Tozer, Native vegetation of the Cumberland Plain 1 The native vegetation of the Cumberland Plain, western Sydney: systematic classification and field identification of communities Mark Tozer NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 1967 Hurstville 2220, AUSTRALIA phone: (02) 9585 6496, fax.: (02) 9585 6606, e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Twenty-two vascular plant communities occurring on, and adjacent to the Cumberland Plain and Hornsby Plateau, are defined using a multi-variate analysis of quantitative field survey data. Communities are described using structural features, habitat characteristics and diagnostic species. Diagnostic species are identified using a statistical fidelity measure. The pre–European spatial distribution of communities is estimated using a decision tree approach to derive relationships between community distribution and geological, climatic and topographical variables. Contemporary vegetation cover is estimated from 1:16 000 scale aerial photography (1997/98) and sorted into six categories based on cover of Eucalyptus species. These categories are only approximately related to vegetation condition: high Eucalyptus cover classes are most likely to contain high levels of floristic diversity, but areas with scattered cover or no cover at all may have either high or low diversity. Map accuracy is assessed using independent field samples and is primarily limited by the accuracy of 1:100 000 geological maps. Patterns in overstorey composition were mapped at 1:16 000 scale but were less useful in delineating community boundaries than was hoped because few species are confined to a single community. The extent to which observer bias may influence estimates of the present extent of remnant vegetation is investigated by comparing the interpretations of two observers for a subset of the study area.