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[1] Adobe Systems Inc. (Glenn C. Reid). PostScript Language Program Design. Addi- son-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1988. This so-called “Green Book” introduces programming techniques for designing efficient PostScript programs with the help of examples in the areas of typesetting text, constructing graphics, writing calculators, debug- ging programs, etc. These directly usable examples accomplish specific practical tasks and have been carefully designed and debugged to show in detail how the language works. Each of the fifteen chapters addresses a spe- cific aspect of top-to-bottom program design or problem solving and contains some useful advice. Available electronically from http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/ps/sdk/sample/index_psbooks.html [2] Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985. This so-called “Blue Book” has a Tutorial section with numerous annotated examples and short programs, and a Cookbook section which is a collection of useful techniques and procedures for the PostScript language. Available electronically from http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/ps/sdk/sample/index_psbooks.html [3] Adobe Systems Inc. “Encapsulated PostScript File Format Specification (Version 3.0)”. Technical Note 5002, 1992. This technical note details the Encapsulated PostScript file (EPSF) format, a standard format for importing and exporting PostScript language files among applications in a variety of heterogeneous environments. The EPSF format is based on and conforms to the document structuring conventions (DSC) [4]. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5002.EPSF_Spec.pdf [4] Adobe Systems Inc. “PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Specification (Version 3.0)”. Technical Note 5001, 1992. This technical note defines a standard set of document structuring conventions (DSC), which will help ensure that a PostScript document is device independent. DSC allows PostScript language programs to communicate their document structure and printing requirements to document managers in a way that does not affect the PostScript language page description. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5001.DSC_Spec.pdf

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[5] Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript Language Reference Manual, Third Edition. Addi- son-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999. This so-called “Red Book” describes the syntax and semantics of the complete PostScript language. The book documents the imaging model and the graphics, fonts, device, and rendering operators. Available electroni- cally from http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf [6] Adobe Systems Inc. PDF Reference (Version 1.6), Fifth Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2005. This is the specification of Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). The book introduces and explains all aspects of the PDF format, including its architecture and imaging model (allowing transparency and opacity for text, images, and graphics), the command syntax, the graphics operators, fonts, and rendering, and the relation between PostScript and PDF. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/PDFReference16.pdf [7] AlfredV.Aho,MonicaS.Lam,RaviSethi,andJeffrey D. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2007. This book is the standard reference about compiler constructionand is widely regarded as the classic definitive compiler technology text. It not only provides a thorough introduction to compiler design but it also shows how to apply compiler technology to a broad range of problems in design and development. This second edition includes the most recent developments in compiling. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compilers:_Principles,_Techniques_and_Tools [8] Dwight Aplevich. “Circuit_macros”. MAPS, 31:19–24, 2005. This article describes macros for drawing electrical circuits. On CTAN at: graphics/circuit_macros [9] Wolfgang Appelt. “Typesetting chess”. TUGboat, 9(3):284–287, 1988. This article describes how TEX can be used to typeset chess games and chess diagrams.

http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb09-3/tb22appelt.pdf Ô Ó×Ø [10] Gustavo S. Bustamante Argañaraz. makecirc: A ÑØ library for electrical

circuit diagrams drawing. Ô Ó×Ø This manual is the documentation of makecirk,aÑØ library containing diverse symbols for use in

() circuit diagrams. The system can be easily integrated in LATEX documents and combined with other Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ drawings and graphics. On CTAN at: graphics//contrib/macros/makecirc/MakeCirc-en.pdf [11] Jon Bentley and Brian Kernighan. “Grap — a language for typesetting graphs”. Computing Science Technical Report 114, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1984. Grap is a language for describing graphical displays of data. It provides automatic scaling, labeling of axes, some programming constructs, and a macro facility. It is intended primarily for including graphs in docu- ments prepared for the . Document available electronically as:

http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/114.ps.gz Ô Ó×Ø

[12] Piotr Bolek. “ÑØ and patterns”. TUGboat, 19(3):276–283, 1998. Ô Ó×Ø This article presents ÑØ macros for defining and using patterns. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb19-3/tb60bolek.pdf On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/mpattern [13] Anne Brüggemann-Klein and Derrick Wood. “Drawing trees nicely with TEX”. Electronic publishing — origin, dissemination and design, 2(2), 1989. This article describes a solution to the tree-drawing problem that integrates an excellent tree-drawing algo- rithm implemented as a TEX package (TreeTEX). Also available on pages 185–206 of [18].

[14] Włodzimierz Bzyl. “The Tao of fonts”. TUGboat, 23(1):27–40, 2002. Ô Ó×Ø This article presents a new technique for creating fonts. It is based on ÑØ ,andisabletoproduce Type 1 and Type 3 fonts. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb23-1/bzyl.pdf

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[15] David Carlisle. “Packages in the “graphics” bundle (The LATEX3 Project)”, 2006. Part of the LATEX distribution, the documentation describes a collection of LaTeX packages for: producing color, including graphics (e.g., PostScript) files and how to rotate and scale objects. On CTAN at: /required/graphics/grfguide.pdf [16] Bill Casselman. Mathematical Illustrations. A manual of geometry and PostScript. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2005. This book shows how to use PostScript for producing mathematical graphics at several levels of sophistica- tion. It discusses some of the mathematics involved in computer graphics and gives some hints about good style in mathematical illustration. After providing a short introduction to the basic features of the PostScript language, the author describes several 2-D and 3-D graphics techniques and algorithms. The appendices deal with more technical matters (see http://www.ams.org/notices/200701/rev-roegel.pdf for a de- tailed review). http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/graphics/manual/ [17] Adrian F. Clark. “Halftone Output from TEX”. TUGboat, 8(3):270–274, 1987. This article presents results that the author obtained while doing experiments with halftone production on an early laser printer device. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb08-3/tb19clark.pdf [18] Malcolm Clark, editor. TEX Applications, Uses, Methods. Ellis Horwood, Chich- ester, 1990. Papers from the 1988 TEXeter Conference. [19] Pierre Duplan, Roger Jauneau, and Jean-Pierre Jauneau. Maquette et mise en page, Fifth Edition. Electre - Éditions du Cercle de la Librarie, Paris, 2004. This book (in French) presents the results of an analysis by the authors of the layout of over 400 documents— on paper as well as on screen. From this study they derive a set of fundamental rules for making a graphical composition look well balanced geometrically and color-wise. The importance of fully integrating image and text is emphasized. When designing for the Internet its space- and timeless communication aspects should be fully integrated from the start. [20] Hagen Eck and Sepp Küblbeck. “Generating Feynman graphs and amplitudes with FeynArts 3”. Computer Physics Communications, 140:418–431, 2001. This article describes FeynArts (http://www.feynarts.de/), a Mathematica package that can be used for the generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams and amplitudes. The main features of version 3 are: generation of diagrams at three levels, user-definable model files, support for supersymmetric models, and publication-quality Feynman diagrams in PostScript or LaTeX. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0012260 [21] Philippe Esperet and Denis Girou. “Coloriage du pavage dit « de Truchet »”. Cahiers GUTenberg, 31:5–18, 1998.

This article presents the results of a contest to solve an algorithmic problem on tiling of a plane. A presenta- Ô Ó×Ø tion of the main answers received is followed by an implementation of the algorithms in ÑØ and PSTricks. http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/31-girou.pdf [22] JamesD.Foley,AndriesvanDam,StevenK.Feiner,andJohnF.Hughes.Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990. This standard reference work is one of the most comprehensive and authoritative in the field of computer graphics. Current concepts as well as practical applications are dealt with. The text also provides a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing. Lecture notes on com- puter graphics are available from van Dam’s site http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/cs123/lectures.shtml [23] Shinsaku Fujita and Nobuya Tanaka. “XΥMTEX (Version 2.00) as Implementation of the XΥMNotationandtheXΥM Markup Language”. TUGboat, 21(1):7–14, 2000. Thisarticlepresentssomeofthenewfeaturesaddedinversions1.01and2ofXΥMTEX. Version 2 implements the XΥM notation, a linear notation for representing organic structures. The XΥM notation removes layout data by virtue of the newly introduced concepts of yl-function, substitution derivation, atom derivation, and bond derivation. The article also describes the XΥMML markup language. It shows how XΥMML markup can be used for representing organic structures and how it translates into the XΥM notation, which, in turn, can be typeset with XΥMTEX. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb21-1/tb66fuji.pdf

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[24] Shinsaku Fujita and Nobuya Tanaka. “Size reduction of chemical structural formulas in XΥMTEX (Version 3.00)”. TUGboat, 22(4):285–289, 2001. This article shows how XΥMTEX system (Version 3.00) provides a method for permitting the size reduction of structural formulas within the scope of the LATEX picture environment and the epic package. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-4/tb72fuji.pdf [25] Shinsaku Fujita. “XΥMTEX for drawing chemical structural formulas”. TUGboat, 16(1):80–88, 1995. This article introduces XΥMTEX, a package consisting of a set of LATEX style files. The package has been devel- oped for drawing a wide variety of chemical structural formulas. Its commands offer an ensemble of system- atic arguments for specifying substituents and their positions, endocyclic double bonds, and bond patterns. In some cases, they have an additional argument for specifying hetero-atoms on the vertices of heterocy- cles. As a result of this systematic feature, XΥMTEX fits perfectly well in the device-independent concept of TEX. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb16-1/tb46fuji.pdf [26] Shinsaku Fujita. “XΥMTEX: a macro package for typesetting chemical structural formulas”, 2006. The manual of successive XΥMTEXversionsaswellasinformationaboutthelatestdevelopmentsareavailable

from the URL http://imt.chem.kit.ac.jp/fujita/fujitas3//indexe.html

ÓÒØ [27] Federico Garcia. “On musical typesetting: Sonata for TEXandÑØ ,Op.2”. TUGboat, 24(2):169–182, 2003. In this article the author explains why he thinks that existing typesetting systems for music cannot cope with several aspects of music compostion, such as new music and its non-standard representation, musicology, which needs some parts of a score to be circled, highlighted, tied together, etc. He first details the nature of musical typesetting with the problem of horizontal spacing, line breaking, and the use of glue. He then shows how his program TEXmuse deals with the challenges mentioned and ends with a description of its implemen- tation. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb24-2/tb77garcia.pdf [28] Hubert Gäßlein and Rolf Niepraschk. The pict2e - package, 2004. This new package extends the existing LATEX picture environment, using the familiar technique of driver files. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/pict2e/ [29] Frans Gerritsen. Evolution in Color. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, West Chester, PA, 1988. This book is an overview of the theory of color from antiquity to the present. Thanks to its many illustrations the book clearly explains how the concept of color perception evolved over the ages. More information on color is on Bruce MacEvoy’s Web page (http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/wcolor.html)orCharles Poynton’s color Web page (http://www.poynton.com/ColorFAQ.html).

[30] Ovidiu Gheorghie¸s. “AnIntroductiontoMetaUML:ExquisiteUMLDiagramsin Ô Ó×Ø

ÑØ ”. MAPS, 32:2–15, 2005. Ô Ó×Ø This article provides an introduction to the MetaUML package, a ÑØ for drawing UML diagrams. On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/metauml [31] Denis Girou. pst-fill—A PSTricks package for filling and tiling, 2006. This is the documentation of a PSTricks-based package for filling and tiling areas or characters.

On CTAN at: graphics//contrib/pst-fill/ Ô Ó×Ø [32] Luís Nobre Gonçalves. “FEATPOST and a Review of 3D ÑØ Packages”. volume 3130 of Lecture Notes in computer Science, pp. 112–124. Springer-Verlag,

Berlin, Germany / Heidelberg, Germany / London, UK / etc., 2004. Ô Ó×Ø This article is a description of FEATPOST,a ÑØ package for 3-D graphics. On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/featpost/doc

[33] Luís Nobre Gonçalves. “FEATPOST macros”, 2004. Ô Ó×Ø Manual of the ÑØ FEATPOST macros for 3-D graphics. On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/featpost/latex/macroMan.tex

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[34] Michel Goossens and Eric van Herwijnen. “The elementary Particle Entity Nota- tion (PEN) scheme”. TUGboat, 13(2):201–207, 1992. This article introduces a scheme for marking up elementary particle names in LATEX and SGML. The scheme assures the typographic correctness of the printed symbols. It also allows automatic extraction of information about the entities used in the text. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb13-2/tb35goossens.pdf [35] Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, Eitan M. Gurai, Ross Moore, and Robert S. Sutor. The LATEX Web Companion: Integrating TEX, HTML, and XML. Addison- Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999. This book teaches (scientific) authors how to publish on the Web or other hypertext presentation systems, building on their experience with LATEX and taking into account their specific needs in fields such as mathe- matics, non-European languages, and algorithmic graphics. The book explains how to make full use of the Adobe Acrobat format from LATEX, convert legacy documents to HTML or XML, make use of math in Web applications, use LATEX as a tool in preparing Web pages, read and write simple XML/SGML, and produce high-quality printed pages from Web-hosted XML or HTML pages using TEXorPDF. [36] Michel Goossens and Vesa Sivunen. “LATEX, SVG, Fonts”. TUGboat, 22(4):269–280, 2001. This article gives a short overview of SVG and points out its advantages for describing in a portable way the graphics content of electronic documents. The conversion of Type 1 font instances into SVG outlines is de- scribed, and it is shown how these SVG font glyphs can be used in SVG instances of documents typeset with TEX. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-4/tb72goos.pdf [37] Timothy G. Greenwood. “International cultural differences in software”. Digital Technical Journal, 5(16):8–20, 1993. Throughout the world, computer users approach a computer system with a specific set of cultural require- ments. In all cultures, they expect computer systems to accommodate their needs, including when interacting with computers through written language where culture influences the way computer systems must operate. The article gives examples of various national conventions for the presentation of date, time, and numbers. It then explains how the design of an adequate user interface must take into account these conventions in the way it uses images, color, sound, and in the overall layout of the screen. The author concludes that successful computer systems must respond to the multicultural needs of users. http://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/dtj/vol5num3/vol5num3art1.pdf [38] Branko Grünbaum and Geoffrey Sheppard. Tilings and Patterns. W.H. Freeman, New York, 1987. This is the definitive book on ways to tile the two-dimensional plane. The authors treat well-known periodic tilings such as those in a bathroom, the patterns of bricks on walls, or the wonderful geometries created by Islamic artists. They also describe aperiodic tilings, such as Penrose tiles, which use a five-way symmetry to cover the plane without ever repeating; Amman constructs using a four-way plan to define tiles that forever create new patterns; and spiral tiles, which are perfectly regular, but different at every scale. For more on tilings see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Tiling [39] Eitan M Gurari. TEXandLATEX: Drawing and Literate Programming. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994. This book describes device-independent tools for drawing figures with (LA)TEX. Supported are drawing basic shapes, such as lines, rectangles and Bézier curves, as well as utilities for producing more complex graphs, such as charts and diagrams. Also described are packages that allow (LA)TEX to support literate programming. [40] Eckhart Guthörlein. “Object-Oriented Graphics with MetaObj”. MAPS, 31:77–86,

2005. Ó This article is an introduction to the ÑØ package, and provides some interesting examples. [41] Roswitha T. Haas and Kevin C. O’Kane. “Typesetting chemical structure formulas with the text formatter TEX/LATEX”. Computers and Chemistry, 11(4):251–271, 1987. This article describes how to incorporate chemical structure diagrams into compuscripts prepared with LATEX. With the help of some 30 LATEX macros it is easy to typeset common structural fragments such as branching patterns and alicyclic and heterocyclic rings. These macros permit optional substituents and multiple bonds. Fragments from different macros can be combined.

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[42] Hans Hagen. “Pretty printing TEX, MetaPost, Perl and JavaScript”. MAPS, 20:286– 289, 1998. This article explains that, although one has to use CWEB-like environments for real pretty printing of sources, TEX can also do a rather good job. CONTEXT’s verbatim environment has pretty printing built in, and either specific colors or fonts can be used. http://www.ntg.nl/maps/pdf/20_43.pdf

[43] Hans Hagen. metafun, 2002. Ô Ó×Ø

This is the metafun manual. The metafun system provides an interface between ÑØ and TEX. Ô Ó×Ø

The required TEX macros are included in CONTEXT, and the ÑØ code comes with metafun. Ô Ó×Ø Thanks to metafun, ÑØ definitions can be easily integrated in TEX code, thus adding large graph- ics capabilities to TEX. Available electronically from http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/metafun-p.pdf [44] J. Hagen and A. F. Otten. “PPCHTEX: typesetting chemical formulas in TEX”. TUGboat, 17(1):54–66, 1996. This article describes PPCHTEX, a package for typesetting chemical formulas with a multi-lingual inter- face. The manual is at the URL http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/mp-ch-en.pdf.The package can use PICTEXorPSTricks, is compatible with other macro packages, and falls back on a few generic modules. It supports typesetting chemical structure formulas like six-rings at different sizes, parts of which can be reused. It also can deal with reaction mechanisms. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb17-1/tb50hage.pdf [45] Brian Hamilton Kelly. “Some macros to draw crosswords”. TUGboat, 11(1):103– 119, 1990. This is a description of a package to typeset crossword diagrams. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb11-1/tb27kelly.pdf [46] Andy Hammerlindl, John Bowman, and Tom Prince. Asymptote, 2005. Version

0.76. Ô Ó×Ø The manual of the Asymptote system, a system similar to ÑØ , is available electronically from

http://asymptote.sourceforge.net Ô Ó×Ø [47] John D. Hobby. “A user’s manual for ÑØ ”. Computing Science Technical

Report 162, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1992.


The ÑØ system implements a picture-drawing language very much like Knuth’s Ô Ó×Ø except that it outputs PostScript commands instead of bitmaps. ÑØ is a powerful language for producing figures for documents targetted to PostScript output devices. It provides easy access to all features

of PostScript and it includes facilities for integrating text and graphics. The appendix of this user’s manual

Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ ÓÒØ explains the differences between ÑØ and . The document is available electronically

as: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/162.ps.gz Ô Ó×Ø [48] John D. Hobby. “Drawing graphs with ÑØ ”. Computing Science

Technical Report 164, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1993.  This report describes a graph-drawing package that has been implemented as an extension to the ÑØ -

Ô Ó×Ø graphics language, which has a powerful macro facility for implementing such extensions. A few new language features to support the graph macros are introduced. The proposed features for generating and manipulating pictures allow the user to perform actions that would be difficult to achieve in a stand-alone package. The document is available electronically as: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/164.ps.gz [49] Alan Hoenig. TEX Unbound: Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, and More. Oxford University Press, New York, 1998. This book describes how to produce good typography with LATEX, in particular how to set up and make proper use of PostScript fonts, and create high-quality graphics illustrations with TEX-friendly methods. It contains

many examples and summaries of procedures to follow. The book starts with a good overview of TEX, LATEX,

 ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø ÑØ ,and , explaining how they all fit together. The second part of the book de- scribes TEX’s font mechanisms. The author does not limit himself to a description of how to set up a standard font family, but includes a lot of more advanced material. Examples included are using special effect fonts, specifying font families that contain alternate character sets or symbols, integrating high-quality commercial fonts, and typesetting mathematics with fonts other than the original TEXfonts (there is a 30-page overview on how to combine available mathematics font families with various often-used typefaces). The final part of

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 ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø the book discusses graphics applications, in particular ÑØ , , PSTricks,PICTEX, and mfpic.

[50] Jan Holecekˇ and Petr Sojka. “Animations in pdfTEX-generated PDF: A new method for directly embedding animation into PDF”. volume 3130 of Lecture Notes in computer Science, pp. 179–191. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany / Heidelberg, Germany / London, UK / etc., 2004. This article describes a method for producing real animations within a PDF file.

[51] Andrew D. Hwang. “ePiX: A utility for creating mathematically accurate figures”. TUGboat, 25(2):172–176, 2004. This article describes ePiX, a collection of command line utilities for creating mathematically accurate, logi- cally structured, camera-quality 2- and 3-dimensional figures and animations in LATEX. ePiX provides a bridge between the powerful numerical capabilities of C++ and the high-quality typesetting of LATEX. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb25-2/tb81hwang.pdf

[52] International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland. Quantities and Units (Parts 0 to 13), 1992. International Standard ISO 31-0:1992. Part 0: General principles (1992, Amd 1:1998, Amd 2:2005); Part 1: Space and time (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 2: Periodic and related phenomena (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 3: Mechanics (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 4: Heat (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 5: Electricity and magnetism (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 6: Light and related electro- magnetic (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 7: Acoustics (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 8: Physical chemistry and molecular (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 9: Atomic and nuclear physics (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 10: Nuclear reactions and ionizing (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 11: Mathematical signs and symbols for for use in the physical sciences and technology (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 12: Characteristic numbers (1992, Amd 1:1998); Part 13: Solid state physics (1992, Amd 1:1998).

[53] International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland. SI Units and Recommendations for the Use of their Multiples and of Certain Other Units, 1992. International Standard ISO 1000:1992. [54] International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland. Information Technology—Computer graphics – Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information, 1999. International Standard ISO 8632:1999. Part 1: Functional specification (1999, Cor 1:2006); Part 2: Character Encoding (1999); Part 3: Binary encoding (1999); Part 4: Clear text encoding (1999). In part freely downloadable from http://isotc.iso.org/ livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2489/Ittf_Home/PubliclyAvailableStandards.htm

[55] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Pergamon, Oxford, 1979. Many recommendations on organic and biochemical nomenclature, symbols and terminology, etc. are avail- able at the IUPAP Web site: http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/

[56] International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. “Symbols, units, nomenclature and fundamental constants in physics”. Physica, 146A:1–67, 1987. Information is available on the IUPAP Web site (www.iupap.org). The IUPAP Report number is 25. For the latest on the values of fundamental constants consult the NIST website: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants

[57] Johannes Itten. The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Ratio- nale of Color. Wiley, New York, 1974. The author introduces two approaches to understanding the art of color. Subjective feelings and objective color principles are described in detail and clarified by color reproductions.

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ÓÒØ [58] Bogusław Jackowski. “A ÑØ -eps interface”. TUGboat, 16(4):388–395,



This article explains that one of the best features of the TEX/ ÑØ system is its openness, i.e., its ca-


pability of collaboration with other systems. This is illustrated by presenting a ÑØ -to-PostScript


interface, mftoeps,basedonaÑØ kernel with the necessary definitions for translating the de-


scription of graphic objects from ÑØ to PostScript. The PostScript output code is written to a file

 ÓÒØ from which it can be extracted. Two utilities that address the task of further manipulation of ÑØ graphics objects in PostScript are described. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb16-4/tb49jack.pdf [59] Laura E. Jackson and Herbert Voß. “Die mathematischen Funktionen von Post- Script”. Die TEXnische Komödie, 1/02:40–47, 2002. This article summerizes all PostScript functions that can be used to calculate mathematical expressions and can be used with the \psplot macro from the PSTricks package bundle. [60] Laura E. Jackson and Herbert Voß. “Die plot-funktionen von pst-plot”. Die TEXnische Komödie, 2/02:27–34, 2002. This article describes the use of the plotting macros of pst-plot from the PSTricks package bundle. It gives examples for plotting mathematical functions and external data files that can be read by a special macro. [61] Richard Jackson, Lindsay MacDonald, and Ken Freeman. Computer Generated Color: A Practical Guide to Presentation and Display. Wiley, New York, 1994. This book offers practical advice on how to use color effectively for presentation on computer screens and for printing on paper. [62] François Jalbert. “MuTEX user’s guide”, 1989. MuTEX, based on work for their Master’s Thesis by Andrea Steinbach and Angelika Schofer, is a set of macros allowing TEX to typeset beautiful music. http://icking-music-archive.org/software/mutex/ [63] Christophe Jorssen and Herbert Voß. The pst-circ - package, 2004. pst-circ is a package built above PSTricks and, in particular, pst-node. It can easily draw current dipoles, some tripoles, and quadrupoles used in elecronic or electric theory. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-circ/ [64] Christophe Jorssen. pst-math - a PSTricks package for mathematical function, 2004. PostScript lacks a lot of basic operators. pst-math provides all the operators in a PostScript-header file. In addition, sinc, gauss, gammaln, and bessel are implemented (only partially for the latter). pst-math is designed essentially to work with pst-plot but can be used in whatever PostScript code. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-math/ [65] Deane B. Judd and Günter Wyszecki. Color in Business, Science, and Industry, Second Edition. Wiley, New York, 1963. The perception of color permeates our daily lives. The color of soil, vegetables, fruit, meat, textiles, minerals, the sky, or a human face, informs us about their value or state. Color management is an essential tool to effectively control all aspects of color in the commercial process. [66] David Kastrup. preview-latex, 2003. preview-latex allows appropriately selected parts of a LATEX document to be formatted and displayed within your Emacs editor, allowing you to view what it looks like while still allowing you to edit it. On CTAN at: support/preview-latex/ [67] Brian Kernighan. “PIC — a graphics language for typesetting”. Computing Science Technical Report 116, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1984. Pic is a language for drawing simple figures on a typesetter. The basic objects in pic are boxes, ellipses, lines, arrows, arcs, spline curves, and text. These may be placed anywhere, at positions specified absolutely or in terms of previous objects. Pic is a troff preprocessor. Document available electronically as: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/116.ps.gz

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[68] Uwe Kern. Color extensions with the xcolor package, 2006. Provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of color tints, shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors. It allows a user to select a document-wide target color model and offers complete tools for conversion between eight color models. Additionally, there is a command for alternating row colors and repeated non- aligned material (like horizontal lines) in tables. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/ [69] Jörg Knappen. “Changing the appearance of math”. In Zlatuška [140], pp. 212–216. Mathematical typesetting is based on many conventions, which can vary by country and by area of scientific activity. In particular American and European mathematics and physics journals often use different nota- tions for identical items. The author presents his “European math” package, which makes it easy to adapt the notation needed for publishing in a given journal. [70] Donald E. Knuth. The TEXbook, volume A of Computers and Typesetting. Addison- Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986. This book is the definitive user’s guide and complete reference manual for TEX. [71] Donald E. Knuth. TEX: The Program, volume B of Computers and Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.

This book contains the complete source code for the TEX program, typeset with several indices.

ÓÒØ [72] Donald E. Knuth. The ÑØ Book, volume C of Computers and Typesetting.

Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.

 ÓÒØ This is the user’s guide and reference manual for ÑØ , the companion program to TEXfordesigning


ÓÒØ [73] Donald E. Knuth. ÑØ : The Program, volume D of Computers and

Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.

 ÓÒØ This book contains the complete source code listing of the ÑØ program. [74] Donald E. Knuth. Typefaces, volume E of Computers and Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.

This book depicts graphically more than 500 Greek and Roman letterforms, together with punctuation marks,


numerals, and many mathematical symbols. The ÑØ code to generate each glyph is given and

 ÓÒØ it is explained how, by changing the parameters in the ÑØ code, all characters in the Computer Modern family of typefaces can be obtained. [75] Donald E. Knuth. “Fonts for digital halftones”. TUGboat, 8(2):135–160, 1987.

This article explains how small pictures can be “typeset” on raster devices in a way that simulates the screens

 ÓÒØ used to print fine books on photography. This article describes an experiment with ÑØ to generate halftone fonts to create such pictures on laser printers. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb08-2/tb18knut.pdf [76] Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly. Guide to LATEX, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wes- ley, Reading, MA, 2004. This introductory book, which shows how to begin using LATEX to create high-quality documents, serves also as a handy reference for all LATEX users. The book covers the LATEX2ε standard and provides many details, examples, exercises, tips, and tricks. It goes beyond the base installation by describing important contributed packages that have become essential to LATEX processing. This book can be advantageously complemented by The LATEXCompanion[83]. [77] Gerard Kunkel. Graphic Design with PostScript. Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1990. This book is a hands-on guide to using PostScript containing complete coded examples for many practically relevant applications, including (pseudo) 3-D effects for graphs, etc. [78] Leslie Lamport. LATEX: A Document Preparation System, Second Edition. Addison- Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994. This book is the definitive user’s guide and reference manual for LATEX2ε written by LATEX’s original author.

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[79] Michael J. S. Levine. “ALATEX graphics routine for drawing feynman diagrams”. Computer Physics Communications, 58:181–198, 1990. This article describes a package that uses LATEX’s picture environment for drawing Feynman diagrams. The package and its manual are available On CTAN at: macros/latex209/contrib/feynman [80] Manuel Luque. The pst-vue3d - package, 2004. Three-dimensional objects like cubes, spheres, and others can be viewed from different points. The distribu- tion includes a comprehensive set of examples of usage. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-vue3d/ [81] M. P.Maclenan and G. M. Burns. “Anapproach to drawing circuit diagrams for text books”. TUGboat, 12(1):66–69, 1991. This article describes a library of pictograms, which are defined using macros embodied in PICTEX. These pictograms are used to create applications that enable high-definition circuit diagrams to be easily included in TEXdocuments. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb12-1/tb31maclenan.pdf [82] Henry McGilton and Mary Campione. PostScript by Example. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1992. This book first introduces the basic concepts of PostScript language (paths, graphic states, text, clipping, trans- formations, arcs, curves, and images). It then presents a set of tools to construct fonts, patterns, forms, and manage your printing environment. PostScript Level 2 issues such as patterns, forms, images, composite fonts, halftones, and color models are covered. With its many hands-on exercises and step-by-step instructions, this book becomes a genuine toolkit, for building effective PostScript programs. [83] Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley. The LATEX Companion, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2004. This book describes over 200 LATEX packages and presents a whole series of tips and tricks for using LATEXin both traditional and modern typesetting, in particular how to customize layout features to your own needs— from phrases and paragraphs to headings, lists, and pages. It provides expert advice on using LaTeX’s basic formatting tools to create all types of publication, from memos to encyclopedias. It covers in depth important extension packages for tabular and technical typesetting, floats and captions, multi-column layouts, including reference guides and discussion of the underlying typographic concepts. It details techniques for generating and typesetting indexes, glossaries, and bibliographies, with their associated citations.

[84] Alun Moon. “Digital Illumination”. TUGboat, 24(1):18–22, 2003.

 ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø This article explains how ’s programs TEXandÑØ ( )havemadedig- ital typography and calligraphy a reality. The author, an amateur calligrapher in Celtic artwork, explores how these tools can be used for digital illumination. He shows some nice examples of knotwork and keypatterns that he was able to draw. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb24-1/moon-celtic.pdf

[85] Jens-Uwe Morawski. piechartMP: Drawing pie-charts with MetaPost, 2002. Ô Ó×Ø This is the manual for the piechartMP ÑØ package. On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/piechartmp [86] Santiago Muelas. “A macro routine for writing text along a path in MetaPost”.

MAPS, pp. 103–113, 2000. Ô Ó×Ø This article describes a general macro written in pure ÑØ for putting any text using any font over any path. The routine is explained in detail and some graphics examples are given. http://www.ntg.nl/maps/pdf/25_14.pdf On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/txp [87] Antal Nemcsics. Colour Dynamics: Environmental Colour Design. Prentice Hall, New York, 1993. The book defines color dynamics and their effects on the environment. After explaining the fundamentals of chromatics (color spaces, color vision, color harmony) the psychosomatic effects of color, such as the relation between color and space, color and function, and color and illumnination, are discussed. [88] Rolf Niepraschk. “Anwendungen des LATEX-pakets preview”. Die TEXnische Komödie, 1/2003:60–65, 2003. This article describes how PostScript-related code can be integrated into sources, which will be compiled with pdfLATEX.

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[89] Jan Nieuwenhuizen and Han-Wen Nienhuys. “MusiXTEX pre-processor—using TEXandtheMusiXTEX macro package to write parts and scores of music”, 1996. Deprecated package, replaced by LilyPond. http://icking-music-archive.org/software/mpp/ [90] A. C. Norris and A. L. Oakley. “Electronic publishing and chemical text processing”. In Clark [18], pp. 207–225. This article describes strategies to combine high-quality computer-based scientific typesetting of chemical structures with low cost. Results are reported of how to interface an interactive chemical editor with PostScript and TEX.


ÓÒØ [91] Thorsten Ohl. “Drawing feynman diagrams with LTEXandÑØ ”. Com- puter Physics Communications, 90:340–354, 1995.

This article describes FeynMF, a package for easy drawing of professional-quality Feynman diagrams with


ÑØ (or ). Most diagrams are drawn satisfactorily from the structure of the graph

 ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø without need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of ÑØ (or )is available for the more complicated cases or for fine tuning the layout. http://www.cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADCD_v1_0.html


[92] Thorsten Ohl. “feynMF, Drawing Feynman Diagrams with LTEXandÑØ - ÓÒØ  ”, 1996. Some information is available at the URL http://xml.cern.ch/textproc/feynmf.html. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/feynmf [93] Premshree Pillai. infix-postfix.py,2003. This package provides a solution with Python for an Infix–Postfix converter. http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/228915 [94] Sunil Podar. “Enhancements to the picture environment of LATEX”. Technical Report 86-17, Dept. of Computer Science, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, 1986. This report describes the epic macros, which extend the capabilities of LATEX picture without requiring new facilities. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/epic/picman.tex [95] Sebastian Rahtz. “The Protestant Cemetery, Rome”. Opuscula Romana, 16:149– 167, 1987. This article discusses a study undertaken under the auspices of the Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma. [96] Michael Ramek. “Chemical structure formulae and x/y diagrams with TEX”. In Clark [18], pp. 227–258. Macros are presented to easily generate chemical structure formulae and x/y diagrams. Plain TEXandaDVI

driver that can handle rules are sufficient to generate the graphics output. Ô Ó×Ø [97] Denis Roegel. “Creating 3D animations with ÑØ ”. TUGboat, 18(4):274–

283, 1997. Ô Ó×Ø This article describes the ÑØ 3d package for representing and animating objects in space. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb18-4/tb57roeg.pdf

On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/3d Ô Ó×Ø [98] Denis Roegel. “ÑØ , l’intelligence graphique”. Cahiers GUTenberg, 41:5–16, 2001.

This article, in French, explains the advantages of a text-oriented approach to graphics, as provided by the Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ language.

http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/41-roegel.pdf Ô Ó×Ø [99] Denis Roegel. “Space geometry with ÑØ ”. TUGboat, 22(4):298–314,

2001. Ô Ó×Ø This article describes the author’s package for drawing space geometry figures in ÑØ . http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-4/tb72roeg.pdf

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Ó ÑØÔ Ó×Ø [100] Denis Roegel. “ÑØ : Very high-level objects in ”. TUGboat,

23(1):93–100, 2002.

Ó ÑØÔ Ó×Ø This article summarizes the main features of ÑØ ,a package for manipulating graph- ics in a structured way. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb23-1/roegel.pdf

On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/metaobj Ô Ó×Ø [101] Denis Roegel. “Kissing Circles: A French Romance in ÑØ ”. TUGboat,

26(1):10–17, 2005. Ô Ó×Ø This article describes ÑØ macros for drawing the Apollonian gasket, a well known fractal.

http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb26-1/tb82roegel.pdf Ó

[102] Denis Roegel. The ÑØ tutorial and reference manual, 2007.

Ó ÑØÔ Ó×Ø This is the ÑØ manual, describing a packageforthemanipulationofstructured objects, boxes, trees, matrices, connections, etc. On CTAN at: graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/metaobj [103] Tom Rokicki. “Driver Support for Color in TEX: Proposal and Implementation”. TUGboat, 15(3):205–212, 1994. This article presents a new implementation of color support, with a proposal for an initial standard for color and color-like specials. Examples show the difficulties to be addressed when supporting color. An implemen- tation of a driver providing a solution to these problems is described. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb15-3/tb44rokicki.pdf [104] Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross Moore. “XY-pic reference manual. version 3.7”, 1999. This document describes in detail the capabilities of the XY-pic package for typesetting graphs and diagrams in TEX. The package works with most TEX formats, including plain TEX, LATEX, and AMS-LATEX. Several styles of input for various diagram types are supported; they all share a mnemonic notation based on the logical composition of visual components. The electronic version of the manual is distributed with the package. On CTAN at: macros/generic/diagrams/xypic/xy-3.7/doc/xyrefer.pdf [105] Kristoffer H. Rose. “How to typeset pretty diagram arrows with TEX—design decisions used in XY-pic”. In Zlatuška [140], pp. 183–190. This article gives a non-technical overview of how to draw arrows with TEX, and in particular with the author’s XY-pic system. The article shows how a large variety of arrows can be obtained by combining a few special fonts. [106] Kristoffer H. Rose. “XY-pic user’s guide. version 3.7”, 1999. XY-pic is a package for typesetting graphs and diagrams with TEX. This user guide concentrates on how to typeset matrix-like diagrams. The electronic version of the manual is distributed with the package.

On CTAN at: macros/generic/diagrams/xypic/xy-3.7/doc/xyguide.pdf

ÓÒØ [107] Zalman Rubinstein. “Chess printing via ÑØ and TEX”. TUGboat,

10(2):170–172, 1989.

 ÓÒØ This article presents a ÑØ -TEX system to enable printing chess positions with ease by incorporat- ing them in arbitrary TEX output. The chess board is integrated with the chess pieces. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb10-2/tb24rubinstein.pdf [108] Rod Salmon and Mel Slater. Computer Graphics — Systems & Concepts. Addison- Wesley Europe, Amsterdam, 1987. A practical guide to the construction and implementation of computer graphics systems. The basic princi- ples for building such systems for a range of 2-D and 3-D applications are explained. The Graphical Kernel System (GKS) is treated in detail and its characteristics are compared with those of other systems, including

PostScript. Aspects of human–computer interaction, equipment, and systems design are discussed. Ô Ó×Ø [109] Andreas Scherer. “Smoothing augmented paths in ÑØ ”. TUGboat,

20(2):142, 1999. Ô Ó×Ø This article shows a slight change to the ÑØ graph package in order to produce smooth curves in graphs drawn from data. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb20-2/tb63gibb.pdf

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[110] Angelika Schofer and Andreas Steinbach. “Automatisierter Notensatz mit TEX”. Technical report, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 1987. This report, which combined and updated the content of the masters theses of both authors, demonstrated that music typesetting was possible. Their mutex package was rather limited, and is hardly ever used nowadays. However, it inspired Daniel Taupin, who took up the baton, and developed MusixTEX (see Ref. [116]). On CTAN at: macros/mtex [111] Claus Schönleber and Frank Klinkenberg-Haaß. “Goldene Schnittmuster”. mc- Extra, 2:21–25, 1995. This article covers metalic alloys, non-periodic tilings and Penrose-tilings. [112] Don Simons. “PMX, a preprocessor for MusiXTEX. Version 0.92”, 1995. PMX facilitates typesetting music scores and parts that have an almost professional appearance. It is easier tolearnthanMusiXTEX, of which it is a preprocessor. PMX automatically takes care of grouping notes, se- lecting groups of notes to be beamed, defining beam heights and slopes, spreading the entire piece evenly over specified numbers of systems and pages, and inserting extra spaces where needed to make room for accidentals, flags, dots, and new clefs. Note values, rests, ornaments, slurs, and limited text strings can be specified. Every voice in every bar must have exactly the correct number of beats in the current meter, but you may change the meter at the beginning of any measure, with or without printing the new time sig- nature. PMX checks the timings and other aspects of the input for consistency before generating its out- put. http://icking-music-archive.org/software/pmx/pmx250.pdf [113] Ian Stewart. “Ungewöhnliche Kachelungen”. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, p. 114, 2001. This article explains how, starting with a very simple construction, one can get very complicated tilings and patterns. http://www.wissenschaft-online.de/spektrum/index.php?action=rubrik_ detail&artikel_id=5811 [114] Sebastian Tannert and Andreas Tille. “The CIRC package”, 2005. This is a description of CIRC, a tool for typesetting circuit diagrams and block schematics. The package defines

a large set of electrical symbols including resistors, capacitors, and transistors, which can be connected with

 ÓÒØ wires in a very easy way. All symbols are drawn with ÑØ and the symbol set can be easily extended by the user. On CTAN at: macros/generic/diagrams/circ/circ.pdf [115] Till Tantau. The TikZandPGFPackages. PGF is a TEX macro package for generating graphics. It is platform- and format-independent. It comes with a user-friendly syntax layer called TikZ. It is somewhat less powerful than PSTricks, which can use the full power of the PostScript language (e.g., for inline function plotting) and has a nice library of extra packages for specific application areas. However, it works together with most important TEX backend drivers, including (which is not directly possible with PSTricks)anddvips. Moreover, since it is a recent development, its syntax is somewhat more consistent that PSTricks’.Thehomepageisathttp://sourceforge.net/projects/ pgf/. On CTAN at: graphics/pgf/doc/generic/pgf/version-for-pdftex/en/pgfmanual.pdf [116] Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell, and Andreas Egler. “MusiXTEX, using TEXtowrite polyphonic or instrumental music, Version T.113”, 2005. MusiXTEXisasetofTEX macros to typeset orchestral or polyphonic music. This guide contains a technical and detailed description of all features of the system. The main author of MusiXTEX, Daniel Taupin, passed away in 2003. Two years later the MusiXTEX community decided to help keep his excellent work alive and current by assembling a new release (T.113), correcting various minor bugs, updating some references and providing dynamic links to archived versions where possible. No new functionality was introduced but a few additional packages were added to the basic distribution. http://icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/musixdoc.pdf [117] Daniel Taupin. “MusicTEX: using TEX to write polyphonic or instrumental music”. In Zlatuška [140], pp. 257–272. This article gives a short overview of MusicTEX, a set of (LA)TEX macros to nicely typeset polyphonic, in- strumental, or orchestral music. Many voices or instrument lines, as well as up to four staffspervoiceare supported. Several note sizes, most usual ornaments, and such features as grace notes and cadenzas are also available. It is explained that the major typesetting difficulty resides in the handling of glue and of breaking lines when meeting irregular music and slurs.

