Leliana’s Song DLC Walkthrough

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Leliana’s Song DLC Walkthrough Original URL: http://greywardens.com/lelianas-song-dlc/lelianas-song-walkthrough/

Difficulty Setting: Normal

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BioWare’s latest DLC is out and ready to play, and like Leliana herself, this game has some tricks up its sleeves. Ready to try your hand as an Orlesian bard? Join us on our walkthrough of Leliana’s Song.

Getting Started: Leliana starts this DLC with a combination of archery and melee abilities, along with some free skill points to spend in whatever areas you choose. She is joined by Tug the warrior and Sketch the mage. Tug is your basic “sword and board” front-line fighter, while Sketch is a natural Spirit Healer.

While you can of course put skill points into other areas, I recommend expanding upon the builds already started for these characters. Remember: the Creation spell tree isn’t limited to just healing spells – glyph spells, particularly Glyph of Paralysis and Glyph of Repulsion, are a big help in your adventures as well. Once your skill points have been assigned, it’s time to move on to the mission at hand.

Enemy Unit Roster Mages - Formidable spellcasters, mages appear in the Marketplace, the city dungeons, and in the final fight of the campaign. Expect them all to use Fireball, Earthquake, and other knockdown abilities, as well as devastating damage spells like Crushing Prison. Mages can also heal their comrades. Archers - Scattershot is their opening volley, so expect stuns and effective crowd control. Take these units down quickly, or their deadly arrows will overwhelm your party. Warriors - While most of these sword-arms present less of a challenge than their ranged counterparts, they can still make life tough for Sketch, so keep them at a distance. Some more powerful warriors have the ability to rally their comrades, and can use War Cry as a knockback attack.

Mabari – Tough and vicious, these four-legged crack troops of the Denerim guard can seem like an army by themselves. Watch out for bleed effects from Shred, and have stuns or healing spells ready for their deadly Overwhelm ability. Denerim Marketplace: Your adventure starts in the Denerim market. Night has fallen, which grants you some cover, but neither Leliana nor her cohorts have the ability to use stealth when the game begins, so use caution when approaching city guards.

Your agenda for the evening is full – cause mayhem in the marketplace through petty theft, assassinate a loose-tongued spy, and add insult to a Denerim noble’s injury by dispatching his guards.

“A little fun with the wigs of Ferelden. They won’t expect it, not like in Orlais.” – Leliana Stealing in the Market: The three merchants Marjolaine wishes to discredit stash their goods in the Denerim marketplace. Guards patrol the market at regular intervals, but with careful maneuvering you can avoid most of them. Make your way to each of the merchant storeboxes, loot their contents, and then replace each box with the goods of another merchant.

Kill the Loose Tongue: Jovi Merice is a bard who insulted one too many Orlesian nobles. He’s attempting to take refuge in a safehouse in Denerim, but Marjolaine wants his wagging tongue silenced – permanently. You can find Jovi in the alleyway near the Wonders of Thedas. He presents no threat to your bardic trio, but his corpse would cry foul play if it were discovered. Take his body to the well outside the city chantry and dispose of it there. But be careful – guard patrols are thicker near the chantry.

Defeat Bann Perrin’s Guards: Your last assigned task is to eliminate Bann Perrin’s elite guards, who are waiting near the entrance to the Arl of Denerim’s estate. There’s no sleight of hand required here – eliminate the guards and get going before the city watch discovers you. But be sure to loot the bann’s corpse – there are some items here which Leliana may want to put to good use elsewhere.

Marjolaine’s Vendetta: Marjolaine has plans of her own this evening as well, and you can choose to participate or not. A drugged guard captain lies in the street outside the Gnawed Noble. If you wish, you can further discredit him by dressing him in Bann Perrin’s smallclothes.

Side Quests: Don’t forget to stop by the chantry poor box for some extra cash. And check the alley behind Wade & Herren’s shop for a Mage Collective bag, containing some extra gold and pointing the way to additional treasure stored elsewhere in the marketplace.

Like the infamous Chasind Trail Signs quest, the location of the mage cache is only revealed after you have uncovered two additional clues in the city market. Fortunately, these will be marked on your map, and apart from avoiding a few guard patrols, they’re easy enough to get to. The cache itself is in a pile of rubble near the Alienage gates, but be careful as you approach it – the cache is guarded by a very territorial mage, who has enlisted a stone golem to help him defend his prize. Keep your wits and your healing spells about you, and dispatch your competitor.

Once you’ve completed your skullduggery, make your way to the back alley outside the wonders of Thedas and signal Marjolaine.

The Arl’s Estate: Marjolaine’s next mission will send your team into the arl’s estate itself. Though the arl is away, the fortress remains formidable even in peacetime. Marjolaine will leave Leliana at the entrance, so it’s up to you to make your way inside.

