Journal of Nematology 45(1):1–7. 2013. Ó The Society of Nematologists 2013. Pochonia chlamydosporia: Advances and Challenges to Improve Its Performance as a Biological Control Agent of Sedentary Endo-parasitic


Abstract: The nematophagous Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia is one of the most studied biological control agents against plant (semi-) endo-parasitic nematodes of the genera Globodera, Heterodera, Meloidogyne, Nacobbus and, more recently, Rotylenchulus. In this paper we present highlights from more than three decades of worldwide research on this biological control agent. We cover different aspects and key components of the complex plant-fungus- tri-trophic interaction, an interaction that needs to be addressed to ensure the efficient use of P. chlamydosporia as a biopesticide as part of an integrated pest management approach. Key words: biopesticides, chlamydospores, fungal biotypes, nematophagous fungus.

Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare & W. Gams Gramineae and Solanaceae species—a growth habit that 2001 (, ), was first reported may result in benefits to the host plant defense against in 1974 as a parasite of nematode eggs by Wilcox and soil-borne pathogens (Lopez-Llorca et al., 2002a; Macia´- Tribe in the UK, the fungus subsequently becoming Vicente et al., 2009a, 2009b). The fungus is also a fac- one of the most studied potential biological control ultative parasite of nematode and mollusk eggs, and a agents of nematodes. Research conducted on this nem- hyperparasite of other fungi (Lumsden et al., 1982; atophagous fungus has been reviewed extensively else- Zare et al., 2001). where (Kerry, 1997, 2000; Lopez-Llorca et al., 2008; Several factors have contributed to target this fungus Kerry and Hirsch, 2011; Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al., 2011a; for nematode biocontrol, including easy laboratory cul- Chen and Dickson, 2012). The present paper aims to turing, access to strains (from fungal collections), and highlight key aspects of the bionomics of the fungus, effectiveness in nematode control. These factors, and which have paved the way to the use of Pochonia chla- the generally increased interest in alternative control mydosporia as a biopesticide. measures because of the phasing out of methyl bromide Pochonia chlamydosporia has a worldwide distribution and nematicides, have led to screening and testing of and has been found in nematode suppressive soils to numerous isolates to find potential biocontrol agents, parasitize eggs. The fungus can remain saprophytic in including Pochonia, against major plant endo-parasitic soil in the absence of both plant and nematode hosts. nematode pests. Primarily Heterodera, Globodera, Meloi- In the rhizosphere, the fungus can colonize the roots dogyne, and more recently Nacobbus and Rotylenchulus of host plants, and several Pochonia species have even spp., have been studied intensively as shown by an in- been reported to show endophytic behavior in some creasing number of worldwide reports of Pochonia native isolates. However, only a few strains are commercially

Received for publication October 22, 2012. available. 1Department of AgroEcology, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts AL5 A better understanding of the tri-trophic interaction 2JQ, UK. 2IMAR-CMA, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, 3004-517 among plant, fungus, and nematodes is essential to Coimbra, Portugal. enhance the performance of a biological control agent 3Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Genetica Vegetale (CNR-IGV). Via Amendola 165/A, 70126, Bari, Italy. such as P. chlamydosporia. Environment, organisms, and 4Bioimaging–Department of Plant Biology and Crop Science, Rothamsted their interaction will affect soil and root colonization Research, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ, UK. 5Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria, Apartado 10, San Jose´ de las by the fungus, the saprophytic or parasitic behavior Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba. of fungal isolates on target nematodes (i.e., host pref- To Brian R. Kerry in memoriam. Rothamsted Research receives strategic funding from the BBSR. Rothamsted authors thank the support of BBSRC- erence), and crop health and yield. Among the most DFID through grant BB/F003994/1. The first author thanks Dr. Andy Nyczepir important factors that were considered during the and SON for support to attend the 50th anniversary meeting of SON in Cor- vallis and to present an invited paper to the symposium: ‘‘Past and future of stages of screening for isolates and selection of strains biological control.’’ The authors also thank Aurelio Ciancio for suggestions on for an efficient use of this biocontrol agent (Kerry, 2000) improving the manuscript. Email: [email protected] were those related to the properties of the fungal isolates This paper was edited by Andreas Westphal. in their potential as biological control agents (BCA). 1 2 Journal of Nematology, Volume 45, No. 1, March 2013

