Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009







This report outlines the existing Winter Service provision and informs of the duty of care to the public together with the current extent of the service delivery.


Members are recommended to:

1 Note the contents of the report;


A Carriageway Priority Lists B Footway & Cycleway Priority Lists C Self Help Grit Bin Locations D Cost of service in 1007/08

Chris Barber Head of Engineering Services 134 4494 [email protected]

Kevin Gillham Traffic Manager - Network Management 908 5750 [email protected]


The Highways Act 1980 Well-Maintained Highway Code of Practice 1005 Winter Services Operational Plan

8 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Winter Service is provided by Highway Services and is planned to ensure that adequate resources are available at all times during the winter period to respond to adverse weather conditions. The efficient and effective delivery of the service is essential in terms of economy and road safety, providing for the safe movement of all users of the highway, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, public transport operators and other vehicle drivers.

1.2 Manchester is not usually affected for long periods of extreme weather conditions and consequently, resources are provided to deal with conditions that might normally be expected. In the event of prolonged periods of severe weather, contingency arrangements are put in place to ensure that sufficient resources are available to maintain the highway network in a safe condition.

2. 0 Legislation

2.1 Highway Authorities in and Wales have a statutory duty under Section 150 of the Highways Act 1980 to remove snow from the highway where it causes an obstruction from accumulation or from the falling down of banks on the side of the highway, or from any other cause. Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 places a duty on Highway Authorities to maintain public highways at public expense.

2.2 From 31 October 1003 Section 41 was amended to include:-

(1A) "In particular, a highway authority is under a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable , that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice"

The duty however, is not simply to clear snow and ice. The wording of the amendment puts a duty on the authority to ensure safe passage is not endangered by snow or ice and therefore preventative gritting falls within this new duty.

2.3 The key strategic policy document, which gives direction to the City’s transportation and highway activity, is the Local Transport Plan (LTP). The plan, which all authorities have a statutory duty to produce, was prepared jointly by the City along with the other nine districts and the Passenger Transport Authority.

9 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

2.4 An effective Transport network is clearly critical to the City's social, economic and environmental well-being. The policies set out in the LTP embrace the principles contained within the hierarchy of road users, which gives priority to more vulnerable road users and public transport and to those living in and using an area. The LTP is therefore seen as a primary document with the key policies influencing the way in which the Winter Services Operational Plan is produced and implemented. The documents; 'Well-maintained Highways ~ Code of Practice for Maintenance Management', and the Institute of Civil Engineers, 'Design and Practice Guides ~ Highway Winter Maintenance' provide guidance in delivering winter services have been adopted in producing the Winter Service Operational Plan.

2.5 All carriageways and footways have been assessed against objective criteria recommended in the Code of Practice for Maintenance and Management to produce a network hierarchy that supports the overall strategy for highway network management and integrated transport. The network hierarchy is reviewed annually against the criteria and amended where necessary. To achieve compliance with service standards, the performance in delivering winter services will be monitored throughout the winter period with due regard being given to the Council's obligations for health, safety and welfare of its employees and others.

3. 0 Management

3.1 Winter Services is managed by Highway Services, Network Management Team with the day to day activities being controlled by a Duty Manager, supported by Duty Officials who are available at all times throughout the winter period to implement and monitor the operation during adverse weather conditions.

3.2 A standby arrangement is used to ensure that the responsibilities are shared fairly and so a continuity of service is available at all times. The duty manager has overall responsibility for the decisions made during his standby period, but it is the duty officer that ensures that any actions to be provided by service partners are carried out in accordance with the Winter Service Operational Handbook.

4. 0 Monitoring Weather Conditions

4.1 Information provided by the Met. Office enables the Duty Manager to make informed decisions about any actions that may be required to prevent the formation of ice on the highway. Data produced in graphical format and updated every hour, shows the observed weather plus that forecast for the next twenty-four hour period. In addition officers have direct access to the weather forecasters via a dedicated phone number to discuss in greater depth any aspect of the forecast weather to enable judgements to be made based on the most accurate and up to date data available.

10 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

5. 0 Service Partners

5.1 Since 1998 the treatment of the highway network has been undertaken by Carillion (formerly Alfred McAlpine) who are available on a call out basis twenty-four hours a day throughout the winter period. Due to the type of the equipment needed to be employed, Carillion’s activities are confined to the carriageway, and a separate arrangement is therefore needed for the treatment of footways, footpaths and other pedestrian areas.

5.2 Street Scene Services provide this area of service delivery, which amongst other footway gritting equipment include the use of three motorised footway gritting machines (huskies). These machines are much smaller than the carriageway gritting machines and ideal for use on footways, which would otherwise be very difficult and time consuming to treat.

6. 0 Service Delivery

6.1 Although winter services are normally planned to be delivered between 1 November and 31 March each year, there are occasions when gritting is necessary outside this period. The Client and the contractor recognise the need for a response on these occasions and there is a commitment to ensure that resources are available when needed.

6.2 Over the last three years weather conditions have meant that treatment of the highway has had to be carried out both before the normal starts and ends of the service period. Therefore for this year the season has been extended by two weeks to cover the period from 11 October 1008 to 10 April 1009.

7. 0 Salt Management

7.1 The effective treatment (gritting) of roads requires that salt is spread on the highway in sufficient quantity to counteract the forecast conditions. The salt is stockpiled at Hooper Street depot and is drawn down as the need arises. The amount of salt held on stock is monitored and depending upon the severity of the weather conditions, the salt is replenished such that draw down does not reach critical levels.

