Texto traducido:

Proposal of a "Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna” by part of European

Parliament Document drafted by: http://www.hazteoir.org http://www.rosasblancas.org



Pág.3 Why a “Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna” on the part of

European Parliament

4 “Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna”

7 Legislation and agreements to fight terrorism

8 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 56/160.

Human Rights and Terrorism

10 European Parliament recommendations on the role of the European Union in combating terrorism (2001/2016(INI))

12 – Council Common Position 2003/482/CFSP of 27 June 2003 updating

Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2003/402/CFSP

13 Agreement for freedom and against Terrorism

15 Declarations from ETA/Batasuna speaker

16 Related documents

1 17 List of victims assassinated by ETA

64 Those who had to flee from terror of ETA/Batasuna and

extremist nationalism

Why a “Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna” on the part of the European


After the approval on the part of the European Parliament of the B6-0527/2006

Resolution supporting the wrongly called “process of peace” in the past

25th October 2006 in which the initiative of peace in the Basque Country undertaken by the Spanish democratic institutions leans. It is more necessary than ever before that the institutions which represent us as citizen show their unconditional support, without fissures, to the Victims of Terrorism, to all of them and, in special to those caused by ETA/Batasuna along the last 40 years.

That’s why the citizen platforms White Roses for the Dignity and HazteOir.org request from the Popular Party in the European Parliament a new “Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna”.

The end of this document isn’t any other than showing the need to fulfil rigorously on the part of the Government of Spain, with the implication of the whole of the European Parliament, the international legislation about the fight against terrorism. Because of the most transcendental moment that Spain is living, with the surrendering of the state of rights to the intentions of

ETA/Batasuna organization, it is necessary that the support to the victims of this terrorist group should be also expressed without fissures.

The article 29th of the Treaty of the European Union mentions specifically the

2 terrorism as one of the most serious forms of delinquency which must be prevented and fought both at national and European Union level.

“A terrorist act means any act committed by individuals or groups resorting to violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, its population in general or specific individuals which, for reasons of separatist aspirations, extremist ideological beliefs, religious fanaticism or desire for profit, is intended to create a climate of terror among official authorities, specific individuals or groups in society or the general public”

(European Parliament recommendation on the role of the European Union in combating terrorism (2001/2016(INI))

“Resolution of support to all the victims of terrorism and, at this particular moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna”.

The European Parliament,

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights.

Remembering the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations. 56/160. Human rights and terrorism

Remembering the European Parliament recommendation on the role of the

European Union in combating terrorism (2001/2016(INI)).

Remembering a Resolution on the peace process in Spain approved by this

Parliament of 25 October 2006.

Having regard to Council Common Position 2003/482/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism.

Aware that, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, the world is witness to historic and far-reaching transformations, in the course of which forces of aggressive

3 nationalism and religious and ethnic extremism continue to produce fresh challenges, especially in Spain.

Alarmed that acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations aimed at the destruction of human rights have continued despite national and international efforts, specially in Spain during last 40 years caused by ETA/Batasuna,

Bearing in mind that the right to life is the basic human right, without which a human being can exercise no other right,

Bearing in mind also that terrorism creates an environment that destroys the right of people to live in freedom from fear, so and as it happens with the

ETA/Batasuna terrorism,

Seriously concerned about the gross violations of human rights perpetrated by terrorist groups, specially by ETA/Batasuna,

Profoundly deploring the increasing number of innocent persons, including women, children and the elderly, killed, massacred and maimed by terrorists in indiscriminate and random acts of violence and terror, which cannot be justified under any circumstances,

Expressing its deepest sympathy and condolences to all the victims of terrorism and their families, especially to that they have been struck by the terrorism of


A. Rejecting and condemning all acts of terrorism, specially the perpetrated ones by ETA/Batasuna, which often subject the victims and their relatives and friends to unspeakable suffering, by causing them physical injury, disablement, psychological trauma and death and by ruining their lives,

B. Expressing its sincere condolences to the families of victims of acts of

4 terrorism perpetrated by ETA/Batasuna and its deepest sympathy to those affected by terrorist attacks, and their families,

C. Stressing that the victims of acts of terrorism and their families must be provided with effective material assistance and psychological support,

D. Whereas, for the purposes of this recommendation, a terrorist act means any act committed by individuals or groups resorting to violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, its population in general or specific individuals which, for reasons of separatist aspirations, extremist ideological beliefs, religious fanaticism or desire for profit, is intended to create a climate of terror among official authorities, specific individuals or groups in society or the general public. ETA/Batasuna corresponds with this definition, reason why it was including within the list of terrorist organizations of the

European Union.

E. Calling on the Member States to adopt effective measures to prevent a support framework for terrorists being created and maintained, by prohibiting any form of participation in terrorist acts and preventing logistic, material and financial assistance to terrorist acts,

F. Reiterating its unqualified rejection of terrorist organisations and terrorism in the European Union, specially to ETA/Batasuna, which represent a denial of democratic values and the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life and which, as such, must be condemned in all circumstances,

G. Convinced that, in view of the democratic and constitutional structure of decision-making processes in the Member States, no ideological or other grounds can justify terrorist acts committed within the European Union and that, however political the reasons cited may be, such acts can only be considered as

5 crimes, and even as crimes against humanity, which must be prosecuted, with due respect for the European Convention on Human Rights and the European

Union Charter of Fundamental Rights,

H. It encourages the Government of Spain, together with the main parties

(PSOE and PP), to resume bravely the Agreement for the Liberties and against

Terrorism of 2000 which has shown to be an effective tool to finish with terrorism. Of this pact it encourages mainly:

I. To work so that any attempt of direct or indirect political legitimization of violence disappears.

J. That from terrorist violence will in no case be extracted any advantage or political yield.

K. To apply the Spanish penitentiary legislation assuring the most complete and severe punishment to the condemned by terrorist acts, in which the penitentiary policy will contemplate the rehabilitation forms of those who leave the terrorist organization and show to unmistakable attitudes of repentance and will of social rehabilitation as it provided in the Spanish Constitution.

L. To take the victims of terrorism as their main preoccupation, so that they receive the recognition and the attention of the Spanish society to stand on its duties towards them, in special with regard to the Memory, the Dignity and the

Justice that they deserve. In short, the European Parliament asks the Spanish

Government to carry out the national and international the legislation, and persecute with all legal means the State has to the members of the terrorist organization ETA/Batasuna and to those who support in any way the aims and activities of this terrorist organization.

From the European Parliament we are aware that we must do our best to

6 preserve the memory of the victims of terrorism, to establish a system of daily and permanent attention. Their collaboration with the society in the battle against terrorism continues to be necessary, since nobody better than the victims can defend the values of coexistence and mutual respect that those who have inflicted them such suffering want to destroy.

Instructs its President to forward this Resolution to the Council, the Commission and the Governments of the Member States.

Legislation and agreements to fight terrorism

The “Resolution of support to all the victims of the terrorism and, specially at this moment, to the victims of ETA/Batasuna” has two clear aims:

- To support unconditionally the Victims of the Terrorism.

- To watch for the strict fulfilment of the national and international legality

about to the terrorist groups, especially with regard to ETA/Batasuna.

That’s why it tries to make clear this support, consecrated by the international and national legislation that prevails in the world the European Union and Spain on the fight against terrorism. The Spanish Government has to fulfil it scrupulously, not giving room to doubts or “double interpretations”. A series of extracts of this legislation is contributed below.

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

56/160. Human rights and terrorism

The General Assembly of the United Nations in 2001 adopted:

“Aware that, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, the world is witness to

historic and far-reaching transformations, in the course of which forces of

aggressive nationalism and religious and ethnic extremism continue to

produce fresh challenges,

7 Alarmed that acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations aimed at the destruction of human rights have continued despite national and international efforts,

Bearing in mind that the right to life is the basic human right, without which a human being can exercise no other right,

Bearing in mind also that terrorism creates an environment that destroys the right of people to live in freedom from fear,

Reiterating that all States have an obligation to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms and that every individual should strive to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance,

Seriously concerned about the gross violations of human rights perpetrated by terrorist groups,

Profoundly deploring the increasing number of innocent persons, including women, children and the elderly, killed, massacred and maimed by terrorists in indiscriminate and random acts of violence and terror, which cannot be justified under any circumstances,

Expressing its deepest sympathy and condolences to all the victims of terrorism and their families,

1. Expresses its solidarity with the victims of terrorism;

2. Strongly condemns the violations of the right to live free from fear and of the right to life, liberty and security;

3. Reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of the acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations as activities aimed at the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and

8 democracy, threatening the territorial integrity and security of States,

destabilizing legitimately constituted Governments, undermining pluralistic

civil society and having adverse consequences for the economic and

social development of States;


6. Calls upon States to take all necessary and effective measures, in

accordance with relevant provisions of international law, including

international human rights standards, to prevent, combat and eliminate

terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by

whomever it is committed, and also calls upon States to strengthen,

where appropriate, their legislation to combat terrorism in all its forms and


7. Urges all States to deny safe haven to terrorists”

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations. 56/160.

Human rights and terrorism

European Parliament recommendation on the role of the European

Union in combating terrorism (2001/2016(INI))

Also in 2001 the European Parliament passed its recommendations for combating terrorism in which it clearly established:

”J. Rejecting and condemning all acts of terrorism, which often

subject the victims and their relatives and friends to unspeakable

suffering, by causing them physical injury, disablement, psychological

trauma and death and by ruining their lives,

K. Expressing its sincere condolences to the families of victims of

9 acts of terrorism and its deepest sympathy to those affected by terrorist attacks, and their families,

L. Stressing that the victims of acts of terrorism and their families must be provided with effective material assistance and psychological support,

M. Whereas, for the purposes of this recommendation, a terrorist act means any act committed by individuals or groups resorting to violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, its population in general or specific individuals which, for reasons of separatist aspirations, extremist ideological beliefs, religious fanaticism or desire for profit, is intended to create a climate of terror among official authorities, specific individuals or groups in society or the general public,


R. Calling on the Member States to adopt effective measures to

prevent a support framework for terrorists being created and

maintained, by prohibiting any form of participation in terrorist acts and

preventing logistic, material and financial assistance to terrorist acts,


V. Reiterating its unqualified rejection of terrorist organisations and terrorism in the European Union, which represent a denial of democratic values and the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life and which, as such, must be condemned in all circumstances,


AA. Convinced that, in view of the democratic and constitutional structure of decision-making processes in the Member States, no ideological or

10 other grounds can justify terrorist acts committed within the

European Union and that, however political the reasons cited may

be, such acts can only be considered as crimes, and even as crimes

against humanity, which must be prosecuted, with due respect for the

European Convention on Human Rights and the European Union Charter

of Fundamental Rights”.

European Parliament recommendation on the role of the European Union

in combating terrorism (2001/2016(INI))

Also in 2001 the European Parliament approved its

recommendation in the fight against the terrorism, in which it established

clearly: “J. Rejecting and condemning all acts of terrorism, which

often subject the victims and their relatives and friends to unspeakable

suffering, by causing them physical injury, disablement, psychological

trauma and death and by ruining their lives,

K. Expressing its sincere condolences to the families of victims of

acts of terrorism and its deepest sympathy to those affected by

terrorist attacks, and their families,

L. Stressing that the victims of acts of terrorism and their families must

be provided with effective material assistance and psychological


M. Whereas, for the purposes of this recommendation, a terrorist act

11 means any act committed by individuals or groups resorting to violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, its population in general or specific individuals which, for reasons of separatist aspirations, extremist ideological beliefs, religious fanaticism or desire for profit, is intended to create a climate of terror among official authorities, specific individuals or groups in society or the general public,


R. Calling on the Member States to adopt effective measures to prevent a support framework for terrorists being created and maintained, by prohibiting any form of participation in terrorist acts and preventing logistic, material and financial assistance to terrorist acts,


V. Reiterating its unqualified rejection of terrorist organisations and terrorism in the European Union, which represent a denial of democratic values and the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life and which, as such, must be condemned in all circumstances,


AA. Convinced that, in view of the democratic and constitutional structure of decision-making processes in the Member States, no ideological or

12 other grounds can justify terrorist acts committed within the

European Union and that, however political the reasons cited may

be, such acts can only be considered as crimes, and even as crimes

against humanity, which must be prosecuted, with due respect for the

European Convention on Human Rights and the European Union Charter

of Fundamental Rights”.

Council Common Position 2003/482/CFSP of 27 June 2003 updating Common

Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2003/402/CFSP

In this common position of the Council of the European Union of 27th June 2003 it was approved to include in the list of terrorist organizations:

“7. Euskadi Ta Askatasuna/Basque Fatherland and Liberty (E.T.A.) ( the following organizations are part of the terrorist group ETA: Kas, Xaki, Ekin,

Jarrai-Haika-Segi, Gestoras pro-amnistía, Askatasuna, Batasuna (also called

Herri Batasuna, also called Euskal Herritarrok).

