An innovation at the heart of the United Nations

UNDEF Update – No. 3, 2009 INSIDE UNDEF Secretary-General finalizes selection of Third Round projects assessment and quality con- proposals are not on the final short list. trol processes are rigorous, We encourage future applicants to read the results cannot be claimed the lessons learned published in UNDEF to be scientifically beyond Update 2, and, with that as a guide, to error. No doubt many excel- begin already now to think through their lent project pro- forthcoming posals have not With more than 2,100 proposal. To been selected. But get an idea of UNDEF can as- applications this time, what UNDEF sure the Board it was a particularly require, you that those pro- may also wish posed projects difficult task to to look at proj- that made it ect applica- through to the short list are narrow down the tion guidelines of excellent quality.” proposals to the final from previ- applied in ous funding the Third Successful applicants have short list of around rounds. Subject Round. been advised by email, and are to the views of now required to prepare project 70 projects the Advisory With more documentation and to cooperate Board, the next than 2,100 with continuing due diligence require- round of funding should begin in No- a p p l i c a - ments. Once the process is complete, vember 2009, through the on-line UN- tions this UNDEF will publish the list of grantees. DEF application database. The UN Secretary-General has accepted time, it was a particularly difficult task It is not UNDEF practice to advise un- the recommendations of the United Na- to narrow down the proposals to the final successful applicants of the results, or to Analysis of project selection, page 6 tions Democracy Fund Advisory Board short list of around 70 projects. As UN- enter into a dialogue on individual and approved the list of projects for DEF Executive Head Roland Rich told applications. If applicants have not the Third Round of Funding. UNDEF the Advisory Board, “UNDEF cannot received an email from UNDEF to IN THIS ISSUE warmly congratulates all the successful guarantee that only the best applications the contact points provided in the ap- INSIDE UNDEF applicants, and thanks all those who made it onto the short list. Although the plication, they can assume that their Third round selections final...... 1 US Secretary supports UNDEF ...... 1 Democratize the Day of Democracy ...... 2 Obama UNDEF represents SG at Lisbon...... 2 Administration Practitioner Profile...... 2 NEWS FROM THE FIELD reaffirms US Engaging youth in Yemen...... 3 Training lawyers in Iraq ...... 3 support for Fund Empowering Lebanese youth...... 3 La société civile en Afrique de l’Ouest....4 UNDEF Executive Head Roland Rich met with Dr. Esther Brimmer, United Backing ACE electoral knowledge...... 4 States Assistant Secretary of State for Women’s participatioin in ...... 4 International Organizations, in Wash- Teachers for democracy in Bosnia...... 4 ington, D.C on 10 July 2009. Dr. Brim- mer, who was nominated by President WORTH READING Obama in March and confirmed in Banking on the demand side...... 5 April, reaffirmed the strong support of National dialogue in El Salvador...... 5 the United States -- UNDEF’s largest takes democracy global ...... 5 contributor and one of its founders -- for the work of the Fund. Democracy and the rule of law...... 5

The United Nations Democracy Fund Ph: +1 212 963 8675 E-mail: democra- 1 United Nations Plaza, Room DC1-1300 Fax: +1 212 963 1486 [email protected] New York, NY 10017, USA Website:

UNDEF Update 1 UNDEF Update – No. 3, 2009 INSIDE UNDEF Remember to democratize the International Day of Democracy

