District Census Handbook, Dakshina Kannada, Part XII-B, Series-11

District Census Handbook, Dakshina Kannada, Part XII-B, Series-11

CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Series· II KARNATAKA DIST~ICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT PART XII· 8 VILLA(;E AND TOWN WISE P,RIMARl' CENSUS AlJSTRACT , ~()8I1A NAl\I81SAN ()kedor ofCensult OIJerutions, KarlUdaka CONTENTS FOREWORD \,-VI PREFACE VII-VIII IMPORTANT STATISTICS xi-xi\' ANALYTICAL NOTE xv- xlv EXPLANATORY NOTES 1--1 A. Di~tricl Primary Cen~u~ Ah!o.tl ad (i) Villagcffown Primary (.'Ul~lI~ Ah~II.IL"l Alplwhcti{"al Li ... 1 or Village., - Bal1!\:r1 C.D.Blod. .H-35 Primary Ccn~u~ Ah~tract l1:tnlval CD.muck .~(J--17 Alphahctil'al Li!-'l of Villagc!-' o Ikll'lIlgadi C.D.B1ock 51-53 Primary (\;n~u~ Ah,tract - Bdlang;tdi l'.D.Bhlck ::; ... -(,5 Alphahctical Li!-'I of \'ill:tgc!-' - KlIkal C.IJ.Bllld, (,1)-71 Prim."ry Cell~u~ Ah~lracl Karkal C!D.Blod. Alphahetintl Li,,( of Village" - Kundapllra CD. Block Primary Cen,u" Ah~lracl - Kundapllra CD. Block l){l-IO I Alphabetical Li!-" of Village" - l\langalore CD.Bluck 105- lOt, Primary Cen,us Ah!-'lrael - l\'1angalme CD.Blllck lOS-III) Alph~ihetical Li"l of Village" o !'Ullur CD.l3lnck 123-12-1 Primary Cen,u., Ah~(racl - Pullur CO.BilH:k 12(,- 1.17 A\phabetica\ Li~\ of Village" - Sui);! CD.Bh)('~ ,l"'l-l-C Primary (\:n,lIs Ah!-'lrad - Sllh'a CO.Blod; 1... -1-151 Alphabetical Li,,( of Villages 0 lIdllpi ( '.D.Block 155-157 Primary (\:n!-'u" Ah~,(rad - lJdupi C.D.B1ock 15;-:-17~ (iii) Alph<lOdll.tl LI'" \)1 [own" 177 B,llndur (TM( ) 17:-'-I~ I B.ml\,tI (Tl\Il) 17:-'-1:-'1 (j,mgoh (NMCT) 17:-. I~I Hll".tng.1llt (olollv (Nl\I(_ TI 17~-ISI K<lrk.11 (Tl\lC) I'", 1""1 KL:mmlllj.J (NJ'vJC f) 178 1:-'1 KUlld,lpur.t (TI\I( I 17\-ISI M ... II.tr (NMCT) Mlldhldn (1 MC) Mlllkl (TM() PUdll (NMCT) 1~2-1~" Pullur (TMC) ~'hlhgr,tm (fM( ) Ton .. e Wl"t (NI\I( n M,mg.1lorL UA 1\{,-1 117 Udupl L'A 11)4-201 B DI ... lnll Pnm.ln CLn"lh Ah ... tl.tll lor ... t!h.:dukd (.I"k" 20.+ 227 ( Dhlntl PrIm.tfV (\:n"l'" Ah.,lf.ltI '(lr \dh:dukd TnhL'" ApPLnlhx-1 - DI ... tnll PrnnM\ ( ~n"lh Ah"lrdll - T"luf..\\-l"'L Appendix-II - LI"t (II ~lh~dllkd (,I"IL., ,tntl ~(.hLdllkd Tnhl Appcmhx-III - Pllhlll.. ,llllln PI,tIl ILLlJ~TRATI()N~ 1\1"p III K,lrn,ll,lk,I ,hlm'"g Ihe Admllll ... lr,lll\c DI\I ... um" (1\ } M.1p llt D,lf.."hlll ... K"nn"d.l DI.,1 m.l ( \.) FORE'VOI~D Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHl.) wa" initiated aftl:r the 1'.)51 Census and is continuing since then with some innovations/ modificalions after each decennial Ccn~us. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on bdl.llf of cadl State Govl./Union Territory administration. It ill/er-aliu provides data/information on some of the ha~ic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availahility of cerlain important civic '1Illcnilic:-./fal'ililic:-. in cach village and town of the respective db.tricts. This publicati~)fl has tl1U~ proved to hc of II1lI11CIl!