Agreement for the liberties and against the effective terrorism.

In the still in force agreement (still since no signer has said that they are breaking it off) signed in the 2000 by the Socialist Party, the Popular Party and the Government of Spain, there were agreed positions that should be defended, if possible, with a greater force and effectiveness:

“2. Violence is morally abhorrent and radically incompatible with the practice of the democratic political action. Who exerts it, who attempts against the life of those who do not think as they do, only deserve the condemnation and disdain of the democratic political parties and of the whole society. There is not any

13 political objective that can be legitimately claimed for in democracy by means of coercion or murder. The only democratic deficit that the Basque society undergoes, the true conflict, is that those who do not believe in democracy exert the terrorist violence to impose their aims to the majority. For that reason, PP and PSOE commit ourselves to work in order to make disappear any attempt of direct or indirect political legitimization, of violence. That is why, we also make firm publicly that from the terrorist violence it will never be extracted any advantage or political yield.

[... ]

5. The crimes of the terrorist organizations are particularly serious and reproachable because they try to subvert the democratic order and extend fear among all citizens. Our penal system offers a suitable legal answer to repress those crimes. However, if new criminal forms or attitudes and behaviours that objectively constituted collaboration or incitation to terrorism demanded legal reforms, we are committed to impel them within the framework of the mutual agreement.

The penitentiary policy is part of the strategy of persecution against terrorist bands and, therefore, it lies within the framework of agreement between both parties and with the Government. Within our legal order, the penitentiary legislation is to be applied making sure that the most complete and severe punishment to the condemned by terrorist acts will be exerted. The penitentiary policy will contemplate the reintegration forms of those who leave the terrorist organization and show unequivocal attitudes of repentance and will of social rehabilitation as our Constitution establishes.


14 7. The victims of terrorism constitute our main preoccupation. They are the ones who more directly have undergone the consequences of fanaticism and intolerance. We know that democracy will never be able to give them back what they have lost, but we are ready to make them get the recognition and the attention of Spanish society. The Law of Solidarity with the Victims of Terrorism has been an unanimous and qualified expression of its moral and material recognition. But our obligations have not finished.

We must make an effort to preserve their memory, to establish a system of daily and permanent attention. Their collaboration with the Spanish society in the battle against terrorism continues to be necessary since nobody is better than the victims to defend the values of coexistence and mutual respect that those who have inflicted them such suffering want to destroy.

Agreement by the liberties and against terrorism

Declarations of the Spokesman of ETA/Batasuna

“We do not condemned violence and the terrorism”

Pernando Barrena, Spokesman of Batasuna, in press conference. 17/10/2006

Related Documents

+ “Resolution on the process of peace in Spain” passed by the European

Parliament 25/10/2006

+ Resolution passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 56/160.

Human rights and terrorism

+ Human rights and terrorism. Resolution of the Commission of Human Rights of the UN 2003/37

15 + Resolution passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 51/210.

Measures to eliminate international terrorism

+ Recommendation of the European Parliament on the role of the Union in the fight against terrorism (2001/2016(INI))

+ Common Position 2003/482/CFSP of 27th June 2003, updating Common

Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2003/402/CFSP

+ Agreement for the liberties and against the terrorism

+ Statutory law of Political Parties 6/2002, 27th June.

List of mortal victims assassinated by ETA/Batasuna

We include bellow a summary of the 934 assassinated by ETA/Batasuna throughout these last 4 decades. If we kept one minute silence for one of them,

16 a single minute of silence for each victim, we would have to be silent for 15 hours and 34 minutes. We are conscious that many are the following pages, but many, too many, have been the assassinated ones in this time.

28th June 1960. The girl Begoña Urroz Ibarrola, 8 months old, dies as a result of a bomb that exploded in the left-luggage office in Amara Station in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

7th June 1968. The Agent of the Civil Guard José Pardines Arcay dies after being shot in a traffic control in the Villabona (Guipúzcoa).

2nd August 1968. Police Commissioner Melitón Manzanas González dies after being shot at his home door in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

9th April 1969. The taxi driver Fermín Monasterio Pérez dies because of the shots of a terrorist who was fleeing from the Police in (Vizcaya).

29th August 1972. The Agent of the Municipal Police Eloy García Cambra dies in a confrontation against an ETA commando in Galdácano (Vizcaya).

24th October 973. The Galician citizens José Humberto Fonz Escobedo, Jorge

García Carneiro and Fernando Quiroga Veina are kidnapped mistaken for policemen in San Juan de Luz (France). Later their corpses are found tortured and pestered with shots.

20th December 1973. A bomb kills in Madrid the President of the Government,

Admiral Luís Carrero Blanco. With him die his driver José Luís Pérez Mogena and the Assistant Inspector of Police Juan Antonio Bueno Fernández who travelled in the same vehicle.

3rd April 1974. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Gregorio Posadas Zurrón is assassinated in Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa).

2nd June 1974. The Agent of the Civil Guard Manuel Pérez Vázquez is

17 assassinated in Ataún (Guipúzcoa).

11th September 1974. The Agent of the Civil Guard Martín Durán Grande is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

13th September 1974. A bomb in Cafetería Rolando in Madrid kills twelve people, all of them civilians. The victims are Concepción Pérez Paino, Francisca

Baeza Alarcón, M. Ángeles Rey Martínez, Baldomero Barral Fernández, María

José Pérez Martínez, Antonio Alonso Palacín, M. Jesús Arco Tirado, Luís

Martínez Martín, Antonio Loro Aguado, Francisco Gómez Vaquero, Miguel

Llanes Gancedo and Gerardo García Pérez.

29th October 1974. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard Jerónimo Vera García is assassinated in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa).

17th December 1974. The Second Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Luís Santos

Hernández and the Agent Algimiro García Estévez are assassinated in

Mondragón (Guipúzcoa).

29th March 1975. The Assistant Inspector of Police José Díaz Linares is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

22nd April 1975. The Inspector of Police José Ramón Morán González dies shot in Guecho (Guipúzcoa).

6th May 1975. The Agent of the Civil Guard Andrés Segovia Peralta is assassinated in Guernica (Vizcaya).

7th May 1975. The Inspector of Police Fernando Llorente Roig is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

13th May 1975. The Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Domingo Sánchez Muñoz is assassinated in Guernica (Vizcaya).

5th June 1975. The Agent of the Civil Guard Maríano Román Madroñal is

18 assassinated in Recalde (Guipúzcoa).

6th June 1975. The Corporal of the Armed Police Ovidio Díaz López dies in

Barcelona in the course of a shooting against a commando which have just ridded a bank.

26th June 1975. The citizen Fernando Fernández Moreno dies in Ceuta.

5th July 1975. The bus driver Carlos Arguimberri Elorriaga is assassinated in

Deva (Guipúzcoa).

31st July 1975. The taxi driver Francisco Expósito Canio is assassinated in

Usurbil (Guipúzcoa).

8th August 1975. The Rural Policeman Demetrio Lesmes Martín is assassinated in Hernani (Guipúzcoa).

5th October 1975. A bomb in the way of a convoy of the Civil Guard kills in

Oñate (Guipúzcoa) the Agents Jesús Pascual Martín Lozano, Juan José Moreno

Chamorro and Esteban Maldonado Llorente.

12th October 1975. The taxi driver Germán Aguirre Irazuegui is assassinated in

Villarreal (Álava).

18th October 1975. The Agent of the Civil Guard Manuel López Treviño is assassinated in Zarauz (Guipúzcoa).

24th November 1975. The Mayor of Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa) Antonio Echevarría

Albisu is assassinated.

17th January 1976. The explosion of a bomb kills the Agent of the Civil Guard

Manuel Vergara Jiménez in Villafranca de Oria (Navarra).

9th February 1976. The Mayor of Galdácano (Vizcaya) Víctor Legorburu

Ibarreche is assassinated.

10th February 1976. The mechanic Julián Galarza Ayasturi is assassinated in

19 Cizurquil (Vizcaya).

1st March 1976. The buses inspector Emilio Guezala Aramburu is assassinated in Lezo (Guipúzcoa).

10th March 1976. The taxi driver Miguel Albizu Idiáquez is assassinated in

Guetaria (Guipúzcoa).

30th March 1976. The worker Vicente Soria Blasco is assassinated in Placencia


4th April 1976. The Inspectors of Police José Luís Martínez Martínez and Jesús

María González Ituero are kidnapped in Hendaya (France). Two weeks later the corpses would appear tortured and each one with a shot in the nape of the neck.

7th April 1976. The businessman Ángel Berazadi Urbe is kidnapped in Elgoibar

(Guipúzcoa). Twenty days later his corpse would appear with a shot in the nape of the neck.

11th April 1976. The Agent of the Civil Guard Miguel Gordo García dies electrocuted in Baracaldo (Vizcaya) trying to take of a flag connected to a high- tension cable.

2nd May 1976. A bomb finished with the life of the Corporal of the Civil Guard

Antonio de Frutos Sualdea in Legazpia (Guipúzcoa).

9th June 1976. The local Head of the Movement in Hernani (Guipúzcoa) Luís

Carlos Albo Llamosas is assassinated.

23rd Julio 1976. The ETA-p.m. leader Eduardo Moreno Bergareche “Pertur”, disappears kidnapped by his mates in the terrorist organization. His corpse has not been found yet.

4th October 1976. The explosion of a bomb in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) kills the Diputation President in that province José María Araluce Villar, together with

20 three police of his escort, Assistant Inspectors Luís Francisco Sanz Flores and

Antonio Palomo Pérez, the Agent Alfredo García González and the driver of the vehicle José María Elicegui Díez.

11th January 1977. The Inspector of Police Félix Ayuso Pinel is assassinated in


13th March 1977. The Agent of the Civil Guard Constantino Gómez García is assassinated in Mondragón (Guipúzcoa).

28th April 1977. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard Antonio Galán Aceituno is assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

18th May 1977. The policeman Manuel Orcera de la Cruz is assassinated in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

13th June 1977. The student José María Basana is assassinated in Baracaldo


22nd June 1977. The corpse of the businessman Javier Ybarra Berge appears with a shot in the head in Barázar (Vizcaya) once fulfilled the term given by his kidnappers for the payment of the rescue. His captivity lasted for thirty days and his kidnapping took place in the district of Neguri in Bilbao.

27th June 1977. The Policeman Valentín Godoy Cerezo is assassinated in

Vitoria (Álava).

8th October 1977. In Guernica (Guipúzcoa), the Diputation President in that province Augusto Unceta-Barrenec Azpiri is assassinated together with the two

Agents of the Civil Guard of his escort Ángel Rivera Navarrón and Antonio

Hernández Segura.

2nd November 1977. The Sergeant of the Municipal Police in Irún (Guipúzcoa),

José Díaz Fernández is assassinated in that town.

21 26th November 1977. The Major of Infantry Joaquín Imaz Martínez is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

16th December 1977. The councilman of the Irún (Guipúzcoa) Julio Martínez

Ezquerro is assassinated in this town.

11th January 1978. The Inspector of Police José Manuel Baena Martín is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

24th February 1978. The Agent of the Municipal Police of Bilbao (Vizcaya)

Manuel Lemos Moya is assassinated in this town.

5th March 1978. The Agents of the Armed Police Miguel Ángel Raya Aguilar and

Joaquín Ramos Gómez are assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

10th March 1978. The former Sergeant of the Civil Guard José María Acedo

Panizo is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

16th March 1978. The Deputy Mayor of the City Council in Bilbao Esteban

Beldarraín Madariaga is assassinated in this town.

17th March 1978. The workers of the nuclear power station of Lemóniz

(Vizcaya), Alberto Negro Piguera and Andrés Guerra Pereda are assassinated.

24th March 1978. The Policeman Joaquin V. Val is assassinated in Vitoria


8th May 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Manuel López González is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

9th May 1978. The Agents of the Civil Guard Juan Marcos Gutiérrez and Miguel

Íñigo Blanco are assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

18th May 1978. The member of the former Franco’s Guard Alfredo Aristondo

Trincado is assassinated in Pasajes de San Pedro (Guipúzcoa).

23rd May 1978. The taxi driver Martín Merquilanz Trincado is assassinated in

22 Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

27th June 1978. The Sergeant of the Armed Police Francisco Martín González is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

28th June 1978. A sticking-bomb under his own vehicle finished with the life of the chief editor of the Newspapers “La Gaceta del Norte” y “La Hoja del Lunes”

José María Portell Manos in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

29th June 1978. The boy José Manuel Campos Martínez dies in Pasajes de San

Pedro (Guipúzcoa).

