Skia & FreeType Android 2D Graphics Essentials Kyungmin Lee Software Platform Lab., LG Electronics
[email protected] The 10th Kandroid Conference Goal S/W 플랫폼에 있어 GUI(Graphical User Interface) 시스템은 해당 플랫폼의 성능을 결정짓는 매우 중요한 요소이다. Android 역시 새로운 버전을 발표할 때마다 GUI 시스템의 성능을 꾸준히 개선하여 최근에 릴리즈된 Jelly Bean에 와서는 iOS에 필적할만한 성능을 보여주고 있다. 이번 세션에서는 이벤트 처리 기술과 더불어 GUI 시스템의 한 축을 이루고 있는 2D Graphics 기술을 Android에서 어떻게 활용하고 발전시켜 왔는지에 대해 살펴본다. 1. Skia: 2D Graphics Library Skia in Android Skia API Overview Skia Rendering Pipeline Skia Backends: Raster, OpenGL, PDF, ... 2. FreeType: Font Engine FreeType in Android FreeType API Overview Font Rasterization: Scan-conversion, Hinting, … 3. Android 2D Graphics Essentials Evolution of Drawing Models: GPUI (UI on the GPU), Display List, Display List Properties, View Layers, … Android 2D Graphics Architecture (From Conference Program Overview) The 9th Kandroid Conference Skia is Greek for “shadow” Skia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images. • 3x3 matrices w/ perspective • antialiasing, transparency, filters • shaders, xfermodes, maskfilters, patheffects Mike Reed • subpixel text Device backends for Skia currently include: • Raster • OpenGL • PDF • XPS • Picture (for recording and then playing back into another Canvas) (From Project‟s Home) The Skia Graphics Engine is a compact open source graphics library written in C++. It was originally developed by Skia Inc., which was subsequently acquired by Google in 2005, who then released the software as open source licensed under the New BSD License free software license. Now known as skia, it is currently used in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Chrome OS, Chromium OS, and Android; and the Skia library is present on the BlackBerry PlayBook though the extent of its usage is unclear.