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Parsa V. Google JS 44 (Rev. 12/12) Case 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHGCIVIL Document COVER 1 SHEETFiled 12/16/19 PageID.1FILED Page 1 of 50 The !S 44 civil cover sheet and the i!}formation contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pl adin~s r other papers as tfuired law, c cept as provided b)'. l?~al. rules of_C(?Urt, This form. approved by the Judicial ~onfcrence of the United .States in September I 974, i require foi;JJie use Q(Ui; :1eJ.1<: o Court f< the purpose of imhatmg the c1vd docket sheet. (SEJE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGEJ OF THIS FORM.) LJ9C , 0 L.1 "I ~ I. (a) PLAIN~IFFS' C'/~~ A. fq, 5a,, -rJ.,e A-C Gli>~fel<i..~l'f,'!;~pMirn , Fa atctleomti'lk, E on Musk, O{'o,"',, , .!..,-f ,O',.. :i oihr\ ~<eS I ,JJ.,ti~~,. o Tesla Inc, Mark ZuckerbF,~l!Jl!IIY!ll¥,ll!lel~!M'i!01!!t!Ad ar Pichai: V 1c-1-•,,.,s ,.f fJePlK«t'id>'I !c,--€nec:d.f PR NewsWire, John.Do ' _,..,.. s/soniad EPUTY (b) County of Residence ofF,rst Lis're'ffiaintiff S'an Diego, County of Residence of First Listed D<:fendant ~in,t-· {<'t /; =~==----- Vi.el.\.} 1 tf11'/1 (EXCEPT l N U.S. PLAIN1'/FFCASES) (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) NOTE: IN LANO CONDEMNATION CASES, USE THE LOCATION OF THE TRACT OF LAND INVOLVED. (c) Attorneys (Firm Nome, A.ddre.u, ond_Telephone Number) Attorneys (]/Known) '19CV2407 CAB AHG II, BASIS OF JURISDJCT[ON (Place an "X" in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Pin" an "X" in on, Bax fa, l'laimiff (For DJversity Coses Only) and One IJoxfor /Jefendanl) • I U.S. Government l!'I 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF Plaintiff (U.S. Govemmenf Nor a Party) Citizen of This State O 1 • I Incorporated or Principal Place • 4 0 4 of Business In This State • 2 U.S. Govemment • 4 DiverSity Citizen of Another State • 2 0 2 Incorporated and Principal Place C'.J 5 0 S Defendant (lndicafe Citizenship ofParties in lrem lll) of Business In Another State Citizen or Subject of a 0 3 0 3 Foreign Nation • 6 0 6 Foreiim Coun••" IV, NATURE OF SUIT (P/a"an "X" in One Box On/ • l 10 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY 0 625 Drug Related Seizure o 422 Appeal 28 use 158 0 375 False Claims Act 0 120 Marine O 310 Airplane 0 36.5 Personal Injury - ofProperty2l USC881 • 423 Withdrawal 0 400 State Reapportionment • 130 Miller Act O 315 Airplane Product Product Liability 0 690 Other 28 USC 157 0 4 IO Antitrust 0 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability • 367 Health Care/ 0 430 Banks and Banking Cl ISO Recovery ofOverpayment () 320 Assault, Libel & Phannaceutical 0 450 Commerce & Enforcement of Judgment Slander Personal Injury • 820 Copyrights 0. 460 Deportatioii 0 IS I Medicare Act O 330 Federal Employers' Product Liability 0 830 Patent 0 470 Racketeer Influenced and 0 152 Recovery ofDefaulted Liability 0 368 Asbestos Personal 0 840 Trademark Corrupt Organ.izations Student Loans O 340 Marine Injury Product O 4BO Consumer Credit (Exclu<;les Veterans) 0 345 Marine Product Liability 0 490 Cable/Sat TV 0 153 RecoveryofOverpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY O 710 Fair Labor Standards 0 861 HIA(l395ffi 0 850 Securities/Commodities/ of Veteran's Benefits O 350 Motor Vehicle 0 370 Other Fraud Act 0 862 Black Lung (923) fachange 0 160 Stock.holders' Suits O 355 Motor Vehicle • 371 Truth in Lending 0 720 Labor/Management • 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)l, a 890 Other Statutory Actions 0 l lJO Other Contract Product Liability 