5th July 1978. The citizen Domingo Herino Arévalo is assassinated in Zarauz


8th July 1978. The Judge of the Peace in Lemona (Vizcaya) Javier Jaúregui

Bernaola is assassinated in this town.

21st July 1978. The Agent of the Municipal Police Antonio García Caballero dies assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

21st July 1978. In Madrid Brigadier General Juan Manuel Sánchez Ramos and the Lieutenant Colonel Juan Antonio Pérez Rodríguez are machine-gunned by a terrorist commando when they were driving in an official vehicle.

25th August 1978. The citizen José García Gastiaín is assassinated in Vitoria


28th August 1978. The first class Corporal of the Civil Guard Aurelio Salgueiro

López is assassinated in Mondragón (Guipúzcoa).

28th August 1978. The Inspector of Police Alfonso Estevas Guilmaín is assassinated in Fuenterrabía (Guipúzcoa) shot by several terrorists.

4th September 1978. The taxi driver Amancio Barreiro Gens is assassinated in

Aguinaga (Guipúzcoa).

23 23rd September 1978. The Agent of the Armed Police José Antonio Ferreiro

González is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

25th September 1978. In San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) the Agents of the Civil

Guard José Zafra Regil and Lorenzo Soto Soto are assassinated.

2nd October 1978. The Rural Policeman Ramón Quintero Ávila is assassinated in Lizarra (Guipúzcoa).

3rd October 1978. The second Major of the Navy Francisco Liesa Morote is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

9th October 1978. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Anselmo Durán Vidal is assassinated in Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa).

9th October 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Ángel Pacheco Pata is assassinated in Marquina (Guipúzcoa).

13th October 1978. The Agents of the Armed Police Ramón Muiños Fernández and Elías García González are assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

14th October 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Alberto Villena Castillo is assassinated in Lequeitio (Vizcaya).

22nd October 1978. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard Luciano Mata Corral and

Agent Luís Gancedo Rou are assassinated in Las Arenas (Vizcaya).

25th October 1978. The Agent of the Armed Police José Benito Díaz is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

25th October 1978. The builder Epifanio Vidal Vázquez is assassinated in

Durango (Vizcaya).

26th October 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Andrés Silverio Martín is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

30th October 1978. The bus driver Ignacio Olaiz Michelena dies machine-

24 gunned in Andoaín (Guipúzcoa).

2nd November 1978. The businessman José Legasa Ubiria is assassinated in

Irún (Guipúzcoa).

2nd November 1978. The citizen Juan Cruz Hurtado is assassinated in Guernica


2nd November 1978. The worker of the Company Orbegozo, Rafael Recaola

Landa, is assassinated in Lezo (Guipúzcoa).

5th November 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Mariano Criado Ramajo is assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

9th November 1978. The worker of Altos Hornos de Viacaya Luís Candendo

Pérez is assassinated in Anzuola (Guipúzcoa).

11th November 1978. The Corporal of the Civil Guard José Rodríguez de Lama and the Agent Lucio Revilla Alonso are assassinated in Villarrubia (Guipúzcoa).

15th November 1978. The citizen Emilia Larrea Sáez de Adacia is assassinated in Mondragón (Guipúzcoa).

16th November 1978. The Magistrate of the Provincial High Court of Madrid

José Francisco Mateu Cánovas is assassinated in Madrid.

20th November 1978. The Corporal of the Armed Police José Benito Sánchez and the Agent Benjamín Sancho Mejido are assassinated in Basauri (Vizcaya).

25th November 1978. The taxi driver Elías Elexpe Astondoa is assassinated in

Amorebieta (Vizcaya).

27th November 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Heliodoro Arriaga Ciaurriz is assassinated in Villabona (Guipúzcoa).

29th November 1978. The citizen Alejandro Hernández Cuesta is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

25 1st December 1978. The Agent of the Civil Guard Manuel León Ortega is assassinated in Oñate (Guipúzcoa).

5th December 1978. The Commissioner of Police José María Serrais Llasera, the Assistant Commissioner Gabriel Alonso Perejil and the Agent of the

Municipal Police Ángel Cruz Salcines are assassinated in San Sebastián


9th December 1978. The retired member of he Army Vicente Rubio Ereño is assassinated in Santurce (Vizcaya).

13th December 1978. The businessman Saturnino Sota Argaiz is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

13th December 1978. The Head of the Municipal Police in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa)

Juan Jiménez Gómez is assassinated in that town.

17th December 1978. The retired Colonel of the Army Diego Fernández Montes is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

19th December 1978. The industrial technician Joaquín María Arada is assassinated in Guecho (Vizcaya).

23rd December 1978. The businessman Pedro Garrido Caro is assassinated in

San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

27th December 1978. The citizen José María Arrizabalaga Arcocha is assassinated in Ondárroa (Vizcaya).

30th December 1978. The taxi driver Lisardo Sampil Belmonte is assassinated in Yurre (Vizcaya).

31st December 1978. The businessman José Luís Vicente Cantón is assassinated in Llodio (Álava).

2nd January 1979. The Major of the Army José María Herrera Hernández is

26 assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

2nd January 1979. The Corporal of the Armed Police Francisco Berlanga Robles is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

3rd January 1979. The Major General Constantino Ortín Gil is assassinated in


6th January 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Ramirez Gallardo and his girl friend Hortensia González Ruíz are machine-gunned in Beasaín


9th January 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Ciriaco Sanz García is assassinated in Llodio (Álava).

12th January 1979. The Agent of the Municipal Police Bienvenido Romero

Montejo is assassinated in Madrid.

13th January 1979. The Agents of the Civil Guard Francisco Gómez Giménez and Miguel García Bayo are assassinated in Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa).

15th January 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Mota Calvo is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

27th January 1979. The former Mayor of Echarri-Aranaz (Navarra), Jesús Ulayar

Liliaga is assassinated.

30th January 1979. The commercial consultant José Fernando Artola

Goicoechea is assassinated in Anzuola (Guipúzcoa).

31st January 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Félix de Diego Martínez is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

3rd February 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Jesús Díez Pérez is assassinated in Andoaín (Guipúzcoa).

4th February 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Esteban Sáez Gómez is

27 assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

6th February 1979. The Mayor of Olaberría (Guipúzcoa), José Antonio Vivo

Undabarrena is assassinated.

7th February 1979. The citizen Vicente Irusta Altamira is assassinated in Ibarruri


12th February 1979. The Head of the Municipal Police of Munguía (Vizcaya)

Cesar Pinilla Sanz is assassinated.

14th February 1979. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Sergio Borrajo Palacín is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

14th February 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Benito Arroyo Gutiérrez is assassinated in Deva (Guipúzcoa).

5th March 1979. The Brigadier General of the Army Agustín Muñoz Vázquez is assassinated in Madrid.

9th March 1979. The Head of the Municipal Police of Beasaín (Guipúzcoa)

Miguel Chavarri Isasi is assassinated.

16th March 1979. The citizen José María Maderal Oleaga is assassinated in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

23rd March 1979. The Inspector of Police Antonio Recio Claver is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

5th April 1979. The businessman Pedro Fernández Serrano is assassinated in

Pamplona (Navarra).

7th April 1979. The Sergeant of the National Police Ginés Pujante García and the Corporals Miguel Orenes Guillamón and Juan Bautista Peralta Montoya are assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

9th April1979. The businessman Dionisio Imaz Gorostiza is assassinated in

28 Villafranca de Ordizia (Guipúzcoa).

17th April 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Bautista García is assassinated in Villafranca de Ordizia (Guipúzcoa).

28th April 1979. The Agent of the Municipal Police of Durango (Vizcaya) Pedro

Ruíz Rodríguez is assassinated.

30th April 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Díaz Román is assassinated in Oñate (Guipúzcoa).

2nd May 1979. The Agents of the Civil Guard José Miguel Maestre Rodríguez and Antonio Peña Solís are assassinated in Villafranca de Ordicia (Guipúzcoa).

17th May 1979. Antonio Pérez García the owner of a bar in Lemona (Vizcaya) is assassinated in this town.

25th May 1979. The General Lieutenant of the Army Luís Gómez Ortigüela, the

Colonels Agustín Laso Corral and Jesús Ábalos Jiménez and the driver of their vehicle Luís Gómez Borrero are assassinated in Madrid.

6th June 1979. The businessman Luís Berasategui Mendizábal is assassinated in Vergara (Guipúzcoa).

7th June 1979. The retired Major of Infantry Andrés Varela Rua is assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

13th June 1979. The worker of the nuclear power station of Lemóniz

(Guipúzcoa) Ángel Baños Espada is assassinated in this town.

19th June 1979. The businessman Héctor Muñoz Espiniza is assassinated in

Irún (Guipúzcoa).

22nd June 1979. The worker Francisco Medina Albala is assassinated in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

22nd June 1979. The commercial consultant Diego Alfaro Orihuela is

29 assassinated in Basauri (Guipúzcoa).

1st July 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Emeterio de la Fuente Aller is assassinated in León.

22nd July of 1979. Jesús María Colomo, waiter in a bar in Beasaín (Guipúzcoa) is assassinated.

28th July 1979. The Corporal of the National Police Emilio López de la Peña and the Agent Miguel Ángel Saro López are assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

29th July 1979. An explosive device kills the Czech citizen Dorotea Fetiz at

Chamartín Station in Madrid.

29th July of 1979. The citizens José Anaya, Juan Luna Azol and Jesús Pérez

Palma die at Barajas Airport in Madrid as a result of the explosion of a bomb.

29th July 1979. The citizen Guadalupe Redondo Villar dies at Atocha Station in

Madrid as a result of the explosion of a bomb.

29th July 1979. The Brigade of the Civil Guard Moisés Cordero López and the

Agent Antonio Pastor Martín are assassinated in Herrera (Guipúzcoa).

2nd August 1979. The retired National Policeman Dionisio Rey Amez is assassinated in Madrid.

4th August 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Tauste Sánchez is assassinated in Eibar (Guipúzcoa).

8th August 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Nieves Cañuelo is assassinated in Sondica (Vizcaya).

13th August 1979. The Agent of the Municipal Police of Portugalete (Vizcaya)

Manuel Ferreira Simoes is assassinated.

16th August 1979. The citizen Antonio López Carreras is assassinated in Bilbao


30 18th August 1979. The sportsman José Manuel Boix is assassinated in Madrid.

30th August 1979. The Agent of the National Police José María Pérez Rodríguez is assassinated in Zumárraga (Guipúzcoa).

30th August 1979. The Agent of the National Police Aureliano Calvo Valls is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

13th September 1979. The Director of the Banco Hispano Americano in

Baracaldo (Vizcaya), Modesto Carriega Pérez, is assassinated.

19th September 1979. The Colonel of the Army Aureliano Pérez Zamora and the

Major Julian Esquerro Serrano are assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

23rd September 1979. The Brigadier General Lorenzo González Valles is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

26th September 1979. The taxi driver Sixto Holgado Martín is assassinated in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

30th September 1979. The Police Inspector Santos Sampedro Lozano is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

30th September 1979. The Head of the Municipal Police of Guernica (Vizcaya)

Adolfo Vilariño Doce is assassinated.

30th September 1979. Pedro Gori Rovira, waiter of a bar in Las Arenas

(Vizcaya) is assassinated.

5th October 1979. The former Mayor of Bilbao (Vizcaya) José María Uriarte

Alvain is assassinated.

7th October 1979. The Sergeants of the Civil Guard Eugenio Recio Guzmán and

Manuel Pérez Comerón are assassinated in Puente Arce (Cantabria).

8th October 1979. The Head of the Brigade of Criminal Investigation Carlos

Sanz Biurrun is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

31 31st October 1979. The Agent of the Civil Guard Manuel Fuentes Fontán is assassinated in Portugalete (Vizcaya).

2nd November 1979. The Police Commissioner Antonio Mesa Portillo is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

12th November 1979. The forester Fernando Rodríguez Espínola is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

16th November 1979. The citizen Juan Luís Guirreurreta Arzamendi is assassinated in Mondragón (Guipúzcoa).

28th November 1979. The Agents of the Civil Guard Ángel García Pérez,

Antonio Alex Martínez and Pedro Sánchez Marfil are assassinated in Azpeitia


18th December 1979. The citizen Juan Cruz Montoya Ortueta is assassinated in

Vitoria (Álava).

5th January 1980. The businessman Jesús García García is assassinated in the

Baracaldo (Vizcaya).

9th January 1980. The clerk Sebastián Arroyo González is assassinated in

Alsasua (Navarra).

