erjca rpam f*»jssa

13 Anne «ltc*iell tlon, there wa» & c!o»« finUn between Klein, OS,*- retired gbywlsi,, and Jwry Ms cxli a dt pinn* Itwaatwsinns aa usual vn iftnfbcl Wedn-*»dajr nififT cutacusMiotuir *nd p*ria>*? in Periwinkle following 'the General Election witb.aU the local Trailer Park. Kldh reoei?ea 1,48? voica fcSJ.7pe r incumbents keeping their scats. centJ to Muencta's 1.238 (48.3 per CCBO to put him Mayor' Fred Valtin and Councllmcn Iran*! boek oa the council tor a second foiir-jMr term. B*I!ey and Mike Klein held on to their dty council //- ; Muench, S3, in hiu second unsuccessful bid for a teat* while Lee County Counr&wioncr- Porter council seat, says he is not discouraged by the Gosfl, of Sanibel, fought off his liemocratic rival result and indicated he would run again wben the Tom Castelucd of Fort Myers lor District 1. other two council seats are up for grabs in ISSO. SAWIBEL CITY COdNCIL : Similarly, island rcsUurstcur John Kontinos held 'How can I net be pleased with that?" be uid ot olf Scott Douglas of Cape Coral in c eioat fight for the close vote. "J am sure Mike ffot the message the Aren 3 »eat on the Lee County Mosquito Con- that he hud not won by A UadsUdu. What th*y •Francis I^ailey trol bonrd Bictwrd DonUn GJU In the Boa-partisan Sanfbcl City Council nlec- O continued on 1 OA Seal. •Mike Klein U3J JerrvMiifnch 1238

LEE COUNTY COMMISSION ntnlric( I •t'arU r f ottt {HI 74 418 (Leet

_Dwtrkta T Ma-j Aou Wullaci. (R) fj • «i (L<.e) 1,796 [Ssn!b«lJ 18fi (CsnlivaJ Ted EVRIIS tD> 4" BS4 (Uej 5'39 (Sanil>el) 98 (Captlva) Youth dies In Island crash Dblrret 5 By Walter Cross excessive rate'of speed when it hit a bump or soft Donald SUsher W 57,044 (L

Uland Reports • Novemlvr & 19S4 9 3A


her co- A!l pro- ATTENTION M*-Q9 will go toward the Girek Araenca-i CuiLunti Center GIFT GIVERS Building fund IT S TIME TO THINK CHRISTMAS! Tho event pan WE HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING sorod by the Greilt j American Cora mum Ne.thclMa FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST AT Cavtiva resident TIFFANY PARLOR. WE HAVE PORTCj- tv of Southwe t ! -; . Florida and Annun ttttdtort II Wind. OUESE CERAmiCS, AUSTRIAN CRYS- ciation Creek Or TAU ITALIAN TERRA COTTA AND v thtxfux Church of fitness program BIRD SCULPTURES. OF COURSE, WE i i "* Fort Myer will b*. created by JS held at the For! Muwtt direr ALSO HAVE MANY AMERICAN- Myers Exhibition oss the tin[r that th? money MADE ITEMS AMD SOME LOVELY Hal! be deposited in the LOCAL PRODUCTS. COME BROWSE The Grecian lull beach trust fund for AND SEE THE STOCKING STUFFERS Saturday evening1 Last week in a cold noniramc wllrfli - P AND FUN, CjAQ GIFTS. mil have a renowned Chicago suburb, 28 Greek American In men and women Yuletide 2244 FLOHEKCE WAV. SANIBEL Lernational Orchestra aK (corner of i lorence & Tarpon Bay ltd.) PHONE • MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY -ind another societ the Pointer Sisters According to Dr. All expenses recipes Monday thru Saturday 10-5 Ethel Burke, Manager (813) 472-1062 orchc tra for con and thinking ins on the beach and Give a buck Highway Safety and dred of the nation's tbe beech type, expected to be a sell relax in 30-dcgrr.c Motor Veh cles ha top high-school everyone ha a out. For re rrvations heal. Now they're for added an explanation teachers and prin fa\ onte di h or drink call Pauline Bublik. bade in 40-dcRree of th« voluntary Si cipals will win at Clin traa time 542-6482 or Erini Chicago, working at nongame contribution on the oxpon e paid t-ips to weather jobs and wishing for Islanders who carv back of the vehicii Captiva I land for a For tho e willing nee 4332S04 co- to hare their special chairpcr on for Lake Michigan to about wadinff bird; registration renewal five day conference warm up. turtles, songbirds forms on educational cx- yulctidn recipci with This report is based on records kept at tickets others the / land tho Sanlbel Captlva Chamber of Commerce, On Sundn , the Ex Group leader Pat and snakes have an "When a person J eetlen'tlencce opportunity beginn receives the renewal' Reporter ia planning Causeway Roat! and to tor tho week ending hihitton Hall will be Nelson otJazzerciso t TThhe trip are part to publish a holiday at 4 p m on Tuesday, Nov 6 or Chicago, says that ing this full to turn notice, ho or she can of a $250 000 plan b that caring into ac simplj add Si onto rongand cook book Hlfih Low Rain coliagt of booths Bur^r King COT crammed witfe Wed, Oct 31 82 70 0 ostler Pickles uch ai art craft the suggestion of one tJOR th(r price of the vehi poralJon and reci- cle registration " favorite hlnnd Thur Nov . 84 69 0 Greek boutique of her students, Han Under the provi pients will comt from recipes Frl.Nov 2 83 69 0 white elephant anil dy Hutchings. who ion of Florida i F,gbert said. "It** each of the fiftj Nongamo Wildlife that easy.' Sat, Nov 3 83 69 0 gourmet Greek owns Gulf Breezu cot- states plu K you d like to be Sun Nov 4 82 70 0 specialities Admi tages. Sanibe!, where Act. sterling Oct. 1 In addition, anyone Washington, I>.C. included send our residents can can Mon Nov 5 00 69 0 lion to the Laiaar they stayed. "We who wishes can make The conference, to recipe* to the Jilavd Tue , Nov 6 78 63 0 wiii b. $1 a talked about a three tribute a dollar to a large donations to he hi?Id in mtd- Reporter Recipe , day weekend on trust fund for the Nongarao December on'Cap- P 6 Drawer B Sanibel. so we did nongamo animal: Wildlife Trust Fund liva, will locus on Sanlbel, l\ 33957 it," Nelson says. The vhen they renew he said. To con- new trends in educa We 11 pubh h a selec group of almost all their annual vehicle tribute more than £1 tion and profe lonai tton of the best Be ages, £• (ranged the registration development and is sure to print your trip ju«t to ftet nw\y The trust fund will order must bt Tiade part of a $4 million a nsme, address and he administered by I parable to the Game year nationwide teluphone number on copywritcd dance the Game and Fresh • mil Freah Water education program to each recipe • A bit unusual we'll agree, but so is '.vhere we're located.

Editorial Office — B13MT2-15BS The unique Periwinkle Place Shopping Center, an island Business otltce — B13M72-1B87 Product Ion office —' 013/405-3111 of tropical shoppes with a place to eat. Lunches Editor and Publisher Allan Smlirt Inbetweens and Dinners — Duncans Restaurant and Managing Editor Anne Miichell ArttTD«ilQn PoUy Smith Winnie has not been sovpn and 12 Photography/Graphic* Ann Tlpson Ice Cream Parlor — open from 11 to 9 with a variety said she had gone published although membprs, but as Ntwf fF«*lur»e Waller CIOGB, Paul LuthrincBr to classes at Edison sha has entered soon as she has five Wendy McMullen Donoghue ^ Community College various competi- people together, the SporU Karon Fanner of hand, dipped ice creams, deli type sandwiches and dinners. he idea of a previous winters tions. Her Interest Is meetings will start, Bu»ln«»» Wlllfam Cons land so writers' group The Idea fora In short, satirical- she says Atfrcrilalng Man»o«r Rob Kastort T put forward by writing group was type fiction — "Jane Initially, ;he Adverting Dtocuttm Jet) Hughes, Kan MeeUar winter resident Win- inspired by the suc- Austen rather than meetings will be Sherry Eborts Ice cream and pickles indeed! nie Donoghuewas cess of such a Erma Bombock held at her house CtM>lfl«d Advancing Qioila Kaiton Greeted en- group In Min- style" she scys — and will be organiz thusiastically by 8IG neapolis which pro- and she writes ed Into three main Tschnlul Scrvlcai Manager Nanci Knrciuwski Arts members at vided such a great because she loves A«at. Tachnlcal Sanlcos M»n«fl»r Shin«y Mayor pprts reading in SlaK Laura Bouchard, Bob Goorfln, Todd King, their monthly deal of support that to foresting or Insplra Gloria shlndlodaekor, Paul Torji" »" Beer and Wine also available meeting Oct. 30. members stuck She also likes the tlonal extracts orar 'One woman son! together. company of other tides from publish me a notica Im- 'Members of our writers like herself. ed w-itors, sharing mediately and Mar group would travel Winnie says she writing which sha Wagner who miles to get to realized that a place members have writ runs the reading meetings," sha said, like Sanlbel must ton, and having RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLOR jroup for drama "It was 65 miles for have many people writing sessions in Contributor* Pat Robertson Sue Stephen Frit: suggested the two me to got there and Interested In writing which members and Norna Sloppd'beln, Tarry Walton, groups set together some people came Just for pleasure and write absolutely George Weymouth every so often and even further than she thought ot freely about any Published overy Jhumttr bf Sunbdll road the poetry and that.' advertising in ihe Quisled 'or a period PutiKcilloni at 2075 Pett.lnk'v Way, of 10 to 15 minutes Slflitwl Island, Florida 33057. Socond- other writing," Win "We were really newspaper for iisg. paid a! Djnibul island, nie said. similarly Interested At tha end of tho Pbllifli'onS O PERIWINKLE PLACE just a support critical of each grandchildren and Is Winnie, who has group," she added, people before she lime period the 2075 Periwinkle Place heard of Barrier writing >s read aloud other," says Winnie now living on been spending But we were so 'We want to give Sanlbel seven 11AM 9PM CloedSunday 472 2525 winters on Sanlbel proud when one of Island Group tor the without comment Arts. from the group each other compa- months of the year. for the past five our group, Natalie nionship not, Those Interested years, has long been > Goldberg got Ideally, Winnie ' Our aim Is (o be criticism " (n joining the group lntere$jod In published' would like tho group a writer s support , • Wlnnlo has five should call Herat Jpo> creatie Jil WlnnJJl( tbAt chlldren-andeevenr 472-0534;E)- ^M^I^^MUUS

4A 9 NmmmbcT.& CAPTiVA E30S!C sanibel PREVENTIOK DISTRICT NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL 8E HELD O[J MONDAY, New version of special events ordinance NOVEMBER .19, AT 9 A.M. fy Aime Mitchell problem and loprr.u dt AT £ rtvtmped spw;i»l c»*nta oriiiBaaf*1 wtllcoir-c per mi hat *<>«iupcrt jitfopjp ou'dtwr <• nd amplifies p CENTER *t H o «» V/ediw avid La met sppJuucn dwnUy lacrcbatid (o'oi-jali 100 - V* ri FOR HOLOEHS OF 1984 PASSH1IITS * h" th d' cili h ihf • m©rep«rtrie pamug-onrtgHUcf waj wrtn>pr n Monday.f.. jmviou t/.o,p* that, "special events orlj rrquiref publ t- l«nporarj. streit gravies fuowork or HENEW EEFOHE NOV. 30 FOP. t permit if li.ey art poin^ tu rfothi- , tlij**«r Uti cxplo lies dangcroua chemirjl-r firf rwachincv | EVANGELICAL CHURCH **]'««plo can bf pretty sum wht thtr i r out lf-e> or otner e<)Ui{jmr nt iptsl a (itrniil' he add?ie can bt not a ptmitteiit ii Ihcreloi 'l r«f special than 21 dfi\s need a perm't,' SOUL-STIRLING SERVICES QV« nt need i ptrmit except [or certain specific l l not j i exec; Uom which raised a Jot of qutstion the i ur or any at er eof a 2^18 Polm'Ridgo Rood. Sonifcpl tsFoncf Ule I draU nwl o tiie ordmoncf mofif positive at a part; — David La Croix EVERYONE he Knid The propo'crf ordinance hu c me under fire an-Frl 9-5 l«X*£S£ Spc> ij.) ounts nquinng a permit, under the rom the puhlic'but cily officials »ay tht-re is a WELCOME IKW dr-Lft include Iho-ie invoviag- thv u c ol ttd to regyluu. t ventf. which irnS Ht pv-a h* jlth <7I-31I7 Msureen E. Smltt CTC my, 472-4047 m

6460 Sanibel Captiva R

* * * * FT MYCRS NEWS-PRESS, April, 1964 Rocom&nded by Robert Tolf, Florida Trend Kagaztna, Oct, 19S4

Frssh lUllsn Saafood Enlroes Jewelry, Art Objects and Sotlood Pasta EntrsBs \\ < ?\ ,. Vesl Entms Shrimp Entro*s Decorative Accessories K r a B|n s >" K. °Dail"y Earl^^yy Bird* Specials 5-S 30 P M | /7re.--:s(t6fe' That'* the best -way to describe our from $4 to $4000 handmade 14 Kt gold pelican carrying a J2 pt, dut mond in his beak Created by oiir talented jeweler, Jade Jewelry and Carvings, Ooioonne, Iulicm Class, Chines lie's the perfect reTJiembranca of your Sanibet vaca- Tennpln cancinSs. lacquor sci«ensand Antique Pcrcftloin, Eskimo, tion. Just one from our collection of original designs Zunl and African Art; in fine vtland jewelry1 ' All purcha&od directty from the source. Tfie island's lull service iowelry slore «= ,ElA,r, ov Specializing In Ine aoston 1711 Pcnw


Sanibel's First and Finest 2330 Palm Ridge Poad, Sanlbe!, Florida 33957 472-9330 I Seafood Restaurant EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! INVITES Harbor ~- MONDAY - PRIME RIB 1.00 OK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO ENJOY TUESDAY-STONE CRAB A EUROPEAN DINING EXPERIENCE House Ever>' Sunday Evening From 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p m Restaurant CLAWS *1.00 0ff F«LL MENU - LITE PRICES'' WEDNESDAY- FRESH PASTA MOM.-FRI. ALL EVENING LONG FLORIDA LOBSTER 13 Pc Med Shrimp Dinner S6.95 Chicken e Salisbury Steak $5.95 TAILS 'LOOOff EXTRAVAGANZA Scampi on Rice $6.95 Stuffed Grouper e Fried Grouper $7 95 THURSDAY-SHRIMP ur- Tableslde Service' *~ Barbecued Ribs $9*95 ANTIPASTO SCAMPI 'l.OOOff BREADSTICKS Friday Night LINCUINEandFETTUCINF. AD You Can Eal Fishfjry $5.95 AND EVERY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT SPECIALS wilh choice of 5-7 p.m. SUMDAYAIaskiitiCrabLcgs , 89.95 White Clam Sauce HOMDAY Steamed Shrimp $9.95 Meal Sauce TUESDAY Frog Legs S9.95 CHICKEN MARSALA WEDNESDAY Gib's Famous Ribs $9.95 FETTUCtNE ALFREDO THURSDAY Fish and Chips . 87.35 Prepared TablesUle- FRIDAY Alaskan Crab Legs 89-95 STUFFED ZUCCHINI SATURDAY Steamed S'nrlmp 89.95 SOI^r CHEESE9S5 and FRUIT PLUS UNLIMITED TRIPS TO THE SALAD BAR $13 Per Person EARLY BIRD SPECIALS 5-6 P.M.-95.S5 Children under 12 HAPPY HOOE 4-7 Mon.-Frl. most welcome at half price. FREE HORS D'OEUVRES « ALL DRINKS AT REDUCED PRICES 937 Gulf Drive SANtBEL ISLAND. FLORIDA ENTERTA1NMEMT IN THE LOUNGE TUES. THRU SAT. S3S57 HANK SCHOLZ through Sot.. Nov. !0 HILTON ALAMJAMES returns Tues.. Nov. 13 Some call it paradise. -. FishMakeiOpQn2PM7PM - Restouanl and Lounge Open5PM DOOLEY'S DIXIE FIVE every Friday OR Dly finiwli<,

r captiva captive t to C *>.*r stated b^KcI 1 ta»la" f%HU») * CEPD votes to reimburse Jones [or travel expenses . t i3rvil e ScJ m de a* rta of tfe« S CIH-*» «a CftjF«4iys. O A'ulicj'it' dc t fame Morr j»oa sict^e- a j (W t j ntt ufaU-eruite if ti* COJIIBUJ isw.ra ! the auttwg; HKJ J wnU/ "I »«.-»**«** i bs jinuswat tol aaid e£»e f*U Ibat ii na f I« tats t>e k f w*M^ I *•*» asJ;ff4t#." * cJtrterf ta scev* <>Q ism twtwij tbsy sJ a h, in a a*«i ^wslujn«l Own tfc*« «1WN!'J be Utree The Teir»-T«it prop«»l lima Ut provW** a «Lut3KGe»tic«[» with Turnw Pwfc to tb» S Ercaef fairer dtfii-bsivefil r«tio ot esawsiMfint far Cxp- irt ifif tfa» i/i&utff ^t l£t k aiwut wj»illj«f- tiwy tea IB tin? tinrt, eaWginry, boat the & bend to Soatii Uvim iH'i «t wiS] W> put te piYjxrrtr wner la UrM&rc««& C-^';^^ 3£i)UiU , ton«atcttii residenidt t HuHfr o SeJta Pl-uiUton ia ti« S»M«J4 eB5ffgisry, and the fora*«f a wlercndiirmw K f/vmuri'ii) bfr Is tbffi «£i««i*-r," laid' ion aftsr Shu tatustiKg. Jwjut*! SCIOA prtipcrty only la tb« third c#trte«ra!f)S Slvt Ktleciivtne ol tsxvzl itwm Mkhi^ :t*S(4 tins ocroiui te*ri«fl wv Jwwn> WJW HofwMwI^ iiiflti4 w toaailat« » nw^ius^ tWu fuub tiiwiW rrse- tred|g*t ia SeplerattKV. 9ii t? nsait cjaorua fctr&e».t «I a si.asie jpj Neither Wri^bt tx& itmc* »*» present ISM the Ovsnmbtioa^r Joiut Bart xdd ihst Uw pr*c«- MMM) HoCschncWcr voting a^cinaS aad KUIT and JTOTI psitip to bfj'B^w C^xtawau's re»ort and in combatting erwnaa, public acccnn to the first rcAdisj: si. which tb* proposed forget «u deflt LmJ airc*rfy ixtca «vi for comiws^lo&ers t*> D£s*gTwm«nt wttfa that cuate ITOTB olfcer «an for the jcotiOA. rcsii&sU wouM tw etjoatiy affected by tha*_ beaches, wwl ihe credit givva in tho n--w Tetra cut iu hall partly us a result «f public pressure *lafm C3JM-1WWW to rctarc from their JJUIPWI- muKkfoaM^ ABtl from l&e floor. But ttw inotum to refuoii Joan for Sun travel **In tl tner caw: you can't Doat over tfa*W Ttrih proposal fur tiiiWo *lia hid already placed net to colWt racw funds for th* costroventtsl reLresls w)wit r,htirwim I'ex Hofacbari'Smr "It u;> in the *wtM# oarrs Mount nxid, "Vca sbou3n't frcl Ulte ntiniburaiitj; expcoift I>ec sy t*-tn of assessing Cxptivs pt^perty, put for t&t) square footage laetor ^rbuid j>roduc« some the oaiy eurc way of protecting Uw.Lsiiind. be further reduced. prv**nt aituBtion. Sbp xxkJ io thst prior siiaa- ' it ef tie ^isirict ol Ibetr own ward )») ttae fin,fi!«5tnBg eaniinny ftj Tsira unfair weigbliaRB since asfccssinentfl «i»M be *"B*arfi nourishment Is 'mxAy k'utaponay «olo Jones claim* he should be r«mbum*i tor his tiost ihp wiu requests to return by the CEFD Tecb. were q-jf?*tionetL •ihaicd ail Ipff*' deseriptiona atsde by Lite County tion to beach restoration.™ he snid, fKpcnatS from Michigan, where he was v*ca- The positkiD ofpropertr *foog Cx^Uvo. Drive in 19!0 and 1925, aome of which were MptolGC lie also berated the commissioners for of fit* »nd not anoifcer «)efltai3si(itter you're ssjiti^ a eoniatiuxaacr per ewnf. InaecnrKte. liosins, to Otptiva inScauwr he *u spmficaU/ Barr.cfllied for prnvision for J.rsvtl t»pcaaes wandrr u u a ftuior in ftsatftsntent was questioned b] bufldiug a jetty which he says will "lo? the aakwi w atlvrsd ibe mwliag by W'rifcbt. ta b« pat Into the cn&bliog art. He Mid that ii then be returned xl the Ujtpayers Hofoch&eitler Hi «ic[d the five or six properties hm had in board open for suits iroraSanibeP-D

DQPiES HOME J3ouc& OK THE 12TH FAIRWAY Silk Floral Artistry I W<> tiro offering a Jn ,1 $ learn to cn*atv nur g o^^'n[ Chnsnnas wreath S N«v. ml>t f « S J6 from 7-9 p m g Cla^-s

Fentkrin^ ouI bMUtlllll I d »*wll* In your choice Location Pierced t.JCTtigl Bntcele Mochlngblrd Lunc, Lot Noi 43, overlooking Fine Cold JrvHry the lake on tliii 12th fairwny. PterUiK) c»fw)ds, CREATIVE/jEWELBt' 2^22 sq. ft. total area. prime rib, baibccocd ribs, chicken diihet »nd tlie OPFJ4 10 to 5. Mon -Fri fubuinus Mud Pic... all prepared wiih loving care tn McTs swaitf winnhrg kitchen One yenr leaseback of $15,000. HEART OF THE ISLAND PLAZA GROCERIES, PRODUCE BEER « WINE Chcnsc McTi lonight sad eel all lite choices Photo Processing AvoHo&m Golf, tennis and swimming pool FEATURING OUR FAMOUS DELI! at The Dunes We gladly accopf Deft cot! in orders Phone; 472-0479 Eves. 482-3772 PH*M» 472 2374 CAPTIVAROA^fi ANDY ROE36 LANE CAPTSVAISIAMD

