Board May Lease Echobrook in Fall to School for Deaf
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Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Just Phone 686-7700 07092 Unfit Ciiii Psitoj. VOt 15 NO 22 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J., THURSDAY, MAY 10 PuLli.h.d Eofl. Thu,,da, b-, olJ oi M.unlolmlJ., H.J. 2 N.» Pfo.ld.nt, Rood », "A) Cent., Pp, Copy Board may lease Echobrook in fall to school for deaf H> K-Mll-A STIM.I. Lfiiilux ",\ i.l il !,,,«hi', i. .lull. ,l',-l 1 'fl.' i ' ,'it.lll The piishihilily Ihiit I tic Kriitibriiuk Si hnnl 1- »n| .ui in...• IllliTl il'i |,, I,, i:. - 4':li' ', may be rompletflv phuscd out us ,in i iiliiiliiidiilr iht- •- pl'll,lll/i'lj .,1ill I''•PIT..lie educational faiility for imrouKh pupils In ]|n» il -..Hit HI' V.'I.I, |,l,,- ,.!,!•• -«,,„ .„. Si'ptiTiilicr was r.-nsr-tl Tuesday when itn mi"hi ={ltil IM • 1 ' I, • 1 .It "Ili'l [l! ' Mmintiimsiilc Hnarri .if Kciuintiiin iiiuidunci-il ii 1 r.'lpm,I ,1 /' .11,11,,, II il' * lias ti(>(jiitl disnissKins with ri'tircseiiliilncs nl «i ill 1(1 III' I|II 111 ,ll 1) If , ,i-,i ui 1III' •. 1,1). -1 II, Jl'i (hi- New Jersey Srhmii fur the I iciif ri^jinluit; Tin- , UI if II! I-|IIMI Ill' S', 1 1 l.'l the |iri]|i(ised IcasiriM of the Ktiiohrunk liuildiru! lifiil i irnxirii; id 1 \ ijl, lilll..l •Ill-' 1 f 1,11 I lie ^;rhoei]'s iuture has been in duutsl tier;iusi! •.i-hiiul ~ S , I i •in> Uir 'iimhiiui ii .I'l 1 ,'! i)f cicclmmK enroilmenl and the Ihreiil n! high •-Liii'il Ili.ll 1he -.i tid(•Ills MiillKl Ir.i •In Mill, Urn way eonstriieticiii "Mh ijiiir"iML' '.rhnnl 1 :i,iiii-. ,i l.i ,ih . 1; • i ••••}: ll-iHI- Mil' li • The anniiuneenieiil uas niiide at ihe Imiirtl - inhU .n.'iiliililr Hi' regular tiionthly mciMitip held in the hccrl'U'ld iilhrl Jlllc , ,,l,"l i: ,i i 11 •,, N c • '<•: Schmil In other action at that session, the hi n board voted four to three' to approve mi .,• II. „ ilUI^-ilNII li (ill, !h' ...1,1,. •in, plementatinti of a foreign language program .itlClUl ihe pu i "1 .ui in. i in 1 II il 1.,,;1 ! for seventh ami eighth grade students M'huiii I«)JJLiiilium. 1.(•innix ;idililld "I ih .il il Ih, 1 tniiilfl wi'ri inIn ii l|.;iii- Win •i, ' 1 The Eehobrnok announci'im-nt i'anie near Ihe i*l [i [icrst'd HCididunni sp.ici- ui, liji, in end of Ihe four-hour meeting Only about liiill of Illil hi |irm iili'ii c•IM'WIH •re Mi' i !' 1 i 1•i ,ri the K residents who ncre in attend;inee r-iirlii-r ii 1hii rliM'ils: hii VI" JUSi hcull! hart remained, hut many raised quvslMms .Illll i ' ,|I'l IS mil' ,'IS III lI'niil i ur iciiMIll ill ,| Ir.-1i II. i',. resardinis the siluatinn • I't 1ici'l i-Stilllli sheet At April's meeting the buard had vntcd to phase nut only Ihrec classes from the schmil and one parent asked when she would know if THK huHKKiN l.AM.l At IK pMUran, lb; her children would or would not be nmnti hack (Continued on page B In Kehobrook in the fall Hoard president Crafit UllllliilMlllilllllMIIIIIIIIMIMIllllllnililllllMllllilllllllliiillilllllllllliillii Lennox noted that only thv possibility uf ieasinn the schflol has been discussed, but he expects,, I Mu$k group will see fifinal l ddecisioi i tu hi' announced at the June | "Pippin' Wednesday FORECAST FAIR Itemi in iht arts and crofts booth that will be featured at the needlework, (lower arrangements, plaque'. T«1 other articles. The fair, which also | The Mountainside Mu^ii UMiri.uiuri UNK KKSIDKNT challenged Moun'ainiids PTA fair havt caught the »ys of three young borough residents (from will include games, rides, q bake tgnte'.' jr. \ , i , kitchen korner store and a Ihe board's | will spunsur a trip on rtednesdin eiemnjj t a e preiiiiusly staled argument loft) James Rag, Suzy Baker and Scott Roman Joan Roman points out the mobiles. that the | to see the musical. "Pippin." m S,.« yanety of other attrattigru, will be held 5a' H,J¥a \ ihe Detrfield Middle School. Kchiibniok site was hazardous to studenis | York tiij. The ensl of the trip is su. (Photo-Graphics) because of its proximih to Rt 22. since if that | which includi's a tin hunt nii-z/unini' s,al were true, it could bt; even more hazardous to | and rhartrrrd bu>, irunspurtuiinti frimi the handicapped children I.ennojt slated that | Mountainside to the theater and reliirn Gov. the representatives of ihe Millburn school were | A few tickets are st||| mailiihli'.' in Bluejays, Robins and Blackbirds fly experts in dealing with the children, and ap- Livingston | formation may he obtained h\ i-nlliim parently they had decided the laciliH was 5 Mrs, David ilart, i;i:i-iii:iii. to head of Girls' Softball standings to stage play on adequate and safe. Hi! hiuvjiijfB ui Ilii- Muuiitainudp Girls' »nd Cathy Carihy