Coningsby Town Council Meeting held 24th September 2009

In attendance – Mayor Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllr Richard Johnson, Cllr Martin Foster, Cllr Kevin Moorhouse, Cllr Ray Curtis, Cllr Martin Rickard, Cllr Mrs Marlene Wilson. Cllr Mrs Joan Roseveare, Cllr Mrs Mary Walker, Cllr Mrs Ruth Sharples. Clerk Mrs Kathy Roberts Matthew Fido – Youth representative. Gary Skipworth – PCSO for

Presentation of “Fred Bailey Shield” Best kept village garden Mayor announced unfortunately Mrs Mary Bailey is unable to be here tonight to present the awards but she will be informed of the results; all in attendance wished Mary a speedy and full recovery. This year the competition was judged by Russell green & Jean Ludlow; Mr & Mrs Cottingham of 12 Fairfield won the shield for 2nd year running, second place Mr & Mrs Robinson, 22 Marmion Road, and two runners up Mr & Mrs “Brookfield House”, New York Rd Dogdyke & Mr & Mrs Cottingham “Raystine”, Rd, all attended to receive certificates and have photographs taken for the Council website; the gardens this year were once again an outstanding show of the owners dedication to them.

Agenda. 82. Mayor opened the formal meeting of Council 83. Apologies & reasons for absence were noted and accepted for Cllr John Ranshaw 84. Declarations Of Interest – Cllr Kevin Moorhouse, personal, item 8 CFC, Cllr Ray Curtis personal & prejudicial item 17 Tesco planning application, Cllr Paddy Donnellan declared for the foreseeable future he would not be commenting on any planning applications due to the nature of his work in Estate Agents. 85. Draft notes – meeting held 24 September previously circulated – council resolved to adopt as true record all voted in favour. Minutes were signed and dated by Mayor. 86. Police Report- PCSO Gary Skipworth reported; anti social behavior is at its lowest for the last four years, the local team are pleased with the successes over the past few months, including an arrest and goods recovered from a robbery in Park Lane last year; an attempted arsonist is in custody for the fire at Salon on Silver Street, the local CCTV has proved invaluable recently with evidence being used to enable convictions. Coningsby International & Play Area were broken into, CCTV is being sought for this. Problems at the Allan Barker seem to have abated. Inspector Mark French has been appointed at , he is very proactive and looking to work closely with the community. Gattington Park is being visited daily, there are problems with the site not just anti social behavior, Environmental Health are involved, the site owner is to be contacted. The Horncastle team has acquired a speed gun plus some flashing signs to try and combat the speeding traffic problems. Council publicly thanked the Coningsby & Police team; “we are very lucky to have such a dedicated hard working team many thanks for your great efforts”. 87. Youth Report – Matthew Fido reported that there are several youngsters offering to help in any way with the works at the Allan Barker site, wondering if the soil will be used for the BMX track – thanks were given to the council for the use of the pavilion for the football training sessions, which have now finished, some of the youngsters who attended have joined the Coningsby Football Club’s newly formed under 18’s squad. There lots of spring bulbs at Cllr Curtis’s yard these need sorting to be planted, Matthew is to ask if anyone would be willing to help with this. 88. Clerks Report – Correspondence Letter of thanks from Revesby Play Scheme –this has now stopped running any remaining funds will be distributed between local youth groups. Funding application Youth Capital Fund for Allan Barker written by Youthworx has been sent off to County Council. Pingle – Lease agreement has run out; an important agenda item for next month. Mole control at Cemetery- Quotes received – council decided to try an annual contract with 13

