Watch this please: The Question of UFOs

There is an important set of questions for mankind. First the question of is there UFO. Well UFO means unidentified Flying Object. Well there are a hundred a day minimum of these. They are daily reported around the world. Investigation into all would require massive amounts of money.

The next question is: Is there intelligent life behind any of these UFO? There could be covert corporate or governmental development of a covert nature. Or perhaps there is a separate species of some covert hidden order of being hiding on the planet.

Is there today or was there ever extraterrestrial alien life here on earth? This is a question of much debate in science today. Most cases have been explained away with illusion or some other science. But to prove there are white crows you only need one white crow not a flock, or a murder of crows. There have been many cases where it becomes obvious that some incredibly advanced technology is behind the UFO sighting. There are a few cases where there is undeniable evidence. More conservative minds would challenge these cases and some stubborn extremists will never be satisfied. And there are extremists on both sides.

The proposed giggle factor of science has made this question a strange question hard to answer. Science has become a search for funding not a search for truth or answers. For a long time scientists have been ridiculed for even using the phrase UFO. The arrogance of scientists over the competition for money and the conceit of the scientists have for so long a time made many fringe endeavors unpopular and laughable. In a competition for money being laughed at makes it more difficult to get money. So science has not accepted some subjects the way they should.

One such subject important is the existence of extra terrestrials on earth. A vital point with two big opposing sides. Some sure that there is and some sure there isn’t. But true science should have a more scientific position. Science uses the null hypothesis for scientific analysis.

Null hypothesis

The practice of science involves formulating and testing hypotheses, assertions that are falsifiable using a test of observed data. The null hypothesis typically proposes a general or default position, such as that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena or that a potential treatment has no effect. The term was originally coined by English geneticist and statistician Ronald Fisher It is typically paired with a second hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis, which asserts a particular relationship between the phenomena. Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson formalized the notion of the alternative. The alternative need not be the logical negation of the null hypothesis and is the predicted hypothesis you would get from the experiment. The use of alternative hypotheses was not part of Fisher's formulation, but became standard.

Hypothesis testing works by collecting data and measuring how probable the data are, assuming the null hypothesis is true. If the data are very improbable (usually defined as observed less than 5% of the time), then the experimenter concludes that the null hypothesis is false. If the data do not contradict the null hypothesis, then no conclusion is made. In this case, the null hypothesis could be true or false; the data give insufficient evidence to make any conclusion.

For instance, a certain drug may reduce the chance of having a heart attack. Possible null hypotheses are "this drug does not reduce the chances of having a heart attack" and "this drug has no effect on the chances of having a heart attack". The test of the hypothesis consists of administering the drug to half of the people in a study group as a controlled experiment. If the data show a statistically significant change in the people receiving the drug, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The choice of null hypothesis is critical. Consider the question of whether a tossed coin is fair (i.e. that on average it lands heads up 50% of the time). A potential null hypothesis is "this coin is not biased towards heads". The experiment is to repeatedly toss the coin. A possible result of 5 tosses is 5 heads. Under this null hypothesis, the data are considered unlikely (with a fair coin, the probability of this is 3%). The data refute the null hypothesis: the coin is biased.

Alternatively, the null hypothesis, "this coin is fair" allows runs of tails as well as heads, increasing the probability of 5 of a kind to 6%, which is no longer statistically significant, preserving the null hypothesis.

According to the Null Hypothesis there is NO conclusive PROOF of an ExtraTerrestrial race visiting or controlling the Planet Earth. But According to the Null Hypothesis there is NO conclusive PROOF there is NOT an ExtraTerrestrial race visiting and or controlling the Planet Earth. This is Science. My father always taught me that when handling a gun, pretend it is loaded. No matter what you think it is dangerous to assume something that could give so much harm. Life is at risk. In our society today we have no proof that there is NOT an alien intelligence here on the Earth, but at one level a truly open and scientific mind should have some precautionary safeguards to consider. It is possible that there might be an alien race hidden inside of people that takes over minds at some subtle level and controls our society.

David Icke maintains that there is or at least very well could be a type of mental invader. He says it is lizard in nature. It seems foolish, but every human has a lizard brain medical anatomists once called the “Alligator Brain”. This deep reptile brain is where our base instincts of territorialism, greed, anger, hate all start. We all have these instincts some have more control over them than others. It is indeed the case that this lizard brain to produce the evil of the world but is it controlled by an alien presence. It is Possible, not probable. But as humans we need to pretend the gun is loaded. The top officials should not have sole ability to launch war there should be checks and balances of humanity, lest another war crime from psychopaths like Hitler or Harry Truman are possible.

Watch the Promo

Since 12-21-2012 there has been a accelerating cascade of exposure of the aliens here on earth. They are setting us up for the truth.

Area 51 'declassified'

Area 51, so-named for its designation on a 1950s-era map, surrounds a dry lake bed, Groom Lake, bottom rt pic crashed CIA A12 spy plane The CIA has officially acknowledged the secret US test site known as Area 51, in a newly unclassified internal history of the U-2 spy plane program.

The document obtained by a US university describes the 1955 acquisition of the Nevada site for testing of the secret spy plane.

It also explains the site's lingering association with UFOs and aliens. The remote patch of desert surrounding Groom Lake was chosen because it was adjacent to a nuclear testing facility.

"The U-2 was absolutely top secret," Chris Pocock, a British defense journalist and author of histories of the program, told the BBC.

"They had to hide everything about it."

The U-2 plane, developed to spy on the Soviet Union during the Cold War, is still flown by the US Air Force.

Reports of UFOs The document, a secret 1992 internal CIA history of the U-2 program, was originally declassified in 1998 with heavy redactions.

Many of the blacked-out details were revealed this month after a public records request by the National Security Archive at the George Washington University in Washington DC.

The site was selected for the U-2 program in 1955 after an aerial survey by CIA and Air Force staff. According to the history, President Dwight Eisenhower personally signed off on the acquisition.

Officials from the CIA, Air Force and Lockheed, the contractor building the U-2, began moving into the facility in July 1955.

While a lengthy account of the development of the U-2 spy plane program, the history also attempts to shed light on the public's fascination with the Area 51 site and its lingering associations with extra-terrestrials and UFOs.

It notes that testing of the U-2 plane in the 1950s - at altitudes much higher than commercial airplanes then flew - provoked "a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)".

"At this time, no one believed manned flight was possible above 60,000 feet, so no one expected to see an object so high in the sky," note authors Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach.

'Inclination towards secrecy' The original request for the redacted portions of the history was made in 2005. It was released to the National Security Archive several weeks ago.

Jeff Richelson, a senior fellow at the National Security Archive, said the long period of secrecy was notable because of the extent people across the world were already aware of Area 51's existence. Mr Richelson speculates the CIA must have recently made a conscious, deliberate decision to reveal Area 51's existence and origins.

"There is a general inclination towards secrecy," he said, and the many US agencies and non-US governments involved in the U-2 program would have had a say in the declassification process.

"As far as I can tell, this is the first time something must have gone to a high- enough level to discuss whether or not to formally acknowledge Area 51's existence," he said

Earlier ET races here on Earth like the "Little Greys" from Zeta Reticuli and the Annunaki were negative, parasitic, enslaving races. The current groups -- from Arcturus, the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda, among others are here to help us transit from third density (or dimension) to the higher and much more aware fifth density.

They come in peace: UFO conference held at Joshua Tree Retreat Center

By Rebecca Unger Twentynine Palms correspondent They come in peace: UFO conference held at Joshua Tree Retreat Center

Douglas Taylor of Huntington Beach says he was on a surfing trip in the Virgin Islands when he was taken aboard a UFO and met these beings in a dream experience. “When I came back, I had the desire to paint,” Taylor said. “It was like getting plugged into a battery.” Posted: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:49 pm | Updated: 8:41 pm, Fri Aug 16, 2013. By Rebecca Unger Twentynine Palms correspondent |13 comments JOSHUA TREE — A predominant theme at the Contact in the Desert UFO Conference Friday through Sunday was the role of “citizen science” in getting out the message that we are not alone in the universe. Attendees shared their sighting and contact experiences and enjoyed lectures, workshops, films, panels and parties with 40 of today’s top names in UFO investigation, all at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. David Wilcock, author and researcher into ancient civilizations and consciousness studies, said he has had contact with extraterrestrials and ascended beings since childhood. “Reality is a facade that is crumbing,” Wilcock declared. “What is behind that facade is something that threatens the power structure. You are here at a historic event and the foundation stone is being laid. Get ready for the cosmic reveal.” Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project in 1993 to inform the public of the government’s UFO knowledge, teaches others how to make contact with extraterrestrials. “The problem is a spiritual crisis, and the solution will be spiritual as well,” Greer said to cheers. “Contact will not be made looking down the barrel of a laser-guided missile system.” Historian Richard Dolan was one of 40 researchers who testified at Greer’s Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., in May 2001 before former members of Congress. “This is the beginning of the struggle,” Dolan told the attendees at his workshop, “UFOs: Reclaiming Our Freedom from a Lifetime of Secrecy.” “Disclosure coming from the government would be forced and full of spin and lies. Their house of cards will fall with citizen disclosure, and there is a potential for the radicalization of society, a global federalism that encourages collaboration.” Former university teacher Dr. Michael Salla’s lecture on exopolitics focused on the implications of ET disclosure on political systems. His wide-ranging lecture explored contacts in South America with beings Anitac and Antarel, which he described as “very upbeat.” “Many extraterrestrials value peace and friendship with humanity,” Salla stated. “Anyone can engage in citizen-based diplomacy by being willing to raise their consciousness to unity consciousness. But be prepared for great change, as Earth’s ascended beings will take leadership roles.” Jason Martell travels to mysterious sites around the world, seeking the ancient culture and UFO connection. His interest was sparked when he saw a photo of “the face” on Mars as a college student. “I was skeptical, wondering why NASA would hide evidence of extraterrestrial life,” Martell quipped during his lecture. “But I’ve learned that there’s a political backup, not that there’s necessarily a cover-up, and we’re not getting the all the details. However, we’re sending new landers and orbiters to Mars and this is an interesting step in a scientific view to answering, ‘Are we alone?’” Giorgio Tsoukalos, researcher and host of the History Channel television program “Ancient Aliens,” has done much to bring attention to the work of many of the conference speakers. He delighted his audience with the news that eight more episodes of the popular series will be aired starting in September-October, and eight episodes of a sixth season will begin to air in 2014. Tsoukalos said he doesn’t have final say on what topics are chosen for the series. For instance, he said he would never have chosen putting Bigfoot on a space ship, but the producer claimed there was interest in the Sasquatch-ET connection. “Other people on the episode are living this stuff,” Tsoukalos said with a smile. “We should teach acceptance, not just tolerance.” Plans are under way for another UFO conference at the Retreat Center next year.

