Page Foreword I-II Preface I-VI Maps Important Statistic:s 1-2 CensuS' Concepts and De:lininons .. 3- 4 History of the District and the District Census Hand book~ Scope of the' Village Directory, Scope of the Village and Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract., Origin ~f Garo, Reli- gious and historically important places 5--20

'tABLES: Table - 1 Population, Number of Villages and Town 11981 .... 20 Table - 2 Decadal Change in Oistribution of Population .. 21 Table - 3 Distribution of ViJIages by Population Ran1e 21 Meghaiaya Scheduled Tribes "... 22 Meghalaya, Scheduled Castes 23 Table - 5 Proportion. of Scheduled Castes Population to Total:i;>opulation in the villages 24 ... , " . Ta'ble - 6 PIQPortion of Sc}l.eduled Trib~s Population to Totat'Population in the villages. 24 Table - 7 Proportion of Scheduled Cast~s!Se~uled T,ribes Population in Town 2$ Table - 8 Literacy Rates by Population Range of Villages 25 Table - 9 Literacy Rates for Towns . 25 Table -10 Literate, Workers, Non-Worker::;, Scheduled Castes/Tribes Population in the District. 26-27 Table -11 DIstribution of Villages according to the availablIity 'of different' amenities. 29 Table -12 Pro),ortion of Rural population Served by different amenities 30 Table -13 . Distribution of villages not having certain amenitie&, arranged by distant ranges from places where these ate available. 31' Table -14 Distribution of villages ~ccording to the distance from the nearest Town , and availability of different Amenities 32 Table -15 Distril;mtion of villages according to Population ra~¥ and amenities available 33 Table -16 Main Staple food in majority of villages in each C. D. Block •. 34: Table -17 Distribution ofY-illages according to Land Use .• 34' Table -18 Gr,owth, Demity, and Sex-ratiQ of Urban Population in the District in relation to the State 3S Table -19 New Towns De

Section I Explanatory Notes on village Directory 40-44 (i) Map of Dambo Rongjeng Community Deyelopment Block. .facing Page (ii) Alphabetical order of th~ Village List of QAmbo Rongjeng Community Deve- lopment Block < • • • ••• 45-49 Village Directory of Da·mbo RongjeI1g Community Development Block! 50-59 (i) Map of Songsak Community Development Block. , Facing Page (ii) Alphabetical order of the village List of Songsak Community Develop- ment Block. 60-62 Village' Directory of Songsak Community Development Block 63-68 (i) Map of (East) Community Development 'Block '.. Facing Page (ii) Alphabetical Order of the Village List of Resubelpara (East) Community Deve- . lopment Block 69-73 Village Directory of Resubelpara (Esat) Community Development Block 74-81 (i) ~p ,of Samanda Community Development Block . • . . Facing Page (ii) A~Mflbetical Order of Village List .of Samanda Community Development Block 82-84 Village Directory of Samanda Community. Development Block . • 85-90


Appendix I-:-Tehsilwjse abstract of Educational, M~ical and other Amenities. 91-92 Appendix III-List of Villages where no Amenities Available except Drinking Water 93 -List of ViJIage having no Amenities '" 94-98 Appendix IV-Lht of Villages ACCQrding to the ProRdJ'tion of Scheduled . Jastes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by ranges. 99-117


Notes on Town Directory ..... 118-120 Statement I-Status and Growth History 121' Statement II-Physical Aspect and Location of Towns, 1979 .• 122 Statement III-Municipal Finance, 1978-79' 123 Statment IV-Civic and Other Amenities 124 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979 125 Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979 126


Di~trict Primary. Census Abstract ... 127-130

Urban/Village P~imary Census Abstract ... (

(1) Pambo Rongjeng C. D. Block 131-148· (2) Songsak C. D. Block 149-156 (3)' Resubelpara (East) C. D. Block 157-172 (4). Samanc:ia C. D. Block 173-182 Description of Enumeration Block Boundary 183-184 Urban/Village Primary Census Abstract of Town and Urban Land Use Map 185""':186 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 187-190 Appendix: to Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PopUlation Urban' Blockwise 191 ,F 0 R E W 0 R D

The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Governments, is one of the most "aluable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators,' academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District Administration. The District Census H'lndbook ~3 the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (peA) data upto Ylliage level for rural areas and warowise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. '

The District Census Handbook series was initiated (~:ll'ing ~:lC 1951 Census. It contained impor­ tant census tables and peA for each villnge cnd towns of the district. Dur~ng 1961 Census the scopes of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a dc~;;::iptive account oi' the district, administra­ tive statistics, census tables and a village and town db '. ctory. including PCA, The 1971 DCII series was 'planned in three parts. Part-A related to; village and to\vn directory, Part-B to \.illage ~ and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical repbrt, administrative staHstics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based o~ PCA arid amenity data in respect of villages, How­ ever in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing,

While designing the format of 1981 DelI series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town direciory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the formal of the village directory anrl incorporating more exhaustive data on infra­ structure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expeclf'd to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of infor­ mation have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, Primary Healtli sub-centres, and community health workers in the villaga have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district whic.h arC inaccessible. A new column, "total popUlation and number of households" has been introduced examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are availabl~e and according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population to the total population has also been made with this view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also :been modified to meet the requirements of the ~i?imum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on ~lVIC and other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II-towns (Statement IV-A) has been Introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chtdk­ out programmes on .provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in State:rnent IV relating to CIVlC and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in IStatementlll V are also added intet alia with this view. A significant addition in class of town in all the seven stBte­ ments of th~ town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can b~ .best analysed by taking the class of towns in to consideration. The ad'dition of the columns on CIVIC administration status and popUlation in a few statements also serve this purpose. ( ii ]

The format of the primary census abstract, for the villages and towns has ,been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individuai sliD of 1981 Census.

In order to avoid delay'in publication oi 1981 nCH series it has been so designed that Part A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part B the peA of villages and towns including t~e Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tehsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on peA and non census data in relation to the infrastructUJ;e has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tehsil/Police Station/C.D. Block, etc., level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organislltion. The data have been collected and compilf'd in the State under the direction of Shri J. Tayeng, tA.S., the Director of Census Operations, Meghal&Ya on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the prepara­ tion of the maps. Data received from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at ,he headquarters under the guidance of Shri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project.


:\Ieghalaya is one of the youngest States of the Indian Union, At the time of taking the 1971 Census, it was an autonomous sub-state within the State of with two districts, viz., Garo Hills and United Khasi and Jaintia Hills Districts. With the re-organisation of the North-Eastern States under the North-Eastern State (Re··organisation) Act, 1971 the erstwhile autonomous State of Meghalaya was upgraded-to a full-fledged State. Therefore of all practical purposes, 1981 Census is the first census conducted in ~leghalaya as a full-fledged State.

The new State went through far-reaching administrative changes in the subsequent years in order to meet the administrative demands for speedy economic development . of the people. Immediately after inauguration of the State the then Jaintia Hills Subdivision of the United Khasi and Jaintia Hills District was upgraded into a full-fleged district in the early part of 1972. Thereafter in 1976 Khasi Hills District and Garo Hills District were bifurcated to form two districts each, viz., East Khasi Hills District with headquarters' at , West Khasi Hills District with headquarters at , East Garo Hills District with headquarters at Williamnagar and with headquarters at Tnra. Four new Subdivisions, viz., Amlarem in Jaintia Hills District, Ri-Bhoi in East Khasi Hills District, in West Khasi Hills District and Baghmara in \Vest Garo Hills District were als') constituted around the same time. In addition to these, six administrative units, Yiz., Khliehriat in Jaintia Hills District, Sohra in East Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat in West Khasi Hills District, Resubelpara in East Garo Hills District, Dadenggiri and Betasing Administrative units in West Garo Hills District were also brought into being. In the late 1979, the erstwhile 24 community development blocks in the State were also re-organised to create six lllore additional Community Dcvelopment Blocks bringing the total to 30. Of the new Community Development Blocks, Amlarcl11 comprising the Amlarem Subdivision was carycrl out from erstwhile Thadlaskein C. D. Block, Mawkynrew in East Khasi Hills District was carved out from part,s of Pynursla and Mawryngkneng C. D. Blocks, the no:rthern portion of Bhoi Area C. D. Block was taken away and that portion of Mairaing C. D. BLock which falls in East Khasi Hills District was tagged to the northem portion of Bhoi Area C, D. Block to constitute a new C. D. Block with, headquarters at Umling. In West Khasi Hills District, the biggest C. D. Block in the State, Nongstoin-Sonapahar was divided into two and the new C. D. Block comprising Sonapahar area was formed as Mawshynrut C. D. Block with headquarters at Riangdo. In East Garo Hills District, Songsak C. D. Block was almost equally divided to constitute a new C. D. Block of Samanda comprising of the soul!lefl1 portion of Songsak Block. In West Garo Hills District, the erstwhile Dambuk-Aga was uivided along the ~v~r Simsang and a new C. D. Block named Rongara was constituted on the cast wt-de on the west of Simsang river the original C. D. Block wilh the same name continued.

Though already created, at the time of actuol census taking the new C. D. Blocks did not come into ('xisten('(' in the field, and therefore except for Amlarem and Mawshynrut, 4 new C. D. Blocks were not taken as separate units in 1!)81. Yet in order to enhance the utility of the data to the Planners, the data has been tabulated all the basis of the new C. D. Blocks.

The District Census Handbooks in 1971 wen' written for two districts which constituted the ,\ utonomous State of Meghalaya at that tilll(;, As such for the first time, separate District Census 1Iandbooks for all the five districts comprising present MeghalaY::l are being brought out in 1981 st'paraiely. H)81 Census had some distinctive features compared to earlier censuses. For the first time, the economic censm was C:lnn;sferl in the form of Enterprise List along with the I~ouselisting operations in SC'ptclllhf'r and October, 1980. This has necessitated wholehearted co·.)pera­ lIon an~ co-ordination of thc training programme as well as actual field operations between the State DIrectorate of Census Operations and the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govern­ ment of Meghalaya, on behalf of the :Central Statistical Organisation. Secondly, for the first time [ ii ] after Independence an effort was made to collect information on physically handicapped pel'sons though in a very limited scale. Handicapped p{,fsons were categorised into totally blind, tJtally crippled and totally dumb. This it is hoped, will provide

The Census Organisation like any organisation has been always striving to improve upon its previous performances both in terms of quantity and qaulity of data. The collection of the above mentioned information will enhance the utiliLy of 1981 Census data. 1981 Census was also an improvement on the 1971 Census from another angle. 'Within a month of the completion of the Census taking throughout the country the provisional results were published for the whole country as well as for every individual state and union territory. Considering the fact that Indian Census is one of the biggest administrative exercises in the' world, and IS based on door-to-door can yassing. it wali really remarkahle that tte prol'lsional lJopulati9n 10t<1.1s wrre announc<,i within such a short time. This has earned wide acclamation from all oyer the world. Unlike in 1971, the District Census Handbok in 1981 will consisL of two parts, viz., Part XIII-A and XIII-B. Part A dealing with Village and Town Directory and Part B dealing with Village and Town-wise Prinwry Census Abstract. Analytical reports and administrative statements along with District Censlls Tables each constituting Part X-C of 1971 was merged into the Introductory Chapter and analyti­ cal reports on various tables in the Part A llnd B itself. Another significant deviation from the HJ71 Census is in the format of the towns and Yillage Priman Census Abstract. The 1971 Census divided wOlikers into 9 categories, whereas in 1981 they have been divided into cultivators. agricultural labourers, household industries and "Other WarFers". The last category in 1981 covers category III. IV, Vb, VI, VII, VIII and IX of 1971. While in 1971, total number of workers we-.:e divided into \) categories in 1981 it is divided into two major categories, viz., :tyIain workers :md marginal workers. The main workers are categories into four as mentioned above but intro(luction of marginal workers is a new phenomenon. Though it dol'S not form part of the Primarv Censu, Abstract, in the District Census Handbook in H181 Census information on persons seeking 0; aV;lilabl( for work were also collected. This is also a new innovation.

In 1971, the unit below the district level for census taking was Inot uniform throughout the State. In Garo Hills District, Mouza form'; the unit while in the United Khasi and Jaintia Hills District, the Police Station area was the unit below the district level. \Vith the administratiYC· re-organisation of the State these areas have also undergone large scale changes. Therefore, the comparability of data up to the Mouza and Police Station area for 1971 with that of C. D. Block area in 1981 is lost. But following the 1971 pattern an alphabetical list of Yillages for every C. D. Block has been provided for easy identification of the village with their location code which does not contain any other information. In the village directory portion, detailed information ahout the amenities available in each village has been indicated. Similarly, in the Primary Census Abstract, population particulars of every village has been indicated. Though the data for every hamlet wai' collected in 1981 Census, it has been decided to present them only up to the village leyel and all requirements of hamlet-wise data would be met for individual requirements. The existenCe of several villages of the same name not only in diiIerent district but also in the same C. D. Block is often confusing. However, utmost care has bec'n taken to ensure that neither there is ommission nor duplication of villages in each C. D. Block and as far as possible we have tried to maintain sIwlling iQf the villages which were adopted in Hl71 Th9~g:h: it i~ .th~, subject matter of the Admi.ni.stra- [ iii J lion Report, yet it may not be out of place to men lion that the village list was drawn up an!t finalised after meticulous care and consistent efforts were made. The list of villages supplied by the Block Development Officers were compared with the list of villages found in the District Cf'nsus Handbook of 1971 and then again with the list of villages contained in the Electoral Rolls. T~'e discrepancies noticed were again referred to the Block Development Officers and Deputy COIlimis· sioners. In very many cases, personnal vis_its and verifications were done so as to ensure that all villages both inhabited and uninhabited were tak n into account. The result is we have 5048 villag{~s out of which 146 are uninhabited leaving 49l)~ inhabited villages. District wise break-up 01 inhabited and uninhabited viliages is as follows ;-

Villages in Meghalaya

Stute/District/C. Block 'Total ]\;0. of Total No. of Total No. of vilbges iUI,abited un-inhabit d \'iIlage~ villagesp

2 3 4 .:------MEGHALAYA Ii: ... 5048 4902 146 JAINTIA HILLS DISTRICT 418 404 14 Thadlaskein C. D. Block 71 67 ·1 Laskein C. D. Block 122 120 2 Khliehriat C. D. Block 152 148 4 ,I Amlarem C. D. Block 7:~ 69 EAST KHASI HILLS DISTRICT 1227 1189 38 Nongpoh C.D. Block 186 181 [> Bhoi Area C. D. Block .,. 256 248 t-i Mawryngkneng C. D. Block 64 63 1 Mylliem C. D. Block 64 64 ;\lawphlang C. D. Block 113 112 1 Pynursla C. D. Block ... 128 127 J SheIla Bholaganj C. D. Block 182 172 10 Mawsynram C. D. Block 164 154 10 Mawkynrew C. D. Block 70 68 2 WEST KHASI HILLS DISTRICT 743 710 03 ~lairang C. D. Block 124 122 ~ Mawkyrwat C. D. Block 18:S 181 2 1 - J\"cngstoin C. D. Block 243 226 ~ I l\:Iawshynrut C. D. Blocl{ ... / 193 181 12 EAST GARO HILLS DISTRICT 677 656 :n Dambo-Rangjeng C. D. Block 222 213 \) Songsak C. D. Block 110 109 1 Resubelpara C. D. Block 222 220 .) Samanda C. D. Block 123 114 ~l WEST GARO HILLS DISTRICT 1983 1943 40 Resubelpara West C. D. Block 108 106 2 Dadenggiri C. D. Block 189 187 2 Selsella C. D. Block 283 280 3 Rongram C. D. Block 236 236 Betasing C. D. Block ..,, 196 195 1 Zikzak C. D. Block - 164 163 1 Dalu C. D. Block .... 243 237 I)

Chokpot C. D. Block .. -~ --~~ 362 339 23 Dambuk Aga C. D. Block ,.: ..: .. -. 111 111

Rongara C. D. Block '-: ... .~. 91 89 2 [ iv ]

The present District Census Handbook combines Part A and Part B. Part;\ vf the volume contains information regarding the stll tus of each town and its location, physical aspect, Municipal finance, Civic and other amenities," Industry. banking, etc. Village Directory c;ll1tains the information on availability of basic amenitles such as educational institutions, public health eentI'es, village markets, drinking water, eledritdty, transport and communications. Part B of the Handbook contains details of Primary 'Census Abstract of each town and village. Compared to these towns of 1971 Census, there are 12 towns in Hlgl. Of these, Pynthor Umkhrah au,1 Madan Rting which constituted rural ('omponents of Shillong Standard Urban Area of un, anrl now formed constituent towns of Shillong llrban Agglomeration. Cherrapunjee in East Khasi Hills District locally known as Sabra which is tb.; Cement town, ~ ongstoin the headquarters of \Ves1 Khasi Hills District, Williamnagar, the headquarters of East Garo Hills District and Baghmara the headquarters of Baghmara SubdiVIsion and the four new towns of 1981. Significantly, Tura town has also unrlergone tremendous change. The town area of Tura in Hl71 compri1;es of the ,lrea which was constituted into a Town Committee area vide a notification in 1951. But while the Census was being taken the District Council by a notification enlaI1ged the area of the town which was not taken into consideration in lhe 1971 publications as urban unit. In 1979, the in the Municipal Department constituted the Municipality of Tura by adding 11 villages of Hongram C. D. Block. Tlms the .population of Tum from 14,489 rose to :1;").257. The area of the town also increased frolll 9.09 Km2 to 18.32 Km2.

In the Column :1 of the Village Directmy and also of \'illage Primary Census Abstract, the ;;;'('a of the village in hectares ougl\[ to have heen given. Howenr, in lhe absence )f cadastral f'urvey, the area furnished for ('"ery villag(~ is ;:.rrived at by approximate estim

As will be evident from the data presented particularly in the Town and Village Directory, the Census Organisation had to obtain assistance from many other departments to gets the required data. I would like to to place on record our sincere thanks to all those Individuals, Organisations in Govern­ ment ~epartments who have helped us with the required information and the Census Organisation looks forward to having their continued hdp and assistance.

I would like to record my gratitude to the people of .\Ieghalaya who have given their utmost co-operation to the Census Organisation by faithfully answering all questions both pleasant and unpleasant. The 2397 enumerators and 491 supervisors, 62 Charge Officers, 3 Additional District Census Officers, Subdivisional Officers, Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Census Officers and the Deputy Commissioners who functioned as Principal Census Officers have earned our deep gratitude by their sincerity, dedication to workf team spirit and the amount of organisational skill displayed and countless sacrifices of their perscnal comfort that they have made in making the 1981 Census a success. The 1981 Census Operations have proved beyond doubt that given the will, the administrative leadership and sound organisational backing we Indians are capable of doing anything On this earth. .

I am also grateful to the Government of Meghalaya particularly to Shri L. P. Singh, then Governor of Meghalaya, Shri B. B. Lyngdoh, then Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Capt. W. A. 8angma, Chief Minister of l\rIeghalaya, Shri Ramesh Chandra, lA.S. Then Chief Secretary to the ~ Govern­ ment of Meghalaya, Shri J. C. Nampui, I.A.S., Chief. Secretary to the Gavernment of l\rIeghalaya, ShH R. V. Lyngd6h; LA.S., Additional Chief Secretary and Shri H. A. D. Sawain, tA.S.. Sp~cial Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya who have not only made the entire State machinery available to the Census Organisation but have also been constant sources of encouragement and guidance but for whose personal attention, the State machinery and thousands of census workers would not have been alble to tackle the job without any hitch.

I am also extremely gratefUl to the Chief Executive Memb~rs of the District Councils who have wholeheartedly assisted the Census Organisation by sparing all available man-power at their disposal.

I am really fortuhate to have a dedicated band of colleagues in the 'Directorate' who have spared no pains and endured all the sufferings and discomforts to make the Census count right from its preparation to its final tabulation :1 success. The staff of the Directorate from the Chow­ kidar to the Office Superintendent who have undertaken even extra hours of works during the critical period ungrudgingly also deserve my siacere gratitude and appreciation. The dedicated band of temporary fixed pay staff who tabulated the voluminous data within a very short period without the sligtest amount of neglect up to the last moments of their retrenchment knowing fu11- well that from the next day they would no longer be in service, have also earned my deep gratitude. A is a pity that inspite of the best talents they hl'.ve exhibited, we have not been able to ahsorb them due to other constraints. I am particularly indebted to Shri L. Kharjmria, Deputy Director of Census Operations, Shri M. T. Singh, Assist,mt Director of Census Operations. Shri K. S. Lyngdoh, Assistant Director of Census Operations, Shri L. R. Marak, Investigator, Shri H. A. Syiem, Investiga­ tor, Shri R. M. Kharmawphlang, Investigator. Shri S. Kharkongor, Cartographer, Shri K. C. Acharjee, Office Superintendent who have been a source of support and encouragement as Branch Officers durinlg the trying moments of 1981 Census. Shri K. S. Lyngdoh, Assistant Director, Shri L. R. Marak, Investigator, Shri F. Kharkongor, Investigator, Shri L. R. Lyngdoh, Statistical Assistant, [ vi ]

Shri Cleantone Sangma, Statistical Assistant also deserve my sincere appreciation for the un­ irudging labour they 'put in to draft the District Census Handbooks. The staff of Map Section, Shri W. :So Roy, Artist, -Shri A-K Das-,·Arl:ist" Shri Thangtlinga Sr. Draughtsman, Sarvashri T. Bhattacharjee, '.p. Roy, R. Dutta under'the-.abl,;) stewardship of Shri R. 'M. ,Kharmawphlang, who have carried out the difficult task of map drawing not only foOl' the District Census Handbooks hut also for otb.er publications of 1981 Census have done a commendable Job inspite of inherent diffitulti~s.· 'Particular' m-enti(j'li 'must be made of Shri B. -Marbaniang, Statistical Assistant, assited by Shri E. Momin, Helen lawphniaw, Joyce Khal'puri; Jeriita Dkhar -and Himani Sangma who iJave borne the burden of preparing the Town and Village Directories exclusively and have aIs(' assisted me in drafting the Jain-tia Hills D.1strict Census Handbook. The mass of data for all the publications and the voluminous write-ups. both jn intelligible and unintelligible handwritings could not' have been reduced into printed Dish-iet Cpnsus Handbooks without the magic touch of the band of typists headed by Smti. L. Lyngdoh, Sr. Stenogmpher 'and Smti. N. LaIoo, Jr. Stenographer. The quality of printing basically depends upon the accuracy of typing. In this they have done a tremendqus job with utmost satisfaction. An of them deserve my deep appreciation.

fhe last but not least, I would like to record my deep ,gratitude to Shri P.· Padmanabha, I.KS., Registrar GeI;leral, India who have been a friend, philosopher and guide to me personally and :m unfailing spurce of inspiration and ~encouragement and a rare example of dynamic leadm:ship to the ,Vast census organisation in' the oountry.. The suecess of the Census for 1981 is a personal triumph to him. "Vhether .it is morning or late at night, whether h(' was busy or relaxed, he has neycr lqf>t hi~ cool and 'has always been, understanding, accommodating and appreciating. To this remar­ kable persop'ality, I bow in gratitude, I am also deeply grateful' to ,shri V. P. ~andey, Deputy Registrar General, Shri K K. Chakraborty, Deput):'Registrar Generlll (C&T). Shd IN. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies), Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar Gerreral {Map Section.) , Dr. B. P., Mahapatra, Depp.ty Registrar General (Language) ,and to all the headquarter staff in the Registrar General's Office w~o have been a source of inspiration and guiciance to me and to the census organi- satioOn in general. ,. .. .

~astly, my thanks -are due to the,Governlllent of Meghalaya 'and in particular to the Speeial SeqeJary, Printirilg and Stationery~ the Directer of Printihg and Stationery and Superintendent oOf Government Press, Meghalaya, for -undertaking printing of District Census Handbooks and bringing them out within a reasom1ble time inspite of their heavy pre-occupations.

Dated, Shillong,' J. TAYENG, The 25th September, 1982., DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, MEGHALA:YA. flJa .'


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GAllO H' 1 LS , 'IJ

. ©Government of India Coprrlght, 1985 Based upon Survey cf India map with tilt permission of tlie $urveYQr 'Genera! of India, The boundary of Meghataya snown on this map i. as interpret"" from the No!'th:Eastern areas (R'''''ganjmlan) Att, m I, but hal yet to be verified. . 'A' I~o,."nl'ld'si. iw!diJY .s\~~, •• thil IIl1I ~ t" onl nUUftf Imp It (h. (,.du'~n j 10, 117~ ktollll loC~ l'd h~pd!lb

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MEGHALAYA PERSONS PER K~ DISTRICT EAST GARO HILLS DENSITY OF POPULATiQN ABOVE· . 100 1981 ""no ~ f 1 f I i ill ,MI'"'. ,IIU I I ! 6 L 10 laMS. - 50 100 f W· BOUMOARIES;'- . STATE - •• _~.- •• - 50 DISTRICT _.-._.- 'ELOW SU8-DIVN/AOM.UNIT ----- C.O.8LOCK _._o,_._ -DISTRICT AVERAGE 53

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© Government of India Copyright. 1985 Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor Gel\eral of India-. The boundary of Meghalaya shown on this map ·Is as Interpreted from the North.Eastern areas (Re'organIS3tlon) Act. 1971; but has yet to be verified. The Indo-bngladesh boundary Iho.wn on this map is the One existing prior to the Conclusion of the aerttmtnt on Hay 16, 1974. htwttn India and Sangladesh


State District Meghalaya East Garo Hills

POPULATION TOTAL Persons 13,35,819 1,36,550· Males 6,83,710 10,365 Females 6,52,109 66,185

RURAL Persons 10,94,486 1,32,260

~ales 5,56,958 61;944- Females 5,37,528 64,316

URBAN Persons 2,41,333 4,290 Males 1,26,752 2,421 Females 1,24,581 1;869 --:--- DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 32.04 32.96 1971-19S1

AREA (Sq. Kms.) 22429 2603 --- DENSITY OF POPULATION (per SQ. Km.) 60' 52 -- SEX RATIO (Number of Females Per 1000 Males) 954 941

LITERACY RATE Persons 34.82 33.51 . Males' 39.35 39.01 Females 30.08 27.66

PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TQ TOTAL POPULATION 18.06 3.14 -- P~RCENT AGE TO TOTAL POPULATION i) MAIN WORKERS Persons 43.43 40.10 Males 53.12 50.33 Females 33.29 29.20 2

State District Meghalaya East Garo Hills

(ii)MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 2.49 5.50 Males 0.84 2.02 Females 4.20 9.20

{iii) NON-WORKERS Persons 54.08 54.41 Males 46.03 47.64 Females. 62.51 61.60

BREAK-UP OF MAIN WORKERS ~ PERCENTAGE AMONG MAIN WORKERS (i) CULTIVATORS Ptrsons 62.56 81.57 'Males 57.82 78.00 Females 70.48 88.11 (ii) AGRICULTURAL, LABOURERS Persons 9.97 7.07 Mates 9.42 6.60 Females IO,·9f 7.92

fni) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Persons 0.83 0.56 Males 0.73 0.46 Fem",les 1.00 0.73

(iv) OTHER WORKERS Persons 26.61, W.81 Males 32.01 14.93 Females 17.59' 3.24



Census House : A "Census House" according to the deftnition of 1981 Census which followed that of the 1971 Census, is a building or part of a building :having a separate main- entrance from the road or common courtyard or stair-case, used or recognised as separate unit. It may be used for a residential or non-residential purpose or both. If a building has a number of flats or blocks which are independent of one another having separate entrance of their own from the road or a common staircase or a common court-yard leading to a main gate, they will be considered as separate Census houses. If within a large enclosed area there are separate buildings, then each such building will be one or more separate census houses. If all the structures within an enclosed compound are to­ gether treated as one building then each structure with a separate entrance should be treated as a. separate census house. Household:

. A "Household" in the census deftnition is a gr~up of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a' common'ldtchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may be 'one member household, two member households or multi-member households. For Census purposes each one of these type is regarded as a "Household'I. Again, there may be a household of persons related by blood or household of unrelated persons; the latter are Boarding. Houses, Hostels, Residenti_

Scheduled Tribes : They are members of the backward tribes who generally occupy the hilly areas or other rather inaccessible parts of the Indian Union. Government of India has prepared a schedule of such tribes for the purpose of givng them facilities in education and employment so ,that they may come up to :the level of the other advaneed people of India as soon as pos~ible. Scheduled Tribes may belong to' any religioA. The names of Tribes recognised as scheduled tribes in Meghalaya for the purpose of Census are given in the Scheduled Tribe list (Modification) order 1956 issued by the Present of India, which has beena mmended from time to time the latest amendment being in 1977. The dominant Tribe of this District are the Garos.

Scheduled Castes : They belong to the lowest ranlc of the castes of the Hindu and Sikh religions. In order to raise their social & economic conditions to the le~el of other more advanced soc~ti¢s in India, the Government has made a sche­ dule of f>uch people for providing special facilities. Hence the' name Scheduled Castes. Their number is negli­ gible in this District.

Literates: A person who can both read and write with understanding in any language is to be taken as literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write is not a literate. However, persons falling within the age-group of 0-4 are excluded inrespective of the fact whether he or she is capable of reading, writting and understanding. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have received any formal education or should have passed any minimum educational standard. Workers: Workers include all those who have worked irrespective of their contribution to the economy. A worker is a person Who is working as a cultivator, an agr:culturallabourer, at a household industry or he may be doing any other work but he must earn some income. 'Work includes not only actual work but also effective super­ vision and direction of work. For the tirst time in 1981 Census workers have been differentiated into the main workers and marginal workers. 4

MaiD Worker: A main worker is a regular worker who had worked for 183 days or more, or in other words worked for six months or more in a year. A person may have worked in different capacities during last year e.g. may have worked as a daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an agricultural labourer for 1 month a1ld as a cultivator for 2 months. There could even be breaks in betw~n the dirfferent types of works performed by him/her.

Marginal Worker: A Marginal worker is a person who had worked any time last year but fell short of 1,83 days or less than six months. A person who 'had participated in any economically productive work but whose main activity is ego a house wife, or a student or dependent or retired and pensioners etc., is a marginal workers.

NOD-Workers: A Non-worker is person who is either not doing any work or who does some work from which he does not earn any income. For example, a pensioner and a rentier who earn some income but if they do not do any other work they are classified as non-workers, Similarly students and house-wives may be doing some work either in school or in the house but as they do not earn any income they are classified as non-workers for the purpose of the census.

It has been the tradition of Census to classify places as rural and urban.

The definitions of 'Urban Area' which was adopted in 1?71 was followed in 1981 also. Accordmgly.

(i) All places with a municipal corporation ,or a Municipality or a Town Committee or notified Town area Committee or a Cantonment Board. (ti) All other places which has : (a) A minimum population of SOlO. (b) At least 75% of male working population is engaged in non-agricultural persuits. (c) "Density of population of atJeast 40(} person per Square Km. were treated as Urban areas.

Adopting the above definition of urban area there were six Towns in 1971 Cens1.J,s namely (1) Shillong Muni­ cipality (2) Shillong Cantonment '(3) Mawlai (4) Nongthymmai (5) lowai (6) Tura.

In 1981,six; more towns were added to the 1971 list. They are (1) Madanrting (2) Pynthorumkhrah (3) Cherral?unjee (4) Nongstoin (5) Williamnagar and (6) Baghmara. It will be seen that, of the new Towns, Madanr­ ting and Pynthorumkhrah (Pynthorbah & Nonglchardot) were rural components of standard urban area of ShU­ long in 1971.

The rural-urban composition of population in the District is presented in table 1. The Rural-Urban dicho­ tomy,was recognised by Indian Census right from the beginning. There has been a change of conCept of rural and urban since the Census oH901, but it has not stood in the way of comparison from Census to Census. The eligibility test usually applied to identify a place as a town is governed by (1) Administration criteria and (2) Urban characteristics. The Administration criteria treats all places irrespective of population size served by local bodies such as (1) Municipal Corporation (2) Municipal Area (3) Town Area Committee (4) Notifled Area and Canton~ ment Board as urban area, besides the above, the test of "Urban Characteristics" to be applied to any place is largely a matter of discretion vested with the Director of Census Operations.

Though Nongstoin and William-nagar do not qualify to be treated as towns by strict application of the definition of urban area, they have been declared as town as because normally all district head quarters should be treated as towns. Baghmara has been treated as a town because it is a notified town area having a statutory Town Committee. 5

History of tbe District and tbe District Census Handbook :

·lDtrodtiction :

The Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) Act, 1969 (55 of 1969) was enacted which provides for the forma­ tion within the State of Assam of an autonomous State known as M.~ghalaya comprising two districts,viz., Garo Hills and United Khasi and Jaintia Hills. Finally, the Prime Minister inaugurated the new authonmous State of Meghalaya on April 2, 1970. The Centr'lll Government declared theit decision to upgrade Manipur and Tri­ pura to full-pledged States in 1970, and at that time agitations by different political parties for full statehood in Meghalaya were mounting up. The Meghalaya Legislative Assembly adopted a resolution to move the Gqvemment of India to take immediate steps to upgrade Meghalaya to a full-pledged state considering the past experiences and difficulties encountered by the new ,autonomous State. After examining the case, the Government of India has decided to take up a total reorganisation of the North Eastern States by up­ grading Meghalaya, Manipur & Tripura as a full-pledged States, and thus the North Eastern Areas (Re­ organisation) Act, 1971, (Act No. 81 of 1971 ') was enacted. At last, a much awaited full-pledged state of Meghalaya was inaugurated on January 21, 1971 by the Prime Minister Smti. Indira Gandhi.

There were only two districts at the time of creation of th~ State. In order to bring the admini­ stration nearer to th~ people, three more districts were constituted bringing the total numbet.,. of distt;icts into five viz., Jaintia Hills, East Khasi Hills. West Khasi Hills, East Garo Hills and West Garo Hills.

The present district was at first, a subdivision known as the Simsanggiri subdivision und~ the dis­ trict of Garo Hills which was ultimately converted into the district on October 22, 1976 vide notification No. HPL 399/75/140 dt. 9th October, 1976.

A great majority of tbe people of the district are the Garos who comtitute one of the major or~ gina 1 inhabitants of the district while the other original inhabitants are the Rabhas. Recently~ many of the Nepali have come and settled in different parts and after the partition, a great number of the . Hindu Bengalis have migrated. Before two decades, it was very rare to find non-Garos in the interior places but, of late, a tremendous change could be seen every-where with the non-Garo merchants moving throughout the length and breadth of the district, and in fact, many of them have settled down in the interior to carry on different types of trade.

We have no deIinite sourc,e of information regarding th~, arrival of the Garos into the district, their settlement and their system of administration. We have otlly the oral' traditions which are passed on from generation to generation. According to their legend the Garos originally came from a place called Torua in Tibet. After long wanderings in the Brahmaputra Valley, they finally entered into the Garo Hills in which they are mostly found today.

According to theil;' tradition, the first Garo Kingdom was established at Sambol A'ding, a detached hill near the village Dakaitdol in Habraghat Pargana not very far from the present Goalpara town. The first reigning King was called Abrason or Habra after whom, Habraghat pargana must have been n~med. Ruins of old buildings are still in .existence till today. It is said that while the Garos were sttll living in Habraghat Pargana, some dissension broke out amongst them, after which, a group of ~f them under the leadership of Abong Noga and his wife Silme Doka moved from place to place un­ t~l they reached and settled at Nokrek, the highest peak in the Garo Hills district. Signs of habita- tIon are still visible in that p'lace.. '

. From the Brahmaputra. Valley, the Garos must have emigrated to the Garo Hills in group or clan­ WIse at different times. Then the Garos spread over the. whole of the Garo Hills district even upto the adjoining plains and other neighbouring districts. 6

The Garof> had all along maintained complete independence ruling their own areas in their own ferdal system. They had their separate areas called 'A'king', initially formed by clan-wise under the chief calied . 'Nokma'. One of such Garo chief in southern plain area of the Garo Hills appear to have been ousted from his kingdom.

The earliest writers of the Garos describe them as being in a state of intermittent conflict with Zamindars of the large estates lying at the foot hills. These Zamindars were, in all probalibity, them­ selves sprung from the great Bodo stock to which the Garos belong, but in power and civilisation had advanced for beyond their hIghland Kinsmen. This was believed to be in the days of Mughal rule and these powerful Zamindars, who only paid a nominal tribute to the British Go vernment, enjoyed a positron of semi-independence. The exactions levied by the subordinate8 of the,se border chiefs irritated the hillmen, and the belief that the spirits of their headmen required the souls of others to attend them in the next world acted as a further incitement to the de&patch of raiding parties. TM border chiefs with 'whom the Garos are principally brought in contact were those of Karaibari, Kalumalupara, Halna­ ghat and Mechpara. One of their duties was to protect the plains from aggressons of the hillmen, but their princi.pal object was to enrich themselves with trade. Cotton being a valuable article of export from the hills.

In 1775-76, the Zamindars of Mechpara and Karaibari entered the hills to avenge some Garo raids of more than usual atrocity. They remained for some years in' the hills and brought a considerable tract under their control. The principal chief of the southern hills at that time was a man called Renghta, and even he -became subject to the. Karaibari Zamindar. After acquisition of Bengal by the Briti&h East India Company, Mr. David Scott was appointed as special commissioner in charge of this area in 1816 to look into the causes of the frequent Garo raids in the plains re~ulting the _death of many persons and the loss of 'properties, and to extend the British authority into the independent interior of hill. As a result of this enquiry it was decided to comple­ tely remove the Garos from the control of the Zamindars, to prohibit the levying of the illegal dues which had been the cause of so -much friction, and to place the frontiers markets under the direct management of the: Government Mr. -Scott was notablly successful in his dealings with the Garo Chiefs of the outer hills and peace pr-evailed for sometime. However, the raids by the Garos could not be stopped completely. 'i

Further disturbances occurred along the frontier, the closing of the markets proved ineffectual, and in 1861 an expedition was despatched into the hills.

The troops advanced from two sides, from Goalpara and Mymensing, and succeeded' in reaching and punishing most of the' offending villages. Arrangements, were then made for the appointment of local headmen who were to be responsible for the arrest and surrender of the offenders. But this arrange­ ment by the Susang Raja, a Zamindar of Mymensing to levy rept in the hills led to a murderous raid in 1866, which was punished by an expedition.

In the midst of increasing troubles and enemies in all the frontiers of Garo Hills, the British Government resolved to constitute Garo Hills into a sep rate jurisdiction under a first class Assistant Commissioner. In 1866, Lieutenant W. J. Williamson was appointed as Assistant Commissioner in charge of Garo Hills. After one year of his a ppointmevt , he \\ent up and established the headquarters at Tura in 1867. The Deputy Commissioner Captain Williamson tactfully dealt with the Garos and gra­ dually brought most of the Garo villages under the British territory. The enactment of the Act XXII of 1869 enabled the Lt. Governor to separate the Garo tract laying north of the Revenue surttf line on the Mymensing frontier and to place it under the direct management of the Deputy Con;u~r~sloner of Garo Hills. 7

Till 1872, there were abo'!t sixty independent·· villages in the central part of the district. In order to stop the raids and murders Committed by t~ese independent villages and to bring them under sub­ Jecnon the expedition was sent under the leadership of Capt. Willillmson. During the course of expe­ d.itWn , some resistance were offered to the -party by the Garos. Lastly, the party waf> attacked. by a -large force of independent Garos at Rongrenggiri but were repulsed and the Garos retired leavIng several men l

Thereafter, the unrestricted intercourse which existed between the British subjects and the hill tribes frequently led to quarrel and sometimes to seriol}s disturbances. In order to prevent recurrence of those troubles, the per30m; carrying on the trade and the business were directed to have compu!f>ory pass or Ucence before they enter the district.

Simsanggiri subdivision was created in 1972 with its bead quarter at Williamnagar. The East Garo Hills District has four C. D. Blocks and one Town. Therefore, for tbe first time in 1981 Census a separate oistriet Census Handbook· is brought out and published down to C. D. Block & Village levels. The villages ~fe . serially arranged in the Directory of each C. D. Block and an alphabetical list of villages with their iooation Code number is given at the beginning. At the end of the village Directory of all the C. D. Blocks, .n appendix - I is given to show the total sum of different amenities available in the villages in each C. D. Blrok for the district. The reader may know about the extent of different am~nities e. g, Schools, Primary Htalth Centres, Post Oflice, Power Supply etc., available in the villages and the number of villages having such amenities in each C D, Block.

There are altogether 653 inhabited villages in the East Garo Hills District. Williamnagar is the only 1foW,Q <,>f the District.

. As most of the villages are small and locally known sometimes differently or by the names of their ~ets, it is very difficult to find out correct spellings of the villages. For this reason the village :~m.es g(> "On changing from time to time. As a result, there may be some difference in the spellings of villages as shown in the two parts of the District Census .Hanbook of 1971 and 1981 Census.

. The District Census Handbook of 1951, 1961, 1971 and 1981 differed. from each other by the type~ of Census Statistics inherent in the Primary Census Abstract, design and coverage of additional non­ census information.

, In 1951, the Census Statistics obtained in the Primary Cens~s, Abstract related to the names of each and every villages, showing distribution of population by livelihood, classes, number of occupied houses, and sq1all S~e Industry in villages and wards, supplemented by other informations for the displaced per,sons, their age and literacy, Economic activities, languages and the Migration tables by district of origin in Pakistan and date of arrival in India. '

.. The 1961 District Census Handbook, unlike the 1951 DCH were made to cover village-wise and To~n-v~ise information on the availability of different types of amenities such as educational facilities, ~pply of drinking water, supply of electricity etc., shown by means of abbreviations against the names ~ ~ each village in the PCA itself .

...• ·)J~fI971, the Census Statistics of the Primary Census Abstract and other . non-census Statistics were 9<>mbined ~ogether with enlarged contents. It was divided into three parts with a veiw to facilitate ;arly pubhca~ion. Part A of the district Census Handbook contained a village and Town Directory . . art B contaIned Primary Census Data and Part C contained Anal" tical Report, Administrative Statistics and D' . . ..J • . . Istnct Census Tables. The 1981 Dlstnct Census Handbook also follows the pattern of 1971 DIS- trict Census Handbook but supplemented by information for seheduled Caste and Tribes. It is expected 8

that this would serve as a covenient reference book for the emergent need of the data users of different fields as thig is a Scpeduled Tribe dominant state. The main changes in the village Directory Schedule or 1971-1981 Census from that of 1961 are inclusion of information about the availability of a few additional amenities like existence of KatchajPucca roads, distance from nearest Town, types of educ­ cational institutions aM land use data.

Unlike the 1971 Census this time all those villages where the amemtIes are not available the infor­ mations are given by a dash (-) but next to it in brackets, except power supply showing the distance in broad ranges viz., 5 Kms; 5-10 Kms of the nearest place where the facility is. available.

As in previous Censuses, in 1981 also economic questions were canvassed. People where classified· Workers and Non-workers. Workers. have been 'divided into four broad Categories in 1981 (i.e. CjAL/HHIjOW) where as in 1971 workers were divided into Nine categories. In 1981 all the Categories of workers of 1971 have been covered under 'Other workers' which are (a) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plan,tatiol\s, Orchards and allied activities; (b) Mining and quarrying, (c) Manufacturing, Pro­ cessing, Servicing and Repairs carrIed out otherwise than as Household Industries; (d) Construction; (e) Trade and Commerce; (f) Transport Storage and Communications and (g) Other Services.

In 1971, the Unit below the district level for Census taking was not a uniform one. In Garo Hills, the Mouzas were treated as the unit below the district level while in the U. K. & J. Hilh district the Police Station areas were taken as the unit below the district level. When the administrative boun­ daries were reorganisei in the State, the utility of the Census data generated in 1971 was greatly reduced becau~e seperate detailed Census data for each P. S, c. D. Block and administrative unit, subdivision and district could not be' generated easily. In order to meet the demands for basic data for de~elopmental planning it was decided in 1981 Census that the datas should be collected on the basis of the C. D. Bloch, as it was felt that the C. D. Blocks were the smallest units for area planning and development.

PART A: Scope of the Village Directory.

It is for the first time in 1971 Census, that a separate village & Town Directory has been pre­ pared. In 1981 Census, the village Directory almost followed that of 1971 Census. It mainly provides data regarding different amenities available in the village.

In respect of each village the Directory provides information regarding (i) School/College etc., (ii) Medical facilities (iii) Source of drinking water, (iv) Post and Telegraph (v) Markets (vi) Communications (vii) Approached to the village (viii) distance from nearest Town (ix) Power supply and staple food (x) Places of historkal/religious/archoelogical. interest etc.

The next essential feature of the village Directory is the inclmion of Land use data. The area figure!. of the villages and the land utilisation data are crude figures based mainly on eye estimation without sJIpport from any dependable record. Therefore it is shown by giving NA to these ColumIll>.

PART B: Scope of tbe Village and Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract.

This part gives for each village and each ward/block of a Town. The Primary Census data incor­ porating area, occupied residential houses, number of households, total population and its breakup by sex, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes population, Literate population, Working population by four broad categorie'> of Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Other Services and also the Marginal Worker" and non-working popUlation. Presentation of Similar Primary Census data down to the village level is the basis of the District Census Handbook of Indian tradition since 1951 Census. 9

Jurisdictional Changes :

It has already been briefly mentioned in the history of the District Census Handbook that Megha­ laya has undergone great many Administrative chaD.E!es of wide rangiD.tI nature. In 1971' when the popu-' .lation count was talcen East Garo Hills district had not been created but this area was Within the com­ posite district of Garo Hills. Meghalaya in 1971 was a sub-state within the. State of As!.am With the reorganisation of the North Eastern States, Meghal,aya Was also constituted as a full fledged state and was inarugurated on t]Je 21st January, 1972, The Simsanggiri subdivision with headquarters at William­ nagar was created under the Garo Hill!> district in 1971. Subsequently this subdivision was upgraded to a district known as East Garo Hill!> district with headquarters at Willi8mnagar in 1976.. Under the orginal notification, the Baghmara subdivision is also, to be included in this newly created. dis.trict but . . " due to the difficulty in road communications it has yet to' be transferered to the East Garo Hillt District." Fot administrative convenience and in order to bring the administration nearer to the people. six more administrative units were abo created in the state of which Resubelpara administrative unit comprising the major parts of Resubelpara C. D. Block and part of Oambo-Rongjeng C. O. Block area was created in East Garo Hills district. In view of these administrative changes after the 1971 Census. the question of determining the uftit below the district level for 1981 Census became very important. In 1971, Census was taken on the basis of police Station area in the United K.hasi and Jainw. Hills and on the basis of Mauza area in Garo Hills. As a result of the administrative changes introduced subsequently, the Police Station area and Mauzas area"" in the state were also re-organised and were distributed between 5 districts.

For the purpose of administration and developmental work the C. D. Block is taken as a unit, and it has been o~r past experience that the data use always seek after the C. D. Block level data. ~onsi­ dering that it is more realistic approach to present the Census data below the District level under C.D. Block. it was decided to take. the C. D. Block as a unit below the district level in 1981 Census publi. cations. When the preparations were started for Census taking there were 3 C. D. Blocks in East Garo Hills District, viz., (1) Dambo Rongjeng C. D. Block, (2) Songsak C. D. Block and (3) Rembelpara C. D. Block.

But while reorganising the districts in the State it appeared that C. D. Block areas were not ~pt in tact. Por example, almost half of Mairang C. D. Block falls in East Khasi Hills District while the other half in West Khasi' Hills district. Similarly, certain ar~sl falling in Mawsymam C. D. Block and Mawphlang C. D. Block in East Khasi Hills disctrict were found within the b9undaries of West Khasi Hills district. In Garo Hills also three Gram Sevak circles of Resubelpara C. D. Blo~k fall in West Gato Hiils district while remaining seven Gram Sevak Circles fall in East Oaro Hills District. Sub­ sequently, Songsak C. P. Block Was bifurcated resulting in the creation of a new, separate Samanda c. D. Block with 'effect ftom 2.10.'80 vide notification No. COO 53/77/309 dated 3.10.'80. This has in­ creased the number of C. D. Blocks in East Garo Hills district to a total of four. Very recently all the Administrative unit of the State were upgraded to sub-divisions resulting in an upgradation of Re­ subelpara Administrative unit to a sub-division with headquarters at Resubelpara in this district.

The district has three police stations namely Williamnagar, Rongjeng and Mendipathar.

Another aspect which created some problems in regard to administrative jurisdiction is the absence of the clear-cut boundary demarcation. The Government notification mention only -the area coments while creating a distri~t/subdivision/C. D. Block but t.ltt .boundaries are not defined. This has been the major handicap in drawin~ correct scale maps "and ftnding the area 'of an unit in tet:ms of Sq. Kms. 10

Pbysical .Features : The East Garo Hills District is bounded on the north by the of Assam, on the south and the west by . the West Garo HpJ& District. and on the East by West Khasi Hills -District. Itlies between 25'.24' and 26', 10' of north latitude and between 90' and 91' 3' of East longitude. The district coven; an area of 2,603* sq~9-re kilometres and happens to be the smallest district in area.

The district of ;East Garo Hills was .created .on OctiO ber, 22, 1976 vide notification HPL 399/75/140 dated October 9, 1976 with its headquarters at Williamnagar by carving out the Eastern part of the territory of the present Garo Hills district. The total .area of Garo Hills district was 8167 square kilometres, and out of which the area of 2,603* square kilometres was carved out to form the present district. . , The major part of die district comprises rugged hills which form the western extremity of the range dividing the valleys of the Brahmaputra and the Surma. The hills in the north are low which gradu­ ally incr"ease in heignt and attain the maximum height in the south when a fine range of mountains called the Tura Hills is reached. The Tura range occupies the southern portion running from west to east where the Nokrek peak is located. The other parallel range is Atbella which runs from west to eentral part. The" Tura . range provides the highest peaks' of the East Garo Hills district i.e. Nokrek (IAI2m), Megongiri (I,283m). Meiminram (l,196m), Nengminjok (938m) and Gowangdara (I,Ollm.). In the Arbella range, there' ate few peaks worth-menti()ning like Watregiri, Misi Kokdoh (692 m) and Monghri' (698 m) ,near Williamnagar on the north-eastern side. On the north east of Rongjeng, there are two twin peaks Haslong (712 m) and Papina (784 m) and on the north of these pe"ks is Koasi (554 m). The district contains no river navigable by boats of four tons burthen throughout the year and only two which can be said to be navigable at all in their course within the hills, viz., the Damring and Simsang .. The Daroring river rises' flom the north·of the Arbella range and flows northward pass­ ing through' Rongrong, Tapa; Resubelpara and Mendipathar and then enters the Goalpara district where it. is finally mingled with ~e Brahmaputra. The Manda rises from the place near the village of Jampe and .1lows north ward through Koknal and Damal, then the tributary named the' Chichra joins this river just above the Imbanggi pool and passes through Chichra, Nongbak, Gabil and Mejolgiri where it forms one of the most beautiful falls called Mok-Dare or Mohma-Dare in the district. This :Qver also flows through Depa and finally leaves ,the district at Dainadubi and enters the Goalpara district. The Ildek is . another river which takes its rise from the Papira hill and flows along the eastern side of the dis­ trict towards the north. Another river worth-mentioning is the Didram or Bollola which rises from the plttce near ..Dollonggiri\· village and flows along the west towards the north and passes through Bajeng~ . doha and enters the state of Assam. The Simsang takes its rise from the north of the Nokrek peak and flows along the south towards the east and turns to the south while it enters the West Garo Hills district and then runs generally in a southerly direction, till· it emerges on the plains in Mymen­ singh district 'of . It is the largest and longest river in the erstwhile Garo Hills district . . This river passes through Bansamgiri, Rongremggiri and Williamnagar town of this district; and then Namgalbibra. Siju, Rewak, Kamkol and Baghmara town of the West Garo Hills district. It is navigable for fair sized' boats as far as Siju in West Garo Hills district, about twenty -miles from the pOint where it issues from the hi1ls~ Beyond this point, day out canoes can occasionally be used as for as Rong­ kaibibra, the point of junction of the Simsang and the· Rongkai river. The upper reaches of the river can hardly be described as navigable, as the rapids are long and dangerous. As such it cannot be said to be navigable in this district. The principal tributaries are the Rongkar, the Rongdi and ,the Chibok. The Simsang river and its tributaries create a number of, beautiful waterfalls. The most famous are the falls of Rongbang, Chibok, Gongja and Renang.

There is hardly any lake in this district., worth-mentimrIng except that of Tasek which has been formed during the earthquake of 18iJ7 and is situated near Songsak. It is being developed into the fishery by the State Government. 11


The. geology of the Garo Hills is characterised' by the presence of a wide variety of rock types that originated in various epochs of the earth evolution, starting from the most ancient times up to the recent. The oldest known rocks comprise the 'Archaen Group' (about 3600 million years). This group is represented by Land massive rocks like greisses, granulites, migmatities, amphibolites and banded ferru­ ginous quartzite which occupy about sixty per cent of the a~ea in the northern part of the district. , Over the Archacans rest some localised patchy occurrences of sedimentary rocks belortging to the Gondwana group (about 350 million years) and comprise pebble bed, sandstone and carbonaceous shale streaks and lenses of coal. They contain at places fossil imprints of. vertibraria indica that once upon a time grew abundantly in. the neighbourhood of the shallow foqnational basins in which the Gondwana sediments were deposited.

Sediments of Teritiary of (about 65 million years)

The 'SheIla formation' consists of sandstone, lithomengic clay, shale and some coal seams followe~ up by 'Siju limestone' formation that locally contains potential reserve of suitable raw material for cement. The "Kopili formation' occurring near Adugiri includes fossiliferous limestone.

Above the 'Kopilis' rests the 'Garo group' comprising silt-sandstone of 'Simsang foqnation', pel)ble conglomerate, mudstone and feldspathic sandstone of 'Baghmara formation' and the neck units of the 'Chengapara formation' represented by marai, silty clay and loose fine sand.

On unconformity marks a Liatus 'in the depositional p(ocess after which the 'Dupitila group' of rocks formed over the Chengal?ara units and are represented by a feldspathic sandstone.

All along the fringe of the district except to the east as well as in the narrow river valleYS occur the alluvium-unconsolidated sand, clay and soil, of the Quaternary embracing the last one million years of the earth'!; geological history. Economic Resources : Mineral Resources: The East Garo Hills district is rich in mineral deposits. The potentiality of initiation or ex,pansion of mineral-based indpstries in this district mainly depends on the three principal mineral deposits, viz., limestone, coal, and clay. The M. I. D. C. Ltd. has been operating the Nongalbibra colliery to supply co~l to the Nongalbibra-5 MW, Thermal power station of the M.E.S.E.B. In view of the' projected cement/clinker plant in Garo Hills, a few coal mines and limestone mines willI have to be operated as soon as the project comes up. Numerous pcccurances of lithomorfie clays have. been reported; those at Tura Khera and Nongalbibra are largest. containing an inferred total reserve of 35 million tonnes. Extensive lithomongic and bauxitic clays, associated with the Sylhet sandstone (L ower Eocene) arere­ ported from near Chandmari Kha u and the Siju Songmong and the reserves near Chandmari have been estim~ted at about 20,300 tonnes (1950).

A pottery industry established under the name of MeghalaYll potteries at Mendipathar in the East Garo Hills utilised the lithomarfic clay from the central part of Garo Hills. The sylhet sandstone (Lower Eocene) also covers a large area in the southern part, of the Garo Hills. The sandstone horizon is coal bearing in the following areas;- (i) West Daranggiri area lies in the Simsang river vailey near Nongalbibra, about 50 Kms to the south of Daramggiri. Out of the three coal seams present here, the middle seam with 2.5 to 3.3 m thickness has been found consistent throughout the area. The esti- 12

mated feserve for this seam to a depth of 300 m is 127,000,000 tonnes for an area of 50 sq. km. of the field. The coal is found to be of good quality. (ii) Siju area covers about 67.8 '""km from Table nala towards south east of Tura to Siju songmong over the southern slope of the Ttira rang. Along this extent, atleast two deep dipping seams of good quality coal are traceable along an anticlinal struc­ t~ .. The lower seam is upto 2.4 m thick. ,Latest estimated coal reserve in this ar$m is about 125 milljon tonnes. Several other thi9: 'seams of coal occur in the Tura and. Rongremggiri areas but these are not of any economic value.', . ~ The limestone occurs in a narrow but more or less continuous belt all ai~ng the. southern sl~pe of the Tura Range. The largest deposit with a lower 25 m thick earthy and marly and an upper of 75 m thick hard and massive cliff-making bands of limestone lie near siju Artika and Siju Songmong in the Simsang valley. SmaHer deposits of limestone have been found near Rongremggiri and Jarkhre Rongthak along the Simsang valley and also around. Darang Era Aning in the' west Daranggiri coal ,field. The former two deposits are -unimportant. In the latter area about -5.5. million tonnes of lime­ stone is expected within an area of half a sq. km. Promising deposits of feldspars for use in industries may be located near Tura, Anogiri, Jengjalgiri, Santhagiri, Chisakgiri al;ld at certain other places. The Tura sandstone occurring near SUu, Tura and Nongalbibra contain angular and pure grains of quartz which can be used in the manufacture of bottle glass.· Small crystal of gypsum occtirs near Mahendraganj, Tarapara, Garobadha, Meringgipara and Mogo­ para. Occurences of iron-ore at'Dobu and near Simsang river around Songmagiri have been reported. The occurences of phosphates have also been reported. The Uranium occurence around Nengkhra in the East· Garo Hills district has been reported. Some radio-activity has also been noted. around Sim­ sanggiri. The Uranium occurrences around Nengkhra 'are associated~ with the,sheared rocks of the gneissic complex- of Garo Hills and indicate the possibility or striking significant uranium' mineralisation. There are 9 reserve forest in East Garo Hills district under the (iovernment of. Meghalaya, viz., ChLnabangshi (2,331), Dhima (2,072), Dilma (259), Rajasimia (1,813), Ildek (259), Darrgiri (1,036), Rong­ renggri (3,626), Dambu (1,813) and Songsak (2,331). The area figures indicated in brackets are in hact­ ares. The total area.of t.he above forests is 155.4 sq. Kms. which accounts for about 5.97 per cent of the total area of the district. Forestry: Forest area constitutes quit~ a large part of the geographical area of the State. The area accounts for 8,528 square kilometres or 37.5 percent of the area of the state. The forest area controlled and managed by the Government, however, is only about 4 percent of the total land area. The remaining vast forest area is not the property of the Government but typically belongs to tribal communities and whatever "little management is carried on i~ the responsibility of the tribal councils. During the fifth plan, emphasis was laid on the increase in the productivity of forests and rinkage of forest development both with industry and rural economy." In term of physical achievement in respect of the State cont­ rolled forest, 2,255 hectares of economic plantation and 466 hectares of plantation of quick growing species were brought under forests during the fifth plan period. The reserved forest under the State Government and the District Council covers a vast area of the East Garo Hills district. In confirmity with the National Forest policy, it -is proposed to take up departmental operation of timber in all reserved forests so as to do away with the middle-men contractors. The Department has already set up sawmill-cum-timber treatment plant at Darugiri in East Garo Hills district which is proposed to be expanded to cope with the e).peCted expansion of work load. It is also proposed to acquire the forest areas around the wurce~ of many river in the State' and to bring under the State Government owner­ ship. Another programme know as social forestry is undertaken by creating forests on degraded and hare - land either community owned or privately owned and along roadside. The objective is to make evail­ a.ble to the rural population, their daily need of 1irewood, fruits and small tiber and redder for their catle. At present there is only one territorial division for both the district of Ea.st and West Garo Hills. However, for better control and management of the forests, it is proposed to create another territorial divi&ion for East, Garo Hilll> district in the' near future. 13

It is also proposed to set up the Tura Ridge leiorphrce reserve of a citms gene sanctuary during the sixth plan. It cocvers a large area of land in West Garo Hills district extending also to East Garo Hills covering the highest" peak .e. Nokrek. This part of the distr;ct is identified as undisturbed area. where a variety of wild relatives of citrns' fruits are grown in ",ild. The citms fruits found here, rank third among sub-tropical fruits in the world. After this has been developed it will be important gene pool for future hybridixation programme.

Electricity and Power: '

power plays ·a vital role in the economic development. 'Apart from providing various amenities 01 modem life, the provision of cheap electric power. constitutes and essential condition of the rapid indus­ trialisation of the economy. The state. possesses' immense potentialities for generating power on huge ~cale measurable in terms of millions of killowatts based on water and coal. Water resources are the most important in generating cheap power in the State not only because of its huge potentiality but also of the limited reserves of coal. The heavy rainfall in the catchment areas of the rivers of ~is State mostly hilly and their turbulent nature provide immense opportunities of utilising the water resources of Meghalaya for generating Hydro-electric, power on a large scale. The N. E. C. and the State Govern­ ment have moved the centre for a Nangalbibra Hydel power project which has been approved by the Planning Commission.

Agriculture :

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of the sfistrict and according to the 1981 census' more than 88 percent of the total workers are engaged in agriculture alone. The topography of the district is hilly and terrain as such the shifting cultivation on jhuming is practh,ed extemively trhrough­ out the district. The settled cultivation is in vogue only in the low-lying areas of the valleys between the hills which lies mostly in the northern part of the district which looks like the sugar-icying on top of the cake. The pattern of land use is shown below: .

. Area in Hactares 1977-'78

1. Geographical area 260.300 2. Forests 140.357 3. Land under non-agricultural use 11,936 4. . Barren and uncultiva ble 4,433 5. Permananent pastures and grazing land 2,410 6. Land under miscellaneous tree crops not included in cropped area 5,831 7. Cultivable waste- 10,000 8. F allow (Current & Old) 123,482 9. Net area sown 25,566 10. Area sown more than once 3,817 II. Total cropped area 29,483 12. Ne~ irrigated area 6,578 13. Gross irrigated area 7,043

(Source : District Statistical Abstract, 1918)

The main crop of the district is paddy which is the staple food. Cotton is the most ffl,mous cash crop before Indepe,dence which was even exported to England. But, now, 'the production of this com­ modity has come down. Other crops grows in the district are mustard, sugarcane, potato, chillies, ginger, 14 jute, etc. The level of productions of these cro ps is shown below :-

1978 CROPS Area (in Hectares) Production (in metric tonnes)

I 2 3

1. Paddy 20,362 35,702 2. Mustard 500 350 3. Sugarcane 46 414 4. Potato. S5 247 5. Cotton 3100 1860 6. Chilly 820 170 7. Ginger 1500 7500 8. Jute 460 560

The shifting cultivation is extensiv~ly practised in this district which is ~ wasteful method leading to progressive soil erosion and po\)r returns. The problem is most acute in this district. As such this department had taken up the jhumitlg rehabilitation' scheme as its main scheme during the Fifth Five Year Plan. During the Sixth Five Year Plan period the department will, give' its full attention to the problem of shifting cultivation and weaving away the people who' are dependent on this to permanent cultivation. While in the Fifth Plan more emphasis was given on development of area for food crops cultivation, in the Sixth Plan cultivation of both food crops and c~sh crops will be given equal impor­ tance and areas development for these according to the suitability' of .the watershed concerned, Besides this scheme, the department will carry on its programme of soil' conservation work in watersheds and also the afforestation programme for covering a vast area of barren lands. Further, the department is also qontemplating to take up. a new_~cheme for protection and management of lands belonging to com­ munities and clans. Under this scheme, the communities and clans, owning larg~ and compact areas of lands in the catchment of streams and rivers will be persuaded to hand over those areas to the depart­ ment of Soil Comervation for protection and management and against this the owners will be paid an annual rental for the land.


There are 10 State· Dispensaries, 1. Civ'iI hospital, 2 Primary Health Centres and 2 Health Sub­ Centres till the end of 1978. In addition to this, there are 3 private mission run hospitals. The Civil hospital is located at Williamnagar which is housed temporaly in the substandard building as the actual hospital building is still under construction.' As such, at present, the only Civil Hospital in the entire district is only in name that in leality it cannot provide the services a~ expected. The objectives of the Sixth Plan period is to bring the health service~ right up to the door step of the rural people who constitute 96.86 percent of the popUlation of the state and district respectively. In spite of the endeavour to improve the rural health services under the Fifth Five Year Plan, the actual impact on the rural people so far is much below the desired result mainly due to less allocation of funds under this sestor. Therefore, under the Sixth Plan, emphasis will be given more on the preventive and promotive aspects of the health services rather than the creative aspects, H nee the participation of the community in their own health-case is important and this can be achieved through health education.

The important diseabes prevalent in the district are malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis and water-borne diseases. In order to remove the incidence of the water-borne disea'les. the Health Department 15 with co-operation of the public Health Engineering Department is trying to provide adequate and safe water supply to all the villages, of the district and also improve the environmental sanitation. The en­ tire district is infested with the malaria germs carrying .mosquitoes. Therefore, the Modified Plan of operation for eradication of malaria has been takeR up WIth full enthusiasm and vigour in this district. lndustires :

Meghalaya is industrially very backward state. The number of registered factories in the state upto 1977-78 is only 37. The only major manufacturing plant in the State is the Cherra Mawmluh Cement factory with capacity of 250 tonnes per day (being expanded to 930 tonnes per day) and 634 employees. There are 4 other factories of medium size, viz., a soft drink manufacturing factory, one plywood factory and two essential oil and chemical plants. There are few worth-mentioning medium and small industi-ies in the district. A small canning and preservation of fruits industry at Dainadubi is run by the Agri-. culture Department under the State Government. Th~re are two private saw sawing and planning of wood industries and small private pottries at Mendipathar. The Forest Department has also set up its own sawmill-cum-timber treatment plant at Darugiri. The most important industry of the district is the Bamboo Chipping plant at Nongchram set up by the Meghalaya Industrial Development Cooperation. It is an industry for manufacturing of bamboo this with an investment target of Rs. 26 lakhs for pro­ duction of 100 tonnes per day. But in view of the employment potentiality and availability of raw material locally, the capacity of the plant will be expanded to 200 tonnes per day with an additional investment of Rs. 30 lakhs which includes infrastructure development.


The percentage of literacy in the district is 33.51 as compared to that of the state which accounts for 34.82 percent. The district is edueationaUy backward comparing the more advanced district like East Khasi Hills of the State. The geographical climate and sociQ:economic conditions of the tribal peopula­ tion (91.15 per cent of the Jotal population) play a great role in the educational development and ex­ pansion. Moreover, 96.86 per cent of the population live in rural in scattered and small habitations. The number and location of small habitation is a great deterrent for expansion of educational pro­ grammes. There is only one Arts College in the entire district. However, there are 21 High Schools, 41 Middle Schools, 503 Primary Junior Basic Schools, 29 Pre-PtimaryfPre-Basic Schools and 1 Technical and vocational School upto 1978 in the district. Number of students on roll in various educational insti­ tutions in the district upto 1978 are as follows: 2845 in High Schools, 4282 in Middle Schools 20,378 in Primary/Junior Basic Schools and 20 in Techincal and VO«atipnal School.

Road & Transport Communications:

In this hilly district, there is no other means of communications except the roads. Therefore, since the creation of this new state, a conside!able emphasis has been laid on development of a net work of roads. The district has got one Divisional Office located at the district headquarter which is looking after the needs of road communications in the district. The total (oad length of the district in 1978 . was 429 Kms. whereas that of the state is 3872 Kms. The length of the black topped, the gravelled and the earth roads in the district are 154, 141 and 134 Kms. respectively. 'Before the formation of the state, there was no road directly iinking the two erstwhile districts. Now, the construction of the inter­ district road, viz., the Nongstoin-Sonapahar-Rongjeng road connecting West Khasi Hills and East Garo Hills districts has been -completed ~xcept the bridges. The. constriction of another major' inter-district road i.e, the Ballat-Moheskola-Baghmara road connecting West Garo Hills and W. Khasi Hills district is progressing well. After completion of these roads, the headquarters of both East and West Garo Hills districts will be directly connected· with the state capital by road constructed within the State and thus it can avoid passing through the Assam valley. . 16

The objective of the Road Transport Sector in. the State plan is io create an effiicient transport net work as a part of the infrastrU(~ture for economic and industrial development of the state. The road transport is the only economic means of transport in the state. In ttte absence of. any other means of mass transport, road transport has also to subserve the economic as will as the soc~1 objective in the State. The Meghalaya State Transport undertaking started functioning in May 1972 which was ulti­ mately converted into Meghalaya Transport Corporation in October 1976. The Corporation is ~now opera­ ting on 28 foutes covering 2431 Kms. The Corporation buses are plying daily the two routes through the district headquarter, i.e. Tura-Williamnagar-Nongalbibra route and WiIliamnagar-Shillong route. In adddition to the Corporation Transport, the district headquarter is connected by the other public buses from different important places.

Origin of Garo :

The Garos constitute a major bulk of the population of the district. The ongm of the name Garo has been the subject of some conjecture. In the southern portion of the. hills there ex.ists a division of the tribe who call themselves "Gani." or Ganching. These peo pIe are not far removed from the Mymen­ singh district of East Pakistan, from which direction the'" Garos- were first approached by Euro~ans or Bengalis. It is therefore not unlikely that this division of the tribe first received their applellation of Gata, that the name was extended to all the inhabitants of the hills, and that in time it became corrupted from 'Gara' to 'Garo'. Another theory, which has its foundation on the story of the migration from :ribet is that one of the original leaders of the migr?tion was named Garn, and that he gave his name to the tribe. From the fact that Garos never used the name except in conversation with a foreigner, but always call themselves 'Achik' (Hill-man), Mande (The man ) or Achik Mande, it is likely that the firtst is the correct derivation of the name, and that 'Garo' is mearly or corruption of the name of on8 of Subdivisions of the tribe ..

HOQses ,and Villages:'

. Virtually all the Garos live in small agricultural villages of ten to fifty or sixty houses with. a popu­ lation which is rarely more than aoout 300. Generally the houses are built close together, while the village land stretches out on all sides, and villages are usually spaced a mile or more apart. Physically the villages consist of a number' of substantial bamboo family houses, together with associated granaries, wood sheds, and pig-sties. The houses are long and narrow with the front door at -one end, and when possible they are oriented in such a way that several of them converge on an open yard which covers the top of a small hill. The hacks of the houses, radiate out over the descending slapes. A single village may include- several such yards, each with its duster of houses. Scattered about in non-Chri­ stian villages are decaying remains of old sacrificial altars, which must be built new each time a sacrifice is performed. Posts created in memory of the dead stand in front of many of the houses~ Each village is the seat of atleast one local lineage of one of the matrilineal sibs. The most impressive objects manufactured by the Garos are unquestionably th~ir houses. These are really only huge baskets made of bamboo and set· on posts. The largest may be 80 feet in length, but they are seldom more than about 15 feet wide exclusive of the width of the great overhanging eaves, and some are no more than 25 feet long by 8 to 10 feet wide. The, size of the house is the best single criterion for judging economic status and the related social position of the family. The front entrance of the house is at one end, close to ground level, -while the back end is often high off the ground over t4e slo pe of a hill. The main section of the house is framed with bamboo poles, which supported a thatched roof and walls and :floor of split bamboo matting; and the entire structure sits on top of a jumble of wooden posts. The house is divided into three rooms. First one, at the front is exclusively meant to keep the cattle. The central room is larger where the family cooks, eats and visits and next to this, a smaller room which serves as a sleeping room for the oldest married couple of the household. The main room is dominated by a central fireplace 'built on a platform of earth and surmounted by a self where cooking provisions can be stored. An additional '17 fireplace is often placed in one of the front domers of the main room, and sometimes there is a third ne in the sleeping room so that ii can be kept warm in winter. Behind the' sleeping room, and rea­ ~hed by a DarrOW passage,. is a small latrine ronstructed simply b~ leavi~ an open lattice· for a floor. It has also a veranda whIch can be reached from a shall door m the side wall or by a ladder rea­ ching up from the ground outside. This. is the description of the typica~ Garo house ~h_il~ the same pattern of constructing the houses are still prevalent m the Songsarek vIllages, the ChrlStlans as well as the educated Garos have started adopting the patterns usually found in other parts of India. Fapdly : The Garo family consists of the husband, wife and their children. After one or two years of the marriage, the daughter other than the heiress, leaves the parents' house in order to establish a separate family with· her husband. But the newly married heiress along with the husband is usually provided with a small newly-built temporary house next to her ,parents' house so as to enable a newly married couple to enjoy matrimonyal privacy. In spite of all these, they do not form an independent dome-­ stic unit but attached to the wife's parents family. After the death Of the father-in-law, the mother­ in-law immediately becomes the wife of the l'.on-in-law by virtal of his marriage to the heiress' and thus, he and his. family move to the mother-in-law's house and live together in the same house. Normally,. the husband is the head of the family. But the husband of the heiress in placed in the second seat among the members of the household just next to the father-in-law. The husband-wife relation is,furnly established under the patronage -of both their lineages. However, the power of the husband is no doubt, restricted to som~ extent by wife's under and brothers. backed up by their local lineage :People. But this pres~ure from the wife's side is balanced by the husband's'lineage people, of whom one of them is his father-in-law. In view of a ba.lance of power on both sides, most of the Garo marriages are sucCessful. In a family, the husband js given all the responsibilities for the family affairs. The wife is subordinate to him inspite of uxorilocal residence. Gentrally, the husband is the first person served by the wife. The polygamy is p"ractised among the Garos. Food: The staple food of the Garos is rice and in addition to which they also eat millet, maize, jab's teans and teallS and topioca.. In time of scarcity, they eat jungle yams and roots found abundantly in the forest. They eat almost any kind of aniIl;1al food. In the "'--villages, they rear goats, pigs, fowls, ducks and Cows and relish their meat greatly. Dry ft.sh or 'Nalcam' is one of the most delicious food of the Garos. Some of them do not spare even non-poisonous snakes and lizards. They also eat al­ most all kinds of aquatic animals that are found in the rivers and Bhils. Their jhum fields and the forests provide them with a number of vegetables and roots for, their curry. Bamboo shoots are esteemed as against delicacy and are eaten as a vegetable or used afte'r ~pecial prepration. In former days, the Garos never cooked their curries with mustard oil, or ghee. They used a kind of Potash or 'Katchi' in coo~g their curries. This potash is obtained by burning day pieces of plaintain stems, young bam­ boO'S or dry stems of cotten plants, etc. They also consume a,lot of chillies. On ordinary occasions the Garos are frugal in their diet, they eat three times a day. But duriJ;j,g the feasts, they eat and drink to excesses. Like any other hill tribes of the North East India, the Garos do not take milk but, now a days, educated Garos and Christians generally take milk. Dress : Garos dress in very seanty. The principal garment of the men in the Oando, a strip of woven cloth about six inches wide and about six or seven feet long. It is worn by passing it, between the leges and bringing up behind wound round the waist and the end is tucked in under the folds at the back. While the other end is allowed 'to hang over in front. They general;y do not cover the upper part of the body when it is hot. However, a cotton cloth or blanket jg used to cover their body when it is cold. In the recent years, they have started to wear a shirt or vest along with a short pant or l~ng pant. They also wear turban on their heads.. They dress of the woman is also scanty. It con­ Sists of a piece of cloth about 18 inches long and about 14 inches broad which is known as Riking. This is worn only the non-converts. But the christianised Gatos and the inhabitants of the plains wear 18

clothing similar to that of the Afisamese and Bengalis. Perhaps, due to the hot climatic conditions, they leave the upper part of the body bare although they put on cotton shawl while it is cold. Now-a­ days, an improved wearing apparel known as Dakmanda is worn by the woman folks which is the most popular _dress of the Garos women today. The women too wear turbans like men. Religion: The Garo believe in the existence of a Supreme Being. They also believe in the existence of a multitude of benevolent and malevolent spirits. They have only one general term, 'Mite', for superna­ tural beings; but this covers both beings whom we would call gods and flome other lesser spirits. The latter, distinguished from the gods as "the 'mite' that bite" are numerous and ubig,uitous. and when they mite they

Marriage: Marriage among the Garos is regulated by two important law, viz., exogamy and A'kim. Accor­ ding to the law of exogamy, n6 marriage contract may be made between persons belonging to the same clan. According to the law of A'kim; a man or a woman who has once contracted marriage will never be free from the marriage tie, even though the other consort may have died or run aWay. The mahari or ma'chong (sub-clan) from which the first marriage partner was chosen will supply another, and it is both the duty of the mahari to so provide and the surviving consorts duty to accept such a partner. If a wife dies, one of the sisters of the deceased wife or any other girl of the same ma'chong will be given by the mahari and vice versa. When t4e mahari i~ unable to provide another partrier for the widowed spouse, may the latter be set free from the law of A'kim. This law of A'kim is specially hard on Women. They are the owners of the property, and the relations of a deceased husband will often keep his widow waiting for years for a mere child if there is no grown up man to give her in marriage. By the time the child is of marriageable age, the woman is already old. If a young man marries an old widow, he has a right to claim for his concubine called 'Jikgite'. The widow remarriage is encouraged under the Garo law. According to Garo law, a man is allowed to marty as many wives as he desires, of course, with a prior permi~&iGn from the principal wife known as 'Jik-mongona'. In 'an engagement for marriage, the initiative must be taken, by the girl, and not by the boy, profes­ sional prostitution is unknown among them. The matrimonial bonds are, however, loose and adultery i!i quite common and divorce is practised quite extensively. The Garo customary laws permit parents to adopt children. The Garo society is a matrilineal one. Descent is traced through the mother only, not through the father. All property belongs to the woman, remains with her mahari, and is passed on from mother to daughter. Male children cannot receive or even claim any part of the property which they themselves may have acquired by their own labour. 19

The Land Tenure System;

Since the inauguration of the District Council the land revenue administration of the district vests in the District Council under the Sixth Schedule. However, the administrations of the District Council have not reformed the old land tenure system adopted during the British period although it had passed more than 3 decades since the inception of the District Council in 1952. For the purpose of revenue administration, in 1978 Captain Peet, the then Depu~y Commissioner classified the land .int~ two cate­ gories of mauzas, viz., (i) the hill mauzas and Cn) the plain mauzas. As a resutt, he apointed two types of Mauzadars, that is, the Hill Mauzadar and tbe. plain Mauzadar. Consequent upon this, there lue ten mauzas till now. Generally, the A'king lands covering mostly the jhum system of cultivation prac­ tising in the hilly region come. under the hill mauza while the plain trasts where the plough cultiva­ tion is practised come under the plain mauza.

j The A'king land is the community land where tIle ownership rests with the community as a whole, I and the village headman called 'Nokma' is the mere custodian of such land. Therefore, the right· to cultivate such land is conferred. upon every household of the village although de facto ownership is vested with the Nokma's wife. As a matter of fact, the Nokma has no power to alienate the land. The A'king land it divided in such a way that it can be rota.ted annually in order to facilitate prac­ tising of jhum. Each household gets the share of land every year on the strength of its members while equality before the law is applied on in respect of Nokma's household also in this matter. Gene­ rally, no land revenue is payable by the residents of the A'king land but the house-tax is collected from them by the District Council. However, if an outsider wants to cultivate the A'king land he is allowed'to do so on payment of a nominal fee known as 'Awil' to the 'Nokma'. The plantation of arecanuts, oranges, . pineapple, betel-leaves, cashew-nuts etc. in the A'king land are carried out by the households of the village without paying any rent for the land. The lands under the A'king suitable for permanent cultivation have been reclaimed and being· cultivated· without the payment of rent; The ownership rests with the particular household carrying out' such plantation of cultivation and as such, they have the right of inheritance although the transferable right is not unferred upon them. However, some of such types of lands and also the A'king land transfered. by the community to an outsider were settled by the District Council initially by issuing an annual patta which confers upon the herit­ able right oli the patta-holder. After a certain period of time, an annual patta is usually converted into the periodic patta whicb confer upon the permanent heritable and transferable righu on the patta- dar. The town lands are also settled in the same line. -

\ J Ordinary land revenue is realised. only in the plain Mauz~s: which is cadastrally surveyed. The lands were classified into basti, rupit and faringati and were assessed at different rates. There are two cate­ gories of rights over the land, viz, (i) Annual pattadar and (ii) periodie pattadar. The annuaI-patta holder has got only the heritable right whereas the periodic-patta holder has permanant, heritable and trans­ ferable rights. The District Council has also enacted the Garo Hills District (Transfer of land) Act, 1954 under which permission of the Excecutive Committee of the District Council shall have to be obtai­ ned in the matter of acquiring any right over land.

There are few religious and historically important places in the district of which a mention may be made.


It is situated near WiUiamnagar town where the Garos had fought the last historic battle against the Britishers in 1812 which ultimately led them to tender their submission to the Britishers. The trench dugged by the Britishers near the District Council Dak Bungalow at Sisobibra (Rongrenggiri) can still be seen till this day. 20

RajasiInJa : It is situated ott the north just on the border of Goalpara district. The first Baptist Christian Church was established· here by the American Baptist Mission with the help of the first Garo converts, viz., Omed and Ramke.

(fasek wari: ,It is situated near Songsak. It if. a bea1,ltiful natural lake which has" been develo ped as a tourist spot. The Government has also taken up to develop the fishery in this lake.

Brief analysis of the ViU8ge and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract data :

The table,'! gives separately for total, rural and urban areas and sex-wise breakup bf population, number of villages and towns in 1981 in respect of the district and the C. D. Blocks as weill. There are foul' C. D. Blocks but only one town in the whole district. The only town happens to be the district headquarter viz, Williamnagar. The Resubelpara C. D. Block (East) has the largest p-opulation of 48,215 persons having the greatest number' of inhabitated villages Le. 220. It has m.ore than the double. of the population of the Samanda C. D. BlOck (i.e. 19,619 persons) which is the smallest in terms of population. While 'examining the number of villages, it ha!> almost two time& of number of villages of that of the Songsak. C. D. Block which happens to get the place having the less number of villages with 109 number of villages. The Saroanda C. D. Block is proud of having ,a town al­ though it has only 4,290 population which is comparatively a small figure against 132,260 persons in rural areas.

TABLE 1. Population, Number of Villages and Town 1981~ District: East Garo Hills. I POPULATION Sl. Total I. Rural Urban No. of Villages No. of No. rmC'D'Block. I - ITowns P M F I P ,M F I p M F TotallDhabited 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-

1. Dambo Rongjeng 44,329 22,716 21,613 '44,329 22,716 21,613 222 213 2. Songsak 24,j87 12,521 11,866 24,387 12,521 11,866 110 109 3. Resubelpara (East) 48,215 24,918 23,297 48,215 24,918 23,297 ... 222 220 4. Samanda 19,619 10,210 9,409 15,329 7,789 7,540 4,290 2;421 1,869 123 114 1 '" TOTAL: 136,550 70,365 66,185 132,260 67,944 64,316 4,290 2,421 1.869 677 656

Table 2 gives the decadal change in distribution of population during the period of 1971 to 1981. It provides separately the popUlation of 1971 and 1981 for total, rural and urban areas of the diEtrict and down to the C. D. Block level. 'The table also shows the percentage of decadal variation during the period of 1971-81 of the district and C. D. Blocks separately for total" rural and urban areas. The percentage of decadal variation is 32.96% which is slij!htly greater than that of the state figures i,e. 32.04 %. There was no urban area in the district before 1981 Cen&us. The percentage of decadal varia­ tion for rural area of the district account!> only for 28.79% which shaw!> that the large increase of growth rate is due to the establishment of the headquarter at Williamnagar under the Samandar. C. D. Block. This is further proved by the figure~ of the Samanda C. D. Block which account~ for 56.51 % 21 being the highest figure amongst the ,C; D. BlQCk. This _C D. Block covers mostly the hilly regiOn and highly inaccessable areas bondering the West Khasi H~ district which may account' for this low growth rate; TABLE 2 necaulal Change in Distributi6n of PopuJation.


POPULATJON .I Percentage, decadal C. D. Block I(1971-1981) Variation. 1911 1981 I Total Rural' Urban Total Rural Urban I Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5: 6 7, 8 9 19,

Dambo-Rongjeng 36586 36586 44329 44329 21.16 21.16 Songsak 19959 19959 243~7 24387 22.19 22.19 Resubelpara (East) 33618 33618 48215 48215 43.42 43.42 Samanda 12535 12535 19619 15329 4290 56.51 22.~

TOTAL: 101698 102698 136550 132260 4290 32.96 28.7& . The table 3 gives the distribution of villages by population range of the district. T,he ranges d population have been grouped into 6. It can be ~een frQm the table that 63:72 of villages of tl'!.e district are within the range of less than 200, There are only 2 villages out of 656 villages which comes under the range of 2000-4,999. This district is economically very backward one of the reasons being the small &ize of majority of the villages in the, district.. as it is not conducive to bring about the developmental works speedily. . .

Table-3. Distribution of Vill~ges by Population Range

. DISTRICT East Garo Hills.

Range of Population No. of Villages in Each Range Percentage of village in Each Range.

1 2 3

- 200 418 63.72 200 - 499 199 30.34 500 -1,999 37 5.64 2,000 -4,999 2 0.30 5,000 -9,999 10,000 +

Total 656 100.00 ------~~'------.------22

Table 4 depicts the distribution of villages by range of density. The table show the information not abailable, the reason being the whole area of the district has not been cadastrally surveyed and hence, the area figures of the villages an: not .available and as such, the density cannot be determined.

Tables 5 and 6 show the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled. Tribes to the total popu­ lation in the villages. It may be mentioned here that one of the :{)irective principles of the State Policy enshrined in Article 46 of the Constitution of India says. "The State shall promote with special care, the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people., and, in particular of the Scheduled Castes and Sch~u1ed Tribes and shall protect them from social injustice and_ all forms of exploitations." Accordingly the President of India issued two notifications (1) under article 341 which was called the Constittitioif (Scheduled Castes order 1950) and the other under article 342 of the constitution which is called the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes order, 1950) listing the different castes and tribes. The pres.idential order has been amended from time· to time anti u1 particular after the re-organisation of the Norih-East~rn Region listing. the Scheduled T,ribes applicabl~. to each Constituent Stat~· in the north-eastern region has been indicated in the Constitution Scheduled Tribes Modifications order 1971 which is again been amended in 1977. According to this list the following constituted the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Meghalaya.

Meghalaya Scheduled Tn1Jes

L, Chakma .2, Dimasa, Kachari 3. Garo 4. Hajong 5. Hnar 6. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War, Bhoi, Lyngngam. 7. Any Kuki Tribes including i) Biate, Biete ii) Changsan iii) Chongloi iv) Doungel v) Gamalhou vi) Gangte vii) Guite viii) Hanneng IX) Haokip, Haupit x) Haolai xi) Hengna xii) Hongsungh xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkbol xiv) Jongbe xv) Khawchung xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong xvii) Khelma xviii) Kholhou xix) Kipgen xx) Kuki xxi) Lengthang xxii) Lhangum xxiii) Lhoujem xxiv) Lhouvun xxv) Lupheng 23

xxvi) Mangjel uvii) Misae xxviii) Riang xxix) Sairhem xxx) Selnam xxxi) Singson xxxii) Sitlhou xxxiii) Sukte xxxiv) Thade xxxv) Thangngen xxxvi) Uibuh xxxvii) Vaiphei 8. LakJher' 9. Man (Tai speaking) 10. Any Mizo (Lushai) Tribes 11. Mikir 12. Any Naga Tribes 13. Pawi 14. Synteng

Meghalaya Scheduled Castes

L Bansphor . 2. Bhuirunali, Mali 3. Brittial, Bania, Bania 4. Dhu,pi, Dhobi 5. D~gla, Pholi 6. Mira ,7. Jalkeot 8. Jhalo, Malo, Ihalo-Malo 9. Kaibartta, Jaliya 10. Lalbegi 11. Mahara 12. Mehtar, Bhangi 13. Muchi, ,Rishi 14. Namasudra 15. Patni 16. Sutradhar

Whereas the Scheduled Castes list is uniformly applicable throughout the country, the Scheduled Tribes list has been prepared for every State separately. For the State of Meghalaya Scheduled Tribes includes only those tribes declared as Scheduled Tribes from Meghalaya. For example, even- if all the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh are Scheduled Tribes not only in that Territory but also for all-India pur­ poses, yet none of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh except the Naga tribes would be treated as sche­ duled tribes in Meghalaya. Similarly, a hasi or Garo is a Scheduled tribe in Meghalaya as well as III the All-India level. Yet he is not considered as Scheduled tribes in respect of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Status of being a member of Scheduled Castes communities continues only as long as the per­ son continues to profess Hindusim or Sikhism. The moment the person changes his religion from either being a Hindu or a Sikh into either Islam, Charistianity, Buddhism or Zereastrianism he ceases to be a member of the Scheduled Castes. However, in case of Scheduled Tribes such restriction is not appli­ cable and a Scheduled trib'e continues to be a Scheduled tribe irrespective of change in religion. Table 5 gives the proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total po'pnlation jn the villages. The villages havE! been grouped into seven categories 011' the 'basis of percentage of Scheduled CasteS: population ~ the total population. There are only 3 ~illages out of 656 inhabited villages' wherein the Scheduled' Castes are recorded. Morevoer, these 3 villages come under the percentag.e range of 5 or less which accounts for only 1.98% jJi respect of percentage .of villages in each range. In vi~w of this fact, it can be concluded that the proportion of Scheduled Caste population to total pop1J].ation- in the villages of the district is neglgiibJe. . TABLE 5 , Propo~on of Scheduled Castes Population to Total Population in the Villages. District: East Garo Gills. ------~------~~------~------~------~~~----- Percentage Range of Scheduled Castes ~ No. of Villages in E~ch Range Percentage of Villages in Each Population to Total Population Range

1 2' .3

NIL 643 98.02 5 or less 3 1.98 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 - - 31 and above .- TOTAL: 656 100.00

Table 6 is similar to the above table but relates to t]:.e Scheduled tribes which provides the pro­ portion of Scheduled tribe popUlation to total population in the villages. It appeates from' the table that only in 15 villages out of 656 inhabited villages no Scheduled tribe is found. There are 628 vill­ ages Which account for majority of villages Where Scheduled tribe populatioll! is 51 % and above. Hence, the conclusion that the Scheduled tribe popUlation is well-distributed amongst the villages throughout the district. . TABLE 6 Proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population to Total Population in the Villages. Distrtct: East Garo Hills.

Percentage Range of Scheduled No. of Villages in Each Range Percentage of ViIIage in Each Range Tribe Population to Total Population. ,------.------~------.------1 2 3 NIL 15 2.30 5 or Less 2 0.30 6--15 1 0.15 16--25 1 . 0.15 26--35 2- 0.30 36-50 4 0.61 51 and' above 631 96.19

TOTAL: 656 100.00 25

Table 7 gives the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes population in town. This depicts the picture of the only town i.e. Wiiliamnagar. The Scheduled tribe and Scheduled Caste 'pop - Iation is 3,012 and 47 respectively out of total population of 4,290. The percentage of Scheduled tribe and Scheduled caste is 70.21 % and 1.10' respectively which shows that the majority of the people living in the town are Scheduled tribes. TABLE 7 Proportion of Scheduled (,astesjScbeduIed Tribes Population in Town. District: East Garo Hills. Name of the Town Total Population Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Percentage of Castes Popula- Tribes Po pula- Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes tion tion Population to Population to Total Population Total Population. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Williamnagar 4,290 47 3,012 1.10 70.21 All Towns 4,290 47 3,012 1.10 70.21 Table 8. shows the literacy rates by po pulation ranges of villages. The range of populatin has been. broadly grouped into six ranges. T~e liter"cy rate of the district is 33.51 per cent a~ compared to 34.82 per cent of the State whereas that of rural areas of the district is 33.05 per cent. It appears from the table that as the size of the village increases the iiteracy rate also increases. The literacy rate under the range of popUlation of less than 200 is only 28.69 per cent whereas under the range of population of 2,000 to 4,999 is 59.02 per cent. It is economically more viable to provide educational facilities in the bigger villages. TABLE 8 Literacy Rates by Population Range of Villages District: East Garo Hills. ------:-~~------~~~~~--~--~~------=~--~~------Range of PopUlation No. of Villages in each Range Literacy Rate 1~------~2------~~------3

------20·0~------~418·------~28:. .@------200 499 199 31.16 500 1,999 37 40.30 2,000 4,999 2 59.02 5,000 9,999 10,000 + TOTAL: 656 33.05 Table 9 gives the literacy rates for towns. Since there is only one town which has also been up­ graded only in 1981 Census, no comparative study can be made. The literacy rate of Williamnagar town is 47.41 % which is comparatively higher than the literacy rate of the rural areas of the district which accounts for 33.05 per, cent. TABLE 9 Literacy Rates for Towns Name of the Town -----:-L~iteracy Rate 1 2 Williamnagar 47.41~------__ . ------All Towns 47.41;;;;--_;_------Table 10 provides the literates,_ workers, non-workers, Scheduled Caste/Tribe population in the dis­ trict and upto the C. D. B'lock level with total, rural and urban break-up. The percentage of Scheduled Caste to the total population in the district is very low which accouhts for 0,08 per c~:e,w;Y~~, amongst the C. D, Blocks. . . -~. . 26

TABLE-l~ Literate, Workers, NOD-Workers, Scheduled Caste/Tribe. PopulatioD In the District

District: Ball t Garo Hills

Na.m~or .Total! Total e.n. Block Rural! Population S.C. S. T. Li tera tes to Urbas Popula- Popula- Total Populaion tion to tion to Total Po- Total pa- pulation pulation P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DAMBO RONGJENG T 44329 22716 21613 0.03 96.40 38.42 44.11 32.44 C. D, BLOCK R 44329 22716 21613 0.03 96.40 38.42 44.11 32.44 U SONGSAK T 24387 12521 ·11866 0,07 94.78. 17.83 22.75 12.62 C. D. BLOCK R 24387 12521 11866 0.07 94.78 . 17.83 22.75 12.62 U RESUBELPARA (EAST) T 48215 24918 23297 0.07 114.59 39.52 44.13 33.84 C.D.BLOCK R 48215 24918 • 23297 007 84.59 39.52 44.83 33.84

U .., , SAMANDA T 19619 10210 9409 0.24 90.88 27.12 33.3' 20,32 C.D.BLACL R 15329 7789- 7540 0.01 96.67 21.44 26.36 16.37 U 4290 2421 1869 1.09 70.21 47.41 56.01 36.28 T 136550 70365 66185 0.08 91.15 33,51 39.01 27.66 TOTAL R 132260 67944 64316 0.05 91.83 33.05 38.40 27.41 U 4290 2421 1869 10.9 70.21 47.41 56.01 36.28 27

Main Workers to Marginal Workers to Total Workers to Non-Workers to Total Populaiion Total: Population Total Population Total Populatia.

P M F P M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 . 3551 48.10 22.28 8.39 2.89 14.17 43.90 50.99 36.45 56.10 49.01 63.55 35.51 48.10 22.28 8.39 2.89 14.17 43.90 50.99 36.45 56.10 49.01 63.55

41.08 53.89 27.57 4.56 0.65 8.69 45.64 54.54 36.25 54.36 45.46 63.75 41.08 53.89 27.57 4.56 0.65 8.69 45.64 54.54 36.25 54.36 45.46 63.75

. 040.91 49.42 31.81 4.96 2.36 7.73 45.87 51.79 39.54 54.13 48.21 60.46 lfI:' 40'91 49.42 31.81 4.96 2.36 7.73 45.87 51.79 39.59 54.13 48.21 60.46

47.19 53.17 40.70 1.49 0.94 2.08 48.68 54.11 42.78 51.31 45.89 57.22 56.93 54.81 46.92 1.64 1.09 2.21 52.57 55.90 49.14 47.43 44.10 50.86 33.82, 47.91 15.57 0.93 0.45 1.55 34.76 48.37 17.12 65.24 51.63 82.88 40.09 50.33 29.20 5.50 2.02 9.20 45.59 52.36 38.40 54.41 47.64 61.60 040.29 50.42 29.59 5.65 2.08 9.43 45.94 52.50 39.02 54.06 47.50 60.98 33.82 47.91 15.57 0.93 0.45 1.55 34.76 48.37 17.12 65.24 51.63 82.88 28

The lowest is recorded with 0.03 per cent in the Dambo-Rongjeng C. D. Block and the highest is in the Samanda C. D. Block with 0.24 per cent which is due to the per cent of an urban area. But on the other hand', the percentage of Scheduled tribe to the total population in the district is very high which records 91.15 per cent alt40ugh it is 'only 70.21 per cent in the urban area. The Dambo­ Rongjeng C. D. Block records the hiihest percentage among the C. D. Blocks which accounts for 96.40 per cent while the Resubelpara (East) C. D. Block gives the lowest i.e. 84.59 per cent. The table presents the literacy rate of the population with sex: break-up. The literacy rate of the district is 33.51 per cent as compared to that of the State which, records 34.82 per cent. The literacy rate of males is 39.01 per cent which is much higher than that of females which records 27.66 per cent. The table shows that the. literacy rate is higher in urban areas than that of rural areas as usual trend. The Restibelpara (East) C. D. Block records the higherst literacy rate (i.e. 39.52 per cent) amongst the C. D. Blocks while the Songsak records the lowest literacy rate of 17.83 per cent only. In case of economic activity, the percentage of total workers to total pOPlllation of the district is 45.59 per cent. It appears from the table that the percentage of total workers to total popUlation is greater in rural areas than that of urban areas. Moreover, the percentage of male workers is greater than that of female workers. Amongst the C. D. Blocks; the Samanda rect1rds the 'highest percentage of 48.{)8 per cent whereas the lowest is the Dambo-Rongjeng being only 43.90 per cent. Out of the total workers, the per centage of main workers to total pqpulatiG>n in the district is 50.09 per cent whereas the percentage of mar­ ginal workers to total population is only 5.50 per cent. The number of workers whether it is main worker or marginal worker is more' in rural 'areas. I'll case of main workers the Samanda C. D. :Block records the highest percent~ge of 47.19 per cent whereas th'e Dambo-Rongjeng gives the highest per­ centage of 8.39 per cent in respect of marginal workers. The district records a great number of non­ workers the percentage being 54.41 per cent. In respect of this, the Dambo-Rongjeng C. D. Block accounts for the highest percentage which comes to' 56.10 per cent whereas the Samanda C. p. Block records the lowest percentage being 51.32 per cent only.