These include their ability to: (i) colonize the rhizo- egg masses are exposed on the root surface, might pro- sphere of plants and cultivars; (ii) to produce chla- vide a more effective control (Kerry, 1997). Thus in- mydospores in vitro; and (iii) to infect nematode eggs creasing P. chlamydosporia application rate in soil does (i.e., percentage of parasitism). not necessarily increase the colonization of the rhizo- Rhizosphere colonization: The efficacy of the BCA de- sphere, a situation observed in a poor host where the pends on fungal rhizosphere colonization to facilitate fungal growth in the rhizosphere does not respond to colonization of galls, egg masses of root-knot nema- increased soil application doses (de Leij et al., 1992). todes (RKN), as well as eggs within cysts. Crop selection Nematode root invasion: It is also important to note in a rotation plan can enhance the effective numbers of that P. chlamydosporia does not reduce initial plant in- propagules available in soil for rhizosphere coloniza- vasion by juvenile stages, the main target being eggs, tion during the next crop, in a plant-fungus compatible although second-stage juveniles of Meloidogyne within interaction. Significant levels of nematode control can egg masses can be colonized and parasitized (Manzanilla- be achieved only if fungal isolates are capable of pro- Lo´pez, liferating in the rhizosphere. Plant species and their Environmental factors: When released in soil, P. chla- varieties and cultivars differ in root exudates and rhi- mydosporia is exposed to fluctuating abiotic factors zodeposits and, therefore, in their ability to support such as water availability and microclimate, which can P. chlamydosporia growth in the rhizosphere. Crops have a great impact on establishment in the field and and plant species that can support more than 200 its efficacy in controlling nematodes (Bourne and Kerry, colony forming units (CFU)/cm2 of root are consid- 2000; Esteves et al., 2009b). Another environmental ered to be good hosts of the fungus. Good hosts for factor to be considered when introducing isolates to P. chlamydosporia include beans, cabbage, crotalaria, control nematodes is temperature. Pochonia species kale, pigeon pea, potato, pumpkin, and tomato. Chili, show optimal growth at 258Candarelesseffectiveat sweetpotato,cowpea,rye,tobacco,andcottonaremod- temperatures above 308C. However, isolates can differ erate hosts (100–200 CFU/cm2 of root), whereas poor in their optimal temperature, those obtained from cyst hosts (<100 CFU/cm2 of root), include aubergine, okra, nematodes having lower optima than those derived soybean, sorghum, and wheat (de Leij, 1992; Bourne from RKN (Bourne and Kerry, 2000). et al., 1996). Genetic diversity and fungal abundance: For several de- Chlamydospores: Conidia and hyphal fragments have cades, ecological studies on nematophagous fungi low survival rates in soil and are subjected to fungi- were hampered by the lack of reliable techniques to stasis when added to soil without a supplementary determine at a finer level the growth, abundance, and energy source. Chlamydospores have sufficient food virulence of species in the soil and the rhizosphere reserves to enable the fungus to establish without the (Siddiqui et al., 2009). Some strains of P. chlamydosporia addition of other energy sources (Kerry et al., 1993; are now exploited in commercial formulations, but Mauchline et al., 2002). Therefore, in vitro chlamydo- there is still limited knowledge about the genetic di- spore production has become one of the criteria to versity of naturally-occurring populations. Ecological select fungus strains. An application rate of 5,000 and quantitative studies with greater precision are in- chlamydospores/cm3 soil is common for experimental creasingly becoming available using molecular tools. purposes but it may vary according to strain and target The fungus can be isolated directly