And came and said to them, “All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:18-20

ESUS COMMANDED THE ELEVEN (Judas was who suffer death for the sake of the faith. Their faith dead) to baptize all the nations “in the name of is so sure that they willingly give all to Christ, even the Father and of the Son their lives. Thus, just as in J and of the Holy Spirit.” “Through this union with Baptism one dies and is re- This baptismal formula giv- born, they, too, die and then en to the apostles and passed Christ in Baptism, we are reborn into eternal life. on by them to their successors receive both the forgiveness of Baptism of desire refers to continues to be used today the granted to those while water is either poured sins and new birth through who die while they are still over the head of the candidate the Holy Spirit.” catechumens, or those who do or the candidate is entirely im- not know Jesus, “but seek[s] mersed in water. Ordinarily, the truth and does the will of the bishop, priest, or deacon God in accordance with his baptizes. When these are not understanding of it.” (CCC available, a catechist or other 1260) Catechumens who die suitable person can be deput- before they are baptized can ed by the local bishop to con- be saved based on the pre- fer Baptism. In the case of an sumption of their desire to re- emergency, any person can val- ceive the , to repent idly baptize provided that they of their sins, and to live a life have both the intention of do- of charity. ing what the Church intends Baptism of martyrdom and and that they pour water while Baptism of desire show the ne- saying the baptismal formula. cessity of both faith and Bap- Only those who have not yet tism for the forgiveness of sins been baptized can be baptized, which Jesus established when because Baptism cannot be re- he commissioned the apostles: peated. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mk 16:16). Necessity of Baptism The salvation of others is Although God has not made implied by the fact that Christ known to us any means other “died … once for all” (Rom 6:10; than Baptism for salvation, this see also 2 Cor 5:15; Heb 10:10), does not mean that God himself and so every person must have is restricted to Baptism. In his some sort of opportunity to re- great mercy, God does save by ceive Jesus’ gift of salvation. other means, such as through The salvation of children is the Baptism of martyrdom and supported by Jesus’ words af- the Baptism of desire. firming that those who are like Baptism of martyrdom refers Baptism of Christ, 6th century ivory panel children are the greatest in the to the salvation granted to those from northern Italy Kingdom (see Mt 18:1-5; Mk

The Association for Catechumenal Ministry (ACM) grants the original purchaser (parish, local parochial institution, or individual) permission to reproduce this handout. 9:33-37; Lk By Baptism, 9:46-48). The we also are salvation of made broth- those who do ers and sisters not know Je- to one anoth- sus is further er. By this re- supported by birth, one be- the fact that comes a “new these people creation” (2 Cor who make sin- 5:17), with cere efforts to the rights, re- seek truth and sponsibilities, to do the will and dignity of God to the that belong best of their to all who are understanding Trinity-fam- would have ily members desired Bap- (every bap- tism if they An adult Baptism during the Easter Vigil Mass t i z e d p e r - had known of son). Becom- its necessity. “The baptized are called to witness to the faith ing a member of Christ also Grace of they have received and to participate in the means sharing Baptism Church’s missionary and apostolic work.” in his eternal In Baptism, high priesthood by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are “all bap- (see Heb 4:14-16). This participation is referred to tized into one body,” the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13). as the common priesthood of all believers and should not Through this union with Christ in Baptism, we re- be confused with the ordained priesthood of bishops, ceive both the forgiveness of sins and new birth priests, and deacons who govern, preach, and sanc- through the Holy Spirit. These two principal effects tify the Church in the person of Christ. Rather as accomplished by the grace of this sacrament have members of the common priesthood, the baptized are several important aspects. called to witness to the faith they have received and The first principal effect includes not only the for- to participate in the Church’s missionary and apos- giveness of personal sins but also the washing away of tolic work. inherited from Adam and Eve. Baptism In Baptism one receives sanctifying grace. Grace also erases all punishment due to sin. Furthermore, is nothing other than God’s own divine life given the grace received through Baptism is a tremendous to each person. In Baptism, this grace includes the aid in the struggle against sin. This assistance against theological virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit sin is necessary because Baptism does not erase the (see Is 11:2). The theological virtues — faith, hope, temporal consequences of sin such as suffering, ill- and love — are infused into the soul by God at Bap- ness, and death, nor does Baptism erase our human tism. They give the baptized the capacity to live as inclination to sin. children of God. They also serve as the source for The second principal effect, new birth in the Holy all the other virtues that are acquired by human ef- Spirit, refers to rebirth as adopted children of God fort with God’s help. (see Gal 4:5-7). This divine adoption is much more Although sin may obscure the fruits of Baptism, than our common notion of adoption. Through Bap- the effects of Baptism can never be erased from one’s tism, one truly becomes a child of God, a partaker of soul. In Baptism, one receives an indelible spiritual the divine nature (see 2 Pt 1:4), a member of Christ mark (character). God will not abandon or forsake (see 1 Cor 6:15), and a fellow heir with Christ (see his own (see Is 49:14-15; Heb 13:5). Once made a Rom 8:17). The baptized person is really made a child of God, one is a child of God for all eternity. member of the Trinity-family and truly has God as For this reason, Baptism is never repeated. Father. On earth, this family of God is the Church. (CCC 537, 977-978, 1213-1274, 1533, 2813)

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