Table: 11

Inhabited Villages-In the District the number of inhabited villages are 656 and the uninhabited viaages are 21. The number of inhabited villages are only 12'% out of the total inhabited in the state, aha one third of the total inhabited villages of the entire Garo Hills.

Educational-Against each and every C. D. Block in the table the different amenties available are shown. The, number of educational facilities available in the district is the lowest when compared to other d~stricts of the state. As shown in the table there are 387 villages or 59.3 % having Schools in the district of which 420 are Primary Schools, and 55 Middle Schools. The table shown only the number of villages having educational facilities. For further details one can set} the village Directory of the District. It will be seen that of the four C. D. Blocks, Songsak is fairly better placed in the provision of Primary and Middle Schools which 75.60%. Resubelpara East on the other hand, ranks lowest which stands at 33.20%.

,Medical- The medical facilities in the rural sector of the district with 656 inhabited villagef> are catered to by 16 medical institutions with Primary Health Sub-centres and Famjly Planning Centres. This shows that there is one medical institution for every 41 inhabited villages. The inadequate medical facilities is also another backbone taced by the people of the district.

As regards drinking water facilities, though almost all the villages have some source of drinking water facilities available to them, very few of them enjoy the facilties of tap water. Rivers and well constitute the major source of drinking water ' 29

Post and Telegraph-By the end of the year 1979-80 only 27 villages or 4.11 per cent of the total inhabited villages of the district were provided with post office facilities. This is very unsatisfactory. The cause lies in the nature of the terrain _in the hill areas and dense forest; which are the bottle­ necks for the postal communication to be developed for the easy reach of the pople.

Rural Electri/icatio"'_Rural electri1lcation is essential for executing the '. development programmes in the agricultural cottage industries sector. It can be hoped that the supply of power to the rura] and semi-urban areas would help in creating a balanced and diversified rural economy. But the progress of rural electrification in .the state is extremely low. Only 17% of the villages in the district has been covered over the two decades so far. While in November, 1970 Haryana achieved cent percent ele­ ctrification of villag~s and in January 1971 Tamil NOOu as high as 78% MeghaJaya has achieved only 11.9% by 1979-80. Till 1978-79 only 474 villages out of 4583 villages were electrified to which 12 villages Were added in 1979-80 making the total of 546 eJectrified villages.

As regards the East Garo Hills district the nU11)l.ber of electrified villages are 47. SongsalC and Samanda have the least number of electrified villages which stand at 3 and 4 respectivelyu Dambo Rongjeng Which has the largest number of inhabited villages in the district has also largest number of electrified villages with 1003 %followed by Resubelpara East witli 8.1 %.


Table ll-Distn"bution of villages according to th~ avaiiabUity. of different amenities. .

District: East Garo' Hills

Sl. Name of Development No. of NO'(with percentage) of villages having/one or more of ~hefollowing amenities :Qlock inhabited villages Education Medical Drinking Post· & Marketl Commu- Approach Power water Telegraph' Hat nication by pucca Supply road

1 2 3 4 5 (5 7 8 9 10 11

1. Dambo Rongjeng 213 161(75.59) 4(1.88) 213(100) 8(3.76) 15(7.04) 7(3,29) 29(13.62) 22(10.33 2 Songsak 109 78(71.56) 4(30.67) 109(100) 4(21.05) 6(5.51) 5(4.59) > 3(2.75) 3(2.75) 3. ResubeJpara (East) 220 73(33.18) 5(2.27) 2:20(100) 12(5.46) 15(6.82) 35(15.91) 12(5.46) 18(8.18) 4. Samanda 114 77(67.54) ) 3(2.63) 114(100) '3J2.(3) 2(1.75) 4(3.51) 6(5.26) 4(3.51)

TOTAL District: 656 389(59.30) 16(2.44) 656(100) 27(4.12) 38(5.79) 51(7.77) 50(7.62) 47(7.17) 30

Table 12

~ This table shows the proportion of rural population served by different amenities. The total popu­ IlJltion of the district is shown for the rural population only. The villages of the district and the State as a whole are small and scattered alfaround with poor communication. Thererfore, excluding education, all other amenities like medical and Post & Telegraphs are not practicable to take into account only on the basis of population to be served, but also the areas, the density and the difficulty in transport and communication have to be taken into account. Therefore, from the table itself'the rural popula­ tion se.rved by the amenities excluding Education are all very poor.

The amenities on education as can be 'seen from the table below'are satisfactory, where as other amenities are lagging and ought to be provided ..

Table 12 Proportion of rural population served by diITerent amenities District : East Garo Hills

S1. Name of C.D. Block Total popu- Proportion of rural population served by the amenity of No. lation of in- Education Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Commu- Approach Power habited vill- water Telegraph Hat nication by pucca Supply ages iv- C.D. road Block

1 2 3 4 5 .6 '7 8 9 10i 11

.1. Dambo Rongjeng 44329 84.51 3.63 100 11.46 13.08 5.09 27.27 18.48 2. Songsak 24387 80.77 9.13 100 9.13 9.96 8.32 7.37 3. ReSubelpara (East) 48215 47.35· 11.31 100 7.84 11,84 28.25 9.19 17.78 .. 4. Samanda 15329 80.93 6.88 100 5.04 4.65 7.70 9.02 7.24 31

Table 13

Table 13 shows the number of villages, where the amenities are not available but available at the distance of 5 Kms, 5 - 10+Kms and 10 Kms. The number of villages where the educational. medical. post and telegraph, and communication facilities are available are 267; 640 ; 629 and 605 respectively, More than 5% of. the villages in the district are without schoools. The most neglected. C. D.· Bloclcs in the district are Resubelpara and Samanda where more than 9~ % of' the total fuhabited villages of the District are without adequate amenities. As already explained in Table 12, it is necessary for the Govt. to take into account not only on the basis of population, but also on the basis of covering the the areas or villages. Thus the table below shows that many of the villages are without amenities but avail the amenities under the range distant of less than 5 Kms for the place where the amenities are available.

Table 13

Distribution of viilages not hving certain amenities, arranged by distanct ranges, from places where these are available.

District: East Gam Hills.

Villages not having the amenity of Number of villages where the amenity is not available and available at distant of

5 Kms 5-10 Kms 10+ Kms Total Col. (2-4)

1 . 2 3 4 5

Education J86 51 30 267 Medical 192 165 283 640 Drinking water .P&T 239 158 233 629 Marker/Hat 281 Communication 154 174 277 605

" 32

Table 14

It shows the number (with percentage in brackets) of villages having the amenities according to the dis~ance range from the nearest towns (in Kms), The assumption that nearer a town, greater is the number of villages with pucca roads. and adversely leSb is the number of villages with Kutcha roads, docs not hold good in so far a& pucca roads are concerned. Villages provided with pucca roads are found to be falling under the range distant or 16 to 51 Kms, away from the town.. So far as vill­ ages ~th Kutcha roads are concerned, their proportion increases with the increase in the distance from the nearest town. This i& because that there are greater number of villages far away from the town has- those which are nearer to it. However villages which are nearer to the town e~pecially those Which are less than 5 Kms from the town, about 20% have been covered with pucca roads and 10% have what provided with amenities.

TABLE 14 Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest Town and Availability of Different Arnenitie.

Distance range No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of from nearest town inhabited (inKms). villages in Education Medical Drinking Post & Market/ Communi- Approach Power sup- each range water Telegraph Hat cation by pucca ply. road 1 2 3 4 5 (f 7 8 9 10

0-5 10 1(10.) 1(10.) . 10(100) 1(10.) 1(10.) 2(20.) 6-15 29 15(51.72) 29(100) 2(6.90)

1~50 205 80(39.05) 3(1.46) 205(100) 9(4.39) 11(5.37) 17(8.29) 9(4.39) 18(8.78) 51+ 412 293(81.11) 12(2;91) 412(100) 17(4.13) 27(6.55) 31(9.47) 39(9.41) 29(7.04) . Unspecified

TOTAL: 656 389(59.30) 16(2.44) 656(100) 27(4.12) 38(5.80) 51(7.77) 50(7.62) 47(7.17)' 33

Table 15

This table gives the distribution of villages according to population range of 0 to 499 ; 500 to 1,999; 2,000 to 4,999 ; 5,000 and above for the district and fo~ each community Development~.BlOck. ResubeJpara east and Dambo Roilgjeng C. D. have one vill~ge each with a population above 2,000. Resubelpara village is having. the population of 2,544 with 385 number of ho1ll'eholds, Rongjeng Chris­ tiangittim village of Dambo Rongjeng C. D. Block is having the pOpulation of 2,109 with 461 house­ holds. Though Resubelpara village has a lesser number of households . it haS. a greater number of population the Rongjeng Christiangittim. Samanda C. D. Block is the only Block in which all the villages are having very small population under the range of less than 499 and only one village the Rongreng­ chidekgiri is under the range of 500 to 1,999 and no village crossed the population of 600. In Resubeipara there are 11 villages, in Songsak 10 and in Dambo Rongjeng 12 which fall under the range of population of 500 to 1,999. .

TABLE 15' Distribution or villages according to population range and amenities available District: East Giro Hills Populatioti. range No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of inhabited villages in Education Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Communi- Approach Power water Telegraph Hat. cation J by pucca supply. , road 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10

o -499 617 359(58.18) 10(1.62) 617(100) 17(2.75) 27(4.37) 40(6.48) 38(6.15) 31(5.02) . 500-1,"99 37 28(75.67) 5(13.51) 37(100). 9(24.32) 10(27.02) 10(27.02) 11(29.72) 15(40.54) 2,000 - 4,999 2 2(100) 1(50) 2(100) 1(50) 1(50) 1(50) 1(50) 1(50) 5,000 +

TOTAL 656 389(59.30) 16(2.44) 656(100) 27(4.12) 38(5.79) 5(7.77) 50(7.62) 47(7.17) 34


The Gatos. Khasis and Jaintias live on rice. Sometimes millet and maize are also used as their main staple food. This needs no ~urther discussion.


Main Staple food in majority of villages in each C. D. Block.

District: E~ Garo' Hills

SI. No. Name of C.D. Block Main staple food

1. Dambo R.ongjeng Rice 2. Songsak Rice 3. Resubelpara (East) Rice 4. Samanda Rice


It gives the distribution of villages according to land use. The total area is given against each of the C. D. Blocks. where as other information for land use is not available and are given as N. A.


Distribution of villages according to Land use.

District: East Garo mIls

Sl. Name of C.D. Block No.ofinha­ Total Percentage of culti­ Percentage of irri­ No. bited villages Area vable area to total gated area to total area. cultivable area.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Dambo Rongjeng 213 NA NA 2. Songsak 109 NA NA 3. Resubelpara East 220 NA NA 4. Samanda 114 NA 'NA·

TOTAL: 656 NA NA 35


In this table we pre~ent the growth rate,· density and sex ratio of·· urban population iti the district in relation. to the State since 1951. East Garo Hil1& became a district only in 1976, therefore, its figures have been shown only for the 1981 Census.

TABLE 18 Growth, Density, and Sex-ratio of Urban Population in the District in relation to the State

District: East Garo Hills Census District State Year's 1 \ Total Urban %Urban Decadal Density Sex-ratio Total Urban %Urban Decadal Density Sex-ratio Popula- Popula- popula- percent- Popula- (No. ef Popula- Popula- PopuIa- (percent- (popula- (No. of .. tion ' tion tion age varia- tion per Females Ition tion tion agevari- t ion per Females tion in Sq Km) per ationin Sq, Km.) per 1,000 population 1,000 Urban Males) Males) population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1951 61,672 6,05,674 58,512 9.66 + 53.20 NA 784 1961 7;82,270 7,69,380 1,17,483 15.27 +100.78 3077 764 1971 10,2698 10,11,699 1,47,170 14.55 + 25.27 3860 853 1981 1,36,550 4,290 3,14 100 772 1,33,5819 2,41,333 18.07 + 63.98 NA 904


This table 19 gives the new Towns added· or declassified. Williamnagar. is the only town of the the district and declared as a town only during this 1981 Census. Therefore it is the only town in the neW district.

New Towns Declassified in 19.81 Census.

District: East Garo Hins

Name pfTowns Population 1981 Census I 1

(a) (Added) Williamnaga:r: 4290 (i) (ii) (iii) (b) Declassified NIL (i) (ii) (iii) 36


Williamnagar Town is the Headquarter of the East Garo Hills district. It has no Town Com­ mittee and therefore the receipt and eJl,penditure for the town is not available and has been shown as N.A. .. TABLE 20 Per capita receipt and Expenditure In Towns District : East Garo Hills' PER CAPITA Class, Name Civic Status Receipt Expendi ture of the Town. Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure Public Expenditure Other tkrough from all expenditure admini. on public Works on public aspects. taxes. other sources stration. health & institution conveniences 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 9 10

VI. Williamnagar N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. . TOTAL: NA NA NA NA NA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.


This table gives the number of Schools pe~ ten tlwus_and population ,in the toWn. 'The exact 'number has been shown in the Statement V of The Town Directory.

Schools per ten thousand population in Towns.

I District: East Guo, Hills.

Class, Name and Civic No. per ten thousand population. 'Status of Town.

I Higher Secondary/ Secondary/Matri­ JuniQr Secondary/ Pr\mary Inter/PUC/Junior culation. Middle. College.

1 2 3 4 5

VI. Williamnagar 2 2 9


This table gives the number of beds in Medical Institution per 1,000 popUlation in the town. As regard Williamnagar, there is no Town Directory in 1971 Census as this is a 'new town of the district. Therefore the no. of beds is not available for the 1971 Census.

It will be seen that the .. town c1aims to have 3 Medical Institutions. The number of beds is only 6. The table reveals that if we only take into consideration the urban population of the town there is only I bed available for every 1,000 persons. 37


No. of Beds in Medical Institution in Towns. District: EaSt Gam Hills

Class, Name and civic status of tile Town No. of beds in Medical institutions per 1,000 population


VI. Williamnagar - 1



It gives the proportion of slums population. This needs no discussion as there is no slum area m the town.


Proportion of slums population in towns. Distrid: East Garo Hills

Class, name and civic status of the town Proportion of the Slums po pulation Density in slums (Per to total population of the town Sq. Kms.)

2 3

VI. Willamnagar


For Class I & II towns only.


The following tables highlights the picture of trade, commerce and industry for the town.


Most important commodity manufacture, imported and exported in town.

Class, name and civic status of the town Most important commodity

Manufactured Exported Imported ------~------VI WitliatIlllagar (f. e.) Rice, Sugar & cloth.





In the Village Directory, particulars of the District Census Handbook are presented C. D. Block wise.

For convenience of reference an alphabetical list of villages in respect of each C.D. Block are furni­ shed preceding the village directory of that administrative unit. Since the location codes of the villages in the village directory ate given in ascending order, the names of the villages are not arranged alpha­ betically. In case a village is treated as an 'Outgrowth' of an Urban Agglomeration, the code number and the name of the village appeared in the vil1age Directory but no data is presented with regard to ameni­ ties' and land use particulars and are merely record against the name of the village that it is treated an outgrowth of such and such TnwnfU.A.

The villages which have been wholly merged .in the Town are retained in the village directory, against such villages in the village Directory, no data are shown and are merely stated that the' village is wholly merged in the specific Town. Such type of village!> are also listed for cross reference b the P. C. A. (rural), This will ensure matching of villages figuring in the P. C. A.· (rural) and in the village Directory.

East Garo Hills District which is having only one Town with no urban agglomeration' under it has no such villages as discussed above. But' in Case df un-inhabited villages/de-populated villages, the loca­ . tion Code, and name of the village are given universally in the P. C. A. (rural) and Village Directory.

, At the end of the entries for each C. D. Blocks the totals are given for Col. 3 to 6 and 15 to 19 ~y. In the Village Directory the various amenities and other data are indicated by different Codes.

The Village Directory ha~ four append~ces- :-~_

(i) C. D. Block wise abstract or Educational, Medical and other Amenities.

(ii) Land utilisation data in respect of Non-municipal Towns (Census Towns).

(iii), C. D. Block wise list of villages where no amenities except drinking water are available.

(iv) C. D. Block wise list of villages according to the proportion. of Scheduled Castes and Sche­ duled Tribes to the total population by ranges. - _- The Appendix (iii) is only a list of villages where no amenities relating to Education, Medical, Post and Telergraph, COllUUunications, Power Supply and Markets/hats ava.iI~ble.

The detailed explanatory notes regarding each Column of the Village Directory are as foHows·:

Column-l : Location Code.

In this column the location code of each village has been shown by 4 numbers separated by obli­ que strokes. The· first number signifies the code number of the State Meghalaya. which is 14. The second stands for the code number of the District. The third stands for the .code number of the C. D. Block and the last for the village. 41

Column-2 : N arne of village.

In this column only the ma.in village has been given. Unlike the 1971 Census, where the ,name of the main village disappeared and hamlets only existed, this time in the village Directory, the informa­ tion includes only in the main village.

Column-3: Area of the Village.

As already stated, the Census villages have no defined' or demarcated boundary or area, hence the total area of the village are not shown.

Column-4: Total Population and mnnber of Household.

The population and humber of households are shown' against each village as a ready reference. Number of Household are shown within brackets.

Column-5: Education.

The abbreviation used according to the type of institutions are indicated below :

Institutions Abbreviation used

I. Primary School (include Nursery School, Kinder garten School upto Class III) P 2. Senior Seco~dary or Middle School (includes Class IV to VI) M 3. Matriculation or Secondary (includes Class VII to X) . .R 4. Highe~ SecondaryflntermediatefPre- University jSenior College PUC 5. College . C 6. Industrial School 'l 7. Training' School Tr. 8. Adult Literacy Class/Centre AC 9. Other Educational o

If there are more than one Institution in the village, the number are indicated within brackets,. A dash (-). is shown in the column. But next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges, viz., 5 Kms; 5 - 10 Kms; and 10 + Kms, of the nearest place where'\~h~ most modest ediucational facility is available is given. '

If th,ere are composite Schools like middle Schools with Primary classes, or Secondary Schools with Middle Classes, these are included in the number of Primary and Middle Schools respectively. So also in case of Secondary Schools. . It may be noted here that the pattern of Educational level or standard adopted in the district and the State as a whole is upto Class III for Primary; upto Class VI for Middle and upto Class X for Matriculation or Secondary.

Colum~-6 : Medical (Amenities)

Institutions Abbreviations used

1. Hospital H 2. Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW 3. Maternity Home MH 42

4. Child Welfare Centre CWC 5. Health Centre HC 6. Primary Health Centre PHC 7. Primary Health Sub·centre PHS 8. Dispensary D 9. Family Planning Centre FPC 10. T. B. Clinic TB 11. Nursing Home NH 12. Registered Primary Practitioner RP 13. Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP 14. Community Health Worker CHW IS. Others a

If there are more than one institution in the village, the number are in~ted within brackets against the abbreviation, e.g., H (2), D (3), etc.

The term 'Community Health Worker' does not refer to workers in extension Programmes [like Malaria eradication, Agriculture, etc. It refers to only those Para-medical personnel Who have been trained for dispensing medicines for minor ailments. . .

If no Medical facility is available within the village a dash (-) is shown in the column. But next' to it in brackets, thct distance in broad ranges, viz., 5 Kms; 5 - 10 Kms, and 10+Kms of the nea­ rest Place where the most modest Medical amenity like Dispensary/Community Health Worker is avail.' able is given.

Column-7 Drinking Water .(Amenities)

Source Abbreviations ul'ed

1. Tap Water T 2. Well Water W 3. Tank Water TK 4. Tubewell Water TW 5. Handpump HP 6. River Water R 7. Fountain F 8. Canal C 9. Lake L 10. Spring S 11. Nallah N 12. Others o 13. Information not Available NA

If there is more ,than one source of drinking water, these are mentioned.

- If no facility is available within the, viliage a dash (-) is, shown in the column. But next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges, viz., 5 Kms; .5·10 Kms; and 10 + Kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given. 43

Colum~8: Postal and Telegraph.

Means' Abbreviation used 1. Post Office PO 2. Telegraph Office TO 3. Post and Telegraph Office PTO 4. Telephone Connection Phone

If no facility is available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column. But next to it in brackets the distance in br~ad ranges, viz., 5 Kms; 5 - 10 Kms; and 10+Kms of the nearest place where any of the facilities is available is. given.

Column-9 :

In this column, the rlnformation about market, if any held/> in the village is available. Whenever these is a hat/market, the actual day or days of the week on which the market is held is recorded. If there if> no market Hat at a}l in the C.D. Block the column is given by a dash (-).

If no iacili~y is available witbin the village, a dask .(-) is shown in the column. But next to it in brackets, the distance in b~oa~ ranges viz .• 5 Kms; 5 - 10 Kms; 10+Kms of the nearest place where the facility is available IS glVen.

Column"':_ 10 : cotnJllUllications

For purpose of this column only public Transport like Bus, Rail and Water~way is being consi­ dered. .These are indicated by the following codes.

Means Abbreviations used

1. Bus BS 2. Railway Station RS 3. Navigable Waterway NW

If a . bus stops or railway station is located within the territorial jurisdiction of a village, tlie vil­ lage is considered to have been served by such facility e,e!l if it is little away from the actual settle- \ ' \ ment. I~ If no facility is availa.ble within the. viI1a~e, a dash (-) is shown> in the column. But next to it in bdckets the distance III broad ranges VIZ., 5 Kms; 5-10+Kms; and 10 + Kmsofthe nearest' place ;wher; the facility is available is given.

Column-II: APproacb to village :

The approach to the village refers to the road leading to the village.

Means Abbreviation used PR I. Pucca Road KR 2. Kutcha Road 3. Navigable River NR FP 4. Foot Path If there. is more than one such approach facility these are indicated separately by individual Codes. 44

Column-I2 : Nearest Town and distance

In this column the approximate distance of the village from the nearest town is recorded in kilo­ metre within the brack~t. If the nearest town is 10000ted in another State the name of the town and the State is given.

Column-13 : Power Supply.

In this column if the supply is for all purposes, details are not given.

Meam Abbreviation used

1. Electricity for domestic purpose ED 2. Electricity for agriculture EAG 3. Electricity for other purpose EO 4. Electricity for all purpose listed above EA

F or this column, unlike the above emenities the vmage having no power. supply is simply shown by a dash (-) and ,no distance in broad ranges in indicated. The reason is clear, as the power Supply of the village can' not be enjoyed by another village.

Column-14 : Staple food.

:rhe Staple food of the majority of the population of the village during the year is recorded. Rice is the Staple food of the people of this District.

Column-15 ,. Land lise. - These columns relate to the information of the land use. In this State it is difficult to ascertain the pattern of land use. The data" returned by the village level officials, shown t~ have been based on eye estimation. The total area figures in columns 15 -19 does not tally with the total area of the village as collected in column 3. The disparities are in almost all the villages. It is therefore obvious that any attempt to reconcile the same would be furtile. Thus the Area figures and Land use area in all these columns have been· shown as "NA" (not available).

Column-20 2 Remarks.

The column is. meant for remarks, moreover if there' is any place of Religious, Historical or Archaeo­ logical interest. the same is illeIl.tioned in this column. Generally temples, mosques etc., are shown in this column. MEGHALAYA DAMBO RONGJENG C. D. BLOC~ DISTRICT EAST GARO HILLS

I Z l·" MILES MILES Z!. J I • , KM' ~. I. i l ! ! 11 t KMS

5 t•


". RUE RENCES _.. _.. _.. _ DI$TIIIII(T -.-._._ lUHIVIt/AOM.uNtT __ ~ __ _ t.O IilOCI{ ._. _ • ...;.. H[,I.OOU.'"t"5: c,o: MO~I{ VllL.C.tS WITH 'OfUlAtrON Sill' @ ,[lOW lOa,rnO·"'9 . o. $QO'~~";IOOO""\()~ • e UNIHI1A,lt[D VlllACor:s WITH lOC.ATIO'f,tOD[ )(144 110.1.0 OTI1(1I. ~OAD5 . RIV(AANO SarAM· "~ SE,IIt,'IC(FA(ILlTI($. '-""':::'=--. POST OFFltE,OIlP(N$.I.IW· PO + '1tIMIoRYI'I[J,lYMCElfTII( ~

IM,"O~TANT YlllAC,[ MAliK£! ~

=====-=-====:~===--::::---- lased "pon Survey of Ind1a map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of IndIO Copmght. 1985 The boundary of Meghalaya shown on this mlp is as i"nterpreted from the North-Eastern areas IRe-organisation) Act, 1971, but has yet to be verified.

1\.,~ !r('Q-~~:'fIMjf\h OOUI Q,i/y ')hbwO on tnls mao IS the one e~l!tlflR pnoT to it.• ')0(", en o! I~! '1H!,.t:iI 01' lIay 16 •.1974. brlween [hGia an! 8angladesh



• ".'" ~"l ~ Name of the State .: ,MegbaJaya ~ Code No• ..!...14

Name of too District; ,.. EaSt GuO Hills. : Code No •.2... 4

Name of til(! C. D. Block Dambo Rongjeng ... ('ode No.~ 1

Sl. Name of Village LOca.tion Code No.

2 '3

1. ' Adokgiri ...... 14/4/i/116 2. Agropathar · . " ~50 3, Arengdo .. ... ",95 ._ " ' .131 4. Aruakgiri " 5. Arbellapara h. ,74 · . " , 6. ~ Awaga (96 " ' 7. Badaka .,. .. ,113 ,.Baksalpara ., 75 8. " '104 9. Barangittim - " 10. ,Baringgiri .~ .. " 24 Baringgiri Bollcrat ' 11. ·. .. .. I' :,'22 12. Bogakol. ' " , .. ., ' 61 13. Bolmedang .. '70 14. ,Chachatgittim .. .. '! 'l~ ' ! 'tj6 15, Chachinath. ,Il> 16. Chambildam ... 29 17. Cheran AIdagittim ,,, ~6 ·. u 18. Ch~ran Songtitcham ·. .. , ,-'3 Chibilbang .~ 19. ·. .~ 20. ChiJ,l'a lambal .. " 2(1 21. , Chibonga ..... " '8~ 22. Chigranggiri .~, t., 127 23. CbijOI~g Aleong .~ ',' 2() 24. Chikal .. '31 .. .. 25. ~ Songma " 34 26. Pekro ·. 33 Chijcal Dawa " 27. " 34, 28. Chilpara, ...... , 63 29. Cbilpara (Reserve) .- 64 Chimadare " 82 30. " Chima-Illlpal 53 3J. " 32. ChicJtra .Apal 46 ._ , " 33. Chiwllld •• 86 34. Chotcho1ja " 103 35, Dagal Bolme9lUlg 2 J>agal Nolcat, ._ " 36, ·. " 19 Dagal Si~seng ._ 37. " 1 38. Dainbo Blma ._ 181 Damb!> Charagittim " 200 39. - " 46 --- St. No, Name of villages Location code No,:

1 2 3

40. Dambo Gittok Gittim 177" " 41. Dambo Gittim 192 - " 42. Dambo Mrok 191 " 43. Dambo Rongdeng 182 " 44. Dambo Reserve .- f78. "" 45. Dambo Reserve I 179 46. Dambo, Reserve II " 180 " 47. ambo Watesa t, 170 48. DanaI Surigittim .. .. 198 " 49: Papolpara t, , 117 50. Darang ~titchong 140 " 51. Darugiri t\lda ., 209 52. Darugiri Chikama 214 " 53. Darugiri Milawe .. ' t. ,211 54. Darugiri Reserve 210 55. . Dawa Songgital .." 10 56. Deplok Gittim ., 156 57. Dilkang 135 " 58. Dilma Ading ." 124 59. Dilma Adl,JJp " 123. " 60. Dochisora~ . ... ,. 118 61. pogep Gippuram .. 189 62. Dokongsi .. 143 63. Gahil Ading 48 .. " 64. Gabil Bisa ., 42 65. Oahil Daningka ...... t. 38 66. Oabil Gandual .. 37 67. Oabil Koksi .. 44 68. Oahil Mendipo (GahiI) 40 69. Oahil Pathat '. 47 " 70. Oahil Rogu 39 " 71. Oabil Rongberam .. \', 43 72. OahU Waridipo 41 73. Gangasa .. " 80 74. Giooil .." 1.55 75. o Gobekram 35 " 76. Gorok .. 120 71. Gublutgittim 219 78. Haslong " 201 Ildek A,kong " 79. OJ 130 80. Ildek Research .. .. 126 81. Illa"Rongchim .. 137 82. Imsamdrop ot 23

83. Imsambal ,J 92 84. Imtra Gittim: 161 " 85. Irtdakap to 153 47

-SI.No. Name of Village Location Code - 1 2 3 -",., 90 .~ .... 8(i. Iokol . ' .... " ' 20 87. 1alwagiri .- ...... 'J ' " 13 88'. J alwagiri Songgital' ... -, ... " 89. Jalwagiri. Songgutcham ... J, 18 54 90. Jambal ~, .. 91. Jambal (Lower) -, ,., 56 - 55 ~ ,92'- Jambal (Upper) - " . .. - , .. 93. Jongki-Gittim . ' ._,-, 136 '" .. , ' " 94. Kharkutta (Lower), .. - -...... 84 85 95. Kharkutta (Upper)' -' " 96. Kharkutta Reserve . .. 83 97. Kalwe-Akong " . 141 98. Kama Gandima ._ .,. ., " 78 99. Kara Majipara ' 'J 77 100. Kentra 62 " 220 101. Konglcikal ,Aga - " 102. Makre Adap - ., 101 94 103. MaUenggok , " 104. Manda Drop - - •• 138 105. Mandu (Mangsu Gittim) - - .. 146 106. ",Mangsang Bamil _ - .. 174 1(j7. Mangsang Dosik - - 171 108. Mangsang ,Mago _ .' , 169 " ' 173 109. Mangsang Makuta " 110. Manchaug to 88 111. Matchagittim .. 91 98 112. Megam Ading " 87 113. Magam Akong H 114. Mejolgiri 14 _, "'.\ " 115. Mejolgiri Abemang - .. 36 17 116. Majolgiri Cheijongbva " 117.. Majolgiri Dogru _ I, . 16 118. ~ejolgiri Nakat _ .. '.IS 119. erniltam ._ ,. 133 120. Memillam Modipara t, 134 12;1. Mendirna .. 66 122. Mendirna Garo .. 65 68 123. Mendima Rava .. " " - - 81 124. Menadopa " 125. Miktongjong Gittim· 186 " 199 126. Minglcrak " 127. Mite Gittim . . .. 148 128. Menggilding 145 " 122 129. Narringgiri " 130. Narringgiri Dambu .. 213 131. Nengbrok ,. 187 48

. , - SI. No" - N@le:Or.vinap:.,:,,--;,;,.~ , ..... ~~. -. .: LOO.ati;;ti-C0de No. . '\.."_ .

" -"~,-" 1- 2 l

..... ~.--...,~'":.-' .~-- ,- ,-.:~. "'":-- '--,_:::,,_, " ~ _.. 132. Nengpat\:hi "t"' ':,208 133. Nengkram ' , _-. , , _- t, . , 158 13'4. Nengsil ' , - - 27 ' , l3'5. Nilwa Gaurichal ... - ...:.', - - - " ;69 , , , 13ti; Nongbak,. Adlg - ," , 163 131- Nongbak Apal ..•- ..... - - .., . 168 'y';' ' 138; ..;.. - . Nongb~, Agalgiri -' ...: "..- tf 157 139: Nongbak , Chichra -"11 - -, - _., '" ... 165 140. Noitgbak Daram - -" " 164 141;' Nongbak' Rengkil _. - - " '216 142. Nongbak Wapi! . . - - " , , .'. " 154 143. Nongchram - - - - '215 .. " 144." Nongdu Ronglit - - - - 203 145: - - - Nongdu- Rangre .." 204 146: - Nongkon~kil - - ... t, 162 147. Pakregiri -. - - - .. f, 25 148. Rajasimla .. , , " 105 f49. "'Rajasimla - - ",,"112 iso. -Raja.sim!a Apal - '. " 't07 1-5.1• ' Rajasimla Konchikol '. .. 110 152. Rajasimla- Reserve -108 Rajasimla " .. 15~. . Wari ., ,. 109 154. -Rekkuma ... 142 155 .. Rangket-Gittim .. " .. 0, 125 _1~6. Rangma 175 157;· Rangma-Agal H " " . 166 iS8. ~Rafigga-Nadilwang - II 97 '159. Rangkil Giiiim - 221 t~o. Rangsa Gittim - .. - - - '. 99 161. Reking - - _. .. It 121 162. Remagittim - - - 149 163. - Rongbang " ~ .... \ 0, 151 1~. Rongbu 71 165.' Rongbu (Lower) ... - ....'" .. - 73 16~ Rongbii (Upper) ._. - - " - 72 161- RoIigchek Akpng - - - " 21' 168': .Rdngchri " 139 169. Rongchong II '" .. 159 170. Rongdal~Atimbo 106 Rongdu-Dalbit 0. 171. - " 207 172. Rongdu-Dika-Gittim " .• ... " 199 Rongdu-Imbal .. 173...... 206 f74.' Rongdu-Nengjagittim .. '" 202 - 175. Rongdu.Pakre~'ittim - .'.. 205 176. Ronga-Agal 160 Rongjeng .. 177. Arapara .. 190 . 49

SI. No. Name of villages Location Code No.

1 2 3

195 178. Rongjeng Christian Gittim .. " 197 179. Rongjeng Jambal " 183 180. Rongjeng Reserve ., 184 181. Rongjeng Reserve I ·. " 185 182. Rongjeng Reserve II " " 218 183. Rongmil " 58 ]84. Rongmatchu-Apal f'·' 193 185 Rongmatchu-Gittim " 45 186. ~ongmil " 152 187. Rongkinjeng " 129 188. Rongkingkang .. " 172 . 189. Ronggisim " 144 190. Sadumalam .. " 114 191. Sakwari .. 49 192. Sari Awe .. 52 193. Sari-Awa (Lower) " 51 194. Sari-Awa (Upper) · , " 57 195. Sambrak (State farm) .. 59 196. Sambrak (Upper) .. 60 197. Sambrak (Lawer) " 188 198. Silchang-Gittim .. " 14/4/1/100_ 199. Silki Gittim 11 200. Simseng Aringa " ·167 201. Simseng Atimbo .. 12 202. Simseng Bangga .. " 8 203. Simseng Bolkol .. " 5 204. Simseng Dagal .. " 7 205. Simseng Minol .. " 4 20 Simseng Rongal \ .. 9. .- I 9 207 . . Simseng Wale .or. ., 50 208. Sova-Jambal .. 147 209. ,Tajil Gittim " 93 210. /Talkim ·. " 67 211. Tangasot .. 176 212. Tanggi Gittim .. 132 213. Temba-Gittim , " 79 214. Tengabari .. " . " 76 Tekonggitok 215. " 122 216. Tingimna .. " ., 115 217. Udik-Gttim (Udik Daranshal) III 218, . Uguri " 30 219. Wancho ' · . " 128 220. Waramja " 102 221. Watreyittim " 228 222. Watresa Gittim .. " 50 VILLAGE 1\ menities and


Amenities Available: . (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it, the distance of the place from the Village in broad ra.'lges, viz.; -5kms, -5kms -10kms and 10kms to the nearest place where the facility is available is given.)

Location Name of Villages Total area Total Education Medical Drinking Post and Day or Days Communi- Code No. of the Population water Telegraph of the mar- cation (Bus- villages and number ket, hat, if stop, rail- (in hectare) of households any way-station, waterways)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14/471/1 Dagal Simseng NA 130(24) P PHS S -(10+ k:J:ns) -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/2 Dagal Bolmedang NA 122(23) P -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/3 Chiran Songgitcham NA 259(53) P -(10+kms) WlS -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/4 Sirriseng Rongal 'NA 107(20) P -(10+kms) S,W -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/5 Simseng Dagal NA U.N 14/4/1/6 Cheran Addagittim NA 332(68) P -(lO+kms) S,W,TK . -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms)I -(lO+kms) 14j4/1/7 Simseng Minot NA 135(31) P -(10+kms) S.W -(10+kms) -(10+kms) i -(10+kms)" 14/4/1/8 Simseng Bolkot NA 135(28) P -(10+kms) S.W -(lO+kms) --(lO+kms)· --(10+kms) 14/4/V9 Simseng Wale NA 61(11) P --(lO+kms) S.W -(lO+kms) --(10+kms) --(lO+kms) 14/4/1/10 Dawa Senggital NA 33(8) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+km) 14/4/1/11 'Simseng Abingga NA 80(16) P -(lO+kms) S,W -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/12 Simseng Bongga NA 92(21) P -(10+kms) S,W -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/13 Jalwagiri Songgital NA 264(51) . P -(5-lOkms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/14· Mejolgiri NA V.N 14/4/1/15 M~olgiri Nokat .. NA 124(23) P,M -(-5kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms)' -(10+kms) 14/4/1/16 MejoJgiri Dogru .. NA 128(23) P -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/17 Mejolgiri Chikjongbra NA 202(33) P -(5-5km,) R,N -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1/18 Jalwagiri S.:mggitcham NA 99(22) P -(5-lOkms) S -(lO+km~) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/19 Dagal Nakat NA 84(16) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/20 Jalwagiri U.N '1414/1/21 Rongchek Akong NA 24~(47) P,M PHS S,W -/lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/22 Barringg!ri Bolkrat . , NA ' 216(39) P -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) --(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/23 Imsamdrop NA 74(14) P -(IO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/24 Baringgiri NA 202(36) P -(5-10kms) S -(5-lOkms) -(-10kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/25 Pakregiri NA 640(123) P -(10+kms) S,W -(lO+kms) -(1O+kms) . -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/26 Chijong Akong NA 32(7)/ -(10+kms) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(5-lOkms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/27 }'I"engsil NA 85(16) P -(lO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/28 Chibilbang NA 95(19) P -(IO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/29 Chambildam NA 207(37) P -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/30 Wancho NA 182(35) P -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(1O+kms) 14/4/1/31 Chikal NA 66(13) -(-Skms). -(10+kms) s -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/32 Chikal Songma NA 206(36) P -(10+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(5kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/33 Chikal Pekro NA 186(37) P -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/34 ChikalDawa NA 159(36) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/35 Gobakram NA 46(11) P -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/36 Mcjolgiri Amebang NA 136(28) P -(-Skms) S . -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 51 DIRECTORY Land use

Land Use (i. e, area under different type of land in Hectares upto two decimal places) App- Nearest Town and Power Staple food Forest Irrigated Unirri· Culturable Area not Remarks roach dis trance (in Kms) supply by gated waste in- available including to source eluding forcul- any place of village gauchar tivation . Religious, and Historical groves or, Archaolo- gical intcrest

11 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20

FP Goalpara, Assam 28) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FR Goalpara, (27) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpam (74) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (40) ~ice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

FP Goalpara (77) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goa1para (45) Rice, Maize, Millet _ NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (24) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (41) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (40 Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (35) Rice, Maize, Millet Nk NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (31) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (69) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

FP Goalpara (63) Rice, Maize NA NA. NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA :NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (75) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (71) Rice, Topioca NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (64) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

FP Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA. NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA. NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA Nt\. FP Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goa1para (90) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (90) Rice, Miller NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpa!a (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP GoaJpara (69) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA 52

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/1/37 Gabil Gandual NA 206(39) P -(lO+kms) W,S -(lO+km) --(lO+kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/38 Gabil Damingka NA . 279(45) P -(-5kms) W,S -(-5km) -Skms) B,S 14/4/1/39 GabilRogu NA 162(27) P -(10+kms) , T.S --(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(S-IOkms) 14/4/1/40 Gabil Mendipo NA' 41(8) -(-Skms) -(5-lOkms) W -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/41 Gabil Waridipo NA 46(8) -(-5kms) -(5-10kms) W,S --(5--10kms) -(S-IOkms) BS 14/4/1/42 Gabil Bisa. NA 218(42) P -(-Skms) W,S --(-5kms) --(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/43 Gabil Rongberam NA 224(41) P -(5-IOkms) S -(5--lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/44 Gabil Koksi NA 254(52) P -(S-1Okms) S . --(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) --(5--lOKms) 14/4/1/4S Rongmil NA 332(65) P,M PHS W,S PO Fortnightly BS 14/4/1/46 Chickra Apal NA 107(21) P -(S-IOkms) S -(S-IOkms) -15-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/47 Gabil Pathar NA 331(60) P -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1(48 GabilAding NA 260(46) P -(5-lOkms) T,K,S -(.5-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/1/49 Sari Awe NA 72(13) -(5-10kms) -(5-1Okms) 0 -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/1/50 SovaJambal NA 171(35) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) W -(IO+kms) . -(lO+kms), -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/51 Upper Sari Awe NA 57(15) -(-5Hms) -;-(IO+kms) w --(IO+kms) --(lO+kms) -'(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/52 Lower Sari Awe NA 113(24) P -(5-10kms) W --(S-10kms) -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/53 Chima Impal NA 195(38) P,M,H -(lO+kms) . W --(lO+kms) -10+kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/I/S4 Jambal NA 128(25) -(-5lans) -(-Skms) W -(-5kms) --(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/5S Up~Jambal NA 279(48) P -(lO+kms) W --(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/56 Lower Jambal NA 183(38) P -(10+kms) w -(IO+kms) -(lO+kItlS) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/57 Sambrak (State Farm) NA 18(15) -(-10kms) (-5-1Okms) W --(5-10krns) -(5-lOkms) -(5-IOkms) 14/4/1/S8 Rongmatchu Apal NA 124(23) P -(10+lans) W --(IO+kms) -(W+kms). -(5-10kms) . 14/4/1/53 Upper Sambras NA 282(51) N P --(5-10kms) W -(4-10kms) -(lO+kms) . -(-Skms) 14/4/1/60 Lower Sambras NA 500(94) P -(5-lOkms) W -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/61 Bugakol NA 217(40) P --(-5kms) W -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/62 Kentra NA 271(46) P -(-Skms) W --(-5kms) -(S-lOkms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1/63 .Chilpara NA 231(39-) P (-S-lOkms) W --(-Skms) -(-Skms) -{-Skms) 14/4/1/64 Chilpara (Reserve) NA 128(24) P -(5-10kms) W -(--:Skms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/65 Mendima Garo NA S67!101) P,M -(lO+kms) w, -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/1/66 Mendima NA UN 14/4/1/67 Tengasot NA 115(25) P -(5-10kms) W -(5-lOkms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/68 Mendima Rava NA 172(27) P -(5-lOkms) W --(5-kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/69 Nilwa Gaurichal NA 80(14) --(-Skms) -(5--lOkms) W -(S-10kms) . -(lO+kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1/70 Bolmedang NA - 438(83) -(-5lans) -(5-10kms) W -(5-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/1/71 Rongbu NA 269(45) P -(-5kms) W --(-Skm) -(5-lOkll\) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/72 Upper Rongbu NA 107(22) --(-5kms) -(-5kms) W -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/ /73 Lower Rongbu NA 270(S9) P -(-5lans) W --(lO+kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/74 Arbella Para NA 73(14) P -(-5kms) ·w --(lO+kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/75 Baksalpara NA 677(124) P,M,H --(-5kms) W --(5-10kms) -(5-iOkms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/1/76 Tenggitok NA 144(26) P -(10+kms) w -(10+km.s) -(5-10kms) _(5-10kms) 14/411/77 Karamajipara NA 81(11) P' -(lO+kms) W --(10+kms) -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/78 GamaGandim NA 148(32) P -(S-lOkms) W --(10+kms) Weekly +lOkm) 14/4/1/79 Tengabarai NA 116(25) P -(-5kms) W -(10+kms) -(-5kms) -(-skm~) 14/4/1/80 Gangasa NA 163(28) P -(-5kms) W -(-5kms) --(5-10kms) -(5-IOkms) 14/4/1/81 Manadopa NA 418(71) P,M -(-5kms) W -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/1/82 Chimadara NA 62(10) P -(5-IOkms) W -(-kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/83 Kharkutta Reserve NA 6(4) P,M,H -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) --(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/84 Lower Kharkutta NA 722(136) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) T,W -(10+kms) Weekly -(S-10kms) 53

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FP Goalpara (72) Rice, MiIlet- NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (54) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goapara (79) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (52) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudnai (35) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (69) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (63) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Dudnai (37) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudnai (49) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Duditai (42) Rice, Millet, Maize NA .NA NA NA NA KR Goaipar (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (68) Rice NA NA .NA NA NA KR Goalpara (65) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (62) NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (58) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice NA. NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (58) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (72) , Rice . NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (61) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA. KR Goalpara (35) Rice NA NA NA NA. NA KR Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR NA KR . Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA. ..