>.e utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and rel.Cardl<.:rs. The scope of the DCH was initially conlined to c<.:rtain import.lI1t cell:-'lI~ tablel. Oil popUlation, economic and socio-cultural al.pccts a~ abo the Primary Cen:,u:, Ah:,\r;KI (peA) of each villagc and town (ward-wise) of thc district. The DCH~ Jluhli:,hed after the 1%1 ('en:,u:, col1taincd a de~cripli\'l: account of the district, administrative statistics. ccnl.U~ tahles and Village and Ttl" n DirectOi i~~ including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the Di~trict Cen"u:, Ilandbooks (Part-A compri:-.ing Villagc and Town Directories and Parl-B comprising Village and Town PCA) wcre rcka:-.ed in all thc Stalt:~ and Union Territories. The third part, Part C llf the Di:-.tricl Ccn:,u:" f landhooJ,.." com(>1 i:-.ing .. dll1ini~lra.i\'e :'lati~lics and district census tables, which wa~ '1lso 10 bc brought out. could nul be puhli:-.hcJ in man) '\Iatcs/UT~ due to considerable delay in compilation of rdevant material. In II)Xl, ~onH,' IH':W rl.:ature~.! ~with the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Direclory wcre inlrmluced in the DClls. Tht::,e were published in two parls for each di~trict after tlu.: IlJl'{l Cen:,us. While Part-A "col1lpri~etl Village anJ Town Directories, the peA of villages ~nd town~ (ward-wi~e) including Schedulcd Ca~te and Schnlukd Tribe PCA upto lc~~il!town level were providcd in P"rt-B. To illustratc, all thc al11enitic~ CXt'cpt c!Cl'tridty, were hrought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity wa~ not a\'.lilahlc in 11lL: rcferellt vill,lge, the distance in hroad ranges from the nearc:,t placc having ~ueh amenity wa:, gi\~n. Information till :,ome new items such as adult litcracy centn:s, primary hcalth ~lIh-eentIT" and cOl1lmunit~ health \\01 ker:, in Lhe village were provided so as h' meet ~tll1le of the requtn:ment:, of Ih<.: Rc\'i~cd 1\1inimum Nnd .. Prograll1l1ll.:. Si,";ilarly, information Oil approach to the villagc wa" al~o pw\'idl.:d for t hI.: lil"t time in thl: Village Directory so as to give an ide'l about the nUl11bt:r of iJl,lccc~~ible villagl:;, ill e,lch di:-.lrkt. In I.:a:-.L' of Town Directories also. keeping in view II;~ reqllirelllenb of the !\linil1llllll Need~ I'rogl a Jl11111:. a St,lIcJl1ent IV-A on slums was provided so as to en~lhlc thc planner:, to chalk oul the pwgral1ll11l.:~ for providing better civic' and other amenities in the slums. hl this Statelllcnt dclaii_" on civic and llther al1lenitie~ were reported for the slums of Class I and Class II ',towns. Apart from thi:" one (:olul1lll 011 the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihe!>. population and a'hothcr on ;Idult litcracy da:'''l'~/(:elltrc~ werc .. dtled in Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of pr~senlati()n of the Dells f~)r thc 199) CeINI!