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[118] Daniel Taupin. “MusicTEX: using TEX to write polyphonic or instrumental music”. TUGboat, 14(3):203–211, 1993. This article is a short introduction to MusicTEX, a set of TEXandLATEX macros to typeset polyphonic, in- strumental or orchestral music. It handles an important number of instruments or voices (up to nine) and staffs (up to four for each instrument). Most usual ornaments are available, including several note sizes, grace notes, and cadenzas. Several staff sizes can coexist in the same score to combine full-size staffs with smaller “reminder” staffs. The LATEX version is not suited for producing full scores but it can be used to typeset mu- sic excerpts in musicographic texts. Special attention has to be given to glue and line breaking in the case of

irregular music and slurs. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb14-3/tb40musictex.pdf

ÓÒØ [119] Daniel Taupin. “Using TEXandÑØ to build complicated maps”. TUG- boat, 14(3):196–202, 1993. The article descibes the procedure to publish a catalog of 1500 crags and climbable rocks in France. All relevant information, such as name, location, and importance, are stored in a large TEX master file. The marks and their

associated text, as well as their optimal position are calculated from these data and are superimposed on a map

 ÓÒØ generated in ÑØ . http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb14-3/tb40taupin-maps.pdf [120] Daniel Taupin. “MusiXTEX, even more beautiful than MusicTEXformusictype- setting”. In Wietse Dol, editor, “Proceedings of the 9th European TEXConference, September 4–8 1995, Arnhem, The Netherlands”, pp. 351–358. Nederlandstalige TEX Gebruikersgroep, 1995. This article is a description of MusiXTEX as a new music typesetting package derived from MusicTEX. MusiXTEX is a three-pass system and produces more beautiful scores than MusicTEX, which was a one-pass system. The first pass performs a rough TEXing which reports the spacings of each music section, the sec- ond pass uses an external program to compute optimal note spacings, and the third pass lets TEXinclude this information to typeset the final score. This results in more visually attractive slurs and regularly spaced notes. http://www.ntg.nl/maps/pdf/E_23.pdf [121] Daniel Taupin. “MusicTEX, using TEX to write polyphonic and instrumental music, Version 5.17”, 1996. This is a deprecated package. Use MusiXTEX instead. Old files are still available at the URL http://icking-music-archive.org/software/musictex/ [122] Piet Tutelaers. “Afont and a style for typesetting chess using LATEXorTEX”. TUG-

boat, 13(1):85–90, 1992.

 ÓÒØ The author decribes how he built a 26-character chess font with ÑØ . The font consists of a chess board and separate sets of black and white chess pieces and empty squares. The TEXmacrosfortypesetting chess using the font are described. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb13-1/tb34tutelaers.pdf [123] Gabriel Valiente Feruglio. “Typesetting commutative diagrams”. TUGboat, 15(4):466–484, 1994. This article presents a review of macro packages for typesetting commutative diagrams, which are compared according to several criteria, such as capability to produce complex diagrams, ease of use, quality of the output diagrams, readability of the documentation, installation procedures, resource requirements, availability, and portability. The compatibility of the different macro packages is also analyzed. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb15-4/tb45vali.pdf [124] Kees van der Laan. “Typesetting bridge via LATEX”. TUGboat, 10(1):113–116, 1989. Macros and a bidding environment for typesetting bridge card distributions and bidding sequences are de- scribed complemeted by examples borrowed from the bridge literature.


ÓÒØ [125] Kees van der Laan. “Tiling in PostScript and ÑØ —Escher’swink”.

MAPS, 19:39–67, 1997.

 ÓÒØ This article describes programs for various tilings, both in ÑØ and in PostScript. http://www.ntg.nl/maps/pdf/19_12.pdf

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[126] Timothy VanZandt and Denis Girou. “Inside PSTricks”. TUGboat, 15(3):239–246, 1994. The macro-commands of the PSTricks package offer impressive additional capabilities to (LA)TEXusers,by giving them direct access to much of the power of PostScript, including full support for color. The article describes the implementation of a few of the features of PSTricks (version 0.94). http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb15-3/tb44tvz.pdf [127] Timothy VanZandt. “PSTricks user’s guide”, 1993. This is the official PSTricks documentation. http://tug.org/PSTricks/doc/pst-usrfull.pdf

[128] Timothy VanZandt. PSTricks - PostScript macros for Generic TEX, Documented Code, 1997. PSTricks is a collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TEX macro packages, including Plain TEXandLATEX. Included are macros for color, graphics, rotation, and overlays. This is the documented code. There is also a User’s Guide and a read-me file. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/doc/code/pst-code.pdf [129] Timothy VanZandt. The multido package, 2004. Fixed-point arithmetic is used when working on the loop variable, so that the package is equally applicable in graphics applications like PSTricks as it is with the more common integer loops. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/base/generic/

[130] Boris Veytsman and Leila Akhmadeeva. “Drawing Medical Pedigree Trees with TEX and PSTricks”. The PracTEXJournal, 2006(4). The package provides a set of macros based on PSTricks to draw medical pedigrees according to the recom- mendations for standardized human pedigree nomenclature. The drawing commands place the symbols on a pspicture canvas. An interface for making trees is also provided. http://tug.org/pracjourn/2006-4/veytsman [131] Herbert Voßand Jana Voß. “The plot functions of pst-plot”. TUGboat, 22- 4:314–318, 2001. Plotting of external data records is one of the standard problems of technical–industrial publications. Very often the data files are imported into gnuplot, provided with axes of coordinates and further references and finally exported to LATEX. This article explains ways to get proper data plotting without using external applica- tions. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-4/tb72vossplot.pdf [132] Herbert Voß. “Three-dimensional plots with pst-3dplot”. TUGboat, 22-4:319– 329, 2001. There exist several packages for plotting three-dimensional graphical objects. This article describes pst-3dplot, which is similiar to the pst-plot package for two dimensional objects, mathematical functions and datafiles. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-4/tb72voss3d.pdf [133] Herbert Voß. The pstricks-add - package, 2006. This package collects together examples that have been posted to the PSTricks mailing list, together with some additional features for PSTricks . The package also includes additions and bugfixes for PSTricks, pst-plot, pst-node and pst-tree. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/contrib/pstricks-add/ [134] Herbert Voß. The pst-3dplot - package, 2006. ApackageusingPSTricks to draw a large variety of graphs and plots, including 3-D math functions. Data can be read from external data files, making this package a generic tool for graphing within TEX/LATEXwithoutthe need for external tools. On CTAN at: graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-3dplot/

[135] Herbert Voß. PSTricks: Grafik für TEXundLATEX, Fourth Edition. DANTE – Lehmanns, Heidelberg/Hamburg, 2007. This book explains all keywords and macros of the basic packages of the PSTricks bundle uing examples. A lot of the additional packages including pst-vue3d, pst-3dplot or pst-eucl,arealsomentioned.

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[136] Helene Wanske. “Notenproduktion im Umbruch. Gedanken zur gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Musikalienherstellung”. In Hans-Joachim Koppitz, editor, “Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1990”, pp. 237–243. Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, Internationale Vereinigung für Geschichte und Gegenwart der Druckkunst e.V.,Mainz, Germany, 1990. [137] Jan V.White. Color for the Electronic Age. Watson-Guptil Publications, New York, 1990. This book is about the functional use of color in charts, graphs, typography, and pictures. It shows how color can be used as a practical and efficient tool to focus attention, explain relationships, and analyze data; how color helps the reader comprehend information faster; and how it can establish identity by associating a cer- tain color with a given element thus easing recognition and turning information into knowledge. Colors can have psychological and emotional effects, carry cultural connotations, and must thus be used with great care. With the help of hundreds of “right” and “wrong” examples the author shows practically and clearly what works and what does not in many of the important areas of written communication. Useful rules about color patterns can also be found on the Web in Susan Fowler’s “Color and patterns” (http://www.fast-consulting.com/color/cp_toc.htm), Jan White’s “Full color” (http://www. insideoutdesign.com/full_color.pdf), Ann L. Wiley’s “Effective color” (http://www.tec.ufl. edu/~kdtn/effcol.pdf), or Aries Arditi’s “Effective color contrast” (http://www.lighthouse.org/ color_contrast.htm). [138] Michael J. Wichura. The PICTEXManual.Number6inTEXniques: publications for the TEXcommunity.TEX Users Group, Providence, RI, 1987. This book describes the PICTEX language. The syntax of each command is fully detailed. With the help of many examples it is explained how to setup a graph, draw rules, lines, curves, dots and dashes, and generate shadings. Inclusion of PICTEX pictures in a page, the rotation of images, and how to use LATEXandPICTEX together are described. The level of reader understanding can be tested with the help of several dozen exercises, whose answers are included in an appendix. [139] Michael J. Wichura. “Macros for drawing PiCtures”. TUGboat, 9(2):193–197, 1988. This article is a short overview of PICTEX, a collection of TEXmacrosthatletTEX users easily instruct TEXto typeset beautiful pictures, and in particular mathematical figures, as a part of their books. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb09-2/tb21wichura-pictex.pdf [140] Jiˇríc Zlatuška, editor. EuroTEX ’92: Proceedings of the 7th European TEXConfer- ence, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 14–18, 1992. Masarykova Universita, Brno, 1992.

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GeneralIndex...... 837

ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø ÑØ and ...... 879 PSTricks...... 897 XY-pic...... 919 People...... 924

The index has been split into five parts. We start with a general index that covers all Ô Ó×Ø entries apart from those of the three large graphics languages, ÑØ , PSTricks,and XY-pic, that are described in chapters 3, 5, and 7 respectively. These three languages each have their own separate index,in order to dojustice to the specific terms they use to denote their native constructs. This also helps the reader to avoid mistakenly finding a solution offered by one language when creating a graphic in one of the other languages. Important general concepts are additionally cross-referenced from the general index. We end with an index of authors. To make the indexes easier to use, the entries are distinguished by their “type”, and this is often indicated by one of the following “type words” at the beginning of the main entry or asub-entry:

boolean, counter, document class, env., file, file extension, font, key, key value, option, package, program, rigid length, or syntax.

The absence of an explicit “type word” means that the “type” is either a LATEX “command” or simply a “concept”. Use by, or in connection with, a particular package is indicated by adding the package name (in parentheses) to an entry or sub-entry. There is one “virtual” package name, tlgc, that indicates commands introduced only for illustrative purposes in this book. A blue italic page number indicates that the command or concept is demonstrated in an example on that page.

i i

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When there are several page numbers listed, bold face indicates a page containing im- portant information about an entry, such as a definition or basic usage. When looking for the position of an entry in the index, you need to realize that, when they come at the start of a command or file extension, both the characters \ and . are ig- nored. All symbols come before all letters and everything that starts with the @ character will appear immediately before A.

iLω O 8 BZ0Z0ZKS CH CH L 3 3 7 HO CH OH ZrZ0Z0ZB 1 2 C 6 iCω 0Z0Z0ZRZ OH 5 Z0a0o0o0 CH3 V

4 0ZPZkZPZ ac

Ã Ê 3 ZpZ0O0Zp @@ Ê @


Æ 0O0ZPZ0O Æ @



abcde f gh 6


2 4



¤ ¢ ¡

Ò      Ò Ö Ö @

1 5

ƣơ Æ¢ μ ν

ˇ ˇ ˇ jˇ` ˇ ˇ ˝^ ˇ ˇ 22 2 3 ˇ ˝^ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ` ˇ G 2 2 4 ÃÃ - IJ É 2 2 ŔŔ É G2 2 2 3 ˇ 3ˇ 2ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 6ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 4 ˇ ˇ 2ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ s ¯ u + K

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General Index

Symbols (6 syntax (abc), 605 ! syntax (xcolor), 731, 732 (7 syntax (abc), 605 \! (LilyPond), 665 (8 syntax (abc), 605 !! syntax (xcolor), 735 (~...)~ syntax (M-Tx), 655 \) pst-pdf !!+ syntax (xcolor), 735 ( ), 800 )( syntax (M-Tx), 655 !![num] syntax (xcolor), 732, 735 * syntax (cwpuzzle), 704, 705 "..." syntax + syntax (abc), 608 (PMX), 623, 624, 625 (pic), 19 (m-ch-en), 544 ’ syntax (texmate), 683 (LilyPond), 661, 662 , syntax MusiXT X ( E ), 592 (LilyPond), 661, 662 abc ( ), 603 (PMX), 624, 625 ’’ syntax (abc), 603 (LilyPond), 661, 665 - syntax (MusiXTEX), 592 (LilyPond), 663 ’’’ syntax (M-Tx), 655 (LilyPond), 661, 663, 665 (PMX), 623, 624, 625, 628 (MusiXTEX), 592 (abc), 607, 608, 611 \( (pst-pdf), 800 (m-ch-en), 544 (" syntax (M-Tx), 655 (xcolor), 731, 732 (...) syntax \- (circ), 579 (LilyPond), 663, 664, 665 -- syntax (M-Tx), 654, 655 (LilyPond), 665 (PMX), 634, 635–638, 648 (M-Tx), 655 (abc), 607, 608 . syntax (2 syntax (abc), 605 (MusiXTEX), 594 (3 syntax (abc), 605 (PMX), 624, 625 (4 syntax (abc), 605 (abc), 607 (5 syntax (abc), 605 (cwpuzzle), 704, 705

i i

i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 838 — #20 i i

838 (Symbols) GENERAL INDEX

. syntax (cont.) [...] syntax (printsudoku), 710 (LilyPond), 663, 664, 665 (sudoku), 709 (M-Tx), 654 (xcolor), 733 (PMX), 631, 632, 634 \. (circ), 579 (abc), 608 .PE syntax (pic), 17, 583 (cwpuzzle), 704, 705 .PS syntax (pic), 17, 583 (texmate), 680, 681–683, 686, 687 .c syntax (pic), 19 [...]/ syntax (LilyPond), 664 .n syntax (pic), 19 [1 syntax (abc), 603, 604 .ne syntax (pic), 19 [2 syntax (abc), 603, 604 .nw syntax (pic), 19 [j syntax (PMX), 633 .se syntax (pic), 19 \# (texmate), 681–683 .sw syntax (pic), 19 & syntax (MusiXTEX), 591, 596 .| syntax (LilyPond), 661, 662 ^ syntax .||. syntax (LilyPond), 661, 662 (LilyPond), 663 / syntax (abc), 608 (MusiXTEX), 592, 593 : syntax (abc), 605, 607 (LilyPond), 661, 662 (chemsym), 517 (PMX), 631 ^^ syntax (abc), 605 (xcolor), 732 ~ syntax :: syntax (M-Tx), 657 (M-Tx), 654 (abc), 607 (abc), 603 (colortbl), 751 :| syntax \ syntax (abc), 604, 608 (LilyPond), 661, 662 {" syntax (M-Tx), 655 (M-Tx), 654 {...} syntax (abc), 603, 604 (M-Tx), 655, 657 :|: syntax (LilyPond), 661, 662 (abc), 607 ; syntax (xcolor), 732 {~...}~ syntax (M-Tx), 655 < syntax {} syntax (cwpuzzle), 704, 705 (M-Tx), 658 }{ syntax (M-Tx), 655, 657 (MusiXTEX), 592 _ syntax (PMX), 624, 625 (LilyPond), 663, 664 (abc), 604, 605 (M-Tx), 655 <. syntax (M-Tx), 658 (MusiXTEX), 592, 593 <...> syntax (LilyPond), 663, 665 (abc), 605, 611 << syntax (abc), 604, 605 (chemsym), 517 <<...>> syntax (LilyPond), 664, 665 __ syntax (abc), 605 <<< syntax (abc), 604 \] (texmate), 680, 681 = syntax ]-[ syntax (PMX), 632 (MusiXTEX), 592 ][ syntax (PMX), 632 (abc), 605 ]j syntax (PMX), 633 > syntax ‘ syntax (M-Tx), 658 (MusiXTEX), 592 (MusiXTEX), 592 (dvips), 35 (PMX), 624, 625 | syntax, 668 (abc), 604, 605 (LilyPond), 661, 662 (colortbl), 751 (M-Tx), 654, 657 \> (LilyPond), 665 (MusiXTEX), 591, 596 >. syntax (M-Tx), 658 (abc), 601, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608 >> syntax (abc), 604, 605 (cwpuzzle), 704, 705 >>> syntax (abc), 604 (sudoku), 709 ? syntax (PMX), 629 (texmate), 680, 681, 683, 686 \[ (texmate), 680, 681, 682, 683, 686 |. syntax (LilyPond), 661, 662

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GENERAL INDEX (Symbols–A) 839

|: syntax \acciaccatura (LilyPond), 663, 664 (LilyPond), 661, 662 accidentals (musical) (M-Tx), 654 attaching to note names, 622 (abc), 603 examples, 592 |] syntax positioning, 624, 628 (M-Tx), 654 symbols, 605 (abc), 601, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608 Acrobat Distiller program, 797, 798 || syntax actions, slides, 770 (LilyPond), 661, 662 active option (pst-pdf), 800 (M-Tx), 654 \ACtoDC (circ), 578 (abc), 603 Ad syntax (PMX), 643 0-0 syntax (texmate), 686 \adamantane (ccycle), 531 0-0-0 syntax (texmate), 683 additive color space, 715 1,4-dibromobenzene, 521, 523 addpgf key (chessboard), 669 10pt option (beamer), 753 addpieces key (chessboard), 669 12pt option (beamer), 753 ADJ syntax (m-ch-en), 544, 545 14pt option (beamer), 753 Adobe Acrobat program, 21 17pt option (beamer), 753 Adobe Reader program, 12, 804, 817

20pt option (beamer), 753 Adobe Illustrator program, 1, 4, 21  3-D, see ÑØ and PSTricks index Adobe Photoshop program, 17 8pt option (beamer), 753 Ae syntax (PMX), 643 9pt option (beamer), 753 \afterb (texmate), 686 \afterno (texmate), 686 @ \afterw (texmate), 686 againcovered key (beamer), 768 @+ syntax (M-Tx), 658, 659 \againframe (beamer), 759, 761 @- syntax (M-Tx), 658 \ahead (texmate), 681, 682, 683 @< syntax (M-Tx), 658 AI syntax (PMX), 643 @= syntax (M-Tx), 658 Ai syntax (PMX), 643 @> syntax (M-Tx), 658 AlDraTex package, 15 @^ syntax (M-Tx), 658 \alert (beamer), 761, 771, 790, 791 @v syntax (M-Tx), 658 alertblock env. (beamer), 778, 779 algorithmic display drawings, 5 A algorithmic structural drawings, 5 A syntax (PMX), 630 alignment \A (circ), 577, 581 nucleotide sequences, 548–550 a syntax (PMX), 625, 631 peptide sequences, 548–550 Aa syntax (PMX), 643 aliphat package, 520, 532 Ab syntax (PMX), 632, 643 aliphatic compounds, 532, 533 abbreviations, scientific texts, 513 all option (beamer), 753 .abc file extension, xxxi \allabreve (MusiXTEX), 592 abc env. (abc), 612, 614, 615 allegro (musical), 646 abc language, xxviii, 600–615, 654 allegro vivace (musical), 644 abc package, 612–615 \allmatchspecial abc notation system, see music scores (abc2mtex) (texshade), 548 abc2midi program, 610, 648 (textopo), 552 abc2mtex program, 590, 600–612, 662 \allowdisplaybreaks (beamer), 759 \abcinput (abc), 612, 615 allowdisplaybreaks key (beamer), 759 abcm2ps program, 602, 610, 611, 614, 615, 617 allowframebreaks key (beamer), 759, 782 abcPlus language, 600, 609, 610, 617, 648 allowsframebreaks key (beamer), 759 .abcplus file extension, xxxi alltt package, 790 Abp syntax (PMX), 633 \alt (beamer), 768 absorption, color, 717 altenv env. (beamer), 770 accents (musical), 592, 607 alto syntax (LilyPond), 661, 664 LilyPond, 663 \altoclef (MusiXTEX), 592

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\Amp (circ), 578 atoms, aligning with bonds, 546 \ampere (SIunits), 514, 515, 516 \atpin (circ), 580, 581 \amperemetresecond (SIunits), 516 \atto (SIunits), 515 amsmath package, 752, 753, 759 \author (beamer), 754, 757, 761 amssymb package, 515 \autoBeamOff (LilyPond), 663

amstex package, 517 AutoCAD program, 17, 21  amsthm package, 753 automata, see ÑØ and PSTricks index \analysistop (texmate), 686 automata drawings, 15 \AND (circ), 578 Av syntax (PMX), 643 angle key (graphicx), 28, 31, 32 axodraw package, 555, 558–561 \animate (beamer), 774

\animatevalue (beamer), 774 B  animation, see ÑØ index B syntax (m-ch-en), 542, 544 animation, slides, 774 b key (beamer), 759, 781 annotations, see also commentaries b syntax (PMX), 635, 637 chemical formulas, 547 \B2Text (axodraw), 558 chess, 675 babel package, 515 music scores, 657, 658 Bach musical example, 590, 610 timing diagrams, 573 backgammon, 696, 697, 698 anthracene derivatives, 525 background syntax (beamer), 794, 795 \anthracenev (carom), 524, 525 background color, documents, 723, 724, 725 Ap syntax (PMX), 636, 643 background canvas syntax (beamer), 792, 795 \appendix (beamer), 779 \backturn (MusiXTEX), 592 \applyshading (textopo), 552 \bar Ar syntax (PMX), 643 (LilyPond), 661, 662 \Arc (curve2e), 47, 50 (MusiXTEX), 591, 594–596, 599

arc (pic), 17 bar package, 15  arcs (Feynman diagrams) bar charts, see ÑØ and PSTricks index edges, 572 bar codes, see PSTricks index segments with arrows, 560 bars (musical) aromatic carbocycles, 525 changes, 654 \arpeggio (MusiXTEX), 592 double, 603 arpeggio (musical), 629 repeats, 603, 639 array env.,8,737 symbols, 603, 639 array package, 737, 764 thick, 603 \arrayrulecolor (colortbl), 741, 742, 745, 746, 749–751 thin, 603 \arrayrulewidth rigid length, 742 Bars/line: syntax (M-Tx), 652 arrow (pic), 17 Bartok musical example, 596 \ArrowArc (axodraw), 558, 560 base units, 514 \ArrowArcn (axodraw), 558 basic option (circ), 577, 578 \ArrowLine (axodraw), 558, 559–561 basic duration (musical), 622 arrows \bass (MusiXTEX), 596 Feynman diagrams, 559–561 bass syntax (LilyPond), 661, 665 styles, 44 \bassclef (MusiXTEX), 592 timing diagrams, 575 bb key (graphicx), 28, 29, 30 art graphics, 4,22 \bbetter (texmate), 680, 681 article option (beamer), 753 \BBox (axodraw), 558 article document class, xxxi \BBoxc (axodraw), 558 AS syntax (PMX), 643 \BCirc (axodraw), 558 As syntax (PMX), 643 beamer option (beamer), 753 aspect ratio, keeping, 29, 31, 38 beamer document class, xxxi, 752, 753, 754–758, 759, 760–796 \at (circ), 580 beamerboxesrounded env. (beamer), 775, 776, 778 atan (pic), 19 beamercolorbox env. (beamer), 775, 776, 777, 794 \AtBeginPart (beamer), 780 \beamergotobutton (beamer), 784, 785 atom derivation, 539 beamerouterthemesidebar package, 774

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beamerpauses counter (beamer), 788 \blackcube (bg), 697 \beamertemplatearticlebibitems (beamer), 782 \blackname (texmate), 683 \beamertemplatebookbibitems (beamer), 782 \blackonmove (bg), 697 beams (musical) \blackpoint (bg), 696 grouping notes, 606 \blackstone (igo), 695 jumping staves, 633 blending color, 737 LilyPond, 663 \BLens (circ), 580, 581 M-Tx, 654, 655 blobs (Feynman diagrams), 566 MusiXTEX, 597 block env. (beamer), 777, 778, 779 PMX, 631, 632, 633 block environments, slides, 778, 779 xtuplets, 627, 628 block body syntax (beamer), 778 \becquerel (SIunits), 514 block title syntax (beamer), 778 \beforeb (texmate), 686 blocks (musical), 622 \beforeno (texmate), 686 blue syntax (xcolor), 722, 723, 726, 727 \belo (texmate), 683 \bluefbox (tlgc), 26 \benzofuranev (hetarom), 530 bm2font program, 7 \benzofuranevi (hetarom), 530 \bmove (skak), 679 \benzoxazolev (hetarom), 530 \bname (texmate), 685, 686 \benzoxazolevi (hetarom), 530 board games, see backgammon, see chess, see Go bes syntax (LilyPond), 662, 663 \boardcaption (bg), 696, 697, 698 \betteris (skak), 678 \boardfont (chessfss), 673 Bézier curves boardfontencoding key (chessboard), 669 cubic, 47 \boardsymbol (chessfss), 673 quadratic, 46, 47 bodyCol syntax (beamer), 776 \bfseries (chessfss), 671 bonds (chemical) bg key (beamer), 776, 778, 794 aligning atoms or molecules, 546 bg package, 696–698 between C atoms, 542 \Bi (chemsym), 518 derivation, 539 \bibitem (beamer), 782 description, 543 bibliographies, slides, 782 directions, 535, 536 bibtex program, 801, 806 identifiers, 544 \bicycheph (ccycle), 531 modifiers, 522 \bicychepv (ccycle), 531 border key (chessboard), 669 \bid (tlgc), 702 \bornane (ccycle), 531 bidding env. (bridge), 699, 701, 702 \bottomdiagramnames (texmate), 686 \bigboard (bg), 697 bounding box bigger option (beamer), 753 aspect ratio, keeping, 29 bioinformatics, see also scientific texts clipping graphics to, 29, 30 membrane protein topology plots, 551–553 comments, 25, 28 nucleotide sequences draft mode, 25, 29, 30 aligning, 548–550 final mode, 25 highlighting, 548–550 fitting to graphics, 26, 27 sequence fingerprints, 550 height, 28, 29, 32 shading, 548–550 \includegraphics syntax, 28–32 peptide sequences resizing, 27 aligning, 548–550 rotated material, hiding, 25 highlighting, 548–550 rotating, 27, 31, 32 sequence fingerprints, 550 scaled material, hiding, 25 shading, 548–550 scaling, 27,29 \bishop (chessfss), 672 specifying, 28, 30 \black (igo), 691, 692–695 trimming space, 28, 30 black syntax (xcolor), 722, 726 viewports, 28, 30 “black box” drawings, 3, 4 width, 28, 29 black-and-white, 721 BoundingBox (PostScript), 25, 26, 28, 34, 35 \blackbar (bg), 696, 697 box (pic), 17, 19

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box option (circ), 577 caret (^), sharp symbol, 605 \Boxc (axodraw), 558 carets (^^), double flat symbol, 605 boxes, see also frames carom package, 520, 524 colored, in documents, 723, 724 CB syntax (m-ch-en), 541 slides, text in, 775, 776 \cbezier (pict2e), 46, 47 \boxit (MusiXTEX), 592 \CBox \bracket (MusiXTEX), 592 (axodraw), 558 \break (LilyPond), 661 (tlgc), 733 \breve (LilyPond), 663 \CBoxc (axodraw), 558 bridge package, 699–702 \cbreath (MusiXTEX), 592 bridge (card game) \cc (circ), 579, 581 bidding, 702 \cca (MusiXTEX), 593, 594, 595 dealing, 699, 700, 701 \ccccl (MusiXT X), 592, 594 bridge.tex file (bridge), 699, 700 E \ccccu MusiXT X 594 broken musical rhythms, 604 ( E ), 592, brown syntax (xcolor), 726 \cccl (MusiXTEX), 592, 594 \BSplit (circ), 580, 581 \cccu (MusiXTEX), 592, 593 \BText (axodraw), 558 cchess package, 687–690 \BTri (axodraw), 558 cchessboard.tex file (cchess), 688 \BUF (circ), 578 \CCirc (axodraw), 558 \bundle (circ), 579 \ccl (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 594, 595 \bupperhand (texmate), 680 \ccu (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 594, 595 \bzdrh (carom), 521, 523, 524, 525, 534, 535, 536 ccycle package, 520, 530 \bzdrv (carom), 521, 522, 524, 525, 536 \cdfl (MusiXTEX), 592 cdot option (SIunits), 515 C \cdsh (MusiXTEX), 592 C syntax \Cel (circ), 577 (PMX), 639 \cellcolor (colortbl), 741, 748, 749 (m-ch-en), 544 cells (table), color, 741 \C (circ), 577 \cellsize c key (beamer), 759, 781 (createsudoku), 711 c option (beamer), 753 (printsudoku), 710 \C2Text (axodraw), 558 (solvesudoku), 711 C: syntax \celsius (SIunits), 514 (M-Tx), 656 center key (beamer), 777 (abc), 608, 610 \centerto (circ), 581 \ca (MusiXTEX), 593, 594, 595 \centi (SIunits), 515, 516 \caesura (MusiXTEX), 592 .cfg file extension (graphics), 25 calc program, 21 \cfl (MusiXTEX), 592 calculations, drawing tools for, 1 CGM language, 13 PSTricks calendars, see index CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile), 13 \Cam (circ), 580, 581 CGM-Open Consortium, 13 \candela (SIunits), 514 \CH (chemsym), 517 captions \chair (ccycle), 531 chess, 684–686 Go board, 694 \changeunitlength carbocycles, 524 (xymtexps), 538, 539, 540 carbocyclic compounds, 527 (xymtex), 538 CARBON syntax (m-ch-en), 541, 542 character-based diagrams and pictures, 13

\CArc (axodraw), 558, 560 charges on atoms, 524, 526  card games charts, see also ÑØ and PSTricks index, see graphs bridge ChemDraw program, 21 bidding, 702 chemeqn env. (chemist), 540 dealing, 699, 700, 701 \chemical (m-ch-en), 541, 542, 543–545, 546, 547 suits, representing, 698, 699 chemical bonds, see bonds (chemical)

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chemical formulas, see also scientific texts chemical formulas (cont.) 1,4-dibromobenzene, 521, 523 combinations, 544, 545 aliphatic compounds, 532, 533 combining, 534 annotation, 547 complex, 534, 535 anthracene derivatives, 525 libraries of, 543 aromatic carbocycles, 525 molecules, aligning with bonds, 546 atom derivation, 539 moving, 544, 545 bonds positioning, 544, 545 aligning atoms or molecules, 546 reaction equations, 545 derivation, 539 rotating, 544, 545 description, 543 substructures, 543 directions, 535, 536 substitution derivation, 539 identifiers, 544 tetrahedral compounds, 532, 533 modifiers, 522 tetrahedron carbon configurations, 533 carbocycles, 524 tetraline derivatives, 525 carbocyclic compounds, 527 three-member carbon cycles, 528 charges on atoms, 524, 526 tricyclic carbocycles, 525 combinations, 543 trigonal units, 532, 533 command syntax, 520–522 chemical symbols, 517, 518 configuration, 540 chemist package, 537, 540 conformations, 540 chemstr package, 520 conventions, 520 chemsym package, 512, 517, 518, 519 cyclohexane chair forms, 531 chess decaline derivatives, 525 $ (dollar sign), comment indicator, 678 definitions, 543 board derivation, 539 annotations, 675 elements, symbols for, 512 displaying, 674, 675, 676, 677 endocyclic bonds, 523 hiding pieces, 676 ethylene derivatives, 533 highlighting, 676 four-member carbon cycles, 528 next move indicator, 676 furanoses, 532 printing, 675 fused five- and six-member rings, 530 size, 675 fused rings, 524 specifying, 674–677 fusing ring units, 536 captions, 684–686 handidness of substituents, 522, 531, 535 Chinese, 687, 688–690 heterocyclic compounds, 528–530 pieces, 688 indane derivatives, 528 coloring the board, 668, 669 inside paragraphs, 547 diagrams lower-order cycles, 527, 528 adjusting layout, 686, 687 Periodic Table of the Elements, 519 typesetting, 684, 685, 686 phenanthrene derivatives, 525 documenting a game, 679 polymethylene commands, 538 ending games, 683 PostScript output, 537, 538 FEN (Forsyth-Edwards-Notation), 674 pyranoses derivatives, 532 fonts reaction schemes, 540 Figurine symbols, 671 stereochemical compounds, 530–532 generic mechanism, 669–673 stereochemistry effects, 538 list of, 670 steroid derivatives, 525, 526 normal characters, 671 structures selecting, 672, 673 atoms, aligning with bonds, 546 switching, 672 basic commands for, 541, 542 informational symbols, 674 bond identifiers, 544 moves bonds, 543 error detection, 678 bonds, aligning atoms or molecules, 546 printing, 677 chemical bonds, 542 recording, 675

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chess (cont.) clipping graphics to bounding box, 29, 30 specifying, 677, 678 clockwise option (rotating), 42 style, changing, 679 \club nested variations, 679 (bridge), 701, 702 notation (tlgc), 699 commentaries, 681, 682 \clubsuit, 698, 699 overview, 680–683 \Clue (cwpuzzle), 705, 706 threats, 681 \clue (crosswrd), 703, 704 variations, 680, 682, 683 \cluefont online resources, 687 (createsudoku), 711 overview, 668 (printsudoku), 710 setting up position, 684 (solvesudoku), 711 starting games, 683 cmy option (xcolor), 721 titles, 683 cmy syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 chess package, 668, 677, 680, 687, 690, 691 cmyk option (xcolor), 721 \chessboard (chessboard), 669 cmyk syntax chessboard package, 668, 669, 673 (color), 720 \chessevent (texmate), 683 (xcolor), 720, 723, 725, 727–730 chessfss package, 668, 669–673, 674, 678, 680 CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color, 715, 719 \chessopening (texmate), 683 \cna (MusiXTEX), 592 \chl (MusiXTEX), 592 \Co (chemsym), 518 chmst-ps package, 537 collision option (chemsym), 517 chords (musical) color abc2mtex, 608 absorption, 717 LilyPond, 663 adding tone, 731 M-Tx, 656, 657 additive color space, 715 MusiXTEX, 594 and light, 714 PMX, 628, 629 and readability, 718 \chu (MusiXTEX), 592 black-and-white, 721 CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage), color spaces, blending, 737 715 categories of (PostScript), 715 \cinnolinev (hetarom), 530 color package \cinnolinevi (hetarom), 530 defining colors, 726–728 \circ, 39 options, 720–722 circ package, 576–582 overview, 719, 720 \circle, 43 Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, 715 (curve2e), 49 complement, specifying, 731 (pict2e), 43, 45, 47 contrast, 718 circle (pic), 17 core model, 732 \circle*, 43 Crayola colors, 719 (pict2e), 43,45 cultural connotations, 716 \circleit (MusiXTEX), 592 defining circles assigning to names, 734, 735, 736 drawing, 45 sets of colors, 727 circuit env. (circ), 578, 581 single colors, 726, 727 \cl (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 599 device color spaces, 715 \clear (igo), 694, 695 error warnings, 721 \cleargoban (igo), 694 expressions \cleargobansymbols (igo), 692, 695 current color, 733 clearing, Go board, 694 extended, 732 \clef (LilyPond), 661, 664, 665 PSTricks, 733 clef changes (musical), 639 standard, 732 clefs (musical), 592, 653 Feynman diagrams, 567 \cline (colortbl), 741 four-color harmonics, 718 clip key (graphicx), 28, 29, 30 Grassman’s Law, 714

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color (cont.) \color (cont.) harmonic color circle, 717 (xcolor), 720, 722, 723, 725 harmonies, 717, 718 color key intensity, 718 (beamer), 795 masking, 737 (chessboard), 669 mixing, 731 color package, 719–722, 726, 728, 730, 737 models supported, 719 color models monochrome, 721 CIE color spaces, 715 overview, 719, 720 CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), 715, 719 primary colors, 717 gray, 719 purity, 718 HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color, 715, 719 saturation, 717 HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color, 715 secondary colors, 717 named series, 734, 735, 736 behavior options, 721 shading, 731 in LATEX documents, 725 slides, see slides (color) support for, 719 special color spaces, 715 overview, 715 spectrum, displaying, 729 RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color, 715, 719 subtractive color space, 715 target, specifying, 730 symbolic values, 716 xcolor package, 728–730 tables, see tables, color color.cfg file (xcolor), 720 text color.pro file (dvips), 725 documents, 725 \colorbox slides, 775, 776 (color), 743, 744, 746, 749 tables, 745, 748 (xcolor), 720, 723, 724, 729, 733 theories, 714, 715 colordvi package, 719 three-color harmonics, 718 coloremph key (chessboard), 669 three-color theory, 714 \colorlet (xcolor), 726, 727, 730 tinting, 731 \colorseriescycle (xcolor), 734 two-color harmonics, 718 colortbl package, 720, 721, 737–751 undefined colors, 721 colsep key (beamer), 777 within documents colsep* key (beamer), 777 background, 723, 724, 725 \column (beamer), 781 colored boxes, 723, 724 column env. (beamer), 780, 781 lists, 724 \columncolor (colortbl), 737, 738, 739, 741, 746–748, 750, 751 mixing colors, 723, 725 columns env. (beamer), 780, 781 named colors, 725 columns (table), color, 738, 747 portability, 723 \columnwidth rigid length, 33 special concerns, 725 comma (,), octave indicator, 603 specifying by color model, 722 command key (graphicx), 29 specifying by name, 722 commentaries, chess, 681, 682, see also annotations stored boxes, 725 Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE), color spaces, tables, 724 715 text inside a box, 725 complementary color, specifying, 731 xcolor package complex numbers, representing, 49,50 color models, 728–730 complex vertices (Feynman diagrams), 567 extended specification, 734 Composer: syntax (M-Tx), 651, 652 options, 720–722 compound time signatures (musical), 605 overview, 719, 720 Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork,see CTAN Young-Helmholtz Law, 714 compress option (beamer), 753 \color computer generated drawings, 5 (beamer), 788, 789 Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), 13 (colortbl), 741 \connection (circ), 581 (color), 741, 744, 745 contrast, 718 (curve2e), 48–50 \conttimingcounter (timing), 573

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convert program, 806 curves (cont.) \COOH (chemsym), 517 quadratic, 46, 47 \copyfromgoban (igo), 694, 695 drawing, 47, 48–50 copying, Go board, 694, 695 curves package, 15, 47 \copytogoban (igo), 694, 695 \Cvar (circ), 577 \CopyVect (curve2e), 49, 50 cwpuzzle package, 704–708, 709 Corel Draw program, 1 cyan syntax (xcolor), 722, 726 corollory env. (beamer), 769 Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (CMYK) color, 715, 719 cos (pic), 19 \cyclobutane (lowcycle), 527, 528 \coulomb (SIunits), 514 cyclohexane chair forms, 531 \coulombpercubicmetrenp (SIunits), 516 \cyclohexaneh (carom), 523, 524, 527, 535 counterclockwise option (rotating), 42 \cyclohexanev (carom), 522, 523, 524, 527, 535, 538 \COval (axodraw), 558 \cyclopentaneh (lowcycle), 526, 527 \cql (MusiXTEX), 592 \cyclopentanehi (lowcycle), 527 \cqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \cyclopentanev (lowcycle), 526, 527 Crayola colors, 719 \cyclopentanevi (lowcycle), 526, 527 \Crdexa (tlgc), 701 \cyclopropane (lowcycle), 528 \crdima (bridge), 699, 700, 701 \cyclopropaneh (lowcycle), 527 createsudoku package, 710–712 \cyclopropanehi (lowcycle), 527 crossword env. (crosswrd), 703 \cyclopropanev (lowcycle), 527, 539 crosswords \cyclopropanevi (lowcycle), 527 {} (curly braces), empty cell indicator, 704, 705 classical puzzles, 705, 706 D creating, 702, 703, 704, 705 D syntax (PMX), 638 external puzzle generation, 709 \D (circ), 577 fill-in puzzles, 707 d syntax layout adjustment, 708 (M-Tx), 654 number puzzles, 707, 708 (PMX), 624, 625 crosswrd package, 702–704 “d” in integrands, 513 CRZ syntax (m-ch-en), 546 D"..." syntax (PMX), 638 \csh (MusiXTEX), 592 D<...D> syntax (PMX), 638 CTAN (Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork) \DANTE (tlgc), 729 archived files, finding and transferring, 813 darkgray syntax (xcolor), 726 description, 810 \DashArrowArc (axodraw), 558 files, from the command line, 814 \DashArrowArcn (axodraw), 558 TEX file catalogue, 811 \DashArrowLine (axodraw), 558 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \DashCArc (axodraw), 558 \CText (axodraw), 558 \DashCurve (axodraw), 558 \CTri (axodraw), 558 \dashed (circ), 579 \cu (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 594, 595 dashed (pic), 19 cubic Bézier curves, 47 \dashhasheddash (xymtexps), 538 cultural connotations of color, 716 \DashLine (axodraw), 559 curly braces ({}) \date (beamer), 754, 757, 761 around arguments (musical), 596 date in head/foot syntax (beamer), 777 empty crossword cell indicator, 704, 705 DB syntax (m-ch-en), 544 grace notes (musical), 607 \Dcap (circ), 577 currentsection key (beamer), 783 dcolumn package, 737 currentsubsection key (beamer), 783 \dcqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \Curve dd syntax (PMX), 624, 625 (axodraw), 558 \ddummy (texmate), 682 (curve2e), 47, 48, 49 \deca (SIunits), 515 curve2e package, 47–50 \decaheteroh (hetarom), 529 curves \decaheterohi (hetarom), 529 Bézier \decaheterov (hetarom), 529, 530 cubic, 47 \decaheterovb (hetarom), 529

