Credential Referral Service of the Personnel Service Is An
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THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION . PERSONNEL SERVICE The American Political Science Association's Personnel Service operates as a clearinghouse, bringing together political scientists seeking positions and prospective employers. Registration in the service is open to members of the Association and to Political Science Departments. Membership in the Service, which includes a subscription to the monthly Newsletter, is $6.00 per year. Membership in the Credential Referral Service of the Personnel Service is an additional $8.00. NEWSLETTER A Newsletter, listing openings for political scientists including teaching, administrative and research openings, is mailed monthly to all Personnel Service members. Positions are listed by institution with a brief description of each opening. CREDENTIAL REFERRAL SERVICE A file will be maintained at the Association office for all members of the Cre- dential Referral Service. This file will include a resume, a dissertation abstract and/or a list of publications, and up to three letters of reference for each member. Referrals are made upon the request of a member or of an , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at institution. EMPLOYERS USING THE SERVICE The Association's Council has adopted a policy that it is a professional obligation 26 Sep 2021 at 15:52:12 of all political science departments to list publicly all vacancies in the APSA Per- , on sonnel Service Newsletter for which they are recruiting except those vacancies at the associate and full professor levels which departments expect to fill from among people known to them. There is no cost to the institution listing its vacancies with the Service. Forms for listing openings in the Newsletter are available from the Personnel Service. IP address: For further information concerning the Personnel Service write to: Director, Personnel Service The American Political Science Association 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Please mention THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW when writing to advertisers 593 Downloaded from Professional Placement Service . 1971 Annual Meeting (September 7-11, 1971) A Professional Placement Service will be available to members of the American Political Science Association attending the Chicago meeting. The service will be located in the East Hall of the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Although sponsored by APSA, this Service is entirely separate from APSA's Personnel Service and requires separate registration. A file of applicants seeking employment will be available for review by employers, and descriptions of position openings will be made available to applicants. Adequate facilities for personal interviews will be provided. If you plan to attend the Conference and utilize the Placement Service, please com- plete and mail the form below as soon as possible but no later than August 1, 1971. Applicant and/or employer order forms will be forwarded to you upon receipt of your request. Pre-Convention registration is strongly recommended. Employers and applicants filing in advance of the convention will receive expedited service. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Name:. (Organization or Institution) 26 Sep 2021 at 15:52:12 , on Address: (City) (State) (Zip) • Employer • Applicant Number of Positions . IP address: Will you be available for interviews during the annual meeting? Q Yes a No Mail to: Theresa Scholl Employment Service Area Supervisor Illinois State Employment Service 208 South La Salle Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 Please mention THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW when writing to advertisers 594 Downloaded from INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE ABSTRACTS A Quarterly Journal . The International Political Science Abstracts offers abstracts of over 2,000 articles from 350 journals including eighty published in the United States. The journal contains a subject index and an annual cumulative subject and author index. Board of Editors Alfred de Grazia, New York University H. R. G. Greaves, London School of Economics and Political Science Jean Meyriat, International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation Bruce L. Smith, Michigan State University Managing Editor Serge Hurtig Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques 27 rue Saint-Guillaume Paris, 7e, France Annual Subscription Individual Subscribers $12.00 Institutions $15.00 (All subscriptions should be addressed to Basil Blackwell, 49 Broad Street, Oxford, United Kingdom) , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at The International Political Science Association Invitation to Membership The International Political Science Association welcomes political scientists as members. The Association, founded in 1949, is composed of three cate- 26 Sep 2021 at 15:52:12 gories of members: individuals, institutions and national associations. , on Membership in the Association of $10.00 a year entitles members to re- ceive the Newsletter giving information about IPSA activities and meetings; to purchase material published under IPSA auspices—including the Inter- national Bibliography of Political Science, published annually by Stevens in London and sets of papers submitted at IPSA meetings at reduced cost; and to register at IPSA meetings at lower rates. IP address: Individual members who pay a higher membership fee of $12.00 a year are, in addition, entitled to receive either the International Political Science Ab- stracts published quarterly by Basil Blackwell at Oxford or the International Social Science Journal, the quarterly organ of the Department of Social Sci- ences of UNESCO. To join the Association send your name and check to the International Political Science Association, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, Paris 7e, France. Please mention THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW when writing to advertisers 595 Downloaded from GRANTS FOR ASIAN POLITICAL SCIENTISTS The American Political Science Association again has received from The Asia Foundation a small grant for encouraging closer relations between Asian and American political scientists. . The funds will be used in three ways: 1) To enable Asian political scientists to become members of The American Political Sci- ence Association for a one-year period at greatly reduced rates. Membership includes subscription to The American Political Science Review and PS. To be eligible, appli- cants must reside in one of the Asian countries listed below. 2) To enable libraries, university departments, and research institutes in Asia, who have heretofore been unable to do so, to subscribe to The American Political Science Review at greatly reduced rates. 3) To supplement travel expenses of Asian political scientists who are in the United States and who wish to attend meetings of The American Political Science Association. The next meeting will be held September 7-11, 1971 in the Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. (Applicants must be at least at the graduate student level and may come from any of the following Asian countries: Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, Hong Kong, India, Indo- nesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Ryukyus, the Re- public of China (Taiwan), Thailand, and Vietnam. Applicants who have not previously re- ceived grants will be given first consideration. Application forms may be obtained from The American Political Science Association, 1537 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.) , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? If you are planning a move, please fill in the form below and return it to the American Political Science Association, 26 Sep 2021 at 15:52:12 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. , on Address changes should be received at the Association by the 5th of the month to be included in the monthly update of the Association mailing list. IP address: Name OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS (Zip) (Zip) Please mention THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW when writing to advertisers 596 Downloaded from PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETINGS . of The American Political Science Association Complete proceedings of the APSA Annual Meetings (including copies of all papers delivered from 1904-1912 and 1956 through 1970) may be obtained by contacting the Customer Services Department, 313 North First Street, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Hard copy of individual papers: $2.00 each; microfilm reels of Annual Meeting proceedings price list available from Customer Service Department, University Microfilms. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Edited by BRIAN BARRY, Professor of Government, University of Essex Contents Volume I, Part I January 1971 26 Sep 2021 at 15:52:12 R. D. JESSOP Civility and traditionalism in English political culture , on J. DENNIS, L. LINDBERG and D. McCRONE Support for nation and government among English children J. ALT Some social and political correlates of county borough expendi-