10th January 1980. The Major of Cavalry Jesús Velasco Zuazola is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

14th January 1980. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Moya Jiménez is assassinated in Elorrio (Vizcaya).

19th January 1980. The commercial consultant José Miguel Palacios

Domínguez is assassinated in Guecho (Vizcaya).

20th January 1980. The explosion of a bomb kills four civilians in Baracaldo

(Vizcaya). The victims are Liborio Arana Gómez, Mari Paz Armiño, Pacífico Fica

32 Zuloaga and Manuel Santacoloma Velasco.

23rd January 1980. Two hooded men kidnap Alfredo Ramos Vázquez, the owner of a bar in Baracaldo (Vizcaya). A few hours later his corpse was found in

Eibar (Guipúzcoa) pestered with shots.

25th January 1980. The citizen Luís Domínguez Jiménez is assassinated in

Vergara (Guipúzcoa).

27th January 1980. The Agent of the National Police Juan Manuel Román

Moreno is assassinated in Basauri (Vizcaya).

1st February 1980. A terrorist commando machine-guns a convoy of the Civil

Guard which was escorting a van carrying heavy weapons in Ispaster (Vizcaya).

In the attack six Agents of the Military Institution pass away. The victims are

José Martínez Pérez, Carlos Gómez Trillo, José Gómez Mariñán, Alfredo Díez

Marcos, Antonio Marín Gamero and Victoriano Villamor González.

8th February 1980. The Major of Infantry Miguel Rodríguez Fuentes is assassinated in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa).

8th February 1980. The Agent of the Municipal Police of Oñate (Guipúzcoa)

Ángel Aztuy Rodríguez is assassinated in this town.

15th February 1980. The taxi driver Ignacio Arocena Arbelaiz is assassinated in

Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

17th February 1980. The taxi driver Mario Cendán Geimonde is assassinated in

Islares (Cantábria).

20th February 1980. The Colonel of Infantry Eugenio Saracíbar González de

Durana is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

18th March 1980. The soldier José Luís Ramirez Villar is assassinated in


33 24th March 1980. The businessman Dámaso Sánchez Soto is assassinated in

Durango (Vizcaya).

24th March 1980. The worker José Arcedo Quiles is assassinated in Escoriaza


25th March 1980. The businessman Enrique Aresti Urien is assassinated in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

29th March 1980. The boy José María Piris Carballo dies in Azpeitia

(Guipúzcoa) when playing in the street he stroke a sports bag containing an explosive device.

6th April 1980. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Pascual Anchio is assassinated in Orio (Guipúzcoa). In the same attack the fisherman Florentino

Lopetegui Barjacoba is also killed.

13th April 1980. The Major of Infantry Eugenio Lázaro Valle is assassinated in

Vitoria (Álava).

16th April 1980. The Agents of the Civil Guard Luís Martos García and José

Torralba López are assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

28th April 1980. The Agent of the Civil Guard Rufino Muñoz Alcalde is assassinated in Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

8th May 1980. The Artillery Major José María Espinosa Viscarret is assassinated in Pasajes of San Juan (Guipúzcoa).

9th May 1980. The Agent of the National Police Antonio Moreno Núñez is assassinated in Santurce (Vizcaya).

12th May 1980. The businessman Ramón Baglietto Martínez is assassinated in the Height of Azcárate (Guipúzcoa).

15th May 1980. Three Agents of the National Police in San Sebastián

34 (Guipúzcoa) die assassinated. The victims are Dionisio Villadangos Calvo, José

Manuel Rodríguez Fontana and Jesús Holgado Sabio.

16th May 1980. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Francisco Ramón Ruíz

Fernández and the Agent Francisco Puig Mestre are assassinated in Goizueta


16th May 1980. The businessman Ceferino Peña Zubia is assassinated in

Cestona (Guipúzcoa). Later he would be known to have been assassinated by error mistaken for an informer of the Police.

15th June 1980. The Agent of the National Police Ángel Posigo Megías is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

9th June 1980. The clerk José Pablo García Lorenzo is assassinated in

Amorebieta (Vizcaya).

20th June 1980. The retailer Julio Santiago Exposito Pascual is assassinated in

Sestao (Vizcaya).

25th June 1980. The technician of the company Michelín Luís Hergueta Guinea is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

28th June 1980. The retired Civil Guard Justino Quindos López dies assassinated in Azcoitia (Guipúzcoa). In the same attack the citizens Elio López

Camerón and Julio Muñoz Gran also die.

2nd July 1980. Joaquin Becerra Calvete, the owner of a bar in Amurrio (Álava) is assassinated in this town.

13th July 1980. The Agents of the Civil Guard Aurelio Navío Navío and Antonio

Gómez Ramos are assassinated in Orio (Guipúzcoa).

18th July 1980. The worker Ramón Ledo Taboada is assassinated in Vergara


35 22nd July 1980. The Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Francisco López Bescos is assassinated in Villamediana (La Rioja).

23rd July 1980. The brothers Antonio Contreras Gabarra and his sister María

Contreras Gabarra are assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

2nd August 1980. The welder from Eibar (Guipúzcoa) Mario González Blasco is kidnapped on his way to work. Hours later its corpse was found in the vicinity with eight impacts of bullets.

27th August 1980. The retailer Jesús María Echeveste Toledo is assassinated in

Irún (Guipúzcoa).

3rd September 1980. Antonio Fernández Guzmán, harbour driver is assassinated in Santurce (Vizcaya).

6th September 1980. The Captain of the National Police Basilio Altuna

Fernández is assassinated in Erenchu (Vizcaya).

13th September 1980. The Lieutenant Colonel of the army José María Urquizu

Goyogana is assassinated in Durango (Vizcaya).

20th September 1980. Four Agents of the Civil Guard in Marquina (Vizcaya) die assassinated. The victims are Antonio García Argente, Mariano González

Huertos, Miguel Fernández Espegares and Alfonso Martínez Bello.

29th September 1980. The member of the executive of UCD Party José Ignacio

Ustarán is kidnapped in his house by an ETA commando. A few hours later his corpse is found inside his own car in Vitoria (Álava), with a shot in its forehead.

2nd October 1980. The retired man Ramón Coto Abad is assassinated in Bilbao


2nd October 1980. The taxi driver Benito Morales Fabián is assassinated in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

36 3rd October 1980. The Assistant Commissioner of the National Police Sergio

Canal Canal, the Inspector José Antonio Merenciano Ruíz and the Agent Jesús

Hernando Ortega are assassinated in Durango (Vizcaya).

4th October 1980. The Corporal of the Civil Guard José Luís Vázquez Platas and the Agents Avelino Palma Brida and Ángel Prado Mella die in attack in

Salvatierra (Álava).

7th October 1980. The tobacconist Carlos García Fernández dies assassinated in Eibar (Guipúzcoa).

13th October of 1980. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Lorenzo Moto

Rodríguez is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

23rd October 1980. The Delegate of Compañía Telefónica in San Sebastián

(Guipúzcoa) Juan Manuel García Cordero is assassinated in that town.

23rd October 1980. The citizen Jaime Arrese Arizmendiarreta dies assassinated in Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa).

23rd October 1980. Professor Felipe Extremiana Unanue is assassinated in

Amorebieta (Vizcaya).

29th October 1980. The businessman Carlos Fernández Aspizu is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

31st October 1980. The citizen Juan de Dios Doval de Mateo is assassinated in

San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

31st October 1980. The lawyer José María Pérez López is kidnapped by two men in Hernani (Guipúzcoa). A few hours later his corpse would appear with a shot in its head.

3rd November 1980. Four Agents of the Civil Guard are assassinated in Zarauz

(Guipúzcoa). The victims are the Corporals Ángel Retamar Nogales and Arturo

37 López Hernández and the Agents Modesto García Lorenzo and Julio Cesar

Castrillejo Pérez.

4th November 1980. The hairdresser Miguel Lasa Arruabarrena is assassinated in Zarauz (Guipúzcoa).

6th November 1980. The Agent of the National Police Alberto Lisalde Ramos is assassinated in Eibar (Guipúzcoa). In the same attack also dies the hairdresser

Sotero Mazo Figueras.

12th November 1980. The truck driver Miguel Zunzunegui Arratibel is assassinated in Ataún (Guipúzcoa).

14th November 1980. The clerk Vicente Zorita Alonso is assassinated in

Santurce (Vizcaya).

17th November 1980. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan García León is assassinated in Eibar (Guipúzcoa).

21st November 1980. The Agent of the Civil Guard Aurelio Prieto Prieto is assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

27th November 1980. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Miguel Garciarena

Baraibar is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

27th November 1980. The businessman Miguel Ángel San Martín is assassinated in Logroño.

2nd December 1980. The Assistant Commissioner of the National Police Carlos

Fernández Valcárcel is assassinated in Logroño (La Rioja).

6th December 1980. The businessman Ignacio Lasa de Rezola is assassinated in Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa).

11th December 1980. The Inspector of High Corps of the Police José Javier

Moreno Castro is assassinated in Eibar (Guipúzcoa).

38 3rd January 1981. The businessman Joaquín Martínez Simón is assassinated in

Pamplona (Navarra).

5th January 1981. The businessman Antonio Díaz García is assassinated in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

14th January 1981. The worker José Luís Oliva Hernández in Sodupe (Vizcaya).

17th January 1981. The retired Second Lieutenant of the Army Leopoldo García

Martín is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

6th February 1981. The corpse of the engineer of the Nuclear Power Station of

Lemóniz José María Ryan Estrada is found with a shot in the nape of the neck in

Galdácano (Vizcaya). He had been kidnapped in Bilbao a week before.

5th March 1981. The Police Commissioner José Luís Raymundo Moya is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

21st March 1981. Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Ramón Romero Rotaeche is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

21st March 1981. The citizen José Luís Prieto García is assassinated in

Pamplona (Navarra).

27th March 1981. The citizen Juan Costas Otamendi is assassinated in Tolosa


8th April 1981. The Agent of the National Police Vicente Sánchez Vicente is assassinated in Baracaldo (Vizcaya).

9th April 1981. The Agent of the National Police Francisco Francés Garzón is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

14th April 1981. The retired Lieutenant of the Army Oswaldo José Rodríguez

Fernández is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

14th April 1981. The retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Civil Guard Luís Cadarso

39 San Juan is assassinated in Basauri (Vizcaya).

14th April 1981. José María Latiegui Valmaseda, executive of the Moulinex

Company, is assassinated in Usurbil (Guipúzcoa).

7th May 1981. The Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry Guillermo Tevar Saco, the

Sergeant Major of the Royal Guard Antonio Noguera García and their driver

Manuel Rodríguez Taboada die in attack in Madrid.

14th May 1981. The Agents of the Civil Guard José Olalla de la Flor and Manuel

Sánchez Borrallo are assassinated in Lemona (Vizcaya).

5th June 1981. The Corporal of the National Police Esteban Álvarez Merallo is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

16th June 1981. The Inspector of the High Corps of the Police María Joséfa

García Sánchez is assassinated in Zarauz (Guipúzcoa).

24th June 1981. The Colonel of the Army Luís de la Parra Urbaneja is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

24th June 1981. The workers Ignacio Ubarruchi Erostarbe and Juan Manuel

Martínez Castañares die in attack in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

5th July of 1981. The Agent of the Civil Guard Luís Miranda Blanco is assassinated in Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

5th Julio 1981. The Lieutenant of the Army Magín Fernández Ferrero dies in attack in Baracaldo (Vizcaya).

10th July 1981. The retired Agent of the Civil Guard Joaquín Gorjón González is assassinated in Basauri (Vizcaya).

14th July 1981. The press deliverer Ovidio Ferreira Martín dies in attack in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

25th July 1981. The worker Félix Galíndez Llanos dies in attack in Amurrio

40 (Vizcaya).

17th October 1981. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Santiago González de Paz is assassinated in Santurce (Vizcaya).

28th November 1981. The businessman Manuel Hernandez Seisdedos is assassinated in Guecho (Vizcaya).

2nd January 1982. The taxi driver Pablo Garayalde Jaureguizabal is assassinated in Alegría de Oria (Guipúzcoa).

27th January 1982. The Agent of the Municipal Police of Ondarroa Benigno

García Díaz is assassinated.

16th February 1982. The retired Agent of the Civil Guard Benjamín Fernández

Fernández is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

16th February 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard José Fragoso Martín is assassinated in Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

15th March 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard Modesto Martín Sánchez is assassinated in Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

22nd March 1982. The Inspectors of Police Alfonso Maside Bouzo and Agustín

Martínez Pérez are assassinated in Sestao (Vizcaya). In the same attack the clerk Cristina Mónica Illarmendi dies.

26th March 1982. Enrique Cuesta Jimenez, Delégate of the Compañia

Telefónica in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa), is assassinated.

