The World Bank for OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: ICR00004694

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The World Bank for OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: ICR00004694 Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: ICR00004694 IMPLEMENTATION COMPLETION AND RESULTS REPORT P123729 ON A LOAN Public Disclosure Authorized IN THE AMOUNT OF $50 MILLION TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FOR THE Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project June 25, 2019 Public Disclosure Authorized Transport Global Practice East Asia And Pacific Region Public Disclosure Authorized CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective May 30, 2019) Currency Unit = RMB RMB1.00 = US$0.14 US$1.00 = RMB6.90 FISCAL YEAR July 1 - June 30 Regional Vice President: Victoria Kwakwa Country Director: Martin Raiser Senior Global Practice Director: Guangzhe Chen Practice Manager: Binyam Reja Task Team Leader(s): Weimin Zhou ICR Main Contributor: Yuan Shao ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CAAC Civil Aviation Administration of China CPS Country Partnership Strategy EIRR Economic Internal Return Rate EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies EMF Environmental Management Framework EMP Environmental Management Plan FEGP Fixed Electrical Ground Power GDP Gross Domestic Products GSHP Ground Source Heat Pump JAG Jiangxi Airport Group NPV Net Present Value PCA Pre-Conditioned Air PDO Project Development Objective PPP Public-Private Partnership PMO Project Management Office RAP Resettlement Action Plan SAOC Shangrao Airport Operation Company SMCADB Shangrao Municipal Civil Aviation Development Bureau SMG Shangrao Municipal Government SSAC Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Company Limited TABLE OF CONTENTS DATA SHEET .......................................................................................................................... 1 I. PROJECT CONTEXT AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES ....................................................... 5 A. CONTEXT AT APPRAISAL .........................................................................................................5 B. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DURING IMPLEMENTATION (IF APPLICABLE) .......................................9 I. OUTCOME ...................................................................................................................... 9 A. RELEVANCE OF PDOs ..............................................................................................................9 B. ACHIEVEMENT OF PDOs (EFFICACY) ...................................................................................... 10 C. EFFICIENCY ........................................................................................................................... 13 D. JUSTIFICATION OF OVERALL OUTCOME RATING .................................................................... 15 E. OTHER OUTCOMES AND IMPACTS (IF ANY) ............................................................................ 15 II. KEY FACTORS THAT AFFECTED IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOME ................................ 17 A. KEY FACTORS DURING PREPARATION ................................................................................... 17 B. KEY FACTORS DURING IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................. 18 III. BANK PERFORMANCE, COMPLIANCE ISSUES, AND RISK TO DEVELOPMENT OUTCOME .. 19 A. QUALITY OF MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) ............................................................ 19 B. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND FIDUCIARY COMPLIANCE ..................................................... 20 C. BANK PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................... 21 D. RISK TO DEVELOPMENT OUTCOME ....................................................................................... 22 IV. LESSONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 22 ANNEX 1. RESULTS FRAMEWORK AND KEY OUTPUTS ........................................................... 24 ANNEX 2. BANK LENDING AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT/SUPERVISION ......................... 28 ANNEX 3. PROJECT COST BY COMPONENT ........................................................................... 30 ANNEX 4. EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 31 ANNEX 5. BORROWER, CO-FINANCIER AND OTHER PARTNER/STAKEHOLDER COMMENTS ... 41 ANNEX 6. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (IF ANY) ..................................................................... 43 ANNEX 7. PICTURES OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................... 