Astronomy C10/L&S C70U Nicholas McConnell Stellar Cycles and Supernovae

Like many aspects of , formation and destruction is a cycle. form from of gas, remain stable for long periods of , and then expel gas back into , where it can later form new stars. Below are four stages in the life of a massive star. Describe what happens in each stage, and how is generated and used up.

Initial formation from a of gas Description:

Energy Source: Energy Released As:

Main Sequence lifetime Description:

Energy Source: Energy Released As:

Red Giant/Supergiant Phase Description:

Energy Source: Energy Released As:

Supernova Description:

Energy Source: Energy Released As:

What happens in low-mass stars (less than about 10 solar masses) instead of a ?

Here's a quick list of qualities that should test your knowledge of two different supernova types. Mark whether the qualities listed apply to Type Ia supernovae, Type II supernovae, or both. Try to keep in mind how these relate to the ways in which the two types above are physically different from one another.

Type Ia Type II Strong hydrogen lines in spectrum No hydrogen lines in spectrum Only occurs in a binary system

Requires a star more massive than 10*MSun Completely destroys the exploding star behind a or black hole Creates heavy elements (including stuff are made of) Almost always has a standard, predictable X

We haven't learned the last one yet, but it will be important later. Alex's research team has used this fact to show that the is expanding faster and faster, rather than slowing down as initially expected.

Supernovae are extraordinarily energetic events. This next exercise will allow us to compare the luminosity (energy output per second) of a bulb, the , all the stars in the Milky Way, and a typical supernova.

Light bulb vs. Sun: We know the formula for an object's : b = L / 4pd2 . This describes how much light we see, but the same concept can also describe how much energy we feel as . By this token, we can approximate that a light bulb is as "bright" as the Sun, when we stand close enough to it to feel the same amount of heat as we would feel from sunlight.

2 2 If this is true, then bbulb = bSun, so Lbulb / 4pdbulb = LSun / 4pdSun .

2 Or, (LSun / Lbulb ) = (dSun / dbulb ) .

There is a 100- light bulb at the front of the classroom. 1 Watt is one of energy released per second, so Lbulb = 100 J/s.

13 dSun is 1 A.U., or 1.5 x 10 cm. Our experiment will give us dbulb. Hold your hand out and approach the light bulb until its warmth feels about the same as sunlight. Then measure the distance from the bulb to your hand, in centimeters.

Now you have Lbulb, dbulb, and dSun. You can plug these values into the bold equation above and calculate the Sun's luminosity in J/s. Do it!

Sun vs Milky Way: Your answer above for LSun will depend on what distance you chose for dbulb. The actual value of LSun is about 1026 per second (!!!). Hopefully your answer was close (1024 - 1028 J/s mig