30th March 1982. The Doctor Ramiro Carasa Pérez is assassinated in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

31st March 1982. The Agent of the National Police Antonio Gómez García is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

17th April 1982. The Agent of the National Police Vicente Luís Garcera López is

41 assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

2nd May 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Pablo Fernández Rico is assassinated in Ondarroa (Vizcaya).

5th May 1982. The engineer of the Nuclear Power Station of Lemóniz Ángel

Pascual Múgica is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

14th May 1982. The taxi driver Antonio Huegún Aguirre is assassinated in Eibar


3rd June 1982. The Colonel of Infantry Daniel Henríquez García is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

5th June 1982. The businessman Rafael Vera Gil is assassinated is assassinated in Santurce (Vizcaya).

13th June 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard José Fernández Perna is assassinated in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa).

30th June 1982. José Aybar Yáñez, head of the Municipal Police in Baracaldo

(vizcaya) is assassinated in this town.

4th July 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan García González is assassinated in Burguete (Navarra).

16th July 1982. The Representative of Tabacalera Alberto López Jaureguizar is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

25th August 1982. The Agents of the Civil Guard Vicente Gómez Duarte and

Miguel Garrido Romero are assassinated in Mungía (Vizcaya).

27th August 1982. The citizens José Luís Barona Zorrilla and Francisco Javier

Angulo Fernández die in attack in Vitoria (Álava).

14th September 1982. Four Agents of the National Police in Rentería

(Guipúzcoa) are assassinated. The victims are Alfonso López Hernández, Jesús

42 Ordoñez Pérez, Antonio Cedillo Toscano and Juan Seronero Sacristán.

22nd September 1982. The Brigade of the Navy Emilio Fernández Arias is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

5th October 1982. The citizen Juan Carlos Ribeiro de Aguilar dies in attack in

Bermeo (Vizcaya) is assassinated.

8th October 1982. The Director of the Medical Company Asepeyo in Pamplona

(Navarra), Alberto Toca Echevarría, is assassinated.

9th October 1982. The retired Captain of the Civil Guard José Giménez Mayoral is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

15th October 1982. The worker Gregorio Hernández Corchete dies in attack in

Leiza (Navarra).

22nd October 1982. The businessman Domingo Javier García González is assassinated in Algorta (Vizcaya).

31st October 1982. The explosion of a blasting charge located inside a vehicle in the way of a convoy of the National Police, causes the death of the Agent

Francisco González Ruíz in Vitoria (Álava).

4th November 1982. The Major General Víctor Lago Román is assassinated in


17th November 1982. The Lieutenant of the Army Víctor Uceda Vera is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

23rd November 1982. The businessman Carlos Manuel Patiño Casanova is assassinated in Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

12th December 1982. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Ramón Joya Lago is assassinated in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

29th December 1982. The Agents of the Civil Guard Juan García Hencía and

43 Manuel López Fernández are assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

2nd February 1983. The Agent of the Civil Guard Miguel Mateo Pastor is assassinated in Ordicia (Guipúzcoa).

5th February 1983. The workers Ramón Iturrondo García, Aníbal Izquierdo

Emperador and Benicio Alonso Gómez die in attack in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

12th February 1983. The citizen Patricia Llanillo Borbolla dies in attack in Tolosa


20th February 1983. The doctor Luís Manuel Allende Orrur is assassinated in

Vitoria (Álava).

25th March 1983. The Corporal of the National Police Ramón Martínez García is assassinated in Oyarzun (Guipúzcoa).

27th March 1983. The Agent of the National Police Aniano Sutíl Pelayo is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

4th May 1983. The Lieutenant of the National Police Julio Segarra Blanco and the Corporal Pedro Barquero González are assassinated in an attack which took place in Bilbao (Vizcaya). In the same attack died the citizen María Dolores Ledo


28th May 1983. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Antonio Conejo Salguero and the Agent Fidel Lázaro Aparicio are assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

7th June 1983. The citizen Francisco Machio Martos is assassinated in Azpeitia


16th June 1983. The worker Eduardo Vadillo Vadillo dies in attack in Marquina


22nd June 1983. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Maldonado Moreno is assassinated in Pasajes de San Juan (Guipúzcoa).

44 23rd June 1983. The Agent Emilio José Cánovas López is assassinated in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) because of the exploding of a bomb car in the way of a van of the National Police.

27th June 1983. The civil servant Jesús Blanco Cereceda dies in attack in

Pamplona (Navarra).

13th July 1983. The Agent of the National Police Manuel García San Miguel is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

23rd July 1983. The businessman Ramiro Salazar Suero is assassinated in

Vitoria (Álava).

31st July 1983. The Agents of the Civil Guard Rafael Gil Martín and Enrique Rúa

Díaz are assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

5th August 1983. The Agent of the Municipal Police in San Sebastián

(Guipúzcoa) Manuel Perorue Díez is assassinated.

5th September 1983. The businessman Arturo Quintanilla Sala is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

6th September 1983. The sales consultant Javier Alberdi Iriarte dies in attack in

San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

16th September 1983. The Agent of the National Police Pablo Sánchez Cesar is assassinated in Urnieta (Guipúzcoa).

5th October 1983. The Agent of the National Police Manuel Benito José is assassinated in Portugalete (Guipúzcoa).

8th October 1983. The worker Juan José Pulido Pavón dies in attack in Hernani


13th October 1983. The Agent of the Civil Guard Ángel Flores Giménez is assassinated in Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

45 15th October 1983. The Argentine doctor Alfredo Suar Muro who work in the prison of Puerto de Santa María appears dead with a shot in his neck inside his vehicle in Cadiz.

15th October 1983. The Agent of the Civil Guard José Reyes Corchado is assassinated in Oñate (Guipúzcoa).

18th October 1983. The corpse of the Captain of pharmacy Alberto Martín

Barrios appears with his head pestered with shots in Galdácano (Vizcaya). He had been kidnapped in Bilbao two weeks before.

20th October 1983. The baker Cándido Cuña González dies in attack in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

26th October 1983. The citizen Lorenzo Mendizábal Iturralde dies in attack in

Irún (Guipúzcoa).

5th November 1983. The worker Manuel Carrasco Merchán dies in attack in

Villabona (Guipúzcoa).

9th November 1983. The retailer José Ángel Martínez Trelles is assassinated in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

12th November 1983. The Lieutenant of the Navy Antonio de Vicente Comesaña is assassinated in Bermeo (Vizcaya).

26th November 1983. The businessman José Antonio Julián Bayano is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

8th December 1983. The car seller Francisco Javier Collado Azurmendi is assassinated in Cegama (Guipúzcoa).

9th December 1983. The taxi driver Pablo Garraza García is assassinated in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

15th December 1983. The Agent of the National Police Eduardo Navarro

46 Cañadas is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

15th December 1983. The corpse of the businessman Francisco Arín Urcola appears pestered with shots in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa). A few hours before he had been kidnapped by an ETA commando.

29th January 1984. The General Lieutenant of the Army Guillermo Quintana

Lacaci is assassinated in Madrid shot by a terrorist commando.

4th February 1984. The former militant of E.T.A Miguel Francisco Solaún Angulo is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

23rd February 1984. The Senator of the PSOE party Enrique Casas Vila is assassinated with several shots in his office in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

1st March 1984. The retired Inspector of the police Pedro Ortíz de Urbina is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

28th March 1984. The Agent of the Municipal Police José Naranjo Martín is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

3rd April 1984. The Agent of the National Police Bernardo Pérez Sobrino is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

13th April 1984. The retired Major of the Army Jesús Alcocer Jiménez dies assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra). A few hours later the Corporal of the

National Police Tomás Palacín Pellejero and the Agent Juan José Visiedo

Calero also died when checking the car used by the terrorists.

18th April 1984. The citizen José Ortiz is assassinated in the province of


21st April 1984. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Velasco Benito is assassinated in Vizcaya.

3rd May 1984. The businessman Ángel Rodríguez Vázquez is assassinated in

47 San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

25th May 1984. The Captain of the Civil Guard Luís Ollo Ochoa is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

7th June 1984. The Agent of the National Police Diego Torrente Reverte is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

14th June 1984. The Agent of the Civil Guard Ángel Zapatero Antolín is assassinated in the province of Guipúzcoa.

18th June 1984. The Secretary of the City Council of Ispaster (Guipúzcoa)

Manuel González Villar is assassinated.

2nd July 1984. The retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Alberto Aznar Feix is assassinated in attack in Vizcaya.

19th July 1984. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Torrón Santamaría is assassinated in Vizcaya.

25th July 1984. The Agent of the Municipal Police Juan Rodríguez Rosales is assassinated in Vizcaya.

22nd September 1984. The retailer José María Martínez Martínez is assassinated in Vizcaya.

28th September 1984. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard José Luís Veiga Pérez, the Corporal Agustín Pascual Poblet and the Agent Victoriano Collado Arribas are assassinated in attack in Vitoria (Álava).

17th October 1984. The Agent of the Municipal Police Vicente Gajate Martín is assassinated in Guipúzcoa.

8th November 1984. The citizen Juan Sánchez Sierro dies in attack in


16th November 1984. The businessman Joseph Couchot, presumed member of

48 G.A.L., is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)

23rd November 1984. The Agent of the National Police Mohammed Ahar

Abderraman is assassinated in Guipúzcoa.

7th December 1984. The Lieutenant of Infantry Juan Enríquez Criado, the

Second Lieutenant Francisco Javier Fernández Lajusticia and the cook of the quarter they belonged to Luís Alberto Asensio Pereda die assassinated in

Galdácano (Vizcaya) in the explosion of a bomb car in the way of a military convoy.

26th December 1984. The owner of a bar in Bermeo (Vizcaya) Miguel

Castellanos Escamilla is assassinated.

31st December 1984. The Local Head of the Movement in the province of

Guipúzcoa, José Larrañaga Arenas, is assassinated.

19th January 1985. The baker Agapito Sánchez Angulo is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

19th February 1985. The Director of the Banco Central Ricardo Tejero Magro is assassinated in Madrid.

26th February 1985. The presumed narcotics trafficker Ángel Focal Soto is assassinated in Pasajes de San Pedro (Guipúzcoa).

7th March 1985. The Head of the Ertzaintza Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Díaz

Arocha is assassinated on exploding a sticking bomb located underneath his own vehicle in attack in Elorriaga (Álava).

29th April 1985. The doctor Jesús Ildefonso García Vadillo dies in attack in

Galdácano (Vizcaya).

12th May 1985. The Agent of the National Police Máximo García Freile is assassinated in attack in Guipúzcoa.

49 16th May 1985. The Corporal of the National Police Luís Navarro Izquierdo dies in Basauri (Vizcaya) in explosion of a bomb car in the way of two police vans.

18th May 1985. The taxi driver Juan José Uriarte Orue is assassinated in


22nd May 1985. The Agents of the National Police Francisco Rivas López and

Máximo Díaz Barderas are assassinated in the province of Guipúzcoa.

26th May 1985. The Inspector of the High Corps of the Police Moisés Herrero

Luango is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

30th May 1985. The Agent of the National Police Francisco Miguel Sánchez is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra). In the same attack the student Alfredo

Aguirre Beascoaín also dies.

30th May 1985. The Staff Manager of “Esperanza y Cia” José Martínez Parens is assassinated in Vizcaya.

12th June 1985. The Colonel of the Army Vicente Romero González and his driver Juan García Giménez are assassinated in Madrid. A few hours later the

Agent of the National Police, member of the group TEDAX, Esteban del Amo

García, is assassinated when he was about to deactivate the trap bomb located inside a parked car in the car park of a Department Store in Madrid.

12th June 1985. The Brigade of the Naval Command in Vizcaya José Millarengo de Bernardo is assassinated.

18th June 1985. The Agent of the Civil Guard Eugenio Recio García is assassinated in attack in Vizcaya.

24th June 1985. The sailor Ignacio Montes Abad dies in attack, in the province of Vizcaya.

26th June 1985. The postman Estanislao Galíndez dies in attack in the province

50 of Vizcaya.

9th July 1985. The Agents of the Civil Guard Antonio Trujillo Comino and Juan

Merino Antuñez are assassinated in the province of Guipúzcoa.

11th July 1985. The citizen Esther Guijalba Gómez dies in attack in Madrid.

29th July 1985. The Vice-admiral of the Navy Fausto Escrigas Estrada is assassinated in Madrid.

29th July 1985. The Assistant Commissioner of the Police Agustín Ruíz

Fernández de Retama is assassinated in attack in Álava.

3rd August 1985. The Agent of the Civil Guard Fernando Amor Calvo is assassinated in Álava.

