Name General Prickles (thorns) (hips) multiflora , Non-native; up Prickles typically Stipule margins laciniate Flowers in clusters (panicles), 5 Around 0.25 inch (5 to 7 mm) Rosa multiflora to 10 to 15 curved back toward to fimbriate (fringe-like to 45+ (up to 100) flowers; diameter, red, orange-red; feet tall and the base of the slender lobes on typically white petals, roundish; average of 7 http://biology.b wide; stems (recurved), or rarely margins), often with occasionally pink, lobed sepals; achene per hip; may have a urke.washington can climb straight, flattened; gland-tipped teeth flowers 0.6 to 1.2 inches (1.5 to few stalked glands .edu/herbarium/ trees paired at nodes, 3 cm) across; flowers sweet imagecollection/ variable distribution, scented. taxon.php?Taxo some stems without n=Rosa%20multi flora dog rose, Non-native, Prickles stout, 5 to 7 leaflets, serrated Flowers are solitary or in small 0.6 to 0.8 inch, bright red, Rosa canina Eurasia and N. strongly curved margins, no glands clusters, bloom in June to July; elliptic to pear-shaped; ripen Africa; up to 9 down, unequal in either side, smooth; lower surface of sepals without September to October, http://biology.b feet tall size, flattened fresh leaves without glands; sepals often with slender smooth and bright red; urke.washington -scent; stipules 0.4 lateral lobes, generally reflexed sepals eventually fall away; .edu/herbarium/ to 0.9 inches long by 0.1 (curved outward) until shed; hips remain on plant for imagecollection/ to 0.2 inches wide (10– flowers pink to white , petals 0.8 several months, becoming taxon.php?Taxo 22 mm by 3–5 mm), to 1 inch long black n=Rosa%20canin stipule margins with a gland-tipped hairs or without glands sweetbriar rose, Non-native; up Prickles stout, Fresh leaves sweet or Flowers solitary or in small Fruit 0.4 to 0.6 inches, elliptic Rosa rubiginosa to 10 feet tall strongly curved apple-scented; clusters; bloom June to July; to pear-shaped hip; ripen (syn. Rosa down, unequal, undersides with stalked Sepals with slender lateral lobes September to October, eglanteria) flattened glands, 5 to 7 leaflets and stalked glands; lower sepals eventually fall away; having double-serrated surface of sepals glandular, hips smooth, bright red; http://biology.b margins with gland sepals generally erect or persistent on plant urke.washington tipped teeth; underside spreading back (reflexed), .edu/herbarium/ of leaves with hairs and curving backward, until shed; imagecollection/ stalked glands flowers pale to dark pink, 0.6 to taxon.php?Taxo 0.8 inches n=Rosa%20rubig inosa baldhip rose, Native; up to 4 Stems covered in Leaves of 5 to 9 leaflets; Flowers usually solitary and Pear-shaped, 0.4 inches; Rosa feet tall straight, weak leaf stems and small. Petals 0.4 to 0.6 inches ripens in August to gymnocarpa, prickles; sometimes long, light to dark pink, broadly September, bright red. stems without underside of leaf midrib notched; pedicels and sepals http://biology.bu prickles have stalked glands have stalked glands, . rke.washington.e du/herbarium/im Sepals unlobed, ascending to agecollection/tax reflexed, fall off as fruit matures on.php?Taxon=R osa%20gymnoca rpa Nootka rose, Native Stout, straight, one Leaflets 5-7; serrate or Flowers generally solitary (rarely Fruit sepal tips often Rosa nutkana pair at leaf base, doubly serrated. 2 or more), flowers typically 1.8 somewhat expanded and http://biology.b other thorns absent to 2.8 inches (4.5-7 cm) in leafy; sepals persistent; red urke.washington or smaller diameter to purplish red hip, round to .edu/herbarium/ pear-shaped, 0.5 to 0.8 imagecollection/ inches (1.2 to 2 cm) taxon.php?Taxo n=Rosa%20nutk ana Woods’ rose, Native; 3.3 to Strait or sometimes Leaflets often coarsely Flowers in clusters of 3 to 12 Hips red, usually without Rosa woodsia 9 feet tall; curved, one or pair at toothed; petioles and (though can be single or more in hairs or glands, typically leaf base leaf rachis finely hairy, clusters); pink to deep rose in 0.24-0.5 inch by 0.20-0.47 http://biology.b the hairs 0.2-0.5mm color; flowers around 1.2 to 1.4 inch (6–13 × 5–12 mm); urke.washington inches wide (sometimes smaller sepals persistent. .edu/herbarium/ or up to 2 inches); sepals imagecollection/ typically without glands, taxon.php?Taxo tapering to long narrow tips, 0.4 n=Rosa%20wood to 0.8 inches long by 0.08 0.14 sii inches wide (1-2 cm x 2-3.5mm) rugosa rose, Non-native; up Prickles hairy at base; Leaves leathery, rugose, Flowers white or purplish-pink, Hips scarlet, 0.7-0.8 inch by Rosa rugosa to about 8.2 paired prickles at veins impressed on 2.4 to 3.5 inches (6-9 cm) in 0.8-1.0 inch in size (18-20 by http://biology.bu feet tall; nodes, erect, stout, upper surface; stipules diameter; 0.8 to 1.5 inches long 20-25 mm) rke.washington.e young stems 0.4 inch long by 0.16 0.8 to 1.2 inches by 0.16 by 0.16 to 0.23 inches wide (20– du/herbarium/im tomentose or inch wide (10mm x to 0.3 inch wide (20–30 37 × 4–6 mm), margins smooth, agecollection/tax minutely hairy 4mm); internodal × 4–7 mm), auricles rarely lobed on.php?Taxon=R prickles similar, flared, margins entire or osa%20rugosa unevenly toothed, sessile-glandular

References: Pavek, P. L. S. and D. M. Skinner. 2013. of the Inland Pacific Northwest. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services. Technical Note 21. 22 pp.

Hitchcock, C. L. and A. Cronquist. 2018. Flora of the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Edition. Edited by D. E. Giblin, B. S. Legler, P. F. Zika and R. G. Olmstead. University of Washington Press. 936 pp.

WTU Herbarium image database. 2019. University of Washington Burke Herbarium.