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The BG News September 18, 1995

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Inside the News Sports

Opinion • Dan Gaffney discusses cruelty to animals 2 The Bowling Green football C^CimpUS* Expansion of Internet use discussed 4 team stomped Akron, 50-12. The team's record moved to State' Effects of contraceptive studied 5 2-1 on the season. Page 6 Nation • Sewer problems plague astronauts NEWS

Monday. September 18, 1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 83, Issue 12

Splish splash Board approves request Ribeau attends first meeting of Trustees Jay Young projects. Improvements for the phase one, is a very important The BG News Health Center, University, one," Bryan said. "The sense was Hanna and Moseley halls were that it is an awfully important The approval of a state-funded included in the plan. project." capital request summary high- Trustee David Bryan said an Ribeau began his first report to lighted President Sidney important priority is phase one of the Trustees by thanking them Ribeau's first Board of Trustees the network infrastructure for the chance he has been given meeting Friday. project. as president. The Trustees approved a "I think it was the sense of the "I would like to take this oppor- $19,596 state-funded capital committee that priority number request that included seven five, the network infrastructure See TRUSTEES, page si». Student voice appointed Jay Young A non-voting member of the they need to take the students' The BC News board, Bristol said he is looking view into account." forward to his two-year term on Bristol, who replaces Jodi Governor George Voinovich the Board. Chappell, said he has learned a has appointed a new student "I think it is going to supple- lot in his first few months on the Hidcki Kobayashi/I he BG Newt voice to the Bowling Green ment my education and add to my board. Board of Trustees. Jason Bristol, experience at Bowling Green," "I'm really enjoying the posi- Sophomore Stephanie Szabo rows her boat in the Mud Tug Philanthropy Saturday morning. The event a junior environmental policy was held at Peregrine Pond between Harshman and Kreischcr quadrangles. Bristol said. "My goal is to be an tion," Bristol said. "[The major, said he is honored to be asset to the board when they the new student trustee. have issues or question when See BRISTOL, page six. Marilyn makes way for looting