7.2 To properly control the amount of salt held a stock management system is used. The system, managed by the supplier, ‘Salt Union’, ensures that there is adequate stock available at all times and is based on minimum and maximum levels agreed with the council. An added bonus to the use of this system is that only the amount needed is supplied and means that we do not pay for salt that is not needed.

11 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

8. 0 Treatment Priority

8.1 Winter Service is not an emergency service in the traditional sense in that low temperatures, ice and snow are regular, frequent and reasonably predictable occurrences. As such the delivery of this service is subject to the same planning regimes used for the provision of other services. There are three main objectives in providing the Winter Service and they are:

• The statutory obligation to main a safe highway network for its users by the prevention of the forming of ice and removal of lying snow. • Maintaining the availability of the highway network for its users again by the prevention of ice forming and the removal of snow, although in Manchester this will be less of a problem than for neighbouring authorities. • The long-term maintenance of the fabric of the highway through an effective Winter Service to eliminate the freeze/thaw effect on carriageways, which would occur on untreated roads.

9. 0 Carriageway Priority

9.1 Manchester’s highway network consists of approximately 680Km. of carriageway plus approximately 1,110km. of footway and comprises strategic routes, main & secondary distributor routes, link roads and local access roads. Of these, approximately 140Km. of carriageway and approximately 40Km. of footway are treated and this equates to 10% and 3% of the network respectively.

9.2 To be able to deliver a high quality service that meets the needs of the service, given the financial implications and the scale of other resources needed, it would not be practical to provide the Winter Service to all parts of the network or to ensure that the highway surfaces are kept free of ice and snow at all times. Therefore to comply with the current legislation risk assessments to establish which roads should be included in a priority programme, have been undertaken.

9.3 In the case of the Winter Service, the risk has been identified as being consistent with that determined by the operational highway network priority listing established some years ago. This takes into consideration the importance of the road as a transport link. The listing is broken down into category one and two roads, category one being strategic routes and category two being main & secondary feeder together with some link and local access roads. The priority list is shown in Appendix A.

12 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

10. 0 Footway Priority

Since 1003 there has been a greater responsibility for local authorities to provide a safe passage for users of the highway and this includes footways as well as carriageways. Again the responsibility is not absolute and individuals are duty bound to take reasonable precautions during adverse weather conditions. However, to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the safe passage along a footway is not endangered by snow or ice, risk assessments have been undertaken and a footway priority programme produced.

10.1 Using the same rationale as above the priority programme includes those footways on principal routes that are subjected to heavy footfall plus footways fronting large schools and local shopping areas. Again the listing is broken down into category one and two roads, with category one being prestige and primary footways and category two being secondary footways. The priority listing is shown in Appendix B.

11. 0 Cycleway Priority

11.1 Cycleways are included in the carriageway and footway priority programme. This means that where a cycleway is part of a carriageway or footway that is included in the priority programme it will be treated accordingly. Cycleways that are remote from the highway or are part of a carriageway or footway that is not within the priority programme are not treated. The priority listing is shown in Appendix B.

12. 0 Self Help

12.1 Self-help salt bins are provided at strategic locations throughout the City and positioned so as not to cause an obstruction to pedestrians. The locations selected for the siting of grit bins are where carriageways or footways/cycle-ways are not on the priority routes and include the following, footbridges, subways, steps, roads/footpaths with a gradient of more than 1:10, entrances to public facilities etc.

12.2 All salt bins are checked and refilled during the winter period. Where requested, grit bins will be provided for use at locations other than the public highway, these include schools, aged persons' homes, day centres etc. In these cases the cost of the salt bin is charged to the applicant together with its periodical refilling. The list of grit bin locations on the highway is shown in Appendix C.

13 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

13. 0 The Cost of Providing the Winter Service

13.1 The service provided is not only based on the duty to deliver a safe network to the public during times of adverse weather conditions, but also the affordability to deliver the service to an acceptable standard. To maintain standards, training for new officers to the service area and annual refresher training for others is therefore an essential element of a successful service delivery.

13.2 The weather forecasting service is currently provided by the ‘Met. Office’ through a Greater Manchester wide contract that is currently in the fourth of its five year period. The ‘Met. Office’ provides a twenty-four hours per day service, which includes hourly graphical updates as wall as written twenty-four hour, and two to five day weather predictions. This information enables decisions to be made with regard to any actions to be taken to ensure that safe passage is not endangered by snow or ice within the priority programme.

13.3 To further increase the confidence in the forecasts a weather station was installed on Rochdale Road, Harpurhey some years ago. The weather station provides more detailed information about road surface temperature, road depth temperature, air temperature and prevailing weather conditions, which when complimented by the regional forecast provides a better indication of the expected outcomes of a twelve to twenty-four hour period. The service, including the maintenance of the weather station, is provided by ‘Viasala’, again on a five-year contract, which is currently in its second year.