The second International Day of Democracy (IDD) will be held on 15 Septem- ber. In our previous issue, UNDEF urged civil soci- UNDEF represents UN Secretary-General ety organizations to join the party and organize their at Community of Democracies IDD own activities on this aus- hosted the Fifth Ministerial Confer- ing towards the same goal, with the United 15 September picious day, ence of the Community of Democracies in Nations foremost among them... the United complement- Lisbon on 11-12 July. Founded in 2000, The Nations has adopted democracy as an end in ing official celebrations. CD is an intergovernmental organization of itself as well as a means to achieve peace, UNDEF wants to showcase democratic countries that is committed to development and respect for human rights.” your activities, so we ask strengthening democratic values around the The final declaration of the Conference com- you to write a brief story world, with a focus on engaging civil society mitted its membership to: about your observance, take actors in the process. some interesting photos, and “Strive for democratic governance glob- The Portuguese Foreign Minister, Sr. Luis email all of it to us at democ- ally to promote and protect human rights and Amado, welcomed many ministerial col- [email protected] soon after fundamental freedoms for all; to advance leagues as well as a special guest, Dr. Mad- your event takes place We democratisation and to involve citizens in a eleine Albright, who as US Secretary of State will display them on a spe- transparent political process; to support the in 2000 was instrumental in launching the cial page on our website. rule of law, gender equality, human security, CD. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was freedom of expression and access to informa- unable to attend and was represented by Mr. tion, access to basic public services, effective Roland Rich, Executive Head of the UN De- and accountable state institutions, sustainable mocracy Fund, who delivered a message on economic growth and social cohesion.” the Secretary-General’s behalf. has now taken over the presidency The Secretary-General’s message said that of the CD, and was announced as while democracy is widely seen as a uni- the next president. versal value, much work remains to be done to turn it into a universal reality. “This is Ministerial meetings of the Community of the momentous goal that the Community of Democracies are unusual in that civil soci- Democracies has set for itself,” the message ety representatives participate along with said. “The Community of Democracies is not government officials in various sessions and alone in these efforts. Many others are work- workshops.

Ms. Sanam Anderlini, who serves on bridge the divide between the work of society groups are to promoting and Practitioner the UNDEF Advisory Board for 2009 women in conflict areas and policy- sustaining democratic values and sys- profile in an individual capacity, brings to it makers at the international level. tems,” Ms. Anderlini said on joining unrivalled experience in the work to the Advisory Board. “The Fund sup- strengthen the voice of women and to Currently a Research Affiliate of the ports a wide variety of projects, and has MIT Center for International Studies, sought to ensure that gender sensitivity Ms. Anderlini was a leader of the effort -- full and fair representation of wom- to build cooperative strategies bring- en’s voices and perspectives alongside ing together civil society, Governments men’s -- is a key component across the and the UN in support of the landmark spectrum of projects.” Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. As Direc- Iranian by birth and a UK citizen, tor of the Women Waging Peace Policy Ms. Anderlini is the author of Women Commission, she led research on wom- Building Peace: What They Do, Why en’s contributions to peace processes in It Matters, a cross-regional analysis 12 countries, with a particular focus on of how gender sensitivity in program- negotiations, post-conflict governance, ming can be a catalytic component in transitional justice and disarmament, the complex task of building sustain- demobilization and reintegration. able peace, with concrete examples “From the beginning, UNDEF has of how to draw on women’s untapped recognized how vital women’s civil potential.

UNDEF Update 2 UNDEF Update – No. 3, 2009

NEWS FROM THE FIELD Raising civic awareness among Yemeni youth Building the capacity their level of participa- tion and volunteerism. of Iraq’s lawyers

