FREE SUPPLIES & TOOLS: • Lily® Sugar’n Cream® (2.5 oz; 120 • needle yds): • wine gift bag Main Color (MC) Blue Jeans, 2 balls • Tape measure Contrast A Warm Brown, 1 ball • Size U.S. 7 needles or size needed to obtain • Stitch holder DIRECTIONS:

MEASUREMENT: Approx 14” long x 10” around. GAUGE 15 sc and 16 rows = 4”

Note: Bag is worked sideways. To change colors, twist the 2 colors around each other where they meet, on WS, to avoid a hole. Back and Front (make 2 pieces alike). With A, cast on 5 sts. With MC, cast on 63 sts. 68 sts. 1st row: (RS). With MC, K63. With A, K5. 2nd row: With A, K5. With MC, P55. K8. Rep last 2 rows 3 times more. Shape handle: Next row: (RS). With MC, K6. Turn. Leave rem sts on a st hold- er. Cont in garter st (knit every row) across 6 sts until opening measures 3”, end- ing with a WS row. Leave sts on a spare needle. With RS facing, join yarn to rem sts. Next row: With MC, Sl1. K56. With A, K5. Next row: With A, K5. With MC, P55. K2. Rep last 2 rows until opening measures 3”, ending with a WS row. Joining row: (RS). With MC, K6 from st holder. K57. With A, K5. 1st row: With A, K5. With MC, P55. K8. 2nd row: With MC, K63. With A, K5. Rep last 2 rows twice more, then rep 1st row once. Cast off.

Skill Level: Experience necessary Crafting Time: Varies

Courtesy of Lily Sugar ‘N Cream®

Please read and follow all manufacturers’ instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this project. #225-3866 Creative Ideas from Jo-Ann ©2014 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. more projects, tips & techniques at® Base With A, cast on 7 sts. 1st row: (WS). K7. 2nd row: Inc 1 st in first st. Knit to last 2 sts. Inc 1 st in next st. K1. 3rd row: Knit. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. 17 sts. Work 9 rows even in gar- ter st. Next row: K1. ssk. Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. Next row: Knit. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. 7 sts. Cast off knitwise. FINISHING With A, embroider Chart (see page 2) onto MC section of Front with dupli- cate st 4 rows above cast on edge of Front and 3 sts in from color change to A at Base. With MC, sew sides of Front and Back tog leaving flat edge. With A, work blanket st. embroidery along each side. Sew base in position.

ABBREVIATIONS: Approx = Approximately. Cont = Continue(ity). Inc = 1 stitch in next stitch by knitting into front and back of loop. K = Knit. K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together. P = Purl. Rem = Remaining. Rep = Repeat. RS = Right side. Sl1 = Slip next stitch. Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together. St(s) = Stitch(es). Tog = Together. WS = Wrong side.