Notes Upon Dancing Historical and Practical by C. Blasis
: / NOTES UPON DANCING, HISTORICAL AND PRACTICAL, BY C. BLASIS, BALLET MASTER TO THE ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT GARDEN ; FINISHING MASTER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF DANCING AT MILAN; AUTHOR OF A TREATISE ON DANCING, AND OTHER WORKS ON THEATRICAL ART, PUBLISHED IN ITALY, FRANCE, AND ENGLAND. FOLLOWED BY A HISTORY OF THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCING, AT MILAN, TO WHICH ARE ADDED BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF THE BLASIS FAMILY, INTERSPERSED WITH VARIOUS PASSAGES ON THEATRICAL ART. EDITED AND TRANSLATED, FROM THE ORIGINAL FRENCH AND ITALIAN, by R. BARTON. WITH ENGRAVINGS. ? - 4 . / E r -7 ' • . r ' lionJjon PUBLISHED BY M. DELAPORTE, 116, REGENT STREET, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1847. Digitized by Google M'OOWAN AND CO., GREAT WINDMILL STREET, HAYMAREET Digitized by Google Digitized by Google ; ADVERTISEMENT. (by tiik kditor.) It will be seen, that the principle object of this work is to place that part of the entertainment at the Lyric Theatres or Opera, called the Ballet, on a new basis. This, the eminent artiste, who is the author of this work, has already effected in his own country, where he is patronized and supported by the government, and is there undoubtedly the first in his profession, as he is perhaps in Europe. The true object of the Ballet appears to be the Beautiful in motion, supported by expressive and well-adapted music. This may be effected in two ways, by two classes of movements the one is quick, vehement and joyous, and is no other than Dancing—but the other class of motions is a far different tiling ; it is no less than a mute expression of feelings, passions, ideas, intentions, or any other sensations belonging to a reasonable being—this is properly termed Pantomime, and must also be sus- tained by music, which now becomes a kind of explanatory voice ; and while it greatly assists the Mime, when well adapted to the subject to be ex- pressed by his gestures, it produces upon the mind and feelings of the spectator an extraordinary effect.
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