David L Sackett: Interview in 2014 and 2015 Page 1 of 103 David L. Sackett: Interview in 2014-2015 Copyright © 2015 by David L. Sackett No part of this manuscript may be reproduced in any form or by electronic means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the editor, R Brian Haynes (
[email protected]), except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review. Page 2 of 103 David L. Sackett: Interview in 2014-2015 Contents Preface and Editor’s Preface….5 Career Thumbnail….7 Section I: The Making of a Clinical Epidemiologist: 1934 – 1967….8 Chapter I-1: Where did you grow up, and what were you like as a kid?....8 Chapter I-2: Tell us about your college education, what you learned there that you used later, and how it led you to choose a medical career. ….10 Chapter I-3: Tell us about medical school. What happened there, and how did it shape your later career?....12 Chapter I-4: Tell us about your internship, (1st) residency, and sub-specialty training. What happened there, and how did it shape your later career?....17 Chapter I-5: Tell us about your time in the U. S. Public Health Service. What happened there, and how did it shape your later career?....20 Chapter I-6: Tell us about that 3rd year of post-graduate clinical training in Buffalo. What happened there, and how did it shape your later career?....24 Chapter I-7: Tell us about your time in Boston. What happened there and how did it shape your later career?....26 Section II: McMaster Medical School: 1967 – 1994….29 Chapter II-1: