ASA Adjudication on Ten Motives Ltd - Advertising Standards Authority


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Ten Motives Ltd For ASA news, including our Suite 15 Date: 25 September 2013 Number of complaints: 1 weekly rulings, press releases, Edwin Foden Business Centre Media: Television Agency: Picture Production research and reports.

Moss Lane Sector: Leisure Company Follow Us Sandbach Complaint Ref: A13-230598 Cheshire CW11 3AE How to comply with the rules Background For advice and training on the Summary of Council decision: Advertising Codes please visit the CAP website. Two issues were investigated, of which one was Upheld and one was Not upheld. Visit CAP

On 12 June 2013 the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) announced that, following a public consultation on how to regulate -containing products (NCPs) such as electronic (e-cigarettes), all NCPs were to be regulated as medicines. The UK government will press for EU law to create a Europe-wide legal position on Make a complaint NCPs as medicines. The European Commission has said it expects the new legislation to be adopted in 2013 and for it to come into effect in the UK from 2016, at which point NCPs will require a medicines licence. Until that time, e-cigarettes, Find out what types of ads we which make no medicinal claims, will continue to be regulated as consumer products in the UK. deal with and how to make a complaint. The following adjudication relates to an ad broadcast prior to the MHRA's announcement of June 2013. Make a complaint

Ad A TV ad for electronic cigarettes, featured a '£' symbol next to animated images of various day-to-day activities and objects Press Zone such as a beach holiday and a TV. The ad also featured animated images of cycling and a young family. The voice-over stated, "What's my motive? Finding them is easy as 1, 2, 3. I have more freedom, to be the real me, and do all the things I This section is for journalists haven't done in a long time. Enjoying life with the people that matter most. Ten motives. What's your motive?" On-screen only. Here you will be able to access embargoed material, text stated " What's your motive?". breaking news and briefing papers as well as profile details for the ASA press office. Issue Press Zone home A viewer challenged whether the ad:

1. was misleading because it encouraged viewers, and particularly young adults and children, to visit the website but did not make clear the characteristics of the product; and Sign up

2. was irresponsible and harmful, because it promoted a nicotine-based product. Sign up for our rulings alerts and newsletters. BCAP Code Sign up 1.2 3.1 3.2 Already registered? Response Log in 1. Ten Motives stated that the ad was written from the perspective of an adult male and featured an animated adult male character. They said that the only reference to children was when the character talked about "the people that matter most", which was a reference to spending time with his loved ones. They said that at no point during the ad was the viewer asked[11/12/2013 10:51:01 AM] ASA Adjudication on Ten Motives Ltd - Advertising Standards Authority

or encouraged to visit the website and that the URL simply featured on the screen in graphics at the end of the ad.

Clearcast said they ensured that the ad was given an ex-kids restriction to guarantee it was kept away from children's programming and that, in their opinion, the ad did not show youth appeal and that it did not aim its voiceover at young people. They said the ad was very much directed at adults because it highlighted "the people that matter most", whilst showing an image of a family. They said they had understood from the Code rule relating to prohibited categories, that making clear the characteristics of the product would itself contravene that Code rule.

2. Ten Motives said it had not been proven that nicotine based e-cigarettes was harmful and that there already existed a large body of research (prior to e-cigarettes becoming popular) stating that nicotine had no harmful effects, especially in the quantities found in e-cigarettes. They said they consequently understood that these products did not fall under the legislative framework surrounding advertising and sales.

Clearcast said that whilst e-cigarettes were a controversial product, they were legal and, unlike tobacco products, had not been proven to be harmful. They believed it would be going beyond the requirements of the BCAP Code if they were to refuse all advertising for e-cigarettes on the grounds of social responsibility.

Assessment 1. Upheld

The ASA noted the ad featured various images of everyday objects along with an image of a young family. We considered that although those images were animated, they were not displayed in such a way that they were likely to be particularly attractive to younger children and further noted the ad had been given an ex-kids restriction, which meant it would not be broadcast around programmes that were of particular appeal to children.

However, we noted the ad did not identify the type of product being promoted and considered that this was significant material information which was necessary for viewers if they then wished to find out more. We therefore considered that inquisitive consumers, including older children who may have been watching at that time, could have been attracted by the repeated claim "What's my motive?" along with reference to "freedom" and were likely to have visited the website detailed at the end of the ad in order to find out more about the product being advertised, thus resulting in an action they would not otherwise have taken if they were aware of what was being advertised.

We noted that both the advertiser and Clearcast had understood that the references to the type of product (e-cigarettes) or the product name, were prohibited by the BCAP Code and that this was the reason they omitted that information from the ad. We understood that the BCAP Code rule only required that ads for non-tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, did not reference or promote smoking or tobacco and did not include a "design, colour, imagery, logo style or the like that might be associated in the audiences mind with a tobacco product". However, we considered that this rule did not prevent an ad containing verbal or text reference to an 'e-cig', 'e-' or 'vaporator', or information indicating that the product contained nicotine, providing the ad did not also create a link between that product and smoking or tobacco products. We considered it important that ads such as this made clear the nature of the product being advertised and stated whether or not it contained nicotine. We judged that to be material information the consumer needed to know in order to avoid the likelihood of being misled. Because the ad did not make clear the nature of the product being advertised and did not state that the product contained nicotine, we concluded that the ad was misleading.

On this point the ad breached BCAP Code rules 3.1 and 3.2 (Misleading advertising)

2. Not upheld.

The ASA noted the MHRA confirmed that the government would regulate electronic cigarettes and other NCPs as medicines. We noted the advertised product contained nicotine, a pharmacologically active agent, the presence of which in other circumstances might render a product medicinal, which would require it to hold a medicines licence. However, we noted the MHRA had in 2011, prior to their final determination on the matter, not removed such products from the market whilst marketers went through the process of obtaining the required licences, owing to the potential public health benefits and therefore understood that they could continue to be advertised providing they adhered to the CAP and BCAP Codes.

We considered that because nicotine products could continue to be marketed during the licence application period, and because they were not a prohibited category under the advertising Codes (such as tobacco products), the advertising of those products would not automatically be found to be harmful providing they were advertised in a responsible manner. Furthermore, we noted the ad neither glamorised the nicotine product nor encouraged excessive or inappropriate use. We therefore considered that the content of the ad did not encourage the harmful use of a nicotine product and therefore[11/12/2013 10:51:01 AM] ASA Adjudication on Ten Motives Ltd - Advertising Standards Authority

concluded that the ad was not socially irresponsible.

On this point we investigated the ad under BCAP Code rule 1.2 (Social responsibility) but did not find it in breach.

Action The ad should not appear again in its current form. We told Ten Motives to ensure their future advertising clearly identified that their product was an e-cigarette and that it contained nicotine.

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