Kevin Galvin lief flights. A quarter of the people. lost their facades, gaping open The Associated Press houses on the island were des- Six people were killed on St. like dolls' houses. FEMA at first uoyed, and nearly all the others Thomas, home to 51,000 people. said half the island's houses were CHARLOTTE AMALIE, V.S. damaged. On St. Croix, the most populous destroyed, but later said a quar- Virgin Islands - The yachts that In Charlotte Amalie, capital of of the Virgin Islands with 55,000 ter were destroyed and another used to be in the marina are on the U.S. Virgin Islands, hundreds people, two people died. One per- 75 percent damaged. the highway. The red roofs of of people looted stores at a son was killed in Puerto Rico. Marilyn blew out the windows houses are strewn on the ground. waterfront shopping center. No President Clinton declared the of St. Thomas' hospital and The duty-free shops where tou- policemen were in sight. U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto flooded it, making it virtually rists used to look for bargains are "These are all odd shoes, man," Rico disaster areas, making them unusable. Doctors were trying to filled with looters. said a young man at a Foot eligible for federal emergency care for 49 patients, including Hurricane Marilyn has moved Locker store. "I can't find some- aid. nine critically injured in the on from St. Thomas, but the Car- thing that fits." Seven military transport storm and four on life-support ibbean island that it left behind The hurricane, the fourth to hit planes landed Sunday on St. units with erratic generator was a changed place Sunday. the Caribbean in as many weeks, Thomas with the first relief sup- power, said Dr. Manuel Guzman. The Associated Pieil Electricity, water and phones tore through the Virgin Islands plies for island residents - plas- Eight patients were evacuated The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Point Ledge is seen atop a sea wall were out. Air traffic controllers, and eastern Puerto Rico on Sat- tic sheeting, water, telephone Sunday, all by helicopter because In St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Sunday. The ship as well as several the windows of their tower blown urday, blowing apart homes, equipment, emergency medical debris blocked the road to the other yachts and boats on the island were tossed onto land by out by 100-mph winds, used bino- tossing parked airplanes into the supplies. airport. Tin sheets from roofs Hurricane Marilyn, Saturday. culars and radios to guide in re- air and killing as many as nine In St. Thomas, many buildings lined the highway. UN extends Serb Audience decides withdrawal time to keep swimsuit The Associated Press ing the Bosnian capital. The second 72-hour period contest in pageant SARAJEVO, Bosnia- ends at 10 p.m. (4 p.m. EDT) Herzegovina ~ NATO and the on Wednesday. United Nations on Sunday Hours before the extension, gave the Bosnian Serbs an U.S. Defense Secretary Wil- receives birthday extra 72 hours to remove liam Perry said Bosnian Serbs heavy weapons around Sar- had picked up the pace of surprise, crowned ajevo. withdrawal. Western commanders ex- Perry, speaking to reporters in 75th anniversary of ceremony tended a deadline of 10 p.m. (4 in the former Yugoslav repub- "I'd like to take the opportunity p.m. EDT) Sunday evening, lic of Slovenia, said NATO The Associated Press to tell everyone in the United saying the Serbs showed "ini- warned the Serbs late Satur- ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Miss States, thank you so much for tial compliance" with de- day that they were moving too Oklahoma Shawntel Smith got coming together in a time of need mands to pull the artillery and slowly. other heavy weapons back at "Today, some escalation the birthday present many young in my state. We received so much girls only dream about Saturday: least 12 1/2 miles from Sar- has, in fact, occurred," Perry support and so many prayers She was crowned Miss America. from other people around the na- ajevo. said. U.N. and NATO generals "Therefore, we agreed that But she had to share her party. tion," Smith said. would be deciding later Sun- Swimsuits took center stage as the suspension of the air- day whether to extend the Miss Oregon Emily John Orton strikes be extended for an ad- viewers voted overwhelmingly to was first-runner up, followed by deadline, he said. retain the controversial swimsuit ditional 72 hours," said a "I expect, and certainly Miss Arkansas Paula Gaye competition, in keeping with 75 statement by NATO com- hope, that they will be able to Montgomery, Miss California mander Adm. Leighton Smith continue the suspension of the years of pageant history. Tiffany Stoker, and Miss Illinois Smith blew kisses to the crowd, and U.N. commander Lt. Gen. bombing," Perry sa*d. Tracy Hayes. Bernard Janvier of France. AP reporter Jovana Gee, on mouthed thanks to the judges and Most of this year's contestants blinked back tears after her "It is our common judgment a tour organized by Bosnian said they supported the swimsuit AP Photo/Tim Cotlcllo that the Bosnian Serbs have Serb officials, saw about 60 name was announced. "I don't be- competition. Opponents included Miss America Shawntel Smith continues the traditional photo shown a substantial start pieces of heavy weaponry lieve this," she appeared to say the outgoing Miss America. session by leaping Into the air Sunday, the morning after she was towards withdrawing their near the edge of the 12 before pin- "If you're competing for a crowned Miss America. Smith continued the tradition under ad- ned the crown on her shimmer- heavy weapons beyond the li- 1/2-mile zone, heading away scholarship and a job to become a verse driving winds and rain. mits of the exclusion zone," from Sarajevo. ing red hair. Then she took a vic- spokesperson for your platform, the statement said. The convoys - one heading tory walk down the runway in a you should be judged on your ing that the tradition helps show University. It didn't say how many south and one heading west - beaded white gown. heart and mind and how you han- off contestants' physical fitness. In the talent competition, she weapons the Serbs withdrew d included tanks, howitzers, "I could not have gotten a bet- dle yourself, not on how you wear The 10 finalists donned red sang "Woman in the Moon." by the 10 p.m. deadline Sunday mortars, multibarrel rocket ter birthday present than this," swimsuits," Whitestone, the first swimsuits for their barefoot walk The others in the top 10 were night, but Bosnian govern- launchers, anti-aircraft guns she said later. deaf Miss America, said Friday. down the runway. Miss Alabama Leigh Sherer, ment radio put the figure at and ammunition. She said her victory would Smith was pro-swimsuit. Smith, who turned 24 Saturday, Miss Mississippi Monica about ISO. The Serbs were "I feel like crying," a Bos- mean much to Oklahomans still "Personally, I feel the suit is was the first woman in her fami- Louwerens, Miss New York He- thought to have had around nian Serb soldier yelled from recovering from the April 19 modest enough that I don't think ly to graduate from college. She len Goldsby, Miss Kansas Amy 300 heavy weapons surround- atop a departing tank. bombing of the federal building I'm compromising any of my be- earned a business administration Beth Keller and Miss Massa- in Oklahoma City. liefs or values," said Smith, add- degree from Northeastern State chusetts Marcia Turner. Opinion The BG News page two Monday, September 18,1995 Animals deserve benefits The BG News paid for with a sin tax, the idea of some unnecessary govern- Despite the fact that deer are ex- sales taxes to transportation tremely quick animals, they are taxes to foreign tariffs. And why, being that smokers and drinkers ment programs, we wouldn't "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence" no match for my Mercury Sable. you may ask, do we pay all these would a.) pay for the stadium, have to bring in more tax You see, last year I had my hunt- taxes? The answer is simple: the and b.) be discouraged from money." This is true, but there ing license revoked (as if I was government spends more than it drinking and smoking. It didn't are some projects that we can't Leah Barnum Jim Vickers the first person in history to for- earns. really work, but stupid people just cut. editor-in-chief managing editor get I was in a public zoo), but This, however, is not the end of might be more receptive if we However, there are a lot of they let me keep my driver's li- the world. It is the end of Wis- made the taxes outrageous. things we can do without. For ex- cense - oh, come on, take a consin, considering it will be the Let's take infomercials, for ex- ample, the program for Studying Dawn Keller Larry Hannan joke'Vm not being serious! I first state sold to Canada in an ample. I don't know about you, Snowflakes To Make Sure No news editor assistant managing edito drive a Mustang! effort to raise money, but most but I've seen the stupidest things Two Are The Same could proba- people really won't be able to tell in my life on Channel 36 at three bly be cut, along with the Anyway, I did hit a deer this the difference. Both places are in the morning: National Center For The Study Aaron Gray Robin Coe weekend. Unfortunately, it was cold, sparsely populated and be- Of Overweight, Blind But Sexual- while I was rollerblading, so I CHEERY MALE HOST WEAR- ly Active Hamsters And Their city editor editorial editor sustained most of the injuries, ING GAUDY SWEATER: Hi Effect On The Ozone. including a big antler-gash in my there, folks, and welcome back to left butt cheek. Needless to say, "I'm Bald and Desperate, I'll Do One program that we should words were exchanged, fists DanS. Anything to Cover My Scalp, I'll never cut is the Search. The were thrown, and I learned Even Duct Tape a Kitten to My Search is a top secret govern- firsthand that deer know how to (laffney Head," the show where we show ment program where we have Women's issues give a really mean noogie. After YOU how to look like a dork. been sending old reruns of Star- a while, though, I realized you sky and Hutch out into space, the can't give a wedgie to a woodland EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE theory being that if there are aliens floating around out there, animal that doesn't wear pants, sides, most high school seniors FEMALE HOST WEARING A still unresolved so I offered to buy him a beer and REALLY SHORT SKIRT IN OR- by God, they probably like a good that was that. have never even heard of Wis- car chase just as much as we do. consin. Canada, however, will DER TO ATTRACT LOSERS TO When the United Nations announced Beijing as the THE SHOW: Urn, yes! We originally sent out old Jerry location of the Fourth World Conference of Women I started thinking, though, how have a real football team, plus Lewis movies, but we got a mess- cheese out the wazoo. CHEERY MALE: Well, guys, many were appalled, wondering how a country with such rough life can be for your aver- life can be pretty hard, and when sage back saying, "Knock that a poor record of women's rights could be chosen to host age animal, considering the fact your hair falls out in clumps, it crap off, or it's Shake-n-Bake for that they have no say in our Seriously, though, we do need Earth," so that was that. the event. to revise our tax system. Right downright sucks! Next, sides were drawn on the issue of whether or not government. After a few more E.A. FEMALE: Uh. sure! now, our taxes don't really have I hope the aliens DO come Hillary Clinton should travel to Beijing to represent the Flaming Taxis (a drink made CHEERY MALE: Well, thanks with Hershey's chocolate, apple any immediate effects that can down to visit us here on planet United States at the conference or boycott the event. be appreciated, other than it's to Moron Industries, we can help Earth. Maybe they have a mira- juice and a/ot of cough syrup), I you. Frank, come on out! (At this Many called for a boycott not only because of China's just less money stupid people cle drug. Maybe they have safe, realized that animals don't point, a man comes on camera poor history of rights for women but also due to the im- WANT to be involved in govern- have to spend on Limited Edition plentiful electricity. Or maybe prisonment of United States citizen and human rights Plates from the Franklin Mint with what appears to be Velcro ment, due to the fact that they on his head.) they're deer, in which case I'll critic Harry Wu, who was released before Clinton con- don't have to pay any taxes. showing the first episode need a bigger car. firmed her participation in the conference. ofWebster: "Dick Butkus Takes Webster Into The Men's Locker I think that if we taxed every- That made me think about how Room For The First Time." body who bought whatever prod- Dan Gaffney, a vegetarian- The News believes that it was important for Clinton to many taxes we pay already, and uct these people are selling, we wanna-be, killed and ate a squir- attend the conference on behalf of the United States. how unfair the system can be. Speaking of stupid, why c'.on't could solve the deficit problem rel right smack dab in the front of More than 180 countries were represented at the confer- Almost everything we buy today we start taxing stupid people? within a matter of months. "But the Union Friday. Now is that ence and Clinton's presence was an unmistakable state- has a ton of taxes on it, from Jacobs Field in Cleveland was Dan," you say, "if we just got rid crazy or what? ment of where the United States stands on womens' rights. However, now that the conference has drawn to a ^fcJwandBWshoHO by ~bW -SU.W close, what actually has been accomplished remains to BAC£ III fH£ SbLLdfflA, 0(L HW HtRt'S PR. JOSH MftAO Heft tffasuMtiff&Lm "N OH, AMD IF YOU OfiRHeD HOB/JV be seen. WHAT'S LEFT OF IT... TO TALK TO V0U ABOUT OUfi. RAIttT muMStZ Vltti R)5SlBl£ sfyDfAITS Guio Keef YOUIL STuPewT HdAlTH Sei?V/C65! U. WSTA*£, WtitDFWUWIHC HA«05 OFF QV£ MSTHtlL LONG Less than one-fifth of the conference's Platform for wrwsHMwa mnpsmu. ee ueu. eM)U6H TO m ?e.0TeCHM,i'0 Action remained under debate when the conference GWS> Foft Ml THe Kftatf CCtiW. 66 A HUCH HAPPtef?. pefooM. ended Friday. Although this may sound positive, when it is picked apart issue by issue, the results are less im- pressive. Issues such as bride burning, female infanticide, rape and economic distribution were overwelmingly con- 'MS u)UP K»«e^ demned by delegates. Although it is important that these 6tt» uafst UL very real issues were addressed, it seemed evident that (0>LQ HHt 60U6 most delegates in attendance would oppose them while TO KWSWt more controversial issues such as reproductive rights, gay rights and sex education made up the one-fifth of the platform that remained under debate when the confer- ence closed Friday. Furthermore, even though conference delegates were Television corrodes society in agreement on most of the womens' rights issues, no Kill your television has a very one-dimensional per- The networks, in their eternal job of pretending that their ser- plan was discussed to find a way to end these unfavora- •Ned's Atomic Dustbin sonality. quest for green slips of paper, vices are free to the public. ble practices. Television could be very useful have divied up the pigskin pie, so However, anyone who buys any- I am very dismayed by the if you wanted to adopt the morals that a maximum of two games thing advertised on television In the end, womens' rights can not be guaranteed on a large numbers of people, both on and values of the "average" are broadcast at a time. Of pays, in the form of prices that campus and in the real world, American. While you're at it, you course, the Bills-Panthers are jacked up by inflated TV ad- global scale. Conferences are important to draw atten- who mindlessly sit in front of the could move into the suburbs and contest wasn't one of them. As a vertising costs. tion to what is currently wrong and although a concensus glowing shrine that is television. have 2.5 kids. In the real world, result, I had to rely on the occa- While watching the aforemen- may be reached, it cannot be enforced. That's not to say that television no one is average, and therefore, sional updates that were oh-so- tioned football game, waiting for is all bad, but any good things in attempting to portray everone, graciously provided. the scores to briefly flash across It takes the efforts of individual countries to make a that come out of it are over- television portrays no one. Sure, I could get a real choice - the screen, I noticed that the difference in womens' rights on a global scale. But whelmed by the avalanche of ill and watch the Bills every Sunday broadcast was being sponsered within each country, it's up individuals to take a stand effects that sprout from your Guest Columnist - by buying cable or one of those by Windows '95. Everybody and make a difference. screen. If the entire nation was to nifty little satellite dishes, but knows what Windows '95 is ~ it's stop watching television, this for some reason I am loath to the the most hyped computer prod- country would become more in- idea of plunking down a semes- uct ever. Hype is expensive, and Copyright © 1995 by The BG News. Reprinting of any matieral in telligent, freer, more prosperous Mike ter's tuition just so I can get 243 television advertising is a big this publication without the permission of the BG News is strictly pro- and perhaps, even more just. channels with nothing on. reason why you see Windows '95 To start analyzing the bad ef- yyendling "on sale" for $89.95 instead of the hibited. $20 it might be worth. The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 ant;1 fects of television, let's start with the most popular - also the most "Some people may Some people may claim that is published daily during the academic year and Wednesday's in the mind numbing - shows: sitcoms. While on the topic of conform- claim that television television is informative. These summer. One half hour of falsehoods, con- ity: why is it that MTV never people point toward news shows. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student formity and moronic laugh shows any fat or ugly people? is informative. These Well, there are just about three body, faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in tracks. The most obvious weak- Whole generations are growing people point toward shows on network television that columns, cartoons and etters are not necessarily those of The BG News. ness of these shows is that an en- up self conscious and with low cover world events, again de- Letters intended for publication must be 200-300 words long, typed tire plot takes place in this ex- self-esteem, and TV is a big part news shows. Well, monstrating lack of choice. Dan, and include the writer's name, phone number and University affiliation. tremely short time. Problems are of the problem. there are just about Tom and Peter are all old white if any. The BG News reserves the right to edit any and all letters. always resolved by the time the At the same time, these atti- guys, and they all say pretty credits roll, and everyone lives tudes make us reject anything three shows on much the same things, for the The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors same amount of time. in stories or photograph descriptions. happily ever after - until next that isn't beautiful - according to network television week. TV standards. No matter how In comparison, an average Network executives will tell hard we try, we can't all look like that cover world newspaper, biases aside, is a The BG News Staff you that we, the unclean masses, Daisy Fuentes. events, again much more flexible and informa- cannot pay attention for more The basic concept of MTV is demonstrating lack tive medium. You can read as photography editor Kelly Rigo than 30 minutes. But, if this is bogus. While listening to music, much or as little as you want, and co-sports editor Scott Brown true, perhaps it Is caused by you can form images in your of choice. Dan, Tom the comics don't come with laugh co-sports editor Patrick Muiphy having television shows that last mind. MTV forms them for you. and Peter are all old tracks. assistant sports editor Christian Pelusi one half hour. When was the last In essence, television is replac- Television is geared towards the lowest common denominator Joe Boyle time a prlmetime series was ing your mind. An interesting white guys, and they assistant city editor - the most intelligent network graphics editor Rochelle Slosser aired where each episode lasted prospect, to say the least. all say pretty much two hours long? Now, I must admit, I do watch TV shows use about a seventh Weekend Reality editor Melissa Lipowski the same things, for grade vocabulary. In other Weekend Reality assistant editor Aaron Eppte These same sitcoms perpetu- TV once in a while, usually to ate stereotypes and myths preva- remind myself of how stupid it the same amount of words, they hope to snare all of copy chief Kristin Stadum the idiots, and most of the smart- speical projects editor Amy Johnson lent In our society. Conformity is really is. Last Sunday, for In- stance, I turned on the boob tube, time." er people. assistant special projects editor Jim Barker the norm, with little variation from the standard, trivial prob- hoping to watch my hometown Don't be fooled. Kill your tele- 204 West Hall lems of the "average" American Buffalo Bills maul the Carolina I can hear people saying "You vision. family. Sure, there might be Panthers. It was not nearly .s g :t what you pay for," but again, Mike Wendling is a guest col- Bowling Green State University single mothers, or minorities, but simple as pressing the "on" but- this isn't quite the case. Televi- umnist for The News. Comments Bowling Green, OH 43403-0726 if you look closely each character ton, however. sion executives have done a good and responses can be directed to [email protected] 210 West Hall.