0 380 Other Personal Relations CJ 864 SSID Title XVI 0 891 Agricultural Acts CJ 1~5 Contract Product Liability • 360 Other Personal Property Damage 0 740 Railway Labor Ac! • 865 RSI (40S(g)) a 893 Environmental Matters CJ 196 f'ranchise Injury 0 385 Property Damage 0 751 Fan;iily and Medical 0 895 Freedom of Information 0 362 Personal Iajury - Product Liability Leave Act Act Medical Mal ractice CJ 790 Other Labor Litigalion 0 896 Arbitration 0 791 Employee Retirement 0 R99 Administrative Procedure • 210 Land Condemnation 40 OLher Civil Rights Habeas Corpus: Income Security Act 0 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff Act/Review or Appeal Or 0 220 Foreclosure 0 441 Voting CJ 463 Alien Detainee or Defendant) Agency Decision 0 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment 0 442 En1ployment 0 510 Motions to Vacate 0 871 IRS-Third Party 0 950 Constitutionality of 0 240 Torts to Land 0 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 State Statutes 0 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations 0 530 General 0 290 All Other Real Property 0 445 Amer. w/Disabilities • O 535 Death Penally Employment Other: 0 462 Naturalization Application O 446 Amer. w/Oisabilities­ 0 S40 Mandamus & Other 0 465 01her Immigration Other 0 550 Civil Rights Actions • 448 Education C'J 555 Prison Condition 0 560 Civil Detainee - Conditions of Confinement V. ORIGIN (Place an "X"inOneBoxOnly) )Bl I Original O 2 Removed from 0 3 Remanded from 0 4 Reinstated or • 5 Transferred from 0 6 Multidistrict Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Another District Litigation (.'> ecJ ~ Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diver.dty): VI. CAUSE OF ACTION l,;B,..,i,..ef::-d:-es-c""rip-u'"·o-n-of"°c_a_us-e:_______________________________ ----. Endangering Humanity, Misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Negligence, Article 2 and 3. Compllc1ty Genocide Convent11,r VII. REQUESTED IN 0 CHECK IF THIS JS A CLASS ACTION DEMANDS CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint: COMPLAINT: UNDER RULE 23, F.R.Cv.P. 2.3 Trillion JURY DEMAND: • Yes )!II No VIII. RELATED CASE(S) (See instructions): IFANY JUDGE DOCKET NUMBER DATE YOFRECORD ~ b - \~ F ROFFI EUSEONLY RECEIPT # AMOUNT APPLYING IFP JUDGE MAG.JUDGE ----- -------- -------- Case 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG Document 1 Filed 12/16/19 PageID.2 PageFILED 2 of 50 Dec162019 I 1 Cyrus A. Parsa, The Al Organization CLERK, U.S. DISTRICT COURT 4275 Executive Square Suite 200 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 2 La Jolla, California, 92037 BY st soniad DEPUTY Phone Number (805-996-0135) 3 Email: [email protected] 4 Cyrus A. Parsa, The Al Organization, PRO SE, 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN 8 DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 11 The Al Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Victims of ) . Case No.: '19CV2407 CAB AHG Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, 12 Sex, Human and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around ) 13 the World, not limited to democracy activists, Falun COMPLAINT: Dafa Practitioners, Uyghurs, Christians, Tibetans, } 14 Judges, Lawyers and Journalists tortured and killed in China. John Does 1-Unlimited ) 15 Plaintiff(s), (1 )MISUSE OF ARTIFICIAL 16 vs. INTELLIGENCE, CYBERNETICS, 17 ROBOTICS, BIOMETRICS, Google L.L.C, Facebook Inc, DeepMind Inc, Alphabet BIOENGINEERING, 5G AND Inc, Neuralink Inc, Tesla Inc, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, 18 l Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, CISON "} QUANTUM COMPUTING PR Newswire & John Doe's 1-29 19 TECNNOLOGY Defendant(s). (2)ENDANGERING THE HUMAN 20 RACE WITH THE MISUSE OF 21 ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY 22 (3)TRANSFER OF Al WEAPON 23 ) TECHNOLOGY TO CHINA l (4)COMPLICTY IN GENOCIDE, 24 CHINA 25 (5)VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 1 GENOCIDE CONVENTION 26 (6)VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 2 27, GENOCIDE CONVENTION, (?)VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 3 28 GENOCIDE CONVENTION, -1- INSERT DOCUMENT TITLE {e.g., MOTION TO STRIKE) Case 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG Document 1 Filed 12/16/19 PageID.3 Page 3 of 50 1 (8)VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 4 2 GENOCIDE CONVENTION, (9)SOCIAL ENGINEERING OF THE 3 HUMAN RACE WITH ARTIFICAL 4 INTELLIGENCE 5 (10)BIO-DIGITAL SOCIAL PROGRAMMING OF THE HUMAN 6 RACE BY USE OF THEIR 7 BIOMETRICS & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 8 (11)BRAIN WASHING HUMANITY 9 WITH A.I. CODING & ALGORITHM BIAS 10 (12) CULTURAL GENOCIDE BY 11 MISUSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 12 (13)BREACH OF IMPLIED 13 COVENANT OF GOOD FAITH AND FAIR DEALING 14 ( 14 )DEFAMATION 15 (15)NEGLIGENT INFLICTION OF 16 EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (16)NEGLIGENT CREATION OF 17 NAFARIOUS Al TECHNOLOLGY 18 17)MASKING GENOCIDE WITH Al TECHNOLOGY 19 18)FRAUD AND INTENTIONAL 20 DECEIT (19)NEGLIGENT 21 MISPREPESENTATION 22 (20)RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION (21)FAILURE TO ENGANGE IN 23 INTERACTIVE PROCESS 24 (22) A.I. CENSORSHIP and Banning "Al, Trump, China & the 25 Weaponization of Robotics with 5G" 26 and Masking "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" with use of 27 Artificial Intelligence 28 (23) Al ALGORITHM MISUSE & Al algorithmic biometric manipulation - 2 - INSERT DOCUMENT TITLE (e.g., MOTION TO STRIKE) Case 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG Document 1 Filed 12/16/19 PageID.4 Page 4 of 50 1 24)BREACH OF PRIVACY 2 (25)VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBURG CODE 3 (26) CREATING AN ARTIFICIAL 4 INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM THAT CAN RECOGNIZE AND DECODE IF 5 HUMANS ARE RESISITANT TO 6 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 7 8 9 10 11 12 DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JUDGE 13 RELATED CASES a. Do you have other Civil Case(s) in this or any 14 I. other federal court? NO 15 II. STATEMENT OF CLAIM 16 CASE SUMMARY FACTS 17 18 Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, 19 Complicity in Genocide, and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of 20 China by transferring Al Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of 21 Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via Al coding and Al algorithmic biometric manipulation 22 2l, Endangering and Threatening all of the world's citizens, and humanity by misusing and weaponizing Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, 24 Robotics, 5G, Machines, Smart Phones, Smart Homes, Smart Cities, loT's, 25 Holograms, Mixed Reality, Nano-Technology, Cloning, Gen-Editing, Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering, and the creation of a digital Al Brain linked to 26 Google's Search engine with the use and extraction of humanities bio-Metrics 27 data, digital bio-metric codes including facial, voice, health, organ, neural network and body recognition technology.
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