from soil, roots, nematode (de Leij et al., 1992; Kerry et al., 1993; Stirling and nematode eggs using a semi-selective agar media, and Smith, 1998; Viane and Abawi, 2000). and identified using PCR primers with specificity at Tri-trophic interactions: Plants may or may not be com- the subspecies (variety) level, based on the b-tubulin patible with nematodes, and this interaction will de- (Hirsch et al., 2000) and other genes (Rosso and Ciancio, termine nematode reproduction, as well as the extent 2005; Rosso et al., 2007). Intra-specific variation can be of damage and yield loss caused depending on its host determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fin- status to nematodes (i.e., resistant, susceptible, tolerant). gerprinting (Mauchline et al., 2004) with arbitrary Good hosts for P. chlamydosporia can be either good or primers such as random amplification of polymorphic poor hosts for the plant-parasitic nematode. In gen- DNA (RAPD) PCR and enterobacterial repetitive inter- eral, fungal control of the nematode can be greater in genic consensus (ERIC) PCR. Genetic variation among plants that are poor hosts for the nematode but which isolates has been related to both the host nematode also support extensive rhizosphere fungal growth. Plant and geographical origin of fungal strains (Arora et al., susceptibility or resistance to RKN infection affects root 1996; Morton et al., 2003a; Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al., gall size and this may result in eggs being retained inside 2009a, 2009b). large galls, thereby preventing them from being exposed Fungal abundance in soil and the rhizosphere may in the rhizosphere to P. chlamydosporia parasitism (Atkins not be reliably estimated if based solely on culture- et al., 2003), thus ‘‘escaping’’ fungal infection. There- based methods. DNA based quantitative PCR (qPCR) fore, application of the fungus to a relatively poor host with species-specific primers has been shown to im- for the nematode, producing smaller galls so that most prove the estimation of fungal abundance of P. c. var. Pochonia chlamydosporia a biological control agent: Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al.3 chlamydosporia although it also detects DNA from non- Although the molecular diagnostic test can confirm the viable and moribund material (Mauchline et al., 2002; host preference of fungal biotypes, the primers need Atkins et al., 2009). Used together, viable counts and more extensive testing since CN-biotypes can infect qPCR should provide complementary information on RKN eggs and vice versa (Siddiqui et al., 2009). fungal abundance. Physiological and molecular mechanisms through coloniza- Compatibility and competition between native and intro- tion and penetration: Females of RKN and CN can be duced biotypes for biocontrol: Different studies have been parasitized by vegetative hyphae in the rhizosphere conducted to assess abundance, diversity, and compet- with the production of an appressorium but without itiveness of fungal isolates in soil, rhizosphere, and eggs further specialized infective structures. Appressorium in vitro and under glasshouse conditions. Different formation and egg infection must be preceded by envi- P. chlamydosporia strains were fingerprinted and identi- ronmental signaling, a process not yet understood fied using ERIC PCR, showing that they can occur to- (Lopez-Llorca et al., 2002b). Thigmotropic responses gether in the same niche, and may compete with each (i.e., toward hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces) other within the rhizosphere; their capabilities as root and adhesion process mediated by glycoproteins, and colonizers or egg parasites can vary when they are ap- enzymes (e.g., serine proteases) are involved in pre- plied singly or in combination (Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al., penetration events (Lopez-Llorca et al., 2002b). Ap- 2009a). However, the question remains as to whether di- pressoria formation is thought to be a nutritional versity of isolates can be maintained in shared habitats response in many plant and entomopathogenic fungi. (i.e., soil, rhizosphere, eggs) with other native/nonnative Conducive conditions are provided by nutrient deple- populations when nonnative populations of the fun- tion, low levels of complex nitrogen sources, and low gus are introduced to soil. Preliminary studies on C:N ratios (Blakeman and Parbery, 1977; St. Leger compatibility or anastomosis of selected