13.4 The cost of providing the Winter Service in 1007/08 can be broken down into a number of elements:

• External Contractor • Internal Contractor • Plant • Materials • Training • Income

13.5 Appendix D provides the breakdown of these costs. The overall cost of the Winter Service for 1007/08 was in the order of £409K, which realised a saving of approximately £77k, but it should be noted that the overall weather conditions were relatively mild and a winter bringing more extremes of weather would very quickly erode any anticipated savings

14. 0 Recommendations

14.1 It is recommended that the contents of this report are noted.

14 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 1 Abbey Hey Lane 1 Addington Street 1 Alan Turing Way 1 Albert Road 1 Albion Street 1 Altrincham Road 1 Anson Road 1 Ardwick Green South 1 Ash Tree Road 1 Ashton Old Road (including Smithfield Markets access road, ie and South Street) 1 Barlow Moor Road 1 Birchfields Road 1 Booth Street West 1 Broadway 1 Brook Street 1 Brooknurst Road 1 Brooklands Road 1 Broom Lane 1 Brownley Road 1 Burton Road 1 Bury New Road 1 Bury Old Road 1 Capital Road 1 Cavendish Road 1 Chancellor Lane 1 Chapman Street 1 Charles Street 1 Charlestown Road 1 Chaminster Drive 1 1 Chester Road 1 Chorlton Road 1 Church Road 1 Cloak Street 1 College Road 1 Cornwall Street 1 Crescent Road 1 Crowcroft Road 1 Dawson Street (including new section of Trinity Way up to Hampson Street) 1 1 Delaunays Road 1 Devonshire Street 1 Devonshire Street North 1 Devonshire Street (South) 1 Dickenson Road 1 Doncaster Avenue 1 Downing Street 1 Edge Lane 1 Egerton Street 15 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 1 Elizabeth Slinger Road 1 Elizabeth Street 1 Ellesmere Street 1 Factory Lane 1 Fairfield Street 1 Feltham Street 1 1 Great Bridgewater Street 1 Great Ducie Street 1 Greengate 1 Grey Mare Lane 1 Grosvenor Street 1 Hall Lane 1 Hamilton Road 1 Harpurhey Road 1 Heaton Park Road 1 High Bank 1 High Lane 1 Higher Cambridge Street 1 Hollinwood Avenue 1 Hulme Hall Lane 1 Hulme Hall Road 1 Hyde Road (including eastbound turning road into Mount Road) 1 Jetson Street 1 Kate Street 1 1 Kirkmanshulme Lane 1 Knutsford Road 1 Lapwing Lane 1 Road 1 London Road 1 Longley Lane 1 M56 Airport Spur 1 Manchester Road 1 1 Mauldeth Road 1 Mauldeth Road West 1 Medlock Street 1 Merrill Street 1 Middleton Old Road 1 Middleton Road 1 Mill Lane 1 Miller Street 1 Minshull Street 1 Moor Road 1 Mosley Road 1 Moss Lane East 1 Moss Lane West 1 Moston Lane 1 Mount Road 1 Nell Lane 16 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 1 Old Hall Drive 1 Old Market Street 1 Old Moat Lane 1 Oldham Road 1 Outwood Lane 1 Oxford Road 1 Oxford Street 1 Palatine Road 1 Lane 1 Parrs Wood Road 1 Pin Mill Brow 1 Plymouth Grove 1 Pollard Street 1 Pottery Lane 1 Press Street 1 Princess Road 1 Princess Street 1 Queens Road 1 Regent Road 1 Ringway Road 1 Ringway Road West 1 Rochdale Road 1 Royal Oak Roadq 1 Royle Green Road 1 Runger Lane 1 Ryder Brow Road 1 Sackville Street 1 Sale Road 1 Sandy Lane 1 School Lane 1 Slade Lane 1 Southmoor Road 1 St. James’s Road 1 Stockport Road 1 Stretford Road 1 Styal Road 1 St. John’s Road 1 Sunbank Lane 1 Swan Street 1 Tan Yard Brow 1 Thompson Street 1 Thorley Lane 1 Trinity Way 1 Upper Brook Street 1 Upper Chorlton Road 1 Victoria Avenue 1 Victoria Avenue East 1 Wadeson Road 1 Wellington Road 1 Whitchurch Road 1 Whitworth Street 17 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 1 Whitworth Street West 1 Wilbraham Road 1 1 Wilmslow Road A538 1 Wilson Street 1 Withington Road 1 Wythenshawe Road