Participants were given the opportunity to pri- oritize common issues, design strategies on how to approach policy makers and engage with them in a collab- orative and constructive partnership, and de- velop action plans. The project also addressed gender, with almost 50 per cent of participants In Yemen, where the youth make service. Workshops were conducted being young women. up the majority of the population, around the country, including in mar- an UNDEF-backed project by the ginalized areas such as the Al Almal Participants demonstrated a high In Iraq, UNDEF funds a project orga- International Foundation for Elec- community in the city of Ta’izz, to level of engagement and maturity, nized by the International Legal Assis- toral Systems recently completed its improve young people’s understand- reinforcing both the relevance of the tance Consortium to build the capacity work to raise civic awareness among ing of their civil and political rights; project and the readiness of Yemeni of a diverse and representative group of young people through active par- raise their level of tolerance and re- youth to contribute to the democrati- Iraqi lawyers in using the legal system ticipation and engaged community spect for human rights; and boost zation process in their country. to uphold the rule of law. In cooperation with the Central and Eastern European Law Institute, the International Bar As- Strengthening the voice of young Lebanon sociation and the Federation of Bar Associations, ILAC organized a training In late June 2009, the 64 newly selected members of nized by the International Organization for Migra- seminar in March 2009 for 50 Iraqi law- the Lebanese National Youth Parliament attended their tion with an UNDEF grant to give youth the skills yers nominated by the Iraqi Bar Associa- first plenary session and received the following advice needed to become effective members of civil society. tion, Iraqi Jurists Association and Kurdis- from the Minister of Education and Higher Education The composition is similar to that of the Lebanese tan Bar Association. Ms. Bahia Hariri: “Let dialogue be the only way for National Parliament, enabling members to form sub- you to seek your national goals. Let democracy be the committees and draft, amend and pass bills into law. The intensive four-day programme fo- basis of your consciousness and your path for it to be Youth parliamentarians will be answerable to their cused on the practical application of the become national consciousness…Democracy is about “constituents” via comments boxes placed in schools Universal Declaration of Human Rights convictions and principles, not only mechanisms and throughout the country. and the International Covenant for Civil coloured papers.” and Political Rights. Legal experts from Strengthening the voice of youth in the political pro- the Arab region, Japan, Europe and the The Lebanese National Youth Parliament was orga- cess is all the more crucial given Lebanon’s recent US offered comparative perspectives on reform reducing the voting the application of these instruments. Of age from 21 years to 18 particular interest was a presentation by years. The youth parlia- the Japan Federation of Bar Associations mentarians will hone their on the Japanese experience after the Sec- debating, advocacy and ond World War, focusing on rebuilding negotiating skills, and meet the judicial system and addressing viola- with prominent politicians tions of humanitarian law. Small plenary and members of civil soci- sessions enabled Iraqi lawyers from both ety to discuss topics ranging genders to contextualize their training from youth unemployment and discuss provocative issues such as the to drug abuse, nuclear pro- legal rights of women and children, fair liferation and discrimina- trial guarantees and how to address hu- tion. A video documentary man rights abuses committed by foreign will be produced in Arabic powers. On completing the course, sever- – with French and Eng- al of the Iraqi lawyers offered to organize lish subtitles – to capture similar trainings for their colleagues in best practices in the hopes Iraq, advocate reform of discriminatory that the experience may be legislation, and coordinate more closely replicated elsewhere in the with civil society groups on human rights region. issues.

UNDEF Update 3 UNDEF Update – No. 3, 2009 NEWS FROM THE FIELD

A network of tools for credible and accepted elections L’expertise électorale et la société Adopting best practices in elector- the Middle East. The centres strengthen regional civile en Afrique de l’Ouest al administration is an important cooperation by providing election management bod- way for States, particularly those ies with a forum to seek advice on electoral issues. in transition or emerging from Furthermore, the regional centers have translated and conflict, to organize elections that will be viewed as disseminated key documents in several languages credible and acceptable. International IDEA, the In- including Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian. The ternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral As- regional centre for West Africa is the UNDEF-backed sistance, provides a unique repository of knowledge Gorée Institute, featured in the article to the right. and best practices in electoral administration through its ACE Knowledge Network. The Network gives In June 2009, UNDEP Programme Officer Cynthia electoral professionals access to a comprehensive Hatfield participated in IDEA’s annual seminar, range of materials, case studies and lessons learned, which brought together regional centre representa- covering all stages of the electoral process. tives and electoral professionals to share experiences and enhance the functionality of the Network. A Re- With UNDEF’s support, the Network has expanded gional Centre Intranet was launched as a secure plat- its reach by strengthening the functions of its regional form for exchanges of lessons learned and discussion centres in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and of regional issues. En juillet 2009, le Centre de Gorée pour les pro- cessus électoraux a mis en ligne son site internet ( afin de servir de Towards the full participation of women in El Salvador plateforme d’échange d’information et d’expertise cal leadership bringing together women from en maatière électorale entre les organisations de la all six political parties represented in the As- société civile d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Une des fonc- sembly. Graduates have gone on to become tionnalités les plus innovantes du site sera son fo- parliamentary candidates, mayors and munici- rum thématique. pal officials. As important, by enabling women from different backgrounds to form a cohesive L’élaboration de ce site internet est une des com- group for nine months, the course promotes posantes d’un projet financé par le FNUD et mis dialogue, understanding across party lines, and en œuvre par l’Institut de Gorée (http://www. areas of common ground – a pioneering expe- qui a pour rience for most of the participants. On a visit but de renforcer la capacité de la société civile to San Salvador in April 2009, United Nations à l’échelle régionale en matière d’analyse et de Democracy Fund Senior Adviser Annika Sav- réformes électorales, de créer un environnement ill met with both course participants and the propice à des élections libres et justes, de promou- ASPALEXSAL leadership. “I had never inter- voir de bonnes pratiques électorales et de con- acted with a member of one of the other parties struire des réseaux de partenaires électoraux de la Women continue to be severely under-represented in before and was actually even a little afraid,” said one société civile en Afrique de l’Ouest. elected positions in El Salvador, despite the consider- alumna. “Now, we all meet regularly and even go on able contributions they have made to rebuilding the trips together. We know how much we have in com- Le projet vise non seulement à la mise en place de country almost 20 years after the end of its 12-year mon.” moyens de collecte et de diffusion d’information civil war. At the same time, women in politics can en matière électorale notamment par le biais du provide an entry-point to greater consensus-building This is particularly valuable at this juncture of El Sal- site internet; il aussi pour ambition de créer un in El Salvador, which remains a highly polarized so- vador’s political evolution. With the recent victory of réseau sous-régional d’organisations de la société ciety. FMLN in general elections after 20 years of ARENA civile et d’un espace de réflexion et de dialogue sur Government, and the presidential handover in June les processus électoraux et l’état de la démocratie With UNDEF support, the Association of Salvadoran 2009, the country is undergoing yet another crucial en Afrique de l’Ouest. Une des illustrations con- Women Parliamentarians and ex-Parliamentarians, and challenging transition on its journey to build and crètes de ce processus a été l’organisation d’une ASPARLEXSAL, is conducting a course in politi- consolidate a functioning democracy. formation BRIDGE.