isolates of et al., 1989; Jackson and Schisler, 1992). Low C:N ra- P. chlamydosporia biotypes (from Meloidogyne sp., Heter- tios influence egg pathogenicity by P. chlamydosporia odera sp., and Globodera sp.) to assess vegetative or (Segers, 1996), whereas production of conidia seems heterokaryon compatibility suggested that biotypes to be favored by media with relatively high C:N (Mo isolated from different hosts did not anastomose but et al., 2005). The change, or ‘‘switch,’’ from the sapro- further studies are required to confirm incompatibility phytic to the parasitic phase of the fungus may there- (Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al., 2011b). fore be related to nutrients (including C and N) that Egg infection: Anatomical and physiological features are either released by plants into the rhizosphere or affect the infection process of the eggs, including available in eggs, egg masses, and galls. VCP1 is an im- enzymatic activity within fungal isolates and nutrient portant enzyme in the early stages of parasitism, and the availability for the fungus. Eggs of RKN and cyst nema- effect of various nutrients and pH on its expression was todes (CN) also differ in their susceptibility to fungal analyzed, by enzyme assays and qPCR, in the presence strains, which show a nematode host preference. Eggs and absence of nematode eggs (Ward et al., 2011, 2012). in early stages of embryogenesis are more susceptible to Glucose repressed VCP1 production by P. chlamydosporia, parasitism than those containing a second-stage juvenile. and this repression could not be overcome by addition Enzymatic activity: Extracellular enzymes secreted by of eggs of the host (M. incognita). The effect of ammo- P. chlamydosporia play an important role in the infec- nium chloride was more complicated; at early stages af- tion process of eggs as they enable the fungus to de- ter transfer to ammonium chloride-containing medium grade the nematode eggshell that is the host’s major (4 hr), VCP1 levels were repressed but in most cases they barrier to infection. Specific proteases and chitinases were increased after 24 hr. For most strains, VCP1 ex- have been isolated and purified and their activity against pression was higher when the fungus was grown in more the nematode eggshell demonstrated (Segers, 1996; alkaline pH conditions (E. Ward et al., unpub. data). Tikhonov et al., 2002; Esteves et al., 2009a). These en- Pochonia chlamydosporia gene expression under different zymes are considered to be involved in the infection nutrient regimes: Gene expression profiles were recently process and serve as virulence factors (Huang et al., identified by Rosso et al. (2011) through a c-DNA 2004; Yang et al., 2007; Mi et al., 2010; Palma-Guerrero amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) ap- et al., 2010). proach. Two isolates (RKN and potato CN biotypes) were Parasitic ability: The serine protease VCP1 of P. chla- assayed at four different times under conditions of mydosporia is involved in the early stages of the infec- saprophytic to parasitic transition under different nu- tion process (Morton et al., 2003a, 2003b). Primers for tritional stresses (i.e., starvation in presence/absence of the detection of the vcp1 gene from P. chlamydosporia eggs or growth media). Expression of a number of and a PCR assay for host preference to distinguish be- genes was compared using electrophoretic profiles tween biotypes of the fungus from CN and RKN have of the transcript derived fragments (TDF) of the two been designed. These are based on polymorphism in isolates. Annotation of basic local alignment search the substrate recognition site of the serine protease tool (BLAST) analyses showed that most TDFs could implicated in infection of the preferred nematode host. be included in functional groups related to metabolic 4 Journal of Nematology, Volume 45, No. 1, March 2013 functions, or were involved in mechanisms of cellular (Stirling and Smith, 1998; Verdejo Lucas et al., 2003) to signal regulation, cellular transport, regulation of gene 3 to 5 ton/ha (Tobin et al., 2008). So far, there has expression, as well as DNA repair. Comparison of treat- been limited progress in reducing these quantities. ments ranging from saprophytism to true parasitism Facilities and resources for fungal production as un- showed significant transcriptional reprogramming be- formulated product for subsistence farming systems tween treatments (i.e., a ‘‘switch’’ from saprophytic to can be basic