18 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name

2 Auburn Street 2 Acre Top Road 2 Adair Street 2 Albert Square 2 Albert Street 2 Alderglen Street 2 Alexandra Road 2 Alexandra Road South 2 Alfred Street 2 All Saints Street 2 Alma Road 2 Ambrose Street 2 Amesbury Road 2 Amos Avenue 2 Andrew Road 2 Angel Street 2 Appleford Drive 2 Ardern Road 2 Ardwick Green North 2 Arlington Street 2 Arrowfield Road 2 Ascot Road 2 Ashley Lane 2 Assheton Road 2 Averill Street 2 Avon Road 2 Aytoun Street 2 Bailey Lane 2 Bank Bridge Street 2 Bank Street 2 Bankhouse Road 2 Barlow Road 2 Beech Road 2 Belgrave Road 2 Belle Crescent 2 Belle Vue Street 2 Bellhaven Road 2 Bellott Street 2 Benchill Road 2 Bennett Street 2 Berry Brow 2 Bessemer Street 2 Beswick Street 2 Beverley Street 2 Birch Lane 2 Birch Street 2 Blackcarr Road 19 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Blackfriars Street 2 New Road 2 Blandford Drive 2 Bluestone Road 2 Bondmark Road 2 Bonsall Street 2 Booth Hall Road 2 Boothroyden Road 2 Bothwell Road 2 Boundary Lane 2 Bower Street 2 Bowland Road 2 Boyle Street 2 Bradford Road 2 Brendon Avenue 2 Briarfield Road 2 Brideoak Street 2 Bridge Street 2 Bridgenorth Road 2 Briscoe Lane 2 Bristowe Street 2 Broadoak Road 2 Bromley Street 2 Brookburn Road 2 Brookside Road 2 Broomhall Road 2 Broughton Street 2 Brunswick Street 2 Buckingham Road 2 Buckley Road 2 Burlington Street 2 Lane 2 Butler Street 2 Button Lane 2 Cable Street 2 Cambrian Street 2 Camelia Road 2 Cannon Street 2 Capstan Street 2 Cardinal Street 2 Carisbrook Street 2 Carruthers Street 2 Cateaton Street 2 Catherine Road 2 Cedric Road 2 Chain Road 2 Chapel Lane 2 Charlotte Street 2 Chataway Road 2 Chichester Road 2 Chippenham Road 20 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Chorlton Green 2 Chorlton Street 2 Chudleigh Road 2 Church Lane 2 Church Street 2 City Road 2 Claremont Road 2 Claude Road 2 Clay Lane 2 Clayton Hall Road 2 Clayton Lane 2 Clayton Lane South 2 Clayton Street 2 Cleveland Road 2 Clough Road 2 Clowes Street 2 Cobden Street 2 Colindale Road 2 Collyhurst Road 2 Collyhurst Street 2 Colmore Drive 2 Constable Street 2 Cooper Lane 2 Corbett Street 2 Cornishway 2 Corporation Street 2 Cotefield Road 2 Cotton Lane 2 Councillor Street 2 Coverdale Crescent 2 Crab Lane 2 Cranleigh Drive 2 Cravenwood Road 2 Crayford Road 2 Crescent Avenue 2 Croft Hill Road 2 Croft Street 2 Cromwell Grove 2 Cross Lane 2 Cross Street 2 Crossacres Road 2 Crossley Road 2 Crossley Street 2 Crumpsall Lane 2 Cudworth Road 2 Culcheth Lane 2 Daisy Bank 2 Daisy Bank Road 2 Dale Street 2 Dalton Street 2 Dantzic Street 21 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Darley Avenue 2 Darley Street 2 Dean Lane 2 Dene Road 2 Denmark Road 2 Derby Street 2 Derwent Avenue 2 Dobbinetts Lane 2 Dobroyd Street 2 Dommett Street 2 Droylsden Road 2 Ducie Street 2 East Road 2 Eastern By Pass 2 Eastlands Road 2 Eastwood Road 2 Edenbridge Avenue 2 Edilom Road 2 Egerton Road 2 Egerton Road North 2 Egerton Road South 2 Eppington Street 2 Elderidge Road 2 Ellbourne Road 2 Elmton Road 2 Emmett Street East 2 Empire Street 2 Enville Road 2 Errwood Road 2 Every Street 2 Evesham Road 2 Fairclough Street 2 Fairfield Road 2 Fairy Lane 2 Far Lane 2 Farnborough Road 2 Fennel Street 2 Fernclough Road 2 Ferndown Road 2 Finningley Road 2 Firbank Road 2 Floats Road 2 Floatshall Road 2 Fog Lane 2 Folkestone Road 2 Folkestone Road East 2 Folkestone Road West 2 Fountain Street 2 Foxmere Street 2 French Barn Lane 2 Garrett Way 22 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Gaskell Street 2 Gibbon Street 2 Gildersdale Avenue 2 Gladeside Road 2 Glen Avenue 2 Glenbrook Road 2 Gorton Lane 2 Gorton Road 2 Gould Street 2 Grafton Street 2 Grangepark Road 2 Grangethorpe Road 2 Graver Lane 2 Great Western Street 2 Green End Road 2 Greenbrow Road 2 Greengate East 2 Greenheys Lane 2 Greenheys Lane West 2 Greenhill Road 2 Greenside Street 2 Greenwood Road 2 Grimshaw Lane 2 Gurney Street 2 Hall Moss Road 2 Hamilton Road 2 Halliwell Lane 2 Hammerstone Road 2 Hanover Street 2 Hardy Lane 2 Harper Road 2 Hall Road 2 Hathersage Road 2 Haverfield Road 2 Haversham Road 2 Hawthorn Road 2 Hazelbottom Road 2 Heath Street 2 Heathbank Road 2 Hemsworth Road 2 Hengist Street 2 Heppleton Road 2 Herridstone Road 2 Heyscroft Road 2 Heywood Street 2 High Street 2 Highdales Road 2 Higher Ardwick 2 Highmead Street 2 Hill Crescent 2 Hill Lane 23 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Hilldale Avenue 