\ The BG News Monday, September 18, 1995 page three

NATIONAL Weather The AccuWeather*forecast tor noon. Monday, Sept. 18. Bug Ball

1 Campus Lmes separate r»

Library offers tick- ets to the stars The Wood County District Public Library is inviting families to the B.G.S.U. Planetarium for a multi- cot/) tv*H« tmnoNM O 19SS *cr-■■. 7:00 p.m. The audience will dis- cover constellations in the night sky as a "grandfath- erly character teaches his grandchildren the star pat- The Rock Hill Herald/Travis Bell terns and the stories about Woody Funderburk, 16, of Rock Hill, S.C., cleans the tires of his 1973 soccer ball painted Volkswagen them." after washing it. Funderburk says he fell asleep in an eighth grade history class and had a dream The program includes about driving a car like the one pictured. narration, music slides and other visuals, as well as the planetarium starfield. Free tickets for the program Dahmer's brain to be to shift Dortraits off center. are made to turn wavy when cop- boys. Many of the slayings in- Judge Daniel George has ied improperly. must be obtained for admis- preserved for study volved cannibalism and homo- scheduled a Circuit Court hear- An enlarged portrait of Benja- sion to the planetarium and MILWAUKEE-Jeffrey L. sexuality. ing Oct. 3 in Portage on disposi- min Franklin will be moved to the Akron rapist confesses can be picked up in the Dahmer's brain will remain Flint said she considered run- tion of the brain. left on the $100 bill, making room AKRON, Ohio - A man has Childrens Room of the li- available for possible research ning a death notice in the Fresno "Jeff always said that, if he for a new watermark engraving. been arrested as a suspect in a brary. after his remains are cremated Bee about the cremation but did could be of any help, he wanted to The watermark portrait, visible series of rapes committed mainly Questions regarding the Sunday, the serial killer's mother not want to attract publicity that do whatever he could," Flint said when the bill is held up to the in one of this city's neighbor- planetarium show and loca- said Saturday. might offend relatives of "those concerning research into his be- light, is one of several new secu- hoods. tion and parking informa- Joyce Flint of Fresno, Calif., children," referring to her son's havior. rity features. David A. Bellomy, a 34-year-old tion can be directed to the declined in a Milwaukee Journal victims. New currency will Officials said the watermark is metal worker, confessed to 14 Childrens Room at Sentinel interview to identify the Then, deciding the cremation extremely difficult to duplicate. rapes, two attempted rapes and a 352-5104. funeral home which was assigned would become public knowledge thwart counterfeiters Eventually, there will be simi- burglary, Akron detectives said to handle the cremation. anyway, she said, she agreed to WASHINGTON -- American lar redesigns for the portraits on Saturday. Fiction Reading Dahmer died Nov. 28 in the an interview. currency is about to get a face nearly all smaller denominations Bellomy also confessed to an Anne Finger, an award Columbia state prison at Portage. "I'm not even certain I have the lift, a high-tech overhaul to - Ulysses S. Grant on the $50 bill, Akron Beacon Journal reporter winning author, will be He and another convicted mur- right to say to the families that I thwart counterfeiters that will Andrew Jackson on the $20, in a telephone interview from the reading from her novel derer from Milwaukee, busi- grieve for their sons," she said, have holders of greenbacks see- Alexander Hamilton on the $10, Summit County Jail, the news- "Bone Truth," and other nessman Jesse Anderson, were "but I do, just as I mourn my own ing double. Abraham Lincoln on the $5, and, paper reported Sunday. works at 8:00 p.m. Friday beaten to death by an Inmate us- son." Two portraits of an American of course, George Washington on "I did this. I wish I could night in Prout Chapel. ing a metal bar from gymnasium She said she has filed a wrong- historical figure will be on each the$l. change it, but I can't," Bellomy equipment. ful-death suit concerning her bill, but you'il have to hold the bill The exception could be the $2 told the newspaper. "If there was Finger's previous works Dahmer's remains have been in son's slaying by inmate Chris- up to the light to see one of them. bill, which bears the likeness of a God, I prayed to him hundreds include "Past Due: a Story custody of a medical examiner topher Scarver because It will be the first distinct new Thomas Jefferson. No decision of times so I could stop. But no of Disability, Pregnancy while Flint and her ex-husband, "someone needed to take a stand look for U.S. paper money in 66 has been made on whether to matter how hard I tried to stop, I and Birth," published by Lionel Dahmer of suburban Ak- and say that it was wrong to kill years. alter the largely commemorative couldn't. I'm glad it's over." Seal Press and a collection ron, Ohio, discussed what to do him. It's wrong to kill anyone." The changeover will begin bill. The arrest came after police of short stories titled "Basic with the brain tissue. Should the civil suit result in a early next year with the $100 bill, Treasurer Mary Ellen Withro w renewed an investigation begun Skills. She wanted it preserved for reward, the money would be giv- a favorite of forgers. Existing has said borders on the new bills when a rapist struck in 1981 in In 1988 Fingers received research. He wanted all the re- en to families of Dahmer's vic- bills will remain in circulation. will be simplified, with geometric the Goodyear Heights area. the Southern Re- mains cremated. They chose at tims, she said. "We have an interest in designs replaced by an assort- Bellomy was under surveil- view/Louisiana State Uni- last to have the body cremated to She sympathizes with suits protecting the integrity of our ment of lines and dots that are in- lance, and it was decided to stop versity short fiction award avoid storage fees, she said. they have filed, seeking a court currency," said Treasury Under tended to foil counterfeiters. him on a traffic offense Friday for the best short stories Dahmer, a chocolate factory auction of Dahmer's belongings. Secretary John Hawke Jr. "As Also, color-shifting ink will be night, take him into custody and collection published in 1988. employee, was arrested in Mil- "In our society, the only lawful technology develops the potential used so that the greenback will present him with the evidence. She also won the Associated waukee after police found body way for retribution is money," for more sophisticated counter- take on a different hue when He was to be arraigned at 9 Press Writing Programs A- parts in his apartment. she said. "We live in an abso- feiting, it gives us increasing viewed from an angle. And a.m. Monday in Akron Municipal ward for Short Fiction in He was sentenced to life in lutely crazy society. I understand cause for concern." government printers may use Court, Detective Bill Laughlin 1987. prison in 1992, having admitted that this is the only way for them The most visible change will be computer-designed patterns that said Sunday. the deaths of 17 young men and to vent their anger."


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mtni— Live Die get in touch with State Farm. Ever Never Our career opportunities are many and varied for qualified grads. If you're selected, you'll enjoy the advantages of working with a respected leader in the insurance industry. Expert training. State- of-the-art equipment. Excellent pay and benefits. Plenty of room to grow. And you'll enjoy Bloomington, Illinois, too. It's a thriving community with the social, cultural and recreational activities afforded by two universities. Contact your Placement Director, or write Mary Holman, Assistant Director Home Office Personnel Relations, One State Farm Plaza, Bloomington, Illinois 61710. Sllte Faim Insurance Companies • Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois • An Equal Opportunity Employer Phi Kappa Psi Campus The BG News page four Monday, September 18, 1995 Party school bans booze Panelists 'surf the nef Klopfenstein said the Internet "This gives customized deliv- not and we cannot hide from Marco Buscaglla force it?" asks Dawn Salerno, a Speaker series is a genuine media revolution ery of information to the audi- College Press Service junior at the school. "If they that reality any longer." through which people can com- ence because they can access think they're going to have Students who break the poli- begins with talk municate with one another and what they want to see." she said. KINGSTON, R.I. - Booze has cops at every party, they better cy will be punished with a $50 gain access to information. McEwen said the Wood County been banned from the Univer- hire a lot of cops." fine the first time and a $100 on Internet uses, "What is not on the Internet Internet Council was formed in sity of Rhode Island, a school Carothers announced the fine the second. A third infrac- and World Wide Web?," he asked. March. The all-volunteer organi- which has taken top honors in plan on the first day of classes, tion will result in a two semes- cyberspace tour "There is a lot of information out zation came together to provide the past as the nation's top banning liquor from the ter suspension. Genell Pavellch there to access." inexpensive access to the In- party school. school's infamous fraternity The BC News Gorant said use of the Internet ternet for residents through a Robert Carothers, the and tailgate parties. Despite the ban at school ac- is growing at 40 percent a year. county-wide network called the tivities, URI students will still school's president, has banned "Binging with alcohol has The University's fall "Break- "Nothing in the media world is Wood County Free-Net. alcohol at all school events. But reached alarming proportions, be able to stash their beer growing at the rate Internet ac- The Free-Net will be opened under their bed as the new pol- fast in BG" speaker series kicked URI students aren't sure he'll here and around the country," off Friday morning in Olscamp cess and information is," he said. Oct. 15 and local residents can pull it off. said Carothers when announc- icy still allows students over 21 He also said by the year 2000, subscribe for $30. Information to drink. Hall with a panel discussing the "How are they going to en- ing the new policy. "We should Internet and its different uses. 50 percent of households will about the different communities The program, "Getting on the have computers and more than in Wood County, schedules of Net: A Guided Tour of Cybers- half of those households will be events and job openings will be pace" included panelists Nick on-line electronically. accessible through the system. Gorant, coordinator of computer Gorant also said many busi- There will also be an electronic services at WBGU-TV; Deborah nesses are going on-line because yellow pages with local busi- Sigmfl Phi Epsilom McLaughlin, associate director it is another marketing tool. One nesses listed. of public relations; and Scott third of the 5 million people using "This will definitely make a McEwen, president of the Wood Internet have bought something difference in how people in Wood County Internet Council. The on-line, he said. County communicate," McEwen program's moderator was Bruce McLaughlin, who is also coor- said. JUST DO IT! Klopfenstein, chairman of the dinator of the University's World The "Breakfast in BG" speaker telecommunications department. Wide Web site, said there are series is open to the public and is Using state of the art technolo- many pages of information sponsored by the University's of- gy, the panelists demonstrated brought to the Web including in- fice of University Relations. The how to access different Internet formation about the University cost of the breakfast is $6 and RUSH # I sites for the 250 people attend- and its different departments, as reservations must be made ahead ing. well as calendars of events. of time. f&*AltbiWaX*m<»4WA'*4WtiWAW$»Al

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m*1 ■ Tuesday, September 19,1995 11a.m. to 6 p.m. ERCHANTu FAIR Lenhorf Grand Dallroom BOWLING GREEN University Union

BG merchants and businesses will be selling apparel, office supplies, household accessories, services, and much, much more. Exhibitors will have coupons, drawings, samples, giveaways, and other promotional items! 1 Grand Prize Drawing: $500 SHOPPING SPREE WITH DOWNTOWN DG MERCHANTS drawings for book gift certificate, tailgate party, other merchandise and gift certificates Grand prizes hove o combined value of more man $ 1,000 am? > OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sponsored by the Dowling Green Chamber of Commerce, DG New, Dowling Green Store University, and the Downtown Dusiness Association. 1 The BG News Monday, September 18, 1995 page five Norplant questioned Reforms hit hospitals ings is likely to cause reduc- restrict patients' access to ser- Study targets implant's effects on teenagers Conceptions tions in staffing and services, vices. or even close some hospitals, "I think it is going to cause a number of problems," spokes- The Associated Press She declined to be more specif- But she expressed no doubts for Medicare said Mary Yost, a spokeswo- woman Carol Mullinax said. ic. "We haven't announced the about Norplant's safety or effec- man for the association. CLEVELAND -- Five years details to the public yet, and we'- tiveness. to cost Ohio The shortfall between the ac- Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Cincin- after the government approved re not prepared to," she told the "The company can have any tual cost of serving Medicare nati, who during his campaign the contraceptive Norplant, the newspaper. concern they want, but at the caregivers patients and reimbursement last year vowed to oppose Med- distributor has started an inquiry She characterized the study as FDA, looking at this, we felt - through Medicare was $259 icare cuts, pointed out that Re- into the drug's long-term effects, "commonplace" within the t and still feel ~ the information The Associated Press million for Ohio hospitals in publicans do not want to cut The Plain Dealer reported Sun- pharmaceutical industry. is compatible ... with a favorable 1993, the organization told The Medicare in absolute terms, day. risk-benefit ratio," she said. CINCINNATI - Republican Cincinnati Enquirer for a story just slow the growth in spend- A telephone call was placed published Sunday. Researchers at Wyeth-Ayerst Sunday to Wyeth-Ayerst's Rad- Norplant consists of six small proposals to reform Medicare ing. Laboratories asked for the study capsules that are surgically im- will cost Ohio hospitals about The Ohio State Medical As- Chabot said he has developed nor, Pa, offices. A security offi- $9 billion over the next seven because of a lack of information, cer there said no one would be planted under the skin of the up- sociation said Medicare reform a list of Medicare "principles" especially about the implant's ef- per arm to provide five years of years, the Ohio Hospital Asso- as currently planned could in- that he says will guide him in available to answer questions ciation said. fects on teenagers, the news- continuous birth control. Nearly crease the number of doctors the upcoming debate about re- about the story until Monday. Hitting on hospitals for sav- paper said, quoting corporate Lisa Rarick, a U.S. Food and 1 million American women have who opt out of Medicare and form of the insurance plan. documents. Drug Administration official who used it since 1991. The company wants to track recommended approving Nor- But more than 200 lawsuits re- many side effects, including plant in 1990, declined to discuss garding Norplant have been r headaches, hypertension, bone what, if anything, the FDA knew filed. Allegations include inade- loss, immune system disorders about the study. She cited prom- quate warnings of such potential "fS5f Good Morning, Commuters!* "tfsSx and irregular vaginal bleeding. ises to keep commercial informa- side effects as vaginal bleeding, tion secret. headaches, nausea, dizziness and ATTENTION ALL COMMUTERS! Join us each Wednesday morning from 8:00-10:00a.m. in the Bowl Margaret Weber, Wyeth- She acknowledged that "the nervousness. Also, only trained 'N-Greenery for a cup of coffee or tea and a cinnamon roll (while supplies last.) Come meet Ayerst's director of clinical de- pivotal trials we reviewed did not doctors can remove Norplant, representatives from assorted offices and organizations to learn more about the services available to velopment, confirmed the include teens," and she recalled and some women contend their you. Mark these dates on your calendar and plan to attend: study's existence. She said it was being concerned about possible removals were botched. "a way of enhancing our know- "differences in reporting of side September 6th Bursar's Office and Financial Aid & Student Employment ledge of a product, for looking at effects" between foreign and Last month, the FDA said the real world use." U.S. women. contraceptive is safe. September 13th Offices of Student Life and Multicultural Affairs September 20th Campus Police and Recreational Sports 1st Annual September 27th Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate Student Senate mm Voted Best Pizza Beer Olympics! October 4th WBGU-TV and the Counseling Center October 11th Student Activities and the Campus Escort Service :PF OUR. ~ pisnNcuos