Meet Paul Hellyer, the World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer

By Patrick McGuire

When I first heard that Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former minister of defence, had revealed he truly believes in extraterrestrial life, I was very, very happy. Paul made the biggest headlines regarding his deep-seated alien beliefs during a speech at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, a mock congressional hearing in Washington, DC, devoted to lifting the “truth embargo” on extraterrestrials. It’s not as if I have been overly anxious for some kind of tipping point where UFOs and aliens would become a mainstream issue, but it would certainly be very cool if it happened, and Paul’s speech made me think that maybe, possibly, hopefully, we were approaching that time.

Beyond Mr. Hellyer’s claims that —a term he avoids, as it is obviously a byproduct of anti-alien Hollywood propagandists—are real, he insists that several extraterrestrials currently live on Earth, and are actively cooperating with the United States government by sharing their highly-advanced technologies with our puny human minds. What we are giving them in return is, to Paul, unclear, but basically he insists that a lot of the stuff that what makes up our high-tech gadgetry has been gifted to us by overly- advanced ETs. Once Paul’s bold claims about the extraterrestrial issue made their way into my ears and up to my pink, primitive brain, some kind of a mental explosion occurred. I became totally obsessed with locking down an interview with Paul Hellyer himself. After a bit of emailing and weeks of waiting, Paul invited us to his cottage in Muskoka, a beautiful patch of cottage country in Ontario, Canada.

Hellyer takes us to where he saw his first UFO, and points.

It was mid-July. We arrived during a massive storm where trees and streetlights were knocked over into the roads, and the town was preparing for a tornado warning that never arrived. (A tornado is, if you’re not already familiar, somewhat out of the ordinary for a small Ontario town). The eerie atmosphere made us think, and feel, like we were being thwarted by some sort of alien overseer who didn’t want us to be asking Paul anything about the extraterrestrials’ role in human affairs.

I know that sounds completely ridiculous. And maybe it is. But that’s just the type of one develops when they’re on the way to visit an accomplished ex-military figure who definitively believes that aliens provided us with the know-how to make our own Kevlar vests.

What followed is what you see here. You can decide for yourself whether or not you think Paul Hellyer is legitimate, but don’t let his age fool you into some superficial dismissal of his intellectual stability. The man is not senile. He has done a massive amount of research and interrogation of people who claim to have been abducted, or were allegedly involved in military programs to reverse-engineer alien technology. The information he has gathered has led him to believe all of his claims whole-heartedly, and there are others like him.

Has Paul Hellyer been coerced into believing a bunch of nonsense? Or is he really on to something? Check it out and let us know what you think.

UFO files: 'secrets' made public

21 June 2013 Last updated at 08:44 GMT

The final tranche of files about the Ministry of Defence's UFO desk are made public today.

The desk recorded sightings of unidentified flying objects between 1950 and 2009 when it was closed.

Dr David Clarke, author of The UFO files, told the Today program's Justin Webb that now "people can read these so-called secret files and draw their own conclusions".

He said that the national archive are "now launching a special UFO app that will allow the public to play around with the data".


I am from Girard Ohio, near Youngstown. When I worked for AC Electronics on the Apollo project navigation system I was given Top Secret classification. I visited Wright –Patterson and they showed me some very interesting science, and some unexplainable items. Items that might proof alien presence here on our planet. This article may help you to broaden your mind.

Aviation research and development has flourished in Dayton, Ohio where large flying fields were established in 1917. First, McCook Field was built at what is now the intersection of State Route 4 and Interstate 75. Then Wilbur Wright Field was established where the present runway is. In 1924, Wright Field was established on land donated by the community.

On July 6, 1931, Wilbur Wright Field was renamed Patterson Field after Lt. Frank Patterson, who had been killed there in the crash of a DH-4 while flight testing the synchronization of machine gun and propeller. In 1948, the fields became one installation, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Today, as in the early 1900s, Wright-Patterson is where weapon systems of the future are conceived, tested, modified, and tested again until worthy of acceptance as part of the most responsive deterrent force in the history of military aviation.

Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow. That is what Wright-Patterson is all about. A heritage of a legendary past spurs aerospace logisticians, engineers, and scientists in a quest to "keep’em flying", faster, higher, further, and safer than man has ever flown before.

Recently, Wright-Patterson AFB has become very well-known among UFO researchers and theorists due to its connection with the of July 1947. This is one of the locations, alongside the Groom Lake/Area51 installation in Nevada, where wreckage of a crashed UFO as well as alien bodies were shipped. Wreckage of the craft was shipped directly to Ohio aboard a B-29 after the mysterious crash and placed in the infamous Hangar 18.

The crash of a 100ft in diameter saucer with 16 dead aliens aboard near Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, had its remains sent to Wright-Patterson AFB shortly thereafter.

Wright-Patterson has become a haven for UFO folklore and stories, mainly due to its history with the controversial subject of alien landings, sightings and government .

From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated Unidentified Flying Objects under . The project, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was terminated 17 December 1969. Of a total of 12,618 sightings reported to Project Blue Book, 701 remained "unidentified."

Some believe Wright-Patterson to be a top-secret UFO monitoring and research station, which considering its past programs, doesn't seem unreasonable at all.

Interesting points relating to Wright-Patterson AFB

In a book by Jean-Charles Fumoux in 1981 entitled "Preuves Scientifiques OVNI", the author relates how Leon B. Visse, an alleged expert on histons (elements connected with cellular genetic material) was invited in 1959 to a military compound at Wright-Patterson AFB, where he was asked to perform an experiment on the histonic weight of particular cells. Visse was later taken into a special room where he viewed two humanoid corpses.

A researcher known as Tommy Blann interviewed a Colonel "X" who said, "In the earlier years they had taken some bodies to this base, but later it depended on where they were found. They had a hell of a time setting up procedures for this operation, as well as getting craft out of the area without it being observed. Usually this was done at night time." Colonel"X" also told Blann that he believed that in more recent years the bodies were flown outside the U.S. to a secret naval installation on an island in the Pacific. Senator Barry Goldwater was denied access into a building at Wright Patterson AFB because it was classified Above Top Secret

I grew up in Girard, Ohio, 420 miles from WPAFB.

Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, is the Headquarters of The USAF LOGISTICS COMMAND. As a former member of the USAF it was my luck to speak with 2 Airmen who worked as security police while stationed there. I asked very specific questions regarding the presence of alien/ufo technology. Here are a few tid bits.

Q-Have you ever seen anything that you felt was obviously alien or UfO technology.

A- (1st Airman) Yes, our job was entry control on Bldg. 21, that’s where they are.

Q- Where who are?

A-(2nd Airman) That’s where they keep the frozen bodies!

(1st Airman) That’s where the ship is too.

Q-They have a ship?

A- (2nd Airman) They have a bunch of them (ships), pieces too.

Q-Do you know where they came from?

A-(1st Airman) They came in on a plane the first time, I don’t know where they came from. That was before we got here.

A(2nd Airman) I heard that some of the pieces came from Pennsylvania or something.

These questions went on for a while until they must have realized that I was probably not supposed to be asking them questions, and they certainly weren’t supposed to be answering. One of them became obviously extremely uncomfortable to the point of almost physically ill.

This interview took place in a bar in Middletown, Ohio in May of 1991.

Many wonder what it takes to work and be a part of these cover-ups. Many say that you need a Security Clearance higher then Top Secret, in truth, there isn't anything higher then Top Secret, there are levels of TS, such as mine TS-SCI. But in truth you have to be specially picked for these jobs, go through more background checks, undergo a Polygraph, as well as an interview where you would sign many Non- Disclosure Agreements, military form, SF312, (Standard Form 312). Trust me Ive asked questions as a member of Military Intel. I asked one of my instructors during training if there are levels above TS and we talked a little about it, he also mention that there was a time in his Intel work that he went off the books for a while, and we all know what that means.

