Cedar City As Well," He Said
THE THUNDE _88_TH_ YEAR;___ NUM-- B-ER_ l _____.,,,,, fffihiif itili§flHlfiiidfiiiifl---T-UES-D-A-Y,-SEPTEMB---ER-2-I-,l -99-3 SUUparking changes 'With zoties for all > BY MADISON B.RI.GGS Thunderbird Sto.ff Writer The SUU campus has recently become segregated. This segregation has taken the fo rm ' of designated pa rki ng spaces for students and faotlty. The reason for the change? In a word: Progress. For the past five years, SU U has conducted annual committee meetings, polled other Utah schools., compiled results from surveys and initiated discussions as research for possible changes in the parking siruati.on on campus. This summer, after a committee meeti.ng chaired by Robert 0. Salmon, dean of the college of business, technology and communication, u niversity officials in itiated some changes in campus parking, including the designated .ones (See mnp on page 9). Other changes are forthcoming, including, by year's end, the das ificatlon of a upay and park~ lot in front of the Auditorium. This particular lot is under renovation now, and wilJ have o nl y one large, central entrance rather d1an tl1e two it currently has. "We collaborated with the Utah Depamnenc ofTransportation in an effort ro make that particular lo more safe,u said Michael D. Richards, vi~ i;>resident fo r university affairs. He also pointed out that the lot will be advertised Gigantic machine.i, such as the tmicher, dig awa;y rhe campus grounds between the Business BM i!ding and the Student Center. The as a visitor's lot-somerl1 ing the university does constTMction crews are c1mentl;y working 12-hou.r da;ys to try to open the en1Tance.3 to the Stledent CenteT to the Mpper pan of the campw .
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