new TALENT Senior portraits now being taken Schedule your appointment now by calling Carl Wolf Studio at 1-800-969-1338. Photos will be taken in the KEY office, 28 West Hall, M-F, 10 a.m.-l p.m.; 2 p.m.- 6 p.m. 1 Nation '=: The BG News page six Monday, September 18, 1995 Prosecution presents last witness Clogged sewer Simpson's defense examines new information concerning misconduct LOS ANGELES - With the prosecution case, Southwestern a suspect at that time. They have Last summer, the preliminary irks astronauts prosecution's last scheduled wit- University law professor Robert said they went to Simpson's home hearing judge upheld the search. ness on the stand, O.J. Simpson's Pugsley said. to tell him his former wife was Superior Court Judge Lance Ito, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - A clogged shuttle sewer had En- defense is looking for a big fin- A prosecution spokeswoman dead and to make arrangements the trial judge, last year chas- deavour's astronauts "working like dogs" Sunday as their trou- ish, something to knock the jury said the search issue should for custody of the couple's chil- tised Vannatter for reckless dis- ble-filled mission drew to a smelly close. on its heels and erase the impact cause "only a minimal delay in dren. regard for the truth in obtaining Instead of relaxing and taking their time packing for Mon- of a strong prosecution rebuttal. the proceedings." Vannatter and Fuhrman also a warrant for a subsequent day's trip home, the astronauts found themselves draining urine Something, perhaps, to remind The search at Simpson's Bren- said they feared ether victims search of Simpson's property. and other waste water from a storage tank into a smaller emer- jurors of former Detective Mark twood estate the morning his ex- might be dead or in danger on But Ito has upheld all of the sear- gency container. Fuhrman. wife and her friend were found Simpson's property, justifying a ches. "The phrase 'working like dogs' has taken on an entirely new Defense attorneys spent the slain two miles away has been decision to have Fuhrman scale a In a statement late last week, meaning for us," space shuttle commander David Walker said. weekend interviewing a disaffec- one of the case's thorniest issues, wall to gain entry without a district attorney's spokeswoman Long before their flight began 11 days ago, Endeavour's five ted FBI agent about his allega- Vannatter reportedly told a search warrant. Suzanne Childs said prosecutors astronauts nicknamed themselves the Dog Crew to relieve the tions against a witness and exa- witness in another case that After they entered, Fuhrman had just learned of information tension and have some fun. It's a good thing: They had to con- mining new information about when authorities went to the es- has testified, he came upon a "that may pertain to previously tend with numerous equipment problems in orbit, most notably possible misconduct by a lead tate June 13, 1994. hours after the bloody glove on a pathway be- litigated search and seizure is- a pair of balky science satellites. police detective. murders, they already con- hind the house - a key piece of sues in the Simpson case." If true, .the allegations against sidered Simpson a suspect. evidence which the defense in- Detective Philip Vannatter - in- But Vannatter, Fuhrman and sists was planted to frame Simp- "An inquiry was immediately TRUSTEES volving a search of Simpson's es- other detectives have testified son. conducted, and, in an abundance tate - could endanger the entire under oath that Simpson was not A finding that the search was of caution, our office promptly Continued from page one. brought the matter to the atten- illegal could have eliminated all tunity to say a public thank you students and the community for As a Northwestern Mutual Intern. evidence seized from Simpson's tion of the court and defense at- to the members of the Board of the overwhelming support and your intelligent e ami productivity estate, including the glove, torneys," she said. Trustees for the confidence they warm reception I have can literally pa) off in a big way. bloody socks and blood drops, Some of our college agents are have placed in me to lead this received." and could have destroyed the The statement noted that a great school as we embark on a making a five-figure income. hearing will probably be held on Ribeau shared his busy sched- prosecution case against the new era," Ribeau said. "My ule with the . Trustees and his the subject. Our eu iling internship program football legend. thanks also to the faculty, staff, hope for the'future. lets you sample a career infinan- i ial servit es-while you're still in U liool fins, you'll receive exten- Romanovsky & BRISTOL sive training and vain marketable business experiem e to help you Continued from page one. after you graduate Phillips... Trustees] are very supportive, We'll have a gay old time! and a great group of people. I'm "I want to say that I accurately Call to find out how sou < an September 22, 1995, 8pm looking forward to the next two represented the students while I nit rease your more years." Having a chance to work was on the board, and that I made ways than one Kobacker Hall, Moore Music Center with President Sidney Ribeau a positive influence," Bristol during a new era at the Universi- said. ty is something Bristol said he is Bristol said he is planning a ca- excited about. He said at the end reer in law and the position of GARY L BROWN AGENCY of his term he hopes to have student trustee will be a good Fran McOaughey learned a lot about the system. step in that direction for him. One Sunforcsi Court Toledo. OH 43623 419/473-2270 tREW5TEK5pPDURJ •General admission tickets available at the "^* "U FLAVORS ON TAP ; > I Moore Music Center box office starting Sept. j-^ft^»:>wl-';faftt:tolWM»l 135 N. MAIN 11, weekdays noon- 6pm. 353-6912 Northwestern •Non- students: $5 Mutual Life •Students with valid BGSU i.d.: free Monday Night Football The Quiet Company (limit of 1 ticket per student) SPECIALS • Box office: 372-8171 PITTSBURGH STEELERS Beer specials all night [ General Admission seating VS. 2 Hot Dogs 75C Wings 25< TIE E 1!194 KEY YEA]RBOC >K'S