and are not always subjected to regulatory parasitic phase). Some genes were induced/expressed mechanisms. Poor quality control probably accounts or repressed thus suggesting a concerted regulation, for a lack of consistency in efficacy of control, thereby especially when activated after exposure to eggs. Com- affecting its perceived commercial potential. Hence, mon amplification profiles reflected expression of basic there is a need to improve product quality to harmo- metabolic genes (constitutive), and were not affected by nize standard procedures at different scales of fungus assay conditions. Statistical analyses applied to the TDFs production and formulation (i.e., commercial vs. local, showed that genes involved in parasitism or other met- cottage industry). Energy cost and local distribution may abolic pathways clustered together (Rosso et al., 2011). also limit production scale and use. Genome: Recently, P. c. var. chlamydosporia isolate Pc10 Practical issues related to P. chlamydosporia use: Farming (IMI 331547/CBS 101244) was sequenced (E. Ward systems have a marked effect on the way a BCA is used et al., unpub. data (Rothamsted) and TGAC, BBSRC and applied. Growers operating in the agricultural sys- sequencing facility, UK), and the sequence will be de- tems of developed countries require formulated prod- posited in a public database. Some relevant data include: ucts with a good shelf-life, low application dosage, and 9 3 109 bp genomic DNA sequenced; 3,400 contigs as- would possibly prefer application as seed treatments. sembled, > 100-fold coverage, and a genome estimate By way of contrast, in subsistence farming systems of ~ 45 Mb (typical for an ascomycete fungus). Most of developing countries where quality control is minimal the genes analyzed to date show greatest identity to or absent, large application rates of an unformulated those of the insect pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae. agent can be used as long as the BCA is produced Production of Pochonia-based biopesticides: The success cheaply and locally (Kerry, 1997). as BCA depends on the method of mass culturing of Soil amendments: Pochonia chlamydosporia is usually P. chlamydosporia, its formulation, addition of nutrient added to soil in a colonized rice substrate used as an sources to increase sporulation, shelf life, and storage energy source for the fungus. Soil amendments can conditions (Jacobs et al., 2003; Duan et al., 2008; Montes improve organic matter levels and increase nematode de Oca et al., 2009). and pathogen control. However, in some fungal species, Pochonia mass culturing and formulation: Inoculum high C:N levels can repress infection-related genes produced in liquid shake cultures consists mostly of compromising parasitic ability. Other factors to be hyphae and conidia, both of which require an energy considered when selecting a commercial BCA include source to ensure proliferation in soil. Chlamydospores soil receptivity to nonnative isolates, biosecurity and (resting spores) are not produced in liquid culture. local regulations including monitoring after introduc- These resting spores can be obtained from a substrate tion and establishment in the rhizosphere, a require- in solid phase, inoculated with conidia/chlamydospores ment now achievable thanks to molecular methods. for large-scale production and application (Montes de Only when these factors are applied in an appropriate Oca, 2004). Fungal chlamydospore-based products and integrated manner will the full biocontrol potential for soil application (KlamiCÒ) are available for P. c. of this organism be realized. var. catenulata in Cuba where it is successfully used in Pochonia chlamydosporia secondary metabolites and soil peri-urban agriculture (Montes de Oca et al., 2009; multitrophic interactions: For a BCA to be combined Ferna´ndez-Larrea Vega, 2012; Leopoldo Hidalgo-Dı´az, successfully with other integrated pest management unpub. data). Different strains of the fungus are also (IPM) strategies, it is important to understand, in a produced commercially in the Americas (Freitas et al., more holistic approach, that production of mycotoxins 2009), Africa (Dudutech K Ltd.), Europe (Clamitec, or other secondary metabolites by fungal biopesticides E´vora University, Portugal), and China as the commer- may have detrimental biological effects to soil biota cial product Xianchongbike (Mo et al., 2005; see also through interactions with the resident microbiota, Table 20.2 in Chen