Alfred Loedding officially fell from favor as a result of his personal belief that many of the flying disc sightings could represent craft of extraterrestrial origin – The 1948 Estimate of the Situation Draft June 1, 2012

Alfred C. Loedding, enquêteur civil en chef duprojet Sign de l’USAF

Who Was Alfred Loedding? Officially-Doesn-t-Exist

How would news of space invaders affect the public- or the military? UFO belief might destabilize the orderly function of government. says the “Estimate of the Situation” was a factor in the demise of America’s Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. He read the document and it blew his mind. Forrestal was placed in a mental hospital after running down the halls of the Pentagon shouting, “We’re being invaded and we can’t stop them!” He was found dead hanging out a window, bed sheets tied around his neck.

Dad stated in the August 26, 1960, “Air Scoop” at Langley Research Center that studies in the field of gravity and the electro-magnetic field may lead to the UFOs propulsion system which set up electronic fields about a body that will give it a repelling or attracting force relative to a suspended system of forces that exists throughout space. Einstein’s Unified Field Theory deals on those relationships. Many sightings state a pulsating, rotating blue ring around the UFOs like an armature in a generator/alternator creating electrical energy. A basic source of energy is the atom itself with the electrons spinning around the nucleus creating a magnetic field.

Copyright @June, 2011

Donald R. Loedding “LARCH”


Donald Loedding clearly remembers the controversy surrounding the rejection of his father’s “Estimate of the Situation” draft to General Vandenberg and the resulting deep disappointment by his father. Donald had the impression that Alfred Loedding, who had been a rising star at Wright Field, officially fell from favor as a result of his personal belief that many of the flying disc sightings could represent craft of extraterrestrial origin. When he personally authored that carefully reached conclusion in the “Estimate” draft, Loedding severely hurt his career.

Researchers know that with the end of 1948 a drastic change took place in Project Sign. The great sense of importance that the Pentagon had previously bestowed on the project suddenly ceased. Dropped almost overnight, it happened in the midst of one of the most unsettling series of UFO sightings over American military bases then to date. By mid-1949 the leaders of the project like Sneider and Loedding would be ousted and, barring a period in the early 1950s, the AMC staff would never again openly talk about the origin of UFOs. Perhaps the extreme conclusions of the Estimate draft and the summary of the Project Sign final report (drawn up in late 1948 by Truettner and Deyarmond, and finished in February 1949) became just too much for the Pentagon to handle. Titled Unidentified Aerial Objects— Project Sign, a great deal can be interpreted by reading between the lines of the passages of that final report.

Even the introductory passages are important because they use some very interesting phrases. In the Foreword, for example, the Rand study is mentioned along with the intent to explore the possibility that some observed objects may represent “spaceships” or “satellite vehicles.” (On July 21st the Pentagon had ordered a study to be made by the Rand Corporation to evaluate that possibility.) 26 This is stunning terminology regarding the Rand study because everyone who would have then read that report knew full well that not only did the United States not possess anything that could attain earth orbit, neither did the Soviets. In fact, it would be nine years before such an event occurred with Sputnik— considered much ahead of its time then.

Wright-Patterson AFB, the complex of organizations located at Dayton, Ohio. Wright Field, the top secret engineering research facility is located at the triangular field on the left. Patterson Field, the actual air force base is separated by a civilian highway and is on the right. Howard McCoy’s Intelligence Division was located right of center in the picture on Patterson Field Two of the most startling documents discovered in the Sign and Grudge papers are detailed here.

We begin with a letter written by Air Force Intelligence Chief Major General Cabell to the AMC. Cabell states quite plainly in that correspondence that the reported incidents of UFO activity are clearly of a real and concerning nature. He then inquires about Project Sign’s views on the matter. This is somewhat puzzling considering Cabell must assuredly have been privy to the July Estimate draft. Yet five days later Colonel McCoy then responds with an even more straightforward answer. He states a percentage of the phenomenon are admittedly unexplainable and must represent craft of “foreign origin.” Foreign origin in this case is again used to imply extraterrestrial visitation, although the possibility of Soviet activity is still not ruled out. Thus even by 1948 many intelligence officers were forced to either reevaluate a Soviet connection or accept a non-earthly theory. Today, following the fall of the Soviet Union, this revelation is even more startling as we now know none of those UFO sightings represented Soviet activity. And certainly no other national power had such technology then or now. Attitudes on how to handle the press are also discussed in the passages. The following letters are therefore quoted in full to demonstrate a rare look at how Air Force officials were actually thinking in the late days of Sign. Such detailed correspondence is very rare in military records: Actual document provided here


C O P Y Department of the Air Force Headquarters, United States Air Force Washington 3 Nov 48 Subject: Flying Object Incidents in the United States To: Commanding General, Air Materiel Command Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Dayton, Ohio 1. By letter dated 30 December 1947 from the Director of Research and Development, Headquarters USAF, your headquarters was required to establish Project “Sign”. 2. The conclusion appears inescapable that some type of flying object has been observed. Identification and the origin of these objects is not discernible to this headquarters. It is imperative, therefore, that efforts to determine whether these objects are of domestic or foreign origin must be increased until conclusive evidence is obtained. The needs of national defense require such evidence in order that appropriate countermeasures may be taken. 3. In addition to the imperative need for evidence to permit countermeasures, is the necessity of informing the public as to the status of the problem. To date there has been too little data to present to the public. The press, however, is about to take it into its own hands and demand to be told what we do or do not know about the situation. Silence on our part will not long be acceptable. 4. Request immediate information as to your conclusions to date and your recommendations as to the information to be given to the press. Your recommendation is requested also as to whether that information should be offered to the press or withheld until it is actively sought by the press. BY COMMAND OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF: [Unsigned] C.P.Cabell Major General, USAF Director of Intelligence, Office of Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations

USAF-SAB. The United States Air Forc e’s Scientific Advisory Board in the late 1940’s. Theodore von Karman is at the head of the table. At the near left front is George Valley of MIT, the chief advisor on UFO’s in the relevant period

______Actual three page document, click here for first page

Click here for second page

Click here for third page


Basic 1tr fr Hq USAF, 3 Nov 48 to CG, AMC, “Flying Object Incidents in the United States” 1st INd MCIAT/ABD/amb Hq AMC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. 8 Nov 48 To: Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, Washington 25, D.C., ATTN: AFOIR 1. In attempting to arrive at conclusions as to the nature of unidentified flying object incidents in the United States, this Command has made a study of approximately 180 such incidents. Data derived from initial reports have been supplemented by further information obtained from checklists submitted by mail, from interrogations of other field agencies, and by personal investigation by personnel of this Command in the case of incidents that seem to indicate the possibility of obtaining particularly significant information. 2. The objects described fall into the following general classifications groups, according to shape or physical configuration: a. Flat disc of circular or approximately circular shape. b. Torpedo or cigar shaped aircraft, with no wings or fins visible in flight. c. Spherical or balloon shaped objects. d. Balls of light with no apparent form attached.

3. Some of the objects sighted have definitely been identified, upon further investigation, as weather or upper air scientific balloons of some type. A great many of the round or balloon shaped objects indicated in paragraph 2c above are probably of the same nature, although in most cases, definite confirmation of that fact has been impossible to obtain. 4. Some of the objects have been identified as being astro-physical in nature. For example, in daylight sightings, the planet Venus has been reported as a round silvery object at extremely high altitude. Action is being taken to obtain the services of a prominent astro-physicist as a consultant, to study all of the incidents to determine whether some can be identified as meteors, planets or other manifestations of astral bodies. 5. Arrangements for accomplishing a study of the psychological problems involved in this project are being made in coordination with the Aero-Medical Laboratory at this Headquarters. The possibility that some of the sightings are hallucinations, optical illusions or even deliberate hoaxes has been considered. 6. Although explanation of many of the incidents can be obtained from the investigations described above, there remains a certain number of reports for which no reasonable everyday explanation is available. So far, no physical evidence of the existence of the unidentified sightings has been obtained. Prominent scientists, including Dr. Irving Langmuir of the General Electric Company, have been interviewed to determine whether they could advance any reasonable explanations for characteristics exhibited by the objects sighted. In an early interview, Dr. Langmuir indicated that these incidents could be explained, but insufficient data were available at that time on which to base definite conclusions. It is planned to have another interview with Dr. Langmuir in the near future to review all the data now available, and it is hoped that he will be able to present some opinion as to the nature of many of the unidentified objects, particularly those described as “balls of lights.” 7. All information that has been made available to this headquarters indicates that the discs, the cigar shaped objects, and the “balls of light” are not of domestic origin. Engineering investigation indicates that disc or wingless aircraft could support themselves in flight by aerodynamic means. It is probable that the problems of stability and control could also be solved for such aircraft. However, according to current aerodynamic theory in this country, aircraft with such configurations would have relatively poor climb, altitude and range characteristics with power plant now in use. 8. The possibility that the reported objects are vehicles from another planet has not been ignored. However, tangible evidence to support conclusions about such a possibility are completely lacking. The occurrence of incidents in relation to the approach to the earth of the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars have been plotted. A periodic variation in the frequency of incidents, which appears to have some relation to the planet approach curves, is noted, but it may be purely a coincidence. 9. Reference is made to “The Books of Charles Fort” with an introduction by Tiffany Thayer, published 1941, by Henry Holt & Co., New York, N.Y. It appears that similar phenomena have been noted and reported for the past century or more. 10. In view of the above, the following conclusions are drawn: a. In the majority of cases reported, observers have actually sighted some type of flying object which they cannot classify as an aircraft within the limits of their personal experience. b. There is as yet no conclusive proof that unidentified flying objects, other than those which are known to be balloons, are real aircraft. c. Although it is obvious that some types of flying objects have been sighted, the exact nature of those objects cannot be established until physical evidence, such as that which would result from a crash, has been obtained. 11. It is not considered advisable to present to the press information on those objects which we cannot yet identify or about which we cannot present any reasonable conclusions. In the event that they insist on some kind of a statement, it is suggested that they be informed that many of the objects sighted have been identified as weather balloons or astral bodies, and that investigation is being .„, pursued to determine reasonable explanations for the others. 12. A report, summarizing the results obtained from analysis of the data and a technical investigation of the engineering aspects of the objects described, is nearly complete, and a copy will be forwarded to your headquarters in the near future. FOR THE COMMANDING GENERAL: [Signed H.M. McCoy] H.M.McCoy Colonel,USAF Chief, Intelligence Department New discoveries continue to be made but we are still no closer to learning why Sign came to such a dramatic end. Why Alfred Loedding, one of the Air Force’s most brilliant minds, was purged from UFO investigations by 1949 and from Wright-Patterson entirely by 1951. Important mysteries are still to be discovered.