David Freeman who works on the RAF station, quote requested for cemetery only. Helping Hands Would like permission to from the Trustees – Coningsby town Council to allow items required to be allocated to residents of Tattershall the Charity Commission register states “Within the parish of Coningsby and the immediate surrounding areas,” they would like to change this to say parishes of Coningsby & Tattershall and immediate surrounding areas The name would not change just the wording in the constitution. Council agreed that if all the committee members were in agreement this is for the committee to deal with. Development off High Street – the contractors have started and have named the site “Drivers Close” residents have asked for assurance that this will not be the given name of the development, suggestions were Ackrill Way or something similar in memory of Mr Ackrill who lived for many years in the house being demolished to give access to the site.. 89. Coningsby Football Club – CFC have been asked to provide a copy of accounts by this council, they are reluctant to supply these – at this moment in time it is not an issue but the council will require these when we apply for funding for any works to the pavilion, CFC are working towards “Charter Status” this will also help towards funding bids, one of the requirements for this is that the clubs accounts are produced in full at AGM and made available to the public. Council proposed a meeting with the Club & Pavilion committee be arranged, seconded a vote taken all voted in favour. 90. LALC – AGM –is to be held at Horncastle Cllrs Donnellan, Sharples & Roseveare will attend, Cllr Mrs Roseveare said it would be nice if the clerk would attend to receive the Quality Status award for the council, all councillors offered there thanks to the clerk fro the work carried out putting the portfolio together. Proposal to pay for 3 delegates to attend AGM, seconded all voted in favour. 91. Remembrance Day – Proposal to donate £80 to the 2009 poppy appeal, seconded, vote taken all in favour. 92. Christmas tree lighting & Carol service – 6th December at 6pm for the lights switch on, the RAF have been asked to floodlight the Church if possible, Rookery Kennels have again most generously donated a tree for the village. Refreshments will be served as in previous years all above proposals, seconded, all voted in favour of continuing with the successful format. 93. Christmas tree lights – Council placed a sum of £200 in the budget for replacement lights, Cllr Dick Johnson agreed to purchase for the Council from a wholesale outlet, it was agreed the old lights were beyond repair proposal to purchase, seconded all voted in favour. 94. Cemetery disposal of waste – Quotes have been sought for skip hire and a large wheeled bin service from three contractors, after discussion councillors agreed that they would meet with a representative from Julian’s Skip hire to discuss the large wheeled bin idea, this would enable us to clear the backlog. 95. Footway – The Park – High Street – the drains on this footway have not been adopted by Anglian Water, this is the responsibility of the home owners and until this is done nothing can be done with the footway. 96. Allan Barker - Revised plans were put to council for approval to enable them to be submitted to ELDC, also the trim trail equipment, seating and picnic benches were decided; proposal to accept the plans & equipment as put forward, seconded all voted in favour. A site meeting has been arranged Wednesday 7th October; with the contractor who will be building the BMX track and working on the naturalised areas, Groundwork Lincolnshire are project managers for this part of the programme, if any councillors wish to attend they are most welcome, the start date will be set plus any final details that need to be ironed out can be discussed. Councillors wished to thank the Clerk for the work on the planning application. 97. Reports –Groups & Committees- CCTV, Friends of Pingle, Sports Forum, Police Panel, all hadn’t met since last council meeting. Cllr Mrs Joan Roseveare reported on the assembly, it was poorly organised & attended this year, parking charged at £1 per hour caused uproar, eventually it was reduced to £5 for the day, Various very interesting speakers in particular “Caring for others” trying to encourage all councils to appoint a councillor as a “Carers Champion” to be a first point of contact and hold a list of all agencies and carers in the parish. The Youth Charter & Engaging with young people and Power of Wellbeing which is a new development to enable spending by councils for the benefit of the community, there are several criteria issues with this power. 14

98. Planning - Full PP. S/035/01880/09 CO- OP to continue to site fans. Refusal PP S035/01620/09 Old Methodist Chapel old Fen Lane Appeal Dismissed- S/035/02983/08 Chapel Farm Mobile Home Park TESCO – Tattershall planning application. – Comments by end October 99. Accounts – Proposal to withhold £1000 from the Luda Civil account until completion of the gates , all other accounts as listed to be paid in full, seconded all voted in favour. Tiscali Standing Order Broad Band £14.67 Communtiy Hall Meeting fee £18.00 Luda Civils - final invoice car parking - including gates and fixing £8,384.65 £7,384.65 paid Barkers PAT testing £36.05 Wybone- Litter bin £489.77 Central Networks - disconnection & reconnection street light £918.85 Anglian Water - Sports Pavilion Feb- August £126.56 Anglian Water - Cemetery Feb- August £47.51 Clement Keys- Auditors fee £460.00 Mrs K Roberts - Postage expenses large letters + travel Manby £27.15 ROSPA play safety ltd Play area & Allan Barker inspected £144.90 BT phone bill Direct Debit 7th Sept £72.36 Salaries Clerk, clk winder, Play Area CT Pavilion CT £1,319.92 Inland Revenue via Post Office £271.75 Grass cutting Mark Overton £752.20 Invoiced Marcus Adams, Mick Overton, John Ward £608.90 Fuel mowers £30.00 Expenses Cllr Donnelan £44.00 Expenses Cllr Mrs Roseveare £36.20 Richard Sivil - engraving best kept garden £6.96 100. District Councillors report- East Lindsey are genuinely worried about having to make spending cuts over this and the next few financial years, they are meeting on Monday next week to decide on the merged services with Boston Borough & South Holland District Council this is just one of the way they are looking at to reduce spending. 101. Venue for 2010 Council meetings – after much discussion the proposal to continue at the Community Hall was put forward, seconded a vote was taken, Cllr Mrs Mary Walker wished it to be noted that she was not in favour as the Hall costs could be spent on other things, all 9 other Councillors voted in favour. The main reasons for not using the Allan Barker Pavilion were the acoustics and the non central position.