\A • JOirS TOP 409 KHflURihTS Florida Trend Magaiina 1961. 1982.1983. 1°M • IlOne of my favorite restauranis ti Ihe " aas9 fiebsri loK, Sept. 1984 £>ItAGOWS e Baled ****,(&cb:isri|)f.i!rtMy«ri>HUM

o Winner of ISM "TASTS :ot itio ISIAHD3 AV/&5O3" inciudlns3 Bost-Rostauranl (or Celebration and Bost Roytaurarit for Dewerrs. • Also featured: Chicago Tribune. PM Magailne. W Maoaztrw.Wlnnecpoirs Star, fttfttaudordaio DO YOUK CHRISTMAS SHOp Noys and Suo Sentinel Sa'tern Alrl'nes Maaazlne. Miami Herald. Discover Florida House. and Garden. Travel and Leisure. Serving 7 day-s 5-^0-1050 p.m. Full Bar Service All major credit cards HOURS; Monday-Saturday 10-5:30. Capllva Island 472*558

' *•; o» from 1A PCIBLIC NOTICE tfr (or Uhe *ttv«rs) we— t#Uuig *i m was H*y he * little !r tiw. Lee <\u-c ra c^ Goss SPtClAL &AM1BEL CITY COOKCiL MFETIMQ "T'-is w»* nu » pjjru'arity c< ist i think Ii a fjrj. i of tht I i b »"ii a(Jf emcee) r id t*-rio b G 1 Ttt>na\ lu Criti«n at ttir/m ioHtf forl>iit" ret) t Mjeifb ri i TI t ttiur h»* f*»n Ua-id oa cl lei s nbdO tv ii* Iil mi nd 11 w ng doc«s on the bay *i me of the m »>- marpiu bu ih t d-x- n( makr tt SPECIAL EVENTS" ORDINANCE 1 iBinaiijii tier N< t tn «*wc wUJj H* r a t«m Coral) proved hin <• f MM Jay o 1 Hi*- hardtr " It add d He beltff^cd V Arsons W vote indicated a thp^p t^-1 in tCa*t8iuc*-l "J ttlor SEAFOOD BUFFET Kir n re doing bawnts f*r cent? to Cwtte!iifci'« 37.167, (23.0 p*r rt ; DATE. Wednesday November 14 1 84 M 13 to bu c« nUd and with the fr-nowltfdfce that I ut cko/ij- that w not tho nakrlly of public opt Joirlns; bin in tte ••orrtnlaa'on b^nch w WEDNESDAY j Tti.*-rn tiafT* inn on tnafrd »Ac btafv id Jivf/et manj 'ucach tia the suj po t ol CASI I&ndoir Iniom njon he » fi mewconinir* Mary "Ana Wallace (11) who def | TIME 9 00 A W twist cm of ^amb-e! Inc ) who would account 1'utiryoulj.l »tt cuibint Franc nUJoilev s Ted Evens fur iJistnel 3, and Donald Sfisher, wtw man t, art ago It is now- ittrfciy ropwd on iAt*i» i wmemoi;rat Melvya. Morgan 'in •a.'rlij- hot matt peoplt lAtwA teicr turptund. Mutach mi* htcome loo clone Iwr comfort the tvhaJe I would ctrtatilv think w h vt i *p-y fhaiincr victory for Dwtrict fi. LOCATION: Sjmbel City Ha'l Andy Lippi. ul Saaibol, mfide an uasuetessfu What n ffaat' Siart u-th fresh snow crab cto«* or cotter H wa rot until around 1 3 i tbat the Snai po^itivr vo'cr endo etnuit \ Mtm add* d Council Chambers (MacKenzie Hall) eocf-faii, and then aueantt^ff ourt«tf vntk aU ou car" "o crurl iiirc JI* and iwT*? n and JIIJ& cornjflittpo A nonchalant Frucu Bail* * pi * f desten* In the lime I knew Jcrr »n* norki^g tnrd Roing v.ternn ouncJlrjar aud general tore ovner special events requiring permits for door to-door He i a rcil Dice guy good looking tro ncod hn oppo cut attorney Richard Donfm lor 10 t-am In ire nonp&rtf an election, he cltutteofbevera e — Cofe Tea Svda or Mill! S169 plus and ht make a good iniprts ion." A«kwJ for the r»asvn for his uccc s alter a received 50,091 vote* to Douglas* 47,825. Am 2 ceuoin special events, regulating the £. ratutt ChtldTrn,tpnCi.s aradnbh \ aitm polled ]^S1 to take 6b 3 per crnt of the cjunpitlfcn ST whith h« nsitner adverti rd nor ac snc!uda» Sn>n i t 1 me island ant vest ( ej- Cor conduct of peciol events etc vote again t rival Don Andorion 63 a. retired tivtl> sought support, while Donhn campkiffned al. R*ment>*r Twtea Watert Inn tt tttaated nqft' on the umterot CapUi-ahland-A oaddealcfou-fwh nhrttnp and The latest draft (*3) of said ordinance Is on file and may be Mtone CM* clav w brou ht xn fresh daily to our own docks 916 (^xnibcil •John Konlino & 091 (Ler) inspected by the public In the City Clerk's Office, Sanibel iouran i ct if an bitter • from 1A 115 (Captfva) 1 "9 (Sunibcl) City Hal!, 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibet, Florida and at the t77 (Captivaf Breakfast Lunch Sanibel Public Library, Palm Ridge Rood, Sanibel. LEE CHARTER 'OURITS 12-530 5 ArcuR For 7,980 Ike) 7 .893 (Lee) All interested parties may appear at the meeting.and be Sunday Brunch 9-1:00 75 1704 (Sembcl) Andrew Conlyn *$£Qb ('ee) heard with respect to any matler considered at such meet- 172 >161 104 (Captiva) 6 (CapUvo) ((04 (Saniuel) RFSHl\ \T1O\S A* icst 07 563 (Let) Gerald Lev (D) 2 7 JO (R) 37 066 (Lee) MarKa;retSiranni(DJ 47 056 (Lee) 108 (CapUva) 1 507 (Sa ibel) -fo*fe "Watch !>ef (Troptftl Rock! I Hiring ~ l "01 f .inibel) Lloyd Henriry 60 61 (Lcc) JB3 (Captiv ) 1 (Catitiva) ,294 ( aiibtl) Andrew Lippi (O) Ifl 181 IL^e) 13r 319 (Sgniiwl) Tuesday tHru Sunday, 9-1 ServinK Lite Faru Noon 'Ul Midnight COOMTY JUDGE 2. (Captiv ) GARY A. PRICE. HOnBS FROM 4 TO 6 DAILY ' City Clerk n Tyler 54^93 (Lee) 1*554 (Si(Sailb ) 47M> (Lee) "V Ur turn ut Lcc ( ounty S4J26 p«r cent •140 (CspUva) i i (•= r be!) SanJhel 7559 p»r«>nt -J9.927 (Leel (Capt va) C ptya 60 16 per otnU

$: ASSOCUTEb, INC *$c Does dinner tasle boiler to >"ou over LICENSED REAL 'ESTATE.BROKER looking the water? Is il somehow lisliep irgtit with the quid soundi of bo ismovinL tmoonnc'JAn Vi •SANIBEL BAYOUS (j ilocfc'pi I ngs. in (ik hjekfir jump It wil! take only $8,375 Down to purchase this fine fch luapculol the \ Ua^Orii location with payments over a term of F-I-V-E mallard set hi wine> nd bnd3 YEA R-S The total purchase price is $33 500 Hyou said yes to Uiet>e thenyoure Who told you that it was too expensive to own pro- reatfyfor jomlhan H- ' ' " perty on Sanibel Island??1/ CHATEAUX SUIt MER The mobt renowned location on cither of our islands. This three bedroom home is situated on a Y» acre acre parcel of land and includes almost 2,500 square feet of Michigan Canterbur hou c Asking $230,000 including mm furnishing Located directly on San Carlos Ba>, this two One mikbetorrttieSMibcl Island'badge on McOvffrlJMJSuirmetiin Raxt, kx£k*Pot1 bedroom home is priced at the figure of $175,000, Comfort Road m tight (also markedm Connie MadtU&tdl Tunrra-WortP rtCotnbrt proceed «^i DOUBLE LOT.HOMESITES practically the value of the land alone COlo bridge «ndy(*jj(ftjn/i)/icwrrafewuse. ^ We tiave one in Gull' Pines with a land area great enough to assure your privacy -forever priced at 555,000 and we have a double located on navigable canal ui Castaways which is priced at $59,500 for ISLAND itBAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES, WC the remainder of this month only. ' > i f - lAftSSfAM H H0IT2 JR. ISLAND PROPERTIES SOLD BY I riantHrtlit >' Iff itt"krr I'O £tu*2t)J banll ISLAND HE8IDENTS WHO HAVE THE !

Islawi Reporter • N&wnberS. 1984 •. J3A

Now they've Bank of the islands ioundit! By Wendy WcMulIen

The "Thanks fo)- Droppinpp g In rt Dtl> tid cd frf o iis poattu tthhe tiii found tha t lade to the police our the *eik<.nii Ibe $ 0 anu litter -u^n wot found attarda orniflffonlv 5 aril from iU sawn off posts t at rcmel Police will now pursue t!ic ' It will be re-crected t>a tlto c*uww»y within the rcj;0cni!» roots? 8.000 became a city.:Bank-of-the islands opened its doors. Sundav they bus Island The SIR" w«s a result of a competition catered question ot who removed the alga now tjtat it his next few wecki. Nouo naid.Q: M years? That's ine carbon Our bank, like the city, has grown owiv thsse ten years children to Sunday School; dating of pre-CalJisa Indian ar,- and U is our hope that you tuiti emVy remtnfsct-ig with us Church services arc unconven- ttfacts found In local digs. Thcac on Ihts decade qf accomplishment, tional. people had their shamans,' lb?Ir religious ceremonies and Ihcir For the pant two years the demons. Ko too did tlie later Baptist Church has sponsored Cii!u*as who resided on thes« an oM-fashtoncd tent on ^ i shores when diincotfcred h1 Sanibel. These meetings are Stattonwood Ponce de i««f?i and other held during the college spring Spanish cxpiorrre In the cariy "vucatiori break and they attract 10th century]; Ttic&e cxpSorcra many young people. According Ribs Cbk&en J!V3 had tlieir religious reapon- to Pastor Slllson. the entire Seafood sibiliUes.: Every cx^cdlUon 3md 'Ch.un.-h body goes periodically its pri*r.«:a whose duty It was to to Tarpon Bay Beach (which iprrad IP/*: goapci (uid ctinvert they have renamed "Harvest To Go IF You Pleaae the Indians to Christianity, Beach") for baptismal service by immersion. Ju.t Defer* Bllml Pa-. All or this lit significant but not vitaj to the spiritual During the decade Just closed rcnabwiucc that has occurred the spiritual renaissance on Sflnlbc! In the past, decide. brought about construction of a In that brief period; four new church. The Sanibel bodj THEESI DIFFERENCE rcllglouii organizatioha have ex- ofthe First Church of Christ panded both facllliiea and con- Scientists built a new edifice in IS gregations, another has built a Palm Lake Subdivision on West new church and still another Gulf Drive. Christian Science has ambitious p'ans for a new activities, on the island had their SERVICE ^.v,^--. edifice in be ready late In 1985. Incubus back tn 1955 and 1960 Normal growth might account when Elhj 1 Snyder crd RESTAURANT — 74 sedts breakfast and lunch all equipment fur- GEORGl PARKER, *NC. for oornc of this development. Veron IcfT Moiy t.pon&t>red n sh'ngs and suppl'es Perfect for owner-operator or family business. Tht» More to the pofnt however, la meetings In their homes. The only restaurant on the quiet end of the Island. THE LIGHTHOUSE CAFE. State Certified the new religious aura that ha congregation met at the Casa present edifice was built prior to church body incorporated in Call KEITH JOHNSON. Broker-Salesman 472-4195 or after hours General Conttscfor blossomed In the last decade! Maria, a farmer restaurant and 1927. With limited apace, in- 1F66 and meetings continued here on the Island. bar near the ferry landing. adequate offices and a very Sit- in homes, the Community 472-0036. CQCOQTStt When Hurricane Donna tie Sunday School room, the Center building and the Quality custom residential, commer- Take the cas« of St. Isabel demolished that building, the building was restructured In Library. Studies for the orestnt. SAND POENTE —. Lowest price unit in complex now reduced further Catholic Church. If waa a sim- congregation moved to the 1978 building began in 1977 when cial and remodeling work completed: Nutmeg House Restaurant. Jovan Dc Roca. local resident from $179,500 furnished to $169,500 furnished. See this lovely two on time and within your budget. ple mission when Father. Gerald bedroom/two bath condominium with a gulf view. An exceptional value. Beauregard first saw. ft. It did In 1975 Bruce Mllbgan and Yugoslav architect, wa The present recior. F&tftsr became pastor and ministered commissioned to prepare plans Call MARY JOHNSON. REALTOR-Associate 472-4195 or after hours not achieve parish status until to the congregation until retire- The debt-free building was dedi- 472-0036. P.O. Box 815 1973. although the first church Jamea DJB; Hubbs, tools over edifice was erected fn 1967. when Father Madden retired in ment. Under his direction and cated in 1982. Captiva, Ft. 33924 (813)472-0855 Soon after Sanlbel's incorpora- 1970. The church was enlarged with the lay help of Bill Frey DELIGHTFUL three bedroom home with two story master bedroom. tion, a new rectory waa built. It by one-third In 1971 under the and Phfl Johnson, the church Hopefully, sometime in ]S85. Built with "olde Florida" styling, this new piling home backs onto a nature was dedicated In 1975 by direction of Bob Haynieand In erected an all-purpose building Sanibel's newest religious Bishop Charles B. McLaughiln 1979 the present parish hall which provides a parish hall, building will be ready on preserve. Has profusion of plusses. Call for an appointment. JIM GOUGH, of Sti Petersburg. As demand was constructed. More recently kitchens, restrooms and Sun- Periwinkle Way for the Con- REALTOR-Associate 472-4195: for more religious facilities the church acquired a new rec- day School quarters. The new gregational United Church of grew, the church increased in tory in Gumbo Limbo. pastor. Dr. Ralph Dennlaon. Christ. George Tuttlc of Captiva LIGHTHOUSE POINT'— If you appreciate.cross ventilation, extra size. In 1379 it was rebuilt to takes over a congregation which has prepared piano and a closet space, a full bay view and would like a separate den or third accommodate approximately The Episcopal Church haa doubled in size'during the development permit Is In 400 communicants renaissance. Hs Is aided by a the works. The Rev. Richard bedroom, call me about this condo at the best price tn the complex ELIOT Women of St. Michael's operate church council headed by Bob Stein, a Yale Divinity school SUGERMAN, REALTOR-Associate 472-4195. Noah's Ark Thrift: Shop which Dlederlch, with Kay Boyle as Its graduate. Is the pastor who has During this period of expan- also has expanded and flour- longtime secretary. brought this religious vision sion a large number of lay peo- ished during the past decade. into reality. Abbott Byfleld. LOGGERHEAD CAY #414 — Top floor privacy: bright and sunny with ple were pressed into service Ha floor space has doubled and lovely furniture. This unit is in the ESI rental program and rents very well. ' The Islands' Professional so too has Its annual sales. Sanlbel's First Baptist Church chairman ofthe church board Hair Designers Included were Syl Belriger, Bob Is -celebrating Its 25lh anniver- of trustees, with the help of Priced at $147,500. Call BILL HOWARD. GRI, Broker-Salesman Dormer. Joe Hlgglns. Ed sary this year and the body of many other Sanibel residents, 472-4195 or after hours 472-4420. Barone, Fred Holtz. and many beSanlbcl Community raised the $250,000 that this Recipe for others who worked diligently to Church has thrived. its worshippers has Increased When a portion of Its tenfold In.Hint period. From typical Florida-type building OFF ISLAND - 10 MmiJTES TO SAK1BEL ~ PRIVATE COM- Pampered Hair meet the new challenge T 1974 to 1978 Pastor Gerald will cost. All oi this is. a big Father I^oitls Riczek came In roof was demolished as a tor- milestone In a religious history MUNITY — Affordable Island-style living — 36' great room with vaulted Ingredient* 1979 as assistant pastor. Father nado twister touched down in Frost led the church. Jamie L. 1969. no one could have fore- Sttlson took over in 1979. that dates back to the sixties. ceilings opens to large screened lanai; just part of this custom-built three • Award Wlaninf Hair D«*l|Mri' Beaumont took Father Church facilities have expanded bedroom/two bath contemporary home. Two car garage plus opener, six • Top qeolltr produrtfl only, Including Nexxu Beauregard'u place. An Interim told Its growth. This church's • Friendly. profmloniU eoiuultaijon priest is ln; charge now that roots go back to 1917 and the as has the ministry. Two youth fans and many extras! Manicured landscaping, sprinkler system. Asking • KDOTMO of OH- UU«l in mntmnpor.ry Perhaps Sanlbel's reccptlvit; $104,500: Owner in residence. Appointments p!casc, GEOFF SELBY. Father Beaumont has retired. to spiritual development stems REALTOR-Assodaie/Owner 472-4195 or evenings 482-7802. • Itatpfet far your h»lr'i Individuitltli from its unique environment. St. Michael and All Angels Certainly the quiet beauty, the , Combine .11 of tbt tton in , twD-pretonttoa*. UUml Episcopal Church too has felt serenity, the friendly environ- atmwpberr, top mtth I cuvfreo loueh. the effects of thla spiritual ment and the peacefulness have Yield: "A Hair Styl* at Individual at Your renalnsancc It was only a mt»- nil contributed to the spiritual Stspwturt" sfonary chapel when Sanibel renaissance on our ''island in Served daily ut New Spirit, 1715 Peri- was incorporated, although it eai^Rof The IsLawds the sun", as one local pastor winklo Way. Cull th* islandd profeaaic--1 had moved into Ita present likes to uall Sanibel. Perhaps EXECUTIVE SERVICES, INC. hair cam Hotllno for aa nppointmeiitl unusual building In 1961. 1974 - 19S4 too. only a reflection of a MAIN OmCE;l«WPtrl«inlik Way .... BRANCH OFFICE: BtJey'i Shoppinj Crato *Ti4UiOptnMoa Than 9-4 Fri M 471.5! Opm Mon TTun W Frl 5-fi.St 9-1 new national spirituality. Before Father Thomas Driven open Mon Thun I KM Fn 1104 McmhtrFDIC—MmboFntotl ReCTX&jird However.'the'renaissance is 2*127PERIWINKLE WAY; ; ••• SANIBEL ISIANO; FLORIDA 33S5? Madden began regular service BOn;4 MACItiNES: BslVj-'. Cnxcry i.yj Itrry'f Shuppn* here Tor us to cope with as we (813) -i?3-41BS TOLL TREE <£XC?PT FLORiO«; 1-800-237-S002 In 1958 the church had met In CrntnmWihel-Pnxill* Murphy CautrimCipirti1 will. parishioners!; homes with vl illng prelates Early on tin AN EQUAL HOUSING t£NDER btand R«t»ori*r forthe record for tha record

** a "^ r%v> Bay Dn t an t-ii an Jinc n !n- ? mansctr G»J Prtcp wiil u««tin ttse comnilttee 1 Belly dancer for Grove i on to builii a p»', dukanrf * Wodel homes okayed proposed maps H that tho "V" or conita i.itu it tie t. nt *, it oi a np*-rtT OWWM will havw "JO days to apjwai Ho id BMRH and more the «l«vftti»n ekarijf«-» and say other «*pev-ts of Lghjicj. manager cf the Oacon'it.Grove, 1 the /pri«r.»lly mandated flcwl ma? upd«le Mild the solo oau-ruinment would consist vt a tal- Bids rejected A Mica office would be fixated in on*- o' the Jvtxisef! fnderal floo f<>i honi"n and arfpijuMe parklnR provided Pmali came ander jitudy at thw wtei Snnibel city ly dancer from 5 to 10 pJn. on Friday nighta, the p> ti icallv anieudiBg the iht* c adopt iif roj«';t th« ir.apjt. re iiaurant'a Greek buffet nigh: ifjiis de^'gfiatinf «'h of the houjko a» mtdol ?ICI! rneettnff but only slight rhariff and s few use }>)«n City council Bcceptid rit usanagcr Ga'y home also vioulct be allowed poiiit^o tlarl(icat(oo*er«roconiint-nded by Ci£ Amo ij thfl*e heard WJL o ea.l!ov»-i cousiruc Prites recommendation end jrel^cifd *H thrpp Planning Director 3rucc Rogers Action on state road Dock bfd withdrawn ttoti of mx duplex structure* as beto» market rate bid- rfcisveti for a rtvi'wxj group hcsKh m Santiva and BMRH Iilana elevation channea arc for 'the most part A resolution rccomratnding the tk-slgRRtion of housing on turn! lecalfd at 1290 I'enwLrSd.i Wa yrance ylan covering city cwjplcj ees the same or lower wn Lhe new maps A few oi the ,;tate Road SO as a cross-state highway wss np A petition for review cf. a planning commission The duplexes wouM be buite fay Rick Kentwdy Price aaid none of tlie bids ract the a Mayer Teed Valtm »vi,t Hed a city nr^otiaUng coa tal elevations are hii(licr thaT b* fore proved, by council and will be sent to Governor decision to deny a development permit'Xor « behind tha new WIls Landing rc»iaumtU 3fap flpseificatlons Tco city'sc«rrtBtjK»Ucy with Blue teem trial will Bit down with SiutiVa I'j.r!.itcr»htp, The inland elevation changes could mttia the Bob Graham and appropriate state kgi lative 75-tool long,dock on San Carlos Bay WAS wfth-: land Wa» donated to the I'olice ItMxeslion CrtMit Bluff SHeW wiutinui's ihrougb lihy. J'fftB Inc., to seek » solution TvrTardini? the latter s poei lowering ofheighl requirements' for buildings and transportation committee*. drawn at the tast miaute by the «tUxrney for the A« ociation- PH

Weed Money ROBERT G. LeSAGE, O.D. For College? Thomas H. Brown We Can Help! Monday timi Friday — 8 30 - 4 30 Is pleased to announce Tixsdoy & Thursday Millions of dollars in college Eye Exwna by Appolntm«n( scholarships, grants that NEW t&CATIOM and loans QO totally unused Mrs. Elizabeth B. Yancey BEAUTIFUL GIFTS, t ', 1571 PcHwInkJe Wny year. Let us locate JEWEU2Y AKD ASMT AT IHini to Cholo S«nlb*!( 5 to ?.5 sources to FANTASTIC BAKG/UN PHSCE5 SanlUel, FL 33957 which you ran oppty. a resident of Sanibel Telephone: 472-4204 for ten years, 2i»d floor above Otf« "Serving tf« hJands Since 1975" 1473 PvriwlnUe W is no u) u-ssocialed k ©uibance Services toitk 1702 N.W. 47 — Suite 119 P.O. Box 54647 Thomas Brown Realty, Inc. S HAIR CARE Oklahoma City. OK 73154 REALTOR 472-2425 Let us show you whetf we loamod at. .the Universal Hair show that .we aHondod In Miami October 28-29 OLD FLORIDA - STYLE 2 TTifs fa a'tjery spacious 3 bt 2 bath plan whiclj offers: Dcilveiy & op A-latgc master suite, a large separate dining room/and ft baij -•- window broakfasi naok. Arch'fleeiura? trim: crown and base moldings & paneled rt&orr:. THE BEST PIZZA For details, please Inquire ITALIAN BEEF SANDWICHES 1619 Periwinkle Way, Suite 101 SantbeL FL 33957 ITAUAN SAUSAGE 472-5853 SANDWICHES ITALIAN SALAD Once you try, you'll osk ?? Why cook tonight w Open (or Lunch'fconTl! a.m.1 - 1 30 p m [rlosej Sunday lj'""h onlj,) Open ? ls 4 p nt - 1 p m PUce • Sanlbci 2440 Palm RJdse Bond • Ptlicu AND YOU GET FANTASTIC SAVING! ON OUH QUALITY iLjk.'ji SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE. Thenks lo you and the ever Increasing demana )ur quality (utniiure, we've natf lo build a vc watefioustng facility to accomodale our lor! iventory. While woarolnttioprocescofoxpandfnG.ltio: unbofiovable bargains and many mote oiebefngmatfe sva lable DEVE1OPER CLEARANCE SALE OF PHASE*VI UN2TS!! LEATHER SOFA GBOUPONLY 52,995 CHAIH NOW ONLY S812 iY ot collee tables available storting ttom $136.