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\decaheterovi (hetarom), 529 dissolves, slides, 774, 775 \decaheterovt (hetarom), 529 diversity package, 549 decaline derivatives, 525 \DividE (curve2e), 49 \decalineh (carom), 524, 527 \DividECurve (curve2e), 49, 50 \decalinev (carom), 524, 527 \dmass (circ), 580 \decalinevb (carom), 527 document env., xxxi \decalinevt (carom), 527 documentation, see also online resources \decamethylene (methylen), 538 command-line interface, 815 \decamethylenei (methylen), 538 panel interface, 816 \deci (SIunits), 515 search by name, 815 \DeclareGraphicsExtensions (graphics/graphicx), 33, 34 search by product, 816 \DeclareGraphicsRule (graphics/graphicx), 29, 34, 35 texdoc, 815 dedicated drawing tools, see drawing tools (dedicated) texdock, 816 .def file extension (graphics/graphicx), 24 \documentclass, xxxi \defconsensus (texshade), 548 dollar sign ($), comment indicator (chess), 678 define (pic), 19 \dontindentwhite (bg), 698 \definechemical (m-ch-en), 543 \dontshowcube (bg), 697, 698 \definecolor \dontshowmoves (bg), 698 (color), 743, 747, 748, 751 \dontshownumbers (bg), 697 (xcolor), 720, 721, 726, 727, 734 \doqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \definecolorseries (xcolor), 734, 735, 736 dotted notes (musical), 622 \definecolorset (xcolor), 727, 728 dotted rhythms (musical), 604 definition env. (beamer), 769 \dottedline (epic), 521 definitions env. (beamer), 769 double bars (musical), 603 \DEP (MusiXTEX), 592 double flat symbol (musical), 605 \depth (graphics/graphicx), 38 double quotes ("..."), guitar chords, 608 depth key (graphicx), 29 \doublerulesepcolor (colortbl), 742, 751 derivation, 539 doublets (musical), 605 derived units, 514 doubly dotted notes (musical), 622 description env. (beamer), 786 down (pic), 19 device color spaces, 715 down fermata ornaments (musical), 630 \DFF (circ), 579 \downbow (MusiXTEX), 592 \dhqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \downtrio (MusiXTEX), 592 dia program, 1, 6 dp key (beamer), 777 \Diagram (feyn), 556, 557 dpic program, 583 \diagram (texmate), 684 \dqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \diagramcache (texmate), 685 DR syntax (m-ch-en), 544 \diagrammove (texmate), 686 draft key (graphicx), 29, 30 \diagramnumber (texmate), 686 draft option diagrams, see also graphs (beamer), 753 character-based, 13 (graphics/graphicx), 25 typesetting, 16 (pst-pdf), 800 \diagramsign (texmate), 685 DraTex package, 5, 15 \diam drawing graphic objects, see graphics languages, see (bridge), 702 manipulating graphic objects (tlgc), 699 drawing tools (dedicated), see also graphics languages \diamondsuit, 698, 699 calculations, 1 \dimethylene (methylen), 538 Corel Draw,1 \dimethylenei (methylen), 538 dia,1 \ding (pifont), 724 for plotting, 2, 17 direction key (beamer), 775 gnuplot,17 \DirFromAngle (curve2e), 49, 50 Maple,2 Disable: syntax (M-Tx), 652 Mathematica,2 displaymath env. (pst-pdf), 800 MATLAB,2 displaymath option (pst-pdf), 800 Octave,2

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drawing tools (dedicated) (cont.) dvipsone program, 17, 24 Octaviz,2 dvisvg program, 13 Octplot,2 dvisvgm program, 13 overview, 1, 2 dviwin option xfig,1 (graphics/graphicx), 24 drawing types (xcolor), 721 algorithmic display, 5 dviwin program, 24 algorithmic structural, 5 dynamic key (beamer), 767 art graphics dynamical marks (musical), 638 choosing a language for, 22 description, 4 E “blackbox”,3,4 e syntax (PMX), 625, 628 computer generated, 5 E: syntax (abc), 602, 608 derived from textual representation, 5 EB syntax (m-ch-en), 544 free-hand pictures, 3, 4 \EBox (axodraw), 558 object-oriented, 4, 5 \ECO (texmate), 683 overview, 3–6 edges (Feynman diagrams), 572

photographs, 4 eepic package, 17, 20, 511, 521, 522  self-contained object-oriented, 4 electrical circuits, see ÑØ and PSTricks index singleobject,3,4 electronic box symbols, 578 \drumclef (MusiXTEX), 592 electronics diagrams \ds (MusiXTEX), 592, 594 drawing position, moving, 580 \dtetrastereo (aliphat), 533 electronic box symbols, 578 \Dtext (circ), 581 font for, 576–582 \Dtrigonal (aliphat), 533 gate symbols, 578 \dtrigonal (aliphat), 533 integrated circuit symbols, 579 \dtrigpyramid (xymtexps), 540 interactive generation, 586 \duevolte (MusiXTEX), 592 junctions, 579 \dummy (texmate), 681, 682 m4 macro processor, 583–585 duration key (beamer), 775 npn transistor, 581 duration of musical notes, 622, 662 optics, 581 Dusty Miller musical example, 608 pin connections, 579 dvi2svg program, 13 symbol connections, 579 dvipdf option symbols, 577 (graphics/graphicx), 24 trigger symbols, 578 (xcolor), 721 \elemskip rigid length (MusiXTEX), 595, 597, 602 dvipdf program, 24 ellipse (pic), 17, 19 dvipdfm option emphfields key (chessboard), 669 (graphics/graphicx), 24 \empty, xxxi (pict2e), 43 emTeX program, 24 (xcolor), 721 emtex option dvipdfm program, 24, 797, 798, 803 (graphics/graphicx), 24 dvipdfmx option (xcolor), 721 (xcolor), 721 dvipdfmx program, 797–799, 803, 804, 806 Enable: syntax (M-Tx), 652 dvips option encapsulation, 35, 36 (graphics/graphicx), 24 Encore program, 588 (pict2e), 43 \endextract (MusiXTEX), 594, 596 (xcolor), 721 endocyclic bonds, 523 dvips program, xxviii, 11, 16, 17, 24, 25, 558, 614, 618, 637, 719, \endpiece (MusiXTEX), 594, 599 721, 722, 725, 797–801, 803–806 engineering drawings, see bioinformatics, see chemical formulas, dvips.def file (graphics/graphicx), 24 see Feynman diagrams, see scientific texts dvipsnames option (xcolor), 721, 727 \enotes (MusiXTEX), 591, 594–596, 599 dvipsone option enpassant package, 670 (graphics/graphicx), 24 \ensuremath, 699 (xcolor), 721 enumerate env. (beamer), 770, 786

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envcountsec option (beamer), 753 \femtobarn (hepunits), 516 environment key (beamer), 759 FEN (Forsyth-Edwards-Notation), 674

Environment Variables \fenboard Ô Ó×Ø TEX (ÑØ ), 63,64 (skak), 674, 675–677 epic package, 15, 511, 520–522, 537 (texmate), 684 ePiX language, 20 \fermatadown (MusiXTEX), 592 ePiX program, 20 \Fermataup (MusiXTEX), 592 .eps file extension, 35 \fermataup (MusiXTEX), 592 (graphics/graphicx), 35 \Feyn (feyn), 557 EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), 35, 36 \feyn (feyn), 555–557 epsfig package, 42 feyn package, 555–558 epstopdf program, 804, 806 FeynArts package, 555 eqnarray env. (pst-pdf), 800 feynman package, 555 equal sign (=), natural symbol (musical), 605 Feynman diagrams, see also scientific texts equation env. (pst-pdf), 800 arc segments with arrows, 560

EQUILIBRIUM syntax (m-ch-en), 542, 546 arrows, 559–561  ER syntax (m-ch-en), 544 direct use of ÑØ commands, 572 etex program, 14 font for, 555–557 \ethanestereo (aliphat), 533 history of, 555 \ethylene (aliphat), 533 immediate mode ethylene derivatives, 533 arcs, 572 \Ethylenev (aliphat), 533 definition, 563 \ethylenev (aliphat), 533 diagrams in equations, 570 \ETri (axodraw), 558 edges, 572 evince program, 12 freezing diagrams, 570 \exa (SIunits), 515 labels, 571 example env. (beamer), 769 loop diagrams, 569 exampleblock env. (beamer), 778, 779 overview, 569–572 examples, this book, xxxi, xxxiii overview, 561–563 Excel program, 21 photons, 561 exclamation points (!!), color expression, 732 PostScript, 558–561 \ExecuteOptions,25 transformers, 572 expression marks (musical), 657, 658 vertex dots, 560 ext key (graphicx), 29 vertex mode external vertices (Feynman diagrams), 564 algorithmic layout, 563–569 \extrarowheight rigid length (array), 738–741 blobs, 566 extsizes package, 753 coloring diagrams, 567 complex vertices, 567 F definition, 563 \f (MusiXTEX), 599 external vertices, placing, 564 f syntax (PMX), 624, 625, 631, 636 fill styles, 564 fact env. (beamer), 769 freezing a diagram, 567 family key (beamer), 793 internal vertices, 566 family* key (beamer), 793 labels, 567, 568, 569 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809, see also online line styles, 565 resources line thickness, 566 \farad (SIunits), 514 line-drawing keywords, 566 \fboxrule rigid length (xcolor), 723, 724 polygon keywords, 567, 568 \fboxsep rigid length (xcolor), 724, 748 vertex styles, 564 fc syntax (PMX), 625 vertex-drawing keywords, 567 \fcolorbox (xcolor), 720, 723, 724 vertices, as dots, 566 \fdmass (circ), 580 vertices, connecting, 565 \feature (texshade), 549 zigzag lines, 559, 560 \featureslarge (texshade), 549 feynmf package, 561–572 \femto (SIunits), 515 feynmp package, 562, 572

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ff syntax (PMX), 625 fmfgraph env. (feynmf), 568, 569 ffc syntax (PMX), 625 fmfgraph* env. (feynmf), 561, 568, 570–572 \fff (circ), 579 \fmfi (feynmf), 569, 570 fg key (beamer), 776, 794, 795 \fmfiequ (feynmf), 569 \figfont (chessfss), 670, 671 \fmfipair (feynmf), 570 \figsymbol (chessfss), 671 \fmfipath (feynmf), 569, 570 figure env. (beamer), 780 \fmfiv (feynmf), 569, 570 figures, slides, 780 \fmflabel (feynmf), 568, 570 Figurine chess symbols, 671 \fmfleft (feynmf), 561, 565, 569–572 file extensions \fmfleftn (feynmf), 565, 568, 569 search order, 33, 34 \fmfn (feynmf), 565 specifying, 29, 34, 35 \fmfpen (feynmf), 566 file name parsing, suppressing, 29 \fmfpoly (feynmf), 567 file type, specifying, 34 \fmfrcyclen (feynmf), 565 filecontents* env., 710 \fmfright (feynmf), 561, 565, 569–572 fill styles (Feynman diagrams), 564 \fmfrightn (feynmf), 565, 568, 569 fill-in puzzles, 707, see also crosswords \fmfstraight (feynmf), 565 final option \fmfsurround (feynmf), 565 (graphics/graphicx), 25 \fmftop (feynmf), 565 (pst-pdf), 800 \fmftopn (feynmf), 565 Finale program, 588 \fmfv (feynmf), 566

\fingerprint (texshade), 550 \fmfvn (feynmf), 566  finite state diagrams, see ÑØ and PSTricks index \fmpolyn (feynmf), 567 firstsection key (beamer), 783 .fmt file extension (abc), 612 FIVE syntax (m-ch-en), 542 foiltex package, 719 \fivefuseh (fusering), 537 fontenc package, 752 \fivefusehi (fusering), 537 fonts \fivefusev (fusering), 537 cchess46 (cchess), 688 \fivefusevi (fusering), 537 chess \fiveheteroh (hetarom), 529 Figurine symbols, 671 \fiveheterohi (hetarom), 529 generic mechanism, 669–673 \fiveheterov (hetarom), 528, 529, 539 list of, 670 \fiveheterovi (hetarom), 529 normal characters, 671 \fiveunitv (hetarom), 534 selecting, 672, 673 \fiveunitvi (hetarom), 534 switching, 672 \fla (MusiXTEX), 593 electronics diagrams, 576–582 \flageolett (MusiXTEX), 592 feyn (feyn), 555–557 flat symbol (musical), 605 Feynman diagrams, 555–557 Flats: syntax (M-Tx), 652, 656 gosign50 (go), 691

flow program, 16 optics diagrams, 576–582  flow charts, 16, see also ÑØ index skaknew (skak), 673 flow language, 16 slides, 758 \fmf (feynmf), 561, 565, 567–572 Symbol (pstricks), 250 \fmfblob (feynmf), 566 timing diagrams, 573 \fmfblobn (feynmf), 566 ZapfDingbats (pstricks), 249, 250 \fmfbottom (feynmf), 565 footline syntax (beamer), 773, 777 \fmfbottomn (feynmf), 565 \footnote (beamer), 789 \fmfcmd (feynmf), 572 footnotes, slides, 789 \fmfcurved (feynmf), 565 Forsyth-Edwards-Notation (FEN), 674 \fmfcyclen (feynmf), 565, 572 FOUR syntax (m-ch-en), 542 \fmfdot (feynmf), 561, 566, 568, 569 four-color harmonics, 718 \fmfdotn (feynmf), 566, 570 four-member carbon cycles, 528

fmffile env. (feynmf), 562 \fourhetero (hetarom), 528, 529  \fmffixed (feynmf), 569, 570 fractals, see ÑØ and PSTricks index \fmffreeze (feynmf), 567, 569, 570 fragile key (beamer), 759, 790, 791

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\Frame (cwpuzzle), 704, 705 \GHz (hepunits), 516 \frame (beamer), 754, 758, 761 \giga (SIunits), 515 frame env. (beamer), 754, 758, 759, 761, 776, 784, 790 GIMP program, 4, 17 frame key (beamer), 789, 790 gis syntax (LilyPond), 662 \frameblock (texshade), 549 GIVES syntax (m-ch-en), 546 frames, see also boxes global A options (musical), 643 slides, creating, 758 \GlueArc (axodraw), 558 text in slides, 775, 776 \Gluon (axodraw), 558 \framesubtitle (beamer), 759 \GND (circ), 581 framesubtitle syntax (beamer), 794 gnuplot program, 17,18 \frametitle (beamer), 754, 755, 759 Go frametitle syntax (beamer), 794 goban (board) free-hand pictures, 3, 4 captions, 694 freezing a Feynman diagram, 567, 570 clearing, 694 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), see online resources copying, 694, 695 circ \from ( ), 580 displaying, 693, 694 from pic ( ), 19 rotating, 695 \frompin (circ), 580, 581 size, 694 \fullboard (bg), 697 history of, 690, 691 \fullincr (bg), 698 stones \furanose (hcycle), 532, 539 identifying, 692 furanoses, 532 placing, 691, 692, 693 fused five- and six-member rings, 530 typesetting, 695 fused rings, 524 go fusering package, 537 package, 690, 691 igo fusing ring units, 536 \gobansize ( ), 693 \gobansymbol (igo), 692, 693, 694 G \gosign (tlgc), 691 \GOval (axodraw), 558 circ \G ( ), 578 gpic program, 16, 17, 19, 583, 584 \G2Text axodraw ( ), 558 grace notes (musical) game env. (bg), 696, 697, 698 {} (curly braces), 607 games, see backgammon, see bridge, see chess, see crosswords, ~(tilde),607 see Go, see Sudoku in xtuplets, 627 \gapchar (texshade), 550 LilyPond, 663 gastex package, 15 PMX, 627, 629, 630 gate option (circ), 577 gate symbols, 578 gracings (musical), 607 grad xcolor \gauss (hepunits), 516 syntax ( ), 734–736 \GBox (axodraw), 558 gradients (table), color, 747, 748 \GBoxc (axodraw), 558 \gram (SIunits), 516 \GCirc (axodraw), 558 graphic objects \generalmeter (MusiXTEX), 596, 599 conflicting requirements, 3 \generalsignature (MusiXTEX), 593, 596 definition, 2 \generategrid (createsudoku), 711 drawing, see graphics languages, see manipulating graphic \genfile (createsudoku), 711 objects gensud.sud file (createsudoku), 711 manipulating, see manipulating graphic objects

\geometricskipscale (MusiXTEX), 595 typesetting, 2, 3  geometry, see ÑØ and PSTricks index graphics \getproblem (solvesudoku), 711 elements, SVG, 12 \getsequence (textopo), 551, 552 files, including, see including graphics files \GeV (hepunits), 516 rotating .gf file extension (feynmf), 563 bounding box, 27, 31, 32 gftopk program, 563 graphic objects, 39–42 ghostscript program, xxv, xxvi, xxviii, 11, 12, 798 \includegraphics keys, 29 ghostview program, xxvi, xxviii, 10, 36, 804 reference points, 40–42

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graphics (cont.) Gray syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 scaling \gray (SIunits), 514 bounding box, 27,29 gray option (xcolor), 721 graphic objects, 37 gray syntax \includegraphics keys, 29, 30 (color), 720 text, 37 (xcolor), 720, 723, 728–730 slides, 792 gray color model, 719 systems, typesetting, 2, 3 \grcl (MusiXTEX), 592 graphics package, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 23–27, 30, 33–40, 791 \grcu (MusiXTEX), 592 graphics languages, see also drawing tools green syntax (xcolor), 722, 726, 727 AlDraTex package, 15 \gregorianCclef (MusiXTEX), 592 DraTex package, 15 \gregorianFclef (MusiXTEX), 592

CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile), 13 grid key (beamer), 794  character-based diagrams and pictures, 13 grids, see ÑØ and PSTricks index choosing, 21, 22 \GText (axodraw), 558 diagrams, typesetting, 16 \GTri (axodraw), 558 ePix, 20 guitar chords, 608, 611, 612 flow language, 16 guitar diagrams, drawing, 612 for basic objects, 17, 18, 19,20 gunzip program, 35 for plotting, 17, 18 \Gvar (circ), 578 gnuplot,17 pic, 17, 19 H graphs H syntax (PMX), 636 drawing, 17, 18 \H (chemsym), 517 typesetting, 16 \h (chemsym), 517 kernel drawing language, 16 h syntax (PMX), 631, 632, 636

LATEX picture mode extensions, 15, 16 \ha (MusiXTEX), 593

Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ ÑØ , see index \halfboard (bg), 697 PDF (Portable Document Format), 11, 12 \halfincr (bg), 698 pic, 17–20 \hand PICTEX, 13, 14 (bridge), 700–702 pictures, 17–20 (tlgc), 699 pictures from fonts, 13 handidness of substituents, 522, 531, 535 PostScript, 10, 11 handout option (beamer), 753 PSTricks, see PSTricks index \hanthracenev (lowcycle), 527 structured drawing, 20 \hanthracenv (carom), 524 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 12, 13 harmonic color circle, 717 TEX-based, 13–17 harmonies, color, 717, 718 WebCGM, 13 \HBLens (circ), 580 XY-pic, 16 \hbox, 725 graphics.cfg file (graphics/graphicx), 25 hcycle package, 520, 532 \graphicspath (graphics/graphicx), 33 headerCol syntax (beamer), 776

graphicx package, 23–25, 28–42, 800 headings (table), color, 748  graphs, see also ÑØ , PSTricks,andXY-pic index, see also \heart diagrams, see also plotting (bridge), 702 drawing, 17, 18 (tlgc), 699 graphics languages \heartsuit, 698, 699 drawing, 17, 18 \hecto (SIunits), 515 typesetting, 16 \height (graphics/graphicx), 38 histogram, 14 height (pic), 19 pie chart, 15 height key (graphicx), 29, 31, 32 typesetting, 16 helicalwheel env. (textopo), 551, 552 GRASS program, 21 helixwheel env. (textopo), 552 Grassman’s Law, 714 help, see online resources Gray option (xcolor), 721 \henry (SIunits), 514

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hepnicenames package, 512, 560 \Hpause (MusiXTEX), 592 heppennames package, 512, 560 \hpause (MusiXTEX), 592, 594, 599 \heptamethylene (methylen), 538 \hpausep (MusiXTEX), 592 \heptamethylenei (methylen), 538 \hphenanthrenev hepunits package, 516, 517 (carom), 524 \hertz (SIunits), 514 (lowcycle), 527 hetarom package, 520, 528, 530, 534 \HR (tlgc), 26 hetaromh package, 520, 528, 534 \hs (MusiXTEX), 592 heterocyclic compounds, 528–530 HSB option (xcolor), 721 \hexamethylene (methylen), 538 HSB syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 \hexamethylenei (methylen), 538 Hsb syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 \hflipgoban (igo), 695 hsb option (xcolor), 721 HH syntax (PMX), 636 hsb syntax \hhline (color), 720 (colortbl), 751 (xcolor), 720, 728, 729 (hhline), 750 HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color, 715, 719 hhline package, 737, 742, 750 \HSLens (circ), 580 hide key value (beamer), 753 HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color, 715 hideallsubsections key (beamer), 783 ht key (beamer), 777, 794 \hideconsensus (texshade), 548 HTML option (xcolor), 721 hideerrors option (xcolor), 721 HTML syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 \hidelegend (textopo), 553 \htopin (circ), 579, 581 \hidemoves (skak), 677, 678, 679 \hu (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 594 \hidenumbering (texshade), 549 \HVLens (circ), 580 hideothersubsections key (beamer), 783 \hyperlink (beamer), 784, 785 hiderotate option (graphics/graphicx), 25 \hyperlinkappendixend (beamer), 786 \hiderowcolors (xcolor), 740 \hyperlinkappendixstart (beamer), 786 hidescale option (graphics/graphicx), 25 \hyperlinkdocumentend (beamer), 786 \hideTMlabels (textopo), 551 \hyperlinkdocumentstart (beamer), 786 hiding/showing \hyperlinkframeend (beamer), 786 chess pieces, 676 \hyperlinkframeendprev (beamer), 786 slides \hyperlinkframestart (beamer), 786 alternative text, 769 \hyperlinkframestartnext (beamer), 786 opaqueness, 768 \hyperlinkmovie (beamer), 774 slide elements, 767 \hyperlinkmute (beamer), 774 specific rows, 765 \hyperlinkpresentationend (beamer), 786 successive columns, 763 \hyperlinkpresentationstart (beamer), 786 successive rows, 763 hyperlinks, slides, 784–818 transparency, 768 \hyperlinkslidenext (beamer), 786 high-energy physics, units, 516 \hyperlinkslideprev (beamer), 786 \highlight (skak), 676 \hyperlinksound (beamer), 774 highlighting hyperref option chess, 676 (beamer), 753 nucleotide sequences, 548–550 (xcolor), 721 peptide sequences, 548–550 hyperref package, 721, 753, 783, 798, 803–805 slides, parts of elements, 771 \hypertarget (beamer), 783, 784, 785 table elements, with color, 745, 749, 750 hyphen (-), tie symbol, 607, 608 text in tables, 744 highlydynamic key (beamer), 767 I hiresbb key (graphicx), 28 I syntax (PMX), 648 hiresbb option (graphics/graphicx), 25 \I (circ), 577 HiResBoundingBox (PostScript), 25, 28 i syntax (pic), 19 \hl (MusiXTEX), 592, 593 I: syntax (abc), 608 \hline (colortbl), 741 \ib (MusiXTEX), 599 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 \ibbu (MusiXTEX), 597

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\ibl (MusiXTEX), 596, 597 including graphics files (cont.) \ibu (MusiXTEX), 596, 597 resizing, 27 ic option (circ), 577 rotated material, hiding, 25 \ifont (texmate), 687 rotating, 27, 31, 32 ignorebg key (beamer), 777 scaled material, hiding, 25 ignoreonframetext option (beamer), 753 scaling, 27,29 igo package, 691–695 specifying, 28, 30 \igobreakafterdiagram (igo), 694 trimming space, 28, 30 \igocircle (igo), 692 viewports, 28, 30 \igocross (igo), 692, 695 width, 28, 29 \igofontsize (igo), 693, 694 commands, inserting, 35 \igonone (igo), 691, 692 declarations, 33–35 \igosquare (igo), 692, 695 default key values, setting, 32, 33 \igotriangle (igo), 692, 695 draft mode, 25, 30 \iiclose (texmate), 687 encapsulation, 35, 36 \iiiclose (texmate), 687 file extensions \iiifont (texmate), 687 search order, 33, 34 \iiiopen (texmate), 687 specifying, 29, 34, 35 \iiopen (texmate), 687 file name parsing, suppressing, 29 illustrations, see drawing file type, specifying, 34 Illustrator program, 586 final mode, 25 image file location, specifying, 33 height, 28, 29, 31, 32 ImageMagick program, 7, 17 image size, 29 images, see drawing \includegraphics syntax, 25–32 \imidazolev (hetarom), 530 location of image files, 33 \imidazolevi (hetarom), 530 options, 24, 25 immediate mode (Feynman diagrams) rotated material, hiding, 25 arcs, 572 rotation, 29, 31, 32 definition, 563 scaled material, hiding, 25 diagrams in equations, 570 scaling, 29, 30 edges, 572 scaling factor, 29, 30 freezing diagrams, 570 trimming space, 28, 30 labels, 571 viewports, 28, 30 loop diagrams, 569 width, 28, 29, 31 overview, 569–572 indane derivatives, 528 \Impulse (circ), 578 \indaneh (lowcycle), 527 inactive option (pst-pdf), 800 \indanehi (lowcycle), 527, 528 \includegraphics \indanev (lowcycle), 526, 527, 528 (beamer), 791, 792, 794 \indanevi (lowcycle), 527 (graphics), 26, 27, 33–35 Indent: syntax (M-Tx), 651, 652 (graphicx), 24, 25, 28, 30–32, 33–35 \indentwhite (bg), 698 \includegraphics* \indolev (hetarom), 530 (graphics), 25, 27 \indolevi (hetarom), 530 (graphicx), 28 \indolizinev (hetarom), 530 including graphics files \indolizinevi (hetarom), 530 aspect ratio, keeping, 29, 31 \inffont (chessfss), 673 bounding box \infsymbol (chessfss), 673 aspect ratio, keeping, 29 inputenc package, 752, 753 clipping graphics to, 29, 30 \insertbackfindforwardnavigationsymbol (beamer), comments, 25, 28 773 draft mode, 25, 29, 30 \insertdocnavigationsymbol (beamer), 773 final mode, 25 \insertframenavigationsymbol (beamer), 773 fitting to graphics, 26, 27 \insertframenumber (beamer), 777 height, 28, 29, 32 \insertframesubtitle (beamer), 794 \includegraphics syntax, 28–32 \insertlogo (beamer), 776, 777

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\insertsectionnavigationsymbol (beamer), 773 K type slurs (musical), 636 \insertshortdate (beamer), 777 K: syntax (abc), 601, 603, 604–606 \insertshortframetitle (beamer), 759 \kat (SIunits), 514 \insertslidenavigationsymbol (beamer), 773 keepaspectratio key (graphicx), 29, 31, 32 \insertsubsectionnavigationsymbol (beamer), 773 \keepreducing (solvesudoku), 711 \inserttotalframenumber (beamer), 777 \kelvin (SIunits), 514, 516 \inst (beamer), 761 \kemtkn (chemsym), 517 \institute (beamer), 761 kernel drawing language, 16 \instrumentnumber (MusiXTEX), 596 \key (LilyPond), 662, 663–665 instruments (musical) key (musical) clefs, 621 changes, 641 definition, 617 LilyPond, 662 names, 621 notation, 601 number of, 596, 619 signature, 620 integrated circuit symbols, 579 keyval package, 33 intensity, color, 718 \kilo (SIunits), 515 internal vertices (Feynman diagrams), 566 \kilogram (SIunits), 514 International System of Units (SI), 512–516 \kilogrampersecondcubicmetrenp (SIunits), 516 internote spacing (musical), 602 \king (chessfss), 672 \invfemtobarn (hepunits), 516 \kinveV (hepunits), 516 \invisible (beamer), 768, 784 \knight (chessfss), 672 invisible key (beamer), 767 \kqu (MusiXTEX), 592 invisibleenv env. (beamer), 770 \invpicobarn (hepunits), 516 L \islurd (MusiXTEX), 597 L syntax (PMX), 642 \isluru (MusiXTEX), 596, 597, 599 \L (circ), 577 \isobenzofuranev (hetarom), 530 \l (MusiXTEX), 592 \isobenzofuranevi (hetarom), 530 l syntax (PMX), 625, 631, 633, 637, 641 \isoindolev (hetarom), 520, 530 \l... (MusiXTEX), 594 \isoindolevi (hetarom), 530 L: syntax \isoquinolinev (hetarom), 530 (M-Tx), 655, 659, 660 \isoquinolinevi (hetarom), 530 (abc), 601, 603, 604 \isotope (isotope), 518 \La (circ), 577 isotope package, 518 lab apparatus, see PSTricks index \isotopestyle (isotope), 518 \label (beamer), 783, 785 \isoxazolev (hetarom), 530 label key (beamer), 759, 761 \isoxazolevi (hetarom), 530 \labelregion (textopo), 553 \item (beamer), 770, 786, 787, 788 labels itemize env. (beamer), 771, 772, 786, 787 Feynman diagrams, 567, 568, 569, 571 \itenu (MusiXTEX), 599 slides, 785 \IvaR (circ), 577 timing diagrams, 573 \ivfont (texmate), 687 \labelstyle (textopo), 553 large option (skak), 675 J \largeboard (cchess), 690 j syntax (PMX), 631 (skak), 675 \JKMSFF (circ), 579 \largegoban (igo), 694 \joule (SIunits), 514, 516 \larw (timing), 575 \jouleperkilogramkelvinnp (SIunits), 516 \Laser (circ), 580, 581 .jpeg file extension (pst-pdf), 806 last syntax (xcolor), 734 \junction (circ), 579 \lastmove (skak), 679 junctions, 579 latex program, 797, 800, 801, 803, 804, 806 LATEX files, obtaining K web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 K syntax (PMX), 640, 641 \LED (circ), 577

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left (pic), 19 \linewidth rigid length, 33 left key (beamer), 777 linewidth key (chessboard), 669 \leftdiagramturn (texmate), 686 linguistics, see PSTricks and XY-pic index \leftrepeat (MusiXTEX), 592 list env., 724 \leftrightrepeat (MusiXTEX), 592 list items, slides, 786–788 leftskip key (beamer), 777, 794 listings package, 790 libcct.m4 file (pic), 583 lists, colored, 724 \lifthpause (MusiXTEX), 592 \lmoiety (chemstr), 522, 526 \liftpause (MusiXTEX), 592 \ln (circ), 579 light, and color, 714 \loadgame (skak), 679 lightgray syntax (xcolor), 726 locant package, 520 LilyPond language, 661–665 .log file extension (feynmf), 562, 567 LilyPond program, xxviii, 661–665 \LogAxis (axodraw), 559 LilyPond notation system, see music scores (LilyPond) logical circuit diagrams, see XY-pic index \LinAxis (axodraw), 559 logical meter (musical), 620 \LINE (curve2e), 47, 48–50 \logo (beamer), 776, 777, 792, 794 \Line logos, slides, 776, 777 (axodraw), 559 \longa (LilyPond), 663 (curve2e), 47, 48–50 \LongArrow (axodraw), 559 \line, 43 \LongArrowArc (axodraw), 559 (curve2e), 47, 48–50 \LongArrowArcn (axodraw), 559 (pict2e), 43,44 longtable package, 517, 737, 742 line (pic), 17 loop diagrams (Feynman diagrams), 569 line graphics \loopextent (textopo), 552, 553 arrow styles, 44 \loopfoot (textopo), 553 Bézier curves lowcycle package, 520, 526 cubic, 47 lower key (beamer), 778 quadratic, 46, 47 lower-order cycles, 527, 528 circles, 45 \lppz (MusiXTEX), 592 curves, 47, 48–50 \lpz (MusiXTEX), 592 limitations, 42, 43 \lpzst (MusiXTEX), 592 ovals, 45, 46 \lsf (MusiXTEX), 592 overview, 42, 43 \lsfz (MusiXTEX), 592 radii, specifying, 45, 46 \lsqu (MusiXTEX), 592 representing complex numbers, 49,50 \lst (MusiXTEX), 592 slope arguments, 44 \ltetrahedralS (aliphat), 540 line styles (Feynman diagrams), 565 \ltrigona (aliphat), 533 line-drawing keywords (Feynman diagrams), 566 .ltx file extension, xxxi lines (musical) ltxarrows option (pict2e), 44 breaks, 642 .ltxb file extension, xxxi definition, 617 \lumiunits (hepunits), 516 lines (rules), see also connections .ly file extension, xxxi styles (LilyPond), 665 Feynman diagrams, 564, 565, 566 \lyl (chemstr), 535, 536 thickness, 566 lyrics (musical) tables, color global adjustment, 653 adding, 748 M-Tx, 659, 660 inside the table, 749 PMX, 647 partial, 751 selected, 750 M whole table, 741 m syntax (PMX), 629, 630, 631, 640 width, 751 M type slurs (musical), 637, 638 \linethickness,47 m-ch-en package, 541–547 (pict2e), 44, 45,46 M-Tx notation system, see music scores (M-Tx) (timing), 576 M-Tx language, xxviii, 616, 617, 651–660

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M-Tx program, 647 mediumqspace option (SIunits), 515 .m4 file extension, xxxi mediumspace option (SIunits), 515 m4 program, 576, 583, 584 \mega (SIunits), 515

M: syntax (abc), 601, 604, 605, 606 membrane protein topology plots, 551–553

 ÑØ magenta syntax (xcolor), 722, 726 ÑØ language, 21, see also index

ff  ÓÒØ ÑØ

magnifying glass e ect, see PSTricks index ÑØ , see index


\mainline (skak), 677, 678, 679 ÑØ package, see index

Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ \major (LilyPond), 663–665 ÑØ , see index \makeatletter, xxxii, xxxiii meter (musical) \makeatother, xxxii, xxxiii abc notation system, 601 \makebarchess (texmate), 680 changes, 640, 654 \makebarother (texmate), 680 logical, 620 \makebox M-Tx, 654 zero-width, 37 PMX, 640 (cwpuzzle), 705 representation, 620 makecirc package, 576 Meter: syntax (M-Tx), 651, 652 \makediagrams (texmate), 685, 686 \meterC (MusiXTEX), 592 \makediagramsfont (texmate), 686 \meterfrac (MusiXTEX), 596, 599 \makegametitle (texmate), 683 \meterplus (MusiXTEX), 592 makeindex program, 806 methylen package, 537 \maketitle (beamer), 754, 757, 761 \metre (SIunits), 514, 516 manipulating graphic objects \metron (MusiXTEX), 592 aspect ratio, keeping, 38 \Mev (hepunits), 516 height, changing, 38, 39, see also bounding box \MeVoverc (hepunits), 516 line graphics \meVoverc (hepunits), 516 arrow styles, 44 \MeVovercsq (hepunits), 516 circles, 45, see also circles, see also ovals mfpic package, 21, 583 cubic Bézier curves, 47 \MHz (hepunits), 516 curves, 47, 48–50 \micro (SIunits), 515, 516 limitations, 42, 43 .mid file extension (PMX), 648 ovals, 45, 46 \middlecube (bg), 696, 697 overview, 42, 43 MIDI language, 610, 647–649, 660 quadratic Bézier curves, 46, 47 MIDI mnemonics, 649 radii, specifying, 45, 46 \milli (SIunits), 515 representing complex numbers, 49,50 minus sign (-), color expression, 732 slope arguments, 44 \Mirror (circ), 580, 581 resizing, 38, 39 \mirrorgoban (igo), 695 rotating mixing color, 731 LATEXbox,39–42 \mode (beamer), 760, 796 reference point, 40–42 \mode* (beamer), 753, 796 scaling, 37 \mole (SIunits), 514, 516 width, changing, 38, 39 molecules, aligning with bonds, 546 Maple program, 2 \momentum (feyn), 556, 557 markfields key (chessboard), 669 monochrome, 721 markfile key (chessboard), 669 monochrome option (xcolor), 721 markstyle key (chessboard), 669 \Mordent (MusiXTEX), 592 masking color, 737 \mordent (MusiXTEX), 592 Mathematica program, 1, 21 MOV syntax (m-ch-en), 544 mathematical functions, symbols for, 512 \move (bg), 697, 698 mathematical plots, see PSTricks index move (pic), 19 \mathrm, 512 mover option (skak), 676 MATLAB program, 2 \moverel (circ), 580 matrices, see PSTricks and XY-pic index moveroff option (skak), 676

\maxovalrad (pict2e), 45,46 \movie (beamer), 774  mechanical drawings, see ÑØ index movies, slides, 774

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Mozart example, 651 music scores (abc2mtex) (cont.) .mp file extension, xxxi quadruplets, 605 mpost program, 637 repeat symbols, 603 \mrad (hepunits), 516 sequence number, 602 \MRs (textopo), 551, 553 slurs, 607 .mtx file extension, xxxi song title, 602 \multicolumn, 701 staccato marks, 607 (colortbl), 737, 739 tempo, 602 \multido (multido), 45 ties, 607 multimedia package, 774 triplets, 605 \MultVect (curve2e), 49, 50 uppercase letters, 603 music env. (MusiXTEX), 594, 595, 596, 599 writing source, 601 music scores, overview, 587–589 abcPlus extensions, 609–612 music scores (abc2mtex) Bach example, 610 abc notation system, 600 external programs, calling, 615 ’ (right quote), octave indicator, 603 guitar chords, 611, 612 (...),slursymbol,607, 608 guitar diagrams, drawing, 612 , (comma), octave indicator, 603 including in LATEXdocuments,612–614, 615 -(hyphen),tiesymbol,607, 608 overview, 600 = (equal sign), natural symbol, 605 PostScript definitions, 612 [] (square brackets), chord symbols, 608 writing to PDF, 614 "..." (double quotes), guitar chords, 608 music scores (LilyPond) {} (curly braces), grace notes, 607 accents, 663 ~(tilde),gracenotes,607 chords, 663 ^(caret), sharp symbol, 605 notes ^^(carets), double flat symbol, 605 accents, 663 _ (underscore), flat symbol, 605 beams, 663 __ (underscores), double flat symbol, 605 chords, 663 accents, 607 duration, 662, 663 accidentals, 605 grace notes, 663 bar symbols, 603 key, 662 bars, 603 notation, 661 beams, 606 ornaments, 664 broken rhythms, 604 pitch, 662 changing key, 606 slurs, 663, 664 chords, 608 triplets, 664 compound time signatures, 605 ornaments, 664 dotted rhythms, 604 rests, 663 double bars, 603 running LilyPond, 665 doublets, 605 slurs, 663, 664 Dusty Miller example, 608 source language, 661–665 fiddler instructions, 607 triplets, 664 gracings, 607 music scores (M-Tx) guitar chords, 608 annotations, 657, 658 information fields, description of, 601, 602 bar changes, 654 information fields, table of, 602 beams, 654, 655 internote spacing, 602 body of file, 654–658 key, 601 chords, 656, 657 lowercase letters, 603 clefs, 653 meter, 601 expression marks, 657, 658 musical information, 601 horizontal adjustment, 658 note length, 601, 603, 604 instruments, definition, 617 note pitch, 603 lines, definition, 617 order of symbols, 608 lyrics, 659, 660 pitch, 603, 604 global adjustment, 653

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music scores (M-Tx) (cont.) music scores (PMX) (cont.) meter changes, 654 logical meter, 620 Mozart example, 651 lyrics, 647 overview, 651, 652 meter representation, 620 pickups, 654 MIDI, 647 preamble of file, 652, 653 MIDI mnemonics, 649 slurs notation, all voices blind, 655 bar symbols, 639 broken, 655 bars, 639 description, 654, 655 global A options, 643 dotted, 655 key changes, 641 notation, 654 line breaks, 642 staves, 617, 652 meter changes, 640 symbols, definition, 617 page breaks, 642 systems, definition, 617 page layout, 642 vertical adjustment, 658 page numbering, 642 voice repeats, 639 definition, 617 text blocks, 641 labels, 653 title blocks, 641 spacing after, 653 voltas, 640 words, definition, 617 notation, staves music scores (MusiXTEX) accidentals, 622, 624, 628 {} (curly braces), around arguments, 596 arpeggio, 629 Bach example, 590 basic duration, 622 Bartok example, 596 beams, 631, 632, 633 beams, 597 beams for xtuplets, 627, 628 chords, 594 chords, 628, 629 commands, 592 clef changes, 639 instruments, number of, 596 definition, 617 notes dotted notes, 622 commands, 595 doubly dotted notes, 622 pitch, 590, 593 spacing, 595 down fermata ornaments, 630 symbols, 592, 593, 594 duration of notes, 622 timing, 590 dynamical marks, 638 preprocessors, 615, 616, 617 grace notes, 629, 630 grace notes, in xtuplets, 627 running MusiXTEX, 597, 598, 599 slurs, 597 height, 620 source structure, 591 horizontal displacement, 624 type sizes, 596 note parameters, 624, 625 music scores (PMX) notes, 622, 623, 624 % (percent sign), comment indicator, 619 number of, 619 allegro, 646 octaves, 623 allegro vivace, 644 on staves, 622–624 blocks, 622 ornaments, 630, 631 body of file, 621 parameters, 623, 624, 625 horizontal spacing, manual adjustment, 643 pitch, 622 inline TEX commands, 646 pointed rhythms, 624 instruments rests, 625, 626 clefs, 621 slurs, 634–638 definition, 617 staccato ornaments, 630 names, 621 stems, 623, 624 number of, 619 tenuto ornaments, 630 key signature, 620 ties, 634, 635, 637 lines, definition, 617 xtuplets, 626, 627, 628