and Dickson, 2012). In Italy, a prod- including nontarget pathogens, and other potential uct based on an oil emulsion containing mycelium, biocontrol agents (i.e., multitrophic interactions). Al- conidia, and chlamydospores of P. chlamydosporia iso- though tested extensively to EPA standards for regis- late IPP-21 has been commercialized for some years, tration purposes and with no environmental impacts under a registration-free permission, for localized ap- detected (RIU, 2008), it is documented that P. chla- plication through drip irrigation water at 1 to 2 liter/ha mydosporia produces antifungal and toxic compounds (Ciancio, pers. comm.). At present, the fungus is mainly to various species of Puccinia (Leinhos and Buchenauer, applied as chlamydospores on colonized substrates, with 1992). Other compounds reported from P. chlamydosporia application rates to soil ranging from 30 to 400 kg/ha and P. c. var. catenulata (Khambay et al., 2000; Stadler Pochonia chlamydosporia a biological control agent: Manzanilla-Lo´pez et al.5 et al., 2003) include pochonins, and antiviral and an- LITERATURE CITED tiparasitic resorcylic acid lactones, which are structur- ally related to monorden (syn. radicicol) (Rosso et al., Arora, D. K., Hirsch, P. R., and Kerry, B. R. 1996. PCR-based mo- 2011). Aurovertins are among the major constituents lecular discrimination of chlamydosporium isolates. Myco- logical Research 100:801–809. produced by P. chlamydosporia. Aurovertin-type metab- Atkins, S. D., Hidalgo-Diaz, L., Kalisz, H., Mauchline, T. H., olites (A3 and A4), obtained from the fungus, have Hirsch,P.R.,andKerry,B.R.2003.Developmentofanewman- proved to be toxic to Panagrellus redivivus in vitro as- agement strategy for the control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne says (Niu et al., 2010). The chemical structures of spp.) in organic vegetable production. Pest Management Science aurovertin-like metabolites have been shown to be 59:183–189. Atkins, S. D., Peteira, B., Clark, I. M., Kerry, B. R., and Hirsch, P. R. partly similar to phomalactone, a compound with nem- 2009. Use of real-time quantitative PCR to investigate root and gall aticidal properties. Aurovertin 1 (A1) is the first natu- colonisation by co-inoculated isolates of the nematophagous fungus ral aurovertin identified in P. chlamydosporia (Niu et al., Pochonia chlamydosporia. Annals of Applied Biology 155:143–52. 2010). Blakeman, J. P., and Parbery, D. G. 1977. Stimulation of appresso- rium formation in Colletotrichum acutatum by phylloplane bacteria. Physiological Plant Pathology 11:313–325. CONCLUSIONS Bourne, J. M., and Kerry, B. R. 2000. Observations on the survival and competitive ability of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium Pochonia chlamydosporia is an important natural enemy chlamydosporium in soil. International Journal of Nematology 10:9–18. in certain nematode suppressive soils. Rhizosphere in- Bourne, J. M., Kerry, B. R., and de Leij, F. A. A. M. 1996. The im- teractions between P. chlamydosporia, plant, and nema- portance of the host plant on the interaction between root-knot tode are complex. Fungal strains from RKN and CN are nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and the nematophagous fungus Verti- cillium chlamydosporium Goddard. Biocontrol Science and Technology different and should be considered as biotypes. By 6:539–548. contrast, fewer fungal strains, with affinity for Nacobbus Braga, F. R., Arau´jo, J. V., Araujo, J. M., Frassy, L. N., Tavela, A. O., and Rotylenchulus, have been isolated from these nema- Soares, F. 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Effect of storage conditions on the survival of two potential biocontrol agents of on its effect on plant pathogens such as Gaemannomyces nematodes, the fungi Paecilomyces lilacinus and Pochonia chlamydosporia. graminis var. tritici (Monfort et al., 2005; Macia´-Vicente Biocontrol Science and Technology 6:613–620. et al., 2009a) and migratory nematodes such as Rado- Esteves, I., Peteira, B., Atkins, S. D., Magan, N., and Kerry, B. R. pholus similis (Freitas et al., 2009). Similarly, the fungus 2009a. Production of extracellular enzymes by different isolates of also appears as a promising BCA useful in animal health, Pochonia chlamydosporia. Mycological Research 113:867–876. as shown by studies on the toxic, ovicidal, and larvicidal Esteves, I., Peteira, B., Powers, S., Magan, N., and Kerry, B. R. 2009b. 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