Curriculum Vitae FRANK A. RUSSO Department of Psychology Jorgenson Hall Ryerson University Toronto, ON, M5B 2K3, Canada 416-979-5000, x. 2647 (office), x. 4989 (lab)
[email protected] Last updated: April 27, 2020 Degrees: 2002 PhD, Psychology (Brain, Behavior & Cognitive Science), Queen's U. at Kingston 1995 MA, Psychology, Queen's U. at Kingston 1992 BA, Specialized Honours in Psychology, York University Awards and Distinctions: 2020 Collaborative Research and Creative Activity Award, Ryerson University 2019 Dean’s Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, Ryerson University 2019 NSERC-Sonova Senior Industrial Research Chair in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience 2016 Full Professor, Ryerson University 2016 Early Career Award and Medal, International Commission for Acoustics (“for outstanding contributions to psychological acoustics”) 2013-19 Hear the World Research Chair in Music and Emotional Speech 2013 Elected to Fellow Status, Canadian Psychological Association 2012 Ryerson Fellow, Massey College, U. Toronto 2012 Early Career Award, Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (“for exceptional contributions to Brain, Behaviour and Cognition”) 2012 Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity Award ("for outstanding achievement and impact"), Ryerson University (also received in 2007, -08, -10) 2011 Lectra Innovation Award, International Textile and Apparel Association (“for research innovation in wearable technology”) 2011 Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (“to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent”) 2010 Founding member of Institute for Stress, Health, and Wellbeing, Ryerson University 2010 Nomination by Ryerson University for Natural Science and Engineering Research Council, Science Promotion Award 2009 Early Tenure, Ryerson University 2002 Shaw Postdoctoral Prize in Acoustics, Canadian Acoustical Association Frank A.