2 Hilkirk Street 2 Hilton Street 2 Hollarnd Street 2 Hollyhedge Road 2 Holmecroft Road 2 Hospital Road 2 Hugo Street 2 Hulmes Road 2 Humphrey Street 2 Huntley Road 2 Huxley Avenue 2 Inchfield Road 2 Jersey Street 2 Jocelyn Street 2 John Dalton Street 2 John Heywood Street 2 Jpyce Street 2 Kearsley Road 2 Kendall Road 2 Kensington Road 2 Kenyon Lane 2 Kerr Street 2 King Street 2 King Street West 2 Kingsbridge Road 2 Kingscliffe Street 2 Kingston Road 2 Kingswood Road 2 Knowsley Street 2 Ladybarn Lane 2 Lake Street / East 2 Lake Street / East (new track circle) 2 Lane End Road 2 Lansdowne Road 2 Lathbury Road 2 Lauderdale Crescent 2 Lawson street 2 Laystall Street 2 Ledson Road 2 Lees Street 2 Leestone Road 2 Lever Street 2 Leverdale Road 2 Lewis Avenue 2 Lightbowne Road 2 Lily Lane 2 Lindleywood Road 2 Lion Street 2 Little 2 Road 24 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Livesey Street 2 Lloyd Street North 2 Lloyd Street South 2 Lomond Road 2 Long Millgate 2 Longhurst Road 2 Longton Road 2 Lord North Street 2 Lord Street 2 Louisa Street 2 Lower 2 Lownorth Road 2 Maitland Avenue 2 Manby Road 2 Manley Road 2 Manor Road 2 Maple Road 2 Market Street 2 Matthews Lane 2 McConnel Road 2 Meech Street 2 Melland Road 2 Mellor Street 2 Mersey Road 2 Merseybank Avenue 2 Midland Street 2 Millgate Lane 2 Millwright Street 2 Mirfield Road 2 Monsall Road 2 Monsall Street 2 Moorcroft Road 2 Moorhead Street 2 Moss Bank 2 Moston Lane East 2 Mount Street 2 Munn Road 2 Naylor Street 2 New Allen Street 2 New Bank Street 2 Newall Road 2 Newcliffe Road 2 Newton Street 2 Nicholas Street 2 Nigel Road 2 North Road 2 North Street 2 Northampton Road 2 Northbrook Avenue 2 Northfield Road 2 Northmoor Road 25 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Nuthurst Road 2 Oak Bank Avenue 2 Oak Road 2 Oakworth Street 2 Oatlands Road 2 Ogden Lane 2 Old Church Street 2 Old Hall Lane 2 Old Lane 2 Old Mill Street 2 Old Road 2 2 Orton Road 2 Osbourne Street 2 Oswald Road 2 Oxford Place 2 Palmerston Street 2 Park Road 2 Parker Street North 2 Parker Street South 2 Parkfield Road North 2 Parkhill Avenue 2 Parkhouse Street 2 Parkmount Road 2 Parksway 2 Parkview 2 Parsonage 2 Parsonage Road 2 Peel Hall Road 2 Peter Street 2 Piccadilly 2 Pilkington Road 2 Pink Bank Lane 2 Pitsford Road 2 Plant Hill Road 2 Platt Lane 2 Plymouth Grove West 2 Polefield Road 2 Pollard Street East 2 Portland Street 2 Portway 2 Poundswick Lane 2 Prescott Road 2 Press Street 2 Preston Street 2 Princess Road (slip road to Bonsall Street) 2 Quay Street 2 Raby Street 2 Rackhouse Road 2 Railway Street 2 Ravensbury Street 26 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Red Bank 2 Reddish Lane 2 Redgate Lane 2 Redhill Street 2 Reynard Road 2 Ridgeway Street 2 Riverpark Road 2 Polls Crescent 2 Romney Street 2 Rosebank Avenue 2 Rothsay Avenue 2 Rowlands Way 2 Royal Thorn Road 2 Royce Road 2 Ruddpark Road 2 Rusholme Place 2 Russet Road 2 Rylance Street 2 Sandyhill Road 2 Sawley Road 2 Scotland Hall Road 2 Sedgford Road 2 Sefton Street 2 Selstead Road 2 Seymour Road 2 Seymour Road South 2 Shadow Moss Road 2 Shady Lane 2 Shaftesbury Road 2 Sharston Road 2 Sherbourne Street 2 Shirley Road 2 Shude Hill 2 Silk Street 2 Simonsway 2 Smedley Lane 2 Smedley Road 2 South Street 2 Southall Street 2 Southdown Crescent 2 Southlea Road 2 Spath Road 2 Spring Gardens 2 Squire Road 2 St Clement’s Road 2 St Peter’s Square 2 Stanley Grove 2 Stansfield Street 2 Stanton Street 2 Store Street 2 Stuart Street 27 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 St Ann Street 2 St Mary’s Gate 2 St Mary’s Road 2 St Werburgh’s Road 2 Sudell Street 2 Sunbury Drive 2 Surbiton Road 2 Sydney Road 2 Symond Road 2 Talbot Road 2 Talgarth Road 2 Tamerton Road 2 Tartan Street 2 Taylor Street 2 Ten Acres Lane 2 Terence Street 2 The Fairway 2 Thomas Street 2 Thornbury Way 2 Thornton Street North 2 Thorp Road 2 Todd Street 2 Torcross Road 2 Travis Street 2 Troydale Drive 2 Tuffley Road 2 Tweedle Hill Road 2 Tyndall Avenue 2 Upper Conran Street 2 Upper Monsall Street 2 Vale Street 2 Varley Street 2 Vaughan Street 2 Viaduct Street 2 Vickers Street 2 Victoria Bridge Street 2 Victoria Road 2 Victoria Street 2 Warbeck Road 2 Warnford Close 2 Water Street 2 Waterloo Road 2 Waterloo Road 2 Waterloo Street 2 Watson Street 2 Wellington Street 2 Wembley Road 2 Wendon Road 2 Wendover Road 2 Wenlock Way 2 Weybourne Avenue 28 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix A Primary Carriageway Routes

