Eaves/2%Wreinventor, BYG 1
Feb. 4, 1964 J. M. MCINTRE ETA 3,120,438 FAT-CONTAINING DRIED DAIRY PRODUCT AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE Filed Nov. 3, 1958 aouzdaeazoaz cow/7/WG 444cf/aaze? Zac/7Z/Waozo - /O-1 Zoe we //U- AGGG2a3477762M a 7/ws42 2e-W6 a -- - a Maz acazoe/27 A 26-. Z. /eaves/2%WreINVENTOR, BYG 1. 17 69/Wa4/ 3,120,438 United States Patent Office Patented Feb. 4, 1964 2 will be apparent to those skilled in the art upon perusal 3,120,438 of the following description and drawings wherein: FAT.CONTAINING DRIED DARY PRODUCT AND FIG. 1 is a flow sheet illustrating the method for man METHOD OF MANUEFACTURE Julius. M. McIntire, Wan Nuys, and Ching C. Loo, ufacturing this novel fat-containing dried dairy product. Sapulveda, Calif., assignors, by mesne assignments, to 5 FIG. 2 is a schematic view illustrating suitable appara Dairy Foods incorporated, Los Angeles, Calif., a cor tus for effecting the aggregation of the product. poration of California It is recognized that the emulsifying properties of leci Filed Nov. 3, 1958, Ser. No. 771,472 thin are well-known and that these emulsifying properties 1 Claim. (C. 99-56) have been responsible for its use in the past in connection O with dried dairy products so as to enhance the degree of The present invention relates generally to a process for wettability of these products. For example, in U.S. Patent manufacturing fat-containing dried dairy products, and No. 2,399,565, in the name of Gerald C. North and Alvin more specifically, to a process entailing the step of blend J.
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