>. i:, by anti iar!!e the ~al11e a:-. followed 10 1981. However, the format of peA ~a~ been rc!>.lrllclureu ~Iightly in'the 1')1)1 t'CIl:-'U:' for the benclit of data users. Nine-filld industrial dassilicalion of main wl)rJ..er~ ha" been giwlI a~ again:,t four-fold industrial c1assilicatio~ presented in the 19XI CCl1!>.u!>., In adJitiol1 to this, tIll: M:x-\vi!>e population in the 0-6 age-group has also bccn indulkd in PC~ for the lir:-.t ti'me with a view til enabling data u:,ers to compute more realistic literacy ratC::s as all ~:hildrcn hdow 7 ycars of age ha\c heen Irealcd a~ illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. fl is expected that the above Illcntioned Jl1lldilicalioll~ will help the planners in chalking out more effective developmental pn>gral11l11c~. (v) One of thc mmt important inllm.ttion ... in the ll)(JI·Ccll"u'> i... the Community DCH:lnpmcllt B1od,-lncl prce;cntation 01 J,lt,1 in tht.: VJIl,I~t.: Dirt.:ctory .lIld PCA in<.,te,ld 01 the Ir,ldillon.11 T,dNlrr.II11"/P~ k\cl prc1-ocntation. It is o.pedeJ Ih.lt t he pi t.:"cnl,lllon of Vllidge DlreUof)' ,lIld P( A d,II,1 ,It (' D.l3lolk kH:1 will help the pl.mncr ... in fOrll111I.ltion 01 l11ilfo-k\l:1 Jt.:\ dO[lmt.:nt .. 1 pl .. n .... ,I'" the C D 111m I.. I... the 10\\ e,>1 admini1-otrdtivc unit for Jevdopl11t.:nt.ll pl.lI1lling. In ordn to f.lcilit.lte the ta ... k of admini..,tr.llor." pl.1I111I:r'> ,lIld re'>l:.Irlhcr.., intcndlllg to u"e Vill.lgl.: Directory/f CA data, either from the n1.lgnelic t.IPc.,,'I1oppie.., or fHlm the publi'>heu record." hoth Ihe computer and manual code .. for ea<"h \ill.lge l1.1n: been pn)\iued 1m the }IN! Ccn'>u ... along \~ilh the corrc!>ponding codee; of 19}! 1 This publication ie; a JOint vcnt ure of the Sidte GO\ t JUT .ldmini"II.l1 ion ,lIld the CI.:Il'>U'" OJ g,lI1i"',ltlol1 Thc data havc been collected and compiled ulllJcr the dirnlillll 01 1\1.... ~llhh.l N,lIllhi.."II1, DIn:clor 01 Ccne;us Opcrations, K.lrnat.1J... .. on hehalf 01 Ihe ~t,lle Gmt. admini.,tr.ltiol1 \\ hllh h,I'" bOllle the CO'-ot 01 printing. Thc t~l ... k of pl,lnning, de'-oigning and coordin,llilln 01 Ihe pllhlk.ltillll \\,1'-0 lI1ili,llt.:d hy Dr K P.ltt.lm,lI1, former Deputy Rl.:gi<;trar Gem:r,ll (Soel,11 ~tlll\le ... ) .1I1U ~hrt l\\ M Dll,l, joint D·lreclllr. For the '-o,I\"e 01 uniformity in prc'-ol.:ntation of inform,lliol1/ddtd .1I1d lor Plcp,Il.tlion of ,1Il.t1)lll.t1 lillIe dcpilling the "',IIIent fcatures cmerging frol11 a miuo-kvcl nll.tly..,i<; 01 ('cn..,u,,/nllll-Cen ... u ... ddl,l, ,I mudd Di'-olrlll ('en<.,u'-o H,llldhook from each Statc LInd Union Terrilory ~ .. " thoroughly "crutini<.,ed in the ~oei,11 \Iutlie., Di\i"ion under the guiu,mec of Shri M KJ.tin, the pn.'''ent Depuly Regi"lr,lr Geller,11 (I.) ~) Thi., 1,1"'1.

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