NA t •. ~ KR Goalpara (53) Rice" Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (60) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA .. NA PR Goalpara (82) ED Rice NA NA NA NA \ NA PR GoaIpara (37) Rice NA !NA NA NA " NA PR Goalpara (39) .. Rice NA NA NA NA FP GoaIpara (55) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA. NA NA ", PR Goalpara (65) ED Rice NA NA NA KR GoaJpara (40) Rice,Maize NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (52) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA .. NA PR Goalpara (53) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR GoaIpara (71) .. Rice NA NA NA NA PR Gauhati (127) ED Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA. NA Go~Ipara (54) Rice NA NA NA NA PR NA PR Goalpara (48) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA . ED lOR Goalpara (57) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 54

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-(5-10kms)! 14/4/1/85 Up!,&, Kharkutta NA 514(95) -(-5kms) D T,W -{10{kms) Weekly -(5-10) -(S-10kms) 14/4/1/86 Chiwaki NA 214(37~ , P . -(-5kms) W -(5-10kms) . -(5-10kms) 141411/87 Megam-Akong NA 421(16) +5kms) -(-Skms) W -(10+kms) WeQkly 14{4/1/88 Manchang NA 166(31) P -(-5kms) ,W .,.(10+kms) -(5-10kmsJ -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/89 Chibongga NA 291(57) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W .,.(10+kms) 14/4/1/90 Iokol NA 107(25) P -(10+kms) W,S -(10+kms) -(S-10kmS) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/91 Matchagittim NA 45(11) p -(lo+kffis) W,S .,.(10+kms) -(5-10kms) -(lo+kms) 14/4/1/92 Isambal NA 97(16) P -(lO+kms) W,S ..(10+kms) -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/93 Tafkim NA 127(22) P -(10+kms) W,S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 1:4/4/1/94 . Mallenggok NA 71(16) P -(10+kms) W,S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/95 Arengdo NA 125(20) p' -(lO+kms) W,S . ~(10+kms) Weekly -(10+oms) -(S-lOkms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/96 Chachinath NA 137(26) P -(10+kms) W,S 14/4/1/97 Rongga-Nadilwang NA 93(17) P -(10+kms) W,S -(10+kms) -(S-lOkms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(S-lOkms), -(10+kms) 14/4/1/98 Megam-Ading NA 134(24) P -(lO+kms) W,S 14]'4/1/99 Rangsa-gi ttim NA 59(11) P -(10+kms) W,S -(10+kms) -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14]'4/1/100 Silki gittim NA 123(23) P -(10+kms) W,S -.(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/101 Makre-Adap NA. 101(17) -(S-10km) -(10+kms) W,S -(lO+kms) -(S-10lans) -(lO+kms) 14]'4/1/102 Watregittim NA 69S(131) P -(S-10kms) W,S -.(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/103 Chotcholja NA 776(129) P -(-5kms) T,W -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) -(lO+km) 14/4/1/104 Baren-Gittim NA 21(5) -«-Skm) -(10+kms)- W,S -(lO+kms) -'(5-10k~) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/10S Rajasimla NAr 371(69) P,M,H -(5-10kms) T,W -(10+kms) Weekly -(10+kms) 14/4/1/106 Rongdal-Athimbo NA 204(29) -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) T,W -(lO+kms) -(5-1Okrha) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/107 Rajasimla Apal NA 32(6) -(-Slms) -(S-lOkms) W -(lO+kms) -(5-10km!i) -(10+kiiis) 14(4/1/108 Rajasimla-Reserve NA S9(8) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) W -(10+kms) -(S-lOkms) -(10+kms) 14[4/1/109 Rajasimla Wari NA 323(54) -(-Skros) -(-Skms) T,W -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/~11/110 Rajasimla Konchikal NA 23S(3S) P -(5-10kms) T,W -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/111 ; Uguri NA 129(28) P -(10+kms) T,K,S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/112 Rajasimla NA 246(71) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) T -(-Skms) -(-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/l/113 Badaka NA l00(23J' p -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) Weekly -(10+kms) 14/4/1/114 Sakwari NA 131(2S) P -(-Skms) T -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/115 Udik-Gittim ,UN (Udili: DaransnaI) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/116 AdOlc.sjri NA 326(57) P D T PO Weekly -(-Skms) -(1O-\-kms) 14/4/1/117 Dop,olpara NA 123(23) P -(-Skms) W -'{-Skms) -(,!O+kms) _ 14/4/1/118 Doslsoram NA 216(34) P -(-5kms) .T -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/119 Mingkrak NA 198(3S) -(-5km) -(-Skms) T +kms) -(-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/120 Gorok NA 124(24) p -(-Skms) T -'('-Skms) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/121 Reking NA 166(31) p -(-Skms) S -'('-Skms) -(-5-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/122 Tinsimna NA 150(28) P -(-Skms) S,W -(-Skms) -(S-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/123 DilrnaAdap NA 214(39) P -(S-lOkms) S -'(5-10kms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/124 Dilma-Ading NA 43(9) P -(S-10kms) S -,(10+kmS) -(-Skms) , -(lO+kms) k 14/4/1/12S Rongket Gittim NA 118(21) P -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(-'-Skms) -(lO+ ms) 14/411/126 Ildek Reserve NA 124(26) P -(-5kms) T 4'-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/127 Chignanggiri NA 126(23) P -(S-10kms) S -(S-10kms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/128 Waramja NA 191(31) P -(S-lOkms) S -(S-lOkm) -(-Skm) . -(lO+km) 14/4/1/129 Rongkingkang NA 4S(8) -(-Skro) -(-Skms) U -()-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(iO+kms) 14}4/1/130 Idik Akong NA 222(42) P -(S-lOkms) S -(5-10kms) Weekly -10+kms) 14/4/1/131 Aruakgir NA 285(S1) P -(S-10kms) S -(5-10kms) Weekly -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/132 Tembagittim NA 191(30) P -(10+ktl).s) S -(10+kms) Weekly -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/133 Memillam NA 69(11) P -10+kms) S -(lO+kms) (lO+kms) -(10+kms) 55

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Goalpara (64) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Gauhati (125) ED Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (56) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Gauhati (129) ED Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA PR Gauhati (128) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (133) Rice,MilIet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (70) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (137) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (62) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (58) Rice NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (65) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (63) Rice, Millet, Maize NA KR Goalpara (75) RiCe, Millet, Maize NA ~ NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (45) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (64) ED Rice NA NA NA NA PR GoaJpara (63) ED Rice NA NA NA NA FP Ga~hati (139) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (60 ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA RR Gauahti (126) ED Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA KR Gauhati (125) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA NA PR Gaubati (124) ED Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA NA NA PR Gauhati (124) ED Rice, Mille., Maize NA NA PR Gauhati (102 4) ED Rice, MilleI, Maize NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KR 'Goalpara (64) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (58) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (68) Rice NA NA NA NA KR Gauhali (76) Rice NA

NA NA NA KR Gauhati (76) Rice NA NA KR Goalpara (94) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara '(75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Gauhati (78) Rice NA INA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (81) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Gauhati (80) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR .i Gauhati (83) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Gauhati (88) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (97) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (95) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goa:lpara . (72) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (94) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Gauhati (77) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (113) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (102) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Gauhati (85) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP . Goalpara (90) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (59) 'Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA 56

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9. 19

"- 14/4/1/134 Memillam Modipara NA 149(31) -(-Skms) -OO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/135 Lilkang NA 132(19) . P -(IO+kms) s -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/136 Jongkigittim NA 126(21) P -(1G+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/137 IlIa Rongchim' NA 157(30) P -(10+kms) s (10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/138 Mandadrop NA 66(16) -(-5ktns) -(lO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/139 Rongchri NA 101(16) P -(10+kms) T,S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/140 Darang PetchOlll NA 126(~O) P (-10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+knis) 14/4/1/141 Kalwe Akolll NA If3(21) P -(10+kms) s -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/142 Rakkuma NA 147(31) P (-10+kms) R -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/411/143 Dakongshi N~ 241(48) P.M ~IO+kms) R -(lO+k:ms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/144 Sadumalam UN 14/4/1/14S . Naggilding NA 134(24) P -(IO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/146 Mandu(Mangsugittim NA 126(23) P -(lO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/147 Tajil Gittim NA 94(16) P -(IO+kms) S,W· -(1O+kms) -(lO+kms) '-(IO+kms) 14/4/1/148 Mite Gittim NA 93(15) P -(lO+kms) s -(10+kms) -(IO+kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/149 RemaGittim NA 159(26) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/1S0 Agropathar NA 176(32) P -(IO+kms) s -(10+kms) -(lO+krns) -(10+kms) 14/4/I/l?1 Rongbang NA. 141(29) P -(lO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) Rongkingjeng 14/4/1/152 NA 74(14) P -(10+kms) s -(10+k:ms) -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/153 Indangkap NA UN 14/4/1/1S4 Nongbak-Wapil NA 206(31) P -(10+kms) S· -(10+kms) -{lO+kms} -(10+kms) 14/4/1/155 Gindil NA 69(13) p' -(10+kms) s -(10+kms) -(lO+krns) . -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/156 rkpiok Gittim NA 44(6) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) ~ -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) . -(10+kms) 14/4/1/157 Nongbak Agalgiri NA 158(28) P -(10+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(-SkillS) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/15& Nengkram NA 247(43) P -(10+kms) S -(-Skms) Weekly -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/1S9' Rongchong NA 133(27) P -(10+kms) s -(-Skms) -{-Sktns} .-(10+kms) . Ronga Agal 14/4/1/160 NA .14(74) P,M -(10+kms) T,S PO Weekly -(1O+kms) 14/4/1/161 Imtra Gittim NA 109(22) P ~10+kms) S -(-5kms) -(-SkillS) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/162 Nongkongkil NA 170(32) .. p -«10+kms) S,W -(10+knis) -(5-IOkms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/163 Nongbak Ading NA 113(18) -(-5kms) -10+kms) S -(5-10kms) -(5-10krns) -(lO+kms), 14/4/1/164 Nongbak Daram '. NA 151(25) P -(lO+kms) s -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/165 Nongbak Chichra NA 168(28) -(-5km) -(10+kms) s -(5-10kms) -(5-10kmS) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/166 Rongme Aga! NA 7S(16) -(-5km) -(lO+kms) s -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/167 Simsabe A'imbo NA 235(43) P -(10+kms) s -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/168 Nongbak Apal NA 549(90) P -(lO+kms) s -(-Skms) +5kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/169 Mongsang Mago ·NA 268(56) P -(lO+kms) s -(-5kms) -(-Siems) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/170 Dambo Watisa NA 247(37) P -(lO+kms) S -(S-lOkms) -(S--lOkrns) ~lO+kms) 14/4/1/171 Mangsang Dosik NA 320(49) P -(lO+kms) w -(-5kms) -(-Sktns) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/172 Ronggisim NA 298(48) . P -(lO+kms) s -(-Skms) -(-Skills) -(lO+kms) 1414/1/173 Mangsang Makura NA 442(82) P -(10+kms) S,W -(-5k1llS) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/1/174 Mangsang Bamil NA 900(172) P(2)M(z),H -(IO+kms) S,W PO Weekly -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/175 Rangme NA 3OO(S8) P -(lO+kms) s -(-Skms) -(-Siems) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/176 Tonggittim NA 82(14) P -(lO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/177 Dambo Gittonggittim NA 106(20) P -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) ~lO+kms) 14/4/1/178 Dambo Reserve -(10+kms) NA 114(23) -(-5km) -(-5ktns) S -(S-10kms) 14/4/1/179 -(-S-lOkm~) -(S-10kms) Dambo Reserve I NA 67(11) -(-5km) -(-Skms) W -(-SkIllS) -(-Skills) -(-5kIns) 14/4/1/180 Dambo Reserve II NA 77(14) -(-Skm) -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-SkillS) -(-Skms) 14/4/i/181 Dambo Bima NA 430(90) P -(-Skms) W -(S-lOkms) -(-SkillS) -(-Skms) 57

11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20.

FP Ooalpara (69) Rice NA NA· NA NA· NA FP Ooalpara (29) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Ooalpara (26) Rice NA NA NA . NA NA FP Goa!para (48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (29) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (28) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (27) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP . Goalpara (28) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (35) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (46) Rice NA NA NA NA NA

KR Gba/para (SO) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (51) Rice, Millet Nt\. NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (68) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (52) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (53) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (68) Riee NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnaga.r (60). Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (40) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

FP Goalpara .(49) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (63) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (74) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (66) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (68) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Dudhnai (71) .Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Dudhnai (67) .. Rice NA' NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (63) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (641 Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (67) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Assam (65) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (72) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA· NA KR Goalpara (66) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Dudhnai (63) ~ice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Du

1 2 3 4 S '6 7 8 9 10

14/4/1/182 Dambo Rongdong NA .148(27) P -{S-10kms) we -{S-JOkms) -(5-10kms) -{5-10kms) 14/411/183 Rongjeng Reserve NA UN ]4/411/]84 Rdngjeng Reserve I NA 436(?:1) P -{-Skms) W -{-:5kms) -(-Slans) -(-Skms) 14/4'/1/185 Rongjeng Reserve II NA 84)4) -{-5kms) -{-Skms) W -{-:Skms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/411/186 Miktongjeng Gittim NA 124(21) -{-Skms) -{S-lOlans) W -{-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-?kms) 14/¢/1/187 Mengbrak NA 220(43) P -(-Skms) W -(-lOkms) --(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/]/188 Silchang Gittim NA 327(62) P -(S-10kms) W --(-Skms) --(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1/189 Dogapgipurarn NA 76(15) --(-Skms) -(-5kms) W --(S-10kms) -(-S-lOkms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/1/190 Rongjeng Arapara NA 310(S6) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-5kms) --(-Skms) 14/4/1/191 Dambo-Mrak NA 224(40) P --(-SOms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) ,14/4/1/192 Dam00 Gittim UN 14/4/1/193 Rongmethi Gittim NA 306(SS) P(2) -(-Slans) W , -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4jl/194 Chachat Gittim NA 390(63) P --(-Skms) T,K -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 141'4/1/195 Rongjing Christian Gittim NA 2109(461) P,(2)M,4 --(-5km) TK,WT,R PO Weekly -(-Skms) 14/4/1/196 AWlitlga NA 243(44) P -(-5kms) W --(-5lans) --(-5kms) -(-Slans) 14/4/1/197 Rongjing Jambal NA 540(100) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) --(-Slans) -(-Skms) 14/4/l/198 Aanal Zmiggittim NA 144(24) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) S -(-Skms) --(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/1/199 Rongdu~Aika-Gi ttim NA 62(11) -(-5lans) -(5-1 ?kms) S -(-Skms) --(lO+kms) -{10+kms) 14t4jl/2oo Aambo-Lhara-Git t im NA 121 (2S) (-Skms) --(-Skms) S --(-5kms) -(S-lOkms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/1/201 Ho-Iong NA 321(62) P -(lO+kms) S --(-Skms) --(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/1/202 Rongdu-Nengja Gittim NA 48(9) , --(-5kms) --(lO+kms) s -(lO'+kms) --(10+kms) -(lO+krns) 14/4/1/203 Rongdu Ronglil NA 98(20) P --(5-10kms) S -(5;-lOkms) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/204 Rongdu Rongra NA 136(22) P -(S-10kms) S -(-S-lOkmS) '-(-5kms) ~(S-lOkms) 14/4/1/205 Rongdu Patingittim NA 41(9) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/206 Rongdu Imbai NA S3(9) --(-Skms) -(Skms) S -(5-10kms) -(-SkIns) --(5-10kms) 14/4/1[207 Rongdu Iabit NA 202(34) P -(5-10kms) S -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/1/208 ' Mengpakhi NA 114(19) P -{S-10kms) S -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) -(-5kms) -14/4/1(209 Daruguri AIda NA 729(14_~) P,M --(-Skms) W PO -(-Skms) --(Skms) W4/1/210 Dafngiri Reserve NA 351(77) P(3),M -(-SkIns) W -PO -(-Slans) -(Skms) 14/4/1/211 f>arngiri MllaWa NA 314(56) P -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14f4/lPJJ Marrangiri NA 4QJ(73) P --(lO+kms) s -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) -(BS) 14(4/1/213 Marringjiri Damlu_ NA 204(43) --(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) S --(-~kms) -(10+kms) . --(lO+km~) 14/4jl/214 Darrugri(;hikerna NA 203(38) p -(5-10kms) S -(-Skms) --(5-10kms) --(lO+kms) 14/4/1/215 NongSheam NA 1233(221) P,M(2) -(10+kms) T,K.W PO --(5-10kms) --(5-1 Okrns) 14(4/1/216 Nofigbab Sengkul NA 294(48) P --(10+kms) S --(5-10kms) --(5-10kms) -(S-lOktns) 14/4/1/217 Chibo Jambal NA 111(28) -{-5-kms) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) --(10+kms) 14/4/1/218 Ronggik NA 53(11) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) S --(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/1/219 Gubiutgittim NA 86(14) -{-5km) --(5-10kms) S -(lO+kms) --(lO+kms) -(10+kms) . 14/~/1/220 Kongliikal Aga NA 119(28) P -(5-10kms) S,W -{S-10kms) Weekly PA 14/471/221 Rongkitgittim NA 14(3) P . -(5-10kms) W -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) --(S-lOkms) 14(411/222 Watiesagittirn NA 22(4) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) W -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 59

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FP Williamnagar (65) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA

KR Williamnagar (58) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (55) Rice, Mai~ NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (121) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (120) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (120) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamruigar (63) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Wiliiamnagar (59) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR WiIliamnagar (60 Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

KR Tura (117) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (126) Rice, Maize, Mllet NA NA " NA NA NA

PR GoaJpara (69) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR GoaJpara (65) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA PR Willamnagar (36) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA .., FP Williamnagar (60) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (52) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Dudhnai (58) RiCe, Maize, Millet NA NA . NA NA NA FP Wiliamnagar (63) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (126) Rice, Maize, Hillet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (56) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (54) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Assam (53) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA (60) NA FP Dudhnai Rice, Maize, Millet " NA NA NA NA FP Dudhpai (55) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (11)5) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA PR Williamna,gar (58) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA PR Wiliamnagar (58) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA: NA KR Williamnagar (59) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA PR Tura (100) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (53) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (61) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (107) ED Rice, Maize' Millet NA iNA NA, NA NA FP Dudhnai (69) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (55) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (53) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Dudhnai (56) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA. ' NA FP Goalpara (50) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (52) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (50) Rice, Maize, Millet NA NA NA NA NA 60

ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF THE Name of tbe State · Meghalaya Name of the District · East Garo Hills Nam:e of' the C. D. Block · SOD~k

S1. No. Name of" Village

------;------1. Abanda 2. Abranggir 3. Aka-rolc Akungiri 4. Akarok Songgital 5. Asil Mindal (Songgitcham) 6. AsH Songgital 7. Babnoram Angkekol 8. Balmoram Ading 9. Balm.oram. Dochokgiri 10 .. Baladinggiri 11. B~na Oiri 12. Bangsinggiri 13. Barikgiri 14. Bijasik Songma 15. Bosongcho kgiri 16. Bollonggiri 17. BoHonggiri 18. ~oln'l.oram Adapgiri 19. Bolmoram Apa.l 20. Bonegiri Songgital 21. Bonechijanggiri 22. _Chidaret 23. Chidimil Nanisa 24. Chianing 25. Chiran Bone· Giri .- 26. Dagal Apal 27. Dagal Aringga 28. Dagal Gittim 29. Dalbot Nokat 30. Dalbot 31. Damal 32. Prune ApaJ 33. Dame Bangsi 34. Dangkong Songgital 35. Dareng Apal 36. Dengrepa 37. Dimbil Bonenggiri 38. Dajogiri 39. Diwit 40. Doba Apal 41~ Dohu Apal 42. Dobu Acbakper - .. VIL~GE LIST

Code No. 14 . Code No. 4 - 00cIe No. :2

Location. Code

1.4/4/2/42 .... 36 ... 19 :£6 74- "., 75 99 ... 102 107 78 ," .. 76 .... -23 ,. 72 .... 48 .... 44- , .. 12 ,. 88 ... 100 101 - -. 85 .," 86 .. , 2S ... -~l 62 ...." 69 ... 52-- 53 '" 28 "" 3 ., 54 2 43 ,,. 39 ., 73 ,.,. -96 ,.O' 20 ,. 70 'O' 38 104 ... 24 103 .,.'" lOS '61

2 3

43. Dobu Chitumbing 14/4/1/110 44. Dooo Rimding " 106 45. Dohu Rongmu .... ' " 108 46. Doki " 13 47. Elatehi Aga " 26 48. Gabil 1 49. Gambagong " 32 50. Gra Songgitcham " 10 51. Gongrang, " " 65 52. Indikim 61 53. Jagisim " 50 '54. Jagogiri " 9 55. Jamge " 90 56. Kakwa Bonegiri " 68 57. .Ka.ntragiri " 6 58. Konchikol " 37 59. Konkal " 64 ,60. Koksi Noogsa Apal " 56 61. Koksi Nengsat "., 55 62. Manda S~nggitcham 8 63. Mandalgili " 5 64. , Marengipa " 40 '65. Matwagitim " 47 66. Mendal ' " 15 67. MOOu ApaI ".. 29 68. ,Mikilsinggiri 81 69, , Misichikgiri " 109 '10. ,Mongual Giri " " . 17 7i. ,Napak Bolchugiri " 93 ~~ Napak Songbandagiri " 92 f3. Nengjreng " 97 14. Nengsa Apal " 21 15, NirallgIUa " 18 76. Norek Dalbot " 98 77. RadanGh-i- " 31 78. Raja Apal " , 79. 27 ,Remgiri " 14 80. ,Remrang ·Bonegiri .." 17 S1. ,Resagiri 34 82. Rongbalugki " 41 33. ,Rongche'k ' " 63 .84. Rongdeng Giri " 7 85, ,Rongdolgtri ' " 95 86. .. ,Rongkabok:giri 77 87, Rongap Songgital " 82 88. Rongap Songmong " 83 89, " Rongrong' Antidam 45 90. Rongrong> Songgital " ~, 45 ~l. Samen (Ra.ngal) ! : 59 62

1 2 3

92. Snalgiri .- J4/4/1/11 93. Sna) Bollonggiri .. 66 94. Sna) Dajreng .. 67 95. Skera Apal .. 33 96. Silkenggiri 60 " 97. Silkol ... .. 49 98. Sokadam Agalgiri " 79 ~. Sokadam Rongreng Nobt .. ., 80 100. Song Kama 58 101. Songsak Agalgiri " 89 102. Songsak Bolchugiri " 94 103. Songsak Wagop giri " 84 '! " 104. Tangkamagittim 91 105. Tebil Bonegiri " 87 106. Wagopgiri " ... 107. Walpatgiri " 30 108 Wakso Gittim " 57 109 Watenangyiti " 35 no. Bangsi Aga (Falls Under Resubelpara Ea&t) " 22 " 63 VILLAGE A menities and State Meghalaya I)istrict, East ,Garo HiUs , (:. D. ~lock : SollJWl,k

Location Name of Villages Total Total ~enities Available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown 'Code No area oftlie Population in the column and next to it, the distance of the place from the village in village (in and number broad ranges, viz., -Skms, Skms and 10kms+to the nearest place where hectres) of house- the, facility is available is given. holds Education Medical Drinking Post and Day or days, Communi- water Telegraph of the mar- cation (Bus (potable) ket, hat, if stop, rail- any way station, water way)

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/2/1 Gabil > ' NA" 8SS(180) P PHS W PO Weekly -(-Skms) 14)4/2/Z Danal 00 NA 342(88) P -(5-10kms) S -(S-10kms) --(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/2/3 Dalbotn~~t NA 26Z(80) P -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(S-tOkms -(S-10kms) 14/4/2/4- Wagapgiri NA 85(20) P -(-Skms) S -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(.,.Skms) ,14/4/2/5' Mondalgiri NA 89(19) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) +·5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/6' Katragiri NA 42(12) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) S -(S-1 Okms) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) ' , 14/4/2/7' Rongd~nggiri NA" 99(18) P -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skm~) -(-Skms) 0p 14/4/2/8 Manda S6ngitcham NAo> 33Q(7S) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+Jctns) -(10+kms) 14/4/2/9 Jogogiri NA 221(49) P -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+Japs) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/10 Trasonggi tcham NA 192(S3) P -(S-10kms) W -(S-10kms) -(5-10Ia1J.s) -(S-10kins) 14/4/2/11 Snalgiri NA 279(66) P -(S-IOkms) W -(5-IOkms) -(S-IOkms) -(S-IOkms) 14/4/2/12 Ballonggiri NA 323(71) P -(-SkIDs) W -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/13 Doki NA 140(30) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/2)14 Remgiri NA 641(138) P,M PHS W PO Weekly BS 14/4/2/1S Mendal NA S6S(98) P,M -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) BS 14/4/2/16 Akarok Songgital NA 176(30) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/17 Mognalgiri NA 139(33) P -(-SkIDs) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/18 Merangma NA 186(3S) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/19 Akarak Akungiri NA 131(27) P -(S-10kms) s -(5-10kms) -(-5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/2/20 Dangrepa NA 194(33) P -(S-10kms) W -(S-10kms) -(S-10km~) -(S-10kms) 14/4/2/21 Nengsa Apal NA 'IS6(3S) P -(5-10kms) W -(5-IOkms) -(S-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/22 BangsiAgat NA LPalls on Resubelpara East 188(210) 14/4/2/23 Bangsinggiri NA 63(13) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/24 DobaApal NA 366(74) P -(5-10kms) W -(5-10kms) -(5-1 Okrns) -(5-10kms) 14/4/2/25 Chidaret NA S9(10) P -(5-10kms) W -(S-10krns) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/2/26 ElatchiAga NA 481(S9) P -(5-lOkms) W ..c(S-IOkms)· -(5-10kms) -(S-IOkms) 14/4/2/27 Raja Apal NA S22(loo) P,M -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/28 Dakalgittim NA 369(72) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/29 Medn Apal NA 207(38) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/30 Walpatgittim NA 116(22) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W -(-Skms1 -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/31 Radangiri NA 42(10) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4J2/32 Gambalong NA S3(11) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 0 -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4[2/33 SkinaApa\ NA 92(19) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/34 Resangiri NA 99(22) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) W -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5krns) 64 DIRECTORY Land usc

Land use:- (i.e, area under different type orland use ,RemarkS in hectares upto two decimals places. including , ' any place of Approach Nearest town and Power Stople food Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Cultur- Area not jReIigOUs to village distance (in kms) supply by able available Historical Source waste (in for or Archaeo- eluding cultivation Ilogical in- gauchar terest). & groves) I

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Tura (48 Rice, Maize iNA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (69) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (46) Rice, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (93) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (140) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (113) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (145) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (45) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (51 Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (38) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (60) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA' FP Tura (73) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (78) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (72) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (62) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (51) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (80) Rice NA NA NA NA MA. FP Tura (76) R~ce NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (56) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (67) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA NA

) FP Tura (57) Rice, Millet NA ' N"A NA NA NA FP Goalpara (62) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (64) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (57) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (61) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Gpalpara (55) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Wi'liamnagar (65) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PP Williamnagar (56) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (66) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR. Tura (60) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (102) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA 65

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I) 10

14/4/2/35 Watenanggiri NA 40(11) P -(5-lOkmS) O· -(-Skins) -(5-1Okms) -(5-1Okms 14/4/2/36 Abranggiri NA 105(210 .,-(-5kms) -(5-1Okms) W ..,(-SkIns) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms 14/4/2/37 Konchikol NA 112(24) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/38 Dijogiri NA 100(23) P -(S-10kms) W -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/2/39 Dame Bangsi NA 225(43) P,M -(5-10kms) W -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(HOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -14/4/2/40 Marengpa NA 46(8) P -(5-10kms) s p -(10+kms 14/4/2/41 Rongbalugiri NA 213(46) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/2/42 Abanda NA 98(18) (P(2) -(10+kms) vi -{lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms -(-5kms) 14/4/2/43 DemaApal NA 167(31) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(~Skms) 14/4/2/44 Balsongchok NA 173(39) P -(-5kInS) R,S,W -(-5krns) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/45 RongrongAntidwn NA 187(45) P.M MC,FPC S PO Weekly -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/46 Rongrong Songgital NA 123(23) P -(-Skms) s -{5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -{HOms» 14/4/2/47 Malwagittim NA 191(45) P -(S,..10kms) S p. S . -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5knJi) 14/4/1./48 Bijosik Songma NA 613(131) -(-5kms) -(5-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4g/49 Silsak NA 63(9) P -(5-10kms) S 14/4/2/50 Jagisim Marged with SilkoI-49(62) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/51 Chidmil Nainsa NA 832(192) P -(-Skms) PHS W PO -(5-10kms) -(5-10krnS) 14/4/2/52 DagalApal NA 544(121) PiM 0 -(5-10kms) Weekly -(5-10kms) 14/4/'4/53 DagaI Aringga NA 320(71) P -(5-10kms) 0 -{+ lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/54 Dalbot NA 547(124) P -(lO+kms) -(-5kms) W -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/55. Koksi Nengsat NA 300(66) P NA· 250(52) P -(-Skms) W -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/56 Koksi Nengsal Apal NA 69(15) -(-10kms) -(S-10kms) W -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/2157 Waksogittim -(S-lOkms) -(S-lOkIns) NA .105(21) -(S-10Iaps) -(S-lOkms) w -(S-10kmS) 14/4/2/58 Sangkoma -(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) S -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(S-lOklIls) 14/4/2/59 saman (Rangal) NA 217(61) -(5-10kms) -(5-lOkms) -(5-10lmls) Silkenggiri NA 107(21) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) S 14/4/2/60 -(lO+kms) 222(47) -(1O+kms) -(lO+kms) 0 -{IO+.kms) -(lO+.Ians) 14{4/2/61 Indikim NA -(lO+kms) 216(43) -(lO+kms) .-(10+kms) 0 -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/62 Chianing NA -{lO+kms) -(lO+kms) NA 280(56) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) 14/4/2{63 Rongchek NA 169(27) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) W -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+.kJns) 14/4/2/64 Koknal -(lO+.kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) NA 296(53) P -(lO+.kms) S 14/4/2/65 GongraDS P' W -{l~+kmS) -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) Snal Ballongsi NA 200(39) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/66 -(-5kms) -(-5kIDS) 64(11) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) W -(-SkIDS) 67 snal Dujreng NA 14/4/2/ -(-Skms) -(-Skins) NA 81(17) -{-Skms) -(-Skms) 0 -(-SkIns) 14/4/2/68 Kokwa Boronggiri -(-5kms) -(-SkIDs) NA ]13(26) -(-Skms) -(S-lOlans 0 -(-Skms) 14/4/2/69 Cheran Banenggiri -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) 236(53) p -(S-10kms) 0 -(5-lOkms) 14/4/2{70 Dinbil Banenggiri NA 66

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FP Goalpara (60) Rice, Minet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (80) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (63) Rice, Millet 'NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (84) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (57) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP Tura (72) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (122) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (70) Rice, Millet NA NA NA " KR Williamnagar (64) Rice,' Millet iNA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice, Millet iNA, NA NA NA NA Rice, Millet iNA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (100) I NA NA NA KR Tura (82) Rice, Millet NA NA NA KR Goalpara (74) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA _NA FP Goalpara (63) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (46) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

KR WiIliamnagar (55) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (62) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (70) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (65) Rice NA NA NA KR Gdalpara (61) Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA .KR Williamnag3r (42) Rice NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (38) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (101) Rice, Millet NA NA NK NA NA KR Williamnagar(40) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (38) . Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA· NA KR Williamnagar (41) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (42) Rice, Millet NA " ~A •• \, NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA ., FP Goalpara (53) Rice, Millet NA NA ·NA NA NA FP Tura (108) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (96) Rice, Millet NA " NA NA NA NA KR. Williamnagar (42) Rice, Millet NA FP Williamnagar (34) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (98) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (106) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA " ,67

1 2 3 4 5 (; 7 8 9 10

14/412/71 Ramrang Banenggiri NA 261(59) -(1()+kIns) -(10+kms) 0 -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/2/72 Barikgiri NA 402(100) ,p -(10+kms) , s " -(10+kms) -(10+kms)' -(10+kms) 14/4/2/73 Dongkeng Songgital NA 282(77) P -(10+~) R -(lO+ktns) -(lO+kIns) -(10+kms) 14/4/2/74 AsH Mindil NA 136(29) -(10+kms) -(10+kIns) 0 -(lO+kms) -(lO+kIns), -(lO+kms) 14/412/75 Asil Songgital NA 250(66) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 0 '-(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/412/76 Banggnagiri NA 125(27) -(5-10ktns) -(5-lOkms) T,W -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-IGkms) 14/4/2/77 Rongkabokgiri Nt\. 37(9) -(5kms) -(5kms) 0 ,-(5kms) -(5kms) , -(5-kIns) 14/4/2/78 ' Baladinggiri NA 177(40) , P • -(5-10kzns) S -(5-1Okms) -(5-10kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/2/79 SakodamAgatgiri NA 163(34) p -(5-10kms) S,W -(5-10kms) -(5-lOkms) -5-10(kms) 14/412/80 Sokadam Rongrengkokat NA . 110(24) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) s ' '-(10+kms) -(10+kms) --(lO+kms) 14/4/2/81 Mikilsinggiri NA 112(30) -(-5kms) -(-5ktns) S , -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/~/2/82 Rongap Songgital NA 343(69) P -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/2/83 Rongap Songmang NA 139(26) -(10+ktns) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kIns) -(10+kms) -(10+ktns) 14/4)2/84 Songsuk Wayapgiri NA 274(S6) P -(5-10ktns) S -(5-10kIns) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/2/85 Bonigiri Songgi tal NA 479(94) P -(-5kms) T,W -(-SkIns) -(-5kms) "-(-5kIns) 14}4/2/86 :aenechjenggiri NA 208(54) -(-SkIns) -(-Skms) S , -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/67 Tribil Benegiri NA, 213(42) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) S -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/88 Bollenggiri NA 746(177) P,M -(-Skms) T,W -(-5kms) -Hkms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/89 Songsak Agalgiri NA 396(83) P,M,H -(-5kms) T,W -(-SkIns) -(-.5kms) BS 14/4J~/90 Samge NA 479(90) P -(S-10kms) S -(5-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kIns) 14}4/2/91 Tangkamagittim NAt 157(30) P -(10+kms) W , ,-(10+1Uns) -(10+kms)' -(lO+kIns) 14/4/2/92 Napak Sangbandagiri . NA 343(69) +5kms) -(-5kIns) T,W -(-SkIns) Weekly BS , -(-SkIns) .. 14/4/2/93 Napak Balchungiri NA 245(51) P -(-Skms) S _. -(-SkIns) -(-Skills) 14/4)2/94 Songsak Bollkigiri NA 191(41) P -(5-10kms) s -(s.:.lOkms) -(5-lOkms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/2/95 Rongdalgiri NA 176(35) -(-Skins) -(-SkIns) S . -(-SkIns) -(-5kms) -(-5~) 14/4/2/96 DarengApal NA 75(17) P -(lO+kms) S -(10+klllS) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14j4J2j97 . Nengjreng NA 64(11) -(S-10kIns) -(5-10kms) W .. -(5-1Okms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4}2/98 Norek Dalbat NA 522(112) P -(-5kms) S -(-5kms) -(-SkIns) --(-5kIns) 14/412/99 Bolmoram Angkekol NA 155(28)' p. -(lO+kms) s , . -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/100 Bolmoram Adapgiri NA 111(20) p -(lO+kIns) s -(10+k1ns) -(lO+lons) -(lO+kms) 14/112/101 Bolmoram Apal NA \31(25) p -(lO+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/102 Bolbaram Ading NA 68(11) P -(10+kms) s -(10+kms) -(.J.O+~) -(lO+kms) 83(15) 'p -(10+kms) R -(10+kms) Weekly BS '(/4/2/103 DabuApal',,,, NA .• ,/'4/2/104 Diwit NA 227(39) p '-(lO+kms) S -(10+kIns) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 1414J2JIOS Dabu Achokpak NA 247(42) P -(-5k~) S -(-5kms) -(-5kIns) -(-Skms) 14/~/2/106 Dabu Reinding NA 320(67) P -(-Skms) R -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/2/107 Batmotam Dochokgiri NA 140(28) P -(lO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 1414/2/108 DabuRongmu NA 145(23) P,M -(-5kms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/2/109 Misichikgiri . NA 50(9) p -(lO+kms) s .. -(10+kms) -(10+kms). -(lO+kms) 14/4/2/110 Dabuchitumbing NA 155(28) P -(-Skms) R -(-Skms) -(-SkIns) -(-SkIns) 68·

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Williamnagar (40 Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Turn (38 Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (65) Rice, Millet NA ;NA NA NA NA KR Tura (74) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR WiIliamnagar (44) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA .. K~ Williamnagar (36) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA .. KR Williamnagar (37) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA RK Turn (69) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (78) Rice, Millet Nk NA NA NA NA FP Tura (52) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (78) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (86) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Turn (80) Rice, Millet ,*A NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (26) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Turn (85) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP WilIiamnagar (35) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (30 Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Willamnagar (30) ED' Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (92) ED Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (96) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (86) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (39) Rice, Millet NA NA . NA NA NA NA FP Tura (98) Rice, Millet NA NA NA Williamnagar (36) Riee, Millet NA NA NA FP NA NA NA Williamnagar (31) Rice, Millet NA NA KR NA NA NA Williamnagar (36) Rice, Millet NA NA FP NA NA NA Tura (784) Rice, Millet NA NA FP NA NA NA Tura (99) Rice, Millet NA NA FP NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (36) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (55) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (33) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP WilliaIllIl!lgar (20) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (21) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA Tura (107) Rice, Millet NA NA FP NA NA NA FJ?, Tura (125) Rice, Millet NA ,~ 'NA NA NA NA WiIliamnagar (26) Rice, Millet NA FP NA NA NA Williamnagar (40 Rice, Millet NA NA FP NA NA NA Tura (121) Rice, Millet NA NA KR NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (35) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Wiliiamnagar (25) Rice, Millet NA

.')1 :l o. 7 9 I N 0 /I

~ () 0 ..J m !II ... 0 i . i

.-\- ; I IL ___ --:---======::



Name of the State . Cede No. 14

Name of the District East Garo Hills COde No. 4

Name of the C. D. Block Res1ibelpara (East. Code . No. 3

Sl. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

1. Abandha ' ... 14/4/3/127 2. Achot Chonggiri •• 37 3. Ane Aga !•• •• 28 4. Arai Apal ., 195 5. Aruak .. 49 6. Aruak Nokatgiri .. 47 7. Aruak Songgital .. 48 8. Babukona .. 117 9. Babupara Nisangram " .. 177 10. Bajengdoba 68 " 11. Balkolgre .. 9 12. Bakenang .. 124 13. Bakenang Nalsa .. 62 14. Bakenang Songma .. -64 15. Bangalmora .. 100 16. Bangsi Aga .. 188 17_ Bangsi Apal .. 181 18 Bangsi Dogru .. 186 19. Bangsi Minol .. 197 20. Barali Para .. 14 21. Bekbekgire - ,. 51 22. Berubari .. 76 23. Boda Apal .. 114 24. Bokmagiri .. 105 25. Bolsong Selbalgre .. 8 26. i Bolsong 'B' Mohol •• 12 27. i Bolsong Kolcliidam .f 13 28. Bolsong Songroa .. 15 29. Bolsong Kama 25 30. Bolsaldamgiri .. 132 31. Bolongpang 60 " 32. Bolpuma •• 200 27 33. Bongbanchi " 34. Bongari Olbakilang ., 155

35. Bongari Chimitcheng .. t, 156 36. Chakodam .. 74 66 37. Chambildam " 38. Chengalma 86 " 39. Chibagok 111 40. Chichot Jeng .,'" 61 -,,- 70

SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No,

41. Chidaret Ajagro 14/4/4/93 42. Chidoreng .. 143 43. Chidret .. 212 44. Chimatcha .. 172 45. Chima A.ga (Gairong) .. 196 46. Chima Apal .. 187 Chirangre Aga " 5 47. " 48. Chirara 18 49. Chirimdare 162 Chisim Adumagre " 59 50. " 51. Chisim Akanang JJ 53 Chisim Apal 54 52. " 53. Chisim ApaJ ,, 180 54. Chisim Digisingre 56 Chisim MandaI Pang " 55 55. " 56. qusim Matcho kgre . .. ' 52 - " ' 39 57. Chisim Maddamgre JJ Chisimari 219 58. " 59. Chitukona Garo .. 175 60. Chitukona Rabha tt 176

61. Chituk Dadram t' 178 Chore Bahar --119 62. " 63. . Chore B()ldok 120 Chotomia Para " 160 64. " Dainadubi 179 65. " Dajongpara 31 66. " 67. Dalbingpa 81 Dalbingre " 207 68. " 69. Dalmangre 19 Damas " 173 70. " Dame Aga 95 11. " 72. Damitaga (Matchakol) 1.59 Damit Akong· Rangsel " 161 73. " Damringgre 221 74. " Dandakol 208 75. " 76. Dagolpita 21 Dangkong Garo " 193 77. " Daram Mangthu 96 78. " 79. Daram AkalO 97 Daram Songma " 98 80. " 81. Daramteklang ., 104 82. Darampara (Lower) .. 101 Dengnangre 23 83. " Dengra Damit 157 M. " Dangra Songgital 154 85. " Depa 194 86. " Dilma Wagenang 134 87. " 88. Dilma Aga (Donol) .. 146 89. Dilma Songgital ., 222 90. Dobakol (Bajoitg) ., 80 71

SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No.,

91. Dobakol Kantolguti 14/4/3/202 92. DokaMcheng 171 " 167 93. Doka Soram " 94. Doldam ., 84 95. Dome Apal ., 94 96. Dome Anti ., 133 97. Doracha .. 190 6 9S. Dujonggre " 99. Eguagiri 220 " 192 100. Gabil Apal " 101. Gabil Songma .. 191 140 102. Gajingpara '0 103. Genang .. 136 104. Getapara .. 72 105. Gokulgiri .. 50 32 106. Gosingpita Bakra " 107. Gosingpita Songma .. .. 33 lOS. Gittinggiri ., 99 . 184 109. Gure Simram n 139 110. Hati Basha ." 111. Horinkata 125 " 129 112. Horin Kata Bakra Garo " 113. Imbangi .. 198 114. Jamgaon ., 141 43 115. Jamgondagre ." 116. Jamgonda Nokatgre ,,, 42

117. 'Jetdoba .. , 26 I IS. Jondongre ., 118 119. Jonglapara ., 106 108 120. J ongla Bolsaldam '0 121. Kagrakgre 10 ! " 151 122. Kakugre .. ." 122 123. Kaldang .. 121 124. I Kaldang Agitok .. 125. ,. Kaldang Babupara 'O, i23 201 126. Kantokguri " p 174 127. Kaskona '" 128. Kawak 'O, .144 150 129. Keragalram t. 130. Kimdegre ... 44- 131. Kimsri ,. 137 46 132. Kitmadamgre H 133. Korepara ,. 41 79 134. Kosichora • 0, 135. Line Ading .. 65 77 136. Malchapara H 137. Mandalang t, 204

~, 126 13S. Manikganj (Lower) , 139. Manikganj (Upper) .. 130 72

St. No.' Name of Village Location Code N9.

140. Marripara 14/4/3/3 141. Mansinggre . , 34 142. "Matrongre .. "" 215 143. Matchuki " 2 144. ' Mebokdam .. " 205 145. ' . Mendipathar' .. U8 146. 'Mendudam .. 82 J47. 'Mesagap 206 148. 'Miapflra .. " 165 149. ' 'Miapara New .. 164 1~0. 'Mongpangro . t, 145 151. 'Mongma Siram 166 152. . Motchol 'Para " " 113 153. 'Moamari 67 " 154. "Nanil Apal J, 189 155. Nenggit Chatgre ., 24 156. 'Nibari Rangltgora 71 157. 'Nogol Para . 182 158. ' Notbari " 169 159. Nokatgre .... " 116 160. Nokwalgre " 58 161. Nokwal Adinggre " 57 162. Okbima " 152 163. 'Omorpur " 69 164. ·Pakmari .. to 153 165. Pangsudam 185 l~. Putimari " 142 167. Rading .," 158 168. Ragolgre ,. ~ 214 169. Raksam 'Songmagre " 30 170. Raksam Galima .. to 3~ 1'71. Raksam Genang '36 172. Raksingre " 217 173. 'Rangagora .. -" 22 114. Rangsi .. 170 175~ Rangsel 109 " 176. Resubelpara .. 112 177. Rongopgre .. 45 178. Rompara Gato 102 179. Rompara Rabha " 103 180. Romopa " 183 181. Rongdama " 163 182. Rongmoklong " 168 " 183. Rongkaminchi .. 148 184. Rongmatcha 107 " ISS. Rongpetchi (Resu) 110 " 186. Rongpetchi (Bajong) .. .. 75 187. Rongran 138 188. Rongsepgiri " N ,j 63 189'. Rongsep Apalgiri 40 " 73

51. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

190. Salpara -.. 14/4/3/131 191. Salinggre 17 " 192. Samkalakgre 38 " 193. Sualmari 7 194. Sarongkoi (Narongkol) " " 78 195. Sepikol 216 196. Sildubi " 73 " 197. Song Megap 115 " 198. Soban Dilma 135 199. Soenang Apal (Gato) " 147 200. Soenang Aga ", . 149 201. " Tatolgre ., 16 202. Thapa Agitchak " 213 203. Thapa Bazar " 218 204. Thapa Dangri 210 205. Thapa Darenchi ,,__" 203 206 • Thapa Dajongre " 209 207. Thapa Rongdeng " 211 208. Tekagre II 209. Tetliguri " 20 210. Torikahona Garo " 70 " 211. Wage Asi 199 " 212. Wakso Asim to '91 213. Wakso Achugiri 87 " 214. Waksochirongba 92 215. Wakso Nensa " 85 " 216. Wakso Kimbaldam 83 217. Wakso Radang " 90 " 218. Wakso Songgital 88 " 219. Wakso Todamgri " 89 220. Waramgre 1 221. Waringre t, 4 222. Wasim DajOlig Para 29 74


Amenities Available: (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it, the distance of the place from the village in broad ranges, viz, - 5kms, 5kms-l0kms, and 10+kms to the nearest place where the facility is available is given).

Location Name of Village Total area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinkirlg. Post and Day or days, Communi- Code No. of the lation and water Telegraph of the cations (bus . villages in number of (potable) market/hat, stop. rail- hectares) house-holds if any way station, ------water-way) -_._------2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/3/1 Wararngre NA 9S(17) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/2 Matchutki NA 12S(29) P -(10+kms) W,S -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/3 Merripara NA 96(16) P -(10+kms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(S':"lOkms) 14/4/3/4 Wari:gre NA 32(7) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) S -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/5 Chirangre Aga NA 342(63) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(S-lOkmS) 14/4/3/6 Dujon!)gre NA 216(39) -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-1Okms) 14/4/3/7 Sualmari NA 570(103) P,M -(10+kms) R,W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/8 Baltong Salbalgre NA 120(24) P,M -(10+kms) W -(-Skms) -(-5k1lls) -(lO+kms 14/4/3/9 Balka\gre NA P6(33) M(3),P(3) -t1O+kms) W -(lO+kms) -(10+~) -(S"':Wkms) 14/4/3/10 Kagrakgre NA 264(49) P(3) (-10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+krns) 14/4/3/11 Tekagr~ NA 127(23) P(4),M(4) -(lO+kms) W,S -(lO+krns) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/12 Balsong 'B' Mahal NA 379(69) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) S -(-5kms) -(-5krns) .. BS 14/4/3/13 Balsong Kelchidam NA 112(21) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) W -(-Skrns) -(-Skrns) I -(-5kms)" 14/4/3/14 Boralipara NA 23S(46) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) -S -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/1/1S Boisongsongma NA 98(18) P,M -(10+krns) R,W -(-Skms) -(-5kms) BS 14/4/3/16 Tatolgre NA 140(29) P (lO+kms) S -(-5kUls) -(-5kIns) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/f7 Salinggre NA 74(15) -(5-lOkms) -(10+kms) s -(lO+krns) -(10+kms) -( 51Okms) 14/4/3/18 Chirara NA 66(13) P -(10+kms) S -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) -(-5kIDS) 14/4/3/19 Dalmanggre NA 19S(37) -(S-lOkms) -(10+krns) S -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 1414/3/20 Telliguri NA 115(20) P -(10+kms) W -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) 14/~3/21 Dongalpita NA 167(26) P -(lO+kms) W -(-5kIns) -(-5kms) -(5-1Okms) 14/4/3/22 Ronggagora NA 282(S2) P -(10+kIns) W -(-5kms) Weekly -(-Skms) 14/4/3/23 " Dengnangre NA 222(46) -(-Skrns) -(10+kms) S -(10+kms) -(10-i-kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/24 N~gitchakgre NA 114(18) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/25 Bolsongkama NA 100(21) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) W -(-5kmt) -{-5krus) BS 14/413/26 Jetdoba NA 366(55) P -(lO+kms) W -(-5~) -(-5kIllS) -(-5kms) 14/413/27 Bongbanchi NA 98(21) P -(5-10kms) S -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms)( -(-5kms) 14/4/3/28 Anerga NA 274(S6) P -(10+w.s) R,W -(-5kms) -(-5kms) BS 14/4/3/29 Wasim Dajongpara NA 149(30) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(lO+krns) -(S-lOkrns) 14/4/3/30 Raksam Songmakre NA 386(69) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) W,S -(10+kms) -(lO+kIns) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/31 Dajongpara NA 198(41 ) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) R.W -(S-10kms) -(5-IOkms) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/32 Gasingipita Bakra NA 110(21) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W -(5-10k~s) -(S-10kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/33 Gosingpi ta Songma NA 206(44) -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) W -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) BS 14/4/3/34 Mansinggre NA 126(24) -(-5kms) -(5-10kms) S,W -(5-10kms) -(5-10krns) BS 14/4/3/35 Raksarn Galima NA 78(16( -(-5kms) -(10+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(10+kIns) -(-5kIllS) 14/4/3/36 Raksam Genang NA 105(21) -(-Skrns) -(5-10kms) S -(S-10kmS) -(5-10kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/37 Achotchonggiri NA 282(59) -(S-lOkms) -(1O+krns) W,T -(5-10kms) -(5'-lOkms) -(5-10kms) Samkalakgre 14/4/3/38 NA 37S(77) -(1 °+kms) -(lO+kms) T,O -(-Skms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/39 Chisim Maodamgiri NA 346(67) -(5-lOkms) -(lO+kms) W -(S-10kms) -(5-lOkms) -(5-IOkms) 14/4/3/40 Rongsep Apal gre NA 31(6) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) S,O -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/41 Korepara NA 410(78) -(5-:10kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(S-lOkms) -(-5kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/42 Jongonda Nokatgre NA _ 143(25) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(10+kms) -(lO+ktns) 1-(5-10kms) 75 DIRECTORY Land'use.