4th August 1985. The retired Civil Guard José Expósito Afán is assassinated in


16th August 1985. The businessman Clement Perret, formerly activist of the

Spanish Basque Battalion, is assassinated in Castellón.

9th September 1985. The North American citizen Eugene Kent Brown dies in

Madrid as a result of the explosion of a bomb car in the way of a bus of the Civil


14th September 1985. The Agent of the National Police Félix Gallego Salmón is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

25th November 1985. The Corporal of the Army Rafael Melchor García and the private José Manuel Ibarzabal Luque are assassinated in San Sebastián

(Guipúzcoa). In the same attack dies the Agent of the Civil Guard Isidoro Díez


26th November 1985. The retired Agent of the Civil Guard José Herrero Quiles is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

51 6th December 1985. The Agent of the Civil Guard Mario Leal Barquero is assassinated in Guipúzcoa.

23rd December 1985. The General of the Civil Guard Juan Atares Peña is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

30th December 1985. The retired Agent of the Civil Guard Alejandro Sáenz

Sánchez is assassinated in Lasarte (Vizcaya).

6th February 1986. The Vice-admiral of the Navy Cristóbal Colon de Carvajal y

Maroto and his driver Manuel Trigo Muñoz are assassinated in Madrid.

13th March 1986. The Agent of the National Police José Antonio Álvarez Díez is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

20th March 1986. The waiter José Antonio Aguirre Zabalaga dies in attack in the province of Guipúzcoa.

25th April 1986. The explosion of a bomb car in Madrid in the way of a van of the

Civil Guard kills five Agents of this Corps. The victims are Juan Carlos González

Rentero, Vicente Domínguez González, Juan José Catón Vázquez, Juan

Mateos Pulido and Alberto Alonso Gómez.

2nd May 1986. The retired man Enrique Moreno Aguilera dies in attack in the province of Guipúzcoa.

20th May 1986. The Agent of the National Police Manuel Fuentes Pedreira is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

8th June 1986. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Ramos Ramírez is assassinated in attack in Guipúzcoa.

17th June 1986. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Carlos Vesteiro Pérez, the

Major Ricardo Sáenz de Ynestrillas and the privet who drove their car Francisco

Casillas Martín are assassinated in Madrid machine-gunned by a terrorist

52 commando.

28th June 1986. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Muriel Muñoz is assassinated in attack in the province of Guipúzcoa.

14th July 1986. In Plaza de la República Argentina in Madrid, a bomb car explodes in the way of a bus of the Civil Guard. In the attack twelve Agents die.

The victims are Jesús Jimeno Jimeno, José Joaquín García Ruíz, Antonio

Larranchao Reyes, Andrés Fernández Pertierra, José Calvo Gutiérrez, Miguel

Ángel Cornejo Ros, Carmelo Bella Álamo, Jesús María Freixes Montes,

Santiago Iglesia Godino, Javier Esteban Plaza, Ángel de la Higuera López and

Juan Ignacio Calvo Guerrero.

26th July 1986. The Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Ignacio Mateo Istúriz and the

Agent Adrián González Revilla are assassinated in attack in the province of


13th August 1986. The builder José Miguel Moros Peña dies in attack in the province of Vizcaya.

18th August 1986. The Colonel of Artillery José Picatoste González is assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

10th September 1986. In a centric plaza of the town of Ordicia (Guipúzcoa) the

ETA former activist María Dolores González Cataraín “Yoyes” is assassinated of a shot in the nape of the neck when she was taking a walk with her son.

14th October 1986. The Agent of the National Police Ángel González Pozo is assassinated in Barcelona in the explosion of a bomb car bomb opposite the quarter in Plaza de España.

25th October 1986. The Military Governor of the province of Guipúzcoa Rafael

Garrido Gil is assassinated. In the same attack his wife Daniela Velasco and

53 their son Daniel Garrido Velasco die. A few days later the Portuguese citizen

María Texeira Gonçalves died as a result of the wounds undergone.

28th October 1986. The Agent of the National Police Julio Cesar Sánchez

Rodríguez is assassinated in attack in Vizcaya.

2nd November 1986. The political Delegate of the Ertzaintza Gerardo García

Andoaín is assassinated in a confrontation against the ETA commando who was watching the businessman from Álava, Lucio Aguinagalde. The facts happened in Vitoria (Álava).

27th January 1987. The citizen Javier Biurrun Monreal dies in attack in

Pamplona (Navarra).

30th January 1987. The Major of the Army Manuel Rivera Sánchez and the civil

Ángel José Ramos Saavedra are assassinated because of the explosion of a bomb car in the way of two military buses in Zaragoza.

19th February 1987. The citizen María Luisa Sánchez Ortega dies in attack in the province of Vizcaya.

27th March 1987. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio González Herrero is assassinated in Barcelona in the explosion of a bomb placed inside a van parked in the harbour of this town.

2nd April 1987. The citizen Juan Fructuoso Gómez dies in Barcelona in the explosion of a bomb in the way of a patrol of the Civil Guard. The bomb was placed inside a vehicle.

28th April 1987. The citizens María Teresa Torrano Francia and Félix Peña

Mazagato die in attack in Vizcaya.

17th May 1987. The citizen Carmen Pascual Carrillo dies in Madrid in the explosion of a bomb car located opposite the Head Quarter of the Civil Guard.

54 19th June 1987. A bomb car explodes in the car park of the Department Stores

Hipercor in AvenidaXXX





27th September 1987. The Agent of the National Police Wenceslao Maya

Vázquez is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) with the explosion of a bomb car in the way of a police van.

2nd October 1987. The Agent of the National Police Vicente Montoya Salazar is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

17th October 1987. The citizen Mari Cruz Yoldi Orradre dies in attack in Navarre.

1st November 1987. The Agent of the Civil Guard Antonio Mateo Melero is assassinated in attack in the province of Guipúzcoa.

11th December 1987. A bomb car explodes by house quarter of the Civil Guard in Zaragoza. In the attack twelve people both Agents and their relatives die. The victims are the Agent Emilio Capilla, his wife Dolores Franco and their daughter

Rocio Capilla Franco, the Agent José Pino Arriero, his wife Mari Carmen

Fernández Muñoz and their daughter Silvia Pino Fernández, the Agent José

Ballarín Gava and his daughter Silvia Ballarín Gay, the Agents Ángel Alcaráz

Martos, José Luís Gómez Solís, and the two sisters Miriam Barrera Alcaráz and

Esther Barrera Alcaráz.

19th March 1988. The Agent of the Civil Guard Pedro Ballesteros Rodríguez is assassinated in Vizcaya.

27th March 1988. The Brigadier General of the Army Luís Azcárraga Pérez-

55 Caballero is assassinated in Salvatierra.

15th April 1988. The Agents of the National Police Francisco Espina Vargas and

Antonio Gómez Osuna are assassinated in Vitoria (Álava).

25th May 1988. The citizen Sebastián Aizpiri dies in attack in the province of


6th June 1988. The businessman Francisco Zabaleta Azpitarte is assassinated in the province of Guipúzcoa.

21st August 1988. The Agents of the Civil Guard Antonio Fernández Álvarez and

José Antonio Ferri Pérez are assassinated in Estella (Navarra) with the explosion of a bomb car.

10th September 1988. The Inspector of the National Police Martín Martínez

Velasco and the Agent Pedro Antonio Fonte Salido are assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

17th September 1988. The Councilman of the City Council of Santurce (Vizcaya)

José Luís Barrios Capetillo is assassinated.

7th October 1988. The citizen Ramón Bañuelos Echevarría dies in attack in the province of Vizcaya.

16th October 1988, The Agent of the Ertzaintza Juan José Pacheco Cano is assassinated with the explosion of a device placed in the tunnel of Legazpia

(Guipúzcoa) which he was checking.

16th October 1988. The Agent of the Civil Guard Julio Gangoso Otero is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

16th October 1988. The Agent of the National Police Cristóbal Díaz García is assassinated in the province of Vizcaya.

22nd November 1988. As a result of the explosion of a bomb car located

56 opposite the Head Quarter of the Civil Guard in Madrid the journalist Jaime

Bilbao Iglesias and the three years boy Luís Delgado Villalonga die.

18th December 1988. The Agent of the National Police José Antonio Barrao

Recio is assassinated in the province of Guipúzcoa.

22nd December 1988. The citizen Engraciano González Macho dies in attack in the province of Guipúzcoa.

12th April 1989. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard José Calvo de la Hoz is assassinated in Las Arenas (Asturias) with a shot in his head.

25th April 1989. The Lieutenant of the Army Juan Bautista Castellanos is assassinated with a shot in his head in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

8th May 1989. A commando tries to assassinate a civil servant of prisons in

Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) hurting him. After the attack two Agents of the

National Police locate the vehicle of the civil servant with a trap bomb inside.

The explosion kills the Agents José Antonio Montes Gila and José Antonio

García Andrés.

24th May 1989. The explosion of a bomb car kills to the Agents of the National

Police José María Sánchez García and Manuel Jodar Cabrera, and the Agent of the Ertzaintza Luís Hortelano García in Bilbao (Vizcaya), all of them were deactivating the bomb.

19th July 1989. In Madrid the Colonel of the Army José María Martín Posadillo and the Major Ignacio Baruagas Argües are machine-gunned.

19th July 1989. The car driver Gregorio Caño García dies in attack in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

11th August 1989. The mother of a civil servant of prisons dies in Montillana

(Granada). The victim is Conrada Muñoz Herrera which passes away with the

57 explosion of a bomb package in the shape of a book form addressed to her son.

12th September 1989. The citizen Luís Reina Mesonero dies in attack in Bilbao


12th September 1989. The Public prosecutor of the National Court Carmen

Tagle González is assassinated in Madrid with a shot in her head.

20th September 1989. The postman José Antonio Cardoso Morales dies in

Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

29th September 1989. The Agent of the National Police Juan Pedro González

Manzano is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

8th October 1989. The Agent of the National Police José Ángel Álvarez Suárez is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

6th November 1989. A sticking bomb under his own vehicle kills the Agent of the

National Police Eladio Rodríguez García in Guecho (Vizcaya).

15th November 1989. The strolling salesman Ignacio Bañuelo Laso dies in attack in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

17th November 1989. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army José Martínez

Moreno is machine-gunned in Madrid.

30th January 1990. The Agent of the National Police Ignacio Pérez Álvarez dies with the explosion of a sticking bomb located in his own vehicle in Galdácano


1st March 1990. The Lieutenant of Navy Aureliano Rodríguez Arenas dies shot in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

13th March 1990. The civil servant of prisons Ángel Mota Iglesias is assassinated with a shot in his head in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

4th April 1990. The Agent of the Civil Guard Benjamín Quintano Carrasco is

58 assassinated wit several shots in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa).

6th April 1990. Miguel Paredes García and his wife Elena Morena Jiménez die in attack in San Sebastián.

3rd June 1990. The Agent of the National Police Francisco Almagro Carmona is assassinated in Pamplona (Navarra).

10th June 1990. The citizen Rafael San Sebastián Flechoso dies in attack in

Guecho (Vizcaya).

13th June 1990. The Colonel of the Army José Lasanta Martínez dies shot in

San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

25th June 1990. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard José Luís Hervás Mañas dies as a result of the shots undergone during a confrontation against a terrorist commando who was been persecuted by police units in Foz de Lumbier


28th June 1990. The Captain of the Army Ignacio Urrutia Bilbao dies shot in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

2nd September 1990. The explosion of a bomb car thrown against a sentry box of monitoring in the wharf in Bilbao (Vizcaya) kills the Agent of the Civil Guard

José Manuel Alba Morales and the citizen Luís Alberto Sánchez García.

6th October 1990. The businessman Carlos Arberas Arroyo is assassinated in

Plencia (Vizcaya).

18th November 1990. A bomb car in the way of a patrol of the Civil Guard kills the Agents José Francisco Hernández Herrera and Daniel López Tizón in

Santurce (Vizcaya).

8th December 1990. In Sabadell (Barcelona) a bomb car explodes in the way of a van of the National Police which was going to survey a soccer match. In the

59 attack six Agents die. The victims are Miguel Marcos Martínez, Ramón Díaz

García, Juan José Escuredo Ruíz, José Gómez Salar, Francisco Pérez Pérez and Eduardo Hidalgo Carzo.

13th December 1990. The citizen Vicente López Giménez dies shot in San

Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

14th December 1990. The Agent of the National Police Luís Alfredo Achurra

Cianca dies as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb located in his own vehicle in Amorebieta (Vizcaya).

2nd January 1991. The Colonel of the Army and Military Governor of Guipúzcoa

Luís García Lozano dies shot in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

9th January 1991. The strolling salesman Isidro Jiménez Dual dies in attack in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

31st January 1991. The retired Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Díaz de Cerio is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

4th March 1991. The Delegate of the Company Ferrovial José Edmundo Casán is assassinated in Valencia.