Colonel Howard McCoy, Chief of Intelligence AMC-T-2


Secondly, there are the March 1948 minutes of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board. This is a document which was received via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by UFO researcher William LaParl. It is the minutes of the USAF-SAB conference of March 17 and 18 at which matters of interest to Wright- Patterson Air Force Base’s Air Matériel Command (AMC) were discussed. At one point in the meeting, Colonel McCoy is speaking about the various intelligence operations at AMC’s T-2, and says this about his new UFO project:

We have a new project - Project Sign - which may surprise you as a development from the so-called mass hysteria of the past summer when we had all the unidentified flying objects or discs. This can not be laughed off. We have over 300 reports which have not been publicized in the papers from very competent personnel, in many instances – men as capable as Dr. K. D. Wood and practically all Air Force, Airline people with broad experience. We are running down every report. I can’t even tell you how much we would give to have one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever they are. [8]

Gen. Nathan Twining, Commander Air Material Command

Once again, McCoy has made a similar statement to the one that he made in the Twining memo, with a similar effect upon Jeffrey (and others who read the paragraph in its isolation). LaParl passed this document on to Jeffrey in the spring of 1996 with understandable concern.

Above: Colonel Howard McCoy, Colonel William Clingerman, Alfred Loedding, and Albert Deyarmond were key members of Project Sign.

Colonel William Clingerman, Chief of the Intelligence Analysis Division Under Howard McCoy

But Loedding, along with Garrett, would by the end of 1947 become supporters of an extraterrestrial hypothesis for the origin of the flying disc phenomenon. Loedding’s excitement over the disc sightings, in fact, stimulated a movement to have many of the Pentagon’s UFO files transferred to Wright Field in September of 1947. Beyond that no one will ever know the full influence of Alfred Loedding, but his personal papers do characterize him as the “initiator of Project Sign.” Certainly it is fair to speculate that he may have been a key figure pushing for the establishment of such an investigation because he was the man being used as a liaison between Washington and Dayton. Having talked to Loedding’s brother and son, it is the belief of these authors that Alfred Loedding may have suggested the code name of Sign [8].

Albert Deyarmond also did important liaison work with the Pentagon. In fact, research conducted by researcher Wendy Connors indicates Deyarmond may have been the main Pentagon contact, but not until mid 1948. This could have been a result of the fact that Deyarmond had been a very close friend and wartime companion of Colonel McCoy. During the war Deyarmond and McCoy along with Colonel Harold Watson were all key figures in the operation to recover secret German technology. After the war Deyarmond assisted Colonel McCoy in building a technical data base at Wright Field from German documents.

Deyarmond, like all the Sign staff, was well versed in many disciplines. Deyarmond did not officially join the Sign team until May of 1948 because he had taken a job at the Ryan Aeronautical Company in San Diego from December 1946 to April 1948. He had left active service at the end of 1946 due to minor health problems but retained his rank as a reserve officer. It is believed McCoy requested Deyarmond’s return to active duty to help with the saucer investigation as early as July 1947, but his health prevented it. McCoy, however, finally got Deyarmond on the team by 1948 as a civilian employee. His influence in the project’s later work is very evident. Like Loedding, he was a gifted engineer and also had an aptitude for missile aerodynamics. Yet, Deyarmond was not as outwardly vocal on the possibility of an extraterrestrial connection to UFOs as Loedding.

That belief in an extraterrestrial connection seems to have become a very touchy subject. Surprisingly, it was not because of the fantastic nature of such a theory but the politics within the Air Force itself. It is important to keep in mind that there were many different people within Air Force Intelligence who affected military policy on UFOs. Individuals gravitated to groups which formed factions, not just within the Pentagon but Dayton too.

General Hoyt Vandenburg, USAF Chief of Staff

(Project) Sign was given the specific task of conducting an intelligence analysis of the flying-disk incidents, and, when reasonably confident that it had something to say, writing an Estimate of the Situation on the nature and potential seriousness of any enemy threat involved. Inspired by an accumulation of odd reports that seemed generally valid to them, and centered on the famous Chiles- Whitted case that sent them into a frenzy, the main project members felt it reasonable to transmit to USAF headquarters an Estimate concluding that the flying disks were extraterrestrial. This happened in either late September or early October of 1948.

Capt. Edward Ruppelt, who headed the project from 1951 to 1953, said that the document went all the way to the chief of staff ’ s off ice (Gen. Hoyt Vandenburg) before it was batted back down as unacceptable. %20Objects%20-%20Edward_Ruppelt.pdf

In intelligence, if you have something to say about some vital problem you write a report that is known as an “Estimate of the Situation.” A few days after the DC-3 was buzzed, the people at ATIC decided that the time had arrived to make an Estimate of the Situation. The situation was the UFO’s; the estimate was that they were interplanetary! It was a rather thick document with a black cover and it was printed on legal sized paper. Stamped across the front were the words TOP SECRET. It contained the Air Force’s analysis of many of the incidents I have told you about plus many similar ones. All of them had come from scientists, pilots, and other equally credible observers, and each one was an unknown. The document pointed out that the reports hadn’t actually started with the Arnold Incident. Belated reports from a weather observer in Richmond, Virginia, who observed a “silver disk” through his theodolite telescope; an F47 pilot and three pilots in his formation who saw a “silver flying wing,” and the English “ghost airplanes” that had been picked up on radar early in 1947 proved this point. Although reports on them were not received until after the Arnold sighting, these incidents all had taken place earlier. When the estimate was completed, typed, and approved, it started up through channels to higher command echelons. It drew considerable comment but no one stopped it on its way up.


While the people on Project Sign were pondering over Lieutenant Gorman’s dogfight with the UFO – at the time they weren’t even considering the balloon angle – the Top Secret Estimate of the Situation was working its way up into the higher echelons of the Air Force. It got to the late General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, then Chief of Staff, before it was batted back down. The general wouldn’t buy interplanetary vehicles. The report lacked proof. A group from ATIC went to the Pentagon to bolster their position but had no luck, the Chief of Staff just couldn’t be convinced. The estimate died a quick death. Some months later it was completely declassified and relegated to the incinerator. A few copies, one of which I saw, were kept as mementos of the golden days of the UFO’s. The top Air Force command’s refusal to buy the interplanetary theory didn’t have any immediate effect upon the morale of Project Sign because the reports were getting better.


By the end of 1948, Project Sign had received several hundred UFO reports. Of these, 167 had been saved as good reports. About three dozen were “Unknown.” Even though the UFO reports were getting better and more numerous, the enthusiasm over the interplanetary idea was cooling off. The same people who had fought to go to Godman AFB to talk to Colonel Hix and his UFO observers in January now had to be prodded when a sighting needed investigating. More and more work was being pushed off onto the other investigative organization that was helping ATIC. The kickback on the Top Secret Estimate of the Situation was beginning to dampen a lot of enthusiasms. It was definitely a bear market for UFO’s.


The anti saucer faction was born because of an old psychological trait, people don’t like to be losers. To be a loser makes one feel inferior and incompetent. On September 23, 1947, when the chief of ATIC sent a letter to the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces stating that UFO’s were real, intelligence committed themselves. They had to prove it. They tried for a year and a half with no success. Officers on top began to get anxious and the press began to get anxious. They wanted an answer. Intelligence had tried one answer, the then Top Secret Estimate of the Situation that “proved” that UFO’s were real, but it was kicked back. The people on the UFO project began to think maybe the brass didn’t consider them too sharp so they tried a new hypothesis: UFO’s don’t exist.