ENDANGERED SPECIES of Sundial. PRIME RI3 • STEAMED SHRUIP Remaining developer units in Phase V| are becoming extinct, PLATTEIt • BBft BEEF RIBS • FRIED Luxurious two bedroom, two bath and convertible den apartments CLAMS • EDIBLC ELBOWS • CHICKEN 1757 sq. fL 'PARMESAN' SCALLOPS MAKSALLA TIQUA CAY SUNDIAL of Sanibel can very well boast about resort Bmemties. putting green, restaurant, Your horn* will t» at* o! only fouf arcy fl lounge and entertainment. poolslde,20O0 feet of white sand beach laced with exotic shell; townhom mtriaa • tiavmnfi trhm und ttjcWrenl ever 13 tennis courts, 5 swimming pools, saillng,surf fishing, blcydlngjChickee bar, banquet and FOR ONLY ^©G „ look o !M GJH ot Mniu You II injoy > unlqua w«mlir« ot roiwod iMno wltn |mt itw prop« lDue^ oi flttflance ... p«i«t conference facilities for up to 270, or Just plain relaxing under the sub-troplcol sun For the First 100 seated from 5-6 PJVI. tor your iilustjle. Pilc«! )l K30.DOO tutnUhM. Come sen u Children's wena «nlUblf, Hi(py Hour 5-7 PM In the Ttvcn Tuei Was and T6ui» i 30-* 00, «J East Gutl D«v» - Unit UNIT *L-402... NEW DISCOUNTED SEtUNG PRICE r S22Q.575. 4B9. COME IN TODAY — CERTAINTTERIS ARE LIMITED SUBJECT TO FH5O& SALE , TEAKSEDROOMSET AS SHOWN NOW ONLY S2.415 SEE YOUR HEALTOE IMattresses available!

Shrimp House Pantasy island ASSOCSATES II Pn)port\'Scilc\s 1400 Gulfshore Boulevard North • Naples, Florida 33940 &Tavem sar*il« Inkle Wer 813-263-0144 «131Gt Store Hours i0arn-6pm Thurs and Frl 10am 9pm Closrc* Sundays 0 PM M0J« Credit C 'Located aittieBeii Tower Mall U.S. 41 and Daniels'Rd. ^k&-

# VwrmVr- 8 'MP9 % sanibei forthe record police watch One way for Beach Road soundly defeated Out in the cold? .ot. Tuv /civ Roach Koad as a one wav itrefit failed to nzki it stilL-tien* (CLUn perimttUij? con-sln-cUon ot iwinnuns Vehicle break Sn A »illrt bfSon^rg -o Gary through even on* Saiihf I city «vntt! hiann \rA U* P- E For'tcr uf 780 Reach Road urjjtd the le^ or Miami and conUMiim* SI W >n <1 h »ai was v>urdty (i Tueirfa e'.yUt pv* ft cot *Je sac In at tho IVr winkk Way l FuinciaM teiictomimum ill c.i Wo^t (.^'Illriv" Mt*acr dfove off sn4 left 1 t.r tolon Iron s car parRcil U t tndty ^Itcrnoon t Opposition Wftonp way system fc-lii>ae > Iloa4 *nd oltharoad butolher rcwitrtsoppo «dthal Thr taeilttse ore all below th« baJit> fluod S-iriwlf if »h* BowmanJt Ikach Lntry wn gainfd b raashsng ironi south to tiorih was virtualir uaanirrcifU$ tatabv*< u o ()>»•« dtdn t want tohave their tccei The fa* cam? barf- A bUr!. and whte ftral cat the onver a side windo* among Lh o in aUbndanco at the beann>;, bit iio to PtriwuikK cut oil Thti resirooms cannot f»t cotia<.".u-d to the thai has Ri*najrtd to «liido police on two other a« Lost MmewbcJre; Wiiiut'm Ulzg nt Ittdintnajwlis, TruTIli olfcaoc*. Ron t. Croteau Fo t M era simple olutioti wa* fru id to tSe problem* that SimPnew, who live «t 1029IXmrre Lane, had CKi ting iirucurc IUU t be anchort^d, havebrtak casmo Tin^llj wdscauHhland ea>.ed in the lirte Ind., requeitvd assbL&Ece in finding » man's R«Id 3pood*ni; rut stop *iin San Cop Jload/Tarpon plaicuc re id en la along the narrow thoroughfare a. unique solutioa to tho cu 1 probUm* He aug away walU, baekflo* preveuter i.aUn undnrcc Cirdo area last week !>•, Off cer iUy Cin t*ns* a. ring studded with 11 diftmonds and Valued at Ea OinchH Pakuseh Rambcl carele 8 driving fnr handicapped t»tr*on» The cat win turned ovsr to tlw Huiuftti" Socie- 12,000 that be lost in the Lighthouse aroa-or Atioptat'lTza/Ca aliVlKoad Poter A Drymer, Commii ion cht-fritiai jokingly auj^-gotcd new t Bowman's Beach—or »umewhcrc on Captiva.«or Toronto, Ont, no tap P«rbrwkb Wiy/Tarpon r.iOQB cutouts m thb dwit but sppiicaot KoUnd ; at Fort Myers Beach. Bay Road R«nnld B fettneci. Fort Myprs no Ug. Originally, property owncn along Beach Road wmle, the city planning tuff haa boen fnn'ructed Stout BJid tbo butldcr* would r*th?r i*ee a pencil tfl JK-Jicr >Aftt « rtJtn HCK^JI 4() yejja old He had visited =JJ tbooc creiu Mfire discover Anchor Drive Francis Gnt'o Binshom l»on? peUtioQCti the city to »ve the ruad But when it to loot into the mutter and cosae up with fwno ard bkek paint lieatusc wiactu-l -ut^jt *c*m» to UIIIG up to ftim Mid raadE ihroatratng gestures as Inz bte fou wood Fi, following too clc*« Causeway Road O vtta explained Uutt funds for paving would not be solutiona O deprive people of tlicir privacy *7

GETTER NATURAL HEALTH 6460 Senitrttl CuptUn Boad • REDKEN tnOVfN VHI Wrt tos Wav KCILEMTED AEHIO SOHEhtSS Or J0W1S and JUST rum UPEDHtSS law a cormtm link — FMfE MOffif II ih* rawnm residue* 01 IW tody making BF»'OY I'M loud fi"d » 1»» EHtflBY INCREASE Cue lg FHEt BAOICAL MUCOVAL ( * VIGMKT WE11HE ene « iwt pfoouMfl 6y Sanibel | Ai*oclslO«,Inc. R«r* 1QS0 Pcriwinkl« W*y.Sanlbal, FLSlftST (S13)47331» ' NEW USTIM5 * Ord»r YOUR Extra Eit orgy/only me Now! FREE DINNER Tuesday and Wednesday Evcntnga Only. Beauty Salon » ranni m MTTU fd itt» - BOM tOVIES - Tio W to your Own 15 IAKEA5WMlntr>Bbut5bl«-«hop»dpc»l During the month of Wovemtwr with n Tutm KI nnu m m.n ConcraiA dot* at tfie bate nl a *"We orvd *pond tti» evening wlaxlno lr\ 1Mt oancsUhQitoad*!oSanCartooflay.Then DponarilolrylormwniotJolhomo.Im'l Coupon and RcservBttons, A party or it«p tfukfe ttiM fjvirtoJywolMnainlQinocl that whal you carr>e to Flotlc» fo^ 4 will receive one free dinner homo which f«siuroi a *pll! ftcor ptan, : of equal or lesser value rauch moral Prtcwd **«« * cl S


Visit our Model Homo In Little Lake Murex Subdi vision for information on new home construction or homesite sales. Large lakefront lots from $44,000 with house/lot packages available. Contact Robert A. Horak ..„„-. _ _ UC CGCOB6', M0DEL °PEN c/o Oayatiorea Horneg ' - ••••'! "5 »43ssg«c<»,n (813)472-3030 WEEKDAYS i .beiioWtva ConiraciDfa Associniion (3403 Lake Rd. E33t)

ra,in nor 5tcctr tior 5«-tnm

9426 Beverly Lane Sanibel Homes is proud to offer this lake front package in tho Gumbo Limbo subdivi ion for only S149.000 This &rti£ Qtu&f JpeeiaC Dc&iKn open floor plan takes advantage of the tropical breezes, all this in keeping with the "old Florida" style architecture You will agree this is a great opportunity, stop by our fur- nished model located in the Dunes for additional informa- 1.75 I/TBL. tion. Best Selec&iora of Wlcae in Area WINE CHILLER AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE! minor emergency care 1028 SANO CASTLE RD. open every day 8 a.m.-8 p.m. I THE DUNES Gull Points Square SANIBEL. FLORIDA 33957 (next to Publix) 6875 Eslero Boulevard PHONE: 313/472.2881 (iicfoss from Holiday Inn)' SOfViig Souitn For I Myers sorving Fofi Myers Beacri Sanibel and Captiva 433-3111 163-7900 "'v II AtfiHatod with Lee Momortai Hospital ISA • tkminUtlt, J«M • MaajRsaaM

dinf to i. htifk J" orn \cA it'ircelftr* aft*?1 ttwy tou for the record ?B ane! «n'e'* stScflth t^Jt I*'*its r- to I irk tj* 'jrst i r- u*« < i Iifi ROGO redesign annff i The ( r>t TOP KIB,E c' we ^tnnitUc w c-*p«t* d t I Li t «-il nfiro fal J(c «)•»»*-" t>» D*9j>He worries that eansUjtt ««pti«»s arc to take plies nocneUfitw Hfxt w^k. iV-ayiniC the fata of growth arrttnsacif CRGStt), evtf? dnsse - j™t w vft# piasLninjc cwBRjlsston tuts ntUiwad Uoyi Mat. Causeway study awaited j apartment- tfc*i of Fac*bciw)? Homes tu r»c> -rfn a btutdug on M Utt ix' tbe CM Jvticks subdimtoa thai luu A re olUion tpprovin * na «$tre*ns*«l between already received it* ROGO allocation. th-pciij *r(i tfe» Batik«IUoat«iTri«it£»ciipanf of Mate hat's pnAJ^ras sinaimed from the £&ct Uiai Southeast Florida Unit would have authorise the lit had d«si£«fc<» the original Imrae tsjuwd on city firm to investigate »""* n-cumraoiid rcea/ut by 1 A city t^ufst fur at a setback rf-strictwn* and (.hen discovered that tite wbieft tlie citj? cuald finance purchase »I the dace the rc&ufcalul rf«" ty fcy one dwcU deaths utniivisioa rf«od <>f restrictions is even more *ie- cJius^wsr w&i withdrawn without council con W Gi.UOnv«.r manding than tbese of the city. Hi*, original side ration Tossday. R no Oppcara th* 'plcsii ^ Brecklirldsc K. Tremaine i Wilwinjftoa, D«U wfcere he wi» a chttist ith ma].ic ot K! Ptito, tcxa». design would Kan; encroached 20 fe*tov«r the City manager Gary Price explained that the « th« DuPoat MrpQfBtioc. Hu wis s membcF ot the A mcTOcrri*!eervjco will be beHThurmltT. Nav reir *«lWJc line had five feet cm each siide'.Q Tke

Book Rental!! Papobadt Exdwngc N^ Bookt authentic restaurant franca Is r of our Islands Vf Sanibel's Only ISLAND BOOK NOOK Bar-B-Q Florida Wi!i'.flowers Is here fTtEffCH COftHER 2440 Palm s "A comer of France Pelican Place at the Post Office corner". SanibeJ. Tarpon Bay Road. y (813) 472-6777 Dinner ,6-10 p.m. Closed SIKI. Res. 472-1493 Sanib«l IdanA Ft. 33957 BncSt SSiba SpcciaS EAFOOD fr QTTfgff SPECIALTiES S9.9S ncgularSU.95 OPEN FOR UJNCH FROM U to 3 SUNDAY FROM 12 io 3 SERVING DiNNEft FROM 5 to 9 -372-2910


CONDOS © APARTMENTS When you come to SfteH Point Village, •• HOUSES we want you to leave your worries behind.. Expert Cleaning Licensed Insured Satisfaclion Guaranteed More than a Security.for you and condominium... yoac personal property— < t na f4 fin ft/ • 75-acre Island of 24-hour More than a security wilh guarded entrance Suite 104; Chitwood Dr. S.W., Ft. Mycts. R. patrolled grounds and fire pr trt(i So nib-: I ~- Captiva — Ft. Myctm nc-r 1110 country club. safety control. •EmragencymedtasT and nursing Call: Sandy Palmer 466-6666 1 sSatf on CCQZ4 iioiirs a day • 180-bed HureJng f^vUkjn wlai Uircx; resident Shell Point's prryslclans. Also pbysfcaJ thefapiat. syr^s^rsr comprehensive care concept offers pathologist anc! ixcupaUonat th you relief from burdensome respon- Security of carefree lifestyle— THE sibilities and gives freedom from rONSERVATKJN • Beautifully tiesiaricdand decorated apartments worry. UjrougtL[aav]djrjgi£«^!lyoia: surrounded by Impeccable landscaping and natutal CENTER beauty • Overall village, design coordtnoiof loir rjcaury rggpanmtai—voiiFfuture Ts secuie, jnd funcUon ~ rrce VDIaqc {raroportstUoasyslem SheU Point is (1) sponsored by the l^teltdJ^l^cllt!R<;roo We're Just a few of the ttvbusands of people at united , Christian, and Missionary Alliance, Telephone who are dedicated to providing you with reliable, Quality ilenonjlnalton. (2) managed by b3Stc telephone service. We realize tire cnanges taring place In 58 ttw telecommunications industry can be confusing. Vour feifk V concerns afeourconcerns. Our customer service represcntadves' •will jccntinue to answer quesaens you have aoout your phone service. And restassurea, we win continue to be vour company for .basic telephone seivice.

Wegryn Medical Center 5antMi-Captlva'i f Wt Funy Equlpp*d Medical Ceotot | j Stanley P. Wegryn. 3M.D. F.A.C.S., Director 4301 SANIBEL CAPTTVA ROAD SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 TELEPHONE 472-4131 ^MkMiMilM

MA • NowmfwrS, 19S4 • Island H*F»rci»f

TSae Toi¥is

here is an Idua circulating the island that ought to get of th« curmudgeons is usually kapp> *-° some srcriuus eotuidtraUan — and, perhaps, some But there is tittle oprtoriunity for J council member's T action. pliilcsophlcal diocussion on more KOIJPCSI topics, eiccpt, Tlic idea fa to revive the Town Meetings of some years perhaps, wlit1!! wjmc council members discusa tht'i? ccas buck to give citizens a chsnre to hear from the city council for their Vote on certain matters. on s variety of issues and policy matters. Andy Ssipos, who so earnestly questioned city council urthermore, as a practical matter, moat city council candidates at the Candidates* Night about the possibility of jBeetmfp* are held dunnjr the day, when majJ> ii commercial raw* of growth ordinance, is advancing the F residents are working and cannot attrtui. An evening idea. And ht* «ays thi* initial response from some city Town Mating occasionally woultl actommwdfite movers and sfe&facrs has been positive. ctUzwis. Seipus was intrigued by the Candidates* Night format in Onp lUftpecU that the SUCCCHS of the Candidates' NightB is which audience members were allowed to ssk direct ques- partly attributable to the infrequency of thow cvfnU. Thp tions and receive direct answers — usually. same would probably hold true for Town Meetings But meetings scheduled quarterly or every six months might of- Ct»rhc (» tfK Quanenkck wherr e vejy iaWe isite fer an opportunity for council members and their consti- cunWJut*aiK , The idea ha? some merit. It would put council members In IIVXI and ptni a forurri sufficiently different from a regular city council tuents. meeting ta mxfee it worthy of consideration. It is likely that Andy Seipos will continue to suggest his SHRIMPLYDELICIOUS1 By necessity, council meetings are structured to allow idea to people until it begins to take on momentum of Its deliberations on a variety of specific city matters. In addi- own. In the meantime, it would be interesting to hear from tion lo reporters and a handful of island curmudgeons, the* readers on (he Idea.D only people who usually attend are those who have specific business with the council. To be sure, council generally cells Send your csmmmts to Public Forum, c/o Island Reporter, for public comment on its deliberations, and one or another P.O. BoxJi, S*mbel,FL SS957.

public forum Serving hn^kfa«. lunch •»! dinner ThutvLiy thmoph Tuesday. Closed Boycott Continue Look to Marshall Wednesday. new places Dance offshore reef and Jake To Island Reporter I «m" one hun- dred percent for the people who La Croix A copy of this Utter to Captiva the same? raised their voices candidates night Erosion Prevention District was against the protiforation of commer- To bland Reporter. With the dosing submitted for publication. To bland Reporter. We have been cial along Periwinkle Wnj. of; the ,'Dance La Croix1 school of coming to Sambel Inland since 1959. To us islanders it 1A JL pile of junk, daces go the dreams and aspirations • I am a taxpayer and registered We were there in September and in unwanted, unneeded and .cj. : of approximately fifty-five potential votor on Captiva, Florida. I have your September 20. 1984 issue of necessary. future dancers.. Thb. school under" watched, the., Captiva^ Erosion; The Reporter thfrw wns an article We were different, we hrt<* a" thp caring and spirited leadership of Prevention District o\er the past on a "gator called "Marshall"; - beautiful jungle parkway through Diane La Cratx, provided an outlet eight years spend taxpayers money We are curious as to whether this the center of our island. How can for the creative energies of the for surveys, tests, profile studies, 'gator was once called Jake. We used anyone justify the devastation of youlh of Sanibcl which we ore sure etc, again and again without any ac- to see Jake in a 'gator hole directly this beautiful forest and the destruc- is sorely missed already by dancers tion to attempt to actually stop across West Gulf Drive from the SUNWARD tion of the habitat of our wildlife? and parents alike beach erosion of our island. Shalimar. You would stand on the This is being needlessly destroyed The art of dance Li not only an art Over these years, this Erosion road and clap your hands and Jake and for whot purpose? For the sale of outward physical. beauty, but Prevention District collected taxes would come up out of the hole. When of trivia to tourists? This devasta- more importantly one that en- for their project engineer and staff, I say out of the hole — the hole was tion is a desecration of our island courages the development of a special studies and collected taxes deep so ho would not get near the and we are very angry. positive self imafje, a means of ex- for a kitty of about $12 million plus, road, but many Uraea h the only sure as to where that name came from, 3015 West Gulf Drive Let's make it so tough for them that From the CIOBH and Families method of protecting our island, but I do know that there was an old no one else will want to build. ot Dance La Croix namely off-shore barrier reefs. With 'gator named Jake and he was there Alice Kyllo almost J2 million collected and in the in the '60s and probably into the "70s Eight Condominium Units SanibcL Accident - bank, we can start to install these and then development took place reefs now where they ar« most need- around Shalimar and I think the James Evans victim says ed. When you and the public see the 'gators may have been removed by Four Still Available at Pre-Completion Prices success of this installation, you will 'the Natural Resources people or have the taxpayers clamoring to corrects artScie thanks have the job . completed for the P&rty Ccfcrisg To Inland Reporter In reference to To Island Reporter: This is to thank whole island. your "Commercial boom" • article, the many, individuals on Sanibel I ask you to heed our request. REOPENING FOR THE SEASON With Me/ra!»re< ;« dtme please take note: My wife's r.atao is Island who came to my aid Hallo- John Ii. Mount, Foot* Spa • Elevator •. Boardwalk to Beach and More Helen, as she has been known by the ween night. I was on my way homo George Wcymouth, who "tagged' FRIDAY, NOV. 16 name of Helen on Sanlbel Islam! for from work, and became involved in Marshall, says the old 'gator may Opon Thanksgiving Day 20 years (not Linda). Timbers Court an automobile accident on Peri- have kad the alias "Jake"since it Is not off Rabbit Road. It ia on Bab- winkle Road. I believe I was in shock Children's Center u unlikely that the small Shalimar Gourmet bit Road. Timbers Court building during the course of events, but I do pond could have supported two will not have 13,852 sq. ft, but only remember police officers, para- needs a piano large gatort at one time. 9,000. It was not designed for only medics, and witnesses and friends : To Island Reporter: Attention all Weymouth adds that Marshall may Fof additional Information and brochure write: four shops. who helped lessen my trauma; I devotees of musical enrichment! The have been named for islander Mar- We are «llowed by'. the' City to luckily survived that incident and Children's Center of the Islands shall Tabbacch\ by Tabbacchx's have 1700 sq. ft. of retail shops. No winted to express my deep feeling wishes to join in this endeavor, but, friends Edien and Mary Eldridge, Robert Kent, 555 Burg St., Granvllle, Ohio 43023 one knows how many shops that will for those who took such great care needs a piano. Anyone interested in; former owners of Shalimar be, not yet. We will have approx- with me. I do not have their names donating a piano to the'Children's HotcLO or call 614-587-1144 imately 5,000 sq. ft. of professional but wished that they and the com Center, please call the. school at office space i munlty know how much tj