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music scores (PMX) (cont.) named syntax notes (color), 720 accidentals, 622, 624, 628 (xcolor), 720, 722, 727 basic duration, 622 named colors dotted, 622 behavior options, 721 doubly dotted, 622 support for, 719 duration, 622 within documents, 725 grace notes, 629, 630 \nameseq (texshade), 549 horizontal displacement, 624 \namesit (texshade), 549 octaves, 623 \namesrm (texshade), 549 on staves, 622–624 \NAND (circ), 578 parameters, 623, 624, 625 \nano (SIunits), 515 pitch, 622 \naphdrh (carom), 524, 525, 535, 536 pointed rhythms, 624 \naphdrv (carom), 524, 525 stems, 623, 624 \naphdrvb (carom), 525 numerical parameters, 619, 620 \naphdrvt (carom), 525 output path, 621 nassflow package, 15 overview, 618 natheight key (graphicx), 28 page height and width, 642 natural option (xcolor), 721 pages, number of, 620 natural symbol (musical), 605 parts of, 619 natwidth key (graphicx), 28 pickup bar length, 620 navigation bar, slides, 772, 773, 774 pickups, 620 navigation symbols syntax (beamer), 773, 777 PMX commands, 650 \nbb (MusiXTEX), 599 preamble of file, 619, 620, 621 nc syntax (PMX), 625 signature, 620 nesting chess variations, 679 splitting apart, 647, 648 netpbm program, 7 structure of a score, 619 nets, drawing, 15 symbols, definition, 617 \newcolumntype (array), 738 systems \newgame definition, 617 (skak), 674, 675, 678, 679 indentation, 620 (texmate), 683 number of, 620 NEWMAN syntax (m-ch-en), 542 voice, definition, 617 news groups, 810, see also online resources words, definition, 617 \newton (SIunits), 514 music scores (TEX) Newtonian mechanics symbols, 580 inline commands, 646 \nextdiagrambottom (texmate), 685, 686

overview, 589, 590 \nextdiagramtop (texmate), 685, 686

 ÓÒØ with ÑØ , 666 \nfet (circ), 577 music scores (TEXmuse), 666 nicefrac package, 513 MusicTEX package, 589 \nl (circ), 581 musixflx program, 595, 597, 599, 618 noamsthm option (beamer), 753 musixlyr.tex package, 647, 659, 660 \nobarnumbers (MusiXTEX), 599 musixpss program, 637 \nodiagrammove (texmate), 686 MusiXTEX package, xxvi, xxviii, xxxi, 588, 589–599, 602, 615–617, \nodiagramnames (texmate), 686 623, 628, 634, 635, 646–648, 658, 660, 661 \nodiagramnumber (texmate), 686 MusiXTEXnotationsystem,see music scores (MusiXTEX) \nodiagramturn (texmate), 686 .mx1 file extension (MusiXTEX), 597, 598, 599 \nonaheteroh (hetarom), 529 .mx2 file extension (MusiXTEX), 597, 598 \nonaheterohi (hetarom), 529 myhexagon.sty file (tlgc), xxxiii \nonaheterov (hetarom), 520, 529, 530 \MyRot (tlgc), 39 \nonaheterovi (hetarom), 529, 539 \nonamethylene (methylen), 538 N \nonamethylenei (methylen), 538 n syntax (PMX), 624, 625 nopstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 Name: syntax (M-Tx), 651, 652 \NOR (circ), 578

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normal option (skak), 675 notation (musical) (cont.) normal text syntax (beamer), 795 rests, 625, 626 \normalboard slurs, 634–638 (bg), 697, 698 staccato ornaments, 630 (cchess), 690 stems, 623, 624 (skak), 675 tenuto ornaments, 630 \normalgoban (igo), 694 ties, 634, 635, 637 \normalsize (LilyPond), 663 xtuplets, 626, 627, 628 notation (chess) \notationOff (skak), 675 commentaries, 681, 682 notationoff option (skak), 675 overview, 680–683 \notationOn (skak), 675 threats, 681 notationon option (skak), 675 variations, 680, 682, 683 noteedit program, 588 notation (musical), see also music scores (abc2mtex) \NOTEs (MusiXTEX), 595 all voices \NOTes (MusiXTEX), 595, 599 bar symbols, 639 \NOtes (MusiXTEX), 591, 595, 596, 599 bars, 639 \Notes (MusiXTEX), 591, 594, 595, 596, 599 global A options, 643 \notes (MusiXTEX), 591, 595, 596, 599 key changes, 641 notes option (beamer), 753 line breaks, 642 notes (annotations), see annotations, see commentaries meter changes, 640 notes (musical) page breaks, 642 accents (LilyPond), 663 page layout, 642 accidentals, 622, 624, 628 page numbering, 642 basic duration, 622 repeats, 639 beams, 663 text blocks, 641 chords (LilyPond), 663 title blocks, 641 commands, 595 voltas, 640 describing staves, 622, 623, 624 staves dotted, 622, 624 accidentals, 622, 624, 628 doubly dotted, 622 arpeggio, 629 basic duration, 622 duration, 622 LilyPond beams, 631, 632, 633 , 662, 663 beams for xtuplets, 627, 628 examples, 592 chords, 628, 629 grace notes clef changes, 639 {} (curly braces), 607 definition, 617 ~(tilde),607 dotted notes, 622 in xtuplets, 627 doubly dotted notes, 622 LilyPond, 663 down fermata ornaments, 630 PMX, 627, 629, 630 duration of notes, 622 horizontal displacement, 624 dynamical marks, 638 internote spacing, 602 grace notes, 629, 630 key (LilyPond), 662 grace notes, in xtuplets, 627 length, 601, 603, 604 height, 620 notation, 661 horizontal displacement, 624 octaves, 623 note parameters, 624, 625 on staves, 622–624 notes, 622, 623, 624 ornaments (LilyPond), 664 number of, 619 parameters, 623, 624, 625 octaves, 623 accidentals, 624, 625 on staves, 622–624 beam inhibit, 624, 625 ornaments, 630, 631 dotted notes, 624, 625 parameters, 623, 624, 625 shift of position, 624, 625 pitch, 622 stems, 624, 625 pointed rhythms, 624 xtuplets, 625

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notes (musical) (cont.) octaves (musical), 623 pitch Octaviz program, 2 abc2mtex, 603, 604 \octfindown (MusiXTEX), 592 LilyPond, 662 \octfinup (MusiXTEX), 592 MusiXTEX, 590 Octplot program, 2 specifying, 593, 622 oe? syntax (PMX), 630, 631 pointed rhythms, 624 oef syntax (PMX), 630, 631 slurs (LilyPond), 663, 664 oef? syntax (PMX), 631 spacing, 595 oen syntax (PMX), 630, 631 stems, 623, 624 oen? syntax (PMX), 631 symbols, 592, 593, 594 oes syntax (PMX), 630, 631 timing, 590 oes? syntax (PMX), 630, 631 triplets (LilyPond), 664 of syntax (PMX), 630, 631 \noteskip rigid length (MusiXTEX), 595 ofd syntax (PMX), 630, 631 \NOTesp (MusiXTEX), 595 OFF syntax (m-ch-en), 546 \NOtesp (MusiXTEX), 595, 599 og syntax (PMX), 630, 631 \Notesp (MusiXTEX), 595 \OH (chemsym), 517 \notesp (MusiXTEX), 595 \ohm (SIunits), 514 notheorems option (beamer), 753 oldgate option (circ), 577 notightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 \oldGclef (MusiXTEX), 592 \npn (circ), 577, 581 \OM (circ), 581 \NRSFF (circ), 579 om syntax (PMX), 630, 631 \Nterm (textopo), 553 ONE syntax (m-ch-en), 542, 546 nucleotide sequences online access to CTAN, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 aligning, 548–550 online resources highlighting, 548–550 Adobe Illustrator,1 sequence fingerprints, 550 Adobe Photoshop,17 shading, 548–550 archived files, finding and transferring, 813 \NULL (circ), 579 automata diagrams, 15 number puzzles, 707, 708, see also crosswords CGM-Open Consortium, 13 numbers, symbols for, 512 CTAN (Comprehensive TEX Archive Network), 810 \nv (circ), 579 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \nvmos (circ), 577 dedicated drawing tools, 1, 2 documentation O command-line interface, 815 \O (chemsym), 517 panel interface, 816 o( syntax (PMX), 630, 631 search by name, 815 o) syntax (PMX), 630, 631 search by product, 816 o+ syntax (PMX), 630, 631 texdoc, 815 o. syntax (PMX), 630, 631 texdock, 816 o.: syntax (PMX), 630 DVI to SVG conversion, 13 O: syntax (abc), 608 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809 o: syntax (PMX), 630 files, getting from the command line, 814 o> syntax (PMX), 630, 631 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 oˆ syntax (PMX), 631 nets, drawing, 15 o_ syntax (PMX), 630, 631 news groups, 810 o˜ syntax (PMX), 630 PDF viewers, 12 \oa (circ), 581 plotting programs, 17 ob syntax (PMX), 630, 631 program files, obtaining object-oriented drawings, 4, 5 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 oc syntax (PMX), 630, 631 TEX file catalogue, 811 \octamethylene (methylen), 538 TEX files, 810 \octamethylenei (methylen), 538 TEX user groups, 817, 818 Octave program, 2 TUG home page, 810, 811 Octave: syntax (M-Tx), 652 \only (beamer), 766, 767, 775, 780, 785, 786, 792

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only key value (beamer), 753 packages (cont.) \onlyenv (beamer), 769 abc, 612–615 onlyenv env. (beamer), 769, 770 AlDraTex,15 onlyslideswithnotes key value (beamer), 753 aliphat, 520, 532 onlytextwidth key (beamer), 781 alltt, 790 \onslide (beamer), 763, 764, 765, 767 amsmath, 361, 483, 484, 752, 753, 759 \OO (chemsym), 517 amssymb, 515 op syntax (PMX), 630, 631 amstex, 517 \opaqueness (beamer), 767, 768 amsthm, 753 opaqueness, slides, 768 array, 737, 764 openoffice program, 21 arrayjob, 322

optics option (circ), 577 axodraw, 555, 558–561  optics diagrams, see also ÑØ and PSTricks index babel, 124, 515 example, 581 bar, 15, 162 font for, 576–582 beamerouterthemesidebar, 774 symbols, 580 bg, 696–698 Options: syntax (M-Tx), 652 bridge, 699–702 \OR (circ), 578 calc, 323 orange syntax (xcolor), 726 carom, 520, 524 origin key (graphicx), 28, 33, 40,41 cchess, 687–690 original option (pict2e), 43 ccycle, 520, 530 ornaments (musical) chemist, 537, 540 description, 630, 631 chemstr, 520 example, 630 chemsym, 512, 517, 518, 519 LilyPond, 664 chess, 668, 677, 680, 687, 690, 691 table of, 631 chessboard, 668, 669, 673 \oscillograph (circ), 578 chessfss, 668, 669–673, 674, 678, 680 oscilloscope channels, see PSTricks index chmst-ps, 537 oT syntax (PMX), 630, 631 circ, 576–582 ot syntax (PMX), 630, 631 color, 215, 216, 235, 304, 719–722, 726, 728, 730, 737 oT0 syntax (PMX), 630 colordvi, 719 oT1 syntax (PMX), 630 colortbl, 720, 721, 737–751 oTO syntax (PMX), 631 createsudoku, 710–712 oTt syntax (PMX), 630, 631 crosswrd, 702–704 ou syntax (PMX), 630, 631 curve2e, 47–50 \Oval (axodraw), 559 curves, 15, 47 \oval, 43 cwpuzzle, 704–708, 709 (pict2e), 43, 45, 46 dcolumn, 737 ovals, drawing, 45, 46 diagram, 482 overlayarea env. (beamer), 770 diagxy, 482 overlays, slide, see slides (color), overlay specification diversity, 549 overprint env. (beamer), 770 DraTex,5,15 ox syntax (PMX), 630, 631 eepic, 17, 20, 511, 521, 522 \oxazolev (hetarom), 530 emp, 120, 121, 167 \oxazolevi (hetarom), 530 enpassant, 670 \oxqu (MusiXTEX), 592 epic, 15, 511, 520–522, 537 oztex option (pict2e), 43 epsfig,42 extsizes, 753 P feyn, 555–558 P syntax (PMX), 642 FeynArts, 555 \P (chemsym), 517 feynman, 555 packages feynmf, 120, 561–572 PICTEX,5,13, 14, 541 feynmp, 120, 562, 572 XY-pic, xxvi, xxviii, 5, 9, 16, see also XY-pic index foiltex, 719 Υ X MTEX, 520–540 fontenc, 752

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packages (cont.) packages (cont.) fp, 458 pst-asr, 217, 424 fusering, 537 pst-bar, 450 gastex, 15, 438, 439 pst-barcode, 453 go, 690, 691 pst-blur, 449, 450 graphics,2,3,7,8,10,23–27, 30, 33–40, 72, 277, 791 pst-calendar, 452 graphicx, 23–25, 28–42, 800 pst-circ, 309, 435 hcycle, 520, 532 pst-coil, 216, 455, 456 hepnicenames, 512, 560 pst-dbicons, 445 heppennames, 512, 560 pst-eps, 216, 457 hepunits, 516, 517 pst-eucl, VIII, 426 hetarom, 520, 528, 530, 534 pst-fill, 216, 255, 257, 383–387 hetaromh, 520, 528, 534 pst-fr3d, 388, 447 hhline, 737, 742, 750 pst-fractal, 456, 457 hyperref, 721, 753, 783, 798, 803–805 pst-func, 427 ifthen, 136, 323, 503 pst-geo, 437, 438 igo, 691–695 pst-gr3d, 388, 447 infix-RPN, 430 pst-grad, 216, 448 inputenc, 752, 753 pst-infixplot, 429, 430 isotope, 518 pst-jtree, 425 keyval, 33, 217 pst-labo, 433 listings, 790 pst-lens, 452 locant, 520 pst-light3d, 447 longtable, 517, 737, 742 pst-map2d, 438 lowcycle, 520, 526 pst-map2dII, 438 m-ch-en, 541–547 pst-map3d, 438 makecirc, 576 pst-map3dII, 388, 438 makeplot, 430 pst-math, 224, 428, 429 mathptm,65 pst-node, 214, 216, 313, 334–366, 379, 424 methylen, 537 pst-ob3d, 388, 446 mfpic, 21, 52, 120, 122–136, 139, 583 pst-optic, 434 mproof, 73, 74 pst-osci, 434 mpsproof, 73, 74 pst-pdf, 457, 458, 797, 800–803, 805, 806 multido, 216, 458, 459 pst-pdgr, 431 multimedia, 774 pst-plot, 214, 216, 266, 313–334, 400, 406, 424, 426 MusicTEX, 589 pst-poly, 431 MusiXTEX, xxvi, xxviii, xxxi, 588, 589–599, 602, 615–617, pst-slpe, 449 623, 628, 634, 635, 646–648, 658, 660, 661 pst-spectra, 432 musixlyr.tex, 647, 659, 660 pst-stru, 436 nassflow,15 pst-text, 216, 451 nicefrac, 513 pst-tree, 214, 216, 366–382, 424 paralist, 683 pst-uml, 442, 443 pict2e, 7, 15, 42–47, 511 pst-view3d, 400 pictexwd,14 pst-vue3d, 388, 393, 445 pifont, 724 pst-xkey, 217, 310–312 polymers, 537 pstcol, 215 ppchtex, 541–547 pstricks, 213–466, 515, 797, 800 preview, 458, 800–802 pstricks-add, 224, 257, 318, 323, 418–424 printsudoku, 710–712 rotating, 42, 392 psfrag,5 rrgtrees, 424, 425 psgo, 691 sfg, 442 pspicture, 47, 511 SIstyle, 513 pst-3d, 216, 388–400 SIunits, 513–516 pst-3dplot, 217, 234, 313, 388, 400–416 sizeredc, 537 pst-all, 216, 313 skak, 668, 669, 673–679, 680, 682

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packages (cont.) pctex32 option slashed, 557 (graphics/graphicx), 24 SliTEX, 752 (xcolor), 721 solvesudoku, 710–712 pctex32 program, 24 sudoku, 709, 710 pctexhp option texmate, 668, 669, 673, 679, 680–687 (graphics/graphicx), 24 texshade, 547–550, 552 (xcolor), 721 textopo, 547, 551–555 pctexhp program, 24 tikz,5 pctexps option timing, 572–576 (graphics/graphicx), 24 xcolor tlgc, 835 ( ), 721 pctexps program, 24 ucs, 753 pctexwin option uml, 443 (graphics/graphicx), 24 units, 513 (xcolor), 721 unitsdef, 513 pctexwin program, 24 vaucanson-g , 439, 440 PDF language, 11, 12 xcolor, 7, 215, 216, 235, 258, 304, 406, 713, 719–737, 740, .pdf file extension (pst-pdf), 806 747, 753 pdfcrop program, 804 xkeyval, 217, 310 pdfinfo program, 804 xq, 688 pdflatex program, xxvi, xxviii, 6, 7, 797, 800, 801, 803, 805, 806 xyling, 491 PDFs xymtex, 520, 537 creating xymtexps, 537 dvipdfm program, 798–800 xymtx-ps, 537 dvipdfmx program, 798–800 xytree, 491 from LATEX, 803–807 padding key (chessboard), 669 from PostScript, 800, 801, 802, 803 \pagecolor (xcolor), 720, 725 music scores, 614 Pages syntax (M-Tx), 655 overview, 797 pages (musical) pst-pdf package, 800, 801, 802, 803 breaks, 642 description, 11, 12 layout, 642 viewers, 12 numbering, 642 vs. PostScript, 11, 12 Pages: syntax (M-Tx), 652 pdftex option paralist package, 683 (graphics/graphicx), 24 \parbox, 37, 40 (pict2e), 43 parens ((...)), slur symbol, 607, 608 (xcolor), 721 pdftex parent key (beamer), 778, 793 program, 14, 24, 618, 721, 797, 798 pdftops \part (beamer), 779 program, 806 \PED (MusiXT X), 592 part key (beamer), 782, 783 E \pentamethylene (methylen), 538 Part: syntax (M-Tx), 652 \pentamethylenei (methylen), 538 \pascal (SIunits), 514 peptide sequences \PAUSe (MusiXT X), 592 E aligning, 548–550 MusiXT X \PAuse ( E ), 592 highlighting, 548–550 \pause sequence fingerprints, 550 (MusiXTEX), 592, 594 shading, 548–550 (beamer), 763, 764, 765, 783 \per (SIunits), 516 \pausep (MusiXTEX), 592 percent sign (%), comment indicator, 619 pausesections key (beamer), 782, 783 Periodic Table of the Elements, 519 pausesubsections key (beamer), 783 pertab.tex file (chemsym), 517 \pawn (chessfss), 672 \peta (SIunits), 515 PBM (portable bitmap) format, 7 \pfet (circ), 577 pbmtopk program, 7 pgfborder key (chessboard), 669 PCTeX program, 11 \pgfdeclareimage (beamer), 776, 777, 792

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\pgfuseimage (beamer), 777, 792 .pmx file extension, xxxi pgn2ltx program, 687 (PMX), 618, 647 phenanthrene derivatives, 525 PMX notation system, see music scores (PMX) \phenanthrenev (carom), 524, 525 PMX: syntax (M-Tx), 652 photographs, 4 pmxab program, 590, 618–649, 651 \Photon (axodraw), 559, 561 pmxaerr.dat file (PMX), 618 \PhotonArc (axodraw), 559 .png file extension (pst-pdf), 806 photons (Feynman diagrams), 561 \pnp (circ), 577

physics option (circ), 577 Poet: syntax (M-Tx), 652  physics diagrams, see ÑØ index pointed rhythms (musical), 624 \PianoStaff (LilyPond), 665 \Polar (circ), 580, 581 .pic file extension, xxxi polygon keywords (Feynman diagrams), 567, 568 pic language, 17–20 \polyline (curve2e), 47, 49 pic program, 17, 583, 585 polymers package, 537 pickups (musical), 620, 654 polymethylene commands, 538 bar length, 620 portable bitmap (PBM) format, 7 \pico (SIunits), 515 \position (texmate), 682, 684 \picobarn (hepunits), 516 position env. pict2e package, 7, 15, 42–47, 511 (bg), 696, 697, 698 PICTEX package, 5, 13, 14, 541 (cchess), 688, 689, 690 pictexwd package, 14 postit syntax (beamer), 776 picture env., xxvii, 5–7, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20, 44, 520, 534, 541, 555, PostScript 568, 573, 797 description, 10, 11 (axodraw), 559 drivers, 11 (cwpuzzle), 705, 708 Feynman diagrams, 558–561 (pict2e), 42 from TEXDVI,11 pictures, see also drawing PDFs from, 800, 801, 802, 803 character-based, 13 viewing, 10, 11 from fonts, 13 vs. PDF, 11, 12 photographs, 4 PostScript language, 10, 11

pic language, 17–20 postscript env. (pst-pdf), 802  pie charts, see ÑØ index \power (SIunits), 516 \piece (cchess), 688, 689, 690 \PP (chemsym), 517 piececolor key (chessboard), 669 \pp (LilyPond), 664 pifont package, 724 ppchtex package, 541–547 pin connections, 579 \Pr (chemsym), 517 \Pinhole (circ), 580, 581 \pr (chemsym), 517 pitch (musical) \preparediagram (texmate), 685 abc notation system, 603 prepmx program, 651–660 abc2mtex, 603 presentation option (beamer), 753 LilyPond, 662 presentations, see slides MusiXTEX, 590, 593 preview package, 800–802 PMX, 622 \PreviewEnvironment (pst-pdf), 801 .pk file extension (feynmf), 563 primary colors, 717 placement, see positioning \printarrow (skak), 676 plain key (beamer), 759, 792 \printboard (bg), 697, 698 plotting, see also graphs printing drawing tools for, 2, 17 chess board, 675 gnuplot, 17, 18 chess moves, 675, 677 programs for, 17 \printknightmove (skak), 676 PLUS syntax (m-ch-en), 546 printsudoku package, 710–712 plus sign (+), color expression, 732 program files, obtaining \PM (circ), 580 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 PMX language, xxviii, 616, 617, 618–649, 651–654, 656, 657, 659, prologue option (xcolor), 721 660 proof env. (beamer), 753, 769

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\protect (igo), 695 \pyrazinev (hetarom), 524, 530 \providecolor (xcolor), 726, 727, 728 \pyrazolev (hetarom), 530 \providecolorset (xcolor), 727, 728 \pyrazolevi (hetarom), 530 .ps file extension (graphics/graphicx), 35 \pyridazinev (hetarom), 530 ps option (skak), 676 \pyridazinevi (hetarom), 530 .ps.bb file extension (graphics/graphicx), 35 \pyridinev (hetarom), 530 .ps.gz file extension (graphics/graphicx), 35 \pyridinevi (hetarom), 530 ps2eps program, 615 \pyrimidinev (hetarom), 530 ps2epsi program, 615 \pyrimidinevi (hetarom), 530 ps2pdf program, 797, 801–806 \pyrrolev (hetarom), 530 ps2pdf13 program, 804, 805 \pyrrolevi (hetarom), 530 psfrag package, 5 Python program, 661 \psframebox (xcolor), 733 psgo package, 691 Q psmatrix env. (pst-pdf), 800 \Q (circ), 577 pspicture env. (pst-pdf), 800 Q: syntax (abc), 602, 610 pspicture package, 47, 511 \qa (MusiXT X), 593, 594, 595 pst-eucl package, VIII E \qb (MusiXT X), 596, 597, 599 pst-pdf package, 797, 800–803, 805, 806 E \qbezier, 46, 47 \pst@object (pst-pdf), 800 (pict2e), 46, 47 pstarrows option (pict2e), 44 \qbeziermax,46 PSTricks, see PSTricks index \ql (MusiXT X), 592, 593, 596, 597, 599 pstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 E \qlp (MusiXT X), 599 pstricks package, 515, 797, 800 E \qp (MusiXT X), 592, 594, 599 \pt (MusiXT X), 594 E E \qqs (MusiXT X), 592 \pteridinev (hetarom), 530 E \qs (MusiXT X), 592 \pteridinevi (hetarom), 530 E \qu (MusiXT X), 592, 593, 594–596, 597 \PText (axodraw), 559 E quadratic Bézier curves, 46, 47 .ptx file extension, xxxi quadruplets (musical), 605 \purinev (hetarom), 520, 530 \queen (chessfss), 672 \purinevi (hetarom), 530 \quinazolinev (hetarom), 530 purity of color, 718 \quinazolinevi (hetarom), 530 purple syntax (xcolor), 726 \quinolinev (hetarom), 530 \put \quinolinevi (hetarom), 530 (curve2e), 48, 49 \quinoxalinev (hetarom), 530 (cwpuzzle), 705 \qupp (MusiXT X), 592 Puzzle env. (cwpuzzle), 704, 705, 707, 708 E \PuzzleBlackBox (cwpuzzle), 708 \PuzzleClueFont (cwpuzzle), 708 R PuzzleClues env. (cwpuzzle), 705 R syntax \PuzzleFont (cwpuzzle), 708 (PMX), 639 \PuzzleHook (cwpuzzle), 705, 708 (m-ch-en), 542, 544 \PuzzleLetters (cwpuzzle), 708 \R (circ), 577, 581 \PuzzleLettersText (cwpuzzle), 708 r syntax (PMX), 625, 626, 628 \PuzzleNumberFont (cwpuzzle), 708 \r... (MusiXTEX), 594 \PuzzleNumbers (cwpuzzle), 708 R: syntax (abc), 608 puzzles, see crosswords, see Sudoku radii, specifying, 45, 46 \PuzzleSolution (cwpuzzle), 705, 706, 708 rand (pic), 19 \PuzzleUnitlength rigid length (cwpuzzle), 708 \rarw (timing), 575 \PuzzleUnsolved (cwpuzzle), 705 \rawboard (bg), 697 PuzzleWords env. (cwpuzzle), 707 Rb syntax (PMX), 639, 640 \PuzzleWordsText (cwpuzzle), 707 rb syntax (PMX), 625, 626 \pvmos (circ), 577 RD syntax (PMX), 639, 640 \pyranose (hcycle), 532 Rd syntax (PMX), 639, 640 pyranoses derivatives, 532 Rdl syntax (PMX), 640

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\Re (chemsym), 517 \rotatebox \re (chemsym), 517 (graphics/graphicx), 36, 39, 40 reaction equations, 545 (graphics), 27 reaction schemes, 540 (graphicx), 24, 33, 39, 40,42 \reactrarrow (chemist), 540 rotated material, hiding, 25 read key (graphicx), 29,34 \rotategoban (igo), 695 readability, and color, 718 \rotategobanleft (igo), 695 \reciprocal (SIunits), 516 \rotategobanright (igo), 695 rect (pic), 19 rotating red syntax (xcolor), 722, 726, 727 bounding box, 27, 31, 32 \reduceallcells (solvesudoku), 711 chemical structures, 544, 545 \reducedsizepicture (xymtex), 538 Go board, 695 \reflectbox (graphics/graphicx), 37 graphic objects, 39–42 \relative (LilyPond), 662–665 \includegraphics keys, 29 repeat symbols (musical), 603 reference points, 40–42 rotating repeats (musical), 639 package, 42 beamer \RequirePackage, xxxii rounded key ( ), 777, 778 \rowcolor \resetcolorseries (xcolor), 734, 735, 736 (colortbl), 739, 740, 741, 747, 748, 750, 751 \resigns (texmate), 683 (xcolor), 763, 765 \resizebox \rowcolors (xcolor), 740, 741, 751, 763, 765 (graphics/graphicx), 38, 39 rows (table), color (graphics), 27 alternate, 739, 740 \resizebox* (graphics/graphicx), 38, 39 selected, 746 resizing rp syntax (PMX), 625, 626 bounding box, 27 \rpcubed (SIunits), 516 graphic objects, 38, 39 rpo syntax (PMX), 625, 626 text, 38, 39 \rq (MusiXTEX), 596 \restoregame (skak), 679 Rr syntax (PMX), 640 rests (musical), 592, 625, 626 \rsqu (MusiXTEX), 592 LilyPond, 663 \rtetrahedralS (aliphat), 540 \reverseallabreve (MusiXTEX), 592 \rText (axodraw), 559 \reverseC (MusiXTEX), 592 \rtrigonal (aliphat), 533 RGB option (xcolor), 721 \Rvar (circ), 577 RGB syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 \ryl (chemstr), 535, 536 rgb option (xcolor), 721 RZ syntax (m-ch-en), 542, 543, 544 rgb syntax Rz syntax (PMX), 640 (color), 720 (xcolor), 720, 722, 727–729, 732 S RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color, 715, 719 S syntax (m-ch-en), 544 \rh (MusiXTEX), 594 \S right (pic), 19 (chemsym), 517 right key (beamer), 777 (circ), 577 \rightdiagramturn (texmate), 686 s syntax \rightrepeat (MusiXTEX), 592 (LilyPond), 662 rightskip key (beamer), 777, 794 (PMX), 624, 625, 630, 634, 648 Rl syntax (PMX), 640 sample.sud file (tglc), 710, 711 Rlr syntax (PMX), 640 saturation, 717 rm syntax (PMX), 625, 626 \savegame (skak), 679 \rmoiety (chemstr), 522 SB env. (chemsym), 517 \rook (chessfss), 672 SB syntax (m-ch-en), 544 \roqu (MusiXTEX), 592 Sb env. (amstex), 517 Rosegarden program, 588 \sbox, 725 ROT syntax (m-ch-en), 544, 545 sc syntax (PMX), 625 rotate env. (rotating), 42 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 12, 13

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scale key (graphicx), 29, 30 scientific texts (cont.) \scalebox signal lines, 573 (beamer), 774 symbols argument, 573, 575 (graphics/graphicx), 37 timing values, 573 (graphics), 27 vertical line adjustment, 576 scaled material, hiding, 25 vertical lines, 576 \scaletopo (textopo), 551, 553 units scaling base, 514 bounding box, 27,29 combining, 516 graphic objects, 37 derived, 514 \includegraphics keys, 29, 30 high-energy physics, 516 text, 37 prefixes, 514 scaling factor, 29, 30 SI (International System of Units), 512–516 Scheme program, 661 spacing between, 515 scid program, 687 symbols for, 512 science diagrams, see PSTricks index typeset style, 515 scientific texts, see also bioinformatics, see also chemical wave names, symbols for, 513 formulas, see also Feynman diagrams Scientific Word program, 24 abbreviations, 513 scor2prt program, 647 chemical elements, symbols for, 512 \ScrL (circ), 580, 581 chemical symbols, 517, 518 \ScrTL (circ), 580 consistency, 512 \sDEP (MusiXTEX), 592 “d” in integrands, 513 \second (SIunits), 514, 516 electronics diagrams secondary colors, 717 drawing position, moving, 580 \section (beamer), 779 electronic box symbols, 578 sectioning commands, slides, 779 examples, 581, 582 sections key (beamer), 783 font for, 576–582 sectionstyle key (beamer), 783 gate symbols, 578 \segno (MusiXTEX), 592 integrated circuit symbols, 579 \selectcolormodel (xcolor), 730 interactive generation, 586 self-contained object-oriented drawings, 4 junctions, 579 semiverbatim env. (beamer), 790, 791 m4 macro processor, 583–585 sep key (beamer), 776, 777 pin connections, 579 \seqtype (texshade), 549 symbol connections, 579 \sequence (textopo), 551, 553 symbols, 577 sequence fingerprints, 550 trigger symbols, 578 series key (beamer), 793, 794 mathematical functions, symbols for, 512 series* key (beamer), 793 Newtonian mechanics symbols, 580 \setbeamercolor (beamer), 760, 776, 778, 793, 794 numbers, symbols for, 512 \setbeamercovered (beamer), 760, 767 optics diagrams \setbeamerfont (beamer), 778, 788, 789, 793, 794 experimental setup, 581 \setbeamertemplate (beamer), 773, 774, 777, 778, 793, 794, font for, 576–582 795 symbols, 580 \setboardfontfamily state names, symbols for, 513 (chessfss), 673 symbols, 512 (skak), 675 table of, 512 \setboardfontsize (chessfss), 673 timing diagrams \setchessboard (chessboard), 669 annotation, 573 \setchessfontfamily arrows, 575 (chessfss), 673 customizing, 576 (skak), 678, 679 fonts, specifying, 573 (texmate), 683, 686 labels, 573 \setclef (MusiXTEX), 596 overview, 572–576 \SetColor (axodraw), 559 separation between lines, 576 \setends (texshade), 548–550

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\setfigfontfamily \showgoban (igo), 692, 693, 694, 695 (chessfss), 670, 671 showing, see hiding/showing (skak), 678 \showinverseboard (skak), 675 \setfigstyle (chessfss), 672 \showlegend (texshade), 550 \setinffontfamily (chessfss), 673 showmover key (chessboard), 669 \setkeys \showmoverOff (skak), 676 (graphicx), 33 \showmoverOn (skak), 676 (keyval), 33 \showmoves (bg), 698 \SetOffset (axodraw), 559 \shownames (texshade), 549 \SetPFont (axodraw), 559 \shownumbers (bg), 696, 697 chessboard setpieces key ( ), 669 \showonly (skak), 676, 677 \SetScale axodraw ( ), 559 \showonlyblack (skak), 676 \SetScaledOffset (axodraw), 559 \showonlywhite (skak), 676 \setstaffs (MusiXT X), 596 E \showrowcolors (xcolor), 740 \setsudrandom (createsudoku), 711 \showruler (texshade), 549 \setTextDecresc (LilyPond), 664, 665 shrink key (beamer), 759 \settextfigchars (chessfss), 672 \settextfigfontfamily (chessfss), 672 SI (International System of Units), 512–516 \settextfiglanguage (chessfss), 672 Sibelius program, 588 \setupboard (skak), 675 sidebar left syntax (beamer), 773 \setupchemical (m-ch-en), 541, 545 sidebar right syntax (beamer), 777 \setvolta (MusiXTEX), 592 sidewaysfigure env. (rotating), 42 \setvoltabox (MusiXTEX), 592 sidewaystable env. (rotating), 42 \SetWidth (axodraw), 559 \sievert (SIunits), 514 \sh (MusiXTEX), 593 signal lines, 573 \shadincolors (texshade), 550 sin (pic), 19 shading single-object drawings, 3, 4 color, 731 SIstyle package, 513 nucleotide sequences, 548–550 \SIunits (SIunits), 515 peptide sequences, 548–550 SIunits package, 513–516 \shadingmode (texshade), 549, 550 SIunits.cfg file (SIunits), 516 shadow key (beamer), 776, 777, 778 SIX syntax (m-ch-en), 542 \Shake (MusiXTEX), 592 \sixfuseh (fusering), 537 \shake (MusiXTEX), 592 \sixfusehi (fusering), 537 \Shakel (MusiXTEX), 592 \sixfusev (fusering), 537 \Shakene (MusiXTEX), 592 \sixfusevi (fusering), 537 \Shakenw (MusiXTEX), 592 \sixheteroh (hetarom), 529 MusiXT X \Shakesw ( E ), 592 \sixheterohi (hetarom), 529 shape beamer key ( ), 789, 793 \sixheterov (hetarom), 523, 528, 529 shape* key (beamer), 793 \sixheterovi (hetarom), 529 sharp symbol (musical), 605 \sixunitv (hetarom), 534 Sharps: syntax (M-Tx), 652, 658, 660 Size syntax (M-Tx), 655 \shift (circ), 580, 581 size beamer shortenstart key (chessboard), 669 key ( ), 778, 793, 794 beamer \shortstack (igo), 693–695 size* key ( ), 793 show key value (beamer), 753 Size: syntax (M-Tx), 652 \showall (skak), 676, 677 sizeredc package, 537 \showallbut (skak), 676, 677 \sk (MusiXTEX), 595 \showboard skak package, 668, 669, 673–679, 680, 682 (skak), 675, 676–678 \SkakOff (texmate), 680, 682 (texmate), 680, 684 \slashed (slashed), 557 \showconsensus (texshade), 548 slashed package, 557 \showcube (bg), 696, 697 \SLens (circ), 580, 581 showerrors option (xcolor), 721 \slide (MusiXTEX), 592 \showfullgoban (igo), 693 slides document class, 713

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slides (color) slides (color), overlay specification (cont.) choosing colors, 756 sound, 774 creating, 754–758 source code representation, 791 fonts, 758 specifying, 765 frames, creating, 758 table of contents, 782 hiding/showing, see slides (color), overlay specification tables, 780 macros, 758 text styles, 789 main features, 752 transitions, 774, 775 modes, 752 verbatim text, 790, 791 options video, 774 beamer class, 752 \sline (timing), 574, 576 conditional, 760 SliTEX package, 752 frame environment, 759 slope arguments, 44 presentation structure, 758, 759, 760, 761 slurs (musical) styles, 754 abc2mtex, 607 tables, 780 blind, 655 templates, 754 broken, 655 themes, 754–757 description, 654, 655 title pages, 761 dotted, 655 titles, 759 Ktype,636 slides (color), overlay specification LilyPond, 663, 664 actions, 770 Mtype,637, 638 animation, 774 MusiXTEX commands, 597 bibliographies, 782 notation, 654 block environments, 778, 779 PMX, 634, 635, 636–638 boxed text, 775, 776 \small colored text, 775, 776 (LilyPond), 663 creating, 763 (chessfss), 671 definition, 760, 762 small option (skak), 675 dissolves, 774, 775 \smallaltoclef (MusiXTEX), 592 dynamic text, holding static, 770 \smallbassclef (MusiXTEX), 592 figures, 780 \smallboard footnotes, 789 (bg), 696, 697 for existing LATEXenvironments,769 (cchess), 690 framing text, 775, 776 (skak), 675, 678 graphics, 792 smaller option (beamer), 753 hiding/showing \smallgoban (igo), 694 alternative text, 769 \smallmusicsize (MusiXTEX), 596 opaqueness, 768 \smalltrebleclef (MusiXTEX), 592 slide elements, 767 solvesudoku package, 710–712 specific rows, 765 song title, 602 successive columns, 763 \sound (beamer), 774 successive rows, 763 sound, slides, 774 transparency, 768 source code representation, slides, 791 highlighting parts of elements, 771 SPACE syntax (m-ch-en), 546 hyperlinks, 784–818 Space syntax (M-Tx), 655 labels, 785 space, trimming, 28, 30 list items, 786–788 Space: syntax (M-Tx), 652, 659, 660 logos, 776, 777 \spade movies, 774 (bridge), 700, 702 multiple columns, 780 (tlgc), 699 navigation bar, 772, 773, 774 \spadesuit, 698, 699 overlay areas, 770 \special,6–8,9, 15–17, 20, 22, 35, 583, 690, 797 preformatted text, 790, 791 (tpic), 583 sectioning commands, 779 (xcolor), 719

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special color spaces, 715 staves (musical) (cont.) spectrum, displaying, 729 ornaments, 630, 631 \sPED (MusiXTEX), 592 parameters, 623, 624, 625 \spind (circ), 580 pitch, 622 \spinu (circ), 580 pointed rhythms, 624 spline (pic), 17, 19 rests, 625, 626 \spring (circ), 580 slurs, 634–638 SPSS program, 21 staccato ornaments, 630 sqrt (pic), 19 stems, 623, 624 \squ (MusiXTEX), 592 tenuto ornaments, 630 \square ties, 634, 635, 637 (SIunits), 516 xtuplets, 626, 627, 628 (aliphat), 532 \stemDown (LilyPond), 663 square brackets ([]) \stemNeutral (LilyPond), 663 chord symbols (musical), 608 \stemNeutraltiny (LilyPond), 663 \squared (SIunits), 516 stems (musical), 623, 624 \squaremetrepersquaresecondnp (SIunits), 516 \stemUp (LilyPond), 663 squeeze key (beamer), 759 step key (beamer), 795 SR syntax (m-ch-en), 544 step syntax (xcolor), 734, 736 \SS (chemsym), 517 stereochemical compounds, 530–532 ss syntax (PMX), 624, 625 stereochemistry effects, 538 ssc syntax (PMX), 625 \steroid (carom), 524, 526 \ST (circ), 578 steroid derivatives, 525, 526 staccato marks (musical), 607 \steroidchain (carom), 524 staccato ornaments (musical), 630 stillcovered key (beamer), 768 \Staff (LilyPond), 665 \STINV (circ), 578 Start: syntax (M-Tx), 652 \stopchemical (m-ch-en), 541, 542, 543–546 \startchemical (m-ch-en), 541, 542, 543–546 \storegame (skak), 679 \startextract (MusiXTEX), 594, 596 \structure (beamer), 788, 789 \startpiece (MusiXTEX), 594, 599 structure syntax (beamer), 789 state names, symbols for, 513 structured drawing, 20 staves (musical) structures, chemical accidentals, 622, 624, 628 atoms, aligning with bonds, 546 arpeggio, 629 basic commands for, 541, 542 basic duration, 622 bonds beams, 631, 632, 633 aligning atoms or molecules, 546 beams for xtuplets, 627, 628 chemical, 542 chords, 628, 629 description, 543 clef changes, 639 identifiers, 544 defining, 652 combinations, 544, 545 definition, 617 combining, 534 dotted notes, 622 complex, 534, 535 doubly dotted notes, 622 libraries of, 543 down fermata ornaments, 630 molecules, aligning with bonds, 546 duration of notes, 622 moving, 544, 545 dynamical marks, 638 positioning, 544, 545 grace notes, 629, 630 reaction equations, 545 grace notes, in xtuplets, 627 rotating, 544, 545 height, 620 substructures, 543 horizontal displacement, 624 Style: syntax (M-Tx), 651, 652 note parameters, 624, 625 \styleA (skak), 679 notes, 622, 623, 624 styleA option (skak), 679 number of, 619 \styleB (skak), 679 octaves, 623 styleB option (skak), 679 on staves, 622–624 \styleC (skak), 679