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MtMWWI MM —< MMW luiiKri uniiumm ■MMM MMBB Jrr."- MBMMMM> tip* ommm HUM C«™ MiFwt MMfl »*^»- MV> j.-a^M t.o. i-.a-™ U -.1 •-.. ' ..-!- **»*—• HtM tn-al lain* MOST CONTROVERSIAL UMMMMJ Ml M-« ■ '-Hfct^ A-ta-rn* '—.'—» *■»"»*,«>»» >.r..i .M«r " . - I —.-... MMI «»" IMMI «ia-»a-a" '-"' C" FILM OF OUR TIME. Jaaa-ACaW r-ara ■ Cm*' "■•'"'■i.: CWIMH>-lt C-aaa*laaa Can-arla-al taevajCaw MM* MM) MB ■§-.-»- A., c •*•< - ••« M)MM i . » - — ■ v«««»-»- 1 *-f.-aC*-, MOOMI »*iua» L.- ". ; M»M ■an MM A-iOra. MMfMMMl •a** - - ?-a>-»aa- lOft—WM •»uc« •ww-to-r »"»W» ' »■ —i * MM Ml ( ^ta*r )-o-a-f. Car ■**■*••»■•' ■a,** ditnaa MatCa-M —*1 1 'II ■ »-•■" »►« u».-« i»r*if MMtn ■. n - - N . . -. --, ." ■•_-!- OlXI IW«* uwiiriilnw Af-fT—«« Wn&n :.-•«- -...«... ■*■ '■•■ —••* CtVltlM If*— *->*rC •*»-•' «-«m ««•"» MlMW A"*Drv T-«fi« t» .-. *«"t«r MM Ma MiM* DXI1AKI i-r - > -ii' ri%»iCt.ii 4Hn«a-ls>*. Mar ■MjinM ■**>*■*» • i - - -»-• • MfOMM 0MJMJM fen*—-tra>-ai Leave your inhibition? ***aC—| Mmavm -.-...;', i i MM MkM jwwlw—r MVMUMj CwtKmmi at the door..the show is MM-Ob-a MMrOM* --■'•■■■"' un-.c.M'. ■.< M aaavMM ---"'.■.■—:■ — .-1 ■ ^ rw*i>«*iM* MiM* MMaMJMI inaWa >*ti>"r -:-.-... MUMl about to begin. --.... l«mO*M> ■M«MI *.•«...- nmuM-v i ---■-.-. - 0aaav«M*> ttt-mBvM-w* A-r**o»-c« p—..-.-r. ■- ---F-.- MjMW no lanaii v^Cama- JvaJ>D*-aa RwrXMi MM -.^... ■ •..-..« (ai-m R annar C~l-a-a>»*v«r H*r 0k> Ca*ea«-a> miHmWn MjaaWaj ' MM *■•-■■* :.-•- •*a/**Oa.a«a- MM* MvMBJOi Sa a- viva --....! WMM MltMJM iMifMaapri MJMP H -.a^"p«- IW>iiW0w »>■•■*, «Gl" IM< to*— '■"'•" MMM THIS EXCLUSIVE f-JO •.-*». MhMH »»liN* am»fM« R™ &■«*»*. D*i*M »--■*- MMM C*4«i (ft ■■"'■•"• •MDlHl/t MMlpHMMl l*ivr**mm ,,.---.— •WIA™-H~-SI IManiLWaira SNEAK PREVIEW CASSETTE IMIH •"*!>»■' MMM Ml MR MM MkfWM ■M>NW»M -. — :-,. Wltl*ill«l« tllfcU'WI MI MM IMlMVM INCLUDES EIGHT MINUTES OF -.--.— «■-.- j :.- — hwrmn MBW Cviva 0 at**"* ■wtxv Mar** .. v >-.,—..-.—■■ »•■■* THE MOST EROTIC FOOTAGE tor»o™ WMQMli - — ■ — MMi ■ ■ - •. ■ '.--■. MmWi !<•■«« aw-flea-M Mowa* ■•-.•■•-. • i" - ■ •-■ Mf MM YOU'LL EVER SEE! i- ■ 1 —i* M|Mp h»M| MM MMI *•►- M (Ml ***■*»*■«' MMMMj ■.".--". p» ■ ■II A. #»ne-t Cans**** h«i»»w MMBMM M*SM MlMM Om«»- IWWW'^l '■ ■■ ■ •• •"••rm" .-,'-.. MM" KjrwOaMn Ml MM MWMjw IMaHAMM- i - • :••" MMMIMM %t»C^n»«-* Ma> MM MlILM waua MlVMM laaa-L«*aMi« ■**''n'.* (JMlfctM tmvtlMmm •.<••».' MlMlM MajM "M"* CIM«A MM »■• Rim a»a%ai taa»few« jro*r-a MM »•!«-. MlMt jaaa-y «•« ^•••■"i •"»!•»» MHILMMI UNUXf Cmiu«j* MM !■••" MM '-'•'«'•>" l-C-l-L,-- Oa-a ■••«■■ HMM 0»MJMl .- '- — MMV inHOWr KMO UrmB' t»a«a^— *"••<-. !«■« 1- . Jp»aia»«a. Oaaal MJMW •«.h -■■- ■'..■ WWafaaan ,...L. Haa-aV'V *—'— -1 IMUIU ■>riMfB>*Bn> ■vaAf-i-o' ■afiarafaja* • ••.IV ■•-OHM —- -i l1(R>»Utl ) J.■ ii Daaa/MB* MMiMn —.-»■,■ Ma* MM| vmlna IMnM C*MJ >■%» MMM VIDEO MMM Ca»XJ 0** •*—O M.-« 1 ■ l> M UVHU ».-,• C.- — CMO OM W-.I—0 JiMVaUf CONNECTION «.- • -.— l-..«— ■'....■.»>•.., MIM O-iMMCva ata"aajO :-. MMOWf MRIMIUM MMi MDMM MMlMO u.»-L«n •ixehM IcaaA t—r • t"'i'-i--i ►i*H» MfMHM «"«"1 M)1l L» m r ■' MMMJMIl ™^'«- MM) *•»"»'» ■ .- .■ i~. «m*»"> •«U» fc— IMM C*' .Wl..' MotMMJM —>'■- MM* RMffMM YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO UHMflt Ca-a* i*»«.a»»a •unimtr MM MM MMiMMpM **|C*« — -i ■ = iwct" lNPt«M —v----...-, . ■-" aana RECEIVE AND VIEW THIS CASSETTE «M OMHIiM MIM MIVKBK • -•-.» "■t" f* " — )• • -• ii ■ MlPM --..'.— : IMjMMM V--—-—!«. «n-ir-"'i- -. > 1. 5— •* - f»"«»< ■-I..-I UMMlMM MM* MMMMl *W-1«»- €."■■»■* 1 -■•> •ii'i'"' MtifRiii iajajMj *""MHI A-*II Oa> ■H IMRM «>al-»aaj" MMH —T- -.'-. •a-ota. SHOWGiRISC l9HC*a>gttF>6 SA IUS) All fcgtin Rn«r*o Brnr/i ■- iWi MGM.'UA Home Enititiintrwni int An B.gMi R«*i>Ml rMK'DuiM t>» MC>MTJ» WMV-fco ?500Bio»M< SifUMoric* CA404M306I The BG News Monday, September 18,1995 page seven Falcons overwelm Akron, 50-12 Niemet runs for three TDs, Cates rushes for 189 yards Christian Pelusi tailback Keylan Cates leading the The BG News way with 186 yards on 31 carries. Tailback Courtney Davis added After watching the Falcons 88 yards on just six carries and crush the Akron Zips 50-12 Sat- Niemet ran for 53 on 11 attempts. urday at Doyt L. Perry Stadium, The 186 yards was a career it would seem that no one could high for Cates and was the best have written the kind of script performance by a Bowling Green for backup quarterback Bob back since Darryl Story set the Niemet that he performed - un- school record for yardage in a less you're head coach Gary single game with 225 against Ball Blackney. State in 1983. The red-shirt freshman Cates, who was coming off a Niemet, starting for the injured slight shoulder problem incurred Ryan Henry, handed the ball off during the first game against for the first four plays from Louisiana Tech, felt more com- scrimmage. But on the fifth play, fortable Saturday. Niemet went up top and connect- "My shoulder was a little sore ed with wideout Eric Starks for a in the Missouri game, and it kind 51-yard touchdown pass to the of played with me mentally," deep post. Cates said. "But I came into this Ironically though, the week knowing that I had a lot of strongest aspect of Niemet's per- making up to do ... and the line formance was running the foot- worked real hard and they told ball. The Falcons' staff took ad- me we were going to do it this vantage of Niemet's running abil- week." ity by inserting more option The ground game did step up plays, which resulted in Niemet their intensity, perhaps due to rushing for touchdowns of 4, 6 the increased load given to them Jon Rasbach/Thc BG News and 4 yards on the day. by the coaching staff in the form Falcons' tailback Keylan Cates lowers his shoulder and plows | ing in Saturday's S0-12 Bowling Green victory over Akron at Doyt But the pass play to Starks set of 65 attempts. the tone for the rest of the game "Running backs love that," through the Akron Zips' defense for some of his 189 yards of rush- | L. Perry Stadium. as the Falcons jumped out to a Cates said with a big grin. "I 33-0 lead they would never relin- think the running game opened it quish. up a little bit." Blackney said in the post game The Falcons domination of the press conference that his first 17 lines, both offensively and de- plays of the game are always fensively, were the keys to turn- No QB controversy inBG scripted prior to the game and ing the game into a rout. that the offense itself did not "I think we needed to get more Scott Brown Falcon coach said. two steps on his defender. in practice every day. He undergo many alterations be- physical in the offensive line The BG News Niemet's final numbers were Niemet threw a perfect spiral, proved to us his confidence and cause Niemet was starting and after the Louisiana Tech game not overwhelmingly impres- Starks pranced into the end competitiveness, and his game not Henry. and we worked very hard this Akron coach Lee Owens sive by themselves. He com- zone and the rout was on. experience today gives us that "The plays themselves didn't week at that," Blackney said. termed it "blown coverage". pleted 6-of-15 for 113 yards "On that first pass, the much more depth as an change. The run-pass mix "Our pass protection has been But for 15,083 fans at Perry while throwing two touch- coaches upstairs had read it," offense." changed," Blackney said. "We good and I think the line is really Stadium, it could have been downs, but he also rushed 11 Niemet said. "He had been Blackney did stress that wanted to run a little more option starting to come together." termed as the second coming. times for 51 yards and three working all week on that be- Henry would be back in the with Bobby, which is what we Meanwhile, the Falcon defense Redshirt freshman Bob more scores. cause the posts up the middle starting spot as soon as he is in did, because he is an excellent held the Zips to just 238 yards of Niemet reinterated why he is Not bad for a player just were open." full health, and that is expected option quarterback." total offense. Akron's average Bowling Green's quarterback three weeks past his 19th The Falcons have scripted this week when the Falcons As far as Niemet was con- gain per play was only 3.4 yards. of the future Saturday against birthday, walking into a Divi- their first 17 plays of every take on Central Michigan. cerned the day couldn't have "In the game against Missouri, the Zips. Subbing for the in- sion I game for the first time. game during Blackney's ten- Niemet had suspected that gone better. we all kind of came together as a jured Ryan Henry, Niemet "When I first ran out, I was ure. Although scripting a he may start since the begin- "Of course, everybody defense and it just carried over threw a 51-yard touchdown on kind of nervous," Niemet said. 50-yard pass for a redshirt ning of the week, but found out dreams," Niemet said, laughing. into practice this week," said his first attempt and rushed for "It was a weird feeling, but freshman's first action was a for sure on Wednesday. "But I try to stick to reality, go free safety Orlando Rogers, who three more scores as the Fal- after that first play, I wasn't little unusual, it also exempli- "I knew at the beginning of out and keep everything simple. I had an interception and a sack. cons pasted Akron 50-12. nervous at all." fied the confidence that the the week there was a possi- just wanted to go out, play ball "We know that we have to come Niemet passed Gary Black- Niemet surprised nearly coaching staff has shown in bility I might start," Niemet and play the best I could." into every game with our inten- ney's introductory course with every one of the 15,083 on hand Niemet since he joined the said. "Coach told me to prepare Niemet's quote could probably sity level up, stay high and play flying colors. at Perry Stadium when he program last year. just as if I would start, and it cover most of the Falcon team's good together." "I'll have to go back and look dropped back for his first at- "Bobby took just about every worked out that way." sentiments after the game. "This team still has a lot of at the game film, but right now tempt and looked long down snap this week in practice," BOX SCORE-page nine The Falcons as a team ran for room for improvement, in my I'd say he's Dean's List," the the middle for Starks, who had Blackney said. "He got better ?97 yards on 65 attempts with opinion," Blackney said. Falcon women I Men's tennis Perfect score comeback to oust places second at spurs women's Ohio in four sets BGSU/Keefe cross country Jeremy Yohe After the win, the team ap- Chris Kapcar The BG News peared to do an about-face in the The BG News to be the key for BG, and this was next match on Saturday's match. gained with the crucial doubles Sieve Wildman Scholar Athlete of the Week. A Long bus ride will make Miami of Ohio ambushed the Despite poor singles and dou- win by Ciochetto and Milan Ptak The BG News Dating back to last season, anyone a little sleepy. Bowling visiting Falcons' and swept the bles play on Saturday and less and the tough victory which jun- Losi has won seven out of the Green's volleyball team was no match 15-4,15-7,15-7. than ideal weather throughout ior standout Joel Terman netted. The only way to get a per- last nine races. exception. "Saturday was just a complete- the whole weekend, Bowling What happened to the team be- fect score in cross country is "Tracey didn't feel well yes- After making the trek to Ath- ly different look. We literally liad Green's men's tennis team tween Saturday and Sunday? to have all five of the top run- terday. She trailed behind ens, the Falcons' were a little very little offense," Van De fought for a hard-earned second "Coach basically just told it ners be from one team. Satur- Kristin Gaddis for most of the slow in getting in game form. Walle said. "We were always place showing at the like it was," Ciochetto said. "He day, the women's cross coun- race, but she caught up with But BG recieved a wake up call playing catch-up. Miami had all BGSLVKeefe Invitational. told us what we had to do and try team did that and more as her and won the race," Price after dropping its first set 15-12 of the offense and we had none." The suprise winner of the Fal- what we weren't doing." they had the said. to Ohio University on Friday. The lack of offense dropped con's invitational was Butler According to Morin, the decid- top six run- Senior Gaddis came in sec- From there on, the Falcons' Bowling Green to 1-1 for the first University, with BG again finish- ing factor was a matter of will- ners in the ond with a time of 18:18. She swept the next three sets 15-6, weekend of Mid-American Con- ing second, and Western Michi- power. race. This finished one second behind 15-4,15-6 en route to victory over ference play. The team is 5-4 gan and DePaul bringing up the gave Bowl- Losi. the Bobcats. overall. rear. "The players had the mindset ing Green a Sophomore Missy Lyne fin- "We looked like we just got off Head coach Dave Morin was that they weren't going to lose no perfect ished third with a time 18:39. the bus," head coach Denise Van disappointed with BG's dismal matter what. [Sunday] was great score of 15 Senior Suzanne Isco's time of De Walle explained about the "We looked like we play on Saturday. - the players just willed their to win the 18:46 gave her a fourth place teams lackluster performance "We lost some matches we def- way through the matches," he Tom Evan's Price finish. Junior Renee Strayer early on. just got off the bus."' initely should have won, and we said. Internation- placed fifth with a time of Losing the first set, BG's Denise Van De Walle just really played a little tenta- al. "This is 19:02, and junior Laura Hall the first time that I have had a middle hitters took control of the Women's volleyball coach tive and little bit on our heels While Sunday's play was im- had a sixth place finish with a match. throughout the whole day," said pressive overall, the Falcons did perfect shutout in my coach- time of 19:04 "The difference came when Morin. finish second. Morin felt that ing career," head coach Steve This race and good finish our middles started to attack the Preparing for next week, BG According to BG co-captain there are still some existing Price said. "This is rarity. It is was important for Hall. She is ball aggressively and [OU] will be going back to the basics in Mark Ciochetto, the team seemed weakpoints for his team to work like bowling a 300 ~ you don't coming back from an ankle in- couldn't stop them." practice. to drag during the matches on on. see it very often." jury. The two middle hitters that led Saturday. Bowling Green participated "This is the first race that the comeback were senior Carlyn "We need to work exptremely "We still need to work on our in a dual meet. They took on Laura has ran since last cross Esslinger and junior Lori Hilton. hard in practice on our passing, "This is my fifth year, and it depth, and while Terman played Kent where BG, won, 15-46. country season. We are seeing Hilton had a team high 24 kills, hitting, and blocking," Van De [Saturday] was probably one of strong, we need some help from Bowling Green also beat Ak- gradual improvement," Price while Esslinger added 18 more. Walle said. the worst days I've ever seen the middle," he said. ron, Case Western, John Car- said. "She has been an All- Coach Van De Walle also felt here," Ciochetto said. roll and Walsh College. Tracey MAC runner for the last two great passing fueled the attack. Coach Van De Walle is still The final standings of the Losi put in another great per- years, and she will be again "All of our skills were very looking for a manager for the The Falcons rebounded on Keefe Invitational saw Butler formance as she won the race this year." sharp. Our passing was so sharp team. Anyone Interested can con- Sunday morning, during which with 63 points, Bowling Green with a time of 18:17. This is Price realizes that he won't we were able to run all of our op- tact assistant coach Mintzi San- they won an impressive nine out with 55 1/2, Western Michigan coming off a week when she tions," Van De Walle added. ders at 372-7413. of 10 points. Momentum seemed with 491/2. and DePaul with 44. was voted the MAC Female See CROSS, page eight.

