Besides these special papers, some monographs ba~ed on 1lJ<)1 Cen!>u!> data on subjects of topical interest to be prepared by scholars will be brought out a~ 1991 Census monographs.

It is also proposed to carry out !>ome special !>tudie!> of 1991 Cen!>u!> data in collaboration with other organisations and the results of such studie!> will be publi!>hed al> occasional papers of the 1991 Cen!>us.

, It is also proposed to disseminate census tabulalions and the basic data in machine readable forms such as magnetic tapes, diskettes, floppies, etc.

The District Census Handbooks will be availahle for salo at the Government Central Press, Bangalore and the other publications at the Office of the Director of Census Operations. Karnataka, Bangalore and the Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi - 6. \

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