44 The World Bank Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project (P123729) DATA SHEET BASIC INFORMATION Product Information Project ID Project Name P123729 Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project Country Financing Instrument China Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Revised EA Category Full Assessment (A) Organizations Borrower Implementing Agency Ministry of Finance Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Construction Office (PMO) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve airline connectivity in Northeastern Jiangxi Province and demonstrate the environmental sustainability of the development and operation of the Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport. Page 1 of 44 The World Bank Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project (P123729) FINANCING Original Amount (US$) Revised Amount (US$) Actual Disbursed (US$) World Bank Financing 50,000,000 49,393,873 49,393,873 IBRD-82560 Total 50,000,000 49,393,873 49,393,873 Non-World Bank Financing 0 0 0 Borrower/Recipient 55,130,000 55,130,000 76,066,127 Total 55,130,000 55,130,000 76,066,127 Total Project Cost 105,130,000 104,523,873 125,460,000 KEY DATES ApprovalFIN_TABLE_DAT Effectiveness MTR Review Original Closing Actual Closing 13-May-2013 16-Jul-2013 05-Apr-2017 31-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2018 RESTRUCTURING AND/OR ADDITIONAL FINANCING Date(s) Amount Disbursed (US$M) Key Revisions KEY RATINGS Outcome Bank Performance M&E Quality Satisfactory Satisfactory Substantial RATINGS OF PROJECT PERFORMANCE IN ISRs Actual No. Date ISR Archived DO Rating IP Rating Disbursements (US$M) 01 25-Jun-2013 Satisfactory Satisfactory 0 02 21-Dec-2013 Satisfactory Satisfactory 0 03 22-Jun-2014 Satisfactory Satisfactory 11.06 Page 2 of 44 The World Bank Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project (P123729) 04 13-Dec-2014 Satisfactory Satisfactory 18.62 05 24-Jun-2015 Satisfactory Satisfactory 24.18 06 07-Nov-2015 Satisfactory Satisfactory 28.27 07 27-Jun-2016 Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 37.12 08 22-Nov-2016 Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 40.44 09 18-May-2017 Satisfactory Satisfactory 45.95 10 07-Dec-2017 Satisfactory Satisfactory 45.95 11 21-Jun-2018 Satisfactory Satisfactory 47.77 12 25-Dec-2018 Highly Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 47.59 SECTORS AND THEMES Sectors Major Sector/Sector (%) Transportation 100 Public Administration - Transportation 4 Aviation 96 Themes Major Theme/ Theme (Level 2)/ Theme (Level 3) (%) Economic Policy 33 Trade 33 Trade Facilitation 33 Urban and Rural Development 67 Urban Development 67 Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery 67 Environment and Natural Resource Management 100 Climate change 100 Mitigation 100 Page 3 of 44 The World Bank Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project (P123729) ADM STAFF Role At Approval At ICR Regional Vice President: Axel van Trotsenburg Victoria Kwakwa Country Director: Klaus Rohland Martin Raiser Senior Global Practice Director: John A. Roome Guangzhe Chen Practice Manager: Mark R. Lundell Binyam Reja Task Team Leader(s): Binyam Reja Weimin Zhou ICR Contributing Author: Yuan Shao Page 4 of 44 The World Bank Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project (P123729) I. PROJECT CONTEXT AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES A. CONTEXT AT APPRAISAL Context 1. China’s National Civil Airport Development Plan (2008) envisioned 244 civil airports by the end of 2020 to enable all provincial capitals, major cities, and major tourism destinations to be connected by a functional hub, trunk, and feeder airport network. More than 80 percent of the counties were expected to be within 100 km (1.5 hours by ground transport access) of an airport. During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2005- 2010), China’s civil aviation infrastructure had invested RMB250 billion (US$38 billion), which was equivalent to the combined investment of the previous 25 years. As of 2010, China had 175 civilian airports, of which 33 had been built in the previous five years. In July 2012, the State Council issued a document to encourage the development of China's civil aviation industry. The 12th FYP (2011-2015) had a goal of building 82 new airports by 2015 to increase China's airport network by nearly 50%. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) was assigned the task to oversee expansion of China's airport network. 2. By 2013, China was the world’s second largest aviation market in terms of traffic volume, and air transport was the fastest growing mode of transport. The Government was increasing investment in building and renovating airports, especially feeder airports, and expanding its aviation network. The country was, nevertheless, faced with considerable challenges especially in the development of feeder airports and aviation services. Issues such as poor connectivity with regional airports, poor operational efficiency, and low utilization of feeder airports were restraining China from building a mature and efficient air transportation network. The number of feeder airports and feeder airlines were relatively small and geographical coverage was yet to be optimized. Besides, the provision
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