■HHmnaii Sports ) The BG News page eight Monday, September 18, 1995 Browns dispatch Oilers, 14-7 a deflected pass for an inter- first half but wound up com- Instead, Moore picked on Defense allowed team to escape with win ception at the Cleveland 1. pleting 22 of 41 passes for 258 Furrer. "We got out with a win," yards and four interceptions as "They say sometimes things Michael A. Lutz Cleveland coach Bill Belichick a replacement for starter Chris come in bunches," Moore said. The Associated Press said. Chandler, sidelined with a "The interceptions were great The Oilers (1-2) tied it with bruised left shoulder. hustle plays on my part. That's HOUSTON -- About the only Furrer's 4-yard touchdown "The interceptions were a thing that made the Cleveland what the defense is supposed to pass to Haywood Jeffires, who hard problem," Furrer said. do, get points off turnovers." Browns happy was, they left made a leaping catch with de- "But today, like other games, it town with a victory. fender Don Griffin hanging on seems to be one one play or one The Browns used Moore's Stevon Moore carried the day his waist with 2:43 gone in the series we'll have one guy break with three first half intercep- second interception of the fourth quarter. down, the quarterback, a guard game to set up Testaverde's tions, and Testaverde, who hit only or receiver. threw a 35-yard touchdown 15-yard touchdown pass to 2-of-ll first half passes, needed "It's easy for you guys to get pass to Michael Jackson with McCardell, who got behind only three minutes to give the frustrated for us saying we're but the bottom line is what's on 9:17 to play, leading Cleveland lead back to the Browns. close, but we see the tape and to a 14-7 victory over the Hous- the scoreboard," Browns de- He set up the score with a we know." fensive end Rob Burnett said. ton Oilers Sunday. 29-yard pass to Keenan "I thought we got outplayed, "Defense, that's the strength of McCardell to the Oilers 36 and The Browns (2-1) came into our team. We've got big shoul- Moore set up that touchdown finished the game hitting 10 of the game hoping to victimize ders, we can handle it." with a,i 8-yard interception to 23 passes for 147 yards and two Houston's ailing defense that the Oilers 28. His first inter- touchdowns. played without starting middle Moore picKed off three pass- ception stopped a drive at the Furrer, making his second es from backup quarterback Browns 22, and he also grabbed linebacker Al Smith and free NFL start, was booed in the safety Marcus Robertson. Will Furrer in the first half. CROSS 'See our Booth ot Continued from page seven. season, but he know there are Toledo, Case Western, and FALL SPORTS The Merchant's tougher challenges ahead. John Carroll. Most of Bowling handed to his team. Price is "We have tougher meets HHoursur s Daily 10-8 Fair - Tucs. - Green's runners went off positive about the rest of the coming up and we will keep course. IDEAS— Sat~ ?~10-5:30- Sun 12-4 lanhort Ballroom < training hard, but 1 think with these last two victories have "It was a complete mess, my Inl.lne Skate IKIowout sent a message to the rest of first five runners were run- Bauer-Roller Derby-Ultra Wheels Welcome the MAC who should be num- ning solidly and we were lead- Roller Hockey Skates-Fitness-Street Skates ber one," Price said. The ing the race, and then all of a Street Hockey Sticks-Blades-Balls-Picks Bade... men's team beat Kent in their sudden we were in the back of "We Service What We Sell" dual meet but finished second the race,"Coach Sid Sink said. Now Go overall behind Akron. Bowling "My guys had to turn around Away! Green did finish ahead of and catch up. As a team, we ICE HOCKEY MM HWI-vr ■ Mount Union, Marshall, Kent, Complete Line of Protective Equipment were never able to do that." Sticks-Jerseys-Skates London $399 Paris $999 nnucn - COOPER - KOIIO - CONTAK - vic - CCM Frankfurt $999 WE DELIVER GREAT Madrid $309 MEXICAN FOOD What is Disc Golf? Indians/Browns Sportswear Tokyo $459 Checkout Carter Park... Novelties: HATS ■ T-SHIRTS • JERSEYS • tome $379 GALL Complete Line of BANNERS"BUTTONS- Discs-Patterns-Drivers PENNANTS 353-TACO Big Selection ■ X NOT VALID V/ITH ANY :t>THER COUPON Our Friendly, H SB -* FALCON HOUSE Knowledgeable Hungry Combo Sales People i Will Help You Make 1-800-2-COUNCIL 1 loaded Burrito, Toco, Super ™fSy™ SPORTING GOODS The Right Selection (1-800-226-8624) LOCATED IN GREENWOOD Nadios, 12 oz Frozen Cocktail Proprietors Your Hockey Headquarter in Bowling Green For Your Specific Call today for a FREE 123 S. Main, DOWNTOWN B.G. • 352-3610 Needs. Student Travels magazinel CENTER 1616 E.W00STER ONLY $5.99 r,

mz. If you aren't interested in joining a fraternity, how about starting one? mmu KAPPA ALPHA ORDER ^elU^t^tf 77%*R

Open til 3AM ♦ LIFETIME

KA, one of the largest and oldest national fraternities, is starting a chapter at Bowling Green State University. Our fraternity was founded to preserve the ideals of the gentleman. Those values include gentility, chivalry, honor and gentlemanly conduct. We hope to bring these timeless values to the campus of BGSU. National Officers will be on campus from September 17 - October 8, 1995 to recruit students. Informational Session Kohl Hall, 1st Floor Lounge Serving Bowling Green & BGSU Wednesday, September 20,1995 at 6:00 p.m. 826 S. Main St. Please call P.J. Jurack, Dave Denham or Steve Carlin Next to Big Lots for more information. They can be reached at Ashley Hall at 372-2565 353-7272 or through the Interfraternity Council Office at 372-2846

i The BG News Monday, September 18,1995 page nine BOWLING GREEN 50 AKRON 12 Score by Quarters: AKRON 0 0 6 6 - 12 B. GREEN 21 10 9 10 - SO SCORING SUMMARY George, OSU down Huskies First Quarter BG -- Starks 51-yard pass from Niemet. Schorejs kick; BG 7-0 JohnSeewer Ohio State offense combined to A year ago against the Hus- Washington dropped from No. 22-yard pass to fullback Nicky BG - Niemet 4-yard run. Schorejs kick; The Associated Press account for four touchdowns kies, Ohio State fell behind 22-0 18 to No. 22. BG 14-0 Sualua and a 6-yard bullet to BG - Caies 3-yard run. Schorejs kick; Saturday in the Buckeyes' in the first half and never re- Hoying, a third-year starter flanker Terry Glenn, he at- BG21-0 COLUMBUS, Ohio - Bob 30-20 victory over Washington. ■»vered, losing 25-16. at quarterback, picked apart tempted only one pass, a bomb Second Quarter Hoying and Eddie George have Both players found several Experience was the differ- the Huskies' defense with that fell incomplete, longer BG •- Niemel 6-yard run, Schorejs kick; been around long enough to holes in the same Washington ence this time. The win raised short passes. He finished with than 25 yards. BG 28-0 know they've got to take what eight-man defensive front they the Buckeyes two notches in BG - Schorejs 21-yard Held goal; BG 192 yards and two scoring "We tried to test them one 31-0 the defense gives them. found so formidable last the Associated Press Top 25 throws. time ... we just had to rely on Third Quarter The senior leaders of the season in Seattle. poll released Sunday, to No. 8; The touchdowns came on a the shorter passing game and it BG - Team safety. BG 33-0 was pretty successful," Hoying A -- Alford 6-yard pass from Magrell. said. conversion failed; BG 33-6 BG -- Niemel 4-yard run, Schorejs kick; The Buckeyes mixed up the BG40-6 run and the pass, finishing with Fourth Quarter 259 yards on the ground and BG - Schorejs 52-yard field goal; BG 192 yards in the air. 43-6 "Against that eight-man BG - Hollis 3-yard run. Schorejs kick; BG50-6 front they try force you to A -- Reader 4-yard run. conversion failed; throw the ball, but we were BG 50-12 fortunate today that we could TEAM STATISTICS do both," Hoying said. AK BG First Downs 12 26 George, who took over as the Rushing 4 20 starting tailback last season, Passing 7 3 looked impressive while piling Penalty 1 3 up 212 rushing yards and two Rushes-Yards 34-81 63-397 touchdowns. Passes Comp-Att 15-36 6-15 Passing Yards 157 113 "I think I've improved as far Turnovers I 2 as reading blocks and with my Penaliies-Yards 6-51 10-80 second effort," George said. "I INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS think the experience from last Rushing year helped me a lot." (BG) - Cates 31 -186. Davis 6-88. Niemel 11-51, Hollis 6-29. Parker 4-29. Kluc During most of the first half, 1-7. Alexander 3-4. Dunaway 1-3. George found lots of running (AK) - Dixon 17-60. Reader 7-23, room up the middle. But as Dunn 5-10. Magrell 3-1-3). Junko 2- Washington's defense ad- (-9). Passing justed, George went to the out- (BG) - Niemel 6-15-113-1-2. (AK) side and broke a 51-yard run Magrell 12-28-130-1-1. Junko 3-8- that set up his seven-yard scor- 27-0-0. ing run and put Ohio State Receiving ahead 23-7 in the second quar- (BG) - Siarks 3-86, Stover 2-13. Davis 1-14. (AK) Zgonc 4-70. Lawhorn 3- ter. 26. Thiry 3-22. Alford 3-17. APphofa/Mark Hall "I was basically taking what AY ZIGGY Z\ AY ZIGGY Zl Ohio State's Eddie George avoids Washington defender Lawyer Columbus. George ran for 212 yards and two touchdowns in the they gave me," he said. * Design-A-Spiritstick > Milloy on his way to the end zone in the second quarter Saturday in Buckeyes' 30-20 win over the Huskies. The Huskies noticed. o Contest N g for Homecoming 1995 g < Design must be in Buy 1 Deli UAO Bagel With Any Eggel With £ Office, 3rd floor Cream Cheese Sandwhich & rj Union, Cheese £2 by Monday, Get 1 Free [2 September 25. 990 ^More 990 Winner will be ». information announced 3 available in on September 27. The Not Valid W/Any Other Offer Not Valid W/Any Other Offer Not Valid W/Any Other Offer 2 UAO Office: ■tick must then be ^2-2343 done by October II. Exp. 10/2/95 Exp. 10/2/95 Exp. 10/2/95 * AY ZIOGY Zl AY ZIGGY 21 B RUSH