Priority Street Name 2 Weybridge Road 2 Weyland Road 2 Wheler Street 2 Whitecarr Lane 2 Whitemoss Road 2 Whitley Road 2 Whitwell Way 2 Williams Road 2 Wilton Road 2 Windle Avenue 2 Windmill Street 2 Winstanley Road 2 Wintermans Road 2 Wood Street 2 Woodhouse Lane 2 Woodlands Avenue 2 Woodlands Road 2 Woodward Street 2 Woolley Street 2 Worsley Avenue 2 Yarburgh Street 2 Yew Tree Lane 2 Yew Tree Road 2 York Street

29 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area City 1 Albert Square Princess Street Lloyd Street Pedestrian/vehicular Centre City 1 Brazennose Street Deansgate Albert Square Pedestrian Centre City 1 Brown Street Market Street Marriott’s Court Both Sides Centre City 1 Cheetham Hill Road Trinity Way Corporation Both Sides Centre Street City 1 Corporation Street Miller Street St. Mary’s Both Sides Centre Gate City 1 Cross Street St. Mary’s Gate John Dalton Both Sides Centre Street City 1 Deansgate Peter Street Victoria Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Exchange Square Corporiation Cateaton Pedestrian Centre Street Street City 1 Exchange Street St. Ann’s Square St. Mary’s Pedestrian Centre Gate City 1 Great Ducie Street Victoria Street Trinity Way Both Sides Centre City 1 Hilton Street Oldham Street Stevenson Both Sides Centre Square City 1 Hilton Street Stevenson Square Newton Street Both Sides Centre City 1 John Dalton Street Deansgate Cross Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Jutland Street Ducie Street Store Street Both Sides Centre City 1 King Street Deansgate Cross Street Pedestrian Centre City 1 King Street Cross Street Spring Both Sides Centre Gardens City 1 Lincoln Square Brazennose Street Queen Street Pedestrian Centre City 1 Market Street St. Mary’s Gate Piccadilly Pedestrian Centre City 1 Marriott’s Court Brown Street Spring Pedestrian Centre Gardens City 1 Mosley Street Parker Street Piccadilly Both Sides Centre City 1 New Cathedral St. Mary’s Gate Exchange Pedeestrian Centre Street Square City 1 Newton Street Hilton Street Piccadilly Both Sides Centre City 1 Oldham Street Piccadilly Hilton Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Oxford Road Oxford Street Mancunian Both Sides Centre Way City 1 Oxford Street Peter Street Oxford Road Both Sides Centre City 1 Parker Street Portland Street Mosley Street Both Sides Centre 30 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area City 1 Peter Street Deansgate Oxford Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Piccadilly Market Street Ducie Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Portland Street Oxford Street Piccadilly Both Sides Centre City 1 Princess Street Cross Street Portland Street Both Sides Centre City 1 St. Ann’s Square Exchange Street St. Ann’s Pedestrian Centre Street City 1 St. Ann’s Street Deansgate Cross Street Both Sides Centre City 1 St. Mary’s Gate Deansgate Market Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Spring Gardens Marriott’s Court Market Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Stevenson Square Hilton Street Hilton Street Both Sides Centre City 1 Trinity Way Great Ducie Street Cheetham Hill Both Sides Centre Road City 1 Victoria Street Deansgate Great Ducie Both Sides Centre Street City 1 West Mosley Street Peter Street Cooper Street Pedestrian Centre Public 1 Bridgewater Hall Lower Mosley Gt Bridgewater Pedestrian Realms Street Street Public 1 Liverpool Road Rice Street Pedestrian Realms Public 1 Fennel Street Victoria Station Pedestrian Realms Approach Public 1 Exchange Square Corporation Street Cateaton Pedestrian Realms Street Public 1 Portland Street Mosley Street Pedestrian Realms City 2 Blackfriars Street Deansgate Both Sides Centre Boundary City 2 Bridge Street Deansgate Gartside Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Church Street High Street Dale Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Cooper Street Princess Street Fountain Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Dale Street Church Street Newton Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Deansgate Peter Street Bridgewater Both Sides Centre Viaduct City 2 Fennel Street Victoria Street Long Mill Gate Pedestrian Centre City 2 Fountain Street Cooper Street Market Street Both Sides Centre City 2 King Street West Deansgate Bridge Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Lever Street Piccadilly Great Ancoats Both Sides 31 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area Centre Street City 2 Library Walkq West Mosley Mount Street Pedestrian Centre Street City 2 Long Mill Gate Fennel Street Todd Street Pedestrian Centre City 2 Miller Street Corporation Street Shudehill Both Sides Centre City 2 Mosley Street Princess Street Parker Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Mount Street Peter Street Lloyd Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Nicholas Street Mosley Street Portland Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Oldham Street Church Street Great Ancoats Both Sides Centre Street City 2 Princess Street Portland Street Whitworth Both Sides Centre Street City 2 Quay Street Deansgate Lower Byrom Both Sides Centre Street City 2 Sackville Street Portland Street Bloom Street Both Sides Centre City 2 St. Peter’s Square Peter Street Peace Pedestrian Centre Gardens City 2 Spring Gardens Fountain Street Marriott’s Court Both Sides Centre City 2 Tib Street Market Street Swan Street Both Sides Centre City 2 Todd Street Long Mill Gate Corporation Both Sides Centre Street North 1 Alan Turing Way * Ashton Old Road Stuart Street West Side North 1 Ashton New Road * Alan Turing Way Rowsley Street North Side North 1 Ashton Old Road Old Lane Capital Road Both Sides North 1 Cheetham Hill Road Shirley Road Seymour Road Both Sides North 1 Crescent Road Cheetham Hill Arlington Both Sides Road Street North 1 Crumpsall Lane Station Road Lansdowne Both Sides Road North 1 Dean Lane Oldham Road Dean Avenue Both Sides North 1 Holt Town * Merill Street Stadium North West Side North 1 Kenyon Lane Moston Lane Hinde Streetq Both Sides North 1 Lansdowne Road Moss Bank Crumpsall Both Sides Lane North 1 Merrill Street * Pollard Street Holt Town North West Side North 1 Moston Lane Hough Hall Road Ilkley Street Both Sides North 1 OId Church Street Oldham Road All Saints Both Sides Street North 1 Pollard Street * Great Ancoats Merrill Street North West Side Street North 1 Pottery Lane * Gorton Road Ashton Old West Side Road North 1 Stockport Road Broom Lane Matthews Lane Both Sides North 1 Stockport Road Slade Lane Plymouth Both Sides Grove 32 