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styleC option (skak), 679 symbols (cont.) styles -(hyphen),tiesymbol,607, 608 arrows (pict2e), 44 = (equal sign), natural symbol, 605 chess moves, 679 [] (square brackets), chord symbols, 608 fills, 564, 565 ^(caret), sharp symbol, 605 lines ^^(carets), double flat symbol, 605 Feynman diagrams, 564, 565, 566 _ (underscore), flat symbol, 605 thickness, 566 __ (underscores), double flat symbol, 605 slide text, 789 accidentals, 605 slides, 754 bar symbols, 603, 639 units typeset, 515 definition, 617 vertices, 564, 565 notes, 592, 593, 594 SUB syntax (m-ch-en), 544, 545 order of, 608 \subsection (beamer), 779 repeat, 603 subsectionstyle key (beamer), 783 Newtonian mechanics, 580 \substfont (xymtexps), 540 numbers, 512 \substfontsize (xymtexps), 540 optics diagrams, 580 \substitutecolormodel (xcolor), 730 scientific texts, 512 substitution derivation, 539 units, 512 \subtitle (beamer), 761 wave names, 513 subtractive color space, 715 symbols argument, 573, 575 sud.out file (solvesudoku), 711 \symking (chessfss), 671 Sudoku, 709–711, 712 \symknight (chessfss), 671 \sudoku \sympawn (chessfss), 671 (createsudoku), 711 \symqueen (chessfss), 671 (printsudoku), 710 \symrook (chessfss), 671 (solvesudoku), 711 Systems syntax (M-Tx), 655 sudoku env. (sudoku), 710 systems (musical) sudoku package, 709, 710 definition, 617 sudoku-block env. (sudoku), 709, 710 indentation, 620 \sudokuformat (sudoku), 709, 710 number of, 620 \sudokusize rigid length (sudoku), 709, 710 Systems: syntax (M-Tx), 652 \sudokusolve (createsudoku), 711 T (solvesudoku), 711 T key (beamer), 781 SVG language, 12, 13 t key (beamer), 759, 781 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 12, 13 t option (beamer), 753 svgnames option (xcolor), 721 T: syntax (abc), 601, 602, 603, 606, 608 svgnames* option (xcolor), 721 tabbing env., 688, 701 \symbishop (chessfss), 671 table env. (beamer), 780 \symbol, 691 table option (xcolor), 721, 737 symbols table of contents, slides, 782 chemical diagrams, 512, 517, 518 \tableofcontents (beamer), 752, 782, 783 electronics diagrams tables, color connections, 579 cells, 741 electronic box, 578 columns, 738, 747 gate, 578 entire table, 743 integrated circuits, 579 gaps between lines, 742 state names, 513 gradients, 747, 748 table of, 577 headings, 748 trigger, 578 highlighting elements, 745, 749, 750 wave names, 513 light text on dark background, 744 mathematical functions, 512 lines (rules) musical adding, 748 (...),slursymbol,607, 608 inside the table, 749

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tables, color (cont.) TEX, interfaces (cont.) partial, 751 fonts, 7, 8 selected, 750 half-tones, 7, 8 whole table, 741 manipulating graphics, 8 width, 751 overview, 6 rows TEX-based drawing languages, 13–17 alternate, 739, 740 texdoc program, 815, 816 selected, 746 texdoctk program, 815–817 slides, 780 texmate env. (texmate), 680 text, 745, 748 texmate package, 668, 669, 673, 679, 680–687 titles, 748 texshade env. (texshade), 548, 549, 550 tabular env., 8, 39, 702, 737, 741 texshade package, 547–550, 552 (texmate), 680 \Text (axodraw), 559–561 tabular* env. (colortbl), 737 text \takecube (bg), 698 blocks, 641 TB syntax (m-ch-en), 544 colored, inside a box, 725 \tb (MusiXTEX), 599 in documents, 725 \tbl (MusiXTEX), 596, 597 resizing, 38, 39 \tbu (MusiXTEX), 596, 597 scaling, 37 Tc syntax (PMX), 641 slides tcidvi option alternative, 769 (graphics/graphicx), 24 boxed, 775, 776 (xcolor), 721 colored, 775, 776 templates, slides, 754 framing, 775, 776 tempo (musical), 602 holding static, 770 \temporal (beamer), 768 preformatted, 790, 791 tenor syntax (LilyPond), 661 styles, 789 tenuto ornaments (musical), 630 verbatim, 790, 791 \tera (SIunits), 515 tables \tesla (SIunits), 514 color, 745, 748 \tetrahedral (aliphat), 532, 535, 540 light on dark background, 744 tetrahedral compounds, 532, 533 \textbf (beamer), 788, 789 tetrahedron carbon configurations, 533 \textbishop (chessfss), 671, 672 tetraline derivatives, 525 \textcolor (xcolor), 720, 722, 723, 724 \tetralineh (carom), 524, 525 \textit (beamer), 788, 789 \tetralinev (carom), 524, 525 \textking (chessfss), 671 \tetralinevb (carom), 525 \textknight (chessfss), 671, 672 \tetralinevt (carom), 525 \textmove (bg), 698 \tetramethylene (methylen), 538 textopo env. (textopo), 551, 552, 553 \tetramethylenei (methylen), 538 textopo package, 547, 551–555 \tetrastereo (aliphat), 533 \textpawn (chessfss), 671 \TeVovercsq (hepunits), 516 \textpiece (cchess), 688, 689 .tex file extension (PMX), 621 \textqueen (chessfss), 671 tex program, 618, 637 \textrm (beamer), 788, 789 TEX file archives, 810, see also CTAN \textrook (chessfss), 671 TEX files, obtaining \textsf (beamer), 788, 789 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \textsl (beamer), 788, 789 TEX, interfaces textstyle option (SIunits), 515 generating graphics, 8, 9 texttopo env. (textopo), 551 graphic hooks Textures program, 11, 17, 24 \special commands, 9 textures option built-in commands, 8 (graphics/graphicx), 24 fonts, 8 (xcolor), 721 graphics integration \textwidth rigid length (beamer), 777 \special commands, 6, 7 .tfm file extension, 666

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\tgqu (MusiXTEX), 592 timing diagrams (cont.) thebibliography env. (beamer), 782 timing values, 573 themes, slides, 754–757 vertical line adjustment, 576 then (pic), 19 vertical lines, 576 theorem env. (beamer), 753, 769 timing values, 573 \thicklines \timingcounter (timing), 573 (curve2e), 49 \tin (timing), 573, 574 (pict2e), 45 tinting, 731 thickqspace option (SIunits), 515 \TinveV (hepunits), 516 thickspace option (SIunits), 515 \tiny (LilyPond), 663 \thinlines tiny option (skak), 675 (curve2e), 48–50 \tinyboard (pict2e), 45 (skak), 675, 677 thinqspace option (SIunits), 515 (texmate), 686 thinspace option (SIunits), 515 \title (beamer), 754, 757, 761 \Threat (texmate), 681, 682 title blocks (musical), 641 \threat (texmate), 681, 682 title pages, slides, 761 THREE syntax (m-ch-en), 542 Title: syntax (M-Tx), 652 three-color harmonics, 718 \titlepage (beamer), 761 three-color theory, 714 titles three-member carbon cycles, 528 chess, 683 \threefuseh (fusering), 537 slides, 759 \threefusehi (fusering), 537 tables, 748 \threefusev (fusering), 537 \tnote (timing), 573, 574 \threefusevi (fusering), 537 to (pic), 19 \threehetero (hetarom), 523, 528 \toD (texmate), 685 \threeheteroh (hetarom), 529 \toD* (texmate), 685, 686 \threeheterohi (hetarom), 529 \togglenumbers (bg), 697 \threeheterov (hetarom), 529 top key (beamer), 795 \threeheterovi (hetarom), 529 \topdiagramnames (texmate), 686 tHsb syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 \totalheight (graphics/graphicx), 38 \THz (hepunits), 516 totalheight key (graphicx), 29, 32 Ti syntax (PMX), 641 totalwidth key (beamer), 781 ties (musical), 607, 637 tpic program, 583, 584 PMX, 634, 635 trans option (beamer), 753 tightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 \transblindshorizontal (beamer), 774 tikz package, 5 \transblindsvertical (beamer), 774 \til (timing), 573 \transboxin (beamer), 774 tilde (~), grace notes, 607 \transboxout (beamer), 774 \timadjust (timing), 576 \transdissolve (beamer), 774, 775 \time (LilyPond), 663, 664, 665 \transduration (beamer), 774 \times (LilyPond), 664 transfig program, 13 \timescalefactor (timing), 576 \transglitter (beamer), 774 timing env. (timing), 573, 574 transitions, slides, 774, 775 timing package, 572–576 transparency, slides, 768 timing diagrams transparent key (beamer), 767 annotation, 573 \transsplithorizontalin (beamer), 774 arrows, 575 \transsplithorizontalout (beamer), 774 customizing, 576 \transsplitverticalin (beamer), 774 fonts, specifying, 573 \transsplitverticalout (beamer), 774 labels, 573 \transwipe (beamer), 774 overview, 572–576 \treble (MusiXTEX), 596 separation between lines, 576 treble syntax (LilyPond), 661, 664

signal lines, 573 \trebleclef (MusiXTEX), 592  symbols argument, 573, 575 trees, see ÑØ and PSTricks index

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\triazinev (hetarom), 530 units (cont.) \triazinevi (hetarom), 530 high-energy physics, 516 tricyclic carbocycles, 525 prefixes, 514 trigger symbols, 578 SI (International System of Units), 512–516 trigonal units, 532, 533 spacing between, 515 \Trille (MusiXTEX), 592 symbols for, 512 \trille (MusiXTEX), 592 typeset style, 515 trim key (graphicx), 28, 29, 30 units key (graphicx), 40,42 \trimethylene (methylen), 538 units package, 513 \trimethylenei (methylen), 538 unitsdef package, 513 trimming space, 28, 30 \upbow (MusiXTEX), 592 triplets (musical), 605 upper key (beamer), 776, 778 LilyPond, 664 \uppz (MusiXTEX), 592 troff program, 17 \Uptext (MusiXTEX), 599 TrueTeX program, 24 \uptrio (MusiXTEX), 592 truetex option \upz (MusiXTEX), 592 (graphics/graphicx), 24 \upzst (MusiXTEX), 592 (xcolor), 721 \usebeamercolor (beamer), 794 \tslur (MusiXTEX), 596, 597, 599 \usebeamerfont (beamer), 777, 794 Tt syntax (PMX), 641 \usebeamertemplate (beamer), 777 \ttfamily (beamer), 764 \usecolortheme (beamer), 758 TUG home page, 810, 811 \usefonttheme (beamer), 758, 760 \turn (MusiXTEX), 592 \usegoban (igo), 694, 695

turn env. (rotating), 42 \useinnertheme (beamer), 758  turtle graphics, see ÑØ index usenames option (xcolor), 721 two-color harmonics, 718 \useoutertheme (beamer), 758, 773 type key (graphicx), 29,35 \useouthertheme (beamer), 758 typesetting, overview, 2, 3 \usepackage, xxxii typographic conventions, this book, xxix, xxxi (beamer), 754, 758 usepdftitle option (beamer), 753 U \usesymfig (chessfss), 672 \U (circ), 577 \usetextfig (chessfss), 672 u syntax \usetheme (beamer), 758, 760 (PMX), 625, 631, 633, 634, 636 \usf (MusiXTEX), 592 (abc), 607 \usfz (MusiXTEX), 592 U: syntax (M-Tx), 657, 658 \usk (SIunits), 515, 516 ucs option (beamer), 753 \ust (MusiXTEX), 592 ucs package, 753 utf8 option

(beamer), 753  UML diagrams, see ÑØ and PSTricks index \uncover (beamer), 767, 768, 785 (inputenc), 753 uncoverenv env. (beamer), 770 \Utrigonal (aliphat), 533 \underline, 672 \utrigonal (aliphat), 533 underscore (_), flat symbol (musical), 605 \Uvar (circ), 577 underscores (__), double flat symbol (musical), 605 \unit V (SIunits), 515, 516 V syntax (PMX), 640 (hepunits), 516 \V (circ), 577 \unitlength rigid length v syntax (abc), 607 (curve2e), 48 V: syntax (abc), 610 (pict2e), 45, 46 \var (texmate), 682, 683 (timing), 573 \var* (texmate), 682 units \variation (skak), 677, 678, 679 base, 514 variations env. (texmate), 682, 683 combining, 516 variations* env. (texmate), 682 derived, 514 \VariationsEnvironment (texmate), 683

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\VECTOR (curve2e), 47, 50 VTeX program, 11, 24, 797 \Vector (curve2e), 47, 48 vtex option \vector, 43 (graphics/graphicx), 24 (curve2e), 47, 48 (pict2e), 43 (pict2e), 43, 44, 46 (xcolor), 721 \VectorARC (curve2e), 50 \vtopin (circ), 579, 581 \VectorArc (curve2e), 50 Vx syntax (PMX), 640 \verb rotating output, 42 W (beamer), 790 W syntax (PMX), 630 verbatim env., 13 W. syntax (PMX), 643 (beamer), 790 w.eps file (tlgc), 26 \Vertex (axodraw), 559, 560 W: syntax (abc), 608 vertex dots (Feynman diagrams), 560 w: syntax (abc), 611 vertex mode (Feynman diagrams) \wall (circ), 580 algorithmic layout, 563–569 watermarks, see PSTricks index blobs, 566 \watt (SIunits), 514, 516 coloring diagrams, 567 \wattpersquaremetresteradiannp (SIunits), 516 complex vertices, 567 wave syntax (xcolor), 728, 729 definition, 563 wave names, symbols for, 513 external vertices, placing, 564 \wbetter (skak), 678 fill styles, 564, 565 wd key (beamer), 776, 777, 794 freezing a diagram, 567 \wdecisive (texmate), 682 internal vertices, 566 WebCGM, 13 labels, 567, 568, 569 \weber (SIunits), 514 line styles, 564, 565 \wedgehashedwedge (xymtexps), 538, 539 line thickness, 566 \welo (texmate), 683 line-drawing keywords, 566 wget program, 814 polygon keywords, 567, 568 \wh (MusiXTEX), 592, 593, 594 vertex styles, 564, 565 \white (igo), 691, 692–695 vertex-drawing keywords, 567 white syntax (xcolor), 722, 723, 726 vertices, as dots, 566 \whitebar (bg), 697 vertices, connecting, 565 \whitecube (bg), 697 vertex styles (Feynman diagrams), 564, 565 \whitename (texmate), 683 vertex-drawing keywords (Feynman diagrams), 567 \whiteonmove (bg), 696, 697, 698 \vertexlabel (feyn), 557 \whitepoint (bg), 696 vertical shading syntax (beamer), 795 \whitestone (igo), 695 vertices (Feynman diagrams), 565, 566 \whp (MusiXTEX), 592 \vflipgoban (igo), 695 \width (graphics/graphicx), 38 video, slides, 774 width (pic), 19 viewport key (graphicx), 28, 29, 30 width key viewports, 28, 30 (beamer), 778, 792 violet syntax (xcolor), 726 (graphicx), 28, 29, 31–33 \visible (beamer), 768, 791 \wire (circ), 579 visibleenv env. (beamer), 770 \withidea (texmate), 681 vlabellift key (chessboard), 669 \wmove (skak), 679 \VLens (circ), 580 \wname (texmate), 685, 686 \vline (colortbl), 741 \Word (cwpuzzle), 707 vmode key (beamer), 777, 794 words (musical), 617 voice (musical) \writegame (solvesudoku), 711 definition, 617 \writepuzzle (printsudoku), 710 labels, 653 \wwire (circ), 579 spacing after, 653 \volt (SIunits), 514, 515 X voltas (musical), 640 X syntax (PMX), 632, 633, 643

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x key (graphicx), 40,41 yellow syntax (xcolor), 722, 724, 726 x syntax (PMX), 625, 627, 628, 630 \yocto (SIunits), 515 x11names option (xcolor), 721 \yotta (SIunits), 515 X: syntax Young-Helmholtz Law, 714 (PMX), 643 \yqu (MusiXTEX), 592 (abc), 601, 602, 603, 608 XCircuit program, 576, 586 xcolor option (beamer), 753 Z xcolor package, 7, 713, 719–737, 740, 747, 753 Z syntax (m-ch-en), 544 .xcp file extension (xcolor), 721 z syntax xdvi option (pict2e), 43 (PMX), 628 xdvi program, 24 (abc), 603, 604, 607 option (xcolor), 720, 721 \z... (MusiXTEX), 594 xetex program, 798, 803 Z0 syntax (m-ch-en), 544, 546 xfig program, 1, 6, 13, 21, 586 \zbreve (MusiXT X), 592 \xglobal (xcolor), 726 E \zcharnote (MusiXT X), 599 xiangqi chess, 687, 688–690 E \ZD (circ), 577 \XNOR (circ), 578 \zepto SIunits \XOR (circ), 578 ( ), 515 xpdf program, 12, 804 \zetta (SIunits), 515 xq package, 688 \zh (MusiXTEX), 594 axodraw \xqu (MusiXTEX), 592 \ZigZag ( ), 559, 560 xtuplets (musical), 626, 627, 628 zigzag lines (Feynman diagrams), 559, 560 Υ X MTEX package, 520–540 zlib program, 799 xymtex package, 520, 537 \zlonga (MusiXTEX), 592 xymtexps package, 537 \zmaxima (MusiXTEX), 592 xymtx-ps package, 537 \znotes (MusiXTEX), 595 XY-pic package, xxvi, xxviii, 5, 9, 16, see also XY-pic index \zq (MusiXTEX), 596 \zqb (MusiXTEX), 596 Y \zw (MusiXTEX), 594 y key (graphicx), 40,41 \zwq (MusiXTEX), 592

Lions D1 Tigers 35% 14% 12% i(t) 23% 16% Warthogs Icc 300 Ω ZL Hyaena 5A Monkeys 220V v end foo D2 start User

P2 B P3 N Learn MetaUML - 2 the MetaPost UML library E M2 K F G C D


N1 P1 A P4

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Symbols A  \( (pst-pdf), 800 abs (ÑØ ), 56

\) (pst-pdf), 800 Acrobat Distiller program, 797, 798 

++ syntax (ÑØ ), 52 active option (pst-pdf), 800  +-+ syntax (ÑØ ), 52 activities, UML

beginning, 187  – syntax (ÑØ ), 54

constructing, 187  .. syntax (ÑØ ), 54

ending, 187 Ó _T (ÑØ ), 114 3-D extensions Activity (metaUML), 187 animations, 209 Actor (metaUML), 187 actors, 187

cubes, 210  addto (ÑØ ), 143, 146, 150, 176 curve intersections, computing, 211 \addtocounter (mfpic), 136 globes, 209 Adobe Reader program, 804, 817 hexagonal meshes, 210 Adobe Illustrator program, 65, 137, 138 labels in space, 211

affine transforms Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ files, creating, 209 mfpic, 136

overview, 207  ÑØ language, 53

packages for, 208–212 Ó align key ( ÑØ ), 101–103

perspective projection, 208 Ó alignment (ÑØ ) physics diagrams, 209 boxes projected segments, 211 horizontal, 101 requirements, 207 horizontal separation, 102

3DLDF program, 211, 212 mixed objects, 102, 103 Ô Ó×Ø

3d ÑØ package, 68, 207–209 vertical, 101, 103 Ô Ó×Ø 3dgeom ÑØ package, 208 within frames, 104

i i

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880 (A–B) ÑØ AND Ó alignment (ÑØ ) (cont.) base (exteps), 156 trees, 107, 108 basic objects, 82, 83

analytical curves (mfpic), 133 battery (makecirc), 197, 199


angle ( ), 53, 142, 191, 205 bbox (ÑØ ), 62, 163, 165 Ó angle key ( ÑØ ), 86 bcircle (metafun), 74

angle dimensions (mfpic), 127 \bclosed (mfpic), 127, 132 Ó

angleA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87–92, 94, 177 Begin (metaUML), 187, 188

ÑØÓ  angleB key ( ), 85, 87, 88–91, 92, 94 beginchar (ÑØ ), 68,72

animation begineps (exteps), 156 Ô Ó×Ø 3d package, 208 beginfig (ÑØ ), 72, 73, 80, 156

m3d package, 209 begingraph (graph), 157, 158, 169 Ô Ó×Ø

ÑØ techniques, 156, 157 Ó Bézier curves (ÑØ ), 87, 88 annotations Bézier paths (mfpic), 128 mfpic, 134 bibtex program, 801, 806 drawings, 134 Bigbrace (cmarrows), 189 pictures, 61–64,65 bigbrace (cmarrows), 189

\arc (mfpic), 127, 128 Biggbrace (cmarrows), 189 Ó

arcangle key ( ÑØ ), 86 biggbrace (cmarrows), 189 Ó

arcangleA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 88, 93 bitmap (.gf) output files, 69, 70 Ó

arcangleB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 88, 93 Ô Ó×Ø

black (ÑØ ), 60 Ô Ó×Ø arclength (ÑØ ), 142, 191 block drawing, 177

arcs Ô Ó×Ø blockdraw ÑØ package, 177

mfpic, 128 Ô Ó×Ø

blue (ÑØ ), 60 Ó

ÑØ , 88 Ô Ó×Ø

bluepart (ÑØ ), 150 Ô Ó×Ø arctime (ÑØ ), 142

blurred effects, 152 Ó arm key ( ÑØ ), 86

\bmarks (mfpic), 129 Ó armA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 89–91, 177

Bond graphs, 177 Ó

armB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 89–91 

\arrow (mfpic), 127, 132, 135 boolean (ÑØ ), 53, 56 Ó

arrows border key ( ÑØ ), 85 Ó

mfpic bordercolor key ( ÑØ ), 85 Ô Ó×Ø

drawing, 132 bot syntax (ÑØ ), 61 Ô Ó×Ø length, 132 bounded (ÑØ ), 67, 150 shape, 132 bounding box (mfpic), 124

cmarrows, 188 BoundingBox (PostScript), 72 Ó

Box (ÑØ class), 95, 96, 99 Ó

connections ( ÑØ ), 87 Ó

arrows key ( ÑØ ), 84, 85, 87, 94, 118 box-line diagrams, 178–180, 181

ÑØÓ Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ geometry, 195 boxdepth key ( ), 85, 92

associations, UML, 186 boxes Ó augment (graph), 161, 162, 164, 167, 169 alignment (ÑØ ) AutoCAD program, 137 centering, 103 autogrid (graph), 158, 159, 163, 165–167 horizontal, 101 \axes (mfpic), 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132 horizontal separation, 102 axes, drawing (mfpic), 128 mixed objects, 102, 103 \axis (mfpic), 128 vertical, 101, 103 \axisheadlen rigid length (mfpic), 128, 132 within frames, 104

\axismarks (mfpic), 129 empty, 82, 83 Ô Ó×Ø

boxes ÑØ package, 57, 75, 76, 79–81, 177 Ó B boxheight key ( ÑØ ), 85, 92 babel package, 124 boxit (boxes), 76, 77, 78

bar package, 162 boxjoin (boxes), 76, 77, 78, 79 Ó

bar charts boxsize key ( ÑØ ), 85, 92, 93 Ô Ó×Ø

mfpic, 130 bpath (ÑØ ), 77, 78, 79 Ô Ó×Ø graph, 162, 163, 164, 166 btex (ÑØ ), 61–63, 95, 157, 158, 159, 162, 164 \barchart (mfpic), 130, 131 \btwnfcn (mfpic), 133

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ÑØ AND (B–C) 881 Ô Ó×Ø buildcycle (ÑØ ), 165 closed objects clearing, 133 C filling, 133

capacitor (makecirc), 196, 197, 198, 199, 201 polygons (mfpic), 129 Ô Ó×Ø capacitors, 196 closefrm (ÑØ ), 67 captions, centering, 124, 134 \closegraphsfile (mfpic), 125 card boxes, 180 closing objects

\cbclosed (mfpic), 132 mfpic, 132 

Celtic artwork, 148 ÑØ language, 54 Ô Ó×Ø cmarrows ÑØ centering (mfpic) package, 188 CMYK color, 75

captions, 124, 134 Ó coilarm key ( ÑØ ), 86

ellipses, 128 Ó coilarmA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94

symbols, 129 Ó coilarmB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94

centerto (makecirc), 198, 199, 200, 202 Ó coilaspect key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94

centreof (makecirc), 196, 198, 199, 202 Ó coilheight key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94

\chartbar (mfpic), 130 Ó

coilinc key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94 Ó

Circle (ÑØ class), 114 Ó coils, connections ( ÑØ ), 94

\circle (mfpic), 127, 128 Ó coilwidth key ( ÑØ ), 85, 94 circleit (boxes), 76, 77, 78, 79 color

circles mfpic, 127 Ó connections ( ÑØ ), 92 CMYK, 75 diagrams, 179 drawings, 127 diameter (mfpic), 132 graying, 75

drawing (mfpic), 128 labels, 120

 ÓÒØ ÑØÔ Ó×Ø filled and centered, 129 ÑØ vs. ,60

filling (mfpic), 132 transparency, 75 Ô Ó×Ø nine points circle of a triangle, 190 color (ÑØ ), 60, 64, 79, 209 wedge of (mfpic), 129 commands (mfpic), 127

circmargin (boxes), 76, 79 comments (mfpic), 134 Ó circmargin key ( ÑØ ), 98, 100 Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork,see CTAN

circular connect env. (mfpic), 126, 132, 133 Ó

connections ( ÑØ ) Ó containers ( ÑØ ), 98–100 gradients, 143, 144 arcs, 88 Class (metaUML), 181, 182, 183–186 arrow style, 87 class behind objects, 90 relations (UML diagrams), 184 Bézier curves, 87, 88 circles, 92 templates (UML diagrams), 183 coils, 94 classStereotypes (metaUML), 183 curved boxes, 93 ClassTemplate (metaUML), 183 double straight line, 87 clearing (mfpic) inside boxes, 92, 93 closed objects, 133 labels for, 95

symbols, 124 line starting point, 87 Ó clearObj (ÑØ ), 81 line style, 86 \clearsymbols (mfpic), 124 line thickness, 86

clink (metaUML), 186 looping lines, 91, 92 Ô Ó×Ø clip (ÑØ ), 63, 143, 145, 148, 150, 206 multi-segment lines, 89–91

\clipmfpic (mfpic), 124 overview, 84–86 Ô Ó×Ø clipped (ÑØ ), 67, 150 rounded corners, 93 clipping straight lines, 86, 87 figures (mfpic), 124 zigzags, 94

tools, 148 connectors, diagrams, 180 Ó clipping (exteps), 156 Container (ÑØ class), 104

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882 (C–D) ÑØ AND Ó containers ( ÑØ ) dashed lines (mfpic), 133 circular, 98–100 dashes (expressg), 180 description, 95 dashes (mfpic) double-walled gap between, 131, 133 box, 99, 100 length, 132 circle, 100 length of, 131 ellipsis, 100 lines, 133 elliptical, 98–100 spacing, 132 margins, 96, 97 \dashlen rigid length (mfpic), 131–133 oval boxes, 96 \dashlineset (mfpic), 132

polygons, 97 \dashspace rigid length (mfpic), 131–133 

rounded corners, 96 data types, ÑØ language, 53 Ó simple box, 95 DBox (ÑØ class), 99

square box, 95 debugging figures (mfpic), 125

ÑØ  contour ( ), 143, 150 def (ÑØ ), 57 control points, 53 defaultdx (boxes), 76

convert program, 806 defaultdy (boxes), 76 Ô Ó×Ø

coordinate dimensions (mfpic), 127 defaultfont (ÑØ ), 61, 79, 163, 165, 174 Ô Ó×Ø coordinate system, specifying (mfpic), 126 defaultscale (ÑØ ), 61, 62, 78, 79, 163, 165–167 coords env. (mfpic), 136 DefinePattern (piechartMP), 175, 176

Corel Draw program, 137, 138 diagrams  cosd (ÑØ ), 53, 195 block drawing, 177 CTAN (Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork) Bond graphs, 177 archived files, finding and transferring, 813 box-line, 178–180, 181 description, 810 card boxes, 180 files, from the command line, 814 circles, 179 TEX file catalogue, 811 connectors, 180 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 diamond boxes, 180 ctext (makecirc), 200, 201 embedding in LATEX, 120, 121, 122

cubes, 210 flow charts, 177, 181  curl (ÑØ ), 54, 55 graphs, 176

current (makecirc), 197, 199, 201, 202 index boxes, 180 

currentpen (ÑØ ), 146 ovals, 179  currentpicture (ÑØ ), 62, 65, 66, 155, 156, 176 relations, 180

\curve (mfpic), 127, 128, 136 rounded boxes, 179 Ó curved box connections ( ÑØ ), 93 slanted rectangles, 179 curves diamond-shaped boxes, 180 function drawing, 168, 169 diode (makecirc), 197, 199, 202

intersections, computing, 211 

dir (ÑØ ), 54, 55, 77–79 

ÑØ language  direction (ÑØ ), 142, 205 3-D, 57, 58 disadvantages, 139 controlling, 55 displaymath env. (pst-pdf), 800 drawing, 54 displaymath option (pst-pdf), 800 path data, 53 distance dimensions (mfpic), 127 polar coordinates, 169 \doaxis (mfpic), 128

through points (mfpic), 128 documentation, see also online resources Ô Ó×Ø

cutafter (ÑØ ), 77, 78, 79 command-line interface, 815 Ô Ó×Ø

cutbefore (ÑØ ), 77, 78, 79 panel interface, 816  cycle (ÑØ ), 54, 56, 161, 162, 164 search by name, 815 \cyclic (mfpic), 128 search by product, 816 texdoc, 815

D texdock, 816


Dalign key ( ÑØ ), 107, 110, 111, 114 dotlabel ( ), 61 Ô Ó×Ø

\darkershade (mfpic), 132 dotlabels (ÑØ ), 62 Ô Ó×Ø dashed (ÑØ ), 79, 86, 88, 157, 158, 162 \dotlineset (mfpic), 132

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dots (shading), gap between (mfpic), 131, 133, 134 drawing (cont.) \dotted (mfpic), 127, 133 hiding, 145

dotted lines (mfpic), 133 repeating, 147 Ó double-walled containers ( ÑØ ) morphing, 152 box, 99, 100 multipaths, 145 circle, 100 parallel gradients, 143, 144 ellipsis, 100 paths

doublearrow (cmarrows), 189 interrupting, 145, 146 Ó

doubleline key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87, 88, 94 multipaths, 145, 146 Ó doublesep key ( ÑØ ), 85 patterns, 147–150 dpi (dots per inch), 70 PostScript commands, 155, 156 draft option (pst-pdf), 800 rounded corners, 75

\draw (mfpic), 133, 134 simplified paths, 75  draw (ÑØ ), 54, 55, 56, 76, 84, 87, 158, 189 squares

draw_hatched_band (hatching), 150 creating grids, 147 Ó

draw_Obj (ÑØ ), 114, 118 repeating, 147 Ô Ó×Ø drawarrow (ÑØ ), 77, 78, 79, 84, 87, 189 squeezing shapes, 74 drawBINARY (expressg), 178 text along a curve, 142 drawBOOLEAN (expressg), 178 tilings, 147–150 drawboxed (boxes), 76, 77, 78 transparency, 150, 151 drawboxes (boxes), 76, 77 turtle graphics drawcardbox (expressg), 180 classic style, 153 drawcirclebox (expressg), 179, 181 turtle style, 153, 154 \drawcolor (mfpic), 127 drawing (mfpic) drawCOMPLEX (expressg), 178 affine transforms, 136 drawdashA (expressg), 180 analytical curves, 133 drawdashcircle (expressg), 179 angle dimensions, 127 drawdashellipse (expressg), 179 annotations, 134 drawdashO (expressg), 180 arcs, 128

drawdashOA (expressg), 180 arrowheads Ô Ó×Ø drawdblarrow (ÑØ ), 77 drawing, 132 drawdiamondbox (expressg), 180, 181 length, 132 drawEXPRESSION (expressg), 178 shape, 132 drawGENERIC (expressg), 178 axes, 128 drawGEVENT (expressg), 179 bar charts, 130 drawindexbox (expressg), 180 basic commands, 128–130 drawing Bézier paths, 128 animation, 156, 157 bounding box, 124 blurred effects, 152 centering boxes captions, 124, 134 commands for, 76 ellipses, 128 committing to the page, 76 symbols, 129 joining, 77 circles labeling connections, 78,79 diameter, 132 relationships between, 76 filling, 132 Celtic artwork, 148 simple, 128 circles, 74 clearing circular gradients, 143, 144 closed objects, 133 clipping, 148 symbols, 124 diamonds, 74 clipping figures, 124 gradients, 143, 144 closed polygons, 129 grids, 147, 148–150 closing open objects, 132 hatching, 148–150 color, 127 lines commands, 127 creating grids, 147 comments, 134

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drawing (mfpic) (cont.) drawnormalD (expressg), 180 coordinate dimensions, 127 drawnormalDCA (expressg), 180 coordinate system, specifying, 126 drawnormalF (expressg), 180 curves through points, 128 drawnormalOA (expressg), 180 dashed lines, 133 drawnormalOD (expressg), 180

dashes drawNUMBER (expressg), 178 Ó gap between, 131, 133 drawObj (ÑØ ), 81, 82, 83, 95, 177 length, 132 drawObject (metaUML), 182, 183, 186–188

length of, 131 drawObjects (metaUML), 183, 184, 185–187 Ô Ó×Ø spacing, 132 drawoptions (ÑØ ), 148 debugging figures, 125 drawovalbox (expressg), 179, 181 distance dimensions, 127 drawREAL (expressg), 178 dots (shading), gap between, 131, 133, 134 drawroundedbox (expressg), 179 dotted lines, 133 drawSTRING (expressg), 178 figure modifiers, 132, 133 drawthickO (expressg), 180 filled centered circles, 129 drawunboxed (boxes), 76, 77, 79

filling closed objects, 133 dual bar charts, 164 Ó

functions, 133 duplicateObj (ÑØ ), 117  global modifiers, 132 .dvi file extension (ÑØ ), 63 grids, 129 dvipdfm program, 797, 798, 803 hash marks, length of, 131 dvipdfmx program, 797–799, 803, 804, 806 hatching, line spacing, 131, 133, 134 dvips program, 62, 65, 797–801, 803–806

joining objects, 126 dvitomp program, 63 Ó

labels, 124, 134 dx key ( ÑØ ), 96, 100, 104 Ó line segments, 129 dy key ( ÑØ ), 96, 100, 104

looping, 136


ÑØ mode, 123 E Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ mode, 124 electrical circuits modifiers, 127 capacitors, 196 numbering pictures, 126 centering elements, 198 object outlines, 133 centering text, 200–202 options, 124, 125 command syntax, 199 pen, setting width, 132 element abbreviations, 198 pie charts, 131 element types, 199 plotting functions and parametric curves, 133, 135 elements of, 196–199 pretty printing, 137 inductors, 196 primitives, 126 pin connections, 200 processing, 123 resistors, 196 rectangles, 129 symbols, 196, 197, 198 regular polygons, 129 wiring type, 198 repetitive, 134 \ellipse (mfpic), 128, 136 reversing objects, 133 ellipses rotating objects, 133, 135 centered, 128

shading, dot spacing, 131, 132, 134 in a parallelogram, 191 Ó size, specifying, 126 elliptical containers ( ÑØ ), 98–100 spirals, 136 emp env. (emp), 121 symbolic names, 129 emp package, 120, 121, 167 syntax, 125–127 empcmds env. (emp), 121 unit length, basic, 132 empdef env. (emp), 121 wedge of a circle, 129 empfile env. (emp), 121 drawINTEGER (expressg), 178 empgraph env. (emp), 122

drawLEVENT (expressg), 179, 181 \empprelude (emp), 122 Ó

drawLOGICAL (expressg), 178 empty boxes (ÑØ ), 82, 83 Ó drawnormalCA (expressg), 180 EmptyBox (ÑØ class), 82, 83, 95 drawnormalCD (expressg), 180 \empuse (emp), 121

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End (metaUML), 187, 188 fonts (cont.) 

end (ÑØ ), 72 size, 70,71


endchar ( ), 68,72 for (ÑØ ), 52, 55, 59, 66, 150 

endeps (exteps), 156 forever (ÑØ ), 56, 204 Ô Ó×Ø

endfig (ÑØ ), 65, 72, 73, 80 format (graph), 159  endfor (ÑØ ), 52, 55 fractals endgraph (graph), 157, 158, 169 Hilbert’s curve, 194

EntryPoint (metaUML), 188 Koch flake, 105 Ó

EPS output files, 72,73 ÑØ , 104, 105 Ô Ó×Ø epsdrawdot (exteps), 156 ÑØ , 194, 195 epstopdf program, 804, 806 Sierpinski’s´ curve, 194 eqnarray env. (pst-pdf), 800 Verhulst diagrams, 195

equation env. (pst-pdf), 800 frame (graph), 158, 159, 160–162, 164–166


etex ( ), 61–63, 95, 157, 158, 159, 162, 164 framecolor key ( ÑØ ), 83, 104

ÑØ Ó exitif ( ), 56, 204 framed key ( ÑØ ), 82, 83, 104

ExitPoint (metaUML), 188 frames


, 137, 138 aligning boxes ( ÑØ ), 104 

expr (ÑØ ), 57 graphs, 158, 159


expressg package, 177, 178, 181, 182 trees (ÑØ ), 112, 113


extendObjLeft ( ), 108 framestyle key ( ÑØ ), 177

ÑØÓ Ó extendObjRight ( ), 108, 109 framewidth key ( ÑØ ), 83

extensiblebrace (cmarrows), 189 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), see online resources

ÑØÔ Ó×Ø  exteps package, 155 fullcircle (ÑØ ), 63, 66, 74, 165 fulldiamond (metafun), 74 F fullsquare (metafun), 74

\function (mfpic), 123, 124, 133 Ó fanlinearc key ( ÑØ ), 114

functions Ó fanlinestyle key ( ÑØ ), 114 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809, see also online drawing, 168, 169 resources plotting (mfpic), 133, 135 \fcncurve (mfpic), 128

G Ô Ó×Ø featpost ÑØ package, 207, 209 feynmf package, 120 \gclear (mfpic), 133, 134 feynmp package, 120 gdata (graph), 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167 figure modifiers (mfpic), 132, 133 gdotlabel (graph), 158

file input/output, 67, 68 gdraw (graph), 157, 158, 160, 162, 164–166, 169  fill (ÑØ ), 56, 76, 150, 151, 158 gdrawarrow (graph), 158

\fillcolor (mfpic), 127 gdrawdblarrow (graph), 158 Ó

fillcolor key ( ÑØ ), 83, 104, 114 generator (makecirc), 197, 199


filled (ÑØ ), 67 geometriesyr16 package, 192 Ó filled key ( ÑØ ), 83, 96, 98, 100, 104, 114 geometry fills (mfpic) art, 195 centered circles, 129 ellipse in a parallelogram, 191 closed objects, 133 fractals, 194, 195 fills, closed objects, 133 golden ratio, 192 final option (pst-pdf), 800 hand-drawn figures, 192

finite state diagram, 79 Hilbert’s curve, 194 Ó

fit key ( ÑØ ), 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 177 nine points circle of a triangle, 190 Ó

flipping trees (ÑØ ), 110 plane, 190, 191, 192  floor (ÑØ ), 53 space, 192

flow charts, 177, 181 Verhulst diagrams, 195  font files, 69 .gf file extension (ÑØ ), 69–71 fonts \gfill (mfpic), 127, 131, 133, 134 encoding, 65 gfill (graph), 159, 160, 161–165, 167 magsteps, 70, 71 gftopk program, 70 PostScript, 71 ghostscript program, 798

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ghostview program, 804 grids (cont.) glabel (graph), 157, 158, 162–167, 169 from multiple base patterns, 147 global modifiers (mfpic), 132 from squares, 147 globes, 209 graphs, 158, 159 gnuplot program, 137 ground (makecirc), 197, 199

golden ratio, 192 Ô Ó×Ø gpdata ÑØ package, 167 H

gradients, tools, 143, 144 Ó halign key ( ÑØ ), 116 grap program, 157

hand-drawn figures, 192 Ô Ó×Ø graph ÑØ package, 75, 122, 157, 158, 159, 162, hash marks, length of (mfpic), 131 167–169 \hashlen rigid length (mfpic), 129, 131 graphics package, 72 \hatch (mfpic), 131, 133 graphicx package, 800 hatch_match (hatching), 149 graphs hatchfill (hatching), 149, 150 bar charts, 162, 163, 164, 166 hatching Bond, 177 hatch macro, 148 data files hatching package, 149, 150 comment lines, 167 line spacing (mfpic), 131, 133, 134

reading, 160–162 Ô Ó×Ø hatching ÑØ package, 149 dual bar charts, 164 hatchoptions (hatching), 149 frames, 158, 159 \hatchspace rigid length (mfpic), 131, 133

grids, 158, 159 Ó HBox (ÑØ class), 100, 102, 106

inserting in LATEX, 167 Ó hbsep key ( ÑØ ), 102, 107, 110, 111 labels \headlen rigid length (mfpic), 132 aligning, 173 \headshape (mfpic), 132 annotations, 134 help, see online resources creating, 159, 160 hexagonal meshes, 210 pie charts, 173, 174 hexagonaltrimesh (featpost), 210

positioning, 173 Ó HFan (ÑØ class), 113, 114

shifting, 173, 174 Ó hideleaves key ( ÑØ ), 110–114 overview, 157, 158 hiding/showing lines, 145 pie charts Hilbert’s curve, 194 drawing, 165, 171–173 History (metaUML), 188 height, 171 hookleftarrow (cmarrows), 189 labels, 173, 174 hookrightarrow (cmarrows), 189 observation angle, 171 horizontal

offsets, 171 Ó box alignment ( ÑØ ), 101

radius, 171 Ó box separation ( ÑØ ), 102

segments, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176 Ó fans, trees (ÑØ ), 113, 114, 115 setup for, 174, 175 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810

text handling, 174 Ó HRazor (ÑØ class), 82, 114

scales, 158, 159 Ó hsep key ( ÑØ ), 102, 108–113, 118 text, printing, 167 hyperlinks, slides, 797–818 ticks, 158, 159 hyperref package, 798, 803–805 types of, 162–167 graying, 75


green (ÑØ ), 60 Ô Ó×Ø

greenpart (ÑØ ), 150 ifthen package, 136 Ô Ó×Ø \grid (mfpic), 129 image (ÑØ ), 95, 146, 148, 149, 163, 165, 176 grid imesh (makecirc), 199, 202

