"Tubular Magazine Repeating Gun" Patent for Winchester Repeating Arms
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WW, BENNETT. TUBULAR MAGAZINE REPEATING, GUN, APPLIC?ATION FILEID MAR. 27, 1911. 993,817. Patented May 30, 1911. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WINCHESTER, BENNETT, OS NEW HAVEN, R}:PEATING ARMES Co., OF NEW HAVEN,CONNECTICUT, CONNECTIc'UT, ASSIGNOF. À CoRPoRATroN. To win CIESTER, EUBUIAR-MAGAZINE REPEATC GUN. 898,8. Specification offette's Fa, teni. Pate Ate?: Ray 33, 391.1. Application filed farch 3, 1911. Serial to. 817,257, To all uphom it anay concern: cartridges 8 to the said gun-barrel 5. The Be it known that II, WINCHESTER BEN said sleeve 2 is formed in its outer edge. NETT, a citizen of the United States, residing with two leading-in cams 9 and 10, inclined. at New Haven, in the county of New Haven at a wide angle with respect to each other.... 5 and State of Connecticut, ha ve inventer a and terminating at their inner ends in a 60 new and usefull ímprovemenë in Tulibular locking-slot II, turning slightly outward as Magazine Repeating Gians; and I do hereby shown toward the edge of the sleeve and declare the following, when taken in con receiving a locking-pin 12 mounted in and nection wit tie acc{\pa Ilying drawings projecting radially from the forward end 10 and the letters of reference marked thereon. of the inner magazine - tube 13 which is 65 to be a full, clear, and exact description of entered into the forward end of the said: the saune, and Which Said dira Wings comisti outer magazine-tube, 3 and provided at is, tute part of this specificationm. and represent, exteine forward end with a knurled finger in button 14. The said inner tube 13 contains - 5 Figure a view in side elevation of a the usual follower 15 and cartridge-feeding." tubular magazine repeating gun constructed or magazine spring 16, the latter being com-, in accordance with my inventioi. Fig. 2 a. pressed when the inner tube 13 is pushed broken reverse plan view of the forward end home into the outer tube 3 in the usual of the barrel and raagazine. {^ig. 3 a broken Inanner after the latter has been filled with: 20 view showing the bai'i'el in side elevation cartridges. As herein shown, the outer tube and the magazine and sliding forearm in 3 is provided with a cartridge-feeding open vertical section. Fig. 4 a broken detail view ing 17 which is closed by the inner tube. 13. partly in side elevation and partly ill ver when the same is in its home position, tical section, showing the spring employed though I do not limit myself to feeding the 25 to hold the inner tube of the nagazine in its cartridges into the tubular magazine in any 80 locked position. Fig. 5 a broien view in One way. At its forward end the outer tube side elevation of the fo!'ward end of the 3 is provided with a positioning-spring 18 outer tube of the magazine, showing the constructed and arranged to enter a depres reinforcing sleeve located at the forward sion 9 formed in the inner tube 13 near the . 30 end thereof. Fig. 6 a corresponding view forward end thereof, whereby the same is 85 of the inner tube of the magazine, showing held against any tendency to rotate when in its provision with a knurled finger-button its locked position. - and with a locking-pin. Preparatory to charging the magazine, My invention relates to an improvement the inier tube 13 is seized by the button 14 85 in tubular agazine repeating rifles, the at its forward end and nearly refracted from 90 object being to provide simple, convenient the outer tube 3 which is then charged with and effective means for holding the inter cartridges in any approved manner and magazine-tube in its locked position. which, as far as Iny present invention is con . With these ends in view, iny invention cerned, may be done in a variety of ways, consists in a { : blular magazi;}e repeatinaig a: already stated. After the magazine has 95 rifle having c.tain details of construction been charged, the illner tube 3 is seized by and combinations of parts as will be he rein the said button 14 at its forward end and after described and pointed out in the pushed back home into the outer tube, being claims. at this time telescoped, as it were, over the In carrying out Iny invention as herein cellinn of cartridges therein and having its Of showii. I locate a reinforcing sleeve 2 poll i thê extremne for Syari e di 9 f, and i arger in spring 16 placed under tension by the en diameter than, the outer magazine, tube 3 gagement, if the follower 15, with the nose which is suspended, as it were, by means of of the foremost cartridge of the column, 50 bands or clips 4 from the g)-bar'el 5, the homeNow justposition, before itsthe locking-pininter tube 13 12 reaches engages its 0 year end of the said outer nuagtaille be 8 with one or the other, as the case may be, of being inserted into the forward end of the the two leading-in-cams 9 and 10 in the rein gun-frame or receiver 3 which may be of forcing sleeve 2, whereby the said pin 12 is any approved consti'uction and is provided directed to the mouth of the locking-slot 11 with a pivotal carrier 7 which feeds the in the said sleeve. The inner tube 13 is now. I 993,817 turned slightly from right to left, whereby the combination with an inner and an outer the said pin 12 is entered into the slot 11 in magazine-tube, of a reinforcing sleeve lo which it will be moved outward by the effort cated upon the outer end of the outer maga which the compressed magazine-Spring 16 zine-tube and larger in diameter than the now exerts to move the entire inner tube 13 same, and formed with leading-in cams and 40 outward. The spring 16 therefore operates a locking-slot, a locking-pin located upon the to crowd the locking-pin 12 into the outer forward end of the said inner tube, and a end of the slot 11 and exerts a constant effort magazine spring located within the inner to hold it there, and hence to prevent, the tube and exerting a constant effort to hold 0 inner magazine tube 13 from being unlocked. the locking-pin in position in the locking 45 In this effort, the spring 16 is assisted by the slot. positioning-spring 18 which enters a notch 3. In a tubular magazine repeating rifle, 19 in the upper face of the forward end of the combination with an outer magazine tube the inner tube at the time when the said formed at its forward end with a reinforc 5 pin 12 reaches the limit of its outward move ing sleeve larger in diameter than its diame 50 ment in the slot 11. Under this construction ter and formed with leading-in cams termi no jarring of the arm will suffice to unlock nating at their inner ends in a locking-slot; the inner magazine-tube. of an inner magazine-tube provided at its I claim:- forward end with a finger-button and with 20 1. In a tubular magazine repeating rifle, a locking-pin which latter co-acts with the 55 the combination with an outer magazine said cams and locking-slot, a magazine tube provided at its forward end with a spring located within the said inner maga reinforcing sleeve larger in diameter than zine-tube and exerting an effort to push the its diameter and formed with leading-in inner tube outward, and a positioning-spring 25 cams terminating at their inner ends in a engaging with the outer end of the inner 60 locking-slot inclined outward toward its for tube to assist in holding the same againstro Ward edge, of an inner magazine-tube pro tation in its locked position. vided at its forward end with a finger-button In testimony, whereof, I have signed this and with a locking-pin which latter co-acts specification in the presence of two subscrib 30 with the said leading-in cams and slot, and ing witnesses. a magazine-Spring located within the said inner tube and operating to hold the said WNCHESTER BENNETT. pin at the bottom end of the said inclined Witnesses: locking-slot. DANIEL H. VEADER, 85 2. In a tubular magazine repeating rifle, THOMAs C. JoHINsoN. .