Land Use; (i,e., area under different type of land iu in hectares up to two decimal places. Approach Nearest town and Power Staple Food Remarks to village distance (in Km) Supply' Forest Irrigated Unirri- Cultiva- Area not including by source gated able waste available any pJaceof (including for Cul- religious ganchar tivation Historical andgroves or archaolo- gical interest 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FP Goalpara (82) ED Ricw N~ NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (58) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (69) Rice NAi NA NA NA HA FP GoaJpara (85) Rice NA: NA NA NA NA FP TUfa \(78) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (73) RiCe NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goaipara (84) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP TUfa (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (98) Rice NA NA .NA NA NA FP Goalpara (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (87) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (69) Rice' NA NA NA NA NA. KR Goalpara (81) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR , Goalpara (72) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP 'Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (135) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (76) Rice NA NA NA NA NA Fq Tura (49) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (61) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goaipara (58) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara\ (43) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (73) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara, (76) Rice NA NA NA NA· KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA ~1! NA NA NA/ FP Goalpara (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (83) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (33) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (76) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goal_para (47) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (74) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (49) Rice NA NA NA NA 'NA FP Goalpara (80) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (78) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (70) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (48) ,. Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (71) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (48) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura 48) Rice NA NA NA NA Nft FP TUfa (74) Ei~e NA NA NA NA NA 76

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/3/43 Jomgondagre NA 96(19) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) W,O -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(S-I0kms) Kimdegrc NA 96(231) .(10+) -(10+) W,O ·(10+> -(10+) -(5-10) 14/4/3/4S Rongapgre NA 455(99) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/46 Kitnadamgre NA IS5(37) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4)3/47 Aruak Nohatgre NA 7S(17) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/48 Aruak Sbnggi tal NA 90(24) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) W,O -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/49 Aruak NA 192(43} -(S-10kms) ·-(10+kms) W,O -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-iOkms) 14/4/3/50 Gokulgiri NA 697(141) -(5:"10kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/51 Bekbekgre . NA 263(47) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/S2 Chisim Matchokgre NA 138(27) P,M,H -(10+kms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/S3 . Chisim Akanang NA 146(31) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/S4 ChisimApal NA 332(77) -(-Skms) -(10+krns) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/SS Chsim Mandalrong NA 46(8) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3756 Chisim Digisimgre NA 246(43) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) W,O -(lO+krns) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/S7 Nokwal Adinggre NA 248(48) -(S-10kms) -(10+krns) W,O -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(510kms) 14/4/3/S8 Nokwalgre NA 137(29) -(-Skms) • -(10+kms) W,O -(S-lOkms) -(-Skms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/59 Chisim Adumag re NA 190(40) -(-5krns) -(10+kms) W;O -(-5kms) -(5-lOkms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/3/60 Balongpang NA 106(20) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/61 Chichatcheng NA 71(13) -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkrns) W,O -(5-10kms) -(5-1Okms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/62 Bakenang Noka NA 155(23) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/63 Rongsepgre NA 110(17) -(-5kms) -(-5kms) W,O -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/64 Bakenang Songma NA 243(44) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) ·W,O -(-Skms) -FSkms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/QS Line Ading NA 212(37) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,T,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/66 Ckambildam NA 17S(40) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/67 Moamari NA 299(38) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/68 Bojengdoba NA 863(170) P(2),M(2),H(3) D W,T,O -(-Skms) Weekly -(10+kms) 14/4/3/69 Omorpur NA 309(S5) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/70 . Torikhono Garo NA 690(108) P -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/71 Nibari Rongagora NA 160(30) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/72 Getapara NA 158(29) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) , W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/73 Sildubi NA 93(19) -(-5krns) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/74 Chakodam NA .. 85(13) -(-Skms) -(-5mks) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/75 Rongpetchi (Bajong) NA 170(34) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/76 Berubari NA 687(116) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skrns) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/77 Makhapara NA 76(14) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/78 Sorongkil/Narongkol NA 323(70) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/3/79 Kosichora NA 434(80) -(,-Skm~) -(-Skms) W,T,O -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-SklI1s) '4/4/380 DobalkoI (Bajong) NA 192(32) -(-Skms) . -(-Skms) W,T,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/81 Dalbingpa NA 124(24) -(S-10kms) -(S 10kms) W,O (S-10kms) -(S-10kms) --(5-1 Okms) 14/4/3/82 Mendudam NA 213(35) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) W,O --(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/83 Waksokimbaldam NA 6S(13) -(-;5kms) -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/84 Doldam NA 171(34) -(-5kms) -(S-10kms) 0 -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/85 Wakso Nengsa NA 164(S7) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) W,O -(S-lOkms) -(S-10kIllS) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/3/86 Chengalma NA 171(27) -(-Skms) . -(-Skms) W,O -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(S,-lOkms) 14/4/3/87 Wakso Achugiri NA 146(28) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) W,O -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10klns) 14/4/3/88 Wakso Songgital NA 41(9) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) W,O -(S-10kms) -(S-l£kms) -fS-lOkms) 14/4/3/89 Wakso Todamgiri NA 98(18) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) W,O .,(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/90 Wakso Radang NA 32(6) -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) W,O -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/91 WaksoAsim NA 139(27) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) W,O -(-Skms) -( -Slcms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/3/92 Wakso Chirongban NA 112(22) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) W,O -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(5'-10kms) 14/4/3/93 Chidaret AjogrO NA 206(40) P -(5-10kms) S,W -(-Skrns) -(-sians) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/94 Doma Apal NA 64(12) P -(5-10kms) W,T -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(I 0+ krns) 14/4/3/95 DomeAga Merged with Domlapal 77

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Tura (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (56) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (75) ' .. Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (72) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (70) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (45) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (40) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (65) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (66) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (67) Rice NA NA NA NA NA l

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/3/96 Daran Mangthu NA 258(51) P -(5-1Okms) S,W -(5-1okms) -(-5kms) -(5-lOkms) 14/4/3797 DaramAkaki NA 23~(44) P -(5-10kms) T,W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIDS) 14/4/3/98 Daram Songma NA 300(48) P,M -(-5kms) T,W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIDS) 14/4/3/99 Gittinggiri NA 139(29) P -(-5kIDS) T,W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kms) . -(-5Jcins) 14/4/3/100 BangaJrnura NA 295(49) P -(-5kIDS) W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIns) -(-5kIDS) 14/4/3/101 Lower parampara NA 236(35) P(2) -(-5kms) W,T -(-5kIDS) -(-5kms) -(-Sknis) 14/4/3/102 Rompara Garo NA 66(11) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) W -(-5kms) -(-5kms) -(-SkIDS) 14/4/3/103 Rompara Rabha NA 196(29) P -(-5kms) W,T -(-5kIDS) -(-5kms) -(-SkIDS) 14/4/3/104- baram 'Feklang NA 129(19) P -(5-10kms) W,T -(5-10kIDS) -(-5kIns) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/105 Bokmagiri NA 75(17) P -(10+kms) s -(10+ kIDS) -(S-lOkms) -(10+kms) 14/4/3/106 Jonglapara NA 295(53) P,M -(-5kms) W,T -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIns) -(-5kIns) 14/4/3/107 Rongnatcha NA 75(21) -(-5kms) -(10+ kIDS) S,W -(5-10kms) -(1O+kms) -.(~) 14/4/3/108 Jongla Bolsaldant NA 56(10) P -(-5kms) W,T -(-~kms) -(-5kms) -(-SkIDS) 14/4/3/109 Rangsel NA 36(7) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) S -(5-10kIDS) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/110 Rongpetchi (Resu) NA 61(10) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) S.W -(-5kms) -(-5kIns) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/111 Chibasok NA 236(42) P -(-5~) W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIns) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/112 Resubelpara NA 2544(385) P(6,M(3),H(3),F(2) PHC T,W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kms) BS 14/43/113 Motchalpara NA 43(8) -(-5kms) S,W -(-5kms) -(5-10kIDS) -(-5krns) ~-Skms) 14/4/3/114 Boda Apal NA 184(35) P -(S-IOkms) . S,W -(5-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(-SI0kms) 14/4/3/115 So~egap NA 241(48) P -(5-10kIDS) S.W -(5-10kIDS) -(lO+kIDS) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/116 Nokatgre NA 109(20 -(-Skms) -(-SkIDS) S,W -(-5kIDS) -(5-10~) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/117 Babukona NA 285(53) P -(-Skms) W -(-SkIDS) -(-S~) -(-SlmlS) 14/4/3/118 Jondongre NA 143(33) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) S -(-SkIDS) -(S-10~ms) -(-5kms) 14/4/3/119 ChoreBahar NA . 116(21) -(-SkIns) -(5-10kiDS) S,W -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kllli» 14/4/3/120 Chori Bolbok NA 37(8) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) S -(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/121 Kaldang Agitok NA 85(19) +:5kIDS) -(5-10kms) S -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-101ons) 14/4/3/;122 Kaldang NA 103(21) P -(S-lOkIDS) S,W -(5-10kIDS) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms 14/4/3/123 Kaldang Babupara NA 57(11) -(-Skms).. -(S-lOkms) S,W -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/124 Blikenang NA 90(18) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) W -(5-lOkms) -(-5kIDS) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/125 Horinkata NA 252(36) P,H -(-Skms) W -(-5kIDS) -(-5kIDS) BS. 14/4/3/126 Lower Manikganj NA 410(75) P,M -(-Skms) W PO -(-SkIDS) as 14/4/3/l27 Abandha NA\ 109(16) -(-Skms) -(-SkIns) W -(-SkIDS) -(-SklDSj as 14/4/3/128 Mendipath!ll" NA 1360(280) P,H D, PC W,T PO Weekly as 14/4/3/129 Harinkata Bakra Garo NA 364(58) P,H -{I 0+ kms) W -(-SkIDS) -(-5k1DS) BS 14/4/3/130 Upper Marikganj NA. 187(27) P,H -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-S~) 14/4/3/131 Salpara NA 519(90) -(-5kIns) -(5-10kms) W -(-kms) -(-Skms) BS 14/4/3/132 BoIsa1daiugre ·NA 265(48) -(-5kms) -(5-10kms) W,T -(-Skms) -(-SkIDS) -(--5kms) 14/4/3/133 Dome Anti NA 418(89) P,H -(S-lOkms) W,T -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/134 Dilma Wagenang NA 909(149) -(-Skms) -(-5kIDS) W,l -(-SkIns) -(-5k1DS) BS 14/4/3/135 Soksan Dilma NA 370(63) P,H -(-Skms) W,l -(-Skms) -(-5kms) BS 14/4/3/136 Genang NA 163(24) PH -(1O+krns) W,l -(lO+kms) -(10+lqns) -(S-l.Okms) 14/4/3/137 Kimsri NA 34(9) -(-5lons) -(IO+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(1 0+ kms) -(5-lOluns) 14/4/3/138 Rongran UNINHABITED 14/4/3/139 Hati B3$ha NA 204(36) -(5-1Okms) -(S-lOkms) W -(S-10kms) -(5-1okms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/3/140 Gajingpara ·NA 534(91) -(-Skms) -(-SkIDS) W,T -(-Skms) -(-Skms) BS 14/4/3/141 Jamgaon NA 349(83) P,H -(-Skms) W,T -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/142 Putimari NA 246(44) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) W,T -(5-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10km) 1414/3/143 Chidareng NA 76(17) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) W -(S-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(-Skms) 14/4/3/144 Kowak NA 152(31) P,H (-10+kms) W -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(S-10kms 14/4/3/145 Mongpangro NA 250(48) P,H '-(10 kms) W;T -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(5-10kms 14j4/31146 DUma Aga (Danol) NA 53(12) -(10+kms -(IO+krns) s -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(1 0+ kms) 14/4/3/147 Soenang ApaJ (Garo) NA 576(98) P(2),H(2) -(lO+kms) W,T -(lO+kms) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/3/148 RongkQminchi NA 293(S4) -(-Skms) -(IO+kms) W,T -(10+kms) -(-Skms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/3/149 Soenany Aga NA 81(18) -(10+kms -(IO+kms) S,TK -(IO+kms) -(IO+krns) -(IO-l-klns) 7J --"_- 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

KR Goalpara (130) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (125) Rice NA NA NA NA -NA KR Goalpara (120) Rice NA' NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (51) Rice NA NA NA NA" NA KR Goalpara (64) Rice, Minet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (58) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (60) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (47) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (150) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (40) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (125) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA - NA NA KR Goalpara (49) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (45) Rce, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (150) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (49) Rice NA NA NA NA NA" " KR Goalpara (48) Rice, NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (115) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara .(120) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA ,NA FP Goalpara' (35) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (40) Rice, Millet, Maize NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (45) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara ,(48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (35) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (115) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (102) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA N:A KR ' Goalpara (90) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (42) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (40) Rice NA NA NA "NA' NA KR Goalpara (32) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (42) Rice NA NA NA NA NA .KR Goalpara (45).- ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (32) Rice NA ,NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (37) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (40) Rice NA, NA NA NA KR Goalpara (30) '. ' Rice NA N~I ' NA NA NA KR Goalpara (30) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (48) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA :,.. PR Goalpara (31) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Goalpara (48) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (50) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (36) Rice NA NA NA NA NA .. KR Goalpara (56) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (34) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (48) ED Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goa1para (38) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara ( 30) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (48) Rice NA NA NA NA lilA FP Goalpara (65) Rice NA NA NA NA NA F;P Goalpara (71) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Goalpara (65) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goalpara (47) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Goa1para (75) Rice NA NA NA NA NA

MEGHALAYA' RH£HNC'£S BOUNDARIES:- 015 TAfel SAMANDA C.D:BLOCK $U8-0 IV.JAOM. U.IT c.O.UotK -.-.-.~ qtS TfUCT ~AST GAM Hll.lS H[AOQUUTEU :­ . 0 OIST~ICT . "ILESI I I I 3 411 """LIS @ I I I I I c. D,'U,OtM I I I I I. I It @ KMS .1- I 1 I I' 3 4 5 , 1\."$ VILLAGES WIT~ POPOLATION ..$IlE:­ UlOW 200,200-4'91500-99'. o. e UNIHHAlITto VILlAtes WITI1 lOCATIONCOClENo.X2:J • U"8AN UtA WITH .LOCATION toO[ ~ OTH tR ~o.o s· "'VEil .ANO STRUM t SUvrc£ 'ACILlTI£!.:_ POST OFFI CE PO flRIMAR,( HEALTH C[NTI'E ® DISPf'Nblity .+ IM"O~;"'Nl VltLA£E ~fARK"ET' ~ s \ o ...... \ I . s . ....:"'\ 4 '0" x'_', '0 • 08 x 12 'I' / •• 7 0'3 X II I I 06 0, • •O' I 01 I

:It :t'" o ::l o \ 1,4 o ,0 .. oer" 01d . / ';.' 013 pO KINeR • .' 8 OlloO.""A'._.1.' I 0 90 6 081 '.' / 080 (p () " / 079 073 /. 0'0' • . 0 10 8 l .;'07 0 '05 ~'-""""".~ .. ..". .

I s c T VI EST C A ~ 0


Bas"d upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. The boundary of Meghalaya shown on this mlp is as interpreted from the North.Easte~n areas © Government of India Copyright, 1935 ;{e.organiSation) Act, ';11, but has yet to be verified, l~co.Bangljdelh boul,dary Ihown on this map 1\ the one elllting prror to

u lJ III.., A l ~ •..••• _ 1_.1: ...... I D.... _I~.IA.L



Code No. -14 Name of tlle State .' . Megbalaya Name of the District East Garo HUls Code No. --4

Name or the C. D. Block Samanela Code No. --4

••• 0 •• ---•••••••••• 1"0 •••• t •••• t It ••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••• e ••• t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-", Sl. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

1. Achak Jangkigiri ~ . 141414/~5 2. Alcelgiri ,. " 41 3. Amalgiri .. .. 34 4. Ampanggiri .. 104 5. Ampanggiri " 19 6. Asimgiri .. 2 7. Bandigi.ri " 105 8. Bangonggiri .. 37 9. Bansamgiri 112 " 99- 10. Bansam Awegiri .. 101 11. Bansam Bilsagiri " 12. Bansinggiri .. 90 68 13 •. Bawe Giri " 14. Bawegiri 17 " 67 15. Bawe Duragiri " 36 16. Boldogagiri " 69 17. Bolkinggiri 70 18. Chachatgiri .. 60 19. Cherangiri .. 20. Chibrenggiri (Didengguri) .. 15 121 21. Chiganchirmggiri " 54 22. Chimagiri •• 85 23. Chisabibra " 61 24. Chisim Minggiri " ., 59 25. Chiokgiri S6 26. Dachit Gittim " 93 27. Dalwagiri " 108 28. Daribokgiri " 40 29. Darimgiri " 49 30. Dawagittimgiri .. 47 31. Dawa Kosigiri ., . 48 32. Dawa Nekhatokgiri .. 46 33. Dawa Songgital .. 8 34. Dilma Debragiri .. 13 35. Dilma Dilsekgiri .. 18 36.. Dilma Rimtonggiri " 14 37. Dilma Songgitcham " 20 38. Dilma .Kawakgiri .. 83

81. No, Name of Village Location Code No. ~~ .. 39. .. Dimogiri . . 14/4/4/3 . '. .. 40. DinaJekgiri . 7 " 100. 41. Dinaminggiri " 42. DoabOkgiri .. .. 33 43. Dobetkolgiri ... 50 ... ,. , 44. .~p~ggiri " . 10 :1-5,; . D.orakgiri ", 80 31 46. Dooktilgiri " 123 ·47. . Dorengkigiri . " .48. Gajonggiri ., 12 49. Ganingbibra 84 " Ganggiri 86 SO. " 51. Gradekgittim 55 " 52. Gitokgiri 0, 87 53. Gongmagiri 30 " 38 54. Gonggiri " 55 .. 91 , Gonggnanggiri " 56. Jaljinggiri 75. " ,~, . Jingamgiri 79 " 58. Jongmegiri 88 " 59. Kalak Dorak Asim 97 " 6O. Kalak Songgital 98 " 61.' Kalak Songgitcham 24 " 62. Kakwagiri 66 " 63. K.akwa Dolllbagiri 119 " 64. Kakwa Romlo kgiri 118 " 65. Kakwa Duragiri 120 " 66. Mandalgiti ,. 107 67. Mangrllgjri 113 68. .. Megagiri SonggitaI " 22 " ~9. Megagiri Songgitcham .. 21 70. Mejolgiri 115 '71. Meronggiri " 73 " 72. Nabokgiri 72 " 73. Narigiri 114 " " 74. Nengmandalgiri 71 75. Nengkra " 51 76. Nengkra Akawe " 53 .. " 17. ,Nenglcra BOlsalgitim 52 " 78. Nengkra Songgital 82 " 79. . Nengkra Songitcham 83 " 80. Pakwakgiri 1 81. Prapgiri ... " 82. Pilp onggiri 76 ;_ " 83. Ragitikfiri "_. " 117 14. Rambogiri 89 ... " 84

S1. No. Name of Village ' Location Code No.

8S. Rapdikgiri f4/4/4181 86. Renggokgiri .'. .. 11 87. Rengrigiri .. 109 88. Retenggiri , , 35 89. Rikwarenggiri u 28 90. Rimringgiri ''. , 25 91. Rongchek Chambugong " 102 92. Rongchek Manda '9 103 9 93. Rongalgiri " 94. Rongkenggiri . .' .. 106 62 95. Rongbingdalgot . " " 96. Rongbinggiri .. 63 Rongbo Songgitchalll 23 97. " 98. Rongmal Giri ,. 45 99. Rongmalgiri .. 116 100. Rogongiri. 64 " 122 101. Rongrek " 102. Rongreng Baija ., 43 103. Rongreng Chidekgiri .. •• 44 104. Rongribo Wattcnggiri.. 29 " IIO lOS. Rpngsakgiri " 106, Rongsak Bazar ,. 111 107. Rongsokgiri 26 " 95 1\)8. Samanda Dolwagiri .. " 109. Samanda Chimanggiri .. 96 / " 110. Samanda Megapgiri . , I • 0, 32 111. Sanipalgiri .. 58 112. Sawilgiri •• 92 113. Singwagiri (Insokgiri) .. 39 114. Singwegiri 'J 42 74 , 115. Sobokgiri " 116. Songroagiri /.. " 4 117. Songmagiri .. 57 118. Suchilgiri .. I .. 16 119'i Tongbol Songgitcham .. 5 120." Tongbol Songgital .. 6 121. Udugiri t. 78 122. Wanangsiri •• 77 94 123. Wagetgiri " A!S VILLAGE

State Megbalaya Amenitie. and District East Garo HiUs C.D. BlC)C:k SAMbNDt\.

, ' Location Name of Villages Total area Total Amenities available: If not available within the villa~e, a ~h (-) is Code No. at the Population shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the dIstance, In broad village (in and number ranges viz: -Slons, 5-lOkms and 10+kms, of the nearest place where hectares) of house- the facility is , available is given. holds. Education Medical Drinking Post and Day or days Communi- water Telegraph of the Mar- cations (Bus (potable) " ket/hat, if Stop, Rail- , any way station , Waterway)

1 2 3 4 S '6 7 8 9 10

14/4/4/1 Pahwahgiri NA 41(8) p -(10+kms) s -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/2 Asimgiri NA 60(11) P -(5-10kms) S -(S-10kms) -(5-10:Kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/3 Dimogiri NA 55(11) P -(-Skms) S - -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-5kms) 14/4/4/4 Songmogiri NA 72(17) P -{I 0+ kms) S -(10+kms) -(10+knis) -(lO+kms) 14/4/45 Tongbol Songgitcham NA 274(52) p -(5-lOkms) S -{S-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/6 ,Tongbol Songgital NA 112(22) 'p -(S--lOkms) S -(5-10kms) -(S,..10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/4/7 ' Dinajekgiri NA 270(S2) P -(10+kms) W -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/8 Dilma Debragiri NA 98(21) P -(S-lOkms) S -(S-10kms) -(S-lOk;ms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/9 Rongalgiri NA 110(26) -(-Skms) -(S-10kms) S- -(5-10kms) -(5-10kins) -(S--10kms) 14J4/~JI0 Doponanggiri UN 14/4/4/11 Renggokgiri N.E 14/4/4/12 Gajonggiri UN 14/4/4/13 Dilma Dilsekgiri NA 13S(26) P -(1D+kms) w -(1 0+ kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/14 DilmaSonggitcham NA 86(16) P -(1 0+ kms) S -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/1S Chibrenggiri (Didenggiri) NA 46(8) -( -lOkms) -( -10kms) S,R -( -10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) '14/4/4/16 Suchilgiri NA 179('40) P -(-Skms) W -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/17 Bawegiri NA 164(32) P -(-Skms) T,W -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/18 Dilma Rimtonggiri NA IOS(22) P -(S-10kms) W -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/19 Ampanggiri NA 264(SO) P -(S-lOkms) W,R -(S-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/20 Dilma Kawekgiri NA 143(30) P -(-5kms) W,R -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/21 Megagiri Songgitcham NA UN 14/4/4/22 Megagiri Songgital NA 191(38) P -(-S-10kms) S,R -(S-lOkrns) -(S--10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/23 Rongibo Songgitcham NA UN 14/4/4/24 Kalak Songgitcham NA 27(6) -( -10kms) -(5-10kms) S.W -(5-10kms) -(S-:lOkms) -(5-10kms) ! J4/4/4/2S Rirnringgiri NA 93(19) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) S -(1 0+ kms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/26 Rongsakgiri NA 80(16) P -(1D+kms) S -(10+kms) -(lO+kins) -(lO+kms)- 14/4/4/27 Prapgiri NA 147(33) P -(lO+kms) S -/lO+kms) -(lO+k~) -(lO+kms) , 14/4/4/28 Rikwarenggiri UN 14/4/4/29 Rongribo Watrenggiri NA I1S(26) P -(5-10kms) S -(S-10krns) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/30 Gongmagiri NA 64(13) -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) S -(S-lOkms) -(S-lOkms) -{5-10kms) 14/4/4/31 Dooklikgiri NA 67(13) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/32 Samanda Megapgiri NA 232(SO) -(~5kms) -(S-10kms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) ",(-Skms) 14/4/4/33 Doabokgiri NA UN 14/4/4/34 Amalgiri NA 74(17) P -( -lOkms) S -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/4/35 Retenggiri NA 57(14) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) s -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) '. 14/4/4/36 Boldogagiri UN 14/4/4/37 Bongonggiri UN 14/4/4/38 Gonggiri NA }69(31) P -(S-lOkms) S -(5-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/39 Singwagiri (Insokgiri) NA 61(13) -(1O+kms) -(lO+kms) S -(1O+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/40 Darimgiri NA 251(43) P -(lO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(-,Skrns) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/41 Akelgiri NA 163(32) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) S -{lO+kms) -(10+kms) . -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/42 Singwegiri NA 120(27) P -(5-lOkms) S,W -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 86 DIRECTORY Land ule

Approach Nearest town and Power Staple Food Land Uuso: (i.e; area under different type of land Remarks in- to Village distance (in kms) Supply in hectares up to two decillUlls p~ eluding - any place Forest Irrigated Unitriga Culturable Area not of Religious by source ted waste in- available Historical eluding for culti- or Archaco gauchar vation logical and groves) interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Tura (110) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FO Tura (39) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (50) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (80) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (116) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (118) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tur!l (34) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (38) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP TUfa (29) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

FP 'Tura (37) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA , FP Tura (59) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (40) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (98) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA .. FP Tura (34) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (38) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (38) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA, NA

Rice,-Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (59) \1 FP Tura (63) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (105) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (48) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR 'Tura (80) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA

Rice, Millet NA NA "A NA NA FP Williamnagar (30) , NA NA NA FP Tura (76) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP Tura (61) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (59) Rice, Millet NA NA NA

NA NA NA· FP Tura (69) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (20) Rice, Millet NA NA NA

NA NA FP WiIliamnagar (6) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP WiIliamnagar (12) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA- NA KR WiIliamnagar (4) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (8) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP William nagar (10) Rice NA NA NA 87

1 2 2 )4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/4/43 Rongreng Baija NA 4S3(90) P(2),M D T PO Weekly BS 14/4/4/44 Rongreng Chidekgiri NA 6~?~130) P -(S-IOkms) T -(5-10kms) -(-Skms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/4S Rongmalgiri NA 2-25(37) P -(5-10kms) 0 -(5-1Okms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms). 14/4/4/46 Dawa Songgital NA 141(26) -(-5kms) -(lQ+kms) 0 -(lO+kms) -(S-lOkms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/47 Dawa Kosigiri NA 99(17) -(-5kms) _ -(lO+kms) 0 '-(lO+kms) -(-5kms) -(1O+.kms) 14/4/4/48 Dawa Nckhatokgiri NA 108(21) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) 0 -(1 0+ kms) -(-Skms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/49 Dawagittimgiri NA 141 (2S) P -(10+kms) T -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/S0 Dobetkalgiri . NA 196(33) P -(lO+kms) W -(lO+kms) -(IO+kms) -(10+lans) -(S-lOkms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/51· Nengkra' NA 106(23) P -(10+kms) R -(lO+kms) '-(1O-t'kms) -(5-10kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/52 ~engkra BaIsalgittim NA 246(43) P -(lO+kms) R -(10+kms) -(5-10kms) -(IO+kms) 14/4/4/53 Nengkr~ Akawe NA 194(37) P -(lO+kms) W -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/54 Chimagiri NA 61(11) P -(lO+-kms) R -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/55 Gradikgittim NA -80(14) P -(1 0+ kms) R -(lO+kms) -(S-10kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4156 Dachitgittim NA 69(12) P -(lO+kms) R '-(10+kms) -(10+)ans) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/57 Songmagiri NA 181(32) P -(lO+kms) R -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/58 Sanipalgiri NA 260(44) P -(lO+mls) R -(lO+kms) -(-Skms) -(1O+kms) -(-Skms) ":'(10+kms) 14/4/4/59 Chiokgiri NA 378(7S) P -(10+kms) R -(10+kms) 14/4/4/(jO Cherangiri NA 57(12) P -(lO+kms) s -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(1O+kms) 14/,4/4/61 Chiminminggiri NA 26(5) P -(lO+kms) s -lI0+kms) -(lO+kms) R' -(lO+kms) -(lO+'kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/62 Rongbing Dalbet ~A ~4(60) P -(1O+kms) -(IO+kms) -(5-10tms) -(10+.kms) 14/4/4/63 Rongbinggiri NA 249(52) P -(1 0+ kms) R '-(1O+kms) -(10+~ms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/64 Rongongiri NA 37(14) -(-5kms) -(10+kms) 0 -(IO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/65 Achak Jangkigiri NA 121(21) P -(lO+kms) S -(1O+kms) -(IO+kms) .,.(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/66 Kokwagiri NA 97(19) P -(1O+kms) S -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/67 Bawe Duragiri NA . 51(9) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) S -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(10+kms) . 14/4/4/~8 Bawegiri NA 160(31) P -(lO+kms) S -(IO+kms) -(-SkIDs) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/69 Balk~nggiri NA 237(45) P -(IO+kms) R -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 1414/4/70 Chachatgiri NA 274(62) -(-5kms) -(IO+kms) 0 , -(1 0+ kms) -(-SkIDs) -(10+kms) 1414/4/71 Nengmondalgiri NA 320(66) P -(10+kms) R -(IO+kms) -llO+kms) -(l0-t-kms) 1414/4/72 Nabokgiri NA 78(15) P -(IO+kms) s -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(10+kms) 14t4/4/73 Meronggiri NA 15(3) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 1414/4/74 Sobakgiri NA 103(20) P -(1O+kms) S -(10+ kms) -(10+ knlS) -(10+kms) 1414/4/75 Jaljinggiri NA 26(6) P -{1O+kms) S -(10+kms) 14J4/4J76 Pilpenggiri NA 9(34) -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) S -(10+~) -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms) -(10+ kms)_ 14/4/4/77 Wananggiri NA 16(3) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) S -(lO+kms) -(1 0+ kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/78 Udugiri NA 35(7) P -(lO+kms) S -(lo+kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/79 Jingamgiri NA 44(9) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) s -(IO+kms) -.(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/480 Dorakgiri NA 136(27) P -(lO+kras) S -(S-10kms) -{10+kms) -(10+kms) 141414/81 Rapdikgiri NA 138(26) P -(lO+kms) R PO -(lO-t-krlls) -(5-+~ms) 14/4/4/82 Nengra SongittaI NA 61(13) P -(lO+kms) S -(5-10kms) -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/83 Nengra Songitcham NA 72(14) -(-5kms) -(lO+kms) S -(HOkms) -(-5kms) BI0kms) 14/4/484 Ganing Bibfa NA 194(33) P -(lO+kms) R -(-5kms) -(-5kms) S 14/4/4/85 Chisabibra NA 233(SO) P -(-Skms) R -(-5kms) -(-Skms) -(-SBS 14/4/4/86 Ganggiri NA 61(13) P -(-Skms) R -(10+kms) -(lokms) 14/4/4/87 Gitokgiri NA 197(39) P -(lO+kms) S (lO+knls) -(10+ kms) -(I 0+ kms) -(1+kms) 14/4/4/88 Jongmegiri NA 72(IS) P -(10+kms) S 14/4/4/89 Rambogiri NA 24(5) -(5-10kms) -(5-lOkms) S -(5-10kms) -(1 0+ kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/90 Bansinggiri NA 96(20) P -(1O+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/91 GOJ;l8gnanggiri NA 174(30) P -(5-10kms) S -(5-lOkms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/92 Sawilgiri NA 88(16) P -(5-lOkms) S -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(5 I Okms) 14/4/4/93 Dalwagiri NA 162(33) P -(5-lOkms) S -(5-lOkms) -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) 14/4/4/94 Wagetgiri NA 63(14) P . -(5-lOkms) S -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms), ·;...(5-10kms) 14/4/4/95 Samanda Dolwarigiri NA 91(19) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(10+klllll) -(lO+kms) 88

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Williamnagar (3) ED . Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (4) Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Tura (43) Rice NA NA NA NA NA I"P Wiliiamnagar (6) Rice NA NA ~A NA NA FP Williamnagar (5) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (5) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Wlliamnagar (6) ED Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (4) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Williamnagar (17) Rice NA NA NA NA NA PR Wllliamnagar (16) Rice, Mill~t NA NA NA NA NA PR Williamnagar (15) Rice lll"A NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (10) Rice NA NA NA NA NA I FP Williamnagar (12) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Willi3ll)ll3gar (14) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamna:gar (10) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA .. FP Williamnagar (4) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (3) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (20) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Wiliiamnagar .(16) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnag¥ (12) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (8) Rice NA NA NA NA ·NA FP Williamnagar (9) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP WiIl~amnagar. (10) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (12) .. . Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Wil1iamnag~ (14) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (10) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (2) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (3) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (3) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (25) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Willlamnagar (20) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (20) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (13) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (16) Rice NA NA NA NA NA K.R Williamnagar (14) Rice NA \ N,A. NA NA NA FP Willianinagar (14) Rice NA 'NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (25) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FJ-> Williamnagar (30) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (12) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP WiUiamnagar (28) . Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP WiUiamnagar (27) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Willianinagar (11) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA K.R Williamnagar (10) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR WiUiamnagal (10) Rrce NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (13) Rice. Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (26) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (30) Rice, Millet NA NA 'NA NA NA FP Williamnagdr (30) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (30) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA pp Williamnagar (25) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (20) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR, Williamnagar (15) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (13) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA 89

1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

14/4/4/96 Samanda Chimonggiri NA 146(36) p -(S-lOkms) s -(S-10kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/97 Kolak Donak Asim NA 37(8) +:Skms) --(-SkIns) S -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkIns) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/98 Kolak Songgital NA 74(21) -(-Skins) -(-SkIns) S -(5-10kms) -(S-lOkms) -(S-lOkms) 14/4/4/99 Bansam Arwegiri NA 4Z(Z4) P -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 1474/4/100 Dinaminggiri NA 301(58) P -(-SkIns) s -(5-10kIns) ,-(5-10kms) BS 14/4/4/101 Bansam Bilsagiri NA 29(7) P -(-S~ms) S -(-SkIns) -(-SkIns) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/102 Rongchek Chambugong NA 3S(6) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) S -(-SkIns) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/103 Rongchek Manda NA 114(20) P -{I 0+ kms) s -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/104 Ampanggiri NA SS(l1) -(-Skms) -(IO+kms) s -(1 0+ kms) -(10+kms) -(10+kms) 14/4/4/105 Bandigiri NA 62(11) -(-S-IOkms) -(lO+kms) s -(10+kms) -(10+kms) -(IO+Kms) 14/414/106 Rongkenggih NA 101(19) P -(IO+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(IO+kms) -(10+kms) . 14/4/4/107 Mandalgiri NA 323(56) P -(IO+kms) s -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/108 Daribokgiri NA 38(9) -(-Skms) -(IO+kms) s -(IO+kms)[ -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/4/4/109 Rengrigiri NA .204(37) P -(10+kms) 0 -(IO+kms) -(lO+kms) -(lO+kms) 14/M4/1l0 Rongsakgiri NA 259(45) P,M PHC T,W PO -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/N4/1l1 Rongsak Bazar NA 173(41) "':(-5kms) -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms) 14/~J4/112 Bansamgiri NA 342(61) P PRC S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/M4/113 Mongrugiri NA 93(21) P -(S-lokms) s -(S-lOkms) -(5-10kms) -(S-iOkms) \ 14/4/4/114 Narigiri NA 86(20) -(-Skms1 -(-SkIDS) S -(5-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/~/4/llS Mejolgiri NA 42(10) P -(-SkIDS) S -(S-10kmst -(5-10kms? -(5-10kIDS) 14/A/4/1l6 Rongmabgiri NA • 211(48) P -(-SkIDS) S -(-SkInS) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 14/4/4/117 Ragitikgiri NA, 26(4) -(S-lOkms) -(S-10kms) S -(S40kms) -(-SkInS) '. -(-Skms) 14/4/4/118 Kakwa Romlokgiri NA S8(11) -(5-10kms) -(5--10kms) s -(S-tOkmS) -(5-10kms)I, -(S-10knt$1 . 14/4/4/119 Kakwa Rombagiri NA 24(6) -(10+kms) -(lO+kms) s -(lO+kms) -(1D+kms) I -(10+kms) 141414/120 Kakwa Duragiri NA 83(12) -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms.) S -(5-10kms)' -(5-10kms) -(S-10kms) 14/4/4/121 Chigamchiring NA 71(14) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) S -(-Skms) -(-5kms) -(S-lOkms) '14/4/4/122 Rongrekglri NA 133(21) P -(5-10kms) s -(S-10kms) -(5-10kms) -(5--lOkms) 14/4/4/123 Dorengkigiri NA 200(38) +·Skms) -(-5kms) S -(-Skms) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) 90

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Williamnagar (12) Rice, Mille( NA . NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (36) Rice, NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (25) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR Williamnagar (15) Rice NA NA NA NA NA KR Wiliiamnagar (21 Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA KR' Williamnagar (IS) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (35) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (34) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (40) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Williamnagar (36) Rice NA NA NA NA NA ·. - FP -TUfa' (37) Rice NA NA NA NA NA .., FP Tura (32) . Rice NA:' NA NA NA NA' FP Tura (44) Ricc:. Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP Wi1l4amnagar (30) Rice NA NA NA NA NA _KR Williamnagar (20) Rice NA NA NA - NA ( NA KR Williamnagar (21) Rice , NA NA NA NA NA ..' PR ~i1liamna8ar (17) Rice . NA NA NA NA NA .. PP Williamnagar (26) Rice NA NA NA NA NA ·. FP WilliaJima8ar (114) _ Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP WiIliamnagar (27) Rice NA NA NA NA NA ·. FP Williamnagar (23) Rice NA NA NA NA NA ·. FP Williamnagar (25) Rice, Millet NA NA NA NA NA FP WiIliamnagar (29) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Willianmagar (24) Ri((e NA NA NA NA NA .. FP Williamnagar (20) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP ,rum -(80) Rice NA NA NA NA NA FP Tura (78) Rice NA NA NA NA 'NA KR Tura (76) Rice NA NA Nk NA NA 91



Tehsilwise abstract of Educational. Medical and Other Amenities

Nllme of District: ~. Garo Hills

EDUCATIONAL Primary School Middle School Matriculation/So- Higher Secondary} College condary School PUC/Intermediatel (Gll'duate & above) Junior College S1. NameofC.D. Villages lnstitu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Insthu- No. Block Hons tions tions tions. tions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Dambo Rongjeng 161 166 16 18 6 6 , .. 2.' Songsilk 76 77 9 9 1 1

3, Resubelpara 73 103 21 44 2 2~ 4. Samanda 77 78 2 2

i:DUCATIONAL (Contd.) MEDICAL Adult Literacy Others Villages with no DISpensary Hospital Maternity and Child Class/Centres educational facility Welfare Centre Matunity Hom Sl. . Namtof C.D. Villages Institu· Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- No. Block tions tions tions tions tions 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1. Dambo IlODgjeng 1 1 52 2 2 2. Songsak 33 3. Resubelpara 2 138 3 3 4. Samanda 37 1 1 92



TehsUwise abstract of Educational, Medical and Other Amenities Name of District: East Garo Hills

MEDICAL (Contd.) Child Welfare Primary Health Family Primary Heal thl Community Others Centres Centres Planning Sub·Centre Health Villages Worker with no medical ( ------f~ilit Sl. Na~eofC. D. Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- Villages Institu- y No. Block tions tions tioIlll tions tions tions 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35. 36

1. Dambo Rongjeng 2 '2 209 2. Songsak 1 3 3 105 3: Resubell'ara 1 1 21S 4. Samanda 2 2 111

DRINKING WATER Tap Well Tank Tubewell River Fountain Canal Others More than Villages one source with no drinking Sl. Name oCC. D. water f~i1ity No. Block of any type 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46

l. Dambo Rongjeng 7 61 2 91 51 2. Songsak 37 2 4 61 5

3. Resubelpara 52 1 \ ..) 39 127 4. Samanda 3 6 16 82 8

POST AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATIONS POWER SUPPLY SI. Name of C. D. P. O. T. O. P. T. O. P. O. &; T. O. a P.T.O. &; Bus Railway Navigable Available Not NC). Block Phone Phone Phone Stop Station Water way available 1 2 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

1. Dambo Rongjeng 8 7 22 2. Songsak 4 5 3 3. Resubelpara 12 . 35 18 4. Samanda 3 4 4 ·93

List of Villages Where no Amenities Available Except Drinking Water

(,. D. Block : Dambo Rongjeng

SI. No. Location Code Name of Villages

1. 14/4/1/10 Dawa Songgital 2. .. 19 Dagal Nokat 3. .. 26 qujeng Akong 4. 31 Chikal " 5. ~, 34 Chikal Dawa 6. .. 40 Oabil Mendipo 7. 49 Sari Awe " 8. ., SO lova Jambal

9. to 5) Upper Sari Awe

10. t> 54 Jambal 'lI. ., 57 Sambrak (Stite Farm) 12. ., 69 Nilwa Oanichal 13. ., 70 Bolmendang

14. Of 72 Upper Rongbo

15. H f44 Baran Gittim

16. H 107 R':l.jasimla A,pal t7. t. 119 Mingkrak 18. .. 129 Rongkingkang. 19. .. 134 Memilll\m Modipara 20~ .. 138 Mandadrop 21. 149 Rema Gittim " 22. .. 156 Deplok Gittim 23. 163 " Nongbakl Ading 24. to 16 Nongbak Chu:hra 25. ., 166 Rongme Agal 26. 178 Dambo Reserve " 21. .. 179 Dambo Reserve· 1 28. 180 " Dambo Rese.rve· 1I 29. .. 185 Rongjeng Reserve - 11 30. 186 " Miktongjeng Gittim 31. •• 189 Dogep Gipuram 32 •. 198 Damtl Suriggittim " 33 •. ,. 199 Rongdu Dika Oittim 34. 200 " Pambo-Chara-Gittim 35. 202 Rongdu Nongja Oittim 36. " " 20 Rongdu Pakra Gittim 37. 20 Rongdu Imbal 38. " 213 Marringgiri Dambu 39. " 217 Chimba lambal 30. " " 218 Renggok 41. •• 219- GUblut Gittim 42~ •• 222 Watre Songgitim 94

List of ViII.- ~ ::110 Amenities

C. D. Block: Songsak

S)' No. Location Code Name of Villages

1. 14/11{2/ 5 Mandalgiri 2. 6 Kantragiri 3. " 13 Doki 4. " 18 Mirangma 5. " 30 Walpatgittim 6. " 31 R.adangiri " 7. .. 32 Gambaiong 8.. 34 Resangiri 9. " 36 Abranggiri 10 " 57 Waksogittim " 11. •• 58 Songkona 12. .. 59 Samen (Rangal) J3. 60 Silkenggiri " 14. .. 61 Indikim 15. H ·62 C1tianing 16. 63 Rongchek 17. " 64 Koknal " 18. H 67 Snal Dijimeng 19. ,. 68 Ka1cwa Bonenggiri 20. ·69 C.beran Bonenggiri 21. .. 71 Remrang Bonenggiri 22. 74 AsiI MindiI 23. " 75 Asil Songgital 24. " 76 Bonggnagiri " 25. 77 Rongkabo~giri 216, " 80 Sobdam Rongreng Nokat 27. " 81 MiJcilsinggiri 28. " 83 Ro'ngap Songmong 29. " . 86 Bonechijonggiri " 30. 87 Tebil Bone~iri 31. " " 95 Rongdal Giri 32. " 97 Nengjreng " List ~ Villages HaVing 8.0 AmeuitIes c. D. Block: Resubelpara

, S1. No. Location Code Name of Villages

t. 14/4/3/1 Waramgre

2. ~, 4 Warigre 3. 5 Chirangre' Aga 4. " 6 Dujonggre " 5. 13 Balsong Kolchidam " "6- •• 14 Boralipara 7; •• 17 Salinggte 8. t. 19 Dalmanggre 9. , . 23 Dangnangre tO~ ., 24 Nenggitchakgre lI. 29 Wasim Dajongpara 12. " 3() Raksam Songmakre " 13. ., 31 Dajongpara 14. 32 Gasingpita Bakra " 15~ 35 Raksam Galima " r6~ .. 36 Raksam Genang 11. ' '0 37 Achotchonggiri 18. ' .. 38 Samkala kgre 19. ., 39- Chisim Maodamgiri 20. .. 4() Rongsep 'ApaIgre 21. 41 Korepara

22 ... tJ 42 Jamigonda Nokatgiri 23. •• 43 Jamgondagre 24: •• 44 Kimdegre 25. .. 45 Rongopgre 26., 46 Kitmadamgre 21; " 47 Aruak Nolcatgre 28 ... " 4& , Aruak Songgital " 29 .. ,J 49 Aruak 30. ,. 5} BekbeJcgre 31. .'. 53 Chisim Akanang 32 ... 54 Chisim ApaJ " 33i.. ,. 55 Chisim Mandalpanx

34: tJ 56 Chisim Digesimgre 35. " 57 Nokwal ,Adinggre 36, t 58 NokWalgre

37•. tI 59 Chisim Adimagre 38. 6:) Balongpang 39. " 61 Chickotcheng " 40. JJ 62 Bakenang Nalsa 41. 63 RQngsepgre ' " 42_ ,., M 'Bakenang Songma 96

S1. No. Location Code Name of Villages

43. 14/4/3/ 65 Line Adtng 44. 66 Chambildam 45. .." 61 Moamari 46. .. 69 Omorpur 41. .. 71 Nibari Rangegora 48. 72 Getapara 49. " Sildubi " 73 50. 74 Chakodam " 51. 75 Rongpetchi (Bajong) " 52. ]6 ~rubarj 53. " ·77 ¥alduipara " 54. 78 , :Soro~~il/Narongkol 55. " }9 Xosichora " 56. ,-~.80 L1obaIkol (Bajong) " 51. ., .81 palbingpa 58. .. :82 · Mendudam 59. ., 83 ""Wakso' Kimbaldam 60. dI)oldam " ",84 61. .. )l5 ,i~akso . Nengsa 62. .86 ~hengalma 63. .." 87 · ;Wakso'" Achrgiri 64~ .' ;Wakso' .Songgital i -'" : ~8 65. \ ., ,89 · ';Wakso ? T odamgir 66. . Wakso 'Radang " fJO 67. ;91 Wakso'Asim " . 68. 9.2 ,Wakso Chrongban 69. " ,,~l{Qmpara . Garo " )Q2 70. .. )07 '" l{.ongmatcba 71. ;lO9 ~l~~ngsei " 72. ,', J:lO , !l\{)ngt~tchj 73. .. At6 .,~kagre 74. 118 J~djongre " 75. •• 119 Chori Baba 76. .. 120 Chori Dolbork 7~. .. 121 Kaldang Agitok 78. •• 123 Kaldang Babupara 19. .. 124 Bakenang 80. 137 Kimsri " 81. .. 138 Rongran 82. .. 139 Hati Basha 83. .. 142 Putimari 84. .. 143 Chidareng 85. 146 Dilma Aga (Donol) 86. " 148 Rongkaminchi " 87. .. 149 Soenang Aga 88. .. 151 Kakugre 89. .. 152 Okbima 90. 153 Pakmari " APPENDIX IV


List of Villages accordiDg to the Proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes to the Total Population .. .by .ranges •

.District: East Guo.llilIs A-Scheduled Castes C. D. Block: »ambo RoiigjeDg

Range of Scheduled ''1. C. No. Name of Villages Caste Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

0- 5 14/4/1/60 Lower Sambrak

.. ,~ , 14/4/1/195 Ro~gjeng Christiangittim , '14/4/1/210 Darugiri Reserve 6-10 1 11-15 I ·16-20 > NIL 21-30 I 31+ J

C. D. Block: Songsak

1 2 3

0- 5 14/4/2/86 B~ni Chijangiri 14/4/2/88 BQllongiri 14/4/2/89 SQij,gsak Agalgiri 6-10 1 11-15 I 16-20 1 NIL 21-30 I 31 + -J 100



List of Villages according to tbe Proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by ranges. '

District: East Garo Hills A-ScheduIed Castes C. D. Block ~ Resubilpara East

Range of Scheduled L.C.No. ! Name of Villages Caste Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

0- 5 14/4/3/1 Waranggre - 14/4/3/50 Gokulgre 14/4/3/68 Bajengdoba 14/4/3/126 Lower Manikganj 14/4/3/128 Mendipa thar ' 14/4/3/131 Salpara ' 6-10 .a 1 11-15 I 16-20 } NIL 21-30 - I 31+ J

C. D. Block: Samanda

1 2 3

0- 5 14/4/4/70 Chachalgiri 6-10 11-15 16-20 NIL 21-30 31+ ------,------101



List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by range.