(exteps), 156 impedance (makecirc), 197, 199, 202 Ô Ó×Ø (graph), 158, 159 ÑØ , 137, 138 grids inactive option (pst-pdf), 800 mfpic, 129 index boxes, 180 from lines, 147 inductor (makecirc), 196, 197, 198, 199, 200

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inductors, 196 labels (cont.) Ô Ó×Ø infont (ÑØ ), 163, 165 rotating, 120

init_numbers (graph), 159 shifting, 120 Ó

initlatex laberase key ( ÑØ ), 119, 120 Ó

(latex), 64 labpathid key ( ÑØ ), 118, 119 Ó

(makecirc), 196 labpathname key ( ÑØ ), 119


input ( ), 67,75 labpic key ( ÑØ ), 95 Ó

internal structures, 65, 66,67 labpoint key ( ÑØ ), 119 

interpath (ÑØ ), 152 Ó

labpos key ( ÑØ ), 95, 119 Ô Ó×Ø

interpol ÑØ package, 167 Ó labrotate key ( ÑØ ), 119, 120

interpolate (metafun), 152 Ó

labshift key ( ÑØ ), 119, 120 Ô Ó×Ø

interpolating (ÑØ ), 167 Ó

Lalign key ( ÑØ ), 108, 110–113 

intersectionpoint (ÑØ ), 191 lamp (makecirc), 197, 199 

intersectiontimes (ÑØ ), 148, 205 Ô Ó×Ø latex ÑØ package, 64, 196 introspection, 66, 67 latex program, 797, 800, 801, 803, 804, 806 item (metaUML), 186 LATEX files, obtaining graph

itick ( ), 158, 159 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 Ô Ó×Ø latex.mp ÑØ package, 64

J Ô Ó×Ø latexMP ÑØ package, 59, 64, 151 joining objects (mfpic), 126 lcircle (metafun), 74 .jpeg file extension (pst-pdf), 806 \lclosed (mfpic), 132

junction (makecirc), 197, 199, 200–202 lefthalfarrow (cmarrows), 189 

length (ÑØ ), 52, 66, 78, 79, 142 Ô Ó×Ø K lft syntax (ÑØ ), 61 kindofcube (featpost), 210, 211 libraries Koch flake, 105 boxes package, 75–79 metafun package, 74, 75 L \lightershade (mfpic), 132

linear equations, solving, 53 Ó

labangle key ( ÑØ ), 95, 119 Ó

linear transformation (ÑØ ), 81 Ó

labcard key ( ÑØ ), 119 Ó

linearc key ( ÑØ ), 85, 93, 94 Ó

labcolor key ( ÑØ ), 119, 120 Ó

linecolor key ( ÑØ ), 85, 88–93 Ó labdir key ( ÑØ ), 95, 118, 119

lines Ó labdist key ( ÑØ ), 95 creating grids, 147 Label (piechartMP), 170, 173, 174

hiding, 145 Ô Ó×Ø label (ÑØ ), 61, 64, 78, 119, 158, 200 labelinspace (featpost), 211 repeating, 147

segments (mfpic), 129 Ô Ó×Ø

labeloffset (ÑØ ), 61 Ó

labels starting point (ÑØ ), 87 Ó

mfpic, 124, 134 styles (ÑØ ), 86 Ó color, 120 thickness (ÑØ ), 86

UML diagrams, 185 Ó connections ( ÑØ ), 95

erasing beneath, 120 \lines (mfpic), 127, 129, 135 Ó

graphs linestyle key ( ÑØ ), 85, 86, 88, 93 Ó

aligning, 173 linetension key ( ÑØ ), 86, 88, 94 Ó

creating, 159, 160 linetensionA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 88 Ó

positioning, 173 linetensionB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 88 Ó shifting, 173, 174 linewidth key ( ÑØ ), 85, 86, 88–94 in pictures, 61, 62, 63, 64,65 link (metaUML), 184, 185, 188

in space, 211 llcircle (metafun), 74


ÑØ , 118, 119, 120 llcorner ( ), 150

ÑØÔ Ó×Ø Ô Ó×Ø ÑØ , 124 llft syntax ( ), 61 on graphs (mfpic), 134 lltriangle (metafun), 74 pie charts, 173, 174 \lmarks (mfpic), 129 positioning, 119 .log file extension (mfpic), 124

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888 (L–M) ÑØ AND  looping ÑØ language (cont.) mfpic, 136 controlling, 55 commands, 56 drawing, 54

connection lines, 91, 92 path data, 53 Ó

lines (ÑØ ), 91, 92 data types, 53 Ó loopsize key ( ÑØ ), 85, 91 description, 52, 53

lrcircle (metafun), 74 drawing commands, storing, 53 Ô Ó×Ø lrt syntax (ÑØ ), 61 linear equations, solving, 53 lrtriangle (metafun), 74 looping commands, 56 macros M arguments, 59

default behavior, 59 Ô Ó×Ø m3d ÑØ package, 209

defining, 57–60  macros, ÑØ language arguments, 59 key=value pairs, 59,60 default behavior, 59 parameters, 57 defining, 57–60 string evaluation, 57 key=value pairs, 59,60 types of, 57 parameters, 57 variable names, 57 string evaluation, 57 pair data, 53 types of, 57 path data, 53 variable names, 57 paths, transforming, 56

magsteps, 70, 71 pen data, 53 Ô Ó×Ø makecirc ÑØ package, 196, 198 pens, 53, 55 makeindex program, 123, 806 picture data, 53

makempx program, 63 point representation, 53  makepen (ÑØ ), 53 segments, 53 Manhattan paths, 184 straight lines, drawing, 54

mapstoarrow (cmarrows), 189 transform data, 53, 56


margins, containers ( ÑØ ), 96, 97 mode (mfpic), 123 Ô Ó×Ø

mathptm package, 65 metafun ÑØ package, 61, 73–75, 138, 143, 151, 152 Ô Ó×Ø

matlab ÑØ package, 167 Metagraf program, 209


matpos (ÑØ ), 118 package, 80–120 Ó

Matrix (ÑØ class), 115 basic objects, 82, 83 Ó

mcangle (ÑØ ), 118 box alignment Ó

mcangles (ÑØ ), 118 centering, 103 Ó

mcarc (ÑØ ), 118 horizontal, 101 Ó

mcarcbox (ÑØ ), 118 horizontal separation, 102 Ó

mcbox (ÑØ ), 118 mixed objects, 102, 103 Ó

mccircle (ÑØ ), 118 vertical, 101, 103 Ó

mccoil (ÑØ ), 118 within frames, 104 Ó

mccurve (ÑØ ), 118 concepts, 81 Ó

mcdiag (ÑØ ), 118 connections Ó

mcdiagg (ÑØ ), 118 arcs, 88 Ó

mcline (ÑØ ), 84, 118 arrow style, 87 Ó

mcloop (ÑØ ), 118 behind objects, 90 Ó mczigzag (ÑØ ), 118 Bézier curves, 87, 88 meains (makecirc), 197, 199 circles, 92

mechanical drawings, 203 coils, 94 

message (ÑØ ), 68 curved boxes, 93  ÑØ language, 51–167 double straight line, 87 affine transforms, 53 inside boxes, 92, 93 closing objects, 54 labels for, 95 control points, 53 line starting point, 87 curves line style, 86 3-D, 57, 58 line thickness, 86

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ÑØ AND (M–N) 889

Ó ÑØÔ Ó×Ø ÑØ package (cont.) \mfpverbtex (mfpic), 124

looping lines, 91, 92 mft program, 137

 ÓÒØ multi-segment lines, 89–91 mftoeps ÑØ package, 138

overview, 84–86 mode, 69, 70 

rounded corners, 93 mode (ÑØ ), 69  straight lines, 86, 87 mode_setup (ÑØ ), 70 zigzags, 94 modifiers (mfpic), 127 containers morphing, 152

circular, 98–100 motor (makecirc), 197, 199 Ô Ó×Ø

description, 95 .mp file extension (ÑØ ), 63 Ô Ó×Ø

double-walled box, 99, 100 mpattern ÑØ package, 148 Ô Ó×Ø

double-walled circle, 100 mpcirc ÑØ package, 196, 203 Ó double-walled ellipsis, 100 mpos (ÑØ ), 118

elliptical, 98–100 mproof package, 73, 74 Ô Ó×Ø margins, 96, 97 .mps file extension (ÑØ ), 72 oval boxes, 96 mpsproof package, 73, 74 polygons, 97 mpt program, 137 rounded corners, 96 mptopdf program, 73, 75

simple box, 95 mptotex program, 63 Ô Ó×Ø square box, 95 .mpx file extension (ÑØ ), 63

description, 80 Mreadpath (graph), 167 Ó empty boxes, 82, 83 multi-segment lines ( ÑØ ), 89–91 fractals, 104, 105 multipaths, 145 labels, 118, 119, 120 linear transformation, 81 N

principles, 80 \name (mfpic), 129 Ó recursive objects, 104, 105 name key ( ÑØ ), 85, 119

trees naming output files, 70 Ó

aligning, 107, 108 nb (ÑØ ), 116, 117 Ó

flipping, 110 ncangle (ÑØ ), 89,90 Ó

framing, 112, 113 ncangles (ÑØ ), 89, 90,91 Ó

horizontal fans, 113, 114, 115 ncarc (ÑØ ), 88,93 Ó

left to right, 109 ncarcbox (ÑØ ), 85, 92, 93 Ó

mixed directions, 110 ncbar (ÑØ ), 88, 89, 177 Ó

mixed objects, 111 ncbox (ÑØ ), 85, 92, 93 Ó

overlapping subtrees, 111 nccircle (ÑØ ), 84, 92 Ó

overview, 105 nccoil (ÑØ ), 94 Ó

right to left, 108 nccurve (ÑØ ), 85, 87, 88 Ó

root at the bottom, 109 ncdiag (ÑØ ), 90 Ó

separating, 111 ncdiagg (ÑØ ), 90 Ó

vertical fans, 113, 114, 115 ncline (ÑØ ), 84, 86, 87, 95, 119, 177


mode (mfpic), 124 ncloop (ÑØ ), 85, 90, 91


MetaUML package, 181 nczigzag (ÑØ ), 94 Ó

metric (.tfm)outputfiles,69 new_Box (ÑØ ), 81 Ó

\mfpdefinecolor (mfpic), 128 new_Box_ (ÑØ ), 81 Ó

\mfpic (mfpic), 124, 125 new_Circle (ÑØ ), 114 Ó

mfpic env. (mfpic), 124, 125, 126, 135 new_HFan (ÑØ ), 114 Ó

mfpic package, 52, 120, 122–136, 139 new_HFan_ (ÑØ ), 114 Ó

\mfpicdebugfalse (mfpic), 124 new_RBox (ÑØ ), 114 Ó

\mfpicdebugtrue (mfpic), 124 newBox (ÑØ ), 81, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102–104, 114, 177 Ó

\mfpicdraft (mfpic), 125 newCircle (ÑØ ), 86, 99, 104, 177 Ó \mfpicfinal (mfpic), 125 newContainer (ÑØ ), 104

\mfpicnowrite (mfpic), 125 \newcounter (mfpic), 136 Ó

\mfpicnumber (mfpic), 126 newDBox (ÑØ ), 99, 100 Ó \mfpicunit rigid length (mfpic), 126, 132 newDEllipse (ÑØ ), 81, 100, 112, 113

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890 (N–P) ÑØ AND Ó

newEllipse (ÑØ ), 98, 100, 104, 113, 177 online resources (cont.) Ó

newEmptyBox (ÑØ ), 82 search by product, 816 Ó

newHBox (ÑØ ), 100, 101, 102 texdoc, 815 Ó

newHFan (ÑØ ), 114 texdock, 816 Ó

newHRazor (ÑØ ), 82, 83, 102 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809 Ó

newMatrix (ÑØ ), 115, 116, 117 files, getting from the command line, 814 Ó

newPolygon (ÑØ ), 96, 97, 102, 103, 177 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 Ó

newPTree (ÑØ ), 105 news groups, 810 Ó

newRandomBox (ÑØ ), 83 program files, obtaining Ó

newRBox (ÑØ ), 96, 104, 114 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 Ó newRecursiveBox (ÑØ ), 104 TEX file catalogue, 811

news groups, 810, see also online resources TEX files, 810 Ó

newTree (ÑØ ), 105, 107, 108–113 TEX user groups, 817, 818 Ó

newVBox (ÑØ ), 102, 103 TUG home page, 810, 811 Ó

newVFan (ÑØ ), 114 open objects, closing, 132 Ó

newVonKochFlake (ÑØ ), 105 \opengraphsfile (mfpic), 124, 125 Ó

newVRazor (ÑØ ), 82, 83, 103 optical drawings, 204, 205, 206  nine points circle of a triangle, 190 origin (ÑØ ), 160, 161

\nocenteredcaptions (mfpic), 124 otick (graph), 158, 159, 166 Ô Ó×Ø \noclearsymbols (mfpic), 124 OUT syntax (ÑØ ), 158

\noclipmfpic (mfpic), 124 output files Ó

nodesep key ( ÑØ ), 86 bitmap (.gf), 69, 70 Ó

nodesepA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87, 92, 93 EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), 72,73 Ó nodesepB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87, 92, 93 metric (.tfm), 69 \nomplabels (mfpic), 124 naming, 70

\nooverlaylabels (mfpic), 124 PDF (Portable Document Format), 72, 73 Ó

nopstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 oval box containers ( ÑØ ), 96 

normaldeviate (ÑØ ), 53 ovals, 179 Ó notightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 overlapping subtrees (ÑØ ), 111

\notruebbox (mfpic), 124 \overlaylabels (mfpic), 124 Ó

ntreepos (ÑØ ), 120 

nullpen (ÑØ ), 53 P 

nullpicture (ÑØ ), 66, 150  pair (ÑØ ), 53, 56, 60, 84

numbering pictures (mfpic), 126 \parafcn (mfpic), 133, 136  numeric (ÑØ ), 53 parallel gradients, 143, 144 parallelarrows (cmarrows), 189

O paralleloppositearrows (cmarrows), 189 Ó Obj (ÑØ ), 81, 84, 114, 118, 120 paralleloppositelefthalfarrows (cmarrows), 189

object outlines (mfpic), 133 paralleloppositerighthalfarrows (cmarrows), 189 Ó

ObjLabel (ÑØ ), 118, 119 parametric curves, plotting, 133, 135 

observation angle, pie charts, 171 path (ÑØ ), 53, 55, 56 Ó

offset key ( ÑØ ), 86 pathCut (metaUML), 185


offsetA key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87, 90, 91, 120 pathfillcolor key ( ), 85

Ó ÑØÓ offsetB key ( ÑØ ), 85, 87, 91, 120 pathfilled key ( ), 85 offsets, pie charts, 171 pathHorizontal (metaUML), 185 oldtexarrow (cmarrows), 189 pathManhattanX (metaUML), 184 online access to CTAN, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 pathManhattanY (metaUML), 184

online resources pathofstraightline (featpost), 211 Ô Ó×Ø archived files, finding and transferring, 813 pathpart (ÑØ ), 66, 150 CTAN (Comprehensive TEX Archive Network), 810 paths web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 between object centers, 186 documentation between objects, 185 command-line interface, 815 Bézier, 128 panel interface, 816 interrupting, 145, 146 search by name, 815 multipaths, 145, 146

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paths (cont.) pie charts (cont.) transforming, 56 offsets, 171 UML diagrams radius, 171 arbitrary, relations between, 184 segments, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176 between object centers, 186 setup for, 174, 175 between objects, 185 text handling, 174 lines, 185 PieChart (piechartMP), 170, 171, 172–174 Manhattan, 184 \piechart (mfpic), 131

rectangular, 184 PiechartBBox (piechartMP), 176 Ô Ó×Ø stair-like, 184, 185 piechartMP ÑØ package, 143, 170, 176 pathStepX (metaUML), 184 \piewedge (mfpic), 131 pathStepY (metaUML), 184 pin connections, 200

pathVertical (metaUML), 185  .pk file extension (ÑØ ), 69, 70

patterns, 147–150 Ô Ó×Ø plain ÑØ package, 74, 75 .pdf file extension (pst-pdf), 806 plane geometry, 190, 191, 192 PDF output files, 72, 73 \plot (mfpic), 125 pdfcrop program, 804 plot (graph), 158 pdfinfo program, 804 \plotnodes (mfpic), 125 pdflatex program, 797, 800, 801, 803, 805, 806 \plotsymbol (mfpic), 124, 125, 129 PDFs plotting functions and parametric curves (mfpic), 133, 135 creating \plrfcn (mfpic), 133 dvipdfm program, 798–800 \plrregion (mfpic), 133, 134 dvipdfmx program, 798–800 .png file extension (pst-pdf), 806 from LAT X, 803–807 E \point (mfpic), 124, 125, 129, 132

from PostScript, 800, 801, 802, 803  point (ÑØ ), 78, 79, 142 overview, 797 point representation, 53 pst-pdf package, 800, 801, 802, 803 \pointdef (mfpic), 129 pdftex program, 797, 798 pointfilled boolean (mfpic), 132 pdftops program, 806 \pointfillfalse (mfpic), 125 \pen (mfpic), 127, 132, 134

\pointfilltrue (mfpic), 125  pen (ÑØ ), 53

\pointsize rigid length (mfpic), 129, 132  pencircle (ÑØ ), 53, 55, 56, 79, 162

pens polar coordinates, 169 Ó

Polygon (ÑØ class), 97  ÑØ language, 53, 55 mfpic setting width (mfpic), 132 \polygon ( ), 129

polygons  pensquare (ÑØ ), 166

perspective projection, 208 closed, 129 Ó physics diagrams, 209 containers ( ÑØ ), 97 pic (boxes), 76, 77, 79 regular, 129

pic language, 75 \polylines (mfpic), 129 Ó

polymargin key ( ÑØ ), 97, 102, 103, 177 

pickup (ÑØ ), 55, 56, 79, 162, 166 Ó

pos key ( ÑØ ), 84, 86 

picture (ÑØ ), 53, 62, 63, 65, 66, 95, 146, 206 Ó

picture env., 797 posA key ( ÑØ ), 81, 84–86, 87 Ó (emp), 121 posB key ( ÑØ ), 81, 84–86 pictures positioning labels annotating, 61, 62, 63, 64,65 connections, 95 numbering, 126 overview, 119 size, specifying, 126 PostScript text in, 61–64,65 commands, 155, 156 pie charts fonts, 65 mfpic, 131 PDFs from, 800, 801, 802, 803 drawing, 131, 165, 171–173 postscript env. (pst-pdf), 802 height, 171 pretty printing (mfpic), 137 labels, 173, 174 preview package, 800–802 observation angle, 171 \PreviewEnvironment (pst-pdf), 801

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i i


previewing \rmarks (mfpic), 129 Ó

characters, 69 rncangle (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

drawings, 73,74 rncangles (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

primitives (mfpic), 126 rncarc (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

printing text, 167 rncarcbox (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

PrivatePattern (piechartMP), 176 rncbar (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

program files, obtaining rncbox (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 rnccoil (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

projected segments, 211 rnccurve (ÑØ ), 118


prologues (ÑØ ), 64, 65 rncdiag ( ), 118 Ó

ps2pdf program, 797, 801–806 rncdiagg (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

ps2pdf13 program, 804, 805 rncline (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

psfonts.map file (dvips), 65 rncloop (ÑØ ), 118 Ó

psmatrix env. (pst-pdf), 800 rnczigzag (ÑØ ), 118 

pspicture env. (pst-pdf), 800 rotated (ÑØ ), 55, 56, 63, 162–165 

pst-pdf package, 797, 800–803, 805, 806 rotatedabout (ÑØ ), 62, 194 

\pst@object (pst-pdf), 800 rotatedaround (ÑØ ), 56 Ó pstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 rotateObj (ÑØ ), 81 pstricks package, 797, 800 \rotatepath (mfpic), 133 rotating R labels, 120

radius, pie charts, 171 objects (mfpic), 133, 135 

round (ÑØ ), 161 Ó Ralign key ( ÑØ ), 109–113

random number generators, 203 rounded boxes, 179 Ó

rounded corners ( ÑØ ) Ó RandomBox (ÑØ class), 83 randomized (metafun), 74 connections, 93

containers, 96 Ó rbox_radius key ( ÑØ ), 96

rpathHorizontal (metaUML), 185 Ô Ó×Ø rboxes ÑØ package, 76 rboxit (rboxes), 76 rpathManhattanX (metaUML), 184 rcircle (metafun), 74 rpathManhattanY (metaUML), 184

rpathVertical (metaUML), 185 Ó

rdrawarrow (ÑØ ), 84 Ô Ó×Ø

rt syntax (ÑØ ), 61 Ô Ó×Ø readfrom (ÑØ ), 67, 68

running, 68–73 Ó

rebindrelativeObj (ÑØ ), 108, 109 Ó rebindVisibleObj (ÑØ ), 112, 113

\rect (mfpic), 129 S 

rectangles scaled (ÑØ ), 55, 56, 62, 63, 66, 74, 79, 162, 163, 165, 166 Ó slanted, 179 scaleObj (ÑØ ), 81, 104, 105, 107–112, 113, 117

with corners (mfpic), 129 scales, 158, 159 

rectangular paths, 184 scantokens (ÑØ ), 57, 68, 160, 161–165, 166, 167 Ó

recursive objects ( ÑØ ), 104, 105 science and engineering drawings Ó

RecursiveBox (ÑØ class), 104 electrical circuits Ô Ó×Ø

red (ÑØ ), 60 capacitors, 196 Ô Ó×Ø

redpart (ÑØ ), 150 centering elements, 198  reflectedabout (ÑØ ), 62 centering text, 200–202 \regpolygon (mfpic), 129 command syntax, 199 regular polygons (mfpic), 129 element abbreviations, 198 relations, diagrams, 180 element types, 199 repeating lines, 147 elements of, 196–199 repetitive drawings (mfpic), 134 inductors, 196 resistor (makecirc), 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 pin connections, 200 resistors, 196 resistors, 196 \reverse (mfpic), 133 symbols, 196, 197, 198 reversing objects (mfpic), 133 wiring type, 198 rheostat (makecirc), 197, 199 mechanical drawings, 203 righthalfarrow (cmarrows), 189 optics, 204, 205, 206

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i i


science and engineering drawings (cont.) states, UML random number generators, 203 composite, 188 simulation, 203 defining, 187 \sclosed (mfpic), 132 internal transitions, 188 \sector (mfpic), 129 special, 188

Segment (piechartMP), 170, 171–174, 176 stateTransitions (metaUML), 188 

segments step (ÑØ ), 55, 205  ÑØ language, 53 stereotypes, UML, 183

pie charts, 170–172, 175, 176 straight lines Ó projected, 211 connections ( ÑØ ), 86, 87

SegmentState (piechartMP), 171, 172, 173, 174 drawing, 54 

string (ÑØ ), 53, 142 Ô Ó×Ø

setbounds (ÑØ ), 155, 156 Ô Ó×Ø setcoords (graph), 160 stroked (ÑØ ), 66,67 \setcounter (mfpic), 136 styles

arrows, 188 Ó setCurveDefaultOption (ÑØ ), 84, 86

lines Ó setObjectDefaultOption (ÑØ ), 110, 114 setrange (graph), 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167 connections, 86 thickness, 86 \setrender (mfpic), 126 turtle graphics SetupColors (piechartMP), 173, 174 classic, 153 setupLaTeXMP (latexMP), 64 turtle, 153, 154

SetupName (piechartMP), 175  subpath (ÑØ ), 146

SetupNumbers (piechartMP), 174  substring (ÑØ ), 142

SetupPercent (piechartMP), 170, 174, 175  suffix (ÑØ ), 57 SetupText piechartMP ( ), 174, 175 switch (makecirc), 197, 199 piechartMP SetupValue ( ), 175 symbolic names (mfpic), 129 \shade (mfpic), 127, 131, 133 symbols \shadespace rigid length (mfpic), 131–133 centered, 129

shading, dot spacing (mfpic), 131–133, 134 clearing, 124  shifted (ÑØ ), 56, 62, 66, 142 electrical circuit diagrams, 196, 197, 198 shifting labels, 120 syntax (mfpic), 125–127

shortaxisarrow (cmarrows), 189 Ó show_empty_boxes (ÑØ ), 82, 83 T

Sierpinski’s´ curve, 194 Ó T_ (ÑØ ), 118 simplified (metafun), 75 tailarrow (cmarrows), 189

simulation, 203 Ó

TC (ÑØ ), 114, 118 

sind (ÑØ ), 53 Ó Tc (ÑØ ), 118

slanted rectangles, 179 Ó tcangle (ÑØ ), 118

slides (color), overlay specification Ó tcangles (ÑØ ), 118 hyperlinks, 797–818 \tcaption (mfpic), 124, 134, 135

smoothed (metafun), 75 Ó tcarc (ÑØ ), 118

source (makecirc), 197, 199, 201, 202 Ó tcarcbox (ÑØ ), 118

space geometry, 192 Ó tcbox (ÑØ ), 118

spatialhalfcircle (featpost), 209 Ó tccircle (ÑØ ), 118

\special, 797 Ó

tccurve (ÑØ ), 118 

special (ÑØ ), 155, 156 Ó tcdiag (ÑØ ), 118

mfpic Ó

spirals ( ), 136 tcdiagg (ÑØ ), 118 

sqrt (ÑØ ), 53, 195 tcircle (metafun), 74


square box containers ( ), 95 tcline (ÑØ ), 84, 118 Ó squares tcloop (ÑØ ), 118 creating grids, 147 Template (metaUML), 184

repeating, 147 template objects, UML, 184  squeezed (metafun), 74 tension (ÑØ ), 54, 78, 79 stair-like paths, 184, 185 Terminate (metaUML), 188 State (metaUML), 187, 188 TEX (TEX), 64

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i i


894 (T–U) ÑØ AND Ô Ó×Ø TEX ÑØ package, 64 \turtle (mfpic), 129 TEX file archives, 810, see also CTAN turtle graphics TEX files, obtaining classic style, 153 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 turtle style, 153, 154 texarrow (cmarrows), 189 twoheadarrow (cmarrows), 189 texdoc program, 815, 816 twowayarrow (cmarrows), 189 texdoctk program, 815–817 twowaydoublearrow (cmarrows), 189

text twowayoldarrow (cmarrows), 189 Ô Ó×Ø along a curve, 142 txp ÑØ package, 142 centering, 200–202 in pictures, 61, 62, 63, 64,65 U

pie charts, 174 Ó Ualign key ( ÑØ ), 109, 110

printing, 167 ulcircle (metafun), 74 

text (ÑØ ), 57, 59 Ô Ó×Ø ulft syntax (ÑØ ), 61

textext (latexMP), 64 ultriangle (metafun), 74 Ô Ó×Ø

textual (ÑØ ), 67 UML diagrams Ó

Tf (ÑØ ), 96, 114 activities 

.tfm file extension (ÑØ ), 61, 70 beginning, 187 Ô Ó×Ø thelabel (ÑØ ), 62, 63, 142, 206 constructing, 187 ticks, 158, 159 ending, 187 tightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 actors, 187

tiling, 147–150 arrows, 188  time (ÑØ ), 68 associations, 186 \tlabel (mfpic), 134, 135 between object centers, 186

\tmarks (mfpic), 129 between objects, 185 Ó

Tn (ÑØ ), 82 braces, 188 Ô Ó×Ø

top syntax (ÑØ ), 61 class relations, 184 Ó

Toval_ (ÑØ ), 98 class templates, typesetting, 183 Ó

Tr_ (ÑØ ), 96 overview, 181  transform (ÑØ ), 53 paths transformer (makecirc), 197, 199, 202 arbitrary, relations between, 184 transistor (makecirc), 197, 199, 201 between object centers, 186

transparency, 75, 150, 151 between objects, 185 Ó

Tree (ÑØ class), 86, 106, 113 lines, 185 Ó

treemode key ( ÑØ ), 108–113, 118 Manhattan, 184 Ó trees (ÑØ ) rectangular, 184 aligning, 107, 108 stair-like, 184, 185 flipping, 110 rectangular, 184 framing, 112, 113 sample, 181 horizontal fans, 113, 114, 115 stair-like, 184 left to right, 109 states mixed directions, 110 composite, 188 mixed objects, 111 defining, 187 overlapping subtrees, 111 internal transitions, 188 overview, 105 special, 188 right to left, 108 stereotypes, defining, 183 root at the bottom, 109 template objects, creating, 184

separating, 111 use cases, 186 

vertical fans, 113, 114, 115 unfill (ÑØ ), 56, 151, 163, 165, 206  tripplearrow (cmarrows), 189 uniformdeviate (ÑØ ), 53, 204, 210 troff program, 64, 65, 75 unit length, basic (mfpic), 132

tropicalglobe (featpost), 209 unitcircle (metafun), 74  true (ÑØ ), 56 unitdiamond (metafun), 74

TUG home page, 810, 811 \unitlength (emp), 121  \turn (mfpic), 134, 136 unitsquare (ÑØ ), 74, 75, 151, 153

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i i


ÑØ AND (U–Z) 895


unitvector (ÑØ ), 191 whatever ( ), 160, 162, 166, 190 

until (ÑØ ), 55 \whiledo (mfpic), 136

ÑØ Ô Ó×Ø upto ( ), 56 white (ÑØ ), 60

urcircle (metafun), 74 wire (makecirc), 196, 198, 199–202 Ô Ó×Ø

urcorner (ÑØ ), 142, 150 wireU (makecirc), 200, 202 Ô Ó×Ø

urt syntax (ÑØ ), 61 wiring type, 198 Ô Ó×Ø urtriangle (metafun), 74 withcolor (ÑØ ), 62, 66, 74, 79, 149, 158, 159,

use cases, UML, 186 161–163, 165, 167 Ô Ó×Ø

Usecase (metaUML), 186 withdots (ÑØ ), 88, 162 Ô Ó×Ø

\usecenteredcaptions (mfpic), 124 within (ÑØ ), 66, 67, 146, 150 

\usemetapost (mfpic), 124 withpen (ÑØ ), 158 Ô Ó×Ø \usemplabels (mfpic), 124 write (ÑØ ), 68 \usetruebbox (mfpic), 124 X V

\xaxis (mfpic), 128 Ó

valign key ( ÑØ ), 116 xetex program, 798, 803 

vardef (ÑØ ), 57, 78 \xmarks (mfpic), 129, 130 Ó

VBox (ÑØ class), 100, 102, 106 

xpart (ÑØ ), 53, 56, 198 Ó

vbsep key ( ÑØ ), 103 xpdf program, 804 Ô Ó×Ø

verbatimtex (ÑØ ), 63, 124, 175  xscaled (ÑØ ), 149

Verhulst diagrams, 195 .gf (bitmap) output files, 69, 70 Ó

vertical fans, trees (ÑØ ), 113, 114, 115 .tfm (metric) output files, 69 Ó VFan (ÑØ class), 113, 114

viewcentr (featpost), 209 Y Ó visible key ( ÑØ ), 85

\yaxis (mfpic), 128 Ó VonKochFlake (ÑØ class), 105

\ymarks (mfpic), 129 Ó

VRazor (ÑØ class), 83, 114 

ypart (ÑØ ), 53, 56, 198 Ó

vsep key ( ÑØ ), 110–113  VTeX program, 797 yscaled (ÑØ ), 55, 149

W Z Ó wedge of a circle (mfpic), 129 zigzag lines (ÑØ ), 94 wget program, 814 zlib program, 799

i i ch-end.tex,v: 1.24 2007/06/15 i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 896 — #78 i i

A panion The L phics Companion The L mpanion The L CompanionThe L TheGraphics L CompanionL The L A phics CompanionT The L mpanion The L phics CompanionT The L The L mpanion The L nion TheE L ion TheE L panion The L on The L X GraphicsCompanion Companionhe L Theaphics L The L Companionpanion The L Thecs L Companionon The L Th Graphicsompanion CompanioneL The The L L nTheLGraphics CompanioneL The L ion The L Graphics CompanionL The L X GraphicsCompanion CompanionThe L Theraphics The L L CompanionL Theics L Companion TheX Graphics L Companion The L A ics Companion The L T E Companion The L E Companion The L A A T Grap The L X Graphics Companion The X Graphics Companion The L T E Companion The L A A T E X Graphics Compan T E E X Graphics Companion The A T X Graphics Companion Th X Graphics Companion Th A E E A A T X Graphics Companion T X Graphics Companion T T E aphics CompanionA The L A T T E X Graphics Companion T E E X Graphics Companion A A T X Graphics Companio X Graphics Companio A E E A A T T X Graphics Compan X Graphics Compani T E A T T E X Graphics Compa E T T E E X Graphics Compa A A X Graphics Comp X Graphics Comp A T E E A A T T X Graphics Com X Graphics Com T E E A T E X Graphics Co X Graphics T E E X Graphics Co A A X Graphics C X Graphics C A T E A A T T The L X Graphics T E E A T E X Graphic X Graphic T E E X Graphic A A X Graphi XGraph A T E A A T T XGrap T E E A anion TA T E XGra XGra T T E E XGra A A



ia r n t g

l A e


i t





m I

3B 2.0

p -4.0

o -3.0

r -2.0 t -2.0 1.0

a I2A -1.0 -1.0 n

t 1.0 l 1.0

i C 2.0 I n 2 2.0

3.0 e -1.0 I3 s .0

a n I d 2B IA IB c i r BOB I2C c I l e I3A A s a n I d I1C C so m e 3 B z-D magic I1B I1A I3C 4.0 AOB

3.0 I1 -5.0 2.0 -4.0 -4.0 -3.0 -3.0

-2.0 1.0 -2.0


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E n

T L X m A n 1.0 h o a 1.0 T e G C p o T T E rap ics i 2.0 X h m n 2.0 h LA n n h h G o a n e T r C p o 3.0 -1.0 3.0 E aphics i o o e e L X m n A o a i i 4.0 4.0 T Gra s C p LA EX phic n L G om a n x y A T raphics C p a T EX m p EX Gra s Co phic om Graphics C

i i

i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 897 — #79 i i


Symbols ^ syntax (pst-node), 356 \( (pst-pdf), 800 _ syntax (pst-node), 356 (-) key value (pstricks), 261 ]- key value (pstricks), 260 \) (pst-pdf), 800 ]-[ key value (pstricks), 261 ]-o pstricks )-( key value (pstricks), 261 key value ( ), 260 ]-| key value (pstricks), 260 * key value (pstricks), 252 | key value (pstricks), 252 **-** key value (pstricks), 261 |*-|* key value (pstricks), 261 *-* key value (pstricks), 261 |-| key value (pstricks), 261 *0 key value (pstricks), 267 |<->| key value (pstricks), 261 *D key value (pstricks), 270, 271 |>-<| key value (pstricks), 261 *L key value (pstricks), 270, 271 3-D coordinates, 219 *R pstricks key value ( ), 270, 271 3-D parallel projections pstricks *U key value ( ), 270, 271 3-D lines, 402 pstricks + key value ( ), 252 boxes, 404 - key value (pstricks), 261 circles, 405 -) key value (pstricks), 263, 264 coordinate axes, specifying, 401, 402 -<< key value (pstricks), 260 dotted lines, 402 -> key value (pstricks), 259, 260, 262, 264 ellipses, 405 -] key value (pstricks), 260, 264 keywords for -o key value (pstricks), 264 axes labels, moving, renaming, 413 <-> key value (pstricks), 261 circular arcs, 412 <<- key value (pstricks), 260 coordinate system rotation, 410 <<->> key value (pstricks), 261 dimension scale, changing, 411 > syntax (pst-node), 356 drawing style, 414, 415 >- key value (pstricks), 260 edge appearance, 412 >-< key value (pstricks), 261 elliptical arcs, 412 >>-<< key value (pstricks), 261 hidden lines, drawing, 415, 416 [-] key value (pstricks), 261 list of, 410 \jobname.tmp file (pst-tree), 376 plane, specifying, 413 { } (curly braces), 304 plot points, 411

i i

i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 898 — #80 i i

898 (Symbols–A) PSTricks

3-D parallel projections (cont.) angleB key (pst-node), 338, 342–345, 348, 349, 351, 352, 353, positioning the origin, 414 360, 361 spherical coordinates, 416 angles suppressing coordinate axes, 411 connections, 351 plotting mathematical functions and data, 407–409 in arguments, 218 rectangles, 404 specifications, 218, 302 spheres, 406 Apollonius circles, 456 square, 403 arcangle key (pst-node), 341, 347, 349, 351, 355 triangle, 403 arcangleA key (pst-node), 349, 351 3-D representation arcangleB key (pst-node), 349, 351 buttons, 447 arced box connections, 347 framed objects, 447 \ArcL (vaucanson-g), 440 geometric objects, 445, 446 arcs grids, 447 3-D parallel projections hidden lines or surfaces, 445 circular, 412 keywords, 395 elliptical, 412 light effects, 447 bent lines, 238 normal vector direction, 397–399 commands for, 241, 242 rotating, 397, 399 ellipses, 243 shading, 394 separation, 247 sides hiding sides, 397 arcsep key (pstricks), 247, 248 types of objects, 393 arcsepA key (pstricks), 247 view angle, 397 arcsepB key (pstricks), 247 viewpoint, 395, 396, 397 \ARG (rrgtrees), 425 views, 219, 397 arm key (pst-node), 341, 349, 351, 352, 360 3-D views, 219 armA key (pst-node), 343, 344, 349, 351, 352, 360 armB key (pst-node), 344, 345, 349, 351, 352 @ armB key value (pst-node), 342 array env., 361 \@ifnextchar, 328 \arraycolsep rigid length, 364 arrayjob package, 322 A \arraystretch, 364 a key value (pst-tree), 380 ArrowA (PostScript), 294, 295 \AAJ (rrgtrees), 425 ArrowB (PostScript), 294, 295 absolute key value (pstricks), 235, 239 ArrowFill key (pstricks-add), 418, 419, 420 absorption key (pst-spectra), 432 arrowinset key absorption spectra, 432 (pstricks-add), 419 Acrobat Distiller program, 797, 798 (pstricks), 260, 262 active option (pst-pdf), 800 ArrowInside key (pstricks-add), 418, 419, 420 Add key value (pstricks), 252 ArrowInsideNo key (pstricks-add), 419 addfillstyle key (pstricks), 253, 257 ArrowInsideOffset key (pstricks-add), 419 \addto@pscode (pstricks), 292, 305 ArrowInsidePos key (pstricks-add), 419 Adobe Reader program, 804, 817 arrowlength key (pstricks), 260, 262 affected key (pst-pdgr), 431 arrows algebraic key (pstricks-add), 423 creating your own, 264, 265 alignment, tree node labels, 379, 381, 382 custom style, 295, 418, 419, 420 all key value (pst-plot), 315, 318, 319 inside lines and curves, 419 Alpha key (pst-3dplot), 401, 408, 409, 410, 411 keywords for, 260–264, 418 \AltClipMode (pstricks), 276 length, 262 \altcolormode (pstricks), 304 line termination, 259, 260, 261, 263 amplitude1 key (pst-osci), 434 notch depth, 262 amsmath package, 361 pre-defined, 259–261 angle key (pst-node), 297, 299, 300, 343, 349, 351, 352 round bracket termination, 263 angleA key (pst-node), 342–345, 346, 348, 349, 351, 352, 360, rounded ends, 261 361 scaling factor, 264

i i ch-end.tex,v: 1.24 2007/06/15 i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 899 — #81 i i

PSTricks (A–B) 899

arrows (cont.) beginAngle key (pst-3dplot), 405, 410, 412, 416 size, 261 belowtext key (pst-pdgr), 431 square bracket termination, 263 bending lines, 238 strut width, 263 Beta key (pst-3dplot), 401, 408, 409, 410, 411 transparent, unfilled, 419 Bézier curves unfilled, inside, 420 connections, 345, 352 \arrows (pstricks), 294, 295 drawing, 244, 245, 291 arrows key (pstricks), 235, 237, 259, 260, 262–264 \bhpBox (tlgc), 274 arrowscale key (pstricks), 260, 263, 264, 365, 419 bibtex program, 801, 806 arrowsize key (pstricks), 260, 261, 262 black key value (pstricks), 216, 235 art, geometry, 456, 457 blank spaces, tree nodes, 369 Asterisk key value (pstricks), 252 \blue (pstricks), 216 asterisk key value (pstricks), 252 blue key value (pstricks), 216, 221, 232 \attributeof (pst-dbicons), 445 blur key (pst-blur), 450 auto key value (pst-fill), 386 blurradius key (pst-blur), 450 automata, 438, 439–442 blurred shadows, 450 aux file (pst-tree), 376 Bo key value (pstricks), 252 axes BoldAdd key value (pstricks), 252 3-D parallel projections BoldAsterisk key value (pstricks), 252 labels, moving, 413 BoldBar key value (pstricks), 252 renaming, 413 BoldCircle key value (pstricks), 252 specifying, 401, 402 BoldDiamond key value (pstricks), 252 suppressing, 411 BoldHexagon key value (pstricks), 252 plots BoldMul key value (pstricks), 252 origin, 316 BoldOplus key value (pstricks), 252 specifying, 319 BoldOtimes key value (pstricks), 252 axes key value (pst-plot), 314, 315 BoldPentagon key value (pstricks), 252 axesstyle key (pst-plot), 314, 315, 316, 321, 322, 391, 392 BoldSquare key value (pstricks), 252 BoldTriangle key value (pstricks), 252 B Boolean keys, 311, 312 b key value (pst-tree), 380 border key (pstricks), 235, 239, 281, 346, 347 B+ key value (pstricks), 252 bordercolor key (pstricks), 235, 239 B-cp key value (tlgc), 265 borders, 239 BALLON key (pst-labo), 433 bottom key value (pst-plot), 315, 320 Bar key value (pstricks), 252 bounding boxes \Bar (pst-3d), 390 creating, 220, 221 bar charts, 450 shifting, 221–223 bar codes, 453 tree nodes, 378 barstyle key (pst-bar), 450 boxes, see also frames baseColor key (pst-fractal), 456 % (percent sign), comment character, 277 Basterisk key value (pstricks), 252 3-D parallel projections, 404 bbd key (pst-tree), 370, 378 clipping, 274, 275, 276 bbh key (pst-tree), 370, 378 commands for, 271–273 bbl key (pst-tree), 370, 378 connection lines bbllx key (pst-eps), 457 drawing, 346, 347 bblly key (pst-eps), 457 size, 353 bbr key (pst-tree), 370, 378 diamond-shaped, 273 bburx key (pst-eps), 457 double frame, 272 bbury key (pst-eps), 457 equilateral triangle, 273 Bdiamond key value (pstricks), 252 framing, 270 beamer document class, 440 ignoring spaces, 277 \begin@AltOpenObj (pstricks), 307 internal margins, 270 \begin@ClosedObj (pstricks), 307 isosceles triangle, 273 \begin@OpenObj (pstricks), 307 keywords for, 270, 271 \begin@SpecialObj (pstricks), 307 math, 278, 279

i i ch-end.tex,v: 1.24 2007/06/15 i i i i “tlgc2” — 2007/8/17 — 15:24 — page 900 — #82 i i

