Fists of Worry

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Fists of Worry i_ (Erattfor Since 1893 Vol.112, No. 27 f CRANFORD • GARWOOD • KENILWORTH Thursday, Julyj3,:2000 50 cents ground County introduces comprehensive approach to sex assaults ByPARIAMEOU administrator said. "It is essen- THE CHRONICLE Victim-friendly program includes counseling services, tial to let victims know they flfewn count, they are safe and they are Ia not at fault," . Paving project prosecutors ^LeZ ^ enforcement officers and medical professionals announced plans to enact a com- The program is also worthy, receive state-mandated training she added, for the sake of speed: closes South Ave. prehensive program to treat sex- conference, is a streamlined tiate legal action with the sensi- to appropriately treat victims. approach to sexual assault care. tivity that is often lacking in the Without the efforts of the SANE GARWOOD — South ual assault victims. "It is a more victim-centered program, a sexual assault victim The Sexual Assault Nurse Within 45 minutes of an assault current sexual assault treat- Avenue will be temporaril} approach," said Union County report, a three-member team of "may wait in the ER for many Examiner Program involves a ment, according to Pruden, who closed next week between Eas Rape Crisis Administrator specialists will be at the victim's said such an approach "means hours," since "Ufe-threatening ill- Street in the borough and team of medical, law enforcement Jennifer Pruden. "Everybody is side. The nurse, the rape crisis nesses and injuries have priority and rape crisis experts who will something to the victim." Lincoln Avenue West ir there for the victim," advocate, and the law enforce- "If nobody was there for her, it intheER." Cranford to accommodate s be on-call 24 hours a day, 365 The SANE program, intro- ment sexual assault expert will days a year. The experts will might reinforce the thought that (Continued on page A-2) paving project. duced at a special June 30 press Conduct a physical exam and ini-. she was nothing" the rape crisis The road is expected to be closed between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday Emergency vehicles will be lei Council through at all times, and regu Fists of lar road operations are expect ed to resume at the end of each workday. ponders The paving and restriping worry project is expected to take about two days, weather per mitting. full-time Detours will be posted Cranford cops according to a .press release from the Union ' County breakup local Department of Operational inspector Service. 'fight club' Keniiworth officials, For traffic inquiries or more ByDABlAMEOU information, call the Unioift ' facing backlog, may THE CHRONICLE County Traffic Bureau at (908) 789-3353. create new position CRANFORD— The notion of a "Fight Club" went from the By THOMAS SCOTT pages of a novel to the silver Program aims to keep CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENT screen, and has apparently found 'Seniorain Motion' a new home in the township. • KENILWORTH — The Cranford-police received sev- SCOTCH PLAINS — Senior Borough Council has acknowl- eral 911 calls in the evening citizens and physically chal- edged the need to hire a new, full- hours Tuesday reporting that a lenged persons can now contin- time building and code regula- herd of young men was fighting ue to live at home — and tion inspector to handle expand- near the intersection of Spruce remain independent — with ing department demands. and T'ulip streets. Officers the help of' the Seniors in The council determined at its arrived and investigated the Motion program. June 27 meeting that the devel- Independence Day altercation, but the brawlers, it turned out, The program providos opment of a full job description nobility equipment, usutxlly ut unci .salary pa<Jcage uiiould be were more sporting than angry. no cost to the patient. completed, and passed a resolu- The suspects indicated they The equipment available tion to that end at its June. 28 were not fighting, but were through the program includes meeting. The council is expected , engaged in a fight club,1" said motorized and manual wheel- to revisit the issue sometime in Det. Sgt. Prank Hanley of the chairs, scooters, walkers and August. Cranford Police Department. nils. In light of the fact that over Robert Harris, 31, James All the necessary paperwork 160 buildings were sold last year McElwee, 22, Scott McDarby, 2JL, is completed by the Seniors in and an expanding economy still Kenneth Linck, 22 and Ian Motion staff, which works supports a surge in new con- Damerow, 31, all of Cranford, and directly with each patient's struction in Keniiworth, officials Anthony Harwelik, 20, of physician. The equipment is in the borough's Planning, Garwood, were all arrested at the shipped to a rehabilitation rep- Zoning and Ordinance office are scene and hit with disorderly per- resentative, then delivered to a fearful building inspection and sons (fighting) charges. patient's door. code enforcement officers would The fighting took place on A Seniors in Motion rehabil- be overburdened. To that end, public property, Hanley noted, itation representative is stand- they asked council members to leading to police involvement. "If ing by to assist seniors with an investigate the feasibility of hir- they were doing it in their own in-home assessment and equip- ing a full-time, multi-disciplined home, that's their business," ment fitting. inspector. That proposal was pre- Hanley said. "(But) they were For an assessment, fitting or sented before the council for con- doing it outside, and under more information, please call sideration earlier this year. statute, they were causing public (800) 594-1225. The preliminary investigation inconvenience, annoyance or concluded that a full-time inspec- alarm. tor was appropriate because, "If they were in their base- Family activities on tap at aside from the increased demand ment, it's their business — unless • Cranford Alliance church* for inspections and code enforce- somebody gets hurt," Hanley ment in Keniiworth, current added. CRANFORD — The inspections and code matters are According to Linck, who was Cranford Alliance Church on presently handled, due to time reached by phone Wednesday, Cherry Street has scheduled .and personnel constraints, on a none of the fight participants Wednesday night activities for part-time basis by. existing were angry j»r upset _with_each_ the-entire family. Construction "Department offi- "blner. "No one wasTmrt," he said. All activities are free and cials. "We are all friends." are scheduled to run 7 p.m. to A motivating force behind the And the local fight club, he 8:30 p.m. through Aug. 2. hiring initiative is the PZO's added, was ore than just enter: "HoJyWord Studios" is the desire to tighten up on the regu- LARRY MURPHY/CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENT taining. "It is to get put ariy theme of the Vacation Bible lation of illegal two- and three- stresses," Linck said. School for children 5 years old family houses in the borough. Loping liberty Tuesday night was the first through grade 5. Bible story "With the number of houses meeting of this local fight clun, A racer competing In the Cranford Jaycee's annual Firecracker Run at Nomahegan Park got into the hol- according to Linck, and Hanley adventures, crafts, songs and sold last year, and the pace at iday spirit Tuesday. Besides the (our-mile run, Cranford's holiday events featured a special canoe race games are included. (Continued on page A-2) and a spectacular fireworks demonstration. (Continued on page A-2) '. "Mom's Club" is open to moms of all ages. Each session is an informal discussion of top- ics close to a woman's heart, according to a church press Cranford's flood bill flows on to release. • ' • Adults are invited to adfend a video series titled That the Senate Environment Committee World May Know." Each week's installment will feature a video State Assembly OKs appropriated until next year. the Assembly's Appropriations about Biblical events, with a The flood bill would grant the Committee cut the grant money in discussion session to follow. split $3.25M package township state funds for various two before passing it on to the For more information, call General Assembly. The other $3.25 (908)276-1617.- ByDAMAMEOU "The bill won't die. million will be considered for next THE CHRONICLE year's state budget, officials said. There just aren't any Cranford officials are not only CRANFORD — Cranford's (state) Senate meetings confident of the General Senate's $3.25 million flood control bill was approval of this year's $3.25 mil- Inside approved June 29 by the State in July." lion, but feel strongly the second Assembly. — PhllMorln half of the flood-control package The bill was approved by a vote will be approved in 2001. "It is my Commentary A-4 of 79-0, but Cranford is still a ways Mayor of understanding that the second away from seeing a single dime. Cranford phase will go through," said Community Life ....JEM The bill must now pass the state Commissioner Thomas Denny; Senate's Environment Committee flood control projects. The projects The language of the bill said $6.5 Sports C-1 and the General Senate. will include the construction of a million, but $3.25 million wgs The Senate is currently on sum- pumping station to convoy storm • PrlmeTlme B-4 appropriatedr'-AeeoKling-to Denny, AUGOSTO MENE2ES/CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENT mer receas, but the bill will be voted water into the Rahway River, the township will contract the engi- on by September. The bill won't improvements to express and local neers, commit to a design plan and, Obituaries B-3 die," said Mayor Phil Morin. There sewers, the development of wetland award a construction bid before the Keniiworth safari juat aren't any Senate meetings in delineation data and improve- fall.
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