By William Constant 1 had my first minus day whun & smait hu*.int es w nt to Ket tllt'r *•/ irnn came in to return some mt-'r-ctitvadlffe. We story in ihe newspaper lor only two. pj-e fortunate that many of our suppliers ere will- son Fir t when ihey start their cooi ing to extend payment terms of 80 days net ia Oc- paw , since tree publicity is always, welcome St> tober; with V> iRsuHmvntfl in Janwtry, February cond, whtn thc> are surer sful they want the ond March without any loiwest. Apparently they wholt world tv know. As A result, the public does nerd the business »» bad as wa da not Kft on *venhandrd account on the sUtur of When we arrived on Ssnlx-l we j A TRIP FOR ju mess on SambU It cart bt> tou^h discovered that we ccu'-dnot tfjord to live lit TO HOLLYWOOD OR BKGADHKY. Barbara BouUon jointly owns with her mother So we moved to Fort Sfyers. If I riirf not have n Uanon Stilca "Idle Hour ". a not dicwork nhwp on husband - he leaches *f Cypress Middle School Enter ThoEckercl Drug "Ce£AIonoC3ng"Si«eeD5talffiE. Palm Kldge Road She i one at the few u ho ha — F would not be abjtr to uupor^ nj»df from the the courage to talk frankly about business on income of ihc atoru,' Sanibel Jim Hermes, presidrat cf thf Bank of the Harbira, who praduated with a major In home I glands, agrees that running * budiricns on Sanibel economics from Drrsel Umveraitv, started* her is tough. "Many firms are undercapitalized," he store Dec 1. 1976 in Periwinkle Place, without points out, "and others start n business In an any formal business training or experience After already crowded segment of the market." seven years, she realized she utuld no longer af A review of cancelled occupational licenses at ford tr-p rent In Periwinkle Place and movtd to city hall shows that in the past two ytars nn ler pr» «tnt locution in Prlican Place estimated 54 firrau on Sanibul went out of *S5S&^ ••'- ' It wai. & good decision," she commroents 'The business.!! Barbara Bottlton tttjoyt her craft at Idle Hsm rent v ai, 40 portent less Although traffic here is h=n .n PenwirHc Pl*w, I managed to rw>\e ' That dot's not mean I majce a lot in motivated by political considerations In an t\ ;he work, so I stick with iL" terest charged to a bank's largest corporate tlon year such as 1884, womcu, minority grrot Barbara BouUon Is also president of the local customers) and the payout period is longer thau and veteran's art. favonie loat applicants chipter of the American Businee.1 Woman's that granted by commercial banks. Thi SBA "guaranteed loan on the ether lifcnd Association An estimated W percent -of th* Lending to small business la Renerally con- haa a rathff olfjh probability of approval The R0VI.ON HDK of ABWA arc newcomers, often single, sidered riskier and costlier ihan lending to big banitn on San.btl arc not interested in SBA loans COKE. DIET COKE. SHAMPOO Or CAFFSINE FREE dixorced or widowed, and JIJIH at their* go OJt of business. For that reason, banks charge higher to- bul Lee Cot-nty Bank li Fort Myers is a certified CONDITIONER business within a venr. AFP*' entlv^ small ^terest rates.,usually*2 percent or more above the. SBA lender, David DuVall and Charles Clay. SBA CCKE or SPRITE business represent* a rather tnujsitnt group on prime rate, Tor a loan to a small enterprise A 39 Sani^c! - " - &mall business loan from a commMo'sl banV rpcrt worknbip firft*]i!.^il by SCOKE iStrv c *I guess many of the slorcj are in the same usually do«s not run more than a year, depending Corps of Retired Executives, tel 939^005) that I gniflou • Way In Section ?D boat as I am," remarks Barbara ' We have ibout on its purpose, after which it has to be reviewed the bank H proccwing; several hundred SDA Twrnaip 46 Sou'*- (U^Jt n U5.000 invested so far but we have yet to ex for renewal. An SBA guaranteed loan may be for guarantied loans a year In an SBA guaranteed lujn nen by Co ton T Sm penence an exceptionally good year If we had an a period of up to seven years fenn, the SBA guarantees repayment of 90 per SHOP attractive annual statement ai in corse, we might The SBA nsstst* small business in financing cent while the bank itself ta!>es the reminding 10 ANYONE'S be able to get a potential buver interested in our their operations because the U.S. Government- percent of tn« rfsk AD AT shop But since we rfont, it docsnt even make knows that one of the biggest contributions of faBA guaranteed loans can be a good busint icnic to list our business for sale The biggest small business t.o our counLry is jobs. During the deal for small business For Lee County Bank. aroblem on Sanibel is our overdependence on 1980-1982 recession, small business provided 2.65 which is actively pursuing SBA loans, it means Lotmsts My only good months are February, million now jobs while large cocorporationr s were new bjstne's accounts an<) hence the potential for March and April plus one week be lore Joying off 1.7 milliomillin employeesmployees. more profit in thv long run Apparently there is a Christmas. This summer I had more zero days There are two type3 of SBA loan rst, there toisidc ruble interest from out of state to pur any income at all. than ever. is the "direct loan" fcr which applic n have to chaso these SBA loans from Lee Count} Bank HI permits S. deeds

jortn Seabrooke (r i r ai 164? Dii« Bcacti Blvd. by C b> lamoei H cures to 1103 000 Seawalls lor 1600. Etliol Siqjel ly a aJng'o 1»m»y res. I 1653 Hlbiscui D'M Dan Gaines lor a dock it 611 Periwinkle Way By Carnal E 3 lor SamMI Homes lot Si *> 000 f ,1! MD3Seh«w«f PUce t/me owner !or Paul Tuemier tar a single fan1? n 31 7J3 E Gult Dinm by 1700 Ann WtnWriKittiam lor deck tfD» r at 35J7 Gull Drive by Ine c Sinibel Homes lor S7? OO0 Tnomjs Folpy tor a »igle lamily rv C Jl 5t35 Joewaoa Dfive by 13 000 Andrew RelsciiTun tor a single Ijraiiy residence at 16K Ard'.*nil) mirJencs JI 1313 Ssaspray Ln by (tutus Dadrlll !of J slnglg !am Itie K M ftetfc lor 3 toiir pool tiislei Jl Z4£Q Blind Pass Cnurl by So^r John 1u!lB lor a dock U 1716 An^el Drlvt Oy lh« owner w 11 000 owner for (35 000 ConneciWn tor 5' fK9 Wl.wm Vinlts lore re-.Wonllat MJHcr- . JM6 U»e floM N By Peter PavX lor a pool/d peel and deck at 3455 W rtull O'itt by Manama M ref,CflncB »t E0?* MoclilnrjbUd Orlva -, J Oai'eylorjs pool ai 1781 Cu I R-ive oy Colota PTJOIS tor 17 000 Oy Kenler Corp lor 198 000 ChirIns V\oit»ch lor jn addition a! 9421 Moonl ghl Dnvt by Tom ' AI Roepsiorit lo remodel at 4«19 Arum Ccurt by August Landi lor t\ t Fritoorsott fx a pool and fleet at 1567 Sandu&tle ntud Maries lor 111 000 11500 fKcturdson Poo's lor 111 100 Phil p Block (or a slab at 11G9 Juod a' 1M7 Pciwiikt* Way Dudi recorded tw ore than toQ 0DO tot the we:h ending No* 2 In (Bangkok Mmite) by Soulriwesi Air Cii-i 1wJ2BDn Jjmes Lynch lor a stng)e *imHi i«]dcftra at 6017 WM|« Heron Laoe Eonlbet Caotlva Cwtivtmn Fourtiatlri (or t (ernuorary lent at 3313 by tn< owner lor $100 000 Marshall H. Halu. Jr;lo BlziOeth Ann Sones. lot t t 13. block Sanlb*l Cjpnva naad by !tw owner value unsuiid Richard (k ns fat a w-qa finely residence at 1430 Sandu-Re Rud 3.Capitva Rejch.Si4t. 0 Thomas Clifli tor a soUr pool hell-' at 131* toW Orhrn By S & S by Mark McOuuM tor Ilij 000 OPEM OAtLY 0 to S^SUNDAV 9 *O 6. Sat« PTiCt* OOd QUtl Set. NOV 10th. Karl A, Wlghtntin to Nicholas H. U^rvas pjrel in GL1, ?D-46-?7. W3 RtSXBVSTKI »i! Neynoias lor SGQ 000 C«fld»mlnimum Mies of m re than J60.000. for me week ending N 2331 PALM RIDGE UD. value unstated Wd^ra Pttn.1 tor a ungle lamily rcslflentti at 1 J?7 BUCUWKT Une by ! Included: er Besei for a totar pool neater at 115? Paper Fig Co.i\ Hv Tr1 City Jen Gmn Iw S9U MO TenMrcJri; Nursing Harm LIJ to John T. NappJ. unit S43. PK 104. SANIBEL, FL. Pod Service for J? 7GT Ken Cludrnsn 'M a ;lno «lamily residence j! 3000 Turtle GaW Lane by Ivggerliead Oy II. S160.000. Gus Lanai lor a single Umily residancf ai TM2 Sanflcajiie floaj by ire Jn(( COM for J1J0 SCO J Peler Senn.lo Petnch Itmbtn Enteromes. unit 7-*0«."SunOM, 472-1719 owner for SSO 000 Bc^en Dunlin lor t lin(]» family resldrnct at G360 Ssiltwl Capir s S3iut«l. S11S.O00 J Howl Dy Jt'l Good tor SITifcML n 3 •>"*' J „ ., t 'Miflurt PelCf arf^S Pi'ncrft SolKvin ant 44 i[ie Swshelis lord 000 lie jr * Uiry Lou BaJlty for a s nrjic Umil^ tn§hibnct aTTDTnea^iwii tarie Sinbnl J89 0W r" ii Here are just a few.. ISLAND LIVING AT NEW LISTING ~ PRIVACY AND 5EASPRAY nt Sundial Btttch & Tennis TRANQaiLlTY — Sanlbe] s fineit Gulf f'OM Rewrt Thia 2 bedroom. 2 both What more could you ask foi residential neighborhood GOLF with coiwertiblc den offers an on a (roplcal Island? Over an V1CW Old* Florida Home excellent Gulf view and all resort acre in size, located ori Dlnkiris Boarawatk to beech use of arnenftes, poo! 13 tennli Bayou. This White Heron private pool and tennis uiurts :«fi intt. foi •ige 0 home itf" i (uuhty vegetate^ P reconstruction price S429 900 boai/blke rentals. &225.000. This with beautiful views. Asking For rroift details, coll G G unit has never been rented. »J05.000.'Co)l.Heidi Parllla. RabicJenu Peal tor \ssociote OWNER .MOTIVATED. Bring Realtor Associate (day: Gda/s 472 3121, c%es. offers to Karl Shank/. Realtor- 472 J!2t, eves 472 0201) 472 5102J .Associate (days 47Z-4i$\l£xt. 3800, eves. 466-0008). SANDPIPER WEST — .HIGH, DRY, BUILDABLE A TOUCH OK THE PAST - Six elegant Gulf front residences HOMESITE $25,000 — Galvanized roof, french doors, offering over 2 500 sq ft of lattice work, picketed cyprrs w t 1 Five lot parcel with City ivxury living 2 bedroom ), den permission lo build single.famiiy ceding. The best of the present. (or third bedroom) and 2 bath* home. 108'.frbntoge.on Cosa vinyl siding. European Heated swimming poo!, .Ybel. Road near bench access.. styled cablnptry, energy _ .- lush ground* »>FVJ on _ Tor more Information, coll Anne efficiency DIRECT ACClISS most beautiful beaches on Marsh. Realtor Associate (days WATERWAY LOCATION. Sanlbel By appointment only, 472-3121, pves. 472-5629). $245,000. Pom Pfohter, Broker coll Scott Nauman'i. Broker Salesman (days 472-3121, eves Salesman (days 472 4151. ext 472-3897) 3800, eves 472 6202)

STEP BACK VIEW! LOCATION! GCJLF FRONT — AT LAST INTO TIME — RENTAL! YEAR'S PRICE. Uniq JC cottage 400 feet from Enjoy Senibel from this 2 Desirable West Qulf location San Carlos Bay and 800 feet bedroom, 2 both ground floor corner unll with sweeping gulf from beach. Built to last by a SanibeS Moorings unit with an views. Attractively famished 2 family who were carl settlers on excellent Gulf view and excellent bedroom. 2 bath condominium the blund with features not rental record. This one's a must solid rental property. SUPERB found in m»n modern homes to sec. $195,000. Call Dave VALUE at only 5199.000 fully Lu;h tropical landscaping Putzel. Broker Salesman1 (days furnished. Call Dan Cohn. surrounds, Including 6 collection 472-3121, eves 472-9638) Realtor Associate (days of fruit trees $16 000. Joan 472-3121, eves. 472-9337). Joyce. Realtor Associate (days 472 3121, eves 472 2649)

Over the years, John riaumann and Associates hits become the largest and most axporiencod brokerage (Irm. Our success comes from a sales stalTthat Is knowlodgaabJa and experienced. For a placa to live, a vacation horns inat prcvtclos Income wMlia you're away, or a building siwlbrthafuiure. turn tothooxperts— John Kaumann and Associates.

CALL: A72-3I21 OR VISIT OKE OF OUR COWEIOEKT ISLAMD LOGATIOH3 Maumahn Real Estate-Center ••• 1 : Tohltlan Garden Shopping Center 1149 FerlwfnXJa Way Poriwlnlde Wa> Sonibol Island, Ft 33857 I Sanlbol Island, FL53957 Or call toll froa, In Florida 800-282-0530 — Out of Florida B00-257-60O4 Members oTSardbal-Capdva Computerized listing Service 9&U&tt&gS££MgtfE^:&

By Wendy McMuIlen become a responsible babysitter who Is also go to »uj- length to ba allowed to stay up popular with th children "Children have their own logic' explained young .motherhas BljjhttoBrcc about it; her The fir t thing every a parent wants is a DeVere end they believe that the rules are baby choking, or falling downstairs, or responsible babysitter who will keep children not house rules tut mommy's and daddy's rait A drinking the contents of theClorox: safe and handle emergencies woil,"sbe says. "If So wher. tbey leave the house the rule-'i go with bottle you do these things aiid devulop a iptci&t way them-" This babysitter is equally troubled by bad with children parents wjj] put you first on their Almost all babysitters said that the chPdren dreams; six ecrsamfng kids throwing toys and list "tested" them aa far as bedtime was concerned. books us she cowers on top of the tay cupboard, Among her tips for becoming a responsible The usual crv was "My mother lets me stay up or three toddlers ages three to six with mouths and capable babysitter was to go to see the till 10' agape in a constant scream from $-30 p.m. until family ahead of the time they require a babysit' Another problem faced by almost all sitter: midnight when the parents mercifully return. ter. In that way, nbe said, the babysitter gets to was tantrums, especially as the parents are ' Yet despite all the frightful tears, the learn what the expectations and the rules of ths leaving. Mrs. DeVere suggest* this is best business of bftbyiittlng continues. It is cne of househoJd are. handled by diversionary tactics- the most common ways for both young girls and "Tb« rules of the house vary from family to Children have their own tactics to gain attcn older -women to earn part-time cash. 'family, some families may have strict mica tlon; however. One of the girlt at tbe seminar On Sonibel and CapUvs girls from 12 to 20 of- about putting toys away, others don't care," she reported that after an apparently happy and fer, babysitting services to resident* wbllo some commeat*d."SQ 7PU can save yourself time and contented evening, the child started screaming dozen or so "professional" babysitters advertise ~ trouble trying, to get children to put their toys as soon ni the'parent! came in and complained in the island newspapers for the benefit mainly - away if you visit the family beforehand and get that the girl had hit him and been mean to him. of families holidaying on the islands. In addition, to know wh*t to €Jtpcct/*, •.•.•••'•'"•: •••.•'. -One of the most important aspects of sitting there Is an Island Babysitting Cooperative with 1 successfully seems to be approaching the some 30 families participating. ' .' .'-'.;' ••' This was echoed by experienced sitters like . children on their level and Utteniag to what Ruth Zoellner, a former schoolteacher who sits they have to say, • : • Yet lor all the prevalence of this useful ser- for the children of both residents and tourists,' vice, there has not been much in the way of and who says she always makes a point of arriv "Children will naturally like someone who cither tips or training for babysitters. The com ing at least half an hour beforehand to make cares about them," comments Julie DeVere. mon assumption seemed to be that gender alone sure she has time to ask about rules and to find, "Listening b the best way to start a special equipped young girls from the age of 11 or so to out where things are kept. friendship." •.:••••' look after any number of children capably and Julie DeVere suggests that as well aa getting "If you take time to listen to them, especially contentedly. emergency numbers and knowing where to con- the questions they ask, then you'll be popular Gut that seems to be changing. Julie DeVerc, tact the parents, the sitter should know such with them." she assorts. formerly director at the Children's Center, and things as where first aid, favorite books and "Even a simple thing like reading a book can now working in The Cheshire Cat is Tahithui toys, pajamas, extra clothes and diapers are' be either dull or exciting. If you don't let the Gardens, recently ran two babysitting seminars kept. child ash questions or nhow him pictures; it'll be at the Sanibel Community Churcb, while in Fort One young girl attending the seminar given dull for him," she explained. Myers more than 100 young people, boys as by Mrs. DeVere reported that her worst even- Babysitting appears to be one of the moat well as girls, attended an emergency earn clinic ing assignment was when she forgot to ask amorphous of tasks with no clesr guidelines on for babysitters *un by the Fort Myers Com- where the baby's tBapers were kept and spent what is expected except to "cars" far children. munity Hospital a month ago- The same number "Caring is takes to mean a variety of jobs attended the repeat clinic Monday, Nov. 6. the entire evening searching for them. Bedtime present^ a special hazard especially ranging from entertaining, feeding, cooking. The Julie DeVere's presentations foT new babysitters and If it isn't ctoarly- at the Community Churcb was oh how to established what time it bsdtime, the child will © continued on 1 OB

|. The common'assumption seemed to be that •;"''"' ' ••»-? i - gendera!oneequippedyounggirlsrfromth(sageofllorsotolookafter — 1 hi any number ofchildren capably and contenfedfyrf" ^ - , '••-, "*; • id Repot*. arts the new york times crosswood puzzSo gjj&ES^tf^'tjWflSSKffiBSMgisaftfiTOBgfcfl

© from 3B < iil j, BLimsn jto at H p a Prttat nutlets *•(.! IK. Thursa^, trrfay Dauble-Thmk_ ___ Art for mg atec aij ^A uViv fJov ri 10 p v WuIrv-hU H rVv Fr-da-aml I'riotiof Jthn F V *hl* ACSC 3 4-r Pt?ie *-sve the taiwUc 1 Ore in* inw »!ll be rcM brt»T Coin -iltt<< of Haitbnd and ha. day Now 17 at 2pm Uonal Wildlift. Gallenr-* ot rort Cea pis was i jilrwd h ti« Myeri as tbp fund raisinr pmt-of po*oi by hdvna ArJj] Nov 8,*> 10 5 16 and 17 at } Hamilton Welch Acad* my on McGregor Blvd it 8 p i Ticket* Aaron Ritvo performs arc $4 For reMrvation* call A musical interlude of viohn and 334-0760 bewral exatiplet of It-'ajriur basktU puno mu ic b Sanibcl r<* ident Aaron RtLvo will precede a Concert Association Japanc e luncheon when the season ttudents and entitle them to attend ting with Sandi Morruwn Hkkca Southwest Cluster hold its annual all eencerts Advanced Landscape and Pur (. mmar at the Unitenan The tort M rr Coranunitv Con trattjre with Bctt V/*d(.!e in Univcr all t Church ofrortM ir cert A (tociatian his announced it» Art classes erniedljit<» Worksh pwjibBoj bit irHa Nov 10 from 9 JO a m to subscription-only couccrta for Hit* Day, Outdoor t*aiotinB on l.ocauon 2 30 pm with Margaret Bare and Point upcoming season Bemnaing in The t/ee Count Art Center is Aloug with Bob Perkins Ritvo vice prt idcnl of Barrier January and continuing through alU ring a new cUi in I land. Group for th«. Arts, will plaj March it will offer programs by Rap/doRraph Art It will explore or more information, call (.lection from Vcracinl. Massenet the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, and develop new lechaiques for At ^^5536 Kre ilor Lt^ar, and Vivaldi Mary pianist Ken Noda, harput Emii ti^U aad Uualrcitors Using Coleman piani t, will aeeompitnv Mitchtll and the Bucharr 1 Philhar technical pens ud inir manystyku Community Band tnonic of Romania. en be developed for different sub- concert Thi. day t program b open to the Attendance at these conct rta IH ject /natters public A regi tratlon fee of %6 h member liip only, as no in The class will l>rg

Jamaican Chicken: breast of chicken glazed with orange, topped with toasted coconut, garnished with fried banana and, best of all, liberally soused in Jamaican rum. A fresh, thick, juicy, three-quarter-pound slab of New York sirloin strip, broiled to your exact specifications. And a complimentary glass of red wine.