Killing guards is a must here, as their patrols are unavoidable. Dead bodies present another problem, however, and Sketch is worried that leaving a blood trail will attract too much attention. Fortunately, the arl’s garden offers some loose soil, which can be used to obscure your handiwork before moving on. Take your time to dispose of the evidence, and then make your way to the courtyard garden, where an open window presents an easy way inside.

“Our employer just wants us to plant some embarrassing papers under the cover of a burglary. It will be assumed they were here all along.” – Marjolaine While Leliana’s ultimate goal is to leave some “embarrassing” documents in the arl’s bedchambers, Marlojaine encourages her bards to make their entrance look like a chaotic burglary attempt. Feel free to kill any guards you come across, and to take some liberties with the arl’s possessions. Any loot or currency you acquire can be used to upgrade your gear when you return to Marjolaine’s hideout.

There’s a bit of a puzzle here too – as usual, Marjolaine is the “advance guard” for your party, but this time, it seems she has something else on her mind. A quick look down the estate’s main hall will reveal a cutscene of Marjolaine leading the captain of the guard away to a more private room – and it’s clear that Marjolaine has more than conversation on her mind. Leliana is clearly troubled by this, but there’s little to be done about it now while the Game is still underway.

Your party will encounter little resistance as you enter the arl’s bedchambers. But as Leliana gets ready to make her drop, she uncovers an unsettling secret, which could spoil the night’s adventures entirely. While there isn’t time to deal with her discovery at the arl’s estate, Leliana is determined to speak with Marjolaine once the party has returned to their hideout.

In the Hideout: The “documents” Leliana is tasked with leaving behind are more than just embarrassing papers, or missives to a mistress. In fact, they are the treasonous papers our Wardens may remember from Leliana’s stories in Dragon Age: Origins – papers which would destroy the tenuous peace between Ferelden and Orlais. Leliana cannot condone being the catalyst to another international war, and when she has returned to the hideout, she is determined to confront Marjolaine for the crime.

Before you go to talk Marjolaine out of her plans, however, take some time to barter with Bonny Lem – Marjolaine’s personal fence. Lem has some nice upgrades for your companions, including rings and amulets, as well as basic supplies like poisons and health poultices. You can also speak with Tug and Sketch to shed more light on Marjolaine’s unexpected change of plans, and help Leliana come to terms with what she must now do: turn against her mentor.

“If you are determined that we must undo this, I will alter my plans. You know there is always a cost when that happens.” – Marjolaine

Once her mind is made up, initiate conversation with Marjolaine, and Leliana will ask the bard to reconsider her plans, and to take back the treasonous documents before there’s any more trouble. After some objections, Marjolaine consents, and agrees to go back to the arl’s estate to put things right.

Back to the Arling: Your re-entry to the scene of the crime is less than successful. It seems someone set off the alarm bell, and the arl’s guards are on high alert. You’ll need to make your way quickly to the arl’s bedchambers to steal back the papers. However – if you are in the mood for more combat, or if you’re trying to get all six pieces of the Battledress of the Provocateur masterwork leather armor set, be sure to loot every room, as you won’t be allowed to return to the estate once your mission is over.

Once the papers are secured, make your way to the rendezvous point to meet Marjolaine.

“An Orlesian spy, caught with her hands on hard-won Ferelden intelligence. You’ll be worth a pretty sum.” – Commander Raleigh It is here that everything goes terribly wrong. Marjolaine was never intending to remove the papers – rather, she uses Leliana as a scapegoat to reveal the plot to the Denerim guard. Leliana and her friends are turned over to the guard, while Marjolaine walks free with Commander Harwen Raleigh, the guard captain Leliana saw her with earlier in the night. Shackled, betrayed, and literally backstabbed by Marjolaine, Leliana is dragged away to face whatever justice the Denerim guard have in store for her.

Raleigh’s Dungeon: Still reeling from Marjolaine’s betrayal, Leliana has been left to rot in the city dungeons. But a helping hand from an unknown guardian gives her the chance she needs to escape.

“It is worse than leaving them to death, isn’t it? When the one closest to you is untrue.” – Dorothea Leliana is on her own here, and most of her gear has been “appropriated” by her captors, so she’s left with only a single blade and her wits to get her out of her cell and back to Denerim. Fortunately, the night’s events have given Leliana a few more skill points, so put these to good use now and give her some extra abilities. Since she’ll be fighting alone for at least part of the next chapter, a few points in Stealth, Survival, or even Assassination may help even the odds for this dispossessed bard.

The dungeons are a warren of twisting passages, blood-stained rooms, and dead ends. At various intervals, the path is blocked by portcullises, which can only be removed by pulling the corresponding lever, usually located in a nearby room. Unfortunately, freedom isn’t won easily: guards safeguard the levers, and fighting is the only way out.

