Board May Lease Echobrook in Fall to School for Deaf
Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Just Phone 686-7700 07092 Unfit Ciiii Psitoj. VOt 15 NO 22 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J., THURSDAY, MAY 10 PuLli.h.d Eofl. Thu,,da, b-, olJ oi M.unlolmlJ., H.J. 2 N.» Pfo.ld.nt, Rood », "A) Cent., Pp, Copy Board may lease Echobrook in fall to school for deaf H> K-Mll-A STIM.I. Lfiiilux ",\ i.l il !,,,«hi', i. .lull. ,l',-l 1 'fl.' i ' ,'it.lll The piishihilily Ihiit I tic Kriitibriiuk Si hnnl 1- »n| .ui in...• IllliTl il'i |,, I,, i:. - 4':li' ', may be rompletflv phuscd out us ,in i iiliiiliiidiilr iht- •- pl'll,lll/i'lj .,1ill I''•PIT..lie educational faiility for imrouKh pupils In ]|n» il -..Hit HI' V.'I.I, |,l,,- ,.!,!•• -«,,„ .„. Si'ptiTiilicr was r.-nsr-tl Tuesday when itn mi"hi ={ltil IM • 1 ' I, • 1 .It "Ili'l [l! ' Mmintiimsiilc Hnarri .if Kciuintiiin iiiuidunci-il ii 1 r.'lpm,I ,1 /' .11,11,,, II il' * lias ti(>(jiitl disnissKins with ri'tircseiiliilncs nl «i ill 1(1 III' I|II 111 ,ll 1) If , ,i-,i ui 1III' •. 1,1). -1 II, Jl'i (hi- New Jersey Srhmii fur the I iciif ri^jinluit; Tin- , UI if II! I-|IIMI Ill' S', 1 1 l.'l the |iri]|i(ised IcasiriM of the Ktiiohrunk liuildiru! lifiil i irnxirii; id 1 \ ijl, lilll..l •Ill-' 1 f 1,11 I lie ^;rhoei]'s iuture has been in duutsl tier;iusi! •.i-hiiul ~ S , I i •in> Uir 'iimhiiui ii .I'l 1 ,'! i)f cicclmmK enroilmenl and the Ihreiil n! high •-Liii'il Ili.ll 1he -.i tid(•Ills MiillKl Ir.i •In Mill, Urn way eonstriieticiii "Mh ijiiir"iML' '.rhnnl 1 :i,iiii-.
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