AT THE ENTRANCE TO SOl/IH SEAS PLANTATION. CAPTIVA ISLAND. RESERVATIONS REQUESTED 472-5111 fishing report W^^ casting arouna Sill r I"* HI »truet an arUficial reef on tliu sit*. prtfc. •in? p Mixr«t« miles), a* -wcH a^ thn iittcnsf £nt*r«t in reef gtm" wn fp t tr Orovgti tali Jc«<)injj Urnsiocd ar*3 of fish in oar state. nttfcuugh nome of the probUms essuciattil with . i Bail 2»d Msrtft&fi: Shrimp muJI craL «.»n* fetdmjf HahtU. Wr/ o«rp (tela crunch nHsftwe U> de fir improve hard Artincial reef construction activitis-s bej^vn in obtaining the nKCrssary. eoastmctioH permit f tfap boti l> e in I 3 troia its i&vonte toad* f-wutr« Artificial KSorida during the mitt-1950'3. Thosw early hap- BOS1TO (LITTLE TE,!N- i rrjaa and rrats bvneiit man by o ir iho productivity hazard ttttmpta »ert tiiida icvt y by ori\dte projects I'cmafM the major conttruiut to widt ,SY) — Sctsuti: ?«Jii.r trab^ \rf«db^2' *afld wornw alinTrn Oivr dead pile hard i. si imp (live or dwadt. with or without« sprottd artificial reef <3ev<.-l£)pm*r.l in PJorida. A orriw*"i,on a sraal! boon «rth"> trooR It J<-r to artificials nuch *s Riiruop iroita- anil SarvLatahiljtv Iration fundM UbiUt Edthihty ficitleoL ti ll ly Sutffliaw minimum SenRtkU Tb* creatiun unii cnhpHccmcnt o! n»hcriex u was necessary, .tod in l&fii the Florida.Slate upptr wrtr^r »ed r - at nasc to Winter rear ol tail. tag artificial rcits litif s!«t> liecn sho«n tc have Hoard of Coiiseration (now. Department of for this purpose, but tho amount available for baitfish preferred.. Unit tip »tp,tii(iLant tcononic ticapiit to h&tne (>ort Natural Resources) stipulated rulout, 6.000 used iirea went collected, and vol- telf-supporting programs of this type (fisliermcc Luncheon or Bicokfast Trips re"' Sp*ap/ixuif / Advisory Program published the locations of unteers spent many hours binding them together psyinjj to^ the nefs thfy fish on| is that uven Island Hopping, Fishing, Sightseeing about 1W Florida artificial reef s£te* for which so they would remain on the bottom and cot drift funds are continuous aGd generally remain intact On The 4 Cru! er Aimcc B ^6 ® the original p^roifia were issued by the VS. away to be washed up on shore or picked up in over time, even during periods ol economic in- 472-5277 SalJtO Army Ccrps of Ersffinrera This figure Is M>me shrimpers' nets. stability Sun-M 1 what misleading, however, since'some projects Only B few lircs it to the location. Infla- Mon/12 t£27AMH were never finished, while others were finished tion arrived, and the volunteers could not. rais« Frii* and Narma Stoppclisijin are knutel- ,1 RENT-A BOAT 1S0AIRH 201AMH but cannot be relocated. Nevertheless. Florida the funds to pay for barging the iirea to the site." tidgeabla fishing enthusiast* and are actite m 'T^ S>D;B! POWER OR SAIL hus had more artificial reef construction otf its Tho project was abandoned, but in the near the protection of marine resourcei illAllsi; 472-2531 ATSANtBEL MARINA

SHELLING SJOKTSEt'JMO. l & lunch trip* toCobl>*o« Koy. vale's Call Frod Comlofljy Capt. R. B«rtnolamew BaiEey's' Gouthwlnd Inc 472 2531 472-SSTT. Now pyg POWER BOAT RENTALS SPOHT FISHING IM THE Several stici and typ«3 wllh SACK COtnJTRY: Rv plug varying oufbcurdd South or ftpl»r.lnu Q plOd Fishing Equipment: wind Inc at Snnlbni Martni intlietavernL :Custom-butt*..22-toot - 4T2 2M1 •Rods."Keels !T*cklc FISHING EHFLLING wild s (j-jkJc Cfipl. Ouke _ Tweon Wuiers MwlAa Uvc Sfirisap Bait over 20 yi-us Cofil Hoti tlva Marln.i, 47251E1 OPEN 7 DAYS 479-5453. II Buy IU. A VtHmiiMt Woy Don't g.»mblc uo your Invtilmmi. AH lot* I CAPT. BOS SA8ATIN0 Luke Mutc« ttc EXELMPT from ROCjO. wJ l build now. Feature* like iindergtound A SeVC4l d8 f i l d b

Wo Snook - ItadtM - TroUt 472- Group** • Uacfcsf*! • Also Shall Trlpa

FISHING SMELLINO SIGHrSEEINO Full nod ^ da/ Irlp' All equipment for -•----* Capl Neville The Vniaerst4tj of Samibel-Captiva.

i K8BS * PIZZA * FiSH GOIMO TO THE BEACH?" j Take the Tram to Bring a San Cjp T Shift WANTED AUVE -n with you. ^^ OUR WILDUFa •z

SPIRIT Q Enjoy our delicious Maine Lobster "no-frills style" OF in our Tavern from 4 until closing FOOLISHNESS m - or - get the full lobster dinner SESTtURtNT C LOUHGE treatment in our dining room . ... $9.95 _ t CO Raw Bar Maine Lobster Specials Sunday-Thursday Only Week-Ends Only (While Supplies Lost) t'l JFISHJALC O Superb road position s Your Hosl © Prime location on Periwinkle Way ft rt JL — —^ ^¥ Jim Davis o New ground level construction We Foolish Hours 2 lor 1 o 600 square feet i nrm (riifil orLuN

SCA fte<2 ayt in/ ard jtrKtuoifiroti tm whuhrt, lifce an aid fashioned flea market painiul cti«>.riertce oi tbf lass of a 1. fi. nilioTi of ten (!«tbrit for the .if des i yuices. lc«t for bar#&i;ia sad. discover .what but not rpqui O-l**ps have twej hoa <3ttijrJwr je-sri Here w an Bndge for fun T rrgtr, o ffrheu r infinforrasEicno , cnil vpporUiaHy tt puiixipxlc la * gresi. Racist event France bwm IV'UFor P 1 *s IF, TtZ MOi 1 Th« tridi'wuji i fidiz*(or fun a t« M.!ll ^aniixl Community AswooaUouV flea mxi-ket start f jp-f i this- *ettk ixiid v:OJ be AARP election A new Florida *n«jt: record haa been act in the na VttunUy-, Nuv, IT from £0 »JB. to 4 pjm. xX thr WtdiittMi*/ at I yjn at tlir C&> lb. tigwr shark caught Cw:if»uaity CwaUr, ia l«> raise fund*1 ti pave the uticj^r t!s« dirvcunn o' Ri on"{tel Ni-w officer* for 1SS5 *i»i be fleeted at the off Boca Grande islill halaa a record three i ar* parking ftre» ot iho handicapped. 4755! i. II SCI ««itrf the Saaibi^j Captiva Chapter of after it was caught.. BCA sacmbtrs'eai* m*kci a fffll c«ntribt>tt«n lo hf tp defray coals ' J lh« American AssociBlion of Kctirwt Parsons No. Using conventional tackle a 41 lb. 31 oz. snook pintlwi>8-f«ot .« 2-IoottaWes which th*yCOR use 30**8. Dick Schneider, sports ediior of the Fort wan taken ky Robert DeCosmo at Fort Myt rs m to'sell items far their «w.» benefit. Artidos eon FISH offers discussioa group Mtje-rn NKX* JPre/m, will slno ap«ait ct the meeting April, replacing: the previous record of A3 lb. in tribated by t;*cryoae *twe will be mid by KCA at 1 p.m. at the Sanibel Community Association J95? and setting a new s& It water gani*fish record voIuAUwrs.' f«r the direct bennnt of the SCA "lav.»g Agait", it dwuMKKi group inr be- bniJdicfr. arc rding to tttc Florida Depattrmmt of Natural cause f>onaljcas of furniture; clolUicg. boob-i, »p- rtavfd ptnMKJs ia being effcred h EXSH of MemberH who are iEiterc^ted in taking the Itec. Hesourccs pliaarei, RUTic*, bneni. «te «• n icvttcd Here- j* a G*nibel through a retenl gruil from the Genaelt 5 ChrlstniaH ulioppinR tout to ForV Lauderdale Other recent records on conventional tackle in chance to dean housv before winter viaiLom Foundation. The group will tnwl ia the Perish slipultj. moke reservationn at this gatxting. Also rludn AII'8 Ib. J oz. Florida pompano caught- bj .arriTC1 HftU of SL. Mkhatl andCAU Angers Epwcopal those pinnniHii to won the Emerald Seat cruise Chester E DtLlrtek at Fl i«l« r Risen In March aS Donated itetnit etoutd be delivered during the Church. Periwinkle Wsy, Mondayv. from 9:30 to io thb BfihauiKS Jan 18 21 should make their Ib. 4 ot. white m*rKHe taken by Robert G. Ctrl at Wttk of Nov. 12; BJoutJaytbraugh Friday. U> tlw 11 a jn. besineins KovcmberlQ. The sessions wiU dttwlt wtth. Cor;; KoHth cf AH About 1 revel who Palm Buch m April, a gifftoputl ..atf sh wei^h Communily Center building between 9 a^n>xhd 2 continue for spproximately ten weeks will be ill tilt. Etwctirff ing C lb. 15 oz. caught at Boca Raton by Ntc* the j^oua will be led by G. Michael Cordncr, future trips are pUnned lor Burl Reynuld Smiciklftt in February; a 3 lb. 13 os. yeliowtail On request, A 'statement of the estimated value Th.D_ therapist and director of training- vith the theatre. Key. West, Hjaleah race track, Cypr« •* napper taken by William T. Porter at Key Largo; of each contribution, will be iaaued to those who Counseling and Growth Center, Port Myers. It Gardens and more. "3 and a lady fish Ukcnat Pensacola by Chris Boyles weighing 1 lb. 1 oz., both in June of this year. Using fly tackle, a 7 lb. cero mackerel caught off Key Went in 19H0 by Pete Peacock reached the Florida record charts. A spotted scatrout weighing 12 !b. 7 o*.. was caught by Sidney A. Friefteld at Stuart in March. The seatroul has also been recognized as a world record on 12 lb. tippet. The heaviest fish listed for conventional tackle Till s\MRt I. ISI,\M> in the Florida records is a 1000 lb. tiger shark caught by Connie Cora off Boca Grande in May, 1981. In the fly fishing division, th« champion was a 389 Ib 4 o? bull ahark taken ofr Key West in 1%Q by IVte 1'cacooh. A list of current records and record application forms are available from the International Game Fish Association, 300 East Las Olas Blvd.. Fort I.auderdale. Fla. 3331B, or the Floridu Depart- m nt of Natural Resources, Division of Marine Itrsouri-i-s, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. "The Key to the Sec is eating at F & B" SPECIAL FALL FEATURES Tallahassee, Fla. 32303.f! Center Cut Potk Loin Chop . 311.95 Beef Stroganoff. . .. St2.«>5 increase the survival of released fish Servirsq the Finest in Qiicl«»n Florentine... . S 13.95 Mor< ^nd we sp^rt fi'hermen art relMs'i"" finger* ""-it ot ir-e Si1'*5 W** .nM ••^u*?3*-* f,i.nU) conpr- s«ing both gill platen 2163Peirwinkle 500-9:30 Catch of the D^y . . S 12.95 ckast jnd contributing to futuie fish popula 4 Ittmovp thi hook quickly and ust longnostu anibel Includes relish Ircy, salad, baked potato, bread and butter liio d l" ht if th hdld in pliers. If the fish Is deeply hooked, cut the leader cerertait n y , , and leave, hook in. Tearing out a hock may cause Fish will suffer shock from rough or prolonged fatni shock' or free bleeding htmHing which not only cnusus physiological . 5. An unconscious fish can be revived by mov S51ASS ELEPHAN1' damage, hut also miikeh them vulnerable to other ing it backwards and forwards in the water so BBEAKFAST-SPECIAL predators. Fish can also get lethal fungus infec- that water runs through the gilts. This may take a SANIBEL PROPERTIES tions when tht ammo ncid_ tin bare hands destroy few minutes the protective slime on the fish's skin. Here are : o. If a fish curnes up from the depths with Its some procedures to follow that will increase the swim bladder expanded, you must deflate .t so survival of the fish you are catching and re- thai the fish can return to the bottom-Any small, $1.9® leasing sharp instrument may work but it has been found Bacon Tan tar that n No 17 Rauge 2'/i Inch hypodermic needle •GULFFRONT* •GULFVIEW- OR 1 Land thi- fish ai -oon ns possible Long play 2j2W.GuirDnve $t99.000 Compass Foist $398,000 ing however gentle, can exhaust a fish beyond performs best. 1 Fioit FlavonK] Pancakf. Wilh recovery. 2/2 Owner Financing $17^,000 Contemporary Syrup and Butter Juice and CofW 2. Keep the fish in the water as much as poasi- x g returns show that released fish do survive Gulbide Place 5299^)00 Townhouse $289,000 a Sandpiper Beach 2 Choices Saudpointc $1CJ9,5OO ble. Three or four minutes out of the water causes a[i(i occasionally turn up again as a world record SAVOR OUR NEW LUNCHEON FEATURES brain damage, and while suffocating the fish may catch. Maybe not yours, but at least you may be pound itself fatally on the deck riving them a chance to reproduce and ensure 3 Use a wet glove to handle tin fish Keep your future angling pleasures D •NEAR BEACH* BAYVIEW CANAL LOT We've added an array of appetizers, soups and salads Blind P* s 5139,000 5112,000 and kept some of your favorites! Seashells * 94.900 Terms Possible 2BHome S12250O Join us for golf A nautical auction for police boat East Rocks lot 5 43500 >L AKEFRONT HOMES- Conch Fritters A recent boat fire in San Carlos Bay, in suitable for rescue work may be donated LakeMurex lot •% 44^00 which a woman was badly burned, highlighted Sanibel Police Recreation Club is beading © Chicken Kabobs with Peanut Sauce for Sanibel Police the need for a rescue boat for Dunes golf the auction appeal and can provide appraisals 3B © Taco Soup - A MUST1 such eventualities for tax purpose* to anvono v. ho responds to the •BEST PRICE- The Dunes Men's Golf Association continued Now Police Chief John Butler is planning an appeal At Coquiaa Beach . 5I49JWO « Vichyssoisc their prc-scason activities with an individual auction of donated nautical items to raise fund* points event. A field of 30 golfers competed and to get the officers afloat if the need arises Those with items to donate should call SI*D O West Coast Salad Dulite the score cards showed that the competition in Another possibility is that a seaworthy boat at47i-31U n the 9-hole group bowed to Bill Ayera. with Andy As a member of tbe 2 mylion dollar club in O Tenderloin Sandwich Van Haste second, and Dill Ford third. 1982,1983, and 1934, and loojUme Snnibcl resi- © Buttermilk Biscuit Chicken Club The lS-hote event was quite a battle with Bob Running mates dent and homeowner, Dan Cohn knows the Maloncy and Bob Davidson tied for first. Ed Reed .^--^-^^—— and •-M--i---*•-'-.-.-» Most Santhel residents drove to the potts Tucs island, its trends and values. For assistance took second place, with Gcorgs Chrislenscn and with sny of your real estate need*, call Dan Daily "Island Specials" Just Tor you Paul Cornelius tied for third piac*. day but Gumbo Limha reiidti'tx Tom and Bfcky Kaplan and Ron Wenn ran to register thetr Cohn: Soup& Sandwich The season officially begar. yesterday -with n totes even before the sun was up Both Tom an buffet breakfast. ; followed by • a member' area manager r-f Eckcrd Drugs jast aid say that Sambel SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA In a third pi ct tie two team hot 34 They are i* the bett place to run because of the spendul 33957 theteamiofV Lght,D Ohlmon D Miller ana P sreneri} and the gnat hjkt path* If they finish Va ko and D Vandcrbick B Sutherland H — Orlando their trammq v \ll conltnw for thr Some call it paradise... Maas and M. Hoorneman.D Ort •i I Marathon m Viami nert v< ar P w&^, llilS Uiand Reporter • t>x>oeiwb*r 8, 19&4 * [IB BABYSITTING- • from 18 events 1 . . . you can save • * \ V/e go all "under" THE TIFFANY 1 i< yourself time and ar at the Center I rtr) t tt trouble trying to get """1 ori ttn n«>i u hwrd I children to put their toy: Novrjnber *J Lt.*f*iav •-( tic ! tUy mj ed doing ivcrytbmg tKy nwdtd tc away if you vi&it the lt*(f jUlw* tor iTotorticwi at lor tht ch Idren under treir cart ty-aiUrui * by ^Uy Judah L-* Pa ment for baby sitting vnnt from $2 to $» family beforehand and C« uty Pidnainif Depjrtmtnt an hour. Thfc youcffer »itt&rs charge between $2 get to know wnat to tjartcfjur V«%r uf tbi and SJ an hour although Laura i rankfseld said ^ V'« tt*ftrds" ser.vs) she ABB uftca givra extra by Parents expect.' More experienced sitters woo rater to h vcinbei 24 Saturday Iioum S a ro- 5 p m loun LH as well a* to reitidcntn charge between {Through Airil) J5 and *tt per hour caring for on« child Novcnbtr ?7 Tue»(iaya at the Canter ~ .. to find the freshest fish and seafood. 2 V m Florida » Water A new system recently introduced mto Shnmp •» LOOKC • Scaflopi • Cacch of tiwDa y hanibel by younR mothers Sherry Anderson and RMOUFcn - Where our w*Wr Pamela Gilbert is the bsbyaitUng rocpermve roerts Irom , by Thane Moon., • Seafood Kebobs » R-^i Ptakt • Floumkf Members babysit to earn coupons « hiclt they •Red Snapper** More trade for the babyMltiug service* of others (part ot wir "Yotr of the Wef Th« swapping of service* aJlowa parents to Iran $8.95 go out without the txptnaa ot a bab)a[ttcrs and Try our Mainland Fjrt and even enables oonte mothers to work p&rttinu Bingo season "We all know each other and the kids so it Camoiun.ty Hospital is offennjr the second ot its Friday Night Grtelc Buffet coa works well," commented one of thf organizer clinics for young babysitters between th« apes The popular iw<. gamo sponsored by the Free Nibble &Dnnk froti 51 In our Lounge of th" co-op. Pamela Gilbert. "And vt know of 11 and 14, Kainy Tccifcrd, a nurae in the a ban.bol Community ABUOciatJon will BWrt on (Nijjfitlr 4 6 PM) that evtryonn's tuned in to the nevds ot mall emergency room, has set up th« clinic to teach Tu*«i«> Novtmbir 13 at 7 JO n m In tue Com Pre Construction $149,500 children so there's no worry about that. young bttbyalUrr how to rcpord in rmer£e»rj munity Center «a Periwlakh Way. Admia ten is Homcm de lihnd Desscru The cooperative now has 30 famil ca par ituatims urEi » chokirg poLionmg tuta KQ-3 J2 per prraoa and the jackpot prize will t» SI50 Daily LufKheon and DnncrS] trcipating throughout Sanibel ano Captiva anii liead injune • Includes Lot with Gulf Access (hi year The SCA Bingo » a regular Tuesde) Chi'drtrt M»nu members also organb.e picnics and playgroup She uses both u large doH and her own young cvtning activity from November though Apni • Carpeting & Tile and other activities. child to demonstrate how to deal with these The proceeds ire used to retire the mortgage of One of the most common concern parents ailuations the new auditorium Cl • Appliances have * beu leaving their children E that the mt Despite all the poUntiai hazards in babysit- • Landscaping ter will kno-w what to do in an emergency ting both parents and sitter* on Sanibel and Thi. danger is not so much that liie liter Captiva scorn rcnurfcably satisfied with the • City Water & Meter won t act but that she will panic or overreact" system. There were reports of toddler temper • i*a\ed Roads in Completed Subdiwsion comments Mrs. DcVpre. lanLrun-.M but sitters w«re happy with their It i to counteract this that the Fort Mier charges and sswraed to enjoy the jolf.G coconut) P.O. Box 168 1509 Periwinkle Wa RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Sanibel. FL 33957 Comer of Tarpon Bay Road & Periwinkle Wa (813) 472-5187 Monday Saturda/ HAM to 10 P M


Service with us is not just a word, tt is Now you can own your very own lot now and has been since 1966 the very for affordable Florida living! foundation of our busme s, 2-4 hours a da/, 7 days a week Our dependable staff of trained personnel is ready to The Developer says Sell AH Lots soKe your heating and cooling problems, regardle s of make or model When >our heating or cooling system needs servicing © Super Cash Discount or « tree Sal! Cart or Remember © Free Screen Room or © Free Air COBditaer "Comfort today it a call away!" o Kith the purchase o! a new B.V. loll Long-wearing, fuel efficient * FREE GIFT lor roglslerlna and tourln our lowely l ' For BV n and Park Modali radia! wtiitewaSls! 334-1660 * Bjy a site or buy a comb nat.on He and Poik Mod I Park Mod'!- availnbio ai LOW. Lew pilcen sovoral nas/ waya to make your purchase Contact our sales office

TrranT it 1 •iimn MII • am for current information and pricing.


