SAINT LUCIA HEALTH SYSTEMS AND PRIVATE SECTOR ASSESSMENT 2011 January 2012 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Michael Rodriguez, Barbara O’Hanlon, Abigail Vogus, Rich Feeley, Carol Narcisse, and Jodi Charles for the Health Systems 20/20 Project and Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Project. Health Systems 20/20 Mission The Health Systems 20/20 cooperative agreement, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for the period 2006-2011, helps USAID-supported countries address health system barriers to the use of life-saving priority health services. Health Systems 20/20 works to strengthen health systems through integrated approaches to improving financing, governance, and operations, and building sustainable capacity of local institutions. For additional copies of this report, please email
[email protected] or visit our website at Cooperative Agreement No.: GHS-A-00-06-00010-00 SHOPS Mission The Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project is a five-year cooperative agreement (2009-2014) with a mandate to increase the role of the private sector in the sustainable provision and use of quality family planning, HIV/AIDS, and other health information, products, and services. Cooperative Agreement No.: GPO-A-00-09-00007 Submitted to: Kendra Phillips Health and HIV Officer Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean United States Agency for International Development Scott Stewart, AOTR Health Systems Division Office of Health, Infectious Disease and Nutrition Bureau for Global Health United States Agency for International Development Maggie Farrell, AOTR Population and Reproductive Health/Service Delivery Improvement Bureau for Global Health United States Agency for International Development Recommended Citation: Michael Rodriguez, Barbara O’Hanlon, Abigail Vogus, Rich Feeley, Carol Narcisse, and Jodi Charles.