There are friends to be had in a nearby room outside the first portcullis – Sketch has also survived Marjolaine’s betrayal, though without his mage staff, he cannot hold back the dungeon guards for long. There’s other help here too, in the form of fellow prisoner Silas, who is good with a shield and sword. Free Leliana’s friend, and pull the lever which will raise the first portcullis on the path to freedom. And don’t forget to open the strongbox in this room – it contains most of the gear which was stripped from Leliana and her comrades upon their capture.

Tragically, Tug didn’t make it through the dungeon alive. You can loot his axe, but anything else Tug had on his person will disappear, which actually leaves your new recruit Silas in a bit of a bind. Like Tug, Silas’s skills rely on sword and shield. You’ll have to search elsewhere in the dungeon to get him some equipment.

The way out is easy enough to see, though harder to get to: make your way along the dungeon corridors to the next portcullises, then find the lever rooms which will allow you to raise the barriers. Your party will quickly find itself outnumbered however, and on higher difficulty settings the mages, mabari and archers ranged against you can wreak havoc if you’re not prepared. Make ample use of Sketch’s healing spells, and be sure to loot every guard, open every box, and rifle through every armor stand you come across to get better gear for Silas.

When you’ve cleared all of the portcullises, the way will be clear for your escape. Gather your party and get ready to exact revenge on Marjolaine.

The Chantry: Leliana’s mysterious benefactor from the dungeons finally makes herself known in the form of the Revered Mother Dorothea. If this Chantry nun sounds familiar, it is because she too once had dealings with Marjolaine. And like Leliana, she has a score to settle.

Dorothea has intelligence concerning Marjolaine’s current whereabouts, which she offers to give Leliana at a price – Leliana’s own commitment to getting the papers back and handing them over to the Chantry.

If you’re interested in learning more about Leliana’s faith and how she came to follow the Maker, take a few moments to speak to Sketch, Silas, and the Chantry sisters here in the chapel.

Don’t forget to speak to Bonny Lem before you leave to buy new equipment, and to refresh your stock of poisons, lyrium potions, and health poultices.

The Seaside Cliffs: Setting stealth aside, Leliana, Sketch and Silas board a rowboat bound for the rocky shores where Marjolaine and Raleigh have made their hideout. Raleigh has stationed soldiers everywhere along the shore, and these support troops will attack first. Battle is joined the moment your party lands, so be ready to go with healing and support spells. Raleigh’s soldiers favor ranged weapons and are quite good at crowd control, so use your party’s abilities to kill them quickly, or to inflict a little crowd control of your own.

Exacting revenge is harder than it looks – the bridge to Raleigh and Marjolaine’s camp is only accessible through a narrow canyon guarded by Raleigh’s men. His soldiers have brought a mage with them, too, along with several more archers. With so many ranged opponents, your party may be overwhelmed on higher difficulty settings, so placement and tactics are crucial; often, effective victory lies in getting Raleigh’s troops to come to you, rather than leaving your own party vulnerable in a direct assault. Once you’ve dealt with the reinforcements, make your way through the canyon to the cliffs where Marjolaine waits.

The Final Battle: A handful of archers guard the narrow bridge to Marjolaine’s hideout. And while it may be tempting to run pell-mell into battle against them, they’re ready for your advance, and will actually lead you farther into danger if you’re not careful.

The archers are just a decoy for the real threats here, the first of which will show itself the moment you cross the bridge. Raleigh isn’t playing around – he’s brought a dragon to help him, and this powerful creature can easily destroy an uncoordinated party.

Like all dragons, this beast’s battle roar will stun your entire party, and its fire breath can wreak havoc on Sketch’s spells or Leliana’s bardic abilities. Its melee attacks are devastating as well, so keeping its attention pinned on Silas is crucial to your survival. While it should be your highest priority to keep all three party members standing during this fight, budgeting your limited lyrium and health potions is also important. The moment the dragon has been defeated Raleigh will join the battle, leaving Leliana and her friends little to no time to recover their energy.

Raleigh himself is a powerful warrior, complete with Champion specialization abilities like War Cry and Rally. To make matters worse, he has a mage to support him by casting both healing spells and knockdown abilities like Earthquake. Again, make ample use of Silas’s taunting abilities to keep Raleigh busy, while you focus fire on the mage with Leliana and Sketch. Stunning abilities like Pinning Shot or Dirty Fighting help to keep the mage from casting, while poisons will give Leliana the edge she needs in hand-to-hand combat.

When Raleigh falls, Leliana is finally free to confront Marjolaine face to face, and to come to terms with the betrayals of her past, and the peace she may soon find as she starts a new life in Lothering. But that, as Leliana knows, is for another story. (c) 2010 Copyright GreyWardens.com Please do not remove copyright information. http://greywardens.com ------http://facebook.greywardens.com http://twitter.greywardens.com http://social.greywardens.com http://youtube.greywardens.com