©J HERTZ RENTAL CARS 472-1468 OPEN MON.—SAT. 7 A.M.-9 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M.-9 P.M. 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE -.*.:-???* «.!**»»*.. XOO&ING FOR environment ISLAND PROPERTY? £BSH£tE2ffi£B£rai3!»M in THE DUNES? '* will Ic 'J t c' Jink haturaiist programs set at jefuge Cente By Ch UUn« Olacn Sdl rda> Ni* 17 11 fl-c THE TiLUF BILL n ..-ails Afanrt/ct; TA« Si/«»< -*Jtre . will fw? the Njturali I programs ha^p bttfn 4ot (tir J Ma tho week. In honor of raaJw -n imnth, (b NoveiaWrat J.N "Ding Darling National l nti'fp will present flu, f 1m ab a tlw WHAT A SELECTION! manatee's stniRglo int sarviyal. COLLECTION W ildhfc Refu&? According to refuge mouaf er : the hrtde i thr .J^u^hler «f Mr It«n Hiijhl thtre will be a film and guidtd tour - list p Tu«d«y, Nov. 20. 'i jt-m Loc«!«d on Wes"iOUf GuiUf COTTAOith dutil«E Od Mbeac MAh nNc Kexping Watch is a new program at the h * tti tnitd of UotiOT f-ur lif r Allwrt A. Dumek of Ktj-ria snii the brt«l r-ieh w t ck Slight explained Tht *e propran & O-'i« b«»dttwm **Do8 a" *=tih. x«Ktral *te Mr ek wa be v nii Sir h f thi- *on of Mr and " -, • e-lu McK n beiDK offered for thoie visitors who *anl The film . tuafjrc Low sntl Or,att r refuge; rMervotluaa wUi ba required X<-.r t^e the fir t hole of The Dun** S751.OOO. Cal! GUd|rt ht now. 472.1528, more information than the Visitor Cffnltr i*ft to Mil I*. }nven at the \ is tor .liral. sunset "naturaJisl boat cruise of Tarpon golf course. 3 h&iroem, 2 mrer f i vcl at the I a FUCSH B IKED EVERY DAY hay Moadn Nou t2 w.i!l IM the first (Jay ... b MUr i Tuddtrs, trip it L'ndal attendant wercMeli offer or for th>se #hosrc firit time * isitor% and Cr-ntt" The e turn Wri *hc 1 fc hi tor nitti bath Michigan-built home — 100°o BUTTLR CROISSANTS 3 btciroom. 3 baihtoom ba\ch dc-to u-int a jiume t help then explore the IWugc rcservetions will b« takon. The 2-hour tour oi )«ple wul live m Kids*- wood. N J T«UcrsaJ» MichrHc Cioran ard L»n Co, m h -.t bfhJ%tor «f i'lcsc l»o btrrf the Jitaninable to ailfr.d on» of the i noV VOT S9«.n tion and ground Jev el B * bouquet f^ata.TCft C riQbean HAM a SilLSSE 7<- cnc« iocAted in lh« famed Souih S*?as Plant Monday-Fnda/ from9 sn 5pm aDd Salur hour gutted car cnra^ari toi in Wajihmjrton D C anu received -naatpr B oedroom oround levot apprlman* p o- tion mart t,n C«p!iv 1 nnJ Bccrcaannai daj K from 10 a-ni -4 p nj A 15 tniauU tide Rcdtrvatiote wilt be on a first-c mt, urit serve /.nJ Dendtoblaix orciilds vldes sleeping v ewa of the Gulf a O Wildlife Drhe, Vi (tor will iw»c « griat «ppor hs. t by «llitig 4723130 ro^tpirpcr on is S10 deicrces from iBank Strait Co'itFy from the ameunivt?sityandhI»«$octo-«tc ir^-ur a ly furrl h«d thrit j iHurioui livlr g In this nculum and instruction irum Temple Univeraitv 472 2555 Audiabora ouUiaes winter season tifieatlon: Beginner clajses Jan. 11 and 18, con thttt ba\h *.nt ovift in Philadelphia G The 1^85 enev of Wildlift and nattrc cornier Biological button eluding with a field trip Jan, 19; advanced j driarn lionne directly on looking th« T *M ol Mt« PALM RIDGE HD across \ation program to bi presented bj the Sanibel Feb U Audubor Arti t Author & Advcn classes February 15, Feb. 22 tni March 1. with t Ihc dull of Mt MCD .co Ta l.fully fjrriih d Optiva Audubon bociety begin Thuriiiay Jan turer — Alvah Sanborn. a concluding field trip March 2. Call Jack Sair.ler, Broker Salesman 1 Cabana and Ga age >n lias obona ii 11 -jva u CARRY OUT ONLY J at San:bcl Community Center \* ith a rolor Feb. SI: IWrda and Wildlife or Sanibel A' Cnp- Major field trips for member of the society Days: 813-472-3121 Eves: 8ia-472-3571 I the. ground floor Your lo slid, i^owonthe Natural Wonder* of North tiva - A CROW presentation. Introduction by have been scheduled for Feb. 2,9.16, 23 and J S395 000 S349OO0 America prtpared by Janus Wai h of ^ambtl t-aura Itilcy March 9 and 16 TOLL FREE: (in FLI 800-262-0360 As in p "st vear tht public program wi'l be Feb. 2X: Wander and \Voad«r — Resident and President Irwtn displayed the new check If t LFb) 600-237-6004 prc->cnti d on 1 hur day at 8 p m in the main MM'Mng birds of the island. Al Milliken of at the birds of Sanibel, Ceptiva and nearby auditorium of the community center Cloven Sanibel. islands prepared by a *ommittee of area experts JACK SAMLER OWN YOUR OWN INVESTORS . . BUILDERS will he erpio'-id m the irnc arranged March 14: Raising an Endangered Species at Under the chairmanship of K.C. Emerson. The HOME'. bv program ch irman Franci Saxinger Home - Don and Nora Dcillein, looil list includes 247 species of birds, each of which: Attention PlsascIII K*d!d Street: Something Jin 10 Raptors The Plundtr of tht Skv - zoolojji t* hn» been observed at least twice during the last All lols ore ' not Cwrtad Mark Wistall p-tsidcnt of Intcrnation 0 prey March 21: Conservation'Issues In Florida - ten years on the islands, atljawnt mainland •Sensible — Something Spe- Equal! This one is excep. Larry Thompson, florid* regional reprcien areas and surrounding waters. Preparation and cial, Lovely Icjwntioiisc — tionitl. In (set it is two lots ft t J n 17 Native Tret for I and caping- tativc for National Audubon Society. publication of the list was a joint project of the jusl/oH. Island in Whisper- privacy. Close lo the Gulf of Uavid hox district foristry officer March 28;'Audience Participation Color Slide Audubon Society, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation wood Gardens,. Two bed' Mexico. $44,800. Call for Jan 2i The Southirn Appafathmns — Program — A Buss Francis presentation Foundation and the Ding Darling Wildlife Socic Tooms. l'/i balh, ground George tnd Mar>tyn Schaffcr Please watch local papers for details ty. Copies am available at the headquarter* of the SCCF and thi Wildlife Ctnlcr and Irom Saaaned porch overlooking P«b 7 An Introduction to Florida s M mn-ali In addition lo it* public programs, the Audu : r -members of:thc Audubon Society.O pool A rfool txi % i9 900 — Dr Jnffli H. I aynp director Archbold ______Ion Society »ill offer Uo cour es in Bird Idea Unfurnished Vacant— Im CONTINENT mediate possession.

let l^ozici'i CcnTirental Cuisine take you on an Gyiitiei5tiC't»33*<3 lour on Northern Italy $20,000 REDUCTION THE BEST WAY VACANT - HEADY- KEDUCED Immediate poswsrion i possible tor you — the Featuring fresh veaE, chicken and seafood -LUCKY BUYER." of this' newer lived in two bedroom TO OWN Also, homemade pastas and combination plus den condominium overlooking ihc Gulf of Mex- dinners for tvvo ico. Motivated seilei. We have the keys to take you on A HOME ON a personal lour..Col! now. $275,000. SANIBEL? i

5 3O TO 6 3O p m

AT SANIHKI. BATOLB MODEL OPEN DAILY Without u doabi. The Ridge a! Snnibcl Bayous has ihe cnswtr I A unique and exciting home ownership opportunity. The Ridjo j •"JX;; ;'V-51 CHICKEN SESAMO MANICOTf] t vts you the chunce of owninft, a stylistically superhsinfele AUBERGINE RAVIOLI familj re with the tffortle luxury or condominium \n ing BAKED LASAGNA STUFFED CANNELLONI A fixed monthly fi-e muintains your private grounds and ce txter or of your home. All that's left for you to do is enjoy lK« FRESH FISH OF THE DAY FETTUCCINE PROSCU1TTC tropical splendor of Sanibel — what could bvtt r' GHETTlNl DISHES AH D'nroi include *ini(po*ia o'Ccraio' Salad ft. poo^gitn ANOTHER REASON FOR OUR SUCCESS Is that we ara the HOMETOWN AGENCY that peo- The Rid&e is a community of quality constructed and (Spsclclj available lo I^^^ flf 1100 people served or until a 0 pf*> ple know and ttust. Most of our sales associates live on Sanibel. We know the Island and we know the arttil colly desij^ioci cedar frame homes, created to blend Wt»« i»«» »»V Bay Now from market. SeMpg our ndghbois and clients la a never-ending challenge we accept daily. the "One wbo te.aov/9 the Conplciw Bent" harmoniously with the natural Island surrounding. You have W. BUT EXPERIENCE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN knowledge and expertise, wh iliree unique floor plans to cKooso from and each home coi\c marketing teal estate- SANIBEL REALTY HAS IT ALL! We cat; offer our cllants a full range of complete with lush landscaping. Locaied just a short walk from prchensive real estate services and a ten year record of hat Is herd to molch. That is one of the / beautiful Bowman's Beach (one of the finest shellinfe beachc! biggest reasons for our repeal and referral, business m the world), The Rid ft* provides a tennis court, swimming, pool. 472 2177 clubhouse and an established Homeowner's As ociation ^ •"•• :"7i^ SORRY NO RESERVATIONS SO. IF YOU'RE THINKING OF INVESTING In Island real oslale It pays to do bu Iness with who fa building a reputation, not resting on one. If you're new In town. It pays to do business We surest you find o'.it more about the best way to own a CASUAL DRESS wllh someone who Isn't, rr PAYS TO PICK EXPERIENCE. S;3OP.M.-9:3OP.M. RESTAURANT I CAPTIVA SKO1TE9 .. S. home on Sanibc] and visit our modeOuvxl ttmivcenter on ouninpi—Aw.aSoninel-Ca p Roud. found diroeil' na CONTIMFNTAt " Thi beautiful profesitona! decorated to S9SJWO , ihi Dinfc Dot-link Wildlife FULL UQUOR LICENSE CUISINE . TARN g three bedroom, two ard on* half balh ' RcservaUcu om now l>«lns taJ'en for Center Super GuH front«nSf — h) *P T» . .zrstwsm unit wllh bay deck and deep water tbl* now commercial condo com BLUEB1LL PROPERTIES. INC two bedroom, two bath rondo Is a cor Tim nka top floor unit often you a r'ock offers you caw occca* to Pine p!eK formerly 1633 Pl&za Extellcrtt The Ridge at Sanibel Bayou* is more than just a fcreat idea ner location far-«njcySrig tl^e terriasflc view cf the golf "course and a peak o) bland Sound End the GuH This it centra] iocation (next ta the Benk of chance to befein a carefree iifestlye in the privacy of your o n Ucans«d Root Estate Srokor Main Olflco 2432 Psrlwlnkle Way P.O. Box 796 f views!! You will also haVs the pleasure i the Gulf, Along -with bass -fiohlng, pic Icfinttrfy a "*fUST StE TO BE tha Islands). Plan now for the future Sanltxl litand. FL 33957 dihabeach poolancll«nr^ THs-up nicking swimming tennis and a UEVE" hoiiie^ wHh one of thorn cnntialty tocnted, 3313 West Gull Drive -• Beautiful Sanibe! island - On the Gulf ; | (6*3) 472-1529 gradfld unit with grASl doth pepsur ciort walk to the Gulf beach This two easily accessible units EXCLUSIVE MARKETING AGENTS " —— celling fam nucrouave. and matt, bedroom, two bath unit Is e terrific In- Pnscilla Murphy Realty. Inc. Rcollor" can all be yours CALL TODAY1II vestment for rentn! property check (8:3) 472-3456; P.O. Box 57; Sanibel, Florida 33957 PRICES START AT $229,900 it out now.

y f

a selection of eolorfu! shell and ri*blion \200W for our patrons-- • • .- : ; Than^ you1 Lo Frtrtk RjjT^oni, OFIP of our vol- •^ iv^ f-f.-'^WX4 v&* n» pwj:t«r iaai wee& Th« punier in the Oc- Fiction ' .••••:.• ": ' 1 "The iaaJflu-pr ttf.twcy - VfcUma Uoit A »p'ril«w,y Stenlr rich, kUlorkat detail in this newest vovH from An asfectfonate stiute to a fcysono era of Saturday, both patrons ar.d workers appreciate 1 the many beautiful varieties that frank h« left thin)le* A d«Ul ( unknown nw.Bterptate by MitfwkngtJc. prehensive, and masterfully orginixe

The Island Reporter inadvertently Indicated In the City Election ad REMEMBBH SANIBEL of October 25 and November 1, Comer & Moore Construction, inc. 25 YEARS AGO? that the election would be heid on n-1 ALHI NATJII "Dedicated To The Islands" DON PEDRO ISLAND Tuesday, November S. The correct Sammy the Seahorse sa s. date should have been Tuesday, Arc yov looking for someone toko can/utist you in develop- November 6 The correct date of in your property on Sanibct or C-cptiw ta'itt'fuUttt potential? 7 mites of Secluded Gulf Deachn Conttut Comer & Moore Contlrur:ti»ni Inr~, General Contrac- Acceu by Ferry or Private Launch Tuesday, November 6 had been in 'lll a»ume thi» reiporv -lowes completely. Video Waichguard videotape (IbilitWs ot Sal«» Wanagot of all Sonlbol ofltooi ond tf.o Days: 813-472-3121 Foil My«is ttxjl otfoto otllco- Joon Qood will conlinua Watcl-igyard is o recognked Invenlory of your bolong to ovet»e« «lt mnial ond pfoparty monogsmoni. videoloping inventory sorvico today Eves: 813-472-3571 a.ipacti of Til** cwpofallon: .. ' ' ' • whkh doewmonis all yoof Video Watchguard inv • belongings with pictures, close- is nore economical lhan ; : TOLL FREE: -Hu'ibonl*' has over 25 v«on' manooomnni ox- up* and ycur own audio. • expect too. Call us for a peilttnco. Including ;na corpomio lovul. Th« potl IW^IVQ Y^*C^ o* this rftQnoQfsTOvnt coroer no^ boeo *t\ descriptions of what you own. e ilmoie. today (in FL) 800-282-0360 . teot oflals solo* and tioveiopmwil, (oclucjino eslorv . Ooi maerbphotogropny lenses I heieby agree to all rules of (he contest. Any breach t'vo expe'E#ric« managing tool - eitoio ofTlcoi on (Out of FL) 800-237-6004 of the rules will mean Immediate disqualification. Sanibot uiond and iho rna'nland, • : .

. Hurmanli brlno*'o Sanlbol Heclty, Ino.lh* nwdoct. uQch^vou^d lo coiTiplote in9 Q'owtii js'^ni for iho cof- P.O. Box 1050, Sanibel. Florida 33! : owoiion. Jenk* announced. Tel. (813)472-6346 things to do anJ infcmaUon you should Know

«w Country Cti* 0(1*1 lMton ntft»*KJi«co*«B c*. O'«n feel lot «.. n wnr, PCIA governmental meetings' fcy «pl>olri lE R»I«1, VlWIon und BIKJ pull (Wit:' LOCnied W 1100 f gu«»is For Inlwmiilion call Sanlbvt tin Cwrtrot Phf.iicl; • w 7J 53 -na 2-J62B, 473J6H0 1 d fha wcoral itir>aa*y B* Captrva and n Dunw (jolt »rrf .T«n

u OanlUal VeluniHi Fire Departmaflt <>&* "™ •*• coriri and lourin TtiuraOaya al 730 p rn at lh» f Ira und L*d\*<. round ComrmmliyAaiOc>atlon:Mratlfiga hold "30 (i.m, on th* aacond Wi-drwflOay of eiK- hewn. Palm Ridg* Road. F id* * HI B3Q Ojft Prime or COW l& Sanlbel Clly Cornell «a IBW. by Mi(k)ln(m«ttF, Call 4.J7-W22. DctoOW inm^gli May at 1b* Commvnlt lT>rr*tr*lo IVay.O 1 ulii Hill Special rrHMimaa wtn'w an. on«(irolened.S]3n4llnn.Mldone 47231SS oi Urban Palmof, tl Anfilara Dub: Uoel montfi. JJO em. el Moos* Hi'l Outdoar Parhrneaoo* Dtita, ett U.S. 41 in Forl M,orn from 9 u y lunch and crliiqua. Phone Flav'r-Lean 2-*Ut* to* IKWI on*. Intjom TiMKfm Nav.-Aprll at 730 p.m Control DJitrtet: Coniml»ion*ri Gow't.-lnspected Beef unimCtnlw MCWKI Tueiday ol every montt) person, jackpot, 51 SO on Captlv* Bo

lormallon call Winasurllng of SambVI al write to S*nlt»l-Cjc!!»* SmlMI, Fia XSK7 Ony Scwlt were Et aon An eel.. Fort Mynrt. n

nature S. envtronment , White or Rosato wovnn Dhai*JB and loalhar M mbrusco or D'Oro tHOUun Saturday •[ PerlnlnMla

rt Myer*, *02-mU mrough Olri fleowfi: Junior^, Cadeltai ttn Sjfllb«l Qallary: Featuring original fl l 472-0M1 aruj rraflft by local artlm^, cp

wild lit* riatunt* ana £ »tj t;0 D ly Association Buildnifl al 1 p m pived lol tia»l o" Sanityil ciBttinn School al Bajn. Th* aquatic !'

a THUHS., NOV. S general momberatilp rrbUfltlng at 430 psit Social Cepdya ilelUb(arr.Tu(t..TrtUrl,^ acllvlt) third weukend of each month. For Intofna-

THRU WED., lon call Janat VVilion 728 1S;30 p.m. 01 f ft Hug a »>>(.« ol loin HOV. 14, 19B4... New Baojnnlngf Clu M F llll Peggy Jack*on 7T-I6B4 •udes QaltaryitAmoliTi FBaturlnfl Ih, Hniloial Wlldllft netuQe: The l B Tuesdays, 51. Michael and All iQ Wifdllie Oriva; &uElsv Trart Bob Owans In Its upolaifs Qallsiy •n king iralll: and X*o anaa litills are open dally «r aril a I ti tnrougnout th* mop ' 1aiunnat..tH*viico of Ttirrm ifp 'D Roli.Oii.or DuC lndlildutlIMraDy*ndcDttt»ellnff-Pecgy LC5W 4711084 Maarjo Mullint MA

CTiarnber ol Commarte Open SitTurday'rom >Dam tr>9pm Sundivi lOaffl.ta «t 4"2100D. •-•- where shopping is a pleasure 7days a week Emelc rmiitlon and business) 47? S494 4721B52 •J 72 4135 IsfjinOWotin As 472 150K Csr* ind R*htW1luilon ol Wlldll!*: Meets Sanibal LEh'nry LcoC(.unlyElec licCocp 095 2151

LtO County Mum-feSocioly 334-B&10 THIS AD GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY 0 sasici P fip« c 135 2493 "S3 Lit" 0 Hi fioi'l tattoiOIWi'dlifr Rescue nfd Transport J36 3M4 P Q DRAWER R SANI3FL iSt AND FLORIDA 33957 47? 1587 T V7Ri fc P D DRA/inn SAN1D-1 ISLAND