District: East Garo Hills. B-Scbeduled Tribes. C. D. Block : Dambo-Rongjeng. ------~----- Range of Scheduled L.C.No. Name of Villages Tribes Population (Percentage)

------1 2

0- 5 14/4/1/68 , Mendima-Rava 6-15 Nil 16-25 Nil 26-35 Nil 36-50 Nil 51+ 14/4/1/1 Dagl!-l Simsel1g 2 Dagal Bolmedang " 3 Cheran Songgitcham " 4 Simseng Rongal " 6 Cheran Aldagittim " 7 Simseng Minol " .. 8 Simseng Bolkol 9 Simseng Wale " 10 Da wa Songgital " 11 Simseng Aningga " 12 Simseng Bonga " 13 J olwagiri Songgit,al " 15 Mejolgiri Nokat " 16 Mejolgiri Dogru " 17 Mejolgiri Cherjongban " 18 Jalwagiri Songgitcham " 19 Dagal Nokat " 21 Rongchek Akong " 22 Barringgiri Bolkrat " 23 Imsamdrop' " 24 Baringgiri " 25 Pokregiri " 26 Chijong Arong " 27 Nengril 102

Range of Sceduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage)

1 2~ 3 51+ 14/4/1/28 Chibel Bang Chambildam " 29 to 30 Wancho 31 Chikal " 32 Chikal Songma " 33 Chikal Pekro " 34 Chikal Dawa " 35 Gobekram " ., 36 Mejolgiri Amebang ,, 37 Gabil Gandual 38 Oabil Daningka " ., 39 Gabil Roger 40 Oabil Mendipo (OabU) " 41 OabU Waddepa " 42 Oabil Bisa " 43 Ga bil Rongberam " 44 Oabil Koksi " 45 Rongmil " 46 Chichra Apal " 47 Gabil Pathar " 48 Gabil Ading " 49 Sari Awe " 50 Soba Ja mba 1 " 51 Upper Sari Awe " •• 52 Lower Sari Awe 53 Chima Impal " 54 lambal " SS Upper lambal " Lower Jambal " 56 ., 57 Sambrak (State Farm) 58 Rongmatchu-ApaI " t, 59 Upper Sambrak

t, 60 Lower Sambrak 61 Bugakol " to 62 Kentra 63 Chilpara " 64 Chilpara (ReServe) " Mendima Garo " 65 ., 67 Tengasot 69 Nilwaganrichol " .. 70 Bolmedang 71 Rongbu " 72 Upper Rongbu " 73 Lower Rongbu " 74 ArbelIa Para " 75 Baklpara " 76 Tekonggitok " t- 77 Kara Majipara


Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Village Population (percentage) ~( 1 2 3

5J + 14/4/1/125 Rangket-Gittim ". 126 Ildek-Reserve 127 Chig-Ranggiri " .. 128 Waramja 129 Rongkingkong " 130 lldek-Akong " OJ 131 Aruak Giri 132 Temba Gittim ".. 133 Memillam 134 Memillam-Modipara " t35 Dilkang " 136 Jongki-Gittim " 137 Illa-Rongchim " 138 Manda-Drop ".. 139 Rongchri 140 Darang Petchong " 141 Kalwe Atong " 142 Rakkuma " 143 DO.kongshi " 145 Nanggilding " 146 Mandu (Mangsu Gittim) " 147 Jajil Giitim " '0 148 Mite Gittim 149 Rema Gittim " 150 Agro Pathar - " 151 Rongbang " 152 Rongkingjeng " 154 60ngbak-Wapil " 155 indil " ., 156 Diplo k Gittim ., 157 Nongbak-Agalgiri 158 Nengkram ".. 159 Rongchong 160 Ronga-Agal. " 161 Imtra-Gittim " 162 Nongkongkil " •• 163 Nongbak Ading 164 Nongbak Daram ".. 165 Nongbak Chichra 166 Rangme-Agal " 167 Simsara-Atimbo " 168 Nongbak Apal " 169 Mangsang Mago " 170 Dambo-Watesa 171 Mangsong Dosik " 105

Range of Scheduled 1 ribes L.C.No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage) 1 2 3 51 +- 14/4/1/172 Ronggisim 173 Ma~ng Mokura " 174 ManSang Bamil " 175 Rangme " 176 Tanggittim " ", 177 Dambo-Gittong-Gittim 178 Dambo-Reserve " IJ9 Dambo-&eserve " •• 180 Dambo-Reserve-II ,. 181 Dambo Bima .. 182 Dambo Rongdeng ,. 184 Rongjeng-Reserve I Rongjeng-Reserve II I' 185 186 Miktongjeng Gittim " 181 Nengbro.Jc " 188 Silchanggittim " 189 Dogapgippuram " 190 Rongjeng Arapara " 191 Dambo Mrok " 193 Rongmethu Gittim " 194 Chacbat Gittim .." 195 Rongjeng Christiangittim .. 196 Awanga 197 Rongjeng lambal " 198 Danai Surigittim .." 199 Rongdu Dika-Gittim 200 Da.mbo-Cham-Gittim '" 201 Haslong ".. 202 Rongdu Nengja. Gittim 203 Nongdu Ronglit "., 204 Nongdu Rangre .. 205 Rongdu Pakre Gittim 206 Rongdu Imbal ".. 207 Rongdu Dabit 208 Nengpatchi " 209 Darugiri AIda " 2lO Darugiri Reserve " 21I Darugiri Mila we " 212 Narringgiri " 213 Narringgiri Dabu " 214 Darugiri Chikma " 216 Nongchram " 216 Nongbak Rengkil " 217 Chibra Chambal " 218 Rongil " 219 Gublut Giitim " 220 Konchikol Aga " 221 Rangil Gittim " 222 Watrissa Gittim " 106



List of Villages according to tbe Proportion of Scheduled Castes ,aud Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by range.

District : East Garo Hills.

C. D. Block: Songsak.

Location Code No. 14(4/2.

Range of Scheduled 'L. C. No. Name of Villages Tribes Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

0- 5 NlI 6-15 Nil 16-25 Nil 26-35 14/4/2/28 Dagalgittim 36-50 Nil 51 + 14/4/2/ 1 Oabil 2 Damal " 3 Dalba t Nokat " 4 Wagopgiri " .. 5 Mandalgiri 6 Kantragiri " 7 Rongdenggiri " .. 8 ~anda Songgitcham " 9 'agogir! 10 Rasonggitcham " ,I 11 Snalgiri .. 12 Bollonggiri 13 Doki " Remgiri " 14 #. 15 Mendal 'i 16 Akarok Songgittal " 17 Mongnalgiri " 18 Nirangma " 19 Akarok Akungiri " 20 Dengrapa -' 21 Neng&a Apal " 23 Bangsinggiri .. 24 Doha Apal 25 Chidaret " 26 " Elatchi Aga to 27 Raja Apal 107

• Range of Scheduled Tribes L. C.No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

51 + 14/4/2/28 Dagalgittim 29 " Medu ApaI 30 Walpatgitim " .. 31 Radangiri 32 Gambalgong " 33 Skera Apal " 34 " Resagiri 0, 35 Watenanggiri 36 Abranggiri " 31 " Konchikol ., 38 Dijogiri ., 39 Dame Bangsi 40 Marengpa " 41 " Rongbalu Songgital ,. 42 Abanda 43 Dama Apa1 44 Bolsongch'ok " 45 " Rongrong Antidam 46 " Rongrong Songgital 47 Matwagitim " 48 Bijasik Sangma " 49 Silsak 51 Chidimil Nanica " 52 Dagal Apal " ., 53 DagaJ Aringga 54 Dalbot " 55 Nengsa~ " Koksi 56 Koksi Nengsal Apal " 57 Waksogitim " 58 Songkama " 59 Samen (Rangal " 60 Silkenggiri " 61 Indildm " 62 Chianing " 63 Rongchek " t, 64 Koknal 65 Gongrang . " 66 Snal Bollongsi " 67 Snal Dajreng " 68 Kakwa Bonenggiri " 69 Cheran Banenggiri " 70 Dimbil Bonenggiri " 71 Remrang Bonenggiri " 72 Barilcgiri " 73 Dangkong SonggitaI " 108

Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C.No. Name of Villages Population (Perentage)

1 2 3

51 + 14/4/2/74 AsiI MmdiI (Songgitcham) AsiI Songgital " 75 76 Bahgnagiri " 77 Rongkabokgiri .," 78 Baladinggiri .. 79 Sokadam Agalgiri .. 80 Sokadam 'R.ongreng Nokat .. 81 MikilSinggiri 82 Rongapsonggital " .. 83 Rongap Songmong 84 Songsak lVagopgiri " 85 Bonigiri Songgital " 86 Bone Chijanggiri " 0, 87 TebiI Bonegiri ., 88 . Bollonggiri .. 89 Bollonggiri 90 Jamge" " 91 T engkama Gittimgiri " 92 ~apak Songbandagiri .." 93 Napak Balchugiri o· 94 Songsak Balchugiri .. 95 Rongdohgiri .. 96 Dareng Apal 97 Nengjreng " .. 98 Norek Dalbo 99 Bolmoram Angkekal " 100 Bolmoram Adapgiri " BbJ.nJoram Apal " 101 ,j 102 Bolmoram Admg 103 Dobu Apal .." 104 Diwit .. 105 Dobu Achakpek .. 106 Dobu Rimding .. 107 Bolmoram Dochokgiri lOS Dobu Rongmu " 109 Misichikgiri " Do buchitumbing " 110 109



List of Villages according to the proportion of SchedoJed Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total Population by ranges.

District: East Garo Hills B. Scheduled Tribes CD. Block: ResobeJpara (East)

Range of Scheduled L. C. No. Name of Villages Tribes Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

0- 5 14/4/3/3 Marripara 20 " Jetutiguri 21 Dagolpita " 26 " Jetdob~ 103 " Rompara Rabha 106 Jonglapara " ., 125 Horinkata .. 126 Lower Manikganj 127 Abandha " 130 Upper Manikganj " ., 136 Genang 160 Choto Miapara " " 164 Mew Miapara 165 Miapara " r, 170 Cangri ,. 210 Thapa Dangri 6-15 176 " Chitukona Rabha 16-25 to 124 Bakenang 26-35 128 " Mendipathar 36-50 77 " Malchalpara NO

Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Village , Population (Percentage)

2 3

14/4/3/129 Horinkata BaIera Garo " 218 Thapa Bazar

51+ 14/4/3/1 '" Watamgre 2 Matchuki " 4 Warigre " 5 Chirangre Aga " 6 " , Dujonggre 7 Sualmari " 8 Bolsong Selbalgre " .. 9 BalkoIgre , 10 Kagrakgre " 11 Tekagre " 12 Boisong 'B' Mohal " 13 Bolsong Kelchldam " 14 Baralipara " 15 " Bolsong Songma 16 Tatolgre " 17 'Salinggre " 18 Chirara " 19 Dalmanggre " 22 Rangagora " 23 Denggnagre " 24 Nenggitchakgre " 25 Bolsong Kama " 27 Bongbanchi " 28 'A.n.eaga " 29 Wasim 'Dajongpara " 30 ,Raksam Songmagre " •• 31 Dajongpara 32 Gosingpita BaIera " ., 33 Gosingpita Songma ., 34 Mansinggre .. 35 Raksam Galima 36 Rasam Genang " 37 Achotchonggiri " 38 Samkalakgre " 39 Chisim Maodamgiri " 40 Rongsep Apalgre " 41 Korepara " 42 " Jamgonda Nokatgre ., 43 Jamgondagre 44 Kimdegre " 45 " Rongopgre HI

Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C.No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

51+ 14/4/3/46 Kitmadamgre 47 " Aruak Nokatgre 48 Aruak Songgital " 49 " Aruak 50 " Gokulgiri 51 Bekbekgre " 52 " Chisim Matchokgre 53 " Chisim Akanang 54 Chisim Apal " 55 " Chisim MandaJpang 56 " Chisim Digisingre 57 Nokwal Adinggre " 58 NokwaJgre " 59 Chisim Adumagre " 60 " Bolongpang .. 61 Chichotcheng " 62 Bakenang Nalsa 63 Rongsepgre " 64 " Bakenang Songma .. 65 Line Ading 66 " Chambildam , .. 67 Moamari .. 68 Bajengdoba 68 " (i) Bajengdoba 68 (ii) Bajengdoba Bazar " 69 " Qmorpur 70 Torikhona Garo " 70 " (i) Torikhona Garo 70 (ii) Torikhona Rabha " 71 " Nibari Rangagora 72 " Getapara 73 Sildubi " 74 " Chakodam 75 " Bongpetchi (Bajong) t, 76 Berubari t, 78 SorongkiljMarongko} t, 79 Kosichora 80 " Do bakol (Bajong) t, 81 Dalbingpa t, 82 Menduda.m t, 83 Wakso l{imbaldam " 84 Doldam t, 85 Wakso Nengsa

to 86 Chengalma " 87 Wakso Achugiri 112

• Range of Scheduled Tribes L. C.No, Name of Villages Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

51 + 14/4/3/88 Wakso Songgital 89 Wakso Todamgiri " Wakso Radang " 90 ,. 91 Wakso Asim 92 Wakso Chirongban " 93 Chidaret Ajagro " 94 Dome Apal " .. 96 Daram Mangthu ; 97 Daram Akaki 98 Daram Songma " 99 Gittlnggiri " .. 100 Bangalmura 101 Lower Darampara " 102 Rompara Garo " 104 Daram Taldang " 105 Bokmagiri " .. 107 Rongmatcha 108 Jongla Bolsaldam " 109 Rangsel " 110 Rongpetchi (Resu.) " 111 Chibagok " 112 Resubelpara " , , 113 Motcholpara 114 BOOa Apal " 115 Songmegap " 116 Nokatgre " ,. 117 Babukona 118 J'tmdongre " 119 Chore Bahar " .. 120 Chore Bolbok 121 Kaldang Agitok " 122 Kaldang " .. 123 Kaldang Babupara ,. 125 Horinkata 129 Horinkata Bakra Gam " / 131 Slapara " 132 Bolsaldamgre " 133 Dome Anti " 1321- Adilma Wag~nang .," 135 Soksandilma 137 Kimsri " 139 Hatibasha " 'J 140 Gajingpara 141 " Jamgaon '.' 142 Putimari ., 143 Chidoreng 113 - Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage)

1 2 3

51 + 14/4/3/144 Kawak 145 Mongpangro " 146 " Dilmaaga (Donol) " 147 Soenang Apal Garo 148 Rongkaminchi " 149 Soenang Aga " 150 " Kera Galram 151 Kakurgre " 152 " Okbima 153 Pakmari " 154 Dengra Songgital " 155 " Bongari Olbaknang ., 156 Bongari Chimitcheng 157 " Dengra Damit ,. 158 Rading ., 159 Damitaga (Matchakol) ,. 161 Damit Akong Rangsel 1.62 Chirimdare " .. 163 Rongdama 166 Mongma Siram " 167 " Dob Saram .. 168 Rongmaklong 169 Nolbari " .. 171 Dokamcheng ,. 172 Chimatcha 173 Damas " 174 Kaskona " 175 " Chitukona Gar6 177 Babupara Nisangram " 178 " Chituk Dadram .. 179 Dainadubi .. 180 Chisim Apal 181 Bangsi Apal " 182 Nongo1para " ·183 " Rompa " 184 Gure Slmram 185 " Pangsudam ." 186 Bangsi Dorgru 187 . " Chima Apal •• 188 Bangsi Aga 189 " Nanit Apal " 190 Doracha .. 191 Gambit Songma 192 " Gambit Apa1 .. 193 Dangkong GallO 114

Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage)' .


1 2 3

51 + 14/4/3/194 Depa ,. 195 Arai Apal 196 Chima Aga (Gairong) " J. 197 Bangsi Minol 198 Imbangi " 199 ,Wage Asi " 200 BoIpuma " 201 Kantokguri " 202 Dobakol Kantolguri " 203 Thapa Darenchi " 204 Mandalang " 205 Mebokdam " 207 " Dalbingre 208 Pandakol " ,209 Thapa Dajongre " t, 211 Thapa Rongdeng 213 Thapa Agitchak " 214 Ragolgre " 215 Matrongre " 216 Sepikol " .. 217 Raksingre u 219 Chisimari 220 Equagre .," 221' Damringre ., 222' Dilma Songitf

'4< This viJlage appear in the Receipt Register but not in Villagt:s Refister. APPENDIX IV


List of Villages according to tlit' proportion of SchedUled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Tot",1 Population by ranges.

District : East Garo Hills B. Scbeduled Tribes C. D. Block: SaiJianda;

Range of Scheduled L.C.No. Name of Villages Tribes Population (Percentage)

1 2 . ' 3

0- 5 Nil. 6-15 Nil. 16-25 Nil. 26-35 Nil: 36-50 14/4/4/111 Rongsak Bazar

51+ 14/4/4/1 Kakwakgiri - 2 Asimgiri ".. 3 Dimogiri 4 Songmagiri " 5 Tongbol Songgitcham " " 6 Tongbol Songgital ::' 7 Dinaji.kgiri 8 Dilmadebragiri " 9 Rongalgiri " 10 Dopanamggiri " 11 Renggokgiri " 12 Gajonggiri " 13 Dilmadilsekgiri " 14 Dilma Songgitcham " 15 Chibrenggiri (Didenggiri) " 16 Suchilgiri " 17 Bawegiri " ]8 Dilma Rimtonggiri " 19 Ampanggiri " 20 Dilma Ka wakgiri " , 21 Megagiri Songgitcham " " 22 Megagiri Songgital 23 Rongi 0 Songgitcham " 24" Kalak Songggitcham " .. 25 R imringgiri 116

Range of Scheduled Tribes L.C.No. Name of Villages Popu1a tion (Percentage)

1 2 3

51+ 14/4/4/26 Rongsokgiri _27 Prapgiri " 28 Rikwarenggiri " 29 RongriJ:>o Watrenggiri " 30 " Gongmagiri 31 Doktilgiri " 32 " Samanda Megapgiri ,. 33 Doabokgiri ,. :4 Amalgiri 35 Retenggiri " 36 Boldogagiri " 37 Bangonggiri " 38 Gonggiri " .. 39 Singwagiri (Insokgiri) 40 Darimgir ", , 41 Akelgiri 42 Singwegiri " 43 Rongreng Baija " 44 Rongreng Chidekgiri " 45 Rongmalgiri " 46 Dawa SonggitaJ . " 47 Dawa " Kosigiri .. 48 Dawa Nikhatokgiri 49 " Da wa Gittimgiri 50 Dobelkol Giri " 51 Nengkra " 52 Nengkra Bolsal " Gittim 53 Nengkra Akawe " 54 Chimagiri " 55 Gradekgittim " 56 Dachitgittim " 57 Songmagiri " 58 Sanipalgiri " 59 Chiokgiri " 60 Cherangiri " 61 " Chimin Minggiri 62 " Rongbing Dalbot 63 " Rongbinr;.giri .. 64 Rogongiri ,. 65 Acbak Jangkigiri 66 Kakwagiri " ., 67 Bawe Duragiri 68 Bawegiri " 69 " Bo1kinggin 70 Chalhatglfi " 71 " Nengmandalgiri " 72 Nabokgiri 117

Range of Sceduled Tribes L.C. No. Name of Villages Population (Percentage) 1 2 3 51+ 14/4/4/73 Meronggiri .. 74 Sobokgiri 75 Jaljinggiri " 76 " Pilponggiri .. 77 Uananggiri 78 Wdugiri " 79 " Jingamgiri .. 80 Dorakgiri 81 " Rapdikgiri ., 82 Nengra Songgital .. 83 Nengra Songgitcham 84 " Aning Bibra .. 85 Chisabibra 86 Ganggiri " 87 Gitokgiri " 88 Jongmegiri " .. 89 Rambogiri 90 Bansinggiri " 91 , Gonggnang " Giri 92 Sawilgiri " 93 Da.lwagiri . " 94 Wagetgiri " 95 Samanda Dolwarigiri " 96 " Samanda Chimanggiri .. 97 Kalak Dorak Asim 98 " Kalak Songgital 99 Bansam Awegiri " 100 Dinaminggiri " 101 " Bansam Bilsagiri 102 Rongchek Chambugong " 103 Rongchek Manda " 104 Ampanggiri " 105 Bandigiri " 106 Rongkenggiri " 107 Mandalgiri " 108 Daribokgiri " 109 Rengrigiri " 110 R.ongsakgiri " 1I2 Bansam,giri " .. 113 Mangrugiri 'I 114 Narigiri 115 Majalgiri " •• 116 Rongmalgiri -II 7 Ragitikgiri " " 118 Kakwa Romlokgiri .. 119 Kal

It 123 Dorengkigiri SECTION-II TOWN DIRECTORY 118



The Town Directory covers aU the towns in the district, statutorily notified area as well as non­ municipal or census towns. It has Seven Statements viz., Statement I to VI including IV-A. The Towns are arranged in the alphabetical order for the district. The town directory does not cover strictly mili~ tary areas. However basic statistics of the Cantonment as a whole is provided. In this district these is no - Cantonment area. .

Williamnagar Town is an independent town with no urban agglomeration under it. In fact the names of the towns constituting the agglomeration of towns within the district are also to be indi­ cated in alphabetical arrangements. Thus, arrangement of alphabetical order for the town does not arise as there is only one town in the district.

A note explaining the Codes use in the town directory is given in the beginning of the directory w th relevant explanatipns for each statements.

Statement-I: This statement gives the details relating to the status of town, in column 2. Area in column 5, number of households in 1981 Census in column 6 and the population with growth rate in brackets since 1901 to 1981. Since Williamnagar became a town only in 1981 Census its growth rate could not be shown in Columns 17, 18 and 19 relate to the Sex ratio, during the Census years.

The followiag abbreviations used to denote the civic status of town.

Civic Status Abbreviation Municipality M. Cantonment Board C.B. Town Committee/Town Area Committee T.e. Notified Area/Notified Area Committee N.A.C. Census Town C.T.

Location Code for the town is given with a view to locate the location of the Town in the map.

Statement II: In this statement the physical aspects, and lccational aspect of the Town are shown. The physical aspects showing the annual rainfall, maximum and minimum temparature could not be obtained from the Meteorological Survey of India, Calcutta, .. Hence Cois. 3,4 & 5 are shown as N.A. In respect of locational aspect the road distance from the· State/District/C.);:>. Block/Headquarters are shown. The road distance from the nearest city has been shown as Gauhati. Though Gauhati is a city outside the State it is nearer to the town.

Statement In: In this statement municipal finance of town during the year 1978-79 is to be in~ corporated. Williamnagar being the only town of the district has the status of a town. The informa~ tion for all the columns has been shown or 'NA' as no information is available. Hence there is no s ope for discussing the details of this statement and accordingly the statement furnished nil information.

Statement IV: Particulars of civic and other amenities provided in the town are the different chara­ cteristics of the urban Area. The particulars provided in the Statement are (i) Population (ii) Sche~ duled Caste/Tribe (iii) Pucca and Kutcha road length (iv) Severage and drainage system in the town (v) Different types of latrines available and their number (vi) Method of night soil disposal (vii) source aad capacity of water supply, (viii) Availability of fire fighting service and (ix) availability of electrification for different purpose such as domestic, industrial, street lighting and others. I19

The informatiOti incorporated in different columns are collected from different departments of the State Government. In column 6, the road length of the Town is not available. -:- The system of Sever-' age/drainage in column 7 is indicated by abbreviation OSD which stand as open surface drainage. There is no proper severage in the town. As such the waste materials of the Households are subjected to disposal through natural process. The number of latrines are given in column 8,9& 10. The types of latrines are mostly Katcha l""trines i.e. borehole type/well/pit, system etc. There' is no underground sewerage system and the method of disposal of night soil is shown as 'ST'in column. 11 which means the night soil is disposed of with water to the pit. In the Katcha type of latrines the night soil is disposed of through natural process.

In these,. Katcha type ,of latrines, the customary practice is to dig a well or hole which acts as a reservoir for a considerable period' of time. These are generally located in the remotest comer of the· house. In one type of Katcha latrines a squatting slab (made of' concrete) is placed above the well. Another type of latrine where a raised bamboo platform i~ made as floor of latrines. The waste deposi­ ted over the ground and remains exposed to nature· whi4h ultimately absorbs with the soil and dry up in its natural process. Such process· continues, normally for 5 to 8 years when the latrine becomes unusable and a .new place is selected again. The pucca latrines or latest method of construction septic tank are out of reach to the majority of households because of the expenditure. Mostly govenuilent buildings and a few well todo households enjoy these pucca latrines. From the point of view of health, the Katcha latrine's are however, not hygienic and with the advent of the age of urbanisation which also brings on modernisation, the general outlook is changing in favour of Sanitary 'latrines. There is no sendee type of latrines and the disposal of night soil by removal system through human labour IS not in" vougue in this town.

There is no fire-fighting service in the ..town. Most of the houses enjoy the facilities of electric connections in the town.

Statement IV-A: The statement provides particulius on civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1979. The infottriation for this statement is shown as 'NIL' as there is no slum areas in the town.

Statement V: The statement provides particulars on civic, and other amenities in notified S]UIUB, recreational and culture facilities in the town as in 1979. The abbreviation used in this statement are. explained below :-

I Under column 4 the following abbreviation are used :-

Hospital H Dispensary D Health Centre HC Family Planning Centre Fe' T. B. Clinic TB . Nursing Home NH Others o

The number of Institutions are provided within brackets. the number of beds given in column 5. 120

For column 6 the educational facilities are given in abbreviation thus :

Arts only A Science only S Arts & Science only AS Commerce only C Arts & Commerce only AC Combine for al) categories ASC Law L

Information regarding: Medical colleges, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics: are nil. Hence these are given by the nearest place and its distance within brackets in these columns.

Column 12 to 19 need no eXiplanation as total numbers only are indicated therein.

Colu,nn 20 indicate the public libraries and reading rooms with number in bracket . • Abbreviation used. as follows:­ Public library. PL Rea{}ing room RR

Statement VI: This statement relates to Trade, Commerce, Industry, Banking and Credit Societies in the town. The commodities of export and import are determined with reference to their value in . rupees and the information on these are collected from the Commissioner of Taxes. It will be seen from the statement that only the essential food are the main items of import in the town. No Com- modities are being exported or produced in this town. 121

, 1981 Census - Town Directory

Statement- I

Status and Growth History

State Meghalaya District East Garo Hills

SI.No. Class, name and Civic Location Code Name of Development Area (in Sq. Kin.) .. Number of households Administration Status No. Block including Houseless. of Town households (in 1981). 1 2 ·3 456

VI. Williamnagar 14/4/1 Samanda 4.54 1001

Population and growth rate of the Town at the Census of

S1. No 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1941 1961 1971 1981 1 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

• Sex Ratio I Sl. No. Density, (1981) Census (1961) Census (1971) Census (1981) Census 16 •.,17 18 19

945 .. 772 12)

1981 Census-Towll Directory


Physical Aspect, and Location of TOWBS; 1979 State Megbalaya District: East Garo Hills ----- Physical aspects State HQ. SI.No. Qass and name of Town Rainfall Temporature (in Centigrade) (in mm) Maximum Minimum 2 3 4 5 6

Shillong . 429 1. VI. Williamnagar (CT) NA NA NA

Name of road and dista(j.ce (in Km) from Bus route Navigable river/ SL'No. District HQ. Development ' Nearest city with popula- Railway station canal (if within: Block tion of one lakh and more 10 KIDs).

11 12 1. 7 8 9 10 Simsang river (0) 1 Williamnagar (0) Songsak (3)) Gauhati (223) Gauha ti (223) Williamnagar(O) 123

1981 Census-Town Directory


Municipal Finance, 1978·79 State: Mligbalaya District: East Garo Hills

Receipt (in Rs. '(0) SI. Class and name Civic adinini- 'Receipt Revenue derived Government Loan Advance Other sources No. of Town stration Stutus through from municipal ' grant (specify) (in 1980) Taxes etc. properties and power apart from TUition 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

VI Williamnagar C. T. NA NA NA NA NA NA

SI. Total receipt General Public Public health and Public Public Others Total No. administration Safety Conveniences works Institutions (specify) ex-penditure 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


19&1 Census-Town Directory


Qvic and Other Ameoities S~te: Megbalaya District: East Garo Hills

SI. Class and name of Civic admini" population Scheduled Road length System of Number of latrines No. Town stration status Castes and (in~). Sewerage Water Service Others (in 1980) Scheduled borne Tribes Population 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --- 16 .S Williamnagar C. T. NA OSD

In case thi~ service is not available in the town, the name of the nearet place if in the same district or ,the name of the nearest district if in the same State: or other state where available alongwith the distance from the Town is recorded.

Statement-IVA Civic and other amellities in Notified Slums, 1979 Showed as NA ]25

1981 Census-Town Directory


Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979 State Megbalaya , District East Garo Hills

. SI. No. Class and name Population Medical Facilities Educational of Town Hospitals/ Beds in Arts/Sciencel Medical Engineering Polytechnics Recognised DispensariesJ Institutions Commerce Colleges Colleges Shorthand, . T. B. Clinics noted in (of degree Type-Writ- etc. column. ' level in Col.) ing and Training Institution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

VI Willianlnagar (CI) 4,290 H,D,HC 6 Gauhati Gaubati Gaubati Gauhati (223) (223) (223) (223)

Facilities No. of Recreational & Cultural facilities 1. Higher Secondary, Matri- Sunior Primary Adult literacy Working Stadia Cinema Auditorium/ Public Intermediate/ culation/ Secondary Schools classes/Cen- Women's Drama/ Libraries PUC (Pre-Univer- Secondary & Riddle tres, Others Hostels Community including sity/Junior College Schools (specify) with num- B.alls reading level) bersof rooms. seats - .. _-.....: 11 12 13 14 15 \ ,6 17 18 19 20

t. 1 3 .'. 126



Name of three most important commodities Name of three most important commodities exported SI. Class and name of imported No. Town 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. VI. Williamnagar Salt Sugar Rice Timber (Sal Tree} Ginger Cotton

Name of three most important commod,ities Number of Bahks Number of Agricultural Number of Non-Agricul­ No.-----Sl. ______Manufactured· _ credit Societies tural Credit Societies. 1st. 2nd. 3rd.

1 9 10 11 12 13 14



SI StatejDistrict/C. D. Block! Total Area in Km2 Occu. pied No. of Total Population(including institutional No. U.Arrown. Rural residential Households and houseless population). Urban houses P M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

East GaroHills District T 2603.00 26351 26406 136550 70365 66185 R 2598.46 25350 25405 132260 67944 64316 U 4.54 1001 1001 4290 2421 1869 1. Dambo Rongjeng C. D. Block T 885.00 8253 8253 44329 22716 21613 R 885.00 8253 8253 44329 22716 21613 U

2. Songsak C. D. Block T 703.00 5105 5160 24387 12521 1l~66 R 703.00 5105 . 5160 24387 }2521 11866

U 3. Resubelpara (East) C. D. Block T 468.00 8%8 8968 48215 24918 23297 R 468.00 8968 8968 48215 24918 23297 U 4. Samanda C.\D. Block T 547.00 4025 4025 19619 10210 9409 R !.46 3024 3024 15329, 7789 7540 \J t54 1001 1001 4290 2421 1869

Williamnagar Town 1) l.54 1001 1001 4290 2421 1869 128


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates' ;

p M F P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

114 84 30 124462 63284 61178 45752 27447 18305 67 50 17 121450 61670 59780 43718 . 17627 17627 47 34 13 3012 1614 1398 2034 1356 678 15 12 3 42734 21670 21064 10019 10019 7012 15 12 i 42734 21670 21064 17031 10019 7012

18 12 6 23114 11697 11417 4347 2849 1498 . 18 12 6 23114 11697 11417 4347 2849 1498

33 25 8 40784 20843 19941 19053 11170 7883 33 25 8 40784 20843 19941 19053 11170 7883 .. 48 35 13 17830 9074 8756 5321 3409 1912 14818 7460 7358 3287 2053 1234 47 34 13 3012 1614 1398 2034 1356 678 47 34 13 3012 1614 1398 2034 1356 678 129


Sl. .Siate/DistrictjC. D. Block:j Total MAIN WORKERS No. U.A{fown. Rural Urban Total Main Workers· Cultivators Agricultural Labourers (I-IX) (I) (ll) P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

East Garo Hills District T 54743 35418 19325 44655 27627 17028 3869 2339 1530 R 53292 34258 19034 44441 27519 16922 3635 2211 1424 U 1451 1160 291 214 108 108 234 128 106 1. Dambo Rongjeng' C. D. Block T 15741 10926 4815 12845 8584 • 4261 1250 828 422 R 15741 W926 4815 12845 8584 4261 12SQ ' 828 422 U 2. Songsak C. D. Block T 10019 6748 327} 8512 5622 2890 542 334 208 R 10019 6748 3271 8512 5622 2890 542 334 208 U 3. Resubelpara (East) T 19725 12315 7410 16105 9656 6449 1504 ,870 634 R 19725 12315 7410 16105 9656 6449 1504 870 634 U 4. Samanda C. D. Block T 9258 5429 3829 7193 3765 . 3428 573 307 266 R 7807 4269 3538 6979 3657 3322 339 179 160 U i451 1160 291 214 108 106 234 128 106 Williarnnagar Town U 1451 1160 291 214 108 106 234 128 106 130


Main Workers Household Industry, Manu- Other Workers (TIl, IVy (b) Marginal Workers Nml"Worlatrl facturing, Processing & repairs & VI to IX) [V (a)] P M F P M F P M F P M F 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39

304 1'63 141 5915 528,9 626 7513 J422 6091 74294 33525 40769 270 133 137 4946 4395 551 7473 1411 6062 71495- 32275 39220 ~ 34 30 4 969 894 75 40 11 29 2799 1250 1549 41 24 n 1605 1490 115 3718 656 3062 24870 11134 13736 41 24 17 1605 1490 115 3718 656 3062 24870 IlI34 13736

·,t 76 31 45 889 761 128 1112 81 1031 13256 5692 7564

76 . ~1 45 889 761 128 1112 81 1031 13256 5692 7564

127 61 66 1989 1728 2'61 2391 . 589 1802 26099 1201'4 14085 127 61 66 1989" 1728 261 2391 589 1802 26099 12014 14085

66 47 13 1432 1310 122 292 96 196 10069 4685 5384 26 17 9 463 416 47 252 85 167 7270 3435 3835 34 30 4 969 894 75 40 11 29 2799 1250 1549 . 1250 34 30 4 969 894 75 40 11 29 2799 1549 131


State Meghalaya District East Garo Hms C.D. BJeek Dambo RongjeDg

.". "." I ~'d' -=~ j; ;§:~.9 ~ 0'" .~r~ ! '" ~ Q}' :sa 8~~ i e ''g ~ .... ;:s 0- ... ~ -8 ~ ..... ° ° ~.~o :::: %~ 1 ""p", 8 is ... 90 ::s ." 8 > ~:~ 8 0 1:l ." I:l .... >." 8'] ~ rl 0." ..... ~ ota.... ~ p., ~~ ;:s ~ .9 Otlltl ...... " ~ .... o~ 0 ~.~ g (l) E~ ~ "' ...... t ~ ci.g 0] g ~ '5 ;:l ! z ~~ Z ~ f-!(J~ t:I.l t:I.l

P M F M F M F ,M F -_...... - 13 14 1 2 3 ---4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 14/4:1/1 Dagal Simseng 24 24 130 67 63 65 62 25 66 25 12 14/4/1l2 Gagal Bolmedang 23 23 122' 56 66 56 124 34 11 14/4/1/3 Cheran Songgitcpam 53 53 259 129 130 119 50 - ,34 17 14/4/1/4 Simseng Rongal 20 20 107' 57 50 57 T 14/4/1/5 Simseng Dagal U N I N H ·A B I 160 158 13 1 14/4/1/6 Cheran Aldagittim 68 68 332 167 165 69 66 17 7 14/4/1/7 Simseng MinaI 31 31 135 69 66 69 66 22 11 14/4/1/8 SJmseng Bolkol 28 28 135 69 66 28 33 9 4 14/4/1/9 Simseng Wale II 11 61 28 33 17 16 I7 9 8 14/4/1/10 Dawa Songgital 8 8 33, 16 36 43 20 17 14/41/11 Simseng Aningga 16 16 80 37 43 48 44 20 21 14/4 1/12 Simseng Bongga 21· 2t 92 48 44 132 128 36 24 14/4/1/13 Jalwagiri Songgital 51 51 264 13S 129 H A B I T 14/4/1/14 Mejoigiri U N I N 67 57 67 57 24 15 14/4/1/15 Mejoigiri Nokat 23 23 124 62 66 62 21 7 14/4/1/16 Mejoigiri Dogru .23 23 128 66 96 96 91 27 13 14/4/1/17 . Mejoigiri Chekjongbra . 33 33 202 106 53 46 6 22 ' 22 99 53 46 14/4/l/18 Jalwagiri Songgitcham 10 42 42 42 42 15 14/4/1/19 DagaiNokat 16 16 84 I N H A B I T 14/4/1/20 Jalwagiri U N 245 133 112 132 112 52 43 1414/1/21 Rongchek Akong 47 47 216 118 98 118 98 61 36 Baringgiri Bolkrat 39 39 14/4/1/22 35 1 1 14 14 74 39 35 39 14/4/1/23 Imsamdrop 47 29 36 202 109 93 109 93 14/4/1/24 Barenggiri 36 132



~ ~ ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 H 46 44 43 44 3 2 19 18 37 42 37 42 .. 4 19 30 92 72 90 72 2 37 58 31 27 3~ 27 26 23 E D 110 1I8 103 116 7 2 57 47 51 41 50 41 1 18 25 49 53 48 53 1 20 13 23 24 21 24 2 5 9 11 12 8 8 3 4 5 5 19 19 17 16 2 2 18 24 32 26 29 25 3 16 " 18 81 81 62 66 15 15 4 2 2 52 '. 46 . E D 38 40 37 40 1 29 16 39 35 38 35 1 27 27 57 48 45 48 12 , 49 48 \ ,! 31 34 30 34 1 22 12 16 27 26 15 J 26 15 E ,I D 59 49 55 49 4 20 23 54 40 54 . 21 48 21 4 2 9 44. 55 33 19 18 19 18 20 17 48 24 46 24 2 18 32 43 37 1313


t •.!. ·,1'8 '8 l {~ '" .s]'._, ...... t::,! .;, III ~ 18 z .S ~ ~1 c:I.9'; ... ..8 ~., ~ •S( (l. .g 00 .~ 0 ...... -= 0 } i ,,s!.~~ a is 8 80~.:J §~ ::l :> >"Q, , 0 '0 %,s ~ ] ~ 'O"Q 03 ::t: J:l., till ...... ~ 'O~d ...... ::l oj ... '0 ~.!3 ~ j ... oj~- 05 .... '0., ] I!) 8~ eli! ci '0::S 0 fj .... ~ z < ..... f" Z f-<(j~ CIl ~ ~

P M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/25 Pakregiri 123 113 640 323 311 320' 31'5 35' 10 14/4/1/26 Chijong Akong 7 7 32 19 13 19 13 3 14/4/1/27 Nengsil 16 16 85 45 40 45 40 14 11 14/4/1/28 'Chlbil Bang 19 19 95 48 47 4~ 46 19 11 14/4/1/29 ChambRdam 37 37 207 100 107 100 107 53 24 14/4/1/30 Wancho 35 35 182 93 89 93 89 47 • 27 14/4/1/31 Chikal 13 13 66 32 34 32 34 15 11 14/4/1/32 ·Chikal Songma 36 36 206 107 99 101 91 56 38 14/4/1/3~ Chika Pekro 37 37 186 94 92 94 92 51 37 14/4/1/34 'Chika Dawa 30 30 159 87 72 87 72 42 27 14/4/1/35

CENSVS A.BSTRACT MAIN WORKERS e .~ ~ ;:I 0 ~b~" ] .0 'Sa as ~'bl)~ ",0 '" a ,_j .g CII'~~ ~ 1:1'''>- 13':: 8 .s ';:: e..... ~> Ul .s'" .... e ;gE~~ t 0I~ 0 :s 00 , .. ~§ ! ... <;I ~:J: 01 Q .:':- a", .d'S~ ~a~ .... ;0' <;1'-' . ~,_, i ... '3- ,lib,_,.. = ::I ~·Ul~ :S>- '~ I!: ~ U 0( ~~8 0 .~ ~

--M F M. F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28

136 15 134 15 2 '. 114 186 188 10 I' 10 ' 1 9 12 11 4 . 16 4 1 28 36 26 20 6 22 47 46. 46 54 07 42 3 3'"1 3 5 51 86 14 13 14 13 1 18 20 46 35 39 . 35 7 3 61 61. 41 39 41 39 1 41 52 49 35 31 35 31 52 41 12 12 12 12 1 13 -8, 30 25 30 25 2 '7 29 43 52 48 46 44 5 4 1 2 47 57 68 56 49 52 13 4 6 3 81 71 36 31 30 31 6 1 4 47 43 10 8 6 6 2 2 1 H Il 10 8 8 2 13 IS 57 40 49 36 5 4 3 /2 5 55 59 47 47 42 43 2 4 3 3 57 70 58 50 42 37 14 ·13 2 6 68 72 89 7 57 4 6 26 3 9 37 69 121 26 10 24 10 ' 2 1 2 24 44 87 7 75 7 12 2 76 159 65 2 S8 1 7 1 1 79 il3 135


"0 ~ ,"0 , ,~= u~ 'iii d- 0 '8 1 ]~ Q) ~~: ~§ dO..!!! ~ ~ '" ,!l i ...=1 ' •0'"~~ p." ... 0 00 :g"... 0 ~ "0 en .... .i.~~ E5 0 «1 .... §':r: 1 8 i U ;:I ::I'" u ;> E"o d 5 Ue;! 0 Clo.9 '" "0 "0 '5"0 ;>"O~ 0 .... :r: ~enj '"0 , .9 '5ad ...... -3 ...... Od 0 -3"0 "0 cu r/l ..... ~.S~ Q) fl g oQ) .... "0::1 '0...... :a 0-8 0::10 ~ 'fi ~ l~ < .... z ~ E-<'O:r: CZl CZl ;.:s

P M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/49 Sari Awe 13 13 72 39 33 39 33 21 11 14/4/1/50 Soba JambaJ 35/ 35 171 81 90 81 90 62 48 14/4/1/51 Upper Sari-Awe 15 15 57 27 30 27 30 7 3 I 14/4/1/52 Lower Sari-Awe 24 24 113 58 55 58 55 39, 26 14/4/1/53 Chima Impal 38 38 195 102 93 102 93 6O! 30 \ 14/4/11.54 lambal 25 25 128 61 67 61 67 44 31 14/4/1/55 Upp.er Jambal 49 49 279 141 t38 ., 139 138 ,76 53 14/4/1/56 Lower JambaJ 38 38 183 103 80 103 80 40 24 1,4/4/1/57 ~ambrak (State Farm) 15 15 1'8 16 2 14 2 15 2_ 14/4/1/58 Rongmatchu-Apal 23 23 124 56 68 56 68 21 8 14/4/1/59 Upper Sambrak 5f" 51 282 139 143 • r 139 143 65 57 14/4/1/60 Lower Sambrak: 94 94 500 268 232 267 232 129 96 14/4/1/61 Bugakol 40 40 217 104 113 104 113 58 41 14/4/1/62 Kentra 45 45. 271 140 131 140 131 88 81 14/4/1/63 -Chilpara 39 39 231 - 118 113 118 113 74 79 14/4/1/64 Chilpara(R~rve) 24 24 128 63 65 63 65 24 6 14/4/1/65 Menda Garo 101 101 567 295 272 290 270 146 116 14/4/1/66 Mendima U N I N H A B I T E D 14/4/1/67 Tengasot 25 25 115 67 48 67 48 34 23 14/4/1/68 Mendima-Rava 27 27 172 78 94 65, " 45 14/4/1/69 Nilwagaurichol 14 14 80 44 36 43 36 12 8 14/4Jl/70 Bolmedang 83- 83 438 224 214 224 214 26 14 14/4/1/71 Rongbu 45 45 269 140 129 140 129 41 29 136



. rJl 60'"8 0 ~ ~&::,0:1~ ..... ~0 0 ::I bIl~ 10_..... R ~ ....._ ~ ~ ....:I e:o rIl c ~.s:~c Q)- I-< e: '"2 j Q) '~g 0 ::I :sOU B ~.r= 0:1 ~> ~ ~I -at::, .:::~ '"3- ~§ ~ ...0 '"3- ~§ 11-~! ]z- J d E-o U ~~8~ o~ ~ Z

-M F M F M F M F M: F M F M F 15' 16 17 18 19· 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

-16 12 4 3 23 30 44 .7 44 7 1 37 82 19 18 19 18 8 12 26 29· 2S 29 32 26 54 4S 54 45 9 48 39 27 16 27 16 8 34 43 62 61 1 79 138 49 49 S4 80 15 1 14 1 2 33 . 3 33 3 23 65 59 6 40 13 4 6 1 80 137 1 III 4 80 1 21 2 9 1 2 156 226 38 9 25 8 7 6 6 4 60 100 '60 1 33 13 1 14 1 79 130 45 7 28 15 6 2 73 106 30 ' 4 1 4 24 24 40 35 1 .\ " 20 2 18 42 155 225 122 5 69 3 33

, 1 12 33 In 19 13 9 4 5 33 19 32 54 43 29 38 28 5 l' 3 11 12 21 1 16 1 5 6 23 17 50 165 138 89 73 75 65 1 8 26 51 78 23 26 9 45 14 7 17 55 45 51 137 .


