A regular meeting of the Fredericksburg City School Board was held at 6:30 p.m. on September 13, 2004 in the A-V Room of Elementary School, 2100 Cowan Boulevard. Board members present were:

Mrs. Janice R. Walsh, Chairman Mr. Anthony L. Bennett, Sr., Vice-Chairman Mr. Michael J. Gillenwater * Mrs. Patricia B. Green Mrs. Malvina R. Kay * Mrs. Barbara A. Miller-Richards

Others Present:

Mr. Dale E. Sander, Superintendent Mrs. Deborah B. Wright, Clerk of the Board

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by the Chairman.

* Mr. Gillenwater and Mrs. Kay arrived at 6:35 p.m.

04-05-45: BOARD CONVENES INTO CLOSED SESSION: RECONVENES INTO OPEN SESSION. The Superintendent recommended that the Board convene into closed session under FIA 2.2-3711(A), Section 1 - Personnel (discussion concerning salaries and new employee credentials) and Section 2 – Student Matters (discussion regarding student disciplinary matters). A motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation was made by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mrs. Green, and unanimously approved by a roll call vote. The Board convened in closed session at 6:33 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mrs. Green, and unanimously approved by a roll call vote, the Board reconvened in open session at 7:40 p.m. and approved Certificate of Closed Meeting No. 04-05-4 which involves a statement concerning items discussed in closed session. A copy of Certificate of Closed Meeting No.04- 05-4 is attached to the minutes.

04-05-46: APPROVAL OF AGENDA. The Chairman called for a motion to approve the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mrs. Green, and unanimously approved by the Board.

04-05-47: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 2004 SCHOOL BOARD WORK SESSION AND AUGUST 2, 2004 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. Minutes of the August 2, 2004 School Board Work Session and the August 2, 2004 Regular School Board meeting were presented for approval. A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mr. Gillenwater, and unanimously approved by the Board.

04-05-48: RECOGNITIONS. As part of the school division’s character education program, Board member Malvina Kay read a narrative description of the “Word of the Month” for September – Fairness. Mrs. Gail Stone, Director of Administration and Instruction, provided background information on the Employee Incentive Awards program and selection process. Recognition and monetary awards are presented to one teacher from each of the four school sites and to one support staff member from the school division. Mrs. Stone then introduced the following winners of the Employee Incentive Awards for 2004:

Stamo Poulos Support Staff Marcia Samuels-Fortune Original Walker-Grant School Anita W. Scott Hugh Mercer Elementary School Sarah S. Cook Walker-Grant Middle School George G. Cralle, Jr. James Monroe High School

Dr. Daryl Chesley, Principal of James Monroe High School, recognized the following students who have been selected as SCA Officers for the 2004-2005 school year:

Tameka Christopher President Briana Burns Vice-President Meredith Caldwell Secretary/Treasurer

Dr. Chesley also introduced the following Senior Class Officers for 2004-2005:

Shylan Bumbrey President Krysten Grymes (not present) Vice-President James Fortune (not present) Secretary/Treasurer

04-05-49: PUBLIC HEARING – FREDERICKSBURG CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SIX YEAR PLAN. The Chairman opened the public hearing portion of the meeting for comments on the Fredericksburg City Public Schools Six Year Plan. There being no citizens wishing to speak, the Chairman declared the public hearing portion of the meeting closed.

04-05-50: CONSENT AGENDA. The following items were included on the consent agenda:

• Contract with Cosmetology Training Center – A recommendation was made