REPORTER Classified Coupon

. ,•• ••• -'• ,'• "TFN BAHIBEL SEACH CLUB — wnhB 36,36. 37, 35 (Sept.) Gulf (roftt, mming pool & tennis courts nearby.-Children A Mail To: !b. Full*- •quippfifl. ftleops 6. THANKSGIVING ON 1 Bmtfl pets aHowed. In trie Island Reporter 3ANIBEL for Good — ti-jorlol Dino Darling refuge. h 4S A 47. SurtrWflr Miles ol UKe pdirs «x P.O. Box R SOl'TH SEAS RANTATI3N BsactiOub. 1/1 Apt. 113. In tclldtil BheMluQ. Winier Sanibel, FI 33957 Insertion Dales — Saulh SM« CIUD L'pper residence 11(17-12/1. Cnll CASA YBEL»e»ka8,9 antj ratos, Dec. 15-Apt. 33. J5S0J ta Kai*«n. When you cafe \$±n& Repiarirt __rn«', 2 bedroom a bath 473^1954. Priced to Soil. vtktf. Summer rates May 1- DEADLINE: S3.05 por column only. Please infor Garage Sales eiBops S S*jbfnm^3 gilt 10 lower unit, noor tonnla 11/IS Doc. 15 JI50. (Jlus Florldj s fflWj your caS *l H RESIDENT MAKAGEH3 ten-l* Week 13 E1/&0O and pool. 2 BH, 2 Daths, Bales 1*". Oiecount lor luil inch: Siind Bo* 3*.' WHI 14 %\t 100 Weak 15 S42.000.. Call collect, 319/ GULF FRONT, MOST Reaulor and Island Reporter Losr & Found w comatoJ«ly Couple OBOlres condo private on Sanlhel. 4 family .• • wmon. Call 813034.005: Service Directory Reslflartl Mjr. position 11C 000 2-PC84-S723 .alter 353-459Q or 322/53*4. d»y», 334-4792 oval, a display classified errors by noon Marine M\d expertise to help tiwm -waii their dmtihai ORGAN YAMAHA modal 0 PM oldQ. Only unit w^th Rflmp & Expocienced in all phs sea Slaps. Woeks 44 & 45. (FlfSL_ —mosKeftCs. Wille Tahiti Apt,, noon Monday minimum 13 wit. Miscellaneous t»dvartiik\3 rwtiif G-at\h Kestort Another fu of rental & prop«nv nuw 31SD Ono yoar ok). Ashing TFN TORTUQA BEACH CLUB, "" P.O. 9ax 2«8. Fl. Myefs, FL Monday following «Qement. Also Ccndo 53900 AT2 3914 2 «nks in Hov.) ownwr contract tf» blonds* onty bvnxpi &Sd ' » 44 a. 45. Upper, beat bougni Comlf/, 1A bhn!l : 33907. • . ' • . • the first od for sale Sales. Ft. flenl EsUffl L'. TFN . on. bast time ot year, All Ads Must be come Wrlto PO Hoi 1001 HELL ISLAND BEACH . Inland Beech Clut. 30t> TFM Personals Sanibel, Ft. 339S7. C3N0O FURNISHINGS CLUB Inieival ownership I building, best dial, On Ughthouuc nd.'SS.DOO por RATES: 'prepaid; wo do no! insertion we«n 1! ImiOdis ol Mntch) the tx?acti, (coe tennis L oolf Pets (JOOD condllion Sola week. (603) 402-OZSU Alter THREE BEDROOM. 2 Ulh; Regular classified bin, utattper i*bioa bed dl has Upptr floor 112 600 4101 included. SS.&OO/«a. EM3f •11/17. 472-5322 NOW, (M20 ie lor Mar ii-3icaii 327 00*2, alter 6:30 P.M. furnished: 40-f 1. living room; Wanted. caakwaio Unll 1-405 Sun. . '•• • - • : tire • Classified " REPORTEB ! dial B13J472 97M Nov 1« 472-0640 Steinwey Piano, tnrroce CORRECTIONS: interval/Time Share SEWING overlooks Ciarn Bayou bird for Ihe first 25 Categories lira TFN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CASA YBLE ~ THANKS- fi ALTERATIONS GIVING WEEKS 46 & 4T. sanctuary,- .Bowman's words. Each The Island Announcements Real Estate COMPLETE BEDROOM Quit from view on Btuiijel BcsacMLBhndPasaacco ti will tw yours In this "lar-. . .rBRJ28 Cofn«r Unti G. BldB-- addilional word — Reporter assumes for rent SET EKcelient t-ond'lloi CASA YBEL WEEK 21 A»klnQ 16.000 per wk. bfa. Privacy, csSle TV rlo^k Automotive Tw n bedt. with Saaly Box Momorlal Day wuok end (host south" unit An Sin I bo I boat lilt. 472-14S3. Real Estate 472-6844 Top (loot end unit %A$QQ I land located on edQa ol 10 cents por word. responsibility for L'mplayment Springs and TUUtraases 11/30 or call PM Collect MS- '••...,.• TFN SIT' oo Doublo Dresser Tom Scharlau 672 Polnsot Lighthouse wild life. Classified display the first incorrect ad for sale preserve. SHELL ISLAND 753-C250. •• . • ••••'-. Situations Wanted tie Rd t8 Belluar Ft - • • • , •',... ' TFM '" SANIBEL QEACH CLUB II Service Directory 33316 (31 )58t3C0G fllWC BEACH CLUB, Unit 14C (up- latl 2 wooki In Ort at, t per southwest corner),' E.#J^40 472 521!! doal on Iho lalanO Call o OLDS '08..One owr-of Pan 11/S ;OtHhWASMeH,;NiQHTS: J !; wmisy t toy Ai Ttwthlne CAO'-YBEL - Untt:201G. *«i« pool, beach-ironl.-l ~ 47. A-ktrts 123,000 fof Both.: INSPECTOR ONLY. Apply In ptifBon to Effecllvs & Eupwioncvd OUILT runfmadu by ai lal Prime weglo tO R 11 (Mitl- nls ond twrtwoue f^itili MMI Halter Restaurant be- AMI consider Individual Of- Full tlmo Some wo., All Btadex nil Bub]w-tB Jachto O Cenrtnfl Light f'iircn) end unit, lower Iwvel £.10,000 'firm. OTSM Jcrs AauijrTiatjie finsncljiQ ends Must have OMI twsen 2-5 P.M. Daily. M00 CCMT1HEO TEACHER A wotQht via hiCIo S 0 C&I! — 2 BRQB 510,000 cacti 337 . ' Can Op Rood, Suilbol. Call Mo. Bailey at 1-600- WINTER RENTALS NOTAflV PUBLIC transportation Cal READER SPECIALIST GARAOE SALES 472 5779 e co Other Laby $31,000 both. Cull C. Svteck, •',. . TFN 543-0378. . - 472-6505 Misty Rowai iins Days (4Q1) S84-M34. Evea Prime Weeks Available 472-3053 (W1J2IM-3I26. SOUTH GEA3 PLANTATION »d ng L»g»l Documents TREE TOPS CENTER tor In'orvlew Sanibel BEACH CLUB. Saift or Rant. Adjustable Hate* MATURE BUS PERSONS 1ir» Realty NEEDED ai Gib's flestiu TFN Corner 2br;Jb,si«tpsO. Gull Poltlil Si io SaSamm LEASE SPACE SoniOot island Lola Brown AVAILABLE tent. 1223 Periwinkle Way COOK, BREAKFAST & liorii pool, lonnts. Weeks 9. Sanibel. Apply In person be- lunctt & wsli re ss BS Im St. 10 inti Jt (March). Ronl Beflani 2&rr£D Condo Employment opporli SANIBEL BEACH CLUB w'punoiai^i'c vlow of Gull 472-2521 •an Mai moll Realtor IMMEDIATE OPENINGS p' , mediate. 472-0303. WooK22 Unll ID Gulffront 108 51.000 pat woek. Pur- r lo 11(15 Call owner, oiler 8 PM. FOR COOKS Di hwu-httrs cam resident. Wo TFN MOVING SALE. Fjtnltute 2/2 wellappolnlod lully FOH ALE family beach & Prop CooVo and wa to / J^f" ISLAND RESORT LOOK IMG squipped S7 000 S18250 per week. Call col- KING'S CROWN - GULF 4729767 s morning, 7 days fOR M (cnporailblo WILD MAMMAL AND BIRD Kltction articles, Shell Cralt, woitttioses Day i Evening BrlC'S-Brac, Deep. Ftcazt) BABYCOCKATIEL BIRDS 0 30i/a3l 720C lect weekdays g to 5. 617/ FRONT. West Corner, 2 612/544-5382 woeweek( . Must hay* . 0ep»n illl to REHABILITATION CENTER Towar location E tiblltrctl aablo t ton sport at Ion & earr nec B wlldllfo cafe tech- Misc. Hems. Fflflay & Sal. *oek old gray s. 5<0 each TFM biMtroom, 2 (jstn loitury con- TFN too rame brand amount OLDE PO5T OFFICE SS-8perhr.G74.5777. nician. Long hour* nitd Nov. 9 & 10. 10-5. SS72 Sen Call 472 1587 days cr All ends W1I2&4-2433. do. Panoramic view from loyal cu tomFantasy Island Property and the position at Public condominium? Wo £ ' "•• ..." • TFN REA ON ABLY PRICED vehiclb 472-30&4 altars 11/8 Works Director, Position re- nm help you with your cli quires Bachelors Degree In TORTUGA BEACH CLUB — QUALITY ART Work. Island 11/2S Sales, Management Company WAITERS. WAITRESSES, ~ WE BRING ing Contact NORTH *>'orator sale: 7, e, 9 & 10* Scones Birds, S hoi is Ar Sanitary, Mechanical, or OUH TRUCK AMERICAN TITLE INS BUS H»lp Apply (n parson Civil Engineering, of ctosoly othoo avillablo at substan- Priscilla'MurpIiv list will bring samples to and cash (or your furnl- AGENCY INC A loader In tial discount. Call eves. 1- is expanding!! We have three *fler 11 A,M FIB Oyslnr related lletd, IUVJ four yours tute appliances, antique your homo or rental Condo Co •no shsra Closing lot 5 Artist a proof provided for wcrii In public works or fldvt tools, fishing gear, small RENTAL DIVISION *& custom work Call 481 2268 11(1 new desks to fill with associ- 11/15 ronmsntal division. Profs* items, etc. or complete P years • " • TFN s lonat e ng i ne«r cort If Icat Ion 11(39 HELP WANTED- RESPOM LIGHTHOUSE RESORT, Ju- 1974, FORD GRAN TOH1NO ates that are either million In fL. or oblllly to obtain at°\lUICK SERVICE LIGHTHOUSE 313/483 6058 Squire Station Wagon. New SISLE. loving strono. ly 4th week Irt Sayvlaw Unil. BOAT & CAR RE-UPHOL certification within six U '00, cash or $5,250 with OWNERS WANTED tlron Noeda brake work. mothnr a helper to ploy wlih 46 ^96 TpN RESORT STERY Don I waste your dollar producers or are willing months required.. Salary owner financing. 472-1238 f Make an oiler. 472-9407. acttvo 14 month old baby Our Rental Division has had tremendous suc- monsy on Man prices call range: 27.497 to 40,414. Ex- Apl. 0308, Top Floor UQHTHOUSE RESORT or 472-4611 after fl p.m. • 11MS boy 3-4 hours In the morn cellent benefits. Send tesu cess in leasing annual rentals. We are in im- u Your fanrlcormlna 20% to go the extra mile to become Ing, 4-5 day per week, In 4wks,9,10,11, i 12. Apl. "Ml •'.-.. TFN Oil a I our fabric Frt-s '77 OATSUN S1Q sedan. A if metepplicution by 11112/34 mediate need of clean properties on Sanibel my homo Mutt have own Starts March 2,1985. 2000 ± «|. ft., Accommo SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION llmatud Quality workman automatic, FM stereo 4ncw one. to: City ol Sanibel, Flnaneo 101 B Psroons and Captiva. Priscilla Murphy Really Is the transportation Altar 5PM Depl., P.O. Drawer Q. 1950s sq. It. 2BR/ — Plantation Beach Club. 2 h p Low la&or co 1 097 radlals. new battery. Ex call 472-3544 aak tor Holly 2 BFWB, Den A 3 Patloo largest renlal management company on the 0524 Gdnibnl, FL 33057 or call 2B, Den or 3rd BR. 3 4Pnrrellme week»7 8 9 bdrm ,2balhs, s!oeps6.On , eellant mechanical condl Gulf swimming golf tan* Islands, and It's not surprising that wo have a lion. 96.000 miles, Soma 1WS 013/472-0615. EQUAL OP- LOST OUR BLUE and Gold 410: lasl 2 wScs. Fob.; Fltnt TFM PORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE patios. Tennis. Pool. n Week 040 & 4 backlog of qualified tenants ready to mova body ruat..S1.QC0. 4720914 CHURCH NURSERY WORK Macaw ((emlly pot)..Span in 2 wKs. March. Package Fantasy Island offers one of ACTION EMPLOYER mo West Oulf Drlvo Ares Total price, S41.500 Prke - J51.500ca h Thank g ng time S8 000 In So It you're llred of all the hassles con- TFN EH needed for Sunday evon ea Ca HW7-0054 Inga and occa lonal special Please callll seon: 472-2241 firm. Cash. 016^07-5506 nected with renting property yourself, call us Llconaod Experienced FOR SALE; 1981 KswaiakJ, ihe most progressive commis- 1118 REWARD tor Return P,U. Boi 145 11 CPZ1100, Low Mllaaga. Very meetings Call Marilyn 472 A BIG BARGAIN today. Our comprehensive rental program Is 1O18.batween9-0OAM and lire Wllllamsbur0 Ml 49090 Foreign Accent Reduction good condition. Can Da sion structures for both sales RMI EoUte Sain As»ocl- CASA Y8FL woek * (o designed to take care ol the details and max- Bean at Bank ot the l»Unds. 1-00 PM ates wanted. Highest coin 414-332-1072 sac Market p co S7 00 imize your Investment. 1SS£5 Beit offer mission sctieduio on, the Make otter SI 472 24 For more Information, contact-Sue Ritchie and listings on Sanibel. Island plus opportunity time SOUTH SEAS I TFN 11/8 TA>I DRIVERS Good pay, ait the Shorowood ol Sanibel FANTASTIC PLANTATION al 813 472-4113, Mon.-Ftl. must have good driving roc Condominium, • luxury Gulf •4TERVAL OPPORTUNITY Plantation Club MERCEDES 190 E, 2.0 ord island resldenls pro- Front condominium com- Christmas prosanl fiat Liters, While, Automiilc, Call David L. Schuldenfrei at ferred 472-4160 plex. Call John Knaft at fasts lower 2 br fur NEAR SANIBEL TFN Tintad glass. A/C, '45 model Sanibel Island Properties. 14 SAIL BOAT wllh Jib *nd nlahod luxury apt directly European' Specifications 472-5021 for a confidential 4724SCa S de BW2B 53 000 fo NEEDED- FULL CIME/PART Main all Boom cover out Wonhs 44 R 4 fr>O\ 1 on Gulf ol Moxlco Terrace SJ8.5C0. 47Z-S214 stlor 6 facing on Gulf Swimming both Weeks Call R interview/Make the'move to TIMEHosto s Cashl»r bu TFN board motor Dro Co tot & Call Ownor T enho m day C*0 J 727 waller/waitress Will Train ttalloi' Excellent condllion IJ6 co (20 }fijS 1242 Sanibel's finest now! Tolls paid MerflcatlDomal B13J42?- 333 FauraniTotc Cirl Ima & II 203 or ba t "(for Call Now Years wook 1 & 52 ^formation call Lana Vail beneflta available Sue after Oct 2 Ih 472 2117 Lotlzla Restaurant 472 $27 O00 tor both 482-804Q 2177 11m 11/S PRAVVtRR SANtCFi !SLAf D FLORiQA 33957 47S

SUPER GORGEOUS iOUTM S£AS PLANTATION GULFFRONT B1AOH Co BU" — ^0 -^ CONDOMINIUMS on the Gulf. JoSWwk. oil 2 Bedroom — 2. Sot b *rn. a SOUTH SEAS LONG TCHM SEASONAL RENTAL Luxury to me SAMIBEL AKMS WEST. PLANTATION to dv i Of Mot^O C twrfroom f/UatA, Gu!) * in* wila. Honing'tor Ins hus ow Frms tonnia, golf, .ioble wit & this t» 338*0 I e 33T 6"*1 fully lumlstHKi; wwkty or CONBOMIN UM" two Rath, tocated • » e o erm lew tf A. Brown, MW CW THE HOREWOOD OF SAM BEL. X May 1 SVJO «ft 301 703- un n >" But ** tn pm « B fl»ao cool Muwnl, Fi. 331*3 722 dayu, .IOU74Q.7SO ur t 'fltt TQ J^.. •%! mo two bo h JI *d fu A;C. 3. carport. Long SHELL HAP.8CR LOT, oea O « I MAI lot Dons* Op»n 11 «.ns t 4pm u*n & (tutto :dock. Conch r 1 THP &HOREWOOO OP AN ScL - PfcWMOU E Court, 472J7W o* 414.784- Oceant RHrh'ima Is and SOUTM SEAS PLANTATlOW HIT New 3rti (oor pjjnlh Buach Club. A)t Very spacious tmino (ocoV fUCH CLUO ww* 41 syndic* and »aulto3 -cottar 'tiil'no in includlna pool *."vJ (cons «us area S60O. Al TrN BEAUTIFUL VACATION d)ecouni 2 16) S95GB3 On S3S9 00COO Locates HOUSE— 3Uif28. ilpnt on LOGGERMEADCAY. 2ft»2t> TFN Gull, tennis, pool,- 2 bod- BEST BUY pas' ct Ooiai Opsn Him to4 ; tor Msidonts only. flail COU'ntv m«gnillc#ni J bath. m*rp« 0. Call LuxurIo«,T3 ? beoroom LUTJS !*"«( OMJrCfOms Iv»obo1ho« VACATION RENTALS OveMooKs pool. S7SQ'ma. hfac bodioom, two SM/645-7147 or 514/342- «rll- Orocerloa and mtrina furnished • conoomlnlmn TFN w/d 3750'mo. Call Gui PM only 800/431 3010 n!», 2tut2b, Unlurnluh«d. At! Atdltl Rtl Ground Invel lan»l with Great vlow, coif, tonrcin. TFN CARDINAL BtDGE Oust lorftB lot buy or- Sanibcl manna & lishlnn. JjfjO/wk. Available year muni appilancaa olu» #2*hiri b*lti. conimodlone Mccnd till 12/15/&4, S900lw<(. till ' One week minimum LC-SCEHHEAD CAY — Oryai In unit. Car pot, drepei' hrvnl Hying room, dining, Owr ont acre lo! x th Qe^trnJ beach easumcnt 4J307E5. *Oi/39.T0J93 Call erwrlle for brochura Piime: locetlon —. 2bff2D, & blinds. S425'annuar kllchon, 2 largit bedrooms COMUERCtAl 5393031» with ter Tin ivjtlelID 1 sururlty no pels Call 466 fcXI CUTIVF SERVICES. INC with acracned poich ovef urn battt Asch, plui ftloeplng toft PROPEP.r/ SHCU MABQOR b,fc lot Brtl VKIUO In Shot! Har "" ' TFK looKlrtQ ins Gull. Av^'iabio 53S0 Altar * with balcony •nd grend bar four ijcsch gctg> excellent iishlno & bo it* ing weekly, monltity or Bea»0'v LOVELY %V, bf DUPLEX SANIBEL ISLAND, FL 01953 11/4 piano. Large »crooned £105 000 ecktne large cul-dosac lot with deeded ally. tJvfAvk., oil icoson. APARTMENT central hut porches, enclosed oarage, 150' iron (age beach ECMBS CarCinal fl dga Subdivision i 13 SOUTH SKA6 PLANTATION and air* 1 000 aQ H IMng DONAX VILLAGE, 2 bed- H?5/wk. eear Call ei2f central air-hod, ceding tana on PERIWINKLE Acres S4J900 SANISEL'S FINEST SANDHlfT. Golf Apart- plica centrally located room 3 balh wtth lort. Pool, BM menta diroclly an boacti. In Yearly »450fmo plua S. cathodtaJ cclllnoa. Avail- tennis, closo to beech. cicaa to H«w off-dngt BAROAIN LOT — Klw 8l» lot in quiol VACATION HOME able Dec 2O(h Ifiiu April, -jt9irtnr.'lno. aocluded. season iw weeh; Z^r. S60O. ullllllea. CAN 4634)151 or Many extra*. 472-4532. 8uUJvi»lon (Po rclana Clis'e) near booch Just HJPMISHCD 1 . ti200/fno, multl-rnonm dis- CAUSEWAY rn,-. 3 MBroom home, THE ATftlUM ifbr. J5TC, Aloo. low ott- 463-344Z TFN WO "300 001 YEARLY flEWTAtS asaton rnl«3. Member count. Parcher,. Oeorflo U^rt.'llconi'y lumlshsd. POINTE SANTO 2630 sq. ft. 'DOWNTOWN" CAPTIVA San)b«l Capliva Chamber o! town, MO 21B30, or oil 30t; SHELL HARBOR by owner. luiurJcius ai)nnitles, fully One Bedroom, comptetcly existing building . Best bojeh. A Ssaullful Gull front Commeir.m: B13-473-4207. EASTEH WEEK — C»M 2T5-KO0. Corner, toutnefn oxposu'e {813)472-4808 ;ondos. 2 bedroom, 2 iped.. color TV, AC, Pool. 2BFV2B. Attw 8 p.m In excellent ild hom«. n porch, MOO. + TFN Ybel 4120-4127. XI 0°° W7 jaths, also luxury con 1U39 B13J4724814 condition. , THEE TOt»S CENTPE SUITE 106 tieciic. AFFORDABLE RETAIL- Luxury Z bedroom Gull 11Q1 PERIWINKLE WAY do Ho ml no way Pclnio Irontcondo 312K153-Z4'M SAVE — RENT FROM TFN IKM.COO ! 2BfV2B.plo* loll, separata SPACE toi tent. 400 sq. leet ueusm co0P£ _ on Ofcocti. w»Mw*i«l«y«r itu. : ioc.S.DMiMia ot Ann W5; Uatoretla completely furnished CJUlnl (or Z *k3. or morn — TenniB VHla. 312.500. G06' BiOkeiSj'rtniin Available Hov M through S7Q0 In fteauon. S350 out of New I on Assocutes. Inc. Jan 31 and after April G «aa«on {000) T92.J3S1 days Z66-0763. Airlum ,. . Weok ... £095 to SOW Coddo.' Pool 1 Tan tOOG) 792-2*33 nights/woi-k TFN Raul tor F M Ad «3.l«5O Cocal call) oi 015- Compass Polnl... Week ... 1850 lo 1950 373HM21 472-3166 482-3954 While Caps ... Woek ... ISOO TFM Villas of Sanl&el... Montn ... S3.200 to S3 .COO Whit* Pelican ... Month .., (3.200 to 13,600 LOVELY HOUSE CtOSE TO Cull Seasons! RonSst Com pletely Furnished 3bf/2i> Time I) running oufc on reservations 11 BOO/Mo Suitable tor Mit (or winwt vacations. CALL N0W1 COMMERCIAL I ed couple No pets. Ret 472-1011 RELAX OM SAHtSEi SPACE COWWERCIAL orences OlMse 472 9471 10% for ROBERT B VARTOAl 3r more Contact UCENSeD REAt ESTATE 8R0KEB SPACE Wyman Atkins Roalty JOCO FtKIWifflCtf WAV <813)472-152B Top Location MARINER POINT BAY Licensed Real Ctule TOP LOCATION Fc that very special vacation rHONrCando2BR/2B Tan Broker B13/472S703 SANISEL SURFSIDc CONDO — Perfectly condlllonod EANIBEt ESTATES - Su lOunO youraelt wllh Commercial , COMMERCIAL 1 nis Couris Pools Fi^lulng TFN (813)472-4690 Docks All Amenities. Dec and beautifully furnished this, gulf view unit has en navigable wator on 2 sides porches on 3 aides and ra. District DISTRICT 1811 OLOE MIDDLE OULF OIL, SANIBEU FLA. 33M7 Thru March CallOwrw313 outsundlng rental record S21Q 000 wltti owner f inane XO-degreea ol oa Inlying elegance In this oxdting -tr»M31 T-fl «.m tf 11 SHELL HARBOR potto Ing available didvatad home with a private culdeMc location p m or hy chance dock for ronl ISO a monUi SAVFRONT HOME — Private and natural For thpsu Offered at S274 000 1,000 sq.ft. 472-6161 CJH 4 72-4804 itns who would Mke Sanibol aa It used to be This la one of AFFOnDAOLE SANIBEL — A nowly carpeted CBS TFN a kind Call for details Ihroe bedroom 1 batn home wilhln 2 blocks of Bailoy s Do You Own NJIMtQ VILLAGE AN SHELL HARBOR — A well built Michigan Home on Shopping Center Former model home with nice vog 472-1439 NUAL or Seasonal — WHY PAY SANIBEL 330 ot waterfront Patio dock, 2 sets oi davits etc RATES? Desk apace/pan elation and central locution 1135 000 A Condom in turn DOIIIJB ZBRflB Gulf Front etc $229000 will buy ANCHORS AWE1QH CANAL HOUF — Over 2 000 Apt 3 month mlnlmurn. ellsd office reception area. OFFICE SPACE OULF FRONT OM HIGH RIDGE — You can't beat this square feel of living wltrt 4 bedrooms and 3 baths Ptxma 31M75-41B3 afiar 7 3i*0/mo, Including utilities. at 5430,000. Ho\ much more Irian a vacant gull front lot FOFl REKT Rental Unit? Kingston Square Confer, Private gulf easement poor boal dockage EierytMnfl OYSTER SHELL PLAZA pjn The house ia tree. SEASON RENTAL closn to Sanibel. 466-0505. you would wanl your family lo havs and more Appro* 720 M feet Fantasy island Property Sales and tiffit SETTER VALUE? NONtt — This homo with Us 2 bed $219 000- Lovely 2br/2b piling . otMet f oor CHRISTMAS RENTAL — looms and 2 Cains tta screen od porch covering 3 SHELL HARBOR UMPfcT DRIVE — Tho prestigious 3rd home, overlooking ' SSOO monthly S11u01or2 Weeks. Available aide*, and Its proximity lo the beach Is pneed at below Addition to Shall Harbor Is ihe setting for this Quality ' plus utilities Management Company is in urgent CHRISTMAS' WEEK 51, replacement value. A must aeg at S130 SCO Dec 15th ZBBI2B Soul>i Seas Club. Free gelt bUlt Michigan home Coconut palms solar heated the bird sanctuary. Rent free ilil Dec 1st Screonad Porch Z Dec**. SHELL HARBORS fi WATERFRONT HOME — TMs annual lease and tennis. Reasonable pool no bridges to bay and mint condition 95C0 Includes water Log oor heed Cay Cud Owner coiled 612/404- *iome on Ourlon Court Loads of fruit trees tedwood ( 575- 750 S4O0 Sido Villa, 1 bedroom 2 - R*f« 0722 (SI 025 value) Flno invw|m*iH - - - Poinle Sanio da Sanibel bath, 1110 pnr right 3 benefits of higher occupancy, and ahutlon hobby loom double garafifl and an anpon TRACEW1NDS — Ono loi w'lh prlvato beach oasoment Sanddollaf 640-1505 J406-B70 t v« solar wutsr fieator am ]ust a few of the ownership nlQht minimum off a^s TFH' TFN SiS 750 Call Don McCann Aaaoclato [or details at 712-1265 SfiM" lower costs,, please call 1-800- fooluros waiting Itiryou Easy walk to Iho Coacrt Irotn Sandpebblo • ' • 450- 600 $300 son rates avallab e Caia Ybel weeKa >S U IB 4721BB0 (April SO-May 11) Upp^r this outstanding neighborhood Asking 117* 5O0 Sanlbel Arms ' 475- 600 1350 SHELL HARBOR SECOND ADDITION ~ Giant corner 237-5146 and ask for Janet or David coirior floor 2 bedroomu 2 BRAND NEW * ONLY ONE BLOCK TO BEACH — This lo! * bl-6G0 THE f'EUI'LE TO CAIX and Bits on over twlf en awe Check this pilce then roll ' Sunset Capliva as soon as possible. (No time-, Woeh 16 SB50 Wnok IT — J30 000 Duplex slioT? .1638 -650 1450 . WHEN YOU NEED A S-DO We eh IB - M50 Also Mary Ann Selpos, Associate for an appointment Afler Tarpon Doacn "TOP NOTCH" HENTAL hours 472-3525*175000 TRAOEWINDS — Urge 1&0 x 12b lot all clesrod & % &37-H5O (425 1 sharing, please.) forsalo 514rtM5-7147or'i14 raady to build Good lor mo (79300 Call Don McCann Nulmog Village ' MANAGEMENT TEAM /34Z237B Seasonal ' • FOR YOUR Asaoc- 472 1880 3 bedroom home wi.ihpoolin Dunes, two week minimum VILLA CONDOMrMrnn 7 UNIT QULr FRONT MOTEL 6 UNIT GULF FRONT MOTEL. PBTVATE H SOUTH SEAS BEACH horra Zaned resort housing multiple Located In a quiet and private aioa ttii' invesli -nt 00 : SOUTH FORT UYERS — ' nxi.YHvtmtLr AXHiM, ANNUAL LEASE Beautifully (urn ehed BFTO . No ROGO v>a ihti one portun'ly ticy be purchased lor 20 /t down with all 3 bedroom homa — S675.0G month. 1 yr. lease — ALL TODAY FOB DETAILS: MARINER POINTE Bath on c If P kale pool owner financlno Coll Don McCann Assoclalr- (47 children & pets OK •: . , BEVER1.Y BOWMAN Unfurnished trnni Nov is Ffb 14500 ORWilHlXV PEKREU, 2BRtt Ssth condo per mo B13-4723J2Q ," Two Week Minimum ' . "'aotMy Minimum VIPVACAJJONRBOTALOIV, 2nd floor. 200' MULTIPLE ZONED GULF BEACH Special Discounts lor Faui IVeis or Longer Bo utiiul location ju'tf lit ol Rml -lotel Rcnay lor 1 ' on Most Units • • (475/month + electric BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES dDvoiopmntit'lnvosl'n^'iI Noitilng 1 >•» dls on the CALL US ON THESE Call: mn xnt Cjillor wrtto 1-216-533-3181 11M F 0 DRAWER R S \NIPF ISLAND. FLORIDA 3395? '472-1587 WRiTE'RO.'ORAWER R/SANiBEL iSLAND, FLORIDA 33957 472-1587.