State Megltalaya District East Gafo Hills C.D. Block Dambo Rongjeog

B -a ~ .='E ..!. ~d ~ til di'f: G) g-~.9 ~ '" III 0 .... ~ P::M ~ ~ Q ]; ~ ... s ... '0 '~l ....'i::s 0 Z ~ §'::r: j ·....OJ ....e6. 0 8 ;> s:~ ::s - .... ~ a ES ~o 8_ 0 'S-a .... -g o.s ::r: ~.s ~ IIIu .~ 0",= ...... 'tl~ ~ [G .... 05 0 ~~1 ~;a g t g ~~ 0'0 0 ) '" .~ .fi z <~ z z ~.§::r: IZl IZl ;:s

P M F M F M F- M' F

1 2 3 4 5 ~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1{72 Upper Rongbu 22 22 107 52 55 52 55 15 7 14/4/1/73 Lower Rongbu 58 58 270 140 130 140 130 59 26 14/4/1/74 . ArbeIla Para 14 14 73 34 ,39 34 39 19 18 14/4/1/75 Baksalpara .. 124 124 677 335 342 332 342 210 147 ]4/4/1/76 Tekonggitok 26 26 144 70 74 55 59 25 16 14/4/1/77 Kara Majipara 11 11 81 42 39 " 42 39. 16 12 14/4/1}78 Kama Gandim 32 32 148 72 76 72 76 26 24 14/4/1/79 TetjgaBari 25 25 116 52 64 52 64 22 23 ]4/4/1/80 Gaqggasa 28 28 163 89 74 89 74 39 22 1441/81 Menadopa 71 71 418 225 193 221 189 97 69 14/4/1/82 Chimadare 10 10 62 36 26 36 26 12 4 14/4/1/83 Kharkutta Reserve 4 4 6 4 2 4 2 3 2 14/4/1/84 . Lower Kharkutta 136 136 722 371 351 341 344 251 207 14/4/1/85 .Upper Kharkutfa 95 95 574 302 272 300 272 228 207 14/4/1/86 Chiwaki' 37 37 214 111 103 111 103 76 77 14/4/1/87 Megam-akong 76 76 421 192 229 .. 192 229 82 64 14/4/1/88 Manchaug .. 31 31 166 81 8S 81 85 3S 32 14/4/1/89 Chibongga 57 57 291 138 156 135 156 85 72 14/4/1/90 Tokol 25 25 107 46 61 46 61 28 37 14/4/1/91 Matcha Gittim 11 11 45 21 24 21 24 9, 3 14/4/1/92 Imsambal ~ . 16 16 97 53 44 53 44 24 26 14/41/93 Jalkim 22 22 127 60 67 60 67 42 43 14/4/1/94 Mallenggok 16 16 71 34 37 . 34 37 20 22 14/4/1/95 Arengdo 20 20 125 54 71 54 71 25 34 138



>.... 13 "0 • I Q f: "" c;>ol'd "'R ~ ... ~ bOI""'I e, ... ~ ~ St;' ",0 ~ ~ .:3 "0 bO'U '-' ~: ~ 8 is I=<'M C:. ",,;> n ·c e "" i) .S "" ~ 'a :s!E~~ ~"O ~ 0 ~ .~ «I~ ...... o 0 . ~ ~ I'd .S ~6I'd .~ B~ i.g~fr 1 ...... _= ;::S;''''~ li~ ~ so._, oB> f! 0 ~ 8 « ~~~ 0 ~ Z

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23· 24 2S 2S 27 28

25 15 19 7 3 5 2 3 11 27 29 73 44 55 13 9 27 9 4 ·4 67 82 16 10 12 5 4 4 , 1 3 5 15 24 120 16 104 15 15 1 7 48 208 278 29 5 28 5 1 2 3 39 66 13 4 12 4 6 28 29 3J l' 31 1 4 32 37 43 20 1 16 4 1 ' 5 26 27 37 46 20 44 20 1 43 54 91 16 72 7 4 4 19 8 62 126 115 20 2 19 2 16 24 4 4 2 165 17 78 26 13 61 3 124 142 82 92 138 110 90 93 5 8. 43 9 34 46 130 . 116 57 40 48 35 47 1 5 14 5 50 93 92 1 112 99 117 28 40 .53 45 338 " . 56 76 79 8~ 70 80.. -, 23 30 14 22 9 8 22 31 15 18 15 IS' 2 4 6 24 22 24 22 29 22 30 27 29 27 ,', 30 40 16 20 16 20 2 4 16 13 23 34 23 34 2 31 35 139



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/96 Chachinath 26 26 137 69 68 69 68 39 31 14/4/1/97 Rangga-Nadilwang 17 17 93 43 50 43 50 33 33 14/4/1/98 Megan-Ading 24 24 134 62 72 61 72 6 I 14/4/1/99 Rangsa-Gittim 11 11 59 33 26 33 26 12 7 14/4/1/100 Silki-Gittim 23 23 123 61 62 61 62 " ... 14/4/1/101 Makrt}.Adap 17 17 101 56 4S ," 56 45 2 " 14/4/1/102 Watre-Gittim 131 131 695 349 346 349 346 152 127 14/4 1/103 ChotchOlja 129 129 776 392 384 392 384 281 239 14/4/1 104 Baran-Gittim, 5 _? 21 10 11 10 11 3

14/4/1/105 Raja Simla 69 69 371 184 187 184 187 121 132 °14/4/1/106 Rongdal-Athimbo 29 29 204 107 97 107 97 65 62 14/4 1/107 Rajasimla-Apal 6 6 32 17 15 17 15 6 8 14/4/1/108 Rajasimla-Reserve 8 8 59 32 27 32 27 18 11 14/4/1/109 Rajasimla-Wari 54 54 323 162 161 162 161 132 114

14/4/1/110 RajasimJa-Konchikol 35 35 235 122 113 122 113 77 76 14/4/1/111 Uguri 28 28 129 63 66 62 66 3S 25. 14/4/1/112 Athiabari 71 71 340 170 170 170 170 107 100 14/4/1/113 Badaka 23 23 100 45 55 45 55 28 26 14/4/1/114 Sakwari 25 25 131 65 66 60 61 31 27 14/4/1/115 Udit-Gittim (Uditdarahsnal) UNINHABI 14/4/1/116 Adokgiri 57 57 326 166 160 165 157 80 64 14/4/1/117 Dapo] Para 23 23 123 57 66 57 66 9 7 14/4/1/118 Dochisoram 34 34 216 111 105 111 105 57 56 14/4/1/119 Mingkrak 35 35 198 100 98 100 98 6~ 62 14/4/1/120 Gorok 24 24 124 62 62 62 62 37 24 14{4/1/121 Reking 31 31 166 70 96 70 96 39 27 14/4/1/122 Tinsimna 28 28 150 79 7] 79 71 54 32 140



] a 0 ... 0 ~£~~ ~ 0 :g s~ 88 Q ~ j "O~. c:. ~ ~ 0> .!3 ~I ] ii: tie .~.... ~-- ~~ ell ... ~S 1iil ~ 8 ~::E81 g~, ::E'" ~

M F M F M F M F M iF M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

34 35 34 .35 H 35 33 22 24 21 24 21 26 43 39 43 39 77 18 26 20 18 19 18 2 2 11 6 35 41 35 H 2 3 18 24 41 . 38 30 38 30 3 4 15 U 182 183 174 183 3 5 14 6 153 157 130 56 94 53 36 3 21 61 241 267 6 5· 6 5 4 ' 6 65 70 41 -64 23 6 2 117 117

40 34 30 31 10 3 66 63 6 7 6 7 11 8 12 14 11 14 20 13

59 9 45 8 .. 14 " .j 103 152 40 .1 36 10 5 1 82 102 31 16 22 14 .. 9 2 2 5 30 45 92 57 76 53 7 9 3 8 78 105 27 7 24 7 3 14 17 '34 29 6 20 5 9 -1 35 60 T E D 77 70 57 63 7 5 13 2 7 89 83 33 3 29 3 4 1 27 23 36 52 49 51 49 59 56 45 46 36 46 9 55 52 26 33 25 33 1 36 29 44 45 40 45 2 2 1 25 51 30 S 24 1 ·6 4 1 48 66 141


P M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14

14/4/1/123 Dilma-Adap 39 39 214 106 108 105 108 72 68 14/4/1/124 Dilma-Ading 9 9 43 20 23 20 23 6 4 14/4/1/125 Rangket-Gitim 21 21 118 55 63 55 63 33 27 14/4/1/126. Ildek Reserve '26 26 124 59 65 . 59 65 44 48 14/4/1/127 Chigranggiri 23 23 126 59 67 59 67 30 34 14/4/1/128 Waramja . 31 31 191 96 95 96 95 63 49 14/4/1/129 Rongkingkang 8 8 45 22 23 22 23 8 . 9 14/411/130 Ildek-Akc;>ng 42 42 222 117 105 ., 117 105 56 58 14/4/1/131 Aruak Giri 51 51 285 146 139 146 139 69 SO 14/4/1/132 Temba Gittim 30 30' 191 102 89 102 89 33 20 14/4/1/133 Memillam 11 11 69 . 32 37 32 37 5 14/4/1/134 Memillam-Modipara 31" 31 149 63 86 63 86 31 30 14/4/1/135 Dilkang 19 19 132 67 65 67 65 29 24 14/4/1/136 Jongki-Gittim 21 21 126 63 63 63 63 19 17 14/4/1/137 Illa-Ronsohim 30, 30 157 82 75 81 75 36 25 14/4/1/138 Manda-Drop 16 16 66 32 34 32 34 6 9 14/4/1/139 Ronschri 16 16 101 48 53 48 53 22 23 14/4/1/140 Darang Petchong 20 20 126 77 49 77 49 14/4/1/141 Kalwe-Akong 21 21 133 69 . 64 69 64 14/4/1/142 Rakkuma 31 31 147 81 66 81 66 1 14/4/1/143 . Dokongshi 48 48 241 144 97 144 97 1 14/4/1/144 Sadumalam UNINHAB 14/4/1/145 Nanggilding 24 24 134 74 60 74 60 29 10 14/4/1/146 Mand u (Mangrugittim) 25 25 126 59 67 59 67 27 14 14/4/1/147 Jajil Gittim 16 16 94 53 41 53 41 13 6 14/4/1/148 Mite Gittim 15 15 93 51 42 51 42 21 14/4/1/149 Rema Gittim 26 26 159 77 82 77 82 19 4 142



M F M F M F M F M M F M F . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28

46 12 19 2 17 9 10 10 13 50· 83 13 7 12 7 1 2 4 5 12 '·24 13 23 12 1 1 6 13 2S 37 . 27 4 23 3 3 1 1 10 5 22 56 20 6 19 6 1 2 24 37 37 35 3 34 3 1 8 31 53 61 7 7 1 2 1:0 13 13 43 1 ·41 2 6 44 68 60 54 48 49 48 2 3 19 15 73 76 38 28 36 28 2 6 17 58 44 11 14 11 14 5 4 16 19 32 35 29 34 3 1 12 10 19 41 25 1 23 2 42 64 28 28 4 32. 59 32 2 27 2 1 3 4 48 69 23 3 19 2 3 1 1 9 30 18 16 10 30 43 52 37 52 37 ' 1 2 24 10 48 45 48 45 1 2 20 17 57 45 47 45 2 5 22 16 100 . 83 99 83 1 4 40 14 T E D 31 6 28 2 2 4 1 26 42 28 28 3 27 3 1 32 30 32 24 4 23 2 1 2 1 19 28 18 19 3 16 2 2 1 2 20 30 19 36 3 36 2 1 •• 41 41 143


p M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/150 Agro Pathar 32 32 176 86 90 86 90 ,51 46 14/4/1/151 Rongbang 29 29 141 67 74 67 74 26 25 14/471/152 Rongkinjeng 14 14 74 31 43 31 43 19 15 14/4/1/153 Indangkap U N I N H A B. 14/4/1/154 Nongbak-Wapil 31 31 206 108 98 106 98 41 36 14/4/1/155 Gindil 13 13 69 32 38 31 38 12 19 14/4/1/156 Diplok Gittim 6 6 .44 23 21 23 21 1 14/4/1/157 Nongbak-Agalgiri 28 28 158 88 70 88 70 43 15 14/4/1/158 Nengkram 43 43 247 128 119 113 109 57 37 14/4/1/159 Rongchong 27 27 133 77 56 77 56 29 17 14/4/1/160 Ronga-Agal 74 74 414 215 199 215 199 131 104 J4/4/1/161 Imtra Gittim 22 22 109 56 53 56 53 30 20 14/4/1/162 Nongkongkil 32 32 170 91 79 78 67 12 14/4/1/163 Nongbak Ading , 18 18 113 56 57 56 57 21 7 14/4/1/164 Nongbak Daram 25 25 151 76 75 76 75 47 31 14/4/1/165 Nongbak Chichra 28 28 168 86 82 86 82 38 18 14/4/1/166 Rangme-Agal 16 16 75 41 34 40 34 15 9 14/4/1/167 Simsam Atimbo 43 43 235 107 128 107 128 S5 37 14/4/1/168 Nongbak-Apal 90 90 549 297 252 288 248 138 90 14/4/1/169 Mangsang Mogo 56 56 168 144 124 140 121 51 28 14/4/1/170 Dambo-Watesa 37 37 245 130 p5 130 115 20 6 14/4)1/171 Mangsang Dosik 49· 49 320 180 140 180 140 43 35 14/4/1/172 Ronggisim 48 48 298 159 139 154 139 99 4S 14)4)1)173 Mangsang Mokura 82 82 442 235 207 235 207 120 71 14/4/1/174 Mangsang Bamil 172 172 900 477 423 404 379 134 66 14)4}1/175 Rangme 59 59 400 159 141 52 138 63 32 144



... • "0 t t'£d ___ 0 a - 01,.-., ~ 0 ~ ~~ §g t ~ ] Qfl'oc f::o ~ 8 ~ .9,> <1)- 0 e "~8 ~ .@ !3 E ou 01 ~'O ~I ~ a ~ ca~ "i!: t~~! !G~ "6iJ ... "8---.~= ::I §"Cil'd '0 liD,_, :1e ~ § !-< a < ~~8~ 0;:> ~ Z

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28

36 38 35 38 SO 52 39 39 38 39 28 35 17 . 18 17 18 14 25 T E D 49 51 48 51 59 47 12 4 12 4 '" 19 34 8 1 5 1 3 15 20 31 5 30 4 57 65 57 52 4 6 71 112 34 23 29 21 4 2 43 33 81 82 68 75 5 7 8 134 117 24 25 17 19 5 6 2 32 28 " 55 36 45 32 9 4 3 9 33 34 28 28 26 28 2 4 28 ' 25 42 29 40 29 2 16 34 30 45 39 44 39 2 3 39 40 I 20 8 19 8 ' , 9 21 17 ." 7 44 48 72 52 12 46 10 5 2 1 1 104 185 148 112 111 3 1 55 88 68 56 53 49 74 66 56 56 4 67 115 73 65 61 7 2 13 55 87 78 59 6 43 3 9 1 1 1 89 125 96 109 22 101 14 7 7 9 102 249 263 219 58 169 53 6 4 44 8 87 132 72 1 68 4 145


1 __ j~ 'ij. d~ til gl,~ i 0 .... z l 0d,_~ .... ~ ~ '''l ;~ ~ j j.9 ... 0 -5 ~.aOt ~ til ~.-.... Po.0 8 is ~ > -~~ !~ g g..s i .§ 'C)"O ::t: ....~ .... ~io s:1 ~] ~~1 ~ ~ ti rr- Ofj "'".0 -;.- ::l g ~~ .... "0 0 :8 ~ .,_;j Z <3 £"0 £ ~.§::t: ! ~ ~

P M F M F M F M F - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/176 Tanggittim 14 14 82 37 45 37 45 13 14/4/i/177 Dambo-Gittong-Gittim 20 20 106 43 63 35 54 19 12 14/4/1/178 Dambo-Reserve 23 23 114 57 57 57 57 17 9 14/4/1/179 Dambo-Reserve-I 11 11 67 32 35 32 35 20 4 14/4/11180 Dambo-Reserve-II 14 14 77 43 34 43 34 24 11 14/4/1/181 Dambo-Bima 90 90 430 207 223 207 223 90 56 14/4/1/182 Dambo Rongdeng' 27 27 148 73 75 73 75 32 15 14/4/1/183 R~ngjeng Reserve U N I N H A B I 14/4/1/184 Rongjeng Reserve-I 77 77 436 216 220 202 213 95 81 14/4/1/185 Rongjeng Reserve-II 14 14 84 45 39 45 39 17 7 14/4/1/186 Mildongjeng Gittim 21 21 124 71 53 71 53 32 4 14/4/1/187 Nengbrok 43 43 220 115 105 115 105 36 29 14/4/1/188 Silchanggittim 62 62 327 173 154 169 154 45 12 14/4/1,189 DogetgipPuram '15 15 76 39 37 35 33 18 5 14/4/1/190 Rongjeng Arapara 56 56 310 157 153 154 148 75 49 14/4/1/191 Dambo-Mrok 40 40 224 117 t07 117 107 59 44 14/4/11192 Dambo-Gittim tJ N I N H A B I 14/4/1/193 Rongmithu Gittim 5S S5 306 14S 161 129 148 44 26 14/4/1/194 Chachat Gittim 63 63 390 179 211 178 211 43 20 14/4/1/195 Rongjeng Christian Gittim 461 461 2109 1172 937 7 796 798 681 374 14/4/1/196 Awanga 44 44 243 112 hI 112· 131 41 26 14/4/1/197 Rongjeng lambal 100 100 540 285 255 274 253 168 118 14/4/1/198 Danai Surigittim 24 24 144 72 72 72 72 44 .,,'i4 14/4/1/199 Rongdu-Dika-Gittim 11 11 62 34 28 34. 28 6 3 14/4/1/200 Dambo-Chara-Gittim 25 25 121 65 56 65 56 17 14(4(1(201 Haslong 62. 62 321 173 148 134 122 81 50 14/4/1/202 Rongdu Nengja Gittim 9 9 48 26 22 26 22 146



~ ~ ~0 6b~ ,D g8 ~~if""S '2 ",0 j ~ '0 CO'u"- ~: S .$.:rEc:. ~> c :9B~~ 0'0 J '~'""' 0 -; 00 ._ ~~ .... ~~ -; i -;t::. .~.... $ ·a ~ '3 1§ 11-~! ~;> ~ ~ ~ -u -< ~~ft 5 ~ .~ -,- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2S 27 28

23 5 23 5 . < 14 40 2S 4 18 4 5 2 14 18 45 30 2 29 2 1 33 27 22" 17 7 1 4 16 3 15 28 14 3 2 12 3 , " 29 31 '128 14 31 97 14 79 209 38 25 18 IS 15 10 5 14 27 21 23 T E D 122 18 82 12 20 2 2 20 2 10 95 84 107 25 9 19 8 4 22 1 17 19 13 28 2 28 2 1 43 50 49 .2 47 2 2 66 103 77 5 74 5 3 96 149 24 11 21 11 '3 15 26 75 38 68 32 7 6 1 82 114 52 21 47 21 5 65 86 T H D 92 43 67 34 17 9 8 1 1 52 117 105 68, 5S 63 37 4 1 I 1~ 6 S 68 138 622 113 120 50 59 2S 5 4 438 34 15 20 535 804 56 45 36 29 10 16 10 56 85 147 74 105 71 5 37 3 138 181 38 2 32 2 6 1 34 69 17 16 1 17 28 26 2 26 2 39 54 882 4 64 4 1 17 91 144

13 13 14 13 ~ 147


,"0 ..... "0 ola til ]~ ~gc:: ~ .-~ 0 VI ~ c:r "0'" '-' ~ If-< Jh "0 '0 .- 4)- .~ rJl g.9,i 2 :e Z o.~ .,. '...., :s en co ~s ::I'" i , ~ o til .£ co g .... ;::s -3 O'tl .... 'Cl p.. ~~ 'tI ~ .~ ~]l o.~- ';j ... ~ 'g 41 ..... '0 ::I ..c: ;:J s~ 0 'tl 0 ciB o..e~ til til ~ ~ ~l= Z"O ~ f-

P M "F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/1/203 Nongdu Ronglit 20 20 98 50 48 50 48 14/4/1/204 Nengdu Rangre 22 22 136 68 68 68 68 1 20 2 14/4/1/205 Rongdu Pakre Gi ttim 9 I) 41 21 20 21 14/4/1/206 Rongdu Imbal I) I) 53 22 31 22 31 94 ,11 5 14/4/1/207 Rongdu Dabit 34 34 202 '102 100 93 55 59 I 6 14/4/1/208 Nengpatchi 19 19 114 55 59 300 291 152 53 14/4/1/209 Darugiri AIda 145 145 129 406 323 147 80 54 14/4/1/210 Darugiri Reserve 77 77 351 184 167 4 2 157 150 38 14 14/4/1/211 Darugiri Milawe 56 56 314 164 150 .. 163 64 23 14/4/1/212 Narringgiri 73 73 401 220 181 215 181 103 35 27 14/4/1/213 Narringgiri Dambu 43 43 204 101 103 100 Yl 14 9 14/4/1/214 Darugiri Chikama 38 38 203 105 98 95 592 273 163 14/4/1/215 Nongchram .. 221 221 1233 632 601 611 60 38 14/4/1/216 Nongbak Rengkil 48 48 294 136 158 136 158 25 22 14/4/1/217 Chibra JambaJ 28 28 III 49 62 49 62 8 14/4/1/218 Rongil 11 11 53.. 28 25 28 25 8 14/4/1/219 Gobut Gittim 14 14 86 42 44 42 44 14 9 14/4/1/220 Konghikol Aga 28 28 119 67 52 67 52 34 29 3 14/4/1/221 Rangil Gittim 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 2 14/4/1/222 Watressa Gittim 4 4 22 13 9 13 9 4 148



> ~ 0 !3 ~ 0 §{~""' 0 ..c a co~ 58 ~ ~ ~I ... o~ 0. ]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 '20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

22 22 .. 2 23 26 25 30 30 3 34 35 34 ,3 6 3 6 " 2 7 13 10 9 9 .. 1 14 12 17 " ' 46 2 41 1 5 1 2 44 54 54 31 2 31 2 24 57 199 5 75 3 1 1 122 2 2 2~ 318 87 4 34 3 53 1 18 &1 79 82 80 7 75' 7 :5 11 80 73 63 96 32 60 2 19 29 1 17 .. 11 49 . 113 100 51 "15 42 11 4 4 5 45 50 43 53 22 35 7 10 15 8 27 52 49 320 48 284 44 2 2 34 2 19 56 293 497 57 35 55 35 2 28 79 95 27 3 26 3 1 29 22 30 15 15 3 13 22 26 3 26 ,~ , .I. 1 22 15 19 34 34 34 34 3a 18 3 4 3 4 4 3 .j 6 5 6 1 6 4 149


p M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13

14/4/2/1 Oabil 180. 180 885 467 388 396 346 114 43 14/4/2/2 DanaI 88 88 342 182 160 180 159' 9 3 14/4/2/3 Dalbot No}Qlt •• 80 80 . 362 195 167 185 160 16 4 1414/2/4 Wagopgiri 20 20 85 43 42 40 41 14/4/2/5 Marulalanggiri 19 19 89 46 43 45 43 14/4/2/6 Kantragiri ]2 12 42 19 23 19 23 14/4/2/1 Rondenggiri 18 18 99 49 50 48 50 1 14/4/2/8 Manda Songgitcham 7S 7S 330 179 151 179 151 11 8 14/4/2/9 JOgogiri 49 49 221 114 107 109 104 5 14/4/2/10 Ora Songgitcham 53 53 192 95 97 95 97 32 13

14/4/2/11 Snalgiri ~ . 66 66 279 139 140 129 133 26 11 14/4/2/12 Bol1onggiri 71 71 323. 170 153 163 149 15 1 14/4/2/13 Doki' 30 30 140 65 75 64 70 26 1 14/4/2/14 Remgiti 138 138 641 339 302 315 289 137 61 14}4}2}15 Mendal 98 98 565 291 274 280 269 160 109 14/4/2/16 Akarok Songgitta 30 30 176 85 91 '85· 91 37 34 14/4/2/17 Mongnalgiri 32 32 139 67 72 67 72 8 1 14/4/2/18 Nirangma 35 35 186 96 90 96 90 39 26 14/4/2/19 Akarok Akemgiri 27 27 131 67 64 67 64 24 9 14{4/2/20 Dingrepa 33 33 194 100 94 100 94 65 35 14/4/2/21 Nengsa ;\pal 35 35 156 81 75 81 75 39 24 14/4/2/22 Bangsi Aga . U N I N H A 14/4/2/23 Bansinggiri 13 13 63 36 27 36 27 14/4/2/24 Doba Apal 72 72 366 Hi4 182 184 182 44 23 . 14/4/2/25 Chidaret 10 10 59 32 27 31 27 5 2 14/4/2/26 Elatchi Aga ... 59 59 281 145 136 145 136 37 24 14/4/2/27 Raja Apal 100 100 522 266 256 262 . 255 116 88 150



M F M F M F M F M M F M 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28

257 13 . 176 9 2 2 61 2 .. 2 36 208 339 106 5 99 S· 6 85 75 10

114 17 101 17· 6 I. • .... 5 76 76 74 ·27 24 1. 3 7 16 34- 26 25 20 43 11 2 11 2 12 8 9 , 1" 22 6 2.1 6 2 26 42 101 14 100 13 1. 54 78 83 68 8 65 8 3 1 57 . 45 42 61 4 60 4 34 93 80 7 68 6 2 10 1 . 59 132 I 89 4 84 4 4 41 81 108 37 36 1 27 27 47 164 128 124 125 9 1 30 3 5 3 170 171 120 128 92 112 11 7 17 8 1 ' .1 170 145 40 39 38 . 38 2 1 45 52

36 38 ~8 31 34 49 45 49 45 2 2 45 43 40 39 39 39 ... 27 25 43 38 38 35 1 5 2' 57 56 40 35 31 31 4 2 5 2 41 40 B I T E D 19 20 . 19 20 17 7 107 22 93 14 8 8 6 77 160 14 10 12 10 1 18 17 80 18 69 15 8 3 3 65 118 130 24 82 4 29 15 19 5 28 136 204 151


p M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/2/28 Dagalgitim 72 72 ,369 194 175 49 9 82 10 14/4/2/29 Medu Apal .. 38 38 207 104 103 104 103 35 22

14/4/2/30 Wakpatgittim 2~ 22 116 59 57 ' .. 53 52 26 17 14/4/2/31 Radanagiri 10 10 42 18 24 18' 24 •• l I 1414/2/32, Gambalgong 11 11 53 27 26 27 26 5 5 14/4/2/33 Skera Apal 19 19 92 53 39 53 39 22 12 1414/2/34 Resagiri 22 22 99 48 51 48 51 1414/2/35 , Watenanggiri 11 11 40 24 16 24 16 14/4/2/36 Abranggiri: 24 24 105 52 53 52 53 11 6 14/4/2/37 Konchikol 24 24 _ 112 56 56 56 56 21 20 14/4/2/38 Dijogiri 23 23 100 49 51 49 51 18 7 14/4/2/39 Dame Bangsi 43 ' 43 225 119 106 119 106 62 38 14/4/2/40 Marongpa 8 8 46 .25 21 25 21 2 14/4/2/41 Rongbalu Giri 46 46 213 102 111 102 111 17 5 14/4/2/42 Abanda 18 18 98 49 49 49 49· 15' 13 14/4/2/43 Dame Apal 31 31 167 80 87 80 87 42 33 14/4/2/44 Bolsongchok 39 39 173 88 85 88 85 16 6 14/4/2/45 Rongrong Antidam 45 45 187 102 85 101 85 20 7 14/4/2/46 Rongrong Songgital 23 23 123 61 62 61 62 5 5 14/4/2/47 Matwagittim 4S 46 191 85 106 81 103 24 4 i4/4/2/48 Bigsasik Songma 131 131 613 299 314 . . . 294 311 29 5; 14/4/2/49 Silkol 9 9 68 34 34 22 27 3 14/4/2/50 Jagisim MERGED WITH SILKOL 14/4/2/51 Chidimit Namesa 176 192 832 417 415 398 409 99 2S 152



• "'0 6 t ....Q£ =0:1,..,..__ ~ 0~ ,Q ~ ~$, ea r; ~ ,...." ~ t:=- ~ tB sl~i ~~ ~ ....~ ~""'fIl'; ~8 i ~~ 1! J .~ B I ~... ~g 1i·~9 ~e .~ = t! a :i!;:g~i 0;:.. ~ ~

M F M F M F M F M FI M F M F 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ' 28

103 69 99 29 40 4 91 106 58 44 49 43 1 8 1 46 59 31 11 26 8 1 3 4 28 46 13 8 13 8 5 16 16 8 15 8 1 2 11 16 32 9 30 6 2 3 1 9 20 21 30 15 i~ 14 3 1 7 18 29 14 12 14 12 10 4 26 26 26 53 24 24 1 32 55 24 24 .. 25 51 44 2 44 2 l 7 73 97 13 15 1 10 ~l) 56 6 56 6 I .. 46 105 23 6 22 6 26 43" 36 1 36 1 44 86 39 4 ~ 4 3 49 81 47 12 36 .8 1 10 4 2 55 71 29 27 2 32 62 51 52 46 52 3 2 2 2 32 52 177 121 170 121 1 6 3 122 190 11 1 9 1 2 1 23 32 (L. C. No. 14/4J2/49) 236 155 162 110 53 32 21 13 1 181 259 153


p M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 12 13 '14

14/4/2/52 Dagal Apal 120 121 .. 544 296 248 238 225 42 26 14/4/2/53 Dagal Aringga 71 71 320 156 164 156 164 35 12 14/4/2/54 DaIbot 124 124 547 278 269 277 269 24 26 14/4/2/55 Koksi Nengsat 66 66 300 149 151 142 146 43 19. 1414/2/56 Koksi Nengsat Apal 52 52. 250 133 117 130 113 35 21 14/4/2/57 Waksogittim 15 15 69 39 30 39 30 6 14/4/2/58 Songkama 21 21 105 58 47 58 47 7 2 14}4/2/59 Samin (Rongal) 34 61 217 136 81 101 76 42 10

14/4/2/60 Silkenggiri 21 21 107 54 ~ 54 53 12 2 14/4/2/61 Indikim 47 47. 222 117 ,105 117 105 15 4 14/4/2/62 Chianing 43 43 .~ 216 III 105 , 111 105 16 14J4/2/63 Rongchek 56 56 280 138 142 138 142 11 3 14/4/2/64 Koknal 27 \27 169 85' 84 68 72 9 3 14/4/2/65 Gongrang 53 53 296 154 142 154 142 35 23 14/4/2/66 Snat Bollonggiri 39 39 200 100 100 100 100 3 1 14/4/2/67 Sual Dajreng 11 11 64 28 36 28 36 13 13' 14/4/2/68 Kakwa Bonegiri 17 17 81 39 42 39 42 4 14/4/2/69 Cheran Bonenggiri 26 26 113 60 53 57 53 11 2 14/4/2{70 Dimbil Bonenggiri 53 53 236 116 120 116 120 8 8 14/4/2/71 Rimrang Bonenggiri 59 59 261 133 128 132 128 35 15 14/4/2/72 Barikgiri 100 100 402 190 212 187 209 15 12 14/4/2/7~ Dangkong Songgital 77 77 282 144 138 144 138 2 14/4/2/74 Asil Mmdii Songgitcham 29 29 . i36 66 70 66 70 14/4/2/75 Asil Songgital 66 66 250 129 121 . 127 120 5 21 14/4/2/76 Banggna Giri ,27 27 125',' ' 66 59 64 57 10 3 14/4{2/77 Rongkabokgiri 9 9 37 17 20 17 20 1 141412/78 Balading Giri 40 40 177 91 86 83 86 6 4 154



t ~ 661 ~ ... !tCIJ ..... Sa -t'! ~ .e:g 0 "C co 0 n ~ Co'_ ,~ ~ ""''=' c:: c:. ~~ § ;'~i00 ._r! ~ ~ ~~x ~.... ~~ ~ ~'i' ~ Lii e .~ 1.g~~ :0- ~ 3 ... o ~.;:~ ·Ill c!: 0 :a 0 Is< . .::t;~g ~~ E-< a 0 ~ Z

M F M F M F M F M J<' 'j M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 2S. 27 28

174 51 74 49 . 51 49 2 13 122 184 82 16 79 15 2 '5 54 69 94 129 2 128 2 1 1 149 266 85 77 '49 13 28 58 7 6 16 13 48 61 68 54 29 9 35 41 J 3 1 3 64 60 19 16 18 16 ..- 20 14 32 28 32 26 2 3 26 16 87 40 29 18 2 56 22 3 49 38 27 27 26 27 1 27 25 69 61 69 61 48 44 65 66 64 65 46 39 78 47 76 . 47 2 7. 60 88

49 39 27 30 21 8 1 ~ 35 41 85 83 83 83 2 2 67. 59 57 54 S3 50 4 4 .. 43 46 12 13 11 13 4 16 19 22 23 22 23 17 19 I 32 30 32 30 28 23 75 72 74 72 - 1 41 47 67 67 66 67 66 61 135 135 133 133 2 2 55 77 100 94 99 94 44 44 44 4S 44 45 22 25 74 69 69' 68 5 5S 52 33 l3 2S 33 7 43 26: 9 11 9 11 8 I) 59 49 S1 49 8 32 37 155


p M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 14/4/2/79 Sokadam t\galgiri 34 34 168 71 97 71 97 5 6 14/4/2/80 Sokadam Rongrong Nokat 24 24 110 57 53 57 53 7 14/4/2/81 Mikilsingiri 30 30 112 66 46 54 45 20 4 14/4/2/82 Rongap Songgital 69 69 343 176 167 173 165 15 16 t4/4/2/83 Rongap Songmong 26 26 139 72 67 72 67 14/4/2/84 Songsak Wagopgirl 56 56 274 140 134 .. . 140 134 12 9 14/4/2/85 Bonigiri Songgital 94 94 479 247 232 238 228 43 21 14/4/2/86 Bone Chijanggiri 54 54 208 98 110 92 110 12 2 14/4/2/87 Tebil Bonegiri 42 42 213 107 ,106 107 106 34 15 14/4/2/88 Bollonggri' 177 177 746 407 339 5 3 263 261 199 123 14J4/2/89 Songsak Agalgiri 79 83 _ 396 217 179 4 3 196 174 128 90 14/4/2/90 Jamge 89 90 479 -278 201 196 172 109 36 14/4/2/91 Tangkama Gittim 30 30 157 77 80 76 80 14 7 14/4/2/92 Napak Songbandagiri 69 69 343 161 182 159 182 55 40 14/4/2/93 Napak Bolchugiri 51 51 245 119 126 119 126 11 4 14/4/2/94 Songsak Bolchugiri 41 41 191 96 95 87 89 26 22 14/4/2/95 Rongdol Girl 35 35 176 85 31 85 91 6 3 14/412196 Oareng Apal 17 17 75 43 32 43 32 11 5 14 }4/2/97 Nengjreng 11 11 64 34 30 34 30 14/4/2/98 Norek Dalbot 108 112 522 255 267 250 263 14 6 14/4/2/99. Bolmotam AngkekoJ 28 28 155 73 82 73 82 31 1L 14/4/2/100 Bolmoram Adapgiri " 20 20 111 57 54 57 54 1 1 . 14/4/2/101 Bolmoram Apal 25 25 131 64 67 64 67 1414/2/102 Bolmovam Ading 11 11 68 34 34 34 34 14/4/2/103 Oobu AgaJ , r~4 15 83 50 33 50 33 8 14/4/2/104 Oimit I.. 39 39 221 110 117 98 104 23 7 14/4/2/105 ' Dobu Achakpek 42 42 247 120 127 111 123 28 14 14/4/2/106. Oobu Rimding 66 67 320 174 146 148 137 50 21 14/4/2/107 Bolmoram Oochokgiri 28 28 140 66 74 66 74 20 22 14/4/2/108 Oohu RongnlU 23 23 145 74 71 74 71 31 16 14/4/2/109 Misichikgiri 9 9 50 25 25 25 2S 3 3 14/4/2/11 0 Dobuchitim-bing 28 28 ISS 88 67 .88 67 21 7 156



'" ...'" " '0 6 ~ 0~ ££~~ 0 .c ;g ~~ §g ~ 8 .:l :s ~:o~ ~g ~ .... c=.-.. ~ .... '"u .;~ ~ '0] ~.~ 0;> ~ ~.... ~I 0 ~ Oorl.lC'd 0 ... '3'- ~~ ~' ;::: (i""" - '£'B ~! '60 .~ 11>.-.. §'v;'O ... d 0 '~§ S ~.c as 0 !-< 8 ..( :x::;,dh1 0> ~ Z

M F M F M F M F . M If M F M' F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

40 47 38 47 1 31 50 28 29 27 29 29 24 48 4 34 4 l3 30 17 12 104 5 102 3 2 2 104 72 58 38 3 38 3 31 34 33 71 74 70 72 1 1 69 60 137 90 110 84 5 4 22 2 5 27 105 115 64 20 55 20 9 3 42 31 48 56 43 39 36 8 6 9 1 51 63 229 48 70 22 13 8 8 1 l38 17 53 177 238 111 68 71 62 1 2 39 4 14 106 97 160 87 98 83 4 58 4 18 48 100 66 28 3 27 3 1 49 77 72 16 66 15 'I 5 1 89 166 73 2 71 2 2 46 124 41 3 35 3 6 1 55 91 58 4 57 4 53 26 34 20 18 2 23 32 20 20 i4 30 135 89 #9 84 5 3 2 14 120 164 34 35 33 35 39 47 25 1 25 1 , 2 18 30 35 37 11 36 11 11 27 45 20 20 14 30 23 22 27 32 49 4J 7 60 116 55 9 47 9 2 6 5 65 113 80 27 49 21 9 1 21 6 94 119 32 19 31 19 3 34 52 34 33 2 40 69 11 11 14 25 34 25 34 25 54 42 157


t 'tI l ]~ .~ la=- ~ c:I~ ., ei·9 J Q)' ~"l ._0..-d.9~ ;:s ._ 0 ~ -8 ao ~r ~ ~ .!!l'" 1 ~.~ go 8 "'j:l., a ~ ¥.... J~ 5 -g O'tl :s~~ lI: go.s e :.l .~ 'c;1il .... 3 ~ '3 (C '0 ~:!fllIS· .... :::t - lurE! oB ... 'tI 0 j o'tl ~ l~ 0 ! ~!i z ~ ~-B~ rI.l i ~ --- P M F M F M F M F I 2 3 " S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 14/4/3/1 Waramgre 17 17 95 58 37 46 37 10 14/4/3/2 Matchuki ., 29 29 125 60 65 60 65 22 18 14/4/3/3 Marripara 16 16 96 46 50 17 9 14/4/3/4 Warigre 7 7 32 13 19 13 19 9 7 14/4/3/5 Chiramgre Aga 63 63 - 342 178 164 178 164 32 19 Dujonggre 14/4/3/6 39 39 216 109 107 109 107 " , 14/4/3/1 Sualmari 103 103 570 280 290 157 144 J 180 81 14/4/3/8 Boisong Selbalgre 24 24 120 63 57 63 57 34 25 14/4/3/9 Balkilgre- 33 33 176 84 92 84 92 12 14/4/3/10 Kagrakre 49 49 264 130 134 130 134 12 14/4/3/11 Tekagre 23 23 127 62 65 62 65 14/4/3/12 Bolsong 'B' Mohal 69 69 )79 196 183 196 183 162 124 14/4/3/13 Bolsong Kelchidam 21 21 112 61 51· 61 51 36 30 14/4/3/14 BaraIipara 46 46 235 108 127 108 127 53 48 14/4/3/15 Bolsong SODgma 18 18 98 56 42 56 42 35 22 14/4/3/16 Tatolgre 29 29 140 69 71 62 71 14/4/3/]7 Salinggre . 15 ' 15 74 37 37 37 37 . 1 1 14/4/3/18 Chirara 13 13 66 40 26 40 26 18 7 14/4/3/19 Dalmanggre 37 37 195 92 103 92 103 14/4/3/20 TetJiguri 20 20 115 59 S6 19 12 14/4/3/21 Dangoipita 26 26 167 82 85 42 21 14/4/3/Z2 Rangagora 52 52 282 }50 132 149 132 57 31 14/4/3/23 Denggnariggre 46 46 222 113 109 113 109 2 14/4/3/24 Nenggitchakgre 18 18 114 48 66 48 66 2 14/4/3/25 . Boisong Kama . 21 21 100 S9 41 49 39 37 71 14/4/3/26 Jetdoba 5S 55 366 176 190 76 50 14/4/3/27 Bongbanchi 21 21 ~8 S4 44 54 41 11 5 15&



...... >- e '0. 5 66 ~ . t ,D ~~bIJ~ @8 CIS ",0 ,_.;j .g bCJ·§~ ...... t ] ..... ~ """'::!- ,,:;·s·ec. ... > ~ 0"0 ~ .~_x ~ S :s!B~~0<) ._ ~ 0 ::J ~~ a! t: ::E"i' ..c::~bil& .S ~e .g £;::l!=l ~e ~ ;:l a'1iJ~ r!; ~ 1§ ~> ~ ~ e -< ~::E8 0 ::E ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28

40 24 26 21 3 3 il 18 13 36 36 33 33 2 3 2 22 29 19 12 19 12 26 38 10 8 10 8 3 11 97 93 96 92 1 81 71 49 42 7 1 51 59 56 143 76 135 73 6 3 2 1 137 213 24 24 39 57 56 67 56 55 12 28 2~ 77 80 75 77 2 3 1 52 54 26 25 1 36 65 86 . 91 84 91 2 110 92 26 9 26 9 1 35 41 59 66 56 63 1 2 2 49 61 17 4 15 4 2 5 39 33 38 36 37 36 31 35 18 17 20 36 17 14 17 14 23 12 39 5 3~ 5 53 98 ·28 26 21 25 1 2 4 29 26 31 16 30 14 l. ,. 1 2 2 49 68

6~ 69 42 46 19 21 5 2 5 79 62 6'1 65 67 65 .. 46 44 111 3 18 3 30 63 25 20 5 34 41 96 54 .94 54 1 4 80 132 30 26 30 26 14 18 159


'8 I"'~ t ..!. ~- 0 "a" .... ~._ ~~ ._o~ ~~ ~ u uUl j ._§:;:'3 :s 0. '" ..0 ~ .9 ~ ~I .g i .... 0 d.-=~ 8 ES ~ as ~:I: 8 ~~~_0 i0 ].~'" '0 :> '>'0 ~- ~ o.~ :I: ~ .!l u _~';! ~u 0'0 ...... :s '" .~ O;SO_ CIJ .g 'O~d '0 is G) uta 83 :J .... ~! ...'O:S .c: g 0 0:S0 '8 ~ ~~ r-<'O:I: ~ {/.l ...l Z <"'ta .. Z £ ~

P M F M F M F M F 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14

138 136 138 136 14/4/3/28 Aneaga 56 56 274 33 17 80 69 14/4/3/29 Wasim Dajongpara 30 30 149 69 80 13 186 .' 200 186 33 14/4/3/30 Raksam Songmagre 69 69 386 200 8 92 103 14/4/3/31 Dajongpara 41 41 198 94 104 30 16 5$ 55 55 55 14/4/2/32 (fosingpita Bakra 21 21 110 43 16 98 108 98 14/4/3/33 Gosingpita Songma - 44 44 206 108 3 4 67 59 14/4/3/34 Mansinggre 24 24 126 67 59 1 14/4/3/35 Raksam Galima 16 16 78 43 35 43 35 4 14/4/3/36 Raksam GeJlatIg 21 21 10~ 61. 44 61 44 13 3 ", I 14/4/3/37 Achotchonggire 59 59 282 146 136 146 136 25 5 14/4/3/38 Samkalakgre 77 77 375 173 202 173 202 ·113 35 14/4/3/39 Chisim Maddamgire 67 67 346 167 179 164 179 28 1'5 14/4/3/40 Rongsep Arrugre 6 6 31 12 19 12 19 14/4/3/41 Korepara 78 78 410 209 201 209 201 14/4/3/42 Jamgonda Nokatgre 2S 25 113 57 56 57 56 4 14/4/3/43 Jamgondagre 19 19 96 44 52 44 52 28 15 14/4/3/44 Kimdegre 23 23 96 43 53 43 53 14/4/3/45 Ronggopgre 99 99 455 226 229 214 224 64 53 14/4/3/46 Kitmadamgre 37 37 155 82 73 76 70 14 4 14/4/3/47 Aruak Nokatgre 17 17 78 40 38 40 38 2 14/4/3/48 Aruak Songgital 24 24 90 36 54 36 54 11 14/4/3/49 Aruak 43 43 192 112 80 111 80 53 11 14/4/3/50 GokuIgire 141 141 697 390 307 2 349 301 232 117 14/4/3/51 Bekbekgre 47 47 263 130 133 130 133 44 35 14/4/3/52 .Chisim Matchokgre 27 27 138 72 66 72 66 15 H/4j3j53 Chi.sim Akanang 31 31 146 70 76 70 76 77 332 174 14/4/3/54 Chisim Apal 77 158 174 158 I> 2 160



Ul ;;:- .. 't:J 0 t e-e~,..._ ~ 0~ ~ ,D "'0~p.. ~C?._. 88 Q) ~ ~ d 8 .:1 ..E.s:Qc, ~.9 ~ ~ .... u ';8 ~. 0> ~ ....0 ~... ~Bj.~ ~ ::81 ~~t ___ ~ Ci e .~... g~ ~~~9 ~a 6 ;1'-"'0 'fle 1 ~ 8 :I:~ft~ 0> ~ ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

72 72 57 59 12 12 3 1 66 64 40 55 40 54 1 29 25 101 66 100 66 1 98 120 65 58 65 58 29 ~ 24 12 24 12 31 43 44 26 41 26 3 26 64 46 25 22 2 1 31 42 28 17 15 1 19 26 16 29 2 23 1 5 1 1 23 32 19 82 88 78 88 4 64 48 100 100' 100 100 73 92 75 87 73 86 2 1 92 92 8 9 8 9 4 10 ~ 26 96 25 3 110 175. 34 28 29 28 4 I 23 2t) , 16 30 16 30 28 22 25 28 25 28 '2 18 23 136 130 131 128 2" 1 3 1 90 99 48 43 48 43 1 33 30 29 26 2-9 25 1 1 11 11 27 35 27 33 2 9 19 60 52 54 50 6 2 52 28 222 156 83 78 69 71 5 2 65 5 23 21 145 130 81 86 78 86 3 19 10 3() 37 54 36 54 36 10 18 20 29 2 29 2 41 74 77 7J 2 1 97 158 161


------,~------..._. p M F M F F M F ------,------~------1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/3/55 Chisim Mandalpang 8 8 46 29 17 29 17 6 14/4/3/56 Chisim Digisingre 43 43 246 132 114 132 114 7 3 14/4/3/57 Nokwal Adinggre 48 48 248 130 118 130 118 39 23 3 . 14/4/3/58 Nokwalgre 29 29 137 77 60 • 77 60 6 14/4/3/59 Chisim Adumagr 40 ' 40 190 95 95 95 95 34 15 14/4/3/60 Bolongpang 20 20 106 57 49 57 49 19 11 14/4/3/61 Chichotcheng 13 13 71 38 33 38 33 21 13 . 14/4/3/62 Bakenang Nalsa 23 23 155 80 75 80 75 54 42 14/4/3/63 Rongsepgre, 17 17 110 56 54 56 54 40 34 14f4/3f64 Bakenang Songma 44 44 243 136 107 l36 107 82 58 14/4/3/65 Line Ading 31 37 212 109 103 107 101 67 S6 32' 14/4/3/66 Chambildam 10 40 175 79 96 79 96 34 14/4/3/67 Moamari 38 38 229 108 121 107 121 74 77 14/4/3/f!8 Bajengdoba 170 170 863 468 395 2 345 342 282 178 14/4/3 69 Omorpur 55 55 309 • 146 163 127 146 69 60 14/4/3/70 Torikhona Garo 108 108 690 361 329 200 201 229 143 14/4/3/71 Nibari Rangagora 30 30 160 85 74 . 86 74 22 13 14/4/3/72 Getapara 29 29 . 158 80 78 80 78 30 17 14/4f3/73 Sil4ubi 19 19 93 49 44 49 44 24 14 14/4/3f74 Chakodam 13 13 85 44 41 40 40 19 14 14/4[3/75 Rongpetchi (Bajong) ~ ~ 1m ~ ~. ~ 87 83 4S 46 175 14/4/3/16 Berubari • I 116 116 687 343 344 286 304 189 14/4/3/17 Malchapara 14 14 76 46 30 18 15 12 1 14/4/3/78 Sarongkol Narongkol •• 70 70 323 160 163 160 163 96 77 14/4/3/79 Kosichora 80 80 434 214 220 199 211 120 106 14/4/3/80 Dobakol (Ba,jong) 32 32 192 112 . 80 112 80 72 so 14/4/3/81 Dalbingpa 24 24 124 62 62 62 62' 32 21 162



M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 ,1.1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

18 5 18 5 S 11 7 42 2 40 1 2 1 00 112 96 87 96 87 1 2 33 29 25 3 23 2 2 1 4 48 57 59 56 7 36 32 20 -6 1 1 1 21 36 22 15 14 23 19 41 35 31 28 3 5 7 2 ,9 13 30 27 23 28 23 28 1 32 26

75 61 42 41 28 20 5 14 14 41 32 46 30 25 16 6 10 15 4 17 36 46 37 ' 3' 12 13 9 10 2 27 28 40 55 20 10 7 5 1 ,4 12 1 47 48 41 63 41 ' 1 1 ]3 104 10 4 99 250 244 214 52 96 I 52 23 7 7 36 10 9 6 9 7 85 133 189 170 162 ' ]63 8 6 19 1 1 4 179 155 1 27 39 4S 47 2 45 i 9 3S 44 42 27 1 27 1 23 2'{ 20 21 21 1 17 24 24 20 20 47 77 39 6 31 2 6 4 2 1 165 156 137 151 7 ' 2 1 1 20 2 5 7. 173 181 2S 21 3 1 17 21 13 75 10 66 5 7 4 2 1 85 153 111 75 41 32 42 36 1 4 30 3 14 31 86 114 43 . '35 32 33 5 1 6 1 3 2 66 43 31 2 31 60 163


P M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/3/82 Mendudam 35 ,35 ,,213 119 94 119 94 64- 44 14/4/3/83 Wakso Kimbaldam 13 13 ,65 36 29 36 29 9 3 14/4/3/84 Duldam 34 . 34 171 91 80 83 74 52 51 14/4/3/85 Wakso Nengsa 57 57 164 123 141 ( 123 141 50 29 14/4/3/86 Chengalma 27 27 171 82 '89 81 89 60 53 14/4/3/87 Wakso Achugire 28 28 146 71 75 71 75 24 6 14/4/3/88 Wakso Songgital 9 9 42 20 22 20 22 4 14/4/3/89 Wakso Todamgire .. 18 18 98 49 49 49 49 21 7 14/4/3/90 Wakso Radang 6 6 32 15 17 15 17 6 2 14/4/3/91 Wakso Asim ' 27 27 139 73 66 73 66 47 26 14/4/3/92 Wakso Chirongban 22 22 i12 50 62 50 62 11 14/4/3/93 ChidareMjagaro 40 40 206 ·101 105 101 105 44 39 14/4/3/94 Dome Apal 12 12 64 32 32 32 32 25 24 14/4/3/95 Dame Aga MERGEDWITH 14/4/3/96 Daram Mangthu ~ 51 51 258 140 118 140 118 75 64 14/4/3/97 Daram Akaki 44 44 238 128 110 ]28 110 68 48 14/4/3/98 Daram Songma 48 - 48 300 172 128 172 128 96 89 )4/4/3/99 Gittinggire 29 29 139 81 ' 58 80 56 53 34 14/4/3/100 Bangal Mura 49 49 295 156 139 156 139 109 83 14/4/3/101 Lower Darampara 35 35 236 127 )W 83 68 . 81 56 14/4/3/102 Rompara Garo 11 11 66 35 31 35 31 27 26 14/4/3/103 Rompara Rabha 29 29 196 103 93 64- 32 14/4/3/104 Daram Teklang 17 17 129 m 59 . 70 59 " 43 30 14/4/3/105 Bokmagiri .; 17 17 75 41- 34 41 34 11 4 14/4/3/106 Jonglapara 53 53 295 151 144 3 101 74 14/4/3/107 Rongmatcha 21 21 75 38 37 38 37 6 3 ]4/4/3/108 Jongla BoJsaldam 10 10 56 30 26 30 26 3 164



M F M F M F M F M F. M F M F 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

57 32 52 30 2 2 3 4 4 58 S8 17 13 5 8 12 5 1 19 15 , 44 39 20 23 18 14 6 2 5 9 42 32 69 69 62 69 6 1 53 72 40 34 35 31 3 3 2 4 8 38 47 36 43 34 42 2 1 35 32 12; 11 11 It 2 6 11 25 23 22 23 2 2 3 22 23 9 6 6 6 6 11 4 '6 28 30 41 -m 34 21 5 9 2 26 24 32 23 32 1 .30 32 38 69 67 69 66 11 12 21 20 20 20 D 0 M A A P Z L-V ILL AGE NO 94. 68 52 72 66 71 66 2 81 59 46 51 41 46 3 5 2 117 71 55 55 35 44 9 -' 10 11 4 21 16 60 42 56 I 42 37 42 119 97 119 97 .. 36 34 91 75 91 75 2 16 15 18 14 18 14 3 43 46 60 47 57 47 46 39 24 20 10 16 8 4 5 17 12 24 22 21 20 '3 2 80 71 71 73 49 6 14 64 8 3 _ 1 2 12 10 25 25 25 25 15 12 15 14 15 14 165