General Charles Cabell, Chief of Intelligence Under Hoyt Vandenburg

In the following case an Army Air Force security officer out of Tinker Field, Oklahoma, made a report and later the incident was reinvestigated by the FBI. This particular sighting impressed the military due to the reliability of the witness, Byron Savage. A businessman and private pilot from Oklahoma City, Savage observed sometime on or about May 17th to the 21st a shiny disc-like object flying over the city. It was dusk, at the time of the sighting as Savage and his wife had just started to walk out to their car. At first he commented to his wife that a big white plane was coming over. He continued to watch the craft because it soon became evident that this thing was no ordinary aircraft. The object was as big as six B-29 bombers! It flew between 10,000 and 18,000 feet toward the northwest at a speed estimated at more than three times that of a jet, which in those days flew about 500 miles per hour. The disc reportedly made no noise except for a very faint “swishing sound.” It passed over in a matter of fifteen to twenty seconds and had the appearance of a “perfectly round and flat” frosty white elliptical object. 8 Savage stated to

FBI investigators that “he was sure this object was not a meteor and in his opinion it must be radically built and powered, probably atomic.” 9 This was one of the first reports that ended up in Wright Field’s (later the Blue Book) records, when Loedding began gathering all the paperwork he could on the flying disc mystery.

Theodore von Karman, Professor of Aeronautics at Cal Tech in the late 40’s

Both Loedding and von Karman were heavily involved with the study and assessment of captured German military aviation technology. History Channel Puts The Strongest UFO Evidence Under The Microscope

First Posted: 08/24/11 02:30 PM ET Updated: 12/15/11 06:48 PM ET

• In 1986, a Japan Airlines pilot saw what he described as an unidentified flying object over Alaska closely tailing his 747. He made an evasive move. His career was thrown into turmoil, but he never recanted what he claimed he saw. • In 1987, a Federal Aviation Administration executive says the CIA warned him not to talk about UFOs because the public would panic. • In 1997, former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington mocked thousands of people who said they saw mysterious lights over Phoenix, calling out a staffer dressed in a cheesy ET costume at a press conference. Ten years later, he apologized for lying to the media and the public. What these events have in common is that they are unveiled on a new two-hour History Channel special, "Secret Access: UFOs On The Record," that features in-depth accounts from people who have been willing to risk their jobs and reputations to speak out about their remarkable experiences with UFOs. "The theme of the program is that UFOs exist, but there's a small percentage of sightings that are significant and haven't been explained," said Leslie Kean, author of The New York Times bestsellerUFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record, which forms the basis of the History Channel special. Here's a collection of images that Leslie Kean put together for The Huffington Post on Aug. 23, 2010, to promote the publication of her book: The Remaining Incidents

1 of 16

Of all UFO sightings reported, most can be explained as ordinary phenomena, and therefore discarded. However, there are some spectacular, well-documented UFO events have been officially investigated by government agencies, witnessed by pilots and confirmed by Air Force generals. No conventional explanations were found despite extensive efforts by experts to do so. These are the cases explored in "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record" and in the History Channel special, "Secret Access: UFOs On The Record."

Photo: U.S. Coast Guard, Salem, MA; 1952

"There is a phenomenon here and there are many high level officials, including pilots and government people, who have been involved with it and who stand behind the existence of UFOs. "We make the point that we don't know what they are and that there are a significant number of cases that need to be studied further," Kean told The Huffington Post. One compelling case presented in "Secret Access," which has become known as the Rendlesham Forest incident, involved more than 50 military eyewitnesses stationed at the joint U.S. Air Force/NATO bases, Bentwaters and Woodbridge, in Suffolk in 1980. As the incident unfolded, numerous UFOs of various shapes and sizes appeared near the bases, according to a voice recording of deputy base commander, Lt. Col. Charles Halt during the event. "This was something of intelligent control beyond any technology we know," Halt told this reporter several months ago. "It's my firm belief that it was extraterrestrial or from a different dimension." Then there's the remarkable case involving former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, which began on the night of March 13, 1997, when crowds of citizens reported gigantic, silent craft moving around in the skies around Phoenix and which took off silently at blazing speeds. Witnesses included police officers, pilots, military personnel and -- as was finally revealed 10 years later -- Symington himself. The two-term governor was at home, watching television when news came on announcing UFO reports in the nearby area. Symington's security detail had gone for the day, and he decided to get into his car alone and check it out. "I was expecting to see something in the distance, but was awestruck when this thing went overhead. It was moving steadily and quietly," he told The Huffington Post. Symington's description of the huge boomerang-shaped craft matched many others who also reported it that night. WATCH: After three months of local media coverage, the Arizona sightings finally hit the national airwaves and were dubbed the "." With growing public demand for an explanation, Symington -- still tight- lipped about his own sighting -- held a national press conference that would haunt him for years. Claiming to have the culprit responsible for the Phoenix Lights, the governor introduced his chief of staff dressed as an alien and wearing handcuffs. As his staffer was unmasked, Symington told the press,"This just goes to show that you guys are entirely too serious." Ten years after his phony alien stunt, Symington finally fessed up about his own dramatic 1997 Phoenix sighting. "Well, I was confronted by good citizens who were really upset with me, and I didn't realize the depth of their anger. It just really bothered my conscience, so I felt I really needed to square with the truth and that's what I did." Symington admits there's a taboo about elected officials talking about UFOs. "I think if you hold a high public office, that the minute you start talking about UFOs or extraterrestrials or anything of that nature, the media immediately tees off and ridicules it. I often refer to the media culture in our country as the culture of ridicule. "So, everybody reaches for their ridicule gun first before they seriously address the issue when it comes to the matter of UFOs. If you're an elected official, you really need to be careful about what you say, because the media can just totally destroy your credibility." "Secret Access" isn't the first UFO program presented by the History Channel, according to Julian Hobbs, vice president of development and production. "History doesn't necessarily believe or disbelieve in UFOs. In this case, what really caught our eye about Leslie's book was this idea that 95 percent of all UFO sightings can be pretty easily dismissed -- it's the 5 percent in which you have literally governors, military officials, pilots -- people normally considered to be level-headed, sane and credible," Hobbs told The Huffington Post. "There wouldn't be the film without the book. When I read Leslie's book, on which the film is based, it changed my opinion about the fact that I think it's worth further investigation into these phenomena," Hobbs added. Kean, herself, is optimistic about potential contact with extraterrestrials. "I would hope that they are benign visitors from other planets -- that they would be something that could in some way benefit our own struggle on this planet," Kean said. "Even if we knew that we were not alone in the universe, somehow that knowledge alone could affect how we perceive ourselves and maybe affect the future of our civilization." And Symington is much more outspoken on the subject now than he was while governor of Arizona. "I know what I saw. To me, there's no question that we've experienced extraterrestrial visits and civilizations that are far more advanced than we are," he suggested. "I don't approach it from a fearful standpoint. I actually like to think that we're not alone in the universe, and I'm not bashful on the subject. I think we're dealing with some fascinating unknowns and someday, the truth will out." The History Channel presentation of "Secret Access: UFOs On The Record", premieres Thursday, Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. EDT.

Here are the best Pics and I skipped from the 50’s to 2011 because there were far too many, but what we see is basic proof of ufos

1870 - Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken." This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp.

This was originally a "stereo" photograph. Certainly it

was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world. Thanks to a reader, we now have the original "stereo" photo.

1927 - Oregon. Taken in Cave Junction, Oregon. There is some question as to whether the photo was taken in '26 or '27, but nonetheless, if this is an authentic photograph it is incredible. Reportedly snapped by a volunteer fireman.

Be sure to click to see full size image to really appreciate the picture. 1929 - SlideWard - Colorado Ward Sawmill, April - This incident is retold by the photographers daughter: "This photo was taken by my father Edward Pline at the sawmill in Ward where we lived at the time. I think it was 1929. I was about six years old then. My father was there to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking the photo, he described a 'terrible thunderous bellow,' and a large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the air above them. You can see it in the picture.

"None of the sawmill workers saw the thing in the photo, but they all heard the sound and felt the ground shudder. Later in my life I tried researching the incident at the County Historical Society, but I did not find any references to it. My father passed on a few years after the incident, and I have not found any surviving sawmill workers from that time." Hetty Pline

1932 - St. Paris, Ohio. This picture was taken of a man named George Sutton near midday, May, 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot.

The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile.

The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.

1942 - Los Angeles, California. Only a few months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on the 25th of February 1942 at 02:25 AM, alarm sirens installed in the event of another invasion began.

Unknown flying objects are seen and announced in the sky of the city. A blackout is declared and the anxious, terrified inhabitants follow the instructions by turning all their lights off.

At 03:16 AM, anti-aircraft guns open fire on the unidentified flying objects coming from the ocean, and projector beams are searching the sky. Witnesses observe small objects flying at high altitude, of red or silver-plated color, moving in formation at high speed, and untouched by the AAA salvos.

This large object was hit by many AAA projectiles, according to the reports. The anti-aircraft defence continued to shoot at UFOs without results.

This is one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken.

1942 - Washington D. C. October 29. This was taken above Washington, D.C. An object at the very right of the frame was initially thought to represent a high-wing monoplane flying down and right from the upper left-hand corner.

It appears to be too fast for the shutter, its configuration is more disk-like and it is followed by an exceptionally long dark streak (this extends back and upwards to the top of the frame) that is normally associated with jet aircraft.

1944 - England - This UFO was photographed over England in 1944. Source: "The X Factor" magazine issue 53 (Marshall Cavendish publications).

No other information is know about the photograph at this time.

1947 - Morristown, New Jersey. On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record (an American aviation journal) was flying his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey.

He spotted six, luminous spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above him.

He grabbed his camera and shot a picture.

He was only able to get four of the six objects in the image frame.