Teacher-training in living and learning democracy, Bosnia and Herzegovina In Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNDEF efforts to realize human rights by civic participation and activism. supports a project implemented by means of civil society networking. CIVITAS for “Teacher-Training in It brings together teachers, students, In June 2009, CIVITAS conducted two Living and Learning Democracy.” education and media representatives, three-day workshops with teachers in Addressing the crucial need to foster members of all ethnic groups and Banja Luka and Mostar. The workshops acceptance and subscription to national minorities, especially Roma, allowed teachers -- key multipliers of democratic values, the project pays people with special needs, and youth. knowledge and values -- to build up their special attention to human rights, In this way, it builds bridges between knowledge in civic competence, citizen intercultural understanding, and communities by exploring questions active participation and awareness empowerment and promotes joint of identity, human rights, democracy, and understanding of human rights.

UNDEF Update 4 UNDEF Update – No. 3, 2009 WORTH READING

UN support for demand-driven democratization: oxygen or oxymoron?

At a World Bank roundtable in May 2009, UNDEF Executive Head Roland Rich discussed the demand-side innovation of UNDEF’s work, drawing on examples from transition democra- cies and pre-transition situations as well as dilemmas associated with such efforts.

India’s role in democracy promotion Strengthening

In a major departure from its traditionally non-intervention- dialogue and ist approach to diplomacy, India has “India was very keen democratic institutions embraced democracy to promote democracy support as in a more multilateral in El Salvador part of its context” f o r e i g n policy agenda. It plays a leading role in the United Nations Democracy Fund. UNDEF Executive Head Roland Rich participated in a discussion on the subject organized by the Council on Foreign Relations. The symbiotic relationship between democracy and the rule of law

The Autumn 2009 edition of the Austra- lian Law Students’ Association flagship publication, the ALSA Reporter, features an article by UNDEF Executive Head Roland Rich setting out why the rule of law and democracy depend on one an- other.

“Democracy, for all its cum- bersome checks and bal- On a visit to San Salvador in April 2009, UNDEF Senior ances, is the only system that Adviser Annika Savill spoke at the closing of a national fairly allows for involvement dialogue project implemented by the Salvadoran Founda- of the people in devising the tion for Economic and Social Development, FUSADES. rules under which they are to “Through this project, you are advancing the be governed. Without democ- work to build democracy that first began racy, law takes on a different between El Salvador and the United Nations almost 20 years ago, when the UN facilitated character” the accords for peace”


Projects by key activity

Projects by applicant type

Senior Adviser and Editor: UNDEF Online Volunteer and Designer: UNDEF Volunteer and Editorial Assistant Annika Savill, [email protected] Shelley Johnstone, [email protected] Micah Fredman, [email protected]

UNDEF Update 6