Congressional Record—Senate S1909
April 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1909 understand and appreciate what this Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend I first learned of the threats they are can do for their constituents, what this increased expensing limitations, and for facing, the U.S. Agency for Inter- can do for the American workplace, other purposes. national Development has provided and how we can help small businesses Mitch McConnell, Daniel Coats, Lamar millions of dollars to nongovernmental Alexander, Bob Corker, Roger F. provide the services and benefits they Wicker, Orrin G. Hatch, Thom Tillis, organizations in Indonesia to try to en- need to provide so they can compete in John Hoeven, Kelly Ayotte, John sure their survival in the wild. this very competitive workforce envi- Thune, Mike Rounds, Roy Blunt, John Important progress has been made. ronment. Cornyn, Pat Roberts, John Barrasso, Back when the program started, it was With that, I yield the floor. Johnny Isakson, James M. Inhofe. feared that the orangutan would be ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous tinct in the wild within 15 years if jority leader. consent that the mandatory quorum nothing was done. That has not hap- AMENDMENT NO. 3464, AS AMENDED call be waived. pened, but their survival is far from as- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sured, as an article in the April 6, 2016, move to table the Thune amendment objection, it is so ordered. edition of the New York Times entitled ‘‘Adapting to Life as Orphans, Fires No. 3464. AMENDMENT NO. 3680 TO AMENDMENT NO.
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