Two weeks later, on July 23rd, he had another encounter of what looked to him like the same or very similar aircraft. He was again flying his airplane out of Morristown, and was at 6,000 ft.

1947 - July 7 - William Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona allegedly saw a disk circling his locality during sunset and took two photographs. The resulting pictures show a disk-like object with a round front and a square tail in plane form.

These photographs have been examined by experts who state they are true photographic images and do not appear to be an imperfection in the emulsion or in the lens.

Often called the "Roswell UFO." Some info taken from:

1947 - July 4 - U.S. Coast Guardsman, Frank Ryman, of Seattle, Washington, took this photograph of a flying disc taken on July 4, 1947, three days before the infamous Rhodes photographs.

The Rhodes’ photos were actually printed in the local paper upside down! Allegedly, one of, if not the first, photograph of a "flying disc."

source of Info: 1947 - Scotland. An alleged UFO picture taken in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 1947. It is important to see the original picture on this one to get the full effect.

This, to me, is a very good picture of an object that is not identifiable by comparision to any known aircraft today. It is obviously a metallic, two layered object which has never been explained away. A true UFO!

1947 - Czaplinek, Poland. This alleged UFO picture was shot at Czaplinek in 1947. The picture was taken at an angle looking up over a mountain, and the larger picture makes a much more believable image, giving the object dimension, and scale.

Early photographs like this are very important, coming

at a time when photo manipulation was very difficult compared to present time.

1949 - Cincinnati, Ohio. During the Jitney Carnival at the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, Reverend Gregory Miller, purchased from army surplus, an 8 million candle power searchlight.

Sergeant Donald R. Berger of ROTC of the University of Cincinnati would operate it. During the height of the festivities, at 08:15 PM, Sgt. Berger's sweeping searchlight suddenly flashed across a stationary, circular object in the sky.

Reverend Miller and later others joined in and observed. This was only the beginning. Davidson took ten "still" photographs of the large disc-shaped object that flew in and out of the searchlight beam.

1950 - Redbud, Illinois. April 23. Thanks to one of our readers who uses Medifast Coupons, we have the following information:

Evidently this photo was purportedly taken by a Mr. Dean Morgan who was a part-time photographer who was simply in the area taking photographs at the time of this event. Evidently he didn’t live in Redbud, but Greenville, where he still presently resides at 1520 Willow St. (added 04-08-10)

1950 - May 8 - This is one of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. Photographed by Paul Trent, and first witnessed by his wife.

They were published in a local newspaper in McMinnville, Oregon, shortly thereafter. Soon, the Trent photos were published in Life magazine edition of

June 26, 1950. The rest is history. These photos have been deemed authentic for over 50 years. One of the best early photographs of a UFO.

1951 - California - Guy B. Marquand, Jr. took this picture on a mountain road near Riverside, California, on November 23, 1951. He said the object above the skyline was a "."

One of our readers has sent us the following information: Guy Marquand enlisted in the US Army in LA California on 27/12/1943 Serial # 3921741. He was single and had 4 years of High School and came from


He is now 84 and lives at 4010 Royal Dr. Carlsbad, CA, with his wife. Evidently some of his family still reside in Riverside. (added 04-08-10)

1951 - Lubbock, Texas - The famous photographs from the "" in Texas, 31 August 1951. Years later, ignoring all testimonies and evidences, skeptics stated that these objects were... birds.

This most ridiculous explanation was typical of how early UFO photos were often explained away. Carl Hart Jr. an 18-year-old student took this famous picture with his Kodak camera.

There were at least 100 witnesses who saw the objects. This is one of the classics of . 1952 - Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, May 7 - While covering a news event for O'Cruzeiro Magazine, reporters Ed Kessel and Joao Martins saw an unusual flying object approaching their location.

Kessel snapped five black and white pictures of the object as it came right over them. The Brazilian Air Force would later find as many as 40 witnesses who saw the object.

1952 - Washington D. C. During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.

Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers.

Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day.

1952 -Lac Chauvet, France, July 18. A collection of pictures that have been filed and studied by the French GEPAN, then SEPRA state financed investigation committee, and considered genuine.

The photograph was taken by André Fregnale. The image underwent an investigation by Claude Poher, director of the GEPAN, and he deemed that the photograph was not a fraud, but a genuine UFO. A very good picture.

1952 - Salem, Massachusetts. July 16, 1952. During the peak of the 1952 UFO Flap, Shel Alpert, a USCG seaman on duty in the Coast Guard Weather Office at the Salem Coast Guard Station, saw four brilliant lights in the sky.

He called another Guardsman to see the lights, but in those few seconds the lights had become more dim. When they brightened again, he quickly took a single photograph through the window of the office.

This photo has been published in many books, newspapers and magazines. An excellent piece of evidence.

1952 - Passaic, New Jersey. George Stock was working in his yard on July 28, 1952, when this dome-shaped saucer appeared.

Because it hovered over transmission lines before heading for him, he was able to get five photos. Only one is included here, but all of them are similar. A great early photo!

1953 - Moumra, Italy. Italian specialist Giuseppe Stilo explained that this alleged photo case was first known when the Italian weekly L’Europeo released on February 3, 1957, an interview with diplomat Alberto Perego, who had a nonphotographic UFO sighting in the Vatican City.

In order to better describe his visual observation he provided photomontages to this end (the magazine made it clear that that’s what they were). This started a widely-reproduced mistake. There were previous sighting by Perego over Santa Maria Maggiore’s church

(Rome) on October 30, 1954 and these were also published in the same way.

The actual photos are available here: (in the 1954 photos section).

1953 - Paris, France, Eiffel Tower. Double discs are seen passing over Eiffel Tower at 3:45 AM, in 1953 as M. Paulin took this picture.

The photograph is from the Michael Mann collection and was published in TRUE Magazine at the time.

A very interesting photograph, and not a bad one considering the time period, and the distance from camera to object. Look at the original image to see the two objects over the Tower.

1954 - Australia. This very compelling photograph of a clearly defined round UFO with top and antenna was taken by sheep farmer W. C. Hall in 1954. If you look real closely, you might see another unknown object in the distance just above a mountain.

An excellent photo, and for a newspaper clipping, it is in excellent condition.

Here is additional information provided by a reader:

August, 1954 - Australian Sheep Grower W. C. Hall saw six petrol tank-shaped UFOs land on his ranch in North Queensland, Australia.

His chickens, cattle and even the jack rabbits on his

farm were affected by an oddly colored exhaust fumes of the UFOs, which he believed brought about a change in the genes of animal life on his ranch, due to Atomic Radiation, as various freaks were born afterwards.

An update on the W.C. Hall case. This has always had me a bit perplexed because of the location i.e. North Queensland. The thing is in Australia that is not sheep country. After a fair bit of investigation I have found out that this photo was actually taken in Victoria and first published in a magazine owned by Time.

1954 - Sicily, Italy, December 10. Four men are staring upward at two very odd shapes in the sky.

The photographer was questioned about his photograph, and he claimed that the objects were actually in the sky, as opposed to a film or camera anomaly, and that the objects simply stood still for several minutes. 1955 - Namur, Belgium - (1) Three photographs were taken on June 5, 1955, at about 07:30 PM, near Namur. The witness indicated that he had visually seen a sharp gleam moving high in the sky without any noise and at high speed.

He indicated that the gleam accompanied an object of discoidal shape leaving a white trail behind it.

1955 - Namur, Belgium - (2) The second photograph taken on June 5, 1955 in Namur. The witness continued by indicating that the object lost altitude, made a turn, and then went upwards to reach its own trail.

See larger image to see dimension of the clouds, and get perspective of the object's size. An excellent photo.

1955 - Namur, Belgium - (3) The third photograph taken on June 5, 1955 in Namur. The witness continues by explaining that when the object joined its trail, the trail was disspating, the UFO then accelerated and left, while luminous particles were ejected behind it.

Be sure to see the full-size image to appreciate the long

trail behind the object, and dimension of the photo itself.

1956 - Rosetta/Natal, South Africa. July 17. These two photographs from South Africa were taken by alleged . She claimed that she was impregnated by a tall, white-haired alien who piloted a UFO in one of her many contacts.

Almost unbelievably, MUFON representative Cynthia

Hind who was Africa's most respected Ufologist, found several eyewitnesses to her contact cases. Klarer was also... see file below. 1956 - Rosetta/Natal, South Africa. July 17... a well respected member of South African society. Her husband was a major in the South African Air Force, and Elizabeth worked for Air Force Intelligence.

Seven photographs were taken in all, two included here. There were also two witnesses to the taking of the photos.

Taken in the foothills of the Drakensburg Mountains, and so-dubbed the Drakensberg photos. If these are real, they are extremely impressive. She never changed her story. She died in 1994, at the age of 83.

1956 - Canada - A Royal Canadian Air Force pilot, while flying at an altitude of about 11 km saw and photographed a very bright, disc-like object that was remaining stationary near a thunderhead.

An analysis of the photograph suggests that it would have been radiating in excess of a gigawatt of power within the spectral range of the film.

At about 7:20 PM, MDT (about 20 minutes before sunset), on Aug. 27, 1956 a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot was flying nearly due west over the Canadian Rockies near Ft. MacCleod, Alberta (49.5 degrees latitude, 113.5 degree longitude).

He was flying at 36,000 ft (about 11 m) in the second position (far left side) of a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraft.