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area North 2 Alan Turing Way Ashton Old Road Briscoe Lane Both Sides (cycleway) North 2 Briscoe Lane Hallam Roadq Orford Road Both Sides North 2 Broadway Moston Lane East Trevor Drive Both Sides North 2 Brunswick Street Stockport Road Upper Brook Both Sides Street North 2 Bury New Waterloo Road Southall Street Both Sides Road/Great Ducie Street North 2 Charlestown Road Grange Park Hospital North Side Road Entrance North 2 Charlestown Road Grange Park End of Ships North Side Road North 2 Cheetham Hill Road Park Street Derby Street Both Sides North 2 Cross Lane Wellington Street Carfax Street Both Sides North 2 Delaunays Road Crumpsall Vale Birch Road South East Side North 2 Devonshire Street Hyde Road Higher Ardwick East Side North North 2 Factory Lane Waterloo Street Rochdale Both Sides Road North 2 Garratt Way Wellington Street Robertson Both Sides Close North 2 Grafton Street Oxford Road Upper Brook Both Sides Street North 2 Grey Mare Laneq Alan Turing Way Stilton Drive Both Sides North 2 Hathersage Road Oxford Road St. Mary’s North Side Hospital North 2 Hollinwood Avenue Greengate City Boundary Both Sides North 2 Hulme Hall Lane Oldham Road Briscoe Lane Both Sides (cycleway) North 2 Hyde Road Hengist Street Sunnybrow Both Sides Road North 2 Hyde Road Bus Devonshire Street Briscoe Lane North Side Depot North North 2 Lightbowne Road Kenyon Lane Rudd Street Both Sides North 2 Middleton Road Victoria Avenue Bowker Vale East Side School North 2 Middleton Road Blackley New White House West Side Road Avenue North 2 Moston Lane Croft Hill Road Enville Road Both Sides North 2 Mount Road Longsight Road Matthews Lane Both Sides North 2 Oldham Road Sherratt Street Great Ancoats South East Side Street North 2 Pottery Lane Ashton Old Road A point past Both Sides Wenlock Way North 2 Pottery Lane Ashton Old Road Hyde Road Both Sides (cycleway) North 2 Reddish Lane Hyde Road City Boundary Both Sides North 2 Riverdale Road Blackley New Sandyhill Road Both Sides Road North 2 Rochdale Road Victoria Avenue Bossall Both Sides Avenue North 2 Rochdale Road Moston Lane Church Lane East Side 33 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area North 2 Rochdale Road Bernard Street Pleasant Street Both Sides North 2 Victoria Avenue Garbrook Avenue Rochdale Both Sides Road North 2 Wellington Street Green Lane Hyde Road Both Sides South 1 Barlow Moor Road 100m north 100m south Both Sides Mauldeth Road Mauldeth Road West West South 1 Barlow Moor Road Beech Road Longford Road Both Sides South 1 Beaver Road School Lane Atwood Road Both Sides South 1 Beech Road Wilton Road Whitelow Road Both Sides South 1 Burton Road Central Road Nell Lane Both Sides South 1 Church Road Palatine Road Ford Lane Both Sides South 1 Copson Street Wilmslow Road Yew Tree Both Sides Road South 1 Egerton Crescent Parsonage Road Wilmslow Both Sides Road South 1 Elizabeth Slinger Nell Lane Newholme Both Sides Road Road South 1 Fog Lane Kingsway Parrs Wood Both Sides Road South 1 Hale Top Rowlandsway Fleming Road Both Sides South 1 Hart Road Platt Lane Horton Road Both Sides South 1 Hollyhedge Road Woodhouse Lane Solway Road Both Sides South 1 Lloyd Street South Platt Lane To end of East Side Shops South 1 Mauldeth Road Egerton Road St. George’s Both Sides Road South 1 Mauldeth Road Barlow Moor Road Park Entrance Both Sides West South 1 Nell Lane Burton Road Princess Road Both Sides South 1 Ogden Street Warburton Street School Lane Both Sides South 1 Oxford Road Mancunian Way Wilmslow Both Sides Road South 1 Palatine Road M60 Longley Lane Both Sides South 1 Platt Lane Lloyd Street South Hart Road Both Sides South 1 Princess Road Moss Lane East Claremont East Side Road South 1 Rowlandsway Poundswick Lane Simonsway Both Sides South 1 School Laneq Wilmslow Road Beaver Road Both Sides South 1 Warburton Street Wilmslow Road Ogden Street Both Sides South 1 Wilbraham Road Oswald Road Buckingham Both Sides Road South 1 Wilmslow Road Moorland Road Dene Road Both Sides South 1 Wilmslow Road Old Hall Lane Egerton Road Both Sides South 1 Wilmslow Road Mauldeth Road Burton Road Both Sides West South 1 Wilmslow Road Oxford Road Dickenson Both Sides Road South 1 Withington Road Carlton Road May Road Both Sides South 2 Barlow Moor Road Palatine Road To end of North Side Shops South 2 Barlow Moor Road Hardcastle Aldermary South Side Avenue Road inc 34 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area service road South 2 Beresford Road Duncan Road Montgomery East Side Road South 2 Birchfields Road Moseley Road Lytham Road East Side South 2 Broadhill Road Kingsway To end of Both Sides Shops South 2 Burnage Lane No. 185 No 237 Both Sides South 2 Burnage Lane Lane End Road To end of West Side Shops South 2 Button Lane Sale Road Feldom Road Both Sides South 2 Dickenson Road Conyngham Road Laindon Road North Side South 2 Egerton Road South St. Werburgh’s To end of Both Sides Road Shops South 2 Green End Road Kingsway To end of Both Sides Shops South 2 Hall Lane Floatshall Road Haybarn Road Both Sides South 2 Harbarn Roadq Hall Lane To end of Both Sides Shops South 2 Kingsway Opposite Opposite East Side Kingsway Kingsway Crescent (S) Crescent (S) South 2 Kingsway Burnbray Avenue \Mauldeth Both Sides Road South 2 Lane End Road Kingsway Burnage Lane Both Sides South 2 Lapwing Lane Palatine Road Lyndhurst North Side Roiad South 2 Mauldeth Road Kingsway Avonlea Drive Both Sides South 2 Mauldeth Road St. Margaret’s Burnage Lane Both Sides Avenue South 2 Mauldeth Road Princess Road Limehurst North Side West Avenue South 2 Mauldeth Road Rose Cottage To end of North Side West Road Shops South 2 Mauldeth Road No. 571 Nell Lane South East Side West South 2 Meldon Road Birchfields Road To end of Both Sides shoops South 2 Moorcroft Road Welbury Road Aldfield Road North West Side South 2 Nell Lane Mauldeth Road No. 40 Both Sides South 2 Old Moat Lane St. Brendan’s Copson Street Both Sides Road North South 2 Princess Road Wilbraham Road Mauldeth Road East Side West South 2 Princess Street Following shops To end of East Side near junction of shoops Cavendish Road South 2 Sale Road Moss Hey Drive Orton Road inc Both Sides Sale Circle South 2 Slade Lane Scarisbrick Road Milwain Road Both Sides South 2 St. Werburgh’s Road Egerton Road Towards King Both Sides Road South 2 Wendover Road Ferndowne Road Wincanton East Side Avenue 35 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix B Primary & Secondary Footway/Cycleway Routes Area Priority Location From To Gritting Area South 2 Wilbraham Road Oswald Road Edge Lane Both Sides

