650 . DEVONSHIRE. [KELLY'S of a raised beach, forming a drive and promenade extend­ . SCHOOLS. ing upwards of two miles, close to the sea shore, from .A. School Board of 5 members was formed Aug. 22, 1874; Torcross to Slapoon sands. The Start Point Lighthouse, J. Harr·is Square, , clerk to the board easily reached by a walk along the ooast, is aoont 4 miles Board (mixed), built of stone in r857, with residence for from the Torcross hotel ; a new lea has been made, cover­ master & mistress; it will hold 150 children; average ing nearly 40 acres, and is rented by Mr. William Vickery, attendance, 120; William Moore, master; Miss Florence the proprietor of the hotel, from .A.. F. Holdsworth esq. Shepherd, infants' mistress Arrangements have been made with the Government tele­ Board School. Huccombe (mixed), erected in r877, at a graph department by means of which casualties at sea cost of £700. for roB children; average attendance, 77; can be reported by telegraph from Start Point lighthouse. .l\fiss Edith Hortin, mistress ; Miss Hetty Burgain, Several residences were built here by the late Sir Lydston infants' mistress Newman bart. and others by .A.. F. Hol.dsworth esq. TherP Carriers to & from Dartmouth to Kingsbridgc pass is a lea '()f fresh water, abounding with pike, roach and through the village perch, and, in the colder season, with wild fowl, some of The Dartmouth Coaching Company's coaches, running which are very rare. By means of a. weir the excess of between Kingsbridge & Dartmouth, pass through Tor­ water produced by heavy rains is carried through a cross three times daily: the drive of r5 miles is one of cutting in the rock to the sea. the finest in England, through the parishes of Charlet{]n Post Office, Stokenham. John Henry LusC(lmbe, sub­ & Stukenham, & along the Slapton Sands, the sea being postmaster. Letters by mail cart from Kingsbrid~e on one side & the far-famed Slapton Lcy on the other; arrive at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.20 p.m. i sunday, passing the Royal Sands hotel, the drive is continued village delivery, 7.40 a.m.; letters dispatched 9.40 a.m. Lhrough the villages of Strete, Blackpool & Swkeflem­ Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest ing into Dartmouth; the coaches wait for the arrival of money order & telegraph office is at Torcross, rJ: miles the 9-55 a.m. & r.so & 6.50 p.m. trains distant CHILLI~GTON, r mile west, is a hamlet. The Bible Post, ~L 0. k T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Christians and the Brethren have places of worship here. Parcel & Annuity & Insurance Office, Torcross.-Mrs. KELLATON. 2~ miles south; BEESON, r;. south­ .Emma. Pepperell, sub-postmistre-!1-s. Letters by mail south-east; BEES.A.NDS, 2~; and HALLS.A.NDS, 3!, cart from Kingsbridge arrive at 7·45 a.m. & 3.40 p.m.; are hamlets belonging to this paris'h. There is also a dispatched at 5·5 p.m.; sundays, 9·30 a.m Brethren Mission chapel at Kellaton, and one at , Post Office, Hallsands.-William Stone, sub-postmaster. founded and supported by Miss Teage, of Stoke. A Mis­ Letters through Kingsbridge, via Stokenham, arrive at sron Room has been erected at Beesands at the expense of q.25 a.m.; dispatched at 3.40 p.m. week days only. :\iiss Theresa J ohnson, of Totnes, assisted by a few sub­ Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest scribers. money order & telegraph office is at Torcross, 2 miles Parish Clerk, Herbert Patey. dist.nt Post Office. Chillingt-cm.-Peter Mitchelmore Randall, sub­ postmaster. Letters arrive from Kingsbridge by mail 4.10 _ . Wall Letter Boxes at Beesands, cleared at p.m.; cart at 7 20 a.m.; dispatched at 5 30 p.m. week days; Hallsands, cleared at 3·40 p.m.; Bees