While approaching a large thunderhead (cumulonimbus) at a ground speed of about 400 kts (740 km/hr) he saw, at a much lower altitude, a "bright light which was sharply defined and disc-shaped" or "like a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal."

Photograph © Childerhose - source-excerpted from article by Dr. - 1956 - Summer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This clearly defined round disc was photographed by one A. Stizak. The photo was taken on a clear day.

If you look closely, you can see three white dots underneath. Its authenticity was confirmed by ICUFON director Colonel Colman VonKeviczky.

1957 - December - S. S. Ramsey. Taken in December 1957, by the radio officer aboard the naval ship S. S. Ramsey. It was seen on deck, hovering in the sky.

The radio officer grabbed his camera and took this picture before the object disappeared. I think the picture was first published in Flying Saucer Review. I wrote to them twice in 1996, but never got a reply. photo © Life Magazine.

New Information Received in April, 2008:

I received the following information from Woods M.

"Here is the data inscribed on the back of the photo after he (Paul Cerny) gave it to me: 'Picture taken by a Naval Officer aboard a US. Navy ship-S. S. Ramsey-off Southern California in 1957.' (My copy of this photo is an 8" by 10" glossy enlargement.) 'The device at the base of the UFO (landing gear?)as shown in several other photos (that Paul had, and which I saw at KGO) - had rotated around the craft.'

'Paul gave no other explanation to me about the craft, but I am certain he had the sighting and the photos under investigation.'

'Although the photo I have is a reprint and an enlargement of the original, I doubt it was ever subjected to computer analysis, because the photo was taken during the 1950s about 45 years ago (in 2002). I also strongly doubt that the photo was computer generated, since that technology, as far as I know, did not exist then.' Additional information received on December 27, 2010.

Paul Cerney was Chairman for the San Francisco Bay Area Subcommittee of NICAP. I knew Paul and when I worked at KGO-TV, San Francisco, invited him to appear on "The Golden Gate Story" which I produced August 23, 1964 (Mel Swope directed).

Paul was an expert investigator. We broadcast this photo and at least one other photo from the sequence taken: the lower landing gear(?) rotated from shot to shot.

This information is from my historical records and is deemed correct.


Rev. B. Woods Mattingley

Additional Info Received on January 9, 2011.

I was going through your fine collection of UFO photos and came across one I believe is a well known hoax that you imply in the description is legitimate.

The photo in question is one labeled S.S. Ramsey photo from 1957. I recall seeing this photo written up in Flying Saucer Review magazine, probably sometime in the mid to late sixties when I was a kid.

However, in the article the man who supposedly took the photo was named “T. Fogel” and he admitted the photo was a hoax.

I would direct you to a statement made by noted UFO investigator Kevin Randle found at hoaxes.html in which he writes in June of 2007 that the Fogel admitted to the hoax.

In the larger photo he includes in the article you can clearly see what appears to be a rod of some kind in the upper right corner of the photo, which was later cropped out of the picture. I am surprised you haven’t uncovered this well-known hoax during the course of your research.

Take care,

J. Allan Danelek

Author of UFOs: The Great Debate

1957 - Lake Isabella, California - Deemed authentic by Kodak Labs. This photograph was taken by one B.C. He and his fiancee were riding their Harley Davidson through the southern Sierra Nevadas, in what is now Lake Isabella, California.

They found an old dirt road that led down to the dry lake bed and they pulled off the main highway to take some random scenic shots. Neither of them saw anything out of the ordinary at the time.

1957 - Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Taken on October 16. This photo was taken by Ella Louise Fortune, a nurse at the Mescalero Indian Reservation near Three Rivers, N. M.

She took the picture while driving Highway 54 about

1:30 PM. She stated that the UFO was motionless over Holloman AFB.

1957 - August, 20 - Fujisawa City, Japan. Taken by Shinichi Takeda near Enoshima Miami Beach at 11:28 AM. The object reportedly was also seen by his sister, who called his attention to it.

UFO is silvery in color, giving off a brilliant glow at an estimated altitude of 3000-4000 feet, traveling N to S.

The object made a 90 degree left turn, sped up, and disappeared in clouds.

A few minutes later, 15 people on the beach reported a similar object which passed over at high speed. No camera data available. Picture shows capsule-shaped image near bank of cumulus clouds.

1957 - Edwards Air Force Base, California. Taken by a test pilot in September of 1957.

The UFO is following a B-57 twin jet. The UFO was not discovered until the photograph was developed. An

excellent photo for that time period.

1957 - Fort Belvoir, Virginia - Taken in September. This photo was investigated by the Condon Report. A private was called from his barracks by his friends to see the unusual object.

He grabbed his camera and took six pictures of the strange ring-shaped object. Soon, the object was engulfed in white smoke.

1957 - Norway - Taken in July of 1957, this photo was sent to Project Blue Book for analysis. Wright Patterson determined that what we are seeing is a reflection of light on the camera lens.

That is easy enough to say, I suppose, but I am not sure that is the case here. Be sure to see full size image. Credit "UFOs at Close Sight."

Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera.

The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane.

This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in McMinnville, Oregon, over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent. It was first published in the Royal Air Force Flying Review in July, 1957, and also in Flying Saucer Review in July, 1957. 1957-1958 - Edwards AFB. This photo is said to come from an "instructive-film" of a UFO landing at Edwards AFB.

The film is said to have been "leaked."

This film has been referred to by more than one person, including the late astronaut , who claims

to have seen the entire event. He says that the film did exist, but we cannot be certain that this is from that film.

1958 - January 16 - The Trinidade Island Photographs. Trindade is a small rocky island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean 600 miles off the coast of Bahia, Brazil.

Professional photographer Almiro Barauna would take a sequence of pictures of this UFO off of a Naval vessel. More than 50 witnesses saw the UFO, including the ship's Captain. Some of the best know early photos of a UFO.

1958 - Japan - One of the many UFO photographs taken in Japan. This one shows an object over Kaizuka in 1958.

No other information is presently available.

1959 - Waikiki, Hawaii, June 18. This photograph was one studied by Project Blue Book. Photo taken by Joseph Sigel of Bellevue, Washington.

Blue Book stupidly identified it as a sun glare on lens. The photo was studied at the UFO symposium for the

Congressiona Hearings of 1968 by Dr. Robert N. Sheppard. 2011 - Budapest to London Flight Photo - In August I flew from Budapest to London when I made this photo.

More airplanes flew near us, so I did not see the object at the time I took the photograph. I just focused on the clouds and the wing. A few days later I noticed what is on the photo.

Camera - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL; time/date stamp- 08-

13-11, 9:07 AM

2011 - Rome, Italy - 01-19-11 - The photographer stated: I am sending you two photos from my cell phone. Look at this very strange object that was over Rome, at 11:15 hour.

The object was static for a moment. I saw this object in two positions only for few seconds. When I took the photos, I was alone on the rooftop of a friend's house. Submitted to

2011 - Sydney to Melbourne, Australia Flight - 01-14-11 - While on a return flight from Sydney to Melbourne at around 9:00 AM, I decided to take a photo outside of the plane window to capture the clouds.

While placing the camera in a vertical position and looking through the preview screen, I noticed a ball shape appear a split second, just before I pressed the camera button and then it disappeared just as quickly. It did not fly away, it simply vanished. 2011 - Thatcher, Utah - 02-06-11 - This was taken at dusk... my second to oldest child noticed it, and came in and let me know about it. I grabbed my camera and was able to get this photograph just as it moved into the cloud.

I have no idea what this could be. Two of my neighbors saw it also. We are having this happen a lot over the last week. I have no idea what it is. Any ideas?

2011 - Hazelton, Pennsylvania - 08-23-11 - I did not witness this, but am reporting what a family friend saw. I received the pictures and interviewed the friend in great detail to put the report together.

Our friend, about 15 minutes after experiencing the minor earthquake, went outside to look around and observed a black diamond-shaped object hovering or, moving very slowly in the sky.

Curious as to what the object was, the friend took a couple

of pictures with a cell phone. Our friend isn't a great judge of distance, but believed the object was large and very high, probably at cloud level.

2011 - Ohio - 06-20-11 - Around 6 to 7 PM on June 20, 2011, I was taking photos of the pretty cloud formations on the deck of my cousin's home. Suddenly, I became aware of an object flying from west to east in front of me, about a mile or so away. It was above tree level.

The bottom of the left side of the object seemed to be reflecting light, (which made me notice it). I thought the reflection was from sunlight, but the top part didn't seem to have the same reflection. 2011 - Manhattan, NYC - 09-17-11 - The event occurred last Saturday 9-17-2011 in the early afternoon. I was taking digital photographs from the roof terrace of the new Museum located on Bowery in Manhattan's Lower East Side.

I was shooting a series of images of the downtown Manhattan skyline to get some pictures of the Freedom tower construction. Because I had no tripod I was shooting at a very fast exposure rate 1/500th of a second. In addition, I was shooting in continuous mode at a frame rate of about 4 Frames per second.

I took my pictures and left the location. Last night upon looking at the images, I noticed a diamond-shaped object moving very close to the horizon in four frames of my images.

2011 - Near Toronto, Canada - 09-17-11 - My name is Suzanne, and I am from Sudbury. My cousin Cindy, who is also from Sudbury, decided to bring her eldest son to Toronto for his birthday because he loves cheese and he wanted to visit Chucky Cheese.