36 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix C


North Area

1. Hill Lane/French Barn Lane 2. Brooklands Road/Cedric Road 3. Blackley New Road/Middleton Road 4. Charlestown Road Outside Booth Hall Hospital 5. Charlestown Road/Rochdale Road 6. Mddleton Old Road / Old Market Street 7. Riverdale Road/Sandyhill Road 8. Delaunays Road - Outside North Manchester General Hospital 9. Croydon Drive/Scotland Hall Road 10. White Moss Road/Haverfield Road 11. Newcliffe Road/Victoria Avenue East 12. Culcheth Lane/Sunbury Drive 13. Kearsley Road - Between Kathkin Avenue and Chudleigh Road 14. Chudleigh Road - At open space area (not at corner of Mariman Drive) 15. Ellbourne Road/Hill Crescent 16. Sandyhill Road/Somers Walk 17. Warnford Close - Top of hill 18. Sandyhill Road - Top of steps outside of number 109 19. Dalham Avenue - Near to Pevensey Court 20. Bridgenorth Road opposite Wilton Court 21. Levedale Road/Rochdale Road 22. Greengage - At steps 23. Hyde Road - Corner of Tan Yard Brow 24. Mount Road - Corner of Barlow Road 25. Kirkmanshulme Lane - Corner of New Bank Street 26. Shelley Street - Outside number 17 27. Hargrave Close - Outside number 6 28. Fortrose Avenue 29. Assheton Road - Corner of Berry Brow.

City Centre

1. Store Street - Corner of Jutland Street 2. Victoria Street - Outside Cathedral 3. Bishops Gate/Lower Mosley Street - Entrance to car parks 4. Little Peter Street - Entrance to car parks 5. Steps – Bridgwater Hall – Public Realm Area 6. Catalan Square, Castlefield – Public Realm Area 7. Tourist Information Centre, Castlefield – Public Realm Area

37 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

South Area.

1. Mill Lane - Top of hill, right side of C/way in verge, approaching from A538 2. Mill Lane - Bottom of hill, right side of C/way in verge, approaching from A538 3. Shady Lane Bridge - Bottom of hill, approaching from Altrincham Road 4. Leaton Avenue, off Floatshall Road - Bottom of footbridge 5. Broom Lane - Bus lay-by outside aged persons home near Stockport Road 6. Moseley Road - Corner of Kingsway under railway bridge 7. Kingsway/Wilmslow Road - On footbridge (2 No) at Gateway 8. M56/Yew Tree Lane - On approaches to footbridge (3 No)

38 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 6 Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 January 2009

Appendix D

Winter Maintenance Costs for 2007/08

Carrilion Standby Payment 190,000 Gritting Costs 144,000

Street Scene Services Standby Payment 11,400

Plant Lease of Huskies 36,500

Materials Supply of Salt 29,000

Viasala Annual Maintenance 12,600

Met. Office Annual Fee 7,800

Training Officer Training 4,000

Income Rechargeable Works -26,000

Total Expenditure £409,300