16th March 1991. The Agent of the Civil Guard Luís Aragó Guillén dies as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb located in his vehicle in San Sebastián


21st March 1991. The citizen Manuel Echevarría Echevarría is assassinated with a shot in his head in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

8th April 1991. The Agent of the National Police José Manuel Cruz Martín dies as a result of the shots undergone in Baracaldo (Vizcaya).

15th April 1991. Coro Villamudria Sánchez, daughter of an Agent of the National

Police, passes away after the explosion of a sticking bomb located in her

60 father’s vehicle in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

6th May 1991. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Robles Fuentes is assassinated in Pasajes (Guipúzcoa).

9th May 1991. The Agent of the Civil Guard Francisco Álvarez Gómez dies shot in Ortuella (Bilbao).

29th May 1991. A terrorist commando sets a remote-controlled bomb car inside the House Quarter of the Civil Guard in Vic (Barcelona). In the attack nine people die. The victims are the Agents Juan Chicoa Ales and Juan Salas Piriz and the relatives of different Agents who were inside de building María Pilar

Quesada Araque, Nuria Ribó Perera, Cipriano Diaz Sánchez, Baudilia Luque,

Cristina Porras López, Rosa María Rosa Muñoz and Vanessa Ruíz Lara.

5th June 1991. The Lieutenant of the Air Force Enríque Aguilar is assassinated in Madrid.

8th June 1991. The citizen Raúl Suárez Fernández dies in attack in Rentería


12th June 1991. Two Agents of the Group of explosives of the National Police die when they were going to deactivate an explosive device in Madrid. The victims are Andrés Muñoz Pérez and Valentín Martín Sánchez.

13th June 1991. The Agent of the Civil Guard Ricardo Couso Rio is assassinated with a shot in his head in Trápaga (Vizcaya).

28th June 1991. The explosion of a package bomb set inside the jail building in

Seville kills the civil servant of prisons Manuel Pérez Ortega, the inmates Jesús

Sánchez Lozano and Donato Calzado García and the citizen Edmundo Pérez

Crespo who was in the prison visiting a relative.

1st July 1991. The Assistant Inspector of the Group of explosives of the National

61 Police Pedro Domínguez Pérez, the official Luís Claraco López and the Agent

José Luís Jiménez Barrero die in Madrid as a result of the explosion of a bomb car.

28th July 1991. The Agent of the Civil Guard Carlos Pérez Dacosta is assassinated with the explosion of a bomb car in the way of a vehicle patrols in the Guecho (Vizcaya).

7th August 1991. The citizen Francisco Gíl Mendoza dies in attack in Irún


1st September 1991. The Agent of the Ertzaintza Alfonso Menchaca Lejona dies as a result of the wounds undergone after a shooting when trying to break the commando “Bizkaia” in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

16th September 1991. The Agents of the Local Police of Muchamiel (Alicante)

Víctor Manuel Puertas Viera and José Luís Giménez Vargas together with the worker Francisco Cebrián Carreras die with the explosion of a bomb car that was being put away by the municipal crane opposite the Quarter of the Civil

Guard in this town.

17th October 1991. The Lieutenant of the Army Francisco Carballar Muñoz is assassinated in Madrid whit the explosion of a bomb car in the way of the military vehicle he was driving.

23rd October 1991. The explosion of a bomb car in the way of a patrol of the

Civil Guard kills the Agents Eduardo Sobino González and Juan Carlos Trujillo

García in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

7th November 1991. Fabio Moreno Asla, son of an Agent of the Civil Guard, dies in attack in Erandioa (Vizcaya) as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb.

19th November 1991. The Sergeant of the Civil Guard Pedro Carbonero

62 Fernández dies shot in Galdácano (Vizcaya).

26th November 1991. The manager of a bar in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) José

Javier Arritegui Aramburu dies in attack in that town.

13th December 1991. The Agents of the National Police José Antonio Garrido

Martínez and Francisco Javier Delgado González die in Barcelona shot by two terrorists.

8th January 1992. The Commander of the Army Arturo Anguera Valles dies shot in Barcelona when travelling in a military vehicle.

14th January 1992. The Agent of the National Police José Antonio Castro dies shot Bilbao (Vizcaya).

15th January 1992. The University Professor of law also member of the Council of State Manuel Broseta Pont is assassinated with a shot in his head in Valencia when he was in the College of Law in this University.

16th January 1992. The Brigade of the Army Virgilio Mas Navarro and the

Sergeant Juan Querol Queralt are machine-gunned in Barcelona.

6th February 1992. A bomb car explodes in Madrid in the way of a van of the

Army. In the attack die the Captain of Infantry Emilio Tejedor Fuentes, the

Captain of Artillery Ramón Navía Refojo, the Captain of Cavalry Juan Antonio

Núñez Sánchez, the privet Francisco Carrillo Pérez and the civil servant in the

Army Antonio Ricote Castillo.

10th February 1992. The Corporal of the National Police Ángel García Rabadán is assassinated in Murcia with the explosion of bomb car located opposite the

Head Quarters of the Civil Guard in this town.

19th February 1992. A bomb car explodes in Santander in the way of a patrol of the National Police. As a result of the explosion the couple Emilio Gómez

63 Gómez and Julia Rios Rioz die together with Antonio Ricondo Somoza, all of them passers-by who were talking around the place of the facts.

25th February 1992. The Agent of the Civil Guard José San Martín Bretón dies shot in Guecho (Vizcaya).

19th March 1992. The Agent of the Group of explosives of the Civil Guard

Enrique Martínez Hernández dies in Lliça d’Amunt (Barcelona) when he was going to deactivate an explosive device.

19th March 1992. The explosion of a bomb in the town of San Quirze del Vallés

(Barcelona) kills the builder Antonio José Martos Martínez.

23rd March 1992. In Madrid Juan José Carrasco Guerrero, son of a military man, dies with the explosion of a sticking bomb located in his father’s vehicle.

31rd March 1992. The Colonel of the Army Joaquín Vasco Álvarez is assassinated in Madrid.

23rd April 1992. The Agent of the National Police Juan Manuel Helices Patiño is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

17th August 1992. The Agents of the Civil Guard José Manuel Fernández

Lozano and Juan Manuel Martínez Gil die machine-gunned in Oyarzun


2nd September 1992. The Colonel of the Army Antonio Heredero Gil dies in

Salamanca with the explosion of a sticking bomb located in his own vehicle.

14th September 1992. The Agent of the National Police Ricardo González

Colino is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

29th September 1992. The worker of Compañía Telefónica José Luís Luengo

Martínez dies in attack in Rentería (Guipúzcoa).

30th November 1992. The Second Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Miguel Miranda

64 Puertas is assassinated in Madrid with the explosion of a bomb car.

19th January 1993. The businessman and former football player of the Real

Sociedad José Antonio Santamaría Vaquerizo is assassinated in San Sebastián

(Guipúzcoa) shot by a terrorist.

22nd January 1993. The civil servant of prisons José Domínguez Burillo is shot in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

18th March 1993. The Agent of the Civil Guard Emilio Castillo López is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

2nd June 1993. Ángel María González Sabino, presumed drug trafficker is shot in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

21st June 1993. A bomb car explodes in Madrid in the way of a van of the army.

In the attack seven people die. The victims are the Lieutenants Colonels José

Alberto Carretero Sogel, Javier Baró Díaz-Figueroa, Juan Romero Álvarez and

Fidel Dávila Garijo, the Major of the Navy Domingo Olivo Esparza, the Sergeant of the Navy Manuel Calvo Alonso and the civil servant of the Ministry of Defence who was driving the van Pedro Robles López.

16th September 1993. The Second Lieutenant of the Army Juvenal Villafañe

García dies shot in Andoaín (Guipúzcoa).

19th October 1993. The General of the Air Force Dionisio Herrero Albiñana dies shot in Madrid.

26th November 1993. The Sergeant Major of the Ertzaintza Joséba Goicoetxea

Asla is shot dead in Bilbao (Vizcaya) when he was driving his own vehicle.

7th February 1994. The Colonel of the Army Leopoldo García Campos is shot dead in Barcelona.

4th April 1994. The Agent of the Civil Guard Fernando Jiménez Pascual dies in

65 Bilbao (Vizcaya) with the explosion of a bomb.

18th April 1994. The citizen Vicente Beti Montesinos dies because of the impact of a grenade sent by a grenade-launcher located in a vehicle. The grenade target was the building of the Military Government in Barcelona.

28th April 1994. The Agent of the Civil Guard José Benigno Villalobos is pestered in Traparagán by several terrorists.

23rd May 1994. The Lieutenant of the Army Miguel Peralta Utrera dies in Madrid with the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

1st June 1994. The General of the Army Juan José Hernandez Rovira dies shot in Madrid.

26th July 1994. The businessman José Manuel Olarte Urresti is assassinated in

San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) shot by several terrorists.

29th July 1994. A bomb car explodes in Madrid in the way of the vehicle of the

General of the Army Francisco Veguillas Elices who dies in the attack. The private who was driving the vehicle Francisco Martín Moya also dies in this attack together with the theatre worker Cesar García Continente who was in the street.

10th August 1994. The citizen José Antonio Diaz Losada dies in attack in Bilbao


21st August 1994. The Agent of the National Police José Santana Ramos is assassinated in Durango (Vizcaya).

15th December 1994. The Municipal Commander of the Guard in San Sebastián

Alfonso Morcillo is assassinated with several shots in Lasarte (Vizcaya).

13th January 1995. The Agent of the National Police Rafael Leyva Loro is shot dead in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

66 23rd January 1995. The Deputy Mayor and Councilman of the Popular Party in the City Council of San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) Gregorio Ordoñez Fenollar is assassinated by a terrorist with a shot in his head when he was inside a bar in this town.

10th April 1995. The Brigade of the Army Maríano de Juan Santamaría dies shot in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

19th April 1995. The elderly Margarita González Mansilla dies in Madrid after been seriously wounded in the explosion of a bomb car in the way of the vehicle of José María Aznar.

20th April 1995. The Agent of the National Police Eduardo López Moreno dies in

Endarlaza (Navarra) because of the explosion of a trap bomb he was checking in the abandoned Quarter of the Civil Guard in this town.

19th June 1995. The Agent of the Municipal Police Jesús Rebollo García dies in

Madrid reached by the shrapnel of the explosion of a bomb car located in the centre of the capital town.

20th October 1995. The Commander of the Antiterrorist Unit of the National

Police Enrique Nieto Viyella dies in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) shot in the nape of the neck.

11th December 1995. A bomb car explodes in Madrid in the way of a van of the

Navy which transported civil workers. In the attack six people die. The victims are José Ramón Intriago Esteban, Martín Rosa Valero, Félix Ramos Bailón,

Santiago Esteban Junquer, Manuel Carrasco Almansa and Florentino López del


16th December 1995. As a result of the explosion of a bomb in the Department

Stores “El Corte Inglés” in Valencia dies the citizen Josefina Corresa Huerta.

67 22nd December 1995. The Major of the Army Luciano Cortizo Alonso dies in

Leon as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

6th February 1996. The lawyer Fernando Múgica Herzog is assassinated with several shots in his office in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

14th February 1996. The University Professor and former President of the

Constitutional Court Francisco Tomás y Valiente is assassinated in Madrid shot in his office in the University where he worked.

4th March 1996. The Inspector of the Ertzaintza Ramón Doral Trabadelo dies as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his as a result of the explosion of a own vehicle in Irún (Guipúzcoa).

20th May 1996. The explosion of a bomb located in a sweepings container kills in Cordova the Sergeant of the army Miguel Ángel Ayllón Díaz-González.

26th July 1996. The businessman Isidro Usabiaga dies after with several shots in Ordizia (Guipúzcoa).

8th January 1997. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Agustín Cuesta Abril die shot in the surroundings of his home in Madrid.

30th January 1997. The salesman of bicycles in a commercial centre Eugenio

Olaciregui Borda is assassinated in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) with several shots.

10th February 1997. The explosion of a bomb car in the way of a military van kills the hairdresser of a military base Domingo Puente Marín in Granada.

10th February 1997. The Magistrate of the Supreme Court Rafael Martínez

Emperador is shot dead in Madrid at his house door.

11th February 1997. The businessman Francisco Arratibel Fuentes is assassinated with a shot in the nape of the neck when he was in the

68 celebrations of Carnival of Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

17th February 1997. The Agent of the National Police Modesto Rico Pasarín is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya) by the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

11th March 1997. The civil servant in the prison of Martutene Javier Gómez

Elósegui is assassinated with a shot in the nape of the neck in San Sebastián


24th April 1997. The Inspector of the National Police Luís Andrés Samperio

Sañudo is assassinated in Bilbao (Vizcaya).