On the way there, they estimate about 15 miles from the restaurant in Toronto, they were taking picture of all kinds of stuff, the kids in the car, outside, etc. Unknown to them, when they decided to look at the pictures on computer, they noticed two of the pictures had an unusual flying craft.

They said they did not see or notice anything out of the ordinary at the time. 2011 - Illinois - 11-01-10 - We were traveling north on I39 as we approached the Tonica exit, we noticed several objects, black against the evening sky, to the western horizon, presumed them to be helicopters, as we've seen a helicopter convoy through that area once before.

A few miles further on I had been watching this current convoy as far as we could before the terrain blocked them out. As we got off at the first LaSalle exit, heading north, I looked to the skies towards where the convoy would have been, and then an odd lighted object; higher, slightly closer, could be seen.Illinois - 11-01-10 I had my camera, and took

a picture (picture 1) before losing sight of it as we descended into the valley. Did not see it anytime beyond that point in the daylight.Illinois - 11-01-10

2011 - Arizona - 06-16-10 - My wife and I were on our way home from Las Vegas, Nevada, after a bowling tournament. We drove, and then stopped to take some photographs of some interesting rock formations.

While I was snappin

2012 - Oregon - I have been flying for 40 years. I am also a certified A&P mechanic and an IA or inspector with over 25 years maintenance experience on planes like these.

The Albatross we have is used as a test bed for Satellite broadband internet. We are one of the few companies in the world that has airborne satellite systems for high-speed internet.

The plane is full of sophisticated equipment for this purpose, as it is the original test bed for this.

I have better than 20/20 vision, and I usually can spot any single helium balloon of 15" diameter from a great distance and I am trained to do so. I see them all the time.

That being said, the object was literally a blur and I didn’t see it as it was moving in the same direction as the plane. The order of the pictures attached here is the series of the 3 that I took with my iphone as I was just trying to get a shot of "Sisters" and Mount Jefferson in the Bend area.

As for the pictures, they cannot be a balloon cluster as this thing passed us!

2012 - Kent, UK - Two 'alien aircraft' sightings in one week in 'UK's UFO hotspot'

They hover in close formation against the backdrop of a cloudy Kent sky. The two mysterious bright lights were photographed on January 6 floating over Chatham.

Less than a week later, four similar lights were seen over Essex, shining brightly against the dawn. The remarkable sightings were made just 30 miles apart in an area now dubbed the country's UFO hotspot.

2012 - Illinois - 01-16-12 - Me and a friend were driving from my house to another friend's house at approx. 11 PM. We started to come to a main road where we saw a large, circular-shaped object above the treeline.

As we started to stop, the vehicle/ object then took off one direction and then changed direction at a very fast pace. When it changed direction it stayed at an angle and then slowed down speed and stayed moving above treeline.

2012 - Prineville, Oregon - 04-29-12 - 9:31 PM

Eyewitnesses, Jeremy, Carrie and Jade Apperson saw two unknown flying objects over Prineville, Oregon. The objects were of an orange color; and elongated.

The skies were clear at the time of the sighting, and no planes, helicopters or other flying craft were seen. None of the witnesses encountered any missing time or electromagnetic effects.

Submitted by Carrie Apperson

2012 - South Carolina - 05-15-12 - I took several photos of my car at a scenic location. Several of which where taken in quick order.

The first two were nearly identical and no more than a second or two apart. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary.

Weeks later when enhancing the first photo for black and white effects and sharpening the image, I got the neat picture I was looking for which enhanced the suspension details.

When I then went back to the full picture to see if it was what I wanted as a total picture, I noticed something above the mountain in the background that stood out.

2012 - Pidcoke, Texas - 06-06-12 - A triangle-shaped craft was observed just to the south of Gatesville, Texas on June 6, 2012, at approximately 0525 hours.

I was traveling northbound on Highway 116 just north of the city of Pidcoke, when I spotted the object. I had observed the object as I entered the south side of Pidcoke a few minutes earlier.

At that point, I thought it was just an airplane. All I could see was a white light to the left side of the highway. I noticed the object moved to the right side of the highway.

As I barely passed the north side of Pidcoke, I saw the object much more clearly. It had moved back to the left side of the highway in a zig-zag motion. At that time, I realized this was not an airplane.

2012 - Maui, Hawaii - 07-18-12 - My friend who lives in Maui took this picture. He said that he was taking multiple shots of the sunset and when he reviewed the pictures, he noticed the image on the left.

He took about 20 shots at the time, and this is the only one that showed the image. He said that he never saw anything while shooting the pictures.

Furthermore, he said that many people have seen

phenomena in that same location. People had described flying craft coming out of the ocean.

2012 - Kennington, London, England - 07-31-12 - The sighting occurred on Tuesday, July 31 at about 10.23 pm by my daughter Chenade Hosein.

I know this because she rang me as it was occurring, I told her to take pictures and they are the ones I forwarded to you.

This took place in Kennington which is in London, England. My daughter was waiting for her boyfriend to visit.

She looked outof her balcony to the street to see if he had arrived but he was not there. As she was looking this object caught her eye. 2012 - Rachel, Nevada - 11-08-12 - As a small group of tourists we had just left Rachel, Nevada (Lil A'Le'Inn) and stopped at the black mailbox en route to the Area 51 entrance.

Earlier in the day we saw a helicopter in the area and two people in our group insisted that we were being followed by another man in a blue car. While we were doing our tourist thing at the black mail box, one of the group members shouted something that caused all of us to turn around.

Two or three people began sn

Cuba, Island of Cayolargo del Sur - January 7, 2013, 18:27 local time

Dome shaped disk with kind of transparent upper part and lights on the lower part. It was partly metallic, and orange in color.

Calm weather, dark blue skies with some clouds. No other craft were seen in the sky at the time. There were no electromagnetic effects, and no missing time.

The object appeared on one of my serially taken pictures.

I did discover the object later, after examination of the pictures I have taken. Actually, at the time of taking pictures I was not paying much attention to the skies as my objective was trying out different camera applications.

Palm Harbor Park, Florida - 01-17-13 - Unidentified Silver Object Photographed over Florida I was at WL Parks playing basketball, and taking my Garcinia Body pill around 11 am when 2 pool cleaners screamed, "Hey look."

I looked at what they were looking at and saw a silver Frisbee-like object. The one guy said he watched it shoot backwards, then stay still, and that’s when he screamed for his friend to look which is when it got my attention. I ran over and they tried to take pictures and their cellphones weren’t working, so I ran back and got my camera that was in the truck. I just got back to a clearing by them when I zoomed in and took a picture.

A second later it was gone; it disappeared as if you stomped on a soda can to flatten it.

Harmans Water, Great Britain - June, 2013 - Photo taken of two disc-shaped objects over Bracknell last Friday. Courtesy of Steve Lambert. Former MoD UFO expert rates photo taken over Harmans Water last Friday - A former Ministry of Defence (MoD) UFO expert says a photo of UFOs over Bracknell is "one of the best" he has seen.

Nick Pope, who worked at the Government's MoD for 21 years and investigated reports of UFO sightings from 1991 to 1994, last night commented on the photo taken over Harmans Water last Friday.

Nick said: "It's one of the best UFO photos I've seen for a while.

Basingstoke man Steve Lambert took the photo from the terrace in front of the Running Horse Pub, London Road, at around 8pm, after spotting the two discs in the sky.

March, 2013 - Photo was shot from the coast in Marsaxlokk in Malta, and the original scope and subject was the high emissions coming out of the power plant chimney.

At the time of shooting, the officers did not notice anything unusual with the naked eye... they only noticed the object once they had a look at the photo. I have had a close look at the photo, and the object is too defined to brush off as a passing bird or other object.

Camera - Samsung GT-S7500 - by William Attard M. May, 2013 - Literally faster than the eye could follow, an unusual object was accidentally photographed above the landmark Muiderslot Castle in the Netherlands.

On May 25, photographer Corinne Federer was with a group of people who visited the medieval castle built in 1285 near Amsterdam. Federer was shooting High Dynamic Range, or HDR, photos.

"In order to create HDR images, you take three or more exposures -- this one happened to be five -- and you shoot them all at the same time, because you then overlap the images and it gives you the full spectrum of light, which your camera can't capture but your eyes can," Federer told The Huffington Post in an exclusive interview.

July, 2013 - Scarborough, Great Britain - This picture of a mysterious hovering craft flying above Scarborough has left a local UFO expert scratching his head. The snap, taken recently by a visitor to the town, shows the aircraft seemingly flying over the sea.

The photographer told the Scarborough News: “When I have looked through the pictures yesterday I have noticed that there is something in the sky.

“At the time I took the picture there was nothing in the sky and no low flying aircraft.”

And Filey ufologist Russ Kellett said he’s been left “puzzled” by the unexplained flying object. June, 2013 - Taxco, Mexico - 06-24-13 - The submitter of the video states that the photographs were taken in Taxco, Mexico on June 24, 2013. The six photographs were taken by Hector Garcia, an avid skywatcher.

(Editor's Note: The video that was composed from the photographs is very clear. The object itself could be a number of things; balloon, kite, remote-controlled vehicle, or something else.

One thing that is strange is that the object, whatever it is, changes its colors at times.


We must ASSUME there are Aliens Among Us, it would be stupid not to. No one has ever Proved they are NOT Here

See Desi interview the alien in the movie