EAGLEY CRICKET CLUB for the Financial Year 2013 Note the AGM Is on the 25Th February 2014
The 177th Annual report and Financial Statement of EAGLEY CRICKET CLUB For the Financial Year 2013 Note the AGM is on the 25th February 2014 OFFICIALS President Mr Tom Hughes Life Members Mr J Marsh, Mr J Walsh, Mr N Whia er, Mr D Seddon, Mr T Hughes, Mr Salt, Mr G Cleworth, Mr M Bla e. Secretary/Membership Secretary Mrs Carol Wilcox 40 Howarden Street, Astley Bridge, BOLTON BL1 7H- 01.04 .80774 Mrs 1laine 2owers 3. The Cheethams Blac rod, BOLTON B,3 5RR 079384.9049 Hon Auditor Mr Steve Gregory OFFICIALS Chairman Mr Michael O8Rour e .8 Roselea, Harwood BOLTON B,. 0JH 01.94 00.044 Treasurer Mrs 2auline Ashton 150 Bromwich Street, BOLTON B,. 1,, Child Welfare Officer Mrs Carol Wilcox 40 Howarden Street, Astley Bridge BOLTON 01.04 .80774 Commi0ee 1ice President2 Mr Geo3 Cleworth 01204 307187 Mesdames2 E Cleworth, C .ilco9, E Powers, P Ashton, L Delvard, D Liddle, -ilary Gregory, Sam Connor. Messrs2 R Blagg, G Salt, J Cooper, I .ilco9, D Counsell, A Massey, N Smalley, M O’Rourke, M 1enn, G Monks plus 1st Team Captain No9ce is hereby given that the 177th Annual Mee9ng of 1agley Cric et Club will ta e place in the 1agley Sports Complex clubhouse on Tuesday .5th February .014 Agenda 1. Minutes of the 173th Annual General Mee9ng .. Maers Arising 0. Chairman8s Report 4. 2resenta9on of Financial Accounts and Balance Sheets For the Financial -ear ending November .010 5. 1lec9on of O;cers and Commiee for the coming year 3. Report on the Harry Brown Memorial Trust Secretary’s Report The past season benefied from beer weather than we have had for a few seasons and this re=ected in more games completed across all the teams.
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