3rd May 1997. The Agent of the Civil Guard Juan Manuel García Fernández is assassinated in Ziérbana (Vizcaya) with several shots when he was inside a bar in that town.

5th July 1997. The Agent of the National Police Daniel Villar Enciso dies in

Basauri (Vizcaya) as a result of the explosion of a sticking bomb in his own vehicle.

12th July 1997. The corpse of Miguel Ángel Blanco Garrido is found with several shots in his head in Lasarte (Vizcaya). Councilman of the Popular Party in the town of Ermua he had been kidnapped two days before.

11th October 1997. The Councilman of the Popular Party in the City council of

Rentería José Luís Caso Cortines is assassinated in Irún (Guipúzcoa).He is shot when coming out of a bar in this town.

13th October 1997. The Agent of the Ertzaintza José María Aguirre Larraona dies as a result of the shots fired by two terrorists when he was trying to avoid the placing of an explosive device in the interior of the Guggenheim Museum in

Bilbao (Vizcaya).

69 9th January 1998. The Councilman of the Popular Party in Zarauz (Guipúzcoa)

José Ignacio Iruretagoyena Larrañaga is assassinated in that town with the explosion of a sticking bomb in his own vehicle.

30th January 1998. The Councilman of the Popular Party in the City Council of

Sevilla Alberto Jimenez-Becerril Barrio and his wife Ascensión García Ortiz are assassinated with several shots in their back in this town.

6th May 1998. The Councilman of the U.P.N. Party in the City Council of

Pamplona (Navarra) Tomás Caballero Pastor is machine-gunned when driving his vehicle.

8th May 1998. The Second Lieutenant of the Civil Guard Alfonso Parada Ulloa is shot dead in the surroundings of his home in Vitoria (Álava).

25th June 1998. The Councilman of the Popular Party in the City Council of

Rentería (Guipúzcoa) Manuel Zamarreño Villoria is assassinated by the explosion of a bomb placed in a motorcycle.

21st January 2000. In Madrid the Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Pedro Antonio

Blanco García is assassinated by the explosion of a bomb car when he was walking in the street.

22nd February 2000. The explosion of a bomb car kills in Vitoria (Álava) the

Parliamentarian of the Socialist Party of Euskadi Fernando Buesa Blanco and his escort the Agent of the Ertzaintza Jorge Díez Elorza.

7th May 2000. The journalist of the newspaper “El Mundo” José Luís López de la Calle is shot dead at the door of his house in Andoaín (Guipúzcoa).

4th June 2000. The Councilman of the Popular Party in Durango (Vizcaya) José

María Pedrosa Urkiza is shot dead.

15th July 2000. The Councilman of the Popular Party in Málaga José María

70 Martín Carpena is assassinated with several shots by a terrorist in this town.

29th July 2000. The former Civil Governor of Guipúzcoa Juan María Jaúregui

Apalategui is assassinated with several shots when he was inside a bar in

Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

8th August 2000. The explosion of a bomb car kills in Zumaya (Guipúzcoa) the businessman and President of the Employer’s Association in this province José

María Korta Uranga.

9th August 2000. The Second Lieutenant of the Army Francisco Casanova

Vicente dies shot dead in the surroundings of his house in Berriozar (Navarra).

20th August 2000. Two Agents of the Civil Guard die by the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in their police vehicle in of Sallent de Gállego (Huesca).

The victims are Irene Fernández Pereda and José Ángel de Jesús Encinas.

29th August 2000. The Councilman of the Popular Party in Zumárraga

(Guipúzcoa) Antonio Indiano Azaustre dies shot dead in the shop he owned in the mentioned town.

21st September 2000. The Councilman of the Popular Party in Sant Adriá de

Besós (Barcelona) José Luís Ruíz Casado is assassinated with two shots in his head.

9th October 2000. Luís Portero García Head Public Prosecutor of the Superior

Court of Justice of Andalusia is assassinated with two shots in his head at the entrance of his house in Granada.

16th October 2000. The Lieutenant Medical Colonel of the Air Force Antonio

Muñoz Cariñanos is assassinated with several shots when he was in his private office in the centre of Seville.

22nd October 2000. The civil servant of prisons Máximo Casado Carrera is

71 assassinated in Vitoria (Álava) by the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

30th October 2000. A bomb car explodes in Madrid in the way of the official vehicle of the Magistrate of the Military Room of the Supreme Court José

Francisco Querol Lombardero causing his death. In the attack also die his driver

Armando Medina Sánchez, his escort the Agent of the National Police Jesús

Escudero García and Jesús Sánchez Martínez the driver of a municipal bus which got through at the moment of the explosion.

21st November 2000. The former socialist Minister and University Professor in the University of Barcelona Ernest Lluch Martín is assassinated in that town with two shots in his head when he was in the car park of his house.

14th December 2000. Francisco Cano Consuegra Councilman of the Popular

Party in Viladecavalls is assassinated in Tarrassa (Barcelona) by the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

20th December 2000. The Agent of the Urban Police Juan Miguel Gervilla

Valladolid is assassinated in Barcelona with two shots when he took by surprise a terrorist commando preparing a bomb car.

26th January 2001. The cook of the Navy Quarter in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)

Ramón Díaz García is assassinated in that town by the explosion of a sticking bomb placed in his own vehicle.

22nd February 2001. The workers of Compañía Elektra José Ángel Santos

Larrañaga and Josu Leonet Azcona are assassinated in San Sebastián

(Guipúzcoa) with a bomb car prepared to kill a Councilman of the Socialist Party.

9th March 2001. The Agent of the Ertzaintza Iñaki Totorika Vega is assassinated by the explosion of a bomb car he was checking in Hernani (Guipúzcoa).

72 17th March 2001. The Agent of the Mossos d’Esquadra Santos Santamaría

Avendaño dies reached by the shrapnel cause by the explosion of a bomb car in

Rosas (Girona).

20th March 2001. The Councilman of the Socialist Party in Lasarte (Guipúzcoa)

Froilán Elespe Inciarte is assassinated with two shots in his head when he was in a bar in this town.

6th May 2001. The President of the Popular Party in Aragón Manuel Giménez

Abad is assassinated in Zaragoza with several shots in his head.

24th May 2001. The financial director of the newspaper “El Diario Vasco”

Santiago Oleaga Elejabarrieta is shot dead in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

28th June 2001. An explosive device placed in a bicycle explodes in Madrid in the way of the General of the Army Justo Oreja Pedraza. A month later he would die as a result of the wounds undergone in the attack.

10th July 2001. The Agent of the National Police Luís Ortiz de la Rosa dies in

Madrid as a result of the explosion of a bomb car that he was checking.

14th July 2001. The Councilman of U.P.N. in the City Council in Leiza (Navarra)

José Javier Múgica Artibia is assassinated with the after explosion of a stiking bomb placed in his van.

14th July 2001. The Assistant Comisioner of the Ertzaintza Mikel Uribe Aurkia dies in Leaburu (Guipúzcoa) pestered with shots when driving his own vehicle.

28th July 2001. El General Justo Oreja Pedraza dies as a result of the most serious wound make by a bomb when he was leaving his house in Madrid. The attack took place on 28th June, just a month before he died.

20th August 2001. The lady María Francisca Eraunzetamurgil Alkorta dies trrying to open to a trap toy with explosives that the ETA members of “kale borroka” had

73 left in the toilets in a bar during confrontations against the Ertzaintza.

7th November 2001. The Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Vizcaya, José

María Lidón Corbi, dies assassinated with several shots in the nape of the neck when he was leaving by car with his wife the car park of his house in Guecho


23rd November 2001. The Ertzaintzas Ana Isabel Arostegi Lejarreta and Javier

Mijangos Martínez de Bujo are shot dead from their backs in Beasain

(Guipúzcoa) while controlling the traffic in the crossroad of Zaldizurreta.

21st March 2002. The socialist Councilman Juan Priede Pérez is assassinated with three shots point-blank by two terrorists in the bar “Guru Txoko” in Orio


4th August 2002. The Basque Nationalists set a bomb next to Quarter House of the Civil Guard in Santa Pola (Alicante). As a result die Cecilio Gallego Alarias who was at a bus-stop close to the Quarter, and Silvia Martínez Santiago the six years old daughter of a Civil Guard when she was playing in her room.

24th September 2002. The Corporal of the Civil Guard Juan Carlos Beiro

Montes was assassinated by the Basque Nationalists in Navarra, in the highway between Berastegui and Leiza, by the explosion of a device when he was going to clear out a placard of support to the ETA terrorism. In the same attack two of his comrades were wounded.

17th December 2002. The Civil Guard Antonio Molina Martín was duty in the motorway Madrid-La Coruña, near Collado Villalba (Madrid), and he went to identify two men that were in a vehicle, the happened to be members of ETA.

When he approached them to salute them they shot him dead. Immediately a shooting begun and one of the terrorists fell wounded while the other escaped

74 but finally he was stopped in San Sebastián. The vehicle where the terrorists were driving was a bomb car prepared to explode in Madrid.

8th February 2003. The Basque Nationalists of ETA assassinate in Andoain

(Guipúzcoa) the Head of the Local Police Joséba Pagazaurtundua Ruíz, a genuine Basque who refused to be a nationalist. He was in the bar called

Daytona having a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper when a nationalist assassin shot four shots point-blank to him. He died some hours later.

30th May 2003. The ETA nationalists put a bomb in a car of the National Police of Sangüesa (Navarra). As a result the policemen Bonifacio Martín Hernando and Julian Embid Luna die assassinated. Two passers by, the policeman Ramón

Rodríguez Fernández and a clerk on Compañía Telefónica Carlos Gallo Vilches got severely wounded in this attack.

The ones who had to flee from the terror of ETA/Batasuna and the extremist nationalism

The Basque exiles and the nationalist regime

Carlos Martínez Gorriarán. Professor of Philosophy of the UPV/EHU.

“In his declarations about the reasons of his temporary leaving (we hope),

Francisco Llera has said that he has joined the nearly 200,000 citizens of the

Basque Country who have left their home land (by birth or adoption) since the eighty’s. The nationalists are silent about these figures. This means that we should believe them. In an autonomic community with no many more than

2.100.000 censed inhabitants, 200,000 emigrants is a tremendous figure. To get an idea, it is more than half the census in Bilbao at its best moments, more than the number of people in San Sebastián and a little less than the census in

Vitoria. And many of those emigrants are young scholars and highly qualified

75 workers together with lots of professionals and businessmen fed up of paying the extortion or bending under the conditions of nationalistic clientelism.

The reasons why all those 200,000 people have abandoned Ibarretxe’s paradise are, of course, manifold. Someone may think that talking about political differences in all cases is too much, buy in a prosperous democracy as the one that should be present in the Basque Country, the emigration of 10% of the population is an enormous political failure, al least from a democratic point of view. [... ]”

Many are the missing in Euskadi: Commissions of the Basque

Democratic Diaspora

Manifesto of the Ermua Forum 27 February 2005

“Along the democratic times, after Franco’s death, thousands of Basques have abandoned their home land because of the pressure of the terrorism exerted by

ETA, and of the nationalism imposed by the disloyal use of all the strings of the autonomic power. To the exile caused by the Dictatorship followed that new democratic diaspora of the Basques who do not accept nationalism and this has already lasted three decades. To the absence of ones assassinated by ETA

(almost 900), of those wounded or crippled (more than 3,000) who have left

Euskadi with theirs families, we have to sum up the exile of those Basques

(more than 200,000) threatened by ETA or asphyxiated by the situation of lack of freedom and the legal and moral impunity that nationalism have favoured. In a two million inhabitants region these figures, by themselves, explain how the democratic system has been perverted up to the establishment, because of its legal fissures of a “nationalistic state of emergency”, a “political regime” of terror very difficult to surpass in the ballot because of its own allegal and threatening

76 nature. [... ]”

The Basques in exile break the law of silence

LA DIGITAL RAZÓN (www.larazon.es). 12/04/2005

“More than the 30 percent of the 383,700 exile people have been forced to leave the Basque Country since Ibarreche got power. Marked, persecuted, extorted, struck... thousand from men and women left for exile leaving behind houses, works, families and fresh flowers in 900 tombs. Their surnames are not Stern,

Weiss, Herzberg or Levi, nor hey have eloped from the . Their surnames are Lejarreta, Zubiaga, Alkorta, Larrinaga, Zuazola... and they have been Basques for all their lives. 383.700 politicians, businessmen, journalists, civil servants.... forced, with the indifferent complicity of a million Basques, to leave back everything they had to save their lives. Their Star of David has no points, only two words: not nationalist. [... ]”