900 (B–C) PSTricks

boxes (cont.) CircMultiply key value (tlgc), 250 oval-shaped, 273 CircPlus key value (tlgc), 250 rotating, 276, 277 circular scaling, 276, 277 connection lines, 346 separation, 270 nodes, 337, 338, 350 shadows, 272 civil engineering analysis, 436 simple, 271 \CLAUSE (rrgtrees), 425 size, 270, 273, 274 \clipbox (pstricks), 274, 275 triangular frames, 271, 273 clipping boxes, 274, 275, 276 verbatim, 278, 279 \closedshadow (pstricks), 289, 290 boxfill key value (pstricks), 253, 255, 257 \closepath (pstricks), 284 boxfill option (pst-fill), 383 closepath (PostScript), 284, 294 boxsep key (pstricks), 270, 273 closing paths, 284 boxsize key (pst-node), 346, 347, 349, 353, 355 cm-> key value (tlgc), 264 Bpentagon key value (pstricks), 252 cm-cm key value (tlgc), 264 br key value (pstricks), 267 cm-cp key value (tlgc), 264 bracketlength key (pstricks), 260, 263, 265 cmyk key (pst-lens), 452 Bsquare key value (pstricks), 252 \Cnode (pst-node), 338, 350–352, 363, 365 Btriangle key value (pstricks), 252 \cnode (pst-node), 273, 337, 338, 351, 353–361 Bullet key value (pstricks), 252 \cnodeput (pst-node), 338 buttons, 3-D, 447 \code (pstricks), 234, 280, 292, 293–295, 305, 327 B| key value (pstricks), 252 coilaspect key (pst-coil), 455 coilheight key (pst-coil), 455 C coils, 455 C key value (pst-node), 362, 363 coilwidth key (pst-coil), 455 C syntax (pstricks), 260, 261 color c key value (pst-node), 362 conflicts, resolving, 304 c syntax (pstricks), 260, 261 fills, 255 C-C key value (pstricks), 261 gradients, 448–450 c-c key value (pstricks), 261 lines, 235 calc package, 323 overview, 216 calendars, 452 setting, 295 Cartesian coordinates, 224–226, 296 \color, 216 cc syntax (pstricks), 260 color package, 215, 216, 235, 304 cc-cc key value (pstricks), 261 colsep key (pst-node), 362, 363–365 ccurve key value (pst-plot), 332, 333, 334 columns, matrices cells, matrices combining, 362 empty cells, nodes for, 363 hooks, 362 names, 364 width, 365 spacing, 364 comma key (pstricks-add), 418 changeOrder key (pstricks-add), 422 command summary, 459–466 charts, see graphs commands, 219, 220 Circle key value (pstricks), 252 comment indicator, percent sign (%), 277 \Circle (tlgc), 255, 257 commenting out grids, 230, 231 circle key value (pst-node), 362, 363 components \circledipole (pst-circ), 435 basic packages, loading, 215, 216 \circlenode (pst-node), 338, 363 color, 216 circles kernel, 214, 215 3-D parallel projections, 405 Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork,see CTAN center, specifying, 241, 242 connections, see also lines, see also nodes degrees in, specifying, 218 labels fills, 241 above the line, 357–359 keywords for, 247–249 below the line, 357–359 overview, 240 horizontal center, 359 sectors, 242 middle of line, 353, 354

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PSTricks (C–D) 901

connections (cont.) \cput on specified segments, 355 (pst-node), 338 on the line, 357–359 (pstricks), 269, 272 positioning, 357–359 crosshatch key value (pstricks), 253, 255–257, 258 relative position, 356 crosshatch fills, 255 rotating, 354, 357 crosshatch* key value (pstricks), 253, 255 short forms, 356 crossing lines, 239 vertical center, 359 CTAN (Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork) package description (pst-node), 334, 335 archived files, finding and transferring, 813 pst-coil, 455 description, 810 to node center, 347, 348 files, from the command line, 814 to node edge TEX file catalogue, 811 angle, 351 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 arced box, 347 curly braces ({ }), 304 Bézier curves, 345, 352 curvature key pst-plot box lines, 346, 347 ( ), 333 pstricks 247 248 box size, 353 ( ), , , 249 curve key value (pst-plot), 323, 332, 333 circular lines, 346 curved line connections, 341, 351, 369, 376 curved, 341, 351 curves diagonal lines, 342, 343 arc separation, 247 gradient angle, 351 Bézier, 244, 245, 291 looped lines, 345, 352 coordinates relative to current point, 292 multiple per node, 360, 361 curvature control, 247 parallel lines, 353 gradients, 248, 249 railroad diagrams, 345 keywords for, 247–249 segment arms, 352 mathematical plots, closing, 333 segmented line, 342, 344 overview, 240 segments, counting, 355 parabolas, 245 segments, maximum number of, 354 pen behavior, 240 separation from nodes, 350, 351 points, displaying, 237 straight line, 341 smooth continuum spectra, 432 Bézier curves, 244, 245 convert program, 806 overview, 244 \coor (pstricks), 293, 294 through a list of points, 245, 246 coordinates \curveto (pstricks), 291, 292 3-D, 219 curveto (PostScript), 291, 295 3-D parallel projections, rotating, 410 cyan key value (pstricks), 216 angle specifications, 302 \CylindreThreeD (pst-vue3d), 445 axes, specifying, 401, 402 calculating with PostScript, 296, 297, 298 D Cartesian, 296 D key value (pstricks), 270, 271 default, 219, 296 d key value (pstricks), 269 determining, 296 darkgray key value (pstricks), 216, 235 double, 298, 299 dash key (pstricks), 235, 236, 300 overview, 223, 224 dashed key value (pstricks), 220, 221, 235, 236, 240, 281, 300, 302 plotting functions and data, 314 dashed lines, 235, 240 polar, 296 \dashedV (tlgc), 280 relative translations, 299, 300 dashes, 236 saving and restoring, 288, 305 \Data (tlgc), 328 units, calculating, 421, 422 dataError.dat file (tlgc), 328, 329 \CORE (rrgtrees), 425 \dataplot (pst-plot), 323, 325 Corners key (pst-ob3d), 446 \dataplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), 409 CornersColor key (pst-ob3d), 446 deceased key (pst-pdgr), 431 cornersize key (pstricks), 233, 235, 238, 239 Decran key (pst-vue3d), 445

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902 (D–E) PSTricks

\def, 328 dots (cont.) \define@boolkey (pst-xkey), 311 definition, 249, 250 \define@key (pst-xkey), 311, 312 keywords for, 251 \definecolor (color), 235, 258, 259 pre-defined styles, 251 \definecolorseries (xcolor), 459 rotating coordinates, 252 \defineTColor (pstricks-add), 257 size, 251 \DefList (pst-asr), 424 dots key value (pst-plot), 332, 333 \degrees (pstricks), 218, 219, 296, 297 dotscale key (pstricks), 236, 238, 251, 252, 298, 300, 302, 340 degrees, specifying for circles, 218 dotsep key (pstricks), 235, 236 dia key value (pst-node), 362, 363 dotsize key (pstricks), 236, 238, 250–252, 340 diagonal connections, 342, 343, 377 dotstyle key (pstricks), 249, 250–252, 298, 340 diagrams dotted key value (pstricks), 221, 235, 236, 240, 281, 300 ER, 442–445 dotted lines, 235, 236, 240, 402 graphs double coordinates, 298, 299 rotating, 327 double frame boxes, 272 within text, 439–442 double lines, 236 UML, 442–445 doublecolor key (pstricks), 235, 236, 241 Diamond key value (pstricks), 252 doubleline key (pstricks), 235, 236, 238, 269, 281 diamond key value (pstricks), 252 doublesep key (pstricks), 235, 236, 241 diamond* key value (pstricks), 252 dr key value (pstricks), 269 diamond-shaped boxes, 273, 339 draft option (pst-pdf), 800 diamonds, 233 drawCoor key (pst-3dplot), 402–404, 411 \dianode (pst-node), 339, 363 \drawedge (gastex), 439 differential equations, plotting, 424 drawing key (pst-3dplot), 410, 411 \dim (pstricks), 292, 293 \drawloop (gastex), 439 dimen key drawStyle key (pst-3dplot), 410, 414, 415, 416 (pst-node), 344 duplicate macro names, 458 (pstricks), 235, 237 dvipdfm program, 797, 798, 803 dimension keys, 312 dvipdfmx program, 797–799, 803, 804, 806 dimension scale, changing, 411 dvips program, 305, 306, 797–801, 803–806 \diode (pst-circ), 435 Dx key (pst-plot), 224, 315, 317, 318, 324, 325 dirA key (pst-jtree), 425 dx key (pst-plot), 315, 317, 318, 319, 324, 325 displaymath env. (pst-pdf), 800 Dy key (pst-plot), 315, 317, 318 displaymath option (pst-pdf), 800 dy key (pst-plot), 315, 317, 318, 319 \displaystyle (tex), 278 \Distillation (pst-labo), 433 E dIter key (pst-fractal), 456, 457 ecurve key value (pst-plot), 332, 333, 334 dl key value (pstricks), 269 ED (PostScript), 365 \DoCoordinate (tlgc), 329 \edef (tex), 304 documentation, see also online resources edge key (pst-tree), 370, 376, 377 command-line interface, 815 \EdgeL (vaucanson-g), 440 panel interface, 816 edges, 3-D parallel projections, 412 search by name, 815 electrical circuits, pst-circ package, 435 search by product, 816 element key (pst-spectra), 432 texdoc, 815 ellipses texdock, 816 3-D parallel projections, 405 \dolinks (rrgtrees), 425 arcs, 243 \DontKillGlue (pstricks), 223, 303 drawing, 243 dot key value (pst-node), 362, 363 keywords for, 247–249 dotangle key (pstricks), 251, 252 overview, 240 dotGrid key value (tlgc), 228, 229 sectors, 243, 244 \dotnode (pst-node), 339, 340, 363 embedangle key (pst-3d), 395, 399 dots emission spectra, 432 as nodes, 340 emnode key (pst-node), 362, 363 defining, 250, 251 \empty, 380

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PSTricks (E–F) 903

\end@ClosedObj (pstricks), 307 fills (cont.) \end@OpenObj (pstricks), 307 crosshatch, 255 \end@SpecialObj (pstricks), 307 debugging, 387 endAngle key (pst-3dplot), 405, 410, 412, 416 horizontal lines, 254 endX key (makeplot), 430 keywords for, 253, 383–387 endY key (makeplot), 430 line color, 257 \entity (pst-dbicons), 445 line distance, 256 .eps file extension (pst-eps), 457 line gradient, 257 epstopdf program, 804, 806 line width, 256 eqnarray env. (pst-pdf), 800 overview, 253 equation env. (pst-pdf), 800 package description (pst-fill), 383 equilateral triangle boxes, 273 paths, 285 ER diagrams, 442–445 rotating patterns, 384 error margins, mathematical plots, 329 row/column shifting, 385 error messages, mathematical plots, 330 simple patterns, 383 Euclidean geometry, 426 solid, 254 \everypsbox (pstricks), 278, 359 standard styles for, 253 extensions, lines, 234 tile separation, 384 vertical lines, 254 F whitespace, 256 f key value (pst-node), 362, 363 with graphics, 387 \FanEnd (rrgtrees), 425 with objects, 255 fanned tree nodes, 369 without marginal lines, 286 fansize key (pst-tree), 370 fillsep key (pst-fill), 384 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809, see also online fillsepx key (pst-fill), 384, 385 resources fillsepy key (pst-fill), 384, 385 \fbox, 270, 272 fillsize key (pst-fill), 384, 386 \fboxrule rigid length, 272 fillstyle key \fboxsep rigid length, 270, 272 (pst-fill), 383–387 female key (pst-pdgr), 431 (pstricks), 220, 233, 253, 254–257, 279, 281, 284, 285, 289, \file (pstricks), 280, 294 392, 448, 449, 451 \fileplot (pst-plot), 323, 324, 325 final option (pst-pdf), 800 \fileplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), 408, 409 finite state diagrams, 438–442 files, inserting, 294 floating point number keys, 312 \fill (pstricks), 285, 286 Flower key value (tlgc), 250 fill (PostScript), 285 \fmark (gastex), 439 fillangle key (pst-fill), 384 \fnode (pst-node), 340, 350, 363 fillcolor key (pstricks), 220, 233, 253, 254–256, 285, 289, 338, \focalPoint (tlgc), 310, 311 392 four corner node definition, 336 fillcycle key (pst-fill), 384, 385 fp package, 458 fillcyclex key (pst-fill), 384, 385, 387 fractals, 456, 457 fillcycley key (pst-fill), 384, 385 frame key value (pst-plot), 314–316 fillloopadd key (pst-fill), 383, 384, 386, 387 framearc key (pstricks), 233, 235, 238, 239, 258, 271, 272 fillloopaddx key (pst-fill), 384, 386 FrameBoxThreeDColorHSB key (pst-fr3d), 447 fillloopaddy key (pst-fill), 384, 386 FrameBoxThreeDOn key (pst-fr3d), 447 fillmove key (pst-fill), 384, 385 frames, see also boxes fillmovex key (pst-fill), 384, 385, 386 3-D objects, 447 fillmovey key (pst-fill), 384, 385, 386 boxes, 270 filloopadd key (pst-fill), 386 nodes, 340, 350 fills, see also tiling rounded corners, 238, 239 automatic vs. manual, 383, 386 framesep key (pstricks), 270, 271, 272 circles, 241 framesize key (pst-node), 340, 349, 350 color, 255 \FrameThreeD (pst-vue3d), 445 complex patterns, 386 \FRectangle (tlgc), 383 creating your own, 257 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), see online resources

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904 (F–I) PSTricks

\FSquare (tlgc), 383 grids (cont.) full key value (pst-plot), 315, 320 width, specifying, 226 \func (tlgc), 406 overview, 224–226 subdivisions G creating, 227, 228 gangle key (pstricks), 233, 235 line color, 228 gastex package, 438, 439 line width, 228 geographical representations, 438 gridstyle key value (pstricks), 222 geometric objects, 3-D, 445, 446 GridThreeDNodes key (pst-gr3d), 447 geometry GridThreeDXPos key (pst-gr3d), 447 Apollonius circles, 456 GridThreeDYPos key (pst-gr3d), 447 fractals, 456, 457 gridwidth key (pstricks), 226, 227, 228 Koch flake, 456 \gsave (pstricks), 285, 286, 288, 290 Mandelbrot set, 456 gsave (PostScript), 276, 284, 285, 286, 305, 306 Phyllotaxis, 457 Sierpinski triangle, 456 H ghostscript program, 330, 798 Hénon attractor, 326, 327 ghostview program, 804 hatchangle key (pstricks), 253, 254, 255–257 glue, 303 hatchcolor key (pstricks), 253, 255, 256, 257, 279, 285 gnuplot program, 330 hatchsep key (pstricks), 253, 256, 279 gradient angle connections, 351 hatchsepinc key (pstricks), 253, 256 gradients hatchwidth key (pstricks), 253, 255, 256, 279, 285 color, 448–450 hatchwidthinc key (pstricks), 253, 255, 256 curves, 248, 249 \hbox (tex), 270 graphics package, 277 header files, 302, 303 graphicx package, 800 help, see online resources graphs, see also diagrams, see also plotting Hexagon key value (pstricks), 252 rotating, 327 hexagons, 308, 309 within text, 439–442 hidden lines pstricks gray key value ( ), 216 3-D, 445 pstricks green key value ( ), 216, 241 algorithms, 414 pstricks \grestore ( ), 285, 286, 288, 290 drawing, 415, 416 grestore PostScript ( ), 276, 284, 285, 286, 305, 306 hidden surfaces, 3-D, 445 gridcolor key hiddenLine key (pst-3dplot), 406, 410, 411, 414 pst-gr3d ( ), 447 hiding/showing tick marks, 316 pstricks 226 227 ( ), , , 228 high level macros, 309, 310 griddots key highlighting grids, 226 (pst-plot), 332 hlines key value (pstricks), 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 281 (pstricks), 226, 227, 228 hlines* key value (pstricks), 253, 254, 255 gridlabelcolor key (pstricks), 227 hooklength key (pstricks-add), 418 gridlabels key (pstricks), 227, 228, 394 hookwidth key (pstricks-add), 418 grids horizontal lines, fills, 254 3-D, 447 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 Cartesian coordinate system, 224–226 href key (pst-node), 348, 349 commands, defining new, 228 HRInner key (tlgc), 308, 309 commenting out, 230, 231 \ht (tex), 229–231 creating, 225 hyperlinks, slides, 797–818 embellishing pictures, 229, 230 hyperref package, 798, 803–805 highlighting, 226 labels font size, 227 I positioning, 225, 226 iangle key (gastex), 439 lines \IBox (tlgc), 229–231 color, specifying, 226, 227 \ifcase, 322 dotted, 226, 227 ifthen package, 323

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PSTricks (I–L) 905

illustrations, see pictures keywords (cont.) images, see pictures suppressing coordinate axes, 411 \imark (gastex), 439 3-D representation, 395 inactive option (pst-pdf), 800 arrows, 260–264, 418 infix (algebraic) notation, 429, 430 boxes, 270, 271 infix-RPN package, 430 circles, 247–249 \infixtoRPN (pst-infixplot), 430 curves, 247–249 information theory, 439–442 dots, 251 \Initial (vaucanson-g), 440 ellipses, 247–249 inner key value (pstricks), 237 fills, 253, 383–387 \input (tex), 214 lines, 234 integer keys, 312 nodes, 370–378 intensitycolor key (pst-circ), 435 polygons, 234 intensitylabelcolor key (pst-circ), 435 pspicture environment, 221–223 intensitywidth key (pst-circ), 435 PSTricks, summary, 459–466 invisibleLineStyle key (pst-3dplot), 410, 415 symbols, 251 isosceles triangle boxes, 273 trees, 370–378 isosceles triangles, 233 \KillGlue (pstricks), 223, 303 Koch flake, 456 J L \jobname (pst-tree), 376 .jpeg file extension (pst-pdf), 806 L key value (pstricks), 270, 271 \jtlong (pst-jtree), 425 l key value \jtree (pst-jtree), 425 (pst-node), 362 (pst-tree), 380 K (pstricks), 269 lab apparatus, 433 key key (pst-dbicons), 445 labels key/value interface 3-D parallel projection axes, moving, 413 Boolean keys, 311, 312 centering on objects, 269 defining commands with, 310–312 commands for, 267 defining new keywords, 311 connections dimension keys, 312 above the line, 357–359 floating point number keys, 312 below the line, 357–359 integer keys, 312 horizontal center, 359 low-level declaration, 310–312 middle of line, 353, 354 real number keys, 312 on specified segments, 355 string keys, 312 on the line, 357–359 key/value specification, 217 positioning, 357–359 keyval package, 217 relative position, 356 keywords rotating, 354, 357 3-D parallel projections short forms, 356 axes labels, moving, renaming, 413 vertical center, 359 circular arcs, 412 coordinate axes, 268 coordinate system rotation, 410 directions, short forms, 238 dimension scale, changing, 411 grids drawing style, 414, 415 font size (labels), 227 edge appearance, 412 positioning, 225, 226 elliptical arcs, 412 overwriting, 267 hidden lines, drawing, 415, 416 plots list of, 410 axis origin, 316 plane, specifying, 413 axis, specifying, 318 plot points, 411 fonts (labels), 318 positioning the origin, 414 hiding, 316 spherical coordinates, 416 omitting, 319

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906 (L) PSTricks

labels (cont.) lines (cont.) origin, hiding, 319 color placing, 315 fills, 257 point of origin, 316 grid subdivisions, 228 spacing, 317 user defined, 235 symbols as, 322, 323 crossing, 239 text as, 322, 323 custom styles, 282, 283, 285–291 points in a graphic, 268 double, 236 reference points, 266 drawing, 231, 232 rotation angle, 266 end markings, 237, 238 tree nodes extensions, 234 aligning, 379, 381, 382 fills, distance, 256 creating, 379 from current point, 285–291 examples of, 380 gradient fills, 257 positioning, 378 grids separation, 381 color, specifying, 226, 227 labels key (pst-plot), 315, 318, 319–322 dotted, 226, 227 labelsep key (pstricks), 240, 265, 268, 314, 315, 318, 345, 357 width, specifying, 226 latex program, 797, 800, 801, 803, 804, 806 hidden line algorithm, 414 hidden, drawing, 415, 416 LATEX files, obtaining web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 keywords for, 234 lB key value (pstricks), 267 mathematical plots, customized, 328 lb key value (pstricks), 229, 231, 267 positioning, 237 styles length custom, 282, 283, 285–291 arrows, 262 dashed, 235, 236, 240 ticks, 321 dotted, 235, 236, 240, 402 units fills, 256 converting to T X, 293 E grid subdivisions, 228 setting and changing, 217 solid, 235 \lens (pst-optic), 434 width, 228, 256 lenses, 434 width, 228, 234, 256 lensGlass pst-optic key ( ), 434 zigzag, 455 LensMagnification key (pst-lens), 452 lines key value (pst-plot), 330 lensScale key (pst-optic), 434 linestyle key (pstricks), 220, 235, 236, 276, 285, 315, 316, 332 levelsep key (pst-tree), 370, 372, 373, 374, 375–377, 382 \lineto (pstricks), 291 liftpen key (pstricks), 235, 240, 282, 283, 286–288 lineto (PostScript), 291, 294 ff light e ects, 3-D, 447 linetype key (pstricks), 235, 240 lightgray key value (pstricks), 216, 223 linewidth key (pstricks), 220, 230, 232, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, LightThreeDColorPsCommand key (pst-light3d), 447 248, 249, 251, 259, 261, 262, 268, 269, 281, 285 line key value (pst-plot), 323, 332, 333 linguistics, 424, 425 lineAngle key (pstricks-add), 418 Lissajou figures, 332 linear rays, 434 \listplot linearc key (pstricks), 232, 235, 238–240, 343, 345, 352, 355, (pst-plot), 323, 325, 326, 327 360 (pstricks-add), 421 lineColor key (pst-3dplot), 402 \listplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), 409 linecolor key \loop (pstricks-add), 422 (pst-node), 346, 347 looped connection lines, 345, 352 (pstricks), 219, 231–234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 281, 283, 285, looping, 422 296, 298 \LoopL (vaucanson-g), 440 linejoin key (pst-3dplot), 234, 410, 412 \LoopN (vaucanson-g), 440 lines, see also connections, see also paths \LoopS (vaucanson-g), 440 3-D parallel projections, 402 loopsize key (pst-node), 344, 345, 349, 352 bending, 238 loose key (pst-tree), 373 borders, 239 low level macros, 307–309

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PSTricks (L–N) 907

lozenges, horizontal, 233 mathematics LR (restricted horizontal Left-Right) mode, 269 drawing polygons, 431 lrbox env., 276 Euclidean geometry, 426 infix (algebraic) notation, 429, 430 plotting matlab files, 430 M plotting special functions, 427 macros Poisson distribution, 427 assigned to tree node edges, 377 PostScript extensions, 428 duplicate names, 458 RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), 430 high level, 309, 310 \mathrm, 361 low level, 307–309 matlab files, plotting, 430 special, 303–307 matrices magenta key value (pstricks), 216, 235, 279 nodes magnifying glass effect, 452 cell names, 364 \makeatletter, 264, 365 cell spacing, 364 \makeatother, 264, 365 column width, 365 \makebox, 337 combining columns, 362 makeindex program, 806 empty cells, nodes for, 363 makeplot env. (makeplot), 430 node type, defining, 363 makeplot package, 430 overview, 361 male key (pst-pdgr), 431 positioning, 364 Mandel key value (pst-fractal), 456 row spacing, 364 row/column hooks, 362 Mandelbrot set, 456 plotting, 422 mapCountry key (pst-geo), 438 mcol key (pst-node), 362, 364 maps, 438 medical pedigrees, 431 markZeros key (pst-func), 427 middle key value (pstricks), 237 math boxes, 278, 279 minipage env., 393 mathematical plots mirrors, 434 adding values to data points, 327 mnode key (pst-node), 362, 363, 364 curves, closing, 333 mnodesize key (pst-node), 362, 364, 365 customized lines, 328 Moiré effect, 258 data delimiters, 324 monohedral tiling, 383 data file, size limits, 325 Month key (pst-calendar), 452 error margins, 329 \movepath (pstricks), 290 error messages, 330 \moveto (pstricks), 283, 284, 291, 292 external data, 324 moveto (PostScript), 283, 294 functions, 332 \mrestore (pstricks), 288 Hénon attractor, 326, 327 \msave (pstricks), 288 Lissajou figures, 332 Mul key value (pstricks), 252 loading data records, 328 \multidipole (pst-circ), 435 maximum upper/lower deviations, 328 \multido (multido), 236, 258, 296, 458, 459 package description (pst-plot), 323, 324, 325, 326 multido package, 216, 458, 459 plot points, 334 \multips (pstricks), 269, 298 plot style, 332, 333, 334 \multirput printing, 330 (pst-fill), 383 relative mean power values, 331 (pstricks), 267, 268, 269 rotating a graph, 327 mv key (pst-dbicons), 445 RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), 329 \myCoil (tlgc), 269 saving data records, 328 \myGrid (tlgc), 229 stack system, 329 symbols in data files, 324 N tab characters, 324 \n? put (pst-tree), 380 third degree parabola with inverse function, 331 nab key value (pst-node), 349, 355 watermarks, 326 nAdjust key (gastex), 439

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908 (N) PSTricks

nAdjustdist key (gastex), 439 nodes (cont.) name key (pst-node), 361, 362, 363, 364 circular, 337, 338, 350 nameX key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 connections, 455 nameY key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 connector separation, 350, 351 nameZ key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 defined radius, 337 naming nodes, 335 diamond shaped, 339 \naput (pst-node), 343, 356, 357, 358 dots, 340 nArrow key (pstricks-add), 418 four corner definition, 336 \nbput (pst-node), 345, 355, 356, 357, 358 frames, 340, 350 \nc???? (pst-node), 340 in a matrix \ncangle (pst-node), 343, 344, 351, 355 cell names, 364 \ncangles (pst-node), 344 cell spacing, 364 \ncarc (pst-node), 273, 337, 341, 350, 351, 355 column width, 365 \ncarcbox (pst-node), 346, 347, 353, 355 combining columns, 362 \ncbar (pst-node), 343, 352, 355, 360, 377, 378 empty cells, nodes for, 363 \ncbox (pst-node), 346, 353, 355 node type, defining, 363 \nccarcbox (pst-node), 346 overview, 361 \nccircle (pst-node), 345, 346, 355 positioning, 364 \nccurve (pst-node), 338, 345, 351, 352, 355, 360, 361 row spacing, 364 nccurve key (pst-node), 338 row/column hooks, 362 \ncdiag in running text, 337 (pst-node), 341, 342, 343, 355 multiple connections, 360, 361 (pstricks-add), 418 naming, 335 \ncdiagg (pst-node), 342, 343, 355, 377 nesting nodes, 335 \ncline (pst-node), 230, 231, 335, 336, 338–340, 341, 342, 345, oval shaped, 339 349–351, 353–359, 362–365, 370, 374 placing, 335 \ncloop (pst-node), 344, 345, 352, 354, 355 plotting curves, 336 \ncput (pst-node), 230, 231, 344, 345, 353–356, 357, 358, 359, 374 positioning, 336, 337, 361 \ncputicon (pst-uml), 442 radius, setting, 338 \ncSE (pst-uml), 442 simple, 335 \ncSXE (pst-uml), 442 symbol size, 340 ncurv key (pst-node), 345, 349, 352 trees ncurvA key (pst-node), 349, 352 blank spaces, inserting, 369 ncurvB key (pst-node), 349, 352 bounding boxes, 378 nEnd key (pstricks-add), 418 command names, 367 nesting nodes, 335 curved connectors, 369, 376 \newcommand, 228 diagonal connectors, 377 \newif, 311 distance between, 372–376 \newpath (pstricks), 284 fanned, 369 newpath (PostScript), 284 keywords for, 370–378 \newpsfontdot (pstricks), 250, 251 level separation, 375, 376 \newpsobject (pstricks), 228, 280 macros, assigned to edges, 377 \newpsstyle (pstricks), 222, 228, 279, 280 nil, 368 \newpssytle (pst-3dplot), 414 order, changing, 371 news groups, 810, see also online resources predecessors, 367–369 \newtier (pst-asr), 424 reference points, setting, 368 nil tree nodes, 368 reserving space for, 368 Nmarks key (gastex), 439 sets of branches, combining, 370 Nmr key (gastex), 439 successors, 367–369 \node (gastex), 439 tree direction, specifying, 371 nodealign key (pst-node), 362, 364 types, 367 \nodeBetween (tlgc), 337 trees, labels nodes alignment, 379, 381, 382 center, determining, 335, 336 creating, 379 center, moving, 348, 349 examples of, 380

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PSTricks (N–P) 909

nodes (cont.) online resources (cont.) positioning, 378 program files, obtaining separation, 381 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 triangular, 339 TEX file catalogue, 811 nodesep key (pst-node), 251, 297, 299, 300, 335, 336, 340, 341, TEX files, 810 343, 346, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353–356, 359, 360, TEX user groups, 817, 818 362–364, 368, 374 TUG home page, 810, 811 nodesepA key (pst-node), 349, 350, 360 onset key (pst-asr), 424 nodesepB key (pst-node), 349, 350, 360, 368, 374, 377 oo-oo key value (pstricks), 261 nodeWidth key (pst-geo), 438 \openshadow (pstricks), 289, 290 none key value operation key (pst-osci), 434 (pst-node), 349, 355, 362, 363 Oplus key value (pstricks), 252 (pst-plot), 314, 315, 316, 318, 319 oplus key value (pstricks), 252 (pstricks), 220, 235, 236, 253, 276, 289, 290 \OPR (rrgtrees), 425 nopstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 optical systems, 434 normal key (pst-3d), 395, 397 origin key normal vector direction, 3-D, 397–399 (pst-3dplot), 410 \NormalCoor (pstricks), 219, 296 (pstricks), 223, 224, 281 normaleLatitude key (pst-vue3d), 445 origin (3-D), positioning, 414 normaleLongitude key (pst-vue3d), 445 origin of ordinates, translating, 286 notightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 oscilloscope channels, 434 noxcolor option (pstricks), 215, 216 Otimes key value (pstricks), 252 npos key (pst-node), 344, 345, 349, 354, 357, 358, 442 otimes key value (pstricks), 252 \nput (pst-node), 344, 357, 359 outer key value (pstricks), 235, 237 nrot key (pst-node), 344, 345, 349, 354, 358, 442 oval key value (pst-node), 362, 363 pstricks-add nStart key ( ), 418 oval-shaped boxes, 273, 339 pstricks-add nStep key ( ), 418 \ovalnode (pst-node), 339, 342, 345, 348, 352, 353, 363 \NUC rrgtrees ( ), 425 Ox key (pst-plot), 315, 316 Nw gastex key ( ), 439 Oy key (pst-plot), 315, 316, 317 O P o key value (pstricks), 251, 252 o-o key value (pstricks), 261 p key value (pst-node), 362, 363 object types, 307 \parabola (pstricks), 224, 245 objects, as fills, 255 parabolas, 245 offset key (pst-node), 297, 299, 300, 349, 353, 354, 355, 360 parallel connection lines, 353 offsetA key (pst-node), 349, 353, 360 \parametricplot (pst-plot), 330, 332 offsetB key (pst-node), 349, 353, 360 \parametricplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), 405, 407, 408 online access to CTAN, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \parbox, 272, 389, 393 online resources paths, see also lines archived files, finding and transferring, 813 closing, 284 CTAN (Comprehensive TEX Archive Network), 810 creating, 284 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 deleting, 284 documentation filling, 285 command-line interface, 815 moving, 290 panel interface, 816 stroke, 284, 285 search by name, 815 \pc???? (pst-node), 348 search by product, 816 \pcangle (pst-node), 348 texdoc, 815 \pcangles (pst-node), 348 texdock, 816 \pcarc (pst-node), 348 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809 \pcarcbox (pst-node), 348, 353 files, getting from the command line, 814 \pcbar (pst-node), 348 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 \pcbox (pst-node), 348 news groups, 810 \pccurve (pst-node), 348, 360

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910 (P) PSTricks

\pcdiag plotting (cont.) (pst-node), 348 looping, 422 (pstricks-add), 418 mathematical plots \pcdiagg (pst-node), 348 3-D parallel projections, 407–409 \pcline (pst-node), 251, 348 adding values to data points, 327 \pcloop (pst-node), 348 curves, closing, 333 .pdf file extension (pst-pdf), 806 customized lines, 328 PDF files, 458 data delimiters, 324 pdfcrop program, 804 data file, size limits, 325 pdfinfo program, 804 error margins, 329 pdflatex program, 457, 458, 797, 800, 801, 803, 805, 806 error messages, 330 PDFs external data, 324 creating functions, 332 dvipdfm program, 798–800 Hénon attractor, 326, 327 dvipdfmx program, 798–800 Lissajou figures, 332 from LATEX, 803–807 loading data records, 328 from PostScript, 800, 801, 802, 803 maximum upper/lower deviations, 328 overview, 797 package description (pst-plot), 323, 324, 325, 326 pst-pdf package, 800, 801, 802, 803 plot points, 334 pdftex program, 797, 798 plot style, 332, 333, 334 pdftops program, 806 printing, 330 pen behavior, 240 relative mean power values, 331 Pentagon key value (pstricks), 252 rotating a graph, 327 pentagon key value (pstricks), 252 RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), 329 pentagon* key value (pstricks), 252 saving data records, 328 percent sign (%), comment indicator, 277 stack system, 329 period1 key (pst-osci), 434 symbols in data files, 324 perspective projection, see tilting tab characters, 324 phB key (pst-asr), 424 third degree parabola with inverse function, 331 PHI key (pst-vue3d), 445 watermarks, 326 Phyllotaxis, 457 matlab picture env., 223, 303, 797 files, 430 pictures, embellishing with grids, 229, 230 matrices, 422 placement, see positioning package description, 313 plain option (pstricks), 215 special functions, 427 plane key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413, 414 step functions, 423 plot points, 3-D parallel projections, 411 ticks plotpoints key (pst-plot), 224, 330, 332, 334, 405, 406 axes, specifying, 319 plotstyle key (pst-plot), 224, 323, 324–327, 330–334, 411 axis origin, 316 plotting, see also graphs hiding, 316 coordinate system, 314 length, 321 coordinate units, calculating, 421, 422 point of origin, 316 differential equations, 424 position, 321 labels size, 322 axis origin, 316 style, 320, 321 axis, specifying, 318 .png file extension (pst-pdf), 806 fonts, 318 \pnode (pst-node), 230, 231, 299, 300, 310, 336, 337, 363, 436 hiding, 316 points omitting, 319 current, moving, 283 origin, hiding, 319 curves, displaying, 237 placing, 315 displaying, 237, 238 point of origin, 316 Poisson distribution, 427 spacing, 317 polar coordinates, 296 symbols as, 322, 323 polarplot key (pst-func), 427 text as, 322, 323 polygon key value (pst-plot), 332, 333

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PSTricks (P) 911

polygons, see also pecific polygons \pscirclebox (cont.) drawing, 232, 431 (pstricks), 269, 270, 272 keywords for, 234 \psclip (pstricks), 276 PolyNbSides key (pst-poly), 431 psclip env. (pstricks), 259, 275, 276 pOrigin key (pst-3dplot), 414 \psCoil (pst-coil), 455 PosAngle key (pst-eucl), 426 \pscolhook (pst-node), 362 positioning \pscolhook???? (pst-node), 362 labels \pscurve (pstricks), 245, 246, 248, 249, 282, 283, 284 connections, 357–359 \pscustom (pstricks), 234, 240, 276, 280, 281–290, 293, 294, 295, tree nodes, 378 305, 327, 436 lines, 237 \psdblframebox (pstricks), 271, 272 nodes, 336, 337, 361 \psdiabox PostScript (pst-node), 339 % (percent sign), comment character, 265 (pstricks), 273 code, in PostScript output, 292, 305, 306, 307 \psdiamond (pstricks), 233 coordinates, converting to TEX, 293, 294 \psdot (pstricks), 236, 249, 250–252, 296, 298, 300, 302, 339 mathematical extensions, 428 \psdot* (pstricks), 252 PDFs from, 800, 801, 802, 803 \psdots (pstricks), 249, 250, 282, 296 sending information to TEX, 365, 366 \psecurve (pstricks), 246 stack state, saving, 286 \psedge (pst-tree), 369, 376 postscript env. (pst-pdf), 802 \psellipse (pstricks), 239, 243 predecessor tree nodes, 367–369 \psellipticarc (pstricks), 243 preview package, 458, 800–802 \psellipticarcn (pstricks), 243 \PreviewEnvironment (pst-pdf), 801 \psellipticwedge (pstricks), 244 printing plots, 330 \pserrorLine (tlgc), 329 printValue key (pst-func), 427 \psFArrow (pst-fractal), 456 .pro file extension (pstricks), 302 \psFern (pst-fractal), 456 program files, obtaining \psforeach (pstricks-add), 422 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \psFractal (pst-fractal), 456 \protect (pst-node), 335, 337 \psfractal (pst-fractal), 456 ps2pdf program, 797, 801–806 \psframe (pstricks), 232, 233, 237, 238, 239, 267, 270, 303, 306, ps2pdf13 program, 804, 805 340, 383, 393 \psaddtolength (pstricks), 218 \psframebox (pstricks), 258, 270, 271, 272, 274, 278, 279, 352, \psAppolonius (pst-fractal), 456 448, 449 \psarc (pstricks), 241, 242, 247, 248, 281, 302, 344 \psgraph (pstricks-add), 421 \psarcn (pstricks), 241, 242, 247, 281, 344 psgraph env. (pstricks-add), 421 \psArrowCivil (pst-stru), 436 \psgrid (pstricks), 225, 226, 227–230, 282, 324, 325, 331 \psaxes \psHexagon (tlgc), 307, 308, 309 (pst-plot), 224, 266, 276, 314, 315–327, 329–334, 391, 392, \pshlabel (pst-plot), 318, 322 459 \psKochflake (pst-fractal), 456 (pstricks-add), 418 \pslabelsep rigid length (pstricks), 240 \psbarchart (pst-bar), 450 \psLame (pst-func), 459 \psbarcode (pst-calendar), 453 \pslbrace (pstricks), 304 \psbarscale (pst-bar), 450 \psline (pstricks), 218, 219, 231, 232, 234–236, 237, 238, 239, \psbezier (pstricks), 244, 245, 282, 290, 291 247, 259–263, 268, 281–283, 291, 299, 300, 302, 365 \psBinomialN (pst-func), 427 \psline* (pstricks), 220 \psboxfill (pst-fill), 255, 257, 383, 384–387 \pslinecolor (pstricks), 220 \psCalDodecaeder (pst-calendar), 452 \pslinewidth (pstricks), 235, 261, 263 \psCalendar (pst-calendar), 452 \psmathboxfalse (pstricks), 278 \psccurve (pstricks), 246, 336 \psmathboxtrue (pstricks), 278 \pscharpath (pst-text), 450 psmatrix env. \pscircle (pstricks), 234, 238, 241, 247, 255, 257, 259, 275, 308, (pst-node), 361, 362–365 309 (pst-pdf), 800 \pscirclebox \psMatrixPlot (pstricks-add), 422 (pst-node), 338 \psovalbox (pstricks), 270, 272, 273, 339