.... 't:I I ~-. l ~~ .~ =~ .Er~'-' .~S j ~ ~rl ~ ., '~l =.9] rl 0) v l ..'B~ _ 0 '0 .9= ::I .... .0 't:I ~o ii ~ 0 ~ ~.-= ~ U ;5 ~o~:~ [~ '3 .... a.. u :> > ' C.a", 't:I g 'o'd 0] ! 0 ..... fj 0 ....rl ':;; '0] a.. col :g ~ CoJ Z ~E ~ ~otI: CI.l rn :J

P M F M F M F M Ii' 1 .. 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/3/109 Rangsel 7 7 36 13 23 13 23 8 12 14/4/3/110 Rongpetchi (Resu) 10 10 61 29 32 29 32, 17 10 , 14/4/3/111 Chibagok 42 42 . 236 118 118 116 118 53 54 14/4/3/112 Resubelpara 385 385 2544 1309 1235 1071 1061 883 808 14/4/3/113 Motcholpara 8 8 43 23 20 23 20 14 7 14/4/3/114 BodaApal 35 35 184 102 82 101 81 44 37 14/4/3/115 Songmegap 48 48 241 117 124 117 124 32 15 14/4/3/116 Nokatgre 20 20 109 57 52 57 52 36 27 14/A/3/117 Babukona 53 53 285 141 144 140 144 75 75 14/4/3/118 Jongdongre 33 33 143 76 61 76 67 36 . 20 14/4/3/119 Chore Bahar 21 21 116 56 60 56 60 36 41 14/4/3/120 Chore Bolbok 8 8 37 19 18 19 18 13 11 14/4/3/121 Kaldang Agitok 19 19 85 42 43 42 43 14/4[3/122 Kaldang 21 21 103 52 51 52 51 34 18 14/4/3/123 Kaldang Babupara 11 11 51 32 25 31 25 19 11 14/4/3/124 Bakenang 18 18 90 45 4S 11 10 31 18 14/4/3/125 Horinkata 36 36 252 127 125 .! 81 58 14/4/3/126 Low~r Manikganj 75 ,7S 410 219 191 4 2 136 97 14/4/3/127 Abandha 16 16 109 58 51 38 20 14/4/3/128 Mendipathar 280 280 1360 797 563 11 204 203 441 225 Horinkata Bakra Garo 14/4/3/129 58 58, 364 191 173 87 85 69 50 14/4/3/130 Upper Manikganj 27 27 187 94 93 65 55 14,4/3/131 Salpara 90 90 519 254 265 5 6 231 253 136 136 14/4/3/132 Bolsaldamgre 48 48 265 147 118 147 118 86 65 14/4/3/133 Dome Anti 89 89 418 215 203 215 203 33 26 14/4/3/134 Dilma Wagenang 149 149 909 496 413 481 410 268 170 14/4/3/135 Soksan Dilma 63 63 370 196 174 > 196 174 96 52 166



> .. '1:1 - ~ a coCG~ . = 0 0 t; bl}~ sa ~ t ",0 0 ~ ~ ~ .g CI)'~,e "..., .. - 1! ::: e ~·c=S:;'-> e..., ~~ «i ~ = ~ .. ;gE~~ ~ .!ooI 0 ~ 0 ~'g .... ';B' .... 0 -- til c:I ~ 8 -< :t~g 0 ~ ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

10 9 10 9 3 14 16 17 11 4 16 1 13 15 65 12 52 9 7. 1 6 2 1 41 52 65 573 214 270 53 61 55 57 242 9 S4 28 732 993 12 9 12 9 11 .11 51 46 49 46 2 51 36 65 63 63 55 2 8 52 61 17 4 16 3 1 1 40 48 79 68 76 68 3 62 76 33 32 1 43 66 20 19 1 36 59 6 6 13 18 30 31 30 31 12 12 19 26 16 26 3 33 25 11 4 7 21 25 15 9 13 9 1 16 14 14 22 70 64 6 57 125 103 4 80 2 4 19 2 116 187 20 191 1 1 38 50 511 67 S6 2 23 3 24 408 62 19 54 267 442 70 26 46 22 22 4 2 14 29 107 118 48 2 41 .. 7 2 46 91 41 14 7 19 8 3 12 5 76 107 137 144 54 5 15 1 39 4 93 113 109 10 SO 3 29 7 2 12 104 181 220 62 98 25 81 31 41 6 13 35 263 316 60 71 54 71 6 136 103 167


'0 '0 •.!. ,1at:l } g~ .Sc;·9 '"C> '-' 1'1 ... ~ J:~ ~fl jg ~ ~ ~·g1 ....~ .c i .S} ]~ .g~ 0. .g .- 0 J ~.9 g..r: j ~.~~ 8 is 8 0 m '0 '0 :> S'Cl~>'0 8 .... 1a f:l o.::! II: ~ '"IV .9 'Cl'O ..... ~';] ~ ::l ... o~ 'Cl~= 'Cl'a 0 -;.S ~ '0 iHr- ... '0 ::l v i -; g 0'0 0 0;;10 'fi ...:I ~::: <~ Z Z ~Q::t: ~ tn ;5

P M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/3/136 Genang 24 24 163 85 78 27 19 14/4/3/137 Kimsri 9 9 34 14 20 13 20 6 6 14/4/3/138 Rongran U N 1 N H A 14/4/3/139 Hati Basha 36 36 204 91 113 51- 66 34 32 14/4/3/140 Gajingpara 91 91 534 274 260 273 260 143 136 14/4/3/141 Janigaon 83. 83 549 278 271 213 200 175 141 14/4/3/142 Putimari 44 44 .246 132 114 129 114 77 61 14/4/3/143 Chidoreng 17 17 76 42 34 42 34 5 1 14/4/3/144 Kawak 31 31 152 74 78 74 78 46 43 14/4/3/145 Mongpangro 48 48 250 130 120 130 120 42 15 14/4/3/146 Dilma Aga (Donol) 12 12 53 27 26 27 26 2 14/4/3/147 Soenang Apal(Garo) 98 98 576 301 275 255 222 149 123 14/4/3/148 Rongkaminchi 54 54 193 147 146 147 146 ·86 - 77 14/4/3/149 Soenang Aga 18 18 81 40 41 40 41 13 3 14/413/150 KeraGalram 23 23 144 85 59 84 59 63 39 14/4/3/151 Kakugte 18 18 86 49 37 49 37 7 1~/4/3/152 Okbima 19 19 91 51 40 46 40 4 1 14/4/3/153 Pakmari 19 19 87 45 42 45 42 6 1 14/4/3/154 Dangra Songital 17 17 ·76 39 37 39 37 4 1 14/4/3/155 .Bongari Dlbaknang 26 26 146 79 67 79 67 35 27 14/4/3/156 Bongari Chimitcheng 32 32 172 90 82 90 82 39 24 14/4/3/157 Dangra Damit 32 32 185 95 90 95 90 52 46 14/4/3/158 Rading 20 20 102 54 48 54 48 30 17 14/4/3/159 Damit Aga (Matchakol) 38 38 194 93 101 93 101 30 31 -14/4/3/160 Choto Miapara 20 20 123 65 58 14 11 14/4/3/161 Damit Akong Rangsel 19 19 105 55 50 55 50 21 16 14/4/31162 Chirimdare 14 14 71 36 3S 36 35 15 8 168



rIJ >- ~ Ii • '0 0 ~ g 1ije-£= ~~ ___ ~ ~ ~$ 68: G ~o ~ ~ j ],S:o~ 11) .... ,e d 8 ~ ..... ';x 0;;'- ~ .:.... ~ ~ ;gEl~ 0 ::Ej ... ~'O jl -;e .~.- 'B§ ts~ 1 'i 1i-i~ ;s~ ~ ~ < ~~~~ 0;;.- j ~

M F M F M F M F- M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

42 4 42 4 7 42 67 9 9 11 5 9 B T E D 48 48 46 48 2 43 65 114 48 69 34 30 14 15 ·43 90 117 122 53 •. 116 81 56 41 15 21 10 9 32 153 158 58 53 54 52 4 1 74 61 15 9 9 5 4 3 2 1 10 - 11 17 14 38 37 1 36 78 61 59 57 30 2 21 2 8 3 69 58 12 14 14 12 129 111 109 105 4 5 16 1 3 3 167 161 78 31 65 28 8 3 5 68 115 29 26 . 28 26 11 15 38 2 33 2 -5 47 57 20 2 18 2 2 1 19 28 16 24 23 1 1 /20 26 19 19 3 19 3 I 15 25 24 30 22 30 22 9 15 43 42 41 I 42 2 36 25 52 41 51 41 1 38 41 52 47 49 47 3 43 43 28 4 27 4 1 26 44 49 55 48 53 1 2 2 44 44 32 13 32 13 33 45 24 11 24 10 31 39 17 19 17 19 19 16 169


"0 • ;-. l~ .~ =_ 1:1 l c~·Q =1:1: ~ 0 .... en ~ II) en J .;~ '0 5''::~ 11) 11) !It .D o;S bOO ~~ ~Ba "0 «j ..... 0 ~ ·c ;>== ~.:::~ "st;j:l., u I-< 8 ~o l~ 10 "0 "0 c:I .... 0s::.=~ ...... ~ 0"0 .....g :I: j:l., bO~ ~ .2 °alc:! ._2 ._ =' ~ ...... 05 0

,p M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/3/163 Rongdatpa 13 13 55 27 28 27 28 . 2 1 14/4/3/164 New Miapara 20 20 119 60 59 26 16 14/4/3/165 Miapara 55 55 315 160 155 63 35 14/4/3/166 Nongmasiram 6 6 22 11 11 11 11 2 2 14/4/3/167 DokaSaram 18 18 70 32 38 32 38 6 2 14/4/3/168 Rongmakiong 10 10 44 25 19 25 19 14/4/3/169 Nolbari 23 23 159 78 81 77 81 52 47 14/4/3/170 Rangsi 21 21 122 68 54 23 7 14/4/3/171 Dokamcheng 75 75 416 212 204 212 204 111 83 14/4/3/172 Chpnlttcha 28 28 158 80 78 79 78 47 36 14/4/3/173. Damas 134 134 737 403 334 381 331 174 145 14/4/3/174 Kaskona 42 42 236 113 123 101 112 63 47 14/4/3/175 Chitukona Garo 44 44 200 91 109 91 109 35 31 14/4/3/176 Chltukona Rabha 29 29 153 68 85 6 lQ 39 26 14/4/3/177 Babupara Nisangram 32 32 152 75 77 74 77 61 54 14/4/3/178 ChitulCdadram 62 62 370 195 175 195 195 87 84 1414/3/179 Dainadubi 54 54 193 105 88 ... 63 53 70 53 14/4/3/180 Chisim Apal 47 47 273 128 145 128 145 68 63 14/4/3/181 BangsiApal 27 27 172 90 82 90 82 47 45 14/4/3/182 Nogoipara 68 68 384 183 201 182 201 38 34 . 14/4/3/183 Rompa , 12 12 61 33 28 33 28 13 8 14/4/3/184 GureSimr~ 28 28 130 68 62 ~7 62 27 17 14/4/3/185 Pangsudam 33 33 196 92 104 92 104 43 33 14/4/3/186 Bangsi Dugru 33 36 186 90 96 90 96 46 40 14/4/3/187 Chima Apal 78 78 413 218 195 213 ·186 ,109 68 14/4/3/188 BangsiAga 30 30 164 82 82 82 82 46 33 14/4/3/189 NanilApal 18 18 109 62 47 62 47 28 16 14/4/3/190 Doracha 26 26 147 77 70 76 70 46 19 170



fj §~'g,"", 6 ~ ~0 ~ ~'2 "0 88 ~ ~._, j... 8 ~ ,s.S':gC ~3 .... e~ ~ .... '2 "O.a~ .... ~ '~8 j ;:J o~!I)~ ~ ::s, i~ ~ -t:!- ~ - fi ,-~ ~. 0:::: B-- 119 b 'foS 11 -S~ I {!.- 8 < ~::a§5 0> ~ ~


JS 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 ~ 24- 2S 26 27 28

20 3 18 3 2 7 25 32 : 23 28 23 1 3 1 1 27 35 86 35 85 34 1 1 1 74 119 7 5 7 5 4 6

~o 24 20 24 12 14 13 13 13 13 12 6 31 18 2S 18 6 47 63 33 30 33 30 35 24 95 77 94 77 1 6 117 121 32 31 8 11 15 17 9 3 1 48 46 156 86 122 81 2 2 32 3 1 247 247 57 50 37 41 9 3 11 u 56 73 50 54 44 50 2 2 4 2 41 S5 34 37 30 32 4 5 34 48

4S 4 38 4 ~, . 7 41 30 32 80 22 67 21 1 12 1 .. ~ 115 150 56 8 1 3 1 54 5 3 14 46 66 53 4 48 4 1 4 75 141 43 40 38 -! 38 3 2 2 7 10 40 32 40 18 21 16 19 2 1 1 142 182 18 10 18 10 15 18 ·29 2 29 2 39 60 42 6 40 5 1 1 1 50 98 49 4 47 4 2 45 41 47 116 108 84 101 15 2 17 5 1 102 86 48 2 46 2 1 1 40 33 40 32 2 32 2 9 30 21 15 33 "'21 33' 20 1 17 44 32 171 URBAN/VILLAGE, PRIMARY

P M F M F M F M F 12 ,13 14 1 2. 3 4 s (;, 7 8 I)' 10 11

27 14/4/3/191 Gambil Songnia 46 46 227 115 112 115 112 49 14/4j3/192 Gambil Apal 25 25 160 79 81 79 81 39 26 36 - 21 14/4/3/193 Dangkong Garo 42 42 267 128 139 65 72 26 13 14/4/3/194 ,Depa 48 4S 245 138 107 128 '101 42 36 14/4/3/195 Aral Apal 30 30 ,175 82 93 82 93 36 11 14/4/3/196 Chima Aga (Gairong) 38 38 161 94 67 .. ' 83 67 24 13 14/4/3/197 Bangsiminol 37 37 174 98 76 ,98 76 S9 31 14/4/3/198 Imbangi 45 45 241 132 109 130 108 157 86 14/4/3/199 Wage Asi 105 105 493 273 220 220 208 65 ~ 14{4{3{200 Bolpuma 67 67 298, 146 152 '146 152 233 196 III 98 14{4{3/201 Kantolguri 75 75 429 233 196 102 100 SO 44 14/4/3/2.02 Dobakul Kantolsuri 43 43 '1fJ9 108 101 130 129 84 67 14{4/3/2.03 Thapa Darenchi 60 60 271 139 132 26 28 8 14/4/3/204 Mandalang 12 ,1~ 61 31 30 32 46 3 1 14/4/3/2.05 Mebokdam 17 17 78 32 46 N H A 14/4/3/2.06 Mesagap U N I 83 11 39 21 14/4/3/2()7 Dalbingre 33 33 160 83 77 140 136 S3 46 14/4/3/208 Dandakol 53 53 280 142 138 58 49 20 15 14/4/3/209 Thapa Daiongre 22 22 107 58 49 4 ~ 109 45 14/4/3/210 Thapa Dangri 95 95 581 291 290 52 4S l1. , 14/4/3/211 Thapa Rongdeng 18 18 105 53 52 MERGED WITH CHIDARET AJAGRO 14/4/31212 Chidret 88 71 81 81 465 242 223 241 223 14/4/3/213 Thapa Agitchak 6 2 13 13 67 37 30 37 30 14/4/3/214 Ragolgre 3 39 174 84 90 76 85 22 14/4/3/215 Mathronggre 39 66 308 179 129 165 127 73 29 14/4/3/216 Sepikol 66 14 71 34 37 34 37 14/4/3/217 Raksinggre 14 37 16 14/4/3/218 Thapa Bazar 28 ~ 1~ n 60 n ~ 28 8 14/4/3/219 Chisimari 44 44 211 109 102 109 102 14/4/3/220 Equagre 31 31 155 86 69 81 67 31 14/4/3/221 Damringgre 61 61 29S 148 147 142 144 4' 14/4/3/222 DUma Songgital 14 14 68 32 36 32 36 9 1 172


MAIN WORKERS z: "0g f3 6b 58 ~ j -=~ bb~ ..,0 ~ "Obi)::l "~_ t'" oj! ~ ~ .a C:;"E;:;> 0 "~ ..... ~> ~ - "CJ ::Hl S ~ "~8' a 1 '0 'l)fIl. ~'8as ~ ;So .::: i~bLg. ~ e .i a· , !9 ~~ i 3 - "is. ~"~~ ;!> ~ ~ 8 -< ~~~ 0 ~ ~=

M' pi M P M F M F M F I M F M P 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

63 2 59 2 1 3 . 13 67 39 43 49 31 48 31 1 8 22 22 28 70 45 63 42 4 3 3 58 94 46 6 21 11 1 14 5 1 91 180 42 44 40 44 2 1 40 48 64 45 49 44 1 10 5 1 29 22· 59 25 59 25' 13 26 26 25 59 55 54' 54 1 4 1 73 54 155 81 77 81 78 2 19 116 120 101 92 100 92 45 (j() 118 39 95 33 15 5 8 1 33 94 82 63 53 48 39 44 4 3 10 1 14 10 41 43 78 44 62 ·41 5 3 11 32 61 56 16 ,17 12 17 4 3 1 12 12 20 23 15 23 14 1 3 11 6 B I T E D

'\ , ! 31 33 52 44 51 44 1 .. 119 74 19 65 17 8 l .1 68 16 9 42 40 42 40 24 146 262 14) 4 125 4 15 4 5 26 30 27 17 21 15 6 2 .. VILLAGE NO. 93 138 211 104 12 95 12 4 5 14 8 23 22 22 22 1 43 39 41 51 38 47 4 3 2 4 73 41 104 84 83 77 6 6 15 12 13 12 24 22 24 19 21 . 33 so 8 6 6 6 1 38· 1 37 32 72 70 66 67 6 3 29 !:o 40 46 39 4 36 55 56 92 91 84 88 8 3 1 13 13 19 2' 19 23 ,." 173


P M F M F M ,F M F 1 2 3 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/4/1 Pakwakgiri ' 8 8 41 18 23 18 23 3 1 14J4/4/2 Asimgiri 11 11 60 35 25 35 25 10 4 14/4/4/3 Dimogiri 11 11 55 31 24 31 24 2 1 14/4/4/4 Songmagiri • 17 17 72 40 32 40 32 2 14/4/4/5 TongbolSonggitcham 52 52 274 146 128 142 127 16 10 14/4/4/6, Tongbol Songgital 22 22 1-12 58 54 56 53 4 3 14/4/4/1 Dinajekgiri 52 52 270 117 153 111 152 15 21 14/4/4/8 Dilma Derragiri 21 21 98 43 55 43 55 14/4J4/9 Rongalgiri 26 26 110 59 51 .59 51 14/4/4/10 Dopananggiri U N 1 N H A 14/4/4/11 RenSgokgiri U N I N H A 14/4/4/12 , Gajongggiri U N I N H A . 14/4/4/13 Dilma Dilsekgiri 26 26 \ 135 66 69 65 69 3 4 14/4/4/14 Dilma Songgitcham 16 16 86 43 43 37 36 2 '14/4/4/15 Chibrenggiri (Didenggiri) 8 8 46 .20 26 20 26 1 14/4/4/16 Suchilgiri 4(J 40 .79 88 91 86 90 39 33 14/4/4/17 Bawegiri 2 32 164 80 84 80 84 24 15 14/4/4/18 Dilma Rimtonggiri 22 22 105 56 49 56 49 23 13 14/4/4/19 Ampanggiri 50 50 264 140 124 125 118 16 l;l 14,4/4/W Dilmakawakgiri 30 30 143 80 63 .80 63 13 7 14/4/4/21 Megagiri Songgitcham U N 1 N H A 14/4/4/22 Megagiri Songgital 38 38 191 87 104 87 104 14/4/4/23 Rongribo Songgitcham U N N H A 14/4/4/24 Kalak Songgitcham 6 6 27 18 9 18 9 9 1 174



.. "0 § ~,.-.. 6 ~e-£ cu"@' ~ 0 0 .g 9g- 5 .g s'-' elo .~ ~ I-l "s.s:5:lG CIl- c,_, 8 ~ .... G .;~ ~ e '0 E""e'" fD.t= 0>- ~ ~ 0 ::s ooCllc- :::a Z

M F M F M F M F M F iM F M F i5 16 17 18 19 'lJ) 21 22 23 2<4- ,'25 26 27 28

12 13 11 .12 .. 1 1 6 io 18 16 16 16 2 17 9 17 15 16 15 1 14 9

20 20 2.() 19 'J' 20 12

90 79 88 79 1 " .. 4 2 52 47 42 38 42 38 16 16 80 99 75 99 5 1 4 36 50 31 31 31 31 2 12 22- 45 39 45 39 14 12 B I T E D B I T E D 28 46 3~ 44 39 2 1 2 19 31 24 26 23 5 1 1 2 11 17 8 13 12 13 12 13 " 51 47 47 41 1 o' 3 1 )) 36 43 43 1 42 1 .' 1 37 83 31 3 30 2 1 1 2 25 44 98 77 87 73 11 4 42 47 60 43 59 43 1 20 20 B I T E D 60 62 60 62 27 42 B I T E D 6 6 6 6 12 3 175


'tI ..Q.) ,D d ,,!. l!;Id I'" s- 0 § ]~ ~ ~~.:: dOS ~ ;;I Kl fl' Z .sl o·_ .... ,D i .'_;~ 0 ~ :eg. ~ oS «I oj._ Q., 0 :::: §'l: U i5 u ~ ;> ~:~ ", ", d 5 ].~ "'

p M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 .. S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/4/25 Rimringgiri 19 19 93 42 51 42 51 4 5 14/4/4/26 Rongekgiri 16 16 80 38 42 33 33 8 8 14/4/4/27 Prapgiri 33 33 147 75 72 73 71 23 18 14/4/4/~ Rikwarenggiri u N I N H A 14/4/4/29 Ronsribo Watregiri 26 26 '115 51 64 48 62 17 23 14/4/4/30 Gongmagiri 13 13 ·64 32 32 32 32 4 1 14/4/4/31 Dooktilgiri 13 13 67 31 36 31 36 S 4 14/4/4/32 Samanda Megapgiri 50 50 232 118 114 89 105 27 IS 14/4/4/33 D()abokgiri U N I N H A 14/4/4/34 Amaigiri 17 17 74 35 39 3S 39 6 1 14/4/4/35 Retenggiri 14 14 57 29 28 29 28 1 14/4/4/36 Boldogagiri U N I N H A 14/4/4/37 Bangonggiri 14/4/4/38 Gonggiri 31 31 J69 84 85 83 85 .. 14/4/4/39 Singwagri (Insokgiri) 13 13 61 29 32 29 32 4 5 14/4/4/40 Darimgiri 48 48 251 118 133 116 133 4 1 14/4/4/41 Akelgiri ' 32 32 163 79 84 78 84 2 14/4/4/42 Singwegiri 27 27 120 63 57 55 55 18 14 14(4/4/43 Rongrengbaija 90 90 453 244 209 210 197 141 84 14/4/4/44 Rongreng Chidekgiri 130 130 .657 335 322 321 319 184 156 14/4/4/45 Rlingmalgiri 37 37 .225 125 100 125 100 68 46 14/4/4/46 Dawa Songgital 26 26 141 68 73 65 72 15 4 14/4/4t47 Dawa Kosigiri 17 17 99 54 45 53 45 11 1 14/4/4(48 Dawa Nengkatoicgiri 21 21 108 55 53 55 53 7 2 176



... "0 ~ e ~bg .,~ _'"' ,_, ..l4 .8 88 CII ~~~~ ." 0 G o-J "0 QI)'u -- t! ~ Q .s .9 .;; i::. Jl;... > d - _"'Q'a~~ ..... 00 ~"O ~ fl ';;;g ~... o u .. ~ . ~ «i ~ ~. ~ -=4!!oil! .8 .~ ~::lS::u tlIl 7a!::.t g §'i~ b~ ~ ... l§ .;:> ~ ~ ~ < =::S8 0 ~ ~

! M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -~-- • 30 33 30 33 12 17 24 13 20 13 1 3 14 29 3S 8 32 . 8 1 2 40 64 B I T E D 1S' 11 28 29 18 27 18 1 17 14 17 14 1 14 17 13 19 21 17 20 1 1 . 1 1 2 11 62 40 41 39 21 1 56 74 B I T E D 10' 24 21 23 21 1 18 " 3 24 25 23 25 1 .' B I T E D

30 43 54 42 54 42 r .. 14 16 15 16 15 16 2 47 60 71 73 67 73 2 I , •• 1. 37 36 42 48 42 48 6 1 23 26 40 31 34 30 47 6 3 • 3 137 146 104 60 52 S4 2 3 39 5 13 28 168 52 154 42 74 9 41 28 12 2 74 58 51 40 39 38 21 31 47 42 46 42 1 21 15 33 30 . 33 30 17 24 38 29 36 29 2 177


.p. M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/4/49 Dawagittimgiri 25 25 141 67 74 63 72 14 11 14/4/4/50 Dobetkolgiri 33 33 196 97 99 . 97 99 28 16 14/4/4/51 Nengkra 23 23 106' 54 52 45 41 27 16 14/4/4/52 Nengkra Bolsalgittim 43 43 246 129 117 126 116 22 17 14/4/4/53 Nengkra Akawe 37 37 194 95 99 94 99 31 15 14/4/4/54 Chimagiri 11 11 61 33 28 , 33 28 6 2

J4/4/4/5~ Gradekgittim 14 14 80 36 44 36 44 21 .19 14/4/4/56 Dachitgittim 12 12 69 33 36 33 36 15 13 14/4/4/57 Songmagiri 32 32 181 95 86 9S 86 23 12 14/4{4{58 Sampalgiri ..44 44 266 130 130 128 130 65 44 14/4[4/59 Chiokgiri 75 75 378 196 182 196 182 91 55 14/4/4/60 Cherangiri 12 12 57 34 23 33 23 9 14/4/4/61 Chimin Minggiri 5 5 26 11 15 11 15 3 3 14/4/4/62 Rongbing Dalbot 60 60 324 167 157 165 157 61 33 14/4/4/63 Rongbinggiri 52 52 ,1.49 146 193 146 103 49 20 14/4/4/64 Rongongiri 14 14 . 57 28 29 28 29 2 14/4J4J65 Achak Jangkigiri 21 21 "121 57 64 56 64 18 12 14J4/4/66 Kakwagiri 19 19 97 44 53 44 53 4 1 14/4/4/67 Bawe Duragiri 9 9 ,51 22 29 22 29 8 .4 14/4/4/68 Bawegiri 31 31,160 75 85 66 78 14 8 14/4/4/69 Bolkinggiri 4S 4S 237 118 119 118 119 33 17 14/4/4/70 Chachatgiri 62 62 274 134 140 133 140 '33 15 14/4/4/71 Nengmandal Giri 66 66 3~ 167 153 152 141 66 37 14/4/4/72 Nabokgiri 15 15 78 42 36 36 35 5 6



,"0 ... gta '8 l ..c::~ ! .s~ 6 ~0 "0 '" ._, ~ ... d=~ I)' z ... ~ o.s1d - .....~ ~ I) ~t>Il ~8 :6. ~ is ...... "0 J!l III -00. ~ 0 8g 0 .g.-::: 0 e ~'O 0 Q.<;;;~ u ;; - (1) OlI: II: od'" ] 'B '" d ...... ,d .... _ ~ .... ~ ~ 0"0 ~..o'f .... 0 '3 ... 0

P M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-

14/4/4/73 Meronggiri' 3 3 15 10 5 10 5 1 14/4/4/74 Sobokgiri 20 20 103 50 53 46 50 11 8 14/4/4/75 Jaljinggiri 6 6 26 13 13 13 13 14/4/4/76 Piigonggiri 9 9 34 10 24 10 24 14/4/4/77 Wanangiri 3 3 16 10 6 10 6 14/4/4/78 Udugiri 7 7 35 21 14 21 14 14/4/4/79 Jingamgiri 9 9 44 22 22 22 22 • J 14/4/4/80 Dorakgiri 27 27 136 67 69 67 69 22 6 14/4/4/81 Rapdikgiri 26 26 128 62 66 62 66 10 14/4/4/82 Nertgsrang Songgital }j 13 61 34 27 32 25 4 2 14/4/4/83 Nengsrang Songgitcham 14 14 72 33 39 33 39 8 6 14/4/4f84 Ganing Bibra 33 33 194 107 37 107 87 33 21 14/4/4/85 Chisobibra 50 50 233 123 110 122 110 21 2 14/4/4/86 Ganinggiri 13 13 61 29 32 29 32 12 8 14{4/4/87 Gitokgiri 37 37 197 99 98 95 93 36 8 14/4/4/88 Jongmegiri 15 15 72 38 34 38 34' 10 3 14{4/4/89 Rambogiri 5 5 24 14 10 14 10 5 1 14/4/4/90 Bansinggiri 20 20 96 47 49 47 49 6 1 14/4/4/91 Gonggnanggiri 30 30 174 91 83 91 83 18 4 14/4/4/92 Sawilgiri 16 16 88 40 48 40 48 12 4 14/4/4/93 Dalwagiri 33 33 162 76 86 71 85 21 15 14/4/4/94 Wagetgiri 14 14 63 36 27 32 25 9 3 14/4/4/95 Samanda Dolwarigin 19 • 19 91 52 39 48 36 10 7 14/4/4/96 Samanda Chimanggiri 36 36 146 72 74 62 66 19 18 180



~ ... '0 ~ • -= ~ ~ co (1$., --g II> ,,,It 'lft~IlII~ e" .8 ::s ell!! ",0 f ~ '0 bO'!) ...... u .... ~ ~_, ~, ....CI ·t::e1:1'." ~> ; ._"'"'c ] _'O:lUIIJ ....,('1) .... ~-g : tdx :I o (J .; ~ ...a ;t:: ,....,ell "a ~'i' ~ ~ cf! 1JO Q. .9 ~ .:: ,ij,-.. :ss::u IlQ 'it:!- ... ::I ~';jl=: te c!= ..... '3 '~8 -s> ta ~ u « ~~n 0 ~ ~

,F M F M M F M < F M F M 1M F F ," I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

8 4 8 4 2 1 29 27 25 27 4 21 26 6 10 6 10 7 3 8 14 8 14 2 . 10 4 4 4 4 6 2 11 7 11 7 10 7 4 6 18 16 18 16 29 38 40 36 40 2 .. 29 A2 36 42 36 20 30 16 18 16 16 16 2 11 15 21 14 21 1 18 18 51 S8 36 55 36 1 2 49 62 S6 54 56 1 7 61 54 27 13 5 13 5 16 1 52 50 47 48 41 47 2 3 18 14 20 20 20 20 9 4 5 ,6 5 6 16 19 31 30 31 30 24 58 59 53 59 5 33 25 2.8 23 25 121 3 2 12 37 35 37 SO 33 50 4 2 1 8 17 19 15 18 2 1 19 18 13 33 26 32 26 1 1 33 42 40 28 32 2 3 12 5 1 1 29 181


'Ij ! j~ ,.!. ~'2 l C'Il '~lo~ 911"1 Eo< =~ ~~ 0'" :9 =jtll ~ C'Il ~ i '"1 0 ,~ ::3 ... .8 td ~O ]1 ...... ~ -8 ::l ~ .... 0 ' .. §~ ... ~ 8 ~ 8 ;;.- ~o.9~~ 'tI .... c...'tI 8'~ ~ ,Q= O'tl Os J Il< ~,g -3 ...~ .... o~= "\j ~'tI ~ ~' 'oi '0 (3 .... ~ IU ~ ~~ ...... 'tI ~ E g £'tI o u '5 ...l ~ <; ~ ~.§:I: I/} fIJ ;J

P M F M F M F M F . 1 2 3 4 S 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14/4/4/97 Kalak Dorak Asim 8 8 37 23 14 23 14 5 2 14/4/4/98 Kalak Songgittal 21 21 74 38 "36 37 36 13 7 14/4/4/99 BaIIIlam Awegiri 24 24 112 52 60 51 60 26 25 14/4/4/100 Dinaminggiri 58 58 301 165 ,136 159 134 23 6

14/4/4/101 Bansam Bibragiri " 7 7 29 16 13 16 13 10 1 14/4/4/102 Rongchek Chambugons 6 6 35 19 16 19 16 14/4/4/103 Rongchek Manda 20 20 114 65 49 60 49 14/4/4/104 Ampanggiri 11 11 S5 26 29 22 23 i 14/4(4/105 Bandigiri 11 11 62 33 29 331 29 3 .. 14'4/4/106 Rongkingglrl 19 19 101 50 51 49 49 7 14/4/4/107 Mandalgiri 56 56 323 173 150 173 150 22 7 14/4/4/108 Daribokglri 9 9 38 21 17 24 17 14/4/4/109 Rengrig\ri 37 37 204 105 99 99 li7 7, 4 14/4/4/110 Rongsakgiri 45 45 " 259 129 130 129 1~ 40 26 14/4/4/111 Rongsak Bazar 41 41 173 91 , 82 ' 32 35 47 1'- 14/4/4/112 Bansamgiri 67 67 343 168 175 154 169 84 69 14/4/4/113 Mangrugiri 21 21 93 50 43 50 43 15 11 14/4/4/114 Narigiri 20 20' 86 43 43 43 43 4 1 14/4/4/115 Mejolgi..i .. 10 10 42 23 19 23 19 1 14/4/4/.116 Rangmalgri 48 48 211 114 97 114 97 24 12 14/4/4/117 Ragitikgiri 4 4 26 12 14 12 14 7 6. 14/4/4/118 Kakwa Romlokgiri 11 11 58 32 26 32 26 8 5 14/4/4/119 Kakwa Dombagiri .. 6 6 24 11 13 11 13 5 1 14/4/4/120 Kakwa Duragiri 12 12 83 41 42 41 42' 11 8 14/4/4/121 Chiganchinggiri 14 14 71 37 34 37 34 13 2 14/4/4/122 Rongrekgiri 21 21 133 . 68 6~ 68 6S 17 14 14f4/4/123 Dorengkigigiri .. 38 38 200 88 112 82 tOO 12 oj, 182



:> • 'g 0 0~ t£ :e ~

M F M F M F M F M F. ~ F M F 15 .. 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22' 23 24 2~ 26 27 2'

16 11 16 11 6 3 22 20 19 20 3 2 2 14 14 23 7 20 6 1 2 1 29 3 .. 84 76 72 72 12 4 3 1 78 59 9 3 9 3 7 10 9 3 7 2 2 1 6 10 7 26 21 23 21 1. 2 12 9 27 19 14 3 12 3 ., .. 2 .. 2 12 10 14 12 9 12 9 3 7 18 13 21 10 20 10 1 5 16 24 25 91 92 89 92 2 82 58 13 13 13 13 8 4 64 69 64 69 41 30 62 59 46 56 5 2 11 1 6 5 61 66 56 11 6 7 3 1 3 44 3 1 1'1 34 65 86 54 72 50 1 13 3 6 82 115

24 " 26 24 23 3 .. ., I 24 19 26 34 25 34 1 17 9 15 14 15 14 8 5 '72 71 68 5 2 4 2 34 25 80 I 6 4 1 3 4 1 1 6 10 12 13 12 13 20 13 8 9 8 9 .. 3 4 18 20 17 20 1 23 22 19 18 19 18 18 16 30 30 30 30 38 35 55 . 57 50 57 5 33 5S 183



North -Reserve Forest and Town Boundary East -Stream (Damashiring) and High School Compound

South -Imaginary line running from high school compound towards Simsang River~ West -Simsang River.

2. North -Road starting from Tura Williamnagar Road towards the Damashiring Stream. East -Damashiring Stream. South -Road starting from TUfa Williamnagar Road North of Hospital Compound arid meeting Damashiring Stream. West -Tura-WlIiamnagar Road.

3. North - T. W. Road. East -Po W. D. Colony. South -Along the Kolmeshol stream running in between Bazar area and P. W. D. Compound to its source below the Hospital Complex. West -Agricultural soil conservation area.

4. North -,-South boundayry BI East -Hospital complex and bazar area. South -Road starting Bazar area west ward and meeting the extension of the approach ,road to the soil conser­ vation colony and then from there an imaginary line running west ward to, Simsang River. West -Simsang River.

5. North -The imaginary,line mention in block No.4 in'Southern boundary. East -Extension of the approach Road to Soil Conservation colony to Warimagiri. South -An im:ginary line drawn west ward from the r~~d mentioned above to Simsang River. West -Simsang River.

6. North..,.- An Imaginary line running North of Warimagiri running East ward and meeting Simsang River below Basar area. East -Simsang River. South - .... Do- West - -Do- 184

----~----~------~--~------~----.~--~------7. North-The Road from bazar are~ to the soil conservation colony. East -Road running west of hazar area toward Warimagiri. South -North boundary mentioned in of ,block 6. West -East boundary mentioned in' block 5.

8. North -Kolmeshol Stream. East -Simsang River. South -An imaginary line drawn from Simsang River to the road from hazar to Warimagiri. West -The road running west to the bazar area to Warimagiri.

9 North -Damashiring Stream • East -Simsang River South -Kolmoshol stream weSt. -Williamnagar-Nengkra Road starting from bazar area to the Damashiring stream

10 North -Damashiring Stream. East -Williamnagar Nengkra Road

South -Tura - WilIi~gar Road West -Proposed Road starting East of high School compound from T - W Road to Damashiring Stream

11. North -Reserve Porest. East - -Do- South -Damashiring Stream and Simsang River. West -Damashiring Stream.

12. North -Reserve Porest. East -Village boundary of Apangdamgiri & Dobetkolgiri. South -Simsang River. BWest -An imrginary line drawn from Simsang River South East of Circuit House Compound to R. F. to the

N. ~. m

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a:0 C> I'll Z I'll :0 .... ,]> .... 0 DE8I~1 1101 ~, ." .» < iI: » :0 :0 ... :0 <:7 c: ! ,. iii en 0 g " !!! . Z '"c- n iI: '" '" 0 ..,.. 0 ,.. 0 :0 ,. z • '"-;: ,.. i III ;; til j; '" iii .... lit "'. ::1 ,.. '"z ~ Uf . ,.. J> ...... (5 ... \ Z :0 (5 Z III ,. "' ». ~ III ,.. ,. z ~ • ,.Z ,... < :0 i <:7 2 ,.. " ,. II> In » ,. n '" "- ,. In .0 ,. ",. ...,.'" :0 ." In :0 III ».'" t ,,- ~ ~ z" m.. ,.'" m,.. " (/) ,.. »'" / r- "',. / "0 i1 r In / 0 - c ~ > / ::0 ~ 01 i: / l> z '"):i. Q @ I ,~ Z '"::t @,@ @ @_® iii r )It I $ ® 8 e e !! l> '» z Q Q .- Xl n !=' n z. Z Z n 0 )It 0 » 0 » lit 13 )It ~Xl -I '";.1 " n_ 1:1 '6 » --< Z .... l" '" n c ::u Z C> :J: J'I '"-I ;lI l!! l!!" C/) ::0 )It ~ ;0 0 "l!! -I -I .~ IT! 0 I'll ,.. 0 Z --I' ~. IP .... 0 --I Z n » ... 0 .0 l: ::t -t -i C> z ...... II z z ~ 0 C>. n l'i l'i c 0 o .~ !"I m -I IP IP IP .- ." :J: '" c: c .'" c 0 c Z .- ~ :0 ... ~ Z Z '" (I) ·X n Z C> C> ~ Z a :J: z ]> » l: 0 Z j; C> 6 ~ i i III· n ,..... n m :J: z· - ;tJ 0 -I l3 ~ :E 0 Xl :0 +z , m r ~ .::!.'"



'0 (I '" ...I I~~ l a~ ~ 1::-; .9 0 ..t:~...... Od,i fo-o ~ e.g ::s .0 I ....== ~ . o· ....0 ..::s Q. = l ,~~... 0 ...... 0 ,.c .g (OJ ~S f-i :::I.... ~:r: .$:.::~ ~ ~ :::0(Ij .... ~ 1 g~ ., .....> 'tl ., g '>'t:I~ 8-;.... ~ 0"'" ! .!l f) ... 0'0 ...... !l.1lO,.. ~ :::l ...... f)~ ~~c Od 0 'ta.S ~ 'tl f! ~ g ~ ... . u ... 'O::S . I) g E~ 0'0 0 0::10 ~ .. (,l .... ~~ . ~ .J ~ , ..... Z Z f-i't):Il til til .J

P M F M F M F ,M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ·8 . 9 10 11 12 13 14

14{4/1 Williamnagar Town " 1,001 1,001 4)90 2,421 1,869 34 13 1614 1398 1356 678 14/4/1/1 Kusimkolgiri . .. . 192 192 896 495 401 6 394 350 286 146 14/4/1/2 High School Compound .70 70, 337 211 126 4 125 102 128 63 14{4/1/3 AgricuUure 86 86 . 366 229 137 4 3 148 93 159 71 14/4/1/4 Soii Conservation 80 80 326 195 131 5 138 98~ 120 65 14/4{1/5 Kolmesalgiri 52 52 247 153 94 106 77 102 39 14{411J6 Warlnragiri 56 56 248 130 118 128 .116 59 35 14(4/1/1 Bazar 133 133 559 306 253 13 9 58 62 123 SO 14/4/1/8 P. W. D. Colony 50 50 147 81 66 36 40 57 24 D. C. Staff Colony (Old) 117 117 424 233 191 145 140 161 103 ,-..,14M/l/9 ' 'ii/4ft/tO D. C. Staff Colony (New) 69 69 276 157 119 111 87 84 36 l:i/4IlItl Ampangdamgiri 96 96 464 231, 233 225 . 233 77 46 t~6



> B 0 i i£]~ §g ~. ~ 't) .s"'" .= ~ to4 ~3 6 '.... ~ '~l~G '~ G ~ 'O~j.S ~;> , ',)4 '~8 0 ~ 'Q oS ~I '; .... > ~1 a ~ 't::-'a 'M.... B 'Q .... ~§ 1l~~ ~e c:I _' E2 8 ~~~1 0> ~ ~ M' F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19, 29 21 22 23 24 15 16 I.'.7 ~ 26 27 21

1160" 291 ,'108 106 128 106 30 4 894 75 11 !9 1250 1549 279 . 127 5 4 93 99 1 4 180 20 4 26 212 248 ·,i 132 8 'I 8 1 2 122 7 1 1 78 117 , , H ~ ~18 14 ' " 1 ',' 117 " 14 00 111 123

104 22 !, 9 5 6 1 I 10 ~, . 79 16 .. 91 109 79 8 1 20 5 1 ,', 57 3 1 ,I 73 85 (j() 70 44 "46 43 ...... 24 1 .. , 0 74

11 1 0, 252 71 1 l ,. " 59 2 233

I"~ S6 .. 1 55 •• , . ,25 66 118 8 .. 118 8 115 183 95 114 S9 4 2 ...... 57 4 3 1 4 , 157 178 74 S5 '44 S4 " . 26 1 .. 187


SI State/DistrictfFahsil/ Total No. of Total Scheduled Literates, Total Main Workers No. U.A/City{fown. Rural Households Tribes Population ( I-IX) Urban with S. T. Cultivator (I) members

P M F P M F P M F P M p' 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16

East Garo Hills District ' T 24,108 124462 6328461178 40728 23805 16923 49361 31048 18313 42409 26009 16400 R 23411 121450 61670 59780 39400 23002 16198 48393 30354 18039 42199 25905 16294 U 697 3012 1614 1398 3182 80l 525 968 694 Z74 210 104 10& 1 Bambo Rongeng T 7911 42734 21670 2106416310 9443 6867 14930 10181 474912709 8481 4228 C,D,Block, R 7911 42734 21670 21064 16310 9443 6867 14930 10181 4749 12709 8481. 4228 U .. II, I. 2. Songsak C. D. Block T 4910 23114 11697 11417 4031 2570 1461 9335 6165 3~ 8375 5S09 2866 R 4910 23114 11697 11417 4031 2570 1461 9335 6165 3170 8375 5509 2866 U •• 3. Resubelpara (East) T 7669 40784 20843 19941 15900 9040 6860 16573 9963 6610 14179 8292 5887 " I"~"~ C.D. Block R 7669 4078420843 19941 15900 9040 6860 16573 9963' 6610 14179 8292 5887 U .. .. T 3618 11830 9074 8756 4487 2752 1735 8523 4739 '3784 7146 3727 3419 40 Samanda C. D. Block , R 2921 14818 7460 7358 3159 1949 1210 7555 4045 351,0 6936 3623 3313 U 697 3012 1614 1398 1328 803 525 968 694 274 210 104 106 5, WiUiamnagar Town U 697 ,3012 1§14 1398 1328 803 52S 968 694 274 210 104 106 188

ABSTRACf FOR SCHEDULED CASTES - MAIN WORKERS Marginal Workers Non·Workers Agricultural Labourers Household Industry,-- Other Workers II) Manufacturing, PrC(e· ~n, IV. V(b) &YI to IX] ssing, Servicing &Repairs [V (a)] p M " F p. M F P . M F P M F P M F 17 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

3525 2101 1424 64 33 31 . 3363 2905 458 7192 1352 5840 67909 30884 37025 3314 1995 1319 55 28 27 2825 2426 399 7162 1345 5817 65895 29971 35924 211 106 105 9 5 4 538 47!} 59 30 . 7 23 2014 913 1101 12~O 807 :. 423 22 9 13 969 884 85 3642 641 3001 24162 10848 1331. 1230 JJ 807 423 22 9 13 969 884 85 3642 641 3001 24162 10848 13314

" .. " .. '0 00 .. ' .. 271 .' 488 381 466 I 195 6 4 2 107 1077 . 77 100) 12702 5454 7247 I· 381 107 1(0) 466, 271 ., 195 6 4 2 488 1077 77 12702 5455 7247

of It f. • 0 ...... " " ...... 1292 749 543 17 10 7 1085 912 173 . 2'1J'J7 545 1662 22004 10335 11669 '" 1292 . 749 543 17 10 7. 1085 912 173 2207 545 1662 22004 1033S 11669

It to to " ...... " .. " .. to .. II .. \ 537 274 263 19 10 9 821 728 93 266 89 177 9041 4246 4795 326 168 158 10 5 5 283 ' 249 34 236 82 154 7027 . 3333 3694 211 106 lOS 9 S 4 538 ~79 59 30 7 23 2014 913 HOI 211 106. 105 9 5 4 538 479 59 30 7 23 2014 913 1101 189



MAIN WORKERS Marginal Workers Non·WorKers Agricultural Labourers Household Industry Other Workers (III, IV, (ll) Manufacturing, Process- [V (b) and VI to IX] lng, Servicing and Repairi [(V)(a)] ,

p M F P M F P M F P M F P M· F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

2 2 2' 2 55 S3 ~ 3 3 52 21 25

2 2 1 " 35 34 1 3 3 26 13 13

1 '19 14 I " " 20 " .. 26 12

1 .j ..' .. 9 9 1 ., '1 4 2 2 . 2 ., .. ., .. 9 . 9 1 II . 4 2

.. " " II " .. •• 5 1 .. 9 8 1 II ... 8 3 " , 1 ' ·1 ...... 9 8 1 .. 8 3 ,I' ., .. . ., .. .. II

I. 17 17 2 2 14 8 ~. 6 17 2 ) 8 -6 ' " 17 .. 2 14 .. " .. .. " " 2 2 20 19 1 ., .. 26 14 12

., 1 1 ...... II If .. 1 1 20 19 .. .0 26 14 12 1 1 20 ]9 1 .. 26 14 12 191

URBAN/VILLAGES PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf APPENDIX. Total, Scbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Popuiatioit·UrbaIi Block·wise -.... Location. Code No. Name of. Town/Ward/Urban Block Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes , Population 2 3 4 5 -- -~...... ~ ..... , - 14/4/1 Williamnagar Town 4,290 47 3.012 . 14/4/1/(1) Kusimkolgiri 896 6 744 14/4/1/2(2) High School Compound 337 5 227 14/4/1/3(3) Agriculture 366 1 241 l4J4fll4(4) Soil Conservation 326 5 236 14/4/1/5(5) Kolmesalgiri 247 .. 183 14{4/1/6(6) Warimagiri 168 , . 168 Warimagiri 76 14/4{1{6(7) 80 " 14{4{1/7(8) Bazar 559 22 120 14/4/1/8(9) E. W. D. Colony' 147 1 16 14/4/1{9(10) D. C. Sjaft' Colony (Old) '424 ' 1 285 ,< 14/4{1/10(11) D. C. Stat}' Colony (Newj 276 .. l;oti ..St 14}4/1/11(12) Ampangdamgiri 464 II r