shared pitthin- honors The Ragles topped the Peacocks 21-14 with Softball league won (heir Tint game against Laurie Baker hit a homer, Cathy rarthy hit Barbara Van Benseholen hitting a grand slam campus unrest Republicans formulate the Flamingoes 14-7 Jan Berkowiki and Kathy two, and Lori Fernicola hit a grand slam They They then went on to edge the Toucans. »•« with Ai: ' experience In total theater" will be in Sehon shared pitching honors Jan and Kathy then went on to top the Eagles 18-i under the Michelle Davis playing an outstanding game as Mure for the audience of "Dagmar", the play to then went on to beat the Orioles 1710 and the pitching of Lisa Fernicola, and also rolled over catcher. lie presided h> ihp drama department at Gov. Owls 1413, with I.indjicy Weeks hitting a grand the ParroU Z7S, with Kathy Gerndt the win Under the superb pitching of Debbie Orgen, LiviiiKstnn Regmnal High School on May 18 and plans for June primary slam ning pitcher the Owls beat the Parrots 18-J, In three innings Hi Curtain time will be B; 16 In a clasp game, thi> Blackbirds topped the The Roadmnners lopped the Oriole* 23-15 she struck out all batters, Debbie and Denise The Regular Organization Republican! met 12 years He attends ihe CDmrrnjmH Canaries U \\ under the ship pitching of Betsy with Karen Sury pitching the six inning, Beth O'Donnell also hit home run*. Ai-rnrrlinK to (he director. Norman Sunday evening with members of the Moun- Schneider. ' Ihis [antasy gatire on campus Presbyterian Church, where he served as Earle Kathy Powers hit a home run, and in the Young hit two home runs, one a grand The Toucans edged the Eoadrunners 22- 15 tainside Republican municipal committee and president of the hoard of trustees top of the ninth with bases loaded, Betsy caught slam Unrest will involve the audience by using a with Karen Richard the winning pitcher Karen other interested Republican leaders to for- Suckno resides at any Friar lane with his« m- i fly ball to retire the C'an»rie§, In a baiting thriisl slugc for the first time at Gov The Clnaries trounced the Peacocks 26-7 alio hit a home run. They beat the Falcons 19-10 mulate plans for the primary on June S Abe Sonnie. and two children, Less and Marcie. He contest, they subdued the Doves 2423 with Mary jane Uagliano and Sue Tacov*ky the with Lori Geiger the winning pitcher Kathy Livingston." To contrast fantastic illusion with Suckno and Nick Bradshaw, Borough Council reality Schneider will also employ psychedelic; attended Rutgers University and i'psnla The Robins with three wins and no losses beat winning pitchers. Sue alio hit a grand slam and Smith hit a home run and Karen Cantagallo and candidates, and Ruth Gibadlo, candidate for College, where he majored in business the Falcons in their opener as Kalhy Gerndt Beth Misters also has a home run to her credit. VieW Kaplan made two double playi. lighting, film presentations and hard rock the office of tax collector, addressed more than muilc sn that there will be no cleareut division economics. During the Korean War, Suckno After lojing their first two games the Falcons 75 persons and promised continuation of the served a! sergeant with the Army He is a between the real episodes and those imagined "responsive Republican municipal govern- beat the Cardinals 35-13 with Lynda Cleveland by the heroine, Dagmar partner in Ihe Stair-Pak Products Co.. Union, and Mimi Oesterle the winning pitchers, ment, which has made Mountainside the most and is active in many industrial and fraternal Recreation registration start Lynda, Mimi, and Sharon Sehoffmann each hit Dagmar will be portrayed by Patti Ludd The desirable residential community in Union organizations. He it a past member of the home runs. The Cardinal! then dropped game students at the Ml Ararat prep school for girls County," Board of Education, 196?-197Q. the current to the Doves 12-2, where the action takei place will bt- played by Bradihaw is a graduate of the Wharton president of the Mountainside Planning Board, this Saturday at PTA Fair Laurie Ciretn as the rebel leader, Doreen and School of Finance of the University of Penn and served ai leader in the Indian Guides, Denise Alessi, Barbara Naughton, Judy sylvanii, in res? He holdi a degree of bachelor PTA, Cub Scouts and as a Senior League The Mountainside Recreation Commission Checki ire payable to the Mountainside Hindrixon, Gall Edelmann, Cathy Irvjri, Leslie of economics and also attended the Graduate umpire in Mountainside, will start registration for a variety of activities Recreattoh Commission Red Sox, Indians, Keating, Gail Rabsitt and Karen Iven School of Business, New York University, at the PTA Fair at Deerfield School this Mrs.