1 the Joseph Carlebach-Institute Library English Books
1 The Joseph Carlebach-Institute Library English Books [A] D5(4)ABR Abramsky, C. [92] The Crisis of Authority within European Jewry in the eighteenth century In: Studies in jewish religious and intellectual history, Uni.of Alabama Press, 1979, pp.13-28. 2515 ----- Moses Mendelssohn, Jon. Eybeschuetz, Jacob Emden, Jacob Frank, Chr.W. Dohm, Ezekiel Landau... A811 ADL Adler, Morris The World of the Talmud Schocken: New York, 1963(1958) 156 p.: bibl. 3602 {434636-2} ----- 372.4 ADL Adler, Mortimer J. How to Read a Book: The Art of Getting a Liberal Education Simon and Schuster: New York, 1940 398 p.: index. 2044 {435539-3} -------- A012 ADL Adler, Nathan Marcus (about) Nathan Marcus Adler (1803-1890): A Bibliography Edited by Ruth P. Goldschmidt-Lehmann From: Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica presented to Leon Nemoy on his Eightieth Birthday. Bar-Ilan University Press, 1982, pp. 207-261. 1535 -------- B414 ALE The Alef-Bet Parade ed. by International and Pan-American Cop. Conventions, New York, 1977 1958, 2033, 4006 -------------------- B481 ALE Alexenberg, Melvin Alef Bet Zoo The Press of Shulsinger Brothers: New York, 1962 0215 ------ 370.7 ALE Alexenberg, M. Aesthetic experience in creative process Bar-Ilan University Press: Ramat-Gan, 1981 207 p.: index, ill. 0401, 0402 {0169502-4} ------ A784.2 ANT Anthology of Yiddish folksongs. 4 Vol. edited by Aharon Vinkovetzky, Abba Kovner, Sinai Leichter Magnes Press: Jerusalem, 1983 1907,1908 [english, yiddish, hebrew] {0007943-6} ------- A209 ANT Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1994: The Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism publ. by Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities; ADL - Anti-Defamation Leaque and The World Jewish Congress 274 p.: indexes.
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