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912 (P) PSTricks

\psPhyllotaxis (pst-fractal), 456, 457 pst-fill package, 216, 255, 257, 383–387 pspicture env. pst-fr3d package, 388, 447 (pst-pdf), 800 pst-fractal package, 456, 457 (pstricks), 218, 220–223, 225, 229, 303, 457 pst-func package, 427 pspicture environment pst-geo package, 437, 438 bounding boxes pst-gr3d package, 388, 447 creating, 220, 221 pst-grad package, 216, 448 shifting, 221–223 pst-infixplot package, 429, 430 keywords for, 221–223 pst-jtree package, 425 missing values, determining, 221 pst-labo package, 433 whitespace between commands, 223 pst-lens package, 452 pspicture* env. (pstricks), 220, 275 pst-light3d package, 447 \psPlot (pst-infixplot), 429 pst-map2d package, 438 \psplot (pst-plot), 224, 276, 283, 285–289, 306, 323, 330, 331, pst-map2dII package, 438 333, 334, 428 pst-map3d package, 438 \psplotDiffEqn (pstricks-add), 423, 424 pst-map3dII package, 388, 438 \psplotImp (pst-func), 427 pst-math package, 224, 428, 429 \psplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), 406, 407, 411 pst-node package, 214, 216, 313, 334–366, 379, 424 \pspolygon pst-node.pro file (pstricks), 302 (pst-plot), 320, 333 pst-ob3d package, 388, 446 (pstricks), 232, 237, 238, 248, 271, 310 pst-optic package, 434 \pspolygonbox (pst-poly), 431 pst-osci package, 434 \pspred (pst-tree), 369, 376, 379 pst-pdf package, 457, 458, 797, 800–803, 805, 806 \psPTree (pst-fractal), 456, 457 pst-pdgr package, 431 \psrbrace (pstricks), 304 pst-plot package, 214, 216, 266, 313–334, 400, 406, 424, 426 \psrowhook (pst-node), 362 pst-poly package, 431 \psrowhook???? (pst-node), 362 pst-slpe package, 449 \psrunit (pstricks), 218 pst-spectra package, 432 \psscalebox (pstricks), 277 pst-stru package, 436 \psscaleboxto (pstricks), 277 pst-text package, 216, 451 \psset (pstricks), 217, 218, 232, 259, 311, 418 pst-tree package, 214, 216, 366–382, 424 \pssetlength (pstricks), 218 pst-uml package, 442, 443 \psshadow (pst-3d), 388, 389 pst-view3d package, 400 \psshadowbox pst-vue3d package, 388, 393, 445 (pst-tree), 378 pst-xkey package, 217, 310–312 (pstricks), 272, 378 \pst@arrowtable (pstricks), 264 \psSier (pst-fractal), 456 \pst@checknum \psspan (pst-node), 361, 362 (pst-xkey), 312 \psspectrum (pst-spectra), 432 (pstricks), 312 \psStep (pstricks-add), 423 \pst@def (pstricks), 307 \pssucc (pst-tree), 369, 376, 379 \pst@getcoor (pstricks), 310 pst-3d package, 216, 388–400 \pst@getint pst-3dplot package, 217, 234, 313, 388, 400–416 (pst-xkey), 312 pst-all package, 216, 313 (pstricks), 312 pst-asr package, 217, 424 \pst@getlength pst-bar package, 450 (pst-xkey), 312 pst-barcode package, 453 (pstricks), 312 pst-blur package, 449, 450 \pst@object (pstricks), 253 pst-calendar package, 452 \pst@Verb (pstricks), 305 pst-circ package, 309, 435 \pst@object (pst-pdf), 800 pst-coil package, 216, 455, 456 pstcol package, 215 pst-dbicons package, 445 PstDebug key (pst-fill), 384, 387 pst-dots.pro file (pstricks), 250, 302 \PstDie (pst-ob3d), 446 pst-eps package, 216, 457 \pstextpath (pst-text), 451 pst-eucl package, 426 \PstFrameBoxThreeD (pst-fr3d), 447

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PSTricks (P–R) 913

\PstGridThreeD (pst-gr3d), 447 \pswedge (pstricks), 237, 242, 244 \pstheader (pstricks), 302, 303 \psxunit (pstricks), 218 \psTilt (pst-3d), 389, 390, 391, 392 \psyunit (pstricks), 218, 222 \pstilt (pst-3d), 389, 390, 391, 392 \psTilt{30}{\Bar} (pst-3d), 390 Q \pstilt{30}{\Bar} (pst-3d), 390 \qdisk (pstricks), 224, 241, 268, 282 \pstInterLL (pst-eucl), 426 \qline (pstricks), 232, 282 \PstLens (pst-lens), 452 \PstLightThreeDGraphic (pst-light3d), 447 \PstLightThreeDText (pst-light3d), 447 R \pstPlanePut (pst-3dplot), 413–415 R key value \PstPolygonNode (pst-poly), 431 (pst-node), 362, 363 \pstProjection (pst-eucl), 426 (pstricks), 270, 271 psTree env. (pst-tree), 366 r key value \pstree (pst-tree), 366, 367–382 (pst-node), 362, 363 \pstree,TC,Toval (pst-tree), 372 (pst-tree), 380 \pstRelationship (pst-pdgr), 431 (pstricks), 269 \pstriangle (pstricks), 233 \radians (pstricks), 218, 219 \pstribox radius key (pst-node), 339 (pst-node), 338, 349, 350, 351, 352 (pstricks), 271, 273 (pst-tree), 366, 369–374, 376, 379–382 pstricks option (pst-pdf), 800 railroad diagrams, 345 pstricks package, 213–466, 797, 800 \raisebox, 221 PSTricks packages, see 3-D parallel projections, see 3-D rand (PostScript), 298 representation, see specific packages, see arrows, see RandomFaces key (pst-ob3d), 446 connections, see fills, see nodes, see plotting, see rB key value (pstricks), 267 sciences, see trees rb key value pstricks-add package, 224, 257, 318, 323, 418–424 (pst-node), 353 pstricks.pro file (pstricks), 302, 305, 307, 365 (pstricks), 267 pstricks.sty file (pstricks), 215 rbracketlength key (pstricks), 260, 263 pstricks.tex file (pstricks), 214, 215 rC key value (pstricks), 231 \PSTricksfalse (pstricks), 303 \rcoor (pstricks), 294, 295 \PSTricksOff (pstricks), 303 \rcurveto (pstricks), 292 \PSTricksOn (pstricks), 303 rcurveto (PostScript), 292 \pstScalePoints (pstricks-add), 421 \readdata \pstThreeDBox (pst-3dplot), 404, 415, 416 (pst-3dplot), 409 \pstThreeDCircle (pst-3dplot), 405 (pst-plot), 325, 328, 329 \pstThreeDCoor (pst-3dplot), 401, 402–416 \readpsbardata (pst-bar), 450 \pstThreeDDot (pst-3dplot), 402, 403–405, 411, 416 real number keys, 312 \pstThreeDEllipse (pst-3dplot), 404, 405, 412, 416 rectangles \pstThreeDLine (pst-3dplot), 402, 403 3-D parallel projections, 404 \pstThreeDNode (pst-3dplot), 402 horizontal, 232, 233 \pstThreeDPut (pst-3dplot), 401, 402, 414 \red (pstricks), 216 \pstThreeDSphere (pst-3dplot), 405, 406 red key value (pstricks), 216 \pstThreeDSquare (pst-3dplot), 403, 404 ref key \pstThreeDTriangle (pst-3dplot), 403, 412 (pst-node), 349, 353 \PSTtoEPS (pst-eps), 457 (pst-tree), 368 \pstTriangle (pst-eucl), 426 \reflectbox (graphics), 277 \pstVerb (pstricks), 221, 224, 234, 303, 305, 306 refrigerantBoulles key (pst-labo), 433 \pstverb (pstricks), 280, 303, 305, 306 \relationshipbetween (pst-dbicons), 445 \pstverbscale (pstricks), 221, 305 relative key value (pstricks), 235, 239 \psunit (pstricks), 218, 292 relative mean power values, 331 \psverbboxfalse (pstricks), 279 \resetOptions (pstricks-add), 424 \psverbboxtrue (pstricks), 279 restricted horizontal Left-Right (LR) mode, 269 \psvlabel (pst-plot), 318, 322 \rlineto (pstricks), 291

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914 (R–S) PSTricks

rlineto (PostScript), 291, 294 sciences \Rnode (pst-node), 336, 348, 349, 359–361, 363 absorption spectra, 432 \rnode civil engineering analysis, 436 (pst-node), 299, 335, 336, 337, 341–348, 352, 353, 355, 360, continuum spectra, 432 363, 364 electrical circuits, 435 (pst-tree), 374–377 emission spectra, 432 rot key (pst-node), 349, 356, 357 geographical representations, 438 \rotate (pstricks), 287 lab apparatus, 433 rotate (PostScript), 287 lenses, 434 \rotatebox (graphicx), 277, 397 linear rays, 434 Rotatedown env. (pstricks), 277 maps, 438 \rotatedown (pstricks), 276 medical pedigrees, 431 Rotateleft env. (pstricks), 277 mirrors, 434 \rotateleft (pstricks), 276 optical systems, 434 Rotateright env. (pstricks), 277 oscilloscope channels, 434 \rotateright (pstricks), 276 sectors rotating circles, 242 3-D objects, 397, 399 ellipses, 243, 244 boxes, 276, 277 SegmentColor key (pst-3dplot), 406 connection labels, 354, 357 segmented connections coordinate system, 410 arms, 352 dot coordinates, 252 counting, 355 fill patterns, 384 drawing, 342, 344 graphs, 327 maximum number of, 354 objects, 287 SegmentSymbol key (pst-eucl), 426 symbols, 252 setcmykcolor (PostScript), 298 text, 392 \setcolor (pstricks), 295 rotating package, 392 setlinejoin (PostScript), 234, 294, 412 rows, matrices, 362, 364 setlinewidth (PostScript), 294 rowsep key (pst-node), 362, 364, 365 sfg package, 442 \rPERIPH (rrgtrees), 425 \sfgbranch (sfg), 442 RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), 329, 430 \sfgcurve (sfg), 442 \rput (pstricks), 229–231, 261, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 299, 331, \sfgnode (sfg), 442 341, 342, 355, 368 \sfgtermnod (sfg), 442 rrgtrees package, 424, 425 shading \Rrnode (pst-node), 360 2-D runit key (pstricks), 218, 296 as highlighting, 239, 240 boxes, 272 custom styles, 289 S packages, 388, 389 \savedata (pst-plot), 328 3-D, 394 saving shadow key (pstricks), 233, 235, 239, 240, 272–274, 281, 303 coordinates, 288, 305 shadowangle key (pstricks), 233, 235, 239, 240, 289, 303 data records, 328 shadowcolor key (pstricks), 233, 235, 239, 289, 303 PostScript stack state, 286 shadows \sbox, 229 as highlighting, 239, 240 \scale (pstricks), 287, 288 boxes, 272 scale (PostScript), 287 custom styles, 289 Scalebox env. (pstricks), 277 packages, 388, 389 \scalebox (graphics), 277 shadowsize key (pstricks), 235, 239, 289, 290, 303 Scaleboxto env. (pstricks), 277 shift key (pstricks), 221, 222 \ScalePoints (pst-plot), 326 shortput key (pst-node), 273, 349, 355, 356, 359 scaling showbbox key (pst-tree), 370 boxes, 276, 277 showbox key (pst-tree), 378 objects, 287 showFP key (tlgc), 311

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PSTricks (S) 915

showgrid key (pstricks), 222, 223 StepType key (pstricks-add), 423 showing, see hiding/showing straight connection line, 341 showorigin key (pst-plot), 315, 319, 323 string keys, 312 showpoints key (pstricks), 235, 237, 238, 243, 281, 323, 326, \stroke (pstricks), 284, 285 327, 330, 331, 334, 405 stroke (PostScript), 284, 294 Sierpinski triangle, 456 stroke, paths, 284, 285 \skiplevel (pst-tree), 382 style key \skiplevels (pst-tree), 382 (pst-calendar), 452 skiplevels env. (pst-tree), 382 (pst-jtree), 425 slanting, see tilting (pstricks), 229, 258, 279 slides (color), overlay specification styles hyperlinks, 797–818 3-D parallel projections, 414, 415 smooth curves arrows, 295, 418, 419, 420 Bézier curves, 244, 245 dots, 251 overview, 244 fills, 253 through a list of points, 245, 246 solid key value (pstricks), 220, 235, 236, 253, 255, 279, 283, 285 lines solid fills, 254 custom, 282, 283, 285–291 SolidAsterisk key value (pstricks), 252 dashed, 235, 236, 240 SolidDiamond key value (pstricks), 252 dotted, 235, 236, 240, 402 SolidHexagon key value (pstricks), 252 fills, 256 SolidOplus key value (pstricks), 252 grid subdivisions, 228 SolidOtimes key value (pstricks), 252 solid, 235 SolidPentagon key value (pstricks), 252 width, 228, 256 SolidSquare key value (pstricks), 252 mathematical plots, 332, 333, 334 SolidTriangle key value (pstricks), 252 shadows, 289 space symbols, 251 as fill, 256 symbols, pre-defined, 251 between commands, 223 ticks, 320, 321 ignoring/preserving, 277, 303 user-defined inserting, 304 closed curves, concatenating, 281 \space defining, 279, 280 (pst-tree), 374 fills, 281 (tex), 304 lines, 281 \special, 797 PostScript output, 280 (tex), 214, 280, 292, 302, 303, 304, 306 subgridcolor key (pstricks), 227, 228 special.pro file, 305 subgriddiv key pstricks \SpecialCoor ( ), 219, 296, 298–300, 302, 310, 336, 337, (pst-plot), 332 347, 348, 365 (pstricks), 227, 228 SpericalCoor key (pst-3dplot), 410 subgriddots key (pstricks), 227, 228 spheres, 3-D, 406 subgridwidth key (pstricks), 226, 227, 228 spherical coordinates, 416 successor tree nodes, 367–369 SphericalCoor key (pst-3dplot), 411, 416 \swapaxes pstricks 287 spotX key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 ( ), , 288 pstricks spotY key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 swapaxes key ( ), 224, 232, 281 spotZ key (pst-3dplot), 410, 413 swapping axes, 288 Square key value (pstricks), 252 syB key (pst-asr), 424 square key value (pstricks), 251, 252 symbols square* key value (pstricks), 252 defining, 250, 251 squares, 3-D parallel projections, 403 definition, 249, 250 stack system, 329 in data files, 324 startX key (makeplot), 430 keywords for, 251 startY key (makeplot), 430 pre-defined styles, 251 \State (vaucanson-g), 440 rotating, 252 step functions, 423 size, 251

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916 (T) PSTricks

T tickstyle key (pst-plot), 315, 320, 321, 322 tab key value (pst-node), 349, 355, 356 tight key (pst-tree), 373 tab characters, 324 tightpage option (pst-pdf), 800 \tabcolsep rigid length, 272 tiling, 383, see also fills tablr key value (pst-node), 349, 355, 356 tiling option (pst-fill), 383, 386 tabular env., 272 tilting, 390–392 \taput (pst-node), 356, 358 \tlput (pst-node), 356, 358 tbarsize key (pstricks), 260, 262, 263, 352 \Tn (pst-tree), 367, 368 \tbput (pst-node), 356, 358 tndepth key (pst-tree), 380, 381 \TC (pst-tree), 366, 367, 369–371, 373, 374, 376, 378–382 tnheight key (pst-tree), 380, 381 \Tc (pst-tree), 367, 378–382 tnpos key (pst-tree), 380, 381 \TCircle (pst-tree), 367 tnsep key (pst-tree), 380, 381 \Tcircle (pst-tree), 367, 371–373 tnyref key (pst-tree), 380, 381, 382 \Tdia (pst-tree), 367 \TOP (rrgtrees), 425 \Tdot (pst-tree), 367 top key value (pst-plot), 315, 320 tensioncolor key (pst-circ), 435 \Toval (pst-tree), 366, 367, 369–380 tensionlabelcolor key (pst-circ), 435 \Tp (pst-tree), 367 tessellation, see tiling tpos key TEX (pst-node), 349, 356 % (percent sign), comment character, 265 (pst-tree), 378 getting information from PostScript, 365, 366 \TR (pst-tree), 367, 368, 369, 374, 377 TEX file archives, 810, see also CTAN \Tr (pst-tree), 367, 368, 374–377 TEX files, obtaining transforms, see specific transforms web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \translate (pstricks), 286, 287–290 texdoc program, 815, 816 translate (PostScript), 286 texdoctk program, 815–817 transparency, 257, 258 text TransparentMagenta key value (tlgc), 279 along a path, 451 \transy (pst-calendar), 453 rotating, 392 treefit key (pst-tree), 370, 372 shapes, 448–450 treeflip key (pst-tree), 370, 371, 372 slanting, 392 treemode key (pst-tree), 367, 370, 371, 372, 374–377, 379, 380, \text (amsmath), 361 382 \textcolor, 216 treenodesize key (pst-tree), 367, 370, 373, 374 \Tf (pst-tree), 367 trees \Tfan (pst-tree), 368, 369, 370 general syntax, 366 THETA key (pst-vue3d), 445 nodes third degree parabola with inverse function, 331 blank spaces, inserting, 369 thislevelsep key (pst-tree), 370, 374, 376, 379, 380 bounding boxes, 378 thistreefit key (pst-tree), 370, 372, 373 command names, 367 thistreenodesize key (pst-tree), 370, 373, 374 curved connectors, 369, 376 thistreesep key (pst-tree), 370, 372, 379, 380 diagonal connectors, 377 \thput (pst-node), 358, 359 distance between, 372–376 three dimensional, see 3-D fanned, 369 \ThreeDput (pst-3d), 393, 394, 397, 399, 446 keywords for, 370–378 ticks level separation, 375, 376 axes, specifying, 319 macros, assigned to edges, 377 axis origin, 316 nil, 368 hiding, 316 order, changing, 371 length, 321 predecessors, 367, 369 point of origin, 316 reference points, setting, 368 position, 321 reserving space for, 368 size, 322 sets of branches, combining, 370 style, 320, 321 successors, 367–369 ticks key (pst-plot), 315, 319, 320 tree direction, specifying, 371 ticksize key (pst-plot), 315, 321, 322 types, 367

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PSTricks (T–X) 917

trees (cont.) verbatim env., 277 nodes, labels verbatim boxes, 278, 279 aligning, 379 vertical lines as fills, 254 alignment, 381, 382 view angle, 3-D objects, 397 creating, 379 viewangle key (pst-3d), 395, 397, 399 examples of, 380 viewpoint key (pst-3d), 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399 positioning, 378 viewpoint, 3-D objects, 395, 396, 397 separation, 381 views (3-D), order of, 397 skipping levels, 382 visibleLineStyle key (pst-3dplot), 410, 415 treesep key (pst-tree), 369, 370, 372, 373, 380–382 vlines key (pstricks), 392 \Tri (pst-tree), 367 vlines key value (pstricks), 253, 254, 255, 256, 279, 281, 285 tri key value (pst-node), 362, 363 vlines* key value (pstricks), 253, 254, 255 Triangle key value (pstricks), 252 vref key triangle key value (pstricks), 251, 252 (pst-node), 348, 349, 360 triangle* key value (pstricks), 252, 298 (pst-tree), 381 triangles, 3-D parallel projections, 403 \vspace (pst-tree), 366 triangular frames, 271, 273 VTeX program, 365, 797 triangular nodes, 339 trimode key W (pst-node), 339 watermarks, 326 (pstricks), 270, 271, 273 \wd (tex), 229–231 \trinode (pst-node), 339, 363 wget program, 814 \trput (pst-node), 356, 358 white key value (pstricks), 216, 235 Tshadowangle key (pst-3d), 388, 389 whitespace, see space Tshadowcolor key (pst-3d), 388, 389, 390, 391 \wire (pst-circ), 435 Tshadowsize key (pst-3d), 388, 389 \WORD (rrgtrees), 425 \tspace (pst-tree), 369 \WorldMap (pst-geo), 438 \Ttri (pst-tree), 367 \write (tex), 304 TUG home page, 810, 811 writing objects into files, on the fly, 457 \tvput (pst-node), 358 tx@NodeDict (PostScript), 365 type key (pst-fractal), 456 X x key value U (pst-plot), 315, 318, 319 (pstricks), 252 U key value (pstricks), 270, 271 xAxisLabel key (pstricks-add), 421 u key value (pstricks), 269 xAxisLabelPos key (pstricks-add), 421 ul key value (pstricks), 269 xbbd key (pst-tree), 370, 378 uml package, 443 xbbh key (pst-tree), 370, 378 UML diagrams, 442–445 xbbl key (pst-tree), 370, 378 \umlArgument (uml), 443 xbbr key (pst-tree), 370, 378–380 \umlAttribute (uml), 443 xcolor package, 215, 216, 235, 258, 304, 406 \umlClass (pst-uml), 442 xEnd key (pstricks-add), 418 \umlSchema (uml), 443 xetex program, 798, 803 \umlSubClass (uml), 443 xgap key (pst-asr), 424 unit key (pstricks), 218, 262, 269 xkeyval package, 217, 310 \uput (pstricks), 224, 230, 231, 268, 300, 320, 331, 333 xLines key value (pst-3dplot), 414 ur key value (pstricks), 269 xMax key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 \usebox, 229–231 xMin key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 \usepackage, 215 Xnodesep key (pst-node), 297, 300, 349, 350, 351 XnodesepA key (pst-node), 349, 350 V XnodesepB key (pst-node), 349 vaucanson-g package, 439, 440 xpdf program, 804 VCPicture env. (vaucanson-g), 440 xPlotPoints key (pst-3dplot), 407, 408 \verb, 277, 279 xPlotpoints key (pst-3dplot), 406, 410, 411, 415

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918 (X–Z) PSTricks

xStart key (pstricks-add), 418 yMax key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 xStep key (pstricks-add), 418 yMin key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 xThreeDunit key (pst-3dplot), 410, 411 Ynodesep key (pst-node), 297, 300, 349, 350, 351, 361 xunit key (pstricks), 218, 224, 227, 296, 298, 323 YnodesepA key (pst-node), 349, 361 xWidth key (pst-fractal), 456 YnodesepB key (pst-node), 349 xyAxes key (pstricks-add), 418 yPlotpoints key (pst-3dplot), 406, 407, 410, 411, 415 xyDecimals key (pstricks-add), 418 yStart key (pstricks-add), 418 xyLines key value (pst-3dplot), 414 yThreeDunit key (pst-3dplot), 410, 411 yunit key (pstricks), 218, 224, 227, 296, 298, 306 Y ywidth key (pst-fractal), 456 y key (pst-plot), 319 yxLines key value (pst-3dplot), 414 y key value (pst-plot), 315, 318, 319 yAxisLabel key (pstricks-add), 421 Z yAxisLabelPos key (pstricks-add), 421 zigzag lines, 455 Year key (pst-calendar), 452 zlib program, 799 yellow key value (pstricks), 216 zMax key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 yEnd key (pstricks-add), 418 zMin key (pst-3dplot), 401, 410, 411 yLines key value (pst-3dplot), 414 zThreeDunit key (pst-3dplot), 410, 411

^^^^^ _*4 _*4 t1 d[1] %$ ! $, rz $, rz ^^^^ ^^/ s _*4 "  _*4 "  d[2] %$ ••#+ s{ < ••J #+ s{ < J ]]] t2 a d[3] %$ _*4 _*4 $, rz $, rz A A o saved d[2] ED t3 b ! BC * B ___/ B = •L •L t c saved d[2] LL 1111 4 "*   ! • 5) • • _____/ C   L t5 saved d[3] r u} rr Ò oOO   o ! nn PPP • 4 • nnn PPP layer layer layer input Qn

output Q m hidden QQ mm QQQ mmm r QQ m ϕ / QQ mmm L ; R l Qmm RR 8 L < Σ w Σ ll RR λ yy ww lll RRR yy w Qll R 9 y ww R QQ mm i1 r λ QQ mm o o / QQ mm 7 LO LO r RO QQQ mmm QQmmm 6 m ∗ 5 i2 ϕ i4 i6 ϕm

O O O 4 o i3 o r / Lm Kr,m Rm∗ b 3 2 GF a ED  m ∗  m  GF ED 1 m G / H G < ∗ ; λ y Σ r Σ /?>=<89:; /?>=<89:; /?>=<89:; /?>=<89:;/.-,()*+ yy ϕ in 1 a 2 ?_ ?A 3 B 4  yy   I E ? b b  λH  o o ∗ / G Gr ∗ H a i5 r b a

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Symbols ?! syntax, 471 ! syntax, 472, 473, 488, 489, 494 ?< syntax, 471 " syntax, 494 ?>>> syntax, 471 "..." syntax, 470 [F] syntax, 468, 469, 471–473, 474, 478, 479, 485, 486, 488, 500 ’ syntax, 480, 482, 494 [o] syntax, 471, 473, 475, 479, 485, 488, 499 (..,..) syntax, 470 & syntax, 468, 475, 481, 487   (0.xx) syntax, 482 \ c cross, 504   * syntax, 468–470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 476–478, 481, 488, 503 \ c twist, 504   ** syntax, 470, 471, 472, 475, 476, 477, 498 \ cc compositemap, 493   + syntax, 468, 471, 473, 475 \ cc lowertwocell, 493   ++ syntax, 471, 473, 485 \ cc twocell, 493 += syntax, 473 \ccuppertwocell, 493 , syntax, 469 ^ syntax, 478, 480, 494, 502, 506 - syntax, 473, 480, 487 ~ syntax, 495, 507, 509 – syntax, 473 ~* syntax, 476, 496, 497, 499, 507, 508 /.../ syntax, 472 ~** syntax, 476 /^.../ syntax, 472 ~: syntax, 497, 498, 499, 507, 508 /_.../ syntax, 472 ~< syntax, 496, 498, 499 /d.../ syntax, 485 ~<> syntax, 496, 497–499 /l.../ syntax, 486, 487 ~<< syntax, 496, 497 /r.../ syntax, 470, 486 ~= syntax, 496, 499, 500, 508 /u.../ syntax, 485 ~> syntax, 496, 497, 499, 507, 508 : syntax, 470, 487 ~>< syntax, 496, 497 ; syntax, 470, 477, 479 ~>> syntax, 496, 497 < syntax, 471, 504, 505 \\, 468, 473, 481 <..,..> syntax, 469 _ syntax, 478, 480, 494, 506 <<<< syntax, 482 ‘ syntax, 480, 482, 490, 494 = syntax, 470, 473, 479, 494 | syntax, 480, 504, 505 > syntax, 471, 504, 505 0 syntax, 470, 478 ? syntax, 471, 475, 476 1 syntax, 478

i i

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920 (Symbols–D) XY-pic

2 syntax, 478 commutative diagrams (cont.) 2cell option, 493 pullbacks, 484 3 syntax, 478 square, 482, 483 triangular, 483 @ Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork,see CTAN @ syntax, 472, 478 connections, 470, 471 @*[F] syntax, 486, 487 \croplattice, 503 @*[r] syntax, 481, 482 crossings @{*} syntax, 472, 473 knots, 504, 505 @{+} syntax, 472, 475, 476 links, 504, 505 @{–} syntax, 470, 471, 500, 501 \crv, 475, 476 @{-} syntax, 470, 471, 488, 490, 498, 499 CTAN (Comprehensive TEXArchiveNetwork) @{.} syntax, 470, 471, 498, 499 archived files, finding and transferring, 813 @{<<} syntax, 471 description, 810 @{==} syntax, 476 files, from the command line, 814 @{=} syntax, 470, 497 TEX file catalogue, 811 @{>} syntax, 471 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 @{o} syntax, 472 curly braces ({ }), 477 @{x} syntax, 472 curve option, 468, 474, 475, 479, 500, 503 @‘{...} syntax, 479, 508 curves, 475, 476 @H syntax, 486, 487 @M syntax, 486 D @R syntax, 486 D syntax, 472 @W syntax, 486, 487 diagram package, 482 diagxy package, 482 A documentation, see also online resources Adobe Reader program, 817 command-line interface, 815 all option, 468, 478 panel interface, 816 amsmath package, 483, 484 search by name, 815 \ar, 468, 472, 478, 479–481, 485, 486, 488, 494, 495, 500–503 search by product, 816 arc option, 500 texdoc, 815 arcs, 501, 502 texdock, 816 arrow option, 468, 478, 479, 480, 481, 487, 495, 503 drawing arrows arcs, 501, 502 custom, 478, 479, 480 arrows in commutative diagrams, 481–484 custom, 478, 479, 480 in commutative diagrams, 481–484 B braces, 477 brackets, 476, 477, 478 braids, 509 braids, 509 category theory, 509 C circles, 500, 501 C syntax, 472 cobordism of Morse theory, 510 category theory, 509 connections, 470, 471 circles, 500, 501 constructing pictures, 468 \circuit (private), 489, 490 curves, 475, 476 CMacTeX program, 468 ellipses, 500, 501 cobordism of Morse theory, 510 extensions, 468 color option, 468, 474 features, 468 commutative diagrams frames, 476, 477, 478 3x2diagrams,484 globular 3-morphisms, 509 3x3diagrams,484 graphic notions, 467 annotations, 483 graphs cubical, 481 basic principle, 487 description, 481 hidden layers, 489

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XY-pic (D–K) 921

drawing (cont.) \drop, 502, 503 input layers, 489 linguistics trees, 491, 492 E logical circuit diagrams, 489, 490 \ellipse, 490, 500, 501, 502 neural network diagrams, 488, 489 ellipses, 500, 501 output layers, 489 \endxy, 469, 479 tree branching, 488 \entrymodifiers, 485 kernel, 467 knots F crossings, 504, 505 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809, see also online joins, 505–508, 509 resources lattices, 502, 503 frame option, 468, 474, 476, 477, 479 links frames, 476, 477, 478 crossings, 504, 505 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), see online resources joins, 505–508, 509 \frm, 472, 476, 477, 478, 507 matrix-like diagrams 3x2,484 G 3x3,484 globular 3-morphisms, 509 annotations, 483 graph option, 468, 487, 488, 506 command syntax, 480 graphs commutative diagrams, 481–484 basic principle, 487 finite state diagrams, 485, 486, 487 hidden layers, 489 homology, 484 ff input layers, 489 pullback e ect, 484 linguistics trees, 491, 492 square, 482, 483 logical circuit diagrams, 489, 490 stack diagrams, 485, 486, 487 neural network diagrams, 488, 489 modules, 468 output layers, 489 object margins, 473 tree branching, 488 objects bounding box, 473 H definition, 468 \hcap, 506 dropping, 471, 472, 473 help, see online resources edge, 473 hidden graph layers, 489 shifting, 472 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 sizing, 473 hyperlinks, slides, 809–818 options, 468 pentagonal sphere, 510 I polygons 3-D, 498 ifthen package, 503 cubes, 499 \ifthenelse (ifthen), 503 general form, 495 \iiixii (diagxy), 484 hexagons, 496, 497 \iiixiii (diagxy), 484 nesting, 499 import option, 474 perspective drawings, 498 input graph layers, 489 positions absolute, 469 J definition, 467 joins initial, 469 knots, 505–508, 509 specifying, 469, 470 links, 505–508, 509 spline curves, 475, 476 string diagram, 510 K text, in pictures, 473 kernel, 467 two-cell diagrams, 493–495 knot option, 478, 503 web structures, 502, 503 \knotholesize, 507, 508

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922 (K–R) XY-pic

knots \objectstyle, 494, 497, 499, 504, 507, 508 crossings, 504, 505 \omit, 493, 494, 495 joins, 505–508, 509 online access to CTAN, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 online resources L archived files, finding and transferring, 813 L syntax, 472 CTAN (Comprehensive TEX Archive Network), 810 \labelstyle, 494, 504–508 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 LATEX files, obtaining documentation web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 command-line interface, 815 \latticeA, 503 panel interface, 816 \latticeB, 503 search by name, 815 \latticebody, 502, 503 search by product, 816 lattices, 502, 503 texdoc, 815 \latticeX, 503 texdock, 816 \latticeY, 503 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 809 Lc syntax, 476 files, getting from the command line, 814 line option, 468, 474 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, 810 linguistics trees, 491, 492 news groups, 810 links program files, obtaining crossings, 504, 505 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 joins, 505–508, 509 TEX file catalogue, 811 logical circuit diagrams, 489, 490 TEX files, 810 TEX user groups, 817, 818 M TUG home page, 810, 811 matrix option, 468, 478, 480, 481, 487 output graph layers, 489 matrix-like diagrams 3x2,484 P 3x3,484 pentagonal sphere, 510 annotations, 483 pic program, 487 command syntax, 480 \place (diagxy), 483 commutative diagrams, 481–484 poly option, 495, 507 finite state diagrams, 485, 486, 487 polygons homology, 484 3-D, 498 pullback effect, 484 cubes, 499 square, 482, 483 general form, 495 stack diagrams, 485, 486, 487 hexagons, 496, 497 \morphism (diagxy), 482, 483 nesting, 499 N perspective drawings, 498 \POS, 480, 486, 488, 490 nesting, polygons, 499 positioning neural network diagrams, 488, 489 absolute, 469 \newdir, 470, 481, 482 definition, 467 \newgraphescape, 488, 489, 490 initial, 469 news groups, 810, see also online resources specifying, 469, 470 O program files, obtaining web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 object margins, 473 ps option, 475 \objectmargin rigid length, 496 \pullback (diagxy), 484 objects bounding box, 473 definition, 468 R dropping, 471, 472, 473 R syntax, 472 edge, 473 \restore, 486, 487, 488, 490, 507 shifting, 472 rotate option, 468, 474, 489 sizing, 473 \rrtwocell, 494, 495

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XY-pic (R–Y) 923

\rtwocell, 493, 494 \vcross, 504 \vloop, 508, 509 S \vover, 504, 506, 508 \save, 486, 487, 488, 490, 507 \Vtrianglepair (diagxy), 483 slides (color), overlay specification \vtwist, 504 hyperlinks, 809–818 \vunder, 504 \SloppyCurves, 476 spline curves, 475, 476 \splinetolerance, 476 W \Square (diagxy), 483 web option, 502 \square (diagxy), 482, 483 web structures, 502, 503 square brackets ([]), 476, 477, 478 wget program, 814 string diagram, 510 T X TEX file archives, 810, see also CTAN \xoverv, 508 TEX files, obtaining \xtwocell, 493, 494, 495 web access, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 \xunderv, 507, 508, 509 texdoc program, 815, 816 \xy, 469 texdoctk program, 815–817 xy env., 469, 495 text, in pictures, 473 \xybox, 497, 502, 503 tile option, 474 \xyconnect (xytree), 492 tips option, 468, 474, 481 \xygraph 487 \Tree (xyling), 491 , , 488, 489, 490, 506–508 tree branching, 488 \xylattice, 502 TUG home page, 810, 811 xyling package, 491 \turnradius, 487 \xymatrix, 468, 480, 481, 482, 485, 486, 493–495 two-cell diagrams, 493–495 \xynode (xytree), 491, 492 \twoar (diagxy), 483 \xyoption, 468 \txt, 473 \xypolygon, 495, 496–499, 507 \xypolyname, 499 U \xypolynode, 497, 499, 507, 508 U syntax, 472 \xypolynum, 497 \UseAllTwocells, 493, 494 \xytree (xytree), 492 \UseCompositeMaps, 493 xytree package, 491 \UseHalfTwocells, 493 \UseTwocells, 493, 495 Y V \yynode (xytree), 491, 492 \vcap, 507 \yytree (xytree), 492

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Abraham, Paul, 709 Carlisle, David, 7, 47, 557, 719, 737 Fairbairns, Robin, 809, 810 Akhmadeeva, Leila, 431 Charpentier, Jean-Côme, 429 Finston, Laurence D., 211, 212 Aplevich, Dwight, 203, 583 Cho, Jin-Hwan, 798 Fischer, Ulrike, xxxiv, 668, 669 Apollonius, 192, 194 Cholewo, Tomasz, 203 Frampton, John, 424, 425 Appelt, Wolfgang, 668 Chupin, Maxime, III Fraser, James, III Arnold, Doug, 491 Clark, Adrian, 8 Frischauf, Adrian, 13 Clark, James, 17 Fujita, Shinsaku, 520 Bächle, Dirk, 687 Coulon, Jean-Pierre, 588 Barnard, Frederick R., 1 Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald, Gäßlein, Hubert, xxxiv, 43, 457 Barr, Michael, 482 192 Gabo, Naum, 57, 58 Bauke, Heiko, 518 Garcia, Federico, xxxiv, 666, 668, 680 Beccari, Claudio, 47 Díaz, José Luis, 64, 196 Gardner, D. J., 424 Beitz, Eric, xxxiv, 547, 551 Dahlgren, Mats, 517 Gastin, Paul, 15, 438 Berners-Lee, Tim, 12 Deutsch, L. Peter, 11 Geisler, Martin, 194 Berry, Karl, 69 Diamantini, Maurice, 442 Gheorghie¸s, Ovidiu, 181 Bibby, Duane, 7 Dirr, Ulrich, xxxiv, 673 Giese, Martin, 449 Bleser, Joachim, 15 Duggan, Angus, 7 Gieseking, Martin, 13 Bolek, Piotr, 148 Dunker, Rainer, 647, 659 Gilg, Jürgen, xxiv Bos, Victor, 691 Dupuis, Étienne, 691 Girou, Denis, 214, 431, 446, 447, 452, Braams, Johannes, 15 457 Brown, Terry, 16 Edwards, Tim, 586 Gjelstad, Ellef, 443 Buckley, Andy, 512, 516, 560 Egler, Andreas, 589 Gonzato, Guido, 609 Burton,Terry,453 Ekola, Tommy, 188 Gray, Norman, 555 Bustamante Argañaraz, Gustavo S., Els, Danie, 513 , Enrico, 612 196, 576 Esser, Thomas, 815, 816 Gurari,EitanM.,15

i i

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Hàn, Thê´ Thành, 24, 798 Maclaine-cross, Ian, 15, 47 Sarlat, Jean-Michel, IV, 195 Haas, Roswitha T., 518 Matarazzo, Giuseppe, 436, 437 Schöpf, Rainer, 810 Hafner, Jim, 719 Mattes, Eberhard, 24 Scherer, Andreas, 167 Hagen, Hans, 73, 138, 520, 541 May, Ludwig, 572 Schmid, Hanspeter, 442 Hamilton Kelly, Brian, 702 May, Wolfgang, 445 Schmittbuhl, Arnaud, 432 Happel, Patrick, 513 Milne, James, 481 Schnell, Andreas, 14 Hefferon, Jim, 810 Mitchell, Ross, 589 Schofer, Angelika, 589 Heldoorn, Marcel, 513 Mittelbach,Frank,7,688 Sendoukas, Hippocrates, 24 Hilbert, David, 52, 194 Moon, Alun, 148 Sierpinski,´ Wacław, 52, 194 Hirata, Shunsaku, 798 Moore, Ross, xxxiv, 16, 467, 488 Simons, Don, 590, 616, 618 Hobby, John, 21, 71, 75, 80, 157 Morawski, Jens-Uwe, 59, 60, 64, 170 Smith, Brian, 13 Hoenig, Alan, 52, 56 Morimoto, Hiroaki, 637 Sowa, Friedhelm, 7 Hoffmann, Torben, 668, 673 Muelas, Santiago, 142, 209 Steinbach, Andrea, 589 Hwang, Andrew D., 20 Navarria, Janice, xxxiv Tannert, Sebastian, 576 Jackowski, Bogusław, 138, 149 Neugebauer, Gerd, 702, 704 Taupin, Daniel, v, vi, 589, 591, 592 Jalbert, François, 589 Newton, Isaac, 714 Tidefelt, Henrik, 177 Jeffrey, Alan, 65 Nienhuys, Han-Wen, xxxiv, 661 Tille, Andreas, 576 Jorssen, Christophe, 428, 429, 434, Niepraschk, Rolf, 43, 457 Tobin, Geoffrey, 122 435 Nieuwenhuizen, Jan, 661 Tutelaers, Piet, 668 Jørgensen, Palle, 155 Nobre Gonçalves, Luís, 209 Un, Koaungli, 491 Kane,KevinC.,518 Ohl, Thorsten, 120, 555, 561, 566 van der Laan, Kees, 57, 58, 147, 699, Kelley, Colin, 17 Oswald,Urs,194 701 Kern, Uwe, xxxiv, 719 Otten, A. F., 520, 541 Van Zandt, Timothy, 214, 448, 451, Kernighan, Brian, 17 Phan, Anthony, II, 66, 150, 209 455, 458 Kiffe, Thomas, 468 Pianowski, Piotr, 138 Verhulst, Ferdinand, 195 Kinch, Richard, 24 Pipping, Nils Johan, 193 Vermaseren, Jos, 555, 558 Kneifl, Stanislav, 636 Podar, Sunil, 15 Veytsman, Boris, 431 Knuth, Donald, 6–9, 51, 137, 698 Poulain, Christophe, 148, 192 Vieth, Ulrik, 67, 137, 167 Koch, Helge von, 105, 194 Vila-Forcen, Jose-Emilio, 430 Kołodziejska, Hanna, 691 Rahtz, Sebastian, 7, 42 Voß, Herbert, 214, 434, 435, 437, 453 Krysztofiak, Claudia, xxxiv Ramek, Michael, 518 Vogel, Ralf, xxxiv, 491 Raymond, Eric, 810 Lamers, Jürgen, 687 Vulis, Michael, 11, 797 Reichert, Axel, 513 Lamport, Leslie, 7, 8 Richer, Jacques, 688 Walshaw, Chris, 600, 654 Lauda, Aaron, xxxiv, 509 Richter, Jörg, 696 Wanske, Helene, 587 Laurie, Dirk, 590, 616, 647, 651, 659 Ristow, Alan, 450 Weinhold, Stephan, 688 Leathrum, Thomas E., 122 Rodriguez, Dominique, 423, 426 White, Jan, 742 Leech O’Neale, Susan, xxxiv Roegel, Denis, 80, 207, 208 Wichura, Michael, 13 Leilich, Jens, 572 Rokicki, Tom, 11, 24, 65 Wicks, Mark A., 24, 798 Lesenko, Sergey, 24 Rose, Kristoffer H., 16, 467 Williams, Graham, 811 Lester, Paul Martin, 1 Rowley, Chris, 7 Williams, Thomas, 17 Levine, Michael, 555 Rubinstein, Zalman, 668 Wilson, Peter, 178, 181, 710 Lindenmayer, Aristid, 154 Ruedas, Thomas, 816 Wyart, Damien, xxxiv Lombardy, Sylvain, 439 Rycko,´ Marek, 138 Wythoff, Willem Abraham, 192 Luecking, Daniel H., 73, 122 Luque, Manuel, 433, 434, 437, 445, Sabo, Rudolf, 13 Yang, Yang, 167 452 Sakarovitch, Jacques, 439 Young, Thomas, 714

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