non i.or i<* "ATRIUM ; FOR SALE BV SHELL HAB&OWUWOSW* BEAl ESTATE £ "D-wrttt 1 THOMAS BROWN I—DOMES BOME SAMIOEL ARMS W By Ow wialetl poflt. l»i •12i... !Tl AH-' - REALTY, INC. fS 3 bedroom, 2 bath AAIM B6AITV CSOUP. IMC. HINDER REAL TV It *942 REALTOR 5125,000 PUNTA RASSA 472-5635, after 3 PM even ing a (XSl SI-J-3 Wai; 1 oni TFN ..TFN 2bt/2f> Conrto TFN MOTEL eot*. 5M£. S Gulf-froni Home ' (159,000. GMTHOUSE CON. Gcautlfu! custom-built homo only 4 years II cwWot e«chang» OMfNIUM tor aWo.Ms tansarrp S3W.O0Q. CONDOMINIUMS 481 7801 cerU iMrct now' Bay -'l R FTajioflan, P.O. Do* CULFSIDE PUCE POfNTE SANTO DIE SANIBEL third Jloor old located on prestigious Wos! GUf Drive btfi.-fully' *316 — Ttiiiti tloo/ — ON TH£ GULF ~ 1 br no lo w GULF FRONT CORNER inl|.3 bedroom & 2. g «at room with cathedral celling and fni«i,' Privfieaau, #307 — n*a*orm BUI CJanxnta let MB uu*tlvity How SANiBEL. ISLES, '< Sat this lovely 2 bwdroom suite Itutt wnstrio model I SANUPEBBLE — 2 bedroom, 2 botn, located; on concrete piling Large screened ianai |grr- ;•*[,, •• f^irst J^pprajsai,;:...:. No ftsgo. M5,f»0.472-9115, Carlo* Say Drive." Optm thti r Sanl&fi's - niosi ureatlft'ouB; complex.: AvaiUbie A on canal with view of golf courso. Also doed- and pool, 2-car garage plus dumb-waiter to 20""" rwrB Prcpe.tict ;AHD PO1NTE, 123 — Two bedroom t*roond porctMrs and views. Slwps B. 1375,000. nl»ncKJ, Cinnamon Cov«.-F(. HOMES sider partial financing snd/or lease purchased • Myafa. - tSa.BOO. FfInarwInQ Otfernd »f *2?5.(K)0. Furnished. Supatb rpnul pc'.tntlal. •vtlta&le. 406-7500 «K1. 316 GUMD1/L. M01 — Rectintly rodecoraled ground tev*L 1 < Two bedroom, two bath Townhouse overlooking Safety W aulta affords pood gulf view al onfv stttsoo SANIBCL ISLES - 3 bodroom, 2 batti, locat- 813/472-6817 , ot«72-B7S5 ~i :} . ed on deep water canai. Ideal for.sailboat. Gulf Ridge Harbor and Pine Island Sound Strong rental program furninlod Two-acre; heavily wooded nrmtoslle In Gulf 1 J " ' " r : *?'??.:' ' $195,000. arid $6030 Guaranteed leasebacrrflrst~yearmake this F6B'""&Al.e" 'DV -dwNEB:': : SNHAU^TWIriTw tw^ Rid a SiD a sncludod* planned corwvutiity MARINER Points Town-;.' W h clMf A. ^pACi^un floor tl, OiJlLxiD vHsirA; tfo^ SAHIDEL E3TAT6S — Largo 2 bod room 2 an investor'o delight. Price reduced on remaining (jnoui turnIshIngs. 343S.00O. with 2 largo swimming pools and 3 tennis houa». 2BFV2^B l>lus Two bath located on a canal leading to the bay. courts. 1395,000. developed unit to Sliding Olaso Encloaed THE SEAWIND, Unit 101 — 2 elory lownliouae on canal, This CBS homo has over 3,000 sq. (t. and has Porches. Bflauilluily and 2 tKtdroom, 1.5 baths, clo&o to Etay and Boacli, 2 Dal. FOR PERSONAL $154,000. compioiely turn[3hod. Pic- coniea. fiood rantol hlatory, fumlsriod *X 1127,500, Just been reduced to 5175,000. and turesque Bay View. 2 Tannlt TIGUA CAY, PinmierTcrwnhodSH living wltli lioplwl flair CANAL HOME — 3 bedroom. 2 bath home Courts. 2 Pools, Fishing (ol I tie discriminating buyer. $460,000 with, enclosed pool. Located on canal with PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 90% FINANCING AVAILABLE Pier, Boat Dockfng Avail- OCEAN'S AEACM 3 K 4 — GuHtiGtlt, lop floor, 1 t>fd- Near-Gulf Homesites able. Excellent Condi I Ion. roorn/1 bath. Spoctacular vlnws at an aftoidnblo price n( direct access to Gulf. Shell Harbor — IN THE PURCHASE OR SALE Call (813) 472322? lor an ln»p*Ctlon (175,000. Cell 813-472.3(118 S131.000 lurnist-ed. $2-10,000. Gulf Ridge OF CONDOMINIUMS Httsr NOV. 3. : : : TARPON BEACH S03 — Gull frant comot apt,, lovely fur GUMBO LIMBO - Located on a \&n, this Heavily wooded one-acre homoslte with Boniaf units mm available for mts -oa on 11fB nl»r>i>d. nover leniad. Priced Ql S235.000 furnlshcl home has everything! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, deeded beach access for Gulf Rids e HOWIES UPPER CAPTIVA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. BY OWNER 3DFi/aB. spa- family area, pool, fireplace and so many ex residents only. Pool and tannls court within cious Living Rm. Dining COMMERCIAL trao you have to see former model home to 200' of property for the exclusive use of this LOTS o BUSINESSES Us. Rea! Estate Broker Hm., Oak floors, Top Qua li- | EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT FOR SAFETY HARBOR CORP. ly Appliances. 4—52* call- SEAHORSE COTTAGES — Well malnialnod triplex do o really appreciate il. $199,900. Call today. and 11 other lot owners. $125,000. Coll or wntn PO Box 476 ing Fans, Urns scrooned to Bay Deacn. Boautilul Vi acre site. Complete turn-key Capllva, Fla. 33924 porch ovarlook* Nature operation. Owner wilt ass'SI wtlti (inane I tig. Ollorod at Sea Oats Frank D Joyce Agency, Inc. 5185,000. Several homesites available in Sea Oats S/D PTw Liconncd Ronl EMnlo Broker (813)472-9223 Sforasfl Ares Downstairs. FLOWER SHOP — Superior south Fort Myers uswb- from $42,500. to $70,000. tor a lot at the cor- I hS PO Box 735. . $107,000. 472>1887. ' -.• Ihhed location with tremendous S'owti pot on I til. ner ot West Gulf and Sea Oats Drives, deed- 11/22 TRENDY GIFT SHOP — groat locution, 0io*lng LOTS U-3 Sanbol Florida 33"" 7 Hideaways and lots available for Sale DEEP WATER CANAL — Ideal for large sail- ed beach access. " * ' Tol: AC a 8 CONDO FOR SALE. Tennis- business pJace 1BR/1B. FumlshM.' POINTE SANTO OE SANIBEL boat. Extra large lot, ready to build on. The Rocks Pool & dock. Boat of lor over $ 5000 $66,000. No Brokers. 201. A A — Beautiful, recently lefuiblahod threo BR guldron! THE flOCKS — Large Corner lot located just Half-acre, heavily-wooded, lake-front 747-2229.201-071-3362 ovoa. suits Large floor plan Is on He need by panoramic water homesite located on Coqulna Drive, within 1V22 v aw Available tor 1495,000 (urnI hod oft West Gulf Drive. Has water meter, perc test and survey. Ready to build.S53.000. a short walk to beach-access. Approved OPPORTUSITY KNOCKS! ^ B-22 — GuKview second lloor 2 bedroom/2 bsfX- Fu engineering afid plans available for a home n hod w Ih oiCQllemt rental Illsiory. Priced $245,000. THE BOCKS — Onaof the largest lots In The For sate by owner. Situated , on this lot that would give the owner an ex- In Sanlbiil's promfar lou-. 8-47 — Fourth floor comer. 2 bedrooms. 2 batlm; with. Rocks. Near boach easement. £69,500. lion, thio Ibrlden, Ouil front private sundock, Dulstaidlno lurnllure In pastel ton BEACH ACCESS — 4 building lots with cellent view down the adjoining inland aultu foalurei thouannds in . many outran. 1305.000 Furnished. canal. $46,000. C-4S — Thr*« 'bMlioomJ Iwo bath ponthouio wllh beach access within a short walK. High, dry, sitaiQtil on gulf v|ow. 'Plod foyer and bath. Custom kltch- cleared with 30% coverage. Prlcos start at en. $322,000 furnished. $24,000. Sanibel Bayous C-*6 — Two bedroom two bath Pcnthoui« with private rooftop sundeck. Docoralod In soft pastel yrocni antj DEL SEGA — Located directly on Dlnkln's Beautifully vegetated lake-front lot with Gulf- blue with an amazing panoramic view of the Gull of Bayou. Short run by boat to open water. beach access. All utilities underground, in- Mexico. Ownor amioi's. Ftoducod IOS27S.OOO. Furnished. Beautiful view of bayou, Near beach. Extra cluding waste disposal. On!y $34,000. NEV^ 3 BBEDflOOM,2?i Oal D-4 — Ground floor 2 bedroomf? bfllti — nwnor roady lo large lot, priced to sell. $98,500 fl-lovott h I | deal, 5219,000 Furnished. lt THE ROCKS — Excellent view on watorwa West Gulf Drive __ icletbd. fannis. loem'ior D-7 — Premium location, almost Quit front corner unit pool, and mors. Muil neo to No foliage problems: Short walk to oa Homesite located between oast Rocks and appreciate. H 75.000. Call if ith second polio off trie Mtchcm. Speclacular view (it West Bocks Dr(ve3 — v> of an acre, only 200' Bays ho ;a Homes, Inc. 472- gulf onrJ courtyard. 5240,000 furnished. ment. 555,000 D 28 — Two bedroom. '•""« n socond floor mtt will lo beach easement, $70,000. 3030. . • >ll i SHELL HARBOR — 2 beautiful canal lots In North/Upper Captrva, Salary Harbor Club, ' . ' TFM pool »nd boacrKli<£OLl.Dr penihouao M£MI OF COOPEfl Caahlurs «rot Have Condo location wllh private rooftop sundeck. GlJOfts m on nil* Ready to build. $45,000. AHll HftPT Island Sanibel, Captiva and the Palm Isiands. •JIRFI MPUTFm?FD LI I 1.003; In praBtirjIous rosort com- cent views ol.flulf as wbll at sxcallonl rental Miriary, GULF RIDGE — 5175,000. 125' of water ; KFRv ICf. tNC. ! . . HOME".".'. JUBt cardan thin IncreOlbls a Qw)« 6«lti. 2 munity. Will trad a for condo Pries REDUCED to $270,000. Furnished. frontage on Blind Pas3 Bayou. Only two lots . •. .•.aarjfiluliyfu'nlifiBfleloiw to ewwvlhlno. t?39.000.- ' ' • .orrcatostatoonSan!t»l.Art £'23 — Tropical living at Its best. This 2 bedroom, two away (rom deeded beach nccess and short VILLAGE AT 5AFETV HAHBOflCLUU ... 2 ollha twsl »** unlli Va.-Kforstek, flt. B, Box M\..'' balh has a splendid view of the poo! and Gulf of Mnxlco, walk to your deeded Interest in 2 tennis furnlsHDd t1».O33 - i onf i«nl ihM ti57,ioo: P-tc* below dovulo Q, Mountain Hams. Arkan- Comes complete with tine lumlshlngsitnd superior ront THOMAS BROWSSS P'NE ISLAND WATERFRONT— S.W- FLORIDA'S SLEEPING GIANT" sas 72633. Phone: 501-425- ol history. Priced si 5263,000. courts, swimming pool and cabana. ' MARINA GARDENS Get invalnd now) * p*r,dm» like •tloltior Isltndi (I Jmucll lowcn CCMI ... parftcl 2B58. • • BELLE MEADE — Two of the largest lots in • , ' • • . • • TFM lor the *•!•* wlenlM. I BW2B«lr»wl'ti your own docfc —>< 1* ...Pffl-MUonodeni glariinnil For Lot & Homo Information the subdivision. Must be sold together. REALTY, INC. -. •, I109.WT)..:. . . , • ; • > ,15•• . '. :• . •..;'••. DEEP WATER LOT. Only 1 - Call 472-5021. Total $27,000. . CALL OR WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on Sanibol Market wllh REALTOR : JUST REDUCED!!.— Belle Moade, Two ad- cfiroct Bay View. From Pert- —IN THE BAYWIND PLAZA— arrsLRno P«OPSRTIES wlnkk> 4/10 mils on Balloy P.O. Box 210 • 2402 Palm Ridge Road • Jolnino Jots 179* x 130'. Bulldable for ono «KW Pwiwlr*(« Wav«onib* litoni, Florkla 33757 nouH lo Bay Drlis, tVIO mllo Sanlbo! Island, Fla. 33957 home. Only $33,900. lo Bion. t1GO,000 • or 0ii73OW7. S152,500 tor **rly closlnQ. . (813) 472-5021 Out o: State (BOO) 237-5146 472-4138 (305)335-4311.

••••• TTK •: ft *» ^i2i£iS^Si





Carolyn s CuU*C»iM Custom Catering PKINT SHOP of the idands old. i139,0w Reel Eel Quality Printing a 472-26741 Decorating Scriice" Competitive Prices Full Service Photo Copies lypc setting across from Sanibe! Fire Station. bedroom & .gentleman ilaits 2 loemy bwi- ZJ-anla tj \\ 24G0 Palm Rldoe Rd. .172-1592 and e«tofial»o dock BEAUTY SALON KINGSTON. Under consiruction l\w islands' best newspaper BARBERT-f STYLING mooily 1105,000. • InlCf KINGSTON SQUARE •stctl ' buynr»; on Something extra. Even; week. lon-Frl. 8:30-5 -at 8:30-12 fabrics - "Window Trcdtrncnts PHONE Rr L'pl lolstcry Slipcovers - — Design Work r— 4680102 Oistom Slip Cuwrs - "My Specially". Licensed » Bonded • Insured

I PLUMBING I plumbing repairs SAME-DAY COMPLETE YARD SERVICE DRAPERY Ucorved - Insured - E«pori»ftcod Remodels — New Construction. GLEAMING GroundsKoepors Professional dry cleaning Steven Greenfield right in your home! Ron Shanklm Master Plumber

EVERYTHING ELECTRONIC CUSTOM PAINTING , STAIN SPECIALISTS INTERIOH'EX TERIOR " udio ALSO DEEP CLEANINO ROLL-BRUSH-SPRAY tdeo RECORDS «TAPES« MOVIES* VCR •TV • STEREO • COMPUTERS SANIBEL SQUARE 472-4100 SALES • RENTALS o SERVICE Professional: MR. STEAMER • TAX SERVICE CARPET CLEANER ACCOUNTING SERVICE • COMPUTER SERVICE ISLAND FINANCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED SERVICES, INC. FREE ESTIMATES Pelican Place 2440 Palm Ridge Road 17T1 P«lwlnkU»Woi-» 472-4783 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR —-TARPON BAY ELECTRIC— A QUALITY PAINT JOB, AND FEEL 2416 B Palm Ridge Rd., Sanibel ibel Creative Tile Co YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY EXTRA, INTRODUCING YOU'RE WRONG! Telephone Installation and Repairs COLOR CONCEPTS Business & Residential 472-2853 Lie. & Insured Air Conditioning Contr. #1091 Lie. Electrical Contr. #1883 Licensed, Bonded, Insured ""•466-GS7B coinplolG repair & remodeling sefvlco CALL 472-9675 OPEN DAILY 5 am-S pm

ML •f»^w—Mini* I wi\ • ' ,m • ^"J-*fc - " ^-nTSr fc T '^ i A ^-*S ^«i. t _» r -. . St * -*^ 'C V ,| l,^ f-footmber 8 1334 • &Und tUKpo-tu


'V" 1 .

, i

VIP had an outstanding Spring and Sum- mer Selling Season, and we now find ourselves in the unique position of be- ing SHORT ON INVENTORY {i.e. proper- ties to se!l), and LONG ON SALES ABILITIES (i.e. offices on the islands, '* personnel, advertising space to fill, sup- port staff, "For Sale" signs, ets.). The record for the year to date poses an in- \ teresting question to prospective sellers: WOULDN'T YOU REALLY

RATHER LIST y r Lot, a 8a?£r©is3 o* Car^e! " Lote s GoJf CmiFffe* riotne, £f><5 io- YOUR PROPERTY W5TH S^rior Parcel, wo rcc-fcti yosi: listing— becai^so— v/e Selt THE REALTOR®WHO SELLS TWICE AS r^UCH PflO?£R/Y AS WE LIST! . TWiCE AS MUCH PROPERTY AS WE LIST? It's a fact: We SELL more than TWICE AS MANY PROPERTIES as we have LISTED, and we invite all Sanibel/Cap- tiva Property Owners to call for a Com- parative Market Analysis of the value of your property, for whatever reason you plan to sell. Thank you— we look for- ward to LISTING your property. . .and SELLING for you. The Season is fast ap- proaching, so call your VIP Professional today. Call Collect, please.