Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Thursday, 27 November 2014] p9004d-9005a Mr Tony Krsticevic

CARINE JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB Statement by Member for Carine MR A. KRSTICEVIC (Carine) [12.58 pm]: Today I ask the house to recognise the Carine Junior Football Club. The Carine Junior Football Club is one of the largest and most-respected junior football clubs in the metropolitan area, operating as part of the district. It is based at Carine Open Space and has approximately 300 Auskickers. It has a further 14 teams ranging from year 4 to year 12. The club offers a great sporting opportunity for a large number of young people, and it does not take much to realise how much work it takes to coordinate a club of this size. The club relies heavily on the support of its parents, volunteers and supporters and has a strong experienced committee headed up by president, Mark Colthart. The hardworking crew includes Wayne O’Neill, Phil Cousins, Alan Thomas, Maree Pollard, Sheree Creed, Catherine O’Callaghan, Tarn Hede, Sean Connelly, Tom Flanagan, Gordon Bateup, Mike Harrison, Jane Pullinger, Kate Sugars, and Glenn Bourke. The club has a proud history and celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2010. The football program at Carine has been the breeding ground for many Australian Football League stars, including Guy McKenna, Darren Glass, Mark Nicoski, Ryan Nates and many others. Carine Junior Football Club believes that sports participation should be strongly encouraged, because it is vital to developing healthy bodies and minds. I wish to congratulate everyone at the Carine Junior Football Club for their continued hard work and wish them luck in their future endeavours. They deserve a round of applause for their outstanding commitment to the future of our grassroots sport and recreation. Sitting suspended from 1.00 to 2.00 pm