Come Meet Tonight: The Members At the KKT Of The 7:30-9:30 Newest Tuesday: Off-Campus At the KKT Fraternity 7:30-9:30 Shuttle House Provided ALL SPORTS CHAMPIONS 9 OUT OF LAST 17 TEARS ' The BG News page ten Monday, September 18, 1995

CAMPUS EVENTS What's an I he rush? BEER BANNERS Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma- SCHEDULING WITH 4 OR 8 OR 12 HOUR New Shipment -12 new in stock SELF-ESTEEM GROUP terials provided. Send SASE to P.O Box 774 SHFTS. Find out why the Phi Sigs were votedBG'e Cvility Steins A Collectibles Olathe.KS 66051. Beat test year. Come and meet the brothers 166 S Mam Fall '95 Sign up EXCELLENT BENEFITSFORFT/PT tonight at the Kohl Hall Lounge 7:30-9:30. Mon. • Thurs. 3:30 • 6pm For women's self esteem group Frustrated Student 1 spent 5 years ft over $20,000 at college to 353 MUGS increase self awareness: reduce stress APPLY AT. achieve an accounting degree worth DISCOVER EUROPE Phi Sigma Kappa Learn new coping skills. $20-30.000 per year and no hope o' getting out Summer Study Program In France Call Sheila ©372-9355 WOOD COUNTY NURSING HOME Blow away your calculus problems with Hurri- of debt for another year or two. I've recently FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE by Sept. 25 1108OE GYPSY LANE RD cane Calculus. Pick up a copy at your college come on board a national environmental fit- InlormabonaJ Meeting BOWLING GREEN. OHIO bookstore or call 1 -800-393-3415. TUGS .Sept 19. 1995;8:30pm LOST & FOUND ness company ft changed my direction. My first 419 353 8411 1000 BAA Bldg SENIORS 2 months I earned over $18,000 and am look- "Was the best time of my i it*" Career-related experience. Senior Portraits are now being taken ing for a few good people to do the same ft Mike Habefsack. BGSU student PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE. on campus in the KEY Yearbook office help with expansion. If you're looking for part- Our firm is looking for individuals who want to Found: Watch in lobby of Oscamp. Call 28 West Hall Call Carl Wolf Studio For more Start NOW. time cash or a full-time opportunity call my rep gam comprehensive management experience 352-4745 to claim. at 1 •800-969-1336 to schedule a sitting. Ed Miller 372-8198 or 353-3172 Fr. So, Jrs, NEW to co-op, come to 81419 865-8389 next summer. Earn $6,000 to $10,000 per Dr. ChitBe 372-8180 or 352-6012 CO-OP KICK-OFF summer. Positions available in select Cleve- Sponsored by BGSU SERVICES OFFERED Fnday, SEPT 22nd TREASURER'S ol campus organizations land suburbs, Columbus, Akron. Canton, and 3:30 pml 007 BA Building Should mark their calendar for the annual GYM SUPERVISOR more Can 1-800 887-1960 _____ BE THE RE i Details 372-2451 Treasurer's Workshop on Tues.. Sept. 19. CITY OF BOWLING GREEN PARKS AND PARTY 1995 in Room 1007 of the Business Adminis- RECREATION DEPARTMENT SEEKS (2) I' you have an out-going personality ft like to BGSU Elem Ed Major Available to babysit tration Building Information on ACGFA Fund- GYM SUPERVISORS TO OVERSEE ADULT have fun it's time you put it to good use. Upbeat MF after 3 30. weekends. E.p & ref. Also a- BASKET8ALL AND VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES " BGSU ADVERTISING CLUB ■ CO-OP STUDENTS: ing, Budgets, filling out paperwork and keeping Toledo office is looking for energetic people to vail, to tutor KB any subject $6/hr. Please call AT HIGH SCHOOL AND JR. HIGH SCHOOL Into Night WE HAVE MOVED records will be covered. Please contact the Of- Ml various management positions. No exp. 354 32i9 BEGINNING OCTOBER 15 AND ENDING Monday, September 18th 310 STUDENT SERVICES fice ol Student Life @ 372-2843 to make your needed We will tram. Call Mimi for appt. MARCH 31, 1996. RATE OF PAY IS 8 00pm in BA 110 BOWLING GREEN C.C. GOLF COURSE Now Is the time lo update your tried reservation. 865-1917. $4 SO/HOUR APPLICANTS MUST BE HAS STUDENT RATESI Bring a new reauma and a NEW AVAILABLE EVENINGS FROM 6:00PM TO S6-9 HOLES. $9-18 HOLES copy of your unofficial transcript RESORT JOBS • Students Needed! WANTED MIDNIGHT. MON.-THURS. APPLY IN PER- CALL 352-5546 (free at your college office) "AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION•• SON AT THE PARKS AND RECREATION Earn to $i2*i> and tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Questions? 2-2451 The first FORMAL meeting ol the semester will OFFICE IN CITY PARK. DEADLINE TO AP- Spas, and more Destinations include Florida, be hetd Tues., Sept. 19 at 7:30 pm m 220 Math Hawaii, Colorado ft So. California. Call Resort COOKIE BOUQUETS 1991 Honda CRX SI. Black. 5-spd . power sun- PLY IS SEPTEMBER29 Soence. Jom us in heanng what guess Employment Services 1-206-6320150 ext. When roses just won't do DELTA GAMMA roof, AC, cruise, excellent condition. $6500. speaker Tom Eichenlaub has to say about his R55441 Great pneesi Call 353-1920. Would like to Welcome Call Jim at 419-661-1046 career with Levi'sl Our Houseboys BGSU'S Sailing Club needs another boat II Lawn Maintenance. PT A FT. Floxible sched- KE Josh Vance KE ule. Call 352-5822. Seed Plant Work and General Farming help And you have any info on Lasers or Flying Jr.'s ATTENTION SENIORS'" Evening hours for needed Call 352 0068. BOII Andy Phelan BOH Diease call Matt @? 19S/ of Jem/ G 2 300' Don't miss out. Senior Portraits are Student Health Service T A.S.P. International is looking for highly mo- now being taken on campus in the 5-7:30 by appointment Female subleases non-smoking, $i35.00mx>. Local manulacturing company has need of tivated, hard working students to fill manage- KEY Yearbook office 28 West Hall. Beginning September 6 DTD Delta Tau Delta DTD Cal 354-3149. pah-time unskilled production employees. ment positions for the summer of 1996. Gam CalM-800-969-1338 Rush is Tonight These jobs are mainly assembly of small pans. WANTED: 100 Students valuable experience in all areas of business to schedule your sitting. THINK DELTi Work 15-35 hours a week around your school to lose 10-30 lbs* schedule. Only one block oil of BGSU campus, while buildmg your resume. Average earnings Call 372-2271 DTD Delta Tau Delta DTD next 90 days. south of Wooster St.. so you can walk or drive. are between $7.000-$9.000. Positions in most Delta Sigma PI Guaranteed Many BGSU students work at this plant. Rale Cleveland suburbs. Akron. Canton. Youngs- Coed Business Fraternity DTD Delta Tau Delta DTD Dr. Recommended. $36 S4H incl. of pay is $4.25 per hour. Come by to pick up an town, Sandusky. and Toledo are filled on a first Informal Ion Night Greyhound buslines now open Weekdays 9-5, "Be A Part of the Dominance' FREE INFOffl 800 995-7458 application form. Advanced Specialty Prod- come, first quaified basis. For more informa- Life Science 112 9pm Sat. 9-2. Call 352-5033 or 353-8678. RUSH DELT ucts, Inc., Ctough Street. Bowling Green, OH tion can Matt Scherer @i-800-543-3792. September 18.1995 DTD Delta Tau Delta DTD 43402 Join Now!) HELP WANTED Need to talk to FOR SALE A Doctor or Nurse? Look no Further Do you care about the environment? Evening hours for ■ 1AAAAI Earn $2500 4 Free Spring Break Join the Environmental Acton Group. Student Health Service Trips) Sell 8 Tripe & Go Free) Best Trips & One of the World's Largest Growing Com- 1 st MEETING WED. SEPTEMBER 21ST 5-7:30 by appomtment Evening hours lor Prlcea! Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica, Flor* panies is looking for people with interests in 1983 Mazda RX-7 9 00PM 1003 BA BUILDING Beginning September 6 Student Health Service Ida! Spring Break Travel! 1-800-678-6386 Teaching, Communications. Human Resour- 5-Speed.NoRust $1,500 00 354-2427. Call 372-2271. 5-7:30 by appointment ces or Sales and Marketing. We are upswing' $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. People are earning over 5k per month in our Food folks. »un. 4 free" No experience required. Begin now. For info Toledo otdce Training available. Serious fcV Friends ol the Deal call 301 306-1207. l985BuickSkyhawk,2dr. Beginning September 6 qu-neson'y Cali865-'9t7 1 st Meeeng ol the Year SKYDIVE - YOU KNOW YOU'VE ALWAYS 126K, excellent running cond Call 372-2271. •• AAA COMMUNICATION " 363 Ed Wed., Sept 20 at 9pm WANTED TO. Skydlve clasaea offered 10 LOOKING FOR YEAR ROUND EMPLOY $900 obo 372-5312. All Majors Welcome! mlnulea from BGSU eampue. Student 4 $25,000 MENT? group discounts. VISA a Mastercard ac- SKILLS TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS' If you enjoy greeting people, this is your career GET IN SHAPE AND EARN $8.00 AN HOUR Hail, Had the Gang's All Here- cepted. SKYDIVE B.G. 352-5200. 2 upholstered living room chairs. Reasonable opportunity. Positive attitude & neat appear- AT UPS WOMYN FOR WOMYN meets prices. 3520076. after 5pm. Factory Outlet Store ance a must. Excellent income potential. Start VISIT 360STUDENT SERVICES Monday Sept. 18 at 9pm in the Student Desks starting at $39 00 Immediately. Will Tram! Call 865-1915 to set up TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION ft SIGN UP Christian Fellowship Center PERSONALS Miller Woodworking Factory Outlet interview _____ FOR AN INTERVIEW BY FRIDAY. SEPT 22 55 Gallon Fish Tank with everything included, On Thurstm, across from Sorority Row Woodland Mall'354-1614 UPS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM For more mlo, call ADULT SERVICES SUBSTITUTE- We are all you need to do is add water and fish' Call PLOYER The Women's Center at 2-2281 'PHI SIGMA KAPPA' seeking qualified individuals to provide on-the- Tim at 352-1593. FREE FINANCIAL AID! job coaching to persons with mental retarda- Hope to see you there' ATTENTION BACKPACKERS! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants and tion and developmental disabilities. Must be Congratulations Troy Haallnger Vasque Sundowners for sale. Size 10. used scholarships is now available. All students are able to provide own transportation lor con- and Stephanie Szaboon their Moniesson extended care worker to work in ex- once. S120O.B.O. Call 352 8399 recent lavaliermg. Way to go. Troy1 eligible regardless ol grades, income, or par- sumers to/lrom job site. High School Di- tended care program Mon-Fri. 7:30am - Honor* Student Assoclalion ent's income. ploma/GED required and Ohio driver's li- t 8:30am and/or 3:15pm • 5:00pm for aca- Let your voice be heardl Vote at Frosh Rep •PHIMU' Let us help. cense. $6.50/hr. hours varied. Applications demic year August 29th • June 7th 1995-1996. For sale. Mac G'egor 11 piece golf clubs elections on Mon.. Sept 18 @ 9PM in 234 E. Call Student Financial Services: available a: Wood Lane Administrative Olfices, $5 90 per hour Experience with children highly with put and bag. Barely used. Harshman. Your vote counts) 1800-263-6495 ext F 55441 Entrance B, 11160 E Gypsy Lane Rd . BG. desirable, education major prelerred Send re- from8:00am-4:30pmMonday-Fnday. EOE. Original $420. Asking $260. 1995/96 SENIORS sume and 3 reference letters to : Dr. Charlotte Can 372-4645. John Interested In Advertising??? Senior portraits are now being taken Fun and Money Advertising Sales Rep lor Scherer ■ Director of Operations. 630 South Join the BGSU Ad Club tor info night, Monday, Call Carl Wo f Studio at 1 -800-969-1338 3,000 per month The Gavel Maple. Bowling Green. OH 43402. by Septem- Sept. 18. 8.00pm in BA 110. To schedule your sitting. Photos taken on Looking for outgoing people who are money Great resume builder, need own transporta- ber 25th EOE. campus in the KEY yearbook office. motivated. Part-time or full-time available. Call tion Call 372-2606 for details LAW SOCIETY For Sale: Exercise Machine, Storage cabinet 28 West Hall. Tim at (419) 865-8380. Come see what we're all about at our first ALASKA EMPLOYMENT NATIONAL PARKS HIRING and cham Call 354-8272. meeting. Wed. Sept. 20 8:00pm In BA .03. Dr Hustle Fishing Industry Seasonal and full-time employment available MACINTOSH COMPUTER for sale Complete Local firm seeks individuals to help run sales Earn up to $3,000-$6,000* per month. at National Parks, Forests ft Wildlife Preser- Nicholson will discuss Law School admissions system including printer only $499 Call 2 tor 1 Special at Rail Billiards. Noon-6pm training center. No experience necessary. Neat Room & Board' Transportation' Maie'Femaie. ves. Benefits and bonuses' Call: and careers m Law. 1-800-289-5665. MTh. Play an hour reoeve an hour (reef appearance and positive attitude a must. 2-4K No experience necessaryl (206)545-4155 ext 1-206-545-4804 exi N55441, Organization Development potential. Call to qualify. (419) 865-1685. ASS441. Power Book 145B Student Network (ODSN) 8 Bn.l Tournaments every Monday at Rail B I- Look Thin 8 Healthy ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income 8MGRam80HD 1st Meeeng of the Year harps S5 00 entry loo Call 353 7665 Nazareth Hall- Only 15 mm. from BG- Catering. In Fax/mod Campus Tanning to assemble products at home. We will be electing officers and Wait Stall/Hostess. Starting $6.00/hr.(mcl. $i050-obocall Paul 352-7889 Inlo 1-504-846-1700 DEPT.OH-6255 meals) Flexible hours Call (419)832-2900 for planning this year's agenda Alpha Phi has a house boy position open. Call 3529195 Tues Sept. 19 Lisa at 2-5209 if interested. details. 9 00pm BA 1000 Bag Room Staff Tues.-Fn Free pizza & dnnks Men are from Mara? Mornings preferred. 4.50 per hour ♦ NURSING ASSISTANTS All Student Welcome' Are you a member of HSA? Do you know Women are from Venue? tips. Call Mike at 666-1472 FULL TIME/ PART TIME HOURS ON 1 FOR RENT Come see what OD is about someone running for a Frosh Repposition? 7-3AND 3-11 SHIFTS FLEXIBLE Show your support by coming to elections on Join us Wed Sept. 20 PLANT SALE! Sept. l6-20th. Monday. Sept i8@9PM>n?34E Harshman. at 7:30 in the University Union BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Part-time help needed immediately. Barten- Two bdrm. house on F razee for rent. Front ft Oval'EdBldg. Steps I0am-4pm Ballroom CITY OF BOWLING GREEN PARKS AND ders, wait persons, assistant cook. Neat ap- Back porch. S38S* utilities ^deposit. Pets are Sponsored by UAO ATTENTION ALL GREEKS Lively talk show. Free! RECREATION DEPARTMENT SEEKS EX- pearance. Apply in person weekdays 923 Fatr- okay with additional deposit. Call 352-8678 or Applications for Order of Omega are available See you therel PERIENCED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS FOR viewAve 352 3100. 372-2658 Available immediatly. ADULT LEAGUES BEGINNING OCTOBER 23 _ REGISTER TO VOTE in 440 Student Services. Deadline Sept. 21. Questions? Call Wenday at 352-6389 Monday Spaghetti and Meatballs Special at AND ENDING MARCH 31. 1996. APPLI- CANTS MUST BE AVAILABLE EVENINGS with the ATTENTION ALL GREEKS CAMPUS POLLYEYES' Includes one trip to the salad bar and garlic bread. Only $3.99 FROM 6.00PM TO 11:00PM MON - THURS. RATE OF PAY IS $1300/GAME APPLY IN 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE BGSU College Democrats Uanv9pm. Dine-m and pick-up only. PERSON AT THE PARKS AND RECREA- TION OFFICE IN CITY PARK. DEADLINE TO Today 9am to 4pm Quality Steins & Collectibles Need 10 talk to APPLY IS SEPT. 29. Blues A Doctor or Nurse? y^ \ Beer Related Advertising also n e in the Union Foyer I spent two years bartending as a 21 year-old Evening hours for ^&* \ Die-Cast Collectibles by: /.■<><-« Child care for a 5mo. old infant boy. M.W trying to pay my way through college. I recently Student Health Service SPKC CAST joined an environmental marketing firm and 5-7:30 by appomtment 3:30-6:00. T/Th 9:30-6:00 in my Toledo home ~~~ SENIORS!! or in your home. Call Shawn at 419*861 -2102. HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 3:30-8:00 p. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? earned over 106 S. Main • Bowllnj, Green. OH. > 383 MUGS $3,400 Beginning September 6 Cleaning: 17 hours per week available. Work Now is (he time to apply to become a Home- In one month Call 372-2271. days are Tues.. Fri., and Sat. In the BG area exp 9/30/O5 coming King or Queen Camdate Applications I have relocated in Toledo and am looking tor a We offer paid vacations and holidays. If inter- ere available m the Office of Student Activities, few self-dnven individuals to work with to do Order ol Omega ested call 1-800-648-5758 for an appointment 330 Union. Applications are due back by Sept. thpSa"-e Ca'i(di9)S65-8380 Our first mtg Wed. Sept. 20 9:15. Second floor end interview. 22nd at SiOOpm.HURRY1 HURRY' Be A Part a The Best... Student Serv. Mand. Call Stacey at 353-6061 It Crazy Cash The Bowling Green Student Education Asso- RUSH you cannont be there Like to be trained by individuals making over ciation (formerly OSEA) will be holding their 1 st DELTA GAMMA Plant Sale' Sept. 18-20th. $20,000 a month. I was and earned over meeting Tues. Sept. 19. at 9pm in 115 Ed. Open Rush OvafEd Bldg. Steps I0am-4pm. $18,000 ATTENTION STUDENTS Getinvolved in your professonll Tuesday Sept. 19 79 PM Sponsored by UAO. my first two months. II money excites you call rep. lor appl. 419-865-1915. Pregnant? Free Pregnancy Test. Confidential & Caring. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Save money NOAV by planning ahead 354-4673 B.G. Pregnancy Center Earn up to $2,000 plus/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World for Spring Break 1996! travel. Seasonal ft full-time employment avail- A small deposit will hold most travel packages! Watch MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL at Cam- able. No experience necessary. For more information call pus Pollyeyes. Food and drink specials during great scores... 1 1 -206-634-0468 ext. C55441 the game Every Monday through September. Tours from#149,00 :.., ' Tours from 8199.00 * St Peteraburg/Clearwater I , * Ca»icun * Ft Lauderdaie *Acapulco •Daytona Beach * Ft Myers I •Las Vegas * Orlando 1

T QreeneVille ^J [ J J_ V * £_ j Kaplan holp'j you locus your great skills... GRE studies and build your WING EATING CONTES commence so you cm (jet ,• Kaplan students get the most hiqhfr r.core complete test preparation materials OUAUFJUM* ROUNDS available including computer-analyzed Crime SptCKlnti practice tests, home-study materials, Begin Sept. 11th - Dec. 4th books, software, and a training library. (No contest on Nov. 20th) And at Kaplan, we've got experienced During Halftimc of Monday Night Football teachers who really care. 352-1571 1 -800-KAP-TEST Woodland Mall ■IIS.? (^arritfean (bruise 1234 N. Main St. get a higher score ^- - ■■—'Wfl 7 Days, 6 Nights, on Norwegian Cruise Line Plus $1,000.00 CASH! Stop & Sec Us at Merchants Fair 011 Sept ember 19th! KAPLAN 176 E. Wooster 353-BWWWI2999)

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